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Week 1 Evening 1 Tourism Marketing Principles

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Tourism Marketing Principles

Lecture – Week 1 Evening 1

Tourism Marketing Principles

Teaching Materials Prepared by

Fabliha Hride
Classroom Rules

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Ask only relevant Do not interrupt the

Respect Each Other lecturer or session when
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time you arrive late

Class Attendance Reminder:
❑ Evening classes finish at 9 pm
❑ Daytime classes finish at 2.15 pm

✓ Leaving class early will result in your Register Status being updated to ‘left early’
✓ Consistently poor attendance = poor performance and potential impact on student
finance funding
20 mins early per
class x 2 classes per week
= 40 mins per week

200 minutes
x 5 weeks per
module = (3 hours & 20mins = nearly one
whole lesson)!!!
Very Important Information – Sep 22 – Level 4
• If you fail Modules 1 – 4, you will NOT be able to proceed to the following year.
• If you have assignments outstanding for Modules 2 or 4, you MUST submit them within the
following deadlines:
• Module 2 – Resubmission 2 (the last chance!!) opens on 26th February and closes on 22nd
• Module 3 –Resubmission 1 - opens on 19th February and closes on 15th March.
• Module 4 – Resubmission 1 - opens on 25th March and closes on 19th April.
Easter Holidays

❑ The students' Easter holidays will begin the

week of March 23, 2024, and end the week
of March 30, 2024.
❑ As a result, the holidays will begin on March
23, 2024, and end on April 5, 2024.
❑ All regular classes will begin on
Saturday, April 6, 2024.
Academic Calendar of Module 5 Sep 22
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Module Overview:

To enable students to understand and appreciate core marketing

concepts and models.

To enable students to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing and

Module Aims apply relevant marketing theories, concepts and models to the
tourism industry and tourism organisations.

To Provide students with a good understanding and appreciation of

the challenges associated with marketing in today’s wider business
environment and as applied to the tourism industry.
Module Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this module, students should be able to:

LO1: Demonstrate an ability to analyse the complex nature of the tourism marketing environment
using marketing concepts and techniques.
LO2: Understand the concept of market segmentation/target marketing and describe decisions
associated with these key activities within the marketing planning stages of a tourism organisation.
LO3: Analyse the effectiveness of the marketing mix.

LO4: Apply acquired knowledge of marketing and relevant skills to a range of real-world cases and
examples with the tourism industry.
LO5: Demonstrate appropriate academic writing skills, referencing and good academic practice and
make decisions on organising material in a logical and coherent way with an audience in mind.
Timeline of study

Introduction to Tourism
Marketing Principles and PESTLE, Porter Five Forces Revision and
Marketing Mix and SWOT Assessment Week

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Segmentation, Targeting, Marketing Channels,

Positioning. Sustainable Marketing and
Product Life Cycle Ethics
Assignment Briefs and Guide Review

• Individual Presentation* (15 minutes including

10 minutes presentation plus 5 minutes question
Assessment 1: & answer session) (Equivalent to 2,000 words)
• 50% weightage
• Deadline: Monday, 15 April 2024 by 2.00 P.M.

• Business Report (2,000 words)

• 50% weightage
Assessment 2: • Deadline: Friday, 19 April 2024 by 2.00 P.M.
Assessment 1: Individual Presentation:

Individual Presentation Topic:

Analyse and evaluate the

Marketing Mix (7Ps) of
Figure: VisitScotland Webpage (Source: VisitScotland, 2024)
Learning Outcomes to be covered:
❑ LO1 Demonstrate an ability to analyse the complex nature of the tourism marketing environment
using marketing concepts and techniques.

❑ LO3 Analyse the effectiveness of the marketing mix.

❑ LO4 Apply acquired knowledge of marketing and relevant skills to a range of real-world cases and
examples with the tourism industry.

❑ LO5 Demonstrate appropriate academic writing skills, referencing and good academic practice and
make decisions on organising material in a logical and coherent way with an audience in mind.
Presentation structure:

Slide 1: Introduction
▪ What is a marketing mix?
▪ What are The Elements of the 7Ps of the Marketing Mix?

Slide 2: Product
• Define "Product" in the context of tourism marketing.
• Highlight the tourism products and experiences of VisitScotland.

Slide 3: Price
• Discuss the "Price" component of marketing.
• Discuss pricing strategies of VisitScotland, such as dynamic pricing,
packages, or discounts.
Presentation structure: (Cont.)
Slide 4: Place
▪ Describe "Place" as the distribution aspect of marketing.
▪ Discuss the importance of location, accessibility, and
distribution channels of VisitScotland.
Slide 5: Promotion
▪ Explore the "Promotion" element of marketing.
▪ Discuss the promotion strategy of VisitScotland.

Slide 6: People
▪ Emphasize the role of "People" in marketing.
▪ Discuss the employee skills, experiences, and customer
service of VisitScotland.
Presentation structure: (Cont.)
Slide 7: Process
▪ Explain the "Process" component in marketing.
▪ Discuss the customer journey, from booking to the actual
travel experience of VisitScotland’s customers.

Slide 8: Physical Evidence

▪ Define "Physical Evidence" in marketing.
▪ Discuss the role of tangible elements of VisitScotland such as
facilities, infrastructure, signage, website design, employee
uniforms, brochures, marketing material, or souvenirs.
Slide 9: Recommendations
▪ What recommendations would you propose to VisitScotland
to enhance its marketing strategy and customer experience?
▪ How might implementing these recommendations benefit
VisitScotland in the competitive tourism industry?
Presentation structure: (Cont.)
Slide 10: Conclusion
▪ Summarize the importance of the 7Ps in tourism marketing.
▪ Discuss the need for integrating the 7Ps effectively to create
a cohesive marketing strategy.

Slide 11: References

▪ Provide the references to all direct and indirect citations
including text, pictures, graphs, tables, and others.
▪ Follow the CCCU Harvard Referencing Guide available on
Moodle. This presentation will require a minimum of 10
different sources of referencing.
Important notes for Presentation:
• You must use the Poster template provided in Moodle.
• The slides should contain minimal text.
• Ensure you use statistics, data, and academic sources to illustrate your points.
• Use bullet points to highlight the main points.
• Slides must contain speaker notes to explain the bullet points with speakers’ notes clearly displayed
underneath the slides.
• Your individual presentation must be on a PowerPoint file. Please note that the PowerPoint presentation
must be converted into Word format before submission on Moodle.
• Make sure the file size does not exceed 100 MB.
• You must reference all information used in your presentation, using the Harvard Referencing Guide from CCCU.
• Do not use Wikipedia, unverifiable blogs, and inauthentic websites. Ensure that all sources used in the Poster
are acknowledged using in-text citations with the fullreferences included in the reference list.
• Ensure the presentation is visually appealing and informative.
• Include your Assessment Front Sheet which should be the first page of your individual presentation.
Make sure the file size does not exceed 100 MB. If yes,
please steps to reduce the size:
Assessment 2: Business Report

Business Report Topic:

You are required to

undertake a “Marketing
Audit” for a selected
tourism company.
Learning Outcomes to be covered:
❑ LO1 Demonstrate an ability to analyse the complex nature of the tourism marketing environment using
marketing concepts and techniques.

❑ LO2 Understand the concept of market segmentation/target marketing and describe decisions associated
with these key activities within the marketing planning stages of a tourism organisation.

❑ LO4 Apply acquired knowledge of marketing and relevant skills to a range of real-world cases and
examples with the tourism industry.

❑ LO5 Demonstrate appropriate academic writing skills, referencing and good academic practice and make
decisions on organising material in a logical and coherent way with an audience in mind.
Business Report structure:
Executive Summary (250 words): A suggested format
would be to create an introduction which defines tourism
marketing concepts. To provide the discussion, you should

a) Preview the main points covered in the full report in the

executive summary.
b) Introduce the aim of the report.
c) How information will be presented in the report.

Section 1: Company Background (250 words):

To provide the discussion, you should

a) Describe the background of the company.

b) A brief introduction of the company you have chosen from
the hospitality & and tourism industry.
Business Report structure: (Cont.)
Section 2: External Analysis (500 words):

To examine, you should

a) Identify and discuss the external environment with

particular attention to the identification of
customers/consumers and analysis of their needs.
b) Analysis of the organisation’s competitive situation by
applying Porter’s five forces.

Section 3: Internal Analysis (500 words):

To examine, you should

a) Identify and discuss an internal analysis focusing on the

organisation's capability to meet the needs of its
customers by using STP (Segmentation, Targeting,
Positioning) analysis.
Business Report structure: (Cont.)
Section 4: AI Marketing and Sustainable Marketing Practices (250 words):

In the tourism industry, no innovation has brought about a more profound

revolution than artificial intelligence. At present, almost all tourism companies
utilise at least one AI technology, with market projections expected to reach
$1.2 billion by 2026 (Koteshov, 2024).

a) Define AI Marketing. Does your chosen company use AI marketing in their

b) If yes, what AI tools do they apply in their company?
c) Define Sustainable Marketing. Does your chosen company follow
sustainable marketing practices?

To ensure sustainable marketing practices, students may employ the Triple

Bottom Line Model by using flowing sources: John Elkington (1994), Trivedi et
al. (2018), and Trojanowski (2022).
Business Report structure: (Cont.)
Section 5: Future Development (250 words):

a) Identify and discuss the issues raised by the marketing audit.

b) Analyse the existing marketing strategy and provide an
effective marketing plan.
c) Recommend possible ethical considerations for your chosen

Important notes:

• Your report must be based on reliable research and supported

by a minimum of 10 different sources. Academic concepts
and theories, as well as research findings, must be properly
cited in accordance with the CCCU Harvard Referencing Style.
• Marking criteria are available separately on Moodle.
• Students must attach the front sheet available on Moodle to
their report and complete all the particulars on the front sheet.
Essential Resources:
❑Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2020) Principles of Marketing, Global Edition. 18th edition. Harlow:
Pearson Education Limited
❑Ahmet, O. and Hancer, M. (2021) Digital Marketing and social Media Strategies for Tourism and
Hospitality. 1st ed. Goodfellow Publishers Limited.
❑Middleton, V., Fyall, A. Morgan, M. Ranchhod, A. (2009) Marketing in Travel and Tourism, 4th
ed. London: Routledge
❑Brassington, F. and Pettit, S. (2012) Essentials of Marketing, 3rd Ed: FT/Prentice Hall
❑Blythe, J. Martin, J. (2019) Essentials of Marketing, 7th Ed. Harlow: FT/Prentice Hall
Lesson Learning Outcomes:
L.O. 1. Demonstrate an ability to analyse the complex nature of the tourism
marketing environment using marketing concepts and techniques.

LO. 4. Apply acquired knowledge of marketing and relevant skills to a range of real-
world cases and examples with the tourism industry.

LO. 5. Demonstrate appropriate academic writing skills, referencing and good

academic practice and make decisions on organising material in a logical and
coherent way with an audience in mind.
What is Marketing?
• “Marketing is the science and art of exploring,
creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs
of a target market at a profit. Marketing identifies
unfulfilled needs and desires. It defines, measures
and quantifies the size of the identified market and
the profit potential” (Kotler, 2012).

• “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and

processes for creating, communicating, delivering,
and exchanging offerings that have value for
customers, clients, partners, and society at large”
(AMA, 2017).

"The Father of Modern Marketing"

Two Goals of Marketing:
1. Marketing is engaging customers and
managing profitable customer relationships.

2. Marketing is to attract new customers by

promising superior value and keep and grow
current customers by delivering value and
(Kotler, 2021)
Staying close to customers: Airbnb’s CEO Brian Chesky (left) and co-founder Joe Gebbia (centre)
regularly stay at the company's host locations, helping them shape new customer solutions based on
real user experiences (The New York Times, 2011)
Creating Customer Experiences: More than just selling products, Apple’s highly successful retail
stores create engaging life-feels-goods brand experiences (The Times of India, 2019)
Class Activity: (15 minutes)

❑ Watch the video on the following slide

❑ Take notes

❑ Summarise the marketing principles

discussed in the video

❑ Share your ideas with the class

Marketing For Beginners

(5) What Is Marketing In 3 Minutes | Marketing For Beginners - YouTube

What is Tourism Marketing?
What is Tourism Marketing?
❑ Tourism marketing is simply any marketing strategy
used by businesses within the tourism industry.

❑ This includes, for example, hotels and other forms

of accommodation, along with airlines, car rental
services, restaurants, entertainment venues, travel
agents and tour operators (Jeffries,1971).

❑ The goals of tourism marketing are similar to those

of any other marketing initiative: to raise brand
awareness, attract customers, differentiate the
business from competitors, and promote it (Dolnicar
and Ring, 2014)
Importance of Tourism Marketing?
❑ The tourism industry is one of the biggest in the world and therefore highly competitive
(Cavalcante, 2019).

❑ Tourism marketing is associated with most businesses, with marketing strategies in the field
of tourism (Persson-Fischer, 2021).

❑ Businesses must promote and advertise what makes them distinctive, why they are an
excellent alternative for travellers and any particular features for them to succeed (Tsiotsou
and Ratten, 2010)

❑ Today there are many countries in the world, where the tourism industry plays a major role in
economic development, enhancing their GDP (Persson-Fischer, 2021).
What is Tourism Marketing?

(5) What is Tourism Marketing? - YouTube

Supplementary Slides
Simple marketing system

Fig. 1. A Simple Marketing System

(Kotler, 2002)
Marketplace Vs Marketspace

Source: Source:

Principles of Marketing

(5) Principles of Marketing – Chapter 1: What Is Marketing | Philip Kotler - YouTube

Any Questions
➢ Buhalis, D. and Laws, E., (2001). ”Tourism distribution channels: practices, issues and transformations”.
➢ Ahmet, O. and Hancer, M. (2021) Digital Marketing and social Media Strategies for Tourism and Hospitality.
1st ed. Goodfellow Publishers Limited.
➢ Middleton, V., Fyall, A. Morgan, M. Ranchhod, A. (2009) Marketing in Travel and Tourism, 4th ed. London:
➢ Brassington, F. and Pettit, S. (2012) Essentials of Marketing, 3rd Ed: FT/Prentice Hall
➢ Blythe, J. Martin, J. (2019) Essentials of Marketing, 7th Ed. Harlow: FT/Prentice Hall
➢ Cavalcante, W.Q. de F., Coelho, A. and Bairrada, C.M. (2021). Sustainability and Tourism Marketing: A
Bibliometric Analysis of Publications between 1997 and 2020 Using VOSviewer Software. Sustainability,
13(9), p.4987. doi:
➢ Dolnicar, S. and Ring, A. (2014). Tourism marketing research: Past, present and future. Annals of Tourism
Research, 47, pp.31–47. doi:
➢Jeffries, D.J. (1971). Defining the tourist product — and its importance in tourism marketing. The Tourist Review, 26(1),
pp.2–5. doi:

➢Li, X. (Robert) and Petrick, J.F. (2008). Tourism Marketing in an Era of Paradigm Shift. Journal of Travel Research,
46(3), pp.235–244. doi:

➢Tsiotsou, R. and Ratten, V. (2010). Future research directions in tourism marketing. Marketing Intelligence & Planning,
28(4), pp.533–544. doi:

➢Yung, R., Khoo-Lattimore, C. and Potter, L.E. (2021). VR the world: Experimenting with emotion and presence for
tourism marketing. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, [online] 46, pp.160–171.

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