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Joreana Pawai My Best Lesson Assignment 6

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EDEE 490

My Best Lesson

This is a signature assignment that must be uploaded to Taskstream & the ePortfolio you create this
semester. Write a narrative of no more than 3 pages that include a: 1) description, 2) analysis and
3) reflection of your best lesson. Use the following questions to guide your writing. It is
important to include a rationale for the choices you made. Consider the research that supports
your decisions.

Briefly describe the process you used when planning the lessons.
Include how you collaborated with teacher leader(s), besides your mentor, to support
student learning in your planning.
Discuss research-based methods you used to create a positive learning environment and the
rationale for using them.
Include what you know about your students, developmentally. Give an example.
Describe how the lesson you planned and delivered was sensitive to the diversity of your
Describe one situation that happened during the lesson. Why did you pick that situation?
What is it about that situation that stands out?

This section requires that you demonstrate your understanding about how to increase the
likelihood that your student’s level of achievement will improve the next time you teach this
lesson. Make connections to your assessment data.

To what extent did the students learn what you intended them to?
In what ways were your teaching methods effective? How do you know?
In what ways were your instructional materials effective? How do you know?
In what ways were your activities effective? How do you know?
How did the differentiation strategies you planned work? How do you know?
Describe student responses (written, verbal or non-verbal) you received or observed that were
especially meaningful to you. What made them meaningful?
Identify an individual or group that had difficulty with the lesson. Why do you think they had
difficulty? How will you help these student(s) achieve the learning objective?
Based on what happened in this lesson, what are the next steps?

It is not enough for you to tell me that you think the lesson went well. An area that is often
overlooked is the consultation you did with others and your sensitivity to diversity.
What are your overall impressions of how the lesson went?
Would you take a different approach the next time? Why or why not? Who else
would you consult with in the future?
Did you use the best practices available to you? Explain.
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Was your plan for sensitivity to diversity successful or not? How do you know? Did anything
surprise you during the lesson?
What aspects of your lesson were implemented differently than you planned? Why do you
think that happened?
Discuss insights you have about how to strengthen the lesson. Provide a rationale for the
changes you propose.

Attach the following items to the narrative:

1) Teaching Video with captions (no longer than 15 minutes)

2) Two consecutive lesson plans to include the unit goal
a) Highlight how the lesson was differentiated for your 2 focus students
3) Success criteria used for the entire class
4) Success criteria used for 2 focus students.
5) Graphic display of assessment data for entire class
a) Disaggregate the data for 2 focus students
6) Scanned copies of student work samples at low, middle and high levels of performance
a) Redact identifiable information
b) Label the level of performance
c) Briefly support your rationale for the score given
7) Teacher made handouts or materials
8) List of resources used
EDEE 490

Joreana Pawai
April 9, 2024

My Best Lesson

1) description

The process I follow to create my best lesson starts with identifying what I’m

comfortable with. I then discuss this lesson with my mentor, Mr.Nakamura, and reflect on what

worked well and could be improved. I focused on Opinion writing for this particular lesson and

collaborated with Dr.Hayes on the next steps in my plan. I also seek advice from a former high

school classmate who is also in his first year of teaching. I was able to get some advice on how

to enhance student engagement. Together, we discussed housesitters with transition within the

lesson, the desired outcome, and the selection of the focus students.

I have implemented research-based strategies to cultivate a positive learning

atmosphere in the classroom. We will review learning targets as a group using choral responses

that students are engaged and informed from start to finish. By clearing outlining expectations

through learning targets, students are aware of what is required of them. Additionally,

providing regular feedback for ongoing assignments has proven, effectively engaging student


I am assigned to a fifth grade class. In the fifth grade class students switch between

their homeroom and second class classroom the two classes there from one another where the

learning styles and rates of acquisition differ. While some kids' work is set the same as others

it’s not based on my observation experience in the classroom I have encountered students as

possessing very degrees of motivation. Students are situated at very different levels. Each

student's learning gap is grade level kindergarten to fifth grade, one instance, given, as a
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student has been struggling in the classroom from the start of the year to current. He also has

not been able to get tested or placed in SPED, due to the process and expectations. The day of

the live lesson he was absent. During the time he is in the classroom. He is able to work one on

one with my mentor and I. The different variety of work they are assigned to do, students are

able to work in pairs. For focus students and those who need extra assistance, differentiated

instruction. I will check in one on one throughout my walks in the classroom. I also adjust

student workload so that the important part of the lesson is focused on during independent


My lesson was planned in a way according to what students are normally familiar with.

Through the use of google classroom and Newsela. Where students turn in all works and also,

able to read articles about what is being taught in the classroom as introducing a topic. The

lesson has been taught in both classes. Adjustments were made because of the amount of time

that was spent during introduction and sharing aloud. And the way the lesson flowed in the

classroom from the first activity that was planned. The lesson was adjusted to meet the

diversity of the students in the classroom.

During the lesson , I had students transition to the back of the classroom in two rows.

Where they share aloud their opinion piece and reasonings. As I’ve debriefed with a classmate

who assisted with video my lesson. She shared that it would’ve been better to space out the

students as they stood in the rows facing each other. I personally didn’t think of that until I

watched the video and reflected that it would’ve allowed students to hear each other more as to

having conversations with peers they were standing next to. The reason why this stood out to

me was because as students went back to their seats with their second partner I’ve had some

students share they didn’t get to hear what their partner was saying. I then had students during
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the lesson speak with their partners for at least a minute or two on what was said while they

were paired. This could’ve been easily avoided if it was taught with the space allowed between

each group.

2) analysis

Students were able to learn what was intended to be taught. The learning target is to have

students be able to write an opinion piece using the text to support their opinion about the best

renewable energy. Throughout the lesson I’ve checked in with students by constantly roaming

around the classroom. I would have students read aloud their responses. Students also were

guided during their independent writing. I’ve made sure students referred to the slide that had

sentence starters examples that they could begin their writing. While I walked around the room

looking over students' works I noticed that I had to pause and mention a few times that an

opinion doesn’t include a reasoning. I used my example and youtube examples for students to

rewrite their opinion.

My teaching methods are effective in the classroom by setting clear expectations. While

I’m teaching I love to constantly repeat and repeat what is expected to be done. While students

are paired or working independently I’m walking around the class checking for student’s

understanding and progress. Students are quick to follow their normal routines. Before class

starts students will have a choral response. I say, “do your”. Students respond, “morning

message”, etc.. before entering the door. As students walk into the classroom I would give them

a heads up of anything new that will be adjusted to our schedule for the day. Students in both

classes are able to adapt to changes very quickly. To get students attention in the classroom my
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mentor and I use the “Class, class” attention getter. Students will normally respond and stop

what they are doing and give their attention back to the teacher. Also, students do work through

their laptops. If I feel the need to go over something again that seems to be a confusion. I have

the class stop and close their laptops and eyes on the board. To sum it up with the amount of

classroom management implemented I am able to get through lessons and student’s are actively

working. When it comes to teaching I allow wait time. Students are also adapted to a timer that is

used through every transition. They are told how much time is allowed. If I feel that students

need more time. I would ask the class a whole to hold up how much more time than I’ll allow. I

would normally have a student repeat expectations through big assignments. Breaking down

(Step by step) approach has benefited all students' progress. It gives students time to reflect and

do their work. Again my teaching methods are effective in the classroom because I do follow my

mentors' ways but, students are well adjusted to the way I teach in my ways.

Instructional materials are accessed through google classroom. Students complete their

works normally through google slides, google documents, and educational materials. In this

lesson students used google slides which broke it down into many different parts: (one slide

presented the writing prompt, their opinion (one slide), and their reasons (one slide). Students

then would complete on another slide and type their opinion piece putting together their opinion

and reasons. Google slides help students step by step. Normally we would do this for vocabulary,

projects, and assignments… etc. Youtube is also my go to for a content introduction. Before it is

presented as a teacher I would review the information being shared. Checking for words and

visuals that are in the video. Reflecting if students will be able to grasp what is being shared.

Reflecting on the benefit of these materials I find it beneficial for students learning in both

classes. As a teacher it is easily accessible to view and for students to complete.

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Activities in this lesson I’ve had students have the opportunity to move around. Students

lined up in the back in two lines. Partner sharing across. Then students transitioned to their desk

(teacher partnered). Students were expected to share their opinion and reasons. The way students

were allowed to move and hear what their classmates shared allows them to understand in this

lesson that it’s okay that everyone has their own opinion. Movement in the classroom has been

effective and different. Normally students just move around and choose their partners. And are

sitting at their desk. These activities seem to be effective in this lesson because students are able

to work together, it allows a safe space for students to share with each other. I personally feel

that it has built student motivation by having them be proud of what they’ve worked on in the


Allowing students the opportunity to share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas guides students to

understand their peers' learning and understanding. The amount of interaction that was kept

between each of the students and myself is a part of their normal routine. Students benefit from

learning from each other. Students learn best through grouped/paired work.

Differentiation strategies I’ve used were to include different movements and paired work

that’s mentioned above. Students were able to be engaged and interact with each other. I was

able to hear the students' conversation. Students also were able to view visuals on slides,

providing examples, and also youtube was a great way to reintroduce the topic of the lesson. I

knew it became beneficial with what was implemented to learn was that I know my students and

I know that all students learn differently. Being able to provide a variety of approaches has

allowed them to follow along the lesson and manage to understand the concept. Students'

responses were written in their writing prompt. Students were able to share aloud their ideas and

stance of opinion of the best Renewable energy. During the movement that happened in the back
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with share aloud, I had students recite what their classmate shared before allowing them to just

share. It allowed students to reflect what they’ve heard. Non-verbal responses happened during

the youtube video that provided examples whether it was a fact or an opinion. Students were able

to raise their hand and select between the two. I’ve also chosen students to share aloud why they

thought the statement was either a fact or an opinion.

Throughout the whole lesson the written part spoke to me the most. Being able to have

students share their opinion with me and also, reading their writing has shown to me their

understanding about the lesson of the day. Towards the end of the lesson students worked on

their opinion prompt. I’ve included an extra part. Where the students had to include what one

partner said and if they were influenced to change their opinion. Students were allowed to share.

Those students that did share the class, gave wonderful examples. This one student who normally

doesn’t share has. When she demonstrated verbally her idea and stance of opinion. She made me

feel that she was proud of what she composed. This student was able to hit each part of the


Reflecting on this one individual who had shown difficulty in this lesson by writing

without referring to the text. This student has had one on one support. She has shared her opinion

piece. What stood out to me as I mentioned with what she wrote is “I think wind energy is the

best renewable energy because, it's really easy to understand and easy to learn, so when someone

is teaching you about it, you would already know a lot”. When she was done sharing aloud. I had

her reread in the article what was being said. She was able to identify a reason to support her

opinion. This student was able to refix her opinion writing by providing reasonings from the text.

I felt that this student needs the constant check in during lessons in the classroom. By redirecting

her to our learning target and informing the class that this writing piece would need to include
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our reading text.

Based on what happened in this lesson, the next step is to continue to work on fixing their

writing piece. This lesson was more of an introduction to their writing project. As I’ve

communicated with my mentor, students will be doing a more research based type of writing

piece. Students will dive deeper into their thinking.

3) reflection

In my perspective, all lessons that are done in the classroom are not always seen to be

perfect. This lesson has been planned and thought through thoroughly. I felt that yes this lesson

went well. I was able to do a test run with the first class before doing so with the second class

rotation. I personally feel that it is beneficial for myself to be in a classroom that allows me to

reteach, make adjustments if needed everyday in the classroom. My overall impression, honestly

I was glad it was over. Being able to make adjustments from the original lesson from the first

class. I've seen the big difference between students' understanding and students' engagement due

to the changes that had to be made. I personally feel that the second time that I had the lesson

done I would have kept the approach the same. I would definitely do it with the other classroom

again if time permits. The changes that were made the second time around have shown me the

difference. I’ve also communicated with my classmate who was doing the video in the classroom

we debriefed before the second class rotated. Based on adjustments that were made was reflected

on how well it went but also How it could’ve been improved. Some things that were suggested

was to not overdo it with introduction due to what the student’s already know. The amount of

time I’ve had between class and sharing time with peers had to downsize especially with the

different amount of activities implemented. By reflecting and debriefing I was able to make
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adjustments with the second class. It has benefitted me as a teacher to help teach the students for

them to fully grasp and grasp this lesson as a whole. As I’ve mentioned before I was able to do

this lesson with both rotation classes. Due to how it went I was able to make adjustments to

change my lesson with my second rotation. In the future I would’ve communicated with the

students to possibly provide suggestions on activities or possible things that would love to see

me include during the lesson.

Overall, I’ve used my best practices in the classroom by differentiating the

lesson in a variety of ways to reach all students. I felt as a teacher it really is

important to get to know your students from the way they learn, how to keep them

engaged. When I’m in a classroom that I’m placed in I like to follow my mentor lead

and normal routines. In this classroom I’ve quickly adapted to the schedules daily and

weekly. Each week it would switch between the main reading skills focus and social

studies lesson. But, as for the way students are taught they are normally introduced

through readings, educational videos and sources. Students then will complete works

through google classroom either through google docs, slides, or educational apps

(IXL, MyOn, Iready, etc). My plan for this lesson has been successful for all learners

at different levels. I know this by knowing what each individual student is capable of

doing. But, also works that were presented step by step. Being able to have this

lesson be a more of a review leading them into their final project of the quarter. It has

benefitted me to prepare for this lesson. During this lesson one thing that has

surprised me was the students' participation. For my best lesson I wanted it to be

recorded with the class that has been actively participating everyday. But, also the

students that had more of the higher learners. It was a great experience to be able to
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have the opportunity to do this lesson a second time with the class I’ve had second

thoughts of doing so with. The purpose of this lesson being changed from its original

is due to knowing my students and understanding the best approach with delivering

this lesson. To strengthen my lesson and looking over data was collected where the

student met or not yet the requirements for their exit pass. Before fullying gathering

their ideas in their writing prompt students have had the opportunity step by step to

form their writing piece. Most students were able to complete their slides that

consisted of each part but weren't hitting the requirement for the exit pass. Students

did well with completing their parts (opinion, reasonings, and partner share aloud.

But, when it came to putting it together. Next steps would be to reteach more on

writing and the importance of including each part to make it as a whole.

EDEE 490

Learning Target:
● I will be able to write an opinion piece using the text to support my opinion.

Success Criteria for focus students and class:

- I will state my opinion
- I will use my text
- I will be able to communicate my opinion
- I will be able to share aloud with my peers during activities
EDEE 490

Best Lesson Data Sheet

Met Not yet

L.A —

L.A (2) —
(Not yet, completed)


A.D —
Student were able to include all parts. Short
but simple.

P.S —
(Not yet, completed) Barely begun.

C.E —
(Not yet, completed), Did not restate Opinion.


D.G —
(Not yet, completed), Did not use information
from text. Used reasoning from personal
beliefs. Did not include her final Opinion.

P.K —
(Not yet, completed), Did not restate Opinion.

A.K —
(Not yet, completed), Did not use information
from text or partner. Did not restate Opinion.

K.K —
Student were able to include all parts. Went
beyond and spoke about both partners'
EDEE 490


R.M —
(Not yet, completed), Did not include
disagree/agree with what the partner spoke
about. Did not restate Opinion.

B.M —
(Not yet, completed), Did not restate Opinion
with text.


S.M —
(Not yet, completed), Did not restate Opinion
with text.

S.P —
Student was able to include all parts. She
did a great job including information from
the text.



N.T —
Student was able to include all parts. He
included information from the text, spoke
with partner and shared. Restated his

- Those that are bolded & underlined were the focus students.

TOTAL 21 students:
15 Present
6 Absent

15 Present:
4/15 Met
11/15 Not Yet

Writing Prompt Expectation:

1. Your opinion
2. Reflecting one partner share aloud (If you agree or disagree with them? Did it change your mind?)
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3. Restate final opinion

Low, Middle, High Performance:

Students scored either Met or Not Yet. Due to this is a work in progress lesson that leads to their
big project on research writing.

Renewable Energy Exit Pass

After meeting with two partners participating in a (share aloud). Reflect: Did it change your
mind on which renewable energy is the best ? Explain your reasoning.

Instructions below:
1. Your opinion
2. Reflect on each partner share aloud (If you agree or disagree with them? Did it change
your mind?)
3. Restate final opinion


Student Name : B.M

Level: Low
In my opinion , solar energy is the best renewable energy source I disagree with my partner because my partner had
Biomass Energy but it hurt the in

Scored: NY (Not yet)

(Not yet, completed), Did not restate Opinion with text.


Student Name : C.E

Level: Middle
In my opinion, I believe that wind energy is the best renewable energy source.
Sequoia thinks wind energy is better because it gives more oxygen and wind. I agree with her because it does give
more wind and oxygen.

(Not yet, completed), Did not restate Opinion.


Student Name : K.K

Level: High
EDEE 490

1. At the start my opinion was Biomass is the best renewable energy and then I talked to my partners and then
I kinda realized that both of my partners changed my mind I when I chose Biomass it was because you use
plants energy from the sun to get energy Brandon partner #2 made a statement and said “ it's harming the
earth though “ And that made think things differently and when I heard Raiyden #1 talk about wind and it
made me kinda think differently about my choice. I think if i had to choose from wind energy from
Raiyden or solar from Brandon I would choose Brandons choice/ solar energy because he made a good
statement that it doesn't hurt anyone/ anything the bad thing about it is the price and that its not guarantee
that sun will showing this time but it's the same with wind. But the difference is that wind harms birds all
the time. So I changed my mind to solar energy so now my opinion is .

Focus student summary

Student were able to include all parts. Went beyond and spoke about both partners' opinions.

Teacher materials created and presented on google classroom:

Differentiation Strategies: Content, Process, Product

- Visuals: Content; Review: Fact vs Opinion

- Student WS: Process; Renewable Energy
- Writing; Product; Opinion piece

Student work: Renewable Energy Exit Pass

Resources used:
- Youtube
- Google classroom
- Google docs
- Google slides
- Newsela
- Mentor and colleagues

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