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Tai nhiGu tai iu tiéng anh hay tai: BOI DUON TIENG ANH TIEU HOGS) Bs Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: BOI DUONG HE HQC SINH GIOI TIEU HOC DE BOI DUONG HE SO 1 STENING. Listen and fill in the blanks: 1. My father has breakfast at half past six every morning, 2. Her name is Phuong. She is 8/ eight years old. 3. Hello, Nam. How are you today? 4. Oh, I'm sorry. There isn't any bread _ in the fridge. 5. Our teacher usually gives us a lot of homework . I. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY. 'a. Circle the odd one out. 41. A. Alan B. Linda ©. Peter @name 2. A. hello B. hi ©thank you D. good morning 3. @)my B. he C. she D. they 4, A. classroom B. library ©. playground = ©) bedroom 5. A.nice B. fine five D. good pasar © a b. Choose the correct word for the picture. ‘Tai nhiéu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tai: Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: 4. A. monkey (8)bear C. snake —_D. dog A. kitchen B. bathroom (C)garden _D. living room 3. A. cloudy B. snowy C. rainy ©) sunny 6) 4, A. ball ®palis —C. robot_—_—D.. robots 5. A. mother B. aunt ci ©) grandfather D. grandmother |c. Choose the correct word. 1. Hello. My name sy are/ be) Mai. Nice to meet you. 2. How old (is) are/ do) your grandfather? 3. My friend (have/ had/ has)) two dogs. She likes them very much. 4. There (is/ rey am) two bedrooms in their house. 5. How ((Many)/ much/ is) students are there in your class? ‘4. Choose from the four options one correct answer to complete the sentence, ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: 41. There are four people imy Farry Bin Bat Con D. into 2. This my book @®s Care 3 father is a doctor at a famous hospital in Ha Noi. @ter B. She C. Hers D. She's. 4. old are you, Linda? — Im eight. A. What B, Who Where How saoandethitienganh info How do you ‘your narne? A. say B. tell . talk Osvel 6. Where she__from? ‘A. do-comes B. does—comes E)does—come —_D. do—come 7. What re you? ~ I'm English A. nation B. national C. country Orationaiity 8. Trung loves in the summer. A. swim B. swims ©swimming D. swiming 8. spring, summer, autumn and winter in our country @ There are B, These are . Those are D. They are 10. He is watching a cartoon wv. @a Bin Cat D. from IL, READING COMPREHENSION ‘a. Read the text aloud and answer the questions. 4. Wes Ita beeuttul day? ‘Yes, it was 2 glorious day. 2. Who was the Ant building shelter for? ‘The Ant was building = shelter for himself. ‘3. Why did the Grasshopper laugh at the Ant? Because the Ant was working hard while there wes plenty of food. 4, What happened to the Grasshopper in winter? “The Grasshopper died of hunger. 5. What lesson can you get fom the story? & ‘We should prepare for days of necessity. s gs SS lb. Read the passage and choose True or False. e& & e & ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: CS Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: ww 4. Reberea is an English git i 2. Rebezea lives in 2 big house. 3. Her perents have the sme job. O80 8? 4. Rebecca always gets good merks forall subjects, Geo0e0 15. Rebecca comes back home by herself, ° IV. WRITING la. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting. 4. How olg are you? — A. How cam Ome fae — ve 2. Thee ge» fat hen a my house A. Thee @ue cin set 3. She ofen saya home al he weekend @siey Bat cot D.tte y— as 4. How many dot does your lite ister have? A. mony eat C. does D.have ol ols 5. hare aa the bala? - Theyre on there ava ee ctu On on ~ over '. Complete the following sentences © S Ss gs & Ss & ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: CS Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: 1. Shel friendly! She! aiways/ say! “Hellol/ everyone! ‘She is very friendly. She always says "Hello!" to everyone. / She is friendly. She always ‘says “Hello! to everyone. 2. Hung) live! farily/ Ho Chi Minh City Hung lives with his family in Ho Chi Minh City ‘3. Whal/ your! email! address/? ‘What is your email address? 4. V Mail How! you! dol? Tam Mai. How do you do? ‘5. your! house/ big! small? Is your house big or small? DE BOI DUONG HE SO 2 1. LISTENING (Circle the word you hear. 4. ®know C.go 2 B. pound ©priae 3. ®sne B. sing ¢. pink 4. @think B. this ¢. high 5. A. garden B. chicken ©ptighten II, VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR !a. a. Circle the letter A, B, C or D to one out. 4. A. student B. brother ©. doctor 2, A. listen Brun ©. sing 3. A. cat B. fish ©pet 4. A. cloudy @sun &. windy 5. A. his B. her ©. their ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: '. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. ol “= 1. My sisteris eighteen years 2. There are three children in 3. Its often hot and/sunny in ‘ld this year. She is very the garden the summer in He No. Desutiul 4. My house 5. She has anew doll. That is bedroom her birthday present ic. Match the questions in column A and the answers! response in column B. A id. Choose from the four options one correct answer to complete the sentence. ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: 4. The sthoolis near our house, we often walk to school Abit B. end Ox 2. When your birthday? @ Ba ore C.d0 +3, There is a picture. the wall, ®on Bat cin 4. Mow many foors___yoursenool_? @coes—nave Bare have €. do— has 5. My family five in Ha Noi but my aunt in Quang Ninn city Actolive ring Cove 6. Are you a primary student? -Yes, A. you are @iem c.tis 1 ls your tenoot? te very funny, Mum ‘A wnat B. vino row 8. There any mikin the botte @ien B. erent cis 9. | go out? - need some water @usy 2.5. €.00 10. thet? - Thetis our new teacher, Mr Hung Whe @vnoe C. Whose IL, READING COMPREHENSION 4. Where ere you on Sunday morning? @ntne serden.——BAthome .inthe home 2. Whats the wester ke on Sunday? Atienctgoos 8 ie rainy Qbiie beaut 2. How tne sly? A. ts coud 8. sank Ors owe. 4. How many birds ere there on the tree? 1A. One. B.Tvo c.thee. What does your mother doin he htchen? @sre coos the neh ©. She has unch She cooks te ie. D. She as dinner. |b. Complete the story by using the cued word(s). ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: D. thet . under D. Would D. Whats ‘a. Read the passage and answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C or D. D. Atthe garden D. Its not beauttul D. Its bright. @ mere enone Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: | live (36)__a house (37)_the country I's (38)_old house, about 50 years old, ‘and itis not very big. There (3) __ two bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen. ‘There (40) __a garden in front of the house. In the summer and spring, there are flowers, ‘everywhere. Behind the house are mountains. | live happily with our litle dog, Jacki. | love my house very much. Its a peaceful place, 1. A. from B.on C.near On 2 Aon Bat @in D. near Raa B. my Can Oa 4 his @ee Chas D. have 5. ®s Bbe Care D. has IV. WRITING. a 1. My/ school be/ Giang Vo Street @® My schoolis in Giang Vo Street. 'B. My school be in Giang Vo Street. . My senoolis at Giang Vo Steet . My senool be on Giang Vo Street 2. There big ake/ thay ety @ There is 2 bg lke in thet city. B. There area big ake in ha ey . There isbig ake on that city. 1D. There ise big lake from that ey 2. How aoora windows! your class? '. How many dora ae windows in you ease? ®ttow mary dors ans wndows ae tere n your clas? How mery doors ae windows ae thereon your tess? ©. How many dere ane windows on your east? 4. flsunny 8 Nol in! Ho Ch Miah Cty. A. Itis suns Ha Noi and it is reiny in Ho Chi Minh City. its sunny na Wet ett ran in Ho Ci Mion Cty tis sunny ina Nel an any n Ho Gh Minh Cty . tsurnyin He ot andveiny Ho Ch Minh ty 6. Whats your! motned/ nsmer? ‘nats your motner nme? 8. wnat is yours mother name? inate your marers name? . wnatis yourmomer names? ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: CS Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: - Your family member's name, age = Your parents’ job Hobbies Pets, My family lives in a small village. There are 4 people in my family, my parents, my younger sister and me. My father’s name is Long. He is 39 years old and he's a farmer. My mother’s name is Lan. She's 37 and she’s a nurse. sister is Thuy, she's 5 years old. We love watching TV and talking about our school and many other things, My sister and I love jing with our litle cat after school Hove a lot. | always want to spend more time with them in our small house. DE BOI DUONG HE SO 3 1. LISTENING 1. The boy's name is A, Peter @Paul C. Pearson D. Pie 2. His T-shirtis A. anovalneck — B)round-neck ‘C. square-neck D. V-neck 3. The Tshirt is made of A. 25% cotton B.50% cotton ——C, 75% cotton @) 100% cotton 4. The colour of his T-shirts. A. green B. yellow ©pblue D. white 5. He loves it because itis the present from @pris Dad B. his grandparents _C. his Mum D. his brother I. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY. ‘a, Cirele the odd one out. ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: CS Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: 1. A. monkey B. donkey ©. zebra © parrot 2 A.chicken @©mango ©. fish D. shrimp 3. A. engineer B. doctor ©cnitaren D. nurse 4. A. stamps B. letters C. envelops: ©)pencit 5. @)clock B. hours ©. minutes D. seconds 'b. Choose the correct word for the picture. A. mixer 8. cooker C. fitter container My ‘Acchicken B.donkey — ©)monkey 0. ton ‘Aneteopter 8. parachute C: nang gkaer ©) pane A.ctomers Blowers C.teemere @)wortara 1 2. 3. 4 5. Vt @autumn —B. winter ——_C. spring D. summer ‘c. Choose the correct word. 4. My mother (Aarrivesy come/ leave/ go) home at 5 p.m every day. 2. Susan comes from China. She is (Japanese/ ChineseY Portuguese’ Vietnamese). 3. 1am so thirsty. Please give me (a pen/ a book’ @ drink/ a bread). 4. tis (a) an/ the/ some) yellow car. 5. Is Science interesting (fo) with/ for! at) her? 1d. Choose the best option to complete the sentence. ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: 4. Lotten getup sic otek every dey. Aeon @a ct Din 2 Win la your new ait? It purple Awe B. pice @cotoue D. model 3. ous you te? ae come @eome 4. My mum ghee me of mi shake Bosse B.pectet Coup scan 5. These ore EnglehVietnamese Doctorates Bens computers Driers 6. Shots very hepoy today is her 1 bthy. Aso Bor ang @Oreceuse 7. My ther can speak chinese, ana koreen ‘A ieinam @vevenese . Thatena , camboga 8. you study? | study at Thang Long Pimary School A vow 8. wnat Owner . who 8. Winats tne ume? its ottoc @re B. twenty the ve two D. two ve 10. My ster oten IV ater schoo! A. Istens o @uatres C.nears to D. ooks at IL, READING COMPREHENSION 4, Britain is one ofthe lergest countries in Europe. 2. Britain is less then 690 km wide. 4, Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in ireland, 5. Glasgow is one ofthe biggest cities in Britain. og 9/0 ‘3. There are many parks in Britain. 9 oO o|YU (9/0 ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: CS Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: 4 The senco tip isto « museum’ a brary a circus! (far) 2. Be at school at 9 o'clock’ 2 o'clock! 4 o'clock. 2. Bring @ school bag book/« camera! um had, 4. You can enjoy Gi) twor tee! four game atime tam. '. You msint watch horee jumping’ wear school clots! wear shoes’ (ed the animal) IV. WRITING ——— ess 4. My bother fen got the cinema wih bis enc iy @o C.tteciema 2. Nam kes monkeys yee much because they cans swing A es 8.ver cu petause @eens 3. Let's going tothe food stall | went to buy some mil ®@eons B. food Cato come mik soing ~ 90 4. ‘My ite brome gossnt the to et Sehes he only eats mest an eons A. dosnt runes Coeats D.cogs fishes — fish 5. Hm uncle ise dovtor, ne wars very ha rom 739 fo 18.00. @rim B. works Cubana en — He ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: CS Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: 1. What time! you! get / morning’? ‘What time do you get up in the morning? 2. Last weekend! wel have! picnie/ countryside. Last weekend we had a picric in the countryside, 3. 1/ could / speak! when’ I / only! one year old | could speak when | was only one year old. ‘4. Dogs! inteligent! because / they/ can understand! what we say! Dogs are ineligent because they can understand what we say. 5, My parents! give / a beautiful tuck/ my 7® birthday/ last yea My parents gave me a beautiful truck on my 7 birthday last year. DE BOI DUONG HE S64 1. LISTENING en to the dialogue and decide True (T) or False (F). T F | 9|O0 Oo|\|a8 @|0 A The price is $1.18. @'O 5, The change is 20 pence. @'o Il. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY ‘a. Circle the odd one out. 1. AL first B. second ©rour D. nth 2. A. shorts @®)sugar ©. shoes D. stocks 3. A. monkey B. deer ©. tiger ®wnaie & 4. @china B. English ©. irish D. Ponuguese 5. A. Who @wry ¢. Whom, D. Whose” & & ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: CS ‘Tai nhiéu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tai: giaoandethitienganh. info 'b. Match the words in list A with B to get the right words. . Put the underlined verbs into the correct box. 1d. Give the correct form of the following verbs. II. READING COMPREHENSION a Read the passage and circle the best answer. ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: 41. According o the passage, how many days are special for Vietnamese children? @rays 8. 3days ©. days b.Sdays 2. Mid-Autumn Festal ison inthe lunar calencar. [the tet cay of August @ re macnn aay ot august the at day of une D. the teenth day of une ‘3 What can chilren do on these two days? ‘A. They can be et home. 2. They san ge isto acute © they con get gis end eroy many fn aives D. They can ply spor 4. The special ood for Mi-Autunn Festival is A.cwarecake 8. sping Cremeetsoup —- @moonseke 5. People nthe picture above ae taking ‘A tons eas . beoutu masks © s ponted.starsheped anterns balloons 'b. Read the advertisement for children bikes and tick (W). This bike is fast 2. This bike has snowflakes. 3. This bike is not heavy and for boys. 4. This bike is made of wood oo808-% @oo@ors 6. Only this bike has pink colour. ogooojl+s IV. WRITING 1a. Circle one mistake in each sentence. ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: CS Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: 1. He's siting in the library to study Maths now. @siting ©. library D. Maths. siting — siting 2. What subject do you like more at school? A. What B. do ©more Dat more — most 3. 1am the oldest child in my family, my two young sisters are twin sisters. A. oldest Bin ©young D. twin sisters, young > younger 4. Did you visited Art Museum with Lan last weekend? @visitea B. with ©. last D. weekend visited — visit 6. Look! Two tiger are jumping through the fire circle. A. Look ®tiger €. jumping D. through tiger — tigers ib. Write questions for the underlined words or phrases. |. She likes walking in the park with her puppy. What does she like doing? 2. He goes to the food store because he wants some milk and bread. Why does he go to the food store? 3. My new dress is light pink. What colour is your new dress? }. Last night we went to bed at 10 p.m. What time did you go to bed last night? / When did you go to bed last night? . There are fifty-five students in my class. How many students are there in your class? S 2 ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: DE BOI DUONG HE S05 1. LISTEN Listen to the dialogue and choose True or False. ‘Statement T F 1. Nam's father’s name is Tuan. Oo go 2. He is a doctor. 8 Oo 3, He works at Bach Mai Hospital. oO Vy 4. He is thirty-two years old. cy 5. He likes watching football match. 8 I. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY a. Circle the odd one out. 4. A. magazine (B) bookstore C. newspaper D. picture book 2. @testival B. day ©. year D. month 3. A. lived B. listened ©)wrote D. watched 4. @)warm B. summer C. autumn D. dry season 5. A. why B. how C. when ©)well 'b. Choose the correct word for the picture. ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: * Acow — @nute 2 A. minacerosB. wot Roe ‘ A. singing 83000 © rating petres @raieg vie . riding on horsebeck f: a | ®rst 8. park snake —D. dog bear @ebra playing football playing games playing tennis driving @ car fla D. seneot c. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B, Write the complete sentence below. 1. What weather do you like? I like warm weather. 2. What did they do this morning? The) layed football in the park. 3. Do you like salty food or sweet food? | like both. 4. Would you like some more carrots? Yes, please. I'd love some. It's delicious. 5. May I sit down? Yes, please. . Choose from the four options one correct answer to complete the sentence. ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: Be Meee O20 po whats tne pce ts ene? 18 How many os tis ait cost? ‘E How muct does ths it? 1. How much ts tinct? 2 West... me aangat 8 or ist gh? A ase Ome ones ‘S Lan_....10H0 Che Minh C2 to weit her sieter lsct week any tes om Denny 4A. Ween animate... anerseoranelepart? aby Or 0g panty 5. Hom... wine eanne mn ate Ou omy Dg (My trom i stgying at ..unhersty Ha Not e an seme one 7. “May | neip you?” -". ‘A What can or you? (© Yes. tate very end otyou ‘cI atala mbuey nou. How canine? 8 Vina... so you ke?- Sunes Aan clu eso pone tm. Pha Som sheen art foe What wal you ks? amrey @nsy ou powes 10, You an OO RUC SOFEE YOU cae agp Nl a igh cant Daont How vet IL, READING COMPREHENSION a. Choose the words from the box to complete the instruction. ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: ‘2. Fold itn half again to make another crease. Unfold. '3. Fold the top two comers and form a triangle. 4. Fold the smal front flap up on the front and the back flap up on the beck, S| Be | A ‘5. Take the two bottoms of the triangle. Push to make a giamond. 6. Fold the front bottom comer up to the top comer and again on the other side, Create encther triangle with an open bottom 7. Push the two sides of the triangle in towards one another, reste a diamond again, {8 Hold he diamond. Pull both the right and le. top layers out to form the hulls ofthe bost bb, Read the passage and eirele the best answer to each question. 4. Why did his grandfather give him chocolates? @ because John oved candy B. Because John wes a good boy Because es good for his heat, . Because his grandttheroved candy. 2. Why di his ther et John eat chocolates when he got tom he orentater? @ ro pease me ot nan 1. Tomake Jonn napoy. CC Because she dnthave to pay for ——~O. Because John ied it lat 2. wnt he pray to Gos betors hie eighth bithday? [A He athed for good ick ©)He wanies his oranctstner to cvs him chocolates (C He bepges God to make him # big box of chocolates . He wanes for some money to auyehocclets 4. Why did he shout when he was praying? A So that God can heart 8, Sothat is motner could hear him ©sotnainis granctater could hear im. __D. Berause hs orendiather was deat Which sentence I ot tue according tothe passage? [A John li ehoseitee 8. He wanted a tig box of chocolates for his ithe. is moiner wes oo poor o give tim a big box of chocolates. Hie mot ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: 1a. There is a mistake in each of the following sentences. Find and correct it. 1. There has a chair in my bedroom. has + is ‘2. How many homework does Hoa have every day? many — much ‘3. How long Is it from your house to schooI? - I's about 3 kilometers. long — tar 4, Lwrited a letter to my friend last night. writed — wrote 'b. Rewrite the following sentence which has the same meaning as the one given 4. Where is Tom from? Where does Tom come from ? 2. Why isnt this TV working now? What's the matter with this TV now / the wrong with this TV now ? 3. Does Ha's school have twenty classrooms? ‘Are. there twenty classrooms in Ha's school ? 4, Ha is the youngest of the three sisters, Ha has two elder sisters 5. He walks to school every day. He goes. to school on foot every day DE BOI DUONG HE SO 6 1. LISTENING © s s ‘These are the main activities Viet does this week. Listen and circle, s F ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: 1 On Monday, Viet likes (PE! playing sports/ fead brary) 2. On Tuesday, he has (Musie/ Englishy Maths). 3. On Weanesday. Viet and is group nave teamwork @musie performanedy a football match). 4. On Thursday and Friday, Viet has (Literature/ History/ @cience)). 5. At weekends, he has (football practice/ swimming practice’ @rt competition)) GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY a. Complete the words and read aloud. 4. I wrote a letter to my friend last night 2. Mary was at the department store. ‘3, I'm drawing and colouring a picture. 4, There are a few sandwiches on the table. 5. Lanhasa toothache. 'b. Match the sentences with the pictures. 1 Taya pay cine 2 Teyarecrargneerers, Tyan epang oe, 4 ea mineng be pet mea ey men ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: ‘c. Choose from the four options one correct answer to complete the sentence. 1. Ha speaks English ‘A. fluent B. fuenter ©. fuentier Oruentiy 2. My mother takes care of the house and looks my baby sister A. for Bat ©. over @ater 3. Isher school the park? Din kront of B. next . in ont to D. nearto 4 Thereis water in the glass. Am @®some . many Da 5. Ihavea throat ache B. pain Osore De hurt 6. in town, my school s the largest ®orarschoots _B.Allofschools. _—C. nallthe school __D. Withallthe schools 7 straight across the road @®Don't run B. Not run ¢. No run D. Can't run 8. Ihope the. can repair our car quickly. @) mechanic B. reporter ©. architect D. dentist d. Wi questions to the following answers. 1. Hung has milk and bread for breakfast. What does Hung have for breakfast? 2. | often go fishing with my father when it's warm. What do you often do with your father when it's warm? 3. She should brush her teeth after meals. When should she brush her teeth? 4. | didn't go to school yesterday because | had a headache. Why didn't you go to school yesterday? ‘Tai nhiu tai ligu tiéng anh hay tal: Tai nhiéu tai liu tiéng anh hay tai: IL], READING COMPREHENSION ‘a, Choose the most appropriate answer A, B, C, or D to fill in the blank in the passage. 1. 2 10. A. for A. season, A. begin ®eummer A. much A. none ®about seasons begins B. winter many B. many B. talks B. on ®no 'b. Read the passage and choose the best answer. 1. What is the main idea of the passage? A. David's money. C. Disadvantages of buying presents, ©. of ©. seasonals ©. began ©. spring ©. litle ©. few ©. at ©. talked C. to c. many . seasones . beginning autumn less fewer B. David's fathe’s money davies present for mother at Christmas 2. What did David buy for his mother? A. a perfect gift @®a beautiful brooch. a spider D. an animal 3. Whois ‘a special person"? A. his father ®his mother . his favourite animal D. his friend 4. According to the author, his mother likes ®iewetry B. nothing ©. along coat D. ahandbag IV. WRITING © é

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