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G7 U2 Physics - Magnetism & Force Worksheet

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D. G.

Khetan International School

Academic year : 2022-23

Grade : VII
Unit: II



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D D - MM - Y Y Y Y Skill 1 : Knowledge and Understanding

Q.1) Fill in the blanks using appropriate words from the table.

south pole magnetic strong 30 north pole weak

north 60 non - magnetic south giant magnet navigate

A) Magnet have two poles ___________________________ and ______________________________.

B) Magnetic field of a magnet is _____________________________ at the poles.

C) The magnetic needle allows people to __________________ in places such as oceans and deserts.

D) Magnetic north moves at a speed of about _________________ km per year.

E) Paper is ________________________ material while cobalt is _____________________ material.

F) The earth behaves like a ___________________________________________.

Q.2) Complete the paragraph below to describe the kind of force exerted by a magnet.

Choose appropriate words from the box.

Metallic repel poles

different same Magnetic force

When the _________________________ of the two magnets are put near to each other,

they have a force that will either pull them together or push them apart.

If the poles are ______________________________, then they will pull together,

or attract each other.

If the poles are ______________________________, then they will push apart,

or _____________________________ each other.

This force (push and the pull) is called _______________________________.

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Q.3) State whether the following statements are right or wrong. If the statement is wrong, rewrite the

correct statement.

A) Opposite poles repel each other.


B) Loudspeakers use magnets to convert sound into electrical energy.


C) Steel is used as a core while preparing electromagnet.


D) Magnetic field lines travel from south pole to the north pole.


Q.4) Who am I?
A) It is a naturally occurring magnetic rock - ____________________________________________.

B) I am a magnetised magnetic material that works on electricity - __________________________.

Q.5) In the following diagram, label -

A) the geographic North (A) and South (B) poles
B) the magnetic North (C) and South (D) poles
C) Draw arrows showing the direction on the magnetic field lines.

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Q.6) Observe the following diagram and answer the following questions.

A) Name the device?


B) What is the use of this device?


Q.7) Draw magnetic field lines around the following magnets.

A) Bar Magnet

B) Horseshoe Magnet

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Q.8) State the list of materials required to prepare an electromagnet.

a) ______________________________________________________________________________

b) ______________________________________________________________________________

c) ______________________________________________________________________________

Q.9) How can we measure the strength of an electromagnet?







Q.10) Identify the effects of forces in the below mentioned examples. Example Effect of force





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Skill 2 : Logical Reasoning

Q.1) Tick the appropriate column in the following table.

Sr. No. Attract Repel

C) C)

D) D)

Q.2) The diagram below shows three trolleys.

Anju puts a bar magnet on each trolley.
A) She pushed trolleys A, B and C together.
• Magnet B attracted magnet A
• Magnet B repelled magnet C

On the diagram above label north and south poles of magnet A and C. Use ‘N’ and ‘S’.
B) Anju turned trolley B around. Trolleys A and C were not turned around.

What will happen if Anju pushes all of them together?

Magnet B would _______________________ magnet A.

Magnet B would _______________________ magnet C.

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C) Anju held two trolleys together and let them go. They repelled each other.

Draw an arrow on both magnets to show which way they moved.

D) Anju took a magnet, a steel bar and an aluminum bar.
She puts them on the trolley as shown below.

i) What happens to steel bar as it moves close to the magnet? Explain.



ii) What happens to aluminium bar as it moves closer to the magnet? Explain.



Q.3) Write any two factors by which the strength of an electromagnet can be increased.







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Skill 3 : Investigation and Research

Q.1) Observe the figure and answer the following questions.

A) Label the diagram.

B) Which metal is used in core? Why?





Q.2) Which type of magnet is used in the picture and for what purpose it is used?





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Q.3) A tug of war is a game played by two teams of people, each pulling on the same rope. The team
that pulls the rope to their side wins. The picture shows a tug of war. The teams in this game are
called Team A and Team B.

Team A Team B

Both Team A and Team B are pulling on the rope. The rope is not moving. Use ideas about
forces to answer the questions.

A) Explain why the rope is not moving.




B) Give two changes after which the rope will move towards Team A.

1) ________________________________________________________________________________


2) ________________________________________________________________________________


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Q.4) A car travels a distance of 200m in a time of 4s.

A) Calculate the speed of the car in m/s.

B) Calculate the distance, in m, travelled by the car in 18s.

C) Calculate the time taken, in s, for the car to travel a distance of 1800m.

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Q.5) The distance-time graph below represents a car's journey. Have a look at the graph and answer
the following questions:

A) At which part of the journey was the car stationary?


B) At what point in the journey was the car travelling the fastest?


C) What is the total distance travelled by the car?


D) How far did the car travel between 2 seconds and 3 seconds?


E) Calculate the speed of the car between 2 seconds and 3 seconds.

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