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ACD856, A Novel Positive Allosteric Modulator of TRK Receptors, Single Ascending Doses in Healthy Subjects: Safety and Pharmacokinetics

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European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2024) 80:717–727


ACD856, a novel positive allosteric modulator of Trk receptors, single

ascending doses in healthy subjects: Safety and pharmacokinetics
Boel Nilsson1 · Johan Bylund2 · Magnus M. Halldin1 · Matthias Rother1 · Erik Rein‑Hedin2,3 · Kristin Önnestam1 ·
Märta Segerdahl1,4

Received: 23 October 2023 / Accepted: 2 February 2024 / Published online: 14 February 2024
© The Author(s) 2024

Purpose AlzeCure Pharma AB is developing novel positive allosteric modulators of Trk-receptors for treatment of Alz-
heimer’s disease, depression, other psychiatric conditions and other disorders where cognition is impaired. The preceding
candidate drug ACD855 was shown to have a too long half-life in humans to allow further development. To de-risk the
development of the follow-up compound ACD856, the oral single ascending dose study of ACD856 in humans was preceded
by an intravenous microdose study, assessing the elimination half-life in plasma.
Methods A phase 0 study with a microdose of ACD856 (0.100 mg), was conducted in six healthy male subjects all receiving
ACD856. Sequentially, a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind Phase I single ascending oral dose study (1 – 150 mg)
was conducted, including 56 healthy subjects. Both studies assessed the safety and tolerability, as well as the PK properties
of ACD856 after single dose intravenous and oral administration.
Results ACD856 was well tolerated with no treatment emergent, or dose related adverse events or other safety assessments.
In the microdose study, ACD856 exhibited a bi-exponential plasma decline, low distribution volume, low plasma clearance
with a half-life of approximately 20 hours. Orally, ACD856 exhibited rapid absorption, an almost complete bioavailability
and a dose proportional increase in exposure. While the C ­ max was lowered and delayed by food intake, the effect on plasma
half-life and the overall bioavailability was low. No renal elimination of ACD856 was detected.
Conclusion The prediction proved accurate demonstrating the value of conducting a microdose study prior to ascending dose studies.
Trial registration NCT05783830 March 24, 2023 (microdose study, retrospectively registered) and NCT05077631 October
14, 2021 (single ascending dose study).

Keywords Alzheimer’s disease · ACD856 · Neurotrophin · First in Human · Single ascending doses

Introduction cognitive decline, affecting more than 50 million individuals

globally, and expected to triple in the coming thirty years [1].
Dementia is one of the largest public health and social care chal- The current symptomatic therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease
lenges facing today’s society. Alzheimer’s disease is the most (acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and memantine) have been
common neurodegenerative disorder resulting in progressive shown to have limited efficacy and sometimes challenging
side effects [2]. A systematic review and meta-analysis on the
* Märta Segerdahl efficacy and safety of the available symptomatic treatments for
patients with mild cognitive impairment showed that the current
AlzeCure Pharma AB, Hälsovägen 7, SE‑141 57 Huddinge, marketed products did not substantially improve function and
Sweden cognition in this patient group and are associated with risks [2].
CTC Clinical Trial Consultants AB, Dag Hammarskjölds väg Aiming for disease modification by targeting the amy-
10B, SE‑752 37 Uppsala, Sweden loid cascade has been the selected strategy for many drug
Department of Surgical Sciences, Plastic Surgery, Uppsala development programs throughout the last 25 years [3,
University, SE‑751 85 Uppsala, Sweden 6]. Encouraging clinical study data on the efficacy of
Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences antibodies targeting the amyloid cascade as a treatment
and Society, Karolinska Institute, Alfred Nobels allé 23, for Alzheimer’s disease is emerging [4–6]. Aducanumab
SE‑141 52 Huddinge, Sweden

718 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2024) 80:717–727

and lecanemab have already been granted approvals from The clinical efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetics (PK)
the US Food and Drug Administration, and donanemab is of ACD855 have been evaluated in various domestic ani-
expected to be granted approval in 2024. Although promis- mals for the use as a veterinary drug [20]. ACD855 was
ing, it remains to be seen how widely these antibodies will further investigated in general toxicity studies in rats and
be used in clinical practice. Even considering the availabil- dogs with treatment duration of up to 28 days and assess-
ity of effective antibodies, a need for additional treatment ment of recovery for 2 weeks, and there was no indica-
options to manage Alzheimer’s disease remains. A new tion of any mutagenic or genotoxic potential. The PK of
effective and safe symptomatic treatment with cognitive ACD855 in various animals indicated that ACD855 was
enhancing effects to be used alone or in combination with rapidly absorbed, followed by a prolonged elimination,
treatments such as the antibodies would be of great benefit with terminal half-life in plasma between 0.3 to 7.9 days
to patients. in animals. The elimination half-life in man was predicted
The importance of neurotrophin signaling pathways in the through allometric scaling to 4.6 days. Based on pharmacol-
human brain has been well established. Pathways involving ogy studies in rodents and safety studies in rat and dog, the
nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neurotrophic first oral dose in an initiated Phase I single ascending dose
factor (BDNF) are of paramount importance for neuronal (SAD) study (EudraCT No. 2018-002320-16), in healthy
cell function, communication, and cell survival in brain volunteers was set to 1 mg. After completion of cohort 1,
areas vital for cognitive function, such as the hippocam- the elimination half-life in plasma in humans was found to
pus and basal forebrain. BDNF and NGF exert their effects be significantly longer than predicted, with an average of
through binding to their cognate tropomyosin receptor 68 days (Figure S1). The study was prematurely terminated
kinase (Trk) receptors: TrkA or TrkB, respectively [7, 8]. after interim PK analysis of the first cohort, and long-term
Pathological and mechanistic evidence suggests that loss of follow-up of the dosed subjects was performed. The plasma
NGF signaling contributes significantly to the dysfunction exposure of ACD855 declined slowly over time, and all sub-
of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in Alzheimer’s dis- jects but one still exhibited levels above the detection limit
ease [9, 10]. Decreased levels of BDNF have been observed of 1 ng/mL at 280 days when the safety review committee
in the hippocampus and in cerebrospinal fluid in disease decided that, in the absence of any safety concerns and the
states with cognitive decline, including Alzheimer’s disease fact that the predicted AUC​inf was lower than the NOAEL
[11–13], indicating that decreased BDNF signaling may in the most sensitive species, follow-up could be concluded.
contribute to this cognitive decline. The transplantation of The follow-on compound ACD856 was selected based on
stem cells or lentiviral delivery of BDNF into the brain of in vitro drug metabolism and PK properties, in addition to
amyloid-transgenic mice or primates resulted in reversal of its demonstrated improved potency compared to ACD855.
synapse loss and in improved cognition [14]. Furthermore, This included an improved profile with regard to metabolic
accumulating evidence suggests that increased BDNF sign- characterization in hepatocytes and liver microsomes and
aling could improve cognition in Alzheimer’s disease [12, in vivo PK in animals, predicting a shorter elimination half-
15], indicating that positive modulation of NGF and BDNF life in humans.
signaling may be a relevant strategy to develop new treat- This paper describes the start of the ACD856 clinical
ment options for Alzheimer’s disease and other conditions development program, including first drug administration
where cognition is impaired. in humans in an i.v. microdose study (NCT05783830) and
The ­NeuroRestore ® program, initiated by AlzeCure an oral SAD study (NCT05077631). The aim was to evalu-
Pharma AB, Sweden, aims to identify small molecules ate the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics following
with a stimulatory effect on BDNF and NGF signaling. As single doses of ACD856 in healthy subjects. In addition, the
reported by Dahlström et al. in 2021 [16], two lead mol- impact of food intake on PK properties was evaluated after
ecules were identified as effective positive allosteric modu- oral dosing. Prior to initiating the microdose study, a limited
lators of Trk receptors: ACD855 and ACD856. ACD855 program of toxicology studies was performed, in accord-
is identical to the veterinary product Ponazuril, a triazine- ance with current guidelines and regulations. This included
based drug that acts to inhibit enzyme systems in protozoa an evaluation of the genotoxic potential in silico and an
and is used for the treatment of equine protozoal myeloen- extended single i.v. bolus dose toxicity study in rats. Addi-
cephalitis [17]. Both compounds demonstrated pro-cognitive tionally, due to notable clinical signs consisting of gastroin-
effects in various preclinical in vivo models in mice [16, testinal disturbance in dogs with ACD855, a 7-day oral dose
18]. Cognitive enhancement was also seen in aged animals range-finding study in minipigs was conducted to assess the
with a natural decline in memory, where a single dose of tolerability of ACD856 within this species. Prior to initiat-
ACD856 led to an improved memory [16]. Furthermore, ing the SAD study, ACD856 was tested in accordance with
both ACD855 and ACD856 have also demonstrated anti- regulatory standards, including studies such as genotoxic-
depressant-like effects in the forced swim test model [19]. ity, general and safety pharmacology, and 28-day toxicology
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2024) 80:717–727 719

studies in rats and minipigs. No safety findings were found except for 1 h before and after ACD856 administration.
at the highest dose levels tested up to 28 days in both spe- Subjects in the i.v. study were dosed one by one in a sentinel
cies (assessments included body weight, food consumption, fashion. The safety and PK properties observed from the first
ophthalmology, coagulation parameters, electrocardiogram two subjects were evaluated prior to deciding on progressing
(ECG), hematology, clinical chemistry, and urinalysis). to dose the remaining four subjects. There was sufficient
An investigation into potential target-related adverse effect time between dosing of each subject to allow for observation
was done by reviewing publications from clinical stud- of any adverse reactions.
ies of treatment approaches with similar modes of action,
i.e., stimulating NGF or BDNF signaling [21–27]. In these Study design—Single ascending oral dose study
studies, changes of gut motility (loose stools and increased
frequency of stools), reduced appetite and weight loss, dif- The SAD study was a double-blind, placebo-controlled
fuse myalgia, and eosinophilia were observed as adverse randomized study evaluating the effects of single ascend-
effects potentially related to the mechanism of action. None ing oral doses of ACD856 on safety, tolerability, and PK
of these adverse effects had been described as severe or seri- in healthy subjects. ACD856 was administered in seven
ous adverse events. sequential cohorts, each consisting of 8 subjects, in which
subjects were randomized to receive either ACD856 (n = 6)
or placebo (n = 2) (Figs. 1 and 2). The observed PK proper-
Methods ties of ACD856 in the microdose study were together with
PK data generated in animal studies used for the predictions
Human ethics and consent to participate of human oral PK properties, and a suitable starting dose
in relation to the estimated minimal anticipated biological
The Phase 0 i.v. microdosing study was approved by the effect level (MABEL) was calculated. The oral starting dose
Swedish Medical Products Agency (MPA) (EudraCT 2019- was 1 mg, and the additional evaluated doses were 3 mg,
003504-13, NCT05783830) and by the Swedish Ethics 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 75 mg, and 150 mg ACD856 or pla-
Review Authority (Dnr 2019-05317). All subjects gave cebo (see Fig. 1). This cautious dose escalation strategy was
their written informed consent before any study-related pro- selected as no target organ of toxicity had been identified in
cedures were initiated. The Phase I oral single ascending the preceding preclinical toxicology studies. Prior to dos-
dose study was approved by the Swedish Medical Products ing, the subjects fasted overnight for at least 10 h. No food
Agency (MPA) (EudraCT 2020-003379-16, NCT05077631) was allowed for at least 4 h post dose. Water, but no other
and by the Swedish Ethics Review Authority (Dnr 2020- drinks, was allowed as desired except for 1 h before and after
04884). All subjects gave their written informed consent ACD856 administration. The food effect of a high-fat and
before any study-related procedures were initiated. high-calorie breakfast on the PK properties of ACD856 was
investigated as part of the study. Subjects exposed to 40 mg
ACD856 under fasting conditions returned to the clinic
Study design—Microdose study after a wash-out period to receive a second dose of ACD856
under fed conditions. In the fed cohort, subjects were served
Considering the results of the Phase I study of ACD855, an an FDA-standardized high-fat, high-calorie breakfast prior
alternative strategy was selected when moving ACD856 into to dosing. The first two subjects in each SAD cohort were
clinic, starting with a Phase 0 microdose study to gain an dosed in a sentinel fashion (one subject received ACD856
understanding of the human PK properties of the compound. and one subject received placebo) in accordance with avail-
Phase 0 approaches or so called “exploratory investigational able guidance for First-in-Human clinical trials [31]. At least
new drug trials” are supported by available regulatory guid- 48 h passed before dosing of the next subjects in the cohort
ance [28, 29] and have successfully been used to minimize to give sufficient time for observation of any reactions. The
early attrition caused by inaccurate human PK prediction remaining subjects were dosed in groups of three and each
from preclinical data [30]. group was dosed at least 24 h apart.
The microdose i.v. study was an open-label, non- In both studies, the subjects were carefully monitored by
controlled study designed to evaluate the PK, safety, and clinical staff during and after dosing. Vital signs and ECG
tolerability of a single, bolus intravenous injection of a were checked at regular intervals. There was immediate
microdose of ACD856 in healthy male subjects (n = 6) access to equipment, qualified staff, and an intensive care
(Figs. 1 and 2). Subjects in the study were administered unit in case of an emergency. After each dose level of the
0.100 mg ACD856 as an i.v. injection following an overnight SAD study, the safety, tolerability, and PK of ACD856 were
fast of at least 10 h. No food was allowed for at least 4 h post assessed by a Safety Review Committee which decided on
dose. Water, but no other drinks, was allowed as desired escalation of the dose to the next cohort.
720 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2024) 80:717–727

Fig. 1  Illustrates the dose levels tested in each cohort of the two studies with ACD856 in humans; microdose i.v. and oral SAD study

In the SAD study, the study medication was administered if they were healthy, aged ≥ 18 and < 65 years, and with a
orally as a clear solution, with ACD856 (2 mg/mL) or the body mass index between 18.0 and 30.0 kg/m2 at screening.
same contents without the active ingredient (placebo). The
study medication was prepared by unblinded pharmacists at Study assessments
the site. All other site staff, study subjects, and monitor and
sponsor personnel were blinded to study treatment allocation Safety and tolerability assessments included adverse events
until database lock. (AEs), laboratory (clinical chemistry, hematology, coagu-
An overview of the study dose levels and cohorts is lation, urinalysis), vital signs (systolic and diastolic blood
shown in Fig. 1. pressure, pulse rate, and body temperature), 12-lead ECG,
physical examination, and assessment of stool frequency.
Study participants AEs were collected from the start of the study treatment until
the end-of-study visit. Severity grading of AEs was done
For the microdose i.v. study, participation was restricted to according to common terminology criteria for adverse events
male subjects, and for the SAD study, both male subjects and (CTCAE) v5.0 [32]. Causality of the AEs was assessed as
female subjects of non-childbearing potential were invited whether there was a reasonable possibility that the event may
for enrollment. Study participants were eligible for inclusion have been caused by the study drug or not.

Fig. 2  A schematic overview

of the assessments performed
at each visit in the two clinical
trials of ACD856. a The micro-
dose i.v. study. b The oral SAD
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2024) 80:717–727 721

Blood samples and urine were collected at pre-defined

75 mg (n = 6) 150 mg (n = 6) Placebo (n = 14)

timepoints in relation to study treatment throughout the stud-

80.66 (14.51)
181.2 (11.5)
43.9 (12.8)
ies for the determination of ACD856 concentrations and for

11 (79%)
3 (21%)
the calculation of PK parameters. During the microdose i.v.
study, blood samples were collected prior to dosing (0 h) and
at 0.08, 0.17, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 36,
48, 72, 96 and 120 h after dosing. In the SAD study, blood

69.28 (7.12)
176.0 (4.9)
29.8 (5.0)

6 (100%)
samples were taken prior to dosing (0 h) and at 0.17, 0.33,
0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 72 and 96 h after dosing.
The blood samples were centrifuged at 1500 G for 10 min to

80.47 (10.99)
separate the plasma. The plasma samples were frozen within

183.2 (9.2)
1 h after collection and maintained frozen (at ≤  − 70 °C)

31.8 (5.7)

6 (100%)
until bioanalysis. Urine samples were collected on day 1
in the SAD study during the following intervals: pre-dose,

0–6, 6–12, and 12–24 h, and stored frozen (at ≤  − 70 °C)
until analysis.

70.75 (8.83)
3 mg (n = 6) 10 mg (n = 6) 20 mg (n = 6) 40 mg (n = 6) 40 mg food

49.0 (16.3)
172.0 (7.4)
Plasma and urine samples were analyzed for exposure of

1 (25%)
3 (75%)
(n = 4)
ACD856 by Lablytica Life Science AB, Uppsala, Sweden. The
validated bioanalytical method utilized extraction of ACD856

73.37 (11.87)
followed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography–mass

44.0 (16.1)
174.0 (6.5)
spectrometry/mass spectrometry (UPLC‑MS/MS) analysis. The

1 (17%)
5 (83%)
lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) of ACD856 in plasma
was set to 0.1 ng/mL (i.v.) and 10 ng/mL (oral) and in urine to
100 ng/mL.

69.98 (8.23)
33.0 (13.3)
173.8 (5.3)
Figure 2a and b shows an overview of the study design

1 (17%)
5 (83%)
and assessments.

Pharmacokinetic and statistical analysis

175.8 (12.0)
74.57 (7.93)
35.3 (11.1)
No formal sample size calculations were performed for the

1 (17%)
5 (83%)
microdose i.v. and oral SAD studies. The sample size was
considered sufficient to provide adequate information for
75.92 (6.31)

the study objectives as per current guidance. Safety and PK

39.2 (16.7)
175.2 (9.0)

data were summarized by descriptive statistics. Dose pro-

1 (17%)
5 (83%)

portionality was analyzed using linear regression modelling.

All descriptive summaries and statistical analyses were per-
80.27 (11.83)

formed using SAS Version 9.4.

177.7 (11.9)
0.1 mg (i.v.) (n = 6) 1 mg (n = 6)

38.5 (12.6)

The PK parameters were calculated by non-compartmental

1 (17%)
5 (83%)
Phase I
Table 1  Summary of study participants’ characteristics

analysis using the software Phoenix ­WinNonlin® version

8.1 or 8.3 (Certara, USA). Plasma concentrations below
n total number of subjects, SD standard deviation

LLOQ were considered missing values for the microdose

i.v. study. For the SAD study, LLOQ concentrations were
set to 0 before ­tmax and to missing thereafter. The area under
33.7 (13.0)
181.8 (2.2)
89.5 (6.6)

6 (100%)

the curve (AUC) was calculated based on actual timepoints

Phase 0

and according to the linear up-log down method. Measured


PK parameters of ACD856 in plasma in the microdose

Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)

study following i.v. bolus injection included initial plasma


concentration ­(C0), elimination half-life ­(t1/2(z)), area under


the concentration–time curve from zero to the time of the

last concentration above the limit of quantification (AUC​
Height (cm)
Weight (kg)
Age (years)

0–last), area under the concentration curve to infinity (AUC​

0–inf), plasma clearance (CL), and volume of distribution ­(Vz

and ­Vss). Following oral administration in the SAD study,

722 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2024) 80:717–727

the following PK parameters were calculated: Maximum A summary of study participant characteristics for each
plasma concentration ­(Cmax), time to peak concentration treatment regimen in the microdose i.v. and the SAD studies
­(tmax), elimination half-life ­(t1/2(z)), AUC​0–last, AUC​0–inf, are available in Table 1.
apparent plasma clearance (CL/F), and the apparent volume
of distribution ­(Vz/F). Dose proportionality based on AUC​ Safety and tolerability of single doses of ACD856
0–inf and C
­ max was assessed, the amount of renally excreted
ACD856, as well as the relative bioavailability for fasted Treatment with ACD856 was well tolerated in both the
versus fed condition in the four subjects which were dosed microdose and the SAD study, with no reports of serious
under both conditions. The absolute bioavailability of oral AEs. No treatment-emergent or dose-related trends were
doses in comparison to i.v. data was calculated. observed for AEs, laboratory safety assessments, vital signs,
12-lead ECG, physical examination, or stool frequency.
There was no indication of increasing AE frequency with
Results increasing doses of ACD856 and no obvious difference in
the AE reporting between subjects receiving active treatment
Study population and subjects receiving placebo.
In the microdose i.v. study, four subjects reported a
In the microdose i.v. study, the study population consisted of total of eight AEs of which seven were judged as possibly
six white males with a mean age (standard deviation (SD)) of related to treatment (see Supplementary Table S1). One
33.7 (13.0) years and a mean BMI (SD) of 27.1 (1.6) kg/m2. subject reported four of the AEs of which two were of
Fifty-six healthy subjects were enrolled and received severe intensity according to CTCAE [32]. This subject,
study treatment in the SAD study. All enrolled subjects an active weightlifter, had transient elevated liver enzymes
completed all study visits for the evaluation of single- on one occasion 5 days after receiving the ACD856 micro-
dose administration of ACD856 in a fasted state. Three dose which were at the time judged by the Investigator to
subjects from the 40 mg dose group chose to abstain be possibly related to study treatment. The subject was
from participating in the food interaction part, leaving asymptomatic and was not treated with any prior or con-
five subjects (four on active ACD856 treatment and one comitant medications.
on placebo) completing the fed cohort. The SAD study In the SAD study, 31 out of 56 subjects reported a total of
population consisted of 48 males and eight females with a 62 AEs (see Supplementary Table S2). Twenty-four events
mean age (SD) of 37.9 (12.7) years and a mean body mass (reported by 13 subjects) were assessed as possibly related
index (BMI) (SD) of 24.2 (2.9) kg/m2. Forty-seven of the to study treatment and were reported by subjects receiving
56 subjects were white, and nine subjects were Asian. The ACD856. Out of these, two events were reported as being
masking of study treatment was considered successful, of moderate intensity, the others were of mild intensity: The
and no differences in taste or appearance were reported most common AE was headache, which was reported by
by study participants. eight out of 56 subjects on 11 occasions. Headache was only

Fig. 3  Mean plasma concentra-

tion curves for ACD856 follow-
ing intravenous bolus (a), oral
doses SAD study (b), and food
interaction (c)
Table 2  Summary of pharmacokinetic parameters of ACD856 following single doses of intravenous and oral administrations
Parameter Statistic Phase 0 (i.v.) Cohort 1 (p.o.) 1 mg Cohort 2 (p.o.) 3 mg Cohort 3 (p.o.) Cohort 4 (p.o.) Cohort 5 (p.o.) Cohort 6 (p.o.) Cohort 7 (p.o.)
0.1 mg 10 mg 20 mg 40 mg (fasted) 75 mg 150 mg

tmax n - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
(h) Median (Min, - 0.5000 (0.500, 1.00) 0.4167 (0.333, 2.00) 0.5000 (0.333, 1.00) 0.5000 (0.333, 0.767) 0.5083 (0.333, 0.750) 0.5000 (0.500, 0.750) 1.000 (0.750,
Max) 1.03)
C0 n 6 - - - - - - -
(ng/mL) Mean (SD) 15.43 (2.633) - - - - - - -
Geometric 15.25 (17.2) - - - - - - -
mean (CV%)
Cmax n - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
(ng/mL) Mean (SD, - 80.42 (13.26/16.5) 292.3 (24.35/8.33) 979.3 (81.34/8.31) 2047 (315.6/15.4) 3433 (708.4/20.6) 6327 (1035/16.4) 13430
CV%) (1264/9.41)
Geometric - 79.58 (15.6) 291.5 (8.29) 976.4 (8.55) 2026 (15.6) 3366 (22.8) 6259 (16.0) 13380 (9.37)
mean (CV%)
AUC​0-last n 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
(h ng/mL) Mean ­(SDc, 154.9 (30.00) 1295 (358.2/27.7) 5766 (681.7/11.8) 18460 (2147/11.6) 42150 (12820/30.4) 83160 (21360/25.7) 137500 (28800/21.0) 288600
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2024) 80:717–727

CV%) (28500/9.87)
Geometric 152.5 (19.6) 1255 (27.8) 5732 (11.9) 18350 (12.2) 40640 (29.9) 80940 (25.7) 134900 (21.9) 287400 (10.2)
mean (CV%)
AUC​0-inf N 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
(h ng/mL) Mean ­(SDc, 160.9 (30.18) 1711 (305.3/17.8) 6241 (755.2/12.1) 19030 (2286/12.0) 43130 (13050/30.3) 84560 (21150/25.0) 139200 (29170/21.0) 290300
CV%) (29020/10.0)
Geometric 158.6 (19.0) 1689 (17.6) 6202 (12.5) 18910 (12.6) 41590 (29.9) 82450 (24.8) 136600 (21.7) 289100 (10.3)
mean (CV%)
t1/2(z) N 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
(h) Mean ­(SDc, 19.37 (2.960) 19.93 (2.177/10.9) 20.36 (2.134/10.5) 19.07 (1.885/9.89) 19.67 (4.335/22.0) 23.48 (4.258/18.1) 21.37 (4.867/22.8) 19.62
CV%) (3.417/17.4)
Geometric 19.18 (16.0) 19.83 (11.0) 20.26 (10.8) 18.99 (9.75) 19.34 (19.5) 23.18 (17.1) 20.93 (22.8) 19.40 (16.2)
mean (CV%)
CL/Fa N 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
(L/h) Mean ­(SDc, 0.6400 (0.1201) 0.5994 (0.1013/16.9) 0.4870 (0.06267/12.9) 0.5324 (0.06930/13.0) 0.4978 (0.1393/28.0) 0.4970 (0.1161/23.4) 0.5600 (0.1234/22.0) 0.5212
CV%) (0.05464/10.5)
Geometric 0.6306 (19.0) 0.5920 (17.6) 0.4837 (12.5) 0.5288 (12.6) 0.4809 (29.9) 0.4852 (24.8) 0.5492 (21.7%) 0.5189 (10.3%)
mean (CV%)
Vz/Fb n 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
(L) Mean ­(SDc, 17.58 (2.312) 17.28 (3.665/21.2) 14.16 (0.8608/6.08) 14.57 (1.732/11.9) 13.60 (2.399/17.6) 16.44 (2.757/16.8) 16.73 (2.350/14.1) 14.61
CV%) (1.734/11.9)
Geometric 17.45 (13.4) 16.94 (22.6) 14.14 (6.09) 14.49 (11.5) 13.42 (18.1) 16.23 (18.2) 16.58 (14.8) 14.52 (11.7)
mean (CV%)
Vss N 6 - - - - - - -
724 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2024) 80:717–727

reported by subjects receiving ACD856 in the dose range

AUC area under the plasma concentration–time curve, AUC​0-inf AUC over the time infinity, AUC​0-last AUC over the time of the last measured concentration, Co initial plasma concentration,
CL/F apparent oral clearance, Cmax maximum observed plasma concentration, CV% percent coefficient of variation, n total number of subjects, SD standard deviation, t1/2(z) terminal elimination
Cohort 7 (p.o.)
1 to 40 mg ACD856, i.e., no episodes of headache were
reported in the two highest dose groups (75 mg and 150 mg
150 mg

ACD856) or in the placebo group.


Pharmacokinetics of single doses of ACD856
Cohort 6 (p.o.)

The mean initial plasma concentration (­ Co) following a sin-

For the Phase 0 microdose i.v. study, the results refer to the volume of distribution associated with terminal slope (Vz), not the apparent volume of distribution (Vz/F)
gle bolus i.v. injection of 0.1 mg ACD856 was estimated
75 mg

to be 15.4 ng/mL, and the subsequent decline in ACD856


plasma levels was bi-exponential (see Fig. 3). Both the vol-
ume of distribution (­ Vz of 17.6 L, and V ­ ss of 17.3 L (0.25
L/kg)) and the plasma clearance (CL of 0.64 L/h) were low
Cohort 5 (p.o.)

half-life, tmax time to ­Cmax, Vz/F apparent volume of distribution associated with the terminal phase, Vss apparent volume of distribution at steady state
40 mg (fasted)

(see Table 2). The mean terminal half-life of ACD856 was

19.4 h, with a mean AUC​0-inf of 160.9 h ng/mL.
Following administration of an oral solution, the absorp-

tion of ACD856 was rapid in the dose range tested (1 to

150 mg) and reached maximum plasma concentration (­ Cmax)
Cohort 4 (p.o.)

between 30 min and 1 h after administration under fasting

condition (Table 2). Like the i.v. microdose cohort, both the
volume of distribution (mean ­Vz/F ranging between 13.6 and
20 mg

17.3 L) and the plasma clearance (CL/F of 0.49–0.60 L/h)


were low. The calculated terminal plasma half-life was

approximately 20 h.
Cohort 3 (p.o.)

The plasma concentration profiles for the SAD study

dose levels exhibited a bi-exponential decline, and the
For the Phase 0 microdose i.v. study, the results refer to clearance (CL) and not oral clearance (CL/F)
10 mg

shape of the curves was similar for all dose groups where
ACD856 was administered as single doses in the fasted

state (Fig. 3). ACD856 exhibited a dose-proportional

Cohort 2 (p.o.) 3 mg

increase in plasma C ­ max and AUC​0-inf in the 1 to 150 mg

dose range. The inter-individual variation (CV%) for all PK
parameters within the same dose group was low, and the
plasma exposure over the first 24 h (AUC​0-24) was approxi-
For the Phase 0 microdose i.v. study, the standard deviation (SD) is given

mately 55% of AUC​0-inf (Table 2).


Cohort 1 (p.o.) 1 mg

The time to reach maximum plasma concentration was

considerably delayed following fed conditions consisting of a
high-fat and high-calorie breakfast. The observed mean ­Cmax
under fed conditions was approximately 40% lower than the
­Cmax observed under fasting conditions (see Supplementary

Table S3). The calculated terminal plasma half-life was

approximately 22 h under fed conditions, and the relative bio-
17.28 (2.403)
Phase 0 (i.v.)

17.14 (14.2)

availability for fed versus fasted was 93% (see Supplementary

Table S3). Thus, the impact of food on the terminal plasma
0.1 mg

half-life and the overall bioavailability was low.

The oral bioavailability of ACD856 was estimated by
mean (CV%)

comparing data from the microdose i.v. study and the

Mean ­(SDc,


oral cohorts of the SAD study. The observed geometric



mean plasma clearance (CL) after intravenous administra-

Table 2  (continued)

tion of 0.1 mg ACD856 was 0.63 L/h. In the oral cohorts,

the observed geometric mean apparent plasma clearance
(CL/F) ranged between 0.48 and 0.59 L/h. These observa-

tions suggest that the oral bioavailability of ACD856 is

almost complete.


European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2024) 80:717–727 725

All collected urine samples showed ACD856 concen- No safety concerns were observed following ACD856
trations below the detection limit (LLOQ) of the method, treatment in healthy subjects neither after the i.v. micro-
and hence, the amount of ACD856 eliminated renally could dose nor after the oral single doses. No treatment-emergent
not be calculated. However, an estimation based on the col- or dose-related trends were observed for any of the safety
lected urine volumes from subjects in the highest dose group parameters. This is in line with the lack of toxicology obser-
(150 mg) and the LLOQ value (100 ng/mL) suggests that the vations in preclinical studies in rats and minipigs. In the
eliminated amount of ACD856 during the first 24 h after microdose i.v. study, one subject had a transient elevation
dosing was less than 246 µg, which corresponds to less than of liver enzymes on one occasion 5 days after the ACD856
0.2% of the administered 150 mg dose. Thus, renal elimina- dose. Serology testing was done to rule out infection. Since
tion of ACD856 appears to be non-existing or negligible. then, substantially higher single and multiple doses of
ACD856 have been administered to many healthy subjects
in the SAD- and the subsequent multiple ascending dose
Discussion (MAD) study (NCT05077501) [33] without any observa-
tions of treatment-emergent liver enzyme levels outside
ACD855 and ACD856 are both positive allosteric modula- reference ranges. The subject in question was an active
tor compounds of Trk receptors, with ACD856 currently weightlifter who had been engaged in training just prior to
in clinical development for the treatment of Alzheimer’s lab assessments. Weightlifting has been shown to be associ-
disease, depression, other psychiatric conditions, and other ated with increased levels of liver enzymes [34]. Although
disorders where cognition is impaired. Therapeutic develop- the relationship to study treatment could not be ruled out
ment which is targeting the neurotrophin signaling pathways at the time of study, upon retrospective review, the authors
has been challenging due to their complex biology with an conclude that this finding most likely represents a sporadic
intricate pattern of multiple downstream signaling pathways event caused by intense physical activity. The study protocol
[18]. ACD856 is being developed as a first-in-class drug and subject information sheet included restrictions to refrain
candidate with a new mechanism of action to modulate the subjects from strenuous activity during the duration of the
activity of the Trk receptors which may succeed in over- study, which the subject did not adhere to.
coming these challenges. It is hypothesized that ACD856’s Single oral doses of ACD856 showed a promising PK
positive modulating activity has advantages compared to an profile for further development. ACD856 was rapidly
agonistic approach, leading to a more refined signaling pat- absorbed, demonstrated linear dose-dependent exposure, and
tern. Preclinical data gathered to date have been promising exhibited a close to complete oral bioavailability. In addi-
and have laid the foundation for the first clinical studies in tion, the observed terminal plasma half-life of approximately
humans described in this paper. 20 h suggests once-daily dosing of ACD856 to be a suitable
The development of the front-runner compound ACD855 regimen in subsequent clinical development studies.
was prematurely terminated after the completion of the first No renal elimination for ACD856 was detected. Thus, the
dose cohort (1 mg) in a SAD study conducted in healthy vol- metabolic excretion of ACD856 remains to be further explored.
unteers. The reason for the termination was that the observed The human oral clearance of ACD856 was approxi-
plasma elimination half-life (68 days) was much longer mately 70 times higher compared to the human oral clear-
than considered suitable for further clinical development. ance of ACD855, and is, as such, a great example of a suc-
In order to de-risk the development of the follow-on com- cessful optimization of a follow-up compound with regard
pound ACD856, an alternate strategy was selected within to PK properties. The clinical investigations of ACD855
the project. This entailed conducting an i.v. microdose study and ACD856 demonstrate the value of conducting a small
to evaluate the elimination half-life in plasma before initiat- microdose study in humans to receive information about
ing a comprehensive oral preclinical toxicity program and a compound’s PK properties before making commitments
subsequently an oral clinical SAD study. to larger and more costly SAD/MAD studies.
PK analysis of the i.v. microdose study clearly sug- It may be concluded from this case story that including
gested that ACD856 had a much more suitable PK profile microdose studies in a clinical development plan reduces
for clinical development than ACD855, and consequently, the risk exposing trial subjects to a drug candidate with an
ACD856 was further evaluated in a SAD study in healthy unfavorable PK profile in a larger SAD study.
volunteers following oral administration. The generated Administration of a single dose of ACD856 under fed
PK data from the i.v. microdose study was also used for conditions resulted in a considerably slower absorption
predictions of ACD856 plasma concentrations following rate and a lower C­ max (40%) compared to fasted conditions,
oral dosing as well as predictions of the starting dose of but the impact of food on the terminal plasma half-life and
the oral SAD study. the overall bioavailability was low (see Table S3).
726 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2024) 80:717–727

The main limitation of the current First-in-Human trials the conduct phase. Matthias Rother (MR) was the sponsor’s responsible
is their small study population, which is an inherent feature medical monitor for the studies and was, as such, instrumental in the
design, planning, and conduct of the studies and the sponsor’s repre-
of such studies. The number of subjects per dose cohort is sentative in the safety review committee. Erik Rein-Hedin (ERH) was
in agreement with available guidance for First-in-Human the principal investigator of the SAD study and a sub-investigator of the
ascending dose studies [31] and is deemed sufficient to evalu- microdose study. Johan Bylund (JB) was the pharmacokinetics expert
ate safety and pharmacokinetics with the purpose of proceed- involved in the planning, analysis, and reporting of the studies. Magnus
M Halldin (MH) was the sponsor’s translational ADME/DMPK expert
ing to higher dose levels. Considering the limited sample size involved in the design, planning, and analysis of the studies. Kristin
and that the studies had a single dose regimen, the results Önnestam (KÖ) was the clinical project leader for the SAD study in the
do not allow for general conclusions regarding the safety of reporting phase. Märta Segerdahl (MS) was the Chief Medical Officer
ACD856; however, the results of these studies strongly sup- overseeing the design, conduct, analysis, and reporting of the SAD study.
port further clinical development with this drug candidate.
Funding Open access funding provided by Karolinska Institute. The
The large number of single-dose cohorts included in the stud- sponsor, AlzeCure Pharma AB, provided full financial support for
ies, ranging from 0.1 to 150 mg, adds to the strength and the current clinical studies and associated activities. The sponsor was
reliability of the study results. The number of subjects dosed involved in the study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation
with ACD856 in both fasted and fed conditions was small of the data, and preparation of manuscript.
(n = 4), and while the results are promising as it indicates Data availability The data that supports the findings of this study are
dosing flexibility in relation to food intake may be allowed, available in the article and the supplementary material of this article.
further studies of food interaction will need to be performed
when the final formulation of the compound is available. Declarations
Data from current studies is a first small step in the clinical
Ethics approval and consent to participate The current clinical studies
development of a new, effective, and safe treatment for patients were conducted in compliance with the study protocol, the International
with Alzheimer’s disease and other disorders where cognition Council for Harmonization Guideline for Good Clinical Practice, all
is impaired, such as Parkinson’s disease and traumatic brain applicable regulatory requirements, and in accordance with the lat-
injury. Recent data have also indicated a potential for ACD856 est revision of the Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving
Human Subjects (the Declaration of Helsinki). The study protocol and all
for the treatment of depression and other psychiatric disorders applicable study-related documentation were approved by the Swedish
[19]. ACD856 has been shown to be safe and well tolerated at Ethical Review Authority and the Swedish Medical Products Agency.
the tested single-dose levels in healthy subjects. In addition, it Signed informed consent was obtained from the study participants prior
has a suitable pharmacokinetic profile with a rapid absorption, to any study-related activities. Both studies were conducted at the First
in Human unit of CTC Clinical Trial Consultants AB, Uppsala, Sweden.
linear dose-dependent exposure, and an almost complete bio-
availability. In the next step, ACD856 has been evaluated in a Competing interests BN, KÖ, and MS are employees of AlzeCure Pharma
multiple ascending dose study to evaluate the safety, PK, and AB. MR and MMH are paid consultants of AlzeCure Pharma AB. MR
pharmacodynamics of repeated doses in healthy subjects [33]. represents AlzeCure Pharma AB as a medical expert on multiple safety
review committees. ER-H and JB are employees of CTC Clinical Trial
Consultants AB, a contract service provider for AlzeCure Pharma AB.
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at https://d​ oi.o​ rg/1​ 0.1​ 007/s​ 00228-0​ 24-0​ 3645-1.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the study participants at bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
the clinical Phase I unit in Uppsala, Sweden. We also gratefully acknowl- tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
edge the principal investigator responsible for the microdose i.v. study as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
Dr Folke Sjögren, sub-investigators, study coordinators, and the team provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
at the contract research organization CTC Clinical Trial Consultants were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
AB for their support with the studies. Dr An van Es Johansson, former included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
Chief Medical Officer and Head of Development at AlzeCure Pharma otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
AB, is gratefully acknowledged for her contributions in overseeing the the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
microdose study and the design and initiation of the SAD study. Drs permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
Johan Sandin and Pontus Forsell at AlzeCure Pharma AB are gratefully need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
acknowledged for their contributions to the discussion. The solution for copy of this licence, visit
injection was manufactured, packaged, labelled, and released by Rechon
Life Science AB, Limhamn, Sweden, and the oral solution was supplied
by RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB, Södertälje, Sweden. We
want to thank Lablytica Life Science AB for the analysis of ACD856 in References
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