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User Guide: USB 305 HSPA Modem

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USB 305 HSPA Modem

User Guide

2131219 Rev 2


Important Notice

Duetothenatureofwirelesscommunications,transmission andreceptionofdatacanneverbeguaranteed.Datamaybe delayed,corrupted(i.e.,haveerrors)orbetotallylost. Althoughsignificantdelaysorlossesofdataarerarewhen wirelessdevicessuchastheSierraWirelessmodemareusedin anormalmannerwithawellconstructednetwork,theSierra Wirelessmodemshouldnotbeusedinsituationswherefailure totransmitorreceivedatacouldresultindamageofanykind totheuseroranyotherparty,includingbutnotlimitedto personalinjury,death,orlossofproperty.SierraWireless acceptsnoresponsibilityfordamagesofanykindresulting fromdelaysorerrorsindatatransmittedorreceivedusingthe SierraWirelessmodem,orforfailureoftheSierraWireless modemtotransmitorreceivesuchdata. DonotoperatetheSierraWirelessmodeminareaswhere blastingisinprogress,whereexplosiveatmospheresmaybe present,nearmedicalequipment,nearlifesupportequipment, oranyequipmentwhichmaybesusceptibletoanyformof radiointerference.Insuchareas,theSierraWirelessmodem MUSTBEPOWEREDOFF.TheSierraWirelessmodemcan transmitsignalsthatcouldinterferewiththisequipment. DonotoperatetheSierraWirelessmodeminanyaircraft, whethertheaircraftisonthegroundorinflight.Inaircraft,the SierraWirelessmodemMUSTBEPOWEREDOFF.When operating,theSierraWirelessmodemcantransmitsignalsthat couldinterferewithvariousonboardsystems.
Note: Some airlines may permit the use of cellular phones while the aircraft is on the ground and the door is open. Sierra Wireless modems may be used at this time.

Safety and Hazards

Thedriveroroperatorofanyvehicleshouldnotoperatethe SierraWirelessmodemwhileincontrolofavehicle.Doingso willdetractfromthedriveroroperatorscontrolandoperation ofthatvehicle.Insomestatesandprovinces,operatingsuch communicationsdeviceswhileincontrolofavehicleisan offence.

Limitation of Liability


Rev 2 Aug.10

USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide

REVENUEORANTICIPATEDPROFITSORREVENUE ARISINGOUTOFTHEUSEORINABILITYTOUSEANY SIERRAWIRELESSPRODUCT,EVENIFSIERRAWIRELESS AND/ORITSAFFILIATESHASBEENADVISEDOFTHE POSSIBILITYOFSUCHDAMAGESORTHEYARE FORESEEABLEORFORCLAIMSBYANYTHIRDPARTY. Notwithstandingtheforegoing,innoeventshallSierra Wirelessand/oritsaffiliatesaggregateliabilityarisingunderor inconnectionwiththeSierraWirelessproduct,regardlessof thenumberofevents,occurrences,orclaimsgivingriseto liability,beinexcessofthepricepaidbythepurchaserforthe SierraWirelessproduct.

Patents Copyright Trademarks

ManufacturedorsoldbySierraWirelessInc.oritslicensees underoneormorepatentslicensedfromInterDigitalGroup. 2010SierraWireless.Allrightsreserved. HeartoftheWirelessMachineisaregisteredtrademarkof SierraWireless.SierraWireless,theSierraWirelesslogo,and theredwavedesignaretrademarksofSierraWireless. WindowsisaregisteredtrademarkofMicrosoftCorporation. MacintoshisatrademarkofAppleInc.,registeredintheU.S. andothercountries. Othertrademarksarethepropertyoftherespectiveowners.



Contact Information

Sales Desk:

Phone: 1-604-232-1488 Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time E-mail:

Post: Sierra Wireless 13811 Wireless Way Richmond, BC Canada V6V 3A4 Fax: 1-604-231-1109 Web:

Consultourwebsiteforuptodateproductdescriptions, documentation,applicationnotes,firmwareupgrades,trouble shootingtips,andpressreleases:

Revision History
Revision number 1.0 1.1 1.2 2 Release date August 2009 August 2009 Sept. 2009 August 2010 New document Updated the description of the Mac OS X installation. Updates to regulatory and safety information. Removed the list of patent numbers from the Preface. Removed TRU-Install from the list of trademarks. Changes

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USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide


Introducing the USB 305 Modem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Operating systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Memory stick capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Services supported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Your account and coverage area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 USB 305 modem software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Frequency bands supported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Overview of installation steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insert the SIM card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insert the 305 USB modem directly into the USB slot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 13 14 15

Connect to the network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Using your USB 305 Modem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Removing a SIM card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Using the microSD memory card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Removing the microSD memory card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Using the extension cable and notebook computer clip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Connection management software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

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USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide

Care and Maintenance of Your USB Modem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 FAQ and Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Technical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Radio frequency and electrical specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Environmental specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Regulatory and Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Safety and hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Regulatory information for the United States of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Use of external antennas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35


1: Introducing the USB 305 Modem

Memory stick capability Services supported Your account and coverage area USB 305 modem software Frequency bands supported

TheUSB305(3G)wirelessmodemenablesyoutoconnectto theInternet,sendandreceiveemail,connecttoacorporate networkorvirtualprivatenetwork(VPN),orviewstreaming video,withouttheneedforacable. ThemodemfitsintoTypeAUSBports.Themodemhasa builtinantenna.

Power LED Data LED

microSD card slot and SIM card slot USB connector

Operating systems
YoucanuseyourUSB305modemonthefollowingoperating systems: Windows7 WindowsVista WindowsXP MacOSX10.4.11orlater

TheUSB305modemisTRUInstallenabled.Alltherequired softwareisonthemodem.OnWindowsoperatingsystems, thesoftwareinstallationstartsassoonasyouinsertthe modemintothecomputer.OnMacOSXoperatingsystems, youdoubleclicktheInstallerpackagetoinstallthesoftware. YoudonotneedaninstallationCD.

Rev 2 Aug.10

USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide

Dependingonyourserviceprovider,yourUSB305modem maycomewithsomeorallofthefollowingaccessories: USBextensioncableandscreenclip Carryingcase Externalantenna(SeeUseofexternalantennason page 34forinformationonthecorrectuseoftheexternal antenna.) microSDmemorycard

Memory stick capability

YourUSB305modemisbuilttoaccommodateamicroSD externalmemorycard.Dependingonyourserviceprovider,a microSDcardmaybeincludedinyourpackage,oryoumay needtopurchaseitseparately.

Services supported
YourUSB305modemsupportsthelatest3Ghighspeed networksandisalsocompatiblewith2Gnetworks. Examplesof3Gtechnologyare:HSDPA,HSUPA,HSPA,and UMTS.GPRSandEDGEare2Gtechnologies. Maximumtheoreticaldataspeeds1are: HighSpeedDownloadPacketAccess(HSDPA)upto 7.2 Megabitspersecond(Mbps) HighSpeedUploadPacketAccess(HSUPA)upto 2.0 Mbps ConcurrentHSDPA/HSUPA(HSPA)upto3.6Mbps downloadandupto1.5Mbpsupload UniversalMobileTelecommunicationsSystem(UMTS) 384 kilobitspersecond(kbps) EnhancedDataratesforGSMEvolution(EDGE) 236 kbps GeneralPacketRadioService(GPRS)56 kbps


Actualspeeddependsontheservicesofferedbyyour serviceprovider.Contactyourserviceproviderfor details.



Introducing the USB 305 Modem

Whenestablishingaconnection,yourUSB305modemuses thefastestavailableservice.If,forexample,youareusinga USB305modeminanareathathasEDGEservicebutnot UMTSorHSDPA/HSUPAservice,themodemconnectsusing EDGEservice. Oncetheconnectionisestablished,youhaveaccesstoall Internetservices.

Your account and coverage area

Note: If you purchased the USB 305 modem from a GSM service provider, you may already have an account and a SIM card. Otherwise, your retailer should be able to give you the names of companies that provide these.

YoumusthaveanaccountwithaGSMserviceprovidertouse theUSB305modem.Tousethemodems3Gcapability,your accountmustbewithaserviceproviderthatoffersHSDPA/ HSUPAorUMTSservice.(TheUSB305modemisbackwards compatiblewith2Gservice.) Whenyouobtainyouraccount,youaregivenaSubscriber IdentityModule(SIM)cardcontainingaccountinformation. TheSIMcardmustbeinsertedwheneveryouuseyourUSB 305modem. Yourabilitytoobtainservicedependsonthesefactors:

Note: The fee for service is usually higher when you are roaming (connected to a network other than the one belonging to your service provider).

NetworkcoverageYoumustbewithinthenetwork coveragearea. ServiceproviderIfyouarewithinthecoverageareaofa networkthatisnotoperatedbyyourownserviceprovider, youcanobtainserviceonlyifthereisaroamingagreement betweenyourserviceproviderandthenetworkoperator. AccountprovisionsYouraccountmayrestrictyour usagetocertainnetworksorlimittheamountoftimeyou canusethenetwork. FrequencybandYoucannotconnecttonetworks operatinginbandsnotsupportedbyyourUSB305 modem,regardlessofroamingagreementsoraccount provisions.


USB 305 modem software

TheconnectionmanagersoftwarethatcomeswithyourUSB 305modemdependsonyourserviceprovider.Contactyour serviceproviderformoreinformation.

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USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide

Frequency bands supported

Technology 2G Bands 850 MHz (cellular band) 900 MHz (EGSM band) 1800 MHz (DCS band) 1900 MHz (PCS band) 3G WCDMA 800 (band Vl) WCDMA 850 (band V) WCDMA 1900 (band II) WCDMA 2100 (band I) Location North America Europe Europe and Asia North America Japan North America and Australia North America Europe, Asia, and Australia



2: Getting Started
Followtheinstructionsinthischaptertosetupandstartusing yourUSB305modem. TouseyourUSB305modem,youllneed:
Note: Keep a written record in a secure place of the account information that your service provider gives you.

Anaccountwithaserviceprovider ASIMcard(suppliedbytheserviceprovider) Aprofile,whichmaybe: Alreadystoredonyourmodemwhenyoupurchaseit Setupautomatically Selectedfromadropdownlist Createdmanually

Overview of installation steps

1. 2. 3. Checkthesystemrequirements. InserttheSIMcard. InserttheUSBmodemintoyourcomputersUSBport. (Thenecessarysoftwareisinstalledandeithertheprofile issetupautomaticallyortheconnectionmanagersoftware promptsyoutocreateaprofile.)

System requirements
TheUSB305modemissupportedon: Windows7 WindowsVista WindowsXP(HomeandProfessionalversions) MacOSX10.4.11orlater

USB port I/O resources Memory 1 USB Type A slot (USB 1.1 or 2.0) 1 IRQ, 40 bytes I/O space 32 MB

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USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide

Insert the SIM card

Note: Be sure to insert the SIM card before you insert the modem into the computers USB slot.

Note: To prevent the SIM card from becoming jammed in its slot, ensure the edge of the card is smooth before inserting it. Do not attach labels to your SIM card as this may also cause it to jam.

ToinserttheSIMcard: 1. 2. IfyourSIMcardisattachedtoalargercard,detachthe SIMcardandremoveanyfragmentsstucktoit. OpentheflaponthesideofyourUSB305modem.


Pulloutthetrayontherightside,asshownintheillus tration.


PlacetheSIMcardinthetray,withtheSIMcardnotchin theouterrighthandcorner.





Getting Started

Ifthetraycomesallthewayout,donotdiscardit.Place theSIMcardintothetrayandinserttheentireSIMcard trayassemblyintothemodem.

Note: The SIM card must be in the tray. Do not insert the SIM card into the modem without the tray.

Insert the 305 USB modem directly into the USB slot
1. 2. FlipopentheUSBconnector. Toachieveoptimalperformance,adjusttheangleofthe USBconnectorsoyoucaninsertthemodemintothe computerinanuprightposition,asshowninthestep3 illustration.



GentlyinsertthemodemintotheUSBslot.Youcaninsert themodemdirectlyintothecomputer,asshowninthe illustrationoryoucanplacethemodeminthelaptopclip andusetheUSBextensioncabletoconnectittothe computer.(SeeUsing the extension cable and notebook computer cliponpage 20.)

Note: To ensure FCC RF exposure limits, insert the modem in an upright position, as shown in the illustration. For more safety and regulatory information, see page 31.

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USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide

Note: Do not forcefully insert the USB 305 modem as you may damage connector pins.

Note: Do not insert the USB 305 modem or the USB extension cable into a USB hub or, if your keyboard is separate from your notebook computer, a USB slot on your keyboard.


Theinstallationprocessstartsautomaticallywhenyou insertthemodem. Ifitdoesnot: a. DoubleclickMy Computer(WindowsXP)orComputer (Windows7orWindowsVista)onyourdesktop. b. ClicktheTRU-Installdrive(usuallyE:orF:drive). c. UndertheTRUInstalldrive,gotoWin/ATTand doubleclicktheSetup.exe file.

Note: Users of Windows Vista must be logged in with administrative privileges. Users of Windows XP may require administrative privileges.

5. 6.

Followtheonscreeninstructions. Restartthecomputerwhenpromptedtodoso.

Connect to the network

Touseyouraccount(andconnecttoyourserviceproviders network),youneedtohaveatleastoneprofilesetuponyour modem.Dependingonhowyourmodemisconfigured,the profilemayalreadybesetuporyoumayneedtocreateone. Contactyourserviceproviderformoreinformation. Oncethesoftwareissuccessfullyinstalledandtheprofileisset up,theUSB305modemisreadytouse.



3: Using your USB 305 Modem

Removing a SIM card Using the microSD memory card Using the extension cable and notebook computer clip
YourHSPAUSB305modemhasaUSBconnectorandslotsfor aSIMcardandamicroSDexternalstoragecard.LEDsonthe frontofthemodemprovidestatusinformation.

Power LED Data LED

TheUSB305modemhastwoLEDsthatshowthecurrent statusofthemodem.

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USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide

LED Power

State Off

Indicates Indicates one of the following states: The modem is not inserted in the computer. The computer is off or in suspend and resume mode. The modem radio has been turned off using the connection management software. The power is on, the modem is working normally. The firmware is updating. Do not remove the modem from the computer. The modem is searching for service (initializing). Modem erroreither the modem is having a problem initializing (searching for service) or is offline because of a failure. Contact your service provider. The modem is unable to detect 2G or 3G service. The modem has detected a 2G network (EDGE, GPRS, GSM) and is ready to connect. The modem is connected to a 2G network and is able to send and receive data. The modem has detected a 3G network (UMTS, HSPA) and is ready to connect. The modem is connected to a 3G network and can send and receive data.

Solid Blue Blinking Blue Blinking Amber Solid Amber


Off Blinking Amber Solid Amber Blinking Blue Solid Blue

Removing a SIM card

Chapter 2providesinstructionsforinsertingtheSIM.To removetheSIMcardfromtheUSB305modem: 1. Opentheflaponthesideofthemodemandslideoutthe SIMtray.



Using your USB 305 Modem



Note: If the tray comes all the way out, do not discard it. Carefully insert the empty tray back into the modem.

Using the microSD memory card

TheUSB305modemisbuilttoaccommodateamicroSD externalstoragecard. Touseamemorycard: 1. 2. 3. IfthemodemisinsertedintothecomputersUSBslot, removeitbeforeinsertingthemicroSDcard. Opentheflaponthesideofthemodem. Pushthememorycardintoslotontheleft,asshowninthe illustration.

microSD card slot microSD card



ThememorycardappearsasaUSBmemorydrive.Youcan copy,paste,anddragfilestoandfromitthesamewayasyou canwithanyotherexternaldrive.

Rev 2 Aug.10


USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide

Removing the microSD memory card

Tip: To help conserve the computers battery life, remove the memory card when you are not using it.

Toremovethememorycard: 1. 2. OpentheflaponthesideoftheUSBmodem. PushthemicroSDcardinandthenreleaseit.



Using the extension cable and notebook computer clip

YourUSB305modemcomeswithanextensioncableandclip. Theclipfitsonthetopofyournotebookcomputerandholds yourUSBmodem.
Note: To meet FCC (regulatory) requirements, use only the supplied extension cable and notebook computer clip; other cables and notebook computer clips should not be used.



Using your USB 305 Modem

Note: Do not insert the USB 305 modem or the USB extension cable into a USB hub or, if your keyboard is separate from your notebook computer, a USB slot on your keyboard.

Tousetheextensioncableandclip: 1. Placethemodemintothelaptopclip,asshownintheillus tration.


USB connector

2. 3.

Connecttheextensioncabletothemodem. Placethemodemintheclipholder,andplacetheclipon thetopofthelaptopscreen.NotethattheLEDsshouldbe facingyou,asyoulookatthescreen.


Laptop screen

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USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide


ConnectthelargerendoftheUSBextensioncabletothe USBconnectoronyourmodem.

Attach this end to the USB connector on the modem

Attach this end to the USB port on your computer


ConnecttheotherendoftheextensioncabletotheUSB slotonyourcomputer.



Using your USB 305 Modem

Connection management software

YourUSBmodemcomeswithconnectionmanagement software. Thefeaturesandoptionsintheconnectionmanagersoftware vary,dependingonyourserviceprovider,butingeneral,the connectionmanagersoftwareenablesyouto: Initiatedataconnections Determinesignalstrength,roamingstatus,GPRS,EDGE, UMTS,orHSDPA/HSUPAavailability,andothernetwork connectionparameters MonitorthestatusoftheUSB305modemandGSM service SendandreceiveSMSmessages EnableordisableSIMsecuritythatpreventsothersfrom usingyourSIMcardifitislostorstolen Createormodifyanaccountprofile

Formoreinformationontheconnectionmanagersoftware, contactyourserviceprovider.

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USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide



4: Care and Maintenance of Your USB Modem

Aswithanyelectronicdevice,theUSB305modemmustbe handledwithcaretoensurereliableoperation.Followthese guidelineswhenyouuseandstoreyourUSB305modem: DonotapplyadhesivelabelstotheSIMcard.Thismay causeittojaminsidetheslot,orpreventitfrombeing insertedproperly. Whennotinstalledinyourcomputer,storetheUSB305 modemandSIMcardinasafeplace. TheUSB305modemshouldfiteasilyintoyourcomputers USBport.ForcingtheUSB305modemintotheportmay damagetheconnectorpins. ProtecttheUSB305modemfromliquids,dust,and excessiveheat.(SeetheEnvironmentalspecificationson page 30formaximumtolerances.)

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USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide



5: FAQ and Troubleshooting

When should I use the USB extension cable and laptop clip? UsetheUSBextensioncableandlaptopclipinareaswithlow signalstrengthorwhenthepositionoftheUSBportonthe computermakesitawkwardtoinsertthemodemdirectlyinto thelaptopcomputer.FormoreinformationonusingtheUSB extensioncableandlaptopclip,seeUsingtheextensioncable andnotebookcomputercliponpage 20. Is there a limit to the size of microSD card that I can use with the USB 305 modem? TheUSB305modemwasdesignedandtestedfor16GB microSDmemorycards(thelargestavailableatthetimethe modemwasdevelopedandtested).However,asmemorycard technologydevelopsandcardscomeontothemarketthathave alargercapacity,theUSB305modemshouldsupportthoseas well. I inserted the microSD card, but the memory card drive doesnt appear on my computer? MakesureyouinsertthemicroSDmemorycardintothe modembeforeyouinsertthemodemintoyourcomputer. Otherwise,thecomputerwillnotrecognizethememorycard drive.

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USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide



6: Technical Specifications
Radio frequency and electrical specifications
Table 6-1: Radio frequency and electrical specifications
Compliance Transmit 3 GPP Release 6 GSM 1900 (PCS): 1850 to 1910 MHz GSM 1800 (DCS):1710 to 1785 MHz EGSM 900: 880 to 915 MHz GSM 850: 824 to 849 MHz WCDMA 2100 (Band I): 1920 to 1980 MHz WCDMA 1900 (Band II): 1850 to 1910 MHz WCDMA 850 (Band V): 824 to 849 MHz WCDMA 800 (Band VI): 830 to 840 MHz GSM 1900 (PCS): 1930 to 1990 MHz GSM 1800 (DCS): 1805 to 1880 MHz EGSM 900: 925 to 960 MHz GSM 850: 869 to 894 MHz WCDMA 2100 (Band I): 2110 to 2170 MHz WCDMA 1900 (Band II): 1930 to 1990 MHz WCDMA 850 (Band V): 869 to 894 MHz WCDM 800 (Band VI): 875 to 885 MHz 200 kHz (GSM) 5 MHz (WCDMA) 200 kHz 0.1 ppm


Channel spacing Channel raster Frequency stability

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USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide

Environmental specifications
Operating temperature Storage temperature Humidity Vibration 0C to +45C (+32F to +113F) -20C to +85C (-4F to +185F) 85%, non-condensing Random vibration, 10 to 1000 Hz, nominal 6G RMS in each of 3 mutually perpendicular axes. Test duration of 60 minutes for each axis, for a total test time of 3 hours (non-operating). 1 m on non-cushioned vinyl on each of 6 faces, 3 times




7: Regulatory and Safety Information

Becauseofthenatureofwirelesscommunications,trans missionandreceptionofdatacanneverbeguaranteed.Data maybedelayed,corrupted(thatis,haveerrors),orbetotally lost.Althoughsignificantdelaysorlossesofdataarerare whenwirelessdevicessuchastheSierraWirelessmodemare usedinanormalmannerwithawellconstructednetwork,the SierraWirelessmodemshouldnotbeusedinsituationswhere failuretotransmitorreceivedatacouldresultindamageof anykindtotheuseroranyotherparty,includingbutnot limitedtopersonalinjury,death,orlossofproperty.Sierra Wirelessanditsaffiliatesacceptnoresponsibilityfordamages ofanykindresultingfromdelaysorerrorsindatatransmitted orreceivedusingtheSierraWirelessmodem,orforfailureof theSierraWirelessmodemtotransmitorreceivesuchdata.

Safety and hazards

TheUSB305modemMUSTBEPOWEREDOFFinallareas thatmaybesusceptibletoradiointerference,inparticular: Prohibitedareas Obeyallsignsandnoticesandfollowallrulesandregula tions.PowerofftheUSB305modemwheninstructedtodo soorwhenyoususpectthatitmaycauseinterferenceor danger. Inareaswhereblastingisinprogress Whereexplosiveatmospheresmaybepresent Areaswithapotentiallyexplosiveatmospherearenot alwaysclearlymarked.Suchareasincludegasstations, fueldepots,chemicaltransferorstoragefacilities,areas whereblastingisinprogress,areaswheretheaircontains chemicalsorparticlessuchasgrain,dust,ormetalpow ders,andanyotherareawhereyouwouldnormallybe advisedtoturnoffyourcellularphoneorvehicleengine. Nearmedicalorlifesupportequipment Medicalequipmentmaybesusceptibletoanyformof radiointerference.InsuchareastheUSB305modemcan transmitsignalsthatcouldinterferewiththisequipment.

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USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide

Onboardaircraft InadditiontoFederalAviationAuthority(FAA)require ments,manyairlineregulationsstatethatyoumustsus pendwirelessoperationsbeforeboardinganaircraft.The USB305modemiscapableoftransmittingsignalsthat couldinterferewithvariousonboardsystemsandcontrols. Failuretoobservethisinstructionmayleadtosuspension ordenialofcellulartelephoneservicestotheoffender, legalaction,orboth. Someairlinesmaypermittheuseofcellularphoneswhile theaircraftisonthegroundandthedoorisopen.TheUSB 305modemmaybeusednormallyatthistime.

Whileoperatingavehicle Thedriveroroperatorofanyvehicleshouldnotusea wirelessdatadevicewhileincontrolofavehicle.Doingso detractsfromthedriveroroperatorsabilitytocontroland operatethevehicle.Insomecountries,usingsuchcommu nicationsdeviceswhileincontrolofavehicleisanoffence.

Regulatory information for the United States of America

CAUTION:Unauthorizedmodificationsorchangesnot expresslyapprovedbySierraWireless,Inc.couldvoid compliancewithregulatoryrules,andtherebyyourauthority tousethisequipment. ThedesignoftheUSB305modemcomplieswithU.S.Federal CommunicationsCommission(FCC)guidelinesrespecting safetylevelsofradiofrequency(RF)exposureforportable devices,whichinturnareconsistentwiththefollowingsafety standardspreviouslysetbyU.S.andinternationalstandards bodies: ANSI/IEEEC95.11999,IEEEStandardforSafetyLevelswith RespecttoHumanExposuretoRadioFrequencyElectromag neticFields,3kHzto300GHz NationalCouncilonRadiationProtectionandMeasure ments(NCRP)Report86,1986,BiologicalEffectsand ExposureCriteriaforRadioFrequencyElectromagneticFields InternationalCommissiononNonIonisingRadiation Protection(ICNIRP)1998,Guidelinesforlimitingexposureto timevaryingelectric,magnetic,andelectromagneticfields(up to300GHz)



Regulatory and Safety Information

Caution: The USB 305 modem must be 5 mm (0.2 inches) or more from the user and bystanders during operation to satisfy FCC (regulatory) RF exposure requirements. It is approved for use with normal-size notebook computers only (typically with 12-inch or larger display screens). For notebook computers with a display screen smaller than 12 inches or if the orientation of the USB slot does not allow for at least 5 mm between the modem and the user or bystanders, use the provided extension cable and clip to ensure a safe distance between the modem antenna and users or bystanders. To meet FCC requirements, use only the supplied USB extension cable and laptop clip; other cables and laptop clips should not be used.

ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15oftheFCCRules.Operation issubjecttotheconditionthatthisdevicedoesnotcause harmfulinterference.

Warning: (EMI) United States FCC Information This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in an appropriate installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communication. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
Whereappropriate,theuseoftheequipmentissubjecttothe followingconditions: Ifthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferencetoradioor televisionreception,whichcanbedeterminedbyturningthe equipmentoffandon,theuserisencouragedtotrytocorrect theinterferencebyoneormoreofthefollowingmeasures: Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentand receiver Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferent fromthattowhichthereceiverisconnected Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnician forhelp

Rev 2 Aug.10


USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide

IfyouhavepurchasedthisproductunderaUnitedStates Governmentcontract,itshallbesubjecttorestrictionsasset forthinsubparagraph(c)(1)(ii)ofDefenseFederalAcquisitions Regulations(DFARs)Section252.2277013forDepartmentof Defensecontracts,andassetforthinFederalAcquisitions Regulations(FARs)Section52.22719forcivilianagency contractsoranysuccessorregulations.Iffurthergovernment regulationsapply,itisyourresponsibilitytoensure compliancewithsuchregulations.

Use of external antennas

Useofexternalantennasissubjecttothefollowingconditions: Atleast20cmseparationdistancebetweentheantenna andtheusersbodymustbemaintainedatalltimes. TheUSB305wirelessmodemanditsantennamustnotbe operatedwithin20cmofanyothertransmitterorantenna withinahostdevice. TocomplywithFCCregulationslimitingbothmaximum RFoutputpowerandhumanexposuretoRFradiation,the maximumantennagainmustnotexceed7 dBiinthe Cellularbandand3.5 dBiinthePCSband.



accessories,10 account,11 antenna,external,34

MacOSXsupport,13 memorycard,10 memoryrequired,13 microexternalmemorycard,19 microSD,10,19 modem,inserting,15

careandmaintenance,25 channelraster,29 channelspacing,29 clip,20 connecttothenetwork,16 connectionmanagementsoftware,23 coveragearea,11

network connectingto,16 overview,11 notebookcomputerclip,20

electricalspecifications,29 environmentalspecifications,30 extensioncable,20 externalantenna,34 externalmemorystorage,10,19 externalSD,10,19 externalstoragecard,19



FAQ,27 flashdrive,19 frequencies receive,29 transmit,29 frequencybandssupported,12 frequencystability,29 radiofrequencyspecifications,29 receivefrequencies,29 regulatoryinformation,31 requirements,software,14 RFspecifications,29 roaming,11

safety cautionsforuse,31 RFexposure,33 servicessupported,10 SIMcard inserting,14 removing,18 software connectionmanagement,23 requirements,14 specifications,2930 electrical,29 environmental,30 radiofrequency,29


I/Ospace(input/outputspace),13 installation,overview,13 IRQ(interruptrequest),13


Rev 2 Aug.10


USB 305 HSPA Modem User Guide

storage temperature,30 whennotusingcard,25 systemrequirements,13

USB305modem,inserting,15 USBportrequirements,13

technicalspecifications,2930 temperature,30 transmitfrequencies,29 Troubleshooting,27 TRUInstall,9


Windows7support,13 WindowsVistasupport,13 WindowsXPsupport,13



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