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KHOA KINH TẾ Mã môn học: INAC331007
BỘ MÔN: KẾ TOÁN TÀI CHÍNH Đề số/Mã đề: 01 Đề thi có 13 trang.
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Chọn câu trả lời đúng: X Bỏ chọn: khoanh tròn  Chọn lại: Tô đen 

STT a b c d STT a b c d
1 21
2 22
3 23
4 24
5 25
6 26
7 27
8 28
9 29
10 30
11 31
12 32
13 33
14 34
15 35
16 36

STT a b c d STT a b c d
17 37
18 38
19 39
20 40

1. With regards to the International Accounting Standards, IASB stands for:

a. International Auditing Standards Board.
b. International Accounting Securities Body.
c. International Accounting Standards Board.
d. International Accounting Statements Body.
2. Which of the following statements about the going concern assumption/principle is not true?
a. it can justify the use of historical costs when measuring non-current assets.
b. it supports the use of assets such as Prepaid Expenses.
c. it supports the systematic allocation of depreciation over an asset’s useful life.
d. it is used when an entity goes into liquidation
3. Company X rents a small shop located in Ho Chi Minh City, Company X should recognize the
monthly payment for the shop rental as:
a. an increase in income and a decrease in liabilities.
b. a decrease in assets and an increase in equity.
c. a decrease in assets and a decrease in income.
d. a decrease in assets and an increase in expense
4. Which of the following concepts means that the transactions carried out by a business are
separated from its owner?
a. Going concern concept
b. Economic entity assumption
c. Realisation concept
d. None of the above
5. What is net realisable value?
a. Estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs of completion
and the estimated costs to make the sale
b. Estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business
c. Estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs of completion

d. Estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs to make the
6. Inventory on 31 December 2021 is $250,000. This includes $3,000 for items accidentally
destroyed on 5 January 2022 and $2,200 which relates to the cost of damaged inventory which can
be reworked at a cost of $200 and which can then be sold for $1,500. What is the correct inventory
valuation for inclusion in the financial statements?
a. $241,300
b. $246,500
c. $246,100
d. $241,650
7. =]]
8. Which is the following costs maybe included when arriving at the cost of finished goods
inventory for inclusion in the financial statements of a manufacturing company?
1. carriage inwards
2. carriage outwards
3. Depreciation of factory plant
4. Finished goods storage costs
5. Factory supervisors’ wages
a. 1 and 5 only
b. 2, 4 and 5 only
c. 1, 3 and 5 only
d. 1, 2, 3 and 4 only
9. An item of inventory was purchased for $15. However, due to a fall in demand, its selling price
will be only $12. In addition, further costs will be incurred prior to sale of $1. What is the NRV?
a. $7
b. $8
c. $10
d. $11
10. A company with an accounting date of 31 October carried out a physical check of inventory on
4 November 20X3, leading to an inventory value at cost at this date of $483,700. Between 1
November 20X3 and 4 November 20X3 the following transactions took place:
- Goods costing $38,400 were received from suppliers.
- Goods that had cost $15,000 were sold for $20,000.
- A customer returned, in good condition, some goods which had been sold to him in October
for $600 and which had cost $ 300.
- The company returned goods that had cost $1,800 in October to the supplier, and received a
credit note for them.
What figure should appear in the company's financial statements at 31 October 20X3 for closing
inventory, based on this information?
a. $458,700
b. $461,800
c. $508,700
d. $461,500
11. S sells three products – Basic, Super and Luxury. The following information was available at the
year end.
Basic Super Luxury
$ per unit $ per unit $ per unit
Original cost 6 9 18
Estimated selling 10 12 16
Selling and 1 4 5
distribution costs
Units of inventory 200 250 150

What is the value of inventory at the year end?

a. $4,200
b. $4,850
c. $5,700
d. $6,150
12. ABC Co purchased a machine on July 20X7 for 600,000. It is being depreciated on a straight-
line basis over its expected life of ten years. The residual value is estimated at $50.000. On January
20X8, following a change in legislation. ABC Co Fitted a safety guard to the machine. The safety
guard cost $25.000 and has a useful life of five years with no residual
What amount will be charged to profit or loss of the year ended at 31 March 20X8 in respect of
depreciation on this machine
a. $37.250

b. $42.000
c. $42.500
d. $38.250
13. When the items of PPE are started at revalued amounts the following must be disclosed
i. The effective date of the revaluation
ii. Whether an independent value was involved
iii. For each revalued class of PPE the carrying amount that would have been recognized had the
assets been carried under the cost model
iv. The revaluation surplus, indicating the change for the period and any restrictions on the
distribution of the balance to share holders
a. i and ii only
i and iii only
b. ii and iv only
c. i and iv only
14. Spare parts and servicing equipment are usually accounted for as:
a. Expenses written off to the profit or loss on buying
b. Inventory
c. A separate class of fixed assets
d. All answers are incorrect
15. Repairs and maintenance costs are normally:
a. Recorded as deferred expenses
b. Expensed in the profit or loss as incurred
c. Capitalised
d. All answers are incorrect
16. The Bamboo Airway acquired an aeroplane in 20X5. At the time of acquisition, the cost of the
jet frame was $5,000,000 and the additional cost of the engine was $800,000.
In 20X8, the engine was replaced with a new one costing $1,500,000. At the time of replacement,
the accumulated depreciation to date on the jet frame was $1,870,000 and on the engine was
Using the principles outlined in IAS16 Property, plant, and equipment, what amount should be
derecognised at the date of replacement?
a. $350,000
b. Nil
c. $800,000
d. $450,000
17. =]]
18. Company B acquired 80% of shares of Company A, equivalent to 55,000 outstanding shares for
a consideration of 5$ cash per share, face value per share was 2.5$. The fair value of the non-
controlling interest was $35,000 and the fair value of the net assets acquired was $185,000
What should be recorded as goodwill on the acquisition of Company A in the consolidated financial
a. $100,000
b. $125,000
c. $150,000
d. $175,000
19. Western Management Ltd acquired all the assets and liabilities of Queen Ltd on 31 December
2021. The estimated fair value of assets and liabilities of King Ltd to be taken over are as follows:
Fair value

Accounts Receivable $1,000,000

Inventory $1,500,000

Property, plants and equipment $2,600,000

Accounts payables $1,500,000

Note payable $300,000

The price paid was $4,000,000

What is the amount of goodwill that would be recorded in the books of Western Management Ltd?
a. $700,000
b. $3,200,000
c. $4,000,000
d. $2,500,000
20. =]]
21. A manufacturer incurs the following costs: $38,000 developing new techniques that will be put
in place shortly to cut production costs; $27,000 researching a new process to improve the quality of
the standard product and $8,000 on market research into the commercial viability of a new type of
It is company policy to capitalise costs whenever permitted by IAS 38 Intangible Assets.
How much should be charged as research expenditure in profit or loss? (ignore amortisation)
a. $73,000
b. $35,000
c. $27,000
d. $38,000
22. Which of the following assets is not an intangible asset?
a. Patent
b. Brand name
c. Goodwill
d. Inventories
23. According to IAS 38 Intangible Assets, which of the following statements about research and
development expenditure are correct?
1 - If certain conditions are met, an entity may decide to capitalise development expenditure.
2 - Research expenditure, other than capital expenditure on research facilities, must be written off as
3 - Capitalised development expenditure must be amortised over a period not exceeding 5 years.
4 - Capitalised development expenditure must be disclosed in the statement of financial position
under intangible non-current assets.
a. 1, 2 and 4 only
b. 1 and 3 only
c. 2 and 4 only
d. 3 and 4 only
24. Company N owns three properties which are classified as investment properties according to
IAS40 Investment property. Details of the properties are given below:
Initial cost Fair value at 31 Fair value at 31
Dec 2020 Dec 2021
Property 1 $500,000 $550,000 $600,000
Property 2 $600,000 $500,000 $600,000
Property 3 $700,000 $900,000 $600,000

Each property was acquired in 2016 with a useful life of 50 years. The company's accounting policy
is to use the fair value model for investment properties

What is the gain or loss to be recognised in its profit or loss for the year ending 31 December 2020?
a. $50,000 Gain
b. $100,000 Loss
c. $150,000 Gain
d. $200,000 Loss
25. Which of the following is not a transfer to, or from investment property?
a. Commencement of owner-occupation
b. End of owner-occupation
c. Commencement of development with a view to sale
d. Transfer from undetermined future use to operating lease
26. When an undertaking decides to dispose of an investment property without development:
a. It is reclassified as owner-occupied
b. It is transferred to inventory
c. It continues to treat the property as an investment property
d. None of them
27. If a firm provides significant ancillary services to tenants in its property:
a. It may have to be classified as investment property rather than as owner–occupied
b. The service fees should be capitalized
c. It may have to be classified as owner–occupied rather than investment property
d. None of them
28. ABC vacated its head office building and let it out to a third party on 30 June 20X8. The
building had an original cost of $1,000,000 on 1 Jan 20X0 and was depreciated over 50 years. It was
judged to have a fair value on 30 June 20X8 of 1,100,000. At the year - end date of 31 December
20X8 the fair value of the building was estimated at $1.2 million. ABC uses the fair value model for
investment property
What amount will be shown in the revaluation surplus at 31 December 20X8 in respect of the
a. $203,000
b. $270,000
c. $212,000
d. $250,000
29. What is a Contract?
a. An agreement between two or more parties that must be written out in a legal document.
b. An agreement between two or more parties that must have a fixed duration
c. An agreement between two or more parties that creates enforceable rights and obligations.
d. An agreement between two or more parties that cannot be modified by either party.
30. Which of the following is/are an exception for the application of IFRS 15?
a. Insurance Contracts
b. Non-monetary exchanges between entities in the same line of business to facilitate sales to
customers or potential customers.
c. Lease Contracts
d. All answers are correct
31. =]]
32. ABC Co provides a wireless router and 12 month superfast broadband package to a customer for
$220 payable in advance. A customer buying the router separately would pay $ 30 and a customer
buying the broadband package separately would pay $20 per month. How much of the transaction
price is allocated to the performance obligation to provide the router
a. $ 22
b. $24.44
c. $25
d. None of them
33. Does X co, a software company, has an accounting year end of 31 December. It make a sale for
$500,000 on 30 June 20X4, to a customer, Brado. This amount includes $470,000 for software and
$30,000 for support services for the two years commencing 1 July 20X4. How much revenue should
do the job Co recognize in the statement profit or loss in the year ended 31 December 20X4.
a. $500,000
b. $485,000
c. 477,500
d. $470,000
34. A company entered into a contract on 1 January 20X5 to build a factory. The total contract
revenue was $2.8 million. At 31 December 20X5 the contract was certified as 35% complete. Costs
incurred during the year were $740,000 and costs to complete are estimated at $1.4 million.
$700,000 has been billed to the customer but not yet paid.
What amount will be recognized as a contract asset or liability in respect of this contract in the
statement of financial position as at 31 December 20X5?
a. $231,000 contract asset
b. $509,000 contract asset
c. $231,000 contract liability
d. $509,000 contract liability
35. A Vietnam company (with Vietnam dong as its functional currency) has a financial year ending
on 31 December.
It buys goods from a supplier in the US (with USD as its functional currency) on 15 June 2021
invoiced in USD $140,000. The US supplier is eventually paid in March 2022. Exchange rates over
the period were as follows
15 June 2021 $1 = VND 22,000
31 December 2021 $1 = VND 22,500
1 March 2021 $1 = VND 23,000
How was the transaction recorded at initial recognition?
a. The purchase/inventory and the trade payable should be recorded initially by translating the
transaction at the spot rate of $1 = VND 22,000
b. The purchase/inventory and the trade payable should be recorded initially by translating the
transaction at the spot rate of $1 = VND 22,500
c. The purchase/inventory and the trade payable should be recorded initially by translating the
transaction at the spot rate of $1 = VND 23,000
d. All answers are incorrect
36. Exchange rate is the ratio of exchange for __________
a. two currencies
b. functional currency to local currency
c. local currency to presentation currency
d. operational currency to functional currency
37. =]]
38. Temporary differences arise:
a. When deferred tax differs from current tax
b. When the carrying amount of an asset or liability differs from its tax base
c. When deferred tax is applied
d. All answers are correct
39. The difference between the carrying amount of a revalued asset and its tax base is a:
a. Temporary difference
b. It can either be a temporary difference or a permanent difference
c. Permanent difference
d. All answers are incorrect
40. =]]

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