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Local stress tensor calculation by the method-of-plane in

microscopic systems with macroscopic flow: A formulation
based on the velocity distribution function
Hiroki Kusudo  ; Takeshi Omori ; Yasutaka Yamaguchi

J. Chem. Phys. 155, 184103 (2021)

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Online Citation

18 April 2024 11:37:50

The Journal
of Chemical Physics

Local stress tensor calculation

by the method-of-plane in microscopic systems
with macroscopic flow: A formulation based
on the velocity distribution function
Cite as: J. Chem. Phys. 155, 184103 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0062889
Submitted: 9 July 2021 • Accepted: 19 October 2021 •
Published Online: 8 November 2021

Hiroki Kusudo,1,a) Takeshi Omori,2,b) and Yasutaka Yamaguchi1,3,c)

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka University, 2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita 565-0871, Japan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka City University, 3-3-138 Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi-ku,
Osaka 558-8585, Japan
Water Frontier Research Center (WaTUS), Research Institute for Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science,
1-3 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8601, Japan

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:

18 April 2024 11:37:50

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In this work, we developed a calculation method of local stress tensor applicable to non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) systems,
which evaluates the macroscopic momentum advection and the kinetic term of the stress in the framework of the Method-of-Plane (MoP),
in a consistent way to guarantee the mass and momentum conservation. From the relation between the macroscopic velocity distribution
function and the microscopic molecular passage across a fixed control plane, we derived a method to calculate the basic properties of the
macroscopic momentum conservation law including the density, the velocity, the momentum flux, and the two terms of the stress tensor,
i.e., the interaction and the kinetic terms, defined on a surface with a finite area. Any component of the streaming velocity can be obtained
on a control surface, which enables the separation of the kinetic momentum flux into the advection and stress terms in the framework of
MoP, and this enables strict satisfaction of the mass and momentum conservation for an arbitrary closed control volume (CV) set in NEMD
systems. We validated the present method through the extraction of the density, velocity, and stress distributions in a quasi-one-dimensional
steady-state Couette flow system and in a quasi-2D steady-state NEMD system with a moving contact line. We showed that with the present
MoP, in contrast to the volume average method, the conservation law was satisfied even for a CV set around the moving contact line, which
was located in a strongly inhomogeneous region.
© 2021 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license

I. INTRODUCTION of the topics of interest of a recent computational approach, which

directly deals with complex nanoscale flows including the contact-
With the increasing interest in microfluidic devices and nano- line motion of simple Lennard-Jones (LJ) liquids1–4 and more realis-
technologies, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have become tic ones including water.5 For the understanding in terms of flow
a powerful computational tool to examine the fluid behavior for fields, the microscopic motion of individual molecules must be
small scale systems. In addition to the static properties of the flu- averaged, and the stress tensor plays a key role in such a macro-
ids and interfaces, analysis of systems with a non-zero local flow, scopic flow. Within the framework of fluid mechanics, the stress
i.e., macroscopically dynamic non-equilibrium MD (NEMD) is one tensor is determined from the velocity fields through the constitutive

J. Chem. Phys. 155, 184103 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0062889 155, 184103-1

© Author(s) 2021
The Journal
of Chemical Physics

equation typically including the viscosity, and the local acceleration atomic stress,31 for instance, provided as the stress/atom command
of the fluid is given by the gradient of the stress tensor and the exter- in LAMMPS package,32 often used to simply visualize the stress field
nal field to satisfy the momentum conservation. On the other hand, (see Appendix C).
the molecular motion is governed by the intermolecular interaction, In NEMD systems with a non-zero local flow with the macro-
and the stress tensor is defined through the average of the molecu- scopic velocity u ≠ 0, local u must be defined on a surface S enclosing
lar motion and interaction. With this respect, the microscopic stress a control volume V in NEMD systems so that the stress is consistent
tensor is comprised of the kinetic term and the intermolecular inter- with the macroscopic momentum conservation. In other words, if
action (or configuration) term. The main scope of this article is one wants to examine the macroscopic mass and momentum bal-
the proper description of the kinetic term of the stress in NEMD ances with setting an arbitrary CV in a complex flow system, e.g., a
systems. CV set around a contact line, local macroscopic properties must be
Before the establishment of the MD method, Irving and defined on a finite-sized area on a CV.
Kirkwood6 (IK) put forward the connection between the macro- In this paper, we show a calculation method of the MoP-
scopic conservation laws (for details, see Appendix A) and micro- based local stress tensor applicable to NEMD systems with a proper
scopic molecular motion governed by the intermolecular interaction definition of the density and macroscopic velocity consistent with
through the statistical mechanical theory based on the distribution the mass and momentum conservation. We provide the formu-
function in the phase space and derived an expression of the local lation for systems consisting of single-component mono-atomic
pointwise stress comprised of kinetic and interaction parts including fluid molecules for simplicity, while the present framework is also
Taylor series expansion of differences in delta functions to express applicable to systems of multi-component or poly-atomic fluid
the microscopic particle feature. molecules, in which the intra-molecular interaction term (for details,
After the introduction of numerical MD simulations,7,8 the cal- see Appendix B) gives rise to a difficulty for the stress definition
culation of average stress in homogeneous bulk systems was enabled and resulting flux,33 not the kinetic term in Eq. (2) discussed in the
based on the virial theorem, which, indeed, corresponds to the aver- present study. Related to this point, the non-uniqueness problem
age of the IK form integrated in space and time.9,10 Regarding the of the local stress/pressure tensor due to the inhomogeneity of the
local stress implemented for equilibrium MD (EMD) simulations liquids typically at the interface34–39 is also an issue regarding the
with a discrete time step, a pragmatic scheme to calculate the aver- interaction term. For the derivation, we introduced the velocity dis-
aged stress defined on a flat plane in quasi-one-dimensional (1D) tribution function (VDF) to give the average of physical properties
planar systems11 and a spherical curved surface12 was proposed, defined on a fixed control plane. To check its validity, we performed

18 April 2024 11:37:50

where all the momentum flux and intermolecular force across the test calculation in two systems: (1) a quasi-1D Couette flow system
plane or the sphere, which divide the computational domain, were and (2) a quasi-2D system with liquid–solid–vapor contact lines,
summed up during the time integration in macroscopically static both consisted of a LJ fluid between parallel solid walls moving in
systems. This type of stress definition is usually called the Method- the opposite directions tangential to the wall surfaces. In the first
of-Plane (MoP),13–15 or Hardy16 stress, where the momentum con- system, we compared the density and velocity distributions obtained
servation law with the above-mentioned MoP for quasi-1D EMD by the present method and the VA, and we calculated the distribu-
systems was proved to be an exact consequence of Newton’s laws tions of the stress components and advection term. Furthermore, we
for any control volume (CV) surrounded by an enclosing surface(s) showed that the same velocity distribution was obtained on bin faces
irrespective of whether the local system in the CV is homogeneous with different normal directions, which is essential to determine the
or not. In addition, this momentum conservation is not restricted to advection term. In the second system, the density, velocity, and stress
quasi-1D EMD systems but also applicable to quasi-2D EMD sys- distributions are calculated in the complex flow with liquid–vapor
tems, e.g., the present authors adopted the MoP for a CV with a interfaces and contact lines. In addition, we compared the present
rectangular enclosing surface set around the contact line of an equi- MoP and VA regarding the mass conservation for a CV surrounding
librium droplet to examine the nanoscale wetting behavior through the contact line.
the mechanical balance exerted on the fluid in the CV.17 Another
conventional approach to give local mean stress in space is the vol-
ume average (VA) method, where the weighted average of the pair II. THEORY
interaction in local CVs is included in the formulation.18–26 Regard- We show the derivation of the kinetic term of the stress aver-
ing the analysis based on the macroscopic momentum conservation, aged on a finite bin face in a Cartesian coordinate system for a
which describes that the total momentum in the CV can be changed single-component mono-atomic fluid in the following for simplic-
by the momentum flux, i.e., the advection and stress terms, pass- ity. The fluid stress tensor component τ kl , which expresses the stress
ing the surface enclosing the CV, the VA should, in principle, be in the l direction exerted on a surface element with an outward
applied only for homogeneous regions because the flux on the CV normal in the k direction, is given by the kinetic term τklkin and the
boundary without thickness cannot be calculated within its frame- intermolecular interaction term τklint as
work, while stress integral can also be obtained by the VA, and
this enables the calculation of the surface tension.10,19,25,27–30 The
momentum conservation is satisfied for the whole system if the VA τkl = τklkin + τklint . (1)
is properly summed up; however, special care is needed to consider
the momentum conservation for local CVs because the VA origi- In the standard MoP for equilibrium MD systems without a
nally was not designed to examine local momentum conservation to mean flow consisting of single-component mono-atomic fluid
be satisfied for an arbitrary CV.16,21,26 This feature is similar to the molecules,13–15,17 the kinetic term τklkin in Eq. (1) on a bin face of area

J. Chem. Phys. 155, 184103 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0062889 155, 184103-2

© Author(s) 2021
The Journal
of Chemical Physics

Sk with its normal vector pointing to the kth Cartesian direction is The RHS denotes the integral weighted with the VDF considering an
calculated by oblique pillar of a base area Sk and a height ∣v k ∣δt with its central axis
parallel to v, which is typically assumed upon the derivation of the
1 crossing Sk i i vki equilibrium pressure in the kinetic theory of gases.
τklkin ≡ − ⟨ ∑ m vl i ⟩, (2)
Sk δt i∈fluid,δt ∣vk ∣ With the limit δt → 0 and by rewriting the average of f (x, v, t)
and ξ(x, t) in the oblique pillar by f (Sk , v, t) and ξ(Sk , t), respec-
where mi and vli denote the mass and l-component of the velocity tively, the integral with respect to xk in the RHS of Eq. (4) writes
vector v i of fluid particle i, respectively. We also denote the bin face
by Sk , hereafter. The angular brackets denote the ensemble aver- ∣vk ∣δt
crossing S lim ∫ dxk Sk f (x, v, t)ξ(x, t) = lim Sk f (Sk , v, t)ξ(Sk , t)∣vk ∣δt,
age, and the summation ∑i∈fluid,δt k is taken for every fluid particle δt→0 0 δt→0
i passing through Sk within a time interval of δt, which is equal to (5)
the time increment for the numerical integration. Considering that and it follows for Eq. (4) that
we deal with single-component fluid molecules of an identical mass
crossing Sk
vki ∞
m, we substitute mi with m, hereafter. A sign function ∣vki ∣
equal lim ⟨ ∑ mξ i ⟩ = lim Sk ∭ dv f (Sk , v, t)ξ(Sk , t)∣vk ∣δt. (6)
δt→0 δt→0 −∞
to ±1 is multiplied with the momentum transfer mvli across Sk to i∈fluid,δt

evaluate the kinetic effect on the stress depending on the passing

Hence, by dividing both sides by Sk δt,
direction. Note that in static equilibrium systems, i.e., systems with-
out a macroscopic local mean flow, the advection term is zero in the
whole system. The definition of the interaction term of the MoP τklint ,
∞ 1 crossing Sk i
∭ dv f (Sk , v, t)ξ(Sk , t)∣vk ∣ = lim ⟨ ∑ mξ ⟩ (7)
which is not the main scope of this article, is shown in Appendix B. −∞ δt→0 Sk δt i∈fluid,δt
Note that technically, the fluid–solid interaction can also be
included in stress, but only the fluid–fluid interaction was taken is derived as a basic equation for the connection between the macro-
into account as the fluid stress, and fluid–solid contribution was scopic field variable ξ(Sk , t) and microscopic variable ξ i , which
considered as an external force field.17,40,41 In addition, note that for belongs to the constituent particle i upon crossing Sk .
multi-component systems or systems with poly-atomic molecules, Now, we proceed to the expressions of the macroscopic field
difficulties mainly arise to treat the interaction force between variables averaged on Sk . By substituting ξ(Sk , t) and ξ i in Eq. (7)

18 April 2024 11:37:50

different kinds of molecules or the constraint force42 of the poly- with ∣v1k ∣ and ∣v1i ∣ , respectively, and using Eq. (3), we obtain
atomic molecules, where the interaction forces should be properly
implemented into the stress calculation to satisfy the conservation
laws.33 1 crossing Sk m
ρ(Sk , t) = lim ⟨ ∑ ⟩, (8)
To extend the standard MoP to NEMD systems with a non- δt→0 Sk δt i∈fluid,δt ∣v i ∣
zero macroscopic mean local flow, the streaming velocity should be
properly subtracted from the kinetic term τklkin in Eq. (2) so that the where vki denotes the velocity component in the k direction of par-
macroscopic momentum flux as the advection term due to the mean ticle i. Similarly, regarding the macroscopic mass flux ρul given by
velocity u may be included not in the stress term but in the advection
term within the macroscopic description of the momentum con- ∞
ρul (x, t) = ∭ dv f (x, v, t)vl , (9)
servation, i.e., in the Navier–Stokes equation. In the following, we −∞
provide a general framework to connect a microscopic variable ξ i of vli
particles and a macroscopic field value ξ(x, t) averaged on Sk under substituting ξ(Sk , t) and ξ i in Eq. (7) with vl
∣vk ∣
and ∣vki ∣
, respectively,
non-zero mean velocity based on the local VDF in the Cartesian xyz leads to
coordinate system. 1 crossing Sk mvli
At first, we define the VDF f (x, v, t) for the mass with a veloc- ρul (Sk , t) = lim ⟨ ∑ ⟩. (10)
δt→0 Sk δt i∈fluid,δt ∣v i ∣
ity v = (v x , v y , v z ) at position x = (x, y, z) at time t, which gives the k

local density ρ(x, t) by From Eqs. (8) and (10), the macroscopic velocity ul results in
∞ ∞ ∞
ρ(x, t) = ∫ dvx ∫ dvy ∫ dvz f (x, v, t) crossing Sk
−∞ −∞ −∞ ⟨ ∑ ⟩
∞ ρul (Sk , t) ∣vki ∣
≡∭ dv f (x, v, t), (3) ul (Sk , t) = = lim crossing Sk
. (11)
−∞ ρ(Sk , t) δt→0 m
⟨ ∑ ∣vki ∣

∞ ∞ ∞
where we rewrite ∫−∞ dvx ∫−∞ dvy ∫−∞ dvz as ∭−∞ dv. Then, a
∞ i∈fluid,δt

microscopic variable ξ i per mass of particle i can be related to the

corresponding macroscopic field variable ξ(x, t) as Finally, to write the kinetic contribution of the stress τklkin , we
use the expression in the kinetic theory of gases given by
crossing Sk ∞ ∣vk ∣δt
lim ⟨ ∑ mξ i ⟩ ≡ lim ∭ dv ∫ dxk Sk f (x, v, t)ξ(x, t). ∞
δt→0 i∈fluid,δt δt→0 −∞ 0 τklkin (x, t) = −∭ dv f (x, v, t)(vk − uk (x, t))(vl − ul (x, t)).
(4) (12)

J. Chem. Phys. 155, 184103 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0062889 155, 184103-3

© Author(s) 2021
The Journal
of Chemical Physics

By expanding Eq. (12), we obtain equation (for details, see Appendix A). By subtracting ρul uk (Sk , t)
from the rightmost-HS and leftmost-HS of Eq. (14), we obtain

τklkin (x, t) = −∭ dv f (x, v, t)vk (vl − ul (x, t))
−∞ 1 crossing Sk mvki vli
∞ τklkin (Sk , t) − ρul uk (Sk , t) = − lim ⟨ ∑ ⟩, (16)
+ uk (x, t)∭ dv f (x, v, t)(vl − ul (x, t)) δt→0 Sk δt i∈fluid,δt ∣vki ∣

= −∭ dv f (x, v, t)vk (vl − ul (x, t)) + uk ρul (x, t) meaning that the microscopic total momentum transfer in the
RHS corresponds to the stress minus the advection term in the
− uk ρul (x, t) LHS. Technically, the summation in the RHS of Eq. (16) is calcu-

= −∭ dv f (x, v, t)vk (vl − ul (x, t)). (13) lated during the MD simulation, and as the post-process, the stress
−∞ τklkin (Sk , t) is obtained by adding the advection term ρul uk to the total
microscopic momentum transfer as
Hence, by substituting ξ(Sk , t) and ξ i in Eq. (7) with − vk (v l −ul )
∣vk ∣
vki (vli −ul )
− , respectively, we obtain τklkin (Sk , t) = [τklkin (Sk , t) − ρul uk (Sk , t)] + ρul uk (Sk , t), (17)
∣vki ∣

⎡ ⎤ where the advection term is calculated by dividing ρul (Sk , t) ⋅

⎢ 1 crossing Sk mvki (vli − ul (Sk , t)) ⎥
τklkin (Sk , t) = lim ⎢
⎢− ⟨ ∑ ⟩ ⎥
⎥ ρuk (Sk , t) by the density ρ(Sk , t) as in Eq. (15): all obtained as the
δt→0⎢ Sk δt i∈fluid,δt ∣vki ∣ ⎥ post-process.
⎣ ⎦
The relations between the macroscopic variables in the mass
⎛ 1 crossing Sk mvki vli
= lim − ⟨ ∑ ⟩ and momentum conservations and microscopic expressions are
δt→0⎝ Sk δt i∈fluid,δt ∣vki ∣ summarized in Table I.
In practice, within the framework of MD, δt(→ 0) must be
1 crossing Sk mvki ⎞
+ ul (Sk , t) ⟨ ∑ ⟩ replaced by a small non-zero time step of Δt for numerical inte-
Sk δt i∈fluid,δt ∣vki ∣ ⎠ gration. Upon this procedure without this limit, we have to assume
1 crossing Sk mvki vli the following: (1) the change in the distribution function f (x, v, t)
= − lim ⟨ ∑ ⟩ + ρul uk (Sk , t), (14) within the distance range of ∣v∣δt is negligibly small and (2) the val-
δt→0 Sk δt i∈fluid,δt ∣vki ∣ ues of vki and vli upon “crossing” should be properly evaluated based

18 April 2024 11:37:50

on the position update procedure of particles depending on the time
where Eq. (10) is used in the final equality. Note that the second term integration scheme. For the velocity Verlet method, which is applied
in the rightmost-HS can be obtained by i i
in the numerical test in Sec. III, we adopted v i ≡ x (t+Δt)−x
i i
ρul (Sk , t) ⋅ ρuk (Sk , t) the positions x (t) and x (t + Δt) of fluid particle i at times t and
ρul uk (Sk , t) = (15) t + Δt before and after crossing the bin face to avoid the discrepancy
ρ(Sk , t)
in the mass flux by the MoP calculation and by the position update.
using Eqs. (10) and (11), which correspond to the advection term Note that Eq. (16) without the limit δt → 0 is the same
in the macroscopic momentum conservation in the Navier–Stokes as the RHS of Eq. (2), which simply sums up the momentum

TABLE I. Microscopic expressions for the calculation of the corresponding macroscopic properties defined as the average on
the bin face Sk in NEMD systems. The top four properties can be directly calculated from NEMD systems through the MoP
procedure, whereas the others below are derived from the four.

Macroscopic property Microscopic expression Corresponding equation(s)

crossing Sk
1 m
ρ(Sk , t) lim ⟨ ∑ ∣vki ∣
⟩ Eq. (8)
δt→0 Sk δt i∈fluid,δt
crossing Sk
1 mvli
ρul (Sk , t) lim ⟨ ∑ ∣vki ∣
⟩ Eq. (10)
δt→0 Sk δt i∈fluid,δt
across Sk ij
ij r
τklint (Sk , t) 1
− Sk ⟨ ∑ Fl ∣rkij ∣ ⟩ Eq. (B1)
(i,j)∈fluid k

crossing Sk
mvki vli
τklkin (Sk , t) − ρul uk (Sk , t) 1
− lim Sk δt ⟨ ∑ ∣vki ∣
⟩ Eq. (16)
δt→0 i∈fluid,δt

ul = ρuρ l ⋅⋅⋅ Eq. (11)

ρul uk ⋅⋅⋅ Eq. (15)
τklkin = (τklkin − ρul uk ) + ρul uk ⋅⋅⋅ Eq. (17)
τkl = τklkin + τklint ⋅⋅⋅ Eq. (1)

J. Chem. Phys. 155, 184103 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0062889 155, 184103-4

© Author(s) 2021
The Journal
of Chemical Physics


transfer across the bin face Sk with a sign function ∣vki ∣ . Hence,
if one locates a CV with a closed surface consisting of the MoP The extended MoP was tested through the calculation of the
bin faces, then the momentum conservation is strictly satisfied density, macroscopic mean velocity, and stress distributions in two
with Eq. (16). Different choices are, indeed, possible to deter- systems with a Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluid: a quasi-1D Couette-type
mine the advection term ρul uk (Sk , t) in Eq. (15) to separate the flow and a quasi-2D shear flow with solid–liquid–vapor contact
stress τklkin (Sk , t) from τklkin (Sk , t) − ρul uk (Sk , t) by Eq. (17), and lines. Note that both the systems are in steady state, and we applied
this may sound that the definition of τklkin (Sk , t) is not unique. time average instead of ensemble average.
However, by setting l = k in Eq. (10), the surface normal mass
flux is evaluated as the simple sum of the mass passage with A. Quasi-1D Couette-type flow
a sign function ∣vki ∣
, and this strictly satisfies the mass conserva- Figure 1(a) shows the MD simulation system of a quasi-1D
tion, meaning that one can choose a unique definition of ρul uk (Sk , t) Couette-type flow, where the basic setup is a standard one similar
that simultaneously satisfies the macroscopic mass and momentum to our previous study.44,45 The two parallel solid walls were fcc crys-
conservation. tals, and every pair of the nearest neighbors in the walls was bound
Another point to be noted is that the final forms in Eqs. (8), through a harmonic potential Φh (r) = 2k (r − req )2 , with r being the
(10), and (16) are formally equivalent to the MoP expressions by interparticle distance, req = 0.277 nm, and k = 46.8 N/m. Interac-
Daivis, Travis, and Todd,43 which were derived for a quasi-one- tions between fluid particles and between fluid and solid particles
dimensional flow through the expressions of the time derivative of σ 12 σ 6
the fluxes in a CV with the Fourier transform and were, in prin- were modeled by a 12-6 LJ potential ΦLJ (rij ) = 4ϵij [( rijij ) − ( rijij ) ],
ciple, applicable for the average on an infinite plane under a peri- where rij is the distance between the particles i and j, while ϵ and
odic boundary condition. On the other hand, our non-flux-based σ denoted the LJ energy and length parameters, respectively. This
derivation with a definition of physical properties averaged on a face LJ interaction was truncated at a cutoff distance of rc = 3.5σ, and
through the VDF enables the calculation of physical properties on quadratic functions were added so that the potential and interaction
a finite area. In addition, taking advantage of this non-flux-based forces smoothly vanished at rc .29 We used the following parameters
feature, one can calculate, for instance, the velocity component ul for fluid–fluid (ff) and solid–fluid (sf) interactions: σ ff = 0.340 nm,
on a bin face Sk (l ≠ k) tangential to the velocity component by ϵff = 1.67 × 10−21 J, σ sf = 0.345 nm, and ϵsf = 0.646 × 10−21 J. The
Eq. (11). This point will be discussed more in detail with a quasi-1D atomic masses of fluid and solid particles were mf = 39.95 u and

18 April 2024 11:37:50

Couette-type flow in Sec. III A as an example. ms = 195.1 u, respectively. Finally, the equations of motion were

FIG. 1. (a) Quasi-1D Couette-type flow system of a Lennard-Jones liquid confined between two solid walls. (b) Distributions of density ρ and velocity ux calculated by the
proposed Method-of-Plane (MoP) and the volume average (VA). Solid and dashed lines denote the results of MoP and VA, respectively, while the two lines almost overlap
in this scale. (c) Difference between the MoP and the VA regarding density ρMoP − ρVA and velocity uxMoP − uxVA with their error bars depicted with semi-transparent areas
around the average.

J. Chem. Phys. 155, 184103 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0062889 155, 184103-5

© Author(s) 2021
The Journal
of Chemical Physics

integrated using the velocity Verlet algorithm, with a time step velocity distributions based on a standard VA, where the time aver-
Δt of 5 fs. age in equally divided bin volumes parallel to the solid wall with a
The periodic boundary condition was set in the x and y direc- height of 0.150 nm was calculated.
tions, and 4000 LJ particles were confined between two parallel solid Figure 1(b) shows the distributions of density ρ and macro-
walls consisting of the fcc crystal located on the bottom and top sides scopic velocity in the x direction ux calculated by the proposed MoP
of the calculation cell, which directed (001) and (001) planes nor- and standard VA as a reference. Note that these distributions by
mal to the z direction. Both had eight layers so that the possible the MoP can be calculated both on x-normal bin faces and on z-
minimum distance between the fluid particle and the solid particle normal ones as shown later, while only the distributions obtained
in the outmost layer was longer than the cutoff distance. The rel- on x-normal bin faces are shown as the MoP results here. Over-
ative positions of the solid particles in the outmost layers of each all, the MoP well reproduced the results by the VA, and the two
base crystal were fixed, and the temperature of those in the second lines almost overlap in this scale. Regarding the density distribu-
outermost layers was controlled at a control temperature of 100 K tion, except near the walls where layered structures are observed,
by using the standard Langevin thermostat.46 The system was first a bulk liquid with almost constant density was formed. Note that
equilibrated for 10 ns using the top wall as a piston with a con- the bulk density was not completely constant because the tempera-
trol pressure of 4 MPa without shear so that a quasi-1D system ture was not constant due to the viscous heat dissipation induced by
with a LJ liquid confined between fcc solid walls was achieved. After the extreme shear imposed on this system. The shear velocity pro-
the equilibration, a further relaxation run to achieve a steady shear files are linear throughout almost all the liquid part except in layered
flow was carried out for 10 ns by moving the particles in the out- structures, which can be understood by the change in local viscos-
most layers of both walls with opposite velocities of ±100 m/s in ity there. The density and velocity differences between the MoP and
the x direction, using the top wall as a piston with a control pres- the VA are shown in Fig. 1(c). The density difference was within
sure of 4 MPa. Finally, steady shear flow simulation was carried 10 kg/m3 , which is less than 1% of the bulk density, and the veloc-
out, keeping their z position constant at the average position dur- ity difference was also within 0.5 m/s, showing that the proposed
ing the second relaxation run, where the system pressure resulted MoP can extract the density and velocity distribution consistent with
in 3.61 MPa. the VA.
int kin
We tested the MoP expression (Table I) in the steady state, Figure 2(a) shows the distributions of τzz (≡ τzz + τzz ), τxx
int kin
where the local density, velocity, advection term, and stress were − ρux ux [≡ τxx + (τxx − ρux ux )], and ρux ux , where the first two were
obtained as a time average of 200 ns on a grid with x-normal bin directly obtained with simple addition based on Eqs. (B1) and (14) as

18 April 2024 11:37:50

faces with a height of Δz = 0.150 nm and z-normal ones with a also listed in the top part of Table I, while ρux ux was obtained from
width of Δx = 0.145 nm. Assuming that the system is quasi-1D, the the density ρ and velocity ux . Note that τ zz − ρuz uz is shown as τ zz
distribution in the x direction was averaged for bins with identi- because uz is equal to zero in the whole area of the present system. In
cal z positions. For comparison, we also obtained the density and addition, note that the calculation of τklint in Eq. (B1) was the same as

int kin int kin

FIG. 2. Distributions of (a) the diagonal stress component τzz (Sz )(≡ τzz + τzz ), advection term ρux ux (Sx ), and τxx (Sx ) − ρux ux (Sx )[≡ τxx + (τxx − ρux ux )], and
(b) diagonal and off-diagonal stress components τ xx (Sx ), τ zz (Sz ), τ zx (Sz ), and τ xz (Sx ).

J. Chem. Phys. 155, 184103 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0062889 155, 184103-6

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The Journal
of Chemical Physics

that in equilibrium systems without a macroscopic flow. As clearly Fig. 1. More concretely, the densities ρ(Sx ) and ρ(Sz ) averaged on
observed, τ xx − ρux ux including the advection and τ zz are different x-normal and z-normal bin faces Sx and Sz , respectively, were calcu-
away from the solid walls, indicating that the flow effect should be lated by Eq. (8) with setting k = x and k = z, whereas the macroscopic
removed to properly evaluate the fluid stress. Figure 2(b) displays the mass fluxes ρux (Sx ) and ρux (Sz ) were obtained by Eq. (10) with l = x
distributions of the stress component τ xx , τ zz , τ zx , and τ xz , where τ zz on Sx and Sz , respectively. With these definitions, ux (Sx ) ≡ ρuρ(S
x (Sx )
and τ zx were calculated on z-normal bins, whereas the others were
obtained on x-normal bins. As explained above, the stress value τ xx on Sx and ux (Sz ) ≡ ρuρ(S x (Sz )
on Sz can be obtained as in Eq. (11).
was calculated by adding ρux ux to τ xx − ρux ux , whereas the advec- Note that in the present laminar flow system with uz = 0, the cal-
tion terms for the others can be neglected considering uz = 0. In the culation of ux is practically not needed for the stress separation of
kin kin kin
bulk region sufficiently away from the walls, τ xx = τ zz and τ zx = τ xz τzz , τzx , and τxz in Eq. (17). Figure 3 shows the distributions of
are satisfied as expected from the solution of a laminar Couette flow, the (a) density ρ, (b) mass flux ρux , and (c) velocity ux defined on
and the former indicates that the stress τ xx is adequately calculated x-normal and z-normal bin faces in the system in Fig. 1, where
by the proposed MoP with the resulting value −τ xx (= −τ zz ) equal to the values averaged on each bin face of x-normal and z-normal are
the external pressure value of 3.61 MPa. The wall-tangential diago- plotted with setting the z position at the center of each bin face,
nal stress τ xx fluctuates near the walls as typically observed also in respectively, i.e., they are staggered by Δz/2. In the bulk, ρ, ρux , and
equilibrium systems,17,29 because of the layered structure of the liq- resulting ux averaged on bin faces with different normal directions
uid as displayed in the density distribution in Fig. 1(b). On the other agreed well, indicating that the separation of the stress and advec-
hand, τ zz was constant except near the walls, where the solid–liquid tion terms in Eq. (17) is possible with the velocity values properly
(SL) interaction acts as the external force on the liquid. Regarding evaluated by the proposed method. The difference seen around the
the off-diagonal components τ zx (= τ xz ), they were constant except top and the bottom is due to the layered structures around the two
just around the walls, where friction from the solid is included in the walls, i.e., the values on Sz are the average on a surface parallel to
force balance even in the laminar flow. the layered structure, whereas those on Sx are the average across the
In addition to the normal velocity component uk on the MoP layers.
plane Sk , the calculation of ul (l ≠ k) tangentially to Sk is needed for
the separation of τklkin (Sk ) − ρul uk (Sk ) in Eq. (17) to properly define
the stress in general flows with ul ≠ 0 and uk ≠ 0. Including this tan- B. Quasi-2D shear flow with solid–liquid–vapor
gential velocity, we compared the distributions of the density ρ, the contact lines

18 April 2024 11:37:50

mass flux ρux , and the velocity ux averaged on x-normal and z- The top panel of Fig. 4 shows the MD simulation system of a
normal bin faces as another numerical test in the present system in quasi-2D Couette-type flow, where the basic setups are the same as

FIG. 3. Comparison of the time-averaged distributions of the (a) density ρ, (b) mass flux ρux , and (c) velocity ux averaged on x-normal and z-normal bin faces Sx and Sz ,

J. Chem. Phys. 155, 184103 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0062889 155, 184103-7

© Author(s) 2021
The Journal
of Chemical Physics

18 April 2024 11:37:50

FIG. 4. (Top) Quasi-2D Couette-type flow system of a Lennard-Jones liquid confined between two solid walls. (Middle) Distributions of density ρ(Sx ), velocity u, and off-
diagonal stress component τ zx (Sz ). The black arrow denotes the macroscopic velocity calculated by the proposed Method-of-Plane. The rectangle set around the contact
line shown in magenta is the control volume, for which mass conservation is checked in Table II. (Bottom) Distributions of diagonal stress components τ xx (Sx ) and τ zz (Sz ).

those in the quasi-1D system. The periodic boundary condition was After the relaxation run, the density, velocity, and stress dis-
set in the x and y directions, and 20 000 LJ particles were confined tributions were obtained by the present MoP expression in the
between two parallel solid walls with a distance of about 10.4 nm and steady state with a time average of 500 ns on x-normal bin faces
a dimension of x × y = 39.2 × 3.92 nm2 so that the LJ fluid may form with a length of Δz = 0.149 nm and z-normal ones with a length of
two quasi-2D menisci with contact lines on the walls upon the pre- Δx = 0.150 nm.
liminary equilibration at a control temperature of T = 85 K without The middle panel of Fig. 4 shows the distributions of density
shear. The static contact angles on both top and bottom walls were ρ(Sx ) calculated on the x-normal bin faces, the velocity vector with
about 57○ . After the equilibration, further relaxation runs to achieve components calculated on each bin face corresponding the compo-
a steady shear flow with asymmetric menisci were carried out for nent direction, and a stress component τ zx (Sz ) calculated on the
10 ns by moving the particles in the outmost layers of both the walls z-normal bin faces, where those for ρ(Sx ) and τ zx (Sz ) are displayed
with opposite velocities of ±10 m/s in the x direction. only for half of the system with respect to the center of mass of

J. Chem. Phys. 155, 184103 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0062889 155, 184103-8

© Author(s) 2021
The Journal
of Chemical Physics

the fluid considering the symmetry. A clockwise caterpillar-like flow

is clearly captured by the present method, where the shear stress
τ zx (Sz ) distribution in the liquid phase shows the non-uniformity
of the viscous stress. The strong tensile stress seen in the τ zx (Sz )
distribution around the liquid-vapor (LV) interfaces is due to the
LV interfacial tension. The bottom panel of Fig. 4 shows the distri-
butions of diagonal stress components τ xx (Sx ) and τ zz (Sz ). Layered
structures are observed for τ xx (Sx ) near the SL interfaces due to the
adsorption layers in the density distribution. The relation between
the density layers and stress distribution near the solid walls is quali-
tatively the same as that in our previous study of the static droplet:17
negative stress was seen in the adsorption layers, i.e., the adsorption
layers were compressed, whereas tensile stress appeared between the
Even with the VA, it is, indeed, possible to give the density
and streaming velocity values on a bin face, e.g., through the interpo-
lation of these values of adjacent bin volumes; however, to remove
the advection term from the momentum transfer in Eq. (17), such
FIG. 5. VA bin volumes shown in dark blue around the control volume (CV)
formulation would cause an inconsistency with the local mass shown in magenta (identical to the CV in Fig. 4). The mass fluxes on the CV
conservation for a CV when its boundary is set at a position with face were obtained by the interpolation of the values of adjacent VA bin volumes
inhomogeneous density. To show this point, we set a rectangular CV and compared with the mass flux calculated by the MoP on the bin face shown in
surrounding the contact line shown in magenta in the middle panel magenta.
of Fig. 4 and calculated the mass balance. The x-normal right and
left faces are at xR = 39.2 nm and xL = 32.3 nm, respectively, and the
z-normal bottom and top faces are at zB = 0.0 nm and zT = 5.1 nm,
respectively, where zT is higher than the limit where the fluid
particle can reach.17,40,41,47 Considering that the mass flux on the top particles in the CV between the sampling interval t init and t end . Note
that Ṁ CV is not exactly zero even under steady state because the

18 April 2024 11:37:50

face is zero with the present setting, we calculated the mass flow rates
on the left, right, and bottom faces given by contact line is microscopically fluctuating with time.3,48
Table II shows the comparison between the MoP and VA
zT regarding the mass flow rate across the three CV faces. Although
ṁL ≡ ∫ dzρ(xL , z)ux (xL , z), (18)
zB the error bar is still large even with the average for about 500 ns,
zT the mean time derivative in Eq. (21) is considered to be equal to the
ṁR ≡ ∫ dzρ(xR , z)ux (xR , z), (19) total mass flow rate with the MoP, which is in contrast to the VA
that does not seem to satisfy the mass conservation for the present
and finite-sized VA bin volume. Specifically, this inconsistency is mainly
ṁB ≡ ∫ dxρ(x, zB )uz (x, zB ), (20) caused on the left face of the CV where strong inhomogeneity exists
xL due to the liquid–vapor interface, while no inconsistency is shown
respectively, by the present MoP and VA. For the calculation with on the other faces set in the vapor phase of no strong inhomogene-
the MoP, the average density ρ and velocity u defined on each bin ity. Of course, this inconsistency would vanish in the limit that the
face consisting of the CV faces are used for the numerical integration size of the VA bin approaches zero without considering the compu-
in Eqs. (18)–(20), whereas for the VA, the averages of the molecular tational cost, whereas the MoP can guarantee the conservation with
momentum in adjacent bin volumes with Δz = 0.149 nm and a bin of finite-sized area.
Δx = 0.150 nm sandwiching the CV face, corresponding to the MoP
bin face, are used as shown in Fig. 5. For the right and left CV faces,
these interpolated values can be viewed as the average values for bins TABLE II. Mass flow rates ṁL , ṁR , and ṁB , respectively, on the left, right, and bottom
of Δx = 0.300 nm and Δz = 0.149 nm, and for the bottom CV face, faces of the control volume (CV) and the time derivative of the mass Ṁ CV in the CV
these interpolated values can be viewed as the average values for bins shown in magenta in the middle panel of Fig. 4.
of Δx = 0.150 nm and Δz = 0.298 nm. Based on the mass conserva-
Propertya MoP VA
tion which describes that the total mass in the CV should be changed
by the mass flux (for details, see Appendix A), we compared the total ṁL 4.3 ± 1.8 6.0 ± 1.8
mass flow rate ṁR − ṁL − ṁB with the time derivative of the mass in ṁR 5.5 ± 0.3 5.5 ± 0.2
the CV given by ṁB 0.8 ± 0.2 0.8 ± 0.2
ṁR − ṁL − ṁB b 0.5 ± 1.9 −1.3 ± 1.8
dVρ(x, tend ) − ∬CV dVρ(x, tinit )
Ṁ CV ≡ ∬CV , (21)
tend − tinit −Ṁ CV ⋅⋅⋅ 0.5 ± 1.8
where ∬CV denotes the volume integral for the present CV, and the a −7
Defined by Eqs. (18)–(21), all in units of ×10 kg/m s.
RHS was calculated by counting the difference in the number of fluid Mass flux on the top face at the fluid–solid interface is zero.

J. Chem. Phys. 155, 184103 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0062889 155, 184103-9

© Author(s) 2021
The Journal
of Chemical Physics

Indeed, apparent flow features as shown in Fig. 4 can be qualita- DATA AVAILABILITY
tively visualized by other methods such as atomic stress,31 as shown
in Appendix C, but the present method provides the distributions The data that support the findings of this study are available
of physical properties defined on a surface establishing a direct link from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
with the conservation laws for the arbitrary CV, as shown in Table II,
and is generally applicable to a wide range of nanoscale systems APPENDIX A: MACROSCOPIC CONSERVATION LAWS
with a liquid flow. One of our future research targets is dynamic
The macroscopic equation of continuity given with the density
wetting,3,4,49 for which we plan to examine the mechanical balance
ρ(x, t) and velocity vector u(x, t) both as functions of position x and
exerted on the fluid around a CV set around the moving contact
time t writes
line as in Fig. 4. Through the comparison with the static case,17 this ∂ρ
would enable the analysis of advancing and receding contact angle ∭ dV ∂t = −∬ dSρuk nk , (A1)
from a mechanical point of view.
satisfied for an arbitrary volume V in an enclosing surface S, where
nk is the k direction component of the outward unit normal vector
IV. CONCLUDING REMARKS n with respect to the infinitesimal surface element dS. The Einstein
In this work, we developed a calculation method of local stress notation is used with a dummy index k for the vectors. Similarly, the
tensor applicable to non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) macroscopic momentum equation, the Navier–Stokes equation for
systems, which evaluates the macroscopic momentum advection an arbitrary volume V enclosed by S writes
and the kinetic term of the stress in the framework of the Method-
of-Plane (MoP), in a consistent way to guarantee the mass and the ∭ dV ∂t = −∬ dSρul uk nk + ∬ dSτkl nk + ∭ dVρFl ,
momentum conservation. From the relation between the macro- (A2)
scopic velocity distribution function and the microscopic molecular
passage across a fixed control plane, we derived a basic equation to where the fluid stress tensor component τ kl expresses the stress in
connect the macroscopic field variable and the microscopic molec- the l direction exerted on a surface element with an outward nor-
ular variable. Based on the connection, we derived a method to mal in the k direction and F l denotes the external force per mass.
calculate the basic properties of the macroscopic momentum con- Equation (A2) means that the total momentum in V in the LHS
servation law including the density, velocity, and momentum fluxes can be changed by the momentum flux passing the surface S as

18 April 2024 11:37:50

as well as the interaction and kinetic terms of the stress tensor well as the impulse due to the stress exerted on the surface S, with
defined on a surface with a finite area. Any component of the stream- ρ, u, and τ kl defined on S, and the external force exerted on the
ing velocity can be obtained on a control surface, which enables volume V, which corresponds to the first, second, and third terms in
the separation of the kinetic momentum flux into the advection the RHS, respectively. Specifically, note that the advection ρul uk and
and stress terms in the framework of the MoP, and this guaran- stress τ kl in the first and second terms of the RHS, respectively, are
tees the mass and momentum conservation strictly satisfied for an separated.
arbitrary closed control volume (CV) set in NEMD systems. The
present MoP method was validated through the extraction of the APPENDIX B: INTERACTION TERM FOR TWO-BODY
density and velocity distributions in a quasi-1D steady-state Cou- POTENTIAL IN THE MoP
ette flow system, seeing that the stress tensor distribution by the The intermolecular interaction term τklint in Eq. (1) in the case of
MoP satisfies the solution of a laminar Couette flow in the bulk, a simple two-body potential is calculated by
indicating that the flow effect, i.e., the advection term, was removed
to evaluate stress properly. Furthermore, we showed the density, 1 across Sk ij rk
velocity, and stress tensor distributions by the MoP even in a quasi- τklint = − ⟨ ∑ F ⟩, (B1)
Sk (i,j)∈fluid l ∣rkij ∣
2D system with a moving contact line. We showed that with the
present MoP, in contrast to the volume average method, the con-
ij ij
servation law was satisfied even for a CV set around the mov- where rk and Fl denote the k-component of the relative position
ing contact line, which was located in a strongly inhomegeneous vector rij ≡ xj − xi and the l-component of the force vector F ij on
region. particle j at position xj from particle i at position xi , respectively.
across Sk
The summation ∑(i,j)∈fluid is taken for all line segments of the inter-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS particle interaction between xi and xj , which cross Sk based on the
H.K., T.O., and Y.Y. were supported by the JSPS KAKENHI definition of the IK contour with the straight line connecting each
grant (Nos. JP20J20251, JP18K03929, and JP18K03978), Japan, particle pair.6,26 A sign function ij
∣rk ∣
is multiplied for this interaction
respectively. Y.Y. was also supported by the JST CREST grant (No. term to evaluate the force effect depending on the force direction.
JPMJCR18I1), Japan.
Conflict of Interest
In this section, we compare the stress distribution obtained by
The authors have no conflicts to disclose. the atomic stress with that calculated by the present MoP method.

J. Chem. Phys. 155, 184103 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0062889 155, 184103-10

© Author(s) 2021
The Journal
of Chemical Physics

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culated by the VA and off-diagonal volume averaged atomic
stress component τzx . The black arrow denotes the macro-
scopic velocity calculated by the VA. (Bottom) Distributions
of the diagonal volume averaged atomic stress components
atm atm
τxx and τzz .

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J. Chem. Phys. 155, 184103 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0062889 155, 184103-12

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