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Configuring and Deploying T24 and TAFJ Artefacts

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9/19/23, 1:59 PM Configuring and deploying T24 and TAFJ artefacts

Configuring and deploying Transact and TAFJ artefacts

The final step in this setup is to deploy the Transact UI components UXP Browser (UXPB) and BrowserWeb. UXPB is the Temenos' latest user interface for working with Transact.
BrowserWeb is its antecedent. This runbook does not cover deployment of other product user interfaces such as Temenos Connect Internet Banking (TCIB) and Mobile Banking

Deploying TAFJJEE_EAR.ear and TAFJ Spooler plugins


1. In the Linux shell, navigate to $TAFJ_HOME/appserver.

2. Copy the TAFJSpoolerPlugins.rar file to the $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments directory.

cp TAFJSpoolerPlugins.rar $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments

3. Change to $TAFJ_HOME/appserver/jboss/jboss7eap.

4. Copy TAFJJEE_EAR.ear to the $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments directory.

cp TAFJJEE_EAR.ear $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments

Deploying BrowserWeb
Before you begin

You need to obtain the BrowserWeb-202008.00.tar file from your account manager. BrowserWeb is not shipped in the Model Bank package.


1. Upload the BrowserWeb-202008.00.tar file to the $TEMENOS_HOME/inst directory.

2. At the Linux command line, navigate to $TEMENOS_HOME/inst and extract the TAR file.
tar -xvf BrowserWeb-202008.00.tar

3. Navigate to the extracted BrowserWeb-202008.00 directory and copy BrowserWeb.war to $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments.

cd BrowserWeb-202008.00

cp BrowserWeb.war $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments

Modifying Browser.war

1. At the Linux command line, navigate to $UXPBROWSER.

2. Extract Browser.war in a temporary directory under $UXPBROWSER, for example tmp-uxpb.

mkdir tmp-uxpb

mv Browser.war tmp-uxpb

cd tmp-uxpb

jar -xf Browser.war

3. Navigate to WEB-INF and open in an editor.



4. Provide the port number and IP address or host name of your application server. Example:

9/19/23, 1:59 PM Configuring and deploying T24 and TAFJ artefacts

5. Save the file.

6. Delete the previous version of the WAR file.

cd ..

rm Browser.war

7. Re-package the WAR file and copy it back to the UXPBrowser directory.
jar cf Browser.war *

cp Browser.war $UXPBROWSER

Modifying irf-rp-services.war

1. At the Linux command line, change to $UXPBROWSER.

2. Extract irf-rp-services.war to a temporary directory, for example tmp-irf-rp-srv.

mkdir tmp-irf-rp-srv

mv irf-rp-services.war tmp-irf-rp-srv

cd tmp-irf-rp-srv

jar -xf irf-rp-services.war

3. Navigate to WEB-INF/classes.

4. Open in your text editor and provide the IP address or host name of your application server and the port. Example:

# Common EJB Remote Configurations


5. Delete the previous version of the WAR file.

cd ../../

rm irf-rp-services.war

6. Re-package the WAR file and copy it back to the $UXPBrowser directory.
jar cf irf-rp-services.war *

cp Browser.war $UXPBROWSER

Modifying irf-t24catalog-services.war

1. At the Linux command line, change to $UXPBROWSER.

2. Extract irf-t24catalog-services.war to a temporary subdirectory in $UXP_BROWSER, for example tmp-irf-cat-srv.

mkdir tmp-irf-cat-srv

cp irf-t24catalog-services.war tmp-irf-cat-srv

cd tmp-irf-cat-srv

jar -xf irf-t24catalog-services.war

3. Navigate to WEB-INF/classes.

4. Open in your text editor and provide the IP address or host name of your application server and the port. Example: 2/10
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# Common EJB Remote Configurations


5. Delete the previous version of the WAR file.

cd ../../

rm irf-t24catalog-services.war

6. Re-package the WAR file and copy it back to the UXPBrowser directory.
jar cf irf-t24catalog-services.war *

cp irf-t24catalog-services.war $UXPBROWSER

Embedding the database driver in ResourceServer.war


1. At the Linux command line, change to $UXPBROWSER.

2. Extract ResourceServer.war to a temporary subdirectory in $UXP_BROWSER, for example tmp-res-srv.

mkdir tmp-res-srv

cp ResourceServer.war tmp-res-srv

cd tmp-res-srv

jar -xf ResourceServer.war

3. Copy the database driver(s) to ResourceServerWar.war/WEB-INF/lib.

MS SQL Server:
cp $TAFJ_HOME/ext/sqljdbc42.jar $UXPBROWSER/tmp-res-srv/WEB-INF/lib

cp $TAFJ_HOME/ext/nuodb-jdbc-21.0.0.jar $UXPBROWSER/tmp-res-srv/WEB-INF/lib

cp $TAFJ_HOME/ext/ojdbc8.jar $UXPBROWSER/tmp-res-srv/WEB-INF/lib

cp $TAFJ_HOME/ext/postgresql-42.2.6.jar $UXPBROWSER/tmp-res-srv/WEB-INF/lib

4. Delete the previous version of the WAR file.

rm ResourceServer.war

5. Re-package the WAR file and copy it back to the UXPBrowser directory.
jar cf ResourceServer.war *

mv ResourceServer.war $UXPBROWSER

Modifying the required EJB JAR files


1. To prepare the required EJB JAR files, copy them to the $UXPBROWSER directory:
cd $TEMENOS_HOME/T24/bnk/Extensions/EB_AuthenticationService/t24ejb

cp t24-EB_AuthenticationService-ejb.jar $UXPBROWSER

cd $TEMENOS_HOME/T24/bnk/Extensions/EB_CatalogService/t24ejb

cp t24-EB_CatalogService-ejb.jar $UXPBROWSER

cd $TEMENOS_HOME/T24/bnk/Extensions/EB_ResourceProviderService/t24ejb

cp t24-EB_ResourceProviderService-ejb.jar $UXPBROWSER 3/10
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2. Modify t24-EB_AuthenticationService-ejb.jar.
a. Copy and extract the file and in a temporary subdirectory under $UXPBROWSER, for example


mv t24-EB_AuthenticationService-ejb.jar tmp-ejb-auth

cd tmp-ejb-auth

jar -xf t24-EB_AuthenticationService-ejb.jar

b. Navigate to META-INF and open the ejb-jar.xml file in an editor.

c. Change the <transactiontype> value from Container to Bean, as illustrated below.

d. In <env-entry-value>, specify either IRISPA or IFPA as the OFS_SOURCE.

e. Save the file.

f. Open jboss-ejb3.xml file in an editor and ensure that the security domain is set to other.

g. Save the file.

h. Re-package the JAR file and upload it to the UXPBrowser directory.

cd ..
rm t24-EB_AuthenticationService-ejb.jar
jar cf t24-EB_AuthenticationService-ejb.jar *
mv t24-EB_AuthenticationService-ejb.jar $UXPBROWSER

3. Modify t24-EB_CatalogService-ejb.jar.

a. Copy and extract the file and in a temporary subdirectory under $UXPBROWSER,tmp-ejb-cat-srv


mv t24-EB_CatalogService-ejb.jar tmp-ejb-cat-srv 4/10
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cd tmp-ejb-cat-srv

jar -xf t24-EB_CatalogService-ejb.jar

b. Navigate to META-INF and open the ejb-jar.xml file in an editor.

c. Change the <transactiontype> value from Container to Bean, as illustrated below.

d. In <env-entry-value> specify either IRISPAor IFPAas the OFS_SOURCE.

e. Save the file.

f. Open jboss-ejb3.xml file in an editor and ensure that the security domain is set to other.

g. Save the file.

h. Re-package the JAR file and upload it to the UXPBrowser directory.

cd ..

rm t24-EB_CatalogService-ejb.jar

jar cf t24-EB_CatalogService-ejb.jar *

mv t24-EB_CatalogService-ejb.jar $UXPBROWSER

4. Perform the same steps as above to modify ejb-jar.xml and jboss-ejb3.xml in t24-EB_ResourceProviderService-ejb.jar:

a. Copy and extract the file and in a temporary subdirectory under $UXPBROWSER, for example:

tmp-ejb-res-prov-srv. 5/10
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mv t24-EB_ResourceProviderService-ejb.jar tmp-ejb-res-prov-srv

cd tmp-ejb-res-prov-srv

jar -xf t24-EB_ResourceProviderService-ejb.jar

b. Navigate to META-INF and open the ejb-jar.xml file in an editor.

c. Change the <transactiontype> value from Container to Bean, as illustrated below:

d. In <env-entry>, specify either IRISPA or IFPA as the OFS_SOURCE.

e. Save the file.

f. Open jboss-ejb3.xml file in an editor and ensure that the security domain is set to other.

g. Save the file.

h. Re-package the JAR file and upload it to the UXPBrowser directory.

cd ..

rm t24-EB_ResourceProviderService-ejb.jar

jar cf t24-EB_ResourceProviderService-ejb.jar *

mv t24-EB_ResourceProviderService-ejb.jar $UXPBROWSER

Configuring the SSOUSER1 user in JBoss

You need to create the SSOUSER1 user which will be used by the Resource Provider (irf-rp-services.war) and Catalog (irf-t24catalog-services.war) services.


1. At the Linux command line, navigate to $JBOSS_HOME/bin.

2. Run the script:


3. Specify Application user (option b) as the type of user. 6/10
9/19/23, 1:59 PM Configuring and deploying T24 and TAFJ artefacts

What type of user do you wish to add?

a) Management User (
b) Application User (

4. Provide the SSOUSER1 user name and password (here 123456).

aEnter the details of the new user to add.

Using realm 'ApplicationRealm' as discovered from the existing property files.
Username : SSOUSER1
Password recommendations are listed below. To modify these restrictions edit the configuration file.
- The password should be different from the username
- The password should not be one of the following restricted values {root, admin, administrator}
- The password should contain at least 8 characters, 1 alphabetic character(s), 1 digit(s), 1 non-alphanumeric symbol(s)
Password :

5. Confirm that you want to use the password and re-enter it.

WFLYDM0099: Password should have at least 8 characters!

Are you sure you want to use the password entered yes/no? yes
Re-enter Password :

6. Specify the group the user should belong to; here t24user.

What groups do you want this user to belong to? (Please enter a comma separated list, or leave blank for none)[ ]: t24user

7. Confirm the addition of the user to the realm ApplicationRealm by providing the answer yes.

About to add user 'SSOUSER1' for realm 'ApplicationRealm'

Is this correct yes/no? yes

The user has been added to JBoss configuration files.

Added user 'SSOUSER1' to file '/srv/Temenos/3rdParty/AS/jboss-eap-7.3/standalone/configuration/'

Added user 'SSOUSER1' to file '/srv/Temenos/3rdParty/AS/jboss-eap-7.3/domain/configuration/'
Added user 'SSOUSER1' with groups t24user to file '/srv/Temenos/3rdParty/AS/jboss-eap-7.3/standalone/configuration/application-r
Added user 'SSOUSER1' with groups t24user to file '/srv/Temenos/3rdParty/AS/jboss-eap-7.3/domain/configuration/application-roles

8. For the last question, provide the answer yes.

Is this new user going to be used for one AS process to connect to another AS process?
e.g. for a slave host controller connecting to the master or for a Remoting connection for server to server EJB calls.
yes/no? yes

The user has been created and the following message is displayed at the command line interface:

To represent the user add the following to the server-identities definition

<secret value="MTIzNDU2" /> 7/10
9/19/23, 1:59 PM Configuring and deploying T24 and TAFJ artefacts

9. Open the Transact.xml file that is in /srv/Temenos/3rdParty/AS/jboss-eap-7.2/standalone/configuration in a text editor and add under <server-
identities> the tag that you generated in the previous step:

<keystore path="application.keystore" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir" keystore-password="password" alias="server" ke
<secret value="MTIzNDU2" />

Configuring UXP Browser in GOD mode

Before you begin

You need to locate the encryption utility (EncryptPassword.jar) in your Model Bank package and then upload it to the $UXPBROWSER directory on the application server. The
JAR file is available at the following location:


1. At the command line, change to $TEMENOS_HOME and create the properties directory.

mkdir properties

2. Change to the $UXPBROWSER directory and extract the file.



3. Copy the two properties files to the directory where they will be stored permanently:
cp $TEMENOS_HOME/properties

RSDefa $TEMENOS_HOME/properties

4. Encrypt the IRIS system and JDBC user passwords using the Temenos Encryption Utility (EncryptPassword.jar) – run the following command:
java -jar EncryptPassword.jar pwd_to_be_encrypted


java -jar EncryptPassword.jar 123456

5. Save the encrypted password in a secure location.

6. Edit the file in a text editor - perform the following steps:
a. Provide the Transact user name and the encrypted password (here 123456):browser.options.irisSystemUser=AUTHOR

b. Uncomment the following lines and provide the Resource Provider, Catalog services, Resource Server and Authenticator URLs with the IP address or host name of your
application server server:




c. Save the file. 8/10
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7. Edit the

RSDefa file in a text editor – provide the following and save the file:

Database URL
Database user name
The encrypted password for the database user
Blob type
Long type


Resource Server database parameters for supported databases

Microsoft SQL Server:



Oracle Database:




Deploying UXP Browser artefacts in JBoss

The UXP Browser artefact is Browser.war. UXP Browser requests are routed through Interaction Framework. Therefore, along with the Browser, you must also deploy the
Authenticator application , Resource Provider and Interaction Framework catalog services and also Resource server. This section is not applicable if you have skipped Extracting UXP
Browser artefacts.


1. At the Linux command line, change to $UXPBROWSER.

2. Deploy the Authenticator component. 9/10
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cp Authenticator.war $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments

3. Deploy Browser.war.
cp Browser.war $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments

4. Deploy Interaction Framework Resource Provider services.

cp irf-rp-services.war $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments

5. Deploy Interaction Framework Catalog services.

cp irf-t24catalog-services.war $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments

6. Deploy Resource Server.

cp ResourceServer.war $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments

Deploying the EJB JAR files in JBoss


1. Deploy the Authentication service.


cp t24-EB_AuthenticationService-ejb.jar $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments

2. Deploy the Catalog Service component.

cp t24-EB_CatalogService-ejb.jar $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments

3. Deploy the Resource Provider service.

cp t24-EB_ResourceProviderService-ejb.jar $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments

Installing UXP Browser help text


1. Upload to a temporary directory on the application server.

2. Extract the file to $TEMENOS_HOME.

unzip -d $TEMENOS_HOME

The help text XML files are extracted to the HELP.TEXT directory.

3. Add the help text directory path argument to your JBoss startup script.

$JBOSS_HOME/bin/ --server-config=Transact.xml -Djboss.http.port=9089 -b -DedgeSyste

4. Restart the application server.

5. Verify that the text is displayed correctly in the Transact user interface:
a. Log in to UXP Browser interface and open an application, for example DATES

b. Double-click a label in the UI.

The context sensitive help is displayed. 10/10

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