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RF & Microwave Engineering

▪ Introduction: RF & Microwave spectrum, Historical Background, Typical application
of RF & Microwaves,
▪ Microwave Tubes: Limitation of conventional tubes in microwaves, Two cavity and
multicavity Klystron, Reflex Klystron, Magnetron, Travelling wave tube, Backward
wave oscillator – working principles, characteristics.
▪ Semiconductor Microwave Device: Tunnel diode, Gunn diode, IMPATT diode,
TRAPATT diode, Microwave bipolar transistor, hetero-junction bipolar transistor,
parametric amplifier.
▪ Passive Components: S- matrix, Directional coupler, Bethe-hole coupler, Magic tee,
Hybrid ring, Circulator, Isolator.
▪ Microwave Measurement: Measurement of VSWR-Low, Medium and High,
Measurement of power, Bolometer, Frequency measurement, Impedance
measurement. Application of Microwaves: Introduction to satellite communication,
Radar, Industrial application of microwaves.
M-type Microwave Tubes

Resonant Reentrant Magnetron

Reentrant FWCFA
Wave Non-
Crossed Field Dematron
Non- Reentrant
Tubes (M-type)
Reentrant Amplitron
Wave Non-
Maser Reentrant
▪ Magnetrons are the cross-field tubes in which the electric and magnetic fields cross,
i.e. run perpendicular to each other.
▪ In TWT, it was observed that electrons when made to interact with RF, for a longer
time, than in Klystron, resulted in higher efficiency.
▪ The same technique is followed in Magnetrons.

❑ A magnetron is a device that generates high power electromagnetic wave.

❑ It is basically considered as a self-excited microwave oscillator.

❑ And is also known as a crossed-field device.
Content: Magnetron
1. Operating Principle
2. Construction
3. Working
4. Frequency Pushing and Pulling
5. Advantages
6. Disadvantages
7. Applications

Magnetron Oscillator
1. Split-anode Magnetron: Static negative resistance between two anode segments
➢ Below microwave region and low efficiency
2. Cyclotron-frequency Magnetron: Synchronism between electric field and oscillation of
electrons parallel to the field.
➢ Low output power and low efficiency
3. Traveling-wave Magnetron: Interaction of electrons with EM field

➢High output power

Linear/Planar Magnetron
Cylindrical Magnetron
Voltage-tunable Magnetron
Coaxial Magnetron
Frequency-agile Magnetron
Inverted Coaxial Magnetron
Multi-Cavity/Cylindrical Magnetron
Filament leads
• Re-entrant cavities: Connected to gaps
• Cycloidal path of electrons: In cathode anode
space and depends on

Interaction Space

Resonant cavity
Resonant cavity

• DC voltage: Hull cut-off voltage equation
• Magnetic flux: Hull cut-off magnetic equation
1 1
𝑓𝑟 =
2𝜋 𝐿𝐶
Image Source:
Working: Multi-Cavity Magnetron (Contd..)
Trajectory of an electron for different The influence of the high- frequency Rotating space- charge
magnetic flux densities electrical field on trajectory of an electron wheel

𝐹= 𝑞𝑣Ԧ× 𝐵
Images Source:
Working: Multi-Cavity Magnetron

Magnetron Basic Operation:

• Generation and acceleration of an electron beam in a dc field

• Velocity-modulation of the electron beam in an ac field
• Formation of electron bunches by velocity modulation (In form of a “Space-Charge
• Dispensing of energy to the ac field
Operating Principle
▪ A magnetron is basically a vacuum tube of high power having multiple cavities.
▪ It is also known as cavity magnetron because of the presence of anode in the
resonant cavity of the tube.
▪ The operating principle of a magnetron is such that when electrons interact
with electric and magnetic field in the cavity then high power oscillations get
▪ Magnetrons are majorly used in radar as being the only high power source of RF
signal as a power oscillator despite a power amplifier.
▪ It was invented in the year 1921 by Albert Hull.
▪ However, an improved high power cavity magnetron was invented in 1940 by John
Randall and Harry Boot.

Construction of Magnetrons
▪ A cylindrical magnetron has a cylindrical cathode of a certain length and radius
present at the centre around which a cylindrical anode is present.
▪ The cavities are present at the circumference of the anode at equal spacing.
▪ Also, the area existing between anode and cathode of the tube is known as
interaction space/region.
▪ It is to be noted here that there exists a phase difference of 180⁰ between adjacent
cavities. Therefore, cavities will transfer their excitation from one cavity to another
with a phase shift of 180⁰.

Thus we can say that if one plate is positive then automatically its adjacent plate will be negative.

Here the electric and magnetic field are perpendicular to each other.
And the magnetic field is generated by using a permanent magnet.

Working of Magnetron
▪ The excitation to the cathode of the magnetron is provided by a dc supply which
causes the emergence of electrons from it.
– First without applying the RF input to the anode and the second one with the application of RF

1. When RF input is not present-------Case I: When the magnetic field is 0 or absent

▪ When the magnetic field is absent then the electron emerging from the cathode
radially moves towards the anode.
▪ This is so because the moving electron does not experience
the effect of the magnetic field and moves in a straight path.

▪ Case II: When a small magnetic field is present→In case a small magnetic field exists inside
the magnetron then the electron emerging from the cathode will slightly deviate from its
straight path. And this will cause a curvy motion of the electron from cathode to anode.
▪ This motion of the electron is the result of the action of electric as well as magnetic force over

▪ Case III: In case when the magnetic field is further increased then electrons emerging from
the cathode gets highly deflected by the magnetic field. And graze along the surface of the
cathode. This causes the anode current to be 0.
▪ The value of the magnetic field that causes the anode current to become 0 is known as the
critical magnetic field.

▪ If the magnetic field is increased beyond the critical magnetic field.
▪ Then the electron will bounce back to the cathode itself without reaching the anode.

• The reaching of the emitted electrons from

the cathode back to it is known as back
• So to avoid this the electric supply provided
to the cathode must be cut-off after
oscillations have been set up in the tube.

2. When the RF field is present
▪ Case I: In case an active RF input is provided to the anode of the magnetron then
oscillations are set up in the interaction space of the magnetron.
▪ So, when an electron is emitted from the cathode to anode then it transfers its
energy in order to oscillate. Such electrons are called favoured electrons.
▪ In this condition, the electrons will have a low velocity and thus will take a
considerably high amount of time to reach from cathode to anode.

▪ Case II: Another condition arises in the presence of RF input.
▪ In this case, the emitted electron from the cathode while travelling takes energy
from the oscillations thereby resultantly increasing its velocity.
▪ So despite reaching the anode, the electrons will bounce back to the cathode and
these electrons are known as unfavoured electrons.

▪ Case III: When the RF input is further increased then the electron emitted while
travelling increases its velocity in order to catch up the electron emitted earlier with
comparatively lower velocity.
▪ So, all those electrons that do not take energy from the oscillations for their movement
are known as favoured electrons.
▪ And these favoured electrons form electron bunch or electron cloud and reaches anode
from the cathode.
▪ The formation of electron bunch inside the tube is known as phase focusing effect.
▪ Due to this, the orbit of the electron gets confined into spokes. These spokes rotate
according to some fractional value of electron emitted by the cathode until it reaches
anode while delivering their energy to oscillations.
▪ However, the electrons released from the region of cathode between spokes, will take
the energy of the field and get back to the cathode very quickly.
▪ But this energy is very small in comparison to the energy delivered to the oscillations.

• The movement of these favoured
electrons inside the tube enhances the
field existing between the gaps in the
• This leads to sustained oscillations inside
the magnetron thereby providing high
power at the output.

Specifications: Magnetron

• Frequency range: 500MHz - 12 GHz

• Power output:
Peak power output up to 40MW, dc voltage 50kV at 10GHz
• Efficiency: 40 to 70%
• THOMSON TH3074A Magnetron

• Frequency:8.5 - 9.5GHz • Power: 220 kW

• Anode voltage: 21.5 kV • Anode current: 27.5 A

Applications: Magnetron
Magnetrons oscillators:
▪ Radar transmitters
▪ Industrial heating
▪ Microwave oven Standard power = 600W
▪ Frequency = 915MHz or 2450 MHz
▪ Microwave-excited lighting systems
▪ Sulfur lamp

Comparison of Microwave Tubes

Image Source: Granatstein et al. Proc. IEEE 1999

Asst. Professor,
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur,


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