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Maines Jubilee Cooking - Generations of Good Eating - Loana Shibles

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Generations of Good Eating

Published for Maine’s Sesquicentennial

Published By

Down East Books

Camden/Maine 04843


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Copyright © 1969 by Courier-Gazette, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Eighteenth printing DE8

International Standard Book Number: 0-89272-096-4

The Foods of the State of Maine

The history of food and. the development of dishes peculiar

to the State of Maine is a long and interesting one. It has all
developed from the plain, down to earth “Mainer’s” interest in
filling his belly with whatever was at hand.
From the beginning the native was able to take the bounty
of nature, add a little seasoning and common sense and come
up with food fit for the Gods. The earliest settlements of this
country were started on our coast and it stands to reason that
our ancestors use of the wild foods were the first to be eaten
on these shores. Add to this the teaching of our Maine Indians
and you find that the origins of some of our dishes and cooking
methods go back for centuries. Our cooks have shown a great
deal of ingenuity in developing a whole heritage of good eating.
The history of food is tied to the sea as the first settle-
ments were along the bays, inlets and islands along our coast.
The first evidence of food that we have is attested to by the
enormous oyster shell heaps along some of our tidal rivers.
These tasty shellfish, long since disappeared from our shores,
and the clams that are with us still, were consumed by the
millions by the ancestors of the Indians who greeted the first
visitors to these shores. Our modern day clambake originated
from their methods of cooking these shellfish. An open fire
was built and allowed to burn down to live coals over which
was placed a layer of wet seaweed. The shellfish were placed
on this and cuvered with another layer of wet seaweed and
the whole thing was allowed to steam away until done.
The Indians also fished with spears and used brush weirs to
trap schooling fish in the shallows along the coast. They
passed on a great deal of skill and experience in harvesting
the sea to our early colonists.
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Clara’s Fried Lobster

Meat from a | pound lobster 3 tablespoons of butter or oleo

for each person for each serving
Y4 cup (or more) of cream

Cut the cooked lobster meat in small pieces, about | inch

cubes. Melt the butter in frying pan, add the lobster pieces. Cook
over medium heat, stirring constantly and adding more fat if neces-
sary. Cook until all meat becomes pink. Add 4 cup of cream at
a time and as cream is absorbed, add more, simmering until a little
cream remains.
Serve with baked potatoes, asparagus, and green salad. You
will have a meal worthy of royalty.
Submitted by Margaret F. Stevens, Old Town, Maine

Baked Spanish Lobster

5 tablespoons butter Ys teaspoon pepper

1 cup bread crumbs Y2 teaspoon Accent
'’2 cup ground pecans /s teaspoon thyme
2 small onions, minced ¥Y2 cup cooked mushrooms
2 hard cooked egg yolks | teaspoon lemon juice
2 sprigs parsley, minced 2 cups lobster meat
'4 teaspoon salt

Melt butter, add crumbs and fry to a golden brown; saving

some crumbs for top. Mix together the nuts, onion, egg yolks,
parsley, salt, pepper, Accent, thyme and mushrooms. Add to the fried
crumbs. Mix well and cook over low flame 5 minutes. Spread in
greased casserole, cover with lobster and sprinkle with the lemon
juice. Cover with the following sauce:

6 tablespoons butter Y4 teaspoon Accent

3 tablespoons flour Dash pepper
12 cups scalded milk 3 tablespoons sherry
'2 teaspoon salt

Melt butter, add flour, blend well. Add milk slowly. Cook until
smooth and thickened, stirring constantly. Add salt, Accent, pepper
and sherry. Pour over lobster, sprinkle thickly with remaining
buttered crumbs and bake in hot oven 450 degrees for 10 minutes
or until crumbs are nicely browned.
Submitted by Mrs. Gavin H. Watson, East Sullivan, Maine

Deviled Lobster

1 cup thin cream Salt— paprika

— Accent
2 tablespoons butter 4 slices bread, cubed (crust
2 tablespoons flour removed)
Y2 cup milk 3. pounds lobster in shell
2 teaspoon dry mustard

Cook lobster, remove from shell and cut in bite-size pieces.

Make the white sauce with the cream, milk, butter and flour. Add
the mustard and seasonings. Mix lobster and crumbs together in a
buttered baking dish. Pour the white sauce over lobster and sprinkle
with buttered crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes.
Submitted by Charlotte Lancaster, Dover-Foxcroft, Maine

Lobster Casserole

14% cups lobster meat 1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 cup soft bread crumbs 2 tablespoons melted butter
| egg, well beaten 114 teaspoons salt
1 cup milk

Mix all ingredients together. Place in a greased casserole and bake

for one hour at 325 degrees.
Submitted by Mrs. Ivy Chatto, Rockland, Maine

Lobster Newburg

2 cups cubed lobster meat Y2 cup thin cream

2 tablespoons butter Ya teaspoon salt
¥Y2 cup sherry Pepper and nutmeg to taste
2 tablespoons brandy 6 slices of toast
3 egg yolks, slightly beaten

Cook lobster in butter 3 minutes, add liquors and cook 1

minute longer. Mix egg yolks and cream, add to lobster and cook
just until thick, stirring constantly. The sauce will curdle if over-
cooked. Remove from fire, season with salt and pepper. Add nut-
meg if desired. Serve at once on toast, saltines or in patty shells.
Approximate yield — 6 servings.
Submitted by Mrs. Doris W. Pratt, Castine, Maine

Shrimp Exotica

12 pounds of de-veined, 1 clove garlic, crushed or

cooked shrimp minced
1 No. 2 can sliced pineapple, 1 medium-sized green pepper,
drained (reserve syrup) cut in strips
2 cups water ~ 2 tablespoons of chopped pre-
1 cup long-grain rice served or crystallized ginger
3 chicken bouillon cubes 2 teaspoons soy sauce
Y%4 cup cooking oil 2 teaspoons curry powder
142 cups cubed cooked ham ' teaspoon salt
Y4 cup chopped onion

Reserve 5 or 6 whole shrimp for garnish. Cut remaining shrimp

into pieces. Set aside. Cut 4 pineapple slices into pieces and set
Bring 2 cups of water to boil in a deep sauce pan. Add the
bouillon cubes, and when dissolved, add the rice gradually, so boil-
ing does not stop.
Cover pan tightly, reduce heat, and simmer 15 to 20 minutes
until rice kernel is soft when pressed between fingers.
Heat 4 cup cooking oil in a large skillet. Add ham, onion, and
garlic. Heat thoroughly, turning with a spoon.
Blend together 2/3 cup of the reserved pineapple juice, ginger,
soy sauce, curry powder and salt. Add this mixture and the green
pepper to the skillet. Heat thoroughly. Add rice, shrimp, and cut-up
pineapple: pieces. Toss until mixed. Heat well. Serve on a warm
platter. Garnish with the whole shrimp and pieces of pineapple.
Submitted by Doris Emery, Eastport, Maine

Curried Shrimp Creole

2 pounds cleaned and peeled 2 large green peppers, diced

shrimp 12 teaspoons of Worcestershire
¥%4 pound butter sauce
3 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons curry powder
1 quart canned whole (more if you like it hot)
tomatoes Season with salt and pepper
2 large onions, diced

In a saucepaii saute the onions and peppers until onions turn

yellow. Add flour to make a paste. Add tomatoes, reserving liquid
to thin. Add shrimp and curry powder. Simmer 30-35 minutes.
Serve with Chutney on or with rice and a tossed salad.
Submitted by Mr. David Heilner, Dover, Mass.

Shrimp Chowder
4 pound salt pork 2 cups milk
1 small onion 2 cups shrimp
3 medium-sized potatoes Butter the size of a walnut
¥Y4 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper
Fry the salt pork in a kettle, add the onion, cut in small pieces.
Cook until the onion is soft. Add the potatoes, cut in cubes or
sliced. Add salt. Cover with water and cook until potatoes are
done when tested with a fork. Add the milk, shrimp, butter and
pepper. Simmer gently for 5 to 10 minutes and serve hot. Fresh or
frozen shrimp may be used.
Submitted by Mrs. Jennie B. Teel, Port Clyde, Maine

Shrimp Pie

1 can shrimp, cut up 2 tablespoons flour

| heaping cup peas 2 cups milk
1 cup cold diced baked Salt and pepper to taste
potato 1 tablespoon prepared mustard
2 tablespoons of butter Bread crumbs
Make a white sauce with the butter, flour and milk. Season to
taste and add a tablespoon of prepared mustard. Arrange the
shrimp, peas, and potato in layers in a buttered casserole with
white sauce and bread crumbs on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 2
Submitted by Mrs. Eva MacDougal, Bowdoinham, Maine

Shrimp Creole

2 cans shrimp, drained Ys cup Wesson oil

2 cups raw white rice 4 teaspoons of salt
2 cups diced onions ' 5 cups canned tomatoes
2 cups diced celery 2 tablespoons flour
1 1/3 cups minced green 3 tablespoons water
pepper Dash pepper
Boil the rice in salted water until tender (about 20 minutes).
Drain and keep hot. Meanwhile, cook celery, onion and green pepper
in Wesson oil in a skillet over low heat for 15 minutes, or until
tender. Stir occasionally. Add salt, pepper and tomatoes. Make a
smooth paste of flour and water. Add to the sauce. Cook 5 minutes
longer, stirring constantly. Add shrimp. Heat to boiling. Serve on
rice. Serves 12.
Submitted by Mrs. O. S. Allen, Rockland, Maine

Shrimp and Scallops Gruyere
%4 cup plus 2 tablespoons Y4 teaspoon Accent
butter Y4 teaspoon dry mustard
% cup flour 2 teaspoons plus | teaspoon
3 cups milk lemon juice
12 ounces Swiss Gruyere ~ | pound raw scallops
cheese ’2 pound mushrooms, sliced
Y4 teaspoon garlic powder 1 pound cooked, cleaned
3 teaspoons plus 2 teaspoon shrimp
salt 2 tablespoons diced green
¥4 teaspoon pepper pepper
Make a white sauce with the 34 cup butter, 34 cup flour and
the 3 cups of milk, in top of double boiler. Cut the cheese in pieces
and add to sauce, stirring until melted. Mix together garlic powder,
3 teaspoons salt, pepper, Accent, dry mustard and 2 teaspoons
lemon juice. Add to the white sauce.
Poach the scallops for about ten minutes in water to cover and
to which has been added the | teaspoon lemon juice and 2 teaspoon
salt. Add '2 cup of this broth (scallops have been cooked in) to
the white sauce.
Saute the mushrooms in the 2 tablespoons of butter and add to
the white sauce. Drain the scallops and add with the shrimp to the
sauce. Heat for 15 minutes. Garnish the top with the green pepper
which has been sauted in a little butter.
Serve with rice or in baked frozen patty shells. Wilted cucumbers
make a fresh tasting accompaniment.
Submitted by Mrs. Kermit K. Bailey, Caribou, Maine

Shrimp Noodle Casserole

1 can frozen shrimp soup 'Y4 cup dry sherry or cooking

1 (6 oz.) can evaporated milk wine
2 cup shredded cheddar 1 can shrimp, drained
cheese 4 ounces medium noodles,
1/3 cup mayonnaise cooked and drained
Y4 teaspoon salt '2 cup crushed potato chips
Combine soup and evaporated milk. Heat to the boiling point.
Remove from heat. Add cheese, mayonnaise and salt. Blend in the
wine. Add shrimp and cooked noodles. Put in a casserole and bake
uncovered for 25 minutes, at 350 degrees. Put crushed potato
chips on top and cook for 10 minutes longer.
Submitted by Mrs. Percy Van Note, Saint George, Maine
Baked Cheese-Shrimp Custard
7 slices of bread Y4 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons of softened Ya teaspoon paprika
butter or margarine 2% cups of bottled milk
2 pound American cheese or
2 cans shrimp or | pound 14% cups evaporated milk and
fresh shrimp 144 cups water
3 eggs, well beaten
Remove crusts from bread; spread bread with butter and cut
into 1 inch squares. Cut cheese into thin slices. De-vein the shrimp.
Alternate layers of bread, shrimp and cheese in a greased 2
quart casserole. Combine the beaten eggs, salt, paprika and milk.
Pour over the mixture in the casserole. Bake in a 350 degree oven
for 1 hour or until silver knife inserted in center comes out clean.
Serves 4 to 5.
Submitted by Mrs. Ada B. Bates, Orono, Maine

Scallop and Shrimp Casserole

1 pint scallops, sliced in halves 1 teaspoon salt
1 cup of large raw shrimp 4 teaspoon pepper
3 cups soft bread crumbs 1 tablespoon celery seeds
Y2 cup butter, melted | cup cream
Arrange in a greased 11 x 7 baking dish, the scallops and
shrimp, mixed. Pour over the mixture 2 cup of cream. Combine
and sprinkle over scallop-shrimp mixture, the bread crumbs, butter,
salt, pepper and celery seeds. Pour over this,the rest of the cream
(it should come %4 of way up on scallop-shrimp mixture). Bake
at 375 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes. Sprinkle with paprika.
Submitted by T, Niedermann, NE-9, Cushing, Maine

James Pease’s Method of Cooking Shrimp

| pound shrimp
| biscuit tin
Remove the heads from about | pound of shrimp and place on a
biscuit tin. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Place the shrimp in the
hot oven and cook for 4 minutes. Remove from the shell.
Frozen shrimp may be used, just let thaw and cook the same
way. Dump the frozen shrimp out on the biscuit tin to thaw.
Fresh shrimp can be cooked this way without the shell, but
shrimp are much firmer and brighter colored especially if cooked in
the shell.
Submitted by James Pease, St. George, Maine

Sweet and Sour Shrimp

1 pound fresh shrimp (raw) 1 cup pineapple juice and

1 cup rice, uncooked Z vinegar
3 tablespoons cooking oil 1 cup water
1 small can sliced pineapple | cup sugar
Y4 green pepper, sliced Y2 teaspoon salt
! onion, sliced 2 tablespoons cornstarch
¥Y2 cup diced celery 1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tomato, cut in junks 3 tablespoons cooking oil


1 egg 4 tablespoons flour

| tablespoon water 1 teaspoon baking powder

I use my stainless steel double boiler to make this recipe.

Cook the rice in the bottom of the double boiler. Put 3 tablespoons
of oil in the top of double boiler over low heat. Drain the can of
pineapple slices, save the juice in a cup and fill with vinegar to use
later. Dredge the pineapple slices in flour and brown lightly in the
oil in top of double boiler. Cut the pineapple slices in inch size
pieces and add the green pepper, onion, celery and tomato. Add
the cup of pineapple juice and vinegar to the vegetables. Add the |
cup of water also and turn up the heat a little higher.
Mix together the sugar, salt, cornstarch, and soy sauce in a bowl
with enough water to make a paste. Add this paste to the vegetables,
stirring constantly. When thick, remove from heat and set top of
double boiler over the rice in the bottom of double boiler. Keep
Put 3 tablespoons of oil in frying pan to fry shrimps. Mix the
ingredients for the batter in a bowl. Stir and beat with a fork. Dip
shrimps into the batter a few at a time, and fry a few at a time.
Add the fried shrimp to the vegetable mixture in top of double
boiler. Stir and mix well. Serve on the rice.
Rice can be placed in a casserole dish and vegetable mixture
poured over it, for serving. Soy sauce goes well with this dish.
Submitted by Mrs. Athleen Pease, St. George, Maine

Shrimp Espanol
| tablespoon of green bell Ys teaspoon cracked bay leaf
peppers (fresh or dried) Ye teaspoon garlic powder
| teaspoon onion powder 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
2 tablespoons of water Y4 teaspoon oregano
3 tablespoons cooking oil 2 teaspoons of Mei Yen
2 cups cooked or canned seasoning (optional)
tomatoes 2 pounds of cleaned, cooked
1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauce shrimp
¥4 teaspoon celery seed '
Crush the peppers. Mix with onion powder in the 2 tablespoons
of water to rehydrate. Saute for 3 or 4 minutes in the oil. Add
tomatoes and tomato sauce, celery seed, bay leaf and garlic powder.
Crush oregano and stir into sauce with parsley and Mei Yen.
Simmer over very low heat for about two hours. Just before serving
add the shrimp. Heat thoroughly. Can be served over rice.
Submitted by Margaret Graves Salameda, Los Altos, California

Scalloped Scallops
| pint of scallops 'Y2 cup soft bread crumbs
2 cup butter 2/3 cup cream or top milk
1 cup cracker crumbs Salt and pepper to taste

Wash and pick over scallops. Melt butter and add the crumbs.
Mix well. Put a layer of crumbs in buttered baking dish, add half
of the scallops, half of the cream, salt and pepper. Repeat, and
cover with buttered crumbs. Bake in a 350 degree oven until crumbs
are brown, about 25 minutes. Serves 4 to 6.
Submitted by Mrs. Louise Griffee, Millinocket, Maine

Baked Scallops
| pound of scallops Flour
2 eggs, beaten Milk

Dip the scallops in the beaten egg, roll in flour and re-dip in
egg. Bake in a foil-lined pan in a small amount of milk, in a 400
degree oven for 15 minutes. Serves 3.
Submitted by Mrs. Irving L. Dunton, Jr., Salisbury Cove, Maine

Along about the fifteenth and sixteenth cen-
turies, the countries of northern Europe and
Portugal had fishing fleets off our coast.
They set up factory settlements on the off-
shore islands for salting the fish they caught
and at the end of the season would depart
for home with a fine cargo in the holds of
their ships. Most of these fish were probably
slack-salted and some of it may have been
dried. The reports that these early fisherman
brought home must have had a lot to do with
arousing the interest of these countries in
settling and exploiting these shores. Early
explorers waxed eloquent on the beauty and
plenty that existed along the coast.
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Scalloped Scallops
1 pint scallops 4 tablespoons flour
1 cup mushrooms (chopped) 1 cup cream
1 onion (chopped) ¥Y2 cup scallop liquid
4 tablespoons butter
Parboil scallops, drain (save % cup of the liquid) and cut
scallops in slices. Melt the 4 tablespoons of butter. Add the onion
and mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes. Add the liquids, cream
and scallop liquid. Add the flour (in paste). Cook until thick.
Place scallops and creamed mixture in a buttered baking dish. Cover
with butter and crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees until crumbs are brown,
about 30 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Otis A. Ward, Bar Harbor, Maine

Mussel Stew

4 doz. mussels, steamed Pepper to taste

1 cup broth 1 tbsp. butter
1 qt. milk 1 tbsp. chopped parsley
Salt to taste

Steam the mussels, shell out. Add the mussels to the cup of broth
which has been thoroughly strained. Add the milk, salt and pepper,
and butter. Bring to the boiling point. Sprinkle with parsley and
serve immediately.
Submitted by Mrs. Wallace Lindquist, Camden, Maine

Oyster Soup
| quart oysters 2 tablespoons flour
| quart cold water | teaspoon salt
1 quart milk Y4 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons butter

Place the oysters in strainer and drain away the liquid. Pick
over to remove shells. Pour the cold water over them. Bring the
milk to scalding point, thicken with the flour and butter blended.
Add the oysters and water, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and
serve at once. Do not allow soup to boil, or the oysters will become
Submitted by Mrs. Ella Gray, Hampden Highlands, Maine

Oyster Soup
2 quarts oysters | cup hot water
1 quart milk Salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons butter
Strain all of the liquid from the oysters. Add the hot water
to liquid from the oysters and heat. When nearly to boil, add the
seasonings, then the oysters. Cook about 5 minutes (do not boil)
until they “ruffle.” Stir in the butter, cook one minute and pour
into the tureen or serving dish. Heat the milk to boiling and stir
into the oysters. Serve at once.
Submitted by Mrs. Ada M. Spencer, Bradley, Maine

Scalloped Oysters
| pint oysters, very little 1¥2 cups oyster crackers or
liquid your favorite cracker
1 can mushroom soup (undi- 44 |b. butter (can use half
luted) margarine)
Heat mushroom soup, melt butter. Line casserole dish with
crumbs, then layer of oysters, add pepper (no salt as soup is salty)
then layer of soup, then repeat. Add a layer of crumbs over top.
Bake at 425 degrees for 35 minutes. Never have more than two layers.
Submitted by Hester Pullen, North Anson, Maine

Oyster Toast
| quart oysters | tablespoon butter (heaping)
Salt and pepper Buttered toast
Place oysters in a saucepan in their own liquid. Bring to boil-
ing and cook three or four minutes. Add seasonings to taste and
the butter. Serve on buttered toast.
Submitted by Mrs. Ann Watkins, Casco, Maine

Casino Oysters
1 pint oysters 1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 cup minced green pepper Pepper
2 cup cooked bacon, minced
Drain the oysters, arrange on a greased oven-proof platter.
Sprinkle with the green pepper, bacon and lemon juice. Bake in a
hot 450 degree oven for 10 to 15 minutes. Serve hot.
Submitted by Mrs. Elizabeth Shyne, Rockland, Maine

Clam Souffle

2 cups milk ¥Y4 cup minced onion

2 cups cracker crumbs Salt and pepper to taste
2 cans minced clams (juice 4 eggs beaten

Pour milk over the crackers and let set for % hour. Add the
remaining ingredients, folding in the eggs last. Pour into a greased
baking dish and bake in a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes or until
knife comes out clean. This recipe is easy to cut in half for the
smaller family. Very good.
Submitted by Mrs. Evelyn Lucas, Morrill, Maine

Clam Chowder With Dumplings

| pint shucked clams (raw) 2 cups flour
6 potatoes, sliced 2 teaspoons baking powder
1 medium onion, chopped Y2 teaspoon salt
Salt and pepper to taste Ya teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons pork fat Water enough to mix dough
Ya can evaporated milk thoroughly
Cook clams, potatoes, onion and seasonings with water to cover
in a kettle until partly done. Mix flour, baking powder, salt, sugar
and water to make the dumpling dough, then spoon dough by
spoonfuls into the clam chowder. Cover and cook 10 minutes. Add
the milk and pork fat and some butter if you wish. Set on low heat
until ready to serve. Makes about 6 servings.
Submitted by Mrs. lola E. Beal, Stonington, Maine

Fried Clam Cakes

1 pint clams 1 teaspoon salt

or Y4 cup clam liquid
2 cans minced clams | heaping cup flour
1 egg 1 rounded teaspoon baking
Y, cup milk powder
Remove black sections from fresh clams and put through the
food chopper. Mix beaten egg, milk, salt, clam liquid and flour
to which baking powder has been added. Add to the clams and beat
well. Drop in deep fat or fry flat as pancakes, about 5 minutes.
Makes 12 puffs or cakes. Serve hot.
Submitted by Etta B. Beverage, North Haven, Maine

Clam Dip

’2 cup minced clams (save 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

Juice) | tablespoon clam juice
1 clove garlic or garlic powder 1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 packages cream cheese, 3 Y2 teaspoon salt
ounce size

Blend with electric mixer. Chill. Serve with saltines or potato

Submitted by Sharon Melia, Sangerville, Maine ‘

Clam Puffs

6 slices bread, cubed Dash Worcestershire sauce

142 cups grated American 1 tablespoon onion juice
cheese ; or
2 cups cooked clams (if large, 1 teaspoon onion powder
cut up) 2 drops Tobasco sauce
2 eggs, slightly beaten | teaspoon minced parsley
1 cup milk Salt and pepper to taste

In a 2 quart greased casserole, place half of the bread cubes,

a layer of grated cheese, all of the clams, the rest of the cheese,
and the bread cubes. Add salt and pepper.
Mix the eggs, milk, Worcestershire sauce, onion, Tobasco and
parsley flakes. Pour over the clam mixture in baking dish. Bake at
325 degrees for one hour. Will make 3 to 4 generous servings.
Submitted by Mrs. Ernest E. Haskell, Freeport, Maine

Clam Corn Casserole

1 can clams (7 ounce) | tablespoon minced onion

3 eggs, beaten 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento
1 cup cream style corn ¥2 teaspoon salt
Ya cup cracker crumbs Dash cayenne
1 tablespoon melted butter Milk

Drain liquid from clams in a cup and fill cup with milk. Combine
with beaten eggs. Add remaining ingredients and pour into a
greased casserole. Bake in a moderate oven, 375 degrees, until
firm, about 45 minutes. Serves 6.
Submitted by Mrs. Thomas G. Powell, Mechanic Falls, Maine
Clam Cakes

2 cups clams, chop, drain, 1 teaspoon salt

save juice Yg taspoon pepper
v2 cup rolled cracker crumbs 1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons flour 2 eggs, well beaten
| teaspoon baking powder ~ '% cup clam juice
Mix eggs and juice. Sift dry ingredients over crumbs, add clams
and mix well. Let set a few minutes. Add a little more juice if
needed. Drop by large spoonfuls into a fry pan of hot fat, does
not need to be deep fat. Cook until golden brown on both sides.
Submitted by Mrs. Shirley B. Hobbs, Alfred, Maine

Minced Clam Drops

Y2 package soda crackers (about 2 tablespoons milk

2 ounces) 'Y2 teaspoon milk
1 can minced clams '2 teaspoon baking powder
1 egg Salt and pepper to taste

Crumb crackers finely. Add clams. Beat egg and milk together
and add to the clams and crumbs. Add baking powder, salt and
pepper. Drop by spoonfuls into hot frying pan which has 2 cup of
oil or shortening melted in it. Turn and cook until nicely browned.
Submitted by Mrs. Richard Audet, Poland Spring, Maine

Codfish Balls

| cup mashed potatoes Yg teaspoon pepper

¥Y2 cup shredded codfish Egg and crumbs
| egg, beaten

Pick apart the codfish (this is the old-fashioned salt cod) and
freshen in cold water for a few minutes. Drain well. If the fish is
very salty and dry, it may be parboiled. Mix hot unseasoned potatoes
with codfish, add beaten egg and pepper. Beat well, shape and roll in
fine crumbs, dip in egg and more crumbs and fry in hot shortening.
Tiny individual codfish balls may be fried and served on tooth-
picks for before-dinner appetizers.
Submitted by Mrs. Clarence W. Spiller, Bridgton, Maine

Crabmeat Cobbler

cup shortening 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

cup chopped green pepper 1 can crabmeat
cup chopped onion 142 cups drained tomatoes
cup flour (canned)
teaspoon dry mustard 2 teaspoons Worcestershire
Va) teaspoon Accent sauce
| cup milk '2 teaspoon salt


1 cup flour Y4 cup shredded cheese

2 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons shortening
Ya teaspoon salt Y2 cup milk

Melt the 2 cup shortening, add the green pepper and onion.
Cook until tender, about 10 minutes. Blend in the 2 cup flour,
mustard, Accent, milk and cheese. Cook stirring constantly until
cheese melts and mixture is very thick. Add crabmeat, tomatoes,
sauce and salt. Blend well and pour into a 2 quart casserole. Cover
with biscuit topping. Sift together the | cup of flour, baking powder,
and salt. Add cheese, cut in the shortening until mixture resembles
coarse meal. Add milk and mix only until flour is dampened. Drop
by rounded teaspoons on top of crabmeat mixture in casserole.
Bake in a 450 degree oven 15 to 20 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Winfield L. Chatto, Rockland, Maine

Crabmeat Rolls

1 cup sharp cheese 2 teaspoons chopped green

1 cup or | can crabmeat pepper
3 hard-cooked eggs 2 teaspoons chopped stuffed
2 teaspoons chopped onion olives
2 teaspoons chopped sweet '%2 cup mayonnaise
pickle 12 hot dog rolls

Mix ingredients, fill rolls and wrap in foil. Can be stored in

refrigerator. Bake in 350 degree oven 25 to 30 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Virgil Dorr, Otter Creek, Maine

Baked Flounder

1 3-pound flounder ¥Y2 tablespoon flour

1 large onion 12 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon butter Y2 cup strained tomato juice
Bay leaf 4 teaspoon salt
Thyme - | teaspoon lemon juice
Salt 1 egg yolk
Pepper | teaspoon prepared mustard
1 cup milk
Wash the fish and place on a platter on rack to drain. In a bak-
ing pan place the finely chopped onion, the tablespoon of butter cut
in small pieces, the bay leaf and sprig of thyme. Rub the fish
with salt and black pepper and place it in the baking pan. Pour
over it a half cup of hot water. Cover the pan and bake. When the
water begins to boil, turn the fish very carefully so as not to break
it and jet the other side cook. When done, remove the fish carefully
to the dish in which you plan to serve it. Cover with a sauce
made as follows: In a double boiler, melt the 12 tablespoons of
butter. Blend in the flour and seasonings. Add the milk and tomato
juice. Cook until thick, then pour on the beaten egg yolk (while
the sauce is still hot). Add the lemon juice and pour over the fish.
Serve all very hot. (Lukewarm fish is dreadful.)
Submitted by Mrs. Leola Peaslee, North Edgecomb, Maine
Salmon-Rice Casserole

Y4 cup butter or margarine 1 (l-pound can) salmon

'Y2 cup chopped celery (drained, boned, flaked)
2 tablespoons chopped onion %2 cup processed American
2 tablespoons flour cheese, coarsely shredded
| teaspoon salt 1/3 ounce can mushrooms,
Yy teaspoon pepper drained
2 cups milk Y4 cup chopped parsley
2 cups cooked rice (optional)

Melt butter over low heat. Add celery and onion and cook
slowly until tender. Blend in flour and seasonings. Add milk,
stirring constantly; cook until sauce is smooth and thickened. Blend
sauce with remaining ingredients. Pour into buttered two-quart
casserole. Bake in slow oven 300 degrees until heated through, 25
to 30 minutes. Makes 6 servings.
Very good served with a green vegetable, fruit salad and but-
tered rolls.
Submitted by Ruby E. Johnson, Lubec, Maine

Salmon Curry

| pound can salmon 'Y4 teaspoon ginger

'’4 cup chopped onion Dash pepper
3 tablespoons butter 2 cups salmon liquid and
3 tablespoons flour milk
1’ teaspoons curry powder 3 cups cooked rice
2 teaspoon salt

Drain salmon, reserving liquid. Break salmon into large pieces.

Cook onion in butter until tender. Blend in flour and seasonings.
Add salmon liquid gradually and cook until thick, stirring constantly.
Add salmon, heat. Serve over rice. Tuna fish (packed in water)
may be substituted for salmon.
Submitted by Mrs. Betty Pelletier, Old Town, Maine

Stuffed Salmon Slices

'2 inch slices of salmon Slices of salt fat pork

needed for meal Flour, salt and pepper


1 cup bread crumbs ¥Yg tsp. pepper

¥4 cup melted fat | tsp. lemon juice
Y4 tsp. salt Y4 cup water
Ye tsp. celery salt

Mix stuffing ingredients in order given. If a dry filling is desired,

omit water.
Arrange half the number of slices in a baking pan on thin slices
or strips of salt fat pork. Cover with the stuffing mix, cover with
remaining slices of salmon. Sprinkle with flour, salt and pepper.
Surround with leftover boiled potatoes, cut into fourths lengthwise.
Arrange strips of salt fat pork on top and bake in a moderately
hot oven about 30 minutes or until done. Garnish with lemon and
Submitted by Mrs. Mae Hatch, Howland, Maine

Mixed Shellfish au Gratin

Y2 cup butter 2 teaspoons Worcestershire Sauce

Y2 cup flour Y2 pound diced lobster
1 quart milk, scalded Y2 pound crabmeat
Y2 teaspoon salt ¥Y2 pound shrimp
Y2 teaspoon dry mustard ' '% pound scallops (diced)
¥Y2 cup sherry Y2 cup grated cheese
| teaspoon monosodium Cracker meal
glutamate Paprika

Combine flour and butter. Brown over low heat, stirring con-
stantly. Add the quart of scalded milk and let come to a complete
boil. Stir until smooth. Add the seasonings and the wine. Arrange the
shellfish in a casserole or individual shells and cover with the sauce.
Sprinkle with grated cheese, cracker meal and paprika. Brown lightly
in 400 degree oven for 15 minutes. Serves 8. This is one of my
favorite seafoods dishes. I have used it for luncheons many times.
Submitted by Mrs. Albert Levenseler, Rockland, Maine

Gravy Fish

2 pounds haddock, ready to 2 tablespoons flour

cook Ys teaspoon paprika
| teaspoon salt '4 teaspoon salt (more to suit
1 tablespoon vinegar or lemon taste)
juice 2 cups whole milk
2 tablespoons butter | egg, beaten
1 tablespoon finely chopped ¥Y4 cup mild cheese, grated fine

Place haddock in a cheesecloth bag. Place in a kettle and just

cover with hot water. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and the vinegar
(or lemon juice). Simmer fish very gently about 25 minutes. Re-
move fish to serving dish and carefully flake, removing bones and
skin. To prepare the sauce, melt butter in saucepan, add onion,
cook over low heat until tender. Stir in flour, paprika, salt, and
slowly add the milk.
Stirring constantly, bring to a boil over medium heat. When it boils,
remove from heat, add the beaten egg. Return to heat for 2 minutes.
Remove and add the grated cheese. Stir to dissolve cheese and
gently fold in the fish.
Submitted by Mrs. Mary Sprowl, Liberty, Maine

Seafood Thermidor

1 can sliced mushrooms Y4 cup milk

(4 ounces) '2 teaspoon dry mustard
1 tablespoon butter or margarine Dash cayenne pepper
1 cup diced cooked lobster Grated Parmesan cheese
1 can frozen, condensed, cream Paprika
of shrimp soup (10 ounces)

Brown the mushrooms in butter, add the lobster, cook a few

minutes. Stir in the soup, milk, mustard, and cayenne. Heat slowly.
Stir often until soup is thawed. Spoon the lobster mixture into 3
individual baking dishes. Sprinkle the top with Parmesan cheese and
paprika. Bake in a 400 degree oven until nicely browned, about
15 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Sara C. Wilsan, Rockland, Maine

Fish Salad

4 cups cooked haddock, flaked '%4 cup chili sauce

1 cup chopped celery 2 tbsp. grated onion
Y4 cup chopped green pepper '2 tsp. white pepper
¥4 cup chopped sour pickle 1 tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
(pressed dry) 2 tsp. paprika
1/3 cup salad oil 1 tbsp. parsley
Y%4 cup lemon juice

Toss together the haddock, celery, green pepper and sour pickle.
Combine the remaining ingredients for the dressing. Add to the salad.
Chill thoroughly. When serving, garnish with egg slices and olives.
Submitted by Mrs, Eleanor Clark, Thomaston, Maine

Baked Haddock

2 pounds haddock fillets 1 egg, beaten

Butter 2 cup cracker crumbs
1 grated onion or onion | can frozen shrimp soup

Place fillets in a greased baking dish, dot with butter. Mix the
remaining ingredients and add to the fish. Bake at 400 degrees for
about one hour. This is delicious.
Submitted by Mrs. Raymond Rice, Stonington, Maine

Fish Shanty Fish Loaf
2 cups cooked, flaked fish | tbsp. minced pimiento
(preferably haddock) | tbsp. finely chopped green
12 cups soft bread crumbs pepper
2 tsp. baking powder 1 cup milk
2/3 cup finely chopped celery~ | tbsp. lemon juice
1/3 cup finely minced onion Salt and pepper

Mix all ingredients lightly. Pour into a buttered bread tin. Bake
at 350 degrees for | hour. Serve with desired sauce, such as a
butter sauce with capers added. Frozen shrimp soup heated, undiluted,
makes an excellent sauce; or your own favorite cream sauce for a
fish loaf. Serves 6.
Submitted by Miss Dorothy Chandler, North Anson, Maine

Baked Fish, Cheese Dressing

Haddock fillets (number required '4 cup soft bread crumbs

for the meal) 'Y2 cup grated cheese
| small onion ¥4 cup milk
4 tbsp. butter Salt and pepper

Arrange the pieces of fish in a buttered baking dish. Slice the

onion and saute in the butter (do not burn) until tender. Add the
bread crumbs, grated cheese and seasoning. Toss lightly with a fork
until well browned. Spread over the fish. Pour the milk around
the fish and bake for 30 minutes in a 350 degree oven.
Submitted by Cora M. Dorney, Belfast, Maine

Fish Turbot

3 to 4 pounds of haddock 2 cups milk

4 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon grated onion
4 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon pimiento
] teaspoon salt Bread crumbs
Boil haddock in salted water until it flakes. Make a thick white
sauce with the butter, flour, salt and milk. Add the grated onion
and pimiento, cut in small pieces. In a buttered casserole put
flaked fish and white sauce in alternate layers, having sauce on
top. Cover with bread crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees 45 minutes.
Serve hot.
Submitted by Mrs. Lillian Reed, Northeast Harbor, Maine

Maine Chowder

1 medium onion, chopped 2 cups water

4 pound salt pork, sliced thin | pound haddock
4 cups sliced potatoes 1 can whole kernel corn
| tsp. salt | can evaporated milk
Y4 tsp. black pepper
Fry salt pork until lightly browned, add onion and saute until
clear. Add potatoes, salt, pepper and water. Simmer for 15 minutes.
Add haddock and simmer 15 minutes longer or until fish and
potatoes are tender. Stir in the can of corn (do not drain) and the
can of milk. Heat to boiling. DO NOT BOIL. Serves 6.
Submitted by Mrs. Natalie Smith, Biddeford, Maine

Seafood Medley in Pattie Shells

3 tablespoons butter or 1% cups milk
margarine 2 cans frozen shrimp soup
1 small onion, chopped (10'%2 ounce each)
3 tablespoons flour 6 cups cooked fish and seafood,
1 teaspoon salt such as flounder, cod, shrimp,
Dash pepper crabmeat and lobster

Melt butter in a saucepan. Add onion and brown slightly.

Blend in the flour, salt and pepper. Gradually add the milk. Cook,
stirring constantly, until sauce thickens. Add shrimp soup and the
fish. Heat thoroughly. Add a little sherry if desired. Spoon into pattie
shells. Garnish with parsley. Makes 6 to 8 generous servings.
Submitted by Mrs. John Pearse, Hope, Maine

Baked Fish Sticks

12 pounds fresh fish sticks Y2 teaspoon salt

2 onions, thinly sliced Few grains pepper
3 tablespoons butter Top milk or thin cream
2 tablespoons flour

Butter a baking dish and scatter the thinly sliced onions in the
dish. Place the fish sticks on the onions. Sprinkle with the salt,
pepper and flour. Dot with butter. Add top milk or cream to nearly
cover the fish. Bake in a moderate oven, 350 degrees for 45 minutes,
or until fish flakes and onions are tender.
Submitted by Mildred “Brownie” Schrumpf, Orono, Maine

Hulled corn, or hominy as it was
called in the South, was a tasty staple
food first learned of from the Indians.
The technique of growing and har-
vesting Indian Maize, how to store it
and use it were a great help to the
early settlers. The corn was first
dried and the kernels rubbed from
the cob, then was slowly simmered
over a wood fire. During the sim-
mering, handfuls of the wood ash
were stirred in from time to time to
loosen and remove the hulls which
were skimmed from the top of the Vi
kettle until all were removed. The
resulting kernel had a white color
and was nut-like in texture and
flavor, could be stored for long
periods, and was useful in a variety
of ways. It might also be noted here
that hulled corn was very high in
food value as well as tasty.


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Fish Chowder

| quart fish Y4 cup butter

3 potatoes Salt and pepper to taste
2 onions, sliced thin Allspice and mace to taste
2 tablespoons of fresh pork, — 3 large crackers
chopped fine “4 gallon of milk
This recipe was taken from an 1880 cookbook and the only in-
structions for making the chowder are: Add enough water to cover
and boil until tender. Add 3 large crackers and “4 gallon of milk.
Bring to a boil and serve hot.
Submitted by Mrs. Robina Gaddis, Calais, Maine

Fish Souffle
| cup evaporated milk ¥Y2 pound raw haddock, ground
| tablespoon butter or oleo 1 cup bread crumbs
Salt and pepper to taste 2 egg whites beaten until stiff
Medium-sized onion, sliced
Saute the sliced onion in the butter until tender, add the
evaporated milk and bring to the boiling point. Add the salt and
pepper, bread crumbs, and haddock. Fold in the stiffly beaten egg
whites, pour into an ungreased | quart baking dish. Bake in a pan
of hot water at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, or until knife inserted
in center comes out clean. This souffle does not collapse as regular
ones do.
For the | cup (8 ounces) of evaporated milk, I use a small
(6 ounce) can and fill cup with 2 ounces of water.
This souffle is good cold with a tossed salad.
Submitted by Mrs. Elsa Kigel, Warren, Maine

Easy Tuna Fish Casserole

1 can tuna, chopped fine 4 or 5 cups cooked macaroni
¥4 cup canned peas 1¥2 cups milk
1 can cream of mushroom 1 small onion, chopped
soup ;
Add to the finely chopped tuna, the mushroom soup and the
milk. Mix well. Chop onion and add to the tuna mixture along
with the drained peas. Drain the cooked macaroni and rinse with cold
water. Stir the tuna mixture into the drained macaroni. Pour into a
casserole or baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Potato
chips or cracker crumbs may be spread on top before baking.
Submitted by Mrs. Judy Spearin, Gardiner, Maine

Hot Tuna Buns

Y4 pound American cheese 3 tablespoons chopped olives

(cubed) 2 tablespoons pickle relish
3 chopped hard-cooked eggs | tablespoon minced green pepper”
1 (7 oz.) can tuna, flaked 2 cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons minced onion 6 hamburger buns

Split and butter the hamburger buns. Combine the other in-
gredients with the mayonnaise, and use to fill the buns. Wrap each
filled bun separately in foil. These can be filled and refrigerated
until ready to serve. When ready to serve, preheat the oven to 400
degrees and bake the wrapped buns for IS minutes. Unwrap and
serve hot.
Submitted by Mrs. Laurence Farrar, Millinocket, Maine

Tuna Fish Scallop

142 cups uncooked macaroni | teaspoon chili powder

1 green pepper (chopped fine) 2 tablespoons cream
1 onion (chopped fine) 1 can chicken soup
1 tablespoon flour 1 can tuna fish
Dash of pepper 1 slice of cheese
1 cup milk
Cook the macaroni. Fry the onions and green pepper in a little
butter. Stir the flour and pepper into the cup of milk. Dissolve
the chili powder in the cream and add to the milk mixture. Place
a layer of macaroni in a baking dish. Add the other ingredients in
layers with the slice of cheese on top. Bake in a 350 degree oven
until golden brown, about 30 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs, Lorene Hackett, Fort Kent, Maine

Fish Casserole

¥2 pound scallops (chopped) 2 can evaporated milk

iA) pound haddock (in small Buttered bread crumbs
pieces) Pepper and salt
| can frozen shrimp soup

Combine all ingredients except bread crumbs. Place in a baking

dish. Top with buttered crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.
Serves 6.
Submitted by Mrs. Rena Perkins, Guilford, Maine

Batter For Fish Sticks
34 cup milk
1 teaspoon salt | heaping teaspoon baking powder
Squirt of lemon juice

Beat all ingredients together with mixer. Dip cut up fish in

this batter and cook in deep hot fat, until golden brown from
3 to 6 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Francina Pelletier, Calais, Maine


14% cups flour 1 cup milk

3 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs
% teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons melted butter

Sift flour with baking powder and salt. Beat eggs, add milk
and melted butter. Combine the two mixtures. Cook on a well-
greased griddle. Serve with syrup or honey.
Submitted by Mrs. Lee Pelletier, Limestone, Maine
White Flour Pancakes

2 cups white flour 1 egg, beaten

2 teaspoons baking powder 1 small can evaporated milk
1 teaspoon salt Cold water
2 tablespoons sugar
Sift dry ingredients. Beat egg, add milk and mix with dry
ingredients, stir well. Add enough cold water to make thin enough
to fry.
Submitted by Mrs. Estella Farnham, Vanceboro, Maine

Mashed Potato Pancakes

1 cup fresh mashed potato 1 cup flour .

2 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder
144 cups milk 4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons melted shortening 2 tablespoons sugar
Beat egg yolks, add potato, milk and shortening. Sift baking
powder, salt, and sugar with the flour. Combine the two mixtures
and add the beaten egg whites last. Fry on a hot griddle.
Submitted by Mrs. R. Fred Harmon, Caribou, Maine

Molasses Johnny Cake

1 cup flour 1 egg yolk, beaten

2% teaspoons baking powder 4 tablespoons melted butter
4 teaspoon salt Y4 cup molasses
4 teaspoon soda 3%4 cup sweet milk
'Y2 cup corn meal 1 egg white, beaten
4 tablespoons sugar
Mix together all the dry ingredients. Add the melted butter,
molasses and milk to the beaten egg yolk, and combine with
the dry mixture. Fold in egg white last. Pour into an 8 x 8 pan
and bake in a 425 degree oven for I5 to 20 minutes.
This is a recipe of my own making, as most of the recipes
have too much corn meal. I use this when I have home baked
beans. It goes over very good with my family.
Submitted by Mrs. Raymond Cota, Orono, Maine

Aunt Gertie’s Johnny Cake

1 cup corn meal 2 tablespoons molasses
1 cup flour %4 teaspoon salt
1% teaspoons baking soda 2 (scant) cups buttermilk
2 tablespoons sugar | tablespoon melted shortening
Combine the dry ingredients. Mix together the milk, molasses
and shortening. Add to the dry mixture. Pour into a greased
9 x 9 pan and bake at 400 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Bea Grant, Rockland, Maine

Spider Cake
2 eggs 1 teaspoon soda
2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt
1 cup corn meal 2 cups sour milk
1 cup oatmeal
Beat sugar and eggs thoroughly, add dry ingredients alternately
with sour milk. Melt 2 tablespoons shortening in spider and
pour into above mixture. Pour mixture into spider and cook for
5 minutes on top of the stove then in hot oven for 15 or
20 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Sylvia Poor Ellis, Wellesley, Mass.

Old-Fashioned Brown Bread
(100 Years Old)

4 slices stale bread or any 3 tablespoons flour

bread 1 teaspoon baking powder
¥4 cup sour milk _ 1 teaspoon soda
1/3 cup sugar Y2 teaspoon salt
¥Y4 cup molasses Raisins (optional)
Y2 cup cornmeal
Soak bread in combined milk, sugar, molasses and cornmeal.
Sift the flour, baking powder, soda and salt together. Combine the
two mixtures and put in greased mold or coffee can (1 pound).
Steam 3 hours. Add raisins to above mixture if desired.
Submitted by Melvina W. Johnson, Gorham, Maine

Brown Bread

142 cups sifted meal 1 cup molasses

1% cups rye flour 2 cups sour milk
12 cups white flour 1 cup sweet milk
142 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon soda, rounded
1 teaspoon ginger | tablespoon hot water
Sift together the first five ingredients, add the molasses and
stir well. Add the two milks and stir all together. Dissolve the soda
in the hot water and add last. Place this mixture in a double boiler
and boil four hours.
Submitted by Mrs. Gwendolyn G. Holt, Hanover, Maine

Evaporated Milk Brown Bread

1 cup molasses 3 teaspoons baking powder,
1 teaspoon soda heaping
1 cup graham flour I teaspoon salt
1% cups cornmeal 2% cups evaporated milk
12 cups rolled oats 22 cups water

Mix soda and molasses together. Mix flour, meal, oats, baking
powder and salt together. Add the molasses mixture. Mix the
milk and water together and add to the molasses flour mixture.
Steam 3 hours and bake | hour.
Submitted by Clif Lufkin, Glen Cove, Maine

Angel Biscuits
5 cups unsifted all purpose 1 teaspoon salt
flour | cup vegetable shortening
‘4 cup sugar | envelope dry yeast or | cake
2 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons warm water
| teaspoon soda 2 cups sour milk or buttermilk

Measure flour into cup by spoonfuls. Sift together the flour with
sugar, baking powder, soda and salt. Using pastry blender, blend in
vegetable shortening. Dissolve yeast cake or dry yeast in warm water
and let stand 5 minutes. Add this to sour or buttermilk and combine
with dry ingredients. Turn onto floured board, roll to desired thickness.
Cut into biscuits and dip into melted margarine. Fold over as Parker
House Rolls or place flat in greased pan. Bake at 450 degrees 12
minutes. 3 dozen regular size rolls. These can be frozen unbaked.
Submitted by Mrs. Ruth Lloyd, Lincoln, Maine

Mile High Biscuits

3 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon salt

4’ teaspoons baking powder 34 cup shortening
34 teaspoon cream tartar 1 egg
22 tablespoons sugar 1 cup milk

Sift the dry ingredients. Cut in the shortening until mixture

resembles corn meal. Beat egg and add milk. Mix in the dry
ingredients with a fork, until dough holds together. Turn on a
floured board, knead lightly and roll | inch thick. Cut with
biscuit cutter, put on a baking sheet. Preheat oven to 450 degrees
and bake biscuits 10 to 12 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Lucy Jackson, Rockland, Maine

Easy Biscuits
2 cups flour 5 tablespoons shortening
2 teaspoons cream tartar ¥2 teaspoon salt
| teaspoon soda 2/3 cup milk

Sift together dry ingredients, and cut in the shortening.

Stir in the milk. Roll out on a floured cloth or board to %
inch thick. Will make 8 or 10 biscuits. Bake in an 8 x 8 pan for
15 minutes in a 425 degree oven.
Submitted by Mrs. Wilfred Trafton, 12 Howard Street,
Presque Isle, Maine

Nice and Light Biscuits

2 cups flour White of | egg, beaten slightly

4 teaspoons baking powder | teaspoon cream tartar
Y2 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk
Sift flour, baking powder and salt, twice. Beat white of egg
just enough to mix in the cream tartar and add the cup of
milk. Add to the flour. Roll out on a floured board to %4
inch thickness. Bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Ferne Sanborn, Bangor, Maine
Buttermilk Biscuits

2 cups flour Butter, size of a walnut

| teaspoon soda (about 2 tablespoons)
| teaspoon baking powder 1 cup buttermilk
I teaspoon cream tartar
Sift together the dry ingredients and work in the butter.
Combine with the buttermilk. Roll out on a floured board to 2
inch thickness and cut size desired. Bake on a baking sheet for
15 minutes (or until done) at 450 degrees.
Submitted by Mrs. Pauline Timberlake, Turner, Maine

Corn Fritters
| egg 2 teaspoons baking powder
'Y2 cup milk Y2 teaspoon salt
2 cups canned corn Dash pepper
1’ cups flour | teaspoon melted shortening
Beat the egg, add milk, shortening and canned corn. Add the
dry ingredients sifted. Beat well. Drop by spoonfuls into hot
fat. Cook until golden brown. Takes about 3 minutes to fry with
frying temperature at 380 degrees. Makes about 16 fritters.
Serve hot with maple syrup.
Submitted by Mrs. Mildred Adams, Clinton, Maine

1 cup flour Y2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk 3 eggs
Beat the eggs, add salt, milk and flour. Beat with a rotary
beater until smooth. Pour into well greased deep muffin tin, or
oven ware-cups. Bake in a hot oven 425 degrees for 45 to 50
minutes, or until golden brown.
Submitted by Marion Eagerly, Sangerville, Maine

Corn Meal Slappers or Griddle Cakes
(no soda)

| pint corn meal 2 eggs

| teaspoon butter Boiling water (or milk)
| teaspoon salt Cold milk
I teaspoon sugar
Mix meal, butter, salt and sugar. Pour into this mixture
enough boiling water or milk to wet the meal. When cool,
add the eggs well beaten, and enough cold milk to make a
thin batter.
To cook griddle cakes, heat the griddle while you make the
cakes. If an iron griddle be used, put a piece of salt pork, two
inches square on a fork, and when griddle is hot enough for the
fat to sizzle, rub it all over with the pork. Just grease it, do not
leave little pools of fat on the edge to burn, and smoke the
cakes. Take up a tablespoon of the mixture and pour it from the
end of the spoon. The mixture should hiss or sizzle as it touches
the griddle. Put one in the center and six around the outside.
By the time you have put the 7th cake on, the first one will be
full of bubbles and ready to turn. When the 7th is turned, the
first one will have stopped puffing and be done. Wipe the
griddle with a dry cloth and grease again after each cooking.
Turn your griddle often, bringing each edge of it in turn over the
hottest part of the stove, that the cakes may cook evenly.
This recipe was taken from an 1883 cookbook.
Submitted by Mrs. Dorothy Thompson, Robbinston, Maine

Cinnamon Rolls

2 cups prepared biscuit mix 4 cup sugar

2/3 cup milk | teaspoon cinnamon
Soft butter to spread
Heat oven to 425 degrees. Grease 12 muffin cups. Stir together
with a fork the biscuit mix and the milk. Beat dough vigorously 20
strokes until stiff and slightly sticky. Dust bread board or cloth
lightly with flour. Roll dough around and knead gently 8 to 10 times.
With lightly floured rolling pin roll dough into a rectangle about
12 x 7 inches. Spread with soft butter and sprinkle with the cin-
namon sugar mixture. Beginning at the long side, tightly roll up the
dough. Seal by pinching the edges. Cut into 12 slices. Place in
greased muffin pan and bake 15 minutes or until brown, in a
425 degree oven.
Submitted by Rose Marie Salameda, Los Altos, Calif., 12 years old

Kernel Corn Bread
(Real nice and soft)

| cup all-purpose flour 2 eggs, well beaten

1 cup yellow cornmeal 1 cup milk
4 teaspoons baking powder 3 tablespoons melted margarine
| teaspoon salt 1 cup cream style corn
Y4 cup sugar
Sift flour with cornmeal, baking powder, salt and sugar. In
medium size bowl combine eggs, milk, melted margarine and corn.
molasses, egg and salt and add to flour mixture. Pour into well
greased pan. Cook at 475 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Orrin Clark, Rockport, Maine

Coffee Ring

| cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla

¥2 cup shortening | cup sour milk (sweet milk
2 eggs may be soured by adding |
2 cups flour tablespoon vinegar)
| teaspoon baking soda | cup walnut meats
| teaspoon baking powder ¥2 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoon salt | tablespoon cinnamon

Cream sugar and shortening. Add eggs and beat well. Sift flour
with soda, baking powder and salt. Add to the above mixture. Add
vanilla and sour milk. Mix together the nut meats, brown sugar and
cinnamon. In a circular ringed pan or angel tube pan, greased,
alternate batter and nut mixture. Start with batter and ending with
nuts. Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 45 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Julia Alpert, Winslow, Maine

Graham Cracker Muffins

1 cup graham cracker crumbs %4 teaspoon salt

1 cup milk 1/3 cup sugar
1 cup flour 2 teaspoons melted shortening
3 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg

Mix crumbs with the milk. Sift the flour with baking powder,
salt and sugar. Add to the milk mixture with the shortening
and unbeaten egg. Mix well and pour into greased muffin pans.
Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Gwen “Pinky” Church, Port Clyde, Maine

Ginger Muffins

cup margarine 2 teaspoon allspice

cup sugar | teaspoon cinnamon
eggs 2 teaspoons ginger
cup molasses '4 teaspoon salt
cup buttermilk > cup raisins
cups flour | cup walnut meats
SS teaspoons soda
Cream margarine, add sugar, eggs, one at a time; molasses and
buttermilk. Mix well. Add sifted dry ingredients, raisins and nuts.
Bake in greased muffin pans at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes.
This batter may be kept in the refrigerator and used as needed.
Submitted by Mrs. Eva Meservey, Jefferson, Maine

French Breakfast Muffins

1/3 cup butter or margarine 2 teaspoon salt
'’4 cup white sugar Y4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 egg Y cup milk
1% cups sifted all-purpose 1/3 cup melted butter or
flour margarine
14 teaspoons baking powder 2 Cup sugar
| teaspoon cinnamon
Cream butter and sugar, add egg. Sift together flour, baking
powder, salt and nutmeg. Add the flour mixture to the creamed mix-
ture, with the milk. Spoon dough into greased muffin tins. Bake in
a 350 degree oven until golden brown. Remove from pans and roll
first in melted butter, then in the sugar-cinnamon mixture.
Submitted by Mrs. Thyrle Hanson, Wesley, Maine

Graham Apple Muffins

| cup graham flour ¥Y2 teaspoon salt
I cup white flour 2 tablespoons melted shortening
l €gg 1 cup finely chopped apple
1 cup sweet milk 2 tablespoons sugar
4 teaspoons baking powder
Sift together the white flour, baking powder, salt and sugar.
Stir in the graham flour. Beat the egg lightly, add the milk and
melted shortening, mixing well. Combine the flour mixture with the
milk and egg. Fold in the chopped apple. Bake at 350 degrees
for 30 minutes or until done.
Submitted by Miss Etta Beverage, North Haven, Maine

Blueberry Muffins
2/3 cup sugar 2 cups flour
ie cup cas ed ee powder
cup mi 2 teaspoon salt
1 egg 1 cup blueberries

Mix together sugar, shortening, egg and milk. Add the flour,
sifted with baking powder and salt. Fold in blueberries last.
Bake for 20 minutes at 375 degrees.

Submitted by Mrs. Amy Russell, Fort Fairfield, Maine

Old-Fashioned Graham Rolls

3 cups bonny-clabber (sour | tablespoon sugar (optional)

milk) 3 cups graham flour
3 teaspoons baking soda 1 tablespoon melted fat

Stir until blended. Spoon batter into greased, hot cast iron
pans. (More modern muffin pans may be used.) Bake in a hot
oven, 450 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes.

Submitted by Mrs. Jeanne Littlefield Hammond, Waterville, Maine

Cream Style Corn Muffins

1% cups flour Y% cup milk

4 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons shortening
Y4 teaspoon salt 1 cup cream style canned corn
1 egg

Sift together flour, baking powder, salt. Beat the egg, add
milk and shortening. Combine flour and egg mixtures, Stirring
just enough to dampen flour. Fill greased muffin tins 2/3
full and bake at 375 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes.

Submitted by Mrs. Vida Mehuren, Searsmont, Maine

Maine Highland Cranberry Muffins
3 tablespoons butter Y2 cup sugar
'Y2 cup sugar | teaspoon salt
1’4 cups highland cranberries 2 cup butter or margarine
2 cups sifted flour | egg
1 tablespoon baking powder 1 cup milk
Combine the three tablespoons of butter with the 2 cup
sugar. Grease a large-cup muffin pan, 12 muffin size, and
divide the sugar butter mixture into the 12 cups. Sprinkle the
cranberries on top of the sugar. If cranberries are large, cut or
chop coarsely.
Sift together flour, baking powder, '2 cup sugar and salt.
Cut in % cup butter to make fine crumbs.
Combine slightly beaten egg with the milk and add to the
flour mixture. Stir just enough to mix. (Batter will be slightly
lumpy.) Spoon batter into muffin cups, on top of cranberries.
Bake in a 400 degree oven about 25 minutes. Makes | dozen
large muffins.
Submitted by Mrs. Aubrey Hersey, Pembroke, Maine

Mother’s Bran Muffins

YZ cup molasses 2 cups graham or wheat flour

1 tablespoon shortening 2 cups all bran
Y2 cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg Pinch salt
1 2/3 cups milk
Heat the molasses with the shortening. Mix together the
sugar, egg and milk. Mix together the flour, bran, baking powder
and salt. Mix all together lightly, adding the hot molasses last.
Bake in a 375 degree oven until done, about 25 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. O. S, Allen, Ellsworth, Maine

Squash Muffins
2 cups flour 3 tablespoons sugar
4 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons melted fat
| teaspoon salt 1 egg
1 cup cooked squash 1 cup sweet milk
Sift dry ingredients. Mix squash, milk and melted butter,
and combine with dry mixture. Bake in a 375 degree oven for
15 to 20 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Mary Bowden, Corinna, Maine

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Game played an important part in the early life

of the State. Rabbit, raccoon, goose, duck, moose,
deer, partridge, and pheasant were targets for the
hunter’s skill and meat for the table. Every
creature that flew, swam, crawled or walked could
be turned into a tasty stew or cooked plain to fill
the stomach and please the taste buds. The hides
and skins of some were tanned and utilized for
many things and the fat was good for cooking,
tallow and making soap. Game is still important
to the economy of the State. In some rural areas
it is still a diet staple and of course the various
hunting and fishing seasons bring in a great many
out-of-state hunters with high hopes to try their
luck and swell the native economy. Quite a few
Maine families have a deer stashed away in the
freezer for the winter too. Deer Season in Novem-
ber is probably the biggest of the hunting seasons
and the most popular.

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Ten Minute Gems

Y4 cup butter or oleo 2/3 cup sweet milk

Y4 cup sugar 142 cups pastry flour
| egg —— 3 teaspoons baking powder
Ya teaspoon salt
Cream butter and sugar; add egg and beat well. Add milk al-
ternately with flour, which has been sifted with baking powder and
salt. Drop by spoonfuls into well greased muffin tins. Makes 12 muf-
fins and will cook in ten minutes, at 425 degrees. A cup of blue-
berries may be added to this batter. If this is done, reserve 4 cup
of the flour mixture to dredge the blueberries.
Submitted by Mrs. Byrle Carter, Brooklin, Maine

Graham Buns

2 cups graham flour 2 cups sour milk

2 cups white flour 1/3 cup molasses
| egg V4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons soda 3 tablespoons melted shortening
Il2 teaspoon salt

Sift together the white flour, soda, salt and sugar. Add the
graham flour unsifted. Beat the egg, add the sour milk and molasses.
Mix all together and add the melted shortening last. Bake in a 350
degree oven 30 to 35 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Hazel Firth, Rockland, Maine

Banana Nut Bread

3 bananas, mashed 2 tablespoons sour milk

2 eggs, beaten 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
| cup sugar 1 teaspoon soda
’2 cup shortening (can be Y4 teaspoon salt
half butter) ¥2 cup nut meats

Mash bananas with a fork, add the beaten eggs. Beat well. Add
the sugar, shortening and milk. Sift flour, soda and salt. Add to
the banana mixture. Fold in nut meats. Bake in a well greased
bread tin in a 350 degree oven for | hour and 15 minutes. Cool.
For easier cutting this bread is better made the day before it is
used. Good sliced thin and spread with cream cheese.
Submitted by Mrs. Doris Crawford, Exeter, Maine

Pineapple Pecan Loaf
3 cups biscuit mix 1/3 cup milk
’4 cup sugar | beaten egg
2 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons melted butter
’2 teaspoon nutmeg | teaspoon vanilla
| can pineapple pie filling ¥2 cup chopped pecans
(1 pound 6 ounce)
Combine biscuit mix, sugar, salt and nutmeg. Stir in the pie
filling, milk, egg, butter and vanilla. Mix well. Add chopped pecans.
Turn batter into a greased 9 x 5 loaf pan. Bake in a 350 degree
oven for | hour and 15 minutes. Cool in pan for 15 minutes.
Remove to a rack for cooling completely.

Submitted by Mary Clark, Rockport, Maine

Grapenut Bread
V2 cup grapenuts 2 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup sour milk Y2 teaspoon soda
| egg | teaspoon salt
’2 cup sugar | tablespoon melted shortening
¥2 to %4 cup flour 1 teaspoon vanilla
Soak grapenuts in sour milk for 10 minutes. Sift together the
flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and soda. Mix the egg, vanilla, and
shortening. Add the egg mixture to the sour milk. Add the sifted
flour and mix well. Let rise 20 minutes before baking, in a loaf
pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Hazel Hills, Warren, Maine

Lemon Tea Bread

| cup sugar | teaspoon baking powder

6 tablespoons shortening 2 teaspoon salt
Grated rind | lemon Ys cup milk
2 eggs Juice of | lemon
1¥2 cups flour ¥Y2 cup sugar
Cream together sugar, shortening, lemon rind and eggs. Sift
flour with baking powder and salt. Add dry ingredients alternately
with the milk to the creamed mixture. Bake | hour at 325
| degrees. Mix the lemon juice and sugar. Pour over the bread
immediately on removing from the oven. Cool in the pan.
Submitted by Mrs, Rita H. Ellis, Skowhegan, Maine

Apple-Cranberry Bread
’4 cup butter or margarine | teaspoon baking powder
| cup sugar | teaspoon soda
| egg, beaten 2 cups apples, peeled
12 teaspoons vanilla - | cup cranberries
2 cups sifted flour Y2 cup flaked coconut or
1 teaspoon salt chopped nuts
Cream butter and sugar, add beaten egg and vanilla. Sift to-
gether, flour, salt, soda and baking powder. Better to sift twice.
Finely chop the peeled apples and pack firmly in cup. The cran-
berries can be coarsely chopped or cut. Combine the creamed mixture
with the sifted ingredients, add cranberries, apples and coconut or
nuts. Mix well.
Bake in a greased loaf pan for | hour at 350 degrees. Cool,
wrap in foil and store in a cold place.
Submitted by Mrs. Alice G. Kennedy, Bucksport, Maine

Cranberry Bread
2 cups sifted flour 2 tablespoons melted shortening
Ya teaspoon salt Y2 cup orange juice
1’ teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons hot water
¥2 teaspoon soda ¥2 cup chopped nuts
| cup sugar | cup cranberries, cut in half
| beaten egg
Sift dry ingredients together. Add shortening, orange juice,
and hot water to beaten egg. Combine with dry ingredients. Add
nuts and cranberries. Pour into a greased loaf pan and bake for
one hour and ten minutes in a 325 degree oven. When done remove
from pan and brush with butter. Wrap in wax paper and place in
the refrigerator for three hours. Remove the paper and wrap in a
towel. Keep in the refrigerator. We like this bread very much.
Submitted by Mrs. Wilma Newell, North Anson, Maine
Peanut Butter Bread
2 cups flour '> cup peanut butter
4 tsp. baking powder 12 cups milk
1 tsp. salt 1/3 cup sugar
Sift together flour, salt, baking powder. Cut the peanut butter
into the flour mixture. Add the milk and sugar. Mix all together
and bake in a bread tin, for about | hour, in a 350 degree oven.
Submitted by Mrs. Clara E. Ford, Mechanic Falls, Maine

Carrot Loaf

3 cups flour 2 cups sugar

2 teaspoons soda 3 beaten eggs
2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 cups mashed cooked carrots
2 teaspoon salt 1% cups chopped nuts
| cup cooking oil
Sift together the dry ingredients. Beat eggs, add sugar, oil and
carrots. Gradually mix in the sifted ingredients, mixing well. Add
the chopped nuts, walnuts or pecans. Pour batter into greased and
floured pans. Makes 2 loaves 9 x 5 or | angel tube pan or 3 round
loaves baked in | pound coffee cans (nice for holidays). Bake in a
350 degree oven for 70 minutes.
Two cups canned pumpkin may be used in place of the carrots.
Submitted by Mrs, Claire T, Garrity, Sanford, Maine
Carrot Nut Bread

2/3 cup cooking oil 1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup granulated sugar ¥2 teaspoon salt
142 cups flour 2 eggs
| teaspoon baking powder 1 cup grated carrot
| teaspoon soda 2 cup chopped nuts
| teaspoon cinnamon
Dissolve the sugar in the oil. Sift together flour, soda, baking
powder, salt and cinnamon. Add to the sugar-oil mixture. Add one
egg at a time. Mix well. Add carrots, nuts and vanilla. Bake in a
350 degree oven for | hour.
Excellent for children and makes a good sandwich with cream
Submitted by Mrs. Norma Philbrook, Owls Head, Maine

Peggy’s Prune Bread

| cup cooked prunes 1 cup whole wheat flour

| cup sugar 2 cups white flour
1 cup sour milk Y4 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons melted butter 1 teaspoon soda
1 egg 1 teaspoon salt
Sift the white flour with the soda, baking powder and salt, and
stir in the whole flour. Beat egg, add sugar, sour milk, melted
butter and prunes, cut up. Combine the flour mixture with the egg
mixture and mix well. Bake in a loaf pan | hour at 350 degrees.
Submitted by Mrs. Carl E. White, Jonesport, Maine

Blueberry Coffee Cake
| cup sugar 2 cups flour
1/3 cup butter or shortening 2 teaspoons baking powder
2 eggs 1¥2 cups Maine blueberries
¥2 cup milk (fresh or frozen)
Cream butter, sugar and eggs. Sift flour with baking powder
and add alternately with the milk. Fold in blueberries last. Pour
into a 9 x 12 pan and bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes.
When taking from the oven, spread with melted butter and sprinkle
with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar.
This is an old recipe to which I have added a topping.
Submitted by Mrs. Willard Waterhouse, East Millinocket, Maine

Rhubarb Coffee Cake

142 cups brown sugar 2 cups sifted flour
¥Y2 cup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg 2 cups rhubarb, finely cut
1 cup sour milk Y2 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon soda | teaspoon cinnamon
Cream butter and sugar. Add egg. Sift together flour and soda.
Add flour to creamed mixture, with milk and vanilla. Fold in the
2 cups rhubarb. Spread in a 9 x 13 pan (greased). Sprinkle top with
the brown sugar and cinnamon mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 35
to 40 minutes. Can be served as is for coffee cake or as a dessert
with cream or ice cream.
Submitted by Mrs. Rene Laliberty, Falmouth, Maine

Cinnamon Breakfast Cake

1 cup flour ¥Y2 cup milk

3 teaspoons baking powder 1 beaten egg
2 cup sugar 4 tablespoons melted shortening
Ys teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon Ys teaspoon cinnamon
Sift together the flour, baking powder, /2
cup sugar, salt, |
teaspoon cinnamon. Mix together the milk, beaten egg and shortening.
Add to the flour mixture. Pour into a greased and floured 9 inch
round pan. Stir together the 2 tablespoons of sugar and 14 teaspoon
of cinnamon and sprinkle over the top of cake. Bake 20 minutes
in 375 degree oven.
Submitted by Mrs. Elsie F. Holt, Topsham, Maine

Five Islands Tea Cake
| cup sugar 2 cups flour
2 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder
¥2 cup shortening '4 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons molasses 2 teaspoon cinnamon
| teaspoon soda 2 teaspoon cloves
1 cup warm water 1 teaspoon vanilla
Cream shortening, add sugar, well beaten eggs and molasses.
Add vanilla. Sift together the flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon,
and cloves. Dissolve the soda in the cup of warm water and add
alternately with the flour mixture to the creamed ingredients. Mix
well. Bake in a 9 x 9 pan at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Lemon
flavored confectioners sugar frosting makes this cake a must for tea
and delightful as a dessert.
Submitted by Mrs. Thomas Watson, Five Islands, Maine

Cape Cod Tea Bread

4 tbsp. shortening 3 tsp. baking powder

2 cups light brown sugar '2 cup chopped nuts
2 beaten eggs 4 tbsp. hot water
4 cups flour 1 cup orange juice
| tsp. salt 2 cups halved cranberries
| tsp. soda
After cutting cranberries in half, wash in collander in order to
wash out seeds.
Cream shortening, add sugar and beat until light, add eggs and
beat well. Sift the dry ingredients and add alternately to the creamed
mixture with the hot water and orange juice. Stir in the cranberries
and nuts. Put in 2 greased bread pans and bake for | hour at
350 degrees.
Submitted by Mrs. Barbara MacDonald, Kennebunk, Maine
Irish Treacle Bread

2 cups flour 3 tablespoons butter

| teaspoon baking soda | tablespoon molasses .
4 cup sugar ’4 cup buttermilk
Y4 teaspoon salt
Sift flour, soda, sugar and salt and cream in butter. Add
molasses and buttermilk. Knead until quite smooth. Preheat oven to
350 degrees. Roll out % inch thick; cut with round cutter;
place on a buttered, floured sheet. Bake 20 minutes in 350
degree oven or until lightly browned. Serve hot or cold.
Submitted by Carrie Libby, Palmyra, Maine

Pumpkin Bread

2 2/3 cups sugar ¥Y2 teaspoon baking powder

2/3 cup cooking oil 1% teaspoons salt
4 eggs _ 2 teaspoon cinnamon
1¥2 cups cooked pumpkin 1 cup chopped nuts
3 1/3 cups flour 2/3 cup water
2 teaspoons baking soda

Mix sugar, oil and pumpkin, add eggs one at a time, beating
after each addition. In a separate bowl sift flour, baking powder,
soda and cinnamon. Combine pumpkin mixture with flour mixture.
Add water and mix well. Lastly add nuts and stir again. Pour
into well greased loaf pans or one pound coffee cans. This amount will
fill 4 one pound cans, filling each can half full. Bake at 300
degrees for one hour. Allow bread to cool, then remove from cans.
This bread freezes very well. | simply put bread back in cans
(when cooled) and replace the plastic lid.

This recipe is a favorite which has been handed down in our

Submitted by Mrs. Mary Jane Gaudreau, Bethel, Maine

Cherry Bread

Y4 cup shortening 2/3 cup milk

cup brown sugar Gx ee drained
egg, beaten maraschino
2 tsp. salt 1/3 cup cherry juice
2 cups flour 'Y2 cup chopped nuts
2 tsp. baking powder

Cream shortening and sugar. Beat in the egg. Mix and sift
flour, salt and baking powder. Add to creamed mixture, alternately,
with milk and cherry juice. Chop nuts and cherries. Stir into the
dough. Spoon dough into a 9 x 5 loaf pan. Let stand for 20 minutes
before baking at 350 degrees for 50 minutes to | hour, until tests
done. This is an old recipe handed down in the family.
Submitted by Mrs. Edgar G. Keenan, Owl’s Head, Maine

Orange Bread
1 orange 2 cup buttermilk
1 cup raisins | teaspoon soda
’Y2 cup butter Y4 teaspoon salt
| cup sugar 2% cups flour
2 eggs, beaten

Put the raisins and orange, peeling and all, through the food
chopper. Cream butter, sugar and eggs. Add the soda to the butter-
milk then mix all ingredients in order given. Add raisin-orange
mixture last. Bake in a loaf pan at 350 degrees for | hour or
until done.
Submitted by Mrs. Francis Beaulieu, Calais, Maine

Feather Dumplings

1 cup flour 2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt ¥Y2 cup milk (about)
Mix all together, using milk enough to make a stiff dough.
Have soup nearly done. Drop batter by spoonfuls, dipping
spoon in soup each time. This amount should cover top of soup.
Let cook slowly for 15 minutes uncovered, then put cover on
and cook 15 minutes more. This method of cooking is the
secret to light dumplings.
Submitted by Mrs. Viola Watson, Norway, Maine

All-Bran Yeast Bread

1 package dry yeast Y2 cup All-Bran

2 cups lukewarm water Y4 cup melted shortening
Y4 cup molasses 1 teaspoon salt
1 egg 6 cups flour

Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water. Add molasses, beaten egg,

and All-Bran. Mix well. Add remaining ingredients. Mix well.
Turn on floured board, knead well, let rise until double in bulk.
Cut down and let rise again. Make into loaf or rolls, rise until
double. Bake in 350 degree oven for 35 minutes for loaf and 400
degree oven 25 minutes for rolls or until done.
Submitted by Mary Bowden, Corinna, Maine

Golden Waffles

1% cups flour 2 eggs, well beaten

22 teaspoons baking powder 1% cups milk
¥% teaspoon salt 5 tablespoons shortening
Sift together the dry ingredients. Combine eggs and milk,
add to the dry mixture and add the shortening. Mix until
smooth. Bake in a hot waffle iron.
Submitted by Mrs. Arnold Bishop, Wilmington, Mass.

Delicious Raised Rolls

1 cake yeast 1 cup lukewarm water

1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup milk scalded and
6 cups sifted flour cooled
6 tablespoons cooking oil 2 beaten eggs
3 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons salt
Add yeast and tablespoon sugar to the lukewarm water, stir and
let stand 5 to 10 minutes. Put in large mixing bowl, add milk
and half the flour, beat until smooth. Add beaten eggs, shortening
and rest of the flour. Knead into a medium firm dough, let rise
until doubled, turn onto floured bread board and shape into rolls.
Let raise in greased pan (10 x 14 x 2) until doubled in bulk. Bake in
350 degree oven for 30 minutes. EXCELLENT!!
Submitted by Viola M. Trenholm, Alfred, Maine

Overnight Refrigerator Rolls

2 packages quick-acting dry ¥Y4 cup sugar
yeast 2 eggs, well beaten
22 cups warm water 8 to 84% cups flour
¥Y4 cup soft or melted shortening 22 teaspoons salt
Soften yeast in warm water. Add shortening, sugar, eggs, 4 cups
flour and salt. Stir and then beat until smooth, about | minute. Stir
in the remaining flour. This will be a soft dough.
Cover tightly and store in the refrigerator overnight or until
needed. When ready to use, punch down dough and pinch off one
third. Cover remaining dough and store in the refrigerator. It will
keep 2 or 3 days.
Shape into rolls and place in a greased 9 x 9 x 2 inch baking pan.
Cover with a clean towel and let rise in warm place for 1 hour or
until doubled in bulk. Bake in a hot oven 400 degrees for 15 or 20
minutes. Turn on wire rack. One third makes 12 rolls.
Submitted by Athelene Hilt, Union, Maine

One Hour Yeast Rolls

14 cups milk, scalded ¥2 cup lukewarm water

2 tablespoons sugar 4 cups flour
2 teaspoons shortening Y2 teaspoon salt
2 yeast cakes
Scald milk and cool to lukewarm. Add sugar and shortening.
Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water. Add flour and salt and mix. Let
rise 15 minutes. Make into rolls. Let rise 15 minutes. Bake in 350
degree oven 25-30 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Homer Waters, Dexter, Maine

Parker House Rolls

1 cake yeast 4 tablespoons melted shortening

1 pint milk, scalded and 6 cups flour
cooled | teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
Dissolve yeast and sugar in lukewarm milk. Add shortening
and 3 cups flour, salt. Beat until perfectly smooth. Cover, let rise
in warm place one hour. Add remaining flour to make a stiff dough.
Knead well, place in greased bowl. Cover, let rise for about 1%
hours or until double in bulk. Roll out %4 inch thick. Cut with 2
inch biscuit cutter, crease through center with dull edge of knife,
fold over in pocket shape. Place | inch apart on greased pan. Rise.
Bake in hot oven 400 degree oven about 20 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Leon C, Adams, Clinton, Maine

Buttermilk Rolls

1 cup buttermilk (warm) Dash of salt

¥4 cup Crisco 2 yeast cake
2 eggs ¥4 cup warm water
¥Y4 cup sugar 4 cups flour
Dissolve yeast in water. Stir in buttermilk, Crisco, eggs, sugar,
and salt into yeast. Add flour and mix. On board, roll real thin
and butter well, cut in 12 inch strips — then stack to make three,
butter between. Now cut in 12 inch blocks the other way and put
each block in your cupcake tins. Let rise 2 hour and bake as other
rolls. Very good.
Submitted by Mrs. Robert C. Chamberlain, Clinton, Maine

Parker House Rolls

2 tablespoons shortening 142 cups lukewarm water

1 teaspoon salt 342 cups sifted flour
Y4 cup sugar 1 egg, well beaten
1 cake yeast Melted butter

Add shortening, salt, sugar and crumbled yeast to water; stir

until shortening is melted. Stir in sifted flour, cover and set in a
warm place, free from drafts, to rise. (Dough may be set on lower
shelf of unheated oven in a pan of hot water.) When doubled in
bulk, add egg. Knead lightly and let rise again until doubled in
bulk. Roll out 2 inch thick on well-floured board. Cut with biscuit
cutter 2 inches in diameter, crease in center with a dull knife, brush
with melted butter and fold over, pinching the dough at sides to
make a pocketbook. Brush tops with melted butter. Let rise and
bake on a greased baking sheet in hot oven 400 degrees about 20
minutes. Makes 2 dozen rolls.
Submitted by Dorothy Quass, Presque Isle, Maine

Refrigerator Rolls
1 cup oleo 1 cake of household yeast
Y2 cup sugar (not dry yeast)
2 teaspoons salt 1 cup cold water
1 cup boiling water 6 cups flour
2 eggs, beaten
Dissolve yeast in | cup cold water and set for 5 minutes.
Pour boiling water over oleo, sugar, and salt. Blend and cool.
Add beaten eggs and blend. Add dissolved yeast and mix in flour.
Cover and place in refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight.
Remove from refrigerator about 3 hours before needed. Divide dough
in 3 equal parts. Roll each part to 2 inch in thickness, spread
with mixed candied fruit, or sugar and cinnamon, roll up like a
jelly roll and cut in 2 inch slices. Place on greased baking tin
about 2 inches apart. Let rise for 2 hours at room temperature.
Bake in 425 degree oven for 15 minutes or until well browned.
When cool, ice with the following icing:
1 lb. powdered sugar
1 tablespoon oleo
Juice from % lemon or to suit taste. Add enough hot water
to spread easily.
Submitted by Mrs. Royce Chapman, Fort Fairfield, Maine

Shredded Wheat Bread

1 cup grapenuts 3 teaspoons salt

2 large shredded wheat biscuits 2 cups boiling water
2 cup molasses 2 cups scalded milk
'2 cup shortening 2 yeast cakes
'’2 cup brown sugar 8 cups flour or more
Combine shredded wheat, shortening, molasses, grapenuts, brown
sugar, and salt. Add boiling water let stand ten minutes then add
milk. Stir when lukewarm. Add yeast and stir until dissolved. Add
flour and turn out onto lightly floured board and knead until
mixture is a firm dough. Let rise until double in bulk. Form into
loaves and let rise | to 12 hours. Bake in oven 350 degrees for
35 to 40 minutes.
Submitted by Carol Foster, Monticello, Maine

Oatmeal Bread

142 cups boiling water 2 yeast cakes

1 cup quick cooking oats 2 cup warm water
1/3 cup soft shortening 2 eggs
¥2 cup molasses 5% cups sifted flour
4 teaspoons salt
Combine water, oats, shortening, salt and molasses. Cool. Dis-
solve yeast in the 1% cup water, add to first mixture. Mix well.
Blend in beaten eggs and add flour. Let rise in greased bowl.
Shape into loaves and let rise again. Bake at 375 degrees for
35 minutes or until done.
Submitted by Mrs. Raymond Farrar, Sangerville, Maine

Rolled Oats Yeast Bread

No Kneading

1 cup uncooked rolled oats ¥Y2 cup lukewarm water

2 cups milk scalded ¥2 cup molasses
1 tablespoon shortening 2 teaspoons salt
| yeast cake 42 cups flour

Pour hot milk over oats and let stand until lukewarm. Dissolve
yeast in lukewarm water. Add yeast, molasses, shortening, and salt.
Beat in flour and allow to rise until double in bulk. Stir down and
pour into 2 greased pans. Rise until double in bulk. Bake 350
degrees for 35 minutes or until done.
Submitted by Mrs. Vernon Palmer, Caribou, Maine

Oatmeal Bread

¥4 cup warm water 1 tablespoon salt

1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon sugar
2 packages dry yeast Y4 cup shortening
1 cup rolled oats 2 cups boiling water
¥4 cup molasses - 5% cups flour

Mix first three ingredients in a cup and set aside. In a large

bowl, mix rolled oats, molasses, salt, sugar, shortening and boiling
water. Stir, let set until lukewarm. Add yeast mixture and sifted
flour. Mix well. Put on floured board, knead and place back in bowl
to rise. Mold into two loaves and place in greased tins. Let rise
Yo hour. Bake 45 minutes in 400 degree oven. Very good and
Submitted by Mrs. Nola Sawtelle, Corinna, Maine

Drop Feather Rolls

| cup sweet milk, scalded 2 tablespoons shortening
| egg, well beaten 1 yeast cake
2 tablespoons sugar 2% cups all purpose flour
| teaspoon salt
Scald milk and let cool to lukewarm. Add yeast and dissolve.
Add sugar, salt, egg, shortening (measured after melting), and flour.
Mix well. Let rise twice its size. Drop by spoonfuls into muffin
tins. Let rise a few minutes and bake in 400 degree oven for 12
to 15 minutes. You can also shape into a loaf.
Submitted by Mrs. Estella Grigg, Portland, Maine

Ice Box Rolls

| cup boiling water 1 yeast cake

2 cup shortening 'Y2 cup lukewarm water
Y2 cup sugar 2 eggs, beaten
'Y4 teaspoon salt 4 cups flour

Combine boiling water, shortening, sugar, and salt. When cool add
yeast which has been dissolved in warm water and beaten eggs.
Stir in flour. Do not knead. Put in mixing bowl and grease top
with melted butter. Cover with waxed paper. Chill, and use quantity
as wanted by cutting in required size and putting in pan. Let rise
and bake, 400 degree oven for 15 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Frank Violette, Caribou, Maine

Pulla — Finnish Coffee Bread
2 cups scalded milk 2 eggs, beaten
4 cup butter ¥4 teaspoon ground cardamon
| teaspoon salt seed ;
! cup sugar 7 or 8 cups flour
2 packages dry yeast
Scald milk with butter, salt, sugar added; cool to lukewarm.
Add yeast to lukewarm mixture. Stir until dissolved. Add beaten
eggs, 34 teaspoon ground cardamon seed, and flour. Let rise until
doubled. Turn out on board and shape into braids. Place on ‘greased
pans and let double in bulk. Bake in moderate oven 350 degrees,
20 minutes or more depending on thickness of braids.
Submitted by Mrs. Lena Mustonen, Arlington, Virginia

Raised Corn Muffins

1 yeast cake Y2 cup sugar

44 cup lukewarm water Ys cup shortening
2 cups scalded milk 2 eggs
1 cup corn meal 4 cups flour
1 tablespoon salt
Soften yeast in 44 cup water. Scald milk and pour over corn
meal, sugar, and shortening. Cool until lukewarm. Beat in eggs,
add softened yeast. Mix well. Add 2 cups flour, mix again well.
Stir in enough flour to make stiff dough about 4 cups in all. Raise
about | hour. Stir down. Put in greased muffins pans 2/3 full.
Raise again about | hour. Bake in 375 degree oven I5 to 20
Submitted by Mrs. John Workman, Prospect Harbor, Maine

Coconut Pound Cake

2 sticks oleo teaspoon baking powder

2/3 cup other shortening cup milk
3 cups sugar teaspoon coconut flavoring
5 eggs (4 ounce) can flaked

3 cups flour coconut

Cream together the oleo, shortening and sugar. Add the
eggs, one at a time. Sift flour and baking powder. Add to the
creamed batter with the milk. Stir in flavoring (may also use
vanilla) and coconut. Bake 12 hours in a large angel cake pan
which has been greased and floured. Use a 350 degree oven.
Submitted by Mrs. Leland C. Day, Crawford, Maine

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New England is famous all over the world for baked beans. In
Maine, baked beans are a way of life and in every hamlet, town or
(ih A
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city one can probably find a public supper on Saturday night

featuring them in some Grange, Church or other hall. The best M'

baked beans of all are bean-hole-beans. These go back into history

quite a way and were certainly included in the early life of Maine.
d\ yr U l
First, a pit is dug in the ground deep enough to hold the container
with room left over and a hardwood fire is built in the bottom.
After this is burned down to live coals, the prepared pot or kettle
of beans is placed in the pit and the dirt that was removed is Ww
placed back on top to fill the hole. After baking for several hours
the dirt is removed and the precious pot lifted out, brushed off and
opened for the feast. And a very fine feast it is as all who have
been fortunate enough to know will state.

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Free Press White Fruit Cake

3 cups (I pound) golden seed- 3 cups sifted all-purpose flour

less raisins | teaspoon salt
2 cups (I pound) diced citron | cup butter or margarine
1 cup (% pound) red glazec 14 cups sugar
cherries, halved 4 5 eggs
| cup (4% pound) glazed | teaspoon vanilla
pineapple, quartered and 2 teaspoons fresh grated lemon
diced rind
1¥2 cups (¥2 pound) slivered 1 cup undrained crushed
blanched almonds pineapple

Line two 9% x 5%x 234 pans with oiled brown wrapping

paper. Mix all fruits and nuts (except crushed pineapple) together
in large mixing bowl.

Sift and measure flour. Resift with salt and sift over fruits and
nuts. Mix until each piece is well coated with flour. Cream butter
until light and fluffy. Gradually add sugar, beating until well
blended. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.

Stir into creamed mixture the vanilla, lemon rind and crushed
pineapple. Fold in floured fruits and nuts and mix thoroughly.
Spoon into prepared pans, spreading evenly. Bake in 275 degree
oven for about 2 hours or until food pick inserted in center comes
out clean. If tops brown too quickly, place sheet of foil loosely on top.

Let cakes cool in pan on rack for about 20 minutes. Remove

from pan and take off paper. After cakes are thoroughly cooled,
wrap in foil alone or with a brandy soaked cheesecloth inner
wrapping. Store in cool place. Makes two loaves.
(I do make my own little personal revisions and the results have
always been most satisfactory. In place of the citron | use an equal
amount of a combination of red and green glazed cherries. Some-
times I even put in extra red and green ‘glazed cherries and
pineapple. It seems to make it delicious and the extra color
makes it more festive. I never have felt it necessary to wrap them
in brandy soaked cheesecloth. They mellow very well in foil
wrap and I put them in a plastic container in a cool place. They
keep very well.)

Submitted by Geneva Cargill, California— formerly Rockland

Our Fruit Cake
(Recipe is 193 years old)

3 cups dark brown sugar 2 teaspoons cinnamon

1 cup butter 1 teaspoon cloves
1 cup dark: molasses | teaspoon allspice
Y2 cup strong black coffee 3 pounds seedless raisins
Ya cup grape juice 2 pounds currents
5 eggs Y2 pound citron
5 cups flour 4 pound orange peel
1 teaspoon baking soda 4 pound walnut meats chopped
Y2 teaspoon salt
Sift sugar. Cream butter and sugar adding liquids in their
order. Beat in eggs. Sift dry ingredients together and add to the
butter and sugar mixture. Add chopped fruits. Bake in a very slow
oven 275 degrees for approximately 4:hours or until it tests done.
Makes four loaves. Pans should be lined with greased brown
paper. Candied pineapple and candied cherries may be added to
fruit by eliminating equal amounts of other fruits. White raisins
may be substituted for currants. This cake will keep many months.
It should be “aged” at least 6 weeks before eating. It may be
frozen; and also steamed and served as a pudding.
Submitted by Ethel M. Hilton, Cape Neddick, Maine

French Fruit Cake

1/3 cup sugar ¥Y2 cup walnuts

| egg 2 cups confectioner’s sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa Butter size of an egg
'Y2 cup butter 2 tablespoons hot coffee
| teaspoon vanilla 2 squares of chocolate
2 cups graham cracker crumbs 2 tablespoons butter
| cup coconut
Combine sugar, egg, cocoa and 2 cup of butter in top of
double boiler. Cook until it thickens slightly. Take from heat and
add the crumbs, coconut, walnuts and vanilla. Mix well and press
in a cake pan. Mix together the confectioner’s sugar and butter
size of an egg with hot coffee until of a spreading consistency
and spread this over the cracker crumb mixture. In a small dish
(over hot water) melt the chocolate and butter. Spread this as a
frosting on top of the confectioner’s sugar topping. Cut in squares
when firm.
Submitted by Mrs. Vincent Hare, Houlton, Maine

Gumdrop Fruitcake

| cup shortening Y4 teaspoon cloves

134 cups sugar Y4 teaspoon nutmeg
2 eggs - YY teaspoon salt
1’2 cups apple sauce 12 Ibs. gumdrops (small or
| teaspoon soda cut in pieces, omit black
| tablespoon hot water ones)
| teaspoon vanilla | Ib. white raisins
4 cups flour | cup pecans browned in
| teaspoon cinnamon butter

Cream the shortening and sugar, add eggs one at a time. Add
the apple sauce, dissolve the soda in the hot water and add. Add
the vanilla. Sift together the flour with the dry ingredients. Now add
2 the flour mixture with the creamed mixture; the remaining
Y of flour mixture to the fruit and nut mixture. Combine both
mixtures well. Bake at 300 degrees for 2 hours. Makes 2 loaves.
Submitted by Julia B. Parsons, Stratton, Maine

Orange Fruit Cake

12 cups sugar | teaspoon soda

Y2 cup shortening ¥Y4 teaspoon salt
2 eggs 1 orange
2/3 cup sour milk 1 cup raisins
2 cups flour 2 cup nuts

Squeeze orange for juice, put ’2 cup sugar in it and set aside.
Cream remaining sugar and shortening, add eggs and beat. Sift
dry ingredients together and add to the creamed mixture al-
ternately with the sour milk. Grind the orange, raisins and nuts
with food chopper and add to the cake mixture. Cook at 325

When done put the orange juice and sugar on hot cake.
This makes a glaze topping. Leave in pan.

Submitted by Nora Stickney, Rockland, Maine

My Own Fruit Cake

14% cup boiling water | cup sugar

Y2 cup raisins | heaping teaspoon soda
'Y2 cup dates 'Y2 teaspoon salt
Ys cup mixed nuts 2 teaspoon cloves
Y4 cup shortening Y2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 egg Y2 teaspoon nutmeg
'Y2 cup cold water 14 cup mixed candied fruit
2 cups flour

Pour the boiling water over the raisins, dates and nuts and boil
gently 15 minutes. Add the 4 cup shortening. Cool. Beat together
the egg and cold water. Sift dry ingredients. Add the egg mixture
to the flour mixture, add the fruit and nut mixture and beat well.
Last add the candied fruit. Pour into greased and floured 8-inch
tube pan and bake at 350 degrees 45 minutes to | hour. Turn out
on rack to cool. When cool, wrap in plastic wrap and store in
cool place for four to six weeks to season. This may be served at
once but is much better if stored as suggested.
Submitted by Mrs. Brooksie Hoxie, Lincoln Center, Maine

Harrison Fruit Cake

1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 cup butter 1 teaspoon allspice
3 eggs beaten Ya teaspoon cloves
1 cup dark molasses Y2 teaspoon mace
1 cup sweet milk Y2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup sour milk 1 pound raisins coarsely cut
5 cups flour Ya pound currants
2 rounding teaspoons soda 1 small jar citron
| teaspoon salt 1 pound candied fruits

Cream sugar and butter, add beaten eggs, sweet and sour milk
and the molasses. Add flour one cup at a time sifted with soda,
salt and spices. Mix last 2 cups with fruits. Lastly add the floured
fruits. Bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees in loaf pans. These cakes
a keep for months wrapped in Saran and foil and stored in a cool
Submitted by Mrs. Leslie B. Johnson, East Holden, Maine

Boiled Fruit Cake

| cup sugar 1 egg, beaten

| cup seedless raisins 12 cups flour
| cup water | teaspoon soda
Y2 cup shortening _ 2 teaspoon salt
| teaspoon cinnamon | teaspoon vanilla
¥Y2 teaspoon cloves Nuts (optional)
Y2 teaspoon nutmeg
Put sugar, raisins, water, shortening, cinnamon, cloves and nut-
meg in a saucepan and boil for ten minutes. Cool. Add the beaten
egg. Sift together the flour, soda and salt and add to the cooled
mixture. Add vanilla and nuts. Bake in loaf pan in a 350 degree
oven for | hour.
Submitted by Mrs. Vernon Ward, Solon, Maine

Cream Cheese Fruit Cake

| 8-oz. package cream gheese 2'4 cups flour

Y2 |b. margarine 1% teaspoons baking powder
12 cups sugar 1 8-oz. jar candied fruit
1% teaspoons vanilla Y2 cup pecans chopped
4 eggs
Thoroughly blend cheese, margarine, sugar and vanilla. Add
eggs one at a time. Sift 2 cups flour with the baking powder and
gradually add to the creamed batter, blend well. Combine remaining
Y% cup flour with the fruit and nuts, fold into the cake mixture.
Bake in greased and floured pans in 350 degree oven | hour
or until done. Yield 2 — 9 x 5 x 3 loaf pans or | tube pan.
Submitted by Martha Farrington, Bryant Pond, Maine
Economical Fruit Cake

1 cup sugar | teaspoon cinnamon

1 cup water 1 cup raisins
2 tablespoons shortening 2 cups flour
| teaspoon salt | teaspoon ‘soda
1 teaspoon allspice
Put in a saucepan the sugar, water, shortening, salt, allspice,
cinnamon and raisins and boil three minutes. When cool, sift
together and add the flour and soda. Bake in a moderate 350
degree oven for 30 to 40 minutes. Coffee may be substituted
for water.
Submitted by Edith R. Richards, New Vineyard, Maine

Old Town Raisin Cake

1 cup sugar Y4 teaspoon cinnamon

Y. cup shortening 4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup sour milk Y4 teaspoon cloves
14% cups flour 1 cup chopped raisins
1 teaspoon soda
Cream together the sugar and shortening. Sift dry ingredients —
flour, soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves together; mix alternately
with sour milk to the creamed mixture, beginning and ending
with dry ingredients. Fold in raisins last. Bake | hour at 325
Submitted by Mrs. Calla R. Shepardson, Stetson, Maine

Anna’s Apple Fruit Cake

1 cup sugar | teaspoon cinnamon
¥Y2 cup shortening ¥Y2 teaspoon cloves
2 tablespoons molasses | teaspoon nutmeg
2¥2 cups flour (Or vanilla instead of spices)
1 teaspoon soda 1 cup sour milk
1 teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped apples
Cream sugar, shortening and molasses together. Sift flour with
soda, salt and spices and add alternately with the sour milk to the
creamed mixture. Fold in the chopped apples last. Bake in a loaf
pan at 350 degrees for 35 or 40 minutes or until the cake
tests done.
Submitted by Etta Beverage, North Haven, Maine

Boiled Cake

1 pound raisins ¥Y2 teaspoon cloves

2 cups sugar ¥Y2 teaspoon allspice
3 cups water 4 cups flour
4 tablespoons shortening 2 teaspoons soda
2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon salt
Boil together for 15 minutes the raisins, sugar, water, shorten-
ing, cinnamon, cloves and allspice. Let cool. Sift the flour, soda
and salt together and add to the raisin mixture. Makes 2 loaves.
Bake in 350 degree oven for | hour.
Submitted by Nellie Stetson, Bethel, Maine

Boiled Raisin Cake

2 cups white sugar | teaspoon salt

2 cups hot water | pound raisins
1 cup shortening 2 teaspoons soda
2 teaspoons cinnamon 32 cups flour
| teaspoon cloves ;

Combine in a large saucepan the sugar, hot water, shortening,

cinnamon, cloves, salt and raisins and let come to a boil. Add
the 2 teaspoons soda and beat hard. Let cool. Beat in the flour.
For fruit cake, add cherries, mixed peels and nutmeats. Bake |
hour in 350 degree oven. The yield is 2 bread-loaf pans.
Submitted by Mrs. D. F. London, Houlton, Maine

Raisin Cake

1 pound seeded raisins, chopped %4 cup shortening

or cut fine 2 eggs, beaten
12 teaspoons soda 3 cups flour
1% cups boiling water ' 1 teaspoon salt
142 cups sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla

Chop or cut up raisins fine and put in a bowl. Sprinkle the soda
over the raisins. Cover with the boiling water. Let cool. Add re-
maining ingredients.
At Thanksgiving time you may use this recipe for a fruit cake
by adding candied fruits of all kinds to the batter. This is a very
good cake recipe as the cake will keep moist for a long time.
Submitted by Marilyn M. Wiers, St. Albans, Maine

Raisin Cake

| cup sugar cup raisins

Y2 cup shortening, partly cup sweet milk
melted teaspoon soda
2 teaspoon salt cups sifted flour
2 teaspoon allspice BO teaspoons
Sele cream of tartar
'Y2 teaspoon nutmeg

Combine sugar, shortening, salt and seasonings and beat. Add

chopped raisins, sweet milk and soda. Blend. Add sifted flour,
cream of tartar and beat until smooth. Bake 35 minutes at
375 degrees.
Submitted by Mrs. Wanita Lunn, Augusta, Maine

Danish Apple Cake
3 eggs | tablespoon lemon
1 cup sugar | teaspoon baking soda
¥2 cup shortening 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
| teaspoon salt 2 cups flour
| teaspoon nutmeg Ys cup milk

Spread on large greased cookie sheet. Put sliced apples in

rows on top of cake batter. Bake at 350 degrees. Five minutes be-
fore taking from oven, brush with melted butter and sprinkle with
cinnamon. Take a fork and test apples. When they are soft, cake
is done.
Submitted by Mrs. Philip Hansen, Westbrook, Maine

Pumpkin Cake
3 cups flour 2 cups sugar
2 teaspoons soda 4 eggs
2 teaspoons baking powder 1% cups cooking oil
2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 can pumpkin

Sift together the flour, soda, baking powder and cinnamon.

Mix in the sugar, eggs, cooking oil and pumpkin. Bake 40 to 50
minutes at 350 degrees. Bake in a 13 x 9 inch pan.
Submitted by Dorothy MclIninch, Old Town, Maine

Raw Apple Cake

2 cups
sugar | teaspoon nutmeg
| cup
butter or shortening | teaspoon cloves
4 eggs,
beaten 1 cup cold coffee
3 cups
flour 3 cups raw apples (sliced or
2 teaspoons soda grated)
¥4 teaspoon salt 1 cup raisins
2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 cup nut meats (optional)

Cream butter and sugar together; add beaten eggs. Sift the
dry ingredients and add to the creamed mixture alternately with
the coffee. Fold in the apples, raisins and nuts last. Bake | hour
at 350 degrees or until done. Makes 2 big loaves.
Submitted by Barbara L. Farren, Addison, Maine

Apple Sauce Cake
22 cups flour ¥Y2 cup shortening
¥4 teaspoon baking powder 12 cups unsweetened apple
12 teaspoons salt sauce
Ya teaspoon cloves ¥Y2 cup cold water
2 cups sugar ‘1 large egg
12 teaspoons soda ¥Y2 cup nuts (chopped)
¥%4 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup raisins (floured)
Y2 teaspoon allspice
Sift together in a bowl all of the dry ingredients. Add the
shortening, apple sauce, water and egg. Beat well and add nuts
and raisins. Bake until done, about | hour, at 350 degrees.
Submitted by Mrs. Elvie Shields, Thomaston, Maine
Apple Sauce Cake
14% cups apple sauce ] teaspoon salt
Y2 cup butter (1 stick) 1 teaspoon cocoa
| cup sugar ' Y2 teaspoon nutmeg
| egg 2 teaspoon soda
| teaspoon cinnamon 2 cups flour
¥Y2 teaspoon cloves

Cream butter and sugar, add the egg and applesauce. Mix to-
gether flour, soda, salt and spices. Combine the two mixtures.
Mix well. Bake at 350 degrees from 35 to 45 minutes or until it
tests done.
Mrs. Mary Jane MacLauchlan, Cambridge, Maine

Molasses Apple Cake

1 cup sugar cup sour milk

'4 cup shortening tablespoon baking soda
3 scant cups flour cup chopped raisins
| teaspoon cinnamon cup apples, diced
| teaspoon cloves tablespoons molasses
Y%4 teaspoon nutmeg
Cook the apples with the molasses until done and set aside to
cool. Cream sugar with shortening. Sift flour with cinnamon, cloves
and nutmeg and add alternately to the creamed mixture with the
sour milk to which the baking soda has been added. Fold into this
mixture the cooled apples and the raisins. Bake at 325 degrees for
approximately 1 hour.
Submitted by Mrs. T. A. Jewell, Skowhegan, Maine

Apple Loaf Cake

3 cups junked apple . '2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 cup molasses ¥2 teaspoon nutmeg
¥Y2 cup melted shortening '’2 teaspoon salt
'’2 cup sugar 142 cups sour milk
3 cups flour 2 rounded teaspoons soda
¥2 teaspoon cloves 2/3 cup raisins

Cook the apples in the molasses until apple is soft but still in
the junk. Cream the shortening and sugar. Sift together the flour,
cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt. Mix the sour milk and soda
together; add to the creamed mixture and then add the sifted dry
ingredients. Stir well. Fold in the apple molasses mixture and the
raisins. Bake in a large loaf pan in a 350 degree oven for about
one hour. This cake is very good for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Submitted by Mrs. Carroll Beal, Skowhegan, Maine
Apple Sauce Cake

1 cup sugar ¥Y2 teaspoon salt

Ya cup shortening ¥Y4 teaspoon cloves
1 cup hot apple sauce, Y4 teaspoon nutmeg
unsweetened Y4 teaspoon cinnamon
2 cups flour 1 egg
| teaspoon soda ¥4 cup raisins
Mix flour with soda, salt and spices. Mix sugar with hot apple
sauce and shortening. Add the egg and beat well, then combine with
the flour mixture. Add raisins. (Other fruit may be substituted for
the raisins, chopped dates, chopped nuts or mixed fruit.)
Bake in either small tins to be used as gifts or an 8 x 8 tin or
glass baking pan. Bake in a 340 degree oven for about 30 minutes
or until done when tested. Remove from tin to cool. It may be
iced with a variety of flavors. A special one, I like, is made from
brown sugar with peanut butter added.
Submitted by Mrs. Emery L. Leathers, Surry, Maine

Topping for Cake

3 tablespoons butter, melted Y4 cup nuts, chopped
1/3 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons cream
Y2 cup coconut

Mix well and spread on cake. Place under broiler (3 inches)

until it browns or bubbles 3 to 5 minutes.
Submitted by Reta H. Ellis, Skowhegan, Maine

Dutch Apple Cake

3 or 4 cooking apples, sliced 1 cup milk

YZ cup sugar | egg, beaten
2 cups flour 1 or 2 teaspoons cinnamon
4 teaspoons baking powder for topping
¥Y4 teaspoon salt -4 tablespoons sugar for
4 tablespoons shortening topping
Sift dry ingredients together, cut in shortening, add egg and
milk. Spread thin in pan and let stand while preparing apples.
Pare and cut in wedge shaped pieces — arrange in rows on top
of batter to cover the top. Mix cinnamon and sugar well and
sprinkle over the apples. Bake in a quick oven 20 to 25
minutes, until a straw comes out clean. Serve warm.
Submitted by Mrs. Earl R. Gray, Blue Hill, Maine
Nobby Apple Cake
3 cups apples (diced) 1 cup flour
| cup sugar + 4% teaspoon baking powder
Y; cup shortening Ys teaspoon soda
1 egg beaten 2 teaspoon salt
Y4 cup nuts (chopped) Y2 teaspoon cinnamon
| teaspoon vanilla 2 teaspoon nutmeg
Pare apples, cut into ’2 inch cubes and set aside. Cream short-
ening with the sugar, add the beaten egg. Add apples, nuts and vanilla
and sifted dry ingredients. Bake in greased 8-inch square pan 45
minutes at 350 degrees. Serve hot or cold, with or without whipped
cream or ice cream. Can be cut into squares, a good substitute for
Submitted by Mrs. Willard A, Kelly, Kennebunk, Maine
Blueberry Cake
1 cup sugar Y4 cup butter
| 2/3 cups flour | teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup milk
'2 teaspoon salt | cup fresh blueberries
1 unbeaten egg
Cream the butter and sugar and add the egg. Sift together
the flour, baking powder and salt and combine the creamed mixture
with the flour and the milk. Add vanilla. Mix and beat well.
Dust the blueberries with a little flour and fold into the batter.
Bake in a 350 degree oven about 50 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Pearle Palmer, Island Falls, Maine

Blueberry Cake
2 cups sugar YZ teaspoon salt
1 cup shortening (half butter) 2 teaspoons nutmeg (fresh
2 eggs grated if possible)
1 cup milk 2 teaspoons vanilla
3 cups flour | pint of blueberries
2’2 teaspoons baking powder
Cream sugar and shortening together. Beat in eggs, milk, flour
baking powder, salt, nutmeg and vanilla. Fold in the blueberries.
This makes an 9 x 13 or 2 eight inch square cakes. We line
pan with greased waxed paper. Bake at 350 degrees for 40
minutes and check — then increase temperature to 375 degrees
for 10 minutes more.
Submitted by Forest O. Mavis, Orange, Conn., and Surry, Maine
Blueberry Cake

1¥2 cups sugar Y2 teaspoon nutmeg

'Y2 cup shortening Y2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs Y2 cup sour milk
2% cups flour 1% cups blueberries (fresh
1 teaspoon soda or frozen)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Cream the sugar and shortening together, beat in eggs. Sift dry
ingredients together and add to the creamed mixture alternately
with the sour milk. Add blueberries last. Sprinkle top with 3
tablespoons sugar before baking. Bake in 375 degree oven for 45
Submitted by Mrs. Keith Pennell, Machias, Maine
Old-Fashioned Blueberry Molasses Cake
Y2 cup sugar ¥Y2 teaspoon cinnamon
¥Y2 cup shortening Ya teaspoon allspice
Y2 cup molasses 1 teaspoon soda
1 egg ¥4 cup hot water
1% cups flour 1 cup blueberries
Y2 teaspoon salt
Cream sugar and shortening together, then add the molasses
and egg. Sift dry ingredients and add to the creamed mixture
alternately with the hot water. Add blueberries last. Bake in 350
degree oven until done.
Submitted by Mrs. Patricia Dailey, Rockland, Maine

ah 4)
uly f(tie

hm en Ak.
willie au | Wild fruits grew in abundance in the woods and ///,™
\\* / meadows. The most plentiful was the wild crab-
apple and this hard, sour little storehouse of energy ets
could be used in many ways. Collected after the ,,//
first frost had kissed its rosy cheeks, it made a
dandy apple pie or pudding and could also be
dried and stored for use during the winter months A
ahead. You still can’t beat the tangy flavor of
wild Maine crabapple jelly. The wild apple was
then and the cultivated apple is now a very im- /
portant part of the diet and economy of the State if

of Maine. Cultivated orchards of all varieties can
be found in just about any county but the center
of the apple industry is located in the western
counties along the New Hampshire border. Related
industries are many — such as the making of cider, (ie
canning of pie apples and applesauce, apple jelly |, i/
and of course the bottling of apple juice. From Min
Lae the beginning Maine has specialized in apple va-
y lel i rieties that store well and are especially good for ,
yy “ Oy Uf ( cooking or canning. y a Oa

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Blueberry Pudding Cake
2 cups blueberries ¥Y4 cup sugar
1 cup flour ¥2 cup milk
| teaspoon baking powder | cup sugar
Y4 teaspoon salt | tablespoon cornstarch
3 tablespoons shortening - | cup boiling water

Put the 2 cups blueberries in the bottom of an 8 x 8 cake tin.

Mix the flour, baking powder, salt, shortening, 34 cup sugar and
milk together and spread over the berries. Now mix the | cup
sugar and cornstarch together and sprinkle over batter in pan. Pour
the cup of boiling water over this. Bake at about 350 degrees for
45 minutes.

Other fruits such as rhubarb, raspberries, or sliced apples can

be deliciously substituted for the bluéberries.
Submitted by Mrs. James McGrath, East Waterboro, Maine

Raspberry Upside Down Cake

Y2 cup sugar 12 teaspoons baking powder

3 tablespoons butter '2 teaspoon salt
| egg ’4 cup milk
6 drops almond or vanilla 3 tablespoons butter
flavoring 34 cup brown sugar, packed
1 cup all-purpose flour 2’ cups raspberries

Cream together the butter, sugar and the egg; stir in the
flavoring. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together and add al-
ternately with the milk to the creamed mixture.

In a buttered 8 x 8 inch pan, melt 3 tablespoons butter,

sprinkle in the 34 cup brown sugar and allow the two to melt
together. Spread the berries evenly on top of this mixture and
pour the cake batter over the berries. Bake in 350 degree oven
for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and turn onto a plate. Serve
wih either whipped, plain cream or ice cream. This cake is best
when served slightly warm but it is not to be passed up cold either.
Submitted by Mrs. Louis J. LeBretton, Orrington, Maine

Blueberry Cake
2 eggs, separated 1¥2 cups flour
1 cup sugar | teaspoon baking powder
Y2 cup shortening 1/3 cup milk
Y4 teaspoon salt 12 cups fresh blueberries
| teaspoon vanilla | tablespoon flour
Beat egg whites until stiff. Add 4 cup of the sugar. Cream
the shortening, sugar, salt, vanilla and add the egg yolks. Beat
until creamy. Add flour, sifted with baking powder, alternately
with the milk. Fold in the egg whites. Sprinkle the berries
with the | tablespoon of flour and fold into the batter. Pour into
a well greased 8 x 8 pan. Sprinkle top with a little sugar. Bake
in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Jeannette Chapman, Southwest 20, Cushing, Maine

My Strawberry Long Cake

1 quart hulled berries Pinch salt
Y2 cup sugar 1/3 cup shortening
2 cups flour 1 egg
6 tablespoons sugar 2/3 cup milk
4 teaspoons baking powder
Sprinkle 2 cup sugar over berries and let set. Sift together
the flour, 6 tablespoons sugar, baking powder and salt. Cut in
the shortening. Beat egg with milk and add to the flour mixture.
Spread dough out in greased 8 x 12 pan. Spread berries and
juice over top and bake in 375 degree oven for 35 to 40 minutes.
Serve with plain or whipped cream.
Submitted by Mrs. Gordon Hambrecht, Dexter, Maine

Easy Cherry Nut Cake

| cup sugar ¥2 teaspoon lemon
’2 cup butter ¥Y2 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs 4 tablespoons cherry juice
2 cups flour ¥Y2 cup chopped cherries
242 teaspoons baking powder 2 cup nuts
¥Y2 cup milk
Cream butter, sugar and egg yolks together. Sift flour and baking
powder and add alternately with the milk and flavoring. Add
cherries, juice and nuts. Last of all fold in egg whites. The secret
is putting the egg whites in last. Frost with your favorite frosting.
Submitted by Faith Pert, Sedgwick, Maine

Lemon-Apple-Cheese Cake
1 tall can evaporated milk 1 teaspoon vanilla
| large package lemon- | cup graham cracker crumbs
flavored gelatin (6 ounces) (about 10 crackers or use
¥4 cup boiling water ginger snap crumbs)
| package cream cheese (8 ~ 2 tablespoons brown sugar
ounces) Y4 cup butter or margarine
Y2 cup sugar Y2 cup chopped nuts
2 cups apple sauce

Chill evaporated milk until icy. Add the boiling water to the
gelatin and stir until dissolved, cool. Combine cream cheese and
sugar and blend until creamy. Stir in the apple sauce, vanilla, and
cooled gelatin mixture. Chill well.
To make the crust; melt the % cup of butter in a 9 x 9 pan
and mix in the crumbs, brown sugar and half of the nuts. Spread
around and press firm. ,
Whip the cooled apple-gelatin mixture while gradually adding
the chilled milk. Continue beating until about double in volume.
Turn into the prepared pan and top with the rest of the nuts.
Chill until set, at least 5 hours or can set overnight. Makes 12 to
16 servings.
Submitted by Mrs. Marjorie Wilder, Norridgewock, Maine

Refrigerator Cheese Cake

32 graham crackers, rolled fine cup boiling water

2 rounded tablespoons ounce package cream cheese
powdered sugar cup sugar
¥Y4 pound butter, melt slightly large can evaporated milk

1 package lemon flavor (chilled overnight)

gelatin (3 ounce)

Mix the cracker crumbs with the powdered sugar and the
butter, Line a 9 x 13 pan with the crumb mixture, reserving |
cup for topping. Mix gelatin with boiling water until dissolved and
Beat until creamy the cream cheese and the sugar. Whip until
light and fluffy the evaporated milk (which has been chilled).
Mix all together, the cooled gelatin, the creamed cheese, and
the whipped milk. Pour over the crumb crust. Sprinkle | cup
crumbs over the top. Chill.
Submitted by Mrs. Anton Anzelc, Bangor, Maine

Cheese Cake

2 packages of cream cheese ¥4 pound melted butter or

(8 ounce size) margarine
1 pound cottage cheese | pint sour cream
4 eggs 3 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons lemon juice 3 tablespoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring 142 cups sugar

Have all ingredients at room temperature. Put cream cheese and

cottage cheese through a sieve and add the slightly beaten eggs, also 1
cup of the sugar. Mix well and add lemon juice and vanilla.
Stir in the melted butter, mixing well. Sift flour, cornstarch and 12
cup of sugar, adding to the creamed mixture. Then add the sour
Grease well a spring form or tube cake pan and pour in
cake batter.
Bake in a 325 degree oven for one hour or longer. When done,
shut off the oven and leave cake in oven until cold. (Cake rises
while baking and then deflates slightly.) When cool, refrigerate.
Submitted by Mrs. C. W. Schmidt, Westfield, Maine

Grated Apple Cake

3 medium sized apples 1 egg

1 cup flour ¥4 cup cooking oil
1 level teaspoon soda | cup sugar
| teaspoon cinnamon | cup raisins
1 teaspoon nutmeg '4 teaspoon grated orange rind
'Y2 teaspoon salt

Using a large grater, grate the apples on the side of the

grater with the medium round holes. This makes slivers.
Sift together the flour, soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and _ salt 3
times. Beat up the egg with the oil and the sugar. Alternate
the egg mixture with the flour mixture then add the grated
apples, the raisins and the orange rind mixed in a little flour.
Pour into an 8 x 8 inch cake pan and bake in a moderate oven
about 350 degrees about 35 minutes.
Submitted by Llewellyn Farnham, Scarboro, Maine

Margaret’s Date Cake
| cup sugar '’2 cup chopped nuts
44 cup shortening | 1/3 cups flour
] egg | teaspoon soda
| cup hot water Y2 teaspoon salt
| cup chopped dates

Chop dates. Sprinkle soda over dates, add hot water and let
stand until cool. Cream shortening and sugar, add egg and beat well.
Add date mixture, flour and salt. Add nuts. Bake in an 8 x 8 pan
at 375 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes. Cool and frost with creamy
frosting as follows:

¥2 cup shortening (part butter) 2 cup milk

2 tablespoons flour 3 cups confectioner’s sugar
4 teaspoon salt | teaspoon vanilla

Melt shortening in a saucepan, blend in flour, salt and slowly stir

in the milk. Bring to a boil stirring constantly. Boil | minute.
Remove from heat, place saucepan in a pan of ice water and stir
in confectioner’s sugar and the vanilla. Stir until thick enough to
Submitted by Mrs. Robert Wright, Hope, Maine

Aunt Lizzie’s Date Cake

¥Yz pound dates 134 cups flour

1 cup boiling water 2 teaspoon salt
| teaspoon soda | teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons butter ’2 cup chopped nuts
1 cup white sugar (walnuts preferred)
1 large egg

Cut dates in quarters and pour hot water in which soda has
been dissolved, over them. Let stand while mixing other ingredients.
Cream sugar and butter well, add beaten egg. Sift flour, salt and
add to the creamed mixture alternately with the dates. Mix thoroughly.
Add nuts which have been tossed with a teaspoon of flour. Bake
at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes. Ice with a coffee or plain
butter frosting.
Aunt Lizzie came from Deer Isle, Maine, and this was her favorite
cake for church fairs, lodge suppers, or even when the minister
came to call.
Submitted by Mrs. Doris B. Jordan, Portland, Maine

Golden Date Cake

2 cups plus 2 tablespoons 1 cup milk

flour 1% teaspoons vanilla
142 cups sugar 2 medium eggs
1 teaspoon salt 1 cup dates, cut fine
3 teaspoons baking powder '’2 cup chopped nuts
Y2 cup shortening
Sift the flour with the sugar, salt, and baking powder. Add the
shortening, milk and vanilla. Beat vigorously with a spoon for 2
minutes or on medium speed of electric mixer for 2 minutes. Add
the eggs and dates, continue beating 2 more minutes. Fold in the
nuts. This will make 2 round 8-inch layers or an oblong 13 x 9.
Grease and flour pans. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 30 to 35
Submitted by Donna Smith,, Corinna, Maine
Rhubarb Upside Down Cake
3 cups rhubarb (diced) I egg
Y4 cup sugar 2 cups flour
¥%4 cup miniature marshmal- 2 teaspoons baking powder
lows 4 teaspoon salt
%4 cup butter ¥% cup milk
1 cup sugar 2 teaspoon vanilla
In an iron skillet, mix the rhubarb, sugar and marshmallows.
Cream together butter, sugar and egg. Sift dry ingredients and
add alternately with milk to the creamed mixture. Add vanilla and
pour batter on top of rhubarb in the skillet. Bake at 350 degrees
for 40 minutes or until done.
Submitted by Mrs. Ralph Ranger, Fairfield, Maine
Nut Cake
2 cups flour 2/3 cup milk
1 1/3 cups sugar 142 teaspoons vanilla
22 teaspoons baking powder 2 unbeaten eggs
¥%4 teaspoon salt ¥4 cup milk
Y2 cup shortening Ya cup chopped nuts
Sift flour with sugar, baking powder and salt. Add shortening
and 2/3 cup of milk with the vanilla. Beat all together for 2
minutes. Add the 2 unbeaten eggs and 4 cup of milk and beat 2
more minutes. Add nuts. Bake in a 9 x 9 pan for 25 minutes at
350 degrees.
Submitted by Mrs. Myra D. White, Fort Fairfield, Maine

Sauerkraut Cake
2/3 cup butter or margarine | teaspoon salt
1’ cups white sugar v2 cup cocoa
3 eggs 1 cup cold water
2'4 cups flour 2/3 cup drained and rinsed
| teaspoon soda , sauerkraut (chopped)
| teaspoon baking powder

Cream butter and sugar together, add eggs, one at a time

and beat well. Sift flour, soda, baking powder, salt and cocoa
together and add to the creamed mixture alternately with the
cold water. Fold in sauerkraut last. Cook at 350 degrees 30
minutes or until done.

Submitted by Mrs. Annie Rogers, Thomaston, Maine


Spud and Spice Cake

134 cups sugar Y2 teaspoon nutmeg

1 cup cold mashed potato Y2 teaspoon salt
¥, cup soft shortening | teaspoon soda
3 unbeaten eggs 1 cup buttermilk or sour milk
2 cups sifted flour ¥%4 cup walnuts, chopped
| teaspoon cinnamon

Cream together the sugar, potato and shortening, add eggs one
at a time. Sift together the flour, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt.
Add the soda to the milk and add alternately to the creamed
mixture with the flour mixture. Mix in walnuts last. Cook in a
350 degree oven approximately 40 minutes or until done. Frost
with the following frosting.

Y4 cup butter 3 tablespoons milk
¥4 cup packed brown sugar Powdered sugar

Melt the butter in saucepan, stir in the brown sugar and

cook over low heat 2 minutes. Add the milk and bring to a full
boil; cool to lukewarm. Mix with enough powdered sugar to
spread easily on cake.

Submitted by Mrs. Pauline Timberlake, Turner, Maine

Carrot Cake

4 eggs 1 teaspoon cinnamon

2 cups sugar | teaspoon soda
12 cups cooking oil 1 teaspoon baking powder
2 cups grated raw carrots '’2 teaspoon salt
2 cups flour
Beat the four eggs, then beat in the 2 cups sugar, | cups
cooking oil. Stir in the 2 cups grated raw carrots. Sift dry in-
gredients together and stir in above mixture. Bake in two 9-inch
round pans. Bake at 375 degrees for about 25 minutes or until
Y cup oleo 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 pound (scant) confectioner’s %4 cup nuts
1 8-ounce package cream
Cream the first three ingredients, add vanilla and put be-
tween layers and on top of cake, spreading nuts over the top.
Submitted by Mrs. Mahlon Salsbury, Ellsworth Falls, Maine

Christmas Nut Loaf

142 cups flour 4 cups walnuts

12 cups sugar 2 cups pecans
1 teaspoon baking powder 1 8-ounce bottle red maraschino
| teaspoon salt cherries
2 pounds pitted dates or | 8-ounce bottle green
1 pound dates and maraschino cherries
1 pound candied fruit 5 large eggs
2 cups Brazil nuts | teaspoon vanilla

Sift together in large bowl the flour, sugar, baking powder

and salt. Add — do not chop — the dates, fruit and nuts, drain
the cherries and add. Stir with flour mixture to coat nuts and
fruits. Beat the eggs with the vanilla and mix in with flour and
nut mixture with large spoon or hands, being careful not to
break cherries and nuts. Put into pans or molds and bake in a
275 degree oven for 1'2 hours.
Submitted by Mrs. Stacy A. Meister, Washburn, Maine

Plantation Cake

Y2 cup sugar | teaspoon salt

Y2 cup shortening | teaspoon baking powder or
¥Y2 teaspoon soda 12 teaspoons cream of tartar
| teaspoon grated lemon rind !'2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 cup molasses -2 eggs
2 cups sifted flour 2/3 cup milk
Cream together the sugar, shortening, soda and lemon rind.
Add molasses. Sift flour, salt, baking powder and cinnamon to-
gether. Stir ’2 cup of the flour mixture into the creamed mixture,
beat in eggs. Add milk alternately with remaining flour mixture.
Beat about 2 minute. Bake in two greased layer pans, lightly
floured, in a 350 degree oven about 25 minutes or until well done.
Submitted by Mrs. Joseph Couture, Jr., Oakland, Maine
Grandma Joy’s Jelly Cake
Y2 cup butter 1 teaspoon cream of tartar
| cup sugar 'Y2 teaspoon soda
Yolks of 2 eggs Pinch of salt
'Y2 cup milk 2 egg whites
12 cups flour
Combine first 4 ingredients, beating until smooth. Add sifted
dry ingredients and beat well. Add whites of eggs stiffly beaten
and | teaspoon vanilla. Bake in 350 degree oven in two layer tins.
When cool, put layers of cake together, using apple jeily or
raspberry jam. Dust top and sides with sifted confectioner’s
Submitted by Inga F. Chase, Glen Cove, Maine
Crumb Cake

¥Y2 cup shortening 1 egg

1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons molasses
2 cups flour 1 cup sour milk
1 teaspoon nutmeg | teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon cloves 2 teaspoon salt
| teaspoon cinnamon
Make a crumb mixture with the shortening, sugar, flour and
spices. Set aside 1 cup of this crumb for topping. To the rest of
the mixture add the egg, molasses, sour milk with the soda added,
and the salt. Pour into a 9 x 13 pan and cover the top with the cup
of crumb mixture. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees.
Submitted by Ada E. Shaw, Frye, Maine

Spice Cake and Frosting
Y2 cup shortening | cup brown sugar
¥Y2 teaspoon salt | unbeaten egg
¥4 teaspoon ginger 22 cups sifted flour
| teaspoon cinnamon 2 teaspoon soda
Ya teaspoon cloves 2 teaspoons baking powder
Ya teaspoon allspice | cup thick sour milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Blend shortening, salt, spices and vanilla; add sugar gradually
and beat well. Add egg and beat. Sift the flour with the soda and
baking powder; add flour to creamed mixture, alternating with the
milk, mixing after each addition until the batter is smooth. Bake
in a 10 x 10 inch pan in a slow oven, 325 degrees, for 45 to 50
minutes or until the cake tests done. Top with the following
1 cup brown sugar Y4 cup milk
3 tablespoons cocoa 12 cups sifted confectioner’s
3 tablespoons butter sugar
'Y2 teaspoon salt | teaspoon vanilla

Combine sugar, cocoa, shortening, salt and milk in a saucepan

and bring to a boil, stirring three minutes. Boil slowly three more
minutes. Cool until lukewarm, add powdered sugar and vanilla
and beat until thick enough to spread.
Submitted by Mrs. Clarence W. Spiller, Bridgton, Maine
Golden Sponge Cake
5 eggs, separated Juice and rind from | orange
| cup sugar or lemon
Y4 teaspoon salt 1 cup sifted flour
Y4 teaspoon cream of tartar
Beat the 5 egg whites, salt and cream of tartar until foamy.
Continue beating at medium speed until the mixture is stiff
enough to hold up in peaks, but not dry. Add 2 cup of the
sugar, beating rapidly.
In another bowl, beat until thick and light the 5 egg yolks,
the remaining ’2 cup of sugar, 1/2 teaspoons of orange or lemon
rind, grated, and 4 tablespoons of the juice. Add the flour and stir
until blended. Fold the yolk mixture into the whites and blend
well. Bake in an ungreased tube pan in a 325 degree oven for
1 hour or until it tests done.
Submitted by Mrs. Lloyd E, Fernald, Franklin, Maine

Wh Za 4A PAN
Brother pig was very important in the cooking native to Maine.
Not much could be made without good old sowbelly. There was
almost always a brine barrel in the cellar or shed. Eaten by itself,
fried to a crusty brown, swimming in its own gravy, it is quite a
tasty dish but its biggest role is in enhancing the natural
flavors of other foods. No real chowder or stew could be made
without it. Of course, salt pork is the main flavoring
in baked beans. Pork, both fresh and cured, was and
is a good
robust dish but it was the fat of the pig, salted and plain that was
the indispensable ingredient in the bulk of our native dishes. Salt
pork is especially good when stewed with wild greens such as the
common dandelion. This dish is considered quite a delicacy by most
folks in Maine.
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Josie Barker’s Sponge Cake
4 eggs | cup sugar
| teaspoon vinegar 1 cup flour

Beat the egg yolks, add the vinegar and sugar. Beat the egg
whites to a stiff froth and add to the yolks. Add the flour. Bake in
a 350 degree oven about 35 minutes.
Josie Barker lived a long life. She was 94 when she died. Her
friends were numberless. She always said, “Never did anyone have
as good friends as I have.” She loved to do good things for her
friends and she often came bringing a cake. In fact, this cake
might well be called, ‘“Josie’s Friendship Cake.” It is delicious
and easy to make.
Submitted by Esther E. Wood, Gorham, Maine

Hot Milk Sponge Cake

2 eggs | teaspoon baking powder

| cup sugar Y4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon vanilla v2 cup milk
1 cup flour Dab of butter
Beat eggs until very thick and light, gradually add sugar and
vanilla beating constantly. Add sifted flour, baking powder and
salt. Bring milk and butter to a boil. Add to cake batter and
stir quickly. Bake in 9 x 5 x 2 inch pan at 325 degrees for about
45 minutes,
Submitted by Mrs. Etta I. Jones, Auburn, Maine

Ellen’s Molasses Sponge Cake

Y2 cup shortening 2’ cups flour
Ya cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt
1 egg | teaspoon cloves
1 cup molasses I teaspoon cinnamon
Dessert spoon of soda (2 | teaspoon nutmeg
scant teaspoons) 1 cup boiling water

Cream shortening and sugar. Add egg and molasses. Sift dry
ingredients together. Add to first mixture and beat thoroughly
and then add boiling water. Beat again. Bake in moderate oven,
350-375 degrees.
Submitted by Evelyne Ware, Skowhegan, Maine

Oatmeal Mocha Cake

2 tablespoons instant coffee 2 eggs

12 cups boiling water 12 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup rolled oats 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
%4 cup soft shortening 144 teaspoons soda
1 cup white sugar ¥4 teaspoon salt
1 cup brown sugar 3 tablespoons cocoa

1'4 tablespoons butter ¥Y2 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup confectioner’s sugar 1/2 tablespoons liquid coffee
Dash of salt
Stir together the 2 tablespoons of instant coffee, the rolled oats
and the 1’ cups of boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes and let cool.
Cream together the shortening, sugars, eggs and vanilla. Sift
the flour with the soda, salt, and cocoa. Combine all mixtures
and pour into a well greased 9 x 13 pan and bake at 350 degrees
50 to 55 minutes.
Combine ingredients for the icing and beat well. Drizzle over the
Submitted by Mrs. Allan Wood, Woodland, Maine

Brown Sugar Cupcakes

1/3 cup butter or other | teaspoon soda
shortening 14% cups flour
| cup brown sugar ¥Y2 teaspoon salt
| egg, separated Y2 cup nuts
Ya cup sour milk 1 teaspoon vanilla

Cream together the sugar, butter and egg yolk. Sift flour
with salt and soda. Add alternately to the creamed mixture with
the sour milk. Add nuts, cut fine and vanilla. Last fold in
the stiffly beaten egg white. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.
¥Y2 cup brown sugar | square chocolate
2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanilla
Y4 cup water Powdered sugar
Boil brown sugar, butter, water, chocolate and vanilla altogether
for 3 minutes. Cool awhile and mix enough powdered sugar to
make a smooth spread.
Submitted by Ann Condon, Thomaston, Maine

Orange Fruit Cake

12 cups sugar Pinch of salt

Y2 cup lard 1 teaspoon vanilla
| cup sour milk | orange
2 cups flour | cup raisins
| teaspoon soda
Take 2 orange and squeeze 2 tablespoons juice for frosting.
Grind rest of orange with the cup of raisins, set this aside. Cream
| cup sugar and lard together; sift dry ingredients and add alter-
nately to the creamed mixture with the sour milk. Mix in the
raisin mixture and bake in a 350 degree oven for approximately
40 minutes or until it tests done. Mix orange juice with 12 cup of
sugar, spread on hot cake and put back in oven and let glaze.
Submitted by Mrs. Elizabeth Collins, West Forke, Maine

Mincemeat Cake ,

134 cups sugar 34% cups sifted flour

2 cups water 2 teaspoons soda
1 9-ounce package mince- | teaspoon salt
meat 'Y2 cup walnut meats
¥% cup cooking oil
Put sugar, water, mincemeat and oil in saucepan and boil 5
minutes. Stir often. Remove from stove and cool. Sift the flour, salt
and soda together and add to the mincemeat mixture. Mix well and
add walnuts. Bake in 325 degree oven 40 minutes.
Submitted by Mildred L. Hooper, Shapleigh, Maine
Golden Spice Cake
Y2 cup cooking oil Y2 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar Y4 teaspoon nutmeg
2 eggs Y2 teaspoon cinnamon
l tablespoon molasses ¥Y2 teaspoon cloves
1 cup sour milk ] teaspoon soda
2 cups flour }
Put cooking oil into bowl, add sugar and mix. Add eggs and beat
well. Mix in molasses. Sift dry ingredients and add alternately to
sugar mixture with the sour milk. Beat well. Bake in greased pan
350 degrees 45 to 50 minutes. When cool, frost with butter
frosting. About %4 teaspoon instant coffee added to frosting makes
it delicious.
Submitted by Mrs. Ida Mercier, Skowhegan, Maine

Ribbon Cake
Part |
2 cups sugar 3 cups flour
3 eggs 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
2/3 cup butter | teaspoon soda
| cup sweet milk
| tablespoon molasses Allspice and nutmeg to, taste
| cup raisins | tablespoon flour

Combine ingredients of Part 1 by creaming sugar, eggs and

butter together. Sift dry ingredients together and add to the creamed
mixture alternately with the milk. Flavor with lemon. Pour two-
thirds of this batter into 2 8-inch layer cake pans. Add the in-
gredients of Part 2 to the remainder and pour into a third 8-inch
pan. Bake at 375 degrees. Put the three layers together with jelly.
Submitted by Mrs, Edith Chester, Waterville, Maine

Forty Day Cake

2 cups sugar 1 cup melted lard
2 cups sour milk or butter- | teaspoon salt
milk | teaspoon cinnamon
2 rounded teaspoons soda | teaspoon cloves
| Ib. seedless raisins (ground) 42 cups sifted flour

Mix together sugar and milk with soda dissolved in milk. Add
salt and spices, lard and ground raisins. If raisins are sticky mix
with lard to separate them before adding to other mixture. Mix in
flour a little at a time. Pour into greased bread tins for three
small cakes or a large angel cake pan. Bake in a 325 degree oven
for 12 hours. A large jar of candied fruit and one cup of
chopped nuts may be added ifdesired.

This is a very old favorite used in wood camps when I used

to cook there. It will keep for weeks. I also used to send it over
seas to my sons during World War II. If every thing else in the
box was spoiled this was always good.
Submitted by Mrs. John Porter, Lowell, Maine

3 Minute Spice Cake
| 1/3 cups sugar 44 teaspoon cloves
2 eggs | teaspoon allspice
2 cups sifted cake flour or ¥2 teaspoon nutmeg
all purpose Y4 cup vinegar
| teaspoon baking soda “V2 cup milk
¥Y2 teaspoon salt | teaspoon vanilla
¥4 teaspoon cinnamon ¥2 cup shortening
Beat together the sugar and eggs for | minute. Sift together
the flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves, allspice and nutmeg
and add to the sugar and eggs mixture. Combine the vinegar,
milk and vanilla. Add 2 of the liquid and all the shortening to
the sugar and flour mixture and beat vigorously | minute. Add
remaining liquid and beat one minute. Bake at 375 degrees 25 to
30 minutes. Makes 2 8-inch layers.
Submitted by Ruth Russell, Rockland, Maine

Raisin Shortcake
| cup flour ¥Y2 cup milk
| cup sugar 1 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons butter
Y4 teaspoon salt 2 cups boiling water
1 scant cup seedless raisins
Sift together the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Add the
raisins and milk and stir into the flour mixture. Put the brown
sugar, butter and boiling water into an 8 x 8 baking dish and
bring to a boil. Pour the above batter into this mixture and
bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Serve with cream or ice
Submitted by Mrs. Roy Barteaux, Brewer, Maine

Cheap Chocolate Cake

2 squares chocolate | teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon butter 1 cup sweet milk
| cup sugar Y2 teaspoon soda, dissolved in
1 egg yolk | tablespoon hot water
| 1/3 cups flour
Melt chocolate and butter together over hot water. Take from
stove and add sugar and egg yolk, beat well. Sift flour with salt
and add to chocolate mixture alternately with milk. Add soda last.
Bake in 350 degree oven until done — approximately 35 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. John Ackley, East Machias, Maine

Throw Together Chocolate Cake
1 egg 1 teaspoon soda
Ya cup cocoa 2 teaspoon salt
Y2 cup melted shortening 1 teaspoon vanilla
142 cups sifted flour Y4 cup sour milk
1 cup sugar '’% cup boiling water
No matter what order you use in putting this cake together,
it always comes out good. Bake in a 350 degree oven about 45
Submitted by Mrs. Ina Firth, Rockland, Maine

Chocolate Cake

1 cup sugar ] teaspoon cream of tartar

Ye pound butter or oleo Y2 teaspoon soda
2 eggs ¥Y4 teaspoon salt
¥Y2 cup cold water 2 squares melted chocolate
1 cup flour 1 teaspoon vanilla

Beat whites of 2 eggs and set aside. Cream sugar and butter
together, add the yolks of the 2 eggs mixed with the cold water.
Sift together the flour, cream of tartar, soda and salt, and mix
alternately with the creamed mixture. Add melted chocolate and
vanilla. Fold in the whites of eggs last and bake in a 400 degree
oven for about30 to 35 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Birdene Shackleton, Boothbay, Maine

Chocolate Potato Cake

Y2 pound butter 1 cup cold mashed potatoes

2 cups sugar 2 cups sifted flour
4 eggs beaten 1 teaspoon baking soda
3 ounces melted chocolate 1 cup sour milk
| teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup coarsely chopped nuts
Y4 teaspoon nutmeg

Cream the butter, add sugar gradually beating until light and
fluffy. Add eggs and beat well; add the chocolate, potatoes, cin-
namon and nutmeg. Sift flour with baking soda and add to the
creamed mixture alternately with the sour milk. Fold in nuts last.
Pour in deep buttered baking pan. Bake in a 350 degree oven
45 minutes. This makes a large cake.
Submitted by Mrs. Eula H. Foss, Solon, Maine

Fudge Cake

1 cup sugar 12 cups sifted flour

Y cup shortening 2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg | teaspoon vanilla
¥Y2 cup sour milk % cup boiling water
1 teaspoon soda
Cream sugar and shortening together, beat in egg. Add soda to
sour milk and set aside. Sift flour with cocoa and add to the
creamed mixture alternately with the sour milk. Add vanilla and
boiling water last. Pour in layer cake pans and bake for 35
minutes in 350 degree oven. When cool, use following filling:
1 cup water 1 tablespoon butter
2/3 cup sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon cocoa ;
Boil until thick and add vanilla to flavor.
Submitted by Mrs. Marian Calligan, Grand Lake Stream, Maine
Fudge Cake

1 cup shortening (soft) 2% cups flour

2 cups sugar Y2 cup cocoa
2 eggs 2 teaspoons soda
1 cup sour milk ¥4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons vanilla 1 cup boiling water
Place shortening, sugar, eggs, sour milk and vanilla in bowl
and stir well. Sift together 3 times the cocoa, salt, flour and soda.
Add to first mixture and beat thoroughly. Add the boiling water
and mix until smooth. Bake in 3 well-greased 8-inch pans at 350
degrees, 25 to 30 minutes. (Remember that over-cooking impairs
the flavor of chocolate.) This is a dark and moist cake.
Submitted by Mrs. Marie Boucher, East Lebanon, Maine

Salad Dressing Cake

2 cups flour Little salt

1 cup sugar 1 cup salad dressing
4 heaping tablespoons cocoa 1 cup cold water
2 level teaspoons soda 1 teaspoon vanilla
Sift dry ingredients together three times. Mix in the salad
dressing, water and vanilla and beat well.
Submitted by Mrs. Stella Hollister, Hartland, Maine

Chocolate Cake Deluxe

2/3 cup soft shortening 14 teaspoons soda

1 2/3 cups sugar 1 teaspoon salt
3 eggs 1 1/3 cups water
2% cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon instant coffee
2/3 cup cocoa 112 teaspoons vanilla
Y4 teaspoon baking powder

Cream shortening with sugar, add eggs and beat well. Sift
flour with cocoa, baking powder, soda and salt. Mix water with coffee.
Mix flour mixture alternately with water to the creamed mixture,
add vanilla. Bake in oblong or layer pans in a 350 degree oven
for 30 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Clytie Fall, Berwick, Maine

Molasses Chocolate Cake

1 cup sugar | teaspoon soda

Y cup shortening 134 cups sifted flour
2 eggs well beaten 3 tablespoons cocoa
Y2 cup molasses ¥2 teaspoon salt
1 cup boiling water | teaspoon vanilla

Cream together the sugar and shortening, add the eggs and beat
well. Add molasses and the soda which has been dissolved in the
boiling water. Sift dry ingredients together and add to above mix-
ture. Add vanilla. Bake in 2 well greased layer cake pans in
moderate oven 350 degrees about 30 minutes. Cake remains moist a
long time.
Submitted by Mrs. Olive Speed, Carmel, Maine

Never Fail Chocolate Cake

1 cup sugar | teaspoon baking soda

1 egg % cup sour milk
¥4 cup melted shortening 144 cups flour
4 tablespoons cocoa ¥2 teaspoon salt
¥4 cup hot water 1 teaspoon vanilla

Beat egg and sugar, add melted shortening. Dissolve cocoa in

hot water and add to first mixture. Dissolve soda in sour milk
and add. Sift flour and salt into all and beat well. Add vanilla
last. Bake at 375 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes or until done.
Submitted by Mrs. Mabelle S. Miller, Bangor, Maine

Spanish Chocolate Cake
| cup sugar 2 eggs
3 ounces melted chocolate 2’2 cups flour
1 egg yolk ¥Y2 cup sweet milk
1 cup milk | teaspoon soda dissolved in
Vanilla - hot water (just enough to
| cup sugar dissolve soda)
¥Y2 cup butter

Melt the chocolate over hot water, stir in the sugar, yolk of
egg and one cup milk. Cook until thick, flavor with vanilla.
While chocolate mixture is cooling, cream 1 cup sugar with the
butter, beat in eggs. Add flour to the creamed mixture alternately
with the milk. Add dissolved soda. Combine the two mixtures and
bake in layer tins in a 350 degree oven approximately 30 minutes.
Frost on top and between layers with fudge or white icing.
Submitted by Roger E. Hanscom, Newry, Maine

Wowie Cake

| cup sugar 1 tablespoon vinegar

1% cups flour 1/3 cup cooking oil
Ya teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla
¥Y4 cup cocoa 1 cup cold water
| teaspoon soda
Sift into ungreased 8 x 8 inch pan the sugar, flour, salt, cocoa
and soda. Add the vinegar, cooking oil, vanilla and water. Mix
until smooth and well blended. Scrape sides if necessary. Bake in a
350 degree oven 35 minutes.
Submitted by Olena V. Taylor, Anson, Maine
Chocolate Cake

12 cups sugar | teaspoon soda

1/3 cup shortening | teaspoon salt
1 cup sour milk ¥Y2 cup boiling. water
2 cups flour 1 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup cocoa
Cream sugar and shortening; add sour milk and vanilla, Stir
in flour sifted with the cocoa, soda and salt. Beat in last the 2
cup of boiling water, Bake in a 350 degree oven about 40
Submitted by Mrs. John A. Mann, Surry, Maine

Peanut Butter Cake

1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon soda

¥Y4 cup shortening 142 cups flour
Y4 cup peanut butter 'Y2 teaspoon salt
1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup sour milk

Cream the sugar, shortening and peanut butter together;

then add the egg and continue to beat until nice and light. Add
the soda to the sour milk and add to the creamed mixture. Sift
the dry ingredients together and add to the above creamed mix-
ture. Flavor with the vanilla. Grease and flour an 8 x 8 pan.
Bake in a 375 degree oven for 35 minutes.


1 large teaspoon butter Little hot water

1 tablespoon peanut butter Confectioner’s sugar

Cream butter, peanut butter and water together, add enough

confectioner’s sugar to make a spreading consistency.
Submitted by Eaino Heikkenine, South Paris, Maine

Chocolate Date Cake

1 cup chopped dates 1 tablespoon cocoa

1 cup hot water Y2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon vanilla
2/3 cup shortening 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate
1 cup sugar pieces
2 eggs, unbeaten ¥2 cup chopped walnuts
134 cups sifted flour

Combine dates, hot water and soda, set aside while mixing the
rest of the cake. Blend shortening with sugar and eggs, until very
light and fluffy. Add the date mixture alternately with the flour
which has been sifted with the cocoa and salt. Stir in the vanilla.
Add '% of the chocolate bits and the nuts. Pour into a greased
9 x 13 baking pan and sprinkle remaining /% cup of bits over
top of batter. Bake in a 350 degree oven about 40 minutes.

This cake makes its own frosting, travels well and will keep for
Submitted by Mrs, Fern Cummings, Edinburg, Maine

Aaron’s Bundles

¥Y2 cup white sugar | teaspoon cinnamon

Y2 cup brown sugar Y2 teaspoon nutmeg
%¥%4 cup shortening Y4 teaspoon cloves
| egg beaten 1 cup buttermilk
3 tablespoons molasses ‘1 cup seedless raisins
2% cups all-purpose flour (softened in boiling water
1 teaspoon soda and drained)
| teaspoon salt
Cream shortening, sugars, molasses and beaten egg. Sift dry
ingredients together and add alternately with buttermilk, reserving
Y%4 cup flour to mix with drained raisins. Beat well and add raisins.
Fill cupcake tins 2 full, sprinkle tops with chopped nuts (or frost
with butter frosting when cool). Bake in 350 degree oven for 20
minutes. “
Submitted by Mrs. Reita Holden, Thomaston, Maine

Golden Butter Cake

Y2 pound oleo 142 cups flour

1 2/3 cups sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla or lemon
5 eggs flavoring
Melt the oleo and add the sugar. Beat in the eggs, one at
a time. Add flour and flavoring. Beat two minutes. Put in a
greased, glass 9 x 5 loaf pan. Cook 1 hour at 350 degrees.
After removing cake from pan, sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar.
This recipe makes a good ‘‘camp cake” because it stays moist,
does not crumble and keeps well.
Submitted by Mrs. Mabel Batty, South Thomaston, Maine
Crumb Cake (Dark)

1 cup brown sugar (light) 1 cup sour milk

2 cups. flour 1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 egg
1 teaspoon cloves 1 cup raisins ~
Y2 cup butter
In a mixing bowl, mix the sugar, flour, spices and butter
together to make a crumb texture. Take out | cup for topping.
To the remainder, add the sour milk with the soda dissolved in it,
the egg and the raisins. Pour into a greased 9 x 9 pan. Sprinkle
with the cup of crumb topping. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Wallace Saunders, Bethel, Maine

Easy Fruit Cocktail Cake

2 cups flour Juice from No. 303 can of

1 cup sugar fruit cocktail
YS teaspoon salt 2 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons soda Y2 cup chopped nuts
2 eggs
Put all dry ingredients into mixing bowl. Break the eggs into
the dry ingredients and add the fruit juice. Beat until smooth.
Fold in the fruit cocktail. Pour into greased 10 x 10 x 2 inch pan or
similar sized oblong pan. Sprinkle 2 cup brown sugar and the
chopped nuts over top. Bake in 350 degree oven for 40 minutes.
Cover with following icing.
2/3 cup sugar 4 stick butter or margarine
1 cup canned milk
Boil ten minutes. Pour over hot cake. Leave in pan. Very
tasty without icing.
Submitted by Mrs. John Person, Bangor, Maine

Butterscotch Sundae Cake

2% cups sifted flour ¥Y2 cup soft shortening

3 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup milk
1 teaspoon salt | teaspoon vanilla
134 cups brown sugar (packed) '2 to 2/3 cup unbeaten eggs

Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Add brown sugar,
shortening, milk and vanilla and beat 2 minutes at medium speed
on electric mixer or 300 strokes by hand, scraping sides and bottom
of bowl constantly to guide batter into beater; add eggs, beating
2 more minutes. Bake in a 350 degree oven 35 to 45 minutes.
Frost with fluffy, white, cooked icing and dribble with Butter-
scotch Sundae Glaze.
¥4 cup brown sugar (packed) 2 tablespoons water
3 tablespoons butter

Bring all ingredients to a rolling boil in a saucepan and boil

hard for 12 minutes, without stirring, Do not overcook. Take
from heat and dribble over iced cake.
Submitted by Mrs. Mary E. Hanson, Washburn, Maine

Hungry Cake
2 cups brown sugar | teaspoon soda
Y2 cup butter (or margarine) '% teaspoon cloves
2 egg yolks 1 cup sour milk
22 cups flour
Cream brown sugar with butter, add egg yolks and beat. Sift
dry ingredients together and add to creamed mixture alternately
with the sour milk. Bake in layers in 350 degree oven. Put together
with following filling:
| cup sugar 2 egg whites
Ya cup water 1 cup chopped raisins
Boil sugar and water together until it threads. Pour into beaten
egg whites, add one cup chopped raisins. Beat until thick.
Submitted by Mrs. Charles R. Monteith, Rockland, Maine

Almond Cake

% cup butter Y2 cup sweet milk

1 cup sugar 1 lb. almonds, blanched and
3 eggs sliced
2 cups flour Vanilla
2 teaspoons baking powder
Cream butter, sugar and yolks of eggs together. Sift flour with
the baking powder and add alternately to the creamed mixture
with the milk. Add vanilla. Beat whites of eggs and fold in last.
Stir in almonds. Save whole almonds for the top of your favorite
icing. Bake in 350 degree oven.
Submitted by Mrs. Elwood S. Round, Orono, Maine

Grandmother’s Sour Cream Cake

Y cup butter | teaspoon soda

1% cups sugar Y4 teaspoon salt
1 cup sour cream 1 tablespoon lemon flavoring
2 cups flour 3 eggs
Cream butter and sugar. Add soda and salt to sour cream and
beat into creamed mixture alternately with the flour. Beat in the
eggs, one at a time. Add lemon. Bake in a greased loaf pan
as for pound cake. Use a 325 degree oven and cook about an
hour, or until done.
Submitted by Mrs. Alexander Stewart, Waldoboro, Maine

Pork Cake

1 Ib. salt pork, ground fine 1 Ib. walnuts, cut fine

1 pint boiling water Y2 |b. citron, cut fine
2 cups sugar 4 cups flour
1 cup molasses 1 teaspoon cloves
2 teaspoons soda 2 teaspoons cinnamon
| Ib. raisins | teaspoon ginger
1 lb. currants | teaspoon nutmeg

Pour boiling water over the ground pork. Let cool, then add
remaining ingredients. Bake very slow for two hours.
To this my mother sometimes added fruit mix, and used the
cake for a fruit cake. It keeps well.
Submitted by Gladys Macllroy, Bridgewater, Maine

Martha Washington Cake

1 cup shortening 3 cups flour

2 cups sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder
4 eggs 'Y2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk 2 teaspoons vanilla
Mix the shortening, sugar and egg yolks until smooth. Sift
the flour, baking powder and salt together and add to the above
mixture, alternately with the milk. Add vanilla. Last of all, beat
the egg whites until stiff and add to the mixture, stirring only long
enough to blend.
Submitted by Mrs, Wilbur Wiley, Houlton, Maine

Hardtack or Townmeeting Gingerbread

2 eggs Y4 teaspoon salt
2 cups molasses | teaspoon ginger
2/3 cup lard, melted Flour to handle
— 4% cups
2/3 cup cold water or more
1 teaspoon soda

Dissolve soda in the cold water. Mix all ingredients and put
enough flour in to handle the dough. Take 1 heaping tablespoon
of dough, roll in flour, and roll between palms of hands until
about 6 inches long. Place on cookie sheet and flatten with
creasing pin. Bake in moderate oven. This is delicious with a
glass of cold milk.
Submitted by Mrs. Theodora Hall, Waterboro, Maine

Sugar Gingerbread
| cup sugar | teaspoon salt
¥4 cup shortening 2 teaspoon soda
l egg ¥Y2 cup milk
| teaspoon ginger 2 cups flour
Mix all ingredients, spread in pan, sprinkle with sugar. Bake for
35 minutes at 350 degrees. When done, cool and cut in squares.
Submitted by Mrs. Herbert Dunham, Bryant Pond, Maine

Lasses Gingerbread

Iron fry pan or spider, used to 2 cup molasses

bake the gingerbread in 1 level teaspoon soda
| teaspoon lard or vegetable Y2 cup thick sour milk
shortening 2 cups flour ,
Y2 cup brown sugar or maple | teaspoon ginger
sugar Little ground cloves and salt
| tablespoon butter 1 well beaten egg
Place | teaspoon shortening to melt in iron fry pan while you
mix the batter. Dissolve soda in sour milk. Mix all ingredients
together, beating well. Turn the batter into the iron pan and bake in
350 degree oven until done. The bottom will be as brown as the top.
This is a very old recipe, probably 150 years old.
Submitted by Mrs. Lillian Clarkson, Weld, Maine

Spiced Gingerbread

(This was a favorite of Lafayette’s, taken from an old cookbook.)

Ys cup fresh butter 1 wine glass of brandy
'2 cup brown sugar (coffee may be used)
1 cup molasses 3 eggs, beaten very light
2 cup warm milk 3 cups flour
2 tablespoons ginger Juice and rind of orange
| teaspoon cinnamon | teaspoon soda
| teaspoon mace Warm water
| teaspoon nutmeg | cup raisins
Cut the butter and sugar into a pan and beat to a cream. Add
molasses and warm milk, spices and brandy or coffee. Add flour
and eggs alternately to the batter. Mix in the juice and rind of
orange. Dissolve soda in a little warm wtaer and add to mixture.
Beat until very light. Last add raisins. Bake in a moderate oven.
Submitted by Mrs. Dorothy Edwards, Skowhegan, Maine

1 cup white sugar Y4 teaspoon ginger
'Y2 cup shortening Y4 teaspoon salt
1 egg 1 cup boiling water
Y2 cup molasses Raisins, dates, or citron, if
1 teaspoon soda desired
2 cups flour 2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon
Stir ingredients together and then add boiling water. If you
desire, add raisins, dates or citron. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons
sugar before baking. Bake in 350 degree oven until done.
Submitted by Mrs. D. F. London, Houlton, Maine

Old-Fashioned Hard Gingerbread

2 cups flour 4 tablespoons melted shortening

142 teaspoons soda 3 tablespoons hot water
1 teaspoon ginger or cinnamon Molasses

In a cup put 3 tablespoons of melted shortening, 3 tablespoons

hot water and fill cup with molasses. Put dry ingredients in bowl
along with | tablespoon melted shortening. Mix. Add more flour
to knead if necessary. Roll out about 8 x 10 inches. Divide dough
in three sections. Bake like cookies. Cut in bars or squares while
still warm.
Submitted by Mrs. John Whitaker, Gouldsboro, Maine

Grandma’s Cake
1 cup molasses ’Y2 cup butter or vegetable
1 cup sugar shortening
| cup sour milk (if lacking | pound raisins
sour milk, | tablespoon | teaspoon soda
vinegar may be added to ’2 teaspoon cinnamon
sweet milk) Dash of cloves
3 cups flour Salt

Beat sugar and butter together, then add molasses and spices,
then the sour milk in which the soda is dissolved. Add flour
and last add the raisins. Bake in a 9 x 9 inch pan or in loaves,
in a 350 degree oven.
Submitted by Lucille Moore, Gorham, Maine

a) i

Wild berries of all varieties were plentiful in the

meadows, thickets and marshes. Cranberries, black-
berries, raspberries, huckleberries, blueberries and
most delicious of all, tae wild strawberry, could
be found just about anywhere in season. These
were gathered and used in many ways, in sauces,
jams, jellies, and pies. There were alse a variety
of spirits that enterprising souls could make from
the fruit of the vine if so inclined. Cultivated
berries of all varieties are common in Maine but
the blueberry barrens are probably the most pro-
ductive and provide the basic ingredient for the
numerous blueberry recipes to be found in our
cookbooks. Each summer there are _ blueberry
festivals during the harvest where one can fill up
on muffins, pancakes, cakes, pies, tarts and other
dishes made from this tasty little berry. The main
part of the crop are wild lowbush berries which
have an excellent texture, flavor and color. When
passing an apparently wild field or meadow which
is all lined off with stakes and string, you can be
sure that it is a Maine blueberry field ready for
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Old-Fashioned Gingerbread
142 teaspoons soda Ya cup sugar
2 cups flour Ya cup shortening
Y2 teaspoon salt 1 egg
| teaspoon ginger 1 cup molasses
| teaspoon cinnamon “1 cup hot water
Y2 teaspoon cloves
Cream shortening and sugar. Add egg. Measure and sift dry
ingredients. Mix hot water and molasses together and then add
alternately with dry ingredients. Bake at 375 degrees.
Submitted by Emily Sadler, West Jonesport, Maine

Nellie’s Gingerbread
Ya cup sugar 142 teaspoons soda
¥Y2 cup shortening 1 teaspoon lenfon extract
1 egg, beaten Y2 teaspoon ginger
1 cup molasses Salt
22 cups flour, sifted with | cup hot coffee

Mix in order given. Add the coffee last.

Submitted by Eleanor M. Curtis, Enfield, Maine

Bride’s Gingerbread

| egg Y4 cup sour milk

Y4 cup sugar 1 cup flour
¥4 cup molasses | teaspoon baking soda
Y4 cup liquid shortening | teaspoon ginger
Mix in order listed and pour mixture into greased 8-inch
square pan. Bake for 20-25 minutes in 350 degree oven.
Submitted by Joan Henley, Bryant Pond, Maine

Great-great-grandmother’s Muster Gingerbread

12 cups molasses 1 tablespoon of vinegar
2/3 cup shortening Ginger to taste
1 heaping teaspoon of soda Enough flour to make a soft
1 cup hot water dough
Dissolve soda in the cup of hot water. Mix with rest of in-
gredients. Knead as little as possible and roll out in thin sheets.
Bake in a 350 degree oven.
Submitted by Mrs. John F. Wood, Gorham, Maine

Never Fail Frosting
Y2 stick margarine Y% cup milk
1 square chocolate 1 teaspoon. vanilla
1 cup sugar

Melt margarine and chocolate in saucepan, add sugar and

milk. Bring to a rolling boil and boil slowly for 2 minutes. Take
from heat and add vanilla. Cool and beat. Spread quickly when
it shows signs of thickening. ;
Submitted by Mrs. Birdene Shackleton, Boothbay, Maine

Decorator’s Icing
2 cups confectioner’s sugar 2 teaspoon vanilla
Y2 cup vegetable shortening 12 to 2 tablespoons milk
Y4 teaspoon glycerine Y4 teaspoon salt

Beat all together until the frosting stands in stiff peaks.

Submitted by Mrs. R. Fred Harmon, Caribou, Maine

Pineapple Topping for Angel Food Cake

1 small can crushed pineapple, Small jar cherries

drained ¥Y2 to | cup nuts, chopped
| package instant vanilla ¥Y2 pint cream

Drain pineapple well and add the instant pudding mix. Mix
well. Add cherries and nuts. Whip the cream and fold into the
pineapple pudding mix. This is a very good topping. Use more
cherries if you prefer.
Submitted by Mrs. Raymond Doughty, Howland, Maine

Apple Pie Crumb Topping

Ss2 cup margarine | cup flour
¥Y2 cup brown sugar

Mix together to crumb stage, pat on top of apple pie and bake.
Submitted by Donna Smith, Corinna, Maine

7 Minute Fluffy White Frosting
%4 cup sugar Ys teaspoon cream of tartar
2 tablespoons cold water Y2 teaspoon vanilla
| egg white, unbeaten Nuts or grated coconut
¥g teaspoon salt (optional)
| teaspoon white corn syrup ~
Place in double boiler over boiling water, the sugar, cold
water, egg white, salt, syrup and cream of tartar. Beat constantly
with rotary or electric beater until mixture holds peaks. Remove
from heat and blend in the vanilla. Cool before spreading. Sprinkle
coconut or nuts over top, if desired.
Submitted by Mrs. John Ackley, East Machias, Maine

Whipped Frosting
Y2 cup margarine | teaspoon yanilla
’2 cup shortening 4 teaspoons flour
1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup milk
Blend margarine and shortening about 4 minutes in mixer.
Add sugar and blend some more, then add vanilla. Add flour to
milk and cook until it thickens, stirring so it won’t become lumpy.
Cool and then add to creamed mixture. Beat for about 4
minutes more.
Submitted by Mrs. Francina Pelletier, Calais, Maine
Butterscotch Frosting

¥Y2 cup brown sugar Y4 teaspoon salt

6 tablespoons margarine 12 cups confectioner’s sugar
1/3 cup milk 2 teaspoon vanilla
Melt margarine and brown sugar slowly, add milk and boil
for 2 minutes. Chill thoroughly — add confectioner’s sugar and
salt. Beat at high speed on electric mixer until thick enough to
spread. Add vanilla.
Submitted by Ruth Russell, Rockland, Maine

Coffee Icing
12 cups powdered sugar Y4 teaspoon salt
2 heaping tablespoons vegetable Hot instant coffee
Combine first three ingredients with just enough instant coffee
to mix.
Submitted by Mrs. Louise Fleming, Howland, Maine

Michigan Fudge Frosting
¥Y2 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons butter
Y4 cup water Powdered ‘sugar
1 square chocolate 1 teaspoon vanilla
¥Yg teaspoon salt 'Y2 cup nuts, chopped
Mix first 5 ingredients together in a saucepan and bring to a
boil. Boil for 3 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent sticking.
Cool slightly. Add enough powdered sugar to spread. Add vanilla
and nuts.
Submitted by Mrs. Philip Hansen, Westbrook, Maine

Quick Caramel Frosting

4 tablespoons butter 1 cup powdered sugar

¥, cup brown sugar (approximately)
6 tablespoons cream ¥Y2 teaspoon vanilla
Melt butter in saucepan, add brown sugar, melt again. Add
cream and bring to a vigorous boil, boil | minute. Remove and
let cool a few minutes then add powdered sugar slowly, beating
constantly. Add vanilla and more powdered sugar if necessary
until frosting is of spreading consistency.
Submitted by Mrs. Amy S. Russell, Fort Fairfield, Maine

| cup raisins, chopped fine Y2 cup water

| cup sugar 1 egg
Combine sugar and water and bring to a boil. Beat egg to a
stiff fluff and add to the raisins. Pour into the boiling sugar
solution slowly and cook until it “begins to hair.” Spread on cake.
This is excellent on a plain white cake.
Submitted by Mrs. Norris H. Moore, Burlington, Maine

Light Fudge

3 cups white sugar 2 heaping tablespoons marsh-

Y4 pound oleo mallow fluff
1 (6 ounce) can of milk 1 teaspoon vanilla
2/3 cup peanut butter ¥Y2 cup nut meats
Mix sugar, milk and oleo; bring to a boil and boil for 5
minutes. Remove from heat and add the peanut butter, marsh-
mallow, vanilla and nuts. Beat until well mixed. Pour into a
greased 8 x 8 pan. Cut when cool.
Submitted by Mrs. Carl Braley, Newport, Maine


3 cups granulated sugar | tablespoon vanilla

42 cups heavy cream 12 cups nut meats
1 bottle red label Karo syrup
In a heavy kettle combine the sugar, syrup and 1% cups of
the cream. Mix and cook to 232 degrees on your candy thermometer.
Remove the kettle from the heat, remove the thermometer and stir
in another 12 cups of cream and again cook to 232 degrees;
then add the last 1/2 cups cream and cook to 242 degrees.
This candy requires constant stirring to prevent sticking. Add the
vanilla during the last cooking. Remove from heat and add the nut
meats. Pour into a buttered pan 8 x 18 x 1. Cool. Turn from the pan
onto a board and cut in squares with a heavy knife. Wrap in wax
paper. Yield 32 pounds of candy.
Submitted by Mildred B. Schrumpf, Orono, Maine

Walnut Clusters

Y4 cup soft butter Y4 teaspoon baking powder

| egg, unbeaten 144 teaspoons vanilla
12 squares unsweetened 2 cup sifted flour
melted chocolate 2 cups’ coarsely broken
Y2 teaspoon salt walnuts
2 cup white sugar
Cream butter and sugar until fluffy; add egg, well beaten.
Add vanilla. Stir in melted chocolate, then flour, baking powder
and salt. Add walnuts. Drop by teaspoon on a greased sheet.
Bake in 350 degree oven for 10 minutes. Cool on rack.
Submitted by Katherine F. Crockett, Machias, Maine

Brown Sugar Fudge

| pound brown sugar ¥4 cup peanut butter

¥Y2 cup milk | teaspoon. vanilla
¥4 pound margarine | pound powdered sugar
Boil brown sugar, milk and margarine two minutes. Remove
from heat and add the peanut butter and vanilla. Mix well. Now
add the powdered sugar and beat until smooth. This will harden
fast so one must work fast. Spread in pan and cool. Makes a
large amount.
Submitted by Donna Smith, Corinna, Maine

Chocolate Fudge
42 cups sugar 1 giant size bag chocolate
Y2 pound butter chips ;
| large can evaporated milk | jar marshmallow fluff
| giant size sweet chocolate 1 cup nuts
candy bar Vanilla
Combine sugar, butter and milk. Cook for 20 minutes or until
it forms a soft ball when tried in cold water, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat and add the sweet chocolate bar,\ chips,
marshmallow, nuts and vanilla. Beat until smooth. Pour into a
well buttered 134% x 9% x 2-inch pan. Yields over 6 pounds of
candy. This keeps very well wrapped up and put in freezer.
Submitted by Eva Meservey, Jefferson, Maine

Chocolate Fudge Supreme

2 cups sugar 'Y2 cup walnuts, chopped
3 teaspoons butter 2 squares baking chocolate,
Y4 cup corn syrup melted
'Y2 cup cream 1 teaspoon vanilla
Y2 cup milk
Boil all ingredients together except nuts, chocolate and vanilla.
Cook to soft ball stage, 238 to 240 degrees. Stir occasionally
to keep from burning. Pour half in one dish, add nuts and 2
teaspoon vanilla. Add the melted chocolate and 2 teaspoon
vanilla to the other half. Beat each half with wooden spoon
until creamy. Pour the contents of one bowl into a buttered pan
and top with the other. When cool cut into squares.
Submitted by Mrs. T. A. Jewell, Skowhegan, Maine

Easy Never Fail Chocolate Fudge

1 stick margarine 1 pound confectioner’s sugar
2 packages 4-ounce chocolate 2 teaspoons vanilla
pudding mix ’2 cup nuts, chopped
¥Y2 cup milk
In a saucepan, melt the margarine, stir in the pudding mix
and the milk. Heat to boiling and boil one minute, stirring con-
stantly. Remove from heat and beat in the confectioner’s sugar,
vanilla and nuts. Pour into a 10 x 6 x 1'%-inch baking pan.
Chill before cutting into squares. Makes 24 pieces.
Submitted by Mrs. Ruth King, Lincoln, Maine

Foolproof Fudge

¥Y2 pound marshmallows | 6-ounce can evaporated milk

Y4 cup water Y%4 teaspoon salt
2¥2 cups sugar 12 cups semi-sweet chocolate
Y4 pound butter or margarine bits
In top of double boiler, combine marshmallows and water.
Cook over boiling water until marshmallows are melted. Stir
occasionally. In a heavy saucepan combine sugar, butter or mar-
garine, milk and salt. Mix thoroughly. Bring to a rolling boil over
medium heat, stirring constantly to prevent sticking.
Remove from heat and stir in melted marshmallows and
chocolate bits. Mix until thoroughly blended and the chocolate
bits are melted. Pour into buttered 8 x 12-inch pan. Cool and
cut into squares.
Variations: Add | cup chopped nuts or shredded coconut to
fudge before pouring into pan to cool. f
Submitted by Katherine F. Crockett, Machias, Maine

Chocolate Caramels

2 cups brown sugar Y2 can condensed milk plus

2 cups white sugar enough milk to make 2 cups
1 cup white corn syrup | tablespoon butter
8 ounces chocolate 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup walnuts
Combine the two sugars, corn syrup, chocolate and milk.
Boil until hard ball is formed in cold water (about 238 degrees).
Add the butter, vanilla and walnuts. Do not stir except to mix.
Pour into slightly buttered pan. When cold, cut and wrap in wax
Submitted by Huldah Monfette, Ashland, Maine

Pineapple Candy
3 cups sugar 12 marshmallows
1 small can crushed 2 tablespoons butter
pineapple 1 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons light corn syrup '%2 cup nuts, chopped
Cook sugar, pineapple, syrup and marshmallows like fudge
(325 degrees). Remove from heat and add butter. Cool, then
beat until creamy. Add vanilla and nuts just before pouring into
Submitted by Edith Knox, Fryeburg, Maine

Peanut Butter Fudge

2 cups white sugar | 7’2-ounce jar marshmallow

2'’4 cups brown sugar creme
Y4 teaspoon salt 1 cup nuts, chopped
¥% cup milk | teaspoon vanilla
1 12-ounce jar peanut butter
Combine the two sugars, salt and milk in a good size pan
and bring to a boil. Boil 5 minutes. Remove from heat and
add the peanut butter, marshmallow, nuts and vanilla. Mix
quickly and put into 2 well greased 8 x 8-inch pans. Allow to set.
Cut in squares.
Submitted by Mrs. Kenneth L. Hodgdon, Sr., Dennysville, Maine

Peanut Butter Fudge

2 cups sugar Pinch salt

Ya cup milk | cup peanut butter
2 tablespoons white corn syrup | cup marshmallow fluff
Mix sugar, milk, syrup and salt together, cook to soft ball
stage, stirring constantly. Add peanut butter and fluff. Pour into
buttered pan, cool slightly and cut. Cool completely.
Submitted by Naomi Powell, Mechanic Falls, Maine

Southern Pralines

1 cup brown sugar 5 tablespoons boiling water

| cup confectioner’s sugar 2 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon butter | cup pecan meats
Combine brown sugar and confectioner’s sugar with the butter
and boiling water. Boil just one minute. Remove from heat and
add vanilla and pecans. Beat until it begins to thicken, slightly.
Pour quickly by teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper or aluminum foil.
Cool. Makes 20 pralines.
Submitted by Margaret F. Stevens, Old Town, Maine

Old-Fashioned Molasses Candy

¥2 cup molasses Y4 teaspoon salt

6 tablespoons water 4 pound margarine
Y2 cup sugar
Combine all ingredients and cook in saucepan until it forms a
hard ball. Pour onto cookie sheet and let set. Then crack.
Submitted by Mrs. Roger Murphy, Houlton, Maine

Divinity Fudge
3 cups granulated sugar ¥Yg teaspoon salt
¥Y2 cup light corn syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla
Y2 cup cold water Y2 cup walnuts
2 egg whites
This is a never fail recipe and a candy thermometer is a must.
Place sugar, syrup and water in a saucepan over low heat. Stir
until sugar is dissolved. Cook to 234 degrees F. Beat the egg
whites (which have been kept at room temperature beforehand)
stiffly, and pour one-half of the cooked syrup mixture slowly
into them, beating continually as you pour. Cook the remaining
syrup to 280 degrees F. Add this syrup slowly to egg mixture,
beating constantly. Add vanilla and salt. Add the walnuts, cut up.
Continue beating until mixture is thick enough to drop from
spoon and when dropped on a piece of waxed paper will not
lose shape. Pour immediately into a buttefed 9 x 9 pan. As
soon as it sets, cut into squares.
Dropped by spoonfuls onto waxed paper, makes dainty bites.
A bit of food coloring added to some of the mixture while
beating will give a variety for the candy dish.
Submitted by Mrs. Ruth Wiggin, Rockland, Maine
Three-Minute Fudge
2 cups brown sugar Ya cup sweet milk
| cup white sugar Y4 teaspoon vanilla
3 tablespoons cornstarch Y2 cup (or more) chopped
2 tablespoons butter walnuts
Boil together sugars, cornstarch, butter and milk; boil hard for
exactly 3 minutes. Add vanilla and walnuts. Beat until thick.
Pour into greased pan. Cut when cool.
Submitted by Mrs. Mertie Grover, Thomaston, Maine


1 medium-sized potato | teaspoon -vanilla

1 pound confectioner’s sugar ¥Y2 cup coconut
(or more)
Cook the potato and while it is still warm, stir in the sugar and
vanilla. (Use enough sugar to make a firm texture.) Add coconut;
mix well; press into a well-greased pan. Cool and cut in squares.
Dip in melted chocolate and place on waxed paper to set.
Submitted by Mrs. Ann Day, Thomaston, Maine

Wheat-Flour Applesauce Doughnuts
4’ cups unsifted ¥Y4 teaspoon mace
'Y2 cup wheat flour 1 cup sugar
4 teaspoons baking powder ¥4 cup shortening
1 teaspoon soda 3 eggs
2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup applesauce
1 teaspoon nutmeg Yo cup buttermilk

Measure flour and wheat flour, baking powder, soda, salt and
spices onto wax paper. Stir well to blend. Cream shortening, sugar,
eggs and vanilla thoroughly. Stir in applesauce and buttermilk,
mixing well. Add blended dry ingredients, one cup at a time beating
until smooth after each addition. Refrigerate dough for 2 hours.
Preheat lard to 375 degrees.
Turn dough out onto a well floured board with additional flour
for handling. Cut with floured 2'’2-inch doughnut cutter. Remove
centers. Fry doughnuts a few at a time about | minute on each
side. Drain on paper toweling. Sprinkle with sugar. Makes 4 to 42
Submitted by Marion Hunter, Lincoln, Maine

Maine Potato Donuts

1 cup sugar ¥4 cup melted shortening

2 eggs | teaspoon vanilla
¥Y cup milk 4 teaspoons baking powder
¥%4 cup cold mashed potato ¥% teaspoon ginger
3% cups flour
Mix sugar and eggs, add milk and potato. Add shortening and
vanilla. Sift dry ingredients, add and mix well. Chill 1 hour before
frying. Roll, cut out and fry in deep fat at 375 degrees.
Submitted by Mrs. Margaret Bedard, Hollis Center, Maine

Chocolate Doughnuts

2 eggs | rounded teaspoon soda

12 cups sugar Pinch ginger
| cup buttermilk Salt and vanilla
3 oz. chocolate About 3 cups flour
Fry in deep fat.
Submitted by Grace Irvin, Warren, Maine

Buttermilk Donuts

2 eggs, beaten | full cup buttermilk

| heaping cup sugar 3 cups sifted flour, more or
2 teaspoons margarine, melted less — depends on flour
'Y2 teaspoon nutmeg 2 level teaspoons soda
'Y2 teaspoon ginger ~ 3 level teaspoons baking powder
¥Y2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 level teaspoon salt

Beat eggs and add sugar, margarine, nutmeg, ginger, vanilla,

and buttermilk. Mix in order given. Add dry ingredients sifted to-
gether. Fry in hot fat. May be sugared or left plain.
Submitted by Mrs. R. W. McMannus, Smyrna Mills, Maine

Sugar Doughnuts
2 eggs, well beaten teaspoon ginger
1 teaspoon salt cup sour milk
| cup sugar teaspoon soda
¥Y4 cup sour cream or 2 tea- cups flour or enough to roll
spoon butter or oleo aSteaspoons baking powder
Y2 teaspoon nutmeg

Mix together the eggs, salt, sugar, cream, nutmeg and ginger.
Add the soda to milk. Add to first mixture. Add flour, to which
the baking powder has been added. Fry in very hot fat.
Submitted by Ruth J. Prior, Friendship, Maine

Never Fail Doughnuts

3 eggs (slightly beaten) 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar

| cup sugar Dash of nutmeg
44 cup melted butter Y4 teaspoon: ginger
1 cup sour milk Y2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons soda 3 cups flour (approximately)

Combine the eggs, sugar, butter and sour milk. Sift and add
2 cups of flour with soda, cream of tartar, salt and spices. Add
enough flour to make a soft dough. Fry in deep fat.
Submitted by Mrs. Nellie F. Cummings, Bethel, Maine

Sugarless Doughnuts
(Wartime Recipe)
2 eggs 4 cups flour
14 oz. can of condensed milk 1'2 teaspoons soda
34 cup buttermilk | teaspoon salt
| teaspoon vanilla | teaspoon nutmeg
Break eggs into mixing bowl, beat well. Add condensed milk,
buttermilk, vanilla and stir well. Add flour, soda, salt, and nutmeg
that have been sifted together. Add to milk mixture, blending well.
Cut and fry as all other donuts. These are good.
Submitted by Mrs. Raymond H. Rice, Stonington, Maine

Plain Doughnuts

| cup sugar 2 tablespoons Crisco, level

2 eggs | teaspoon baking powder
| teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon soda
1 cup buttermilk 2 teaspoons vanilla
3 cups flour
Cream sugar and shortening, both eggs, then vanilla and butter-
milk. Last add dry ingredients. Chill overnight. Roll out and fry in
hot fat.
Submitted by Mrs, Louise Fleming, Howland, Maine

Squash Donuts
2 eggs, beaten | heaping teaspoon baking
2 tablespoons shortening powder
114 cups sugar Ya teaspoon salt
¥2 cup sour milk | teaspoon nutmeg
About 12 cups squash cooked '2 teaspoon ginger
12 teaspoons soda Flour to roll
| teaspoon cream tartar
Mix these as usual.
Submitted by Mrs. Vincent Hare, Houlton, Maine
Brown Sugar Doughnuts
2 eggs, beaten 2 tablespoons melted butter
1¥2 cups brown sugar | teaspoon ginger
| cup sour milk | teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoons soda | teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons cream of tartar Flour to roll
Fry in 375 degree fat.
Submitted by Mrs. Leroy Dewitt, Howland, Maine

Chocolate Doughnuts
2 tablespoons pure lard, | cup sour milk or buttermilk
softened 3% cups flour
| cup sugar | teaspoon soda
2 eggs Y2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup dark cocoa 'Y% teaspoon cream tartar
12 teaspoons vanilla

Cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs and beat well. Add
cocoa and vanilla, beat well. Add sifted dry ingredients alternately
with sour milk and mix until smooth. Chill for a few hours or
overnight, then fry in deep fat. Doughnuts may be sugared while still
warm or left plain.
Submitted by Mrs. Ida Mercier, Skowhegan, Maine

Molasses Doughnuts *

2 eggs, well beaten 2 tablespoons fat

Y2 cup sugar | cup molasses
Y4 teaspoon salt | heaping teaspoon soda
Y4 teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup sour milk
| teaspoon cinnamon 5 cups flour
| teaspoon ginger
Beat the eggs well, add sugar, salt, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger,
and melted fat, mix well. Add molasses, beat all together. Add soda
to milk and dissolve, add to first mixture. Add flour and mix well.
Refrigerate overnight. This is a soft dough. Roll out and fry in hot
Submitted by Rena Perkins, Guilford, Maine

Raised Doughnuts

1 cup milk 2 yeast cakes

Y2 cup Spry 2 eggs beaten
| teaspoon salt 4 cups flour sifted
¥4 cup sugar

Scald milk, Spry, salt and sugar. Stir until dissolved. Cool to
lukewarm. Add yeast, beaten eggs and flour and knead to smooth
dough. Roll out and cut. Raise until doubled. Fry in deep fat
putting raised side in first.
Submitted by Mrs, Kermit K. Bailey, Caribou, Maine

Asparagus — Ham Bake
Water 3 tablespoon finely chopped
k “GeOz can. (2/3) ‘eup onion
evaporated milk 1 10 oz. package frozen
2 cups cubed cooked ham or asparagus spears
spam '2 cup corn flake crumbs
2 cups cooked rice 3 tablespoons butter or
Y cup shredded cheese maragine, melted
1 can condensed cream of
mushroom soup

Add water to evaporated milk to make %4 cup. Combine

with ham, rice, cheese, soup and onion. Pour boiling water over
asparagus Spears to separate them. Drain.
Spoon half of ham mixture into 10 x 6 x 1% inch baking
dish, top with asparagus spears, then with remaining ham mixture.
Combine corn flake crumbs and butter. Sprinkle over top. Bake
at 375 degrees for 25 or 30 minutes, or until heated through
and top is lightly browned.
Submitted by Mrs. Barbara MacDonald, Kennebunk, Maine

Ham Slices With Cranberry

1 slice ham (1 to 2 inches 142 cups cranberries

thick) ¥%4 cup strained honey
Whole cloves
Trim ham and insert cloves into fat. Wash cranberries, dry and
mix with honey. Pour over ham and bake in moderate oven 350
degrees, 14 hours or until ham is cooked. Baste occasionally with
liquid in pan. One center slice will serve 6.
Submitted by Mrs. Dorothy E. Preble, Stillwater, Maine

Easy Chicken Casserole

| can chicken rice soup 1 small can evaporated milk
| can cream of mushroom soup | can chicken or 2 chicken
1 can Chinese noodles breasts, cooked

Stir all together. Place in baking dish and cover with crushed
potato chips. Bake in a 350 degree oven until bubbling, about
25 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. A. Jasper Willey, Scarboro, Maine



of our pioneer
fowl, especially

families. Most
were a welcome addition to the bill of fare
Yraised a few for eggs and for the table.
7, 4
Served roasted and stuffed, in a stew with
dumplings or as a basis for a pie it was a
welcome change from the sometimes sea-
sonally limited diet. The fat is very tasty
and made a very light and flavorful cake
or bisquit. The feathers, though sometimes
a little prickly, could be used to stuff a
mattress and were probably less prickly
than the spruce or fir tips sometimes used
for such purposes. Modern poultry pro-
cessing plants bring chicken to the kitchen My
all ready to cook. The poultry industry in
Maine is thriving and growing and pro-
a good
meals for
little prepara-
Vy 4 7,
tion. Ss =

Bs ty GG SAN


Chicken Casserole

| cup green peppers, chopped 1 can mushroom soup

fine Y2 cup milk
Y2 cup celery, chopped fine Y2 cup chopped almonds
2 small onions, chopped fine | package frozen peas
| tablespoon oil ~ 1 can chow mein noodles
2 cans boned chicken (5 (3 ounce size)
ounce size)
Cook the peppers, celery and onions in oil until tender. Add
the chicken, soup, milk, almonds and peas to the green pepper
mixture. Place half of the noodles in an ungreased casserole
and pour the chicken mixture over the noodles. Sprinkle the
rest of the noodles on top of chicken mixture. Bake in a 350
degree oven for 45 minutes. Very delicious.
Submitted by Mrs. Nellie Lawton, Rockport, Maine

Chicken Casserole

2 cups leftover chicken, cut in 2 tablespoons butter

small pieces Leftover gravy
4 cups of vegetables, cut in Water
small pieces (not too fine)
Turnips, carrots, onions and potatoes are a good combina-
tion for this casserole. Put vegetables in a 1'’2 quart casserole,
dot with the butter, add salt and pepper. Add the chicken and
cover with leftover gravy and water. Bake with cover on until
vegetables are done and liquid is cooked down so it will be
quite thick,
Submitted by Mrs. Byrle Carter, Brooklin, Maine

Rice Scallop

1 cup boiled rice 4 teaspoon salt

¥4 cup sharp cheese Dash of pepper
2 eggs 1 small can _pimiento
14% cups milk
Beat the eggs, add the milk. Stir in rice, cheese broken in
pieces, salt and pepper. Cut up the pimientos and stir all through
the mixture. Pour into a buttered casserole dish which has been
placed in a shallow pan of water and bake slowly in a 350
degree oven until a knife comes out clear when inserted. Serves 6.
Submitted by Mrs. Edith B. Pomeroy, Bangor, Maine

Chicken A-Go-Go

2¥2 pound broiler-fryer (cut 2 tablespoons minced parsley

up) | teaspoon. salt
| cup bread crumbs 2 cup butter, melted
14 cup grated Parmesan cheese | teaspoon minced onion
44 cup chopped blanched almonds
Combine bread crumbs, cheese, almonds, parsley and _ salt.
Stir together melted butter and onion. Dip pieces of chicken in
the onion-butter, then in the crumb mixture. Place in a \shallow
baking pan and bake uncovered in a 400 degree oven approxi-
mately one hour. Do not turn chicken. Serves 4.
This recipe won first prize in the Junior Division of a National
Poultry Cooking Contest for:
Miss Jane M. Callaghan, Bangor, Maine

Barbecued Chicken With Mushrooms

1 chicken, 3 pound, or size Ya teaspoon pepper

desired ¥% teaspoon chili powder
Y4 cup salad oil | cup catsup
2 cups water Y4 cup vinegar
| teaspoon salt | can mushrooms (save juice)
Brown chicken slowly in the salad oil. Transfer to a roasting
pan. Combine the water with the salt, pepper, chili powder,
catsup, vinegar, mushrooms and juice. Bring to a boil and pour
over the chicken in roasting pan. Bake in a 325 degree oven for
142 hours or until chicken is done. Makes 4 generous servings.
Submitted by Mrs. Fern Sanborn, Bangor, Maine

Busy Day Casserole

3 pounds cut-up chicken ¥4 pound spaghetti, cooked
| onion, chopped Salt and seasoning to suit
] can cream of chicken soup taste.

Wash chicken until water runs clear. Do not wipe. Place a

layer of chicken in bottom of casserole dish, then a layer of
spaghetti and a little onion. Add the rest of the chicken, spaghetti
and onion. Cover all with the soup undiluted. Bake until chicken is
done, in a 350 degree oven for about | hour.
This is a good dish for church suppers or for meals that
have to wait.
Submitted by Mrs. Bertis Davenport, Westfield, Maine

Chicken Casserole

1 cooked stewing hen 1 medium onion

¥Y2 cup oleo or butter 1 small loaf stale bread
Y2 cup flour 1 tablespoon poultry seasoning
| quart chicken stock Y2 teaspoon salt
Y2 teaspoon salt ~ Dash pepper
3 eggs 1 cup celery chopped
¥Y2 pound butter or oleo

Remove meat from bones and cut in bite size pieces.

Make sauce by combining 2 cup oleo, 2 cup flour, chicken
stock and salt. Cook until thick. Cool. Beat the 3 eggs until light,’
and pour over the sauce. Chill thoroughly overnight preferably.
Make dressing with '2 pound butter, medium onion and cook
until onion is soft. Add the bread crumbled, salt, pepper,
poultry seasoning and chopped celery. Mix weal.
In a large casserole put a layer of dressing, a layer of sauce and
one of chicken. Repeat, using up dressing, sauce and chicken.
Cover with bread crumbs. Bake '’% hour at 350 degrees.
Good for a large picnic.
Submitted by Mrs. Charles Everett, Presque Isle, Maine

Pennsylvania Dutch Turkey Stuffing

5 pounds white potatoes 142 large packages commer-
12 pounds sausage meat cial stuffing mix
14 packages frozen chopped _! pound butter
onions Milk for mashed potatoes
1 bunch celery (chopped in Butter for mashed potatoes
small pieces)

Cook potatoes and mash with butter and milk. Fry sausage in
large frying pan and discard drippings. Mix sausage with potato.
In the same frying pan fry onions and celery in 2 pound of
butter, only until onions are transparent, then add to the potato-
sausage mixture. Warm the stuffing mix in the remaining 12
pound of butter and add to the potato mixture. Stir well and
cool completely before stuffing turkey. This recipe is for a 15
pound bird.

Submitted by Mrs. Doris Wallis, Jefferson, Maine

Chicken Casserole

2 cups diced chicken (cooked ‘2 teaspoon salt

with celery, onion, carrot) Y4 teaspoon pepper
1 can cream of chicken soup | teaspoon lemon juice
2 teaspoons minced onion ¥4 cup mayonnaise
1 cup diced celery 2 hard-cooked eggs, sliced
Mix all together. Place in a casserole and top with crushed
potato chips (about 2 cups). Bake in a 350 degree oven for
30 minutes. \
Submitted by Mrs. H. Earl Graves, Oakland, Main

Chicken Casserole

1 cut-up chicken '2 cup chopped cashew nuts

'’4 cup chopped onion 1 can’ chow mein noodles
Salt to season 2 cans mushroom soup
Y2 cup chopped celery 1 can chicken stock
'Y2 cup chopped green pepper
Cook the chicken with the onion and salt. Reserve the stock
to use in mixing. Cut chicken into chunks. Add all of the other
ingredients. Mix well. Reserve a few noodles for topping. Pour
into a casserole. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Ralph Porter, Houlton, Maine

Baked Sesame Chicken

1-3 pound broiler-fryer, cut-up 14 teaspoon pepper

1 egg, slightly beaten 4 teaspoons paprika
Y2 cup evaporated milk 3 teaspoons sesame seed
¥Y2 cup flour ¥4 cup chopped nuts (optional)
Y4 teaspoon baking powder Y2 cup butter
| teaspoon salt

Combine beaten egg with evaporated milk. Mix dry ingre-

dients. Dip pieces of chicken into egg mixture, then into dry
mixture to coat both sides. Melt the % cup of butter in a
shallow pan, in the oven. (Preheat oven to 400 degrees.)
Remove pan from oven and place the coated pieces of chicken,
skin side down in a single layer, in the melted butter. Bake
uncovered for 25 minutes. Turn and bake 25 to 35 minutes
more, or until done at 400 degrees.
Submitted by Mrs. Clyde A. Sherwood, Orono, Maine

Roast Beef
— Lamb or Chicken

4 lb. roast | can undiluted mushroom —

1 envelope of onion soup soup
Place roast in baking pan, cover with onion soup (no liquid
added) and cover that with a can of undiluted mushroom soup. Cover
and bake 4 hours at 350 degrees. The gravy is all made and
the roast will be perfectly seasoned.
TO COOK LAMB OR CHICKEN add cream of chicken
soup and reduce baking time.
Submitted by Lela Rice, Stonington, Maine

Honey Baked Chicken

8 pieces of chicken (breasts | teaspoon salt
or legs) 1/3 cup honey”
2 eggs 2 tablespoons cold water
Y4 cup real fine bread crumbs
Dry chicken thoroughly. Beat the eggs, with the 2 tablespoons
of cold water. Add bread crumbs and salt. Mixture should be
thick like gravy. With a small pastry brush cover the chicken
pieces on both sides with honey. Then dip in the egg mixture
coating well. Arrange on a shallow baking dish and bake at 325
degrees for about an hour or until tender.
Submitted by Mrs. Arnold Bishop, Wilmington, Mass.

Chicken Apple Scallop

2 cups cooked chicken 1/3 cup light cream

| tablespoon prepared mustard '2 cup fine bread crumbs
2 cups sliced cooked apples 2 tablespoons margarine,
1 tablespoon lemon juice melted
'Y4 teaspoon salt
1 can cream of mushroom
Combine the chicken and the mustard. Spread in a 1 quart
baking dish. Top with the apples. Sprinkle with lemon juice
and salt. Combine the soup and the cream. Pour over all.
Mix crumbs with the margarine. Sprinkle on top of mixture
and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. John Pearse, Hope, Maine

Chicken That’s Different

| frying chicken, cut-up 2 teaspoon salt

3¥%4 cup commercially soured '’4 teaspoon pepper
cream 'Y% teaspoon Accent
'2 teaspoon. tarragon 1'2 cups finely crushed corn
2 teaspoon oregano flakes
'2 teaspoon rosemary Y4 cup butter or chicken fat
'’2 teaspoon paprika 2 cups milk
Rinse chicken pieces in cold water and dry. Combine and
blend together sour cream and seasonings. Dip chicken in sour
cream mixture and then in crushed corn flakes. Place butter in
baking pan and melt in a 400 degree oven. Remove pan from
oven and arrange chicken in a single layer, skin side down.
Add 1 cup of milk and bake in a 400 degree oven for 25
minutes. Turn chicken, add the remaining cup of milk and bake
another 15 minutes or until tender. Arrange on a hot platter,
sprinkle with chopped parsley and chives. Serve with your favorite
vegetable and potato. And don’t forget the hot biscuits!
Submitted by Arthur J. Cummings, Bethel, Maine

Colonial Chicken

3 to 3% pounds cut-up frying 1/2 cups sifted flour

chicken 1'4 teaspoons baking powder
Y4 cup flour | teaspoon salt
| teaspoon salt 4 eggs
Y4 teaspoon pepper 12 cups milk
¥2 cup shortening, for frying 3 tablespoons melted oleo

Mix together the ’%4 cup flour, | teaspoon salt and 4 teaspoon
pepper. Roll pieces of chicken in this flour mixture. Melt
the 42 cup shortening in frying pan and brown the chicken on
all sides. Remove from the pan and drain. In a medium sized
bowl sift the flour, baking powder and salt. In another bowl beat
the 4 eggs with a rotary beater until very light. Stir in the milk
and melted oleo. Slowly blend the dry ingredients into the egg
and milk mixture. Beat until just smooth. Pour batter into a large
greased baking dish and arrange the pieces of chicken on top.
Bake | hour at 350 degrees.
Leftover chicken or turkey, about 4 cups, may be substituted,
and poured on the batter.
Submitted by Mrs, Winfield L. Chatto, Rockland, Maine

Pineapple Chicken — Chinese
| pound uncooked chicken meat 1'2 cups onions, sliced
2 tablespoons cold water lengthwise
1 tablespoon cornstarch 4 large slices canned pineapple,
| teaspoon salt cut in wedges
| tablespoon soy sauce ~ 4 tablespoons pineapple juice
4 tablespoons cooking oil 1 cup celery, cut diagonally
10 water chestnuts, sliced

Cut the chicken meat in | inch pieces, dredge with a

mixture of cornstarch, salt, water and soy sauce. Saute the onions
in | tablespoon of oil for 2 minutes. Remove. Saute water
chestnuts and celery for 2 minutes (or less) in 1 tablespoon
of oil and remove from pan. Saute the chicken in 2 tablespoons
of oil until brown.* ;
Add the vegetables, pineapple and finally the pineapple
juice to the chicken and simmer until thoroughly heated. Serve
hot with rice.
*May be made in advance to this point and refrigerated
until ready to put together.
Note: The vegetables should be crisp and not cooked soft.
Beef or pork may be substituted for the chicken.
Submitted by Terry Niedermann, Northeast 9, Cushing, Maine

Chicken Rice Casserole

1 cup chicken broth Y4 cup cream or top milk

1 can sliced mushrooms (using 2 cup grated cheese
the juice) 2 cups cooked cut-up chicken
1 tablespoon flour 2 cups cooked rice
¥Y4 teaspoon garlic salt 4 cup peas
Y2 teaspoon pepper

Heat together the broth and mushrooms. Blend the flour,

garlic salt, pepper and cream. Stir into the broth and cook until
thickened. Remove from the heat and stir in the grated cheese.
Mix together the cut-up chicken, cooked rice and the peas.
Pour into a buttered casserole. Top with 2 strips of crumbled
bacon, % cup cracker crumbs and %4 teaspoon poultry seasoning.
Bake 15 minutes at 450 degrees.
Submitted by Mrs. Eleanor Clark, Thomaston, Maine

Pork Chops With Apple Stuffing

4 pork chops 1% cups chopped apples

¥% teaspoon salt | quart bread cubes
Y4 cup raisins Onion if desired
2 tablespoons sugar
Brown chops on both sides 7 to 10 minutes. Add onion, salt,
sugar, raisins, apples, and water to the bread cubes. Place mixture
in shallow casserole. Put chops on top. Bake covered in 350
degree oven about | hour. Remove cover from casserole the last
10 minutes of baking time to finish browning the chops.
Submitted by Hazel Hills, Warren, Maine

Tourtiere a la viande
(Pork Pie)
3 cups mashed potatoes 'Y4 teaspoon allspice
3 Ibs. lean pork (ground) | tablespoon salt
1 cup water Y4 teaspoon pepper
Y4 teaspoon nutmeg ¥2 cup chopped onion
Put meat in saucepan and add water, nutmeg, allspice, salt,
pepper, onion. Cook for 30 minutes over moderate heat, stirring
often to prevent sticking. Remove from heat and add 3 cups
mashed potatoes. Mix well and cool. Line a pie plate with pie
crust, add filling and top with second crust. Make incision in
top of crust for vent. Bake in hot oven 450 degrees about 30
minutes or until well browned. Serve hot or cold as preferred.
Makes enough for two 9 inch pies.
Submitted by Mrs. Rosario C. Tardiff, West Bowdoin, Maine

Apple ‘N Pork Pie

8 apples 12 soda crackers, rolled fine
¥2 cup finely diced fat salt ¥2 teaspoon cinnamon
pork (rinse with boiling water, /2 teaspoon allspice
then drain) ¥4 teaspoon clove
¥4 cup molasses Pie crust
Y4 cup sugar

Line 8 inch square cake tin with pie crust. Make layers of
apples and other ingredients. Cover with top crust. Bake in
400 degree oven for 2 hours. Cover with foil the last hour.
Submitted by Mrs, Grace M. Downs, Harmony, Maine

Pork Chop Gumbo-French Style
6 pork chops 3 beef bouillon cubes
2 onions, medium size or 4 small | tablespoon parsley flakes
4 160z. cans yellow wax string | tablespoon salt
beans -’2 tablespoon pepper
4 cans tomatoes, 16 oz. cans 2% cups water
6 potatoes, whole
In a hot frying pan brown pork chops. Add '2 cup water and
drain into large pot. Keep adding '2 cup water and draining
juice into large pot about four more times. Remove chops and
put in large pot. Add a little water to frying pan to remove the
last bit of juice and put in pot. Add 3 bouillon cubes to juice
and salt and pepper. Add whole onions, tomatoes, and sprinkle
parsley flakes over it. Add string beans, salt and pepper again.
Cover, let simmer 2 hour. Add potatoes (whole) and simmer |
hour. Serves 6 people. However, if more, add another pork
chop and another potato.
Submitted by Mrs. Jean McLean, Millinocket, Maine

Sweet ‘N Sour Pork

2 cups diced lean pork 2 tablespoons vinegar

| chicken bouillon cube 2 teaspoons soy sauce
1 cup boiling water 2 cups green pepper strips
1/3 cup sugar | can pineapple chunks
12 teaspoons salt 2/3 cup pineapple syrup
Y4 teaspoon pepper 2 teaspoons cornstarch
Brown pork in hot fat. Pour off excess fat. Dissolve bouillon
cube in boiling water. Add to pork along with seasonings, green
pepper and pineapple. Cover and simmer about 20 minutes. Mix
pineapple syrup and cornstarch. Stir into mixture in pan. Cook
and stir until mixture thickens and boils. Serve over rice.
Submitted by Mrs. Beulah Gerald, South China, Maine

Chuck Wagon Special

2 large stewing chickens 2 teaspoons salt
'Y2 cup minced onions 2 teaspoon pepper
3 tablespoons vegetable flakes |! package wide noodles
Place chicken, onions, and vegetable flakes in a large kettle.
Stew until meat falls from the bones. Remove the bones. Add
noodles to the broth, and cook until noodles are tender.
Submitted by Mrs. Nora Wortman, Thorndike, Maine

Hamburg Stroganoff
Y2 cup minced onion Y4 teaspoon pepper
1 clove garlic, minced 1 lb. fresh mushrooms or |
Y4 cup butter 8 oz. can (optional)
1 Ib. ground beef 1 can cream of chicken soup
2 tablespoons flour | cup commercial sour cream
2 teaspoons salt
Saute onion and garlic in butter over medium heat. Add meat
and brown. Add flour, salt, pepper and mushrooms. Cook 5
minutes. Add soup. Simmer uncovered for 10 minutes. Stir in
sour cream. Heat through. Serve with noodles or rice. 4-6 servings.
Submitted by Mrs. Harold White, Ellsworth, Maine

Beef Stroganoff

2 pounds of ground beef 2 cups cream of mushroom

2 tablespoons oil soup
2 quarts of water 2 tablespoons of minced onion
2 teaspoons of salt 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento
2 packages Noodles Romanoff 2 cups milk
¥Y4 cup butter
Brown the ground beef in oil. Cook noodles as directed,
drain but do not rinse. Blend together the sauce mix (included
with the noodles) butter and milk, and blend with the noodles.
Add the browned meat, soup, onion and pimiento. Mix well.
Bake in an uncovered casserole, in a 350 degree oven for 25
Submitted by Mrs. Beverly Hussey, Old Town, Maine

Cedrie’s Casserole

| medium onion 6 cups coarsely shredded

3 tablespoons oleo cabbage
¥Y2 pound hamburg 1 can tomato soup, (10%
¥4 teaspoon salt ounce)
Yg teaspoon pepper

Fry the onion in the oleo. Add the hamburg, salt and pepper.
Heat through but do not brown. Spread 3 cups of the cabbage
in a greased casserole, cover with the meat mixture, and place
the rest of the cabbage on top. Pour the can of tomato soup
over all. Bake covered in a 350 degree oven about | hour.
Submitted by Mrs. Harold Flint, Monson, Maine

Meat Balls Deluxe

2 lbs. ground beef tablespoons lard

1 cup applesauce cups tomato juice
1 cup bread crumbs carrot
2 eggs green pepper
Salt and pepper to taste small onion
2 tablespoons flour Os)
Sf stalk celery
Combine ground beef, applesauce, eggs and bread crumbs.
Season with salt and pepper. Make into small balls and roll in
flour. Brown in hot lard and when nicely browned put in pan or
large casserole. Finely slice onion, carrot, celery and pepper
and place over meat balls. Add tomato juice and bake in 350
degree oven one hour. Remove meat balls and thicken gravy if
desired. Serves 6 to 8.
Submitted by Sarah Graham, Belfast, Maine

Grandmother’s Sage Stuffing

12 quarts of firmly packed or

biscuit or bread crumbs or 2 tablespoons of fresh minced
crackers, or can use all onion
three. Y2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons sage 3 eggs (not beaten)
2 teaspoons dry minced onion About 22 cups milk
Stir all ingredients together, mixing well. I use this recipe for
stuffing fowl or turkeys, also with meats. My family is very fond
of stuffing with roast pork and baked chicken breasts.
For cooking, it can be steamed for 3 hours in a tightly
covered greased container as one would steam a_brownbread.
This makes a very moist product and may be placed in the oven
a short time after steaming to dry.

It is a bit drier if baked in a greased bread tin wrapped in

at least 2 thicknesses of heavy foil, at 325 degrees for about 3
hours. Open foil for the last 45 minutes of baking.

A few years ago I tried several new stuffing recipes. None

appealed to my husband. He said he liked my “junkless stuffing”
better. You may not care for this recipe but perhaps you will
enjoy his name for it.
Submitted by Mrs. Donald C. Varney, Bethel, Maine

Ham and Cheese Strata with Broccoli

12 slices white bread* 6 slightly beaten eggs

3%4 lb. sharp process American 32 cups milk
cheese, sliced 2 tablespoons instant minced
1 10 oz. package frozen onion
chopped broccoli 'Y4 teaspoon salt
2 cups diced ham, cooked or % teaspoon dry mustard
Cut 12 doughnuts and holes from bread. Set aside. Fit the
scraps of bread in bottom of 9 x 13 x 2 inch baking dish. Place
cheese in a layer over bread, add a layer of broccoli, then ham.
Arrange bread doughnuts and holes on top. Combine remaining
ingredients, pour over bread and all. Cover and refrigerate at
least 6 hours or overnight.

Bake uncovered in slow oven 325 degrees, 55 minutes. For a

pretty finish, sprinkle with shredded cheese 5 minutes before
end of baking time. Before cutting in squares let stand out 10
minutes to firm. Makes 12 servings.
*Nicer edges if you freeze bread then cut doughnuts while
Submitted by Mrs. Albert Levenseler, Rockland, Maine


1 No. 2% can tomatoes 1 package (4 or 5 ounces)

1 medium size onion, minced chipped beef shredded—
| pound process cheese, diced broken into small pieces
or grated 2 eggs, well beaten

Put tomatoes, onion and cheese in saucepan over low heat,

be sure they do not boil. Heat until cheese melts and onions
cook. Add chipped beef and heat. Just before serving, add the
beaten eggs. Serve over saltine crackers.

*If one is on a restricted salt diet, the beef can be put into a
Strainer after it has been shredded, and let warm water wash
some of salt out. “Unsalted Tops” crackers can be used for the
same reason.
Submitted by Margaret F. Stevens, Old Town, Maine

Corn and Cheese Casserole
3 eggs, well beaten Y2 teaspoon dry mustard
2 cups milk 1 tablespoon Worcestershire
3 tablespoons sugar Sauce
4 teaspoon salt v4 cup finely cut green pepper
Y2 teaspoon paprika 142 cups herb-seasoned
1 can of creamed corn (or stuffing
drained whole kernel corn) 2 Cup cubed cheese
3 tablespoons melted butter or Crumbs for top
Beat the eggs in a large mixing bowl and add the ingredients
in the order given. Pour into a buttered casserole and sprinkle
corn flake crumbs or buttered bread crumbs over the top. Bake
in a 350 degree oven for about 45 minutes. When done, it will
be custard-like.
Submitted by Ruby E. Johnson, Lubee, Maine
Potato-Egg Casserole
4 cups diced cooked potatoes ™% teaspoon salt
6 hard-cooked eggs, sliced 'Yg teaspoon pepper
| can cream of chicken soup’ 1 cup shredded cheese
1 cup milk
Place potatoes and eggs in layers in a 2 quart casserole
which has been well greased. Blend the soup with the milk and
seasonings. Pour over layers and top with the shredded cheese.
Bake 30 minutes at 375 degrees.
Submitted by Harold Bonney, West Paris, Maine
My Spaghetti Sauce

1 large onion | teaspoon cayenne pepper

| green pepper 1 large can tomatoes
2 pounds ground beef 4 large cans tomato sauce
Garlic salt 2 cans mushroom steak sauce
Salt Y4 bottle ketchup
Pepper 3 to 4 tablespoons sugar
Saute the onion and green pepper for 5 minutes, stirring
constantly. Add the beef and scramble, mixing until cooked.
Add garlic salt, salt and pepper to taste, cayenne pepper, tomatoes,
tomato sauce, muchroom sauce, ketchup and sugar. Cook all day.
This is also good for a hurry-up meal. Very good on mashed
potatoes or bread, as well as spaghetti.
Submitted by Carol E. Grover, St. George, Maine

Hamburger Meat Loaf

2 Ibs. hamburg 2 grated onions

2 cups cracker crumbs 2 medium cooked potatoes, mashed
1 cup milk 2 cooked carrots, mashed
2 eggs, beaten Salt and pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients together, pack into bread tins. Bake 40

minutes in 350 degree oven. Serves 6 to 8.
Submitted by Leola M. McAtee, Plymouth, Maine

Spaghetti and Meat Balls

1 pound ground beef 4 slices bacon

Y4 cup bread crumbs 1 medium bay leaf
1 egg, slightly beaten | teaspoon oregano
3 large garlic cloves, 2 cans tomato soup
minced 1 cup water
Y2 teaspoon salt
Combine crumbs, beef, egg and salt. Shape into 16 meat
balls. In a large fry pan cook the bacon until crisp, remove and
crumble. Pour off all but 2 tablespoons of fat. Place meat balls
in the fry pan and brown with the garlic, bay leaf and oregano.
Add the soup and water. Simmer for 30 minutes. Stir now and
then. Remove the bay leaf. Add crumbled bacon. Serve over hot
spaghetti. Can top with grated cheese.
Submitted by Mrs. Gordon Hemphill, Dover-Foxcroft, Maine
Swedish Meat Balls

1 lb. ground beef 1 tablespoon minced parsley

Onions to suit taste 12 teaspoons salt
¥4 cup fine dry bread crumbs '% teaspoon pepper
| teaspoon Worcestershire 1 egg
Sauce Ya cup milk
Mix well and shape in balls size of walnuts. Brown in 4
cup hot fat or salad oil. Remove meat balls and stir in fat the
¥Y4 cup flour ¥g teaspoon pepper
| teaspoon paprika 2 cups boiling water
Y2 teaspoon salt ¥4 cup sweet milk
Mix well and return meat balls to gravy and simmer 15 to
20 minutes. Serve on mashed potatoes.
Submitted by Rose Marie Cox, Fort Fairfield, Maine

Southern Hamburg
| medium onion, chopped 3 tablespoons catsup
| medium green pepper 3 tablespoons prepared mustard
2 tablespoons cooking oil | can chicken gumbo soup
| pound hamburg Season to taste

Cook the onions and green pepper in the oil, until onions
are light yellow. Add the hamburg and cook until light brown.
Add catsup, mustard and soup undiluted. Season to taste. Simmer
for ’2 hour. Serve on hamburg rolls.
Submitted by Mrs. Claude Hemphill, Presque Isle, Maine

Bean-Pot Hamburg

2 Ibs. lean hamburg 1 large onion, chopped fine

| teaspoon salt 1 can (1014 0z.) consomme
| tablespoon sugar soup.
%4 teaspoon poultry seasoning Fill soup can with cold water

Mix all ingredients well. Place in bean pot and stir over
medium heat constantly until meat loses all color, and is not
lumpy. Cover, place in moderate slow oven 250 degrees to 300
degrees for 12 to 2 hours. Stir occasionally. When cooked,
may be thickened or not, as desired.
I find this equally good cooked in an electric casserole, also
I vary the soup for a choice of flavors such as _ tomato,
mushroom, celery, cheese, etc.
Submitted by Mrs. Mary C. Sprowl, Liberty, Maine

Burlington Barbecue Beef

1 Ib. stew beef 2 tablespoons Worcestershire

3 large onions Sauce
| green pepper 2 teaspoons salt
'Y2 cup catsup 2 tablespoons brown sugar
D tablespoons vinegar iy teaspoon oregano
1 cup fruit syrup (from
canned fruit)
Brown stew beef slowly with onions and pepper. Add catsup,
vinegar, fruit syrup, Worcestershire sauce, salt, brown sugar, and
oregano. Simmer 2-3 hours (covered) until done or tender.
Thicken gravy with flour. Serve on rice or noodles.
Submitted by Mrs. Albert W. Blasenak, Sr., Littleton, N. H.

Swedish Meat Balls

| Ib. chopped beef 2 whole eggs

1 chopped, gently fried onion Salt and pepper
2 teaspoon garlic salt '2 teaspoon dry mustard
4 or 5 slices of bread soaked 2 teaspoons chopped parsley
in milk Pinch nutmeg
Mix with hands very thoroughly. Make tiny balls the size of
walnuts. Fry quickly and put in sauce.
1 bottle chili sauce
1 can whole cranberry sauce
Mix in sauce pan and simmer. Drop meatballs in and simmer.
Serve in chafing dish.
Submitted by Mrs. Kenneth M. Curtis, Blaine House
Augusta, Maine
Upside Down Pie
Y2 |b. hamburg Y2 teaspoon salt
Y2 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons shortening
¥4 cup chopped onion 1 teaspoon paprika
1 can tomato soup 1 teaspoon celery salt or
2 tablespoons shortening seeds
14% cups flour ¥%4 cup milk
3 teaspoons baking powder
In heavy fry pan, fry onion in 2 tablespoons of shortening until
soft. Add hamburg and soup. Bring to boil.
Mix as for biscuits, flour, baking powder, salt, shortening,
paprika, celery salt, and milk. Use grated cheese if desired.
Spoon on top of hamburg mixture in heavy fry pan. Bake
475 degrees, 20 minutes. Turn upside down when done.
Submitted by Mrs. Crystal Farrar, Sangerville, Maine

Bean Pot Stew

1 Ib. stew beef 1 small jar green olives (juice

1 whole onion and all)
1 can tomato soup
Y4 can water (rinse out soup
Cook in bean pot (covered) until meat is done, 325 degree
oven about 3 hours. I serve this over cooked noodles.
Submitted by Mrs. Shirley Jones, Orrington, Maine

Barbecued Frankfurters

2 Ibs. frankfurters, cut 1 cup catsup

diagonally in 1 inch pieces 3 tablespoons Worcestershire
¥%4 chopped onion sauce
2 tablespoons vinegar ¥4 cup water
2 tablespoons brown sugar ‘Ya teaspoon cayenne pepper
¥%4 cup lemon juice if desired

Combine all ingredients except frankfurters. Simmer 20 minutes.

Add frankfurters and cook slowly 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Recipe makes 8 servings.
Submitted by Mrs. Diane Spack, Guilford, Maine

Hamburg Pie

Bisquick or regular biscuit Salt and pepper

dough 2 eggs, beaten
1% lbs. hamburg 1 cup cheese
1 onion Paprika
2 tablespoons flour

Mix Bisquick or regular biscuit dough, knead lightly and fit

into a 9 inch pie tin. Saute hamburg and onion, diced, add
flour, salt and pepper. Spread in dough-lined pan. Beat eggs and
blend in cheese. Pour over meat and sprinkle with paprika and
bake 30 minutes. Serve cut in wedges with baked potato and
green salad. Makes a nice meal. Serves 6 amply.
Submitted by Mrs. Alvah Graves, Santa Cruz, California

Becky’s Meat Loaf

1% Ibs. ground beef 1 teaspoon celery salt
¥4 cup oatmeal 1 can tomato paste
12 teaspoons salt 1 egg, beaten
| teaspoon onion salt
Combine all ingredients thoroughly. Pack firmly into an un-
greased 842 x 4% x 2% inch loaf pan. Bake in a preheated
moderate oven (350 degrees) 1 hour and 15 minutes. Let
stand 5 minutes before slicing. Makes 8 servings.
TO VARY THIS USE % cup bread crumbs and % cup of
grated carrot. Very good.
Submitted by Becky Wiers, St. Albans, Maine

Baked Beef Heart

| beef heart or 2 veal hearts 1 tablespoon minced onion

2 cups stock or diluted tomato 1 cup bread (cubed)
juice 'Y2 teaspoon salt
4 slices bacon or salt pork 4 teaspoon poultry seasoning
2 tablespoons butter Y4-Y2 cup water or milk

Wash heart well, remove veins, arteries and blood. Tie

heart with string and place on rack in baking dish. Add stock or
tomato juice. Sprinkle the meat with salt and pepper and seasoning
and lay bacon or pork over the meat. Cover and bake in a slow
oven 325 degrees until tender. A beef heart may take 4 to 5
hours, veal about 2 hours. Remove the heart, cool slightly. Untie
and fill the cavity with stuffing made with the butter, onion, cubed
bread, salt, and seasoning, mixed with the milk or water. Retie
the heart, return to oven and cook about 30 minutes or until
stuffing is thoroughly heated. Thicken gravy in the pan.

Submitted by Mrs. Ruth King, Lincoln, Maine

Dutch Meat Loaf

1 lbs. ground beef 1’ teaspoons salt

’2 can condensed tomato soup 1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 cup rolled oats, uncooked 1 egg, beaten
Y4 teaspoon pepper

2 tablespoons prepared mustard “4 cup vinegar
¥Y2 can of condensed tomato Y4 cup brown sugar, packed
soup 1 cup water

In a bowl combine meat, soup, rolled oats, salt, pepper and

onion. Mix well, then mix in the beaten egg. Spoon the mixture
lightly into a greased bread tin. Bake in a moderate oven 350
degrees for about 1% hours. After the meat oaf has gone
into the oven, prepare a sauce with which to baste the meat as it
Combine prepared mustard, tomato soup, vinegar, brown sugar,
and water. Baste the meat as it cooks.
Submitted by Mrs. Fred McIntire, Washburn, Maine

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Spring brought on addition to the winter-rav-

ished pantry. Fish by the millions began
their spawning runs up the rivers along the
coastline from Kittery to Calais. Smelts, ale-
wives, herring and salmon crowded the
streams and could literally be scooped out
by the handful. The salmon, being larger,
were, of course netted, speared or caught
with a hook and line. Herring came inshore
in schools and could be caught in nets and
weirs. Smelts fried in a spider, alewives
cw baked to a crusty brown, laced through with
al salt pork, salmon boiled in the good old
oe cU(t Maine way and herring’ pickled in vinegar
Alb ? were all fit beginnings for a spring feast.
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Barbecued Hamburg

| pound of ground meat Ya cup ketchup

| teaspoon butter Y2 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce
| medium onion, cut-up 1 tablespoon vinegar
1 cup celery, cut in small _ | tablespoon prepared mustard
Pieces 2 teaspoons sugar
Y2 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons chili sauce
Dash of pepper

Combine all ingredients and mix well. Simmer in the teaspoon

of butter for 15 minutes or until done to your taste. Serve in
hot dog rolls or hamburg buns. Good for people in trailers or

Submitted by Mae Perry, Rockland, Maine


French Fried Onion Rings

1 cup flour 12 cups milk

Y2 cup oil Onions
| egg, beaten

Slice onions and pull apart into rings. Soak onions in the
milk for 1 hour, then drain, saving the milk. Mix flour and oil
together thoroughly, then add the beaten egg and the milk. Dip
the onion rings in the batter and fry in hot fat, until golden brosn.

Submitted by Mrs. Donna Bond, Jefferson, Maine

Scalloped Corn
144 cups crushed crackers- 1 egg, beaten
saltines 1 cup milk
| can cream style corn I onion, diced

Combine the beaten egg with the milk and corn. Mix well.
Add crushed crackers and diced onion. Pour into a greased cas-
serole. Bake at 350 degrees for 2 hour.

Submitted by Mrs. Thomas Watson, Five Islands, Maine

Creamy Lamb Stew
12 pounds lamb Y4 cup water
3 tablespoons flour 4 cup frozen peas
2 teaspoons salt 'Y2 cup commercial sour
4 teaspoon pepper cream
3 tablespoons salad oil 1 tablespoon flour
4 medium potatoes 4 teaspoon salt
2 large onions Snipped parsley
4 carrots
Combine flour, salt and pepper. Coat lamb with the flour.
Heat the salad oil in pressure saucepan and brown lamb on all
sides. Add the “2 cup of water and cook lamb at 10 pounds
pressure for 25 minutes. Reduce heat and add the potatoes, pared
and quartered; the onions cut in thick slices; and carrots cut in
large pieces. Return to heat and cook under pressure for 3
minutes. Reduce heat, remove cover, push vegetables to one side
and add the frozen peas. Cook in the broth for 2 minutes, un-
covered. Stir the flour and salt into the sour cream and stir into
the stew until thickened. Garnish with parsley. Serve hot with hot
Submitted by Mrs. Gertrude Hupper, Tenants Harbor, Maine

Veal Parmesan

4 frozen veal patties 1 tablespoon oil

Salt and pepper 1 8 oz. can tomato sauce
Flour Y4 teaspoon oregano
1 egg ¥2 Ib. Mozzarella cheese
1 tablespoon water Grated Parmesan cheese
Fine bread crumbs Paprika
| tablespoon butter

Season veal and dust with flour. Beat egg and water. Dip veal
in egg mix then in crumbs, coating well. Place in single layer on
platter and chill. Brown meat in oil and butter quickly. Place
meat in single layer in greased pan. In the meantime combine
the sauce and oregano and let simmer. Arrange the thinly sliced
Mozzarella cheese on the meat to almost cover each piece, spoon
over some of the sauce, and sprinkle on a layer of Parmesan
cheese. Spoon about a teaspoon pan drippings over each piece.
Sprinkle lightly with paprika and bake in a 325 degree oven for
30 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs, Esther Graves, Rockland, Maine

Quick and Easy Lasagne
2 lb. Lasagne noodles 2 tablespoons minced onions
2 cans tomato soup Y2 teaspoon oregano
1 large can tomato sauce Grated cheese and some
1 6 oz. can sliced mushrooms extra sharp cheese
Y2 cup olive oil ~ | Ib. cooked hamburg
Cook noodles in boiling salted water. Put a little olive oil
in water to prevent noodles from sticking. Drain, combine tomato
sauce, mushrooms with their liquid, onions, oil and oregano
and | lb. of cooked hamburg. Put a little sauce in bottom of
pie plate, — layer lasagne — more sauce — cheese and so on
until dish is full. Bake in 350 degree oven until cheese is melted.
Submitted by Helen Waller, Winslow, Maine


Pig liver 1 pound onions (scant)

Pig heart Salt
1 pound fresh pork fat Pepper
(or salt pork) Poultry seasoning
Boil together the liver, heart and salt pork for 1! hour.
Grind, except the rind, first a piece of pork, then one of liver,
then onions. Add salt, pepper and seasoning to taste. Add
enough of the water the meat was cooked in, to mix as thick
as graham muffins. Cook about 20 minutes, long enough to cook
the onions. Press into a loaf pan. Cool. Keep refrigerated.
Submitted by Mrs. Lloyd Ingham, Winthrop, Maine

Liver Loaf
144 lb. liver (cooked) 2 eggs, beaten
'“ cup of celery Y2 cup tomatoes
1'4 cups of bread crumbs 1 cup liquid (can be broth)
Salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoons butter
Cook liver and put it through the meat grinder. Add celery,
bread crumbs, salt and pepper, eggs, beaten, tomatoes and broth,
you can use some tomato juice if you don’t have enough broth
to make the | cup of liquid. Mix well and put in pan. Put
butter on top of loaf before putting in oven. If desired you may
put bacon on top of loaf in place of butter. Bake in 350 degree
oven for about | hour.
Submitted by Marilyn M. Wiers, St. Albans, Maine

Liver and Bacon Loaf

1% lb. liver, cooked 2 eggs, well beaten

1 Ib. beef, cooked Juice of lemon
4 cups bread crumbs Salt and pepper to taste
8 tablespoons tomato catsup Bacon strips
2 tablespoons onion juice
Put liver and beef through meat grinder. Mix bread crumbs,
catsup, onion juice, eggs, juice of lemon, salt and pepper to taste.
Line pan with bacon strips. Put ingredients in pan, and place bacon
strips on top, pressing them firmly on. Bake in moderate oven,
350 degrees, about | hour.

Submitted by Elizabeth Shyne, Rockland, Maine

Chicken Liver Stroganoff

1 medium onion, sliced 'Y2 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons butter Dash pepper
| pound frozen chicken livers 1 tablespoon flour
2/3 cup sliced mushrooms 1 cup dairy sour cream
2 teaspoons paprika 3 cups cooked long grain rice

Cook onion in butter until tender. Halve the livers and add
to the onion with the undrained mushrooms. Stir in the paprika,
salt and pepper. Cover and cook over low heat about 10 minutes
until livers are tender.
Stir the flour into the sour cream and add to the above mixture.
Heat through but do not boil. Serve over the hot cooked rice.
Makes 6 servings.
Submitted by Mrs. M. Richard Audet, Poland Spring, Maine

Dutch Casserole

2 Ibs. beef from round ¥Y2 cup tomatoes

1 grated onion 2 cups water
| cup peas 2 tablespoons minute tapioca
¥4 cup soft bread crumbs Salt
1 slice salt pork chopped Pepper
1 carrot, chopped 3 cloves
Cut beef into inch cubes, mix with other ingredients and
cook in casserole 3 or 4 hours. This is an old recipe.
Submitted by Mrs. Ernest Bliss, West Baldwin, Maine

Bertha’s Baked Beans

2 pounds of dry beans Y2 teaspoon dry mustard

Y4 cup sugar Dash pepper
Y2 cup molasses (scant) 1 pound salt pork
Y4 teaspoon salt

Place beans in a pan of warm water and set aside for 4 or

5 hours. Drain. Mix together sugar, molasses, salt, mustard and
pepper. Stir into the drained beans. Put into bean pot with pork on
top. Add enough water to cover and bake at 300 to 325 degrees
for several hours until done. Add more water when necessary.
When cooking overnight, | add a lot of water the first time.
Submitted by Mrs. Bertha Lovejoy, Thomaston, Maine

Boston Baked Beans

1 pound of yellow or pea Y2 teaspoon salt

beans Y2 teaspoon pepper
Y%4 pound brown sugar Y2 teaspoon dry mustard
Y2 pound salt pork 1/3 cup molasses
1 small onion 5 cups hot water

Add sugar, onion, salt, pepper, dry mustard, molasses to

beans. Place pork on top of beans, fill pot with water and
bake in oven (325 degrees) for about 7-8 hours. Add
remaining water from time to time.
Submitted by Olive Terrio, Howland, Maine

Baked Beans With Maple Syrup

2 pounds soldier beans (1 2 teaspoons dry mustard

always use these) | teaspoon ginger
1 cup maple syrup 2 teaspoons salt
'Y2 cup sugar Salt pork and onion, if desired
Y4 cup molasses

Soak beans overnight. Add ingredients in morning and bake as

usual, adding only water as needed.
Submitted by Mrs. Louise Dick, Morrisville, Vt.

Fried Asparagus

| can asparagus spears 2 tablespoons butter (or

1 egg margarine)
¥Y2 cup flour Salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons water (or milk) Dash garlic salt (optional)
Beat the egg, add water (or milk), salt, pepper and garlic
salt. Drain liquid from asparagus and dip the spears in the egg
mixture. Roll in flour. Heat butter in frying pan and fry spears
until golden brown and crisp.
These are delicious and my family is very fond of them.
I have never seen this recipe in any cookbook.
Submitted by Mrs. Phyllis Briggs, Madison, Maine

Zucchini Casserole

2 or 3 small zucchini squash 1 can celery soup (102

3 tablespoons onion soup mix ounce)
| cup grated cheese Grated Parmesan cheese
| cup bread crumbs
In a buttered 1'2 quart casserole, put a layer of zucchini,
which has been cut in cubes. (Do not peel or remove seeds.
Slice crosswise about ’% inch thick, then cut in cubes.) On
this layer, sprinkle half of the soup mix, part of the grated
cheese and bread crumbs. Make another layer of squash, the
rest of the soup mix, cheese and bread crumbs. Pour the can of
celery soup over all. Sprinkle generously with grated Parmesan
cheese. Cover and bake in a 350 degree oven for 1'2 hours, or
until squash is tender. Uncover and brown the crumbs.
Submitted by Mrs. Elford H. Morison, Wilton, Maine

Tomato Casserole

2 cups whole tomatoes Dash pepper

(canned) 4 tablespoons butter
¥Y2 cup cracker crumbs 2 cup grated cheese
2 tablespoons minced onions 1 egg
’2 teaspoon salt
Reserve 2 tablespoons of crumbs and grated cheese for the top.
Combine the ingredients in the order given. Put in a well greased
baking dish and top with crumbs and cheese. Bake for | hour in a
350 degree oven. Serves 4.
Submitted by Mrs. Lloyd E. Fernald, Franklin, Maine

New Flavor Scalloped Potatoes
4 cups thinly sliced potatoes 1 can condensed cream of ©
| teaspoon salt chicken soup
Ys teaspoon pepper Milk to make 2 cups liquid,
| tablespoon flour with the soup
1 tablespoon butter or oleo

In a greased, 12 quart casserole, put 2 of the potatoes.

Mix together the flour, salt and pepper. Sprinkle part of the
flour mixture over the layer of potatoes in casserole. Dot with
half of the butter. Make another layer with the rest of the
potatoes, flour and butter. Measure the soup and add enough milk
to make 2 cups of liquid. Pour over the potatoes. Cover and
bake at 350 degrees for | hour. Remove cover and continue
baking for 45 minutes at 400 degrees, until done. Potatoes vary
in cooking time at different times of the year.
Submitted by Mrs. Eula Goodwin, Anson, Maine

Green Bean Casserole

| package frozen (French 1 can cream of mushroom

style) beans soup
1 can French fried onion Y2 cup water
Cook beans until tender. Drain. Mix mushroom soup with
water. Put a layer of beans, one of onion rings and soup.
Top with onions. Bake in a 350 degree oven until light brown
on top.
Submitted by Mrs. Hester McGown, Carmel, Maine

Onion and Apple Casserole

3 large onions Salt and pepper to taste

4 large apples 1 cup bread crumbs (plain or
2 cups of beef or chicken seasoned)
bouillon 1 tablespoon butter

Place the apples, onions, bread crumbs and seasonings in a

greased casserole in layers. Dot with butter and pour on the
bouillon. Bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees. Serve with Yorkshire
pudding and roast pork. Nc
Submitted by Mrs. Arnold Bishop, Wilmington, Mass.

Spinach Pie

1 pound chopped spinach | teaspoon baking powder

(may be frozen) '’2 cup bread crumbs
2 eggs, beaten Salt, pepper, paprika to taste
2 tablespoons butter, softened 2 tablespoons milk
Grated cheese (2 ounces) Butter and grated cheese to
¥4 pound boiled ham garnish top
Boil spinach in a small amount of water for 5 minutes.
Drain and let cool for 5 minutes. Mix spinach and eggs with the
butter. Add the 2 ounces of grated cheese and the ham, cut into
little pieces. Add baking powder and bread crumbs. Add season-
ings and milk. Mix well together and put into an 8 x 8 baking
pan. Add small pieces of butter to top of pie and sprinkle grated
cheese on top. Bake for 15 minutes in a 450 degree oven so
that it is a golden brown on top.
Submitted by Mrs. John Migueis, Bangor, Maine

Eggplant — Farmer’s Style

2 medium eggplants 2 eggs
1 pound chopped meat | cup bread crumbs
| large onion, sliced Salt and pepper to taste
Boil the eggplant until soft, split open and remove the meat.
Put in a flat pan and mash. Set aside. Fry onion in butter until
soft. Add the chopped meat and cook 5 minutes; add to the egg-
plant with the bread crumbs, salt and pepper. Add the eggs and mix
well. Put in a buttered casserole and sprinkie the top with
grated cheese. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes at 400 degrees. Serves 6.
Submitted by Mrs. Sara M. Baxter, Gray, Maine

Cabbage Scramble

4 cups shredded cabbage Dash of pepper

12 cups canned tomatoes 2 tablespoons butter
| large onion, cut fine Buttered bread crumbs
Y2 teaspoon salt Grated cheese
¥2 teaspoon sugar

Cook cabbage, tomatoes and onions in a small amount of

boiling water about 10 minutes. Add seasonings and _ butter.
Garnish with buttered bread crumbs and grated cheese. Bake in a
350 degree oven for 20 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Claribel Andrews, Tenants Harbor, Maine

Stuffed Green Peppers
3 large green peppers Y2 cup leftover mashed potato
| pound ground beef (good Seasonings to taste
grade) 1 can tomato soup
| large onion Y4 cup water
Y2 cup crushed pineapple Y2 cup Russian dressing
1 cup thawed frozen corn
Halve the peppers and remove stem and seed portions. Place
in boiling salted water for 5 minutes. Remove and drain well.
Slice the onion and saute lightly in a little oleo. Place in a
large bowl, beef, sauteed onion, pineapple, corn, mashed potatoes
and seasonings. (Seasoned salt, Accent, pepper and onion salt may
be used.) Mix together well and generously fill the pepper halves.
Place in a glass baking dish, stuffing side up. Mix together the
tomato soup, water and Russian dressing. Pour over the stuffed
peppers. Bake in a preheated oven at 350 degreés for 45 minutes.
Submitted by Terry Niedermann, Northeast 9, Cushing, Maine

Fried Tomatoes

4 large tomatoes Salt and pepper to taste

Butter, drippings or olive oil 2 cup of cream
for frying
Cut the tomatoes in thick slices and fry in butter, (drippings
or olive oil) until they are brown, turn and brown other side.
Do not overcook, just brown. Lift to a hot flat dish and dust with
salt and pepper. Into the gravy in the spider, pour the cream,
stir quickly and pour over the tomatoes. Serve hot.
Submitted by Mrs. Leola Peaslee, No. Edgecomb, Maine

Potato Puff

2 teaspoons butter 1 egg, beaten

1 cup hot milk 2 tablespoons. grated cheese
2 cups mashed potato Salt and pepper to taste

Melt the butter in the hot milk. Add the mashed potato, beat
until light. Add the beaten egg, cheese, salt and pepper to taste.
Beat again. Pour into a well greased casserole and bake at 350
degrees until nice and brown. Serve hot.
Submitted by Mrs. Joseph Couture, Jr., Oakland, Maine

Sandwich Spread

1 can chopped meat 'Y2 cup chopped lettuce

1 small onion, chopped 2 teaspoons prepared mustard
Y4 cup chopped green pepper 3 to 4 tablespoons mayonnaise
Y4 cup chopped celery
Mix all ingredients together. Refrigerate until ready to use.
I call this my “Little Bit of Everything Sandwich Spread.”
Submitted by Mrs, Marilyn R. Grant, Temple, Maine

Meat Sauce

1 pound ground beef 1 large can tomatoes

1 chopped onion 2 tablespoons tomato paste
3 slices chopped cooked bacon 2 teaspoons salt
Y4 cup salad oil Ya teaspoon pepper
Heat oil in a saucepan, mix beef and onion, add to the oil
with the bacon. Cook, stirring constantly. Strain the tomatoes
and add to the meat, with the tomato paste and seasonings.
Simmer for | hour. Good on spaghetti.
Submitted by Mrs, Gordon Hambrecht, Dexter, Maine

Horseradish Sauce

3 tablespoons grated horseradish Few grains cayenne

root 8 tablespoons heavy cream
1 tablespoon lemon juice (% cup)
Y4 teaspoon salt
Mix together the horseradish, lemon juice, salt and cayenne
and stir into the stiffly beaten cream. Good with cold meats.
Keep refrigerated.
Submitted by Mrs, Dorothy Robbins, Ellsworth, Maine.

Brown Sugar Syrup for Pancakes

1 cup white sugar 1 cup boiling water
2 cups brown sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla

Boil sugars and water together for 5 minutes. Let cool. Add
Submitted by Mrs. Athelene Hilt, Union, Maine

100 Years Pie Crust

2% cups flour | cup shortening

| teaspoon salt Y2 cup milk
Y4 cup sugar (scant)
Sift flour, salt and sugar. Cut in shortening. Add milk and
mix lightly but thoroughly. Roll out to fit pie plate.
Submitted by Mrs. Harold White, Ellsworth, Maine

Pie Crust Mix

Cold milk 3 tablespoons sugar

6 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt
1 Ib. lard
Mix the flour, lard, sugar and salt together. Store in refrigerator
in covered container — like empty Crisco can. When needed,
take 2 cups from can and mix with cold milk. This is very good to
have on hand to make a quick pie!
Submitted by Carrie C. Libby, Newport, Maine

Pie Crust

2¥2 cups flour | tablespoon vinegar

1 cup lard 1 teaspoon salt
Ya cup milk
Cut lard into flour until fine. Add the 2 cup milk with the
1 tablespoon vinegar mixed in, directly. If not enough, add
more milk to make a soft dough. This is enough for 2 9-inch
Submitted by Della M. Wiers, Newport, Maine

Pie Crust

6 cups flour (sifted and 2 teaspoons salt

measured) 1 beaten egg
1 pound lard Cold water

Mix together the flour, salt, and lard. Put the beaten egg in a
measuring cup and fill with cold water. Pour over first mixture. Mix.
Makes 4 or 5 pies. May be refrigerated 2 to 3 weeks before using.
Submitted by Adelia Baker, Presque Isle, Maine

Pie Crust

5 cups flour | pound lard

4 cup sugar | egg yolk, beaten
| tablespoon salt Cold water
Sift flour with sugar and salt; cut or work in the lard. Beat
egg yolk, pour in a cup and fill with cold water. Mix well. This
will keep in refrigerator for 3 weeks, well wrapped. When ready
to use, remove from refrigerator and let stand at room temperature
for 2 hour before rolling out. Omit the sugar when making
crust for meat pies.
Submitted by Evelyn Osborne, Guilford, Maine

Lemon Meringue Pie

3'4 tablespoons cornstarch | tablespoon butter

14 cups sugar 6 tablespoons sugar
'’4 teaspoon salt | teaspoon lemon juice
'Y4 cup lemon juice 2 tablespoons cold water
| tablespoon grated lemon | tablespoon cornstarch
rind 'Y% cup boiling water
3 eggs, separated | baked pie shell (9 inch)
12 cups boiling water

In a saucepan, combine the 3!2 tablespoons cornstarch, 14

cups sugar, salt, 44 cup lemon juice and the lemon rind. Beat the
egg yolks and add to cornstarch mixture, mix well. Gradually
add the 1’ cups boiling water. Heat to boiling over direct
heat, then boil gently for 4 minutes, stirring constantly. When
the mixture has thickened (it may take more than 4 minutes) stir
in the butter. Pour the filling into the baked pie shell. In a small
saucepan combine the | tablespoon of cornstarch and the 2 table-
spoons of cold water. Stir in the ’% cup of boiling water and
cook for 2 minutes or until thickened. Cool to room temperature,
While this is cooling, add the | teaspoon of lemon juice to the
egg whites which are at room temperature, and beat until soft
peaks form. Gradually add the 6 tablespoons of sugar, beating
all the while until firm peaks form. Beat in the cornstarch
mixture. Spread meringue over pie filling, being sure to touch
the crust all around, and bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes,
or until a light brown. Cool.
Submitted by Mildred Brown Schrumpf, Orono, Maine

The first attempt to can corn was
by Isaac Winslow in 1839 near
Portland. After trying many
methods and failing he finally
achieved success with the open
boiler method of processing the
cans. Although successful with his
method by 1844, he failed to ob-
tain a patent and it was left to his
son, Nathan Winslow, to begin the
first commercial canning in a
factory in Riverton, Maine in 1852.
He was joined by his nephew, J.
Winslow Jones, in the business in
1853 and the venture was off to a
successful start. From this _ be-
ginning the canning of corn has
become a very important part of
the economy of Maine.



. yeas
Frozen Lemon Pie

v2 cup fine graham crackers 3 teaspoons grated lemon peel

crumbs Y4-Y2 cup lemon juice
3 eggs, separated 1 cup cream, whipped stiff
'Y2 cup sugar
Sprinkle a well-greased 9-inch pie pan with 4 cup fine graham
cracker crumbs, and chill. Be sure to grease pie pan with butter
or margarine first.
Beat egg whites until frothy and add gradually 2 cup sugar
and beat stiff. Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon colored.
Then add 3 teaspoons grated lemon peel and lemon juice to egg
yolks. Fold in the egg whites. Have ready the whipped cream
beaten stiff and fold into the egg mixture. Pour into graham
cracker lined pie pan and sprinkle with % cup of graham cracker
crumbs. Freeze and serve frozen, as it melts quickly.
Submitted by Mrs. Arthur Briggs, Montieello, Maine

Lemon Rhubarb Pie

3 cups diced rhubarb 1 beaten egg

1 cup sugar ¥%4 teaspoon grated lemon rind
| tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Y2 cup water
Put diced rhubarb into pastry lined plate. Combine flour and
sugar. Stir in egg, rind and juice, and water. Cook in double
boiler until thickened. Pour over rhubarb. Top with lattice crust.
Bake in 450 degree oven for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350
degrees and cook for 20-30 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Hilda A. DeBisschop, Sedgwick, Maine

Lemon Icebox Pie

1 can Carnation milk, 1 cup boiling water

chilled Juice of 1 lemon, unstrained
¥, to 1 cup sugar (depending except for seeds
on desired sweetness) Graham cracker pie shell
1 package of lemon Jello
Mix Jello with 1 cup boiling water and cool to jelly stage.
Beat milk until thickened. Add sugar, continue to beat, add Jello
and beat, add lemon juice and beat. When thoroughly mixed,
put into graham cracker pie shell and refrigerate until ready to
Submitted by Ida Fox Briggs, Hartland, Maine

Lemon Sponge Pie
¥4 cup soft butter or Y4 teaspoon salt
margarine 6 tablespoons lemon juice
1 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
3 eggs, separated (yolks from 2 cups milk
whites) Pastry for a 10-inch pie
3 tablespoons flour plate
Line a 10-inch pie plate with your favorite pie crust recipe.
Separate eggs and beat the whites until they hold up in peaks.
Add about % cup of the sugar to these so that they will hold up.
Cream butter, add salt and remaining sugar. Add 2 unbeaten egg
yolks, beat well, add the flour, lemon juice and lemon rind. Add
milk, then fold in the beaten whites.
Pour into the unbaked pastry pie shell. Bake at 425 degrees
for 15 minutes, reduce heat to 325 degrees and continue to bake
for 25 minutes. Place pie on rack to cool. Serves 6.
Submitted by Mrs. Francis J. Cyr, Old Town, Maine

Southern Pecan Pie

4 eggs, beaten 3 tablespoons butter

1 cup white sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup dark Karo syrup 1 cup pecan meats, chopped
1 tablespoon flour
Combine all ingredients in order given. Pour into unbaked
pie shell. Bake 400 degrees about 20 minutes. Reset oven to 350
degrees and bake pie about 40° minutes until a knife can be
inserted and comes out almost clean.
Submitted by Mrs. Francis Beaulieu, Calais, Maine

Blueberry Pie
3 cups blueberries, fresh or ¥4 cup brown sugar
frozen ¥Yg teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons flour Grated rind of 42 orange
v2 cup granulated sugar
Prepare blueberries, add flour, both brown and white sugar,
salt and orange rind. Mix thoroughly. Line a 9-inch pie plate
with pastry. Fill with the berries. Dot with 1 tablespoon butter.
Put on the top crust, prick well and bake in a 425-450 degree oven
for 35-40 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Thelma Cunningham, West Minot, Maine

Squash Pie
2 cups mashed squash ¥Y2 cup milk
2 eggs Dash of ginger
Y2 cup sugar

Beat the eggs, blend in squash, sugar, milk and ginger.

Line an 8-inch pie plate with pie crust and crimp the edges.
This will help retain the filling. Bake at 425 degrees for the first
15 minutes and at 350 degrees until firm.
This is an old-time family recipe.
Submitted by Mrs. Winnie Thomas, Camden, Maine

New England Squash Pie


134 cups strained mashed ’Y2 cup molasses

cooked squash ¥Y2 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon
1% cups milk 1 teaspoon vanilla
3 eggs
Beat all ingredients together with rotary beater. Pour into
9-inch pastry-lined pie pan. Bake until a silver knife inserted 1”
from side of filling comes out clean. The center may still look
soft, but will set later. Bake 45 to 55 minutes in a 425 degree

Submitted by Marilyn M. Wiers

Squash Pie (without eggs)

1 cup squash 1 Boston brown baked cracker
1% cups hot milk rolled fine or same amount
1/3 cup sugar of any crackers (about 4 cup
Salt, nutmeg and cassia to crumbs)

If you want to make a pumpkin pie, add to the above recipe

1 tablespoon molasses and some ginger.
This can be made with 2 eggs in place of crackers.
Submitted by Harriet M. H. True, Yarmouth, Maine

Green Tomato Pie

144 cups white sugar 4 teaspoon nutmeg

1 tablespoon flour 2 teaspoon cinnamon
3 cups thinly sliced green Y4 teaspoon salt
Line pie plate with pie crust. Mix and sift the white sugar
and flour. Sprinkle half of the mixture over the crust. Add the
sliced green tomatoes, and sprinkle the remainder of the sugar and
flour mixture over them. Sprinkle with the nutmeg, cinnamon, and
salt. Dot with butter and put on top crust. Bake 40 minutes in a
350 degree oven until the tomatoes are done and the crust is a
light brown.

Submitted by Mrs. Forrest A. Stowell, Paris, Maine

Cranberry-Raisin Pie
24 cups cranberries | cup sugar
| cup raisins 2 teaspoon vanilla
4 small crackers Y2 cup water

Chop cranberries and raisins and crackers. Add sugar, vanilla

and water. Mix well and bake in double crust in 9-inch pie
plate for 30 minutes in 400 degree oven.

Submitted by Mrs. Thelma Cunningham, West Minot, Maine

Cranberry Pie
1 cup cranberries— put Y2 cup water
through food chopper 2 tablespoons flour
142 cups sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla

Put cranberries through food chopper. Mix the sugar, water,

flour and vanilla in with the cranberries. Let stand overnight.
Put in cooked crust and bake.

(This filling may be kept for months in refrigerator.)

Submitted by Huldah Monfette, Ashland, Maine

Muskmelon Pie

2 cups of muskmelon (yellow 1 tablespoon butter

meated, and stewed) 2 egg yolks, well beaten
Y2 cup sugar 2 egg whites
2 tablespoons cornstarch ¥4 teaspoon cream of tartar
’Y4 teaspoon nutmeg Y% cup sugar
Cook and mash the muskmelon, add '%2 cup sugar, corn-
starch, nutmeg, butter, and well beaten egg yolks. Cook over
low heat until thick. Add filling to baked pie crust, in 8-inch
pie plate. Beat egg whites and cream of tartar until frothy.
Gradually beat in sugar, a little at a time. Continue beating
until stiff and glossy. Cover filling with meringue and bake 8 to 10
minutes in 400 degree oven.
Submitted by Mrs. Jannie Wiers, St. Albans, Maine

Custard Pie

4 slightly beaten eggs 2’2 cups scalded milk

Y2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla
¥4 teaspoon salt 1 9-inch unbaked pie shell
Thoroughly mix eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla. Stir in hot milk.
Pour at once into unbaked pastry shell. Dash top with nutmeg.
Bake in hot oven 475 degrees for 5 minutes, reduce heat to 425
degrees. Bake 10 minutes longer or until a knife put in pie,
halfway between center and edge, comes out clean. Cool on rack.
Submitted by Mrs. Charles Buxton, Bangor Road, Houlton, Maine

Beautiful Custard Pie

1 egg white, beaten stiff 2 eggs and | egg yolk

Y2 cup sugar 2% cups warmed milk
Y4 teaspoon salt Nutmeg
1 teaspoon vanilla

Beat egg white stiff, add sugar, salt and vanilla, beat these
into the egg white. Beat the egg yolk and 2 large eggs slightly.
Add to the beaten white. Add the warmed milk.
Pour into unbaked 9-inch pastry shell, sprinkle with nutmeg
and place in a 450 degree oven. Reset control to 425 degrees
and bake 30 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Edwin B. Leach, Perry, Maine

Strawberry Cheese Pie

¥% |b. Philadelphia cream ‘TOPPING

cheese 1 cup sour cream (commercial)
Y2 cup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons sugar
] teaspoon vanilla Y4 teaspoon vanilla
¥Y~ teaspoon almond flavoring 1/6 teaspoon almond
3 eggs, separated flavoring
1 pint frozen strawberries
Graham cracker crust (9-inch
pie plate)

Blend cheese and sugar. Beat egg yolks until thick (5

minutes). Add yolks and flavorings to cheese and mix well. Pour
into a chilled 9-inch graham cracker crust, not baked. Bake at
325 degrees for 40 minutes. Spread on topping and bake exactly
10 minutes (no longer). Cool and refrigerate. Serve topped with
the thawed strawberries.
Submitted by Mrs. Gail Snell, Brewer, Maine

Grandmother’s Buttermilk Pie

1 cup sugar ¥Y2 teaspoon lemon extract

1 teaspoon flour 2 cups or so of buttermilk
Pinch salt (to fill an average sized pie
2 eggs tin)

Mix all ingredients together and pour into unbaked pie shell.
Cook as you would for custard pie.
Submitted by Mrs. Lloyd Torrey, Surry, Maine

Butter Pie

3 eggs, well beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla

¥Y4 cup sugar 1 pint milk
2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons butter
Little salt

Put butter in milk and heat until butter melts. Add sugar and
flour. Mix well, add beaten eggs, vanilla. Cook in unbaked pie shell
as for custard pie.
Submitted by Nora Stickney, Rockland, Maine

Coffee Toffee Pie
1 tablespoon water | square unsweetened choco-
Ya package pie crust mix late (grated)
4 cup light brown sugar | teaspoon vanilla
% cup finely chopped walnuts
Y2 cup soft butter or | square unsweetened choco-
margarine late (melted and cooled)
2/3 cup white sugar 2 eggs
2 teaspoons instant coffee
1 cup of whipped cream
Sugar and vanilla to taste
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Make pastry shell. In medium
bowl combine pie crust with brown sugar, wainuts and grated
chocolate. Add 1 tablespoon water and the vanilla. NOTE: Do
not use amount of water as shown on pie crust box. Using
fork, mix well until blended. Turn into well greased 9-inch pie
plate, press firmly against bottom and sides of pie plate. Bake for
15 minutes. Cool pastry shell in pie plate on wire rack. Meanwhile,
make filling.
In a small bowl, with electric mixer at medium speed, beat
butter and granulated sugar until light. Blend in cooled melted
chocolate and the instant coffee. Add 1 egg, beat for 5 minutes;
add remaining egg, beat 5 minutes longer. Turn filling into cooled,
baked pie shell, refrigerate uncovered overnight. When ready to
serve, whip cream and put on top of pie. May garnish with chocolate
curls. Eight servings.
Submitted by Joy W. Stewart, Dexter, Maine
Raisin Pie With Meringue

¥% cup milk YZ teaspoon salt

1 heaping teaspoon flour 2 eggs, separated
¥Y4 cup sugar 1 tablespoon butter
1 cup chopped raisins (seed- 1 teaspoon vanilla
less) 2 tablespoons sugar
Mix flour with sugar. Add salt and egg yolk, beaten together,
to the milk. Then add chopped raisins and butter to the above
mixture and cook over low heat until thickened. When thickened,
take off stove and add vanilla. Place in baked pie shell, and cover
with meringue made from egg whites. Brown in oven.
Submitted by Mrs. Emma Knox, Fryeburg, Maine

Pumpkin Pie

1 cup flour Y teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar ¥4 cup water
1 teaspoon baking powder 2/3 cup Crisco
Blend well at low speed; beat 2 minutes at medium speed
Spread batter in 9 or 10-inch deep pie pan.
1 scant quart uncooked pump- '%2 teaspoon nutmeg
kin, cut in very small pieces 4 tablespoons water
2/3 cup honey Y2 teaspoon vanilla
Y% cup sugar Pinch salt
] teaspoon cinnamon
Mix all together and spoon carefully on top pie crust. Cover
with foil and bake at 425 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Vaughn G. MacDonald, Carmel, Maine

Pumpkin Pie

4 cup sugar 1 or 2 eggs, beaten

Y% teaspoon salt 1 cup milk
1 teaspoon cinnamon Y4 cup molasses
] teaspoon ginger 2 cups strained pumpkin
2 tablespoons flour
Mix the dry ingredients. Add the beaten eggs, milk and
molasses to the pumpkin. Combine liquid mixture to dry ingredients
and pour into pastry lined pie plate. Bake at 450 degrees for
10 minutes, then lower temperature to 350 degrees and bake about
50 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Wanita Lunn, Augusta, Maine

Cream Cheese Cherry Pie

1 large package cream cheese ™% pint whipping cream or
Ys cup sugar 1 pint of Cool Whip
I teaspoon vanilla 1 can cherry pie filling
Combine | large package cream cheese, 2 cup sugar, 1
teaspoon vanilla. Add the whipped cream to the above mixture.
Spread this mixture over cooled pie shell, saving 34 cup for
topping. Spread 1 can cherry pie filling over this and top with
remaining white mixture. Refrigerate overnight.
Submitted by Jean Overlock, Warren, Maine

Paper-bag Apple Streusel Pie
Large brown paper bag ¥4 teaspoon nutmeg
Y2 «up sugar 5 or 6 apples (about 2 pounds)
2 tablespoons flour
¥2 cup sugar '4 Ib. butter or oleo
Y2 cup flour
Unbaked 9-inch flaky pastry pie shell. Make high fluted edge.
For baking the pie, we use a big brown paper bag such as
groceries come in. It needs to be large enough for the pie plate to
fit into in roomy fashion.
To prepare the bag, place the bottom of a 9-inch pie plate
over the middle of one side of the bag and mark around the plate;
cut around the mark (just on one side of the bag) and reserve
the cutout piece. The use of the cutout assures the crust browning.
In a large mixing bowl, stir together '2 cup sugar, 2
tablespoons flour, and nutmeg. Pare apples, core and cut in |-inch
cubes. There should be about 6 cups. Toss apples with the sugar
mixture until well coated and turn into pie shell. Stir together
YZ cup sugar, 2 cup flour, cut in %4 Ib. butter or oleo until
mixture is fine and crumbly. Sprinkle over top of pie.
Place the pie in the middle of the prepared paper bag so you
can see its top through the cutout. Fold the open ends of the bag,
using drugstore fold, and fasten with paper clips. Carefully place
on cookie sheet. Put the cutout back in place over the top of the
pie. Bake in 400 degree oven for 30 minutes; remove cutout and
continue baking for 30 minutes or until apples are tender. Remove
from bag. Delicious served warm.
Submitted by Mrs. Elsie Wortman, East Thorndike, Maine

Leona’s Apple Pie

Apples 'Y2 teaspoon nutmeg

| cup sugar Butter
Y2 teaspoon cinnamon

Make pastry for a 2 crust, 9-inch pie. Fill bottom crust with
pared, sliced apples. Combine spices with sugar and put on top of
apples. Dot with butter. Cover with top crust. Bake at 350 degrees
until crust is set and nicely browned. Then lower heat to 300
degrees so juices will not bubble over. Cook until apples are
tender when tested with a knife.
Submitted by Mrs. Leona Starrett, Thomaston, Maine

Apple Blush Pie

5 large apples ‘> cup sugar

| cup crushed pineapple 2 tablespoons flour
(drained) ¥g teaspoon salt
4 cup cinnamon drops 2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Peel and slice apples, add pineapple, cinnamon candies, and
all dry ingredients. Mix well and let stand while preparing crust.
Dot filling with the butter before covering with top crust.
Submitted by Nancie Bond, Jefferson, Maine
Apple Pie Filling
Apples to fill a 9-inch pie Pinch of salt
shell ¥2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons butter or oleo
¥4 cup molasses
Lightly dust the bottom crust with flour. Add the sliced
apples to fill the pan. Sprinkle on the sugar, salt and cinnamon.
Pour the molasses over all. Dot with the butter and cover with
top crust. Bake in a 425 degree oven for about 45 minutes.
I worked this recipe up myself to give the molasses flavor
without using too much of it. I used Northern Spy apples and
this amount made it plenty sweet.
Submitted by Joyce Prentice, Freedom, Maine
Pineapple Meringue Pie
| cup sugar 1 can (16 or 17 02.)
2 tablespoons flour crushed pineapple
3 eggs 4 cup water
| teaspoon butter
3 egg whites 6 tablespoons sugar
¥4 teaspoon cream of tartar ¥2 teaspoon flavoring
Line a 9-inch pie pan with piecrust — build up a fluted
edge. Cream sugar, flour, egg yolks and butter. Stir in pineapple
and water. Mix well and pour into the unbaked pie crust. Bake
at 425 degrees for 15 minutes, then bake at 350 degrees for
30 minutes. Cool and apply meringue.
To mix meringue, beat egg whites and cream of tartar until
frothy. Gradually add sugar and flavoring. Beat until stiff. Bake
8 minutes at 400 degrees temperature.
Submitted by Mrs. Ruth S. Dow, Dover-Foxcroft, Maine

Rhubarb Dream Pie

| well beaten egg Y2 cup macaroon crumbs

¥Y2 cup honey ’Y2 cup chopped dates
Y2 cup sugar 22 tablespoons butter
| cup chopped rhubarb (raw) ‘4 teaspoon salt

Mix egg, sugar, and honey. Add rhubarb and other ingre-
dients. Mix well. Pour into pastry-lined pie pan. Cover with
strips of pastry and bake in hot oven 400 degrees for 10 to 15
minutes. Reduce heat to 300 degrees and bake until done, about
%4 hour.

This is very nice with a meringue instead of the pastry

strips. Make and add meringue after pie is done and put pie in
400 degree oven for 12 to 15 minutes or until meringue is done.
Keeps well and improves in flavor.

Submitted by Mrs. Leona Murphy, Mount Desert, Maine

Rhubarb Pie

3 cups cut-up rhubarb 2 egg yolks, beaten

¥4 cup sugar 3 level tablespoons flour
1> teaspoon nutmeg | tablespoon butter

2 egg whites 4 tablespoons sugar
'4 teaspoon salt '2 teaspoon lemon flavoring

Mix rhubarb, *4 cup sugar, nutmeg, egg yolks, flour, and

butter together and pour into a 9-inch unbaked pie shell and
bake in a 450 degree oven for 10 minutes; then reduce heat to
325 and bake until filling thickens about 30 minutes. Just before
it has finished baking, put the meringue on top and put back in
oven to brown for 12 to 15 minutes.

To make thc meringue, beat the egg whites and salt ‘till
frothy. Beat in 4 tablespoons sugar, | at a time. Beat until the
meringue is stiff and glossy and will hold a point and yet look moist.
Add % teaspoon lemon flavoring and pile on top of pie and bake.

Submitted by Mrs. R. Fred Harmon, Caribou, Maine

Chocolate Cream Pie

| square chocolate cup evaporated milk

4 tablespoons flour cup water
6 tablespoons sugar egg yolks, well beaten
44 teaspoon salt — teaspoon
—i= vanilla

Melt the chocolate over hot water, add flour, sugar and salt.
Combine milk and water and add slowly, stirring constantly, to
chocolate mixture. Cook over hot water until thick and smooth.
Add beaten egg yolks and cook 5 minutes longer, stirring con-
stantly. Cool. Add vanilla and pour into baked pastry shell.
Use the 2 egg whites to make meringue. Bake in slow oven
325 degrees for 20 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Wanita Lunn, Augusta, Maine

Custard Crunch Mince Pie

1 9-inch unbaked pie shell 3 eggs, slightly beaten

1 cup sugar 44 cup butter, melted
2 tablespoons flour ¥2 cup chopped walnuts
¥Yg teaspoon salt | cup mincemeat

Blend dry ingredients and slowly add to eggs. Add remaining in-
gredients and mix well. Pour into pie shell and bake in hot oven at
400 degrees for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 325 degrees and bake 30
Submitted by Ruth Duncan, Washburn, Maine

Quick Mince Pie

’2 cup hamburg 1 tablespoon molasses

12 cups chopped apple 2/3 cup sugar
¥2 cup seedless raisins 2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons vinegar
¥2 teaspoon cinnamon ¥2 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoon cloves

Mix together the ingredients above and put in a pastry lined

tin. Place a crust on top and bake in 425 degree oven for 15
minutes, then turn heat down to 350 degrees and bake about 45
minutes until center of pie is well cooked. This is a delicious
quick pie.
Submitted by Mrs. Mahlon Salsbury, Ellsworth Falls, Maine


9} i Fe

weirs along the coast but it wasn’t until 1880 that

the first canning of them was achieved. The first
successful sardine canning factory was established
in North Lubec by Moses Lawrence, Henry Dodge
and Julius Wolff. The latter being of the firm of
Wolff-Reesing Company in New York. They first
used Russian salted herring in barrels. After wash-
ing the fish to remove the salt they were fried in
oil and packed in pure olive oil. The first can was
a three piece can that had to be hand-soldered
together with a vent hole left open in one side to
let the steam escape during the heat processing.
The first batches were probably baked in ovens
to preserve them and to kill the bacteria. After
baking, the vent was soldered shut and they were
ready for shipping. Within a-very few years time
the business was thriving and there were many
such factories all along the coast.
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Old-Fashioned Strawberry Pudding
(Dated 1911)

1 egg yolk | teaspoon soda

1 cup milk 2 cups flour
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
Put in bowl the egg yolk, milk and dry ingredients and mix
all together by hand as it is rather thick. Put in steamer and
steam for about 50 minutes. Serve hot with strawberry sauce.
| cup sugar 1 cup strawberries
Y2 cup butter White of egg, beaten
Mix together and cook in double boiler over low flame for
30 minutes. Serves about 6.
Submitted by Mrs. Horace Yeaton, East Wilton, Maine
Xmas Pudding ;
(Over 100 years old)

Y2 cup light brown sugar ~ Y4 teaspoon salt

3 eggs, well beaten Y4 teaspoon cinnamon
Y2 cup butter, melted Y4 teaspoon nutmeg
¥4 cup molasses Y4 teaspoon cloves
Y2 cup milk 2 cup salt pork, ground
3%4 cups sifted flour (scant) % cup seeded raisins
1 teaspoon soda
Mix together the first 5 ingredients. Sift flour with soda and
seasonings. Add the pork and raisins to the flour mixture and mix into
the sugar and egg mixture, beat well. Steam for 3 hours. Serve
warm with hard sauce.
Submitted by Mrs. Wyman Russon, N. Chelmsford, Mass.

Coffee Souffle

1% cups brewed coffee 1/3 cup sugar

1 tablespoon plain gelatin Y4 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup sugar Vanilla
2 cup milk 3 eggs, separated
Combine ceoffee, gelatin, 1/3 cup sugar and milk in double
boiler and heat. Beat egg yolks slightly, add remaining 1/3 cup sugar
and salt and mix well. Add to coffee mixture in double boiler
and cook until it thickens. Add whites of eggs beaten stiff and the
vanilla. Put into mold, chill and serve with whipped cream.
Submitted by Mrs. Walter E. Edwards, Skowhegan, Maine

Steamed Pudding
(100 years old)
3 cups flour | cup fat salt pork, ground
1’ teaspoons soda 1 cup molasses
| teaspoon cinnamon 2 cups buttermilk
1 teaspoon ginger | cup raisins, chopped

Sift flour, soda, cinnamon and ginger together. Rub pork into
the dry mixture. Add molasses and buttermilk, mix thoroughly.
Fold in raisins last. (2 cup fat may be substituted for salt pork
but not as good.) Steam in basin or coffee can for 3 hours,
less time in coffee can.
| heaping tablespoon flour 1’ cups boiling water
2 tablespoons butter 1 egg, well beaten
| cup sugar Y4 teaspoon nutmeg
2 cup cold water
Rub the flour into butter, add the sugar and the cold water.
Put into double boiler with the 12 cups boiling water and stir
until thickened. Add egg and nutmeg and cook a few minutes
Submitted by Melvina W. Johnson, Gorham, Maine

Viola’s New England Suet Pudding

34% cups flour 1 cup molasses

1 teaspoon soda 1 cup suet (ground)
| teaspoon salt 1 cup dates or figs (chopped)
2 teaspoons cinnamon | cup raisins
1 cup milk, sweet or sour
Sift dry ingredients, add milk and molasses, stir. Fold in suet
and fruits. Steam 3 hours. This makes 3 1-pound coffee tins.
Double this recipe and store in freezer. When needed, bring
out and steam 2 hour. Use with the ready mixed toppings
for emergency or serve with the following sauce.
2 cup butter | cup cream, whipped
| cup powdered sugar Vanilla or almond flavoring
Cream the butter and sugar over hot water, take from stove
and add the whipped cream and flavoring. Stir until smooth.
Serve immediately.
Submitted by Inga J. Chase, Glen Cove, Maine

John’s Delight

2 cups dry bread crumbs | teaspoon cassia

Y2 cup melted butter (scant) | teaspoon cloves
| cup sweet milk | teaspoon salt
1 egg, beaten -¥Y2 cup regular seeded raisins
| teaspoon soda ’Y2 cup golden seeded raisins
Ys cup molasses | teaspoon vanilla
Mix melted butter with the bread crumbs. Combine milk, egg,
soda, molasses and seasonings with the bread mixture and mix well,
Fold in raisins, add vanilla. Steam 2 hours in a greased tin. Serve
with the following sauce.
| cup sugar Ya teaspoon nutmeg or
| egg, separated | teaspoon lemon extract
| cup cream, whipped fd

Beat egg yolk, add sugar and beat well. Fold in egg white
stiffly beaten and stiffly beaten cream. Add flavoring last.
Submitted by Mrs. Wendell Higgins, Dexter, Maine
Blueberry Crisp Pudding
4 cups fresh blueberries 1/3 cup brown sugar, packed
1/3 cup granulated sugar 1/3 cup sifted all-purpose
2 teaspoons lemon juice flour
4 tablespoons butter or % cup quick cooking oats
Place blueberries in 12 quart baking dish, sprinkle with sugar
and lemon juice. Cream butter, add brown sugar gradually,
blend in flour with a fork. Mix in oats. Spread this over the
blueberries and bake in a 375 degree oven 35 to 40 minutes or
until done.
Submitted by Miss Laura Hemphill, Presque Isle, Maine

Blueberry Dessert
| quart frozen or fresh | cup sugar
blueberries 12 cups water
3 tablespoons minute tapioca
Put blueberries, tapioca, sugar and water in pan. Set for 5
minutes. Cook over medium heat stirring occasionally until it
comes to a boil. Pour into a dish and chill. Serve with a little
whipped cream as a topping. Makes six servings.
Submitted by Mrs. William Hamel, Greenville, Maine

Blueberry Souffle
Custard Sauce

1 pint fresh blueberries 2 tablespoons cornstarch

2 tablespoons lemon: juice 4 egg whites
3 tablespoons sugar Ys teaspoon cream of tartar
4 teaspoon salt Y4 cup sugar
Crush the blueberries and mix with lemon juice. Combine the
3 tablespoons sugar, salt and cornstarch and stir into the berries.
Cook until clear and thickened. Cool.
Beat egg whites until frothy and add cream of tartar; beat
until they stand in soft peaks. Gradually beat in the '4 cup sugar
and fold into cooked berries. Turn into 6-cup casserole. Place in a
pan of hot water. Bake in a preheated 325 degree oven for 45
minutes or until done. Serve with custard sauce.
Y4 cup sugar 3 egg yolks
| tablespoon cornstarch 1% cups milk
1/16 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla

Combine sugar, cornstarch and salt in a saucepan. Gradually

beat in egg yolks and milk. Cook over low heat or hot water
until mixture coats a metal spoon, stirring constantly. Remove
from heat. Cool. Add vanilla.
Submitted by Mrs. Ernest L. Young, Northeast Harbor, Maine

Blueberry Buckle
¥Y2 cup shortening Ya teaspoon salt
Y2 cup sugar Y2 cup milk
1 egg, beaten 2% cups blueberries
2 cups flour

Cream shortening with sugar, add egg and beat. Sift flour with
salt and add to the creamed mixture alternately with the milk.
Spread in a 8” x 8” pan and spread blueberries over top. Cover
with the following topping.
Y2 cup sugar ¥Y2 cup margarine
Y2 cup flour ¥4 teaspoon cinnamon
Bake at 375 degrees 45 minutes.
Submitted by Ruth Duncan, Washburn, Maine

Blueberry Dessert
2 teaspoons sugar 10 graham crackers
¥2 cup butter, melted 4 cup sugar
2 cups blueberries (fresh or 2 heaping tablespoons flour

Roll graham crackers fine, add sugar and melted butter.

Mix well. Combine blueberries, sugar and flour. Spread in pan
putting cracker mixture over top and bake 30 minutes at 350
degrees. Top with whipped cream.
Submitted by Mrs. Roy Barteaux, Brewer, Maine

Cooperstown Pudding

| pint boiling milk 4 egg whites, beaten stiff

3 tablespoons flour (even) | cup sugar “%
| tablespoon cornstarch 2 cup butter
4 tablespoons cold milk 1 egg, well beaten
| teaspoon butter 'Y2 cup hot milk
4 egg yolks, beaten separately 1 teaspoon vanilla

Make a paste with the flour, cornstarch and cold milk. Stir into
the pint of boiling milk. Mix well. Remove from heat and cool.
Add the well beaten egg yolks, and fold in the stiffly beaten egg
whites. Pour into a baking dish and place in a pan of hot water.
Bake 45 minutes or until set like custard. Serve with a warm sauce
as follows: Cream together the cup of sugar and half cup of butter,
add the beaten egg. Stir in the hot milk and vanilla. Mix well.

This recipe was taken from an old cookbook and _ signed

Thorndike House.”
Submitted by Mrs. Maud Patterson, Rockland, Maine

Cherry Surprises

]'> cups icing sugar | teaspoon vanilla

1'2 cups butter (room Graham cracker crumbs
temperature) | large jar maraschino
1'2 cups fine coconut cherries

Beat together sugar, butter and coconut. Add vanilla. Roll a

small amount of dough around each cherry, and roll in graham
cracker crumbs. Keep in a cool place.
Submitted by Mrs. Steve McKenney, Fort Fairfield, Maine

Bread Pudding

| quart milk 4 slices bread

2 cup sugar 2/3 cup molasses
Y4 teaspoon nutmeg 3 eggs, slightly beaten
'Y4 teaspoon cinnamon Y4 cup melted butter
'’4 teaspoon salt | teaspoon vanilla
Scald milk, sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon and salt together until all
are dissolved. Add bread broken in pieces and let soak 15 minutes.
Then add molasses, beaten eggs and mix thoroughly. Last ada
melted butter and vanilla. Pour into greased baking dish. Set in a
pan which contains a little warm water and bake in 325 degree oven
for | hour. Test with silver knife as for custards. Serves 6.
Submitted by Mrs. Mabel Pinkerton, Rockland, Maine

Bread Pudding
1 cup brown sugar 2 cups milk
'2 cup dark or light Karo ¥Y2 teaspoon vanilla
3 slices buttered bread Pinch salt
2 eggs, well beaten Dash of cinnamon
Grease a casserole well with margarine. Put into this the brown
sugar, Karo and the bread cut up into cubes. Next add the eggs,
milk, vanilla and salt with a generous dash of cinnamon over the top.
Do not stir. Set the casserole in a pan of hot water and bake 40
minutes in a 350 degree oven. The Karo syrup is added to make
more sauce.
Submitted by Mrs. Frank Rowe, Warren, Maine

Bread Pudding

6 slices day-old bread Ya cup sugar

2 tablespoons butter 3 eggs, beaten
’2 cup moist raisins 3 cups milk, scalded
Y4 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon cinnamon
Toast the bread and spread with the 2 tablespoons of butter
while still hot. Arrange toast in a buttered pan and _ sprinkle
with the raisins. Beat the eggs, add salt and all but 2 tablespoons
of sugar. Add the milk and stir to mix. Pour over the toast and
let stand for 10 minutes. Press the toast down so that it soaks up
most of the milk mixture. Mix the cinnamon with 2 tablespoons
of sugar and sprinkle over the top. Bake in a: 350 degree oven
about 25 minutes, until top is brown. Serves 5 or 6.
Submitted by Mrs. Esther Hensler, Presque Isle, Maine

Old-Time Indian Pudding

5 tablespoons yellow cornmeal 34 teaspoon cinnamon

| quart sweet whole milk Y2 teaspoon ginger
2 tablespoons butter 2 eggs, well beaten
¥4 cup molasses “1 cup cold milk
| scant teaspoon salt
Scald the cornmeal with the quart of milk, add the butter,
molasses, salt and spices. Mix well with the two beaten eggs. Pour
into a well buttered casserole. Last add the cup of cold sweet
milk, (do not stir again). Bake for one hour at 350 degrees.
Submitted by Mrs. Doris B. Jordan, Portland, Maine

Indian Pudding

| pint milk (skim or whole) 'g teaspoon salt

| egg, well beaten Y2 teaspoon cinnamon
| cup molasses Y4 teaspoon ginger
2 level tablespoons cornmeal Y2 cup raisins

Scald the milk in a double boiler. Mix all the other ingredients
and add to the scalded milk. Steam in the double boiler 112 to
2 hours. Stir several times the first hour. This is delicious served
with cream, whipped or plain, or with the prepared whips now
on the market.
Submitted by Mrs. Carroll M. Curtis, Bethel, Maine

Old-Fashioned Indian Pudding

2 quarts of sweet skim milk | teaspoon allspice

2 cups cornmeal | teaspoon ginger
1 1/3 cups molasses Dash of cloves
| teaspoon salt | quart cold milk
| teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons butter
Raisins may be added
Heat the 2 quarts of skim milk in a double boiler. Add the
cornmeal mixed with molasses. Stir until thick. Remove from
heat and add salt, cold milk, spices and butter. Add raisins if
desired. Mix well and pour into a large casserole. Bake at 325-
350 degrees for 3 or 4 hours. Serve with whipped cream, ice
cream or topping while still warm.
This recipe is as old as the hills and excellent for a large
Submitted by Mrs. Ruth Wade, Nordica Homestead, Farmington, Me.

Apple Indian Pudding

Y4 cup cornmeal 2 eggs, beaten

¥2 cup cold water Y4 cup sugar
| teaspoon salt 2 cup molasses
3 cups scalded milk | tablespoon butter
| cup diced apple | teaspoon cinnamon

Mix together cornmeal, water and salt. Stir into the scalded
milk and cook over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
Add the diced apple. Beat together eggs, sugar, molasses, butter
and cinnamon. Blend into cornmeal mixture. Pour into a buttered
1’ quart baking dish which is set in a pan of water and bake
about 45 minutes to | hour at 325 degrees. Serve with cream.
Serves 6.
Submitted by Mrs. Alice Robinson, Buckfield, Maine
Passamaquoddy Bay Indian Pudding
| cup cornmeal '4 teaspoon ginger
| cup molasses 1 quart milk
3 cups boiling water 2 eggs, well beaten
’2 cup brown sugar Raisins (optional)
2 tablespoons white sugar 1 pint cold milk
¥Y2 teaspoon salt
Combine the cornmeal and molasses, add the boiling water
and cook until the mush comes to a boil. Add to this the brown
sugar, white sugar, salt, ginger, quart of milk, eggs and raisins.
Bake at 300 degrees 12 hours then add, without stirring, the
pint of cold milk and bake 1’ hours longer. Serve hot or cold,
plain or with ice cream, whipped cream or sour cream. Yields 12
generous servings.
Submitted by Ethel M. Hilton, Cape Neddick, Maine
Old-Fashioned Indian Pudding
| quart milk, scalded Butter, size of a walnut
1/3 cup cornmeal ¥2 teaspoon ginger
| cup brown sugar 1 cup cold milk
2 cups diced sweet apples or
Add the cornmeal to the scalded milk and cook until thick.
Then add the sugar, apples, butter and ginger and mix well. Add
cold milk last and bake slowly for 4 hours.
Submitted by Mrs. Irl McKusick, Dexter, Maine

Indian Pudding
| quart skim milk Y2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons rice 2/3 cup molasses
| beaten egg | tablespoon sugar
Y2 cup butter or oleo “Little cold milk
'Y2 teaspoon ginger

Mix first 8 ingredients together and bake 2 hours in a beanpot

or casserole in a moderate oven, then pour in the cold milk and
bake | hour longer. Stir 2 or 3 times.
This is a recipe of my mother’s. She is now 104 years old.
Submitted by Edith M. Ames, Caribou, Maine

Indian Bread Pudding

3 cups scalded milk 2 teaspoon ginger
| tablespoon margarine Y4 teaspoon salt
6 slices whole wheat bread 2/3 cup sugar
Ya cup seedless raisins 2 tablespoons molasses
1 egg Grated rind | lemon
Scald the milk and margarine together, trim crusts from
bread and crumble the bread into the scalded milk. Add raisins
and simmer a few minutes. Combine lightly beaten egg with re-
maining ingredients and add to the bread mixture. Pour into
greased casserole. Set into a pan of hot water and bake at 375
degrees for 5O to 60 minutes. Serve hot or cold. This may be
varied by adding orange or lemon marmalade or candied fruit.
Submitted by Elsie F. Holt, Topsham, Maine

Rhubarb Puffs

1/3 cup shortening 1% cups flour

1/3 cup sugar 142 teaspoons baking powder
| egg, well beaten 1/3 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup sweet milk Stewed rhubarb, sweetened
Beat shortening and sugar together until light, add the well
beaten egg, then milk. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together
and add to the shortening sugar mixture. Grease individual glass
cups. Put 2 tablespoons of sweetened stewed rhubarb in each one,
then cover with 2 tablespoons of batter. Bake in a moderately hot
oven, 350 degrees for about 25 minutes. Serve with additional
rhubarb sauce or any sweet sauce.
Submittd by Mrs. Glen Goodrich, Skowhegan, Maine

Rhubarb Pudding

2 cups flour | cup milk

2 teaspoons baking powder | cup rhubarb, cut-up
Y2 teaspoon salt Sugar
| tablespoon shortening

Sift dry ingredients together, cut in shortening, add milk and

make into dough. Mix in the rhubarb and spread in pan, sprinkle
with a handful of sugar. Bake 20 minutes in hot oven.
1 cup sugar Y4 teaspoon salt
2 cups hot water 2’ tablespoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons vinegar or lemon 2 tablespoons butter
juice 1 teaspoon lemon extract

Combine sugar, hot water, vinegar and salt in a saucepan

and bring to a boil. Thicken with the cornstarch which has been
dissolved in a little cold water. Add the butter and lemon extract.
Apples or cranberries may be used instead of rhubarb.
Submitted by Faith Pert, Sedgwick, Maine

Apple Dumplings Deluxe

1 egg %4 teaspoon salt
¥%4 cup sour cream 2 tablespoons sugar
2 cups flour 4 tart apples, cut in thin slices
Y4 teaspoon soda Margarine, sugar, cinnamon
3 teaspoons baking powder and nutmeg, to spread

Beat the egg and the cream, stir in sifted dry ingredients.
Toss onto a floured board and roll into an oblong “4 inch thick.
Spread lightly with soft margarine, cover the dough with sliced
apple and sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Roll up
like a jelly roll and cut into inch slices. Place cut side up in a
deep baking dish, pour over them the following sauce:
¥4 cup white sugar 2 tablespoons of cornstarch
¥4 cup brown sugar 12 tablespoons margarine
1 cup hot water
Combine the ingredients and pour over the apple slices.
Bake in a 375 degree oven about 25 minutes.
Instead of sour cream, in above recipe, | sometimes use sour
milk and 2 tablespoons of oleo.
Submitted by Mrs, Eula N. Goodwin, Anson, Maine

Apple Crispy
6 cooking apples | cup flour
| tablespoon white sugar ¥Y2 cup brown sugar
4 teaspoon cinnamon Y2 cup butter

Peel apples and cut into eighths. Spread bottom and sides of
deep pie pan generously with butter. Place apples in rows as
close as possible in pan. Mix white sugar and cinnamon and
sprinkle over apples. Put flour in bowl, add brown sugar and
remaining butter and rub to crumbs. Sprinkle over and between
apples and pat smooth. Cover and bake at 275 degrees for 12
hours. Uncover and bake 15 to 20 minutes longer. Serve with
cream or hard sauce.
Submitted by Mrs. Marion Calligan, Grand Lake Stream, Maine

French Apple Cobbler

5 cups peeled, sliced apples Y4 teaspoon salt

%4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons flour Y4 cup water
'Y4 teaspoon cinnamon

Mix together and place in 9 x 9 pan. Dot with butter.

'Y2 cup sifted flour Y4 teaspoon salt
Y2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons soft butter
'Y2 teaspoon baking powder 1 egg, slightly beaten
Beat together with wooden spoon until smooth. Drop by
spoonfuls over filling in pan. Bake 35 to 40 minutes. Makes 9
Submitted by Mrs. Leon M. Eaton, Deer Isle, Maine

Apple Brown Betty

Y2 cup sugar Y2 teaspoon cinnamon

Y4 cup lard 6 slices bread, cubed
1/3 cup molasses 4 apples, diced

Mix in order given and press into greased baking dish. Bake at
375 degrees for 2 hour with the cover on and % hour without
cover. Serve with whipped cream or non-dairy topping.
Submitted by Mrs. Dorien Conologue, Newport, Maine

Apple Grunt

1 quart flour Apples, sliced

| teaspoon baking soda Cinnamon
2 teaspoons cream of tartar Molasses
¥2 teaspoon salt Butter
2 tablespoons shortening Scalded milk or warm water
Sweet milk
Sift flour, baking soda, cream of tartar and salt in, a bowl.
Cut in the shortening. Then mix altogether with enough sweet
milk to make it slightly sticky. Put on floured board and knead
lightly then roll to about '2 inch thickness. Cut dough in pieces
with a sharp knife and place in a kettle in which a small amount
of water has been brought to a boil. Add first a layer of sliced
apples and then a layer of dough slices. Sprinkle top generously
with cinnamon and molasses. Add a large piece of butter. Then
add enough scalded milk or warm water to come well up to top
of mixture. With kettle covered, cook until dumplings are done.
This can be served as is, as it makes its own sauce. It can also
be served with thin cream. We prefer it hot but it can be served
Submitted by Irma W. Benner, South Harpswell, Maine
Apple Crunch
4 cups apples, sliced Ya cup brown sugar
2 cup water ¥4 cup flour
| teaspoon cinnamon ¥2 cup butter
¥’2 cup white sugar
Arrange the apples in a deep buttered baking pan. Add _ the
water and sprinkle with the cinnamon and '2 of the sugar. Blend
the flour, remaining sugar and butter. Pack firmly over apples.
Bake in 350 degree oven until apples are tender and the crust
is brown, about 30 minutes. Serve warm with milk, thin cream or
whipped cream. Serves 6 or 8.
Submitted by Mary Muffler, Caribou, Maine
Coffee Mallow

16 large marshmallows 1 cup heavy cream

¥2 cup hot coffee Ya teaspoon vanilla
Cut marshmallows in quarters with wet scissors, add coffee.
Cook in double boiler until melted. Cool. When beginning to thicken
fold in cream beaten stiff and add vanilla. Serves 4.
Submitted by Cora L. Hopkins, Bass Harbor, Maine

a ee

ee is

Potatoes are one of the largest agricultural crops in

the State of Maine. They are grown and shipped from
all over the state but the largest potato growing area
in the world is located in Aroostook County in the
northern part of the state. The climate and soil are
ideally suited to growing an exceptionally fine spud
with good texture, flavor and cooking qualities. Mile
after mile of vast potato fields march across the
rolling country as far as the eye can see and when
the fields are in bloom it is really a sight to behold.
Potatoes form the basis for a good many native dishes
and can be found in a variety of dishes served at
our public suppers. When one sees the red, white
and blue label that says ‘“‘State of Maine Potatoes”’
he knows that he is in for some very fine eating,
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Applesauce Puff Pudding
¥Y2 cup grapenuts 1 teaspoon vanilla
| jar applesauce (15 ounces ’4 cup chopped pecans
or | 2/3 cups) 2 egg whites
3 tablespoons brown sugar or
granulated sugar
Combine the cereal, applesauce, sugar, vanilla and pecans and
mix well. Beat cgg whites until stiff peaks form. Fold into
applesauce mixture. Spoon into a greased 1% guart casserole.
Bake in a slow oven, 325 degrees for 40 minutes. Serve warm with
fluffy lemon saucc, custard sauce or cream. Makes 6 servings.
Submitted by Marjorie A. Mahar, Calais, Maine

Railroad or Suet Pudding’

| cup molasses | teaspoon cloves

| cup sweet milk Y2 teaspoon ginger (optional)
1 cup chopped salt pork or | teaspoon salt
suet Chopped nuts (optional)
3 cups flour 1 cup raisins (or raisins
| teaspoon soda and dates)
| teaspoon cinnamon
Beat together the molasses and milk with the pork or suet.
Sift flour, soda, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and salt together and
add to the molasses mixture. Fold in nuts and raisins last.
Steam for 3 hours and serve with whipped cream or hard sauce.
This pudding recipe has been used in our family for years.
Mother always made it for Christmas and Thanksgiving.
Submitted by Ellen Perry, Carmel, Maine

Suet Pudding

3 cups sifted flour 1 cup molasses

| teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup milk
2 teaspoon cloves 1 cup ground suet
'2 teaspoon salt | piece citron
1 teaspoon soda Candied ginger
1 egg, beaten | cup raisins
_ Sift dry ingredients together, beat the molasses, egg and milk
together and add to the flour mixture. Stir in the suet, citron,
ginger and raisins and steam 3 hours.
Submitted by Nellie Craig, Charlotte, Maine

Apple Walnut Cobbler

> cup sugar 1/3 cup butter or margarine,

1> teaspoon cinnamon melted
¥%4 cup walnuts, chopped | cup flour
4 cups thinly sliced apples or | cup sugar
1! No. 2 can pie apples | teaspoon baking powder
1 egg, beaten '4 teaspoon salt
2 cup evaporated milk
Mix !2 cup sugar, cinnamon and half the nuts. Place apples
in baking dish and sprinkle with the cinnamon mixture. Combine
egg, milk and butter. Sift together the dry ingredients and add to
the egg mixture. Mix until smooth. Pour over apples and sprinkle
with the remaining nuts. Bake in a slow oven.
Submitted by Mrs. John Pearse, Hope, Maine
Apple Tapioca
34 cup sugar | teaspoon cinnamon
3 tablespoons tapioca Pinch salt
| cup water Apples

Fill a 2-quart casserole 2/3 full of sliced cooking apples

(peeled and cored). Dot with butter. Boil together the tapioca,
sugar, water, Cinnamon and salt for 3 to 4 minutes to cook tapioca.
Pour over apples adding more water if necessary as apples cook.
Stir occasionally. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Hans Meier, Mt. Desert, Maine
Cranberry Pudding
(83 years old)

2 cups fresh cranberries 1/3 cup hot water

| egg 1 2/3 cups flour
’2 cup molasses 2 teaspoons baking powder

Cut each cranberry in half. Beat egg, add hot water and
molasses. Sift flour with the baking powder, add to the egg mixture
and combine with the cranberries. Pour into greased pan. Steam 12
hours. Serve with the following sauce.
¥Y2 cup butter Y2 cup sweet cream
| cup sugar
Boil together until slightly thick. Flavor with vanilla. Serve
Submitted by Mrs. Ernest Bliss, West Baldwin, Maine

Vegetable Pudding

I cup raw potato cup sugar

l cup raw carrots teaspoon nutmeg
| cup bread crumbs teaspoon cinnamon
l cup raisins teaspoon cloves
| cup oleo teaspoon soda
l cup flour en
Se tablespoon hot water
Grind first four ingredients and set aside. Sift together the
flour, sugar and spices and mix with the oleo. Add to this the
soda which has been dissolved in the hot water. Put all together
and mix well. Place in greased pan and steam 3 hours. Make
sure water is boiling at all times. Serve with the following sauce.
1¥2 cups sugar Y2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons flour 1% cups boiling water
1/3 cup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix sugar, flour, butter and salt together and heat in pan,
stirring constantly (as this burns very easily) until dissolved. Add
the boiling water and stir until thickened. Remove from stove
and add the vanilla. This is a delicious pudding and will serve 10.
Submitted by Mrs. Lillian Burke, Newport, Maine

Cranberry Duff

3 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt

1 cup sugar 1/3 cup shortening
2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1% cups milk
| teaspoon soda 2 cups whole cranberries
Sift the dry ingredients together. Cut in the shortening until
the mixture is mealy. Add the milk all at once and mix lightly
until all the flour is moistened. Add cranberries and mix. Pour
into one large well-greased mold and cover tightly. Place on a rack
over boiling water. Cover the steamer and steam two hours. Serve
warm with the following Molasses Sauce:
2 cup sugar 1 cup hot water
1 cup molasses 1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon flour 4 teaspoon vanilla
Y4 teaspoon salt ¥4 teaspoon nutmeg
Cook the above five ingredients until slightly thickened. Add
vanilla, nutmeg and butter. Keep hot until ready to serve.
Submitted by Mrs. William R. Hopkins, Rockland, Maine

Pumpkin Cottage Pudding

1/3 cup soft shortening 1 teaspoon soda

Y2 cup sugar | teaspoon cinnamon
2 eggs '’2 teaspoon cloves
| small can pumpkin '2 teaspoon nutmeg
'’2 cup light molasses 4 teaspoon ginger
| tablespoon grated orange peel 1/3 cup orange juice
1 2/3 cups sifted pastry 2 3 oz. packages cream cheese
flour 2 tablespoons milk
Y2 teaspoon salt
Cream shortening and sugar. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Stir in
pumpkin, molasses and orange peel. Mix and sift dry ingredients.
Blend into pumpkin mixture alternately with orange juice. Mix cream
cheese with the milk and fold in-last. Turn into greased and
waxpaper lined 9-inch square cake pan. Bake at 350 degrees
from 30 to 35 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Pearl M. Smith, Presque Isle, Maine

Steamed Date Crumb Pudding

2 cups crumbs (cake, cookie or '%2 teaspoon salt

bread) Ya teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup milk '’2 teaspoon allspice
1/3 cup shortening ¥Y2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 egg, beaten | teaspoon soda
'’2 cup molasses | cup dates, cut-up
Y4 cup flour

Soak crumbs in milk for a few minutes, add shortening, egg and
molasses. Sift dry ingredients together and add to the crumb mixture.
Stir in dates and steam for 2 hours. Serve with whipped cream or
the following sauce.

Wwtablespoons butter 2 cup cream, whipped

cup powdered sugar | teaspoon lemon or vanilla
N—eggs, separated

Cream butter and sugar, add egg yolks and beat over hot water.
Add well beaten egg whites and whipped cream. Add flavoring. Cool
and serve over warm pudding.
Submitted by Isabel T. Howard, Dover-Foxcroft, Maine

Quick Rice Pudding
2 cups uncooked rice 1 teaspoon vanilla
6 cups water ’2 teaspoon cinnamon
| teaspoon salt Y4 teaspoon nutmeg
142 cups milk 1 egg
144 cups sugar
Combine the rice, water and salt. Cook until rice is tender
and drain. Blend milk, sugar, vanilla, spices and egg. Add to the
rice. Cook over low heat until slightly thickened. Remove from
heat, cool slightly and serve with cream or topping.
Submitted by Madeline Tice, Athens, Maine
Lemon Sauce Pudding

1 tablespoon butter Juice of one lemon, or 1/3 cup

| cup sugar real lemon juice
2 eggs 1 cup milk
3 tablespoons flour

Cream butter and sugar, add flour, lemon juice, beaten egg
yolks, and milk. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Cook in baking
dish set in pan of water for 35 minutes at 350 degrees. The batter
forms a cake on top, thus making pudding and sauce in one dish.
Submitted by Mrs. Doris Foster, Limestone, Maine

Heirloom Chocolate Rice Pudding

44 cup uncooked rice 2 squares unsweetened chocolate,

2 cups milk melted
| teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons vanilla
2 eggs, separated ¥%4 cup seeded raisins
2 tablespoons butter 'Y2 cup cream
Y2 cup sugar Meringue
Soak rice in milk ’2 hour in top of double boiler, add salt.
Then cook over hot water until rice is tender, stirring often. Beat
egg yolks lightly, add a little hot rice mixture to yolks and return
to double boiler, cook and stir for a few minutes. Blend butter and
sugar, stir in melted chocolate and vanilla, stir in raisins, add to
the rice mixture. Whip cream, fold in. Beat egg whites well and
fold in. Turn into buttered baking dish. Bake in slow oven until
pudding is set. For the meringue, beat 2 egg whites to stiff
peaks and add %4 cup sugar. Pile on pudding and cook 15 minutes
in 325 degree oven. Serve warm or cold.
Submitted by Mrs. Albion Raynes, Bowdoinham, Maine

Chocolate Pudding

YZ cup sugar 1 teaspoon soda

1 egg 1 heaping teaspoon cream tartar
1 tablespoon butter 1 cup milk
Pinch salt 2 squares chocolate, melted
2 cups flour

Cream sugar, egg, butter and salt together. Sift flour with soda
and cream tartar. Add alternately with the milk to the creamed
mixture. Stir in chocolate last. Steam | hour in a covered dish. Serve
with a vanilla sauce.
YZ cup sugar 3 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup boiling water
Combine sugar and cornstarch, add water, butter and vanilla
and cook over low heat until clear and thick.
Submitted by Mrs. Vinal R. McNeal, Bar Harbor, Maine

Date Pudding
1 cup sour milk 1 cup graham flour
1 heaping teaspoon soda Pastry flour
1 teaspoon salt Y cup dates, cut in pieces
Y2 cup molasses
Combine milk and soda, add salt and molasses. Mix in graham
flour and enough pastry flour to make rather stiff. Fold in dates
and steam for two hours.
Submitted by Mrs. Bessie Dunklee, Vernon, Vermont

Coconut Date Surprise

1 quart milk 4 tablespoons grated coconut
1 cup brown sugar ¥Y2 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons minute tapioca 1 cup dates, stoned and cut fine
2 tablespoons cornmeal Marshmallows

_ Heat the milk in a double boiler. Mix together the remaining

ingredients except the marshmallows and add to the hot milk. Pour
into a covered greased baking dish and bake in a 350 degree oven
for 45 minutes. Remove from oven and cover with marshmallows.
Return to oven to brown. Makes a splendid sauce. Serves 8.
Submitted by Mrs. Marion Holbrook, North Anson, Maine

Angel Food Delight
| tablespoon plain gelatin Juice of | lemon
3 tablespoons cold water | cup sugar
| cup boiling water Y2 pint cream, whipped
| cup orange juice | large angel cake

Dissolve the gelatin in the cold water, add to the cup of boiling
water and dissolve thoroughly. Mix together the orange and lemon
juice with the sugar and add to the gelatin mixture. Let cool. Fold
in the whipped cream. Break the angel cake in pieces. Put a layer
of cake in bottom of pan and cover with gelatin mixture, another
layer of cake etc., using last a layer of gelatin mixture. Do not
press down. Let stand at least 48 hours in refrigerator. Serve
with whipped cream and a cherry. A good dish to use for this
is a square pyrex dish. Will serve 9.
Submitted by Mrs. Juanita B. Allen, Bryant Pond, Maine
Lemon Meringue Pudding

1 pint milk | cup sugar

1 cup bread crumbs 1 lemon
2 eggs, separated ’Y2 cup sugar
Heat milk and pour over the bread crumbs, let set for a few
minutes. Beat yolks of eggs slightly, add | cup sugar and grated
lemon rind, mix and add to the hot milk mixture. Bake in moderate
oven until firm in center. Remove from oven, allow to cool slightly
and cover with the following meringue. Beat egg whites until very
stiff, beat in the 2 cup sugar alternately with the lemon juice.
Put on pudding and cook in slow oven 15 to 20 minutes until
delicately browned.
Submitted by Edith Knox, Fryeburg, Maine
Grapenut Pudding

3'4 tablespoons minute tapioca ‘2 cup Grapenuts

2% cups boiling water Y2 cup walnuts
1 cup brown sugar Y4 teaspoon salt
1 cup seedless raisins | teaspoon vanilla
Mix the tapioca with the boiling water in top of double
boiler and cook until clear, then add the brown sugar and the
raisins and cook 10 minutes longer. Remove from heat and add
the Grapenuts, walnuts, salt and the vanilla. Serve when cold
with cream.
Submitted by Arlene Guptill, Addison, Maine

Old New England Sauce
2 tablespoons flour | teaspoon nutmeg
| cup sugar 1'2 tablespoons vinegar
2 cups boiling water Pinch of salt
| tablespoon butter
Mix salt, flour and sugar together in an iron frying pan, Add
boiling water gradually, stirring continuously. Add butter and cook
for 5 minutes. Remove from the stove and add nutmeg and
This sauce is excellent on bread pudding or plain cake.
This recipe was given to me many years ago by my grandmother,
and was her mother’s before that.
Submitted by Mrs. Iza M. Schmieks, Auburn, Maine
Brown Sugar. Sauce

| cup brown sugar 1 tablespoon butter

44 cup white sugar 4 tablespoons cornstarch
2’ cups water | teaspoon vanilla
Mix the two sugars with water and butter in a saucepan
and bring to a boil. Stir a little water into the cornstarch and
add to the sugar water mixture and cook until slightly thick,
Cool and add vanilla.
Submitted by Nellie Stetson, Bethel, Maine

Orange Sauce
| tablespoon cornstarch 2 teaspoons grated orange peel
Y’2 cup sugar 1 cup orange juice
4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter
¥4 teaspoon cinnamon
Combine cornstarch, sugar, salt and cinnamon in saucepan.
Add orange peel gradually and stir in orange juice. Cook over
medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture thickens and comes
to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in the butter.
Submitted by Pearl M. Smith, Presque Isle, Maine

Butter Sauce
’2 cup butter Ya cup cream
| cup sugar
Heat in double boiler, do not boil.
Submitted by Beverly Perkins, Bangor, “Maine

Cream Puffs
(Cold Oven Method)
| cup boiling water 1 cup sifted flour
| stick margarine or butter 4 eggs, unbeaten
a Bring water to a boil. Melt oleo in water. Add flour all at
once — turn off heat as you do this. Stir until water, oleo and
flour forms a big ball in the saucepan. Remove pan from stove and
add the eggs, one at a time. The important thing is to be sure
the mixture is very stiff after the addition of each egg. Form mixture
in rounds. This will make 12 good-sized puffs. The fun part of
this is — put them on a cookie sheet in a cold oven. Turn
temperature to 400 degrees and bake about 50 minutes.
2 cups milk 2/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup flour 2 eggs j
¥Y2 teaspoon salt | teaspoon vanilla
Scald the milk in top of double boiler. Mix flour. sugar and
salt. Beat the eggs and combine with flour mixture. Add a small
amount of the hot milk to the egg mixture, stir well, and turn
into the hot milk. Cook until the mixture thickens. Allow to cook
a few minutes more and remove from heat. Cool and add
flavoring. Fill cooled cream puffs.
Submitted by Mrs. Thelma W. Everett, Thomaston, Maine
Dump Bars

| stick of margarine 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour

| pound light brown sugar | teaspoon baking powder
| teaspoon vanilla | package chocolate bits
¥Y2 teaspoon salt (6 ounces)
4 eggs 2 cup chopped nuts
Into top of the double boiler, dump the margarine. sugar.
vanilla, salt and eggs. Having dumped these ingredients in the
top of double boiler, place over boiling water. Stir so that the
eggs are well mixed into the other ingredients. Do not cook
chocolate bits. Heat and stir until the margarine is melted. Remove
from the heat and dump in the flour and baking powder sifted
together. Add the chocolate bits and the nuts. Beat together wel!
and put in a greased 9 x 13 pan. Bake at 325 degrees for 40
Variations in place of chocolate bits and nuts: | cup coconut
and 4 cup cut-up dates; or coconut and butterscotch bits.
Submitted by Mrs. James Tinker, Rockland, Maine

Pecan-Raisin Tarts

2 bars margarine 2 cups flour

2 packages cream cheese
(3-ounce size) FILLING

2 eggs 4 teaspoon vanilla

14% cups brown sugar '2 cup pecans, broken
2 tablespoons melted margarine '% cup golden raisins
Dash salt
Soften the 2 bars of margarine, add the cream cheese and mix
well. Add flour in fourths and work well with fingers into a smooth
dough. Pinch off small pieces and shape into balls about 1'4 inches
in diameter. Put each ball in the cup of small muffin pans and
with thumb, press dough against bottom and sides, lining cup evenly
with dough. Sprinkle coarsely chopped pecans and raisins in the
tart shells. Beat the eggs with a fork, add brown sugar gradually,
and mix well. Add salt, vanilla and melted margarine. Spoon
this mixture into tarts have half full. Bake at 350 degrees for
about 20 minutes, until filling is set and firm. Cool. Remove care-
fully from pans.
Submitted by Mrs. Norman Hilyard, Cushing, Maine

Crunchy Top Bars

1/3 cup butter 2/3 cup apple sauce

1 egg ¥4 teaspoon soda
¥Y2 teaspoon vanilla | teaspoon cinnamon
1 1/3 cups flour 44 teaspoon cloves
¥Y2 teaspoon nutmeg ¥2 cup seedless raisins
Y2 teaspoon salt Ys cup chopped nuts
2/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup crushed corn flakes Y4 cup chopped nuts
| tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons sugar
Cream butter and sugar, add the egg and beat until fluffy.
Mix apple sauce and vanilla. Sift flour with salt, soda and spices
in a bowl. Add the nuts and raisins to the flour. Mix well and
blend into the creamed mixture. Spread batter in an 8 x 8 pan.
Combine the corn flakes, butter, nuts and sugar for the topping.
Sprinkle over the top of batter. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Cool, cut in bars. Can use a larger pan for thinner bars.
Submitted by Brenda Hemphill, Presque Isle, Maine

Mincemeat Bars

Y2 cup margarine | teaspoon cream of tartar

1 cup brown sugar 2 cups mincemeat
142 cups rolled oats (dry) ¥Y2 cup white sugar
12 cups sifted flour 4 tablespoons flour
Y2 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon vanilla

Cream margarine and brown sugar. Add rolled oats and flour
sifted with soda and cream of tartar. Blend well together, making
a crumb mixture. Pack half of it into an 8 x 8 pan. Cover
bottom of pan and press down well. Mix the mincemeat with the
sugar, flour and vanilla. Cook over medium heat until thick. Cool
slightly. Spread over the crumb mixture in the pan. Top with the
rest of the crumb mixture. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 20
minutes. Cool. Cut into bars. 4
These bars are delicious when green tomato mincemeat is used.
Submitted by Mrs. Florence Vanidestine, Monroe, Maine
Peanut Chewy Bars

1/3 cup shortening 2 eggs

'Y2 cup peanut butter 1 cup unsifted flour
Y4 cup light brown sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder
(firmly packed) Y4 teaspoon salt
| cup sugar 1 1/3 cups coconut
1 teaspoon vanilla

Cream together the shortening, peanut butter, sugars, vanilla

and eggs. Sift the flour, salt and baking powder. Combine creamed
mixture, flour and coconut. Mix well. Spread in a 13 x 9 lightly
greased pan. Bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees. Cool. Cut in bars.
Submitted by Mrs. Jeanne Farrar, Sangerville, Maine

Cranberry Crunch

1 cup quick cooking oats Ya cup margarine

'Y2 cup flour 1 can whole cranberry sauce
1 cup brown sugar
Mix well together the oats, flour, sugar and margarine. Spread
4 of this crumb mixture on a greased 8 x 8 pan. Cover with
the cranberries and spread the rest of the crumb mixture on top.
Bake about 30 minutes at 350 degrees until golden brown. Serve
hot or cold with ice cream or whipped cream.
Submitted by Mrs. Elizabeth Tate, Biddeford, Maine

Apple Squares

1 egg 'Y4 teaspoon cinnamon

¥4 cup sugar 4 teaspoon salt
Y4 cup evaporated milk 1 cup chopped raw apple
1 teaspoon vanilla Y2 cup nut meats
34 cup flour 2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder Y2 teaspoon cinnamon
Beat egg, milk, sugar and vanilla together. Add the flour
sifted with baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Add the apple and
nut meats. Spread in a 9 x 9 greased pan. Mix the 2 tablespoons
of sugar and cinnamon, spread on top of the batter. Bake in a
350 degree oven for 35 minutes. Cool in the pan and cut in
Submitted by Mrs. Maude Smith, Caribou, Maine
Toffee Bars

1 cup margarine 1 egg yolk

1 cup light brown sugar 1 chocolate candy bar
1 teaspoon vanilla 4 cup chopped nuts
2 cups flour

Mix together the margarine, sugar, egg yolk, vanilla and flour.
Press into a 9 x 9 lightly greased pan and bake for 15 minutes
at 300 degrees. Soften the chocolate bar and spread on top of
the bars as soon as removed from the oven, while still warm.
Sprinkle with chopped nuts. Cool and cut in one inch squares.
Submitted by Mary M. Berry, Medway, Maine
O.K. Squares

¥Y2 cup sugar Ya small package chocolate

’% cup white corn syrup bits
¥4 cup peanut butter ¥2 small package of butter-
3 cups Special K cereal scotch bits
¥Y2 cup coconut flakes

Cook together the sugar and corn syrup; allow to come only
to a boil, no longer.
Butter the sides of a big mixing bowl and add the peanut
butter, cereal and coconut. Pour over this the sugar-syrup mixture
and stir well. Spread in a 9 x 9 pan and press down. Melt the bits
together and spread on top. Cool. Cut in squares.
Submitted by Miss Helen Moyes, Limestone, Maine

A comparative newcomer on our list of mar-
ketable foods is shrimp. Always known along
the Maine coast as a delicate and flavorful
food, shrimp has just begun to come into
prominence as an exportable product along
with sardines 5) lobster, clams and other shell
fish. Caught in nets all along the coast dur-
ing the winter and early spring months these
tiny, pink shellfish can be used in all manner
of ways. In recent years factories have
opened up all along the coast to process and
market them and have provided steady winter
employment during the off. season for the her-
ring industry. The advantage of Maine shrimp
over other varieties is that they need no de-
veining which cuts down a lot of tedious pre-
paration work for the cook.

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Date Squares
cup dates, cut up ¥Y2 teaspoon vanilla
teaspoon soda TOPPING
cup boiling water 4 tablespoons butter
cup sugar 4 tablespoons cream or top
tablespoons shortening milk
eeegg, beaten 10 tablespoons brown sugar
l 2/3 cups flour 1 cup grated coconut
¥Y2 teaspoon salt

Pour boiling water over dates and soda. Let cool. Cream
sugar and shortening. Add beaten egg. Mix in the date mixture,
add flour, salt and vanilla. Bake in a greased 9 x 13 inch pan for
25 minutes at 375 degrees. Remove from the oven. Mix the in-
gredients for the topping and spread on the cooked squares. Re-
turn to the oven until well browned. (Chocolate bits and chopped
nuts may be used as topping, put on before baking.)

Submitted by Mrs. Jennie L. Bugbee, Presque Isle, Maine

Date And Nut Bars

| cup sugar | teaspoon baking powder

¥Y2 cup butter or margarine 1 cup chopped dates
2 eggs | cup chopped nut meats
Y4 teaspoon salt 2 egg whites
| teaspoon vanilla | cup brown sugar
12 cups sifted flour

Cream the butter and the sugar, add the eggs, salt and vanilla
and beat until fluffy. Mix in the flour which has been sifted with
the baking powder. Spread this mixture in a greased baking pan
154% x 10% x 1. Scatter the chopped dates and nuts over the
batter (or stir them in the batter). Beat the 2 egg whites stiff
and add the cup of brown sugar. Drop this or spread it over the
top of dates and nuts. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes.
Remove from oven and cut into bars.

Submitted by Mrs. Doris Crawford, Exeter, Maine

Spiey Fruit Bars
1 cup pared chopped apple 1 ~aspoon Cinnamon
1 Cap Cabap daws 44 Teaspoon cloves
US AP Mohs ia aspoon nutmeg
4& up darter te Ragpoon ginger
44 OUP Orange jake its cups ght brown sugar
2 cups Rear 2 eges
4S Ragpoon sak 1 teaspoon vanilla
‘> Ragpooa soda

Combdine a a saucepan the appke, dates, molasses and orange

juke and batter, Cook over medium heat until thick. Cool, Com-
Dime Sugar, eggs and vanilla in Rarge bowl and beat until well
dDleanded, Stit ta the fhuk mixture, SiW the flour with salt, soda,
Ctamamoa, Cloves, ginger ard nutmeg. Add to the dlended mixture
gradually avd mix well, Tura into a 10 x 1S buttered pan. Bake
at 350 degrees for 30 to 335 minutes, Cool and cut in bars,

Rehberitted by Mrs. Herold Bonney

Dream Bars
1 cap fear %@ Raspoon soda
‘> cup whit suger © dates, cut thinly
‘> cup dbater Y2 Raspoon sak
2 eggs 1 Raspoon vanilla
1 cap drown sugar ‘> cup walnuts
2 radlespoons flour 1 cup coconut

Blend together the cup of Hour, $2 cup of white sugar and

Y> cup of Dutter, Pat ina 9 x 9 baking pan and bake for 15
MIMUHWS at 350 degrees ual ght drown,

Combine the egas, Drown sugar, 2 tablespoons of flour, soda

amd salt, Add vanilla, dates, walnuts and coconut, Pour this mixture
over the daked crust, Bake 20 t 25 minutes in a 350 degree
even, Cool and cat in bars,

Swebmaiteed dy Mrs. Stanley Lazore, Fort Kent, Maine

Jim’s Tarts
2 cups sifted flour 2/3 cup shortening
Y2 teaspoon salt 4-6 tablespoons water
¥4 cup shortening % cup sifted flour
¥Y4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder
1 egg 4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons lemon juice Raspberry Jam
¥Y2 teaspoon lemon rind
Sift flour and salt together. With pastry blender, work in
shortening until it is the consistency of coarse corn meal. Grad-
ually add the 4 to 6 tablespoons water, stirring with a fork until
mixture holds together. Roll dough on slightly floured board and
line 12 muffin pans with pastry. Cream shortening and sugar. Beat
in egg, lemon juice and rind. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt
together. Blend into creamed mixture. Place heaping teaspoon
raspberry jam in each pastry shell. Cover with a spoonful of cake
mixture. Roll leftover pastry very thin, cut into very narrow
strips. Place a pastry spiral on top of each tart. Bake in 400 degree
oven 10 to I5 minutes or until golden brown. Makes | dozen
Submitted by Mrs. Ethel Ellingson, Milo, Maine
Dedicated to her son Jim, who was killed in Vietnam, Jan. 1969.

Raspberry Jam Squares

| cup flour Raspberry jam
Y2 teaspoon salt | egg, beaten
| teaspoon baking powder | cup sugar
'Y2 cup butter 1 tablespoon melted butter
| egg, beaten 2 cups shredded coconut
1 tablespoon milk
Sift the 1 cup of flour with the salt and baking powder. Rub
in the butter and add the beaten egg and milk. Mix well and
spread in a 9 x 9 pan, making it a little thinner at the edges.
Spread this batter with raspberry jam. Cover with a topping, made
by combining the beaten egg with the sugar, melted butter and
coconut. Bake in a 350 degree oven about 25 minutes. Cut in
squares while warm.
Submitted by Mrs. Robert C. Chamberlain, Clinton, Maine

Marshmallow Fudge Squares

| package semi-sweet or 24 large marshmallows,

chocolate bits cut-up
1 cup evaporated milk 1 tablespoon butter
2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla
Y4 teaspoon salt. 3 cups graham cracker
Ys package smal! marshmallows crumbs
Combine chocolate and milk in saucepan and place over low
heat until chocolate is melted, add sugar and salt, stir until dis-
solved. Cook until mixture reaches soft ball stage, 230 degrees.
Remove from heat. Add marshmallows, butter, vanilla and graham
cracker crumbs. Press into greased shallow pan 11 x 7. Chill
8 to 12 hours.
Submitted by Nellie M. Lawton, Rockport, Maine

Mincemeat Bars

Ya cup margarine 3 cups flour

| cup sugar ] teaspoon baking powder
1 egg | teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup moist mincemeat Y2 teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped nuts Y2 teaspoon soda
Cream margarine and sugar. Add egg and beat well. Add
mincemeat and nuts. Mix until thoroughly blended. Sift together
the dry ingredients and add to the above mixture. Chill at least
1 hour. Divide the dough into 4 pieces. Roll each one on a lightly
floured board into strips about | inch wide and 2 inch thick. Bake
on a greased cookie sheet in a 370 degree oven for 20 minutes.
Cut into 1-inch diagonal strips.
Submitted by Mrs. Edith R. Richards, New Vineyard, Maine

Date-Nut-Marshmallow Roll
1 pound graham crackers 1 cup chopped nuts
1 pound dates ¥%4 cup orange juice
60 marshmallows
Crush all but 4 of the graham crackers. Cut up marshmallows,
dates and nuts. Add to the crushed crackers, moisten with orange
juice and form into a roll. Crush the 4 crackers and use to
coat the roll. Refrigerate, and when real cold, slice and serve,
with or without whipped cream. Stored in refrigerator, it will keep
a long time.
Submitted by Mrs. Verna Young, Old Town, Maine

Date Pinwheels

1 cup brown sugar 1 cup white sugar

1 cup shortening 3 eggs
3% cups flour 1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon Y4 teaspoon salt
Cream sugar and shortening. Add unbeaten eggs and beat
well. Add remaining dry ingredients. Chill dough for 20 minutes.
Divide into thirds. Roll out and spread with date mixture. Roll
as for jelly roll. Wrap in waxed paper and chill thoroughly
or freeze. Slice and bake in a 350 degree oven 12 to 15 minutes.
1 cup finely chopped dates Y2 cup water
Ya cup sugar 1 cup chopped nuts
Cook dates, sugar, and water until thick, Cool and add
chopped nuts.
Submitted by Hester Pullen, North Anson, Maine
Chocolate Syrup Brownies
| cup sugar ¥Y4 teaspoon soda
¥Y2 cup oleo ¥%4 cup chocolate syrup
2 eggs | teaspoon vanilla
| cup flour ¥4 cup chopped nuts
Cream together the sugar and oleo until light and fluffy. Add |
the eggs one at a time, beat well after each addition. Sift flour|
and soda. Add alternately with the chocolate syrup to the creamed |
mixture. Add and blend in the vanilla and chopped nuts. Pour |
into a 9 x 9 pan and bake at 350 degrees 40 to 45 minutes. Cut |
in squares.
Submitted by Mrs. Maud H. Donnelly, Bangor, Maine
Apple Brownies
| cup sugar 4 teaspoon salt
Y4 pound oleo (1 stick) Ya teaspoon ee powder
| egg Y2 teaspoon soda _
1 teaspoon vanilla 3 apples, chopped fine
1 cup flour 'Y2 cup chopped nuts
Cream sugar and oleo. Add the slightly beaten egg and
vanilla. Sift flour with salt, baking powder and soda. Add to
the creamed mixture with the chopped apple and the nuts. Bake
in an 8 x 8 pan at 350 degrees until done, about 25 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Thelma Squiers, Hampden, Maine

Chocolate Sponge Roll

3 large eggs 1 square of melted chocolate

1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder
5 tablespoons water Y4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup sifted flour
Beat eggs until thick, gradually beat in sugar and add water.
Sift flour, salt and baking powder, and add. Beat in the melted
chocolate, and vanilla until smooth. Pour into a greased and
floured jelly roll pan, 15% x 10%. Bake in a 375 degree oven
12 to 15 minutes or until done. Loosen the edges and imme-
diately turn upside down on a towel sprinkled with confectioner’s
sugar. If pan was lined with paper or foil, quickly and carefully
pull it off. Roll up in the towel until cool. Fill with whipped
cream and store in the refrigerator. THE KIDS LOVE IT.
Submitted by Mrs. Fern Cummings, Edinburg, Maine

Nut Goodies

1 cup sugar ¥4 cup milk

¥Y2 cup butter or oleo 1 teaspoon flavoring
2 egg yolks 1 cup chopped nut meats
14% cups flour 2 egg whites
| teaspoon baking powder 12 cups brown sugar
Y2 teaspoon salt ¥4 cup chopped nuts

Cream the butter with the sugar and add egg yolks. Sift
together flour, baking powder and salt. Add dry ingredients alter-
nately with the milk and flavoring to the creamed mixture. Add
1 cup chopped nuts. Spread in a sheet cake pan. Beat the egg
whites with the brown sugar and spread all over the cake. Sprinkle
with nut meats and bake at 375 degrees about 25 minutes,
until done. Cut in squares while warm.
Submitted by Mrs. Gladys King, Hampden Highlands, Maine

Whoopie Filling
3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon vanilla
Y4 cup sweet milk ¥4 cup shortening
44 cup sugar Y2 cup butter or margarine
Cook flour and milk together over medium heat until thick.
Stir often. Cool. Add the sugar, vanilla, shortening and butter.
Whip altogether until creamy.
Submitted by Mrs. Theresa Shorey, Dexter, Maine.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Squares

! cup sifted flour 1 cup sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder 1 egg
¥Y4 teaspoon baking soda _ 2 cup peanut butter
Y4 teaspoon salt | square melted chocolate
2 tablespoons butter ¥Y4 cup milk
Sift together flour, baking powder, soda and salt. Beat together
butter, sugar, egg, peanut butter and melted chocolate. Gradually
stir in the flour alternately with the milk. Bake in an 8 x 8
greased pan in a 375 degree oven for about 15 to 20 minutes. Cut
in Squares.
Submitted by Shirley Beauchemin, Ellsworth, Maine
Delicious Squares

2 cups graham crackers, | 8-ounce package of cream

crushed cheese
Ya cup brown sugar | cup confectioner’s sugar
¥Y2 cup melted butter 1 small bottle maraschino
| package whipped topping cherries
Mix well together the graham crackers, sugar and melted
butter. Press into an 8 x 8 pan and place in the refrigerator to
set. Mix the package of whipped topping as directed on the pack-
age, except a little less milk. Mix together until fluffy the topping,
the cream cheese and the confectioner’s sugar. Spread over the
cooled graham cracker mixture and top with the cherries. Cut in
squares and serve well cooled.
Submitted by Mrs. Elosia Marshall, East Corinth, Maine

Lemonade Cookies

1 cup oleo | teaspoon soda

| cup sugar 1 can frozen lemonade
2 eggs concentrate (6 ounce)
3 cups flour
Cream sugar and oleo. Add eggs, one at a time. Sift flour
and soda together, and stir into the creamed mixture alternately
with 2 cup of lemonade. Drop by spoonfuls, 2 inches apart on
an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake about 8 minutes or until cookie is
slightly browned on the edges. Remove from oven and brush top
with rest of the lemonade and sprinkle with sugar. Place on a
rack to cool. Makes 7 dozen cookies.
Submitted by Mrs. Herbert Dunham, Bryant Pond, Maine

Date Brambles

2 cups flour | teaspoon salt
2/3 cup lard Ice water
Combine flour, lard and salt and mix with pastry blender
until consistency of coarse meal. Add ice water a little at a time
until mixture clings together. Divide dough in half and roll out
quite thin on floured board. Fit one half into a 9 inch square
pan, reserving other half for top covering.
| cup cut-up dates | tablespoon butter
Y2 cup water Nuts (optional)
¥2 cup sugar 1 egg, beaten

Boil together until thick the dates, water, sugar and butter.
Add beaten egg and cook one minute longer, being careful not
to burn. Add nuts if desired. Cool. Turn into bottom crust in pan
and cover with top crust. Cook at 350 degrees until top crust is
golden brown, approximately 35 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Annie Rogers, Thomaston, Maine

Old-Fashioned Oatmeal Cookies

| cup raisins (small ones) ¥Y2 teaspoon baking powder

i cup water | teaspoon soda
¥%4 cup shortening | teaspoon salt
12 cups sugar | teaspoon cinnamon
2 eggs Y2 teaspoon cloves
| teaspoon vanilla 2 cups rolled oats (quick
2¥’2 cups flour (measure cooking)
loosely) ¥Y2 cup nuts (optional)

Simmer raisins and water in saucepan over low heat until

raisins are plump — 20-30 minutes. Drain raisin liquid into
measuring cup and add enough water to make % cup of liquid.
Mix shortening, eggs, sugar and vanilla. Stir in raisin liquid.
Stir together, flour, baking powder, soda, salt and spices. Blend in.
Add rolled oats, nuts and raisins. Drop rounded teaspoons of
dough about 2 inches apart on ungreased baking sheet. Bake 10
minutes in 400 degree oven. Makes 6 dozen.
Submitted by Rita Grindle, South Penobscot, Maine

Apple Sauce Cookies

1 cup shortening 1 teaspoon salt

2 cups sugar | teaspoon soda
| egg _1 cup unsweetened apple sauce
3 cups flour 1 cup chopped nuts
1 teaspoon cinnamon ¥Y2 cup seedless raiains
¥Y2 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon vanilla
Cream shortening, add sugar gradually and cream until fluffy
and light. Add egg, beat thoroughly. Sift flour, measure and sift
dry ingredients together. Fold in first batter. Add apple sauce,
nuts and raisins, then vanilla. Mix into a stiff batter. Drop from
teaspoon onto greased cookie sheet. Bake 15-20 minutes in a
moderate hot oven of 375 degrees.
Submitted by Mrs. W. Ross Harmon, Milltown, Maine

Soft Molasses Cookies

| cup shortening | teaspoon ginger

| cup brown sugar | teaspoon cinnamon
| cup molasses Pinch of salt
| cup sour milk 2 teaspoons vinegar
2 teaspoons soda 6 cups flour

Mix ingredients in order given. Add 6 cups flour, a little at a

time to get the right consistency. Add only enough flour to
make the dough as soft as can be handled. Roll out on floured
board about '2 inch thick, cut with cookie cutter. Bake on un-
greased cookie sheet in 350 degree oven about 10 minutes or
until cookie is springy at the touch, not too long or it makes
them a hard cookie and not a soft one.
Submitted by Mary Silvernail, Hudson, New York

2% cups sifted flour 1 cup finely chopped nuts
2 sticks oleo | teaspoon vanilla
'Y4 cup confectioner’s sugar

Combine all the ingredients and form into balls the size of a
walnut. If dough is too stiff, add | tablespoon water. Bake in
350 degree oven for 20 minutes. Roll in confectioner’s sugar after
baking. Makes 3 dozen.
Submitted by Dolores Reglin, Orrington, Maine

Filled Drop Cookies

| cup shortening 12 teaspoons soda

2 cups brown sugar | teaspoon salt
2 eggs | teaspoon vanilla
2 cup warm water 4 cups sifted flour
Cream shortening and sugar, add eggs and beat well. Dis-
solve soda in warm water and add to mixture. Stir in vanilla,
add dry ingredients sifted together. Drop by dessert spoon onto
cookie sheet. Make dent in center of each with back of spoon,
place teaspoon of filling, then teaspoon of dough on top. Bake
in 400 degree oven for 10 minutes.
| cup chopped dates or raisins 1 tablespoon lemon juice
| cup water 2 tablespoons flour
Ya cup sugar Ys cup chopped nuts
Cook until thickened.
These cookies are delicious and freeze well.
Submitted by Mrs. Carroll Bumps, South China, Maine
Crinkles Chocolate Cookies

¥Y2 cup shortening 2 cups flour

| 2/3 cups sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons vanilla ¥Y2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs 1/3 cup milk
2 1-ounce squares unsweetened 2 cup nuts
Put all together and mix. Add nuts. Mixture will be quite
thick. Chill about | hour before baking off. Roll in small balls,
then roll the balls in confectioner’s sugar. Bake on greased
cookie sheet at 350 degrees about 15 minutes and no longer.
Submitted by Mrs. Jeanne M. Frost, Hampden Highlands, Maine
Maine Crunchies

2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla

3 tablespoons cocoa Ya cup peanut butter
Y4 pound margarine 3 cups dry quick cooking
¥Y2 cup milk oatmeal
Mix together sugar, cocoa, margarine and milk. Bring to a
boil and boil hard for one minute (no more). Remove from fire
and add vanilla, peanut butter and oatmeal. Mix well and
drop on waxed paper with teaspoon.
Submitted by Mrs. Helen Thomson, York Beach, Maine

Chocolate Banana Cookies
2% cups flour 2 eggs
2 teaspoons baking powder | package chocolate bits
Y2 teaspoon salt (6 ounce)
’4 teaspoon soda _1 teaspoon vanilla
2/3 cup shortening | cup mashed bananas
| cup sugar
Blend together shortening and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time,
beating after each addition. Stir in thoroughly chocolate bits
and vanilla. Sift flour, baking powder, salt, soda together and
add alternately with the mashed bananas. Drop by teaspoon
onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake in 350 to 375 degree oven
for 12-15 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Harold Haines, Presque Isle, Maine

3-Minute Chocolate Cookies (uribaked)

2’2 cups dry quick cooking Nuts if desired
oatmeal | stick margarine
Ya cup cocoa Y2 cup evaporated milk,
| cup coconut (1 small undiluted
package) 2 cups sugar
Dash salt Vanilla
Place the oatmeal, cocoa, coconut and salt in large bowl.
Cook margarine, milk and sugar for 3 minutes. Add vanilla and
pour over oatmeal mixture, stir and drop on waxed paper to
These cookies are also good if cocoa is omitted and about
'2 cup peanut butter is added to cooked ingredients just before
it is added to dry ingredients.
Submitted by Mrs. Charles J. Doyle, Calais, Maine

Sugar Cookies With Filling

| cup sugar 344 cups flour

Y4 cup butter 1 teaspoon baking powder
1 egg 'Y4 teaspoon salt
| cup sour milk 1 teaspoon vanilla
Cream sugar and butter, add egg, sour milk and vanilla.
Sift flour with salt and baking powder. Add to above mixture.
Roll very thin and bake in a 350 degree oven until a delicate
brown, about 10 minutes. Use jelly or your favorite filling to put
in these cookies. (Put two cookies together.)
Submitted by Mrs. Jeanette Fall, Lincoln, Maine

1 cup light brown sugar Y2 teaspoon salt
'’2 cup shortening (1 stick Y2 teaspoon nutmeg
oleo) 1 cup chopped apples
1 egg (unpeeled if new, older
1% cups sifted flour apples need the skins
YZ teaspoon soda removed)
Cream sugar and shortening, beat in egg. Add dry ingredients,
beating until well blended. Stir in apples, beat until the dough is
fairly soft, as this blending makes the difference in the texture of
the cookies. Drop on a greased pan. Bake 12-15 minutes in 375
degree oven. Optional: As soon as cookies are out of the oven,
sprinkle each cookie with 4 or 5 drops of rum extract.
Submitted by Mrs. Edna G. Norton, Bangor, Maine

Coconut Cookies

Y2 cup shortening Y2 teaspoon soda

2 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder
Y2 cup brown sugar Ys cup rolled oats
| egg ¥%4 cup coconut
4 cup Sour Ya teaspoon salt
Cream shortening and sugars well. Add egg, mix well. Sift
dry ingredients together then add to cream mixture. Stir in
coconut. Make balls by teaspoonfuls, press with fork. Bake in
350 degree oven 8 to 10 minutes or until golden brown.
Submitted by Mrs. L. Allan Wood, Woodland, Maine

Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 cup sifted flour Y3 teaspoon vanilla
¥Y2 teaspoon soda 1 egg, beaten
Y4 teaspoon salt Y2 cup semi-sweet chocolate
¥Y2 cup butter or oleo pieces
4 teaspoons liquid Sucaryl

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Sift together the dry ingredients.

Cream butter, add Sucaryl, vanilla and egg, blending well.
Add flour mixture and beat well. Stir in chocolate pieces. Drop
by teaspoonfuls onto a lightly greased baking sheet. Bake 8 to
10 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Florence Allen, Matinicus, Maine

Lobstering has been going on in Maine since the beginning.
Early fishermen set and hauled their traps from small
boats such as dories but in this age of power the work is
done from boats with comparative ease and mechanical
assistance. Even so, the lobsterman’s life is a hard one,
fraught with danger and bringing little in the way of great
wealth. The hours are long. When not hauling he must
spend most of his time repairing or replacing the damaged
and worn out traps from his average string of about two
hundred. When storms hit he is apt to lose over half of
his string washed up on beaches or litterally torn apart
by the force of the sea. The wooden lathe trap is still
the most commonly used gear although in recent years a
lightweight smaller trap made of wire has been introduced.
This new trap is having relatively slow acceptance. When
one tastes a Maine lobster fresh from the sea it is very
obvious that it is worth all of the work involved in raising
it out of the ocean depths.
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Molasses Cookies

| cup sugar 1/2 teaspoons soda

%4 cup oleo 1 teaspoon cinnamon
Y4 cup molasses Y2 teaspoon cloves
1 egg - Y% teaspoon nutmeg
2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoons ginger
Y2 teaspoon salt
Cream sugar and oleo, add molasses, beat well. Add egg,
beat. Add sifted flour, soda, salt and spices, mix well. Roll in
balls and dip in sugar. Flatten balls with tumbler, covered with a
wet cloth. Bake at 375 degrees for 8-15 minutes.
Submitted by Helen Orbeton, Augusta, Maine

Gram’s Hermits

2 cups sugar Y2 teaspoon allspice

1 cup butter and lard (mixed) ! teaspoon salt
2 eggs 1 cup chopped raisins
1 teaspoon soda (scant) Y2 teaspoon nutmeg
Y4 cup hot water 4 cups flour (may need a little
| teaspoon cinnamon less)
Beat together the sugar, shortening and eggs. Dissolve the soda
in the hot water and add with the flour sifted with salt and
spices. Add raisins. Roll % inch and cut in desired size. Bake
at 350 degrees Yor 20 to 25 minutes.
Subynitted by Alice Hahn, Thomaston, Maine
Country Raisin Gingersnaps
12 cups seedless raisins Y2 teaspoon salt
¥_ cup shortening 1 teaspoon ginger
1 cup sugar ¥4 cup molasses
1 egg ¥Y2 teaspoon cinnamon
2% cups sifted flour ¥Y2 teaspoon cloves
2 teaspoons soda
Chop raisins, as this makes the cookie chewy as well as crunchy.
Beat together shortening, sugar, and egg. Blend in molasses.
Blend in flour sifted with soda, salt and spices. Mix in raisins.
Chill dough. Shape dough into small balls and roll in additional
sugar, if desired. Place on lightly greased baking sheet. Bake in
moderately hot oven 375 degrees, 8-10 minutes. Remove to cooling
rack. Makes about 3 dozen cookies.
Submitted by Helen Hobert McLeod, Dixfield, Maine

Molasses (Filled) Cookies
| cup sugar | teaspoon cream of tartar
| cup molasses | teaspoon ginger
1 egg | teaspoon cinnamon
%4 cup shortening, melted and | teaspoon vanilla
cooled Y4 teaspoon salt
¥4 cup hot water 5 cups flour
4 teaspoons soda

Mix sugar and shortening. Add molasses and egg: soda and
cream of tartar dissolved in hot water; spices and vanilla. Add
sifted flour and salt. Batter will be thin but do not add more
flour. Let set in refrigerator until cool — about | hour. Roll
and bake in 375 degree oven for 12 minutes. Cool and fill
with filling.
142 cups dates Y2 cup water
Y4 cup’white sugar

Cook over low heat until thickened, about 10 minutes. Then

cool a little.
Submitted by Mrs. Markie Day, Medway, Maine

Generation Hermits

| cup sugar ¥Y2 teaspoon cloves

¥4 cup shortening Y2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 eggs ¥Y2 teaspoon baking powder
| cup molasses 3 to 3% cups flour
| cup raisins ¥Y4 cup sour milk (can use
| teaspoon cinnamon sweet milk and '% teaspoon
| teaspoon soda vinegar)
Cream together the sugar and shortening, beat in the eggs
and molasses. Mix together the spices, soda and baking powder.
Stir into the creamed mixture with the raisins. Thoroughly stir in
the flour and milk, using enough flour to make a fairly stiff
dough. Spoon the dough on a lightly greased cookie sheet, lengthwise,
making 3 strips about 2 inches wide. Bake at 375 degrees for 10
to 15 minutes until golden brown and firm to touch. Cut in
desired size.
Submitted by Mrs. Marion A. Peterson, Saco, Maine

Old-Fashioned Soft Molasses Cookies

| cup molasses | teaspoon salt

| cup sugar Y2 teaspoon cinnamon
| cup melted~shortening _ Y% teaspoon cloves
| egg Nae Y2 teaspoon nutmeg
| cup milk. ©
2 teaspoons. baking soda
Add the following ingredients in order given: molasses, sugar,
shortening, egg, and milk. Sift soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves, and
nutmeg in | cup flour and add to other mixture. Add 4 more cups
flour and mix well. Turn onto floured board and roll quite thick.
Place on cookie sheet and bake 10-12 minutes only, in 350 degree
Submitted by Mrs. Beverly Lothrop, Rockland, Maine

Old-Fashioned Soft Molasses Cookies

| cup sugar | teaspoon cream of tartar

| cup melted shortening (scant) (heaping)
1 egg | tablespoon ginger
4 teaspoons soda Salt
| cup molasses 434 cups flour
2/3 cup hot water
Mix in order given. Use a 3-inch cutter. Bake in 350 degree
oven 12-15 minutes. The secret is, be sure and roll thick.
Submitted by Mrs. Mabel D. Brewer, Presque Isle, Maine

Peanut Butter Round Ups

1 cup shortening 2 cups flour

1 cup white sugar 2 teaspoons soda
1 cup light brown sugar Y2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup peanut butter 1 cup uncooked rolled oats
Beat shortening and sugars together. Add eggs and beat well.
Add peanut butter and beat again. Sift flour, soda and salt and
add to creamed mixture. Stir in oats. Add %4 cup milk if mixture
is dry. Add vanilla last. Roll a small amount of dough in hands
to form a ball the size of a golf ball. Place on ungreased
‘cookie sheet. Press down with fork dipped in flour. Bake 12
minutes in 350 degree oven.
Submitted by Gwen Church, Port Clyde, Maine

Molasses Coconut Cookies

‘> cup shortening 4 teaspoon soda

34 cup sugar '> teaspoon salt
‘4 cup molasses ‘> cup moist coconut
egg LP) cup nut meats
> cups sifted all-purpose
Cream shortening and sugar. Beat in egg. Stir in .molasses.
Mix and sift together flour, salt and soda. Stir into creamed
mixture, Add coconut and nut meats or use | cup of coconut
and omit nut meats. Drop batter on greased cookie sheet and
bake in a moderately hot oven, 375 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes.
Remove from pan and cool on rack. Store in jar with tight cover.
Submitted by Mrs. Agatha McGuire, Cutler, Maine

Candy Cookies
2 cups sugar ‘> cup peanut butter
3 tablespoons cocoa | teaspoon vanilla
‘> cup milk Nuts and/or coconut may be
‘4 cup oleo added
3 cups oatmeal

Boil sugar, cocoa, milk and oleo for 2 minutes. Add the oat-
meal, peanut butter, and vanilla. Mix well. Add nuts or coconut
if desired. Drop on waxed paper and cool.
This is an easy recipe for the young people.
Submitted by Miss Lisa Ludden, Brooks, Maine

Oatmeal Cookies

| cup flour | cup rolled oats

| teaspoon baking powder ‘a cup vegetable oil
'2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons milk
'2 teaspoon ginger 1 egg
| cup brown sugar (packed) %4 cup chopped nuts
Stir together in a bowl the flour, baking powder, salt and
ginger. Add the brown sugar and rolled oats. Mix in thoroughly
the vegetable oil, milk and egg. Stir in the walnuts. Bake 10
minutes in 375 degree oven. Makes 3 dozen cookies.
Submitted by Rose Marie Salameda, Los Altos, California

Soft Molasses Cookies
(Won $50.00 Prize in 1896, this was my grandmother’s ree

¥Y2 cup molasses | tablespoon vinegar

Y2 cup sugar -| heaping teaspoon ginger
1/3 cup butter | heaping teaspoon salt
1/3 cup lard 2 teaspoons soda
| egg, beaten 3 cups sifted flour
2 tablespoons cold water
Add soda to molasses and let foam for 5 minutes. Cream
sugar and shortening with spices and salt. Then add the beaten
egg, water and vinegar, beat well. Add flour. Roll out and bake
10-20 minutes in 350 degree oven.
Submitted by Mrs. Hazel C. Chambers, Grand Lake Stream, Maine

Old-Fashioned Cookies

| cup brown sugar 4 teaspoons baking soda

| cup molasses 'Y2 teaspoon salt
| cup melted shortening 2 tablespoons vinegar
| cup undiluted canned milk Y4 teaspoon cinnamon
5 cups sifted flour Y4 teaspoon ginger
| tablespoon lemon extract
Melt shortening. Mix sugar and molasses thoroughly, add melted
shortening. Make sour milk by adding 2 tablespoons vinegar to |
cup undiluted canned milk. Add to above ingredients. Beat well.
Add lemon extract. Sift flour with other dry ingredients. Add to
above mixture beating as you add until the mixture is just soft
enough to handle. Roll '% inch thick. Cut and bake 8-10
minutes in 375 degree oven. Do not over bake.
Submitted by Mrs. Forrest F. Fowle, Newport, Maine

Molasses Cookies

1 cup molasses 1 teaspoon cinnamon

] cup sugar 1 cup water
1 cup lard 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
2 teaspoons salt 4 teaspoons soda
| teaspoon ginger Flour to roll
] teaspoon cloves
Bake in 400 degree oven.
This makes a large batch of cookies. There are no eggs in
this recipe. This one goes back to the 1850s and 60s.
Submitted by Mrs. Marion Calligan, Grand Lake Stream, Maine

Filled Molasses Cookies

1 cup molasses teaspoon ginger

| cup sugar teaspoons cinnamon
2/3 cup butter and shortening teaspoons salt
(half and half) teaspoons soda
2 eggs, beaten teaspoons vanilla
Y4 cup cold water cups sifted flour
2 tablespoons vinegar
Add soda to molasses and let foam for five minutes. Cream
sugar and shortening with salt and spices, add to molasses and
soda mixture. Add the beaten eggs, water and vinegar, beat
well. Stir in the six cups flour. Roll cookies 2 inch thick on a
floured board. Cut with large cutter. Bake at 350 degrees until
done, 10-12 minutes. Cool and fill with the following filling.
This filling is also good used in layer cakes.
1 egg white Y4 cup boiling water
1 cup white sugar | cup chopped seeded raisins
Boil water and sugar until it threads then take from stove.
Stir in egg white, beaten stiff. Add '2 teaspoon vanilla. When cool
stir in the raisins.
Submitted by Jannie Wiers, St. Albans, Maine

Orange Peanut Butter Cookies

Y2 cup shortening 1 tablespoon grated orange rind
¥Y2cup peanut butter 2% cups sifted all-purpose
¥Y2cup granulated sugar flour
Y2 cup brown sugar, firmly 2 teaspoon baking soda
packed Y4 teaspoon salt
1 egg 'Y2 cup walnuts, chopped very
2 tablespoons orange juice fine
Place shortening, peanut butter, sugars, egg, orange juice and
rind in large mixing bowl. Beat thoroughly. Sift together flour,
baking soda and salt. Add half of the dry ingredients to the
shortening mixture, blend, and add the remaining ingredients and
mix thoroughly. Add nuts and mix well. Knead dough with hands
until smooth. Pack firmly in 2 bars (14% x 1% inches square).
Wrap in waxed paper. Place in refrigerator; chill until very
firm. Cut in ¥ inch slices; place on greased baking sheet. Bake
in 400 degree oven for 8 to 10 minutes. Makes about 75 cookies.
Submitted by Elsie Swanson, Bar Harbor, Maine


40 small chocolate covered | egg, well beaten

peanut butter cup candies ¥Y2 teaspoon vanilla
Y4 cup creamy peanut butter ~ | cup (3 ounce can) crushed
1/3 cup firmly packed brown chow mein noodles
| package (9 ounce) pie
crust mix
Combine pie crust mix, brown sugar and peanut butter. Add
vanilla and egg. Crush noodles with rolling pin and add to mixture.
Shape into | inch balls. Place 2 inches apart. With back of
spoon, make deep indentation in each. Bake at 370 degrees for 8
minutes. Remove from oven and press a candy in each center.
Return to oven for about | minute. Remove to rack to cool.
Submitted by Julia Burgess, Waldoboro, Maine

Banana Nuggets
Y2 cup shortening Y4 teaspoon nutmeg
| cup sugar ¥Y4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 egg 1 cup mashed bananas
12 cups flour 1%4 cups rolled oats
| teaspoon soda 1 small package chocolate bits
] teaspoon salt

Cream shortening and sugar, add egg and mix well. Sift
flour with soda, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon. Mix into the egg
mixture. Add the mashed banana and rolled oats, mixing well.
Stir in the chocolate bits. Drop by teaspoon on a greased cookie
sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Theresa Shorey, Dexter, Maine

3 egg whites Y2 cup slivered blanched
1 cup sugar almonds, packaged or canned
Y2 teaspoon lemon juice
Beat egg whites until stiff. Add sugar gradually and then
lemon juice while continuing to beat. Fold in almonds. Line baking
sheets with foil. Drop meringue mixture by teaspoonfuls on foil.
Bake in 350 degree oven for 12 minutes or until delicately
browned. Makes about 4 dozen.
Submitted by Mrs. Stanwood H. King, Southwest Harbor, Maine

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Cooked Oatmeal Drop Cookies

1 cup sugar 4 teaspoon cloves

1 cup cooked oatmeal 2 teaspoons vanilla
| egg | cup raisins ground
2 cup shortening | teaspoon soda
2 teaspoon salt | teaspoon baking powder
Y teaspoon nutmeg 22-3 cups flour
| teaspoon cinnamon Nuts may be used
Mix sugar, cooked oatmeal, shortening and egg. Sift flour
with soda, baking powder, salt and spices. Add to first mixture.
Add raisins and vanilla.
A neighbor of ours, when bringing up her family, said they
had oatmeal for breakfast each morning and many times some
was left over. She didn’t want to waste it, so created this recipe.
It is very good.
Submitted by Mrs. Arthur Hussey, Seboeis, Maine

Oatmeal Macaroons

| cup shortening | teaspoon soda

| cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt
1 cup white sugar Y2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla
142 cups flour 3 cups oatmeal (uncooked)
Cream butter and sugar. Add beaten eggs and vanilla. Sift
together flour, soda, salt, and cinnamon. Mix together with first
mixture. Add 3 cups uncooked oatmeal (quick cooking). Bake at
350 degrees 10 minutes. Leave on pan a minute or two before
_ removing. Makes 5 dozen cookies.
Submitted by Mrs. Clarence Booker, Bangor, Maine

Tropical Oatmeal Cookies (Drop)

¥Y2 cup granulated sugar 1 cup flour

¥Y2 cup brown sugar '2 teaspoon soda
¥Y2 cup shortening 2 teaspoon salt
| egg, beaten Y2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup crushed pineapple ¥Yg teaspoon nutmeg
12 cups oatmeal
Mix ingredients in the order given and drop by spoonfuls onto
greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Elva Stanley, Howland, Maine

Filled Cookies

2 cups sugar 2 heaping teaspoons soda

1 cup shortening 1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs, beaten | cup milk
4 teaspoon salt Flour to roll, just firm enough
2 heaping teaspoons cream of to handle and roll thin.
Cream sugar and shortening together. Add remaining ingredients.
Flour to roll just firm enough to handle and roll thin. Cut with
round cookie cutter. Spread filling on cookie cover with another
cookie and pinch edges together. Bake in moderate oven 15-20
| package chopped raisins Butter, size of small egg
2 heaping tablespoons flour Water to cover.
| cup sugar
Cook until thick and cool before using.
Submitted by Miss Ruth L. Fickett, Lubec, Maine

Caramel Nut Cookies

Y cup butter Y2 teaspoon salt

1 cup brown sugar (packed) 1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs Y2 cup chopped nuts
1¥2 cups flour Y2 cup chopped raisins
| teaspoon soda | tablespoon vinegar
Cream butter and brown sugar. Beat in eggs, vanilla and
vinegar. Sift flour with soda and salt and stir into the creamed
mixture. Add nuts and raisins. Drop by teaspoon on a greased
cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes. These
cookies freeze very well.
Submitted by Elizabeth Chute, Charleston, Maine
Cherry Surprise
Y2 cup butter Y%4 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups confectioner’s sugar ¥Y2 teaspoon almond extract
1 tablespoon cream or top of Cherries
milk Graham cracker crumbs
Mix together the butter, sugar, cream and flavorings. Roll into
balls. Drain the cherries and coat with the butter-sugar mixture. Roll
in cracker crumbs. Store in cool place.
Submitted by Mrs. Francina Pelletier, Calais, Maine

Cool-as-a-Cucumber Shrimp Salad

1 package of lime gelatin or

1 No. 2 can crushed pineapple 2 (5 oz.) cans
2 medium cucumbers Y4 cup sweet or sour cream
Y%4 cup lemon juice Salad greens
1 pound of fresh cooked Dash of paprika
2 teaspoons salt 2/3 cup salad oil
2 teaspoons sugar Y4 cup vinegar
4 teaspoon pepper
Combine the ingredients for the dressing and beat or shake well.
Marinate the shrimp in 1/3 cup of the dressing. Set in refrigerator
to chill.
Mix gelatin according to directions, using the juice from the
can of pineapple and the lemon juice instead of cold water (about
1 cup). Chill until slightly thickened. Peel the cucumbers and put
through the food chopper with the pineapple and add to the slightly
thickened gelatin. Turn into an oiled ring mold. Chill until set.
Unmold, put a few salad greens in center of salad and pile the
marinated shrimp on top of greens. Use a dash of paprika. Salad
greens around the outside of the ring really dresses it up. Combine
the remainder of the dressing with the cream and use as a dressing
when you serve the salad.
Submitted by Capt. Mary Sue Emery, Rockland, Maine

Angel Hash Salad

1 lb. can crushed pineapple ¥4 cup chopped walnuts or

1 lb. can fruit cocktail pecans
2 tablespoons cornstarch 2 cups miniature marshmallows
¥4 cup sugar 2 bananas, sliced if desired
1 cup heavy cream, whipped 2 egg yolks, beaten
Drain well the pineapple and fruit cocktail. Combine cornstarch
and sugar in a saucepan and mix well. Add the egg yolks and
juice from the fruits. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly,
until mixture comes to a boil and thickens. Remove from heat. Cool
thoroughly at room temperature.
Fold in whipped cream and nuts, marshmallows, crushed pine-
apple and fruit cocktail. Chill overnight or for 2 to 3 hours.
Just before serving you may add 2 bananas, sliced. Serve on
crisp lettuce.
Submitted by Mrs. Christopher Richardson, Wytopitlock, Maine

Apricot Salad

| No. 2% size can apricots Y2 cup granulated sugar

(cut-up) 2 tablespoons flour
| No. 2% size can crushed l egg, slightly beaten
pineapple | cup remaining fruit juice
2 cups hot water 2 tablespoons butter
2 packages orange Jello I cup cream or Dream Whip
| cup juice, from apricot and %4 cup grated American
pineapple mix cheese
¥%4 cup miniature marshmallows
Drain juice of both apricots and crushed pineapple and mix
fruit. Prepare Jello with hot water and juice. Let cool. Add fruits
and marshmallows. Set in ring mold.
After this has set, remove from mold and top with the following
dressing: Cook sugar, flour, egg and | cup of remaining fruit juice
over low heat until thick. Add 2 tablespoons butter. Cool. Whip
1 cup cream (or Dream Whip), mix with dressing and spread on
Jello. Top with %4 cup finely grated cheese.
Submitted by Mrs. Vesta Libby, Belgrade, Maine

Holiday Salad
1 package lime gelatin 1 large can crushed pineapple
2 cups boiling water 1 small package cream cheese
| package lemon gelatin 1 cup heavy cream
1 cup boiling water | package cherry gelatin
J cup marshmallows (cut fine) 2 cups boiling water
Dissolve lime gelatin in 2 cups of water and pour into a three
quart mold. Refrigerate and let set.
Dissolve lemon gelatin in | cup boiling water and pour into a
double boiler. Add marshmallows and melt. Cool. Add pineapple
and juice, cream cheese and whipped cream. Pour into mold over
first layer. Refrigerator and let set.
Dissolve cherry gelatin in 2 cups of boiling water. Pour over
second layer, refrigerate and let set.
This red and green salad is attractive for Christmas. At Easter
I substitute grape gelatin for the cherry gelatin and at Thanks-
giving I use orange gelatin in place of the cherry gelatin.
This yields 12 servings.
Submitted by Mrs. Albert W. Blasenak, Littleton, N. H.

Apple Sauce-Peach Jellied Salad
1 package of lemon or orange 1 can peaches (No. 2)
gelatin (3 ounce) halves or slices
1% cups boiling water 1/3 cup pecans, broken in
1 cup apple sauce small pieces
Substitute some of the peach juice for part of the 14 cups
of boiling liquid. Pour the boiling liquid over the gelatin in a bowl
and mix until dissolved. Pour one half of the dissolved gelatin in
a mold and set in refrigerator until firm. Keep the other half
at room temperature. As soon as the first half starts to thicken
add the apple sauce, pecans and peach halves or slices. Spread
the apple sauce, sprinkle on the pecans and arrange the peaches
on top. Pour the rest of gelatin mixture on top. Chill until firm.
Serves 8.
Submitted by Mrs. Janet Bouchard, Old Town, Maine

Club Salad

3 small packages of cream 1% packages lemon gelatin

cheese | pint hot water
1 can pimientos (chopped) | teaspoon dry mustard
1 can crushed pineapple Ys cup cream, whipped
Mash the cheese with one tablespoon of cream. Add pineapple
and well drained pimiento. Add the whipped cream and the dry
Add 1 pint of hot water to the gelatin. Cool, and when it is
almost set, fold in the creamed mixture. Cool until firm. Serve
with fruit salad dressing. This will easily serve 12.
Submitted by Mrs. Mabel Wilson, Tenants Harbor, Maine

Cranberry Salad
2 cups fresh cranberries 1 package raspberry Jello
1¥2 cups water ¥Y2 teaspoon salt
| cup sugar Celery and nuts
Cook cranberries and water for 10 minutes. Add 1. cup sugar
and cook for 5 more minutes. Stir in 1 package of raspberry
Jello while hot. Add the salt.
Cool and add celery and nuts.
Submitted by Mrs. Blanche Goodwin, Kingfield, Maine

Deep sea fisheries form a vital part of the State’s economy and
employ a great many people. Men catch the fish and women work
in packing plants preparing the fish for market. Frozen fish
portions and fillets are popular everywhere and in this day of high
prices on red meats, make a very tasty, nourishing and economical
meal. Most of the fishing is done from large draggers and trawlers
that go out on the banks bordering the New England coast. The
freshly caught fish are iced and brought to the packing plant soon
after being caught. There they are cleaned and cut up into the
finished product and quick frozen for shipment all over the country.
Quick handling and attractive packaging have made a product of
high quality and dependability. Several varieties are processed
but the most popular is Ocean Perch.
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Cranberry-walnut Salad
2 cups cranberries ¥Y2 cup boiling water
¥4 cup water | cup diced celery
1’ cups sugar ¥Y2 cup chopped walnuts
| package lemon Jello
Combine the cranberries and 34 cup water. Cook until skins
break open. Add the sugar, cook 3 minutes longer. Combine the
Jello and boiling water, stir until dissolved. Combine Jello and
berries. Chill until syrupy. Add the celery and nuts to the Jello
mixture and pour into a |-quart mold and chill.

Submitted by Mrs. D. F. London, Houlton, Maine

Cabbage Salad
3 lbs. cabbage (large head) ¥Yg teaspoon pepper
1 large onion ¥% cup salad oil
¥% cup vinegar 1 cup sugar
| teaspoon salt

Peel off outside leaves of cabbage and onion. Grate the two
together and place in a large bowl. Mix well.
In a saucepan, combine vinegar, salt, pepper, oil, and sugar.
Bring to a boil and pour boiling hot over the vegetables. DO NOT
STIR. Allow to set undisturbed for 112 hours. Then toss and mix.
Store in refrigerator at least 12 hours before serving.

Submitted by Mrs. Ruby Hussey, Old Town, Maine

Pyramid Salad
Red jelly Mayonnaise
Pineapple slices Whipped cream
Cut a circle of red jelly a little larger than a slice of pineapple.
Place jelly on a lettuce leaf, pineapple slice on top. Mix mayon-
naise and whipped cream. Pile on top of the pineapple, leaving a
good margin of pineapple. Top this individual serving with a red

Submitted by Mrs. Gertrude Mitchell, Weeks Mills, Maine

Green Ribbon Salad

2 packages lime Jello 1 large can pineapple (drain)

1 package lemon Jello Y cup celery cut fine
Y pint heavy cream (whipped) ’2 cup chopped nuts
2 cups cottage cheese (sieved)
This is made in layers. The first layer: 1 package lime Jello —
dissolve in 142 cups hot water and 2 cup pineapple juice. Set to
cool until syrupy, then add '% cup pineapple, 44 cup nuts, and
Y4 cup celery. Divide and put into two round molds. (This is Ist
The second layer: | package lemon Jello dissolved in | cup hot
water. Cool and when syrupy, stir in the whipped cream, cottage
cheese, | cup pineapple. Divide and put on top of first layer.
The third layer is the same as first. .
I set my Jello all at the same time. The first layer doesn’t
want to be firm when the second layer is added and the same with
third. If too firm, they will separate when unmolded. Grease molds
with cooking oil.
Submitted by Meridith M. Fisher, St. Albans, Maine

Sweet and Sour Salad

1 No. 2 can bean sprouts, 1 cup diced onion

drained Ya cup green pepper
1 No. 2 can sauerkraut 2 cups sugar
2 cups diced celery 1 cup water
Mix bean sprouts, sauerkraut, celery, onion and green pepper
together. Let set and fix the syrup. Bring the sugar and water to a
boil. Cool. When cold, add to the first mixture and let set for 48
hours. This is very good with cold meat or baked beans.
Submitted by Reta Charest, East Wilton, Maine

My Favorite Salad
1 package lemon flavored 1 tablespoon brown sugar
gelatin 1 cup crushed pineapple
1 cup boiling water 2 carrots grated
Mix boiling water and the gelatin, stir in the brown sugar and
the crushed pineapple. Pour into a salad mold and sprinkle the
grated carrots on top. Do not stir. Serve with the carrot side down.
Submitted by Mrs. N. L. Witham, Rockland, Maine

Lake House Cole Slaw

1 cabbage, about the size of a | medium sized onion, minced

grapefruit fine
2 tablespoons salad oil | heaping tablespoon granu-
| tablespoon vinegar lated sugar
2 heaping tablespoons of 2 teaspoon prepared mustard
mayonnaise Y2 teaspoon salt
’4 cup milk Dash of cayenne pepper

Grate cabbage as fine or as coarse as desired. Add finely

minced onion. Mix thoroughly.
Put sugar, prepared mustard, salt, cayenne pepper, salad oil,
and vinegar in a bowl and mix well. Add mayonnaise and milk.
Beat mixture with beater. The dressing should be similar to heavy
cream. If it is too thick, add a little more milk; if it is too thin,
add a little more mayonnaise. Pour dressing over cabbage and
onion mixture.
For larger sized cabbages, just multiply the ingredients to make
as much dressing as desired.
This can be kept in a jar in the refrigerator for an indefinite
length of time.
Submitted by Mrs. Charles Adams, Decatur, Georgia

Salad Dressing

¥Y, cup cider vinegar 1 teaspoon dry mustard

2 eggs 1 cup all-purpose cream
¥Y4 cup sugar

In a medium saucepan, bring to a boil the %4 cup of

vinegar. Set aside to cool. In a bowl, beat the eggs and add
the sugar. Blend well. In a cup, put the mustard and add a
little of the cream to make a smooth paste. Gradually add all
of the cream. Add to the egg-sugar mixture and mix well. Pour
into the pan of vinegar and cook over medium heat, stirring
occasionally, until thick (not too thick). Remove, cool and re-
Note: Taste as you cook, if too sweet, add more vinegar, if
too tart, add more sugar. This dressing is excellent for potato,
salmon, tuna, Waldorf salads as well as a combination of
lettuce and tomato.
Submitted by Mrs. Ethel Kinderman, Belfast, Maine

Cabbage Dressing (Cole Slaw)
| tablespoon butter
ae |Rawat
teacup of vinegar
Salt a
| tablespoon prepared mustard
Mix egg, little pepper, salt, mustard, butter, vinegar and a
little sugar in a saucepan and let it come to a boil. Cool and
then pour over cabbage which must be chopped very fine. Two
teaspoons of celery seed improves the flavor.
Submitted by Mrs. Ethel M. Hilton, Cape Neddick, Maine
Aunt Alice’s Salad Dressing
(very old)
1 egg '4 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup vinegar 1 tablespoon flour
Y2 cup milk 1 tablespoon sugar
| dessert spoon dry mustard Small piece of butter
Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly and add to well beaten egg.
Heat milk in double boiler, add butter, then stir in the egg and
mustard mixture. Stir in the vinegar as the last ingredient.
Submitted by Arthur J. Cummings, Bethel, Maine

Tomato French Dressing

2 tablespoons sugar Yz soup can vinegar plus 2

2 teaspoons dry mustard tablespoons
1 teaspoon salt '¥2 soup can salad oil plus 2
Y2 teaspoon pepper tablespoons
| can condensed tomato 2 tablespoons minced onions
Combine dry ingredients in a one quart jar, add remaining
ingredients and shake well. Shake well again before using.
Submitted by Mrs. Sara C. Wilson, Rockland, Maine

Sweet Salad Dressing

5 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs, beaten
¥Y2 tablespoon mustard 3 tablespoons vinegar
Y2 tablespoon salt | cup sweet or sour cream
Cook in double boiler until thick. Use with whipped cream
for fruit salad.
Submitted by Mrs. Grace Irvine, Warren, Maine

Fruit Salad Dressing

| can pineapple 2 tablespoons butter

¥%4 cup sugar 3 heaping tablespoons flour
2 eggs, separated _ Y2 pint cream, whipped
Drain juice from pineapple (about | cup), Cream sugar and
egg yolks, then cream in butter and flour. Beat egg whites very
stiff and add to the creamed mixture. Heat juice in double boiler,
stir in above mixture and cook until thick. When ready to serve
add the cream.
Submitted by Rita H. Ellis, Skowhegan, Maine
Pineapple Fruit Salad Dressing

2/3 cup pineapple juice 2 eggs, well beaten

'Y2 cup sugar | cup cream, whipped
Heat the pineapple juice and sugar together, add beaten eggs
and cook until thick, beat smooth. Cool and when used, add the
Submitted by Etta Beverage, North Haven, Maine

Strawberry Jam
6 cups strawberries 2 cup fresh lemon juice
6 cups sugar

Wash the berries, lifting them from the water to drain. Re-
move the hulls, Leave the berries whole. Place the berries in a
shallow pan; pour boiling water over them just to cover; let
stand for three minutes. Drain. In a kettle, combine the drained
berries and 3 cups sugar, mix. Bring to boiling point and boil for 8
minutes, stirring constantly, Add the remaining 3 cups sugar and
the lemon juice, boil for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Pull the
kettle to the back of the stove and stir and skim for two minutes.
Pour the jam into a shallow platter or glass baking dish. Let
the jam set overnight. In the morning, fill hot sterilized jars
with the cold jam and seal.
This is a soft jam which is just right to go on hot biscuits or
(Small baby food jars make good containers for jams or
jellies because they can be sealed and do not need to be waxed if
the rubber gasket is still in the cover of the jar.) Sterilize
the jars and covers before using.
Submitted by Mildred B. Schrumpf, Orono, Maine

Rhubarb-Strawberry Jam
5 cups chopped rhubarb 2 packages strawberry Jello
5 cups sugar
Mix rhubarb and sugar in a saucepan and set overnight. In
the morning, boil the mixture for 2 minutes. Add 2 packages
of Jello. Boil 10 minutes, and mash while it is cooking to break
up rhubarb. Pour into sterilized, hot jars, cover and wax.

Submitted by Mrs. Hans Meier, Mt. Desert, Maine

Pear Harlequin

Y peck of pears (about 6/2 % cup of sugar for each cup

pounds) of fruit
1 medium sized can of crushed | 8-ounce bottle maraschino
pineapple cherries
2 oranges
Peel pears and slice thin. Grate the rind of the oranges,
then put them, rind and all, through the food chopper. Add the
pineapple, juice and all the pears. Add the grated and chopped
oranges. For each cup of fruit add %4 cup of sugar. Mix
together well and let stand overnight. In the morning, add the
maraschino cherries, cut up small. Stir well and cook slowly until
thick, then bottle and seal.

Submitted by Mrs, Charlotte Wiers, St. Albans, Maine

Christmas Marmalade

| orange Sugar
1 lemon Enough water to cover fruit
| grapefruit
Wash and peel orange, lemon and_ grapefruit; cut into
thinnest possible slices. Cut pulp into chunks; cover with water
and simmer 5 minutes. Let stand overnight. Cook very slowly
until skins are tender, cool. Measure and add 1 cup sugar for
each cup of fruit and juice. Cook to jellying point. Pour into
hot glasses. Seal at once.
Submitted by Elsie Swanson, Bar Harbor, Maine

Rhubarb Marmalade
3 pounds rhubarb 2 large oranges or 3 small
3 pounds sugar ones
1 box of raisins
Put sugar in rhubarb at night. Do not add water. Heat in
the morning, then add raisins and ground oranges, and cook to
right consistency. Bottle and seal.
Submitted by Mrs. Frank Rowe, Warren, Maine
Quince Honey
5 large quinces 1 pint boiling water
5 pounds of sugar
Stir the sugar into the boiling water and stir over heat until
sugar is dissolved. Pare and grate the quinces; add to the sugar
syrup and cook IS or 20 minutes. The grated quince may be
strained out or left in. Turn into hot sterilized jars. When cold, it
should be about the color and consistency of honey.
Submitted by Mrs. Joy Warren, Pittsfield, Maine
Ripe Cucumber Relish
12 large ripe cucumbers, peeled 1 cup flour
and seeded, put through 6 cups sugar
food grinder — coarse blade 1 teaspoon tumeric
2 cups chopped onion 1 teaspoon celery seed
Y2 cup salt | teaspoon dry mustard
3 cups vinegar 1 cup vinegar
Add salt to vegetables and let set overnight. Drain in the
morning. Heat 3 cups vinegar. In bowl, mix flour, sugar, tumeric,
celery seed, mustard, and | cup vinegar, to make paste. Add to
hot vinegar and cook, stirring constantly until thick. Add cukes
and onions, cook slowly 10 minutes. Bottle. This is very good
with baked beans.
Submitted by Mrs. Nola Sawtelle, Corinna, Maine

Pepper Relish
12 green hot peppers 2 cups sugar
12 sweet red peppers 4 tablespoons salt
12 medium sized onions 1 quart vinegar
Chop peppers and onions, or put through food grinder. Cover
with boiling water and let stand for 5 minutes. Drain. Add
sugar, salt and vinegar. Boil for 20 minutes. Put in jars. This
relish will keep indefinitely.
Submitted by Mrs. Edna Keyes, Thomaston, Maine

Pickled Beans

4 quarts string beans ¥2 cup flour

3 pounds sugar | tablespoon tumeric
| tablespoon celery seed 3 pints vinegar
¥Y2 cup dry mustard
Take 4 quarts beans, wash, string and cut in |” lengths.
Boil in salted water until tender. Drain well.
Make dressing of sugar, celery seed, dry mustard, flour,
tumeric, and vinegar. Boil until thick, pour over beans. Mix well
and put in jars.
Submitted by Katherine F. Crockett, Machias, Maine

Marinated Beans

| can green beans | big onion, sliced

1 can wax beans ¥Y4 cup sugar
1 can kidney beans 1/3 cup oil
1 can lima beans 2/3 cup wine vinegar
2 cup celery (cut in small | teaspoon salt
Combine beans, add the celery and onion, toss lightly. Make
a sauce with the sugar, oil, vinegar and salt. Bring the sauce to a
boil, then cool. Put beans in a tightly covered dish and pour the
sauce over them. Shake the container of beans several times during
the next two or three days.
Suomitted by Mrs. Ervin Knowlen, Holden, Maine

Bread and Butter Pickles

| gallon cucumbers, sliced thin 5 cups sugar

8 small onions, sliced thin 12 teaspoons tumeric
| green pepper, sliced thin | teaspoon ground cloves
| quart crushed ice 1 teaspoon celery seeds
Y2 cup salt 2 teaspoons mustard seeds
5 cups vinegar

Cover cucumbers, onions, and pepper with 1 quart of

crushed ice and '2 cup salt. Let stand at least 3 hours.
Combine vinegar, sugar, tumeric, ground cloves, celery seeds
and mustard seeds. Add the drained cucumber mixture and bring
to boiling point. Pack in sterlized jars. Let stand at least 30 days.
Submitted by Mrs. Granville Green, Fairfield, Maine

Hot Dog Relish
5 cups diced cucumbers, ¥% cup salt
seeds removed 12 pints water
3 cups onions, cut up _ 1 quart vinegar
3 cups celery, cut up 3 cups sugar
2 red peppers, cut up 2 teaspoons mustard seed
2 sweet red or green peppers
Prepare vegetables and cover with salt and water. Let stand
overnight. Drain the next morning. Heat the vinegar, sugar, and
mustard seed and add to the vegetables. Boil slowly for 10
minutes. Seal hot.
Submitted by Arlene Spencer, Hartland, Maine

Sweet Tomato Pickles

| peck green tomatoes 4 pounds brown sugar

1 cup salt 1 tablespoon cloves
| quart vinegar ¥Y2 cup broken cinnamon
Slice tomatoes and sprinkle salt over each layer. Let stand
overnight. In the morning, drain off water and cook slowly in
water and vinegar in the proportion of 3 parts water to | of
vinegar. When tender, drain and put in stone jar. Boil vinegar,
sugar, and spice and pour over tomatoes. Let stand 2 days. Drain
off vinegar and boil down 1/3. Pour over pickles. These don’t
have to be sealed. These are delicious.
Submitted by Mrs. Kermit K. Bailey, Caribou, Maine

Chopped Pickle
1 quart chopped cabbage Y4 cup white mustard seed
2 quarts green tomatoes | tablespoon tumeric
6 large onions 4 cups white sugar
3 red peppers, or a can of Y4 cup salt
pimentos 12 cups vinegar
1 tablespoon celery seed

Combine all ingredients and boil 20 minutes. Put in hot jars

and seal. I do all my “chopping” by just cutting on a breadboard
because we like the pieces big.
Submitted by Frances Taylor, North Anson, Maine

Apple Relish
| quart vinegar 3 large onions
| cup white sugar 6 green tomatoes
2 cups brown sugar | teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon mustard seed | teaspoon ground cloves
12 apples with peelings | cup raisins
Chop all ingredients and cook in the vinegar. Fill jars and
seal tightly.
Submitted by Beatrice S. Barrett, Mars Hill, Maine

Pickled Eggs
12 hard-boiled eggs (peeled 1 cup vinegar
and _pricked) 1 teaspoon salt
1 medium onion, sliced 1 teaspoon mixed pickling spice
1 cup water

Pack eggs in a jar, alternating with onion slices. Heat water,

vinegar, salt and spices to boiling point. Pour hot solution over
eggs. Store in refrigerator for 36 hours before eating.
Submitted by Arlene Guptill, Addison, Maine

Chili Sauce (1896)

6 ripe tomatoes 1 tablespoon salt
2 greenpeppersor 4 teaspoon 2 scant cups sugar
red pepper 2 cups vinegar
4 medium onions

Boil | hour and bottle.

Submitted by Mrs. Mary Bancroft, Norway, Maine

Spiced Beet Pickles

2 cups white sugar 1 teaspoon whole cloves

2 cups water 1 teaspoon allspice
2 cups vinegar 1 tablespoon cinnamon

Boil small beets until tender and then peel. Make a syrup of
the sugar, water, vinegar, cloves, allspice, and cinnamon. Pour
over beets and simmer 15 minutes. Pack into jars and seal.
Submitted by Mrs. Stella Hollister, Hartland, Maine

Garden Special

4 quarts ripe tomatoes 6 sweet peppers

1 quart celery 3 tablespoons salt
] quart onions - 2 tablespoons sugar
] quart water
Dice peppers, onions, and celery, add water and cook
together for 20 minutes. Add tomatoes, which have been peeled
and cut up, and seasonings. After it all comes to a boil, put into
hot jars and process in hot water bath for 30 minutes.
To Use For A One-dish Meal
1 pint Garden Special 2 cups cooked spaghetti, rice
Ya pound hamburg steak or or cold diced potato
scraps of cold meat
Put in layers in baking dish and cook in oven until well
heated through. This makes four large or six small servings.
I have found this very useful for a “hurry-up” meal in a
Submitted by Mrs. Charles R. Monteith, Rockland, Maine

2 bowls of chopped meat 12 bowls of oleo

4 bowls of chopped apple 'Y2 bowl vinegar
1 bowl of sugar Spices and salt to taste
1 bowl of molasses 2 boxes of raisins
1 bowl of chopped suet, or
Mix ingredients together and simmer for at least 3 hours. Stir
frequently to prevent burning. I generally use venison in this recipe.
Submitted by Mrs. Roger Stanley, Bernard, Maine
Grammie’s Mincemeat

2 pints chopped beef 3 level tablespoons nutmeg

5 pints chopped apple 3 level tablespoons cinnamon
1 pint chopped suet 2 level tablespoons ground
1 pint raisins cloves
| pint currants 3 pints sugar
1 cup cider or vinegar 1’ cups molasses
3 level tablespoons salt
Mix in the above order (add more cider or vinegar if more
liquid is needed); cook slowly one hour. Be careful not to burn.
This makes a number of pies or may be put into hot jars and
sealed for future use.
Submitted by Mrs. Eaino Heikkenine, South Paris, Maine

Green Tomato Mincemeat

6 quarts chopped tomatoes | pound ‘seedless raisins

| teaspoon fat 1 pound citron, optional
1 cup vinegar | teaspoon cloves, ground
2 cups brown sugar | teaspoon cinnamon
1 pound seeded raisins, | teaspoon nutmeg
ground Salt to taste
(Note: Any leftover jelly or fruit juice, boiled cider, etc., may
also be added.)
Rinse the chopped tomatoes until water is clear. Stew '2 hour,
rinse and drain. Add remaining ingredients. Cook slowly until
tender. Pack and seal while hot. Makes 3 quarts.
(Instead of packing into canning jars, this mincemeat may be
packed into freezer containers and frozen.)
Use as is in pies or any recipe calling for mincemeat.
Submitted by Blanche Glover Hammond, Albion, Maine


5 quarts of meat, ground ¥Y2 teaspoon allspice

2 cups molasses | teaspoon cinnamon
3 pounds raisins or | of cur- //2 teaspoon cloves
rants and 2 of raisins v2 teaspoon nutmeg
3 dozen apples 2 cups sugar
12 cups vinegar 1 cup ground suet or '2 cup
1 tablespoon salt butter
Grind meat and apples. Add rest of ingredients and simmer
or bake 2 hours. Put into jars. Seal while hot.
Submitted by Mrs. Leona Sutherland, Ashland, Maine

Mom’s Deer Mincemeat

| bowl deer meat, ground 1/3 bowl coffee

2 bowls apples, ground 1/3 bowl raisins
1/3 bowl suet, ground 2/3 bowl sweet cider
(may use butter) Salt, cinnamon, cloves and
1/3 bowl sugar nutmeg to suit your taste
1/3 bowl molasses

Mix all ingredients together well. Simmer slowly, stirring from

the bottom often as it burns very easily. Simmer 3 to 4 hours.
Can in hot sterilized jars.
Submitted by Mrs. Constance Butler, Sanford, Maine

Smothered Rabbit with Onions

| rabbit (or more) Sliced onions

Flour Y2 teaspoon salt
Salt - | cup thick, sour cream
3 tablespoons drippings or
Clean and cut rabbit into pieces. Season with salt and paprika
and dredge with flour. Melt drippings or butter in a skillet and
saute rabbit until brown. Cover thickly with sliced onions, sprinkle
with salt. Pour over them, | cup thick sour cream. Cover skillet
closely and simmer for | hour, or place in a 325 degree oven
and bake until tender, about | hour. Remove the meat and add
water and flour to make gravy, if desired. Add seasonings to
Submitted by Mrs. W.G. Glover, Dover-Foxcroft, Maine

Rabbit Pie

1 or 2 rabbits Sliced potatoes

Crust for a 2-crust pie Sliced onions
Parboil rabbits. Make a good pie crust and line a 9 x 9 inch bak-
ing pan. Put in a layer of thinly sliced potatoes, one of rabbit,
and one of thinly sliced onions. Repeat until dish is full. Pour
over all the liquor rabbit was cooked in and sprinkle with your
favorite herbs or seasonings. Add the top crust. Bake in a 350
degree oven for 2 hours.
Submitted by Mrs. Leola Peaslee, North Edgecomb, Maine

Beans and Venison

112-2 cups red kidney beans Small onion

Y4 cup sugar Venison chunks (beef short
Salt and pepper ribs or stew beef)
Y4 teaspoon dry mustard Salt pork or bacon fat

Soak beans as usual, add salt pork or bacon fat, sugar, salt
and pepper, dry mustard, small whole or sliced onion, venison
chunks. Cover with water and bake all day. Meat may be thawed
or used directly from freezer.
Submitted by Mrs. Owen H. Grant, East Waterboro, Maine

Hunter’s Stew

2 pounds cut-up deer meat 2 cups diced carrot

4 cup flour 2 cups diced celery
1% teaspoons salt 8 medium potatoes
¥4 teaspoon pepper (quartered)
¥Y4 cup butter 3 cups milk
1 large onion, sliced 1 cup diced cheese (optional)
Cut the meat in 1'2-inch cubes, dredge with the flour, salt
and pepper. Melt the butter in a heavy pan, brown the meat, add
the onions and cook until tender. Peel potatoes and quarter,
add with the carrots and celery to the meat during the last half of
cooking. Gradually add the milk. Can thicken stew with 2 table-
spoons of flour in %4 cup of milk for each cup of gravy.
Top with the diced cheese or doughboys. Makes 8 servings.
Submitted by Mrs. Roy Lilley, Houlton, Maine

Steak for the “I hate to fuss camper”

1 pound piece chuck steak, 1 onion, sliced
¥% -inch thick Salt and pepper to taste
2 potatoes, thick slices
Place steak in a hot fry pan and brown on both sides.
Add water to partially cover and cover with potatoes and onions.
Add salt and pepper to taste, while cooking. Allow to simmer
slowly, about 10 minutes. Cover and cook until potatoes are done.
Additional water may be necessary while cooking, depending on
the heat of the campfire.
Submitted by W. A. Lindquist, Camden, Maine

Pheasant en Casserole

1 pheasant '2 soup can fresh milk

1 can cream of celery soup Salt to taste

Clean and wash pheasant thoroughly. Cut in half. Put in a

buttered casserole dish (depending on size of bird). Add the
celery soup and milk, be sure the bird is completely covered.
Bake covered in a slow oven, 300 to 325 degrees, so milk won’t
darken or curdle, for 2 hours. Can use cream of mushroom soup,
but celery soup is more flavorful.
Submitted by Mrs. Harriet Keenan, Owls Head, Maine

Baked Eider Ducks

4 Eider ducks 2 teaspoons salt

| large onion Y2 teaspoon pepper
Y4 cup cooking oil _ 1/3 cup lemon juice
3 tablespoons Worcestershire 12 cups dandelion wine
sauce Onion and celery for stuffing
2 tablespoons prepared
The ducks are skinned and cleaned. Soak overnight in salt and
water, standard procedure for sea ducks. Make a barbecue sauce
by simmering the onion, cut-up, in the salad oil, until onion is
soft. Add the sugar, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, salt, pepper
and lemon juice. Simmer another 15 minutes.
Combine the simmered mixture with the dandelion wine and
pour this mixture over the ducks in a small crock. Leave ducks
in the crock at least 24 hours, turning occasionally and dipping
the barbecue sauce over them.
When ready to bake the ducks, stuff loosely with whatever
desired. Cut-up onion and celery is adequate as these birds are
small. Wrap each duck in a piece of foil, bring it up around
each bird but leave a small opening at the top. This prevents
the bird from being baked too dry. Add the barbecue sauce over
each duck and start in a 450 degree oven for the first 45
minutes then turn down to 350 degrees for rest of cooking time.
I baste the birds a few times during baking. They are simply
Submitted by Mrs. Dorothy Stewart, Castine, Maine

Partridge Fillet

Breast meat from partridge Very fine bread crumbs

¥4 cup butter 1 egg, beaten
1 tablespoon lemon juice Deep fat

Remove the meat from partridge breast and cut in finger-

size pieces, about 8 pieces per bird. Melt the butter and add the
lemon juice. Dip the partridge pieces in butter mixture and spread out
on a plate to congeal the butter. Then roll each piece in the
very fine bread crumbs. Dip in beaten egg and roll in crumbs
again. Fry in deep fat until done, about 5 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Stanley Knowlton, Harmony, Maine

Wild Birds and Dumplings
Down East Version

Bird(s) Whole potatoes

2 small slices salt pork | pint flour
Y4 teaspoon pepper | teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons salt (about) 2 teaspoons baking powder
Diced turnip Milk
Cut up the bird or birds and just barely cover with water. Add
the salt pork and pepper. Cook slowly for 3 hours. Watch them
and add more water as needed, but not too much, so as to make
brown gravy. Add 2 teaspoons of salt | hour after the birds start
cooking. Add diced turnip and whole potatoes (amount needed for
your meal) | hour before bird will be done. To make dumplings,
sift together salt, flour and baking powder and mix with milk so
they will drop from spoon. Cover and cook undisturbed for 20
minutes. Serve while dumplings are piping hot.
These birds (depends on the kind) are so small we always
speak of cooking a pair of birds.
Submitted by Mrs. Juanita B. Allen, Bryant Pond, Maine

Corned Beef Casserole

| package macaroni (6 ounce) '2 cup chopped onion

1 can corned beef (12 ounce) 1 can condensed cream of
4 pound cheese, cubed chicken soup
| cup milk Buttered crumbs
Cook macaroni in boiling salted water, drain and rinse. Cube
the corned beef and add with the onion and cheese to the
macaroni. Combine the soup and milk and add. Pour into a
2-quart casserole. Top with the buttered crumbs. Bake in a 350
degree oven for | hour.
Submitted by Mrs. John Workman, Prospect Harbor, Maine

Barbecue Sauce

| teaspoon prepared mustard 3 tablespoons brown sugar

3 tablespoons vinegar ¥4 cup catsup
1/3 cup water Dash of Tabasco (optional)
Combine all ingredients and cook over low heat 4 hour.
Submitted by Mrs. Ferne Sanborn, Bangor, Maine

Low Sodium Bread

Y%4 cup lukewarm water 2 teaspoons sugar

1 cake compressed yeast or | 2 tablespoons unsalted
package granular yeast shortening
2 cups hot water _ 6 cups flour (approximately)
Soften yeast with 4 cup of lukewarm water. Pour the 2 cups
of hot water over the sugar and shortening. Cool to lukewarm.
Add the yeast and flour to make a stiff batter. Beat well.
Add more flour to make a soft dough. Turn out on board. Knead
until light and elastic and until dough does not stick to the
board. Place in a warm greased bowl. Grease top of dough
lightly. Cover. Keep in a warm place. When doubled in bulk
(about 2 hours) punch down, round up and let rise again to
double in bulk (1'2 hours). Shape into loaves. Place on a
greased pan, grease top lightly. Let rise again to double in bulk.
Bake in a 400 degree oven for 40 to 50 minutes.
Submitted by “Chef? Henry Tremblay, Windsor, Maine
Diabetic Mincemeat

| quart ground cooked beef 2 teaspoons nutmeg

(Small piece of suet, 2 teaspoons cinnamon
ground with beef) 4 cups vinegar
quarts ground apples | teaspoon salt
bottle diabetic pancake syrup 2 cups liquid in which meat
tablespoons liquid sweetener was cooked

NN teaspoons cloves
Add all ingredients together and cook slowly for 3 or 4 hours.
Submitted by Mrs. Leon Beal, Waterboro, Maine

Father John’s Diabetic Cookies

144 cups shortening 1 heaping teaspoon baking

'Y2 cup sugar powder
3 eggs 'Y2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vanilla ¥% cup milk
1% tablespoons sugar substitute, 2 cup raisins
or the equivalent of 34 cup 1/3 cup chocolate-mint
sugar morsels
2% cups flour
Drop onto a tin and bake in 410 to 425 degree oven for
about 10 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Marjorie Wilder, Norridgewock, Maine

Diabetic Banana Pie

1% cups milk Y4 cup cold water

2 eggs, separated '2 teaspoon vanilla
1 envelope gelatin Cooked pie shell or graham
3 (%4 gram) saccharin cracker crust
¥4 teaspoon salt
Heat milk in top of double boiler, add salt and dissolved
saccharin, Add small amount of hot milk to beaten egg yolks,
then stir into milk mixture until it coats the spoon. Dissolve
gelatin in cold water. Add to hot milk mixture and stir until
dissolved. Remove from stove and cool. When it begins to thicken,
fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Cover bottom of crust with egg
mixture, then a layer of sliced bananas. Alternate bananas and
egg mixture until crust is full, ending with egg mixture. Serve
with whipped cream sweetened with saccharin. Serves 6.
Submitted by Mrs. Arline Harris, Newport, Maine
Sugar-free Fruit Delight
1 envelope raspberry 1 envelope (D-Zerta) whipped
(D-Zerta) topping
1 cup boiling juice 2 tablespoons finely ground
1 cup sugar-free, crushed walnuts (if desired)
1 cup fresh or frozen straw-
berries, thawed
Drain crushed pineapple and strawberries and add enough
water or sugar-free juice of any kind to make | cup of liquid.
Bring to boil and dissolve gelatin, then chill to consistency of
egg whites. Whip topping according to package directions. Fold
pineapple, strawberries, nuts and whipped topping into the gelatin.
Pour into serving dishes or mold and chill a few hours. Yield
6-8 servings.
Submitted by Virginia M. Phippen, Southwest Harbor, Maine

Diabetic Cookies

¥Y4 cup biscuit mix 2 tablespoons Wesson oil

lL egg 1/3 cup chopped dates
| package low calorie dessert 2 teaspoon maple flavoring
pudding (butterscotch) or vanilla
Mix all together and form into small balls. Put on cookie
sheet, flatten, and bake at 350 degrees for 8 minutes.
Submitted by Mrs. Roy Lilley, Houlton, Maine
Diabetic Salmon Loaf

44 cup canned salmon 1 egg, beaten

] teaspoon butter Y4 cup skimmed milk
2 teaspoons vinegar Y2 teaspoon gelatin
1 tablespoon water Salt substitute

Flake the salmon, add beaten egg, melted butter, milk and
vinegar and salt. Cook in top of double boiler, stirring constantly
until the mixture thickens. Soak gelatin in the cold water and
add to salmon mixture. Fill mold, chill and serve.
Submitted by Mrs. Leon Beal, Waterboro, Maine

Custard Pie
3 cups scalded milk (if you Artificial sweetener to taste
use dry skim milk or (amount to equal 2 cup
canned milk, you need not sugar)
scald) 1 teaspoon vanilla
3 eggs, slightly beaten Nutmeg to taste
¥4 teaspoon salt
Line a pie plate with your favorite pastry. Pour this filling
in. Bake as usual for custard pie.
Submitted by Mrs. S. H. Lord, Ellsworth, Maine

Saccharin Pickles

2 quarts cold vinegar Y2 teaspoon allspice

4 cup salt 2 teaspoons alum, powdered
Y2 cup horseradish 2 teaspoons saccharin,
1% teaspoons cassia powdered
Y2 teaspoon cloves 3 tablespoons dry mustard
Wash and pack cucumbers in jars. Mix all other ingredients
together. Cover cucumbers in jars. Cucumbers may be cut length-
wise, if large. If vinegar is too strong, it may be diluted. These
pickles may be eaten by dietetics.
Submitted by Edith Knox, Fryeburg, Maine

Slippery-Elm Bark Tea

Break the bark into bits, pour boiling water over it, cover
and let it infuse until cold. Sweeten, ice and take for stomach
disorders, or add lemon juice and drink for a bad cold. '
Submitted by Mrs. Ada M. Spencer, Bradley, Maine

Diabetic Mincemeat

1 cup cooked beef, ground 2 stick margarine

3 cups apples, ground ] teaspoon cloves
] cup raisins '2 teaspoon allspice
2 cups meat stock or water | teaspoon cinnamon
'Y2 cup sweet cider Y4 teaspoon nutmeg
Y4 cup vinegar 3 tablespoons sucaryl
Simmer together until thick in consistency and the apples are
well done.
Submitted by Dora V. Williams, Thomaston, Maine
Low Calorie Ice Cream

| 14% ounce can of evaporated | tablespoon vanilla or any

skim milk flavoring
1 tablespoon liquid sweetener
Pour skim milk into freezing tray. Freeze until solid. Beat
until fluffy. Add sweetener and flavoring. Stir until mixed. Return
to freezer. Remove 10 minutes before serving. Makes | pint.
Submitted by Elaine Dutil, Lewiston, Maine
Macaroni and Cottage Cheese

2 cups elbow macaroni 1 egg

| pound small curd cottage 2 cups skim milk
cheese 4 tablespoons oleo
6 slices American cheese Salt to taste
Add macaroni to rapidly boiling salted water. Stir once to
prevent sticking, and boil for about twenty minutes. I use three
quarts of water in a ten-quart aluminum kettle.
Prepare a large casserole (3-quart or two, 1'’2 quarts) in
the following manner, Cut the butter in 4 inch slices. Place one
in the bottom of casserole and the rest around the edge of sides.
Add the cottage cheese and cut up (coarsely) American cheese.
Drain the macaroni and add immediately to the cottage and
American cheeses and toss to mix. Add egg which has been
beaten with the skim milk and salt to taste (about | teaspoon).
Cover and place in a pan of water. Cook for one and a half
hours in a 225 degree oven, covered. I sometimes cut up cubes
of bread and add to the mixture by placing them around the top.
This is optional, however, but looks rather nice, but, of course,
adds calories.
Submitted by Christine B. Duke, Southport, Maine

Dash equals less than 4% teaspoon
3 teaspoons equal | tablespoon

4 tablespoons equal 4 cup

543 tablespoons equal 3 cup
8 tablespoons equal 2 cup
1073 tablespoons equal 74 cup
12 tablespoons equal 3% cup
14 tablespoons equal % cup
16 tablespoons equal | cup

2 tablespoons equal | fluid ounce

1 cup equals 8 ounces

cup equals ' pint (liquid)

cups equal | pint
cups equal | quart
quarts equal | gallon

quarts equal | peck

# pecks equal | bushel

16 ounces equal | pound



Y4 stick equals 2 tablespoons
2 stick equals 4 tablespoons or 4 cup
1 stick equals ¥%4 pound or 2 cup
4 sticks equal | pound or 2 cups
| square chocolate equals | ounce
| pound granulated equals 2 cups
| pound brown sugar equals 24% cuns (firmly packed)
1 pound confectioner’s equals 32 cu,’s (sifted)
1 pound powdered equals 2% cups


1 pound all-purpose equals 4 cups, sifted

1 pound cake flour equals 42 cups, sifted
1 pound unsifted graham flour equals 3/2 cups
1 pound cornmeal equals 3 cups


1 15 ounce package seedless raisins equals 3 cups

! 15 ounce package seeded raisins equals 3'4 cups
Juice of 1 lemon equals 3 to 4 tablespoons
Grated rind of | lemon equals 1'2 to 3 teaspoons
Juice of | orange equals 6 to 7 tablespoons
Grated rind of | orange equals about .1 tablespoon
1 medium apple, chopped equals | cup
1 medium onion, chopped equals 2 cup


4 cups grated American cheese equal | pound

6 tablespoons white cream cheese equal 3 ounce package
16 tablespoons (1 cup) white cream cheese equal 2 pound
12 to 14 egg yolks equal | cup
8 to 10 egg whites equal | cup


12 graham crackers equal | cup fine crumbs

22 vanilla wafers equal | cup fine crumbs
1 slice bread equals 12 cup soft crumbs
20 salted crackers equal | cup fine crumbs


16 marshmallows equal 4 pound

1 pound walnuts in shell equals 2 cups shelled
Y4 pound chopped nuts equals about 1 cup

\ 244
tablespoon cornstarch equals 2 tablespoons flour
square (1 oz.) chocolate equals 3 tablespoons cocoa plus 1
teaspoon butter
whole egg equals 2 egg yolks plus | tablespoon water (in
cookies, etc.)
whole egg equals 2 egg yolks (in custards and such
cup sour milk equals | tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar
plus sweet milk to make | cup
cup milk equals ‘2 cup evaporated milk plus 2 cup water
cup less 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour equals 1 cup cake

Slow 250 to 300 degrees
Slow Moderate 325 degrees
Moderate 350 degrees
Quick Moderate 375 degrees
Moderate Hot 400 degrees
Hot 425 to 450 degrees
Very Hot 475 to 500 degrees


No. | equals 2 cups or 16 ounces

No. 2 equals 22 cups or 20 ounces
No. 22 equals 3% cups or 28 ounces
No. 3 equals 4 cups or 32 ounces
No. 10 equals 13 cups or 6 pounds, 10 ounces



Angel 34 AunteGértie’sa. i452: 32
Buttermilk 35 MOlaSSES Mirae ad: cence 32
Easy 34 Spider sero ech Caen 32
Mile High
Nice and Light
BREADS Cream, StylevCorns] ee. 39
Apple Cranberry 45 Ereneh Breakfast a.)cc7res
= 38
Banana Nut 43 Ginger c ysewereshe eee: 38
Cape Cod Tea 48 GrahamvApple*. fic. 2s. 38
Carrot Loaf 46 Graham’ Craekermwe ..22.2P:... 37
Carrot Nut 46 Maine Cranberry .......... 40
Cherry 49 NOUMHER’ SsBran — oor scot 40
Cranberry a SQuashye sae. Poa. See. 40
Five Islands Tea Cake
Kernel Corn 37 Batter for Fish Sticks ..... 31
Irish Treacle 48 Dumphngsy et ic.c ose 50
Lemon Tea 44 Golden Wattles _....2.50.e005e oil
Orange POPOVErsS P\. cose seeeee 35
Peanut Butter
Peggy’s Prune 46 PANCAKES
Pineapple Pecan 44 Mashed Potato cere. cee 30
Pumpkin 49 Plane enrol eck a eee 31
Whites Figur ti aoe a sce 31
Brown, Plain
Evaporated Milk 33 ROLLS
Old-Fashioned 33 Cina vor a ce re 36
Graham *Buns ee. oo fe cee 43
COFFEE CAKES Old-Fashioned Graham 39
Blueberry i Ten Minute Gems ......... 43
Coffee Ring 37 YEAST BREAD
Rhubarb 47 All Bran esac oad eee 50
DOUGHNUTS Minnishe Coffee. <2. A eae 56
Applesauce, Wheat Flour 112 Oatmeale vos ee eee 54
Brown Sugar 114 Oatmeal ween Moen ee 55
Buttermilk 113 RGMed Oats” (2.8.0 seks ose 54
Chocolate 112 Shredded Wheat. «J..sc0. 56: 54
Chocolate LAS
Maine Potato 112
Molasses 115 YEAST ROLLS
Never Fail 113 Buttermilk Biche reot ene 52
Plain 114 DeélicioussRaised O0...4225.% 51
115 Dropy Feather... yc.e-.2 eo 55
114 One Hour ania Salad Sgt GiSta Teeter 52

SUPA Scans,
Cais cee renee 113 Overnight ®t. nen 51
Sugarless 114 TLCGDOX Min csanr eae 55
Parker House! soars 52
GRIDDLECAKES Parkers Houses #3 eee 53
Corn 35 Raised Cornea. he ee 56
36 Refrigerator) 2..q.seneeeeeee BS}

Aaron’s Bundles .....00.5.. 95 rut Gumdrope nc acme > 61
BAGONG go cio ag nes ect 97 POU, PEAITISON cctass!t} Aitexts 62
Apples Danish? Tassienti 66 Eri My Owl ae. 62
ae sec SERS Ioe Cena oA Fruit, Old Town Raisin .... 64
pee Skee
leew) ORR
tee.BA tats
tee 68 iruitra Orange. centeee 61
Apple, Molasses ............ 67 PUM, OTange) ook. sce ok. 87
Apple, Nobby 69 Ae We MO Se 8 ON ces 60
Me Pyae ag ruit, LIK SW iy cea ceeeeears
ean By)
Apple9 Sauce:
eect a eae aaa
sees cantar 66
67 — Fruit’Cocktail Easy Fruit... 96
Apple Sauce 67 ee md pe is a8
Maas ee ingerbrea tt
en ee
lSlacesae ela 68 Gingerbread, Bride’s 103
mineberry ed anal Caw ee 70 Bee cay rae tre .. 100
preg erie ingerbread, Great-Great-

Blusher, OitFashioned!” 7) Gingerbread. Hardtack

eee ie Bay iew a” Wael ETE an” Grandmother's =e.) Je 103

MOLASSES: Ae eee 70 : , sat mead

Blueberry Pudding Cake .. 73 Gingerbread, Nellie’s ...... 103
Brown Sugar Cupcakes .. 86 Gingerbread, Old-Fashioned 103
Butter. Golden. <a. Ane 95 Decne ean Old-Fashioned ae
Butterscotch Sundae ....... 96 9 SCC
oe ey a OD 80 Gingerbread, Spiced ....... 99
Cheesécake!. ...2.. 80084 2. 76 Gingerbread, Sugar ....... 99
Cheesecake, Lemon Apple . 75 Hungry Cake wanes... cnemene 97
Cheesecake, Refrigerator .. 75 Jelly, Grandma Joy’s...... 81
Cherry Nut Easy 7.225. .205 74 Martha Washington ........ 98
(Os ae ln ae 90 ede Oatmeal ........4.. 86
Chocolate, Cheap .......... 89 INCOMCAt nee
cee eee ee 87
Chocolate, "Date 2... 94 INUtSRee Satects
tee See ee 78
Chocolate, Deluxe......... 92 INUItAOALeX mas ie eens 80
Chocolate, Fudge .......... 91 PeanuteButtenve.. .< 20+. 94
Chocolate, Fudge .......... 91 POV SAM seescant ots att 98
Chocolate, Molasses ....... 92 EOANCAGION eg an cach custevnrs 81
Chocolate, Never Fail ..... O2 | SAUNDRA es. «rhe gremer 66
Chocolate; Plain ............ 93 TN ASADY GCS
cop rarI Sores 6 65
Chocolate, “Potato Oe a... BU WANS igieeh os eins eee 65
Chocolate, Salad Dressing . 91 Raisin, Boiled ............. 65
ChocolatemSpanish ......... 93 Raisin, Shortcake .......... 89
Chocolate, Throw Together . 90 Raspberry, Upside Down .. 73
Chocolate ‘‘Wowie” ........ 93 Swede Upside Down .... 78
Coconut Pound V7... 56 RIDDOM Msuasea etter pong nck 88
vicconeto 81 SSUESoc gE San aN een See 79
Crunth, Dark ©.cance ios wai 95 Sour Cream, Grandmother’s 97
Date, Margarets. vu... eieies 77 epee eee oe ee
Date, Auntbizzie (har). aie 77 DIUCO. GOLGCN a tiarastn
Sah, fate hy Lae RE ee 4 ee ea oe He wren ib
HUN CANTNAZS 2 <hr. Aare aeleae pice, ree Minute .......
BRUIT BOUCE® vecovmmwrecide at 63 Sponge, Ellen’s Molasses .. 85
Beat, Pace Did alae weal Adee ea oad fem eat *
ruit, Cream eese...... ponge, Ho Hk PaeR GAS bo
BruitMHconomical o.64.5-c15. 63 Sponge, Josie Barker’s .... 85
Brule renchal® Arai euErKaG 60 StrawherrysuMy 28500). 26 74
Cardimelsy onan aes cee 107 Chocolatemsa ead. cichasee 108
Caramels, Chocolate: 22>... - 109 Chocolate, Supreme ....... 108
Molasses, Old-Fashioned . 110 Divanltvanec ee cee ee 111
Needams .............-++++. Ill, Wasy Never Fail .2.../..cR8 108
Pineapple =......-.-.+-.++:. 100; Foolproof. 2. s5t.ucit-
os 109
Southern Pralines’ We. i: 110 pr ieeeeiaeee 106
Walnut, Clusters ©™-...-.-.- Wi Peanut. Butter © obi Os 110
FUDGE Peanut Butter ies eee 110
BLOWN SUSAL ye nee 107 Shireee Minute. 6s)n-ne 111


AD DICV ACKSiee ty. b mariana py 206 SISUS ste re Seca irate wheeases 215
ADpleySaueey wits?
sieares: 203 SHoOwDalis mesa tye scree 203
Banana Nuggets, ceacsyersce 215 Sugar with Pulling: oe. 205
Candy Cookies s Vt... tyuscrnicrene 212
Caramel INUt. socet 1: meaceseress 217
Cherry SUEDIISE on.sasntes 217 MISCELLANEOUS
Chocolate, Banana ......... 205 Chocolate Sponge Roll ..... 200
ChocolatemChipa. .-- sere: 206 Cream Purts? « 189
Chocolate, Crinkles......... 204 Date-Nut Marshmallow
: : ae ONS Roll ote ek oes 198
Coane _en tee Nae 206 Jim's Tarts ...........e
eee, 197
Crunchies, Maine .......... 204 am peas ONLS bebe e es ao
Dates Rinwheels “oat.
so sce 199 P Bhat newest
on ecco 215
JERSEYGWall, SOR At SERS sareehdat(diese BR eril 217 BARS
Ueda DROP. carer crcmieates 204 Cun
Cn yehOp™ .. anne caer 190
Filled Molasses ............ 214 DatecandwN ut espestash .ceeeee 195
Gingersnaps, Country Raisin 209 DID AG arava. 1 sagite Sasi ae eer 189
3 E DRC GIN gee 0-55 ache Rs onic 196
Hermits, Generation ....... 210 WING MGati oe nae weenoe 191
FLORIItSHRG Tam Si) Gn ee 209 RinceGahvis ce ik. Leet 198
Lemonade ............:000. aly NU Goodies ine. abate 200
MOlASSES 5... vr. ee oe eee 209 Peanut Chewy eee ee OY os 191
Oe ey 213 SPLCY CEBU We. voc Kot. chabert 196
Molasses, Coconut ......... 212 sl
BCsah2)<aan FRA en a ego fetes 192
Molasses stiles <. cerns 210
Wolassese Soft seenal. . annine 203
Molasses, Old-Fashioned SQUARES
Sotty oo atkt lo. eee 211 Apple Ke ee ie
RATE RA | Rea Na cea 192
Molasses, Soft ............. 213 Apple Brownies ............ 199
Chocolate Syrupt) sera. 8 199
Oatmeal ks >. s. eee ae 212 Chocolate Peanut Butter 201
Oatmeal, Drop) 216 (Cranberry Crunch) Meee. 191
Oatmeal, Macaroons ....... 216 DaterBrambiles, --. 3 seers 202
Oatmeal, Old-Fashioned 202 INA CO. weve Palate wares A RE 195
Oatmeal, Tropicalwae.. nm 216° ADelMCIOUS:. Wank inn 201
Old-Fashioned Gn. tin.
ee 203 Marshmallow Fudge ...... 198
Peanut Butter, Orange 214 CKae De eee a 192
Peanut Butter, Roundups 211 Raspbensy Jam) sane eee 197

Banana Pie oot ea 240 Ice Cream, Low Calorie

Bread, Low Sodium tite 6 239 Macaroni and Cheese ......
Cookies 240 PEIRCE MODE wassasig>. Foy 01+vies«
Cookies, Father John’s er 939 Mincemeat SRS Sa SS
241 Pickles with Saccharin
Custard Pie
Se Salmon dMeoafe 6.6. sence
Fruit Delight, Sugar Free . 240 Tea, Slippery Elm Bark


‘on 105 Michigan Fudge ...........

Coffee aad 105 Never Fail Slee acretjeuie Vorauewevtertoeren
Quick, Caramel) nase
Decorator’s Sais 104 Seven Minutesns)... acne dea
Frosting ae 106 Wihipped fe Sven. ste’. erased


Apple Pie Crumb Topping ... 104 Pineapple Topping

Camper’s Steak Thess 236 Rabbit Biewirw ceknanaceees
Eider Ducks, Baked IG 237 Rabbit, Smothered ........
236 Pheasant au Casserole
Hunter’s Stew
On Venison with Beans .......
Partridge Fillet Forde 237 Wild Birds and Dumplings

Main Dishes

BAKED BEANS Swedish Meat Balls. .......

Bertha’s pares 143 Swedish Meat Balls........
Boston peer 143 Upside Down Pie ..........
eas 143
BEEF Apple’Scalloper....«..kavk. act
Baked Heart PRR 136 Baked Sesainete. .) scents on
Bean Pot Stew yee 134 Barbecued. -.genteies:.coeaton
Beef Stroganoff Nahas 128 Busy Day Casserole .......
Becky’s Meat Loaf eka ash 135 Chicken A-Go-Go_..........
Burlington Barbecue . Pee Te 133 Chicken Casserole .........
Caracus “pti «ae 130 Chicken Casserole .........
Cedric’s Casserole se eeee 128 Chicken Casserole .........
Corned Beef Casserole ee 238 Chicken).Casserole, ....0.h%%
Dutch Casserole eis 142 Chicken. Casserole min. . conn
Dutch Meat Loaf
Hamburg, Barbecued
vente oe Chicken, Hasy (.w0l0Rn
eee 133 Chicken-Rice Casserole ....
Hamburg Bean Pot
Hamburger Meat Loaf eA 132 Chicken That’s Different
Hamburg Pie 4 8% 135 Chuck Wagon Special .....
Hamburg Stroganoff . BeSee 128 Cialis shat here ee ee eae eee eee
Meat Balls Deluxe Be ars 129 Honeys Bakedys gence cso.s
Southern Hamburg thie tds 133 Bineappless-... e.aGene i... noe
Spaghetti & Meat Balls ce 132 OAS Cienty caer. eters a hel

Main Dishes

HAM Gumbos 153.5 case rae

Asparagus 116 PIG se ee hie oe ee ee
Ham and Cheese Strata 130 Sweet and Sour ....:.22.02:
Slices with Cranberry 116 With Apple Stuffing ........

Creamy Lamb Stew 140 Parmésan ef 032.) ene

Chicken Livers 142 Asparagus’ Fried 20.4054
Liver and Bacon Loaf 142 Cabbage Scramble .........
Liverwurst 141 Corn and Cheese Casserole
Loaf 141 Corm:Scallop:- =...eeeee eee
Perplant. Fo asceeki cs eee
MISCELLANEOUS Green Bean Casserole .....
Frankfurters, Barbecued 135 Green Peppers, Stuffed
Lasagne, Quick and Easy 141 Onion and Apple Casserole
Rice Scailop 119 Onion Rings, French Fried
Sandwich Spread 148 Potatoandyigs {2.32
Stuffing, Pennsylvania Potaton BUtis tne ee eee
Dutch 121 Potatoes, Scalloped ........
Stuffing, Sage 129 SpinaehiRie™ Mae... kee
Tomato Casserole ..........
PORK Tomatoes Ered) 24...08.000
Apple ’N Pork Pie 126 Zucchini Casserole ........

Apple, Blush 162 enion) Frozen... ce ee
Apple, Leona’s nee Lemon, Meringue ..........
Apple, Paper Bag 162 Lemon, Rhubarb) 9. o....4-508
Apple Pie Filling 158 Lemon,-Sponge 246.4% 923
Buttermilk, Grandmother’s 158 Mince, Custard Crunch
Blueberry 154 Mince: Quicks 2.0.2)... eee
Cherry, Cream Cheese 160 Muskimelon’-*.:.° 1:80 scare
Chocolate Cream 164 Pecan; southern” |...) 5s
Coffee Toffee 159 Pineapple, Meringue .......
Cranberry 156 Pumpin ta esse on ees
Cranberry, Raisin 156 Pumpkin, with Eggs........
Crust, 100 Year Old 149 Raisin, with Meringue .....
Crust, Mi 149 Rhubard” ohn cee eee
Crust, 149 Rhubarb, Dream ..........
Crust, with Egg Yolk 150 Squash! ete eee cue eee
Crust, with Vinegar 149 Squash, New England .....
Custard 157 Squash, without Eggs .....
Custard, Beautiful 157 Strawberry, Cheese ........
Lemon, Icebox 153 Tomato, Greeny ase ae

Preserves and Pickles

Beans, Marinated 230 Chili Sauce

Beans, Pickled 230 Eggs, Pickled

Preserves and Pickles
Garden speciale 8). 2.55.4. 233 Pearwiarlequiny Gav. 90s
Jam, Strawberrye 2.25. «eve. 227 Pickles, Bread and Butter
Jam, Rhubarb-Strawberry 228 Pickles, ‘Chopped, . Yaiesacaa:
Marmalade, Rhubarb ..... 229 Pickles, Spiced Beet .......
Marmalade, Xmas ......... 228 Sweetsalomato:. .<..s¢.naesen
Mince meat «27.5 cmxs 5s. 1 Ee 234 OuincewHoney 56 cn..02- ee
Mincemeat, Grammie’s 233 Relishs Apple” -.:0 5... Ase
Mincemeat, Green Tomato 234 ReuSh Hoty OSe 2. nee cose
Mincemeat, Mom’s Deer . 234 Relish, Pepper .............
Mincemeat, Venison ....... 233 Relish, Ripe Cucumber


Angel Food Delight ........ 187 Cranberry? Dutt Osea:

Apple, Brown Betty ....... 177 Date inure eee ee nes cee
ADDIE WCTISDYE <5 cc eho eos 177 Date, Crumb Steamed .....
AppleyCranch 2)... .. Se 178 Grapenute Ss :82 5. eeeseer
Apple, Dumplings Deluxe 176 ANAT RA Pek S83 5 ic eee
Apple, French Cobbler 177 INGiant* S22 i s7 te es... See
ADDIE Grune’ 1 St boleise 178 Indians Apples) cus sec eee
Apple=“Tapioea ©2e...7.....0+ 182 Indian Bread 5.4)...
Apple, Walnut Cobbler 182 Indian, Old-Fashioned with
Apple Sauce’ Puff 5.25... 181 Brownssugar 4...) . soe
Blueberry Buckle .......... 170 Indian, Old-Fashioned .....
Blueberry Crisp)... ......0.. 169 Indian: Old-Time \33..00/rec:
Blueberry with Graham Indian, Passamaquoddy
Crackers *ccy: . Seeeee 171 JONNeSEDeMPNE se deer te
Blueberry with Tapioca 169 Lemon Meringue .227-2-..
Blueberry Souffle .......... 170 DEMONISAUCe ese eo eneee
Bread with Karo Syrup 172 Pumpkin, Cottage .........
Bread with Molasses ...... 172 RNUDAT Deere aca ccoeee ee
Bread with Raisins ........ 172 Rhubaro Putts. eet scu seas
Cherry SUGpriseS «2 sc .aas. 171 ices Quick eter. nee ae
CHOCOIALC Is ae enn 186 Steamed, 100 Years Old ....
Chocolate, Heirloom Rice 185 Strawberry, Old-Fashioned
Coconut Date Surprise 186 SUCT Ee ttn ae haces
Coffee Mallow Serr. Ae” 178 Suet or Railroad ...........
Coffec*Soutilee 73+. ,00 167 Suet, Viola’s New England
COODErStOWIMiet. oto ee ne efit Vegetableset ts ie trtta,
ClAanberry seer etc ee 182 XAG) Meet SRR
ROG. oo pene

AR PERCEIASIT: Sette tonic
en Mae 218 Dressing, Salad ........5+..
Apple Sauce Peach ........ 220 Dressing, Sweet ......./xs:)»
IADTICObse amare ecient cies aan 219 Dressing, Tomato French
(GEIS OEVOu Ueiaae Ae ore ee on 223 GreeneRIDDON sue awe
CUD et eccetegeas Mees 220 THHOLIG
A ae a Glee
ere tn hes
Cranberry erore 220 Lake House Cole Slaw .....
Cranberry Walnut “0. .....- 223 My Favorites ™Seis.20a
Dressing, Aunt Alice’s ..... 226 PYPOIMNId aioe
eee econ ee
Dressing, Cabbage ......... 226 Shrimp Cool as a
DISGSuEE 1a Tao epaoonpnoe 227 (COE TTTO YS 2 Sonvain meso a aiceeetes
Dressing, Pineapple Fruit 227 Sweetrand: SOUn ciceccss. 2.



Barbecued) “paease ene 238 Brown Sugarews-diseted
Brown Sugar for Pancakes 148 Butter get.
« jteeieets
Horseradish <....ee08!.
Joon 148 Old New England .........
MORE 5 cae cis. CRIP.
RN 148 Orange .................00+s
Spaghetti,,My ....2.mes. cca 131_ Topping for Cake ©. \..0a.0;


CLAM Seafood Melody ............

Cak@sSi ates wears cere rete 19 Seafood Thermidor .........
ChOWCEerMRettieacisoen eens 17
Corny Casserole amine arte 18 MUSSEL
IDPS Seas evoke
alan doddsde : 18° eStews ‘sens. ayes Carnet:
DV ODS: wea. Preieeeotsva
speci seer edconte 19 '
Fried CAKCSmae. octane 17 OYSTERS
PUUELStee Seaspacensfcrcytes
syscree 18 GaSiNnO: BAM. ot. oilae nett -ate
SOUPTIER Hep ceric
ta race 17 Scallopedss eqaissictech
ts. oar
SOUDMAE Joos. occu dare aie
CODFISH SAUD ok Vinee icheesia gate
Ball Stetcentoncencstyeiohete
ottes 19 TOAST then
dar oe eee

Cobblet™ 4. sonugach
eels s ee 20 GUETY ioon eck neo cre eres
ROS.) Sasa
Ga as eete ree 20 Rice Casseroles circ. sedan
Stuffed SiCes7 2 ..0.eeneameer
BAKO rn ste. 5.2eles
aeons 21 SCALLOPS
Baked) enti
85:5. hers Soe
HADDOCK Sealloped..\ oesaicas-
tases Soce
Baked! ../: sce cree eee ies 24 Scalloped ie<:g.ci45 deer eo
Baked, Cheese Dressing 25
Baked tSticks> ot sec cameos 26 SHRIMP
PisheChowder gas. amen 29 Baked Cheese Custard ......
BisheLioate sos.)
0s ee sande notes 25 GHOWGEl wierd Ok eek aioe
GIrAVN. HASH bacco Pic eies 23 Cooking Method ...........
Maine Chowder & fais + ssi 26 -GCrealees 1.5 Oe he. at ae
Salad cal oes che eee cs 24 Curried) Creoles... + jase
SOULE GTe Saks Sacchi soko 29 EShanol) 9 1 i wate
TU DOURE cat ths esaae 25 Exorien (he rr eae
LOBSTER Noodle Casserole ...£0.). faa
Baked, Spanish ie eR 5 I€ «1... eee, Siuxeiertel eretenener erent

Clanaxseiiricdammerrii cree 5 eras & Shrimp ...:.....

Casserole, ai. AG. Rees 6 rimp & Scallop Gruyere
Meviled «vd es ORE 6 Sweetié Sour oo cosa.
Néewbuie 9 1) hae... Re 6 TUNA
MISCELLANEOUS Easy Casserole: .2).6405 sen
Kish" Casseroles ays accnathwet 30 ishsscallopmeena ree
Mixed Shellfish au Gratin 23 Rote Lona BUS peer ae eee

tf j
“) x

ISN 0-8%e7e-1

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