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JHA - Soil Erosion Control

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PROJECT: WP5-2300 Clubhouse Structural SERIAL NO: JHA-T3G-000____

works, Hann Reserve Project



1. Mobilizations/Preparing to  Unidentified  Consider all potential hazards: weather,
move materials. and/or wet or slippery conditions, overhead
unmitigated hazards, proximity to trails and/or visitor
hazards, or traffic patterns/volume, slope, loose
unsafe footing, elevation, fatigue, hazardous
conditions. insects or plants, etc
 Muscle strains,  Each employee should be provided
pulls and training on the safe and proper use of
repetitive the most important, primary tool their
motion injuries. bodies (Strong, Alert, Focused,
Energetic, or SAFE training). Proper
techniques of stretching, lifting, bending,
moving, rolling rocks, securing good
footing, the importance of good nutrition
and hydration.
 Each employee will be given time on the
job to properly stretch and warm-up
before and during physical activity for a
period of time deemed appropriate by
the crew leader, or on-site supervisor.
 Employees will be encouraged to switch
hands often and vary the types of
activities performed to limit exposure to
repetitive motion injuries.
 The appropriate number of workers
should be used to move materials. This
decision may vary between individuals.
2. Moving materials.  Muscle strains,  Each employee should be provided
pulls and training on the safe and proper use of
repetitive the most important, primary tool their
motion injuries. bodies (Strong, Alert, Focused,
Energetic, or SAFE training). Proper
techniques of stretching, lifting, bending,
moving, rolling rocks, securing good
footing, the importance of good nutrition
and hydration,
 Employees will be encouraged to switch
hands often and vary the types of
activities performed to limit exposure to
repetitive motion injuries.
 The appropriate number of workers
should be used to move materials. This
decision may vary between individuals.

 Injuries
resulting from  Crew leaders will conduct, whenever
lack of appropriate, tailgate safety talks to
communication, provide orientation, discuss project,
or safety concerns, assign works
Form No.: TCD-WP-JHA-2024
Rev. 1, 01 April 2024
 Good communication between
crewmembers should reinforce
individual awareness of real and
potential hazards.

 Communication methods or jargon

should be discussed and agreed upon
prior to moving materials

 The plan of attack should be discussed

before attempting to move materials.

 Instructions should come from one

person when working in teams of two or

3. Moving materials with  Vehicle or  PATOS must be needed prior to start

machinery machinery the work activities.
damage, Proper training of all workers involved to
operator injury, activity should be required. Check list of
or injury to machinery of equipment must be
others working provided.
 Injury or death
 PATOS must be needed prior to start
caused by
the work activities.
Proper training of all workers involved to
shifting, or
activity should be required. Check list of
swinging loads
machinery of equipment must be
 Assigned spotter of flagmen to all
curv/blind spot.
 full time supervisor of Foreman,
Engineer and Safety Officer.
 Clear the route of hazards and debris
before moving materials.
 Fill holes, build temporary structures,
and explore options to maximize safety
and efficiency in moving materials,
especially on steep or loose slopes.

4. Site assessment  Unidentified  Consider all potential hazards: weather,

and/or wet or slippery conditions, overhead
unmitigated hazards, proximity to trails and/or visitor
hazards, or traffic patterns/volume, slope, loose
unsafe footing, elevation, fatigue, hazardous
conditions. insects or plants, etc
 slip, trip and fall  PATOS must be needed prior to start
the work activities.
Proper training of all workers involved to
activity should be required. Check list of
machinery of equipment must be
 Make sure the area is clear before doing
the work, check the area carefully
whether there are slippery or obstacles

Form No.: TCD-WP-JHA-2024

Rev. 1, 01 April 2024
 Check whether the soil is stable, Keep
wearing ppe, safety shoes, vests,
hardhats, goggles, gloves and

5. Installation/ Site preparation  slip, trip and

 PATOS must be needed prior to start
the work activities.
Proper training of all workers involved to
activity should be required. Check list of
machinery of equipment must be

 Make sure the area is clear before doing

the work, check the area carefully
whether there are slippery or obstacles

 Check whether the soil is stable, Keep

wearing ppe, safety shoes, vests,
hardhats, goggles, gloves and
 Overhead
 Pinch Points
 Cuts/
 PATOS must be needed prior to start
the work activities.
Proper training of all workers involved to
 Fall
activity should be required. Check list of
 Strip the machinery of equipment must be
topsoil to provided.
subsoil level
 Barricade off the work area to be
with minimum
depth of
 Allow only authorized personnel in the
300mm or as
stripping area.
instructed by
 the Engineer.
 Post signs to communicate additional
 Never walk under a rigged load.
 Make sure there is enough lighting in
the work area.
 Clear all concrete and loose material
from forms to prevent
 anything from falling overhead during
 Wear safety glasses, hard hats, and
gloves at all times.
 Fall protection must be used when
climbing forms or when
 exposed to falls from 6 feet or higher

 Working
without Valid
Permit.  PATOS must be needed prior to start
Personnel the work activities.
Injuries due to Proper training of all workers involved to
slips, trips & activity should be required. Check list of
falls. Over machinery of equipment must be
speeding of provided.
vehicles.  Valid permit to be obtained from POS
Form No.: TCD-WP-JHA-2024
Rev. 1, 01 April 2024
People hit by android before starting any job. A
Competent supervisor should be
available at site at all times. First Aider
should be present at site at all times.
First aid facility available at site at all
times. Adequate drinking water
available at site all times. Plan & control
vehicle / equipment movement with the
presence of an authorized banksman.
 Use of Safety Shoes, hardhat, gloves,
goggles vest and jacket/Long sleeves.
 slip, trip and

6. Dispose and Stockpile the

topsoil separately from subsoil  PATOS must be needed prior to start
and other excavated the work activities.
material for subsequent re-use in Proper training of all workers involved to
covering the required areas activity should be required. Check list of
machinery of equipment must be
 Make sure the area is clear before doing
the work, check the area carefully
whether there are slippery or obstacles
 heck whether the soil is stable, Keep
wearing ppe, safety shoes, vests,
 Dropping soil hardhats, goggles, gloves and
on overhead facemasks
equipment or
personnel  PATOS must be needed prior to start
the work activities.
Proper training of all workers involved to
activity should be required. Check list of
machinery of equipment must be

 Keep area free from unnecessary

equipment, personnel or general public
 Personnel
being hit or  Use proper rigging procedures when
 struck by moving of heavy equipment
 Give right of way to equipment
 Make eye contact with operator before
approaching equipment
 Observe proper distance between
worker and equipment’s
 The Spotter / Rigger must be complete
equipment (flag lets and whistle)
 Keep wearing ppe, safety shoes, vests,
hardhats, goggles, gloves and
 Install of signages (Moving heavy
 Over equipment), Isolate the area to prevent
stockpile, unauthorized person to be enter.
Collapse of
 Make sure that the stockpile is properly
stockpiled and compacted to prevent
Form No.: TCD-WP-JHA-2024
Rev. 1, 01 April 2024
 Make sure the stockpile is properly
isolated and has a signage in place

 Make sure the location of operation will

be designated. The initial tipping should
not be directly over the edge. The initial
operations should be directly observed
by a second competent person and they
should inspect the face and bench after
each tipping

 Mobile equipment should not be

permitted to approach the stockpile
below until approved by the manager, or
the person in charge

 The ground at the edge of the face

should be inspected before tipping
operations commence.

 Unproper
coordination or

5. Place the topsoil in piles at

 PATOS must be needed prior to start
locations approved by the
the work activities.
Proper training of all workers involved to
activity should be required. Check list of
machinery of equipment must be
 Make sure the location of operation will
be designated. The initial tipping should
not be directly over the edge. The initial
operations should be directly observed
by a second competent person and they
should inspect the face and bench after
each tipping
 Mobile equipment should not be
permitted to approach the stockpile
below until approved by the manager, or
the person in charge
 The ground at the edge of the face
should be inspected before tipping
 Unauthorized operations commence.
entry to

6. Spread the delivered materials  All personnel entering worksite should

using Road grader or loader have Valid gate passes. Personnel will
whichever is applicable be advised to check the validity of their
gate pass before leaving the
 All contractor personnel must have
medical fitness to work certificate prior
to site mobilization. All newly arrived
personnel should attend the project
HSE induction
 Wear mandatory PPE (Coverall, hard
 Incompetent hat, earmuff, safety shoes, hand gloves
Form No.: TCD-WP-JHA-2024
Rev. 1, 01 April 2024
&safety glass etc)

 Make sure all operator must have a

Valid NCII prior to start the work activity
 Make sure the operator is well trained
 Unauthorized and must undergone the Safety
entry to Orientation.
worksite  Use of Safety Shoes, hardhat, gloves,
goggles vest and jacket/Long sleeves.

7. Lay and spread evenly with a

minimum thickness of 100mm and  All personnel entering worksite should
spread. have Valid gate passes. Personnel will
be advised to check the validity of their
gate pass before leaving the
 All contractor personnel must have
medical fitness to work certificate prior
to site mobilization. All newly arrived
 Incompetent personnel should attend the project
person HSE induction
(Operator)  Wear mandatory PPE (Coverall, hard
hat, earmuff, safety shoes, hand gloves
&safety glass etc)

 Make sure all operator must have a

Valid NCII prior to start the work activity

 Make sure the operator is well trained

and must undergone the Safety
 Injury of worker Orientation.

 Use of Safety Shoes, hardhat, gloves,

goggles vest and jacket/Long sleeves.

 Observe proper distance between

worker and equipment’s
 Assigned spotter of flagmen to all
curve/blind spot.
 Install of signages (Moving heavy
equipment), Isolate the area to prevent
 slip, trip and fall unauthorized person to be enter.
 Use of reflectorized vest

8. Periodic inspection  PATOS must be needed prior to start

the work activities.
Proper training of all workers involved to
activity should be required. Check list of
machinery of equipment must be

Form No.: TCD-WP-JHA-2024

Rev. 1, 01 April 2024
 Make sure the area is clear before doing
 Heat exposure the work, check the area carefully
whether there are slippery or obstacles
 Check whether the soil is stable, Keep
wearing ppe, safety shoes, vests,
hardhats, goggles, gloves and
 Provision of water station, observe of
breaktime if necessary, Provision of
temporary shelter
 PATOS must be needed prior to start
 Dust inhalation the work activities.
Proper training of all workers involved to
activity should be required. Check list of
machinery of equipment must be
 wear of ppe, Hardhat, safety jacket

 Make sure that the area is always

watered to avoid increasing the volume
of dust

 Install of signage (Dusty area / Wear of

dust mask or face mask)
 Eye irritation
 always use of face mask or dust mask
to prevent of dust inhalation that may
cause of lung infections.

 PATOS must be needed prior to start

the work activities.
Proper training of all workers involved to
activity should be required. Check list of
machinery of equipment must be

 Always wear safety goggles or glass to

 Equipment by avoid debris or dust.
 Provision hand wash station, always
wash of hands after doing of all work

 PATOS must be needed prior to start

the work activities.
9. Repair and replacement Proper training of all workers involved to
activity should be required. Check list of
machinery of equipment must be
 Vehicle may roll  away from passing traffic.
if on a slope, an  on solid, even ground.
incline, uneven  easily visible at a distance from
or soft ground oncoming traffic
 slip, trip and fall

Form No.: TCD-WP-JHA-2024

Rev. 1, 01 April 2024
 Turn Engine Off and use emergency
flashers Transmission in Park/Reverse if
manual No one in vehicle Block tire
 PATOS must be needed prior to start
the work activities.
Proper training of all workers involved to
activity should be required. Check list of
machinery of equipment must be
 Make sure the area is clear before doing
the work, check the area carefully
whether there are slippery or obstacles
 Heat exposure  Check whether the soil is stable, Keep
wearing ppe, safety shoes, vests,
hardhats, goggles, gloves and

 Provision of water station, observe of

breaktime if necessary, Provision of
temporary shelter

 PATOS must be needed prior to start

the work activities.
Proper training of all workers involved to
activity should be required. Check list of
machinery of equipment must be
 Dust inhalation provided.

 wear of ppe, Hardhat, safety jacket

 Make sure that the area is always

watered to avoid increasing the volume
of dust
 Install of signage (Dusty area / Wear of
dust mask or face mask)
 Eye irritation  always use of face mask or dust mask
to prevent of dust inhalation that may
cause of lung infections.

 PATOS must be needed prior to start

the work activities.
Proper training of all workers involved to
activity should be required. Check list of
machinery of equipment must be

 Always wear safety goggles or glass to

avoid debris or dust.

 Provision hand wash station, always

wash of hands after doing of all work
 Poor task.
 Repetitive
motion or other

Form No.: TCD-WP-JHA-2024

Rev. 1, 01 April 2024
ergonomic  Perform a last-minute risk assessment
concerns before performing any material handling
 Heavy manual task.
lifting/moving  Make sure to check the path of travel for
any obstacles before moving any
10. Housekeeping materials.
 Perform a proper warm up and stretch
before performing any material handling
 Perform a proper warm up and stretch
before performing any material handling

OPS. Area In-Charge: RICHARD SIBUG EHS. Area In-Charge:

Position: SR. ENGINEER INCHARGE Position:

Date: April 2024 Date: April 2024

Project Manager: LEONILO MUNSAYAC Safety Manager: MARK


Date: April 2024 Date: April 2024

Form No.: TCD-WP-JHA-2024

Rev. 1, 01 April 2024

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