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Functional Body Building V2.0 .PDF FULL Version 2

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V 2.0
Functional Body Building v 2.0
Week 1 - Day 1

5 Rounds
10 Back Squat + 3 Front Squat
20 Reverse Lunges - Dumbbell or Barbell
10 Explosive Jump Squats - Fast

Focus on form throughout the squats, ensure no missed reps. We are looking for
quality movement to create a huge pump in the legs and build up the lactic acid.

In the conditioning, go hard and fast every round to get about 1 minute rest between
you have to go again. Choose a weight that you can move well, yet is still challenging.
Keep the same weight for the row and deadlift.

6 Rounds - Every 4 Mins Complete

20 Cal Bike or 400m Run
10 Bent Over Row
10 Deadlifts
10 Push Ups

Functional Body Building v 2.0
Week 1 - Day 2

20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Bent Over Row
2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 Hand Stand Push Up

The Strength element is for QUALITY not for time or as fast as you can. Go heavy on the
Row but try not to break any of the sets more than once. Once you have completed the
row go straight in to the HSPU, then rest before you go back to the row. If you can not
do Hand stand push ups swap for Hand Release Push Ups or use a combination of

Choose a DB Snatch weight that you can move well, but make it challenging - the aim
would be to complete 2 full rounds each 90 seconds.

12 Rounds - 90 Seconds ON 90 Seconds REST

12 Alternating Single Arm DB Snatch
12 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (6 right leg 6 left leg)

Functional Body Building v 2.0
Week 1 - Day 3

5 Rounds
8 Strict Press
8 Barbell Upright Row aka High Pull
straight into 1 Min Max Effrot Burpees
Rest 2 Mins between rounds
Ensure the strict press weight is very challenging but you are still able to complete all
reps - go straight into the burpees and go hard to max out the shoulders and the lungs.
Deep breathes to recover in the 2 minutes.

Do not under estimate this CORE FLOW - complete the exercises straight after each
other, your abs should be on fire during all of this. Rest about 2 mins between rounds.
Stretch out the abs during the flow as well.

CORE FLOW - 5 Rounds

20 Russian DB or KB Twists
20 Reverse Crunches
20 Crunches
20 Full Butterly Sit Ups - Touch your toes every rep
30 Second Hollow Hold

Functional Body Building v 2.0
Week 1 - Day 4

Rest &
Take some time to reflect on the last 3 days of workouts.

How have they felt?

Did you make the workouts challenging enough for yourself?
Could you have pushed harder?
How can you improve going forward?
Are you recovering well enough, is your nutrition on point?

Remember we are looking to improve your whole physical

condition, increasing the volume of exercise and movement to
build muscle and improve you totally.

Practice makes perfect - repetition is how we become masters

and this takes time.

Functional Body Building v 2.0
Week 1 - Day 5

Spend 20 Mins to Establish

10 Rep Deadlift
- This is not MAX 10 Rep, this is a solid quality 10 Rep
Deadlift with good form and quality.

Build up the weight slowly in the deadlifts, adding weight after each complete set.
Ensure quality throughout, no breaks in form. If you feel your form is going, stop and
decrease the weight. Use a belt only for the heavier sets if required. Use alternate grip
for the heavier deadlifts, this will help you grip the bar better.

Pace the EMOM - we are looking for quality Deadlifts reps and a consistent amount of
burpees throughout the full EMOM. Dont go to hard on the burpees to fast - choose a
number and try and stick with it all the way!

20 Min EMOM
1. 3 Deadlifts - Use the same weight you finished with for
the 10 Reps
2. 12 to 15 Burpees

Functional Body Building v 2.0
Week 1 - Day 6
For Time Complete
100 Barbell Thrusters
Every Min including "Zero" 8 Reverse Lunges

Keep the weight light for the thrusters so you can move well with intensity. Aim to
complete at least 6-8 thrusters every minute including the reverse lunges.
I would suggest 30kg female and 50kg for males. Want to make it harder? Go RX+ 45kg
female & 60kg male.

The FLOW is for quality so do not rush any of the movements and reps. Feel the
muscles work throughout. The glutes should burn during this, especially after the
thrusters and lunges.

Total FLOW - 4 Rounds

30 Glute Bridge Raises
10 Right 10 Left Single Leg Glute Bridge Raises
20 Hang Power Cleans
20 V Sit Ups
20 Push Ups

Functional Body Building
Week 1 - Day 7

Rest &

Have a nap, relax, go for a walk, eat some good

food, sleep well.

Get ready for week 2.

Functional Body Building v 2.0
Week 2 - Day 1

10 Rounds
8 Back Squat + 2 Front Squat
12 Dumb Bell Reverse Lunges
12 Russian KB Swings
Throughout all the squats we want quality but able to work through all the reps with
some intensity to create a lactic build up and burn the muscles. Go straight into the
front squats from the back squats. No reps should be broken up. Rest about 90
seconds between rounds

Pace this one. Keep the same weight on the bar for the cleans, press and front squats.
Sprint during the shuttles to get the Heart rate up and then back onto the barbell.
Stay consistent throughout

14 Min AMRAP
9 Hang Clean & Push Press
7 Front Squats
5 American KB Swings
100m Shuttle Run - 20m Shuttles

Functional Body Building v 2.0
Week 2 - Day 2
Max Effort - 6 Rounds
1 Min DB Floor Press Right Arm
1 Min DB Floor Press Left Arm
1 Min Pull Ups or Banded Pull Down if no pull up bar
Rest 2 Mins
Max Reps - choose a weight you can use throughout the whole workout, we are looking
for big reps and volume to create maximum pump and blood flow.

Quality and focus throughout all rounds please - feel the contractions and don't swing
any reps. A light DB will be idea for this - 8/10/12kg.

Upper Pump
x5 Rounds
12 DB Hammer Curl
24 Single Arm Bicep Curl - 12 Right 12 left
12 DB Strict Shoulder Press
12 Dual DB High Pull

Functional Body Building v 2.0
Week 2 - Day 3
Barbell Complex - 8 Rounds
9 Snatch Grip Deadlift
7 Hang Power Snatch
5 Snatch Grip Behind the neck push press
3 Overhead Squats

Work through this one with an empty barbell before you add any weight. Choose a
comfortable weight for the complex. If you cannot over head squat, swap this for back
squats. Rest as required between rounds.

The CORE FLOW should take some time, work through the movements ensuring full
core activation and contractions. Don't do this for speed - Quality here to develop the
abdominal muscles.

4 Rounds
50 Sit Ups
30 Toes to bar - or Toes to KB laying down.
30 Low Plank Hip Touches

Functional Body Building v 2.0
Week 2 - Day 4

Rest &

Time for reflection again today.

How is the body feeling and how are you adapting to the workouts?
Do you need to change anything up?
Do you need anything clarifying?
Do you have any questions? If so drop me a message and ask!

How is your mobility?

Functional Body Building v 2.0
Week 2 - Day 5

5 Rounds
8 Deadlifts - Use the weight from Week 1
16 Russian Twists use a KB or DB
90 Seconds of Air Squats

We are looking for quality reps - build up to the 10 Rep DL from last week and use this
for the whole workout. Big twists in the Russian twists, go for a 24kg KB if you can, then
max air squats in the 90 seconds. Rest about 2 mins between sets.

Choose your weight for the good morning and row before hand, go through the
movements before you start. If you cannot do HSPU do Hand release push ups instead.

20 Min EMOM

1. 12 DB Romanian Deadlifts
2. 10 Barbell Good Morning
3. 10 Bent Over Row
4. 30 Seconds Max Hand Stand Push Ups

Functional Body Building v 2.0
Week 2 - Day 6
Rolling Clock

0-10 Mins - AMRAP

5 Thrusters
7 Bar Over Burpees Rest 5 Mins

Rest 3 MIns 30 - 45 Mins - AMRAP

20 Cal Bike or 600m Run
12 Front Squats
13-25 Mins - AMRAP
10 Power Clean & Jerk
10 Push Press
30 Second Hollow Hold
10 Push Ups

One big 45 Min workouts. Mentally prepare yourself for this one as it will get tough and
sweaty. Test the weights and movements out before you start so you are not having to
guess during the workout. Pace yourself. This is all about volume and reps.
There is lots of shoulder work, so ensure you are warmed up properly before you start.
Enjoy the end of Week 2.

Functional Body Building
Week 2 - Day 7

Rest &

By now you should have started feeling some

changes, high reps, lots of volume and

Remember consistency is key and practice

makes you better.

Make sure you rest up and eat well.

Functional Body Building
Week 3 - Day 1
10 Mins to Establish
5 Rep Max Back Squat

10 Mins to Establish
3 Rep Max Front Squat

In both of the 10 Minute windows for back and front squats, load the bar, rep out the 5
reps and add weight, have minimal rest between sets.

Work through the EMOM at a steady solid pace. Choose a weight you can keep
throughout the workout. For the weighted hip thrusts, you can use the barbell, a DB or
KB. For the floor press, use the bar or DB's.

16 Min EMOM
1. 12 Barbell Reverse Lunges
2. 12 Weigthed Hip Thrust
3. 12 Floor Press
4. 15 Straight leg sit ups

Functional Body Building
Week 3 - Day 2
Upper Focus - 5 Rounds
10 Bent Over Row
10 Snatch Grip Bent Over Row
5 Strict Press
10 Push Press
20 Front Shoulder Raises with DB or Barbell

Big Body Building session to start with. Make sure you burn on this one, so choose the
weight wisely. No swinging or kipping any movements, fully strict with complete control
and quality,

Chipper time for the workout. Basically complete the movements and reps! You can
break them up how ever you choose. If you cant do handstand push ups fully, you
could reduce the reps by half or do hand release push ups, or pike push ups as an

Complete for time

300 Air Squats
75 Hand Stand Push Ups
50 Thrusters
100 V Sit Ups

Functional Body Building
Week 3 - Day 3
Barbell Complex - 6 Rounds
10 Deadlifts
7 Front Squats
5 Thrusters
3 Push Press or Push Jerk

For the Complex, got through the complex with an empty barbell first and build up to
your working weight. The aim is to keep every round unbroken.

The conditioning is targeting the shoulders - mass volume and reps. Work hard but
paced in the 2 min working window, big breathes to recover in the 1 min rest - this
minute will go fast. Carry on where you left off afer each round.

x8 - 2 Min Work 1 Min Rest

10 Single Arm DB Push Press right
10 Single Arm Push Press left
10 Devil Press

Functional Body Building
Week 3 - Day 4

Rest &

By now you should have fully started to adapt to this style of training, how the reps and
sets work as well as the increase in volume during training.

Learn to understand your body, how it feels during and after workouts, how important
correct movements patterns are and how it has an effect on your total ability to train

Make sure your eating enough, warming up correctly as well as sleeping well at night.
Training is just one element of us as humans, the tiny changes we make all add up to
create big big changes in our life and our health.

Enjoy the day!

Functional Body Building
Week 3 - Day 5
Barbell Complex - 5 Rounds
The Classic with a Twist - DT
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
7 Front Squat
5 Push Jerk or Push Press
25 Butterfly Sit Ups
DT is one of my favourite workouts ever, so I like mixing it up and playing around with it.
The addition to this version is the front squats and the sit ups. RX weight is 70kg, but
you might want to go 50/55/60kg so you can keep intensity. The aim is to not break the
round. The sit ups will allow you to recover before the next round.

Simple yet effective EMOM's - rest about 5 Minutes between the 2 workouts.

Rest 5 Mins
12 Min EMOM 12 Min EMOM
1. 12-15 Burpees 1. 3 Heavy Deadlifts
2. 3 Heavy Deadlifts 2. 15-20 Push Ups

Functional Body Building
Week 3 - Day 6
We Go Big
12 Rounds
5 Pause Back Squats
20 Body Weight Walking Lunges
20 Standing Calf Raises

Pause Squats are key to strength development and they get you to spend more time
under tension and under the bar. Pick challenging weight for the pause squats, 12
rounds is a lot, so you may need to reduce the weight when you get into the last rounds
- although try your best not to.

For the snatch, this needs to be a good weight for you to move for the 10 reps, we are
looking for speed with good technique. Go fast on the burpees, chest and hips touch
the floor, slight jump at the top.

6 Rounds
90 Seconds on - 90 Seconds Rest
10 Hang Power Snatch
in remaining time - Max effort Burpees

Functional Body Building
Week 3 - Day 7
Add a subheading
Rest &

End of week 3. The body should be feeling fuller,

stronger and full of energy.
Get some active recovery in today, walk, light jog or
Rest, eat well and of course sleep well!

Functional Body Building
Week 4 - Day 1
10 Rounds - Rest 90 Seconds between rounds
3 Heavy Back Squat
3 Heavy Pause Back Squat
3 Heavy Back Squat Accessory Work
x3 Rounds
20 Reverse DB Lunges
20 Glute Bridge Raises
20 Romanian Deadlifts
Week 4 and those legs should be feeling Strong, so go heavy but make sure you can
complete all of the reps. Keep the same weight throughout the 10 rounds. Don't re
rack the bar throughout the rounds, keep it on your back.

A punishing EMOM to get your heart pumping and those muscles fatigued. Choose a
comfortable weight for the Cleans and press. Go as heavy as you can for the shrugs.
You could use the barbell for this if you want to go heavier than your DB allow.

20 Min EMOM
1. 4 Hang Power Cleans + 4 Push Press
2. 16 Push Ups
3. 10 Cal or 200m Run
4. 20 DB Shrugs

Functional Body Building
Week 4 - Day 2
5 Rounds
20 DB Floor Press
10 Barbell Push Press
10 Barbell High Pull
10 DB Renegade Row

A total upper body pump to hit all areas. This hits the shoulders, chest, arms and back.
Complete each round with a steady pace. Rest as required between rounds. This is for
quality, so dont rush the movements - feel the burn and get those muscles working.
Top tip: Squeeze & hold the DB at the top of the renegade row for a big back hit.

Simple NOT easy - Max effort reps on each. Feel free to swing the hammer curls so you
can get more reps out and work the guns!

Max Effort x6
1 Min Max Effort Goblet Squat
1 Min Max Effort Burpees
1 Min Max Effort Hammer Curls
1 Min Rest

Functional Body Building
Week 4 - Day 3
4 Rounds - Total Body
12 DB Clean and Press
12 Push Ups
12 Dual DB Front Squats
12 Overhead Tricep extensions with x1 DB

Skill work with the DB's and one that will work the triceps nicely. For the DB Clean and
press touch the floor on each rep. All movements are for quality so focus and feel the
lifts throughout.

x2 8 Min AMRAPS. For the Over head walking lunges, try going 10 on each arm, make
sure you lock out the arm in the overhead hold, hold you arm close to your ear to
ensure the DB is pressed straight up and to keep you balanced.
Choose a Medium to Heavy Deadlift weight - dont make this one easy.

20 Single Arm Over Head Walking Lunge
20 Alternating Single Arm DB Snatch
Rest 3 Mins
2 Deadlifts 2 Burpees
Add 2 Reps each round

Functional Body Building
Week 4 - Day 4

Rest &
The last rest day before we hit the final 2 sessions.

Eat well, sleep well and be prepared for the last 2 Sessions of the program - Volume 3
wont be too far away.

Functional Body Building
Week 4 - Day 5
Big Barbell Complex
x5 Rounds
3 Power Cleans
3 Squat Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Thrusters
3 Push Press or Push Jerk
9 Deadlifts

This is one is a BIG complex. The idea is not not let go fo the bar, so choose the weight
so you can go unbroken. Keep good form on the movements, no bad reps. The grip
and forearms will be the ones to feel it during this one.

For the EMOM work through it as a steady pace, stay consistent as this will start to get
tough - dont quit. You are nearly there!

40 Min EMOM
1. 12-15 Cal Bike or 250m Run
2. 15 Incline Push Ups
3. 15 Russian KB Swings
4. 20 Butterfly Sit Ups

Functional Body Building
Week 4 - Day 6
x10 Rounds
8 Deadlifts
8 Bench Press
8 Back Squats

The TOTAL - this is big weights and big reps.

By now you should have a good feeling under the bar and of what weights you can
move with quality and confidence. During this workout choose very challenging weights.
There should be no easy rounds. Dont not rush this, make every rep count

The Finisher
We are finishing with the means to go on. A complete total body workout that will target
the shoulders and hips. You might look at this as a disgusting workout, possibly yes but
I want you to think of it as a reward. A reward of what you are capable of and able to
put your body through, walkout the other end a better human being who can
accomplish anything you want to.

The Finisher
x5 Rounds
30 Burpees
20 Devil Press
10 Alternating Single Arm Hang Snatch
10 Deadlifts - at Body Weight

Functional Body Building
Week 4 - Day 7

Body Building
V 2.0

4 Weeks are now complete, 20 Workouts, 1000's of reps, 1000's of calories, endless
headshaking and deep breathing, many thoughts of "what am I doing", hours of hard
work, fatigue, euphoria, energy and massive amounts of self belief and empowerment!

I sincerely hope you have enjoyed every single workout and moment throughout this
program. I have taken my time to make this my best every program to date, develop
and evolve from the last FBB V1 and give you a complete progress training program to
help you build a better body and more solid foundation to go on.

Thank you giving 100% - Look out for V 3.0 later in the year!


Functional Body Building
Video Movement Demonstrations

Video Demos.
& Week Intro
You Tube Links


You Tube Links



Functional Body Building
Video Movement Demonstrations

Rig Training & Ben Coomber Nutirtion

I have teamed up with Ben Coomber to help and guide

you through your nutirtion.
Firstly check out Ben's talk on performance Nutrition -
Cick the link below.

Secondly use Ben's Calorie calculator to help you

understand what you should consuming day to day to
perform and recover adequately .
Click the link below.

Read up on Ben's blogs as well about supplements and

what you should be taking to aid your performance.
Click the link below.


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