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Rotary Screw Compressors

with variable speed drive

FAD from 3.25 to 26.6 m³/min

DSD SFC Series Pressures 5.5 to 15 bar
Analysis reveals potential
What qualities do users look for
in a compressor with variable
DSD SFC – ultimate efficiency
frequency drive?
KAESER’s Solution: Air Demand Analysis – ADA
As a compressed air user, you expect maximum efficiency and The DSD SFC Series Developed by KAESER, the computer-aided ”Air
The new DSD SFC rotary screw Demand Analysis”, or ADA
reliability from your air system. This sounds simple, but these compressors fulfil every customer for short, allows meaningful
advantages are Compressor system investment requirement: they are highly energy effi- and accurate data to be
Maintenance costs cient, quieter than quiet, require mini- gathered to aid compressed
influenced by mal maintenance, are extremely reliable air system optimisation.
many different and deliver the very best in air quality. From the resulting air con-
sumption profiles,
factors: All of these advantages are aided KAESER’s Energy Saving System (KESS) can then help
through innovations in compressor determine the best system solution for the individual
Energy costs, for design, drive systems, cooling and air application.
Direct communication path
example, taken ventilation, silencing and maintenance The SFC cabinet and the DSD compressor form
methods. a compact unit. This reduces the amount of
Energy costs
over the lifetime of floor space required and ensures that the com-
Potential energy savings munication paths between the control electro-
a compressor, add Furthermore, the comprehensive range nics and the drive motor are kept as short as KAESER
of KAESER products enables precisely possible. There is no need for any additional Energy Saving System – KESS
up to a multiple of investment costs. cabling work to be carried out.
tailored variable speed compressors to KESS processes the data acquired by ADA so that a
be used as part of a fully integrated state-of-the-art compressed air system can be
Efficient energy consumption therefore plays a vital role in the system, allowing potential energy designed and individually
No interference
production of compressed air, as does reliability of the com- savings of over 50%. The electro-magnetic com- tailored to meet the
patibility (EMC) of the com- customer’s compressed air
pressor. ponents and of the comple-
needs. A cost comparison
te machine has been tested
and certified in accordance with all applicable between the possible
Variable drive compressors provide users with the best regulations. After installation designs ensures
possible match of air production to air demand. that the most appropriate
However, it’s not as simple to actually satisfy this system with regards to operation and energy
consumption is chosen.
requirement as is often claimed; it depends on 6

two main considerations: Firstly, a comprehensive 9

5 A solution to meet your needs

knowledge of air system design is needed and 4 1
With the ADA air demand profile and the KESS evalu-
secondly, individually tailored system configura- 8 3 ation in mind, KAESER's engineers decide on a case-
tions can only be realised if there’s a correspon- 2 by-case basis whether a
combination of conventio-
dingly comprehensive range of products which nal and variable speed
Outstanding performance Other variable speed
allows the compressors in the system to be used compressors
KAESER SFC compressors controlled machines is
The DSD SFC (SIGMA Frequency Control) series is a range of preferable, or a splitting
to their full potential. Elimination of control gaps and excessi- 1 Inlet valve
highly efficient variable speed direct drive compressors. With concept with KAESER
vely long idling periods through system integration enables 2 Airend
outstanding performance throughout the control range, large, standard rotary screw
Transmission losses
KAESER compressed air systems equipped with variable 3 Electric motor low speed airends featuring the energy saving SIGMA Profile compressors. Let KAESER
have significant advantages over smaller, high speed airends. design a compressed air
speed compressors to achieve energy savings of over 50 %. 4 Fluid separator with cartridge Energy consumption
system individually suited to meet
5 Fluid cooler
Triple savings with 1:1 drive – Significantly increasing reliability your compressed air needs. Our
6 Fluid filter and service life, 1:1 drive reduces the number of components Maintenance Costs wide range of SFC compressors
Compressed air aftercooler needed in comparison with gear drive and eliminates the associ- ensures that the most efficient
ated transmission losses. Sound levels are also considerably solution can be found for every air
8 Control cabinet – frequency controller lower. The benefits speak for themselves: efficient power transmission, optimal power consumption and reduced servicing / requirement.
9 Controller with industrial computer downtime costs.
More air, more savings... DSD SFC – Eight Decisive Advantages
1 SIGMA PROFILE airend 5 SFC module
A specific drive power can be used to turn a smaller airend at high speed or a Siemens frequency inverters are used exclusively in KAESER’s speed control-
larger airend at slow speed. Larger, low speed airends are more efficient, delivering led compressors for several reasons: Siemens manufacture the industrial PC-based
more compressed air for the same drive power. That is why KAESER developed SIGMA CONTROL compressor controller, which enables seamless communication
airends especially for the DSD series that precisely match the individual drive power with the SFC control cabinet. Furthermore, the worldwide presence of Siemens
and motor speed of each machine in the range. The slightly higher cost of the larger ensures outstanding service. The SFC control cabinet and SIGMA CONTROL are
airend is quickly recovered by the energy saved during operation. tested and certified in accordance with all applicable electromagnetic compatibility
regulations, both as individual components and as an integrated system.

2 Energy-saving one-to-one drive 6 Precise pressure control

Pressure in bar
Motor speed = Airend speed The advantage of this drive is not just the elimination of transmission losses. Air delivery from a DSD SFC compressor can be matched to actual air demand
The motor and airend are joined by the coupling and its housing to form a compact according to required system pressure by continuously adjusting the speed of drive
and durable unit that, apart from greasing of the motor bearings, requires no regular motor (and therefore the airend) within its control range. Depending on the buffer
maintenance. Should the coupling ever need to be replaced it takes just a few minu- capacity of the downstream air network, it is therefore possible to precisely maintain
tes without any disassembly of the unit; the opening in the coupling housing is more working pressure to within ±0.1 bar and, as a result, to reduce maximum system
pressure. This can lead to significant savings, as each 1 bar reduction in pressure Pressure
than large enough to replace the two coupling sections. + 0.1

amounts to a 7 percent reduction in energy consumption. A correctly designed SFC bar
Constant pressure
Coupling system can be operated in sequence with standard rotary screw compressors without
Airend Drive motor
any problem.

Please contact KAESER for non-standard air delivery and motor output power data.
3 Large, low speed airends 7 Flexible pressure adjustment
Each DSD SFC compressor has exactly the same mechanical components as The wide range of 1:1 drive airends available makes it possible to select the 13 bar

Pressure in bar
those used in fixed speed compressors. This not only ensures unrivalled reliability one that works most efficiently within the pressure and performance range required. 0.1 bar steps
and compressed air availability, but also guarantees optimum energy efficiency. This ensures that every DSD SFC compressor operates with the most efficient pres-
Others up to 700 The most efficient method of producing compressed air is by using large, low speed sure-frequency profile. Furthermore, the SIGMA CONTROL compressor controller is
0 rp
10 bar
airends – airends in DSD SFC compressors have a typical maximum rotation speed equipped with a pressure-to-frequency profile that guarantees maximum 0.1 bar steps
of approximately 1900 rpm. Further advantages include long service life and flexibility for air delivery and pressure whilst providing best possible efficiency.
1800 U/min reduced maintenance requirement. The use of standardised drive motors also
rox. 7.5 bar
o contributes to long-lasting compressed air availability. 0.1 bar steps

15 50 100 Hz
DSD SFC Series - Technical Specifications
Working FAD*) overall Pressure Rated motor min. pres- Speed range Frequency Dimensions Sound Weight
pressure package at range power sure band min.–max. range level**)
Model working pressure min.–max. width min.–max.
4 Specific energy requirement is the key 8 SIGMA CONTROL

kW rpm dB(A)
bar m³/min bar bar Hz LxWxH kg
Large, low speed airends are more efficient than small high speed airends Based on robust PC architecture, the SIGMA Control offers the possibility of
7.5 4.29 – 20.45 6 – 10 450 – 1905 15 – 63.5
DSD 201 SFC because they supply more air for the same drive power. This is not just the case at Dual, Quadro, Vario and Continuous control. Clearly marked navigation and input
10 3.99 – 17.85 6 – 10 110 ±0.1 450 – 1680 15 – 56 2825×1930×2270 72 3680
13 3.25 – 15.20 11 – 15 450 – 1770 15 – 59 kW/m³/min full load, but also applies throughout the entire control range, which is particularly keys on the user interface are used to move around within the menu options of the
7.5 6.03 – 23.10 6 – 10 450 – 1680 15 – 56 at 7.5 bar important for variable speed machines. The specific energy requirement of 6.2 kW alpha-numeric display. The SIGMA Control automatically controls and monitors the
DSD 241 SFC 10 5.90 – 20.70 6 – 10 132 ±0.1 450 – 1500 15 – 50 2825×1930×2270 73 3940 per m³/min for KAESER DSD SFC compressors at 7.5 bar can be considered as an compressor package. The Profibus interface enables exchange of data and operatio-
13 3.56 – 16.88 11 – 15 450 – 1620 15 – 54 excellent indication of the machine’s efficiency. Variable frequency controlled nal parameters allowing the SIGMA Control to communicate with other air manage-
7.5 6.03 – 26.60 6 – 10 450 – 1950 15 – 65 compressors are only truly efficient if they are able to achieve optimum specific ment systems such as the SIGMA Air Manager. Connection of a modem even allows
DSD 281 SFC 10 5.90 – 23.70 6 – 10 160 ±0.1 450 – 1740 15 – 58 2825×1930×2270 73 4210 power throughout their control range. maintenance and alarm messages to be sent via SMS to relevant service locations.
13 3.56 – 19.30 11 – 15 450 – 1860 15 – 62

* FAD to ISO 1217: 1996, Annex C; **) Sound level to PN8NTC 2.3 at 1m distance, free-field measurement
More air, more savings... DSD SFC – Eight Decisive Advantages
1 SIGMA PROFILE airend 5 SFC module
A specific drive power can be used to turn a smaller airend at high speed or a Siemens frequency inverters are used exclusively in KAESER’s speed control-
larger airend at slow speed. Larger, low speed airends are more efficient, delivering led compressors for several reasons: Siemens manufacture the industrial PC-based
more compressed air for the same drive power. That is why KAESER developed SIGMA CONTROL compressor controller, which enables seamless communication
airends especially for the DSD series that precisely match the individual drive power with the SFC control cabinet. Furthermore, the worldwide presence of Siemens
and motor speed of each machine in the range. The slightly higher cost of the larger ensures outstanding service. The SFC control cabinet and SIGMA CONTROL are
airend is quickly recovered by the energy saved during operation. tested and certified in accordance with all applicable electromagnetic compatibility
regulations, both as individual components and as an integrated system.

2 Energy-saving one-to-one drive 6 Precise pressure control

Pressure in bar
Motor speed = Airend speed The advantage of this drive is not just the elimination of transmission losses. Air delivery from a DSD SFC compressor can be matched to actual air demand
The motor and airend are joined by the coupling and its housing to form a compact according to required system pressure by continuously adjusting the speed of drive
and durable unit that, apart from greasing of the motor bearings, requires no regular motor (and therefore the airend) within its control range. Depending on the buffer
maintenance. Should the coupling ever need to be replaced it takes just a few minu- capacity of the downstream air network, it is therefore possible to precisely maintain
tes without any disassembly of the unit; the opening in the coupling housing is more working pressure to within ±0.1 bar and, as a result, to reduce maximum system
pressure. This can lead to significant savings, as each 1 bar reduction in pressure Pressure
than large enough to replace the two coupling sections. + 0.1

amounts to a 7 percent reduction in energy consumption. A correctly designed SFC bar
Constant pressure
Coupling system can be operated in sequence with standard rotary screw compressors without
Airend Drive motor
any problem.

Please contact KAESER for non-standard air delivery and motor output power data.
3 Large, low speed airends 7 Flexible pressure adjustment
Each DSD SFC compressor has exactly the same mechanical components as The wide range of 1:1 drive airends available makes it possible to select the 13 bar

Pressure in bar
those used in fixed speed compressors. This not only ensures unrivalled reliability one that works most efficiently within the pressure and performance range required. 0.1 bar steps
and compressed air availability, but also guarantees optimum energy efficiency. This ensures that every DSD SFC compressor operates with the most efficient pres-
Others up to 700 The most efficient method of producing compressed air is by using large, low speed sure-frequency profile. Furthermore, the SIGMA CONTROL compressor controller is
0 rp
10 bar
airends – airends in DSD SFC compressors have a typical maximum rotation speed equipped with a pressure-to-frequency profile that guarantees maximum 0.1 bar steps
of approximately 1900 rpm. Further advantages include long service life and flexibility for air delivery and pressure whilst providing best possible efficiency.
1800 U/min reduced maintenance requirement. The use of standardised drive motors also
rox. 7.5 bar
o contributes to long-lasting compressed air availability. 0.1 bar steps

15 50 100 Hz
DSD SFC Series - Technical Specifications
Working FAD*) overall Pressure Rated motor min. pres- Speed range Frequency Dimensions Sound Weight
pressure package at range power sure band min.–max. range level**)
Model working pressure min.–max. width min.–max.
4 Specific energy requirement is the key 8 SIGMA CONTROL

kW rpm dB(A)
bar m³/min bar bar Hz LxWxH kg
Large, low speed airends are more efficient than small high speed airends Based on robust PC architecture, the SIGMA Control offers the possibility of
7.5 4.29 – 20.45 6 – 10 450 – 1905 15 – 63.5
DSD 201 SFC because they supply more air for the same drive power. This is not just the case at Dual, Quadro, Vario and Continuous control. Clearly marked navigation and input
10 3.99 – 17.85 6 – 10 110 ±0.1 450 – 1680 15 – 56 2825×1930×2270 72 3680
13 3.25 – 15.20 11 – 15 450 – 1770 15 – 59 kW/m³/min full load, but also applies throughout the entire control range, which is particularly keys on the user interface are used to move around within the menu options of the
7.5 6.03 – 23.10 6 – 10 450 – 1680 15 – 56 at 7.5 bar important for variable speed machines. The specific energy requirement of 6.2 kW alpha-numeric display. The SIGMA Control automatically controls and monitors the
DSD 241 SFC 10 5.90 – 20.70 6 – 10 132 ±0.1 450 – 1500 15 – 50 2825×1930×2270 73 3940 per m³/min for KAESER DSD SFC compressors at 7.5 bar can be considered as an compressor package. The Profibus interface enables exchange of data and operatio-
13 3.56 – 16.88 11 – 15 450 – 1620 15 – 54 excellent indication of the machine’s efficiency. Variable frequency controlled nal parameters allowing the SIGMA Control to communicate with other air manage-
7.5 6.03 – 26.60 6 – 10 450 – 1950 15 – 65 compressors are only truly efficient if they are able to achieve optimum specific ment systems such as the SIGMA Air Manager. Connection of a modem even allows
DSD 281 SFC 10 5.90 – 23.70 6 – 10 160 ±0.1 450 – 1740 15 – 58 2825×1930×2270 73 4210 power throughout their control range. maintenance and alarm messages to be sent via SMS to relevant service locations.
13 3.56 – 19.30 11 – 15 450 – 1860 15 – 62

* FAD to ISO 1217: 1996, Annex C; **) Sound level to PN8NTC 2.3 at 1m distance, free-field measurement
Complete unit Electric motor Fluid and air flow Ergonomic control panel Dimensions:
Ready for operation, fully automatic, High efficiency CEMEP EFF1 Dry air intake filter with Red, yellow and green LEDs show the
super silenced, vibration damped, all motors consume less power for greater pre-filtration, pneumatic operational state of
panels powder coated output and are standard throughout the inlet and venting valves, the machine at a
range of KAESER compressors. The fluid reservoir with three- glance. The panel
motors are protected to IP55 and con- stage separator system, pressure relief also contains a four-

Sound insulation Cooling

cooling air
air Operating panel
Lined with glass-fibre laminated mineral form to insulation Class F for greater valve, minimum pressure/check valve, line plain text display,

wool, maximum 73 dB(A) to PN8NTC power reserve. Also available with PTC thermostatic valve and fluid microfilter, touch keys with picto-

Cooling air for control cabinet

Airend inlet
2.3 at one metre distance, free-field thermistor sensors for full motor protec- all fully piped using flexible couplings grams and display of air
measurement tion. current motor speed. Cooling air
Cooling inlet
for cooler
Vibration damping Connection from motor to The standard version is air cooled, sepa- Prime functions
airend rate aluminium coolers for compressed Motor
Dual antivibration mountings using rub- Fully automatic monitoring and regula- inlet
ber bonded metal elements. Airend with integral coupling flange air and fluid, radial fan driven by its own tion of airend discharge temperature; Cooling air air
motor. inlet
monitoring of motor current, direction of
Airend Electrical components airend rotation, air filter, fluid filter and 1930 1930
Control cabinet to IP 54, Controller fluid separator cartridge; display of per-
Genuine KAESER rotary screw, single-
stage airend with SIGMA control transformer, Interfaces: RS 232 for a modem or prin- formance data, service intervals of pri-
PROFILE and cooling fluid Siemens MASTERDRIVE ter, RS 485 for a slave compressor in mary components, operating hours,
injection. with control unit, volt-free base load sequencing mode and a status data and event memory data.
contacts for ventilation Profibus DP interface for data networks.
Selection of Dual, Quadro, Vario and
control Prepared for Teleservice.
Drive Continuous control modes as required.
Direct, torsional-elastic
(For further information see SIGMA-CONTROL
coupling, without gearing brochure P-780).

Comprehensive design know-how
1 Screw Compressor lity and at the lowest possible cost. This


standard is achieved with products of
2 Heat recovery
the highest quality and through decades
3 Aquamat 2 of experience in design and construction
of compressed air systems. Compressed air connection
4 Air receiver DN 65 PN 16
5 Filter 5
5 Use this expertise to your advantage
6 Refrigeration dryer
and let KAESER design your compres-
1 1
sed air system. Valuable information
6 and advice regarding KAESER services,
planning and analysis can be found
under ‘Services’ on the KAESER website 600

Compressed air supply systems are often analysis of your compressed air usage, edge technology to ensure maximum effi-
highly complex and can only be efficient- enabling KAESER’s experts to plan and ciency - KAESER air systems typically
ly operated in the long term if careful design a system that is specially tailored operate at 95 percent load capacity or
planning is implemented during each to meet all of your compressed air more. Every KAESER compressed air
stage of design, system expansion and requirements. The service combines tried system illustrates KAESER’s commitment
modernisation. KESS (KAESER’s Energy and tested compressed air components, to producing application-specific quality
Saving Service) provides comprehensive user advice and services with cutting- compressed air with unsurpassed reliabi-
Choose the required grade of treatment according to your field of application: THNF= bag filter
cleans dusty and highly contaminated intake air
Air treatment using a refrigeration dryer (+3 °C pressure dew point) ZK = centrifugal separator
Installation for heavily
Examples: selection of treatment classes to ISO 8573-1 removes condensate
fluctuating air demand

ED = ECO Drain
Solids Water Oil Bacteria
FST electronic level-controlled condensate drain
Dairies, breweries A 1 4
1 FB = prefilter 3 µm
AMCS separates liquid droplets and solid

Filters particles >3 µm,
oil content ≤5 mg/m3
Food and semi-luxury food B < < Air receiver T ZK

1 4 1

production FC= prefilter 1 µm
FD ACT FF separates oil droplets and solid particles
>1 µm, oil content ≤1 mg/m3
Very clean conveying air, FE
C 2 4
1 FD = particulate filter 1 µm

chemical plant AMCS separates dust particles

(attrition) >1 µm
A < <

Pharmaceuticals FE = microfilter 0.01 ppm

1 4 1 separates aerosol oils and solid particles

>0.01 µm, aerosol content ≤0.01 mg/m3
AMCS FF = microfilter 0.001 ppm
Weaving machines, photo B <
1 4
1 RD ED Compressor THNF separates aerosol oils and solid particles
labs >0.01 µm, oil content ≤0.001 mg/m3
FG = activated carbon filter

Paint spraying, powder coating D <
1 4
for adsorption of oil vapours,
oil vapour content ≤0.003 mg/m3
FFG = combination filter

Packaging, control and < AMCS comprising FF and FG
Instrument air
E <
1 4 2 RD= refrigeration dryer
FE pressure dew point to +3 °C
General works air, quality AMCS DD= desiccant dryer
G 2 4 3 for compressed air drying; DC series - heatless
regeneration, pressure dew point to - 70 °C;
DW, DN, DTL and DTW series - heat
regeneration, pressure dew point to -40 °C

Shotblasting 2 3 Aquamat
7 ACT = activated carbon adsorber
FC for adsorption of oil vapours,
oil vapour content ≤0.003 mg/m3

Low quality shotblasting
H 3 7 4 FST = sterile filter
FB for bacteria-free air
KAESER rotary screw compressors Aquamat = condensate treatment system
Conveying air for waste water I 3 9 4 AMCS= air-main charging system
other machines
No quality requirements J 8 9 5

For air mains subject to sub-zero temperatures: treatment systems with desiccant dryers (pressure dew point to -70 °C) Contaminants:
+ solids -

Solids Water Oil Bacteria
Pharmaceuticals, dairies, FST + water -
A 1 1-3
Installation for heavily fluctua-
ting air demand + oil -

+ bacteria -
Microchip production,
optics, food and semi-luxury
B <
1 1-3
1 Degree of filtration:


food production Filters Solid particles Humidity

ISO 8573-1
oil content
Paint spraying C 2 1-3
Air receiver DD FE ZK Max. no. of particles per m3 with size d (µm)
Pressure dew


AMCS point


(x=liquid water mg/m3


FST in mg/m3 )
A < <

Process air, pharmaceuticals

1 1-3 1 0 as specified by user
1 – 100 1 0 – – <- 70 °C <0.01

2 – 100000 1000 10 – – <- 40 °C <0.1
Photo labs B <
1 1-3
1 3 – – 10000 500 – – <- 20 °C <1.0



AMCS FG FD DD 4 – – – 1000 – – < + 3 °C <5.0
Applications subject to sub- FE ED Compressor THNF 5 – – – 20000 – – < + 7 °C –
zero temperatures, especially F 2 1-3 1
6 – < 5 < 5 < + 10 °C –

dry conveying air, paint spray- AMCS 7 – < 40 < 10 x <0.5 –

8 – – – 0.5<x < 5.0 –
ing, fine pressure controllers Aquamat – – – 5.0<x <10.0
9 –

P-651/18ED.3/05 Specifications are subject to change without notice

A Oil vapour content ≤ 0.003 mg/m , particle retention > 0.01 µm, sterile,
D Aerosol oil≤ 0.001 mg/m , particle retention > 0.01 µm 3
H 3
Aerosol oil≤ 5 mg/m , particle retention > 3 µm
odourless and tasteless E Aerosol oil≤ 0.01 mg/m3, particle retention > 0.01 µm I Aerosol oil ≤ 5 mg/m3, particle retention > 1 µm
B Oil vapour content ≤ 0.003 mg/m , particle retention > 0.01 µm
F Aerosol oil≤ 0.01 mg/m3, particle retention > 1 µm J Untreated
C Oil vapour content ≤ 0.003 mg/m3, particle retention > 1 µm G Aerosol oil ≤ 1 mg/m3, particle retention > 1 µm


P. O. Box 2143 – 96410 Coburg – GERMANY – Tel: +49 9561 640-0 – Fax: +49 9561 640130 – e-mail:

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