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Data Analytics (KCS-051)

Course Outcome ( CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)

At the end of course , the student will be able to :

Describe the life cycle phases of Data Analytics through discovery, planning and K1,K2
CO 1
CO 2 Understand and apply Data Analysis Techniques. K2, K3

CO 3 Implement various Data streams. K3

CO 4 Understand item sets, Clustering, frame works & Visualizations. K2

CO 5 Apply R tool for developing and evaluating real time applications. K3,K5,K6


Unit Topic Proposed
Introduction to Data Analytics: Sources and nature of data, classification of data
(structured, semi-structured, unstructured), characteristics of data, introduction to Big Data
platform, need of data analytics, evolution of analytic scalability, analytic process and
I 08
tools, analysis vs reporting, modern data analytic tools, applications of data analytics.
Data Analytics Lifecycle: Need, key roles for successful analytic projects, various phases
of data analytics lifecycle – discovery, data preparation, model planning, model building,
communicating results, operationalization.
Data Analysis: Regression modeling, multivariate analysis, Bayesian modeling, inference
and Bayesian networks, support vector and kernel methods, analysis of time series: linear
II systems analysis & nonlinear dynamics, rule induction, neural networks: learning and
generalisation, competitive learning, principal component analysis and neural networks,
fuzzy logic: extracting fuzzy models from data, fuzzy decision trees, stochastic search
Mining Data Streams: Introduction to streams concepts, stream data model and
architecture, stream computing, sampling data in a stream, filtering streams, counting
III 08
distinct elements in a stream, estimating moments, counting oneness in a window,
decaying window, Real-time Analytics Platform ( RTAP) applications, Case studies – real
time sentiment analysis, stock market predictions.
Frequent Itemsets and Clustering: Mining frequent itemsets, market based modelling,
Apriori algorithm, handling large data sets in main memory, limited pass algorithm,
IV 08
counting frequent itemsets in a stream, clustering techniques: hierarchical, K-means,
clustering high dimensional data, CLIQUE and ProCLUS, frequent pattern based clustering
methods, clustering in non-euclidean space, clustering for streams and parallelism.
Frame Works and Visualization: MapReduce, Hadoop, Pig, Hive, HBase, MapR,
Sharding, NoSQL Databases, S3, Hadoop Distributed File Systems, Visualization: visual
V data analysis techniques, interaction techniques, systems and applications. 08
Introduction to R - R graphical user interfaces, data import and export, attribute and data
types, descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, visualization before analysis,
analytics for unstructured data.
Text books and References:
1. Michael Berthold, David J. Hand, Intelligent Data Analysis, Springer
2. Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey David Ullman, Mining of Massive Datasets, Cambridge University Press.
3. Bill Franks, Taming the Big Data Tidal wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with Advanced
Analytics, John Wiley & Sons.
4. John Garrett, Data Analytics for IT Networks : Developing Innovative Use Cases, Pearson Education
Curriculum & Evaluation Scheme CS & CSE (V & VI semester) 7


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Available Here.

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Data Analytics 1–1 J (CS-5/IT-6)

1 Introduction to
Data Analytics

Part-1 : Introduction of Data Analytics : ............... 1–2J to 1–5J
Sources and Nature of Data,
Classification of Data (Structured,
Semi-Structured, Unstructured),
Characteristics of Data

Part-2 : Introduction to Big Data ............................ 1–5J to 1–6J

Platform, Need of Data Analytics

Part-3 : Evolution of Analytic ............................... 1–6J to 1–13J

Scalability, Analytic
Process and Tools, Analysis
Vs Reporting, Modern Data
Analytic Tools, Applications of
Data Analysis

Part-4 : Data Analytics Lifecycle : ...................... 1–13J to 1–17J

Need, Key Roles for
Successful Analytic Projects,
Various Phases of Data Analytic Life
Cycle : Discovery, Data Preparations

Part-5 : Model Planning, Model .......................... 1–17J to 1–20J

Building, Communicating
Results, Operationalization
Introduction to Data Analytics 1–2 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Introduction To Data Analytics : Sources and Nature of Data,
Classification of Data (Structured, Semi-Structured, Unstructured),
Characteristics of Data.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.1. What is data analytics ?

1. Data analytics is the science of analyzing raw data in order to make
conclusions about that information.
2. Any type of information can be subjected to data analytics techniques to
get insight that can be used to improve things.
3. Data analytics techniques can help in finding the trends and metrics
that would be used to optimize processes to increase the overall efficiency
of a business or system.
4. Many of the techniques and processes of data analytics have been
automated into mechanical processes and algorithms that work over
raw data for human consumption.
5. For example, manufacturing companies often record the runtime,
downtime, and work queue for various machines and then analyze the
data to better plan the workloads so the machines operate closer to peak

Que 1.2. Explain the source of data (or Big Data).

Three primary sources of Big Data are :
1. Social data :
a. Social data comes from the likes, tweets & retweets, comments,
video uploads, and general media that are uploaded and shared via
social media platforms.
b. This kind of data provides invaluable insights into consumer
behaviour and sentiment and can be enormously influential in
marketing analytics.
Data Analytics 1–3 J (CS-5/IT-6)

c. The public web is another good source of social data, and tools like
Google trends can be used to good effect to increase the volume of
big data.
2. Machine data :
a. Machine data is defined as information which is generated by
industrial equipment, sensors that are installed in machinery, and
even web logs which track user behaviour.
b. This type of data is expected to grow exponentially as the internet
of things grows ever more pervasive and expands around the world.
c. Sensors such as medical devices, smart meters, road cameras,
satellites, games and the rapidly growing Internet of Things will
deliver high velocity, value, volume and variety of data in the very
near future.
3. Transactional data :
a. Transactional data is generated from all the daily transactions that
take place both online and offline.
b. Invoices, payment orders, storage records, delivery receipts are
characterized as transactional data.

Que 1.3. Write short notes on classification of data.

1. Unstructured data :
a. Unstructured data is the rawest form of data.
b. Data that has no inherent structure, which may include text
documents, PDFs, images, and video.
c. This data is often stored in a repository of files.
2. Structured data :
a. Structured data is tabular data (rows and columns) which are very
well defined.
b. Data containing a defined data type, format, and structure, which
may include transaction data, traditional RDBMS, CSV files, and
simple spreadsheets.
3. Semi-structured data :
a. Textual data files with a distinct pattern that enables parsing such
as Extensible Markup Language [XML] data files or JSON.
b. A consistent format is defined however the structure is not very
c. Semi-structured data are often stored as files.
Introduction to Data Analytics 1–4 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Que 1.4. Differentiate between structured, semi-structured and

unstructured data.

Properties Structured data Semi-structured Unstructured
data data
Technology It is based on It is based on XML/ It is based o n
Relational database RDF. character and
table. binary data.
Transaction Matured transaction Transaction is N o transactio n
management and various adapted from management and
concurrency DBMS. no concurrency.
Flexibility It is schema It is more flexible It very flexible and
dependent and less than structure d there is absence of
flexible. data but less than schema.
flexible than
unstructured data.
Scalability It is very difficult to It is more scalable It is very scalable.
scale database than structured
schema. data.
Query Structure d query Queries over Only textual query
performance allow complex anonymous nodes are possible.
joining. are possible.

Que 1.5. Explain the characteristics of Big Data.

Big Data is characterized into four dimensions :
1. Volume :
a. Volume is concerned about scale of data i.e., the volume of the data
at which it is growing.
b. The volume of data is growing rapidly, due to several applications of
business, social, web and scientific explorations.
2. Velocity :
a. The speed at which data is increasing thus demanding analysis of
streaming data.
b. The velocity is due to growing speed of business intelligence
applications such as trading, transaction of telecom and banking
domain, growing number of internet connections with the increased
usage of internet etc.
Data Analytics 1–5 J (CS-5/IT-6)

3. Variety : It depicts different forms of data to use for analysis such as

structured, semi structured and unstructured.
4. Veracity :
a. Veracity is concerned with uncertainty or inaccuracy of the data.
b. In many cases the data will be inaccurate hence filtering and selecting
the data which is actually needed is a complicated task.
c. A lot of statistical and analytical process has to go for data cleansing
for choosing intrinsic data for decision making.

Introduction to Big Data Platform, Need of Data Analytics.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.6. Write short note on big data platform.

1. Big data platform is a type of IT solution that combines the features and
capabilities of several big data application and utilities within a single
2. It is an enterprise class IT platform that enables organization in
developing, deploying, operating and managing a big data infrastructure/
3. Big data platform generally consists of big data storage, servers, database,
big data management, business intelligence and other big data
management utilities.
4. It also supports custom development, querying and integration with
other systems.
5. The primary benefit behind a big data platform is to reduce the complexity
of multiple vendors/ solutions into a one cohesive solution.
6. Big data platform are also delivered through cloud where the provider
provides an all inclusive big data solutions and services.

Que 1.7. What are the features of big data platform ?

Introduction to Data Analytics 1–6 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Features of Big Data analytics platform :
1. Big Data platform should be able to accommodate new platforms and
tool based on the business requirement.
2. It should support linear scale-out.
3. It should have capability for rapid deployment.
4. It should support variety of data format.
5. Platform should provide data analysis and reporting tools.
6. It should provide real-time data analysis software.
7. It should have tools for searching the data through large data sets.

Que 1.8. Why there is need of data analytics ?

Need of data analytics :
1. It optimizes the business performance.
2. It helps to make better decisions.
3. It helps to analyze customers trends and solutions.

Evolution of Analytic Scalability, Analytic Process and Tools,
Analysis vs Reporting, Modern Data Analytic Tools, Applications
of Data Analysis.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.9. What are the steps involved in data analysis ?

Steps involved in data analysis are :
1. Determine the data :
a. The first step is to determine the data requirements or how the
data is grouped.
b. Data may be separated by age, demographic, income, or gender.
c. Data values may be numerical or be divided by category.
Data Analytics 1–7 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. Collection of data :
a. The second step in data analytics is the process of collecting it.
b. This can be done through a variety of sources such as computers,
online sources, cameras, environmental sources, or through
3. Organization of data :
a. Third step is to organize the data.
b. Once the data is collected, it must be organized so it can be analyzed.
c. Organization may take place on a spreadsheet or other form of
software that can take statistical data.
4. Cleaning of data :
a. In fourth step, the data is then cleaned up before analysis.
b. This means it is scrubbed and checked to ensure there is no
duplication or error, and that it is not incomplete.
c. This step helps correct any errors before it goes on to a data analyst
to be analyzed.

Que 1.10. Write short note on evolution of analytics scalability.

1. In analytic scalability, we have to pull the data together in a separate
analytics environment and then start performing analysis.

Database 3
Database 1 Database 4

Database 2

The heavy processing occurs

in the analytic environment
Analytic server
or PC
2. Analysts do the merge operation on the data sets which contain rows
and columns.
3. The columns represent information about the customers such as name,
spending level, or status.
4. In merge or join, two or more data sets are combined together. They
are typically merged / joined so that specific rows of one data set or
table are combined with specific rows of another.
Introduction to Data Analytics 1–8 J (CS-5/IT-6)

5. Analysts also do data preparation. Data preparation is made up of

joins, aggregations, derivations, and transformations. In this process,
they pull data from various sources and merge it all together to create
the variables required for an analysis.
6. Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) system is the most mature, proven,
and widely deployed mechanism for storing and analyzing large
amounts of data.
7. An MPP database breaks the data into independent pieces managed by
independent storage and central processing unit (CPU) resources.

100 GB 100 GB 100 GB 100 GB 100 GB

Chunks Chunks Chunks Chunks Chunks
1 terabyte
100 GB 100 GB 100 GB 100 GB 100 GB
Chunks Chunks Chunks Chunks Chunks

A traditional database 10 Simultaneous 100-GB queries

will query a one
terabyte one row at time.
Fig. 1.10.1. Massively Parallel Processing system data storage.
8. MPP systems build in redundancy to make recovery easy.
9. MPP systems have resource management tools :
a. Manage the CPU and disk space
b. Query optimizer

Que 1.11. Write short notes on evolution of analytic process.

1. With increased level of scalability, it needs to update analytic processes
to take advantage of it.
2. This can be achieved with the use of analytical sandboxes to provide
analytic professionals with a scalable environment to build advanced
analytics processes.
3. One of the uses of MPP database system is to facilitate the building and
deployment of advanced analytic processes.
4. An analytic sandbox is the mechanism to utilize an enterprise data
5. If used appropriately, an analytic sandbox can be one of the primary
drivers of value in the world of big data.
Analytical sandbox :
1. An analytic sandbox provides a set of resources with which in-depth
analysis can be done to answer critical business questions.
Data Analytics 1–9 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. An analytic sandbox is ideal for data exploration, development of analytical

processes, proof of concepts, and prototyping.
3. Once things progress into ongoing, user-managed processes or production
processes, then the sandbox should not be involved.
4. A sandbox is going to be leveraged by a fairly small set of users.
5. There will be data created within the sandbox that is segregated from
the production database.
6. Sandbox users will also be allowed to load data of their own for brief
time periods as part of a project, even if that data is not part of the official
enterprise data model.

Que 1.12. Explain modern data analytic tools.

Modern data analytic tools :
1. Apache Hadoop :
a. Apache Hadoop, a big data analytics tool which is a Java based free
software framework.
b. It helps in effective storage of huge amount of data in a storage
place known as a cluster.
c. It runs in parallel on a cluster and also has ability to process huge
data across all nodes in it.
d. There is a storage system in Hadoop popularly known as the Hadoop
Distributed File System (HDFS), which helps to splits the large
volume of data and distribute across many nodes present in a
2. KNIME :
a. KNIME analytics platform is one of the leading open solutions for
data-driven innovation.
b. This tool helps in discovering the potential and hidden in a huge
volume of data, it also performs mine for fresh insights, or predicts
the new futures.
3. OpenRefine :
a. OneRefine tool is one of the efficient tools to work on the messy
and large volume of data.
b. It includes cleansing data, transforming that data from one format
c. It helps to explore large data sets easily.
4. Orange :
a. Orange is famous open-source data visualization and helps in data
analysis for beginner and as well to the expert.
Introduction to Data Analytics 1–10 J (CS-5/IT-6)

b. This tool provides interactive workflows with a large toolbox option

to create the same which helps in analysis and visualizing of data.
5. RapidMiner :
a. RapidMiner tool operates using visual programming and also it is
much capable of manipulating, analyzing and modeling the data.
b. RapidMiner tools make data science teams easier and productive
by using an open-source platform for all their jobs like machine
learning, data preparation, and model deployment.
6. R-programming :
a. R is a free open source software programming language and a
software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
b. It is used by data miners for developing statistical software and data
c. It has become a highly popular tool for big data in recent years.
7. Datawrapper :
a. It is an online data visualization tool for making interactive charts.
b. It uses data file in a csv, pdf or excel format.
c. Datawrapper generate visualization in the form of bar, line, map
etc. It can be embedded into any other website as well.
8. Tableau :
a. Tableau is another popular big data tool. It is simple and very intuitive
to use.
b. It communicates the insights of the data through data visualization.
c. Through Tableau, an analyst can check a hypothesis and explore
the data before starting to work on it extensively.

Que 1.13. What are the benefits of analytic sandbox from the view
of an analytic professional ?

Benefits of analytic sandbox from the view of an analytic
professional :
1. Independence : Analytic professionals will be able to work
independently on the database system without needing to continually
go back and ask for permissions for specific projects.
2. Flexibility : Analytic professionals will have the flexibility to use
whatever business intelligence, statistical analysis, or visualization tools
that they need to use.
3. Efficiency : Analytic professionals will be able to leverage the existing
enterprise data warehouse or data mart, without having to move or
migrate data.
Data Analytics 1–11 J (CS-5/IT-6)

4. Freedom : Analytic professionals can reduce focus on the administration

of systems and production processes by shifting those maintenance
tasks to IT.
5. Speed : Massive speed improvement will be realized with the move to
parallel processing. This also enables rapid iteration and the ability to
“fail fast” and take more risks to innovate.

Que 1.14. What are the benefits of analytic sandbox from the
view of IT ?

Benefits of analytic sandbox from the view of IT :
1. Centralization : IT will be able to centrally manage a sandbox
environment just as every other database environment on the system is
2. Streamlining : A sandbox will greatly simplify the promotion of analytic
processes into production since there will be a consistent platform for
both development and deployment.
3. Simplicity : There will be no more processes built during development
that have to be totally rewritten to run in the production environment.
4. Control : IT will be able to control the sandbox environment, balancing
sandbox needs and the needs of other users. The production environment
is safe from an experiment gone wrong in the sandbox.
5. Costs : Big cost savings can be realized by consolidating many analytic
data marts into one central system.

Que 1.15. Explain the application of data analytics.

Application of data analytics :
1. Security : Data analytics applications or, more specifically, predictive
analysis has also helped in dropping crime rates in certain areas.
2. Transportation :
a. Data analytics can be used to revolutionize transportation.
b. It can be used especially in areas where we need to transport a
large number of people to a specific area and require seamless
3. Risk detection :
a. Many organizations were struggling under debt, and they wanted a
solution to problem of fraud.
b. They already had enough customer data in their hands, and so,
they applied data analytics.
Introduction to Data Analytics 1–12 J (CS-5/IT-6)

c. They used ‘divide and conquer’ policy with the data, analyzing recent
expenditure, profiles, and any other important information to
understand any probability of a customer defaulting.
4. Delivery :
a. Several top logistic companies are using data analysis to examine
collected data and improve their overall efficiency.
b. Using data analytics applications, the companies were able to find
the best shipping routes, delivery time, as well as the most cost-
efficient transport means.
5. Fast internet allocation :
a. While it might seem that allocating fast internet in every area
makes a city ‘Smart’, in reality, it is more important to engage in
smart allocation. This smart allocation would mean understanding
how bandwidth is being used in specific areas and for the right
b. It is also important to shift the data allocation based on timing and
priority. It is assumed that financial and commercial areas require
the most bandwidth during weekdays, while residential areas
require it during the weekends. But the situation is much more
complex. Data analytics can solve it.
c. For example, using applications of data analysis, a community can
draw the attention of high-tech industries and in such cases; higher
bandwidth will be required in such areas.
6. Internet searching :
a. When we use Google, we are using one of their many data analytics
applications employed by the company.
b. Most search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL etc., use data
analytics. These search engines use different algorithms to deliver
the best result for a search query.
7. Digital advertisement :
a. Data analytics has revolutionized digital advertising.
b. Digital billboards in cities as well as banners on websites, that is,
most of the advertisement sources nowadays use data analytics
using data algorithms.

Que 1.16. What are the different types of Big Data analytics ?

Different types of Big Data analytics :
1. Descriptive analytics :
a. It uses data aggregation and data mining to provide insight into the
Data Analytics 1–13 J (CS-5/IT-6)

b. Descriptive analytics describe or summarize raw data and make it

interpretable by humans.
2. Predictive analytics :
a. It uses statistical models and forecasts techniques to understand
the future.
b. Predictive analytics provides companies with actionable insights
based on data. It provides estimates about the likelihood of a future
3. Prescriptive analytics :
a. It uses optimization and simulation algorithms to advice on possible
b. It allows users to “prescribe” a number of different possible actions
and guide them towards a solution.
4. Diagnostic analytics :
a. It is used to determine why something happened in the past.
b. It is characterized by techniques such as drill-down, data discovery,
data mining and correlations.
c. Diagnostic analytics takes a deeper look at data to understand the
root causes of the events.

Data Analytics Life Cycle : Need, Key Roles For Successful Analytic
Projects, Various Phases of Data Analytic Life Cycle : Discovery,
Data Preparations.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.17. Explain the key roles for a successful analytics projects.

Key roles for a successful analytics project :
1. Business user :
a. Business user is someone who understands the domain area and
usually benefits from the results.
b. This person can consult and advise the project team on the context
of the project, the value of the results, and how the outputs will be
Introduction to Data Analytics 1–14 J (CS-5/IT-6)

c. Usually a business analyst, line manager, or deep subject matter

expert in the project domain fulfills this role.
2. Project sponsor :
a. Project sponsor is responsible for the start of the project and provides
all the requirements for the project and defines the core business
b. Generally provides the funding and gauges the degree of value
from the final outputs of the working team.
c. This person sets the priorities for the project and clarifies the desired
3. Project manager : Project manager ensures that key milestones and
objectives are met on time and at the expected quality.
4. Business Intelligence Analyst :
a. Analyst provides business domain expertise based on a deep
understanding of the data, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs),
key metrics, and business intelligence from a reporting perspective.
b. Business Intelligence Analysts generally create dashboards and
reports and have knowledge of the data feeds and sources.
5. Database Administrator (DBA) :
a. DBA provisions and configures the database environment to support
the analytics needs of the working team.
b. These responsibilities may include providing access to key databases
or tables and ensuring the appropriate security levels are in place
related to the data repositories.
6. Data engineer : Data engineer have deep technical skills to assist with
tuning SQL queries for data management and data extraction, and
provides support for data ingestion into the analytic sandbox.
7. Data scientist :
a. Data scientist provides subject matter expertise for analytical
techniques, data modeling, and applying valid analytical techniques
to given business problems.
b. They ensure overall analytics objectives are met.
c. They designs and executes analytical methods and approaches with
the data available to the project.

Que 1.18. Explain various phases of data analytics life cycle.

Various phases of data analytic lifecycle are :
Phase 1 : Discovery :
Data Analytics 1–15 J (CS-5/IT-6)

1. In Phase 1, the team learns the business domain, including relevant

history such as whether the organization or business unit has attempted
similar projects in the past from which they can learn.
2. The team assesses the resources available to support the project in
terms of people, technology, time, and data.
3. Important activities in this phase include framing the business problem
as an analytics challenge and formulating initial hypotheses (IHs) to test
and begin learning the data.
Phase 2 : Data preparation :
1. Phase 2 requires the presence of an analytic sandbox, in which the team
can work with data and perform analytics for the duration of the project.
2. The team needs to execute extract, load, and transform (ELT) or extract,
transform and load (ETL) to get data into the sandbox. Data should be
transformed in the ETL process so the team can work with it and analyze
3. In this phase, the team also needs to familiarize itself with the data
thoroughly and take steps to condition the data.
Phase 3 : Model planning :
1. Phase 3 is model planning, where the team determines the methods,
techniques, and workflow it intends to follow for the subsequent model
building phase.
2. The team explores the data to learn about the relationships between
variables and subsequently selects key variables and the most suitable
Phase 4 : Model building :
1. In phase 4, the team develops data sets for testing, training, and
production purposes.
2. In addition, in this phase the team builds and executes models based on
the work done in the model planning phase.
3. The team also considers whether its existing tools will be adequate for
running the models, or if it will need a more robust environment for
executing models and work flows.
Phase 5 : Communicate results :
1. In phase 5, the team, in collaboration with major stakeholders,
determines if the results of the project are a success or a failure based
on the criteria developed in phase 1.
2. The team should identify key findings, quantify the business value, and
develop a narrative to summarize and convey findings to stakeholders.
Phase 6 : Operationalize :
1. In phase 6, the team delivers final reports, briefings, code, and technical
Introduction to Data Analytics 1–16 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. In addition, the team may run a pilot project to implement the models in
a production environment.

Que 1.19. What are the activities should be performed while

identifying potential data sources during discovery phase ?

Main activities that are performed while identifying potential data sources
during discovery phase are :
1. Identify data sources :
a. Make a list of candidate data sources the team may need to test the
initial hypotheses outlined in discovery phase.
b. Make an inventory of the datasets currently available and those
that can be purchased or otherwise acquired for the tests the team
wants to perform.
2. Capture aggregate data sources :
a. This is for previewing the data and providing high-level
b. It enables the team to gain a quick overview of the data and perform
further exploration on specific areas.
c. It also points the team to possible areas of interest within the data.
3. Review the raw data :
a. Obtain preliminary data from initial data feeds.
b. Begin understanding the interdependencies among the data
attributes, and become familiar with the content of the data, its
quality, and its limitations.
4. Evaluate the data structures and tools needed :
a. The data type and structure dictate which tools the team can use to
analyze the data.
b. This evaluation gets the team thinking about which technologies
may be good candidates for the project and how to start getting
access to these tools.
5. Scope the sort of data infrastructure needed for this type of
problem : In addition to the tools needed, the data influences the kind
of infrastructure required, such as disk storage and network capacity.

Que 1.20. Explain the sub-phases of data preparation.

Sub-phases of data preparation are :
1. Preparing an analytics sandbox :
Data Analytics 1–17 J (CS-5/IT-6)

a. The first sub-phase of data preparation requires the team to obtain

an analytic sandbox in which the team can explore the data without
interfering with live production databases.
b. When developing the analytic sandbox, it is a best practice to collect
all kinds of data there, as team members need access to high volumes
and varieties of data for a Big Data analytics project.
c. This can include everything from summary-level aggregated data,
structured data, raw data feeds, and unstructured text data from
call logs or web logs.
2. Performing ETLT :
a. In ETL, users perform extract, transform, load processes to extract
data from a data store, perform data transformations, and load the
data back into the data store.
b. In this case, the data is extracted in its raw form and loaded into the
data store, where analysts can choose to transform the data into a
new state or leave it in its original, raw condition.
3. Learning about the data :
a. A critical aspect of a data science project is to become familiar with
the data itself.
b. Spending time to learn the nuances of the datasets provides context
to understand what constitutes a reasonable value and expected
c. In addition, it is important to catalogue the data sources that the
team has access to and identify additional data sources that the
team can leverage.
4. Data conditioning :
a. Data conditioning refers to the process of cleaning data, normalizing
datasets, and performing transformations on the data.
b. Data conditioning can involve many complex steps to join or merge
datasets or otherwise get datasets into a state that enables analysis
in further phases.
c. It is viewed as processing step for data analysis.

Model Planning, Model Building, Communicating Results Open.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Introduction to Data Analytics 1–18 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Que 1.21. What are activities that are performed in model planning
phase ?

Activities that are performed in model planning phase are :
1. Assess the structure of the datasets :
a. The structure of the data sets is one factor that dictates the tools
and analytical techniques for the next phase.
b. Depending on whether the team plans to analyze textual data or
transactional data different tools and approaches are required.
2. Ensure that the analytical techniques enable the team to meet the
business objectives and accept or reject the working hypotheses.
3. Determine if the situation allows a single model or a series of techniques
as part of a larger analytic workflow.

Que 1.22. What are the common tools for the model planning
phase ?

Common tools for the model planning phase :
1. R:
a. It has a complete set of modeling capabilities and provides a good
environment for building interpretive models with high-quality
b. It has the ability to interface with databases via an ODBC
connection and execute statistical tests and analyses against Big
Data via an open source connection.
2. SQL analysis services : SQL Analysis services can perform in-
database analytics of common data mining functions, involved
aggregations, and basic predictive models.
a. SAS/ACCESS provides integration between SAS and the analytics
sandbox via multiple data connectors such as OBDC, JDBC, and
b. SAS itself is generally used on file extracts, but with SAS/ACCESS,
users can connect to relational databases (such as Oracle) and
data warehouse appliances, files, and enterprise applications.

Que 1.23. Explain the common commercial tools for model

building phase.
Data Analytics 1–19 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Commercial common tools for the model building phase :
1. SAS enterprise Miner :
a. SAS Enterprise Miner allows users to run predictive and descriptive
models based on large volumes of data from across the enterprise.
b. It interoperates with other large data stores, has many partnerships,
and is built for enterprise-level computing and analytics.
2. SPSS Modeler provided by IBM : It offers methods to explore and
analyze data through a GUI.
3. Matlab : Matlab provides a high-level language for performing a variety
of data analytics, algorithms, and data exploration.
4. Apline Miner : Alpine Miner provides a GUI frontend for users to
develop analytic workflows and interact with Big Data tools and platforms
on the backend.
5. STATISTICA and Mathematica are also popular and well-regarded data
mining and analytics tools.

Que 1.24. Explain common open-source tools for the model

building phase.

Free or open source tools are :
1. R and PL/R :
a. R provides a good environment for building interpretive models
and PL/R is a procedural language for PostgreSQL with R.
b. Using this approach means that R commands can be executed in
c. This technique provides higher performance and is more scalable
than running R in memory.
2. Octave :
a. It is a free software programming language for computational
modeling, has some of the functionality of Matlab.
b. Octave is used in major universities when teaching machine
3. WEKA : WEKA is a free data mining software package with an analytic
workbench. The functions created in WEKA can be executed within
Java code.
4. Python : Python is a programming language that provides toolkits for
machine learning and analysis, such as numpy, scipy, pandas, and related
data visualization using matplotlib.
Introduction to Data Analytics 1–20 J (CS-5/IT-6)

5. MADlib : SQL in-database implementations, such as MADlib, provide

an alternative to in-memory desktop analytical tools. MADlib provides
an open-source machine learning library of algorithms that can be
executed in-database, for PostgreSQL.

Data Analytics 2–1 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2 Data Analysis

Part-1 : Data Analysis : ............................................. 2–2J to 2–4J
Regression Modeling,
Multivariate Analysis

Part-2 : Bayesian Modeling, ..................................... 2–5J to 2–7J

Inference and Bayesian
Networks, Support Vector
and Kernel Methods

Part-3 : Analysis of Time Series : ......................... 2–7J to 2–11J

Linear System Analysis
of Non-Linear Dynamics,
Rule Induction

Part-4 : Neural Networks : .................................. 2–11J to 2–20J

Learning and Generalisation,
Competitive Learning,
Principal Component Analysis
and Neural Networks

Part-5 : Fuzzy Logic : Extracting Fuzzy ............. 2–20J to 2–28J

Models From Data, Fuzzy
Decision Trees, Stochastic
Search Methods
Data Analysis 2–2 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Data Analyiss : Regression Modeling, Multivarient Analysis.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.1. Write short notes on regression modeling.

1. Regression models are widely used in analytics, in general being among
the most easy to understand and interpret type of analytics techniques.
2. Regression techniques allow the identification and estimation of possible
relationships between a pattern or variable of interest, and factors that
influence that pattern.
3. For example, a company may be interested in understanding the
effectiveness of its marketing strategies.
4. A regression model can be used to understand and quantify which of its
marketing activities actually drive sales, and to what extent.
5. Regression models are built to understand historical data and relationships
to assess effectiveness, as in the marketing effectiveness models.
6. Regression techniques are used across a range of industries, including
financial services, retail, telecom, pharmaceuticals, and medicine.

Que 2.2. What are the various types of regression analysis

techniques ?

Various types of regression analysis techniques :
1. Linear regression : Linear regressions assumes that there is a linear
relationship between the predictors (or the factors) and the target
2. Non-linear regression : Non-linear regression allows modeling of
non-linear relationships.
3. Logistic regression : Logistic regression is useful when our target
variable is binomial (accept or reject).
4. Time series regression : Time series regressions is used to forecast
future behavior of variables based on historical time ordered data.
Data Analytics 2–3 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Que 2.3. Write short note on linear regression models.

Linear regression model :
1. We consider the modelling between the dependent and one independent
variable. When there is only one independent variable in the regression
model, the model is generally termed as a linear regression model.
2. Consider a simple linear regression model
y =  0 +  1X + 
y is termed as the dependent or study variable and X is termed as the
independent or explanatory variable.
The terms  0 and  1 are the parameters of the model. The parameter 0
is termed as an intercept term, and the parameter  1 is termed as the
slope parameter.
3. These parameters are usually called as regression coefficients. The
unobservable error component accounts for the failure of data to lie on
the straight line and represents the difference between the true and
observed realization of y.
4. There can be several reasons for such difference, such as the effect of
all deleted variables in the model, variables may be qualitative, inherent
randomness in the observations etc.
5. We assume that  is observed as independent and identically distributed
random variable with mean zero and constant variance 2 and assume
that  is normally distributed.
6. The independent variables are viewed as controlled by the experimenter,
so it is considered as non-stochastic whereas y is viewed as a random
variable with
E(y) =  0 +  1 X and Var (y) = 2.
7. Sometimes X can also be a random variable. In such a case, instead of
the sample mean and sample variance of y, we consider the conditional
mean of y given X = x as
E(y|x) =  0 +  1x
and the conditional variance of y given X = x as
Var(y|x) = 2
8. When the values of  0,  1, and 2 are known, the model is completely
described. The parameters 0, 1 and 2 arc generally unknown in practice
and  is unobserved. The determination of the statistical model
y =  0 +  1 X + depends on the determination (i.e. estimation) of  0,  1,
and 2. In order to know the values of these parameters, n pairs of
observations (x1, yi)(i = 1, ...., n) on (X, y) are observed/collected and are
used to determine these unknown parameters.
Data Analysis 2–4 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Que 2.4. Write short note on multivariate analysis.

1. Multivariate analysis (MVA) is based on the principles of multivariate
statistics, which involves observation and analysis of more than one
statistical outcome variable at a time.
2. These variables are nothing but prototypes of real time situations,
products and services or decision making involving more than one
3. MVA is used to address the situations where multiple measurements
are made on each experimental unit and the relations among these
measurements and their structures are important.
4. Multiple regression analysis refers to a set of techniques for studying
the straight-line relationships among two or more variables.
5. Multiple regression estimates the ’s in the equation
yj =  0 +  1x1j +  2x2j + ... +  pxpj + j
Where, the x’s are the independent variables. y is the dependent variable.
The subscript j represents the observation (row) number. The ’s are
the unknown regression coefficients. Their estimates are represented
by b’s. Each  represents the original unknown (population) parameter,
while b is an estimate of this . The j is the error (residual) of observation
6. Regression problem is solved by least squares. In least squares method
regression analysis, the b’s are selected so as to minimize the sum of the
squared residuals. This set of b’s is not necessarily the set we want, since
they may be distorted by outliers points that are not representative of
the data. Robust regression, an alternative to least squares, seeks to
reduce the influence of outliers.
7. Multiple regression analysis studies the relationship between a
dependent (response) variable and p independent variables (predictors,
8. The sample multiple regression equation is

y j = b0 + b1x2 + ... + bpxp
j j
10. If p = 1, the model is called simple linear regression. The intercept, b0, is
the point at which the regression plane intersects the Y axis. The bi are
the slopes of the regression plane in the direction of xi. These coefficients
are called the partial-regression coefficients. Each partial regression
coefficient represents the net effect the ith variable has on the dependent
variable, holding the remaining x’s in the equation constant
Data Analytics 2–5 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Bayesian Modeling, Inference and Bayesian Networks,
Support Vector and Kernel Methods.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.5. Write short notes on Bayesian network.

1. Bayesian networks are a type of probabilistic graphical model that uses
Bayesian inference for probability computations.
2. A Bayesian network is a directed acyclic graph in which each edge
corresponds to a conditional dependency, and each node corresponds to
a unique random variable.
3. Bayesian networks aim to model conditional dependence by representing
edges in a directed graph.

P(C=T) P(C=F)
0.5 0.5

Cloudy C P(R=T)P(R=F)
T 0.8 0.8
F 0.2 0.2

Sprinkler Rain

C P(S=T) P(S=F)
T 0.1 0.9
F 0.5 0.5 WetGrass S R P(W=T) P(W=F)
T T 0.99 0.01
T F 0.9 0.1
F T 0.9 0.1
F F 0.0 1.0
Fig. 2.5.1.

3. Through these relationships, one can efficiently conduct inference on

the random variables in the graph through the use of factors.
Data Analysis 2–6 J (CS-5/IT-6)

4. Using the relationships specified by our Bayesian network, we can obtain

a compact, factorized representation of the joint probability distribution
by taking advantage of conditional independence.
5. Formally, if an edge (A, B) exists in the graph connecting random
variables A and B, it means that P(B|A) is a factor in the joint probability
distribution, so we must know P(B|A) for all values of B and A in order
to conduct inference.
6. In the Fig. 2.5.1, since Rain has an edge going into WetGrass, it means
that P(WetGrass|Rain) will be a factor, whose probability values are
specified next to the WetGrass node in a conditional probability table.
7. Bayesian networks satisfy the Markov property, which states that a
node is conditionally independent of its non-descendants given its
parents. In the given example, this means that
P(Sprinkler|Cloudy, Rain) = P(Sprinkler|Cloudy)
Since Sprinkler is conditionally independent of its non-descendant, Rain,
given Cloudy.

Que 2.6. Write short notes on inference over Bayesian network.

Inference over a Bayesian network can come in two forms.
1. First form :
a. The first is simply evaluating the joint probability of a particular
assignment of values for each variable (or a subset) in the network.
b. For this, we already have a factorized form of the joint distribution,
so we simply evaluate that product using the provided conditional
c. If we only care about a subset of variables, we will need to marginalize
out the ones we are not interested in.
d. In many cases, this may result in underflow, so it is common to take
the logarithm of that product, which is equivalent to adding up the
individual logarithms of each term in the product.
2. Second form :
a. In this form, inference task is to find P (x|e) or to find the probability of
some assignment of a subset of the variables (x) given assignments of
other variables (our evidence, e).
b. In the example shown in Fig. 2.6.1, we have to find
P(Sprinkler, WetGrass | Cloudy),
where {Sprinkler, WetGrass} is our x, and {Cloudy} is our e.
c. In order to calculate this, we use the fact that P(x|e) = P(x, e) / P(e)
= P(x, e), where  is a normalization constant that we will calculate at
the end such that P(x|e) + P(x | e) = 1.
Data Analytics 2–7 J (CS-5/IT-6)

d. In order to calculate P(x, e), we must marginalize the joint probability

distribution over the variables that do not appear in x or e, which we will
denote as Y.
P(x|e) =   P ( x, e, Y )
y Y

e. For the given example in Fig. 2.6.1 we can calculate P(Sprinkler,

WetGrass | Cloudy) as follows :
P(Sprinkler, WetGrass | Cloudy) =
  P(WetGrass|Sprinkler,Rain)P(Sprinker|Cloudy)P(Rain|Cloudy)

P(Cloudy) =
P(Cloudy) +

Analysis of Time Series : Linear System Analysis
of Non-Lineor Dynamics, Rule Introduction.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.7. Explain the application of time series analysis.

Applications of time series analysis :
1. Retail sales :
a. For various product lines, a clothing retailer is looking to forecast
future monthly sales.
b. These forecasts need to account for the seasonal aspects of the
customer's purchasing decisions.
c. An appropriate time series model needs to account for fluctuating
demand over the calendar year.
2. Spare parts planning :
a. Companies service organizations have to forecast future spare part
demands to ensure an adequate supply of parts to repair customer
Data Analysis 2–8 J (CS-5/IT-6)

products. Often the spares inventory consists of thousands of distinct

part numbers.
b. To forecast future demand, complex models for each part number
can be built using input variables such as expected part failure
rates, service diagnostic effectiveness and forecasted new product
c. However, time series analysis can provide accurate short-term
forecasts based simply on prior spare part demand history.
3. Stock trading :
a. Some high-frequency stock traders utilize a technique called pairs
b. In pairs trading, an identified strong positive correlation between
the prices of two stocks is used to detect a market opportunity.
c. Suppose the stock prices of Company A and Company B consistently
move together.
d. Time series analysis can be applied to the difference of these
companies' stock prices over time.
e. A statistically larger than expected price difference indicates that it
is a good time to buy the stock of Company A and sell the stock of
Company B, or vice versa.

Que 2.8. What are the components of time series ?

A time series can consist of the following components :
1. Trends :
a. The trend refers to the long-term movement in a time series.
b. It indicates whether the observation values are increasing or
decreasing over time.
c. Examples of trends are a steady increase in sales month over month
or an annual decline of fatalities due to car accidents.
2. Seasonality :
a. The seasonality component describes the fixed, periodic fluctuation
in the observations over time.
b. It is often related to the calendar.
c. For example, monthly retail sales can fluctuate over the year due
to the weather and holidays.
3. Cyclic :
a. A cyclic component also refers to a periodic fluctuation, which is not
as fixed.
Data Analytics 2–9 J (CS-5/IT-6)

b. For example, retails sales are influenced by the general state of the

Que 2.9. Explain rule induction.

1. Rule induction is a data mining process of deducing if-then rules from a
2. These symbolic decision rules explain an inherent relationship between
the attributes and class labels in the dataset.
3. Many real-life experiences are based on intuitive rule induction.
4. Rule induction provides a powerful classification approach that can be
easily understood by the general users.
5. It is used in predictive analytics by classification of unknown data.
6. Rule induction is also used to describe the patterns in the data.
7. The easiest way to extract rules from a data set is from a decision tree
that is developed on the same data set.

Que 2.10. Explain an iterative procedure of extracting rules from

data sets.

1. Sequential covering is an iterative procedure of extracting rules from
the data sets.
2. The sequential covering approach attempts to find all the rules in the
data set class by class.
3. One specific implementation of the sequential covering approach is called
the RIPPER, which stands for Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce
Error Reduction.
4. Following are the steps in sequential covering rules generation approach :
Step 1 : Class selection :
a. The algorithm starts with selection of class labels one by one.
b. The rule set is class-ordered where all the rules for a class are
developed before moving on to next class.
c. The first class is usually the least-frequent class label.
d. From Fig. 2.10.1, the least frequent class is “+” and the algorithm
focuses on generating all the rules for “+” class.
Data Analysis 2–10 J (CS-5/IT-6)

– –
+ + –
+ – – –
– –
– + +
+ –
– –

Fig. 2.10.1. Data set with two classes and two dimensions.

Step 2 : Rule development :

a. The objective in this step is to cover all “+” data points using
classification rules with none or as few “–” as possible.
b. For example, in Fig. 2.10.2 , rule r1 identifies the area of four “+” in
the top left corner.

Rule (r1)
– –
+ + –
+ – – –
– –
– + +
+ –
– –

Fig. 2.10.2. Generation of ruler r1.

c. Since this rule is based on simple logic operators in conjuncts, the

boundary is rectilinear.
d. Once rule r1 is formed, the entire data points covered by r1 are
eliminated and the next best rule is found from data sets.
Step 3 : Learn-One-Rule :
a. Each rule r1 is grown by the learn-one-rule approach.
b. Each rule starts with an empty rule set and conjuncts are added
one by one to increase the rule accuracy.
c. Rule accuracy is the ratio of amount of “+” covered by the rule to all
records covered by the rule :

Correct records by rule

Rule accuracy A (ri) =
All records covered by the rule
d. Learn-one-rule starts with an empty rule set: if {} then class = “+”.
e. The accuracy of this rule is the same as the proportion of + data
points in the data set. Then the algorithm greedily adds conjuncts
until the accuracy reaches 100 %.
f. If the addition of a conjunct decreases the accuracy, then the
algorithm looks for other conjuncts or stops and starts the iteration
of the next rule.
Data Analytics 2–11 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Step 4 : Next rule :

a. After a rule is developed, then all the data points covered by the
rule are eliminated from the data set.
b. The above steps are repeated for the next rule to cover the rest of
the “+” data points.
c. In Fig. 2.10.3, rule r2 is developed after the data points covered by r1
are eliminated.

Rule (r1)
– –

Rule (r2)
+ –

– –
– +

Fig. 2.10.3. Elimination of r1 data points and next rule.

Step 5 : Development of rule set :

a. After the rule set is developed to identify all “+” data points, the rule
model is evaluated with a data set used for pruning to reduce
generalization errors.
b. The metric used to evaluate the need for pruning is (p – n)/(p + n),
where p is the number of positive records covered by the rule and
n is the number of negative records covered by the rule.
c. All rules to identify “+” data points are aggregated to form a rule

Neural Networks : Learning and Generalization, Competitive
Learning, Principal Component Analysis and Neural Networks.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Data Analysis 2–12 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Que 2.11. Describe supervised learning and unsupervised


Supervised learning :
1. Supervised learning is also known as associative learning, in which the
network is trained by providing it with input and matching output
2. Supervised training requires the pairing of each input vector with a
target vector representing the desired output.
3. The input vector together with the corresponding target vector is called
training pair.
4. To solve a problem of supervised learning following steps are considered :
a. Determine the type of training examples.
b. Gathering of a training set.
c. Determine the input feature representation of the learned function.
d. Determine the structure of the learned function and corresponding
learning algorithm.
e. Complete the design.
5. Supervised learning can be classified into two categories :
i. Classification ii. Regression
Unsupervised learning :
1. Unsupervised learning, an output unit is trained to respond to clusters
of pattern within the input.
3. In this method of training, the input vectors of similar type are grouped
without the use of training data to specify how a typical member of each
group looks or to which group a member belongs.
3. Unsupervised training does not require a teacher; it requires certain
guidelines to form groups.
4. Unsupervised learning can be classified into two categories :
i. Clustering ii. Association

Que 2.12. Differentiate between supervis ed learning and

unsupervised learning.

Difference between supervised and unsupervised learning :
Data Analytics 2–13 J (CS-5/IT-6)

S. No. Supervised Unsupervised

learning learning

1. It uses known and labeled It uses unknown data as input.

data as input.
2. Computational complexity is Computational complexity is less.
very complex.
3. It uses offline analysis. It uses real time analysis of data.
4. N umber o f classe s is Number of classes is not known.
5. Accurate and reliable Moderate accurate and reliable
results. results.

Que 2.13. What is the multilayer perceptron model ? Explain it.

1. Multilayer perceptron is a class of feed forward artificial neural network.
2. Multilayer perceptron model has three layers; an input layer, and output
layer, and a layer in between not connected directly to the input or the
output and hence, called the hidden layer.
3. For the perceptrons in the input layer, we use linear transfer function,
and for the perceptrons in the hidden layer and the output layer, we use
sigmoidal or squashed-S function.
4. The input layer serves to distribute the values they receive to the next
layer and so, does not perform a weighted sum or threshold.
5. The input-output mapping of multilayer perceptron is shown in
Fig. 2.13.1 and is represented by
ll1 OO1
1 1
1 OO2
2 2

ll3 2 OO3
3 3

m OO4
n p
Hidden layer
Input layer Output layer
Fig. 2.13.1.
Data Analysis 2–14 J (CS-5/IT-6)

6. Multilayer perceptron does not increase computational power over a

single layer neural network unless there is a non-linear activation
function between layers.

Que 2.14. Draw and explain the multiple perceptron with its
learning algorithm.

1. The perceptrons which are arranged in layers are called multilayer
(multiple) perceptron.
2. This model has three layers : an input layer, output layer and one or
more hidden layer.
3. For the perceptrons in the input layer, the linear transfer function used
and for the perceptron in the hidden layer and output layer, the sigmoidal
or squashed-S function is used. The input signal propagates through the
network in a forward direction.
4. In the multilayer perceptron bias b(n) is treated as a synaptic weight
driven by fixed input equal to + 1.
x(n) = [+1, x1(n), x2(n), ………. xm(n)]T
where n denotes the iteration step in applying the algorithm.
5. Correspondingly we define the weight vector as :
w(n) = [b(n), w1(n), w2(n)……….., wm(n)]T
6. Accordingly the linear combiner output is written in the compact form
V(n) =  w (n) x (n)
i 0
i i = wT(n) x(n)

Architecture of multilayer perceptron :

Input Output
signal signal

Output layer

Input layer First hidden Second hidden

layer layer
Fig. 2.14.1.
Data Analytics 2–15 J (CS-5/IT-6)

7. Fig. 2.14.1 shows the architectural model of multilayer perceptron with

two hidden layer and an output layer.
8. Signal flow through the network progresses in a forward direction,
from the left to right and on a layer-by-layer basis.
Learning algorithm :
1. If the nth number of input set x(n), is correctly classified into linearly
separable classes, by the weight vector w(n) then no adjustment of
weights are done.
w(n + 1) = w(n)
If wTx(n) > 0 and x(n) belongs to class G1.
w(n + 1) = w(n)
If wTx(n)  0 and x(n) belongs to class G2.
2. Otherwise, the weight vector of the perceptron is updated in accordance
with the rule.

Que 2.15. Explain the algorithm to optimize the network size.

Algorithms to optimize the network size are :
1. Growing algorithms :
a. This group of algorithms begins with training a relatively small
neural architecture and allows new units and connections to be
added during the training process, when necessary.
b. Three growing algorithms are commonly applied: the upstart
algorithm, the tiling algorithm, and the cascade correlation.
c. The first two apply to binary input/output variables and networks
with step activation function.
d. The third one, which is applicable to problems with continuous
input/output variables and with units with sigmoidal activation
function, keeps adding units into the hidden layer until a satisfying
error value is reached on the training set.
2. Pruning algorithms :
a. General pruning approach consists of training a relatively large
network and gradually removing either weights or complete units
that seem not to be necessary.
b. The large initial size allows the network to learn quickly and with a
lower sensitivity to initial conditions and local minima.
c. The reduced final size helps to improve generalization.
Que 2.16. Explain the approaches for knowledge extraction from
multilayer perceptrons.
Data Analysis 2–16 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Approach for knowledge extraction from multilayer perceptrons :
a. Global approach :
1. This approach extracts a set of rules characterizing the behaviour
of the whole network in terms of input/output mapping.
2. A tree of candidate rules is defined. The node at the top of the tree
represents the most general rule and the nodes at the bottom of
the tree represent the most specific rules.
3. Each candidate symbolic rule is tested against the network's
behaviour, to see whether such a rule can apply.
4. The process of rule verification continues until most of the training
set is covered.
5. One of the problems connected with this approach is that the
number of candidate rules can become huge when the rule space
becomes more detailed.
b. Local approach :
1. This approach decomposes the original multilayer network into a
collection of smaller, usually single-layered, sub-networks, whose
input/output mapping might be easier to model in terms of symbolic
2. Based on the assumption that hidden and output units, though
sigmoidal, can be approximated by threshold functions, individual
units inside each sub-network are modeled by interpreting the
incoming weights as the antecedent of a symbolic rule.
3. The resulting symbolic rules are gradually combined together to
define a more general set of rules that describes the network as a
4. The monotonicity of the activation function is required, to limit the
number of candidate symbolic rules for each unit.
5. Local rule-extraction methods usually employ a special error
function and/or a modified learning algorithm, to encourage hidden
and output units to stay in a range consistent with possible rules
and to achieve networks with the smallest number of units and

Que 2.17. Discuss the selection of various parameters in BPN.

Selection of various parameters in BPN (Back Propagation Network) :
1. Number of hidden nodes :
Data Analytics 2–17 J (CS-5/IT-6)

i. The guiding criterion is to select the minimum nodes which would

not impair the network performance so that the memory demand
for storing the weights can be kept minimum.
ii. When the number of hidden nodes is equal to the number of
training patterns, the learning could be fastest.
iii. In such cases, Back Propagation Network (BPN) remembers
training patterns losing all generalization capabilities.
iv. Hence, as far as generalization is concerned, the number of hidden
nodes should be small compared to the number of training patterns
(say 10:1).
2. Momentum coefficient () :
i. The another method of reducing the training time is the use of
momentum factor because it enhances the training process.

(Weight change
–  E
W without momentum)
[ W] n
 [ W]
n+1 (Momentum term)
[ W]

Fig. 2.17.1. Influence of momentum term on weight change.

ii. The momentum also overcomes the effect of local minima.

iii. It will carry a weight change process through one or local minima
and get it into global minima.
3. Sigmoidal gain () :
i. When the weights become large and force the neuron to operate
in a region where sigmoidal function is very flat, a better method
of coping with network paralysis is to adjust the sigmoidal gain.
ii. By decreasing this scaling factor, we effectively spread out
sigmoidal function on wide range so that training proceeds faster.
4. Local minima :
i. One of the most practical solutions involves the introduction of a
shock which changes all weights by specific or random amounts.
ii. If this fails, then the solution is to re-randomize the weights and
start the training all over.
iii. Simulated annealing used to continue training until local minima
is reached.
iv. After this, simulated annealing is stopped and BPN continues
until global minimum is reached.
v. In most of the cases, only a few simulated annealing cycles of this
two-stage process are needed.
Data Analysis 2–18 J (CS-5/IT-6)

5. Learning coefficient () :

i. The learning coefficient cannot be negative because this would
cause the change of weight vector to move away from ideal weight
vector position.
ii. If the learning coefficient is zero, no learning takes place and
hence, the learning coefficient must be positive.
iii. If the learning coefficient is greater than 1, the weight vector will
overshoot from its ideal position and oscillate.
iv. Hence, the learning coefficient must be between zero and one.
Que 2.18. What is learning rate ? What is its function ?

1. Learning rate is a constant used in learning algorithm that define the
speed and extend in weight matrix corrections.
2. Setting a high learning rate tends to bring instability and the system is
difficult to converge even to a near optimum solution.
3. A low value will improve stability, but will slow down convergence.
Learning function :
1. In most applications the learning rate is a simple function of time for
example L.R. = 1/(1 + t).
2. These functions have the advantage of having high values during the
first epochs, making large corrections to the weight matrix and smaller
values later, when the corrections need to be more precise.
3. Using a fuzzy controller to adaptively tune the learning rate has the
added advantage of bringing all expert knowledge in use.
4. If it was possible to manually adapt the learning rate in every epoch, we
would surely follow rules of the kind listed below :
a. If the change in error is small, then increase the learning rate.
b. If there are a lot of sign changes in error, then largely decrease the
learning rate.
c. If the change in error is small and the speed of error change is
small, then make a large increase in the learning rate.

Que 2.19. Explain competitive learning.

1. Competitive learning is a form of unsupervised learning in artificial
neural networks, in which nodes compete for the right to respond to a
subset of the input data.
2. A variant of Hebbian learning, competitive learning works by increasing
the specialization of each node in the network. It is well suited to finding
clusters within data.
Data Analytics 2–19 J (CS-5/IT-6)

3. Models and algorithms based on the principle of competitive learning

include vector quantization and self-organizing maps.
4. In a competitive learning model, there are hierarchical sets of units in
the network with inhibitory and excitatory connections.
5. The excitatory connections are between individual layers and the
inhibitory connections are between units in layered clusters.
6. Units in a cluster are either active or inactive.
7. There are three basic elements to a competitive learning rule :
a. A set of neurons that are all the same except for some randomly
distributed synaptic weights, and which therefore respond
differently to a given set of input patterns.
b. A limit imposed on the “strength” of each neuron.
c. A mechanism that permits the neurons to compete for the right to
respond to a given subset of inputs, such that only one output
neuron (or only one neuron per group), is active (i.e., “on”) at a
time. The neuron that wins the competition is called a “winner-
take-all” neuron.

Que 2.20. Explain Principle Component Analysis (PCA) in data


1. PCA is a method used to reduce number of variables in dataset by
extracting important one from a large dataset.
2. It reduces the dimension of our data with the aim of retaining as much
information as possible.
3. In other words, this method combines highly correlated variables
together to form a smaller number of an artificial set of variables which
is called principal components (PC) that account for most variance in the
4. A principal component can be defined as a linear combination of
optimally-weighted observed variables.
5. The first principal component retains maximum variation that was
present in the original components.
6. The principal components are the eigenvectors of a covariance matrix,
and hence they are orthogonal.
7. The output of PCA are these principal components, the number of which
is less than or equal to the number of original variables.
8. The PCs possess some useful properties which are listed below :
a. The PCs are essentially the linear combinations of the original
variables and the weights vector.
b. The PCs are orthogonal.
Data Analysis 2–20 J (CS-5/IT-6)

c. The variation present in the PC decrease as we move from the 1st

PC to the last one.

Fuzzy Logic : Extracting Fuzzy Models From Data, Fuzzy
Decision Trees, Stochastic Search Methods.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.21. Define fuzzy logic and its importance in our daily life.
What is role of crisp sets in fuzzy logic ?

1. Fuzzy logic is an approach to computing based on “degrees of truth”
rather than “true or false” (1 or 0).
2. Fuzzy logic includes 0 and 1 as extreme cases of truth but also includes
the various states of truth in between.
3. Fuzzy logic allows inclusion of human assessments in computing
4. It provides an effective means for conflict resolution of multiple criteria
and better assessment of options.
Importance of fuzzy logic in daily life :
1. Fuzzy logic is essential for the development of human-like capabilities
for AI.
2. It is used in the development of intelligent systems for decision making,
identification, optimization, and control.
3. Fuzzy logic is extremely useful for many people involved in research
and development including engineers, mathematicians, computer
software developers and researchers.
4. Fuzzy logic has been used in numerous applications such as facial pattern
recognition, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, weather forecasting
systems, medical diagnosis and stock trading.
Role of crisp sets in fuzzy logic :
1. It contains the precise location of the set boundaries.
2. It provides the membership value of the set.

Que 2.22. Define classical set and fuzzy sets. State the importance
of fuzzy sets.
Data Analytics 2–21 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Classical set :
1. Classical set is a collection of distinct objects.
2. Each individual entity in a set is called a member or an element of the
3. The classical set is defined in such a way that the universe of discourse
is splitted into two groups as members and non-members.
Fuzzy set :
1. Fuzzy set is a set having degree of membership between 1 and 0.

2. Fuzzy sets A in the universe of discourse U can be defined as set of

ordered pair and it is given by

A = {( x,  A ( x)| x  U )}

Where  A is the degree of membership of x in A .

Importance of fuzzy set :
1. It is used for the modeling and inclusion of contradiction in a knowledge
2. It also increases the system autonomy.
3. It acts as an important part of microchip processor-based appliances.

Que 2.23. Compare and contrast classical logic and fuzzy logic.


S. No. Crisp (classical) logic Fuzzy logic

1. In classical logic an element Fuzzy logic supports a flexible sense
either belongs to or does not of membership of elements to a set.
belong to a set.
2. Crisp logic is built on a Fuzzy logic is built on a multistate
2-state truth value s truth values.
3. The state me nt which is A fuzzy proposition is a statement
either ‘True’ or ‘False’ but not which acquires a fuzzy truth value.
both is called a proposition in
crisp logic.
4. Law of excluded middle and Law of excluded middle and law of
law of non-contradiction contradiction are violated.
holds good in crisp logic.
Data Analysis 2–22 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Que 2.24. Define the membership function and state its importance
in fuzzy logic. Also discuss the features of membership functions.

Membership function :
1. A membership function for a fuzzy set A on the universe of discourse X
is defined as µA : X  [0,1], where each element of X is mapped to a value
between 0 and 1.
2. This value, called membership value or degree of membership, quantifies
the grade of membership of the element in X to the fuzzy set A.
3. Membership functions characterize fuzziness (i.e., all the information in
fuzzy set), whether the elements in fuzzy sets are discrete or continuous.
4. Membership functions can be defined as a technique to solve practical
problems by experience rather than knowledge.
5. Membership functions are represented by graphical forms.
Importance of membership function in fuzzy logic :
1. It allows us to graphically represent a fuzzy set.
2. It helps in finding different fuzzy set operation.
Features of membership function :
1. Core :
a. The core of a membership function for some fuzzy set A is defined
as that region of the universe that is characterized by complete and
full membership in the set.
b. The core comprises those elements x of the universe such that
 A (x) = 1.
2. Support :
a. The support of a membership function for some fuzzy set A is
defined as that region of the universe that is characterized by
nonzero membership in the set A .
b. The support comprises those elements x of the universe such that
 A (x) > 0.
Data Analytics 2–23 J (CS-5/IT-6)



Fig. 2.24.1. Core, support, and boundaries of a fuzzy set.
3. Boundaries :

a. The boundaries of a membership function for some fuzzy set A

are defined as that region of the universe containing elements that
have a non-zero membership but not complete membership.
b. The boundaries comprise those elements x of the universe such
that 0 <  A (x) < 1.

Que 2.25. Explain the inference in fuzzy logic.

Fuzzy Inference :
1. Inferences is a technique where facts, premises F1, F2, …….., Fn and a
goal G is to be derived from a given set.
2. Fuzzy inference is the process of formulating the mapping from a given
input to an output using fuzzy logic.
3. The mapping then provides a basis from which decisions can be made.
4. Fuzzy inference (approximate reasoning) refers to computational
procedures used for evaluating linguistic (IF-THEN) descriptions.
5. The two important inferring procedures are :
i. Generalized Modus Ponens (GMP) :
1. GMP is formally stated as
If x is A THEN y is B

x is A
y is B 
  and B  are fuzzy terms.
Here, A , B , A
2. Every fuzzy linguistic statement above the line is analytically known
and what is below is analytically unknown.
Data Analysis 2–24 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Here B  = A  o R
 (x, y)
where ‘o’ denotes max-min composition (IF-THEN relation)
3. The membership function is
   ( y) = max (min (  ( x),   ( x, y)))
B A R

where    ( y) is membership function of B ,    ( x) is membership


function of A   and   ( x, y) is the membership function of

implication relation.
ii. Generalized Modus Tollens (GMT) :
1. GMT is defined as
If x is A . Then y is B

y is B 
x is A

2.   is computed as
The membership of A
  = B  o R (x, y)
3. In terms of membership function
   ( x) = max (min (  ( y),  R ( x, y)))
A  B

Que 2.26. Explain Fuzzy Decision Tree (FDT).

1. Decision trees are one of the most popular methods for learning and
reasoning from instances.
2. Given a set of n input-output training patterns D = {(Xi, yi) i = 1, ..., n}.
where each training pattern Xi has been described by a set of p conditional
(or input) attributes (x1,...,xp) and one corresponding discrete class label
yi where yi  {1,....,q} and q is the number of classes.
3. The decision attribute yi represents a posterior knowledge regarding
the class of each pattern.
4. An arbitrary class has been indexed by l (1  /  q) and each class l has
been modeled as a crisp set.
5. The membership degree of the ith value of the decision attribute yi
concerning the ith class is defined as follows :

1, if yi belong to l th class;

l(yi) = 
0, otherwise.
Data Analytics 2–25 J (CS-5/IT-6)

6. The architecture of induction of FDT is given in Fig. 2.26.1

Fuzzy partitioning

Fuzzy ID3

Fuzzy classification
Data Product-product-
sum reasoning
Actual class lavel Estimated class lable


Fig. 2.26.1. Architecture of Fuzzy decision tree induction.

7. The generation of FDT for pattern classification consists of three major

steps namely fuzzy partitioning (clustering), induction of FDT and fuzzy
rule inference for classification.
8. The first crucial step in the induction process of FDT is the fuzzy
partitioning of input space using any fuzzy clustering techniques.
9. FDTs are constructed using any standard algorithm like Fuzzy ID3
where we follow a top-down, recursive divide and conquer approach,
which makes locally optimal decisions at each node.
10. As the tree is being built, the training set is recursively partitioned into
smaller subsets and the generated fuzzy rules are used to predict the
class of an unseen pattern by applying suitable fuzzy inference/reasoning
mechanism on the FDT.
11. The general procedure for generating fuzzy decision trees using Fuzzy
ID3 is as follows :
Prerequisites : A Fuzzy partition space, leaf selection threshold  th and
the best node selection criterion
Procedure :
While there exist candidate nodes
DO Select one of them using a search strategy.
Generate its child-nodes according to an expanded attribute obtained by
the given heuristic.
Data Analysis 2–26 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Check child nodes for the leaf selection threshold.

Child-nodes meeting the leaf threshold have to be terminated as leaf-
The remaining child-nodes are regarded as new candidate node.

Que 2.27. Write short notes on extracting grid-based fuzzy models

from data.

1. Grid-based rule sets model each input variable through a usually small
set of linguistic values.
2. The resulting rule base uses all or a subset of all possible combinations
of these linguistic values for each variable, resulting in a global
granulation of the feature space into “tiles”:
R1,...,1 : IF x1 IS A1,1 AND ... AND xn IS A1,n THEN ...

 
R1,...,ln : IF x1 IS A1,1 AND ... AND xn IS Aln,n THEN ...

R 2,1 R2,3

A 2,1 R1,1 R1,3

1 0 x1

A1,1 A1,2 A1,3

Fig. 2.27.1. A global granulation of the input space using
three membership functions for x 1 and two for x 2.

where l1 (1 < i < n) indicates the numbers of linguistic values for

variable i in the n-dimensional feature space. Fig. 2.27.1 illustrates this
approach in two dimensions with l1 = 3 and l2 = 2.
3. Extracting grid-based fuzzy models from data is straightforward when
the input granulation is fixed, that is, the antecedents of all rules are
Data Analytics 2–27 J (CS-5/IT-6)

predefined. Then only a matching consequent for each rule needs to be

4. After predefinition of the granulation of all input variables and also the
output variable, one sweep through the entire dataset determines the
closest example to the geometrical center of each rule, assigning the
closest output fuzzy value to the corresponding rule:
1. Granulate the input and output space :
a. Divide each variable Xi into li equidistant triangular membership
b. Similarly the granulation into ly membership functions for the
output variable y is determined, resulting in the typical overlapping
distribution of triangular membership functions.
c. Fig. 2.27.1 illustrates this approach in two dimensions with respect.
to membership functions, resulting in six tiles.
2. Generate fuzzy rules from given data :
a. For the example in Fig. 2.27.1, this means that we have to determine
the best consequence for each rule.
b. For each example pattern (x, y) the degree of membership to each
of the possible tiles is determined :
min{msx (x1), ... , msx (xn), msy (y)}
j1,1 j n, n jy
with 1  ji  li and 1 < jy < ly. Then msxj i, indicates the membership
function of the jj-th linguistic value of input variable i and similar for
msy for the output variable y. Next the tile resulting in the maximum
degree of membership is used to generate one rule :
R(j : IF x1 msxj ... AND xn IS msxj
1, ... jn) 1, 1 n, n
THEN y IS msyj
assuming that tile (j1 , ... jn, jy) resulted in the highest degree of
membership for the corresponding training pattern.
3. Assign a rule weight to each rule : The degree of membership will in
addition be assigned to each rule as rule-weight  (j , .... j ).
1 n
4. Determine an output based on an input-vector : Given an input x
the resulting rule-base can be used to compute a crisp output ŷ . First
the degree of fulfillment for each rule is computed :
(j1, ..., jn) (x) = min {msx , (x1), ..., msx (xn)}
j1,1 j n, n

then the output ŷ is combined through a centroid defuzzification

formula :
l1 ,..., ln
 j1  1, ... m jn  1
( j1 ,... jn ) ·  ( j1 , ..., jn ) ( x) · y( j1 ,..., jn )
ŷ = l1 ,..., ln
 j1  1, ... m jn  1
( j1 ,... jn ) ·  ( j1 , ..., jn ) ( x)
Data Analysis 2–28 J (CS-5/IT-6)

where y( j1 , .... , jn ) denotes the center of the output region of the

corresponding rule with index (j1, ... ,jn).

Data Analytics 3–1 J (CS-5/IT-6)

3 Mining Data Streams

Part-1 : Mining Data Streams : Introduction ........ 3–2J to 3–7J
To Stream Concepts, Stream Data
Model and Architecture

Part-2 : Stream Computing, Sampling Data ...... 3–8J to 3–10J

in a Stream, Filtering Streams

Part-3 : Counting Distinct Elements in a ......... 3–11J to 3–15J

Stream, Estimating Moments,
Counting Oneness in a Window,
Decaying Window

Part-4 : Real-Time Analytics Platform .............. 3–15J to 3–20J

(RTAP), Applications,
Case Studies : Real Time
Sentiment Analysis, Stock
Market Predictions
Mining Data Streams 3–2 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Mining Data Streams : Introduction To Stream Concepts,
Stream Data Model and Architecture.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.1. Write short note on Data Stream Management System


Streams entering

1, 5, 2, 7, 4, 0, 3, 5 Standing Output streams

q, w, e, r, t, y, u, i, o queries
0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 Stream
... Processor

storage Archival

Fig. 3.1.1.
1. A Data Stream Management System (DSMS) is a computer software
system to manage continuous data streams.
2. A DSMS also offers a flexible query processing so that the information
needed can be expressed using queries.
3. In DSMS, queries are executed continuously over the data passed to
the system, also called continuous or standing queries. These queries
are registered in the system once.
4. Depending on the system, a query can be formulated mainly in two
ways: as a declarative expression, or as a sequence or graph of data
processing operators.
Data Analytics 3–3 J (CS-5/IT-6)

5. A declarative query is parsed to a logical query plan, which can be

optimized. This logical query is afterwards translated into a physical
query execution plan (QEP).
6. The query execution plan contains the calls to the implementation of
the operators.
7. Besides of the actual physical operators, query execution plans include
also queues for buffering input and output for the operators.
8. Synopsis structures act as a support element in QEPs.
9. DSMS may provide specific synopsis algorithms and data structures
which are required, when an operator has to store some state to
produce results.
10. A synopsis summarizes the stream or a part of the stream.

Que 3.2. Explain the architecture of Data Stream Management

System (DSMS).

Data streams

Stream manager

System catalog Scheduler Router

Storage manager Query processor Queue manager

Query optimizer QoS Monitoring


1. Data stream :
a. DSMS gets data streams as input.
b. Data stream elements are represented as tuples, which adhere to
a relational schema with attributes and values.
Mining Data Streams 3–4 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. Stream manager :
a. Wrappers are provided which can receive raw data from its source,
buffer and order it by timestamp.
b. The task of stream manager is to convert the data to the format of
the data stream management system.
3. Router :
a. It helps to add tuples or data stream to the queue of the next
operator according to the query execution plan.
4. Queue manager :
a. The management of queues and their corresponding buffers is
handled by a queue manager.
b. The queue manager can also be used to swap data from the queues
to a secondary storage, if main memory is full.
5. System catalog and storage manager :
a. To enable access to data stored on disk many systems employ a
storage manager which handles access to secondary storage.
b. This is used, when persistent data is combined with data from
stream sources.
c. Also it is required when loading meta-information about, queries,
query plans, streams, inputs, and outputs.
d. These are held in a system catalog in secondary storage.
6. Scheduler :
a. Scheduler determines which operator is executed next.
b. The Scheduler interacts closely with the query processor
7. Query processor : It helps to execute the operator by interacting
with scheduler.
8. QoS monitoring :
a. Many systems also include some kind of monitor which gathers
statistics about performance, operator output rate, or output delay.
b. These statistics can be used to optimize the system execution in
several ways.
9. Query optimizer :
a. The throughput of a system can be increased by a load shedder
which is a stream element selected by a sampling method.
b. The load shedder can be a part of a query optimizer, a single
component, or part of the query execution plan.
c. The statistics can be used to re-optimize the current query
execution plan and reorder the operators. For this purpose a query
optimizer can be included.
Data Analytics 3–5 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Que 3.3. Explain the sources of stream data.

Sources of data streams are :
1. Sensor data :
a. Sensor data are the data produced by the sensors placed at different
b. Different sensor such as temperature sensor, GPS sensor and
other sensors are installed at different places for capturing the
temperature, height and many other information of that particular
c. The data/information produced by sensor is a stream of real
d. This information or data given by the sensor is stored in main
memory. These sensors send large amount of data every tenth of
2. Image data :
a. Satellites often send down to earth streams consisting of many
terabytes of images per day.
b. Surveillance cameras produce images with lower resolution than
satellites, but there can be many of them, each producing a stream
of images at intervals like one second.
3. Internet and web traffic :
a. A switching node in the middle of the Internet receives streams of
IP packets from many inputs and routes them to its outputs.
b. The job of the switch is to transmit data and not to retain it or
query it and provide more capability into the switch.
c. Websites receive streams of various types. For example, Google
receives several hundred million search queries per day. Yahoo
accepts billions of clicks per day on its various sites.
d. Many things can be learned or extract from streams of data.

Que 3.4. Compare Database Management System (DBMS) with

Data Stream Management System (DSMS).
Mining Data Streams 3–6 J (CS-5/IT-6)


S. No. Basis DBMS DSMS

1. Data Persistent Streams, time
relations windows
2. Data access Random Sequential, one-pass
3. Updates Arbitrary Append-only
4. Update rates Relatively low High, bursty
5. Processing model Query driven Data driven
(pull-based) (push-based)
6. Queries One-time Continuous
7. Query plans Fixed Adaptive
8. Query optimization One query Multi-query
9. Query answer Exact Exact or approximate
10. Latency Relatively high Low

Que 3.5. Explain the steps in query processing.

Steps in query processing :
1. Formulation of continuous queries :
a. The formulation of queries is mostly done using declarative
languages like SQL in DBMS. Since there are no standardized
query languages to express continuous queries, there are a lot of
languages and variations.
b. However, most of them are based on SQL, such as the Continuous
Query Language (CQL) and StreamSQL.
c. The language strongly depends on the processing model.
d. In StreamSQL, a query with a sliding window for the last 10
elements looks like follows:
SELECT AVG (price) FROM examplestream [SIZE 10 ADVANCE
1 TUPLES] WHERE value > 100.0
This stream continuously calculates the average value of price of
the last 10 tuples, but only considers those tuples whose prices are
greater than 100.0.
Data Analytics 3–7 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. Translation of declarative query :

a. In this step, the declarative query is translated into a logical query
b. A query plan is a directed graph where the nodes are operators
and the edges describe the processing flow.
c. Each operator in the query plan encapsulates the semantic of a
specific operation, such as filtering or aggregation.
d. DSMSs process relational data streams and the operators are
equal or similar to the operators of the Relational algebra.
e. Operator for selection, join, projection and set operations allows
very flexible and versatile processing of a DSMS.
3. Optimization of queries :
a. The logical query plan can be optimized, which strongly depends
on the streaming model.
b. The basic concepts for optimizing continuous queries are equal to
those from database systems. If there are relational data streams
and the logical query plan is based on relational operators from
the Relational algebra, a query optimizer can use the algebraic
equivalences to optimize the plan.
4. Transformation of queries :
a. Since a logical operator is only responsible for the semantics of an
operation but does not consist of any algorithms, the logical query
plan must be transformed into an executable counterpart. This is
called a physical query plan.
b. The distinction between a logical and a physical operator plan
allows more than one implementation for the same logical
operator. For example, join is logically the same, although it can
be implemented by different algorithms like a nested loop join or
a sort-merge join.
c. These algorithms also strongly depend on the used stream and
processing model. Finally, the query is available as a physical query
5. Execution of queries :
a. Physical query plan can be directly executed because it consists of
executable algorithms. For this, the physical query plan is installed
into the system.
b. The bottom of the graph (of the query plan) is connected to the
incoming sources, which can be everything like connectors to
c. Since most DSMSs are data-driven, a query is executed by pushing
the incoming data elements from the source through the query
Mining Data Streams 3–8 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Stream Computing, Sampling Data in a Stream, Filtering Streams.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.6. Write short notes on stream computing.

1. Stream computing is a computing paradigm that reads data from
collections of software or hardware sensors in stream form and
computes continuous data streams.
2. Stream computing uses software programs that compute continuous
data streams.
3. Stream computing uses software algorithm that analyzes the data in
real time.
4. Stream computing is one effective way to support Big Data by providing
extremely low-latency velocities with massively parallel processing
5. It is becoming the fastest and most efficient way to obtain useful
knowledge from Big Data.

Que 3.7. Explain Bernoulli sampling with its algorithm.

Bernoulli sampling :
1. A Bernoulli sampling scheme with sampling rate q  (0, 1) includes
each element in the sample with probability q and excludes the element
with probability 1 – q, independently of the other elements.
2. This type of sampling is also called “binomial” sampling because the
sample size is binomially distributed so that the probability that the
sample contains exactly k elements is equal to nCk qk(1 – q)n – k .
3. The expected size of the sample is nq. It follows from the central limit
theorem for independent and identically distributed random variables.
For example, when n is reasonably large and q is not vanishingly small,
the deviation from the expected size is within ±100 % with probability
close to 98 %, where  = 2 (1 – q)/nq.
Data Analytics 3–9 J (CS-5/IT-6)

4, For example, if the window contains 10,000 elements and we draw a 1

% Bernoulli sample, then the true sample size will be between 80 and
120 with probability close to 98 %.
5. Even though the size of a Bernoulli sample is random, Bernoulli
sampling, is a uniform sampling scheme, in which any two samples of
the same size are equally likely to be produced.
6. Bernoulli sampling is easy to implement if a pseudorandom number
generator is used.
7. A naive implementation generates for each element ei a pseudorandom
number Ui uniformly distributed on [0, 1]; element ei is included in the
sample if and only if
Ui  q
8. A more efficient implementation uses the fact that the number of
elements that are skipped between successive inclusions has a geometric
distribution: if i is the number of elements skipped after ei is included,
then Pr{i = j} = q(1 – q)j for j  0.
Algorithm for Bernoulli sampling :
// q is the Bernoulli sampling rate
// ei is the element that has just arrived (i  1)
// m is the index of the next element to be included (static variable
initialized to 0)
// B is the Bernoulli sample of stream elements (initialized to )
//  is the size of the skip
// random() returns a uniform[0, 1] pseudorandom number
1. if m = 0 then // generate initial skip
2. U  random()
3.   [logU/ log(1 – q)]
4 m  + 1 // compute index of first element to insert
5. if i = m then // insert element into sample and generate skip
6. B  B  {ei}
7. U  random()
8.  [logU/ log(1 – q)]
9. mm++1

Que 3.8. Write short note on Bloom filter.

1. A Bloom filter consists of :
Mining Data Streams 3–10 J (CS-5/IT-6)

a. An array of n bits, initially all 0’s.

b. A collection of hash functions h1, h2, . . . , hk. Each hash function
maps “key” values to n buckets, corresponding to the n bits of the
c. A set S of m key values.
2. The purpose of the Bloom filter is to allow through all stream elements
whose keys are in S, while rejecting most of the stream elements
whose keys are not in S.
3. To initialize the bit array, begin with all bits 0. Take each key value in
S and hash it using each of the k hash functions. Set to 1 each bit that
is hi(K) for some hash function hi and some key value K in S.
4. To test a key K that arrives in the stream, check that all of
h1(K), h2(K), . . . , hk(K)
are 1’s in the bit-array. If all are 1’s, then accept the stream element
through. If one or more of these bits are 0, then K could not be in S, so
reject the stream element.

Que 3.9. Explain the analysis of Bloom Filtering.

1. If a key value is in S, then the element will surely pass through the
Bloom filter.
2. However, if the key value is not in S, it might still pass.
3. We need to understand how to calculate the probability of a false
positive, as a function of n, the bit-array length, m the number of
members of S, and k, the number of hash functions.
4. The model to use is throwing darts at targets. Suppose we have x
targets and y darts. Any dart is equally likely to hit any target. After
throwing the darts, how many targets can we expect to be hit at least
5. The analysis is as follows :
a. The probability that a given dart will not hit a given target is
(x – 1)/x.
b. The probability that none of the y darts will hit a given target is
y  y
x 
 x  1  .We can write this expression as  1   x .
   1 
x  x
c. Using the approximation (1– )1/ = 1/e for small , we conclude
that the probability that none of the y darts hit a given target is
e– y/x.
Data Analytics 3–11 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Counting Distinct Elements in a Stream, Estimating Moments,
Counting Oneness in a Window, Decaying Window.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.10. Explain Flajolet-Martin algorithm to count the distinct

elements in a stream.

1. Flajolet-Martin algorithm approximates the number of unique objects
in a stream or a database in one pass.
2. If the stream contains n elements with m of them unique, this algorithm
runs in O(n) time and needs O(log(m)) memory. So the real innovation
here is the memory usage, in that an exact, brute-force algorithm
would need O(m) memory.
3. It gives an approximation for the number of unique objects, along with
a standard deviation , which can then be used to determine bounds on
the approximation with a desired maximum error , if needed.
The Flajolet-Martin algorithm :
1. Create a bit vector (bit array) of sufficient length L, such that 2L > n,
the number of elements in the stream. Usually a 64-bit vector is
sufficient since 264 is quite large for most purposes.
2. The i-th bit in this vector/array represents whether we have seen a
hash function value whose binary representation ends in 0i. So initialize
each bit to 0.
3. Generate a good, random hash function that maps input (usually
strings) to natural numbers.
4. Read input. For each word, hash it and determine the number of
trailing zeros. If the number of trailing zeros is k, set the k-th bit in the
bit vector to 1.
5. Once input is exhausted, get the index of the first 0 in the bit array (call
this R). By the way, this is just the number of consecutive 1s plus one.
6. Calculate the number of unique words as 2R/, where  is 0.77351.

Que 3.11. What are problem in Flajolet-Martin (FM) algorithm ?

Also give the solution.
Mining Data Streams 3–12 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Problem 1 : A problem with the Flajolet-Martin algorithm is that the results
vary significantly.
Solution :
a. A common solution has been to run the algorithm multiple times with
k different hash functions and combine the results from the different
b. One idea is to take the mean of the k results together from each hash
function, obtaining a single estimate of the cardinality.
Problem 2 : The problem with this is that averaging is very susceptible to
Solution : A different idea is to use the median, which is less prone to be
influences by outliers.
Problem 3 : The problem with this is that the results can only take form
2R/, where R is integer.
Solution :
a. A common solution is to combine both the mean and the median:
Create k.l hash functions and split them into k distinct groups (each of
size l).
b. Within each group use the median for aggregating together the l results,
and finally take the mean of the k group estimates as the final estimate.

Que 3.12. Explain estimating moments with example.

1. Estimating moments is a generalization of the problem of counting
distinct elements in a stream. The problem, called computing "moments,"
involves the distribution of frequencies of different elements in the
2. Suppose a stream consists of elements chosen from a universal set.
Assume the universal set is ordered so we can speak of the ith element
for any i.
3. Let mi be the number of occurrences of the ith element for any i. Then
the kth-order moment of the stream is the sum over all i of (mi)k.
For example :
1. The 0th moment is the sum of 1 of each mi that is greater than 0 i.e., 0th
moment is a count of the number of distinct element in the stream.
2. The 1st moment is the sum of the mi’s, which must be the length of the
stream. Thus, first moments are especially easy to compute i.e., just
count the length of the stream seen so far.
Data Analytics 3–13 J (CS-5/IT-6)

3. The second moment is the sum of the squares of the mi’s. It is sometimes
called the surprise number, since it measures how uneven the
distribution of elements in the stream is.
4. To see the distinction, suppose we have a stream of length 100, in
which eleven different elements appear. The most even distribution of
these eleven elements would have one appearing 10 times and the
other ten appearing 9 times each.
5. In this case, the surprise number is 102 + 10 × 92 = 910. At the other
extreme, one of the eleven elements could appear 90 times and the
other ten appear 1 time each. Then, the surprise number would be 902
+ 10 × 12 = 8110

Que 3.13. Explain Alon-Matias-Szegedy Algorithm for second

moments with example.

Alon-Matias-Szegedy algorithm for second moments :
1. Let us assume that a stream has a particular length n.
2. Suppose we do not have enough space to count all the mi’s for all the
elements of the stream.
3. We can still estimate the second moment of the stream using a limited
amount of space; the more space we use, the more accurate the estimate
will be. We compute some number of variables.
4. For each variable X, we store :
a. A particular element of the universal set, which we refer to as
b. An integer X.value, which is the value of the variable. To determine
the value of a variable X, we choose a position in the stream
between 1 and n, uniformly and at random. Set X.element to be
the element found there, and initialize X.value to 1. As we read
the stream, add 1 to X.value each time we encounter another
occurrence of X.element.
For example :
1. Suppose the stream is a, b, c, b, d, a, c, d, a, b, d, c, a, a, b. The length of
the stream is n = 15. Since a appears 5 times, b appears 4 times, and c
and d appear three times each, the second moment for the stream is
52 + 42 + 32 + 32 = 59.
2. Suppose we used three variables, X1, X2, and X3. Also, assume that at
random we pick the 3rd, 8th, and 13th positions to define these three
3. When we reach position 3, we find element c, so we set X1.element = c
and X1.value = 1. Position 4 holds b, so we do not change X1. Similarly,
nothing happens at positions 5 or 6. At position 7, we see c again, so we
set X1.value = 2.
Mining Data Streams 3–14 J (CS-5/IT-6)

4. At position 8 we find d, and so set X2.element = d and X2.value = 1.

Positions 9 and 10 hold a and b, so they do not affect X1 or X2. Position
11 holds d so we set X2.value = 2, and position 12 holds c so we set
X1.value = 3. At position 13, we find element a, and so set X3.element =
a and X3.value = 1. Then, at position 14 we see another a and so set
X3.value = 2. Position 15, with element b does not affect any of the
variables, with final values X1.value = 3 and X2.value = X3.value = 2.
5. We can derive an estimate of the second moment from any variable X.
This estimate is n(2X.value – 1).
From X1 we derive the estimate n(2X1. value – 1) = 15 × (2 × 3 – 1) = 75.
From X2 and X3, each have value 2 at the end, so their estimates are 15
× (2 × 2 – 1) = 45.
Second moment of stream is 59.
75  45  45 165
Average estimate of X1, X2 and X3 =  = 55
3 3

Que 3.14. Explain Datar-Gionis-Indyk-Motwani(DGIM) algorithm

for counting oneness in a window.

Datar-Gionis-Indyk-Motwani (DGIM) algorithm :
1. This version of the algorithm uses O(log2 N) bits to represent a window
of N bits, and allows us to estimate the number of 1’s in the window
with an error of no more than 50%.
2. To begin, each bit of the stream has a timestamp, the position in which
it arrives. The first bit has timestamp 1, the second has timestamp 2,
and so on.
3. Since we only need to distinguish positions within the window of length
N, we shall represent timestamps modulo N, so they can be represented
by log2 N bits.
4. If we also store the total number of bits ever seen in the stream (i.e.,
the most recent timestamp) modulo N, then we can determine from a
timestamp modulo N where in the current window the bit with that
timestamp is.
5. We divide the window into buckets, consisting of :
a. The timestamp of its right (most recent) end.
b. The number of 1’s in the bucket. This number must be a power of
2, and we refer to the number of 1’s as the size of the bucket.
6. To represent a bucket, we need log2 N bits to represent the timestamp
(modulo N) of its right end.
7. To represent the number of 1’s we only need log2 log2 N bits. The
reason is that we know this number i is a power of 2, say 2j, so we can
Data Analytics 3–15 J (CS-5/IT-6)

represent i by coding j in binary. Since j is at most log2 N, it requires

log2 log2 N bits. Thus, O(log N) bits suffice to represent a bucket.
8. There are following six rules that must be followed when representing
a stream by buckets :
i. The right end of a bucket is always a position with a 1.
ii. Every position with a 1 is in some bucket.
iii. No position is in more than one bucket.
iv. There are one or two buckets of any given size, up to some
maximum size.
v. All sizes must be a power of 2.
vi. Buckets cannot decrease in size as we move to the left.

. . . 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 01 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 10

At least one One of Two of

Two of size 4
of size 8 size 2 size 1
Fig. 3.14.1. A bit-stream divided into bucket following the
DGIM rules.

Real-Time Analytics Platform (RTAP), Applications,
Case Studies : Real Time Sentiment Analysis, Stock
Market Predictions.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.15. Write short note on Real-Time Analytics Platform (RTAP)

with example.

1. A real-time analytics platform enables organizations to make the most
out of real-time data by helping them to extract the valuable information
and trends from it.
2. Such platforms help in measuring data from the business point of view
in real time, further making the best use of data.
Mining Data Streams 3–16 J (CS-5/IT-6)

3. An ideal real-time analytics platform would help in analyzing the data,

correlating it and predicting the outcomes on a real-time basis.
4. The real-time analytics platform helps organizations in tracking things
in real time, thus helping them in the decision-making process.
5. The platforms connect the data sources for better analytics and
6. Real time analytics is the analysis of data as soon as that data becomes
available. In other words, users get insights or can draw conclusions
immediately the data enters their system.
Examples of real-time analytics include :
1. Real time credit scoring, helping financial institutions to decide
immediately whether to extend credit.
2. Customer relationship management (CRM), maximizing satisfaction
and business results during each interaction with the customer.
3. Fraud detection at points of sale.
4. Targeting individual customers in retail outlets with promotions and
incentives, while the customers are in the store and next to the

Que 3.16. Explain the steps in Real-time Analytics Platforms.

Real-time analytics platform consists of the following steps :
1. Real-time stream sources :
a. For real-time analytics, the first major need sources from where
real-time data is obtained.
b. There are many sources of streaming data :
i. Sensor data : The sensor is the output of the device that
measures a physical quantity and transforms it into a digital
ii. Social media stream : Social media streaming like a Twitter
feed, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, Tumblr.
iii.Clickstream : The stream contains the data about which pages
the website visits and in what order.
2. Real-time stream ingestion :
a. There is a need to ingest the streams which are coming from the
real-time stream sources.
Data Analytics 3–17 J (CS-5/IT-6)

b. So there various open source tools in the market through which

we can ingest the stream and some of them are as follows :
i. Apache NiFi :
1. Apache NiFi is a data ingestion tool.
2. It is an integrated data logistics platform for automating the
movement of data between disparate systems.
3. It provides real-time control that makes it easy to manage
the movement of data between any source and any
ii. Apache Streamsets : StreamSets is data operations platform
where we can efficiently develop batch and streaming dataflows,
and further operate them with full visibility and control and
easily evolve our architecture over time.
3. Real-time stream storage :
a. We need storage in which we can ingest stream.
b. There are many open source stream storages that are available in
the market. Some of them are as follow :
i. Apache Kafka : Kafka is used for building real-time data
pipelines and streaming apps. It is horizontally scalable, fault-
tolerant, wicked fast, and runs in production in thousands of
ii. Apache Pulsar : Apache Pulsar is an open-source distributed
messaging system.
iii.NATS.IO : NATS Server is a simple, high-performance open
source messaging system for cloud-native applications, IoT
messaging, and microservices architectures.
4. Real-time stream processing : There are some open source data
streaming platforms which are available in the market which are used
for processing the streaming data and some of them are as follow :
a. Apache Spark :
i. Apache Spark is a unified analytics engine for large scale data
ii. Apache Spark is a computing technology that is specially
designed for faster computation. Spark is designed in order to
cover batch applications, interactive queries, algorithms, and
b. Apache Apex :
i. Apache Apex is also a unified stream and batch processing
Mining Data Streams 3–18 J (CS-5/IT-6)

ii. Apache Apex is designed to process data in motion, in distributed

and in a tolerant way.
iii. It is based on separate functional and operational specifications
rather than compounding them together.
c. Apache Flink :
i. Apache Flink is an open source stream processing framework
for distributed, high performance and data accurate data
streaming applications.
ii. Apache Flink also supports batch processing as a special case of
stream processing.
d. Apache Beam : Apache Beam is a unified programming model
that is used for implementing batch and streaming data processing
jobs that run on any execution engine.

Que 3.17. Write short notes on sentiment analysis.

1. Sentiment analysis is a type of natural language processing for tracking
the mood of the public about a particular product. Sentiment analysis
is also known as opinion mining.
2. It collects and examines opinions about the particular product made in
blog posts, comments, or tweets.
3. Sentiment analysis can track a particular topic, many companies use it
to track or observe their products, status.
4. A basic task in sentiment analysis is categorizing the polarity of a given
text at the document, sentence whether the expressed opinion in a
document, a sentence or an entity feature is positive, negative, or
5. Sentiment classification looks, at emotional states such as “angry,”
“sad,” and “happy”.

Que 3.18. What are the applications of sentiment analysis in real

world scenarios ?

Following are the major applications of sentiment analysis in real
world scenarios :
1. Reputation monitoring : Twitter and Facebook are a central point
of many sentiment analysis applications. The most common application
is to maintain the reputation of a particular brand on Twitter and/or
Data Analytics 3–19 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. Result prediction : By analyzing sentiments from related sources,

one can predict the probable outcome of a particular event.
3. Decision making : Sentiment analysis can be used as an important
aspect supporting the decision making systems. For instance, in the
financial markets investment, there are numerous news items, articles,
blogs, and tweets about every public company.
4. Product and service review : The most common application of
sentiment analysis is in the area of reviews of customer products and

Que 3.19. Explain the architecture of sentiment analysis.

1. Data collection :
a. Consumers express their sentiments on public forums like the
blogs, discussion boards or social network sites.
b. Feelings are expressed in different way, context of writing, usage
of short forms and slang, making the data huge.
c. Manual analysis of sentiment data is virtually impossible.
Therefore, special programming languages like R are used to
procedure and analyze the data.

Data Text Sentiment Sentiment Presentation

Collection Preparation Detection Classification of output

Fig. 3.19.1. Architecture of sentiment analysis.

2. Text preparation : Text preparation means filtering the mined data

before analysis. Text preparation is nothing but data pre-processing.
3. Sentiment detection :
a. At this stage, each sentence of the opinion is examined for
b. Sentences with subjective information are retained and that which
conveys objective expressions are discarded.
4. Sentiment classification :
a. Sentiments can be generally classified into two groups, positive
and negative.
Mining Data Streams 3–20 J (CS-5/IT-6)

b. At this stage of sentiment analysis method, each subjective

sentence detected is ordered into groups-positive, negative, good,
bad, like, dislike.
5. Presentation of output :
a. The idea of sentiment analysis is to change unstructured text into
meaningful data.
b. After the completion of analysis, the text results are displayed on
graphs like pie chart, bar chart.

Data Analytics 4–1 J (CS-5/IT-6)

4 Frequent Itemsets and


Part-1 : Frequent Itemsets and ............................... 4–2J to 4–9J
Clustering : Mining Frequent
Itemsets, Market Based
Modelling, Apriori Algorithm

Part-2 : Handling Large Data ................................ 4–9J to 4–15J

Sets in Main Memory,
Limited Pass Algorithm,
Counting Frequent
Itemsets in a Stream

Part-3 : Clustering Techniques : ........................ 4–15J to 4–21J

Hierarchical, k-means

Part-4 : Clustering High ....................................... 4–21J to 4–26J

Dimensional Data,
Frequent Pattern Based
Clustering Methods

Part-5 : Clustering in Non-Euclidean ............... 4–26J to 4–28J

Space, Clustering for
Streams and Parallelism
Frequent Itemsets & Clustering 4–2 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Frequent Itemsets and Clustering : Mining Frequent Itemsets,
Markets Based Modelling, Apriori Algorithm.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.1. Write short notes on frequent patterns in data mining.

1. Frequent patterns are patterns (such as itemsets, subsequences, or
substructures) that appear frequently in a dataset.
2. A substructure can refer to different structural forms, such as sub-
graphs, sub-trees, or sub-lattices, which may be combined with itemsets
or subsequences.
3. If a substructure occurs frequently, it is called a (frequent) structured
4. Finding frequent patterns plays an essential role in mining associations,
correlations, and many other interesting relationships among data.
5. It helps in data classification, clustering, and other data mining tasks.
6. Frequent pattern mining searches for recurring relationships in a given
7. For example, a set of items, such as milk and bread that appear
frequently together in a grocery transaction dataset is a frequent itemset.
8. A subsequence, such as buying first a PC, then a digital camera, and
then a memory card, if it occurs frequently in a shopping history
database, is a (frequent) sequential pattern.

Que 4.2. Explain frequent itemset mining.

1. Frequent itemset mining leads to the discovery of associations and
correlations among items in large transactional or relational datasets.
2. With massive amounts of data continuously being collected and stored,
many industries are becoming interested in mining such patterns from
their databases.
3. The discovery of interesting correlation relationships among huge
amounts of business transaction records can help in many business
Data Analytics 4–3 J (CS-5/IT-6)

decision-making processes such as catalogue design, cross-marketing,

and customer shopping behaviour analysis.
4. A typical example of frequent itemset mining is market basket analysis.
5. This process analyzes customer buying habits by finding associations
between the different items that customers place in their “shopping
6. The discovery of these associations can help retailers to develop
marketing strategies by gaining insight into which items are frequently
purchased together by customers.
7. For instance, if customers are buying some product, how likely are
they to also other products at the same time. This information can lead
to increased sales by helping retailers do selective marketing.

Que 4.3. Write short notes on market based modelling.

1. The market-basket model of data is used to describe a common form of
many to many relationship between two kinds of objects.
2. On the one hand, we have items, and on the other we have baskets,
sometimes called “transactions.”
3. Each basket consists of a set of items (an itemset), and usually we
assume that the number of items in a basket is small or much smaller
than the total number of items.
4. The number of baskets is usually assumed to be very large, bigger
than what can fit in main memory.
5. The data is assumed to be represented in a file consisting of a sequence
of baskets.

Que 4.4. Write short notes on algorithm for finding frequent


1. The Apriori algorithm takes a bottom-up iterative approach to find the
frequent itemsets by first determining all the possible items and then
identifying which among them are frequent.
2. Let variable Ck be the set of candidate k-itemsets and variable Lk be the
set of k-itemsets that satisfy the minimum support.
3. Given a transaction database D, a minimum support threshold , and
an optional parameter N indicating the maximum length an itemset
could reach, Apriori iteratively computes frequent itemsets Lk – 1 based
on Lk.
Apriori algorithm :
Apriori (D, , N) :
Frequent Itemsets & Clustering 4–4 J (CS-5/IT-6)

1. k1
2. Lk  {1-itemsets that satisfy minimum support }
3. while Lk  
4. if N  (N  k < N)
5. Ck + 1  candidate itemsets generated from Lk
6. for each transaction t in database D do
7. increment the counts of Ck +1 contained in t
8. Lk + 1 candidates in Ck + 1 that satisfy minimum support 
9. k k+l

10. return  k Lk
4. At each iteration, the algorithm checks whether the support criterion
can be met; if it can, the algorithm grows the item set, repeating the
process until it runs out of support or until the item sets reach a
predefined length.
5. The first step of the Apriori algorithm is to identify the frequent item
sets by starting with each item in the transactions that meets the
predefined minimum support threshold .
6. These itemsets are 1-itemsets denoted as L1, as each 1-itemset contains
only one item. Next, the algorithm grows the item set s by joining L1
onto itself to form new, grown 2-itemsets denoted as L2 and determines
the support of each 2-itemset in L2. Those itemsets that do not meet
the minimum support threshold  are pruned away.
7. The growing and pruning process is repeated until no itemsets meet
the minimum support threshold.
8. A threshold N can be set up to specify the maximum number of items
the item set can reach or the maximum number of iterations of the
algorithm. Once completed, output of the Apriori algorithm is the
collection of all the frequent k-itemsets.

Que 4.5. How is the Apriori property used in the algorithm ?

A two-step process is followed, consisting of join and prune actions.
1. The join step :
a. To find Lk, a set of candidate k-itemsets is generated by joining
Lk – 1 with itself. This set of candidates is denoted Ck.
b. Let l1 and l2 be itemsets in Lk – 1. The notation li[j] refers to the jth
item in li (e.g., l1[k – 2] refers to the second to the last item in l1).
c. For efficient implementation, Apriori assumes that items within a
transaction or itemset are sorted in lexicographic order. For the
Data Analytics 4–5 J (CS-5/IT-6)

(k – 1)-itemset, li, this means that the items are sorted such that
li[1] < li[2] < ··· < li[k – 1].
d. The join, Lk – 1  Lk – 1, is performed, where members of Lk – 1 are
joinable if their first (k – 2)-items are in common. That is, members
l1 and l2 of Lk – 1 are joined if (l1[1] = l2[1])  (l1[2] = l2[2])  ··· 
(l1[k – 2] = l2[k – 2]) (l1[k – 1] < l2[k – 1]).
e. The condition l1[k – 1] < l2[k – 1] simply ensures that no duplicates
are generated. The resulting itemset formed by joining l1 and l2 is
{l1[1], l1[2],..., l1[k – 2], l1[k – 1], l2[k – 1]}. }
2. The prune step :
a. Ck is a superset of Lk, that is, its members may or may not be
frequent, but all of the frequent k-itemsets are included in Ck.
b. A database scan to determine the count of each candidate in Ck
would result in the determination of Lk (i.e., all candidates having
a count less than the minimum support count are frequent by
definition, and therefore belong to Lk).
c. Ck , however, can be huge, and so this could involve heavy
computation. To reduce the size of Ck, the Apriori property is used.
d. According to Apriori property, any (k – 1)-itemset that is not
frequent cannot be a subset of a frequent k-itemsets. Hence if any
(k –1)-subset of a candidate k-itemset is not in Lk–1, then the
candidate cannot be frequent and can be removed from Ck.

Que 4.6. Write short note on generating association rules from

frequent itemsets.

1. Once the frequent itemsets from transactions in a database D have
been found, it is straightforward to generate strong association rules
from them (where strong association rules satisfy both minimum
support and minimum confidence).
2. This can be done using equation (4.6.1) for confidence, which is shown
here for completeness :
support_count( A  B)
confidence(A  B) = P(B|A) = ...(4.6.1)
support_count( A)
3. The conditional probability is expressed in terms of itemset support
count, where support_count (A  B) is the number of transactions
containing the itemsets A B, and support_count (A) is the number of
transactions containing the itemset A.
4. Based on equation (4.6.1), association rules can be generated as follows :
a. For each frequent itemset l, generate all non-empty subsets of l.
Frequent Itemsets & Clustering 4–6 J (CS-5/IT-6)

b. For every non-empty subset s of l, output the rule s  (l – s) if

(support_count(l)/ support_count(s))  min_conf, where min_conf
is the minimum confidence threshold.
5. Because the rules are generated from frequent itemsets, each one
automatically satisfies the minimum support.
6. Frequent itemsets can be stored ahead of time in hash tables along
with their counts so that they can be accessed quickly.

Que 4.7. How can we improve the efficiency of Apriori-based

mining ?

Many variations of the Apriori algorithm have been proposed that focus on
improving the efficiency of the original algorithm. Several of these variations
are as follows :
1. Hash-based technique (hashing itemsets into corresponding
buckets) :
a. A hash-based technique can be used to reduce the size of the
candidate k-itemsets, Ck, for k > 1.
b. For example, when scanning each transaction in the database to
generate the frequent 1-itemsets, L1, we can generate all the
2-itemsets for each transaction, hash (i.e., map) them into the
different buckets of a hash table structure, and increase the
corresponding bucket counts (Fig. 4.7.1).
Table 4.7.1 : Transactional data for an all electronics branch

TID List of item_IDs

T100 I1, I2, I5
T200 I2, I4
T300 I2, I3
T400 I1, I2, I4
T500 I1, I3
T600 I2, I3
T700 I1, I3
T800 I1, I2, I3, I5
T900 I1, I2, I3
Data Analytics 4–7 J (CS-5/IT-6)

h(x, y) = ((order of x) 10
Create hash table H2

+ (order of y)) mod 7

using hash function

bucket address 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
bucket count 2 2 4 2 2 4 4
bucket countents (I1, I4) (I1, I5) (I2, I3) (I2, I4) (I2, I5) (I1, I2) (I1, I3)
(I3, I5) (I1, I5) (I2, I3) (I2, I4) (I2, I5) (I1, I2) (I1, I3)
(I2, I3) (I1, I2) (I1, I3)
(I2, I3) (I1, I2) (I1, I3)

Fig. 4.7.1. Hash table, H 2, for candidate 2-itemsets. This has

table was generated by scanning Table 4.7.1 transactions
while determining L1. If the minimum support count is, say, 3,
then the itemsets in buckets 0, 1, 3, and 4 cannot be
frequent and so they should not be included in C 2.

c. A 2-itemset with a corresponding bucket count in the hash table

that is below the support threshold cannot be frequent and thus
should be removed from the candidate set.
d. Such a hash-based technique may substantially reduce the number
of candidate k-itemsets examined (especially when k = 2).
2. Transaction reduction (reducing the number of transactions
scanned in future iterations) :
a. A transaction that does not contain any frequent k-itemsets cannot
contain any frequent (k + 1)-itemsets.
b. Therefore, such a transaction can be marked or removed from
further consideration because subsequent database scans for
j-itemsets, where j > k, will not need to consider such a transaction.
3. Partitioning (partitioning the data to find candidate itemsets) :
a. A partitioning technique can be used that requires just two database
scans to mine the frequent itemsets as shown in Fig. 4.7.2.
Phase I Phase II

Divide D Find the Combine Find global Frequent

Transactions frequent all local frequent
into n itemsets
in D itemsets frequent itemsets
partitions in D
local to each itemsets among
partition to form candidates
(1 scan) candidate (1 scan)

Fig. 4.7.2. Mining by partitioning the data.

b. It consists of two phases :

Frequent Itemsets & Clustering 4–8 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Phase I :
i. In phase I, the algorithm divides the transactions of D into n
non-overlapping partitions. If the minimum relative support
threshold for transactions in D is min_sup, then
Minimum support count for a partition = min_sup × the number
of transactions in that partition
ii. For each partition, all the local frequent itemsets are found.
iii. A local frequent itemset may or may not be frequent with respect
to the entire database, D. However, any itemset that is potentially
frequent with respect to D must occur as a frequent itemset in at
least one of the partitions.
iv. Therefore, all local frequent itemsets are candidate itemsets with
respect to D. The collection of frequent itemsets from all partitions
forms the global candidate itemsets with respect to D.
Phase II :
i. In phase 2, a second scan of D is conducted in which the actual
support of each candidate is assessed to determine the global
frequent itemsets.
ii. Partition size and the number of partitions are set so that each
partition can fit into main memory and therefore be read only
once in each phase.
4. Sampling (mining on a subset of the given data) :
a. The basic idea of the sampling approach is to pick a random sample
S of the given data D, and then search for frequent itemsets in S
instead of D.
b. In this way, we trade off some degree of accuracy against efficiency.
c. The S sample size is such that the search for frequent itemsets in
S can be done in main memory, and so only one scan of the
transactions in S is required overall.
d. In this technique, it is possible that we will miss some of the global
frequent itemsets.
5. Dynamic itemset counting (adding candidate itemsets at
different points during a scan) :
a. A dynamic itemset counting technique was proposed in which the
database is partitioned into blocks marked by start points.
b. In this variation, new candidate itemsets can be added at any start
point, which determines new candidate itemsets only immediately
before each complete database scan.

Que 4.8. What are the applications of frequent itemset analysis ?

Data Analytics 4–9 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Applications of frequent itemset analysis :
a. Related concepts :
1. Let items be words, and let baskets be documents (e.g., Web pages,
blogs, tweets).
2. A basket/document contains those items/words that are present
in the document.
3. If we look for sets of words that appear together in many
documents, the sets will be dominated by the most common words
(stop words).
4. If the document contain many the stop words such as “and” and
“a” then it will consider as more frequent itemsets.
5. However, if we ignore all the most common words, then we would
hope to find among the frequent pairs some pairs of words that
represent a joint concept.
b. Plagiarism :
1. Let the items be documents and the baskets be sentences.
2. An item is in a basket if the sentence is in the document.
3. This arrangement appears backwards, and we should remember
that the relationship between items and baskets is an arbitrary
many-many relationship.
4. In this application, we look for pairs of items that appear together
in several baskets.
5. If we find such a pair, then we have two documents that share
several sentences in common.
c. Biomarkers :
1. Let the items be of two types such as genes or blood proteins, and
2. Each basket is the set of data about a patient: their genome and
blood-chemistry analysis, as well as their medical history of disease.
3. A frequent itemset that consists of one disease and one or more
biomarkers suggest a test for the disease.

Handling Large Data Sets in Main Memory, Limited Pass
Algorithm, Counting Frequent Itemsets in a Stream.
Frequent Itemsets & Clustering 4–10 J (CS-5/IT-6)


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.9. What are the different methods for storing itemset count
in main memory ?

Different method for storing itemset count in main memory :
1. The triangular-matrix method :
a. Even after coding items as integers, we still have the problem that
we must count a pair {i, j} in only one place.
b. For example, we could order the pair so that i < j, and only use the
entry a[i, j] in a two-dimensional array a. That strategy would
make half the array useless.
c. A more space-efficient way is to use a one-dimensional triangular
d. We store in a[k] the count for the pair {i, j}, with 1  i < j  n, where
k = (i – 1)(n – i/2 ) + j – i .
e. The result of this layout is that the pairs are stored in lexicographic
order, that is first {1, 2}, {1, 3}, . . ., {1, n}, then {2, 3}, {2, 4}, . . . , {2,
n}, and so on, down to {n – 2, n – 1}, {n – 2, n}, and finally {n – 1, n}.
2. The triples method :
a. This is more appropriate approach to store counts that depend on
the fraction of the possible pairs of items that actually appear in
some basket.
b. We can store counts as triples [i, j, c], meaning that the count of
pair {i, j}, with i < j, is c. A data structure, such as a hash table with
i and j as the search key, is used so we can tell if there is a triple for
a given i and j and, if so, to find it quickly.
c. We call this approach the triples method of storing counts.
d. The triples method does not require us to store anything if the
count for a pair is 0.
e. On the other hand, the triples method requires us to store three
integers, rather than one, for every pair that does appear in some

Que 4.10. Explain PCY algorithm for handling large dataset in

main memory.
Data Analytics 4–11 J (CS-5/IT-6)

1. In first pass of Apriori algorithm, there may be much unused space in
main memory.
2. The PCY Algorithm uses the unused space for an array of integers
that generalizes the idea of a Bloom filter. The idea is shown
schematically in Fig. 4.10.1.

1 1
Item Item Fre-
2 Item 2
names names quent
to counts to items
integers integers
n n


Hash table
for bucket Data structure
counts for counts
of pairs

Pass 1 Pass 2
Fig. 4.10.1.

3. Array is considered as a hash table, whose buckets hold integers rather

than sets of keys or bits. Pairs of items are hashed to buckets of this
hash table. As we examine a basket during the first pass, we not only
add 1 to the count for each item in the basket, but we generate all the
pairs, using a double loop.
4. We hash each pair, and we add 1 to the bucket into which that pair
5. At the end of the first pass, each bucket has a count, which is the sum
of the counts of all the pairs that hash to that bucket.
6. If the count of a bucket is at least as great as the support threshold s,
it is called a frequent bucket. We can say nothing about the pairs that
hash to a frequent bucket; they could all be frequent pairs from the
information available to us.
7. But if the count of the bucket is less than s (an infrequent bucket), we
know no pair that hashes to this bucket can be frequent, even if the
pair consists of two frequent items.
Frequent Itemsets & Clustering 4–12 J (CS-5/IT-6)

8. We can define the set of candidate pairs C2 to be those pairs {i, j} such
a. i and j are frequent items.
b. {i, j} hashes to a frequent bucket.

Que 4.11. Explain simple and randomized algorithm to find most

frequent itemsets using at most two passes.

Simple and randomized algorithm :
1. In simple and randorimized algorithm, we pick a random subset of the
baskets and pretend it is the entire dataset instead of using the entire
file of baskets.
2. We must adjust the support threshold to reflect the smaller number of
3. For instance, if the support threshold for the full dataset is s, and we
choose a sample of 1% of the baskets, then we should examine the
sample for itemsets that appear in at least s/100 of the baskets.
4. The best way to pick the sample is to read the entire dataset, and for
each basket, select that basket for the sample with some fixed probability
5. Suppose there are m baskets in the entire file. At the end, we shall
have a sample whose size is very close to pm baskets.
6. However, if the baskets appear in random order in the file already,
then we do not even have to read the entire file.
7. We can select the first pm baskets for our sample. Or, if the file is part
of a distributed file system, we can pick some chunks at random to
serve as the sample.
8. Having selected our sample of the baskets, we use part of main memory
to store these baskets.
9. Remaining main memory is used to execute one of the algorithms
such as A-Priori or PCY. However, the algorithm must run passes over
the main-memory sample for each itemset size, until we find a size
with no frequent items.

Que 4.12. Explain SON algorithm to find all or most frequent

itemsets using at most two passes.

SON Algorithm :
1. The idea is to divide the input file into chunks.
2. Treat each chunk as a sample, and run the simple and randomized
Data Analytics 4–13 J (CS-5/IT-6)

algorithm on that chunk.

3. We use ps as the threshold, if each chunk is fraction p of the whole file,
and s is the support threshold.
4. Store on disk all the frequent itemsets found for each chunk.
5. Once all the chunks have been processed in that way, take the union
of all the itemsets that have been found frequent for one or more
chunks. These are the candidate itemsets.
6. If an itemset is not frequent in any chunk, then its support is less than
ps in each chunk. Since the number of chunks is 1/p, we conclude that
the total support for that itemset is less than (1/p)ps = s.
7. Thus, every itemset that is frequent in the whole is frequent in at least
one chunk, and we can be sure that all the truly frequent itemsets are
among the candidates; i.e., there are no false negatives. We have made
a total of one pass through the data as we read each chunk and processed
8. In a second pass, we count all the candidate itemsets and select those
that have support at least s as the frequent itemsets.

Que 4.13. Explain SON algorithm usng MapReduce.

1. The SON algorithm work well in a parallel-computing environment.
2. Each of the chunks can be processed in parallel, and the frequent
itemsets from each chunk combined to form the candidates.
3. We can distribute the candidates to many processors, have each
processor count the support for each candidate in a subset of the
baskets, and finally sum those supports to get the support for each
candidate itemset in the whole dataset.
4. There is a natural way of expressing each of the two passes as a
MapReduce operation.
MapReduce-MapReduce sequence :
First Map function :
a. Take the assigned subset of the baskets and find the itemsets frequent
in the subset using the simple and randomized algorithm.
b. Lower the support threshold from s to ps if each Map task gets fraction
p of the total input file.
c. The output is a set of key-value pairs (F, 1), where F is a frequent
itemset from the sample.
First Reduce Function :
a. Each Reduce task is assigned a set of keys, which are itemsets.
Frequent Itemsets & Clustering 4–14 J (CS-5/IT-6)

b. The value is ignored, and the Reduce task simply produces those keys
(itemsets) that appear one or more times. Thus, the output of the first
Reduce function is the candidate itemsets.
Second Map function :
a. The Map tasks for the second Map function take all the output from
the first Reduce Function (the candidate itemsets) and a portion of the
input data file.
b. Each Map task counts the number of occurrences of each of the
candidate itemsets among the baskets in the portion of the dataset
that it was assigned.
c. The output is a set of key-value pairs (C, v), where C is one of the
candidate sets and v is the support for that itemset among the baskets
that were input to this Map task.
Second Reduce function :
a. The Reduce tasks take the itemsets they are given as keys and sum
the associated values.
b. The result is the total support for each of the itemsets that the Reduce
task was assigned to handle.
c. Those itemsets whose sum of values is at least s are frequent in the
whole dataset, so the Reduce task outputs these itemsets with their
d. Itemsets that do not have total support at least s are not transmitted to
the output of the Reduce task.

Que 4.14. Explain Toivonen’s algorithm.

1. Toivonen’s algorithm is a heuristic algorithm for finding frequent
itemsets from a given set of data.
2. For many frequent itemset algorithms, main memory is considered a
critical resource.
3. This is typically because itemset counting over large data sets results
in very large data structures that quickly begin to strain the limits of
main memory.
4. Toivonen’s algorithm presents an interesting approach to discovering
frequent itemsets in large data sets. The algorithm's deceptive simplicity
allows us to discover all frequent itemsets through a sampling process.
5. Negative border : An itemset is in the negative border if it is not
frequent in the sample, but all its immediate subsets are frequent in
the sample.
Data Analytics 4–15 J (CS-5/IT-6)

6. Passes of Toivonen’s algorithm :

Pass 1 :
a. Start with the random sample, but lower the threshold slightly for
the subset.
b. Add to the itemsets that are frequent in the sample the negative
border of these itemsets.
Pass 2 :
a. Count all candidate frequent itemsets from the first pass, and also
count sets in their negative border.
b. If no itemset from the negative border turns out to be frequent,
then we found all the frequent itemsets.

Que 4.15. Discuss sampling techniques to extract frequent

itemsets from a stream.

1. We assume that stream elements are baskets of items.
2. The simplest approach to maintaining a current estimate of the frequent
itemsets in a stream is to collect some number of baskets and store it as
a file.
3. Run one of the frequent-itemset algorithms, meanwhile ignoring the
stream elements that arrive, or storing them as another file to be
analyzed later.
4. When the frequent-itemsets algorithm finishes, we have an estimate
of the frequent itemsets in the stream.
5. We can use this collection of frequent itemsets for the application, but
start running another iteration of the chosen frequent-itemset
algorithm immediately. This algorithm can either :
a. Use the file that was collected while the first iteration of the
algorithm was running. At the same time, collect yet another file
to be used at another iteration of the algorithm, when this current
iteration finishes.
b. Start collecting another file of baskets, and run the algorithm
until an adequate number of baskets has been collected.

Clustering Techniques: Hierarchical, k-means.
Frequent Itemsets & Clustering 4–16 J (CS-5/IT-6)


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.16. Write short notes on clustering.

1. Clustering is the process of grouping a set of data objects into multiple
groups or clusters so that objects within a cluster have high similarity,
but are very dissimilar to objects in other clusters.
2. Dissimilarities and similarities are assessed based on the attribute
values describing the objects and often involve distance measures.
3. The "quality" of a cluster may be represented by its diameter, the
maximum distance between any two objects in the cluster.
4. Centroid distance is an alternative measure of cluster quality and is
defined as the average distance of each cluster object from the cluster
5. Cluster analysis or simply clustering is the process of partitioning a set
of data objects (or observations) into subsets.
6. The set of clusters resulting from a cluster analysis can be referred to
as a clustering.
7. Clustering can lead to the discovery of previously unknown groups
within the data.
8. Cluster analysis has been widely used in many applications such as
business intelligence, image pattern recognition, Web search, biology,
and security.

Que 4.17. What are the requirements for clustering in data

mining ?

Following are requirements of clustering in data mining :
1. Scalability :
a. Many clustering algorithms work well on small data sets containing
fewer than several hundred data objects.
b. Clustering on only a sample of a given large data set may lead to
biased results. Therefore, highly scalable clustering algorithms
are needed.
Data Analytics 4–17 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. Ability to deal with different types of attributes : Many algorithms

are designed to cluster numeric (interval-based) data. However,
applications may require clustering other data types, such as binary,
nominal (categorical), and ordinal data, or mixtures of these data types.
3. Discovery of clusters with arbitrary shape :
a. Many clustering algorithms determine clusters based on Euclidean
distance measures.
b. Algorithms based on such distance measures tend to find spherical
clusters with similar size and density. However, a cluster could be
of any shape.
c. It is important to develop algorithms that can detect clusters of
arbitrary shape.
4. Requirements for domain knowledge to determine input
parameters :
a. Many clustering algorithms require users to provide domain
knowledge in the form of input parameters such as the desired
number of clusters.
b. The clustering results may be sensitive to such parameters.
5. Ability to deal with noisy data :
a. Most real-world data sets contain outliers and/or missing,
unknown, or erroneous data.
b. Clustering algorithms can be sensitive to noise and may produce
poor-quality clusters. Therefore, we need clustering methods that
are robust to noise.
6. Capability of clustering high-dimensionality data :
a. A data set can contain numerous dimensions or attributes.
b. Most clustering algorithms are good at handling low-dimensional
data such as data sets involving only two or three dimensions.
c. Finding clusters of data objects in a high dimensional space is
challenging, especially considering that such data can be very
sparse and highly skewed.
7. Constraint-based clustering :
a. Real-world applications may need to perform clustering under
various kinds of constraints.
b. A challenging task is to find data groups with good clustering
behaviour that satisfy specified constraints.

Que 4.18. Write short notes on hierarchical method of clustering.

Frequent Itemsets & Clustering 4–18 J (CS-5/IT-6)

1. A hierarchical method creates a hierarchical decomposition of the given
set of data objects.
2. A hierarchical method can be classified as :
a. Agglomerative approach :
i. The agglomerative approach, also called the bottom-up
approach, starts with each object forming a separate group.
ii. It successively merges the objects or groups close to one
another, until all the groups are merged into one (the topmost
level of the hierarchy), or a termination condition holds.
b. Divisive approach :
i. The divisive approach, also called the top-down approach,
starts with all the objects in the same cluster.
ii. In each successive iteration, a cluster is split into smaller
clusters, until eventually each object is in one cluster, or a
termination condition holds.
3. Hierarchical clustering methods can be distance-based or density- and
4. Various extensions of hierarchical methods consider clustering in
5. Hierarchical methods suffer from the fact that once a step (merge or
split) is done, it can never be undone. This rigidity is useful in that it
leads to smaller computation costs by not having to worry about a
combinatorial number of different choices.

Que 4.19. Write short notes on partitioning method of clustering.

1. Given a set of n objects, a partitioning method constructs k partitions of
the data, where each partition represents a cluster and k  n. That is,
it divides the data into k groups such that each group must contain at
least one object.
2. In other words, partitioning methods conduct one-level partitioning on
data sets. The basic partitioning methods typically adopt exclusive cluster
separation i.e., each object must belong to exactly one group.
3. Most partitioning methods are distance-based. Given k, the number of
partitions to construct, a partitioning method creates an initial
4. It then uses an iterative relocation technique that attempts to improve
the partitioning by moving objects from one group to another.
Data Analytics 4–19 J (CS-5/IT-6)

5. The general criterion of a good partitioning is that objects in the same

cluster are “close” or related to each other, whereas objects in different
clusters are “far apart” or very different. There are various kinds of
other criteria for judging the quality of partitions.
6. Achieving global optimality in partitioning-based clustering is often
computationally prohibitive, potentially requiring an exhaustive
enumeration of all the possible partitions.

Que 4.20. Explain k-means (or centroid-based partitioning

technique) clustering method.

1. Suppose a data set, D, contains n objects in Euclidean space. Partitioning
methods distribute the objects in D into k clusters, C1,...,Ck , that is,
Ci ⊂ D and Ci ∩ Cj = φ for (1 ≤ i, j ≤ k).
2. An objective function is used to assess the partitioning quality so that
objects within a cluster are similar to one another but dissimilar to
objects in other clusters.
3. A centroid-based partitioning technique uses the centroid of a cluster,
Ci, to represent that cluster. Conceptually, the centroid of a cluster is
its center point. The centroid can be defined in various ways such as by
the mean of the objects (or points) assigned to the cluster.
4. The difference between an object p  Ci and ci , the representative of
the cluster, is measured by dist(p, ci), where dist(x, y) is the Euclidean
distance between two points x and y.
5. The quality of cluster Ci can be measured by the within-cluster
variation, which is the sum of squared error between all objects in Ci
and the centroid ci, defined as :
E=   dist ( p, c )
i  1 p  ci

Where, E is the sum of the squared error for all objects in the data set;
p is the point in space representing a given object
ci is the centroid of cluster Ci (both p and ci are multi-dimensional)
6. In other words, for each object in each cluster, the distance from the
object to its cluster center is squared, and the distances are summed.
This objective function tries to make the resulting k clusters as compact
and as separate as possible.

Que 4.21. How does the k-means algorithm work ? Write k-means
algorithm for partitioning.
Frequent Itemsets & Clustering 4–20 J (CS-5/IT-6)

1. First, it randomly selects k of the objects in D, each of which initially
represents a cluster mean or center.
2. For each of the remaining objects, an object is assigned to the cluster to
which it is the most similar, based on the Euclidean distance between
the object and the cluster mean.
3. The k-means algorithm then iteratively improves the within-cluster
4. For each cluster, it computes the new mean using the objects assigned
to the cluster in the previous iteration.
5. All the objects are then reassigned using the updated means as the
new cluster centers.
6. The iterations continue until the assignment is stable, that is, the
clusters formed in the current round are the same as those formed in
the previous round.
Algorithm :
Input :
k : the number of clusters,
D : a data set containing n objects.
Output : A set of k clusters.
Method :
1. Arbitrarily choose k objects from D as the initial cluster centers;
2. repeat
3. (re)assign each object to the cluster to which the object is the most
similar, based on the mean value of the objects in the cluster;
4. update the cluster means, that is, calculate the mean value of the
objects for each cluster;
5. until no change;

Que 4.22. What are the characteristics of different clustering

techniques/methods ?

Characteristics of different clustering techniques/methods are :
Characteristics of partitioning methods :
1. Find mutually exclusive clusters of spherical shape
2. Distance-based
3. May use mean or medoid to represent cluster center
4. Effective for small to medium size data sets
Data Analytics 4–21 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Characteristics of hierarchical methods :

1. Clustering is a hierarchical decomposition (i.e., multiple levels)
2. Cannot correct erroneous merges or splits
3. May incorporate other techniques like micro clustering or consider
object “linkages”
Characteristics of density-based methods :
1. Can find arbitrarily shaped clusters
2. Clusters are dense regions of objects in space that are separated by
low-density regions
3. May filter out outliers
Characteristics of grid-based methods :
1. Use a multi resolution grid data structure
2. Fast processing time

Clustering High Dimensional Data, CLIQUE
and ProCLUS, Frequent Pattern Based Clustering Methods.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.23. What are the approaches for high dimensional data
clustering ?

Approaches for high dimensional data clustering are :
1. Subspace clustering :
a. Subspace clustering subspace clustering algorithms localize the
search for relevant dimensions allowing them to find clusters that
exist in multiple, and possibly overlapping subspaces.
b. This technique is an extension of feature selection that attempts
to find clusters in different subspaces of the same dataset.
c. Subspace clustering requires a search method and evaluation
d. It limits the scope of the evaluation criteria so as to consider
different subspaces for each different cluster.
Frequent Itemsets & Clustering 4–22 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. Projected clustering :
a. In high-dimensional spaces, even though a good partition cannot
be defined on all the dimensions because of the sparsity of the
data, some subset of the dimensions can always be obtained on
which some subsets of data form high quality and significant
b. Projected clustering methods are aimed to find clusters specific to
a particular group of dimensions. Each cluster may refer to
different subsets of dimensions.
c. The output of a typical projected clustering algorithm, searching
for k clusters in subspaces of dimension l, is twofold :
i. A partition of data of k + 1 different clusters, where the first
k clusters are well shaped, while the (k + 1)th cluster elements
are outliers, which by definition do not cluster well.
ii. A possibly different set of l dimensions for each of the first k
clusters, such that the points in each of those clusters are
well clustered in the subspaces defined by these vectors.
3. Biclustering :
a. Biclustering (or two-way clustering) is a methodology allowing for
feature set and data points clustering simultaneously, i.e., to find
clusters of samples possessing similar characteristics together with
features creating these similarities.
b. The output of biclustering is not a partition or hierarchy of
partitions of either rows or columns, but a partition of the whole
matrix into sub-matrices or patches.
c. The goal of biclustering is to find as many patches as possible, and
to have them as large as possible, while maintaining strong
homogeneity within patches.

Que 4.24. Write short note on CLIQUE.

1. CLIQUE is a subspace clustering method.
2. CLIQUE (CLustering In QUEst) is a simple grid-based method for
finding density based clusters in subspaces.
3. CLIQUE partitions each dimension into non-overlapping intervals,
thereby partitioning the entire embedding space of the data objects
into cells. It uses a density threshold to identify dense cells and sparse
4. A cell is dense if the number of objects mapped to it exceeds the density
5. The main strategy behind CLIQUE for identifying a candidate search
Data Analytics 4–23 J (CS-5/IT-6)

space uses the monotonicity of dense cells with respect to dimensionality.

This is based on the Apriori property used in frequent pattern and
association rule mining.
6. In the context of clusters in subspaces, the monotonicity says the
following. A k-dimensional cell c (k > 1) can have at least l points only
if every (k – 1)-dimensional projection of c, which is a cell in a (k – 1)-
dimensional subspace, has at least l points.
7. CLIQUE performs clustering in following two steps :
a. First step :
i. In the first step, CLIQUE partitions the d-dimensional data space
into non-overlapping rectangular units, identifying the dense units
among these.
ii. CLIQUE finds dense cells in all of the subspaces.
iii. To do so, CLIQUE partitions every dimension into intervals, and
identifies intervals containing at least l points, where l is the
density threshold.
iv. CLIQUE then iteratively joins two k-dimensional dense cells, c1
and c2, in subspaces (Di ,...,Dik ) and (Dj ,...,Djk ), respectively, if
1 1
Di = Dj , . .. , Dik – 1 = Djk – 1 , and c1 and c2 share the same intervals
1 1
in those dimensions. The join operation generates a new (k + 1)-
dimensional candidate cell c in space (Di ,...,Dik – 1, Dik ,Djk).
v. CLIQUE checks whether the number of points in c passes the
density threshold. The iteration terminates when no candidates
can be generated or no candidate cells are dense.
b. Second step :
i. In the second step, CLIQUE uses the dense cells in each subspace
to assemble clusters, which can be of arbitrary shape.
ii. The idea is to apply the Minimum Description Length (MDL)
principle to use the maximal regions to cover connected dense
cells, where a maximal region is a hyper rectangle where every
cell falling into this region is dense, and the region cannot be
extended further in any dimension in the subspace.

Que 4.25. Write short notes on PROCLUS.

1. Projected clustering (PROCLUS) is a top-down subspace clustering
2. PROCLUS samples the data and then selects a set of k-medoids and
iteratively improves the clustering.
3. PROCLUS is actually faster than CLIQUE due to the sampling of large
data sets.
Frequent Itemsets & Clustering 4–24 J (CS-5/IT-6)

4. The three phases of PROCLUS are as follows :

a. Initialization phase : Select a set of potential medoids that are
far apart using a greedy algorithm.
b. Iteration phase :
i. Select a random set of k-medoids from this reduced data set to
determine if clustering quality improves by replacing current
medoids with randomly chosen new medoids.
ii. Cluster quality is based on the average distance between
instances and the nearest medoid.
iii. For each medoid, a set of dimensions is chosen whose average
distances are small compared to statistical expectation.
iv. Once the subspaces have been selected for each medoid, average
Manhattan segmental distance is used to assign points to
medoids, forming dusters.
c. Refinement phase :
i. Compute a new list of relevant dimensions for each medoid
based on the clusters formed and reassign points to medoids,
removing outliers.
ii. The distance-based approach of PROCLUS is biased toward
clusters that are hype-spherical in shape.

Que 4.26. Discuss the basic subspace clustering approaches.

Basic subspace clustering approaches are :
1. Grid-based subspace clustering :
a. In this approach, data space is divided into axis-parallel cells. Then
the cells containing objects above a predefined threshold value
given as a parameter are merged to form subspace clusters. Number
of intervals is another input parameter which defines range of
values in each grid.
b. Apriori property is used to prune non-promising cells and to
improve efficiency.
c. If a unit is found to be dense in k – 1 dimension, then it is considered
for finding dense unit in k dimensions.
d. If grid boundaries are strictly followed to separate objects, accuracy
of clustering result is decreased as it may miss neighbouring
objects which get separated by string grid boundary. Clustering
quality is highly dependent on input parameters.
Data Analytics 4–25 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. Window-based subspace clustering :

a. Window-based subspace clustering overcomes drawbacks of
cell-based subspace clustering that it may omit significant results.
b. Here a window slides across attribute values and obtains
overlapping intervals to be used to form subspace clusters.
c. The size of the sliding window is one of the parameters. These
algorithms generate axis-parallel subspace clusters.
3. Density- based subspace clustering :
a. A density-based subspace clustering overcome drawbacks of grid-
based subspace clustering algorithms by not using grids.
b. A cluster is defined as a collection of objects forming a chain which
fall within a given distance and exceed predefined threshold of
object count. Then adjacent dense regions are merged to form
bigger clusters.
c. As no grids are used, these algorithms can find arbitrarily shaped
subspace clusters.
d. Clusters are built by joining together the objects from adjacent
dense regions.
e. These approaches are prone to values of distance parameters.
f. The effect curse of dimensionality is overcome in density-based
algorithms by utilizing a density measure which is adaptive to
subspace size.

Que 4.27. What are the major tasks of clustering evaluation ?

The major tasks of clustering evaluation include the following :
1. Assessing clustering tendency :
a. In this task, for a given data set, we assess whether a non-random
structure exists in the data.
b. Blindly applying a clustering method on a data set will return
clusters; however, the clusters mined may be misleading.
c. Clustering analysis on a data set is meaningful only when there is
a nonrandom structure in the data.
2. Determining the number of clusters in a data set :
a. A few algorithms, such as k-means, require the number of clusters
in a data set as the parameter.
b. Moreover, the number of clusters can be regarded as an interesting
and important summary statistic of a data set.
c. Therefore, it is desirable to estimate this number even before a
clustering algorithm is used to derive detailed clusters.
Frequent Itemsets & Clustering 4–26 J (CS-5/IT-6)

3. Measuring clustering quality :

a. After applying a clustering method on a data set, we want to
assess how good the resulting clusters are.
b. A number of measures can be used.
c. Some methods measure how well the clusters fit the data set,
while others measure how well the clusters match the ground
truth, if such truth is available.
d. There are also measures that score clustering and thus can
compare two sets of clustering results on the same data set.

Clustering in Non-Euclidean Space, Clustering For
Streams and Parallelism.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.28. Explain representation of clusters in GRGPF algorithm.

1. The representation of a cluster in main memory consists of several
2. Before listing these features, if p is any point in a cluster, let
ROWSUM(p) be the sum of the squares of the distances from p to each
of the other points in the cluster.
3. The following features form the representation of a cluster.
a. N, the number of points in the cluster.
b. The clustroid of the cluster, which is defined specifically to be the
point in the cluster that minimizes the sum of the squares of the
distances to the other points; that is, the clustroid is the point in
the cluster with the smallest ROWSUM.
c. The rowsum of the clustroid of the cluster.
d. For some chosen constant k, the k points of the cluster that are
closest to the clustroid, and their rowsums. These points are part
of the representation in case the addition of points to the cluster
causes the clustroid to change. The assumption is made that the
new clustroid would be one of these k points near the old clustroid.
Data Analytics 4–27 J (CS-5/IT-6)

5. The k points of the cluster that are furthest from the clustroid and
their rowsums. These points are part of the representation so that
we can consider whether two clusters are close enough to merge.
The assumption is made that if two clusters are close, then a pair
of points distant from their respective clustroids would be close.

Que 4.29. Explain initialization of cluster tree in GR GPF


1. The clusters are organized into a tree, and the nodes of the tree may be
very large, perhaps disk blocks or pages, as in the case of a B-tree,
which the cluster-representing tree resembles.
2. Each leaf of the tree holds as many cluster representations as can fit.
3. A cluster representation has a size that does not depend on the number
of points in the cluster.
4. An interior node of the cluster tree holds a sample of the clustroids of
the clusters represented by each of its subtrees, along with pointers to
the roots of those subtrees.
5. The samples are of fixed size, so the number of children that an interior
node may have is independent of its level.
6. As we go up the tree, the probability that a given cluster's clustroid is
part of the sample diminishes.
7. We initialize the cluster tree by taking a main-memory sample of the
dataset and clustering it hierarchically.
8. The result of this clustering is a tree T, but T is not exactly the tree
used by the GRGPF Algorithm. Rather, we select from T certain of its
nodes that represent clusters of approximately some desired size n.
9. These are the initial clusters for the GRGPF Algorithm, and we place
their representations at the leaf of the cluster-representing tree. We
then group clusters with a common ancestor in T into interior nodes of
the cluster-representing tree. In some cases, rebalancing of the cluster-
representing tree will be necessary.

Que 4.30. Write short note on BMDO stream clustering algorithm.

1. In BMDO algorithm, the points of the stream are partitioned into, by,
buckets whose sizes are a power of two. Here, the size of a bucket is
the number of points it represents, rather than the number of stream
elements that are 1.
Frequent Itemsets & Clustering 4–28 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. The sizes of buckets obey the restriction that there is one or two of
each size, up to some limit. They are required only to form a sequence
where each size is twice the previous size such as 3, 6, 12, 24, . . .
3. The contents of a bucket consist of :
a. The size of the bucket.
b. The timestamp of the bucket, that is, the most recent point that
contributes to the bucket.
c. A collection of records that represent the clusters into which the
points of that bucket have been partitioned. These records contain:
i. The number of points in the cluster.
ii. The centroid or clustroid of the cluster.
iii. Any other parameters necessary to enable us to merge clusters
and maintain approximations to the full set of parameters for
the merged cluster.

Data Analytics 5–1 J (CS-5/IT-6)

5 Frame Works and


Part-1 : Frame Works and Visualization : ............. 5–2J to 5–4J
MapReduce, Hadoop

Part-2 : Pig, Hive ......................................................... 5–4J to 5–8J

Part-3 : HBase, MapR, Sharding, ......................... 5–8J to 5–14J

NoSQL Databases

Part-4 : S3, Hadoop Distributed .......................... 5–14J to 5–17J

File Systems

Part-5 : Visualization: Visual Data ..................... 5–17J to 5–25J

Analysis Techniques,
Interaction Techniques,
Systems and Applications

Part-6 : Introduction to R : ................................... 5–26J to 5–30J

R Graphical User
Interfaces, Data Import
and Export, Attribute
and Data Types
Frame Works & Visualization 5–2 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Frame Works and Visualization: MapReduce, Hadoop.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.1. Write short note on Hadoop and als o write its

1. Hadoop is an open-source software framework developed for creating
scalable, reliable and distributed applications that process huge amount
of data.
2. It is an open-source distributed, batch processing, fault tolerance system
which is capable of storing huge amount of data along with processing
on the same amount of data.
Advantages of Hadoop :
1. Fast :
a. In HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), the data distributed
over the cluster and are mapped which helps in faster retrieval.
b. Even the tools to process the data are often on the same servers,
thus reducing the processing time.
2. Scalable : Hadoop cluster can be extended by just adding nodes in the
3. Cost effective : Hadoop is open source and uses commodity hardware
to store data so it really cost effective as compared to traditional
relational database management system.
4. Resilient to failure : HDFS has the property with which it can
replicate data over the network, so if one node is down or some other
network failure happens, then hadoop takes the other copy of data
and uses it.
5. Flexible :
a. Hadoop enables businesses to easily access new data sources and
tap into different types of data to generate value from that data.
b. It help to derive valuable business insights from data source such
as social media, email conversations, data warehousing, fraud
detection and market campaign analysis.
Data Analytics 5–3 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Que 5.2. Write short note on MapReduce.

1. MapReduce is a framework using which we can write applications to
process huge amounts of data, in parallel, on large clusters in a reliable
2. MapReduce is a processing technique and a program model for
distributed computing based on Java.
3. The MapReduce paradigm provides the means to break a large task
into smaller tasks, run the tasks in parallel, and consolidate the outputs
of the individual tasks into the final output.
4. MapReduce consists of two basic parts :
i. Map :
a. Applies an operation to a piece of data
b. Provides some intermediate output
ii. Reduce :
a. Consolidates the intermediate outputs from the map steps
b. Provides the final output
5. In a MapReduce program, Map() and Reduce() are two functions.
a. The Map function performs actions like filtering, grouping and
b. While Reduce function aggregates and summarizes the result
produced by Map function.
c. The result generated by the Map function is a key-value pair
(K, V) which acts as the input for Reduce function.

Que 5.3. What are the activities that are required for executing
MapReduce job ?

Executing a MapReduce job requires the management and
coordination of several activities :
1. MapReduce jobs need to be scheduled based on the system's workload.
2. Jobs need to be monitored and managed to ensure that any encountered
errors are properly handled so that the job continues to execute if the
system partially fails.
3. Input data needs to be spread across the cluster.
4. Map step processing of the input needs to be conducted across the
distributed system, preferably on the same machines where the data
Frame Works & Visualization 5–4 J (CS-5/IT-6)

5. Intermediate outputs from the numerous map steps need to be collected

and provided to the proper machines for the reduce step execution.
6. Final output needs to be made available for use by another user, another
application, or perhaps another MapReduce job.

Pig, Hive.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.4. Write short note on data access component of Hadoop


Data access component of Hadoop system are :
a. Pig (Apache Pig) :
1. Apache Pig is a high level language platform for analyzing and
query huge datasets that are stored in HDFS.
2. Apache Pig uses Pig Latin language which is similar to SQL.
3. It loads the data, applies the required filters and dumps the required
4. For program execution, Pig requires Java run time environment.
5. Apache Pig consists of a data flow language and an environment
to execute the Pig code.
6. The main benefit of using Pig is to utilize the power of MapReduce
in a distributed system, while simplifying the tasks of developing
and executing a MapReduce job.
7. Pig provides for the e xe cution o f se ve ral co mmon data
manipulations, such as inner and outer joins between two or more
files (tables).
b. Hive :
1. HIVE is a data warehousing component which performs reading,
writing and managing large datasets in a distributed environment
using SQL-like interface.
2. The query language of Hive is called Hive Query Language (HQL),
which is very similar like SQL.
3. It has two basic components :
Data Analytics 5–5 J (CS-5/IT-6)

i. Hive Command line : The Hive Command line interface is

used to execute HQL commands.
ii. JDBC/ODBC driver : Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
and Object Database Connectivity (ODBC) is used to establish
connection from data storage.
4. Hive is highly scalable. As, it can serve both the purposes, i.e.,
large data set processing (i.e. Batch query processing) and real
time processing (i.e. Interactive query processing).
5. It supports all primitive data types of SQL.

Que 5.5. Draw and discuss the architecture of Hive in detail.

Hive architecture : The following architecture explains the flow of
submission of query into Hive.

Hive Thrift server JDBC driver ODBC driver


services Hive web UI Hive server CLI

Hive driver




Fig. 5.5.1. Hive architecture.

Hive client : Hive allows writing applications in various languages, including
Java, Python, and C++. It supports different types of clients such as :
1. Thrift Server : It is a cross-language service provider platform that
serves the request from all those programming languages that supports
2. JDBC Driver : It is used to establish a connection between Hive and
Java applications. The JDBC Driver is pre sent in the class
Frame Works & Visualization 5–6 J (CS-5/IT-6)

3. ODBC Driver : It allows the applications that support the ODBC

protocol to connect to Hive.
Hive services : The following are the services provided by Hive :
1. Hive CLI : The Hive CLI (Command Line Interface) is a shell where
we can execute Hive queries and commands.
2. Hive Web User Interface : The Hive Web UI is an alternative of Hive
CLI. It provides a web-based GUI for executing Hive queries and
3. Hive MetaStore :
a. It is a central repository that stores all the structure information
of various tables and partitions in the warehouse.
b. It also includes metadata of column and its type information which
is used to read and write data and the corresponding HDFS files
where the data is stored.
4. Hive server :
a. It is referred to as Apache Thrift Server.
b. It accepts the request from different clients and provides it to Hive
5. Hive driver :
a. It receives queries from different sources like web UI, CLI, Thrift,
and JDBC/ODBC driver.
b. It transfers the queries to the compiler.
6. Hive compiler :
a. The purpose of the compiler is to parse the query and perform
semantic analysis on the different query blocks and expressions.
b. It converts HiveQL statements into MapReduce jobs.
7. Hive execution engine :
a. Optimizer generates the logical plan in the form of DAG of
MapReduce tasks and HDFS tasks.
b. In the end, the execution engine executes the incoming tasks in
the order of their dependencies.

Que 5.6. What are the conditions for using Hive ?

Hive is used when the following conditions exist :
1. Data easily fits into a table structure.
2. Data is already in HDFS.
3. Developers are comfortable with SQL programming and queries.
4. There is a desire to partition datasets based on time.
Data Analytics 5–7 J (CS-5/IT-6)

5. Batch processing is acceptable.

Que 5.7. Write some use cases of Hive.

Following are some Hive use cases :
1. Exploratory or ad-hoc analysis of HDFS data : Data can be queried,
transformed, and exported to analytical tools, such as R.
2. Extracts or data feeds to reporting systems, dashboards, or
data repositories such as HBase : Hive queries can be scheduled to
provide such periodic feeds.
3. Combining external structured data to data already residing
in HDFS :
a. Hadoop is excellent for processing unstructured data, but often
there is structured data residing in an RDBMS, such as Oracle or
SQL Server, that needs to be joined with the data residing in HDFS.
b. The data from an RDBMS can be periodically added to Hive tables
for querying with existing data in HDFS.

Que 5.8. Difference between Pig and SQL.


S. No. Pig SQL

1. It is a procedural language. It is a declarative language.
2. It uses nested relational data It uses flat relational data model.
3. Scheme is optional. Scheme is mandatory.
4. It uses scan-centre analytic It uses OLTP (Online Transaction
workload. Processing) workload.
5. Limited query optimization. Significant opportunity for query

Que 5.9. What are the advantages and features of Apache Pig (or

Advantage of Apache Pig :
1. Pig Latin language is easy to program.
2. It decreases the development time.
Frame Works & Visualization 5–8 J (CS-5/IT-6)

3. It can manage more complex data flows.

4. Apache Pig operates on the client side of a cluster.
5. It has less number of lines of code by using multi-query approach.
6. It supports reusing the code.
7. Pig is one of the best tools to make the large unstructured data to
structured data.
8. It is open source software.
9. It is procedural programming language so that we can control the
execution of each and every step.
Features of Apache Pig :
1. Rich set of operators : Apache pig has a rich collection set of operators
in order to perform operations like join, filer, and sort.
2. Ease of programming : Pig Latin is similar to SQL so it is very easy for
developers to write a Pig script.
3. Extensibility : Using the existing operators in Apache Pig, users can
develop their own functions to read, process, and write data.
4. User Define Functions (UDF’s) : Apache Pig provides the facility to
create user-defined functions easily in other language like Java then
invoke them in Pig Latin Scripts.
5. Handles all types of data : Apache Pig analyzes all types of data like
structured, unstructured and semi-structured. It stores the results in
6. ETL (Extract Transform Load) : Apache Pig extracts the huge data
set, performs operations on huge data and dumps the data in the required
format in HDFS.

Que 5.10. What are the applications of Apache Pig.

Application of Apache Pig :
1. It is used to process huge data sources like web logs, streaming online
data etc.
2. It supports Ad Hoc queries across large dataset.
3. Used to perform data processing in search platforms.
4. It is also used to process time sensitive data loads.
5. Apache Pig is generally used by data scientists for performing tasks like
ad-hoc processing and quick prototyping.

HBase, MapR, Sharding, NoSQL Databases.
Data Analytics 5–9 J (CS-5/IT-6)


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.11. What is HBase? Discuss architecture of HBase data


1. It is an open source, distributed database written in Java.
2. HBase is an essential part of Hadoop ecosystem. It runs on top of HDFS
(Hadoop Distributed File System).
3. It can store massive amounts of data from terabytes to petabytes. It is
column oriented and horizontally scalable.
HBase architecture :


Region Region Region Zookeeper

server server server

Region Region Region

Region Region Region


Fig. 5.11.1. HBase architecture.

HBase architecture has three main components :

1. HMaster :
a. The implementation of master server in HBase is HMaster.
b. It is a process in which regions are assigned to region server as well
as DDL (create, delete table) operations.
c. It monitors all region server instances present in the cluster.
d. In a distributed environment, master runs several background
threads. HMaster has many features like controlling load balancing,
failover etc.
Frame Works & Visualization 5–10 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. Region server :
a. HBase tables are divided horizontally by row key range into regions.
b. Regions are the basic building elements of HBase cluster that
consists of the distribution of tables and are comprised of column
c. Region server runs on HDFS data node which is present in Hadoop
d. Regions of region server are responsible for several things, like
handling, managing, executing as well as reads and writes HBase
operations on that set of regions. The default size of a region is
256 MB.
3. Zookeeper :
a. It is like a coordinator in HBase.
b. It provides services like maintaining configuration information,
naming, providing distributed synchronization, server failure
notification etc.
c. Clients communicate with region servers via zookeeper.

Que 5.12. Write the features of HBase.

Features of HBase :
1. It is linearly scalable across various nodes as well as modularly scalable,
as it divided across various nodes.
2. HBase provides consistent read and writes.
3. It provides atomic read and write means during one read or write process,
all other processes are prevented from performing any read or write
4. It provides easy to use Java API for client access.
5. It supports Thrift and REST API for non-Java front ends which supports
XML, Protobuf and binary data encoding options.
6. It supports a Block Cache and Bloom Filters for real-time queries and
for high volume query optimization.
7. HBase provides automatic failure support between region servers.
8. It support for exporting metrics with the Hadoop metrics subsystem to
9. It does not enforce relationship within data.
10. It is a platform for storing and retrieving data with random access.
Data Analytics 5–11 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Que 5.13. Define sharding and database shard. Explain the

techniques for sharding.

1. Sharding is a type of database partitioning that splits very large database
into smaller faster and more easily managed part.
2. A database shard is a horizontal partition of data in a database or search
engine. Each individual partition is referred to as a shard or database
shard. Each shard is held on a separate database server instance, to
spread load.
Following are the various techniques to apply sharding :
1. Use a key value to shard our data :
a. In this method user may use different locations to store data with
help of key value pair.
b. All data can be easily access by key of that data.
c. It makes easy to store data irrespective to its location storage.
2. Use toad balancing to shard our data :
a. Database can take individual decision for storing data in different
b. Large sharding can also split into short sharding that reframe
decision by database itself.
3. Hash the key :
a. In this development, keys can be arranged by hashing its value.
b. All assignments can be hashed to store all document.
c. Consistent hashing assigns documents with a particular key value
to one of the servers in a hash ring.

Que 5.14. What are the benefits and drawback of sharding ?

Benefits of sharding :
1. Horizontal scaling : Horizontal scaling means adding more processing
units or physical machines to our server or database to allow for more
traffic and faster processing.
2. Response time :
a. It speeds up query response times.
b. In the sharded database, queries have to go over fewer rows and
thus we get our result sets more quickly.
Frame Works & Visualization 5–12 J (CS-5/IT-6)

3. It makes an application more reliable by mitigating the impact of outages.

With a sharded database, an outage is likely to affect only a single shard.
Drawback of sharding :
1. It is quite complex to implement a sharded database architecture.
2. The shards often become unbalanced.
3. Once a database has been sharded, it can be very difficult to return it to
its unsharded architecture.
4. Sharding is not supported by every database engine.

Que 5.15. What s hort notes on NoSQL database with its


1. NoSQL databases are non tabular, and store data differently than
relational tables.
2. NoSQL databases come in a variety of types based on their data model.
3. The main types are document, key-value, wide-column, and graph.
4. They provide flexible schemas and scale easily with large amounts of
data and high user loads.
5. NoSQL data models allow related data to be nested within a single data
Advantage of NoSQL database :
1. Cheap and easy to implement.
2. Data are replicated to multiple nodes and can be partitioned.
3. Easy to distribute.
4. Do not require a schema.

Que 5.16. Explain the benefits of NoSQL database.

Benefits of NoSQL database :
1. Data models : NoSQL databases often support different data models
and are purpose built. For example, key-value databases support simple
queries very efficiently.
2. Performance : NoSQL databases can often perform better than SQL/
relational databases. For example, if we are using a document database
and are storing all the information about an object in the same
document, the database only needs to go to one place for those queries.
3. Scalability : NoSQL databases are designed to scale-out horizontally,
making it much easier to maintain performance as our workload grows
beyond the limits of a single server.
Data Analytics 5–13 J (CS-5/IT-6)

4. Data distribution : NoSQL databases are designed to support

distributed systems.
5. Reliability : NoSQL databases ensure high availability and uptime
with native replication and built-in failover for self-healing, resilient
database clusters.
6. Flexibility : NoSQL databases are better at allowing users to test new
ideas and update data structures. For example, MongoDB, stores data
in flexible, JSON-like documents, meaning fields can vary from
document to document and the data structures can be easily changed
over time, as application requirements evolve.

Que 5.17. What are the types of NoSQL databases ?

1. Document based database :
a. Document databases store data in documents similar to JSON
(JavaScript Object Notation) objects.
b. Each document contains pairs of fields and values.
c. The values can typically be a variety of types including things like
strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, or objects. Because of their
variety of field value types and powerful query languages, it can be
used as a general purpose database.
d. They can horizontally scale-out to accommodate large data volumes.
e. MongoDB, CouchDB, CouchbaseDB are example of document
2. Key-value based database :
a. Key-value databases are a simpler type of database where each
item contains keys and values.
b. A value can only be retrieved by referencing its value.
c. Key-value databases are great for use cases where we need to
store large amounts of data but we do not need to perform complex
queries to retrieve it.
d. Redis and DynanoDB are example of key-value databases.
3. Wide-column based database :
a. Wide-column database store data in tables, rows, and dynamic
b. It provide a lot of flexibility over relational databases because each
row is not required to have the same columns.
c. They are commonly used for storing Internet of Things data and
user profile data.
d. Cassandra and HBase are the example of wide-column databases.
Frame Works & Visualization 5–14 J (CS-5/IT-6)

4. Graph based databases :

a. Graph databases store data in nodes and edges.
b. Nodes typically store information about people, places, and things
while edges store information about the relationships between the
c. Graph databases are commonly used when we need to traverse
relationships to look for patterns such as social networks, fraud
detection, and recommendation engines.
d. Neo4j and JanusGraph are examples of graph databases.

Que 5.18. Differentiate between SQL and NoSQL.



1. It supports Relatio nal It supports non-relational or
Database Management distributed database system.
System (RDBMS).
2. These databases have fixed They have dynamic schema.
or static or pre de fine d
3. These databases are not These databases are best suited for
suited for hierarchical data hierarchical data storage.
4. These databases are best These databases are not so good
suited for complex queries. for complex queries.
5. Vertically scalable. Horizontally scalable.

S3, Hadoop Distributed File Systems


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.19. Explain architecture of Hadoop Distributed File System

Define HDFS. Discuss the HDFS architecture and HDFS commands
in brief.
Data Analytics 5–15 J (CS-5/IT-6)

1. Hadoop Distributed File System is the core component or the backbone
of Hadoop Ecosystem.
2. HDFS is the one, which makes it possible to store different types of
large data sets (i.e., structured, unstructured and semi structured data).
3. HDFS creates a level of abstraction over the resources, from where
we can see the whole HDFS as a single unit.
4. It helps us in storing our data across various nodes and maintaining
the log file about the stored data (metadata).

Meta data (Name, replicas,...):

o ps Name Node
ata /home/foo/data, 3, ...
ta d



Data nodes Data nodes

Rack 1 Rack 2
Fig. 5.19.1. HDFS architecture.

5. HDFS has three core components :

a. Name node :
i. The name node is the master node and does not store the
actual data.
ii. It contains metadata i.e., information about databases.
Therefore, it requires less storage and high computational
b. Data node :
i. Data node stores the actual data in HDFS.
ii. It is also called slave daemons.
iii. It is responsible for read and write operations as per the
iv. It receives request from name node.
c. Block :
i. Generally the user data is stored in the files of HDFS.
Frame Works & Visualization 5–16 J (CS-5/IT-6)

ii. The file in a file system will be divided into one or more
segments and/or stored in individual data nodes. These file
segments are called as blocks.
iii. In other words, the minimum amount of data that HDFS can
read or write is called a Block.

Que 5.20. Differentiate between MapReduce and Apache Pig.


S. No. MapReduce Apache Pig

1. It is a low-level data It is a high-level data flow tool.
processing tool.
2. Here, it is required to develop It is not required to develop
comple x programs using complex programs.
Java or Python.
3. It is difficult to perform data It provides built-in operators to
operations in MapReduce. perform data o perations like
union, sorting and ordering.
4. It does not allow nested data It provides nested data types like
types. tuple, bag, and map.

Que 5.21. Write short note on Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)

with its features.

1. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cloud IaaS (infrastructure as
a service) solution from Amazon Web Services for object storage via a
convenient web-based interface.
2. According to Amazon, the benefits of S3 include industry-leading
scalability, data availability, security, and performance.
3. The basic storage unit of Amazon S3 is the “object”, which consists of a
file with an associated ID number and metadata.
4. These objects are stored in buckets, which function similarly to folders
or directories and which reside within the AWS region of our choice.
5. The Amazon S3 object store is the standard mechanism to store,
retrieve, and share large quantities of data in AWS.
The features of Amazon S3 are :
1. Object store model for storing, listing, and retrieving data.
Data Analytics 5–17 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. Support for objects up to 5 terabytes, with many petabytes of data

allowed in a single “bucket”.
3. Data is stored in Amazon S3 in buckets which are stored in different
AWS regions.
4. Buckets can be restricted to different users.
5. Data stored in an Amazon S3 bucket is billed based on the size of data
how long it is stored, and on operations accessing this data.
6. Data stored in Amazon S3 can be backed up with Amazon Glacier.

Visualization: Visual Data Analysis Techniques, Interaction
Techniques, Systems and Applications.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.22. Explain data visualization and visual data exploration.

Data visualization :
1. Data visualization is the process of putting data into a chart, graph, or
other visual format that helps inform analysis and interpretation.
2. Data visualization is a critical tool in the data analysis process.
3. Visualization tasks can range from generating fundamental distribution
plots to understanding the interplay of complex influential variables in
machine learning algorithms.
4. Data visualization and visual data analysis can help to deal with the
flood of information.
Visual data exploration :
1. In visual data exploration, user is directly involved in the data analysis
2. Visual data analysis techniques have proven to be of high value in
exploratory data analysis.
3. Visual data exploration can be seen as a hypothesis generation process;
the visualizations of the data allow the user to gain insight into the
data and come up with new hypotheses.
Frame Works & Visualization 5–18 J (CS-5/IT-6)

4. The verification of the hypotheses can also be done via data

visualization, but may also be accomplished by automatic techniques
from statistics, pattern recognition, or machine learning.
5. Visual data exploration can easily deal with highly non-homogeneous
and noisy data.
6. Visual data exploration is intuitive and requires no understanding of
complex mathematical or statistical algorithms or parameters.
7. Visualization can provide a qualitative overview of the data, allowing
data phenomena to be isolated for further quantitative analysis.

Que 5.23. What are the approaches to integrate the human in

data exploration process to realize different kind of approaches to
visual data mining ?

Approaches to integrate the human in data exploration process to
realize different kind of approaches to visual data mining :
1. Preceding Visualization (PV) :
a. Data is visualized in some visual form before running a data-mining
(DM) algorithm.
b. By interaction with the raw data, the data analyst has full control
over the analysis in the search space.
c. Interesting patterns are discovered by exploring the data.


of the data




Fig. 5.23.1. Preceding Visualization.

2. Subsequent Visualization (SV) :

a. An automatic data-mining algorithm performs the data-mining task
by extracting patterns from a given dataset.
b. These patterns are visualized to make them interpretable for the
data analyst.
Data Analytics 5–19 J (CS-5/IT-6)




of the data


Fig. 5.23.2. Subsequent Visualization.

c. Subsequent visualizations enable the data analyst to specify

feedbacks. Based on the visualization, the data analyst may want to
return to the data-mining algorithm and use different input
parameters to obtain better results.
3. Tightly Integrated Visualization (TIV) :
a. An automatic data-mining algorithm performs an analysis of the
data but does not produce the final results.
b. A visualization technique is used to present the intermediate results
of the data exploration process.

Visualization +

DM-algorithm step 1

DM- algorithm step n



Fig. 5.23.3. Tightly integrated visualization (TIV).

c. The combination of some automatic data-mining algorithms and

visualization techniques enables specified user feedback for the
next data-mining nm. Then, the data analyst identifies the
interesting patterns in the visualization of the intermediate results
based on his domain knowledge.

Que 5.24. What is the difference between data visualization and

data analytics ?
Frame Works & Visualization 5–20 J (CS-5/IT-6)


Based on Data visualization Data analytics

Definition It is the graphical It is the process of analyzing
representation of data sets in order to make
information and data in a decision about the
pictorial or graphical format. information they have.

Used for The goal of the data It will help the business to
visualization is to make more-informed
communicate information business decisions by
clearly and efficiently to analyzing the data.
users by presenting them

Relation Data visualization helps to get Together data visualization

better perception. and analytics will draw the
conclusions about the
Industries Data visualizatio n Data analytics technologies
technologies and techniques and techniques are widely
are widely used in finance, used in commercial, finance,
banking, healthcare, healthcare, crime detection,
retailing etc. travel agencies etc.

Tools Plotly, DataHero, Tableau, Trifecta, Excel /Spreadsheet,

Dygraphs, QlikView, Hive , Po lybase , Presto ,
ZingCHhart etc. Trifecta, Excel /Spreadsheet,
Clear Analytics, SAP
Business Intelligence, etc.

Platforms Big data processing, service Big data processing, data

management dashboards, mining, analysis and design.
analysis and design.

Techniques Data visualization can be Data analytics can be

static or interactive. prescriptive analytics,
predictive analytics.

Que 5.25. Explain classification of visualization techniques.

The visualization technique used may be classified as :
1. Standard 2D/3D displays techniques : In standard 2D/3D display
technique we use different charts such as :
Data Analytics 5–21 J (CS-5/IT-6)

a. Line charts : It is a type of chart which displays information as a

series of data points called markers connected by straight line
b. Bar charts : It represents the categorical data with rectangular
bars of heights and lengths proportional to the values they
c. Scatter charts : It is a type of plot or mathematical diagram that
display value for typically two variables for a set of data using
Cartesian coordinates.
d. Pie charts : It is circular statistical graph which decide into slices to
illustrate numerical proportion
2. Geometrically-transformed display technique :
a. Geometrically-transformed display techniques aim at finding
“interesting” transformations of multi-dimensional data sets.
b. The class of geometric display methods includes techniques from
exploratory statistics such as scatter plot matrices and a class of
techniques that attempt to locate projections that satisfy some
computable quality of interestingness.
c. Geometric projection techniques include :
i. Prosection views : In prosection views, only user-selected
slices of the data are projected.
ii. Parallel coordinates visualization technique : Parallel
coordinate technique maps the k-dimensional space onto the
two display dimensions by using k axes that are parallel to each
other and are evenly spaced across the display.
3. Icon-based display techniques :
a. In iconic display techniques, the attribute values of a multi-
dimensional data item is presented in the form of an icon.
b. Icons may be defined arbitrarily such as little faces, needle icons,
star icons, stick figure icons, color icons.
c. The visualization is generated by mapping the attribute values of
each data record to the features of the icons.
4. Dense pixel display techniques :
a. The basic idea of dense pixel display techniques is to map each
dimension value to a colored pixel and group the pixels belonging to
each dimension into adjacent areas.
b. Since in general it uses one pixel per data value, the techniques
allow the visualization of the largest amount of data possible on
current displays.
c. Dense pixel display techniques use different arrangements to provide
detailed information on local correlations, dependencies, and hot
Frame Works & Visualization 5–22 J (CS-5/IT-6)

5. Stacked display techniques :

a. Stacked display techniques are tailored to present data partitioned
in a hierarchical fashion.
b. In the case of multi-dimensional data, the data dimensions to be
used for partitioning the data and building the hierarchy have to be
selected appropriately.
c. An example of a stacked display technique is dimensional stacking.
d. The basic idea is to embed one coordinate system inside another
coordinate system, i.e. two attributes form the outer coordinate
system, two other attributes are embedded into the outer coordinate
system, and so on.
e. The display is generated by dividing the outermost level coordinate
system into rectangular cells. Within the cells, the next two attributes
are used to span the second level coordinate system.

Que 5.26. Explain type of data that are visualized.

The data type to be visualized may be :
1. One-dimensional data :
a. One-dimensional data usually have one dense dimension.
b. A typical example of one-dimensional data is temporal data.
c. One or multiple data values may be associated with each point in
d. Examples are time series of stock prices or time series of news data.
2. Two-dimensional data :
a. A two-dimensional data is geographical data, where the two distinct
dimensions are longitude and latitude.
b. A standard method for visualizing two-dimensional data are x-y
plots and maps are a special type of x-y plots for presenting two-
dimensional geographical data.
c. Example of two-dimensional data is geographical maps.
3. Multi-dimensional data :
a. Many data sets consist of more than three dimensions and therefore
do not allow a simple visualization as 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional
b. Examples of multi-dimensional (or multivariate) data are tables
from relational databases, which often have tens to hundreds of
Data Analytics 5–23 J (CS-5/IT-6)

4. Text and hypertext :

a. In the age of the World Wide Web, important data types are text
and hypertext, as well as multimedia web page contents.
b. These data types differ in that they cannot be easily described by
numbers, and therefore most of the standard visualization
techniques cannot be applied.
5. Hierarchies and graphs :
a. Data records often have some relationship to other pieces of
b. These relationships may be ordered, hierarchical, or arbitrary
networks of relations.
c. Graphs are widely used to represent such interdependencies.
d. A graph consists of a set of objects, called nodes, and connections
between these objects, called edges or links.
e. Examples are the e-mail interrelationships among people, their
shopping behaviour, the file structure of the hard disk, or the
hyperlinks in the World Wide Web.
6. Algorithms and software :
a. Another class of data is algorithms and software.
b. The goal of software visualization is to support software development
by helping to understand algorithms, to enhance the understanding
of written code and to support the programmer in debugging the

Que 5.27. What are the advantages of data visualization?

Advantages of data visualization are :
1. Better understanding of the data and its pattern :
a. User can understand the flow of data like increasing sales.
b. The line chart representation of the sales report will reveal the
sales growth to the manager of the sales division of any organization.
2. Relevance of the hidden data like trends :
a. The data may contain some unseen patterns which can be identified
with data visualization.
b. For example, the data of any stock in share market may increase at
a particular period of time. This period can be identified using the
data visualization.
3. Encapsulation and abstraction of data for users :
a. The data sets are of very large size and are not understandable by
everyone like non-technical audience which is a part of top
Frame Works & Visualization 5–24 J (CS-5/IT-6)

management. So, the data visualization helps them in understanding

the data in an uncomplicated way.
4. Predict the data based on visualization : The data visualization
builds sort of period outlines for the users which they can link using
their experience.

Que 5.28. Explain different interaction techniques.

1. Interaction techniques allow the data analyst to directly interact with
the visualizations and dynamically change the visualizations according
to the exploration objectives.
2. In addition, they also make it possible to relate and combine multiple
independent visualizations.
Different interaction techniques are :
a. Dynamic projection :
1. Dynamic projection is an automated navigation operation.
2. The basic idea is to dynamically change the projections in order to
explore a multi-dimensional data set.
3. A well-known example is the GrandTour system which tries to
show all interesting two-dimensional projections of a multi-
dimensional data set as a series of scatter plots.
4. The sequence of projections shown can be random, manual, pre-
computed, or data driven.
5. Examples of dynamic projection techniques include XGobi ,
XLispStat, and ExplorN.
b. Interactive filtering :
1. Interactive filtering is a combination of selection and view
2. In exploring large data sets, it is important to interactively partition
the data set into segments and focus on interesting subsets.
3. This can be done by a direct selection of the desired subset (browsing)
or by a specification of properties of the desired subset (querying).
4. An example of a tool that can be used for interactive filtering is the
Magic Lens.
5. The basic idea of Magic Lens is to use a tool similar to a magnifying
glass to filter the data directly in the visualization. The data under
the magnifying glass is processed by the filter and displayed in a
different way than the remaining data set.
6. Magic Lens show a modified view of the selected region, while the
rest of the visualization remains unaffected.
7. Examples of interactive filtering techniques includes InfoCrystal ,
Dynamic Queries, and Polaris.
c. Zooming :
1. Zooming is a well known view modification technique that is widely
used in a number of applications.
Data Analytics 5–25 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. In dealing with large amounts of data, it is important to present the

data in a highly compressed form to provide an overview of the data
but at the same time allow a variable display of the data at different
3. Zooming does not only mean displaying the data objects larger, but
also that the data representation may automatically change to
present more details on higher zoom levels.
4. The objects may, for example, be represented as single pixels at a
low zoom level, as icons at an intermediate zoom level, and as
labeled objects at a high resolution.
5. An interesting example applying the zooming idea to large tabular
data sets is the TableLens approach.
6. The basic idea of TableLens is to represent each numerical value by
a small bar.
7. All bars have a one-pixel height and the lengths are determined by
the attribute values.
8. Examples of zooming techniques includes PAD++, IVEE/Spotfire,
and DataSpace.
d. Brushing and Linking :
1. Brushing is an interactive selection process is a process for
communicating the selected data to other views of the data set.
2. The idea of linking and brushing is to combine different visualization
methods to overcome the shortcomings of individual techniques.
3. Linking and brushing can be applied to visualizations generated by
different visualization techniques. As a result, the brushed points
are highlighted in all visualizations, making it possible to detect
dependencies and correlations.
4. Interactive changes made in one visualization are automatically
reflected in the other visualizations.
e. Distortion :
1. Distortion is a view modification technique that supports the data
exploration process by preserving an overview of the data during
drill-down operations.
2. The basic idea is to show portions of the data with a high level of
detail while others are shown with a lower level of detail.
3. Popular distortion techniques are hyperbolic and spherical
4. These are often used on hierarchies or graphs but may also be
applied to any other visualization technique.
5. Examples of distortion techniques include Bifocal Displays,
Perspective Wall, Graphical Fisheye Views, Hyperbolic Visualization,
and Hyperbox.
Frame Works & Visualization 5–26 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Introduction to R: R Graphical User Interfaces, Data Import and
Export, Attribute and Data Types.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.29. Write short note on R programming language with its


a. R language is a programming language which is actually clubbed with
b. It is used for data processing and visualization.
c. It is multi-functional language which provides the functions like data
manipulation, computation and visualization.
d. It can store the figures; performs computation on them with the objective
of putting together as ideal set.
e. It has following features to support operations on data:
1. R has integral function for data handling like declaration and
definition and it also supports in-memory storage of data.
2. It supports operations on collection of data like set and matrix.
3. Many tools are available for data analysis using R.
4. Visual representation produced using R can be displayed on the
screen as well as can be printed.
5. ‘S’ programming language is available online to support function of
R in more simplified manner.
6. Large numbers of packages are available in repository for various
functionalities of data processing with R language.
7. R supports the graphical illustration function for data analysis which
can also be exported to external files in various formats.
8. R can support end to end requirements of data analytics. It can be
used to rapidly develop any analysis.

Que 5.30. Write short note on R graphical user interfaces.

1. R software uses a command-line interface (CLI) that is similar to the
BASH shell in Linux or the interactive versions of scripting languages
such as Python.
Data Analytics 5–27 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. UNIX and Linux users can enter command Rat the terminal prompt to
use the CLI.
3. For Windows installations, R comes with RGui.exe, which provides a
basic graphical user interface (GUI).
4. However, to improve the ease of writing, executing, and debugging R
code, several additional GUIs have been written for R. Popular GUIs
include the R commander, Rattle, and RStudio.
5. The four window panes are as follow :
a. Scripts : Serves as an area to write and save R code
b. Workspace : Lists the datasets and variables in the R environment
c. Plots : Displays the plots generated by the R code and provides a
straightforward mechanism to export the plots
d. Console : Provides a history of the executed R code and the output

Que 5.31. Write short notes on data import and export in R.

1. The dataset is imported into R using the read.csv () function as in the
following code.
sales <- read.csv(“c :/data/file_name.csv”)
2. R uses a forward slash (/) as the separator character in the directory and
file paths.
3. This convention makes script files somewhat more portable at the expense
of some initial confusion on the part of Windows users, who may be
commonly to using a backslash (\) as a separator.
4. To simplify the import of multiple files with long path names, the setwd()
function can be used to set the working directory for the subsequent
import and export operations, as shown in the following R code.
setwd (“c: / data/ ”)
sales <- read.csv (“file_name.csv”)
5. Other import functions include read.table() and read.delim() ,which are
intended to import other common file types such as TXT.
6. These functions can also be used to import the file_name.csv file as
shown in the following code :
sales_table <- read .table ( “ file_name. csv”, header=TRUE, sep=“,” )
sales_delim <- read .delim (“file_name.csv ”, sep=“,”)

Que 5.32. What are different types of attributes in R programming

language ?

Attributes can be categorized into four types :
a. Nominal :
1. The values represent labels that distinguish one from another.
Frame Works & Visualization 5–28 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. Nominal attributes are considered as categorical attributes.

3. Operations supported by nominal attribute are =, .
4. For example : ZIP codes, nationality, street names, gender, employee
ID number, True or False.
b. Ordinal :
1. Attributes imply a sequence.
2. Ordinal attributes are also considered as categorical attributes.
3. Operations supported by ordinal attribute are =, , <, , >, .
4. For example : Quality of diamonds, academic grades, magnitude of
c. Interval :
1. Interval attribute define the difference between two values.
2. Interval attributes are considered as numeric attribute.
3. Operations supported by interval attribute are =, , <, , >, , +,
4. For example : Temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit, calendar dates,
d. Ratio :
1. In ratio, both the difference and as the ratio of two values are
2. Ratio attributes are considered numeric attribute.
3. Operations supported by ratio attribute are =, , <, , >, , +, –, ×,
4. For example : Age, temperature in Kelvin, counts, length, weight.

Que 5.33. Explain data types in R programming language.

Various data types of R are :
1. Vectors :
a. Vectors are a basic building block for data in R. Simple R variables are
b. A vector can only consist of values in the same class.
c. The tests for vectors can be conducted using the is.vector () function.
d. R provides functionality that enables the easy creation and manipulation
of vectors.
For example :
# Create a vector.
apple <- c(‘red’,‘green’,“yellow”)
# Get the class of the vector.
Output :
“red” “green” “yellow”
2. Lists : A list is an R-object which can contain many different types of
elements inside it like vectors, functions and even another list inside it.
Data Analytics 5–29 J (CS-5/IT-6)

For example :
# Create a list.
list1 <- list(c(2,5,3),21.3)
# Print the list.
3. Matrices :
a. A matrix is a two-dimensional rectangular data set.
b. It can be created using a vector input to the matrix function.
For example :
# Create a matrix.
M = matrix(c(‘a’,‘a’,‘b’,‘c’,‘b’,‘a’), nrow = 2, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
Output :
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] “a” “a” “b”
[2,] “c” “b” “a”
4. Arrays :
a. Arrays can be of any number of dimensions.
b. The array function takes a dim attribute which creates the required
number of dimension.
For example :
Create an array.
a <- array(c(‘green’,‘yellow’),dim = c(3,3,2))
Output :
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] “green” “yellow” “green”
[2,] “yellow” “green” “yellow”
[3,] “green” “yellow” “green”
5. Factors :
a. Factors are the R-objects which are created using a vector.
b. It stores the vector along with the distinct values of the elements in the
vector as labels.
c. The labels are always character irrespective of whether it is numeric or
character or Boolean etc. in the input vector. They are useful in statistical
Frame Works & Visualization 5–30 J (CS-5/IT-6)

d. Factors are created using the factor() function. The nlevelsfunctions

gives the count of levels.
For example :
# Create a vector.
apple_colors <- c(‘green’,‘green’,‘yellow’,‘red’,‘red’,‘red’,‘green’)
# Create a factor object.
factor_apple <- factor(apple_colors)
# Print the factor.
Output :
green green yellow red red red green
Levels: green red yellow
Data Analytics SQ–1 J (CS-5/IT-6)

1 Introduction to
Data Analytics
(2 Marks Questions)

1.1. What is data analytics ?

Ans. Data analytics is the science of analyzing raw data in order to make
conclusions about that information.

1.2. What are the sources of data ?

Ans. Sources of data are :
1. Social data
2. Machine data
3. Transactional data

1.3. What are the classifications of data ?

Ans. Data is classified into three types :
1. Unstructured data
2. Structured data
3. Semi-structured data

1.4. Write the difference between structured semi-structured

S. No. Structured data Semi-structured data
1. It is schema dependent and less It is more flexible than
flexible. structured data
2. It is very difficult to scale It is more scalable than
database schema. structured data.
3. It is base d on Relatio nal It is based on XML/RDF.
database table.

1.5. List the characteristics of data.

Ans. Characteristics of data :
1. Volume
2. Velocity
3. Variety
4. Veracity
2 Marks Questions SQ–2 J (CS-5/IT-6)

1.6. Define Big Data platform.

Ans. Big data platform is a type of IT solution that combines the features
and capabilities of several big data application and utilities within a
single solution.

1.7. Define analytical sand box.

Ans. An analytic sandbox provides a set of resources with which in-
depth analysis can be done to answer critical business questions.

1.8. List some of the modern data analytic tools.

Ans. Modern data analytic tools are :
1. Apache Hadoop
3. OpenRefine
4. RapidMiner
5. R programming language
6. DataWrapper

1.9. List the benefits of analytic sand box.

Ans. Benefits of analytic sand box :
1. Independence
2. Flexibility
3. Efficiency
4. Freedom
5. Speed

1.10. Write the application of data analytics.

Ans. Application of data analytics are :
1. Security
2. Transportation
3. Risk detection
4. Internet searching
5. Digital advertisement

1.11. What are the phases of data analytic life cycle ?

Ans. Phases of data analytic life cycle :
1. Discovery
2. Data preparation
3. Model planning
4. Model building
5. Communicate results
6. Operationalize
Data Analytics SQ–3 J (CS-5/IT-6)

1.12. What are the activities performed during discovery phase ?

Ans. Activities performed during discovery phase are :
1. Identity data sources
2. Capture aggregate data sources
3. Review the raw data
4. Evaluate the data structure and tools needed.

1.13. What are the sub-phases of discovery phase ?

Ans. Sub-phases of discovery phase are :
1. Learning the business domain
2. Resources
3. Framing the problem
4. Identifying key stake holders
5. Interviewing the analytic sponsor
6. Developing initial hypotheses

1.14. What are the sub-phases of data preparation phase ?

Ans. Sub-phases of data preparation phase :
1. Preparing an analytic sand box
2. Performing ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process
3. Learning about data
4. Data conditioning

1.15. List the tools used for model planning phase.

Ans. Tools used for model planning phase :
1. R
2. SQL Analysis service
4. Matlab
5. Alpine Miner
6. SPSS Modeler

2 Marks Questions SQ–4 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2 Data Analysis
(2 Marks Questions)

2.1. What is regression technique ?

Ans. Regression technique allows the identification and estimation of
possible relationships between a pattern or variable of interest, and
factors that influence that pattern.

2.2. What are the types of regression analysis ?

Ans. Type of regression analysis :
1. Linear regression
2. Non-linear regression
3. Logistic regression
4. Time series regression

2.3. Define Bayesian network.

Ans. Bayesian networks are a type of probabilistic graphical model that
uses Bayesian inference for probability computations.

2.4. List the application of time series analysis.

Ans. Application of time series analysis :
1. Retail sales
2. Spare parts planning
3. Stock trading

2.5. What are the components of time series ?

Ans. Component of time series are :
1. Trends
2. Seasonality
3. Cyclic

2.6. Define rule induction.

Ans. Rule induction is a data mining process of deducing if-then rules
from a dataset. These symbolic decision rules explain an inherent
relationship between the attributes and class labels in the dataset.

2.7. Define sequential covering.

Data Analytics SQ–5 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Ans. Sequential covering is an iterative procedure of extracting rules

from the data set. The sequential covering approach attempts to
find all the rules in the data set class by class.

2.8. What are the steps in sequential covering ?

Ans. Steps in sequential covering are :
1. Class selection
2. Rule development
3. Learn-one-rule
4. Next rule
5. Development of rule set

2.9. Define supervised learning.

Ans. Supervised learning is also known as associative learning, in which
the network is trained by providing it with input and matching
output patterns.

2.10. What are the categories of supervised learning ?

Ans. Supervised learning can be classified into two categories :
i. Classification ii. Regression

2.11. Define unsupervised learning.

Ans. Unsupervised learning, an output unit is trained to respond to
clusters of pattern within the input.

2.12. What are the categories of unsupervised learning ?

Ans. Unsupervised learning can be classified into two categories :
i. Clustering ii. Association

2.13. Difference between supervised and unsupervised learning ?

S. No. Supervised Unsupervised
learning learning

1. It uses known and labeled It uses unknown data as input.

data as input.
2. It uses offline analysis. It uses real time analysis of data.
3. N umber o f classe s is Number of classes is not known.

2.14. List the algorithm to optimize the network size.

1. Growing algorithm.
2. Pruning algorithm.
2 Marks Questions SQ–6 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2.15. Define learning rate.

Ans. Learning rate is a constant used in learning algorithm that define
the speed and extend in weight matrix corrections.

2.16. What are the various parameters in back propagation

network (BPN) ?
1. Number of hidden nodes
2. Momentum coefficient
3. Sigmoidal gain
4. Learning coefficient

2.17. Define multivariate analysis.

Ans. Multivariate analysis (MVA) is based on the principles of multivariate
statistics, which involves observation and analysis of more than
one statistical outcome variable at a time.

2.18. Define principal component analysis.

Ans. PCA is a method used to reduce number of variables in dataset by
extracting important one from a large dataset. It reduces the
dimension of our data with the aim of retaining as much information
as possible.

Data Analytics SQ–7 J (CS-5/IT-6)

3 Mining Data Streams

(2 Marks Questions)

3.1. Define data stream management system.

Ans. A data stream management system (DSMS) is a computer software
system to manage continuous data streams. A DSMS also offers a
flexible query processing so that the information needed can be
expressed using queries.

3.2. Define data stream.

Ans. A data stream is a sequence of digitally encoded coherent signals
(packets of data) used to transmit or receive information that is in
the process of being transmitted.

3.3. What are the steps in query processing ?

Ans. Steps in query processing :
1. Formulation of continuous queries.
2. Translation of declarative query.
3. Optimization of queries.
4. Transformation of queries.
5. Execution of queries.

3.4. What are the characteristics of Big Data input stream ?

Ans. Characteristics of Big Data input stream are :
1. High speed
2. Real time information
3. Large volume of data

3.5. What is the main drawback of Bernoulli sampling ?

Ans. The main drawback of Bernoulli sampling is the uncontrollable
variability of the sample size, when the desired sample size is small.

3.6. What is Real-time Analytic Platform (RTAP) ?

Ans. A real-time analytics platform enables organizations to make the
most out of real-time data by helping them to extract the valuable
information and trends from it.
2 Marks Questions SQ–8 J (CS-5/IT-6)

3.7. What are the steps in RTAP ?

Ans. Steps in RTAP are :
1. Real-time stream sources
2. Real-time stream ingestion
3. Real-time stream storage
4. Real-time stream processing

3.8. What are the sources of streaming data ?

Ans. Sources of streaming data are :
1. Sensor data
2. Social media stream
3. Click stream

3.9. List the tools used for real-time stream ingestion.

Ans. 1. Apache streamsets
2. Apache Nifi

3.10. List the tools used for real-time stream storage.

1. Apache Kafka
2. Apache Pulsar

3.11. List the tools used for real-time stream processing.

1. Apache Spark
2. Apache Apex
3. Apache Flink
4. Apache Atorm
5. Apache Beam

3.12. Define sentiment analysis.

Ans. Sentiment analysis is a type of natural language processing for
tracking the mood of the public about a particular product. Sentiment
analysis is also known as opinion mining.

3.13. What are the steps in architecture of sentiment analysis ?

Data Analytics SQ–9 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Ans. Step in architecture of sentiment analysis are :

1. Data collection
2. Text preparation
3. Sentiment detection
4. Sentiment classification
5. Presentation of output

3.14. Define stock market prediction.

Ans. Stock market prediction is an act of trying to determine the future
value of company stock or other financial instrument traded on an

2 Marks Questions SQ–10 J (CS-5/IT-6)

4 Frequent Itemsets
and Clustering
(2 Marks Questions)

4.1. Define itemset and k-itemset.

Ans. The term itemset refers to a collection of items or individual entities
that contain some kind of relationship. An itemset containing k
items is called a k-itemset.

4.2. What is apriori property ?

Ans. If an item set is considered frequent, then any subset of the frequent
item set must also be frequent. This is referred to as the Apriori
property. In other words, all nonempty subsets of a frequent itemset
must also be frequent.

4.3. What are the two step process of association rule mining ?
Ans. Association rule mining can be viewed as a two-step process :
1. Find all frequent itemsets : By definition, each of these itemsets
will occur at least as frequently as a predetermined minimum support
2. Generate strong association rules from the frequent
itemsets : By definition, these rules must satisfy minimum support
and minimum confidence.

4.4. What are the various categories of clustering techniques ?

Ans. Clustering techniques are organized into the following
categories :
1. Partitioning methods
2. Hierarchical methods
3. Density-based methods
4. Grid-based methods

4.5. What are the two major approaches to subspace clustering

based on search strategy ?
Ans. Two major approaches to subspace clustering based on
search strategy :
1. Top-down algorithms that find an initial clustering in the full set of
dimensions and evaluate the subspaces of each cluster, and then
iteratively improve the results.
Data Analytics SQ–11 J (CS-5/IT-6)

2. Bottom-up approaches that and dense regions in low dimensional

spaces and combine them to form clusters.

4.6. Define subspace clustering.

Ans. Subspace clustering is aimed to find all clusters in all subspaces. In
different subspaces the same point can then belong to different
clusters. Subspaces can be axis-parallel or general.

4.7. What is cluster ?

Ans. A cluster is a collection of data objects that are similar to one another
within the same cluster and are dissimilar to the objects in other

4.8. What is clustering ?

Ans. The process of grouping a set of physical or abstract objects into
classes of similar objects is called clustering. It is related to
unsupervised learning in machine learning.

4.9. What are the applications of cluster analysis ?

Ans. Applications of cluster analysis are :
1. Business intelligence
2. Image pattern recognition
3. Web search
4. Biology
5. Security
6. Data mining tool

4.10. Explain partitioning method.

Ans. A partitioning method first creates an initial set of k partitions,
where parameter k is the number of partitions to construct. It then
uses an iterative relocation technique that attempts to improve the
partitioning by moving objects from one group to another.

4.11. Explain grid-based method.

Ans. A grid-based method first quantizes the object space into a finite
number of cells that form a grid structure, and then performs
clustering on the grid structure.

4.12. List the algorithm for grid-based method of clustering.

Ans. Algorithm for grid based method of clustering are :

4.13. Define clustering evaluation.

Ans. Clustering evaluation assesses the feasibility of clustering analysis
on a data set and the quality of the results generated by a clustering
method. The tasks include assessing clustering tendency,
2 Marks Questions SQ–12 J (CS-5/IT-6)

determining the number of clusters, and measuring clustering


4.14. Define centroids and clustroids.

Ans. Centroids : In a Euclidean space, the members of a cluster can be
averaged, and this average is called the centroid.
Clustroids : In non-Euclidean spaces, there is no guarantee that
points have an “average,” so we are forced to use one of the members
of the cluster as a representative or typical element of the cluster.
That representative is called the clustroid.

4.15. List different portioning method.

1. K-means
2. K-medoids

Data Analytics SQ–13 J (CS-5/IT-6)

5 Frame Works and

(2 Marks Questions)

5.1. What are the ways to execute Pig program ?

Ans. These are the following ways of executing a Pig program :
1. Interactive mode
2. Batch mode
3. Embedded mode

5.2. What is not supported by NoSQL ?

Ans. Following are not supported by NoSQL :
1. Joins
2. Group by
3. ACID transactions
4. SQL
5. Integration with applications that are based on SQL.

5.3. Define sharding.

Ans. Sharding is a type of database partitioning that splits very large
databases into smaller, faster, and more easily managed parts called
data shards that can be spread between more two or more exclusive

5.4. What are the main differences between HDFS and S3 ?

Ans. The main differences between HDFS and S3 are :
1. S3 is more scalable than HDFS.
2. When it comes to durability, S3 has the edge over HDFS.
3. Data in S3 is always persistent, unlike data in HDFS.
4. S3 is more cost-efficient and likely cheaper than HDFS.
5. HDFS excels when it comes to performance, outshining S3.

5.5. Define Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service).

Ans. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cloud IaaS (infrastructure
as a service) solution from Amazon Web Services for object storage
via a convenient web-based interface.

5.6. What is the basic idea of visual data mining ?

2 Marks Questions SQ–14 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Ans. The basic idea of visual data mining is to present the data in some
visual form, allowing the user to gain insight into the data, draw
conclusions, and directly interact with the data.

5.7. What are the benefits of data visualization?

Ans. Benefits of data visualization :
1. Identify areas that need attention or improvement.
2. Clarity which factors influence customer behaviour.
3. Predict sales volumes.

5.8. What are the benefits of data analytics ?

Ans. Benefits of data analytics :
1. Identify the underlying models and patterns.
2. Acts as an input source for the data visualization.
3. Helps in improving the business by predicting the needs conclusion.

5.9. What types of data are visualized ?

Ans. The types of data to be visualized are :
1. One-dimensional data techniques
2. Two-dimensional data techniques
3. Multi-dimensional data techniques
4. Text and hypertext techniques
5. Hierarchies and graphs techniques
6. Algorithms and software techniques

5.10. What are the classifications of visualization technique ?

Ans. The visualization technique may be classified as :
1. Standard 2D/3D displays
2. Geometrically-transformed displays
3. Icon-based displays
4. Dense pixel displays
5. Stacked displays

5.11. What are the uses of data visualization?

Ans. Uses of data visualization :
1. Powerful way to explore data with presentable results.
2. Primary use is the preprocessing portion of the data mining process.
3. Supports in data cleaning process by finding incorrect and missing

5.12. What is edit() and fix() function in R?

Ans. Functions such as edit () and fix () allow the user to update the
contents of an R variable.

5.13. What are the four window panes in RStudio?

Data Analytics SQ–15 J (CS-5/IT-6)

Ans. The four window panes are as follow :

1. Scripts
2. Workspace
3. Plots
4. Console

5.14. Define Hadoop Distributed File System.

Ans. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is the core component or
the backbone of Hadoop Ecosystem. HDFS is the one, which makes
it possible to store different types of large data sets.

5.15. Define hash ring.

Ans. Hash ring is a collection of servers, each of which is responsible for
a particular range of hash values.

5.16. Difference between Apache Pig and Hive.

S. No. Apache Pig Hive
1. It uses a language called Pig It uses a language called Hive
Latin. QL.
2. It handles all types of data. It handles only structured



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