● What are the other alternative software apart from xillinx used for VLSI design?
● What is RTL ?
● What happens when the PMOS and NMOS are interchanged with one another in an inverter?
● VHDL stands for “VHSIC Hardware Description Language.” VHSIC, in turn, stands for “Very
High Speed Integrated Circuit,” which was a U.S. Department of Defense program.
● Which Is The Default Delay In Vhdl?
A5: delta delay.
● List Out The Objects Of Vhdl?
A7: Signal, Variable, Constant.
● If user want to convert this in an 8 bit adder, which of the following variable should be changed?
d) component
● Simulation tool.
● Synthesis tool.
● Implementation tool.
● Tell me some of constraints you used and their purpose during your design?
There are lot of constraints and will vary for tool to tool ,I am listing some of Xilinx constraints
a) Translate on and Translate off: the Verilog code between Translate on and Translate off is
ignored for synthesis.
b) CLOCK_SIGNAL: is a synthesis constraint. In the case where a clock signal goes through
combinatorial logic before being connected to the clock input of a flip-flop, XST cannot identify
what input pin or internal net is the real clock signal. This constraint allows you to define the
clock net.
c) XOR_COLLAPSE: is synthesis constraint. It controls whether cascaded XORs should be
collapsed into a single XOR.
For more constraints detailed description refer to constraint guide.
Suppose for a piece of code equivalent gate count is 600 and for another code equivalent
gate count is 50,000 will the size of bitmap change?in other words will size of bitmap change
it gate count change?
The size of bitmap is irrespective of resource utilization, it is always the same,for Spartan
xc3s5000 it is 1.56MB and will never change.
What are different types of FPGA programming modes?what are you currently using ?how
to change from one to another?
Before powering on the FPGA, configuration data is stored externally in a PROM or some other
nonvolatile medium either on or off the board. After applying power, the configuration data is
written to the FPGA using any of five different modes: Master Parallel, Slave Parallel, Master
Serial, Slave Serial, and Boundary Scan (JTAG). The Master and Slave Parallel modes
Mode selecting pins can be set to select the mode, refer data sheet for further details.
Can you list out some of synthesizable and non synthesizable constructs?
not synthesizable->>>>
ignored for synthesis.
ignored for synthesis.
not supported.
Real data type not supported.
Time data type not supported.
force and release
Force and release of data types not supported.
fork join
Use nonblocking assignments to get same effect.
user defined primitives
Only gate level primitives are supported.
synthesizable constructs->>
assign,for loop,Gate Level Primitives,repeat with constant value...
a)SRAM based technology.
b)Segmented connection between elements.
c)Usually used for complex logic circuits.
d)Must be reprogrammed once the power is off.
a)Flash or EPROM based technology.
b)Continuous connection between elements.
c)Usually used for simpler or moderately complex logic circuits.
d)Need not be reprogrammed once the power is off.
The Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs) constitute the main logic resource for implementing
synchronous as well as combinatorial circuits.
CLB are configurable logic blocks and can be configured to combo,ram or rom depending on
coding style
CLB consist of 4 slices and each slice consist of two 4-input LUT (look up table) F-LUT and G-
The memory assignment is a clocked behavioral assignment, Reads from the memory are
asynchronous, And all the address lines are shared by the read and write statements.
The UCF file is an ASCII file specifying constraints on the logical design. You create this file
and enter your constraints in the file with a text editor. You can also use the Xilinx Constraints
Editor to create constraints within a UCF(extention) file. These constraints affect how the logical
design is implemented in the target device. You can use the file to override constraints specified
during design entry.
How many global buffers are there in your current fpga,what is their significance?
Dynamic timing:
a. The design is simulated in full timing mode.
b. Not all possibilities tested as it is dependent on the input test vectors.
c. Simulations in full timing mode are slow and require a lot of memory.
d. Best method to check asynchronous interfaces or interfaces between different timing domains.
Static timing:
a. The delays over all paths are added up.
b. All possibilities, including false paths, verified without the need for test vectors.
c. Much faster than simulations, hours as opposed to days.
d. Not good with asynchronous interfaces or interfaces between different timing domains.
What is DFT ?
DFT means design for testability. 'Design for Test or Testability' - a methodology that ensures a
design works properly after manufacturing, which later facilitates the failure analysis and false
product/piece detection
Other than the functional logic,you need to add some DFT logic in your design.This will help you
in testing the chip for manufacturing defects after it come from fab. Scan,MBIST,LBIST,IDDQ
testing etc are all part of this. (this is a hot field and with lots of opportunities)
There are two major FPGA companies: Xilinx and Altera. Xilinx tends to promote its hard
processor cores and Altera tends to promote its soft processor cores. What is the difference
between a hard processor core and a soft processor core?
A hard processor core is a pre-designed block that is embedded onto the device. In the Xilinx
Virtex II-Pro, some of the logic blocks have been removed, and the space that was used for these
logic blocks is used to implement a processor. The Altera Nios, on the other hand, is a design that
can be compiled to the normal FPGA logic.
The contamination delay of the data path in a sequential circuit is critical for the hold time at the
flip flop where it is exiting, in this case R2.
mathematically, th(R2) <= tcd(R1) + tcd(CL2)
Contamination delay is also called tmin and Propagation delay is also called tmax in many data
· manufacturing defects like stuck at "0" or "1".
· test for set of rules followed during the initial design stage.
Formal verification:
· Verification of the operation of the design, i.e, to see if the design follows spec.
· gate netlist == RTL ?
· using mathematics and statistical analysis to check for equivalence.
What is Synthesis?
Synthesis is the stage in the design flow which is concerned with translating your Verilog code
into gates - and that's putting it very simply! First of all, the Verilog must be written in a
particular way for the synthesis tool that you are using. Of course, a synthesis tool doesn't
actually produce gates - it will output a netlist of the design that you have synthesised that
represents the chip which can be fabricated through an ASIC or FPGA vendor.
● PORT(input : IN BIT_VECTOR(n
These are very Basic VHDL Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and experienced both.
Generic is a great asset when you use your design at many places with slight change in the
register sizes,input sizes etc. But if the design is very unique then,you need not have generic
parameters. Also, Generic’s are synthesizable.
● Simulation tool.
● Synthesis tool.
● Implementation tool.
Q10: How The Signal Acts Within A Process And Outside The Process?
A10: Signal assignment is concurrent outside the process and sequential within a process.
Q15: Mention what is the difference between the TTL chips and CMOS chips?
We know the list of VHDL Interview Questions and Answers, VHDL Interview Questions and
Answers Freshers, VHDL Interview Questions and Answers, VHDL Interview Questions is
overwhelming but the advantages of reading all the questions will maximize your potential and
help you crack the interview. The surprising fact is that this VHDL interview questions and
answers post covers all the basic of the VHDL technology and you have to check out the FAQs of
different components of VHDL too.
However, you will be asked with the questions in the interview related to the above mentioned
questions. Preparing and understanding all the concept of VHDL technology will help you
strengthen the other little information around the topic.
After preparing these interview questions, we recommend you to go for a mock interview
before facing the real one. You can take the help of your friend or a VHDL expert to find the
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improving the communication skill which plays a vital role in getting placed and grabbing high
Remember, in the interview, the company or the business or you can say the examiner often
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skills. If there are no basics, there is no meaning of having learnt the subject.
Therefore, it’s never too late to edge all the basics of any technology. If you think that you’ve
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are one of the best institute for VHDL in noida which provide advance learning in the field
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We hope that you enjoyed reading VHDL Interview Questions and Answers, VHDL Interview
Questions and Answers Freshers, VHDL Interview Questions and Answers, VHDL Interview
Questions and all the FAQs associated with the interview. Do not forget to revise all the VHDL
interview questions and answers before going for the VHDL interview. In addition to this, if
you’ve any doubt or query associated with VHDL, you can contact us anytime. We will be happy
to help you out at our earliest convenience. At last, we wish you all the best for your upcoming
interview on VHDL Technology.