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Multigrade Pipi

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Date: April 11, 2024 GRADE 3 GRADE 4

Time: 9:30-10:30


Flores, Rio Jane

Bibat, Gelli

Credo, Gladys

Gabule, Almart

Argos, Veronica

Bercede, Jacquelyn

Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson,
the students will be able to: the students will be able to:

a. identify and order the a. identify and describe the

sequence of three key sequence of events in a
events in a story; story;

b. demonstrate their b. demonstrate the ability

understanding by to physically arrange the
physically arranging sentences or pictures from
sentence strips that a story in the correct
describe the events in sequence; and
the correct order; and
c. appreciate the
c. appreciate the importance of sequence in
importance of storytelling and express
sequence in storytelling their thoughts on how
and develop patience sequence affects their
and attentiveness understanding and
through group enjoyment of the story.

Subject Matter: Sequence 3 events Sequence events in a story

or narrative
Learning Resources: K to 12 English Curriculum K to 12 English Curriculum
Guide Page 58 of 244 Guide Page 88 of 244
Materials: Power point presentation, charts/table, activity sheets
PROCEDURES: Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities 1. Prayer

Class, let us all stand and

put ourselves in the God Almighty, behold us
presence of the lord as we your loving children,
pray. offering you today our
works and studies. Fill our
hearts with joy. Fill our
minds with learning. Fill
our classroom with peace.
Fill our lesson with fun. Fill
our friendships with
kindness and fill our school
with love. Amen.
Good morning, class!
How are you today? Good morning teacher!
We are good teacher!

Did you eat your

breakfast? Yes, teacher!

That’s good! We should

eat breakfast because it is
an important meal that
makes up your day.

2. Attendance Check

Class, can you look at your

seatmate, if they are
absent or present.

Who are absent? None, teacher!

Okay, very good.

Classroom Norms

Before we are going to

start our discussion, I will
tell you first the rules you
should follow in this class.
Everybody, please read
our class rules.

R- raise you right hand

before speaking.
E- everyone listens when
someone is talking.
S- stay seated unless give
permission to move.
P- participate actively in
class discussions and
E- everyone is entitled to
their own opinion; be
respectful when
C- communicate kindly ad
respectfully with peers and
the teacher.
T- tidy up your area and
materials before leaving
the classroom.

Can I expect all of these

from you, class? Yes, teacher.

B. Reviewing previous
lesson Last meeting, we
discussed about the
elements of a story. Who
can still recall the elements
of a story? I, teacher.

Okay, Ralph, please stand

up. The elements of the story
teacher are characters,
settings, plot, problem,
solution, and theme.
Very good! Now that you
already mastered our
lesson yesterday, we will
have an activity. For our
activity, we will play story
elements charades. Are
you familiar with playing
Yes, teacher.
That’s great! Do you still
remember the groups that I
assigned with you
Yes, teacher.
Okay, in Grade 3, who are
the group 1? Please
occupy the right front row.

How about the group 2?

Please stand up and
occupy the back row.

In grade 4, who are the

group 1? Please occupy
the left front row.

In group 2, please occupy

the back row.

Is everybody now settled

with their respective
Yes, teacher.
In this activity, you will
choose one representative
in your group. The
representative in your
group will come here at the
front and pick a flashcard
without showing it to your
teammates. The player
then acts out the story
element on the flashcard
without speaking while
your teammates try to
guess what it is. You can
use gestures, facial
expressions, and body
movements to convey the
story element. The team
has one minute to guess
the correct story element.
If your group guess
correctly within the time
limit, your group will earn a
point in your scoreboard. If
the group cannot guess
the story element within
the time limit the opposing
groups can use the steal to
guess the story element.
All you have to do is to
shout “STEAL” is that
clear, class? Yes, teacher.

Now, let us start with the

Grade 3 group 1, choose
your representative, and
come here at the front. (The pupil goes to the
Now, pick your flashcard.

Timer starts now!

(The pupil acts out the

story element)

Character, teacher.
Okay, show the flashcard if
they guess the correct

Very good! Group 1 has

now 1 point.

(Pupils continues to play

Good job, everyone! Now, the game)
let us see in our
scoreboard who the
highest score.

In grade 3, the group 2 got

the highest score. In grade
4, the group 1 got the
highest score.

C. Establishing Purpose 1. Motivation

for the lesson
“Arrange me”
Can you see the
presentation in front class?

We will play duck race and

each duck represents your
name. The first duck who
will come to the finish line
will be the one to arrange
the sequence of the
pictures in front. Do you
understand class?

That’s great!

2. Presentation of

Okay GRADE 3, before we

proceed to our discussion,
let’s read our objectives

At the end of the lesson,

the students are expected

a. identify and order the

sequence of three key
events in a story;

b. demonstrate their
understanding by
physically arranging
sentence strips that
describe the events in the
correct order; and

c. appreciate the
importance of sequence in
storytelling and develop
patience and attentiveness
through group activities.

For GRADE 4, let’s read

the objectives together.

At the end of the lesson,

the students are expected

a. identify and describe the

sequence of events in a

b. demonstrate the ability

to physically arrange the
sentences or pictures from
a story in the correct
sequence; and

c. appreciate the
importance of sequence in
storytelling and express
their thoughts on how
sequence affects their
understanding and
enjoyment of the story.

D. Activity This activity is called

“Train station”

Direction: Each grade will

be divided into two groups.
The grade 3 and 4 will
have two stations. In grade
3 you will go to the station
1 and station 2 and for the
Grade 4 you will go to the
station 3 and station 4.
Each stations have
different activity that you
must answer with your
group. In every station you
will be given 3 minutes to
finish the activity.

Station 1: Picture

Direction: There will be 5

sets of rambled pictures
given. The group must
discuss and arrange the
pictures to show the
correct sequence of

Station 2: Sentence

Direction: There will be 2

sets of paper strips
containing 3 events of a
story. The group will put
the sentence in order to
sequence the 3 events

Station 3: In this station

there is an envelope
containing a chart. In the
chart you will write number
1-6 next to the events to
sequence them correctly.

Station 4: In this station

there is an envelope
containing of paper strips
of the events from a story.
The group will work
together to arrange correct
order of events.

E. Analysis Okay everyone, please

take your seat and let’s
check if your answers are
In our previous activities,
we sequence events in
correct order. When we
say sequence, it means
the arrange of the events
in order in which they
occurred/happened in the
story. Do you understand Yes, teacher.

It is important that we learn

how to sequence events,
because it also trains us to
do things in order/an
organized way. Especially,
the activities that need to
be done step by step. Who
can give me an example of
an activity that we do step I, teacher.
by step?

Okay, Liezel, please stand Cooking, teacher.


Correct! Cooking is an
activity that we do step by
step. Another example are
cleaning, experiments, and
solving mathematical
F. Abstraction I have here sticky notes. In
the sticky notes you will
write your experience in
learning our lesson today
and what you have learned
in our lesson. I will give
you 2 minutes to write your
opinions and after that I
will collect the sticky notes
and put it in the box. Is that
clear, class? Yes, teacher.

After I collect all of the

sticky notes, I will
randomly pick 5 sticky
notes and the person who
owns it will share his/her
opinion to the class. Do
you understand, class?
Yes, teacher.

Very good!
G. Application In the same group we will
play Story Train activity.

Direction: In Grade 3, you

will be given 2 printed
papers, cellophane tape,
and cut-out circles and
each paper has 3 events
pictures. The two groups
will cut out the pictures and
exchange the cut-out
pictures with another
group. The groups will
arrange the set of pictures
in correct sequence and
connect the pictures with
cellophane tape and glue
the wheels (two cut-out
circles) in the bottom of
each index card to make it
look like a train.

Direction: In Grade 4, you

will be given a printed
short story, cellophane
tape, and cut-out circles.
Each group will cut out the
given material and
exchange the cut-out
material to another group.
The groups will arrange
the events of the story in
correct sequence and
connect it with cellophane
tape and glue the wheels
(two cut-out circles) in the
bottom of each index card
to make it look like a train.

In this activity you will be

given 10 minutes to finish
it. Is that clear, class?
Yes, teacher.
H. Evaluating learning Grade 3

Direction: Encircle the

letter of the correct answer.

1. What should you do first

when making your bed?
a. Straighten the sheets.
b. Put the pillows on top.
c. Throw the blankets on
the floor.
d. Put your pajamas under
your pillow.

2. Which comes first when

getting ready for school?
a. Put on your backpack.
b. Eat breakfast.
c. Brush your teeth.
d. Get dressed.

3. When making a
sandwich, what do you do
a. Put the sandwich in your
b. Spread peanut butter on
the bread.
c. Eat the sandwich.
d. Cut the sandwich in half.

4. What is the first thing

you do when you arrive at
a. Start your classwork.
b. Hang up your coat.
c. Go to your recess.
d. Eat lunch.
5. When you are baking
cookies, what should you
do first?
a. Eat them.
b. Mix the ingredients.
c. Preheat the oven.
d. Grease the cookie

6. What should you do first

when you build a
a. Put a hat on its head.
b. Roll a big snowball for
the base.
c. Find a carrot for the

7. To brush your teeth,

what comes first?
a. Rinse your mouth.
b. Spit into the sink.
c. Put toothpaste on the
d. Put the toothbrush

8. When packing your

school bag, what should
you do first?
a. Put your homework
b. Zip it up.
c. Check for your
d. Put it on your back.

9. Which step comes first

in a fire drill at school?
a. Line up at the door.
b. Walk to the assembly
c. Sit down outside.
d. Continue with lessons.

10. What is the first step

when playing a board
a. Roll the dice.
b. Move your piece.
c. Set up the game.
d. Declare the winner.

Grade 4

Direction: Read the short

carefully and encircle the
letter of the correct answer.

“The Lost Puppy”

Lily found a lost puppy in

the park. She asked
people if they recognized
it, then checked a “Lost
Dog” poster. Following the
directions, she returned
the puppy to its owner,
who thanked her and gave
her a reward. Lily felt
happy for helping the


1. What did Lily find in the

A. A lost puppy
B. A lost kitten
C. A lost bird
d. A lost rabbit
2. What did Lily do after
finding the lost puppy?
A. Took the puppy home
B. Asked people if they
recognized the puppy
C. Ignored the puppy
D. Went to play with
3. How did Lily find the
puppy’s owner?
A. Called the police
B. Followed the puppy’s
C. Checked a ‘’Lost Dog’’
D. Asked people in the
4. What did the puppy’s
owner do when Lily
returned the puppy?
A. Scolded Lily
B. Ignored Lily
c. Thanked Lily and gave
her a reward
D. Took the puppy back
without saying anything
5. How did Lily feel after
helping the puppy?
A. Sad
B. Angry
C. Happy
D. Frustrated

‘’The Birthday Party’’

Sarah was excited about

her birthday party. First,
she helped her mom
decorate the house with
colorful balloons and
streamers. The, her friends
arrived, and they played
games like musical chairs
and pin the tail on the
donkey. After that, they all
sang ‘’Happy Birthday’’ and
enjoyed a delicious cake
with candles. Finally,
Sarah opened her
presents and thanked her
friends for coming to her


1. What Sarah is excited

A. Halloween
B. Christmas
C. Her birthday party
D. Summer vacation
2. What did Sarah do first
for her birthday party?
A. Played games with
B. Ate cake
C. Helped decorate the
D. Blew out the candles
3. What did Sarah and her
friends play at the party?
A. Hide and seek
B. Musical chairs and pin
the tail on the donkey
C. Soccer
D. Tag
4. What did Sarah do after
playing the games?
A. Blew out the candles
B. Opened her presents
C. Ate cake
D. Said goodbye to her
5. How did Sarah end her
birthday party?
A. By cleaning up the
B. By going to bed early
C. By opening her
presents and thanking her
D. By watching a movie

I. Additional activities for Grade 3

application or remediation
Instructions: Read the
story below. Number the
sentences to show the
correct sequence of
Once upon a time, a little
girl named Lily found a
mysterious map hidden in
her attic. Lily followed the
map's directions and
discovered a treasure
chest buried in her
backyard. Excitedly, Lily
opened the treasure chest
and found it filled with
shiny coins and precious

__1. Once upon a time, a

little girl named Lily found
a mysterious map hidden
in her attic.
__2. Lily followed the
map's directions and
discovered a treasure
chest buried in her
__3. Excitedly, Lily opened
the treasure chest and
found it filled with shiny
coins and precious gems.

Grade 4

Instructions: Read the

following story carefully.
Then, number the events
in the order they happened
by writing the correct
number next to each

___ Peter woke up early in

the morning.
___ Peter went to the park
with his friends.
___ Peter ate breakfast
with his family.
___ Peter found a treasure
map under his bed.
___ Peter followed the
map and found a hidden
___ Peter's friends helped
him dig up the treasure.
___ Peter and his friends
celebrated their discovery.
___ Peter went to bed
feeling excited about his

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