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Democrats Abroad MADRID MARCH SUPERTUESDAY Newsletter 2024

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Issue No.

MARCH 2024
Countdown Clock USA Elec-
tions 2024
“Building a better Future!
Latest news and bulletin updates

Super Tuesday was celebrated in Madrid on March 5 2024. Thanks to the contribution of all of our volunteers, the voting process was all possible. Here are some
members of Our TEAM giving it ALL in favor of preserving our Democracy. Go TEAM!!!

“We strive to provide Americans abroad a Democratic voice in our government, by electing Democratic candidates, and mobilizing the overseas vote.”
Issue No.8
March 2024
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March 2024
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Brief highlights from our in person SUPER TUESDAY EVENT.

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Kirsten Dalrymple shares her experience!

On March 5, 2024, I had my first experience taking part in
a Global Presidential Primary organized by the Democrats
Abroad Madrid Chapter Leadership team. It was by all ac-
counts a great opportunity for me and my fellow volun-
teers to learn and teach each other more about how the
voting process works through direct experience! By taking
part, I was also able to get acquainted with some terribly
fun and very interesting Americans living in Madrid!

Everyone who took part seems highly motivated to get en-

gaged with the democratic process and be part of a wider
effort to promote democracy through well-run election and
voter turn-out processes! I left the event feeling like I’d
done something worthwhile and had met some lovely peo-
ple who I’d be very pleased to work with again! Huge
shout out to the work that went into helping all of the
newbies like me volunteer! It was a team effort and I al-
most forgot… there was a rockin’ band playing Americana
to make the event even more special!

Take home message… Keep your eyes peeled for future

events and don’t be shy about getting involved! It’ll make
you feel better!
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March 2024
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"The Louisiana Cats led by Deloires Dunn became “The Blue Wave Cats”
Our DA Madrid crowd danced at the tune of Country Western music as our favorite
American band delighted the crowds on this special night! Go CATS!
If you would like to find out more about Delories Dunn these are her links:
DD Dunn & The Louisiana Cats:
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Democrats Abroad made this small corner of the world a warmer place!

Democrats Abroad Bond in Madrid by Donna Alvarado

On Tuesday, March 5, in the early evening hours at a small bar in Madrid, some-
thing unusual happened. That night, Democrats Abroad made this small corner of
the world a warmer place.

It wasn’t just the music from the rollicking folk-rock band that lifted the spirits of
people who had trickled in. It wasn’t just the chance to chat over beer and tapas with
others from the U.S.A.

It was the chance to give a boost to a vision they shared: that America is still the
home of democracy -- where elections matter.

I was one of the volunteers who came together that night at the Democrats Abroad
event for Super Tuesday’s primary election. We made sure that, even when overseas,
Democrats have their chance to choose a nominee for U.S. President.

Maybe some of us weren’t sure why we came. Many of us had never met each other
before. But once we were there, I heard other volunteers say, over and over, the ca-
maraderie they found forged a bond that inspired them. It kindled a flicker of hope
that their work could make a difference when the big November election comes.

Let’s hold onto that hope. And let’s continue to work together to make that differ-

Donna Alvarado
Donna Alvarado joined DA Madrid as our Offi- DA Madrid Voting Manager 2024
cial Voting Manager for SUPER TUESDAY
2024, and was invited to be our guest Editor
for our March newsletter. We honor her pro-
fessional accomplishments in the field of jour-
nalism, and community development.

Thank you for your support.

We are eternally grateful!!!

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ACTIVITIES CELEBRATED in MARCH: Our Upcoming Activities during April 2024.

Ballot Assistance Event.

Honoring Volunteers –April 18th

Coffee and Talk –April 23rd.

We welcome you!!!


Ballot Assistance Event- Toast Tap Room
Calle San Vicente Ferrer 33
Visit to the American Women’s Club

MARCH 14th: It was an absolute honor visiting AWC on the oc-

casion of International Women's Month.

I was impressed with the talented women surrounding the organiza-


This is a great example of how American Women always thrive

when living Abroad. Never underestimate the power of Leadership
of the American Women.

We were delighted with the presence of Dana Knowles the owner of

Taste of America.

A true celebration of social activism in favor of improving societies

Voter registration and ballot request assistance (

April Monthly Gathering (

Coffee and talk (

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March 2024
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We were honored to have hosted Ms. Nicole Pearson here in Madrid to dis-
cuss the Film “I am not your Negro” at the American International Insti-
tute located at Calle Miguel Angel, Madrid. The activity took place last Feb-
ruary 22 at 6.30 pm at the International Institute.

The documentary captures the insights, observations, and journey of James

Baldwin from the 50s through the 70s as a US citizen and Black American
expat. Novelist, essayist, playwright, and activist Baldwin was personal
friends with the key figures of the Civil Rights movement. He had first-
hand knowledge of the toll the work had taken on their lives. As well as
White America ́s violent struggle with the possibility of Black equality, fol-
lowed by an insightful discussion led by Ms. Nicole Pearson.


Nicole Pearson will introduce the film and lead a post-viewing discussion.

Nicole Angela Pearson studied African American Studies & Philosophy at

Howard University.

She is a Berlin-based theater artist, writer, and activist of African descent.

Her work centers on the reverberations of trans-Atlantic enslavement
across space and time. She focuses on liberatory, intersectional practices
and intergenerational healing. She uses theater to ignite the imagination of
historically marginalized groups, such as LGBTIQIA+ youth, incarcerated
adults, and racialized communities, facilitating transformative experiences
that nurture community and inspire action. Many know Nicole from her 13
years in Madrid as a teacher, actor, and playwright. As well as for the many
interesting events she organized with DA including a Tribute to Maya An-
gelou at the Casa de América in 2014. Her latest theater piece: hand,
breast, heart follows an unexpected family connection to Berlin during the
Cold War to explore how we can heal past colonial practices of exploitation
and extraction that have morphed into present-day militarism.

Thank you Nicole for the insightful presentation!

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Ms. Peg Watkins Chair of the County Delaware County Ohio of the Democratic Party and DA Chapter Chair
Lucia J. Perez enjoying lunch in Case de America while exchanging ideas!
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"The Global BIG BLUE WAVE Force: Democrats Abroad Leading the Way"
Welcome Members of Democrats Abroad Madrid!

SuperTuesday was a solid success! Our volunteers worked very diligently in order to en-
sure that the event went as “easy as pie”. However, it took a lot of efforts from so many

I have to apologize for publishing our special GPP edition late. My health was frail and
convalescing took more than I expected. I am back and running again!

I am including the official results of the Primaries:

Here are some important dates coming up:

Apr 15 CC Elector certification deadline

Apr 19 Delegate filing deadline
Apr 26 Approved delegate list due from campaigns
May 25 AP Regional Convention (online)
Lucia J. Perez Crespo Hernansaiz May 26 EMEA Regional Convention (online)
Madrid- Chapter Chair May 30 Americas Regional Convention (online)
May 31 Global Convention in Costa Rica
“Please remember to register to vote!”
August 19-22 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, IL


Our Phone banking campaign is almost coming to an end!

Thank you volunteers!

Please consider to volunteer in order to GET OUT THE VOTE!

Let’s continue making a difference!

From the Desk of our DA Madrid Vice-Chair

Dear DA Madrid members,

A big thanks to our GPP volunteers!
We are now looking for volunteers to help out with monthly voter registra-
tion and ballot request assistance events, like the one we held in March.
These are drop-in events for people to get 1-on-1 assistance that enables
them to vote, so your impact as a volunteer is significant!
Our next event in April happened last Saturday from 11am-1pm at the
Toast Taproom and we need volunteers to help people use Vote- to register and request their ballots.
Maggie Zelonis-
DA Madrid Vice-Chair You can complete the training in about an hour on your own time by visit-
ing this web-
Please send us an e-mail at if you
can volunteer on April 13th or another Saturday in the future.
Thank you!
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From the Desk of our DA Madrid Secretary

Hello Members of Democrats Abroad Madrid!

March has been a busy month!! We had a great Global Presidential Primary followed
the next Saturday by a successful morning of helping people register to vote. We hope
to have more sessions of helping people register to vote in the near future! Please reg-
ister and request your ballot for this year's elections. The elections this year are very
important to protect democracy and the future of the country!!!
Susan Lefler
DA Madrid Secretary

From the Desk of our DA Treasurer

Treasurer’s Update
Dear Members,

Join us for a spring house party

Why house parties?

As Democrats Abroad, we know how important it is to stay connected and engaged

with our fellow Americans living overseas. That's why we're launching a spring
house party campaign to raise funds and awareness for our cause. House parties
Kerry Holleran – are a fun and easy way to meet other Democrats, share your stories and concerns,
Treasurer Democrats Abroad and support our efforts to mobilize voters to re-elect Joe Biden.
Madrid Team

How to host or attend a house party?

Hosting a house party is simple. All you need is a space, some snacks and drinks,
and a group of friends or neighbors who are American citizens (only American citi-
zens can donate to DA). We have a house party toolkit that will guide you through
the process of planning, inviting, and collecting donations for your event. You can
also attend a house party near you by checking our social media for upcoming

Ready to join the party?

If you're interested in hosting or attending a house party, please contact me at Info- I'll be happy to answer any questions and
help you get started. Together, we can make a difference for our country and our

Kerry Holleran
Treasurer, Democrats Abroad Madrid-

Democrats Abroad shaping the future – donate now at
Issue No. Issue No. 8
March 2024
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"Navigating the Political Landscape”

From the Desk of our GOTV Spain Chapter Chair/Madrid
Get Out The Vote!

Have you received a call from one of our friendly phone bankers recent-
ly? They have been busy reminding our members that now is the time to re-
quest your absentee ballot.
Democrats Abroad supports the most advanced online overseas ballot re-
quest/voter registration website available to non-US based citizens. The website contains the all the voting information for
the state where you vote. It also includes ballot request deadlines and the
methods for returning your ballot.
Completing the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) couldn’t be easier and
it assists in finding your local election official. It takes less than 5 minutes.

Most states now allow you to use the signature capture feature using the Jim Mercerau-GOTV-Spain-
camera on your phone. Once the digital signature is placed on the line and Chair
you’ve checked the info on your form, you simply hit send and it is automati-
cally emailed to the election official in your local town or county. Those 4-5
states still requiring the original to be returned by mail come with instruc-
tions. In all cases you get a copy of your FPCA in your email if you’ve pro-
vided an email address. You should get a confirmation email from your local
election official. If not give them a call. The info is with the email sent to you
from VFA.

Please do our GOTV team a big favor. When you fill in the party box as a
Democrat, and you answer the question in the survey, would you like to join
DA ?, please check the box ‘Already a Member’. We’ll know that you are
ready to vote and won’t need to call to remind you.

Please do it now so you are ballot ready for November

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March 2024
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If you would like to become a “STATE STAR”
Go into the Democrats Abroad Website. Look for your state and register!
Check it out
Insert the two letter abbreviation for your
state, like FL, OH, WI Using Interactive maps like this one below can have us updated in how the states are
performing overtime.
Additionally, you will have the opportunity to contact your Congressman, Senator or
Representatives with issues affecting your State-communities, as well as issues that
Americans experience when living abroad.
Web Page to the interactive map page:
Interactive Map URL:


Remember to vote!

Remember to file your Taxes!!!

We want to share some exciting news regarding

Country Committee phonebanking.

We have almost completed calling ALL DA mem-

bers on our list!
Congratulations to all the volunteers who have
made it happen.

Remember Phone Banking Really helps!

Please volunteer!

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