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Parking Management System Website

Team Members
Dr. Mona Kumari(Mentor) Khushal Agrawal
Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
and Engineering And Application and Engineering And Application
GLA University GLA University
Mathura, India Mathura, India

Tanisha Bhushan
Department of Computer Science
and Engineering And Application
GLA University
Mathura, India

Abstract:-Now days parking are the critical issues in available parking slots. As soon as the user
smart city. Due to parking problem traffic problems request, all the available free slots are displayed
are increased, the proposed smart parking system to the user. If the availability of parking space is
implemented using the Android Application that’s confirmed, the user can book the parking slot
provides to user an easy way of booking the parking
and proceed to pay. The vehicle follows its path
slots through an application. Given system avoid the
problem of traffic conjunction in commercial areas towards the starting of the parking area. The user
that unnecessarily consumes time, this paper fixes his slots by showing his confirmation
provides the easy reservation system for parking. In details to the concerned person at parking area.
this application the user can view various parking
slots and check for the availability of slots. After communicating, the vehicle will further
Whenever a user books a particular slot it will be follow its path to the allocated parking slot.
marked red and all the available slots will be green. After successful parking the slot details are
Booking can be done through credit card/net updated simultaneously in the Administrators
banking. This application also provides an
additional feature of canceling the booked slot
database. Finally the time to find for an empty
within 20 minutes from the time of booking. If the parking slot is minimized. The main
user fails to reach the destination on time then the responsibility of the Intelligent Parking System
reservation will be cancel and the payment is (IPS) is to help the user to find an area where
refunded. On successful payment a parking number parking is available and total number of slots
is sent to user’s email or to his mobile number for free in that area. Thus our proposed
further enquiry. Hence this application reduces the methodology reduces the user’s effort and time
user’s effort and time of searching the parking slot of searching a parking slot
and also avoids conjunction of traffic using the
internet of things. The purpose of the proposed system to,

I. INTRODUCTION • To increase efficiency of the current

parking system
Too many cars, too much traffic and there is no • To track the nearest car parking place
enough parking area. This is the situation
via router.
which is seen in most of the metropolitan cities
• To book available free parking space
today. People keep on roaming on roads
searching for a parking space to park their • To reduce time and efforts of drivers.
vehicles especially at peak hours of time. Our • To update and send notification to
proposed system presents a smart parking user of availablespace
system that regulates a number of vehicles to the The rest of the paper is organized as
nearest parking space at any given time based on follows, Section I contains the introduction
the parking space availability. Car Parking of environmental information and purposed
System (CPS) is implemented using the of the proposed system, Section II contain
Operating System Android. The user requests the related work of other project idea,
the Parking Control Unit to check the status of Section III contain the proposed system
methodology, Section IV contain the lot as well as collecting parking fee without
architecture flow steps of system, Section V hassles of using magnetic card. The auto
describes results and discussion, Section VI parking system will able to have less
concludes (research work with future interaction of humans and use no magnetic
directions). card and its devices. In additions to that, it has
parking guidance system that can show and
guide user towards a parking space. The
system used image processing of recognizing
The aim of this project is to automate the number plates for operation of parking and
car and car parking as well. A miniature billing system. Overall, the systems run with
model of an automated car parking system pre-programmed controller to make minimum
that can regulate and manage number of human involvement in parking system and
cars that can be parked in given space at ensure access control in restricted places.
any given time based on the availability of
parking slot. Automated parking is a “ Intelligent Parking Space Detection System
method of parking and existing cars using Based on Image Processing”, Internation
sensing device. The entering and leaving to Journal of Innovation, Management and
the lot is commanded by an android Technology, 232-253, 2012. This paper aims to
application.[1] present an intelligent system for parking

A new “Smart Parking” system Infrastructure III. PROPOSED WORK

and Implementation”, Science Direct, Social and
Science Behavioral sciences, 1278-1287, 2012
Smart Parking adopts the basic structure of PGI
systems. In addition, such a system includes
Driver Request Processing Centre (DRPC) and a
Smart Parking Allocation Centre (SPAC). The
Parking Resource Management Centre(PRMC)
collects and updates all real time parking
information and disseminates it via internet. The
DRPC gathers driver parking requests and real
time information(i.e., car location), keep track of
driver allocation status, and sends back the
assignment result to driver .The Smart Parking Fig 1. System architecture
Allocation center makes assignment decisions
and allocates and reserve parking spots for Modules Car Parking System mainly
driver.[2] consists of threemodules. They are
• User Module
“Smart parking system with image processing • Administrator Module
facility” , I. J. Intelligent System and
• Booking Module
Application, 41-47, 2012. Smart Parking
Systems obtain information about available User Module
parking spaces, process it and then place the car This module of the application deals with
at that position. A prototype of the parking the user interface/user experience. This
assistance system based on the proposed module provides the user with the flexibility
architecture was constructed. The effective of registering, logging in, booking and
circular design is introduced having rack-pinion making the payment. If the user is new to
special mechanism which is used to lift and the application then, the user must register
place the car in certain position[5]. in the application by providing the user’s
details. After the registration, the user logs
“Automatic Parking Management System and in using the user- id and password. Once the
Parking Fee Collection Based on Number Plate user logs in , then the user browses the
Recognition” International Journal of Machine parking slot then books that parking slot
Learning and Computing , 93-98, 2012. This followed by the making the online payment.
paper discussed on automatic parking system
and electronic parking fee collection based on Administrator Module
vehicle number plate recognition. The aim of This is the operative module of the application.
this research is to develop and implement an It works in the backend for managing the
automatic parking system that will increase database and performs various operations on it.
convenience and security of the public parking
The administrator stores all the user’s data in Hardware Description:
the database as soon as he gets registered with ESP8266 Controller:
the application. Administrator maintains the A microcontroller is a small and low-
details of all parking slots ( both empty and cost computer built for the purpose of
reserved ), their price for booking , user details dealing with specific tasks, such as
in database and the modification on these data is displaying information in a microwave
only can be done by the administrator. The LED or receiving information from a
administrator also provides the payment method television’s remote control.
to the user. Microcontrollers are mainly used in
products that require a degree of control
to be exerted by the user.
Booking Module
This is the main module of the application and it
deals with the booking of the parking slot. When
the user is ready for booking then the booking
module comes in the scenario to provide user the
necessary information for booking. The
available slot, cost to book the slot and the Fig 3. ESP8266
necessary processing in regards to these, are RFID Reader:
done by this bookingmodule. An RFID reader's function is to interrogate
RFID tags. The means of interrogation is
wireless and because the distance is relatively
The slot allocation method follows a sequence as
stated below: short; line of sight between the reader and
tags is not necessary. A reader contains an RF
Step1: Initially the slot selection is made by the
user from his mobile phone. He checks for the module, which acts as both a transmitter and
availability of a parking slot that is nearest to his receiver of radio frequency signals. RFID
location. If it is available, he moves to the next stands for Radio Frequency Identification
stage or else go to the initial state. Reader. There are many uses of RFID reader in
today world. It is used to gather information
Step2: Transfers request for parking slot from
the mobile using Android application. from RFID tags.
Step3: The Parking Control Unit (PCU) gets the
slot number requested by the user.
Step4: If the payment is done successfully, then
the requestedslot is reserved in the parking area.
Step5: After reserving a particular slot by the
user then the status of that respective slot will be
marked as RED=RESERVED and the remaining
will beGREEN=EMPTY. Fig 4. E-18 Reader
Step6: As soon as the vehicle gets entered into
the parking slot, the timer gets ON and measures RFID Tag:
the total time. RFID tagging is an ID system that uses small
Step7: As soon as the vehicle moves out of the radio frequency identification devices for
parking slot, the timer gets OFF and the total identification and tracking purposes. An RFID
cost will be displayed. tagging system includes the tag itself, a
read/write device, and a host system
application for data collection, processing, and

Fig 5. RFID Tag

IR Sensor:
An infrared sensor is an electronic device, that
emits in order to sense some aspects of the
surroundings. An IR sensor can measure the
Fig 2. System block diagram heat of an object as well as detects the
motion.These types of sensors measures only
infrared radiation, rather than emitting it that is
called as a passive IR sensor.

Fig . IR Sensor


The implementation of a parking management

system has significantly improved the overall
efficiency and organization of parking facilities.
With the integration of advanced technologies
such as automated entry and exit gates, real-time
space availability tracking, and digital payment
options, the system has alleviated congestion and
reduced the time spent searching for parking
spaces. Additionally, the incorporation of smart
sensors and data analytics has enhanced security
measures, enabling better monitoring of parking
areas. The result is a streamlined and user-
friendly experience for both operators and
vehicle owners, fostering a more sustainable and
Smart Parking Management System (SPMS)
convenient urban mobility ecosystem. Overall,
is used to book parking slots without any
the parking management system has proven to
great effort by the user using an android
be a valuable solution in optimizing space
device. The user can check the status of
utilization, minimizing traffic disruptions, and
parking area and book the parking slot in
improving the overall functionality of parking
advance. This will result in overcoming
many problems which are being created due
to the bad management of the traffic.
Mobile computing has proven as the best
area of work for researchers in the areas of
database and data management so this
application is applied in Android Mobile
OS. This application is utilized by can be
applied nook and corner due to its easy
usage and effectiveness.


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