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Program SUGM - Abstracts & Timing

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Preliminary program – Belgian Stata User Group Meeting

Tuesday September 18th 2018

Auditorium 6306 - KU Leuven Campus Brussel (Stormstraat 2, 1000 Brussels)

9:00 – Registration

Welcome with coffee

9:30 – WORKSHOP: Estimating and interpreting effects for nonlinear and nonparametric models

Enrique Pinzon, Senior Econometrician, StataCorp

After we fit a model, our analysis does not stop. We want to use our results to construct counterfactual scenarios. We want to study
the effects of changes in variables over the population or for a specific subpopulation. Answering such questions is more challenging
for nonlinear models and in particular for models in which we make no assumptions about functional forms—nonparametric models.
In this course, we will illustrate how to answer these and other relevant empirical questions for nonlinear cross-sectional and panel-
data models and for nonparametric models. We do this within a unified framework using Stata.

11:25 Coffee break

Network analysis using Stata, and some applications in International Economics

11:55 Charlie Joyez, LEDa-DIAL, Université Paris-Dauphine 11 :00

After reviewing the several user-written packages that exist to study networks with Stata, I would deepen the focus on the
nwcommands package developed by Thomas Grund, and especially detail my extensions to this package. The stress will be put in
how to declare data to be a network, with the help of some commands I developed (nw_fromlist; nw_fromneighbor, nw_fromstem,
etc.). And then I would show how to compute standard econometrics regressions (OLS, etc.) using network metrics, as well as how to
use network-designed econometrics methods (QAP). I will rely on data on international trade, known as the world trade web, as well
as data on the international investments of multinational firms, and notably how to measure the resemblance between those two

12:20 Gender wage gaps and Oaxaca decomposition: tools to account for indirect effects and automating output

Nick Deschacht, Department of Economics (ECON), KU Leuven

The user-written command oaxaca (Jann, 2008) is often used for analyzing gender wage gaps in Stata and extensions for nonlinear
decomposition have been proposed by Yun (2005, built into oaxaca), Fairlie (fairlie: Jann, 2006) and Bartus (gdecomp). I
review these commands and I present tools for extending the analysis to structural equation models to account for indirect effects, as
well as for automating the presentation of decomposition results (relying on esttab).


12:45 Lunch


RITME  Rue des anciens étangs 40  1190 Bruxelles (Forest)  Belgique  Tél. : +32 (0)2 203 90 48  Fax : +32 (0)2 203 90 49   SPRL au capital de 18 600 €   TVA Intracommunautaire : BE 0563 52 29 83
13:45 WORKSHOP: Continuous-treatment/dose-response models: Generalized propensity score and regression-
adjustment-based approaches using Stata.

Giovanni Cerulli, Institute for Research on Sustainable Economic Growth, National Research Council of Italy
Econometric modelling for causal inference and program evaluation have witnessed a tremendous development in the last decade,
with new approaches and methods addressing an expanding set of challenging problems, both in medical and the social sciences.
This workshop covers some recent developments in causal inference and program evaluation using Stata, and in particular causal
inference with continuous treatment (namely, dose-response models). I will discuss the logic of dose-response models, the
Generalized Propensity Score (GPS) approach, and the Regression-Adjustment based dose-response models (RADR). I will present
applications of the GPS via the Stata commands GPSCORE and DOSERESPONSE, and applications of the RADR via the Stata command
CTREATREG I recently developed.

15:30 Coffee break

15:50 reindex and indielabel: two tools for data management

Sem Vandekerckhove, HIVA, KU Leuven

I present two new tools that can be used for data management. -reindex- is a quick way to convert between levels, growth rates, and
indices with different scales and base periods. -indielabels- imports and exports labels from or to plain format text or Excel, in order
to be shared independently from the statistical software package. Both programs will be illustrated using practical working

16:15 Decoding unit level data with Stata

Heena Kapoor, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai.

Unit level data refer to a detailed dataset for the sampled units (a village, a district, a household or any other unit), along with their
sampling weights. This presentation sheds light on how Stata could be used for handling unit level data especially when the data is
recorded in text format, focusing on: extraction of unit level data in text format, analyzing unit level data, how to use multipliers and
sampling weights, and visualizing unit level data.

16:40 Wishes & grumbles

17:00– End

RITME  Rue des anciens étangs 40  1190 Bruxelles (Forest)  Belgique  Tél. : +32 (0)2 203 90 48  Fax : +32 (0)2 203 90 49   SPRL au capital de 18 600 €   TVA Intracommunautaire : BE 0563 52 29 83

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