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Fighting Pathogenic Bacteria On Two Fronts - Phages and Antibiotics As Combined Strategy

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published: 18 February 2019

doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2019.00022

Fighting Pathogenic Bacteria on Two

Fronts: Phages and Antibiotics as
Combined Strategy
Thaysa Leite Tagliaferri 1,2 , Mathias Jansen 1 and Hans-Peter Horz 1*
Institute of Medical Microbiology, RWTH Aachen University Hospital, Aachen, Germany, 2 Department of Microbiology,
Institute of Biological Sciences, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

With the emerging threat of infections caused by multidrug resistant bacteria, phages
have been reconsidered as an alternative for treating infections caused by tenacious
pathogens. However, instead of replacing antibiotics, the combination of both types
of antimicrobials can be superior over the use of single agents. Enhanced bacterial
Edited by: suppression, more efficient penetration into biofilms, and lowered chances for the
Maria Tomas, emergence of phage resistance are the likely advantages of the combined strategy. While
Complexo Hospitalario Universitario A
a number of studies have provided experimental evidence in support of this concept,
Coruña, Spain
negative interference between phages and antibiotics have been reported as well. Neutral
Reviewed by:
Christian T. K.-H. Stadtlander, effects have also been observed, but in those cases, combined approaches may still
Independent researcher, St. Paul, MN, be important for at least hampering the development of resistance. In any case, the
United States
Lorena Ruiz, choice of phage type and antibiotic as well as their mixing ratios must be given careful
Instituto de Productos Lácteos de consideration when deciding for a dual antibacterial approach. The most frequently
Asturias (IPLA), Spain
tested bacterium for a combined antibacterial treatment has been Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, but encouraging results have also been reported for Escherichia coli,
Hans-Peter Horz Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Enterococcus
faecalis, and Burkholderia cepacia. Given the immense play area of conceivable
Specialty section:
phage-antibiotic combinations and their potential excess value, it is time to recapitulate
This article was submitted to
Clinical Microbiology, of what has been achieved so far. This review therefore gathers and compares the
a section of the journal results from most relevant studies in order to help researchers and clinicians in their
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection
strategies to combat multidrug resistant bacteria. Special attention is given to the
Received: 10 October 2018
selected bacterial model organisms, the phage families and genera employed, and the
Accepted: 22 January 2019 experimental design and evaluation (e.g., in vitro vs. in vivo models, biofilm vs. planktonic
Published: 18 February 2019
culture experiments, order and frequency of administration etc.). The presented data may
serve as a framework for directed further experimental approaches to ultimately achieve
Tagliaferri TL, Jansen M and Horz H-P
(2019) Fighting Pathogenic Bacteria a resolute challenge of multidrug resistant bacteria based on traditional antibiotics
on Two Fronts: Phages and Antibiotics and phages.
as Combined Strategy.
Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 9:22. Keywords: antibiotics, phages, phage therapy, phage and antibiotic combination, antimicrobial resistance,
doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2019.00022 phage-antibiotic synergy (PAS), resistance evolution, ESKAPE

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | 1 February 2019 | Volume 9 | Article 22
Tagliaferri et al. Phages and Antibiotics Against Bacteria

INTRODUCTION better than the best acting single agent, but worse than the sum
of both antimicrobials acting independently (Chaudhry et al.,
In the era of the increasing emergence of multi-drug 2017). Given that even facilitation is a desirable outcome, this has
resistant bacteria, a key question is currently being raised: probably led to the tentatively broader use of the word “synergy,”
do bacteriophages represent an alternative to antibiotics (Lin as many studies use this term without further distinction for
et al., 2017)? Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies using single any improvement of the combined approach, as long as it
or mixed phage types (phage cocktails) have been conducted is significant. Accordingly, unless otherwise stated, the term
over the years, however, a clear answer to this question has still “synergy” in this paper refers to a combined antibacterial effect
not been provided (Nobrega et al., 2015). While in principle that is stronger compared to the best acting compound (phage or
promising results have been reported, the establishment of antibiotic) alone.
phage therapy in modern Western medicine is a long and Figure 1 and Table 1 provide an overview of the
stony road, on which a number of hurdles have to be overcome experimental approaches (i.e., in vitro/in vivo studies, planktonic
(Pelfrene et al., 2016). Besides complicated regulatory issues culture/biofilm studies etc.). Table 1 includes also additional
and safety concerns, reluctance toward using phages for curing information about the selection of phage genus, antimicrobial
infectious diseases stems from prevailing skepticism about agents, and the potential synergistic combinations. Further
their true therapeutic efficiency, for example because of phage details, e.g., antibiotic and phage dosage used in each
resistance evolution (Chanishvili, 2012). Because of such combination are listed in the Supplementary Table S1.
potential shortcomings of phages, the probably more adequate
question would be whether the joint use of phages and antibiotics PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA
is the superior strategy for controlling bacterial pathogens. The
expected benefit of such a dual approach might be the stronger So far, the majority of phage/antibiotic studies have focused
bacterial suppression and the reduced bacterial capacity of on P. aeruginosa, apparently because of its important
developing phage and/or antibiotic resistance (Torres-Barceló clinical impact as opportunistic pathogen, which is often
and Hochberg, 2016). In fact, several studies investigating the involved in cystic fibrosis, burn infections, hospital-acquired
combined benefit of phages and traditional antibiotics have pneumonia, urinary tract infections, among others (Sousa
provided encouraging results. For instance, it has been shown and Pereira, 2014). P. aeruginosa has a strong colonization
that sub-inhibitory concentrations of antibiotics can foster capacity on biotic and abiotic surfaces and persists against
phage productivity and thus phage-mediated bacterial decline, a wide range of antimicrobials (Kung et al., 2010; Alshalchi
a phenomenon termed phage-antibiotic synergy, or PAS (e.g., and Anderson, 2015). Biofilms and planktonic cultures
Comeau et al., 2007). This beneficial effect has been observed of P. aeruginosa were the major target of many studies
for some phage/antibiotic combinations (Ryan et al., 2012; using mostly the strain PA01 or other reference strains,
Kamal and Dennis, 2015; Uchiyama et al., 2018), but not for such as PA14, CHA, and PAK (De Soyza et al., 2013).
others (Gelman et al., 2018; Torres-Barceló et al., 2018). A Furthermore, a few case reports as well as some in vivo
combined approach can also lead to the restoration of antibiotic studies based on mice or rats as model organisms have
sensitivity, for instance, in cases where the phage interacts with been published.
the bacterial drug efflux systems (Chan et al., 2016). Given Chaudhry et al. treated a 48-h biofilm of PA14 with the
the immense diversity of phages, there still exists a plethora two phages NP1 (Siphoviridae, NP1Virus) and NP3 (Myoviridae)
of untapped phage-antibiotic combinations. Furthermore, together or both in combination with five antibiotics (Chaudhry
positive interactions between any two antimicrobial agents et al., 2017). Each antimicrobial alone showed only moderate
may strongly depend on the treatment conditions (e.g., dosage, anti-biofilm efficacy, however, when applied simultaneously,
frequency, time points and order of administration etc.), true synergistic effects sensu stricto were observed between
which offers plenty of room for versatile experimentation. phages and ceftazidime at 1x MIC and 8x MIC and for
Knowledge and consideration of already tested phage/antibiotic ciprofloxacin at 1x MIC. An improved effect by way of
“medleys,” whether proofing to be successful or not, may assist facilitation was also achieved for ciprofloxacin at 8x MIC
in the more directed elucidation of suitable combinations and and for tobramycin at 1x MIC, but interestingly not at 8x
conditions. This review therefore provides an overview of the MIC (Chaudhry et al., 2017). These findings indicate the dose
most pertinent studies describing dual approaches, which may dependency of simultaneous applications with higher antibiotic
aid with the conception of optimized antibacterial strategies. concentrations likely removing the minimum bacterial density
We primarily focused on articles that were directed against required for optimal phage replication. No improvement was
selected members of the so-called ESKAPE-group, which observed with colistin and gentamicin, the latter of which is
includes Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella somewhat surprising, given that this antibiotic belongs to the
pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, same class as tobramycin. The therapeutic outcome differed with
and Enterobacter species (Rice, 2008) or directed against other time-delayed use of phages and antibiotics. The addition of
opportunistic pathogens (such as Escherichia coli, Enterococcus tobramycin or gentamicin 24 h after phage application led to a
faecalis, and Burkholderia cepacia). Depending on the magnitude significant synergistic effect. Conversely, successive addition of
of bacterial suppression, desirable positive interactions can be ciprofloxacin or ceftazidime did not lead to a better outcome
categorized as true synergism, additive effects, or as facilitation, compared to the simultaneous application. Hence, critical to
the latter of which indicates that the combined approach is a successful combined application is the dosage and the time

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | 2 February 2019 | Volume 9 | Article 22
Tagliaferri et al. Phages and Antibiotics Against Bacteria

FIGURE 1 | Overview of studies using phage-antibiotic combinations against pathogenic bacteria, separated by type of study and experimental design. Plaque Assay
refers to studies that investigated phage-antibiotic synergy (PAS) based on plaque size on solid media.

point of antibiotic addition. Variations in the phage dosage may limit phage propagation as it destabilizes the cell membrane.
also impact the antibacterial outcome, which was, however not Conversely, phage KTN4 recognizes IV-type pili as receptor and
further evaluated in this study. therefore does not interfere positively or negatively with colistin
Anti-biofilm activity but no synergistic effect was seen activity (Danis-Wlodarczyk et al., 2016).
when the giant phage KTN4 (Myoviridae, phiKZ-like-virus) was Likewise, a 48-h-old biofilm of PAO1 could not be
combined with colistin against strain PAO1 grown for 24, 48, and stronger reduced with phage PB-1 (Myoviridae, Pbunavirus,)
72 h in vitro (Danis-Wlodarczyk et al., 2016). Both antimicrobials and tobramycin together (Coulter et al., 2014). However,
alone achieved already a significant biofilm reduction, and as the combination resulted in a significant decrease in the
a possible explanation, the authors presume that colistin could emergence of antibiotic and phage resistant bacterial cells.

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | 3 February 2019 | Volume 9 | Article 22
Tagliaferri et al. Phages and Antibiotics Against Bacteria

TABLE 1 | Overview of phage-antibiotic combinations tested against human pathogenic bacteria1 .

Reference Phage name Phage genus+ Antibiotic classes



Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Chaudhry et al. (2017) NP1 (S) + NP3 (M) NP1Virus / n.s.l. CAZ TOB/GEN CIP CST
Danis-Wlodarczyk et al. KTN4 (M) phiKZ-like-virus CST
Coulter et al. (2014) PB-1 (M) Pbunavirus1 TOB*
Torres-Barceló et al. (2014) LUZ7 (P) N4-like virus2 STR
Torres-Barceló et al. (2018) LKD16 (P) Phikmvvirus1 CAZ* CIP* ERY*
LUZ7 (P) N4-like virus2 CAZ* CIP* ERY*
14/1 (M) Pbunavirus1 CAZ* CIP* ERY*
EL (M) Elvirus1 CAZ* CIP* ERY*
Uchiyama et al. (2018) KPP21 (P) N4-like virus2 FEP/CZO/CFP/CFP+SUL/ GEN/TOB/AMK CIP/LVX CST MIN FOF/CHL/SXT
Knezevic et al. (2013) δ (P) n.s.l. CRO GEN CIP PMB
δ-1 (S) n.s.l. CRO GEN CIP PMB
001A (S) n.s.l. CRO GEN CIP PMB
Chan et al. (2016) OMKO1 (M) phiKZ-like-virus CAZ CIP TET ERY
Chan et al. (2018) OMKO1 (M) phiKZ-like-virus CAZ CIP
Khawaldeh et al. (2011) Pyophage cocktail n.s.l. MEM CST
Oechslin et al. (2017) PP1131 cocktail n.s.l. MEM* CIP*
Yilmaz et al. (2013) PAT14 (P) n.s.l. IPM+CIL AMK
Hagens et al. (2006) Pf3 (I) Inovirus3 CAR GEN TET CHL
Pf1 (I) Inovirus3 CAR GEN TET CHL
Escherichia coli
Comeau et al. (2007) 8 MFP (S) n.s.l. CTX/ATM/CFM/CRO/CAZ GEN TET
RB32 (M) n.s.l. CTX
RB33 (M) n.s.l. CTX
T3 (P) T7virus1 CTX
T7 (P) T7virus1 CTX
Ryan et al. (2012) T4 (M) T4virus1 CTX
Coulter et al. (2014) T4 (M) T4virus1 TOB*
Valério et al. (2017) ECA2 (P) n.s.l. AMP/PIP KAN CIP* TET CHL
Ojala et al. (2013) PRD1 (T) Tectivirus1 KAN* RIF*
Huff et al. (2004) SPR02 + DAF6 n.s.l. ENR


Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | 4 February 2019 | Volume 9 | Article 22
Tagliaferri et al. Phages and Antibiotics Against Bacteria

TABLE 1 | Continued

Reference Phage name Phage genus+ Antibiotic classes



Staphylococcus aureus
Rahman et al. (2011) SAP-26 (S) Phietavirus1 VAN/RIF/AZM
Kirby (2012) SA5 (M) Kayvirus1 GEN*
Yilmaz et al. (2013) Sb-1 (M) Kayvirus1 TEC
Chhibber et al. (2013) MR-10 (M) n.s.l. LZD
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Verma et al. (2009b) and KPO1K2 (P) T7-like virus4 CIP*
Bedi et al. (2009) n.s.l. n.s.l. AMX
Chhibber et al. (2008) SS (P) n.s.l. AMK
Acinetobacter baumannii
Jansen et al. (2018) KARL-1 (M) T4-like virus MEM* CIP CST
Enterococcus faecalis
Gelman et al. (2018) EFDG1+EFLK1 (M) n.s.l. AMP*
Burkholderia cepacia
Kamal and Dennis (2015) KS12 (M) n.s.l. AMP/CAZ/PIP/MEM KAN CIP/LVX TET/MIN

∆ Experimental studies appear in the same order as in the main text. Antibiotics in green indicate positive interaction (enhanced bacterial suppression or PAS) with the respective

phage; antibiotics in black indicate that positive interactions with respective phage were not observed; Stars behind the antibiotics mark those studies in which resistance evolution was
investigated; green stars indicate that the combined approach reduced the emergence of resistant cells; black stars indicate that the emergence of resistant cells was not reduced or
the sensitivity level was maintained with the combined approach, respectively. Gray scale: in vitro studies; light red scale: in vivo studies; dark red scale: human case reports.
+ Phage genus information was provided by the respective references in the table (left column), except for cases with superscript numbers: 1 Mihara et al. (2016); 2 Shen et al. (2016);
3 Holland et al. (2006); 4 Verma et al. (2009a), which do not represent studies about phage/antibiotic combinations, but provide information about the phage genus.

(M), Myoviridae; (I), Inoviridae; (P), Podoviridae; (S), Siphoviridae; (T), Tectiviridae; n.s.l.: genus not specified in literature; β-L, Beta-Lactam antibiotics/Beta-Lactamase inhibitors; AG,
Aminoglycosides; FQ, Fluoroquinolones; PM, Polymyxins; TC, Tetracyclines; OT, Others; AMK, amikacin; AMP, ampicillin; AMX, amoxicillin; ATM, aztreonam; AZM, azithromycin; CAR,
carbenicillin; CAZ, ceftazidime; CFM, cefixime; CFP, cefoperazone; CHL, chloramphenicol; CIL, cilastatin; CIP, ciprofloxacin; CMZ, cefmetazole; CPD, cefpodoxime; CRO, ceftriaxone;
CST, colistin; CTM, cefotiam; CTX, cefotaxime; CZO, cefozopran; ENR, enrofloxacin; ERY, erythromycin; FEP, cefepime; FMX, flomoxef; FOF, fosfomycin; GEN, gentamicin; IPM,
imipenem; KAN, kanamycin; LVX, levofloxacin; LZD, linezolid; MEM, meropenem; MIN, minocycline; MOX, moxalactam (latamoxef); MTC, mitomycin C; NAL, nalidixic acid; PIP, piperacillin;
PMB, polymyxin B; RIF, rifampicin; STR, streptomycin; SUL, sulbactam; SXT, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole; TEC, teicoplanin; TET, tetracycline; TIC, ticarcillin; TOB, tobramycin; VAN,

Thus, the treatment of biofilms using the dual approach is erythromycin applied against the strain PAO1 (Torres-Barceló
clearly warranted, despite an apparent lack of a stronger et al., 2018). The phages used were LKD16 (Podoviridae,
anti-biofilm capacity. Phikmvvirus), LUZ7 (Podoviridae, N4-like virus), 14/1
Irrespective of this, the challenge of planktonic cultures of (Myoviridae, Pbunavirus), and EL (Myoviridae, Elvirus).
PA01 generally led to more promising results. Torres-Barceló Except for ciprofloxacin, phage density initially decreased in
et al. applied phage LUZ7 (Podoviridae, N4-like virus) in most tested antibiotic-phage combinations, which is somewhat
conjunction with streptomycin which reduced the bacterial cell opposing the phenomenon of PAS. Even phage virulence,
density significantly stronger than each single treatment (Torres- defined as the capacity to inhibit ancestral bacterial density, was
Barceló et al., 2014). Notably, the time point of antibiotic reduced in the co-presence of antibiotics. Those negative effects
addition mattered (i.e., streptomycin administration 12 h after on the phages were not observed later on (i.e., after 8 days),
phage application achieved higher bacterial suppression than indicating that phages had adapted to the antibiotic-containing
after 24 h), the result of which was independent from the environment. Despite of this, combination treatments stronger
streptomycin dosages. Hence, corroborating the findings of controlled bacterial density and particularly ciprofloxacin limited
Chaudhry et al., there exists a specific time window during which antibiotic resistance evolution. Thus, this study principally
the supplementary delivery of the antibiotic leads to optimal encourages combination strategies, but also points at the need
results (Chaudhry et al., 2017). Realization of the ideal time for investigations at a prolonged time scale (i.e., several days,
period may be the key for successful future applications. comparable to the time window of an infectious disease under
However, larger time scales must also be taken into treatment) in order to account for—and understand—the clinical
consideration. For instance, long-term effects over several importance of evolutionary adaptations during phage therapy.
days of four unrelated phages were investigated in addition with In an attempt to systematically identify well-working
sub-inhibitory concentrations of ceftazidime, ciprofloxacin, and phage/antibiotic combinations, Uchiyama et al. tested PAS, using

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | 5 February 2019 | Volume 9 | Article 22
Tagliaferri et al. Phages and Antibiotics Against Bacteria

four unrelated phages and 25 antibiotics against strain PAO1 in vitro results (Chan et al., 2016), the patient was treated with a
and five clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa (Uchiyama et al., combined phage/antibiotic approach. In fact, following a single
2018). The four phages were KPP21 (Podoviridae, N4-like virus), application of phage OMKO1 and ceftazidime, the infection
KPP22 (Myoviridae, Pbunavirus), KPP23 (Siphoviridae), and appeared to resolve with no signs of recurrence (Chan et al.,
KPP25 (Podoviridae, Kpp25virus). While no PAS was observed 2018). However, part of the graft was excised 4 weeks after
between KPP25 and any of the antibiotics, the other three the treatment due to aortic perforation. Hence, at this point it
phages exhibited PAS with 5, 13, and 3 antibiotics, respectively. remains unclear whether the treatment success was due to this
Involved in PAS were predominantly cell wall synthesis inhibiting intervention, the phage activity alone, or its combination with
antibiotics including the anti-Pseudomonas drugs ceftazidime ceftazidime (Chan et al., 2018).
and piperacillin. PAS was further confirmed for the best scoring In another case report Khawaldeh et al. described the
phage KPP22 based on time-kill curves and biofilm assays, successful use of six lytic P. aeruginosa phages combined
along with the testing of additional clinical isolates. The study at equal amounts into a Pyophage cocktail (Villarroel et al.,
shows that PAS can be observed quite frequently, although the 2017), as adjunctive therapy (Khawaldeh et al., 2011). While
selection of the phage type seems to be a crucial factor. It antibiotics alone failed to cure a recurrent bladder infection in
remains to be demonstrated though, whether PAS automatically a 67-year-old woman, the combination of the phage cocktail
qualifies successfully tested combinations for in vivo applications. with meropenem and colistin led to symptomatic relief and
Conversely, it is unclear whether or not those phage/antibiotic reduction of the bacterial load, when applying the cocktail
pairs, displaying no PAS, are de facto unsuitable as potential every 12 h for 10 days. Interestingly, a decrease in viable
treatment option. This is an unexplored field and requires bacterial counts was already observed before starting the time-
further investigation. delayed antibiotic therapy which commenced on the sixth day
The suppressive effect against reference strains other than of phage therapy. From then on, the bacterial count further
PA01 was assessed by Knezevic et al., using three unrelated decreased (day 7) until no viable bacteria could be detected
phages (Knezevic et al., 2013). Phages δ (Podoviridae), δ-1, and anymore from the eighth day. This case report is encouraging,
001A (both Siphoviridae) were used against their individual because the treatment was well-tolerated by the patient and
hosts, i.e., PA-4U, ATCC 9027, and PA-M2, respectively, in because the beneficial effect of successive application of different
conjunction with sub-inhibitory concentrations of ciprofloxacin, antimicrobials agrees well with the aforementioned in vitro
ceftriaxone, gentamicin, or polymyxin B. Only with ceftriaxone observations (Torres-Barceló et al., 2014).
an enhanced reduction of planktonic cultures was observed. Oechslin et al. (2017) evaluated the anti-Pseudomonas phage
In addition, a synergistic effect—sensu stricto—occurred only cocktail PP1131 containing 12 phages in combination with
with the combination of phage δ-1. This study again shows, either 2.5x MIC of ciprofloxacin or meropenem against the
that not every phage-antibiotic combination supresses bacteria P. aeruginosa strain CHA in vitro (Oechslin et al., 2017). With
stronger. The precise mode of antibiotic action (e.g., cell both antibiotics a significant synergistic effect with PP1131 was
elongation) and the molecular base of phage/host interactions are observed, and emerging phage-resistant subpopulations could be
important determinants of success. Nonetheless, the emergence prevented by co-addition of the antibiotics. This positive effect
of resistant variants might be reduced also with less successful could subsequently be confirmed when treating an experimental
combinations. This latter issue should therefore always be endocarditis model in rats. While a single application of the
investigated, whenever combination approaches are evaluated. phage cocktail or ciprofloxacin was equally effective in reducing
Encouragement for a clinical approach was fuelled by the the bacterial load, a significant synergistic effect was achieved
in vitro observation that the lytic phage OMKO1 (Myoviridae, when both antimicrobial agents were jointly used. In this
phiKZ-like-virus) led to the re-sensitization to several antibiotics case, 64% of tested rats could be successfully treated. Hence,
of eight P. aeruginosa strains including PAO1 (Chan et al., 2016). the combination approach proved to be meaningful in this
This phage binds to the outer membrane porin M, which belongs infection model. However, P. aeruginosa-associated endocarditis
to certain efflux systems responsible for antibiotic resistance. is relatively rare in humans, which means that it would be
Consequently, efflux pump mechanisms are severely affected by interesting to know whether or not more common bacterial
such a phage attack. Apparently, the attempt to evade the phage causes of this heart disease (e.g., staphylococci or streptococci)
infection requires mutation adaptation that represents a genetic can also be treated with phage/antibiotic combinations. To our
trade-off between phage resistance and antibiotic sensitivity. knowledge this has not been investigated so far.
Chan et al. (2018) subsequently assessed the efficiency of the Rats were also selected for an implant-related infection
combined treatment of phage OMKO1 and antibiotic in a patient model using clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa followed by a
with prosthetic vascular graft infection in the aorta artery (Chan subsequent treatment with phage vB_PsaP PAT14 (Podoviridae)
et al., 2018). Prior to the human application, the clinical isolate in combination with imipenem/cilastatin, and amikacin (Yilmaz
of the patient was tested in an in vitro biofilm assay. Both, et al., 2013). The phage was administered through the skin,
ceftazidime and ciprofloxacin at 2x MIC were not sufficient to directly into the medullary canal, once a day for 3 consecutive
eliminate a 72-h old biofilm. In contrast, phage OMKO1 as single days. The antibiotics were applied intraperitoneally once a day
agent significantly reduced mean cell densities, but the biofilm for 14 days. While the number of colony-forming units could be
was not stronger reduced by further adding antibiotics. However, significantly stronger reduced during the combination therapy
since no antagonism was observed and given the aforementioned compared to the control group and the two groups receiving

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | 6 February 2019 | Volume 9 | Article 22
Tagliaferri et al. Phages and Antibiotics Against Bacteria

phage or antibiotics only, no significant difference was observed concentrations of cefotaxime against E. coli strain ATCC 11303
in the final biofilm thickness across the different treatments. (Ryan et al., 2012). Besides an increased burst size, along with
Besides a too short follow-up time, failure to reduce the biofilm a reduced latent period of T4, the dual combination had a
was ascribed to the selected phage, which apparently was not significantly stronger anti-biofilm capacity compared to the
effective enough for biofilm degradation. single biofilm treatments. Also, with increasing phage titers,
In contrast to the aforementioned studies, which focused decreasing levels of cefotaxime were needed for the eradication
on lytic phages, Hagens et al. examined the impact of the of a 24-h biofilm. Thus, this study demonstrated for the first time
filamentous phages Pf3 and Pf1 (Inoviridae, Inovirus) on the that PAS affected bacterial biofilms. Furthermore, decreasing the
dosage of certain antimicrobials required to inhibit the growth effective therapeutic level of an antibiotic with phages could
of P. aeruginosa strains PAO1 and PAK, respectively (Hagens be a beneficial strategy to minimize adverse side effects of the
et al., 2006). Up to 10-fold lower concentrations of antibiotics antibiotics in vivo. By using the same strain and the same
were needed in the presence of the filamentous phages. Even phage—this time combined with tobramycin—a 48-h biofilm
re-sensitization, despite the carriage of a plasmid containing could nearly be completely eradicated after 24 h of exposure, in
resistance genes against antibiotics (including gentamicin and contrast to the single treatments (Coulter et al., 2014). Moreover,
tetracycline), could be achieved with those phages. Finally, the combined strategy prevented the occurrence of antibiotic-
the authors evaluated the therapeutic effect of gentamicin and and phage-resistant cells by 99 and 39%, respectively.
phage Pf1 in an intraperitoneal infection mouse model with Sub-lethal doses favored synergistic effects between the phage
the PAK strain. As a result, 16 out of 20 mice survived the 7- ECA2 (Podoviridae) and ciprofloxacin against the E. coli strain
day observation period, whereas the control groups died within ATCC 13706 (Valério et al., 2017). Interestingly, this effect was
48 h. As a major mechanism, it is plausible to assume that not observed with higher antibiotic concentrations. No synergy
the extrusion of filamentous phage progenies may weaken the was observed with the bacteriostatic antibiotics tetracycline and
antibiotic-barrier function of the outer membrane of gram- chloramphenicol and with antibiotics against which the strain
negative bacteria. Thus, the effect of filamentous phages merits was a priori resistant, i.e., piperacillin, ampicillin, and kanamycin.
further investigation as potential complementation of antibiotics In agreement with the synergistic result, the authors also found
against multi-drug resistant bacteria. a lower frequency of resistant mutants when the sub-inhibitory
concentration of ciprofloxacin was used. Finally, using identical
treatment conditions, the synergistic effect of the dual treatment
ESCHERICHIA COLI could be confirmed based on the in vitro-simulation of an E.
coli-driven urinary tract infection with real urine samples.
Although generally being a commensal in the gastrointestinal An elegant and somewhat different approach was described
tract, E. coli is also recognized for intestinal and extra intestinal by Ojala et al. Instead of the attempt to maximize bacterial
disorders such as diarrhea, colitis, urinary tract infections, suppression with combined antimicrobials, their goal was the
bacteremia, as well as sepsis (Blount, 2015; Vila et al., 2016). prevention of the spread of drug resistance genes via conjugative
It has been estimated that until 2050 more than 3 million plasmids (Ojala et al., 2013). To this end, the phage PRD1
people will die due to infections caused by multi-drug resistant (Tectiviridae, Tectivirus), which adsorbs to receptors encoded
E. coli (O’Neil, 2016). by conjugative plasmids, was used. The presence of this phage
The term PAS had first been introduced by Comeau et al., shifted the selective pressure toward E. coli strains that were
based on an uropathogenic strain of E. coli (MFP) and a lytic plasmid free and thus became sensitive to certain antibiotics.
siphovirus, co-isolated from a patient with urinary tract infection This positive effect, although less strongly pronounced, was
(Comeau et al., 2007). It was found that this lytic phage (8MFP) also seen with the co-presence of kanamycin or rifampicin,
benefits from sub-lethal doses of beta-lactams leading to a higher suggesting that a combination approach is suitable for obtaining
burst size and thus to increased plaques on agar plates (Comeau plasmid-free cells. Although not performed with clinical strains
et al., 2007). This effect was not observed with tetracycline and but with the two reference strains (i.e., E. coli K-12 strains
gentamicin as well as phage 8MFP. With phage T4 (Myoviridae, JE2571 and HMS174), the study provides proof-of principle
T4virus) PAS was also detected using quinolone and mitomycin C that conjugative-plasmid dependent phages might represent a
as well as further beta-lactam antibiotics. Cefotaxime also favored valuable complementation of antimicrobial therapies. Notably,
PAS with phages RB32 and RB33 (both Myoviridae) against strain the host range of phage PRD1 is determined by the host range of
MFP. In addition, while PAS could also be demonstrated for suitable conjugative plasmids, which means that this phage can be
the E. coli strain AS19 with the phages T4, T3 (Podoviridae, applied against many other gram-negative species as well (Ojala
T7virus), and T7 (Podoviridae, T7virus) the authors found that et al., 2013). However, more research is needed, especially for
PAS occurred independently of the bacterial SOS system and was assessing the functionality of this system against clinical isolates
rather due to cellular filamentation upon exposure to respective and under more complex in vivo conditions.
antibiotics. Hence, there is a wide distribution of PAS across By way of an example of a successfully tested in vivo
unrelated phages, however, as stated above, the true value of this model, Huff et al. treated broiler chicken simultaneously with
phenomenon for phage therapy remains to be elucidated. enrofloxacin (a fluoroquinolone antibiotic used for the treatment
Complementary results were observed by Ryan et al., who of domestic animals), with a mixture of the phages SPR02
observed PAS with phage T4 (Myoviridae, T4virus) and distinct and DAF6 and rescued all individuals that were experimentally

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | 7 February 2019 | Volume 9 | Article 22
Tagliaferri et al. Phages and Antibiotics Against Bacteria

infected with an avian pathogenic E. coli isolate (Huff et al., 2012), indicating that this antimicrobial combination may be of
2004). This result was in clear contrast to the single application broader suitability.
of phages or enrofloxacin, which led to mortality rates of Yilmaz et al. evaluated the therapeutic potential of Phage
15 and 3%, respectively, which were, however, significantly Sb-1 (Myoviridae, Kayvirus) and teicoplanin in a rat tibiae
lower than those of untreated chicken (i.e., 68%). Hence, infection model induced by a clinical isolate of MRSA (Yilmaz
this study demonstrates that phage/antibiotic approaches may et al., 2013). The antibiotic was applied intraperitoneally once
have a practical and exploitable value for poultry and animal a day for 2 weeks, while the phage was administered through
production systems. the skin, directly into the medullary canal, once a day for
3 consecutive days. This treatment resulted in more than 3-
fold decrease of colony-forming units compared to the single
STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS application of the antibiotic and more than 6-fold decrease
compared to the application of phage Sb-1 alone. Moreover,
Although present in about 30% of population as a commensal the development of a biofilm was only prevented with the
bacterium, S. aureus is a leading cause of bacteraemia as well as combination therapy. For this reason, local phage application as
infective endocarditis. It is also responsible for osteoarticular-, adjunct to antibiotic therapy against MRSA holds great potential
skin-, and device-related infections, among others (Tong et al., for use in orthopedic surgery.
2015; Oliveira et al., 2018). Importantly, MRSA is responsible Comparably promising results were obtained by treatment
for 13% up to 74% of all S. aureus infections worldwide, with of diabetic mice with MRSA-induced hindpaw foot infections
different incidences around the world (Hassoun et al., 2017). (S. aureus strain ATCC 43300). Treatment was performed
Treatment options are limited for MRSA (Lee et al., 2018) and with a local administration of phage MR-10 (Myoviridae)
usually comprise the administration of linezolid, vancomycin, or and a simultaneous oral application of linezolid (Chhibber
daptomycin when the infection is invasive (Wunderink et al., et al., 2013). When assessed after 1, 3, and 5 days, the
2012; Choo and Chambers, 2016). Therefore, several MRSA combination led to the strongest reduction of the bacterial load
preventive strategies are under consideration (Lee et al., 2018), compared to mono-treatments, which was also verified by a
one of which could be the combination of phages and antibiotics. stronger decline of clinical signs, such as lesion score, foot
In order to eradicate the biofilm of the clinical isolate S. myeloperoxidase activity, and histopathology. Measurements
aureus D43-a, phage SAP-26 (Siphoviridae, Phietavirus) was after 7, 9, and 12 days of treatment revealed entire absence
administered simultaneously with azithromycin, vancomycin, of bacteria in the combination treatment, but also in the
or rifampicin (Rahman et al., 2011). A synergistic effect was monotherapy groups. Although the bacterial load did not differ
observed during treatment of the 24-h-old biofilm with SAP- significantly among the different treatment groups, the fact
26 and rifampicin leading to around 35% of surviving cells, that the overall tissue healing was expedited argues for the
while phage combinations with azithromycin or vancomycin combined treatment approach for preventing foot infections
revealed survival rates of about 40% and 60%, respectively. with MRSA. Clearly, diabetic foot infections are polymicrobial
With phage alone, 72% of the bacteria survived, whereas (Jneid et al., 2018), however, MRSA is highly prevalent and
the survival rate with single rifampicin, azithromycin, or difficult to treat in diabetes patients worldwide. Using phage
vancomycin application was 60, 75, and 83%, respectively. MR-10 with its reported host range >90% of tested clinical S.
Biofilm eradication was also demonstrated by field emission aureus isolates in combination with antibiotics could therefore
scanning electron microscopy, which identified only few bacterial at least mitigate the overall complications associated with such
cells, most of which with irregular morphology after combined infections (Chhibber et al., 2013).
therapy. Thus, this study showed for the first time that
an S. aureus biofilm can efficiently be reduced by the use
of an appropriate mixture of phage and antibiotic, in this KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE
case rifampicin.
By using a continuous culture system, the dual treatment of K. pneumoniae causes serious infections, especially in
gentamicin and phage SA5 (Myoviridae, Kayvirus) was tested immunocompromised individuals, including pneumonia,
against the clinical isolate PS80 (Kirby, 2012). In fact, the bacteremia, or meningitis (Decré et al., 2011; Paczosa and
combination was more efficacious than single therapies after 72 h Mecsas, 2016). However, some hyper-virulent K. pneumoniae
of treatment. The synergistic effect was explained by gentamicin strains have been reported to affect also healthy individuals
leading S. aureus cells to assume an aggregate phenotype. And (Paczosa and Mecsas, 2016). Allied to this, the ability of
although this phenotype eases biofilm formation (as an attempt this bacterium to resist against a considerable number
to evade antibiotic activity), it is also more susceptible to the of antimicrobials asks for alternative strategies to treat K.
phage attack, resulting ultimately in lower cell densities (Kirby, pneumoniae infections.
2012). Even more, no phage resistant cells were identified in For instance, the anti-biofilm effect of the combination of the
the dual approach as opposed to the phage-only treatment. phage KPO1K2 (Podoviridae, T7-like virus) and ciprofloxacin
Notably, aggregate formation upon antibiotic exposure has did not lead to a significant difference compared to single
frequently been reported for other strains and species (Kirby, administrations applied on a 12-h-old biofilm of K. pneumoniae

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | 8 February 2019 | Volume 9 | Article 22
Tagliaferri et al. Phages and Antibiotics Against Bacteria

(Verma et al., 2009b). However, there was no negative or not the development of resistant variants could also be delayed
interference and the frequency of emerging antibiotic or with the other two antibiotics was not further investigated in
phage resistant cells was significantly lower with the combined this study.
approach. Unfortunately, with continued age of the biofilm, the
anti-biofilm efficiency of either compound alone and together
dropped markedly (Verma et al., 2010). When switching to ENTEROCOCCUS FAECALIS
amoxicillin as the antibiotic complement to the phage, the
E. faecalis is well-known as opportunistic pathogen related to
outcome of the dual approach scored better with minor statistical
nosocomial infections, endocarditis, and endodontic infections,
significance, indicating that beta-lactams are the preferable
among others (Fisher and Phillips, 2009; Muller et al., 2015;
partner to phages against this species (Bedi et al., 2009). The
Madsen et al., 2017). The genetic plasticity of this species allowed
same group also exploited the combined therapy to treat an
it to succeed in the healthcare environment and the high levels
experimental lobar pneumonia induced by K. pneumoniae B5055
of resistance have been compromising clinical treatment with
in a mouse model (Chhibber et al., 2008). To this end, an
conventional strategies (Miller et al., 2014; Muller et al., 2015).
intranasal injection of the podovirus SS (Podoviridae) was
A phage cocktail consisting of the two phages EFDG1 and
added together with amikacin. Again, the authors reported no
EFLK1 (Myoviridae), was used in combination with ampicillin
additional advantage with the combined approach, however,
for treatment of septic peritonitis in a mouse model with
they hinted at the different antimicrobial actions of both
the vancomycin resistant E. faecalis (VRE) strain V583, also
compounds, which should minimize the emergence of resistance.
referred to as ATCC 700802 (Gelman et al., 2018). Sub-optimal
Unfortunately, this was not further investigated in this study.
concentrations of the antibiotic were used, in order to mimic
Given that only one reference strain and only phages from the
the PAS-effect. As a result, mouse mortality rates were similar
Podoviridae family were tested against K. pneumoniae so far,
between the dual therapy and single application of phages,
a gallery of combinations still awaits to be explored against
but expectedly lower than the antibiotic-alone approach. The
this pathogen.
bacterial load in intra- and extra abdominal organs, such
as liver and heart, was stronger reduced with the combined
approach compared to either single therapy. Sensitivity to
ACINETOBACTER BAUMANNII ampicillin, vancomycin, or to the phage cocktail of cultured
bacteria from these organs revealed no difference between
A. baumannii is responsible for several outbreaks worldwide
the single or dual treatments. Interestingly, recovery of active
(Dijkshoorn et al., 2007) causing a wide spectrum of infections
phages after the treatment revealed lower phage titers with the
including bacteremia, meningitis, pneumoniae as well as wound-
combined strategy compared to the phage-alone treatment. This
and urinary tract infections (Peleg et al., 2008). Besides a
result opposes to, what occurs in PAS, in which the antibiotic
high tolerance against harsh environmental conditions such
stimulates the phage production. Therefore, since the combined
as desiccation, UV, detergents, and disinfectants, intrinsic and
approach was more successful in reducing the bacterial load,
acquired antibiotic resistance mechanisms constitute a major
positive antibiotic-phage interactions other than PAS must have
obstacle for controlling this nosocomial pathogen (Wendt et al.,
determined the clinical outcome. Notably, phage treatment did
1997; Wisplinghoff et al., 2007; Peleg et al., 2008). Consequently,
not lead to an alteration of the gut microbiome as revealed
strong interest in alternative antibacterial strategies exists also
by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing of mice stool samples. This
for A. baumannii. Nevertheless, we are aware of only one
is valuable ancillary information considering that the potential
study, in which the combined use of antibiotics and phages
impact of phage therapy on the natural microflora is poorly
was investigated.
understood so far.
Jansen et al. tested phage vB_AbaM-KARL-1 (Myoviridae, T4-
like virus) in combination with each of the three antibiotics,
meropenem, ciprofloxacin, and colistin against multi-drug BURKHOLDERIA CEPACIA
resistant clinical isolates (Jansen et al., 2018). Although a
complete clearance of planktonic A. baumannii cultures was B. cepacia is an opportunistic pathogen responsible for rare cases
achieved at a phage MOI of 10−1 and meropenem, the extent of of nosocomial infections and is especially related to pulmonary
additional bacterial suppression was most strongly pronounced infections in cystic fibrosis patients. The symptoms of B. cepacia
when the phage titer was very low (i.e., MOI of 10−7 ). Likewise, infections can differ from asymptomatic to respiratory failure and
significant stronger antibacterial effects were observed with the treatment is problematic considering that this bacteria has
colistin using the phage at an MOI of 10−7 . Apparently, at higher an intrinsic resistance to many antibiotics (Horsley et al., 2016;
phage titers, KARL-1 is already very effective with only little Garcia et al., 2018).
improvement by the co-addition of antibiotics. However, the lack Kamal and Dennis investigated PAS among several antibiotics
of antibacterial efficiency due to a low amount of phages could belonging to four different classes and two distinct phages KS12
be overcome by the addition of meropenem or colistin. Such (Myoviridae) and KS14 (Myoviridae, P2-like virus) (Kamal and
an effect was not observed with ciprofloxacin. The authors also Dennis, 2015). By comparing plaque diameter in two B. cepacia
reported that the emergence of phage resistant variants could at strains C6433 and K56-2, PAS was observed with minocycline,
least be hampered with the co-addition of meropenem. Whether levofloxacin, ceftazidime, meropenem, ciprofloxacin, and

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | 9 February 2019 | Volume 9 | Article 22
Tagliaferri et al. Phages and Antibiotics Against Bacteria

tetracycline, of which the three latter compounds produced the evade the phage attack apparently makes the pathogen more
strongest results. No PAS was seen with ampicillin, kanamycin, vulnerable toward certain antibiotics. This concept warrants
and piperacillin. Cell filamentation occurred under exposure further investigation for other pathogenic bacteria and may
to meropenem and ciprofloxacin, which is in keeping with ultimately turn out to be superior over simultaneous applications
previous observations that this altered cell morphology favors in most cases.
PAS (Comeau et al., 2007). However, obviously PAS can also Additional interesting insights of phage/antibiotic
occur without filamentation, as tetracycline led to cell clustering, combinations have recently been obtained using Pseudomonas
which enabled phages to move across the increased cell surfaces fluorescens, which is a rare human pathogen, as model organism.
thereby increasing the chance of contacting cell receptors Some of the results corroborate and some contradict previous
(Kamal and Dennis, 2015). findings with pathogenic bacteria. First, using a combination of
PAS was further confirmed with phage KS12 and strain K56- kanamycin and phage SBW2582 robustly prevented resistance
2 based on growth/kill curves and using larvae of Galleria evolution in P. fluorescens strain SBW25, which was not seen
mellonella as infection model (Kamal and Dennis, 2015). Survival with either antimicrobial alone and which is in line with
rates of larvae were significantly increased with low-dose of previous findings (Zhang and Buckling, 2012). Second, the
meropenem and phage compared to either single treatment. sequential addition of rifampicin and the phage SBW258 2 was
Thus, the functionality of PAS could again be confirmed in vivo. more effective at reducing P. fluorescens SBW25 populations
It is known that B. cepacia can hardly be cleared from the lungs than their simultaneous employment. This is in line with the
of patients with cystic fibrosis, for among other reasons, because aforementioned observations of successful sequential treatment,
antibiotics poorly penetrate into the tenacious biofilm. Ironically except that this time the antibiotic was given first, followed by the
and fortunately, this could, however, have a practical medical phage. Here, stress induced by rifampicin made the population
implication, because with low amounts of antibiotics arriving at less able to evolve resistance against the phage (Escobar-Páramo
the bacterial target, optimal conditions for PAS might be realized. et al., 2012). Lastly, using the same bacteria/phage system,
It would therefore be a worthwhile endeavor to investigate the the opposite of PAS was demonstrated. Using sub-MICs of
therapeutic value of a joint application of antibiotics and phages the antibiotic streptomycin (Sm) increased the rate of phage
in humans suffering from cystic fibrosis. resistance evolution and caused extinction of the phage. The
combination also enhanced the evolution of Sm resistance
compared with Sm alone (Cairns et al., 2017). Since Sm is
CONCLUDING REMARKS a known mutagen, higher mutation rates may have been
responsible for this counterintuitive development. However, the
As a quintessence from the studies described in this review data also show that general conclusions about the functionality
the combined treatment with phage and antibiotic is generally of phage/antibiotic combinations are difficult to draw. Negative
well-appreciated. Better clearance of bacterial cells and reduced interference might be more common as assumed, and it is
evolvement of phage or antibiotic resistance are the major possible that such experimental outcomes in the laboratory are
advantages of the joint therapy. Positive interactions between less frequently reported than the positive ones. Negative results,
phages and antibiotics against which the pathogen is a priori however, should be encouraged for publication (Levin, 2014), as
resistant, gives hope that combined treatments will also be it avoids that mistakes are repeated and as it fosters the successful
successful against the worst case of pandrug-resistant “super search for suitable phage/antibiotic combinations.
bugs” (Magiorakos et al., 2012). Depending on the type of In order to achieve ever more improvements with
antibiotic and phage, PAS has frequently been observed (e.g., phage/antibiotic combinations, the key to ultimate success
Ryan et al., 2012; Uchiyama et al., 2018). And although might probably be the use of tailored bio-engineered phages as
representing no ubiquitous mechanism, PAS worked in biofilms adjuvants for antibiotics (e.g., Lu and Collins, 2009). However,
as well (Ryan et al., 2012) and first data have demonstrated although we are in the age of synthetic biology (Barbu et al.,
its occurrence under in vivo conditions (Kamal and Dennis, 2016), the reluctance toward using replicating entities for therapy
2015). However, apart from neutral effects, the opposite of PAS may be complicated by general public concerns surrounding the
has also been observed. The underlying negative interactions use of genetically manipulated compounds within humans (Bawa
between the antimicrobials seem to be, however, only transient and Anilakumar, 2013). Nevertheless, bio-engineered phages
and the phages are not further disturbed by the presence of may become broadly used eventually in the future, but it can
the antibiotic at a later treatment stage (Torres-Barceló et al., be anticipated, that more progress with natural (i.e., genetically
2018). Combination therapies might greatly benefit from the unmodified) phages will also be made in the meantime.
careful choice of dosing and from the time points at which We conclude with the note, that at present, there is still
either antimicrobial substance is administered. In future studies a large gap in knowledge regarding the precise mechanisms
particular attention should be given to sequential application, that drive the phage/antibiotic interactions. Therefore, for now,
as at least two studies with P. aeruginosa demonstrated an it remains difficult to predict the optimal combinations for a
improved therapeutic effect, when the antibiotic were introduced given bacterial pathogen. Nevertheless, the encouraging results
after phages had already started to tackle the bacteria (Torres- obtained so far suggest that the continued experimentation with
Barceló et al., 2014; Chaudhry et al., 2017). The attempt to phage/antibiotic combinations is an endeavor, which likely will

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | 10 February 2019 | Volume 9 | Article 22
Tagliaferri et al. Phages and Antibiotics Against Bacteria

pay off in future as an ultimate and robust remedy against ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

multi-drug resistant bacteria.
TT was supported by CNPq Scholarship—Brazil.


H-PH designed the research. TT and MJ performed the research. The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
TT and MJ analyzed the data and TT, MJ, and H-PH wrote online at:
the paper. 2019.00022/full#supplementary-material

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