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CO2 Released when Making & Using Products

This page is 1 - Food 2 - Other Home Items 3 - Materials 4 - Wood 5 - Roads 6 - Services 7 - Transport 8 - Fuels 9 - Land Clearance This list may confirm what you know, or may surprise you. CO2 is not caused by others, it is caused by our choices: Heating & cooling; Buying products; Red meat versus chicken and grain; Cars and planes versus buses, trains, driving slowly and staying home. Read more below.

CO2LIST.ORG Home Bold shows some of the interesting items

POUNDS OF CO2 (includes effect of other greenhouse gases)

UNITS OF MEASURE FOR EACH ITEM (We and most others measure CO2 by weight. Its size varies, so it can't be measured in volume. For other items we pick appropriate units, shown below.)

What is the answer? Solutions are discussed at Complete sources and calculations are at Data from US, except when the following symbols appear: Data are from UK Data are from Australia France has data (in English) for many items, not yet incorporated here. Contact us 6/9/2011


1 - FOOD Pounds of CO2 per 500 Calories (this is 1/4 of a daily 2,000-Calorie diet) 12 pounds CO2 per pound of product kilos CO2 per kilo of 4 product 6 1.5 4 0.5 1.7 Sweden labels individual food items

Red meat


Chicken, fish, eggs Dairy Cereals, carbohydrates Fruit, vegetables Oils, sweets, condiments Balanced Diet

6 4 3 2 2

92% from production of animals & their feed, including N2O & methane. Remainder is transport of inputs & meat, and selling. (interesting article by former Texas Ag Commissioner) 81% from production of feed & meat 91% from production of feed & animals 75% from production of crops 74% from production of crops 74% from production of crops

USDA Food Guide: 53% carbohydrate, 29% oils, 18% protein (here protein is chicken, fish, eggs) Source: Weber & Matthews 2008 "Food-Miles and the Relative Climate Impacts of Food Choices in the United States" based on Carnegie-Mellon's Input-Output model of the US economy, Farm products (food, cloth, leather, biofuels) release greenhouse gases from (a) energy used to manufacture artificial fertilizer, (b) fossil fuel in making and running farm and transport equipment, (c) fixing N2 in the soil, and then releasing some as N2O, a greenhouse gas (p.61 of IEA 2004 Biofuels for Transport and Crutzen et al. 2008 "N2O Release..."), (d) methane (CH4) created in animal stomachs and intestines, (e) deforestation when fields expand. Another thorough discussion is ICSU's 2009 report on Biofuels, particularly chapters 6 on land use and 5 on greenhouse gases. 2 Mostly from growing crops: N2O from nitrogen-

Potato chips

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Orange juice Bottled smoothie Organic new potato Potato, not organic

0.9-1.4 pounds CO2 per pound of product fixing bacteria, fuel 1.1 kilos CO2 per kilo of product The figures in the section above are larger, and 0.29 come from a much more complete methodology. 0.24 Source: Carbon Trust, a UK nonprofit, has a summary and Report CTC744. Orange juice is from a Pepsico study reported in the NY Times Spreadsheet has complete sources and calculations 61 4 Another 3 pounds released if tires are burned at the end of their life. So 80 pounds CO2 to make a 20-pound tire, and 60 more pounds if it is incinerated. pounds CO2 per pound of product kilos CO2 per kilo of product

2 - OTHER HOME ITEMS Personal computer Tires

Phone books Textbooks Newspapers Magazines & bulk mail Office paper Corrugated cardboard

2.7 2.4 2.1 1.9 1.1 1.0

making 36 pages releases 1 pound (9 sheets of broadsheet paper), printing is additional

making 88 sheets of 20# 8.5"x11" releases 1 pound of CO2, printing additional

Shampoo Sweatshirt Polo shirt T-shirt Incandescent light bulb Compact fluorescent bulb Tablet laundry detergent

Source: EPA 2006, p.24, column g, chapter 2: "Raw materials Acquisition and Manufacturing" in Solid Waste Management and Greenhouse Gases: A Life-Cycle Assessment of Emissions and Sinks. Includes transport to retailer & emissions abroad. They analyze recycling, including average energy used to collect & transport the recyclables as well as to make products from them. Report gives pounds of Carbon equivalent, converted here to CO2. The above figures on paper may be overestimates, since paper may sequester as much CO2 as its manufacture and disposal releases, even counting the methane released from slow decomposition in landfills: NCASI. 2007 "The Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Profile of the Global Forest Products Industry" p.22 0.6 Hot water uses much more; shown at the end of "Services," in bright yellow below 5-6 per shirt 2.4 1.1-1.4 1 Making & delivering bulb, not use. CFL gives much per bulb less CO2 per hour of use: It lasts 6 times as long & 1-3 uses 1/4 the power 0.7 per wash If you heat the water, it releases more CO2 than making the detergent. A basic 3 cubic foot washer uses 31 gallons of water. Heating half this water (for wash cycle) to 140o F or 170oF (see below) would release 3 pounds CO2 from a gas water heater (6-8 pounds CO2 from electric). Either dwarfs the CO2 from detergent. The most efficient washer uses 60% less water (12 gallons), so 60% less energy and CO2, but still at least a pound of CO2, which is more than making the detergent. In laundries at health care facilities, CDC recommends 170oF water for 25 minutes, or chemical disinfection (like bleach). They make no recommendations for residences. Professor Gerba, ABC and CBS recommend (a) washing loads which are not bleached at 140oF, (b) washing underwear last, using a cup of bleach in a cold water cycle to disinfect underwear and washing machine, and (c) washing hands after touching dirty or wet laundry (2005 update). eHow also recommends (d) washing linens separately, using 5-part laundry baskets to prevent crosscontamination, and (e) disinfecting the laundry basket with a spray.

Powder laundry detergent


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Liquid laundry detergent: capsule or not

0.4 Ikawa and Rossen report research that bacteria in kitchen sponges are killed by 12 minutes in a washing machine at 93oF (34oC) with cup detergent and 1 cups bleach followed by 60 minutes in a dryer (no temperature given). Alternatives are boiling for 5 minutes, or microwaving a damp sponge in a "storage bag" for 1 minute on high. Drying alone was not effective, even in a clothes dryer. Professor LeBlanc does not report research, but recommends disposable dish cloths, or immediately washing cloths in hot water or bleach, not leaving them damp. She also recommends washing underwear separately from dish towels or dish cloths. Park and Cliver ("Disinfection of kitchen sponges and dishcloths by microwave oven" Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation. 1997, 17(3): 146-149) provide more details on the microwave approach. They sterilized damp (wet then wrung out) cellulose sponges (7"x4"x1.5") in an 800-watt microwave. It takes 60 seconds to kill all bacteria in one damp sponge. Time would be proportionate for smaller sponges or stronger microwaves. A damp dishcloth (16"x14"x1/8") takes 3 minutes. Microwaving natural sponges damaged them. (doubts, other studies, more on kitchens) Lysol has a manageable list of surfaces to disinfect. Wordpresss cites bacteria counts for many surfaces, but gives few citations. Tide recommends monthly bleach in high efficiency (HE) washers, which lack enough water to rinse all dirt and detergent out of the machine. Tide does not claim germ-killing ability, nor recommend water temperatures, except they say almost all stains (including underwear) should be washed in warm water after pre-treating 20 minutes in liquid Tide. 7th Generation recommends cold water for all laundry, but also makes no health claims. Cheer recommends using the hottest water allowed by the clothing label and pre-treating "obvious stains," but makes no health claims. The US Energy Department and EPA recommend cold water in washing machines except for "oily stains." Perhaps that includes underwear. They have no suggestions on bleach. OSHA recommends 140oF in the water heater to kill Legionella, and 122o F at the faucets to minimize Legionella growth in the pipes while also minimizing scalding (Technical Manual Sec.III Ch.7 subsection V.C.3.a). A "tempering valve" at the tank can achieve both OSHA targets, and also allow 140oF for washing machine water. The common advice to keep water heaters at 120oF ignores the risk of Legionella. An Australian study says allergens are removed from bedding by 5 minutes in "detergent solutions at 25 degrees" Celsius, or 77oF. In order to kill dust mites themselves, EPA found that washing in 95oF water was not effective, even with bleach and

Super concentrated liquid laundry detergent


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detergent (D. pteronyssinus and E. maynei), but 12 minutes at 127oF does kill dust mites. A Connecticut study said an alternative is that 10 minutes in a 105F dryer also kills mites. Related environmental issues include: How hot can solar water get? all year? Does your detergent identify its ingredients? Are they safe for you? Which ingredients and which types of bleach are removed by sewer treatment and septic systems? If no one is sick, do you need to kill bacteria in underwear and dish towels? Does drying in the sun kill bacteria? all year? Source: Carbon Trust, a UK nonprofit, has a summary and Report CTC744. 78 per square foot built in US 1997 (This is for construction. Lifetime consumption is also significant.) 170,000 per new house in US 120,000 per new house in Australia Constructing average Australian house: 21% of CO2 is from Concrete, 14% Steel, 14% Plastic, 10% Masonry, 8% Ceramics (tiles), 6% Plaster, 5% Glass and 22% other. Source: US data based on $67 per square foot (Census), 1.3 lb CO2 per 1997 dollar (Weber+Matthews), and 2,140 square feet per new house sold (Census) Australian Government and design and construction industries; Australia reports units of energy, which we converted to CO2 assuming a 3:1 ratio of natural gas to diesel in generating the energy. Treloar's study of Australian roads provides an estimate of CO2 per unit of energy which would be 9% higher. 20,000 per Chevy Trailblazer SUV 4, 7 & 5 pounds CO2 per pound of vehicle, 22,000 per Toyota Camry sedan respectively. .Buying a 40mpg car and stopping use 26,000 per Ford F series pickup of an old 30mpg car takes 113,000 miles to pay back the 22,000 pounds manufacturing CO2. You would save more CO2 by using the rest of the life of the old car, while cutting miles per year and speed. Cutting miles 20% cuts CO2 20%. Cutting speed from 65mph to 52mph cuts CO2 another 10%. Source: Chester, 2008, Life-cycle Environmental Inventory of Passenger Transportation in the United States based on Carnegie-Mellon's Input-Output model of the US economy, Consistent figures are in: Argonne National Laboratory: Stodolsky, Vyas, Cuenca and Gaines 1995 "Life-Cycle Energy Savings Potential from Aluminum-Intensive Vehicles" and Sightline, a Seattle nonprofit, Williams-Derry 2007 "Increases in greenhouse-gas emissions from highway-widening projects" 3.6 per US $ 1997 (only CO2, not other greenhouse gases) Spreadsheet has complete sources and calculations 5.7 Canada, 6.4 Mexico, 7.2 China, 7.8 Japan, 1.0 Korea, 5.9 UK, 6.9 Germany. Source: CarnegieMellon's Input-Output model of the US economy, with comparisons to other countries' Input-Output models, Weber & Matthews 2007, "Embodied Environmental Emissions in US International Trade."

House House House


3 - MATERIALS Iron & steel

Steel Copper Aluminum

4 6 2-9

pounds CO2 per pound of product kilos CO2 per kilo of product

Carpet PVC/3\ plastic Acrylic paint LDPE/4\ plastic HDPE/2\ plastic

4 4 3.4 2.5 2.0

Recycling saves 90% of the CO2 released by making aluminum and plastic; 40% for glass, steel, paper.

0.28 pounds CO2 per 12 oz. aluminum can This may be an underestimate if they assume zero emissions for hydropower, which is often used for aluminum, and has emissions from construction & deforestation.

PET/1\ plastic


0.3 pounds CO2 per gallon jug for water or milk 0.5 for heavier gallon jug for vinegar 0.03 for disposable grocery bag (0.003 after recycling) 0.15 pounds CO2 per 12 oz. plastic bottle 0.8 per gallon jug

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Glass Granite, imported Granite, local Bricks Concrete blocks

Concrete Concrete Portland Cement


0.38 pounds CO2 per 12 oz. glass bottle 1.8 per gallon jug 0.8 180 pounds CO2 per 8' of countertop 0.3 80 pounds CO2 per 8' of countertop 0.1 0.6 pounds CO2 per standard brick 0.1 25 pounds CO2 per 8x8x16 block Source of US data: EPA 2006, p.24, column g, chapter 2: "Raw materials Acquisition and Manufacturing" in Solid Waste Management and Greenhouse Gases: A Life-Cycle Assessment of Emissions and Sinks includes transport to retailer & emissions abroad. They analyze recycling, including average energy used to collect & transport the recyclables as well as to make products from them. Report gives pounds of Carbon equivalent, converted here to CO2. (also EPA 2002) Source of Australian data, marked , Australian Government and design and construction industries. Info on kinds of plastic and recycling is at 1,400 per cubic yard, including indirect Includes calcining, fuel, quarrying, suppliers, effects placement, etc. 400-800 per cubic yard, depends on strength 0.9 per pound of cement (60% of this is Direct manufacturing only, including calcining from chemical process; 40% from energy used) Source: Data with indirect effects come from Chester, 2008, Life-cycle Environmental Inventory of Passenger Transportation in the United States based on Carnegie-Mellon's Input-Output model of the US economy, Direct effects of cement manufacture come from Portland Cement Association Technical Brief and from Altshuler 2007 "Lowering the Carbon Footprint When Using the WafflematTM System for Concrete Slab Foundations" Portland cement is made by heating Calcium Carbonate, CaCO3, to break it into CaO (major ingredient of cement) and CO2 (released). This heating and chemical breakdown is called calcining, and is included here. Direct effects of concrete manufacture use the CO2 estimate for cement along with the strength and cement proportions of concrete from several sources: p.88 of Portland Cement Association 1988 Design & Control of Concrete Mixtures; San Jose CA bid specifications; Treloar, Love & Crawford, 2004, "Hybrid Life-Cycle Inventory for Road Construction and Use" 0.2 pounds CO2 per pound of product 12 pounds CO2 per 4x8x half inch sheet. Based on: kilos CO2 per kilo of product Surace 2007 "How Green Is Your Drywall?"; Same result from Australian Government and design and construction industries at 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 Spreadsheet has complete sources and calculations 23 pounds CO2 per 4x8x half inch sheet pounds CO2 per pound of product kilos CO2 per kilo of product 1.8 pounds CO2 per 2x4x8'

4 - WOOD Plywood Particleboard Lumber, construction Hardwood, kiln dried Hardwood, air dried

5 - ROADS Full-depth asphalt road Continuously reinforced concrete road Plain concrete road Composite, asphalt, and concrete road Deep-strength asphalt road Deep-strength asphalt on bounded subbase road Asphaltic concrete on bounded subbase road

0.03 Source: Australian Government and design and construction industries; US data from EPA 2006, p.24, column g, chapter 2: "Raw materials Acquisition and Manufacturing" The above figures may be overestimates, since wood may sequester as much CO2 as its manufacture and eventual disposal releases: NCASI. 2007 "The Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Profile of the Global Forest Products Industry" p.22 Spreadsheet has complete sources and calculations 4,300,000 0.06 pound CO2 per passenger mile 3,900,000 Pounds of CO2 per lane mile (40 years expected life. Definitions given in source.) 0.05 pound CO2 per passenger mile, at 5,000 trips per lane per day

3,300,000 3,300,000 2,900,000 2,900,000

0.04 pound CO2 per passenger mile, at 5,000 trips per lane per day

1,900,000 Pounds of CO2 per lane mile (20

0.05 pound CO2 per passenger mile

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Granular road (thin asphalt over compacted earth)


years expected life)

0.02 pound CO2 per passenger mile

Interstate highway Arterial road Collector street Local urban street Local rural street

Source: Treloar, Love & Crawford, 2004, "Hybrid Life-Cycle Inventory for Road Construction and Use." See higher estimates for Korean roads: Park, Hwang, Seo and Seo 2003, "Quantitative Assessment of Environmental Impacts on Life Cycle of Highways" 2,000,000 Pounds of CO2 per lane mile 1,500,000 1,200,000 (Includes calcining of concrete; pavement widths given in source) 900,000 700,000 Source: Chester, 2008, Life-cycle Environmental Inventory of Passenger Transportation in the United States based on Carnegie-Mellon's Input-Output model of the US economy,


6 - SERVICES Mail a postcard (USPS) Mail a letter (USPS) Mail a package (USPS) Spreadsheet has complete sources and calculations 0.06 0.09 Pounds of CO2 per postcard Pounds of CO2 per letter

Government & defense Government Finance or Insurance

Web bank account General banking Insurance Health, social work Education

Real estate Hotels, restaurants Construction

Getting 11 letters per month releases a pound of CO2 0.8 Pounds of CO2 per pound of package Getting a 21-ounce package releases a pound of CO2 (freight, buildings, etc.) mailed Source: Logistics Management Institute, Canes "2001 GHG Emissions of the US Postal Service." US Postal Service (USPS) paid for this study of CO2 primarily from buildings, delivery and long distance transport, from 1985-2001. The study divides CO2 emissions per item mailed, per pound mailed, and per dollar of postage paid. We divided the CO2 from buildings and local delivery equally for each item mailed, since space, sorting, and handling are roughly equal for each item, regardless of weight. Heavy items may need more space, but small items generally pay for faster service, which in its own way may need more space & handling, so equal CO2 per item seemed the best balance, pending more data. We divided the CO2 from long distance transport by weight, since this CO2 is mostly from air transport, which is sensitive to weight. Total of these components of CO2 is shown above. 0.1 Pounds of CO2 per US $ 1997 (only 0.8 Canada, 0.2 Mexico, 1.3 China, 0.5 Japan, 0.2 Korea, 0.4 UK, 0.5 Germany, all in pounds of CO2 CO2, not other greenhouse gases) per US $ 1997 at purchasing power parities (PPP). 1.2 per AU $ taxes or fees 0.2 per US $ 1997 (only CO2,) 0.5 Canada, 0.2 Mexico, 0.8 China, 0.2 Japan, 0.1 Korea, 0.2 UK, 0.2 Germany Includes CO2 released by bank buildings, insurance offices, site visits, etc. 0.4 per bank account per year 0.4 per AU $ interest or fees 5% interest on $200,000 = $10,000 interest per year, releases 4,000 pounds CO2 0.3 per AU $ premiums or fees 0.6 per US $ 1997 (only CO2,) 0.5 Canada, 0.3 Mexico, 1.5 China, 0.6 Japan, 0.3 Korea, 0.3 UK, 0.4 Germany 0.6 per US $ 1997 (only CO2,) 0.7 Canada, na Mexico, 1.5 China, 0.3 Japan, 0.1 Korea, 0.3 UK, 0.4 Germany Includes CO2 released by school buildings, buses, etc. 0.8 per US $ 1997 (only CO2,) 0.4 Canada, 0.2 Mexico, 0.8 China, 0.1 Japan, 0.1 Korea, 0.1 UK, 0.1 Germany 1 per US $ 1997 (only CO2,) 1.0 Canada, 0.3 Mexico, 1.0 China, 0.7 Japan, 0.2 Korea, 0.3 UK, 0.8 Germany 1.3 per US $ 1997 (only CO2,) 1.6 Canada, 1.8 Mexico, 2.9 China, 1.1 Japan, 0.4 Korea, 0.3 UK, 0.9 Germany See graph & spreadsheet Source: Australian data are from Treloar. US & others are from Weber & Matthews 2007, "Embodied Environmental Emissions in US International Trade" based on Carnegie-Mellon's model of the US economy, with comparisons to other countries' Input-Output models. Other industries for these same countries are compared in graph & spreadsheet (bottom of "Countries" tab). In the model, Weber reports in a 16Ap'09 email that, "1) Process CO2 emissions [from calcining concrete] are included. 2) pipeline leakage methane is, but hydro reservoirs are not due to the aggregate electricity sector. 3) air travel is CO2 only due to the uncertainty in contrail effect. 4) LUC [Land Use Change] not included due to lack of data (but it can be included in such a model; the US inventory just doesn't allow us to do it with any resolution). 5) gas flaring is included."

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Bake potatoes Boil or microwave potatoes

1 0.2 - 0.3 Pounds of CO2 per pound of potatoes

Baking anything generally takes more watts & more minutes than boiling or microwaving. Both estimates here involve cooking about 2 pounds of potatoes (just cook, not grow or deliver, which are below).

Hot water

Source: Carbon Trust Report CTC744. 0.11 Pounds of CO2 per gallon, gas heater Heat water from temperature of pipes in the ground 0.24 Pounds of CO2 per gallon, electric (50o ) to 105oF. Each 5-minute shower with a heater water-saving 2.2gpm shower head releases 1-3 pounds CO2 plus whatever it took to collect, treat & deliver the water. Source: CO2 emissions from fuel data below. 105oF is a typical temperature of the mixed (hot+cold) water for a

shower or handwashing. OSHA Technical Manual recommends 140oF in the heater to kill Legionella, and 122oF at the faucets to minimize Legionella growth in the pipes while also minimizing scalding (Technical Manual Sec.III Ch.7 subsection V.C.3.a). A "tempering valve" at the tank can achieve both goals. Washing machine temperatures are mentioned above, in the discussion of detergents in section 2, Other Home Items. The 140 oF washing machine temperature discussed there can be achieved by bypassing the tempering valve. Wisconsin has a calculator to estimate water heater fuel use at various temperatures. 7 - TRANSPORT, Total CO2 Includes manufacture & maintenance of vehicles, fuel, stations, roads, airports, ports, pipelines. Spreadsheet has complete sources and calculation Car 1.8 Pounds of CO2 per mile at 17 mpg Note it would be half as much (per passenger mile) 1.2 with 2 people in car, or 1/4 as much with 4 people Pounds of CO2 per mile at 28 mpg in car. In either case, cutting miles 20% cuts CO2 20%. Cutting speed from 65mph to 52mph cuts CO2 another 10%. Airplane 362 + 7206 Pounds of CO2 per passenger, per Note exponential formula, which correctly increases emissions for long flights which have to carry a lot (1.000127325miles1) takeoff of fuel (theory). It works out to362 pounds for taxiing, takeoff & landing in a short flight. It adds 0.9 pounds per mile for short flights, but 1.2 pounds per mile for a 4,000-mile flight or 3.3 pounds per mile for a 17,000-mile flight. Airplane 230+ Pounds of CO2 per passenger, per This is a simpler linear approximation, with a 1.2miles smaller constant per takeoff, but more per mile. takeoff Local bus 0.7 Empty on much of route; stop & go. Pounds of CO2 per passenger mile 0.2 Routes are designed so buses are full Long distance bus Commuter rail 0.4 Would be higher than direct measure below, but this commuter rail study covers only a few systems, with very high ridership, so low emissions per passenger mile Source: Chester, 2008, Life-cycle Environmental Inventory of Passenger Transportation in the United States based on Carnegie-Mellon's Input-Output model of the US economy, For cars, the estimates include manufacture, refrigerant leaks, roads, etc. We slightly correct the CO2 from fuel to match EIA figures of 19.6 pounds CO2 per gallon of gas. The spreadsheet compares other sources with surprisingly consistent results, including Toyota and Environmental Defense Fund. For air, Chester reports small, medium and large planes, typically used on short, medium and long trips. We add effects of NOX, water vapor & contrails, and fit an equation to show how emissions vary per mile. The spreadsheet compares our estimates to several other sources. An effect not included here is that contrails reduce the daily temperature range about 2oF by cooling the days and warming the nights. It is not clear how or whether this affects global warming: /v418/n6898/abs/418601a.html and Walking 0.7 Pounds of CO2 per mile at 2-4 mph Includes food to supply calories burned, and emissions from manufacturing shoes which last 400 0.6 Pounds of CO2 per mile at 6-11 mph miles. Walking includes building sidewalks for 50% Running (5-10 minute mile) of miles walked. Running does not include any particular surface. Bicycle 0.2-0.3 Pounds of CO2 per mile at 10-20 Includes CO2 from building bike lanes for 10% of mph, or 30 mph in electric bicycle bike-miles traveled. Includes food to supply calories burned, and emissions from producing bike lane and bike (whose parts last weighted average of 20,000 miles). Electric bike assumes 1,000 watts and 20% recharging loss. Rail freight 0.06-0.07 Inland water 0.07

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0.05 0.58 includes gas leaks (methane) from pipeline 0.58 2 Source: Weber & Matthews 2008 "Food-Miles and the Relative Climate Impacts of Food Choices in the United States" based on Carnegie-Mellon's Input-Output model of the US economy, TRANSPORT, Direct Fuel Omits manufacture & maintenance of vehicles, stations, railroads. Spreadsheet has complete sources and calculation Power boat 10 Pounds of CO2 per mile at 2 mpg Source: Boats range from less than half a mile per 5 gallon to 11 miles per gallon. 2 - 4 mpg is a fairly Pounds of CO2 per mile at 4 mpg common level There is a graph of mpg by speed for a variety of boats at Commuter rail 0.4 National averages are nearly the same for local & Pounds of CO2 per passenger mile long distance trains Diesel trains (Amtrak) 0.4 Electric trains 0.3 (Amtrak) Source: M.J. Bradley & Associates 2007 for American Bus Association, Table 1.1 "Comparison of Energy Use & CO2 Emissions From Different Transportation Modes" 8 - FUELS Pounds CO2 per unit shown below Grams CO2 per Megajoule Compares CO2 for same energy of each fuel Grams per megajoule (MJ) is often used internationally to compare CO2 for the same energy of different fuels. A MJ is small, just over a quarter of a kilowatt-hour (0.28). Divide the grams shown here by 126 to get pounds per kWh. Divide by 454 to get pounds/MJ. Divide by 1,000 to get kilos/MJ.

Ocean shipping, container Ocean shipping, bulk Ocean shipping, tanker Oil pipeline Gas pipeline Truck Air freight

0.05 0.04 0.02

Pounds of CO2 per ton mile

Summary: Grams CO2 per Megajoule Electricity Ethanol Nuclear Coal Gasoline Natural Gas Wind Solar Hydroelectric ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 210 USA average ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 120 from growing crops & clearing land ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 113 mining, processing, defending waste ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 101 when used for heating ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 85 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 65 ]]]] 13 from construction & land clearing ]] 8 from manufacture ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 1 to 250 from flooded plants


Electricity Electricity

Includes production & delivery except where stated. Complete sources and step-by-step calculations are in spreadsheet. "Electricity" figures omit CO2 from deforestation and from nuclear mining & waste. Hydro, biofuels, wind & coal all release CO2 by deforestation. Solar can avoid deforestation if placed on roofs and deserts. Even with omissions, grid Electricity emits higher CO2 for the same energy (per MJ) than other fuels, because of losses in generating & transmitting. 1.7 per kilowatt hour 210 Each of the following releases 1 pound (0.6kWh): delivered 7 minutes of 5,000 Watt clothes dryer or water US average, East, heater Midwest, Plains & 24 minutes of 1,500W space heater Alaska 6 hours of 100W bulb, TV, or desktop computer 26 hours of 23W fluorescent bulb or laptop 1.3 per kWh, West & 165 computer Mountains Further discussion 1.8 per kWh, Texas 232 1.9 per kWh, Hawaii 241 17 per US $ 2008 210 2008 prices & 2004 production methods, same sources as "per kWh" data above 20 per US $ 1997 11 Canada, 13 Mexico, 15 China, 9 Japan, 7 Korea, 7 UK, 15 Germany, all per US $ 1997 at purchasing power parities (PPP).

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Solar panel: monocrystalline silicon Solar panel: multicrystalline silicon Solar panel: ribbon silicon Solar panel: cadmium telluride

Will rise when growth requires mining & enriching lower grade ores. We added $5 billion/year (79g/MJ) for long-term protection of radioactive waste. Source: Basic data are from Battelle 6/2007 for US Dept. of Energy, Deru and Torcellini "Source Energy and Emission Factors." Prices by state are from EIA table 5.6.B. 1997 data are from Carnegie-Mellon's model of the US economy, with comparisons to other countries' Input-Output models, Weber & Matthews 2007, "Embodied Environmental Emissions in US International Trade." Nuclear data are from Storm van Leeuwen 2008 "Nuclear Power - the Energy Balance" and include a small allowance to mine a cavern for permanent storage. None of the studies includes permanently guarding or monitoring the storage of radioactive waste. Further discussion. 0.13 17 64 pounds CO2 per square foot photovoltaic per kilowatt-hour delivered, if it produces electricity for 30 years 0.13 16 58 pounds per square foot photovoltaic 0.9 113 0.11 0.07 14 8 42 pounds per square foot photovoltaic 20 pounds per square foot photovoltaic

per kilowatt-hour delivered

Wind Turbine


Anthracite coal Bituminous coal Lignite Natural gas

Diesel & heating oil Gasoline

Source: Brookhaven National Laboratory, Columbia & Utrecht Universities, Fthenakis, Kim and Alsema 2008 "Emissions from Photovoltaic Life Cycles" Most CO2 emissions are from energy used during manufacture, and they can be reduced by using solar electricity instead of grid electricity. 0.11 per kilowatt-hour 13 11,000,000 pounds per 1.8 megawatt turbine. delivered, if it produces Windmills take energy to manufacture the steel electricity for 20 years structure, concrete base, and transmission wires. If land is cleared to allow wind to reach the structure, that also releases CO2. Also kills birds & bats 0.01-2 per kilowatt-hour 1-250 Preliminary. Includes deforestation for reservoir, delivered releasing 42% of carbon in cleared or flooded plants & soil. Reservoir also converts to methane some of the flooded carbon, as well as tributaries' carbon detritus, which would have just become CO2 without the low oxygen conditions at the bottom of the reservoir. (Oxygen at the bottom is low, because surface waters are warm, stay on top, and mix little with the bottom.) This methane is released primarily when water runs through the turbines. CO2 is also released from quarrying, earthmoving, concrete manufacture. The higher numbers shown are from shallow tropical reservoirs which flood & decay large areas relative to the power generated; even so these are underestimates, since they omit construction, and gas released at turbines. Source for wind turbines: Spreadsheet has partial estimates for the steel structure, concrete base and clearing a ridgetop location, as well as a couple of estimates from the wind industry. Source for hydroelectric: Farrer 2007 "Hydroelectric Reservoirs - the Carbon Dioxide and Methane Emissions of a 'Carbon Free' Energy Source" Further discussion. 3 101 Note coal releases at least 40% more CO2 than per pound 3 104 natural gas to create the same energy. Omits 24 162 deforestation of mountain tops & valley fills. 14 - 17 per 100 cubic feet or per 60-70 Some people are billed by cubic foot, some by therm therm (100,000 BTU). 100 cubic feet contain about one therm, Pipe leaks may not be fully covered by these figures. Leaks are particularly important, since natural gas is CH4, methane, which is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2. 27 - 28 per gallon 83-86 21 - 25 per gallon 80-90 Go slow: 52 saves CO2 Source: Battelle 6/2007 for US Dept. of Energy, Deru and Torcellini "Source Energy and Emission Factors." European Union 2008 Well to Tank Report, pp.47-51,regularly updated. Study for GM by Argonne National Laboratory, BP, Exxon-Mobil & Shell 2001, fig.ES-1.4 Well-to-Wheel Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Advanced Fuel/Vehicle Systems or draft copy. Note this is just CO2 from the fuel; full impact of transport is above, at the heading "Transport."

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Ethanol from corn in USA Ethanol from sugar cane in Brazil Ethanol from corn in USA Ethanol from sugar cane in Brazil Ethanol from sugar beets in EU Biodiesel

35 20 20 3-7 4 - 11 4 - 22 per quantity of each fuel, having the same energy as one gallon of gas

119 69 72 10-20 10-40 20-80

Includes deforestation amortized over 100 years of production. Fields diverted from food to ethanol are replaced by clearing forests elsewhere for food Omits deforestation.

Hydrogen in EU from natural gas

per quantity of hydrogen, having the 112 same energy as one gallon of gas Source: Most data on biofuels and hydrogen come from European Commission Joint Research Centre 2008 Well to Tank Report, pp.47-51, regularly updated. The study includes greenhouse gases released in producing the fuels, but not deforestation. Deforestation is estimated from several sources, shown in spreadsheet. 33

Omits deforestation for palm oil plantations. Waste oils are too few for significant biodiesel production. Greenpeace says, "Using biofuels containing palm oil to tackle climate change is like using a can of petrol to put out a fire and would produce more carbon emissions than burning conventional fossil fuels." Hydrogen is clean at point of use, but producing it uses more energy than it contains.

Propane, LPG "Residual" Fuel Oil Kerosene, used by 99% of civilian planes "Aviation gas;" used by 1% of civilian planes "Jet fuel," used by some military planes, but declining Petroleum coke Lubricants Butane Tires, tire-derived fuel Municipal solid waste Crude oil 9 - Land Clearance Equatorial Forests in Tropics Seasonal Forests in Tropics Dry Forests in Tropics Temperate & Northern Forests

Farm products (food, cloth, leather, biofuels) release greenhouse gases from (a) energy used to manufacture artificial fertilizer, (b) fossil fuel in making and running farm and transport equipment, (c) fixing N2 in the soil, and then releasing some as N2O, a greenhouse gas (p.61 of IEA 2004 Biofuels for Transport and Crutzen et al. 2008 "N2O Release..."), (d) methane (CH4) created in animal stomachs and intestines, (e) deforestation when fields expand. Another thorough discussion is ICSU's 2009 report on Biofuels, particularly chapters 6 on land use and 5 on greenhouse gases. 15 - 16 70-80 per gallon 30 87 25 81 Source: Battelle 6/2007 for US Dept. of Energy, Deru and Torcellini "Source Energy and Emission Factors. 18 - 24 70-80 per gallon 21 - 32 70-90 Omits production & delivery

32 28 15 3 per pound 1 950 per barrel (42 gallons) Source: EIA Emission Coefficients 18-21 21-25

97 89 69 82 86 71 Spreadsheet has complete sources and calculation Flooding in a long term reservoir, as for a dam, releases more Carbon as methane than clearing, so it has a stronger greenhouse effect

Pounds CO2 per square foot if cleared if flooded

11-16 if cleared 13-18 if flooded 7-12 if cleared 9-14 if flooded 7-9 if cleared Less methane in cold climates than in the tropics 7-8 if flooded Source: 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Gibbs et al., "Monitoring and estimating tropical forest carbon stocks," Soil data from Houghton+Hackler. CDIAC 2001, Carbon Flux to the Atmosphere from Land-Use Changes: 1850 to 1990

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What is the answer? Personal and collective solutions are discussed at Contact us Notes are at and complete sources and calculations are at Data from US, except: Data are from UK Data are from Australia

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