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Were Bank - Master - 2015

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WeRe Bank

-The Peoples’ Bank-

The Free, Fair and Final Private Banking System

“Created under Common Law and Regulated via

Common Law Court of Record On Land”
“Legal Money with Finality of Settlement”

To Free Mankind From The Paralysing, Restricting, Fear-based Monopoly
and Control Agenda of “money scarcity” Which The Global Ruling
Elite Have Imposed With “ruthless and vicious” Determination
Upon All Peoples Of Earth.

“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be
fought sooner or later is, The People vs. The Banks.” - Lord Acton, Historian, 1834 - 1902

The WeRe Private Banking System

Is based locally and delivers Free, Fair and Final (the 3Fs) payment for TIME ACTIVITY with LAWFUL MONEY.



Dedicated to Nikola Tesla

Written by Peter of England

Wakey! Wakey!
Private Banking System into the Public Side
WeRe Private Banking System is based locally and delivers

Free, Fair and Final (the 3Fs) payment for TIME ACTIVITY with LAWFUL MONEY.

This truly unique concept which is the WeRe Private Banking System has been gifted to mankind at this
most critical period of time as the longed asked for release mechanism, the “final solution”, the door of emancipation
through which he can walk in order to free himself from the debilitating, corrupt and disastrous psychological mind-set
which had been forced upon well-meaning but naïve people by the global controlling elite and to alleviate the trauma
of the impending global economic collapse which is being perpetrated upon “The People” by the controlling
political/banking elite.


The mystery unravelled: “There is a club my friend and you’re not in it!”

As everyone can see, the global economic outlook is very grim indeed! In truth global economic growth has been non-
existent since 2000. In truth the debt, in every country China included, has been run up over a 30 year period since
the assassination of John Kennedy in 1963. Since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, RBS and other Banks in 2007,
the “illusion” of continued global growth has been deceptively maintained, courtesy of the global banking elite and in
particular the Goldman Sachs - Federal Reserve criminal bankster Zionist mob. They have done this by seeding
approximately 20 trillion dollars into the global commercial and industrial economic infrastructure in order to keep
afloat companies as varied as Mercedes Benz, Siemens, Audi, and Deutsche Bank in Germany to France Telecom
and the entire Japanese economy. For example, have you ever stopped and wondered how a country, such as Japan
irradiated and decimated with pollution after magnitude 8.8 earthquake and with a totally collapsed export industry
could continue to function as if nothing had ever really happened? Have you ever wondered how come not one airline
went bust after the Icelandic volcanic eruptions in 2010, when they “seem” to have sustained the twin blows of hiked
fuel prices as well as decimated passenger inventories for several months? Have you ever wondered why there is
billions of dollars available for bank bailouts but non for your hospital refurbishment or to fix the holes in the road or to
pay for a better classroom environment at your child’s school? Well there’s your answer.

The ruling elite have a plan to totally collapse the world economy with the sheer burden of debt and then collect or buy
it up for pennies on the dollar. This is a well tried and well trusted model which the Rothschild banking dynasty has
used time and time again over the past few hundred years. It was used to precipitate the economic depression in the
USA in 1929 and was used to bring the USA into the Second World War. It has been used in Great Britain, Europe
and in other countries with excellent effect (for them) for many years.


Ireland refused to do it, Greece refused to do it. Italy refused to do it as did Portugal, Spain, France and Germany.
BUT the Icelanders DIT IT! They refused to be bowed by their Finance Minister. They refused to accept debt of
€400,000 per man, woman and child under the proposed austerity program. They protested: the police joined with
them and they threw the politicians out and are now well on their way to recovery. The criminal euro banskster gang
failed to seize their natural assets of oil, gold, gas and geo-thermal energy production. [See 2015 update]

EUROZONE: The wheels have already come off the clown car.

The Euro zone has been in crisis and the US economy in a state of total debt paralysis since 2004-2006. The bailouts
or Quantitive Easing (QE) fiasco and TARP programs, each less successful than the other were introduced to keep
the merry-go-around going in order that greater levels of debt, obligation and misery could be increased. The idea
behind the problems is to INCREASE LEVELS of debt NOT to reduce them. For example, Nicholas Sarkosy de Nagii
Bosca, when he was Minister of the Interior for his six years prior to becoming President breached the Maastricht
Treaty agreement on budgetary spending which should not exceed 3.5% by spending at over 6%, and not just in error
for one year but year on year on year! Hmmm...!

And the New Head of the European Central Bank...

Christine Lagarde’s ex boss was the American Senator and Clintonite William Cohen; yes he was born of a Jewish
father, Ruben Cohen. She unseated, with Sarkosy’s help, DSK.

Lagarde has a Law degree; she has never studied economics and has never obtained a financial degree or
qualification in financial management of any kind. How can she head the IMF? Would you think that in this day and
age when CV’s are required before you can even get a job in McDonalds or in Wal-Mart, that people like you and I
would be considered for such a position without a “relevant” qualification? Leaders leading with no ability are a source
of concern…and a sign of something very, very sinister, don’t you think? And…

Weren’t we all assured that the global financial crisis was over in 2008? Weren’t we told that GDP growth would be
around 2.5% for 2009/10 for the USA, Britain and the Euro zone? Then as things rolled on and never got better those
“never to be achieved” targets were revised down and then down again. Instead of our politicians “coming clean” and
telling us the TRUTH in 2006/7 they simply continued to lie and say, “All is well, don’t worry! The down turn will be
mild! And “No, we won’t have a recession!” and the Euro zone is strong and vibrant and all will sort itself out for the
better”. “Nothing to see here, folks! Move along!” Lie, followed lie followed lie, followed lie. Please wake up! You are
drowning is a sea of indifference and a malaise of futility sweeps your befuddled brain. If you don’t awaken and take
action soon, then I’m very fearful for you and your family’s future.

We now have un-elected governments in Greece and Italy. Both these new leaders are ex-Goldman Sachs
employees. Papandreou was also ex-Goldman Sachs as are Gensler, Paulson, Bernanke, Rubin, Summers and
Corizine ex CEO of MF Global,( the recent scam par excellence which found $1.2billion disappeared out of client
accounts and no one seems to know where it went), in the USA running the Federal Reserve and advisers to Obama..

The politicians and bankers always lie. So if they tell you they’re trying to solve your problem you have to ask,
“From where did the problem arise in the first place?” How is it that year after year the politicians carefully and
diligently steer our collective boat of destiny ever nearer to the rapids of destruction?” Please remember that the
government, backed by the banking elite, who after all OWN the governments, GET EXACTLY WHAT THEY PAY
FOR, if not it would not be a very good bargain, would it, and they would change the system. So when you ask, “Why
don’t they ever change the system?” then now you know. The agenda rolls along, the plans go ahead. You become
poorer. They become richer and you do nothing because you are worked to death and are too tired following the
“agenda”. That agenda is that you receive your schooling, get married, have kids, run up a mortgage and other debt
which you can never pay off which drags you to your grave. The government ruling elite get what they pay for. A
dumbed down ill-educated poisoned and distracted populace IS what they want.

“You must have an alternative economic model IN ORDER

TO fight tyranny and despotism”.




1. Oil price going to $150-200 per barrel, which could be euro 2.50/L at the pump.

2. Massive country-wide unrest, rioting, food and fuel shortages, wealth confiscation and police-state control.

3. An attack on Iran or Iran making an attack on Israel or another threat to it, after great provocation against external
aggressors. America is covertly bombing Iranian nuclear and military bases in remoter parts of the country. Obama
and Netanyahu are apparently discussing how to destabilize Iran. He, Obama, gave this notice in a secret briefing of
NATO Generals after the successful regime change in Libya in November 2011. And why the attacks on Syria?

Syria is Iran’s greatest ally in the region and Iran DOES NOT HAVE a Rothschild controlled bank, as neither did Libya.
China is a very close ally of Iran and relies on it for all or much of its oil imports. Russia is also a good friend of Iran.
Coincidentally, Iran is the 3 largest oil exporter of oil in the world after Russia and Saudi Arabia. Could this have
anything to do with the threats against this Sovereign state? Do you think that if Iran was the 3 largest exporter of
broccoli that the USA/Israel/Zionist Klan would be interested in it?

4. A collapse of the Euro will be followed by a collapse of the US dollar but only after debt has been run up to
“unimaginable “levels, yes, I know they’re unimaginable now .. but you haven’t seen anything yet! There is then a plan
to introduce a Global Currency or Bond which will not be to your advantage. The aim is via a Problem-Reaction-
Solution (PRS) manoeuvre to get you to BEG for the new currency and all it entails in order to get your life back to
where it was. The International Banking cartels are busy buying Sovereign debt and taking control of countries
management and infrastructure – i.e. doing nothing and running them down to zero.

5. By September/October 2016 The Plan is to ensure that EVERYONE on the planet is divested of their wealth if it is
paper or “fiat currency” based. If you have a free-hold, small-holding, farm, or other property without a debt obligation
WHICH WILL BE COMING YOUR WAY! Failure to pay will result in a confiscation of property. You should be able to
pay these taxes in silver or gold. Paper currency will be worthless and so with the inability to pay, the trap will have
been sprung with excellent effect. If you think this a little far-fetched, then what exactly do you think the expression
“Austerity Measures” means? Higher taxes, seizure of pension funds as well as seizure of private bank accounts and
“supposedly segregated” account monies with brokerage firms. In Greece, for example, the government is illegally and
un constitutionally attempting to squeeze the very last drop of money from the population by raising more tax by
“arbitrarily” levying and applying tax to the peoples’ electricity bills. Failure to pay – no terms or staggered payments
allowed- results in the cutting off of the electricity supply.

Please be warned if you are invested in “cash,” then no matter who you are and how wealthy you imagine
yourself to be, YOU COULD BE CLEANED OUT by the end of 2016. The elite play the game to conclusion and
they will not be in paper or paper currency promises. They are in “REAL ESTATE” owning” in the form of title
deeds, land, farms, property in general, Government Sovereign debt and metals (gold, silver and platinum) or
sitting with ownership papers to vast tracts of oil fields. That’s the deal!

The Euro zone crisis is deliberately being prolonged and for a very good reason. Deadline after deadline has passed
since the first countries collapsed under their debt burdens in 2008. Ireland was made to sign its agreements with the
ECB BEFORE it was allowed to have its elections in 2011 January. The Greeks were not allowed to have their
promised Referendum. The French and the Irish and the Dutch ALL voted in their referenda AGAINST the Maastricht
Treaty and wanted OUT of the Euro zone deception. But what happened? They were all TOLD to vote again – the
voting was rigged and the “result desired” was presented.

The sovereign debt of Greece in the form of a 1 Year Bond was recently quoted as giving an annual return of 238%
over 1 year. Who one may ask would pay any money to the Greek government in order to buy such a risky investment
which has a 98:1 chance of never being repaid? The answer is THE ELITE THEMSELVES. They are buying the paper
knowing in absolute certainty that their investment may look a lost cause on paper, but when the Sovereign Bonds
collapse then they will have a claim on National Assets and be able to claim state assets for pennies. They wish to
maintain the “immoral high-ground” in the form of a piece of paper which they can show to the people and show they
bought or committed in good faith and now have the right to take what is theirs!

So the merry-go-around continues and more loans are made. More debts result and misery and uncertainty increases
and the people keep accepting unwillingly for sure, but accepting nonetheless, their austerity measures until their
backs break. Usually at the end of such cycles a war is arranged to conveniently distract the people and subject them
to levels of fear whereby they are grateful to get away with their lives and the money becomes a secondary issue –
especially when all their friends, and neighbours are in the same boat. We now need to examine, meditate and then
decide to agree on the question of: “WHAT EXACTLY IS MONEY?” Ergo...

Philosophical Examination of the Nature of aProfit, bBarter,

Asset, dValue, eWealth, fMoney and gTime.
. Now we shall look at some alternative systems before we look at the uniqueness of the WeRe Banking System.

In accounting, profit can be considered to be the difference between the purchase price and the costs of bringing to
market whatever it is that is accounted as an enterprise (whether by harvest, extraction, manufacture, or purchase) in
terms of the component costs of delivered goods and/or services and any operating or other expenses.

Barter is a method of exchange by which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without
using a medium of exchange, such as money. It is usually bilateral, but may be multilateral, and usually exists
parallel to monetary systems in most developed countries, though to a very limited extent. Barter usually replaces
money as the method of exchange in times of monetary crisis, such as when the currency may be either unstable
(e.g., hyperinflation or deflationary spiral) or simply unavailable for conducting commerce.

BARTER PROBLEMS: The coincidence of wants problem (often "double coincidence of wants") is an important
category of transaction costs that impose severe limitations on economies lacking money and thus dominated by
barter or other in-kind transactions. The problem is caused by the improbability of the wants, needs or events that
cause or motivate a transaction occurring at the same time and the same place. One example is the bar musician who
is "paid" with liquor or food, items which his landlord will not accept as rent payment, when the musician would rather
have a month's shelter. If, instead, the musician's landlord were to throw a party and desire music for it, hiring the
musician to play it by offering the month's rent in exchange, a double coincidence of wants would exist.

In-kind transactions have several problems, most notably timing constraints. If you wish to trade fruit for wheat, you
can only do this when the fruit and wheat are both available at the same time and place (and, additionally, only if
someone wishes to trade wheat for fruit). That may be a very brief time, or it may be never. With money, (broadly
speaking, any commodity used as a medium of exchange) you can sell your fruit when it is ripe and take the money.
You can then use the money to buy wheat when the wheat harvest comes in. Thus the use of money makes all
commodities more liquid.

Besides barter, other kinds of in-kind transactions also suffer from the coincidence of wants problem in the absence
of money. For example, when wealth is transferred during marriage, divorce, inheritance, and other crucial life events,
or during the collection of taxes or tribute, it is improbable that this event will coincide with the recipient's desire for the
commodities the “payor” can readily obtain, unless they are intermediate commodities, i.e. money. In the absence of
money, all of these transactions suffer from the basic problem of barter -- they require an improbable coincidence of
wants and events. The term 'double coincidence of wants' was coined by William Stanley Jevons.


In financial accounting, assets are economic resources. Anything tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned
or controlled to produce value and that is held to have positive economic value is considered an asset. A
treasure-map, a security code, a specific location of an item of which only you know the whereabouts. Simply stated,
assets represent ownership of value that can be converted into cash (although cash itself is also considered an asset).

The balance sheet of a firm records the monetary value of the assets owned by the firm. It is money and other
valuables belonging to an individual or business. Two major asset classes are tangible assets and intangible assets.
Tangible assets contain various subclasses, including current assets and fixed assets. Current assets include
inventory, while fixed assets include such items as buildings and equipment.

Intangible assets are nonphysical resources and rights that have a value to the firm because they give the firm some
kind of advantage in the market place. Examples of intangible assets are goodwill, copyrights, trademarks, patents
and computer programs, and financial assets, including such items as accounts receivable, bonds and stocks.


(a) INTRINSIC THEORY OF VALUE: An intrinsic theory of value (also called theory of objective value) is any
theory of value in economics which holds that the value of an object, good or service, is intrinsic or contained
in the item itself. Most such theories look to the process of producing an item, and the costs involved in that
process, as a measure of the item's intrinsic value.

(b) SUBJECTIVE THEORY OF VALUE: The subjective theory of value (or theory of subjective value) is an
economic theory of value that identifies worth as being based on the wants and needs of the members of a
society, as opposed to value being inherent to an object.

It holds that to possess value an object must be useful, with the extent of that value dependent upon the ability of an
object to satisfy the wants of any given individual. A rope to a drowning man, or a glass of drinking water to a man
dying of thirst, a security code to access money from the bank. All these ideas are of value. Value could be said
therefore to be that which “maintains life” or provides subjective comfort to the valuer.

"Value" here is partially separate from exchange value or price, except insofar as the latter is intended to help identify
the former; the value of any good or service simply being whatever someone would trade for it in the present. This
creates problems as consumers tend to bid up prices if they are funding demand with credit. This tends to separate
subjective values from stable values.

The theory recognizes that one thing may be more useful in satisfying the wants of one person than another, or of no
use to one person and of use to another. The theory contrasts with intrinsic theories of value that hold that there is
an objectively correct value of an object that can be determined irrespective of individual value judgements, such as
by analyzing the amount of labour incurred in producing the object (see labour theory of value).

(e)DEFINITION of Wealth

Adam Smith, in his seminal work The Wealth of Nations, described wealth as "the annual produce of the
land and labour of the society". This "produce" is, at its simplest, that which satisfies human needs and wants of utility.
In popular usage, wealth can be described as an abundance of items of economic value, or the state of controlling or
possessing such items, usually in the form of money, real estate and personal property. An individual who is
considered wealthy, affluent, or rich is someone who has accumulated substantial wealth relative to others in their
society or reference group. In economics, net wealth refers to the value of assets owned minus the value of liabilities
owed at a point in time. Wealth can be categorized into three principal categories: personal property, including homes
or automobiles; monetary savings, such as the accumulation of past income; and the capital wealth of income

producing assets, including real estate, stocks, bonds, and businesses. All these delineations make wealth an
especially important part of social stratification. Wealth provides a type of social safety net of protection against an
unforeseen decline in one’s living standard in the event of job loss or other emergency and can be transformed into
home ownership, business ownership, or even a college education.

'Wealth' refers to some accumulation of resources, whether abundant or not. 'Richness' refers to an abundance of
such resources. A wealthy (or rich) individual, community, or nation thus has more resources than a poor one.
Richness can also refer to at least basic needs being met with abundance widely shared. The opposite of wealth is
destitution. The opposite of richness is poverty.


Money is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts
in a given country or socio-economic context. The main functions of money are distinguished as: a medium of
exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; and, occasionally in the past, a standard of deferred payment. Any
kind of object or secure verifiable record that fulfils these functions can serve as money.

In the past, money was generally considered to have the following four main functions, which are summed up in a
rhyme found in older economics textbooks: "Money is a matter of functions four, a medium, a measure, a
standard, a store." That is, money functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, a standard of deferred
payment, and a store of value.

MONEY PERFORMING AS A MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE: When money is used to intermediate the exchange of
goods and services, it is performing a function as a medium of exchange. It thereby avoids the inefficiencies of a
barter system, such as the 'double coincidence of wants' problem.

Money is nothing more than a transferable token to show a past WILLING PARTICIPATION in a venture which
involved someone’s TIME. Ergo, Time is money but money is not Time!

Gold can be money as can silver but see letter sent to Ms. Christine Lagarde, but gold and silver can also be mere
jewellery or wiring in cables or leaf adorning a statute to protect and beautify it.

Ms. Christine Lagarde,

Managing Director IMF,

700 19th St NW, Washington,

District of Columbia 20431 U.S.A.

“””A gentleman from the CIA said to one of the investigators that the Global Settlement Foundation (GSF) does not
have any gold (relative to them, that is), and that GSF is an “empty revolver” and therefore cannot be invited to the
‘round table’. Our reply to them is that they have purloined all the ammunition (gold) but they don’t have the Guns of
Common Law (mechanism). The ‘round table’ under which they trade and at which they back-stab each other is
counter to finality of settlement and a Court of Record. At best, they are the trustees of the gold for the benefit of ‘We
The People’ and it for the people to restore Common Law courts and the Rule of Law so that the gold can safely enter
circulation again.

If the question be asked, does a return to the practice of Common Law require gold? The answer returns, no, just
about any good substance will do. Global Settlement Foundation is not just about gold or the impending Global
Settlement, it stands for the fact that finality of settlement can be assured when a good is deliverable. As we wrote in
our essay introducing the Global Standard.....”” as per Ray Sundarrson letter to LaGarde.

So to continue:

“Does a piece of paper (a monetary note) or a (base-metal) coin have any value other
than that which is “agreed” by the community which uses it?

The answer is NO! Apart from the usefulness of the paper in and of itself to wipe your ++++ with or light a fire, or the
metal within the coin as an utilisable thing within the community to plug a hole or be melted and used to make
something else, it again has no INHERENT value.


So can TIME be MONEY? (yes or no question) .

(f) DEFINITION of TIME as money...?
Does time have value?

Do you have time? Do you ever have enough time? Do you wish you had more time? Do you agree that you “spend”
time with your parents, your children, at the beach at the cinema, doing house or home-work? If yes then you are
easily and effortlessly on the way to FREEDOM from governmental financial control and the tyrannical and cruel future
which is parked just over the horizon as we head through 2012 towards 2013.

Can time be spent as if it were money? Does time have value? If there is a commodity on earth which is finite for all
peoples across all lands if so then TIME certainly is the proverbial “it”.

Is work/labour or creative design performable without the passing of time? Could most people agree that before they
are to spend money they are spending/or paying for it with time first? Spending time in the sense that it has taken time
for them to produce/earn the money and so the money which they spend IS the time they spend too! A definition of
money is it is a “token of worth for the willing participation” in a project or venture by someone. Time can easily exist
without money but money CAN NEVER EXIST without time. Ergo, TIME is all you need and it is the Cart which has
mysteriously appeared before or in front of the horse!

Re - The Pride of the Fleet



SPEED = DISTANCE over TIME. Both DISTANCE and ENERGY rely on time for their coverage/expenditure. If
any of this is true, and you possess TIME then ergo, you have a trade-able commodity or an exchangeable
commodity accepted by all but RECOGNISED by few. Of equal if not of greater value than gold, as long as it’s
packaged or “mined” correctly. Remember, 99.9% Fine Gold is found in gold ore and before it is processed
would not pass for much at all.

Time, my friend, is the fundamental building block of all systems of value, money, currency, assets and price
mechanism. No monetary system, no currency and no labour/talent/skill/creativity, which is the designation of “value
or worth” can be completed or created or brought into being without TIME. Ergo, time is the building block of life and
all activity which flows from and through life must therefore be an effect of the cause which IS time. Time is a
subjective measure of the perceived passage of a cycle. That cycle can be the transit of a planet or solar disc on a
“daily” (1 revolutionary period) or the periodicity over which a photon of light is “perceived” as transiting from point A to
point B. Time is a function of MIND and can expand or contract “relativistically” as well as perceptually as far as the
individual is concerned, e.g. Waiting for a verdict from a jury at your trial: spending time with your new love! On earth

the one thing which we ALL possess as a birth right is TIME on earth (TOE) – how long this period is, is a mystery.
But what is INCONTROVERTIBLE is that it is FINITE and therefore has a VALUE. Ergo, TIME = VALUE

e nergy = mc²
It Unlocks Your Cage of £$€ Captivity!

Work/energy = you x time²

Time/Space Unit: Our unit of time/space is defined as being 1/8766 of a Mean Solar Tropical Year (MSTY) this
period equalling “1hour” (of 60minutes). A MSTY is the perceived duration of “TIME” that it seemingly takes for 1
revolution of the planet Earth around its parent body, the sun, when viewed, by a human being, from a point between
the Tropics (Cancer and Capricorn), both situated at latitude 23.5 degrees North and South of the equator.

Is money the same as time or equate-able with time? Money is only a product or effect of time. Time is the
CAUSE. Effects must follow cause – they cannot precede it. And so the UNIT of TIME MUST BE the parent of the
effect. Money can do only the things which time has granted it. Money is TOTALLY TIME Dependant. Time though
does NOT require money!

The Earth Game rules formulated by the cruel and tyrannical elite including, but not restricted to Governments
comprised of criminal politicians and their unappointed “secret advisers”, Royalty, Church and self-appointed leaders,
ensures that everyone on this planet must “work,” however the term is defined, in order to be “paid/earn”
“money/cash/value” for the “work” he does, which is the TIME he spends. As he spends his time he receives a
payment for this VALUABLE commodity. This expenditure of ENERGY over a period of TME by a UNIT of MASS (a
photon or a human) conforms with MATHEMATICAL precision and certainty as demonstrated by Albert Einstein’s
“General Theory of Relativity” the common equation written as e = mc², where m = mass, c = speed and e=energy.

Can we agree that work, in every case takes TIME? Whether it is 20minutes for a dental check-up or 40hrs working in
a factory moving boxes or delivering parcels it is required that you turn up for work and complete the task. Outside of
this, the amount you are paid is determined by various social, economic and personal factors which are almost too
varied and disparate to cover here. But we will touch on a few.


Sweeping up and washing cars is deemed to be of less value that playing a piano in a concert hall for a paying
audience or the services of a veterinary/dental surgeon. The values are, in part, defined by society and in part by the
relief they give to the people demanding the service. If something is URGENT like filling a tooth at the dentist then the
person will pay handsomely for the immediate services of the dentist. On the other hand if it’s just a check-up then the
price is lower as the service less urgent. (Cultural enjoyment is determined by enjoyment/entertainment value).

The emptying of your dustbin falls into a category of “no great need” until it’s full. Then if it’s still sitting in your drive
weeks after the collection date then …… The above examples ALL incur a TIME VALUE UNIT which determines the
“price.” As you can see, especially if you actively try to defeat our HYPOTHESIS, there is NO earning or value,
currency money or other object that is NOT totally dependent upon time. Even an inheritance is dependent upon
someone else’s PAST TIME effort, as is a Lottery win or other gaming payment.

Next we’ll deal with WeRe TIME-SPACE UNITS and how they are
Valuation Procedure and Time mechanics: PRESUMPTIONS

Each person has a life expectancy 70.5 years global average life expectancy x 8766 hours (MSTY) = 618,003 LIFE-
TIME-UNITS (LTU) per Human.
7,000,000,000 (7billion) people x 618003 LTU’s = 4.326021 Global Time Units (4.3 Quadrillion Units in circulation at
any one hour of time). We can if desirous, borrow TIME UNITS from the Global Pool just as governments profess to
do with their “fiat currency” “smoke and mirrors” economic model, for the creation of their “legal currency” Treasury
Bills or T Bonds, Treasuries and Gilts.

Re has a gun and the bullets to go into it unlike alternative financial

system and economic model remedies.

The unit value is the same for all people in all countries of the world. Whether in Uganda, Soweto, Paris or Munich the
RE has the same value everywhere as it is a TIME delivered concept which is Constant, Equal, Final and Fair to and
for all on the planet regardless of education, political orientation, colour or religious beliefs. We must begin to think
differently now. Some would say an alternative system of finance, such as (say) a Gold Standard is a hollow concept
unless you have sufficient GOLD IN PHYSICAL possession to satisfy the customer base demand. It would be like
having the gun (the concept) but nothing to put in it to make it effective. We agree. What is the point of trading a
commodity which is possessed by someone else and has to be fought for!

With Re We have both gun and bullets to go in it.

WeRe Private Banking System is designed to be based locally and delivers Free, Fair and Final payment
for TIME ACTIVITY with LAWFUL MONEY. An accounting slip, plus you and your Pass Book are delivered to the
Central Accounting Hub, also called the Bank, this allows your Book to be updated. The Bank Hub is connected to
the other Bank Hubs.

For now “The LOCAL AREA” is to be “Ceremonially Defined” as πr2 = radius (of 3.09016994) (3.09016994 nautical
miles) X pi = 30 Square Nautical Miles as ONE WeRe CELL. In reality the Cell radius can be slightly more or less but
NOT substantially so. Pi is defined as 1.2 times the speed of light squared.


WeRe Private Banking System is a facilitator of wealth discovery. It is a private banking facility as
opposed to a private Rothschild controlled bank. We offer TOTAL TRANSPARENCY in all TRANSACTIONS. We
provide you, as our customer, with a basic human right: that is to earn a means of wealth exchange anywhere in the
world at any time of day or night, free from taxation and inflationary pressures, which are engineered to PREVENT
you from building meaningful wealth over time.

WeRe also satisfying a role as employment agency to provide work/value for our customer/member base.

If you wish to work, then all it requires is a request to the Banking Admin in order for them to log the “work” and
provide a Job number. After that you become a Human Being not a Human Doing!

WeRe Bank is unique in that we create your wealth FOR YOU by simply re-adjusting the deception within the
equation of TIME WORK ENERGY = REWARD. The current satanic mind-set places you in a position of slave or
vassal. You are owned by the government which tells you what to do and when to do it. You have no choice other
than to work in a system which controls what you earn, how and when you earn it and then ensures via the Twin
Towers of TAXATION and INFLATION that your asset, defined in money, are taken from you over time. The taxation
element is taken to fund wars, over indulgence and exploitation of the earth and it’s populace for the benefit of a neo-
feudalistic tyrannical despotic hierarchical aggressive territorial prison planet desirous elitist regime. This regime is
only interested in one thing – MORE for them - Less for you.

WeRe Banking System Creates…

1. WeRe Bank creates a viable, productive and locally independent wealth generation system which is not only
protective against economic collapse but is tax and inflation free.

2. WeRe Bank re-creates and re-generates the disintegrated fabric of TRUST which is the glue which held
community together.

3. WeRe Bank is truly people facing and is a private bank and so 100% owned by the people who make it up. All
profit stays within the membership base and is for the sole use and benefit of the community which it serves. Profit, is
not siphoned off by shareholders and international stock-market capitalists to off-shore criminal banking cartels

4. WeRe Bank issues SCRIP and NON-SCRIP units with loans (non-scrip) of up to 5,000 units at zero interest,
5-10,000 at 1.5% and everything above, at 3% per annum (rates subject to abolition at any time).

5. WeRe Bank’s principal trading asset is the TIME/SPACE Unit Re. It holds for, and pays out to its customers,
units of energy expended over time denominated in units of TIME/SPACE/TIME called Re. This equation is, upon
simple reflection and consideration, the only value for a unit of exchange/currency in this world. These units are
denominated in 3 skill/time classes. A, B, C.

A Class Time is paid out at 24 Re per hour,

B Class Time is paid out at 12 Re per hour and

C Class Time is paid out at 8 Re per hour. Only WHOLE units are issued.

Retailers however can and should price their goods/services in 0.5, 0.75, and 0.25 of a unit/Re.

6. The only other unit of value which is exchangeable is an “INTERNATIONAL OUTREACH UNIT” which is
denominated in 0.25g, 0.5g and 1g units of 99.9% fine gold. These International Outreach Units (IOU) or GLOBALS
are freely tradable and only require the client/customer to register with the bank in order to “spend” them within the
defined localised community zone. They are usually bought by the customer and held by the customer. If any fiat
currency is placed with the bank then WeRe Bank will IMMEDIATELY arrange for it to be used to purchase physical
metal of gold and/or silver 99.9% fine.

7. WeRe Bank ensures that no product or service is “sold” (or presented) by our retailers/service providers with
PROFIT MOTIVE included. Fair pricing is taken as a given. Profit is only required in the dysfunctional and dead,
fossilized, obsolete system of “value-theft” proffered by the military - Industrial- religious complex and known to you as
“FIAT CURRENCY”. This currency is NOT worth the paper it is printed on. This “shylock trickery” and exploitation of
people due to “fear of need” has been used to generate a return of “massive profit” to protect against future inflation.

Our system, contrary wise, has NO inflation and No lack or limitation of any kind. Time is ever present and freely
available to all from birth to death. If you have time you have unit availability. The only requirement is that you
perform some “meaningful work” (however defined) for you community. WeRe Bank is the SOLE ARBITER of what
qualifies or is allowable as “work” and ALL WORK TRANSACTIONS MUST BE SANCTIONED BY THE BANK prior to
being undertaken. Failure to do so could result in loss of Re/Units. This is only to ensure “fairness and parity” on
start-up. Just a call or TEXT or email is required to inform us and receive your job ID Number. It’s a courtesy so
please do it

(a) WeRe Bank provides a list of all our customers and this is given to all our customers and is updated weekly.

(b) WeRe Banking is NOT subject to disclosure to ANY outside government department, authority, financial or
judicial institution, or jurisdictional tribunal or Sovereign.

(c) WeRe Banking is FREE from all charges, income taxes, capital taxes, VAT, TVA and “worldy” liabilities such
as inheritance and capital gains taxes, death duties and estate duties.

(d) WeRe Banking is interest free and inflation free. What this means that the value of a 1 UNIT today will have the
same buying power in 20 years time. Inflation steals your money while you sleep. WeRe Banking protects.

(e)WeRe Banking frees you from the vagaries, volatility and uncertainty of global market fluctuations, depreciation
and loss of wealth due to collapsing currency or a “run on the banks”. It is more certain than gold as it is safer than
gold. It is a natural, portable, individuals’ perfect asset in that it is yours and only yours. It’s perfectly personal and
cannot be taken, copied, falsified or traded without YOU as an entity delivering the TIME.

(g) WeRe Banking ensures that you cannot lose your accumulated wealth due to a collapse of the world banking
economic model and ensures you, your family and friends are “ring fenced” and protected from the impending global
financial meltdown. The future is LOCAL. The future is COMMON UNITY-COMMUNITY.

(h) WeRe Bank will credit 500 REunits to the account of everyone who joins WeRe Bank prior to 07/04/16.

(i) WeRe Bank also provides access to a Common Law Court of Record (CLCR) in order to solve community
disputes as well as protect you from external bureaucratic pressures and unnecessary governmental interference in
your daily life. It will fight taxation and financial issues associated with “external financing sources” on your behalf.

In order to access the Court of Record a BOND to the value of 10gram of gold or 1oz of silver (being 99.9% fine) must
be deposited with WeRe Bank, this acts as your “Word and your Bond.” It is returnable to you upon demand. If
subject to Bond to the Court then it is forfeit to the plaintiff should you be judged against.

WeRe…HeRe To Help You!

Reversing the damage

The governmental backed “corporatocracy” has been sucking the life blood of wealth generation out of all peoples of
the world for millennia. The time is right though due to Higher Authority intervention to redress this imbalance and
restore a healthy living standard throughout the world. It is your birth right. It is your Divine entitlement and it has been
decreed that you MUST be given the opportunity to accept a better more balanced lifestyle free from tyranny, fear and
lack –or continue with a “free-will” choice to remain with your jailers and captors. Not choosing is also a choice.

In today’s world you must work to stay alive, to earn a wage to pay your vastly inflated energy and food bills, your
taxes. You must work to feed yourself and your children. You must work to pay for poisoned food and pay for those
things which are yours by right. You have no say in how your neighbourhood and community is run and you are liable
to be arrested or imprisoned for demonstrating your dissatisfaction with the current dictatorial totalitarian regime which
controls your daily life. The government introduces constant illegal and petty legislation and hounds the common man
for 60€ fines when the “global banksters” steal billions and the government them pays them more. It’s a lunatic
asylum – but these lunatics are dangerous. They don’t harm themselves but us!

The future will be worse than you can possibly imagine if you fail to re-take responsibility for your own well-being, and
fail to do it now. Please believe us when we tell you, “Tomorrow is too late!” The agenda of the collapsing Euro and

US $ was/is a pre-planned and well-orchestrated event scheduled to happen on the dawn of the 11 Year of its
introduction, 01/01/2012. It has been a deliberate attempt by the Ruling Global Elite to further handicap you and bring
you to your knees. But with all good stories the endings are often a surprise to all: WeRe that surprise. This is the fool
Proof Plan of the elite which was not, fortunately for you GOD-PROOF!


WeRe setting up a truly consensual and help-full system of wealth generation as a bridging action until we can have
community which functions on a motivation of Total Trust; this is our ultimate goal, however, for now we proceed as

Each geographically denominated WeRe Banking Cell has a clearly defined operational area. Within that zone
the Central Clearing House has a function to provide you with the following:

1. Were Bank provides each of its members with a list of ALL its other members/customers, as well as with
addresses and phone numbers – 100% transparency. This list is updated weekly.

2. Were Bank provides you with a list of all products and services available which are trade-able/purchase-able
with RE Units as well as full cost/price disclosure. This is in effect our Retail Network. Doctors, dentists, vets,
solicitors, electricians, plumbers, bakers, wine-growers, fruit and vegetable sellers, labourers, gardeners, pool
maintenance men, plasterers, baby-sitters, teachers and all other classes of workers.

3. WeRe Bank also informs all its members of the WORK that is required to be done by third party members. This
could be gardening, heavy lifting, driving duties, electrical re-wiring, plumbing, building work and in short any type of
WORK commonly defined and accepted as “work”. The difference is that you need only accept the job/work which you
wish to complete and or enjoy. Plus you do NOT have to work at the same job for conventional 40hr periods of time.

4. WeRe Bank REunits are credited to your account on the day which “YOU and YOUR PASSBOOK” present at
the WeRe Bank Central Clearing House. The units are then entered into your book by the cashier. In addition
to this you should keep a “running total of units earned” in the back of your passbook. The book is designed for this.

5. WeRe Bank REunits are entered into your pass book every time you visit the WeRe Bank.

6. WeRe Bank pays no interest on Re units as there is NO INFLATION within the system AND each transaction is
a “FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT” (See Global Settlement Foundation) of the “perceived debt/obligation”. This
renews the stolen link of a LAWFUL Money Supply and destroys the mirage which is the “corporate government fiat
currency, worthless paper exchange system.


You can currently purchase RE/units in the following way. Please present yourself at the Admin Building. For every
£100 you exchange we will credit your account with 150 RE. The units are then exchangeable where you see the
“WEREHERE”sign. The retailer or service provider will then accept 1 RE/unit for every £2 normally charged. You
receive IMMEDIATELY a 50% reduction. Therefore, a bottle of wine charged in sterling at £6 if you prefer to pay in
RE, then you hand over 3 RE. Having received at a ratio of 1:1.5, in effect now you have received a 200% increase
in your spending power.

Another example: You visit the vegetable supplier. You select your fruit and vegetables. The total is £25. He asks you
how you wish to pay: “Sterling or RE?” You elect to pay with RE. He asks you for your book and you initiate the
transaction. He charges you RE 12.5. You are happy! The retailer is happy! Now when the retailer goes to buy (say)
wine or bread or meat with his book – the exact same relationship takes place. Ergo, please DO NOT fall into the trap,
as retailer in thinking you have only received half the value. All we’ve done is akin to strengthening your currency.
Look at it as trading in a Super Strong Swiss France if it helps your mind-set! If the retailer elects to accept euros €
instead of Re then with his £6 in the above wine purchase example, he can come to the Admin Building and exchange
his £6 for 3 RE. He will invariably NOT do this as there is no benefit to him on any side.


How To Join...?
In order to join WeRe Bank you must be sponsored by two (2) existing members. They sign you in
and they are then responsible for ALL your TRANSACTIONS for the first 100 hours of work or for
the first 50 spending TRANSACTIONS. This ensures that the “Circle of Trust” or “Chain of
Integrity” which binds all customers together in a Common & Lawful purpose, is not compromised
by negative elements.

Please contact the person who gave you this material and they
will inform you of what to do next.

Proof of Membership
Every time you engage in “spending time” on “work” activities arranged by WeRe Bank , you must submit your Pass
Book to the Service Provider/Retailer in order for them to enter your details BOTH in the Triplicate Book, as well as
your Pass Book. For retail spending individuals will be furnished with a magnetically encrypted ID card as basic proof

of membership. This is to prevent low-level fraudulent behaviour by the uninformed! and....

Where to Spend units:
Please look for the “WEREHERE” sign which signifies a “Retailer/Trader Acceptance” of our units. The retailer will
wish to ensure that you have sufficient units for exchange in your book at the point of sale. Trust is the governing
factor and honesty is the overriding motivating factor woven into ALL dealings. The fact that you are IN THE SYSTEM
guarantees that you are trustworthy. For the first 100 hours of work YOU must, however, have your book updated by
Central Admin to verify your account balance. After that you will be allowed to use WeRe Bank Admin Centre “as
yet un-entered” units as displayed “freehand” in the back of your book (by the person for whom you have done the
work), IF NECESSARY in order to make a purchase should your “now moment” desired purchase deduction, cause
your printed balance to fall into negative territory. This is a short term loan provide ON TRUST on the assumption that
your units will clear. As already stated above, the retailer will wish to ensure that you have sufficient units for
exchange in your book at the point of sale This information is available to the retailer/service provider in 3 ways:-

1. They can see the number of RE units printed in your book by the WeRe Bank Central Admin Centre and
then look at the “intermediate activity” shown in the back of your book. If the PREVIOUS UPDATE was done more
than 3 days ago, then they may have to rely on the book-keeping entries in the handwritten section provided in the
rear of your Pass Book. ## N.B. This can ONLY be done AFTER you can show 100 hours of “active work” in the
front printed section of your book.

2. Subject to 1 above, the retailer, at his absolute discretion, can simply look in the back of your Pass Book and as
long as your Passbook is “current”, i.e. up to date as far as you are concerned and hasn’t been CANCELLED by WeRe
Bank,he can accept the balance and then deduct the cost or spend from your “provisional total” in the back of your
book. NB HE does this NOT you!!

3. The retailer can also telephone WeRe Bank Central Admin Centre and simply verify that the customer
has sufficient RE/units in his account to cover the transaction.

How To Spend RE/Units - MECHANICS of PAYING

Once the retailer has satisfied himself that you have sufficient balance to cover the value of the sale then goods can
be exchanged. You then in effect give the retailer/service provider a cheque in the form of the TRIPLICATE book
which he fills in. NOTE he, the retailer, fills in your TRIPLICATE book for you which you then BOTH sign.

The BLUE copy, the original, stays with the retailer/service provider and is like the cheque you generally give for
payment. He has this as he has the burden of loss and hence the incentive to ensure that the CHEQUE is presented
a.s.a.p. to WeRe. Failure to present could mean failure to receive the RE/units. This copy will remain with WeRe
Bank for its records and to ensure that when you next present your book, that the correct deductions are made from
your book.

The RED copy stays with you. This is like your CHEQUE BOOK STUB in a conventional cheque book.

The GREEN copy also stays with the person who has SOLD you the goods or the service – the retailer/service

Client Worker Hours Unit Date Job Time Bal. brought TOTAL
Ref. No Ref.No worked Class Value FWD

0001 V.V 2 648wbs 2 C 05/11/11 12 00 12

0002 JE0123 648wbs 4 C 06/11/11 24 12 36
0003 SD478 648wbs 3 B 12/11/11 27 36 63
0004 EH924 648wbs 5 B 05/12/11 45 63 108
0005 648wbs
0006 648wbs
0007 648wbs
provider. As he has the most to lose then he has the urgency and responsibility to ensure WeRe Bank receives the
“cheque” asap. He then must submit this receipt to Bank Central Admin daily or weekly in order that book keeping can
adjust tallies for all parties.

N.B. All products and services are sold/exchanged with you WITHOUT profit to the seller. Eventually the seller/retailer
MUST display a FULL & TRANSPARENT DISCLOSURE to include: cost of basic material(s), cost(s) of production
and cost(s) of carry/storage, insurance etc etc

# Please note you should not update your own book(by writing in the FRONT of it! – this is the job of the Service
Provider or Retailer. Only WERE BANK CENTRAL ADMIN CASHIERS can update totals in the front. The back of the
book is your tally area – and is your informal record of all your transactions.

GUARANTEES: It should be noted that the retailer/service provider is protected against fraudulent activity or “other
errors” up to a value of 100 RE per transaction. For amounts above this a simple phone call to the Bank Central
Admin Desk will confirm that units are available.

NB. For taxation purposes the total value of your account as held in RE Units will never exceed a notional value in
Euros of €100. Each RE unit has a euro/dollar/stg. value of €/$/£ value of 0.00000001 “cent”/penny.

Above = Example of Time/Space Units entered in your Passbook (Passbook Number 0000001)

TIME 1Hour 2 Hours 3 Hours Value TOTAL

A 12 24 36 12 RE Hours X A =
B 9 18 27 9 RE Hours X B =
C 6 12 18 6 RE Hours X C =

V alues of Class A, B, C Units

Please note the triplicate carbon MUST be filled in by the CLIENT SERVICE PROVIDER upon satisfactory completion of
the work. The GREEN copy remains with the person WITH THE MOST TO LOSE should the unit entry NOT be
NOTE: Our system
communicated is not
Bank Admin. new
IT IS but
YOURis TOTALLY different!
A.S.A.P. as aTHAT WE
reference for an alternative workable model. (

The WIR Bank, formerly the Swiss Economic Circle (GER: Wirtschaftsring-Genossenschaft), or WIR, is an
independent complementary currency system in Switzerland that serves small and medium-sized businesses. It exists
only as a bookkeeping system, with no scrip, to facilitate transactions.

WIR was founded in 1934 by businessmen Werner Zimmermann and Paul Enz as a result of currency shortages after
the stock market crash of 1929. Both Zimmermann and Enz had been influenced by German libertarian economist
Silvio Gesell; however, the WIR Bank renounced Gesell's "free money" theory in 1952, opening the door to monetary

"WIR" is both an abbreviation of Wirtschaftsring and the word for "we" in German, reminding participants that the
economic circle is also a community. According to the cooperative's statutes, "Its purpose is to encourage
participating members to put their buying power at each other's disposal and keep it circulating within their ranks,
thereby providing members with additional sales volume."

Although WIR started with only 16 members, today it has grown to include 62,000 — among whom is traded
approximately CHF 1.65 billion annually (as of 2004). The available money supply (currency code CHW) was 839
million equivalent Swiss francs (as of 2005).

The WIR bank is a not for profit bank. It serves the interest of the clients, not the bank itself. It is a very stable system,
not prone to failure as the current banking system is. It remains fully operational even in times of general economic
crisis. WIR may have contributed to the remarkable stability of the Swiss economy, as it dampens downturns in the
business cycle.

‡ Magna Carta is an English charter, originally issued in the year 1215 and re-issued later in the 13th century in modified versions, which included
the most direct challenges to the monarch's authority to date. The charter first passed into law in 1225. The 1297 version, with the long title
(originally in Latin) The Great Charter of the Liberties of England, and of the Liberties of the Forest, still remains on the statute books of
England and Wales.

The 1215 Charter required King John of England to proclaim certain liberties, and accept that his will was not arbitrary, for example by explicitly
accepting that no "freeman" (in the sense of non-serf) could be punished except through the law of the land, a right which is still in existence today.

Magna Carta was the first document forced onto an English King by a group of his subjects, the feudal barons, in an attempt to limit his powers by
law and protect their privileges. It was preceded and directly influenced by the Charter of Liberties in 1100, in which King Henry I had specified
particular areas wherein his powers would be limited.

Despite its recognised importance, by the second half of the 19th century nearly all of its clauses had been repealed in their original form. Three
clauses remain part of the law of England and Wales, however, and it is generally considered part of the uncodified constitution. Lord Denning
described it as "the greatest constitutional document of all times – the foundation of the freedom of the individual against the arbitrary authority of

the despot".[1] In a 2005 speech, Lord Woolf described it as "first of a series of instruments that now are recognised as having a special
constitutional status",[2] the others being the Habeas Corpus Act, the Petition of Right, the Bill of Rights, and the Act of Settlement.

The charter was an important part of the extensive historical process that led to the rule of constitutional law in the English speaking world, and it
was this particular granting of liberties which survived to become a "sacred text". [3] In practice, Magna Carta in the medieval period did not in
general limit the power of kings, but by the time of the English Civil War it had become an important symbol for those who wished to show that the
King was bound by the law. It influenced the early settlers in New England[4] and inspired later constitutional documents, including the United States


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