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CH-4, Math-5 - Lecture - Note

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Spring 2023-2024

Numerical Methods for Science and Engineering

Lecture Note 4
Nonlinear System of Equations
4.1 Newton-Raphson Method

Recall that the Newton-Raphson formula to find the root of the equation f ( x )=0 can be
written as
x n+1=x n −[ f ' ( x n ) ] f ( x n ) .
For a system of nonlinear equations, the Newton-Raphson formula in matrix form can be
expressed as
X n+1=X n−[ J ( X ❑n ) ] F ( X n ) .
where X is a variables matrix, F(X) is a function matrix and J(X) is a Jacobian matrix.

The variable, function and Jacobian matrices for a system of two variables can be written

( )
∂f1 ∂f1

() (
f (x, y) (
X = x , F= 1
f 2( x , y ) )
, J x , y )= ∂ x
∂y .
∂x ∂y

This method can be extended for equations with more variables.

x + y−1∧¿ 0
Example 4.1 Consider the nonlinear system 3 .
y −2 x +4=0
(a) Find the Jacobian matrix J (x , y) for the above system.
(b) Evaluate the inverse of the Jacobian matrix at (1.4 ,−1).
(c) Write down the iterative formula for the above system based on the Newton-
Raphson method.
(d) Estimate the root to 2 d.p. using the using the above iterative formula once
starting with ( x 0 , y 0 )=(1.4 ,−1).
(e) Write down MATLAB commands to execute the iteration four times.
(f) Use MATLAB function “fsolve(fun,x0)” to find the above root.

(a) The function matrix and Jacobian matrix are

Spring 2023-2024

( ) ( )
x + y−1 2x 1
F ( x , y )= 3 , J ( x , y )= 2
y −2 x+ 4 −2 3 y


Note: The inverse of a 2 ×2 matrix A= ( ac bd) can be calculated by

= (
| A| −c a )
−1 1 d −b

At the point (1.4 ,−1). we have

J ( 1.4 ,−1 )= (−2 3)

2.8 1


[ J ( 1.4 ,−1 ) ]
= ( 0.2885
0.2692 )
(c) The iterative formula is
X n+1=X n−[ J ( X ❑n ) ] F ( X n ) .

( )
X n= x n .
(d) Using n=0, we have

X 1 =X 0−[ J ( X 0 ) ] F (X 0 )

( )
X 0= 1.4 , F ( X 0 )=F ( 1.4 ,−1 )=
, ( )
[ J ( X 0)] =[ J ( 1.4 ,−1 ) ] =
0.2692 )

( )( )(
= 1.4 − 0.2885 −0.0962 −0.04 = 1.4308
−1 0.1923 0.2692 0.2 −1.0462 )( )( )
root to 2 d.p. is
x 1=1.43∧ y 1=−1.05 .
Further iterations can be done by updating X 0 by X 1.

Spring 2023-2024

[ ]
(e) Define the functions as F= x3 + y −1
y −2 x +4

we have the Jacobian J=

[ 2 x1
−2 3 y
>> clear
>> F=@(x,y) [x.^2+y-1; y.^3-2*x+4];
>> J=@(x,y)[2*x, 1; -2, 3*y.^2];
>> x(1)=1.4;
>> y(1)=-1;
>> for n=1:50
Xn=[x(n); y(n)];
Fn=F(x(n), y(n));
Jn=J(x(n), y(n));

>> Roots=[x',y']

Roots =
1.4000 -1.0000
1.4308 -1.0462
1.4299 -1.0447
1.4299 -1.0447
1.4299 -1.0447

(f) >> clear

% Left_hand side of equations as vector
>> F=@(x) [x(1)^2+x(2)-1; x(2)^3-2*x(1)+4];
% Guess solution
>> x0=[1; -1];
% Solve the system
>> x=fsolve(F, x0)


4.2 Fixed Point Iteration Method for Nonlinear System

Consider the nonlinear system of two variables of the form

f 1 ( x , y )=0∧f 2 ( x , y )=0(1)
By rearrangements the system can be expressed as
x=g1 ( x , y )∧ y=g2 ( x , y ) (2)
If there is a point ( p , q) such that
p=g 1 ( p , q ) ∧q=g 2 ( p , q )
then the point ( p , q) is a fixed point of the system and it is a root of the system.
With the arrangement (2), we may assume an iterative formula
x n+1=g 1( x , y )∧ y n +1=g2 ( x n , y n ) ( 3 )
n n

Spring 2023-2024

wheren=0 , 1, 2 , 3 ,∙ ∙∙ .
Without further details it may be mentioned that if ( x 0 , y 0 ) is close to the fixed point
( p , q) and if

| ∂
∂x ||
g1 (x 0 , y 0 ) +

g ( x , y ) <1(4 a)
∂y 1 0 0

| ∂
∂x ||
g2 (x 0 , y 0 ) +

g ( x , y ) <1(4 b)
∂y 2 0 0
then the iterative formula (3) will converge to the fixed point ( p , q).
If the conditions (4) are not satisfied, the iterative process might diverge.
The above method can be extended for more than two variables.

Seidel Iteration

An improvement of the iteration process is the Seidel iteration similar to Gauss-Seidel

iteration for linear system. In Seidel iteration process the iterative formulas are
x n+1=g 1( xn , y n )
y n +1=g2 (x n+1 , y n)
Example 4.2
Consider the system of equations y=x −5 x +3
2 2
x + 4 y =4
(a) Plot the graphs of the above system using MATLAB function “ezplot(fun)”.
From your plot find the number of real roots and estimate the roots.
(b) A fixed point iteration formula is suggested to estimate root at (x 0 , y 0)
1 2
x n+1= ( x n− y n +3 )
y n +1= ( 4− xn −4 y n+10 y n )
2 2
(i) Verify whether the above iterative formula will converge to the root near
( x 0 , y 0 )=(0.4 , 1.0). If converges, perform one iteration otherwise suggest another
fixed point iterative formula which converge to root.
(ii) Verify whether the above iterative formula will converge to the root near
( x 0 , y 0 )=(0.9 ,−1). If converges, perform one iteration otherwise suggest another
fixed point iterative formula which converge to the root.
(c) Write MATLAB commands to execute the iterative formula in b(ii) five times.

(a) MATAB codes for ezplot

>> clear
>> figure
>> hold on
>> ezplot('y-x.^2+5*x-3')
>> ezplot('x.^2+4*y.^2-4')
>> hold off

From graph it can be seen that the system has two real roots near (0.4 ,1.0)and
(0.9 ,−0.9).
Spring 2023-2024

(b) (i) From the iterative formula let us define

1 2
g1 (x , y )= ( x − y+ 3 )
g2 (x , y)= ( 4−x −4 y +10 y )
2 2
∂ 2x ∂ −1
g ( x , y )= , g ( x , y )=
∂x 1 5 ∂y 1 5
∂ −2 x ∂ 1
g 2 ( x , y )= , g2 ( x , y )= (−8 y +10)
∂x 10 ∂ y 10
Near (0.4 ,1.), we have

| || | ∂ g1 ∂ g1
=|0.16|+|−0.2|=0.36 <1

| || |
∂ g2 ∂ g2
∂y |
=|−0.08|+ |
−8 ( 1 ) +10
= 0.28<1
The partial derivative tests are satisfied and hence the iterations converges to the root
near (0.4 ,1.0).
We can use iterative formulas for the root near (0.4 ,1.0) as
1 2
x n+1= ( x n− y n +3)
y n +1= ( 4− xn −4 y n+10 y n )
2 2
In Seidel iteration the second iterative equation will be of the form
y n +1= ( 4− xn +1−4 y n +10 y n )
2 2

Calculations with the above iterative formulas with x 0=0.4∧ y 0=1.0 are given below:

Jacobi iteration Seidel iteration

n xn yn n xn yn
0 0.4 1.0 0 0.4 1.0
1 0.432 0.984 1 0.432 0.9813

(ii) Near (0.9, -1.0) we have

| || |
∂ g1 ∂ g1
=|0.36|+|−0.2|=0.56 <1
g1 (x , y ) satisfy the partial derivative test.

But | || |
∂ g2 ∂ g2
=|−0.18|+ |
−8 (−1 ) +10
10 |
Test fails and the convergence is not guaranteed.

Rearranging the second equation by

Spring 2023-2024

2 2
x + 4 y −4+ 10 y=10 y
we have
1 2
y= ( x + 4 y 2−4+10 y ) .
Corresponding iterative function can be of the form
1 2
g3 (x , y)= ( x + 4 y −4+10 y ) .
∂ 2x ∂ 1
g 3 ( x , y )= , g3 ( x , y )= (8 y+ 10)
∂x 10 ∂ y 10
At (0.9 ,−1),

| || | | ||
∂ g3 ∂ g3 1.8 8 (−1 ) +10
+ | 10
= 0.38<1
g1 x , y ¿ satisfies the partial derivative test.
Thus a fixed point iterative formula which converge to root near (0.9 ,−1) is
1 2
x n+1= ( x n− y n +3)
1 2
y n +1= ( x n +4 y n−4 +10 y n )

(e) >> clear

>> x(1)=0.9;
>> y(1)=-1;
>> for n=1:5
>> Iterative_Roots =[x',y']

Iterative_Roots =

0.9000 -1.0000
0.9620 -0.9190
0.9689 -0.8886
0.9655 -0.8789
0.9622 -0.8767
0.9605 -0.8767

Spring 2023-2024

Exercise 4

1. Consider the following nonlinear systems:

(a) x 3 + y 2=2 , x 2− y=1 starting with ( x 0 , y 0 )=(1.2,−0.5)
(b) 3 x 2− y 2=0 , 3 xy 2−x 3−1=0 starting with ( x 0 , y 0 )=(1 ,1).
(c) ln ( x 2 + y 2 ) + y=1 , √ x+ x y 2=0 starting with ( x 0 , y 0 )=(2.4 ,−0.6).
2 1 2 1 2
(d) 4 x −20 x+ y +8=0 , x y +2 x−5 y + 8=0 starting with ( x 0 , y 0 )=(0.5 , 1.9).
4 2
(e) y sin ( xy )+ 2=0 , cos ( xy ) + x− y=0 starting with ( x 0 , y 0 )=(1 ,2).
(f) tan−1 x + e y =5 , cos x 2 + xy=10 starting with ( x 0 , y 0 )=(−1.6 ,−1.3).

Now using Newton-Raphson method answer the following questions. For each of the
above nonlinear system of equations:
(i) Find the Jacobian matrix J (x , y) for the above system.
(ii)Evaluate the inverse of the Jacobian matrix at the given point.
(iii) Write down the iterative formula for Newton-Raphson method.
(iv) Estimate the root to 2 d.p. using the using the above iterative formula once starting
with the given point.
(v)Write down MATLAB commands to execute the iteration four times.
(vi) Use MATLAB function “fsolve (fun,x0)” to find the root.
2. Sketch the curves represented by the following non-linear equations,
2 e + y=0 ,
2 2
3 x + 4 y =8.
a) Solve using Newton’s method with initial estimate (−1 ,−2 ) .
b) Repeat (a) but with an initial estimate (−2 , 0 ) .
c) Use graphical approach to validate the results in (a) and (b).
3. Sketch the curves represented by the following non-linear equations,
2 2
x − y =4 ,
2 2
x + y =16.
a) Solve using Newton’s method with initial estimate ( 3.0 , 2.5 ) .
b) Repeat (a) but with an initial estimate (−3 ,−2.5 ) .
c) Use graphical approach to validate the results in (a) and (b).

Spring 2023-2024

4. The system of non-linear equations

4 x+ ln ( x 2+ y ) =1 ¿ 8 y−ln ( x + y 2 )=1
has a solution near ( x 0 , y 0 )=(1 ,2).
The following iterative formula is suggested to estimate the roots.
x n+1= ¿
y n +1= ¿
i. Verify whether the above iterative formula will converge to the root near
( x 0 , y 0 )=(1 ,2). If converges, perform ONE iteration otherwise write ‘Not
ii. Write MATLAB commands to execute the iterative formula five times.
5. Determine the roots of the following simultaneous non linear equations using (a)
Newton-Raphson method, (b) fixed-point iteration method.
x= y + x −0.5 ,
y=x −5 xy
Employ initial guesses of x 0= y 0 =1.0 and discuss the results.

6. The following system has a root near ( x 0 , y 0 )=(0.2 ,0.3).

2 2
2 x + y −15 x +2=0 ,
x y + x−10 y +5=0.

Estimate the root correct to 3 decimal places using fixed point iterative method.

Spring 2023-2024

7. A planar, two-link robot arm is shown in the figure. The coordinate system xy is the
tool frame and attached to the end-effector. The coordinates of the end-effector relative
to the base frame are expressed as
x=L1 cos θ1 + L2 cos ( θ1 +θ2 )
y=L1 sin θ1 + L2 sin ( θ 1+θ 2 )

Suppose the lengths, in consistent physical units, of the two links are L1=1 and L2=2 ,
and that x=2.5 , y=1.4 . Find the joint angles θ1 and θ2 (in radians) using Newton’s
method with initial estimate of (0.8,0.9)

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