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User Manual For P34S02

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Electricity Meters IEC/MID


P34S02 3-phase meter

User Manual

Date: 03.30.2018
File name: P34S02 3ph meter User Manual.docx © Sanxing
Revision History
Version Date Comments
1.00.00 02.16.2020 First version

Nothing in this document shall be construed as a representation or guarantee in respect of

the performance, quality or durability of the specified product. Sanxing accepts no liability
whatsoever in respect of the specified product under or in relation to this document.
Subject to change without notice.

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About this Document

Range of validity The present manual applies to the second generation P34S02 3-phase
electricity meters.
For a detailed explanation of the type designation see section 1.4.
Purpose The user manual contains all information required for meter applications for
the intended purpose. This includes:
• Provision of knowledge concerning the characteristics, construction
and knowledge of meters
• Information about possible dangers, their consequences and meas-
ures to prevent any danger
• Details concerning the performance of all work throughout the service
life of the meters (parameterization, installation, commissioning, opera-
tion, maintenance, decommissioning and disposal)

Target group The content of this user manual is intended for technically qualified person-
nel of energy supply companies, responsible for system planning, installa-
tion and commissioning, operation, maintenance, decommissioning and
disposal of meters.

Typographical The following typographical conventions are used throughout this docu-
conventions ment:

Font Description
Bold Font style used for menu items and keys in user interface and for
keys on keyboard.
Italics Font style for new terminology and for references to other docu-
ments or other parts within this document. For example: A general
description of the display user interface is given in section 5.1

 Symbol for additional information, hints and other important notifi-


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Table of Contents
1 Description of Unit .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 General View ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Functional Overview ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Characteristics ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Measuring Principle.............................................................................................................................. 6
1.4.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4.2 Signal Processing ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Load Profile ......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Disconnector ......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.7 Software Tools ................................................................................................................................... 10
2 Safety ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Safety Information .............................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................. 11
2.3 Safety Regulations .............................................................................................................................. 12
3 Mechanical Construction ............................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Case .................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Control Elements ................................................................................................................................ 14
3.4 Dimensions ......................................................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Connections ........................................................................................................................................ 15
3.6 Connection Diagrams (Examples) ...................................................................................................... 16
4 Installation ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 17
4.2 Before Installation .............................................................................................................................. 18
4.3 Mounting ............................................................................................................................................ 18
4.4 Connecting.......................................................................................................................................... 20
4.4.1 Connecting the Phase and Neutral Connection Wires ............................................................ 20
4.4.2 Checking the Phase Connections and the Input /Output Connections .................................... 21
4.5 Commissioning and Functional Check ............................................................................................... 21
4.6 Installation Support for Communication Devices .............................................................................. 22
4.7 De-installing the Meter ....................................................................................................................... 23
5 Operation ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
5.1 Display................................................................................................................................................ 24
5.1.1 Basic Layout ........................................................................................................................... 24
5.1.2 Display Symbols ......................................................................................................................... 24
5.2 Display Modes .................................................................................................................................... 26
5.2.1 Display Navigation ..................................................................................................................... 27
5.2.2 Power-off Display....................................................................................................................... 27
5.2.3 OBIS Codes of Displayed Values............................................................................................... 27
5.3 Meter Update ...................................................................................................................................... 29
5.4 Disconnector Control(Function of the DC meter) .............................................................................. 32
6 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................... 34
6.1 Service ................................................................................................................................................ 34
6.2 Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................. 34
6.2.1 Error Codes ............................................................................................................................. 34
7 SECURITY .................................................................................................................................................... 37
7.1 DLMS/COSEM security.......................................................................................................................... 37
7.2 Data transport security ............................................................................................................................. 38
7.3 Data storage security .............................................................................................................................. 39
7.4 processor interfaces Security ................................................................................................................... 40
7.5 passwords and keys Security ................................................................................................................... 40
8 Decommissioning and Disposal..................................................................................................................... 41
8.1 Decommissioning ............................................................................................................................... 41
8.2 Disposal .............................................................................................................................................. 41

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1 Description of Unit
1.1 General View

Fig. 1.1 General view of meter

1.2 Functional Overview

P34S02 is a smart electricity meter offering reliable performance with

versatile functionality including support for multi energy reading and control.
With functionalities on smart energy management and communication
capabilities over GPRS and G3-PLC module, the meters are aimed to be
used for AMI/AMR/AMM and smart grids. The protocol over the
communication is always IDIS/DLMS.

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1.3 Characteristics

P34S02 meter have the following main characteristics:

• Recording of active and reactive energy in all 4 quadrants with up to 6
• Data display on LCD

• Active energy measurement accuracy for DC meter: Class B (EN

50470-1/3) and Class 1 (IEC 62052-11/62053-21)
• Active energy measurement accuracy for CT meter: Class C(EN
50470-1/3) and Class 0.5S (IEC 62052-11/62053-21)
• Reactive energy measurement accuracy: Class 2 (IEC 62053-23)

• Meter designed according to standard DIN 43857.

• Wide range measurement from starting current to maximum current

• Serial interface with optical input/output for automatic readout of data
on the spot and for service functions
• Two-way communication to metering system with GPRS or G3-
PLC module

• Internal disconnector for full disconnection of energy, controllable

remotely from system, or locally with Lead-sealed key or via local
communication interfaces

• Installation aids (e.g. phase voltages and direction of energy)

- Presence of phase voltages (voltage values are displayed)
- Pulse output on LED
- Display of energy direction
- Wrong phase rotation indication (L1, L2, L3 blinking)
• Anti-tampering measures
- Detection of terminal cover opening
- Detection of meter cover opening
- Detection of front cover opening
- Detection of strong DC magnetic field

• Storage of fnt information (e.g. power outages)

• Meter designed for configurable push schedule of regular meter data
values, from meter to HES. Typically 1h, 4h, 6h, 12h and 24h.


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1.4 Measuring Principle
1.4.1 Overview



Current sampling

Mult -Function
Optical port Cover open

I3 High RS485 Key-on input LED

accuracy High performance
meauring micro-controller
Chip Chip PLC /
U1 4G/ Battery check Relay
Voltage sampling


Mbus Magnetic check

Low power
Power Supper battery

Power management
Voltage Monitoring
RTC battery

Fig. 1.2 Block diagram

Inputs The main meter inputs are:

• Phase connection (L1, L2, L3) and neutral for

- energy measurement
- power supply to the meter
- 4G communication with communication module
• Display key
• Lead-sealed key

Outputs The main meter outputs (some of which are also inputs) are:

• LCD to display measured values and the corresponding OBIS code

• Pulse output (red LED, for active and reactive energy)
• Alarm status output (red LED)

• Optical interface for automatic data readout on site by means of local


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Power supply The supply voltage for the meter electronics is taken from the three-phase
system. It works correctly as soon as at least one phase and neutral are
connected to mains voltage. In the event of mains failure a voltage monitor
ensures the safe storage of meter data and manages the restart when
mains voltage is restored.

Memory Meter parameters are stored in non-volatile (FLASH and EEPROM)

memory which protects the parameters in the event of power fail

1.4.2 Signal Processing

Calibration The measurement system is calibrated during the manufacturing process of

the meter. Calibration data is stored in a non-volatile (EEPROM) memory
and can’t be altered

Start detection The high accuracy measuring chip will compares the measured power with
the minimum starting power. Signals are only passed on for summation if
the minimum starting power is exceeded
Measured quantities The following energy values can be measured and stored in the registers:

• Active energy (A)

• Reactive energy (R)

The signals +A and +R are calculated by the summation of imported meas-

ured active and reactive energy.
The signals -A and -R are calculated by the summation of exported meas-
ured active and reactive energy.
The combined totals are the sum of the absolute values of +A and -A or +R
and -R.
Energy type: kWh, kvarh, kVAh
Direction: Import, export, ± reactive, reactive by quadrant
Instantaneous Values: Voltage, current, frequency, active power, power
Measurement There are 9 independent measurement channels. Each of the measured
channels quantities is assigned to one of these channels.

Energy registers Each measurement channel has a total energy register and 6 rated energy
registers assigned to it.
All internal registers have 10 digits. The internal register magnitude is Wh
(Watt-Hours). Internal registers cannot be reset, when the register reaches
4294967295, it rolls over to 0. The display and readout formats vary from
the internal format
Rates The meter is designed for up to 6 rates.
Rate control Rate control is performed by the built-in time of use (TOU).

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Summation methods Summation of the single phase values is done as follows:
Calculation Example 1 Example 2
method A1 A1
Register content A2 A2
without sign A3 A3
A1 A2 A2
A3 A3 A1
A1 A2 A2
|+A| - |-A|
(with sign) A3 A3 A1

A1 A2 A3 A2 A1 A3
|+A| + |-A|

Fig. 1.3 Phase summation examples

Summation by Summation by magnitude separates the positive from the negative values
magnitude: +A, -A of the individual phases. Measured quantity +A therefore only includes the
positive values of the individual phases (+A1 and +A2 in example 1),
measured quantity -A only the negative values of the individual phases
(-A3 in example 1), provided any are present.
In case of a connection error, the meter measures the real import and
export energy correctly in the +A and -A registers.
Summation by absolute With this method the meter adds exported and imported energy. This
value: |+A| + |-A| method should only be used if the utility is sure there is no energy export.
The absolute magnitude summation can be used as an anti- tampering
measure. Here negative magnitudes of A1, A2, A3 are added to the
positive magnitudes of A1, A2, A3. See example above.

Subtraction by absolute With this method the meter subtracts the exported energy from the impor-
value: |+A| - |-A| ted energy. It cannot detect a connection error.

Four-quadrant The reactive energy (±Rc, ±Ri) is allocated to the four quadrants as follows:

+ kvarh + kvarh
+Rc +Ri
Quadrant II Quadrant I
Export -A +A Import
- kWh Quadrant III Quadrant IV + kWh

- kvarh
-Ri -Rc - kvarh

Fig. 1.4 Four-quadrant measurement

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Channel configuration The 9 measurement channels register fixed defined measurement
quantities as given in the table below:

Description OBIS code

ME1 Active energy import +A (QI+QIV) 1.8.0
ME2 Active energy export -A (QII+QIII) 2.8.0
ME3 Reactive energy import +R (QI+QII) 3.8.0
ME4 Reactive energy export -R (QIII+QIV) 4.8.0
ME5 Reactive energy (Q1) +Ri 5.8.0
ME6 Reactive energy (Q2) +Rc 6.8.0
ME7 Reactive energy (Q3) -Ri 7.8.0
ME8 Reactive energy (Q4) -Rc 8.8.0
ME9 Active energy combined total, absolute |+A|+|-A| 15.8.0

1.5 Load Profile

Number of Load profile:
Load profile 1,Load profile 2,Load profile 3,Load profile 4
Number of Entry:
Load profile 1: default period :15mins ; 9600 entries
Load profile 2: default period :24h; 9600 entries
Load profile 3:default period :10min; 9600 entries
Load profile 4:no capture period ;9600 entries

1.6 Disconnector

The P34S02 meter is equipped with a disconnector to connect or

disconnect the premises of the consumer. The disconnector can be
operated manually via Lead-sealed key, remotely by commands via any
communication channel, via locally through control functions integrated in
the meter itself.
Disconnector control is designed so that it enables the customer to use the
disconnector as:
• A manual switch for connecting or disconnecting the
customer premises
• A manual switch for disconnecting the premises when the customers
move away
• Disconnection if max. power or current has been exceeded over a
specified time (limiter and supervision function)
• Remotely disconnected, with no possibility to reconnect locally or
alternatively, the maximum demand can be limited remotely.

Disconnector not suitable as main switch

Do not use the disconnector as a main switch for installation or mainten-
ance purposes. The disconnector is not equipped with a thermal and/or
short circuit protection device.

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1.7 Software Tools

Sanxing provide software tools to ensure optimum support of the meters

throughout the products life. The Sanxing SanPlat Tool is used for the test
and installation of meters and for field servicing.

Meter re- Meter

Meter Meter
parameter- testing and
installation service
isation certification


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2 Safety
2.1 Safety Information

The following symbols are used to draw your attention to the relevant
danger level, i.e. the severity and probability of any danger, in the individual
chapters of this document:

Identifies an extraordinarily great and immediate danger that could lead to
serious physical injury or death.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that may result in minor physical
injury or material damage.

 Note
Indicates general details and other useful information to help you with your

In addition to the danger level, safety information also describes the type
and source of the danger, its possible consequences and measures for
avoiding the danger.

2.2 Responsibilities

The owner of the meters – usually the utility company – is responsible for
assuring that all persons engaged in working with meters:
• Have read and understood the relevant sections of the user manual.
• Are appropriately qualified for the work to be performed.
• Strictly observe the safety regulations (laid down in section 2.3) and
the operating instructions as specified in the individual sections.
In particular, the owner of the meters bears responsibility for the protection
of persons, prevention of material damage and the training of personnel.
For this purpose, Sanxing provides training on a variety of products and
solutions. Please contact your Sanxing representative if interested.

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2.3 Safety Regulations

The following safety regulations must be observed at all times:

• The meter connections must be disconnected from all voltage sources
during installation or when opening.
• Contact with live parts can be fatal. The main fuses should, therefore,
be removed and kept in a safe place until the work is completed so
that other persons cannot replace them unnoticed.
• Local safety regulations must be observed. Only technically qualified
and appropriately trained personnel are authorised to install the
• Protection earth connection must not be switched with the disconnector.
• Only "useful" tools have to be used. This means a screw driver has to
have the correct size for the screws and the metallic part of a screw
driver has to be insulated.
• The meters must be held securely during installation. They can cause
injuries if dropped.
• Meters that have been dropped must not be installed, even if no
damage is apparent, but must be returned to the service and repair
department (or the manufacturer) for testing. Internal damage may
result in malfunctions or short-circuits.
• The meters must never be cleaned under running water or with
compressed air. Water ingress can cause short-circuits.

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3 Mechanical Construction
3.1 Case

The meter case is made of antistatic plastic (polycarbonate). The LCD

display, Lead-sealed key, display key and optical interface are always

Fig. 3.1 Sliding cover in its normal position

1 GPRS/3G/4G/PLC status windows

2 Front Cover
3 Front cover seal
4 Meter cover
5 Meter cover seal
6 Optical port
7 Scroll button
8 Program button and seal
9 Meter status windows
10 Nameplate area
11 Terminal cover seal
12 Terminal cover

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3.2 Control Elements

The P34S02 meter has two control keys:

· A display key for scrolling through menus and reconnect the
· Lead-sealed key for locally disconnect the disconnector, optical port
protection function.

Fig. 3.3 Control elements

1 Display key
2 Lead-sealed key (Lead-sealed key is protected by the seal)

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3.4 Dimensions

Fig. 3.4 Meter dimensions

NOTE: The meter mounting dimensions and widen according to DIN 43857

3.5 Connections

Fig. 3.5 Terminal layout and dimensions for DC meter

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3.6 Connection Diagrams (Examples)

 Where to find relevant diagrams

The diagrams relevant for the installation are shown on the meter’s face-
plate (inputs/outputs) and inside the terminal cover (mains connections).

Fig. 3.6 Connect Diagram for DC meter

4 Installation

Do not touch live parts

Dangers can arise from live electrical installations to which the meters are
connected. Touching live parts is dangerous to life. All safety information
should therefore be strictly observed.

 Intended environmental conditions for meter installations:

• The meter is intended to be installed in a mechanical environment "M1",
with shock and vibrations of low significance, as per 2014/32/EU Direc-
• Meter designed to secure all protective removable parts with a seal.
• The meter is intended to be installed in electromagnetic environment
"E2", as per 2014/32/EU Directive.
• Meters are to be installed indoors.
• Meters are to be installed in non-condensing humidity conditions.
• Meter should be installed with copper conductors. The use of aluminum
conductors can result in corrosion. Please seek advice before using this
meter with aluminum conductors.
• The installation site must meet the requirements of the device’s protect-
tion class (IP54) and the operating temperature range (-40 … +70°C).
Avoid installing the device on direct sun exposure walls and direct
sunlight. If necessary, use an additional shield or visor to protect the
outdoor installation case from direct sunlight (shield not provided by

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4.1 Introduction

The following conditions must be met for installation and commissioning of

the meter:
• The work described below must only be conducted by technically
qualified and suitably trained persons.
• These persons must be familiar with and observe the local safety
• Strict observance of the details contained in section 2 "Safety", in
particular the safety regulations, as well as safe operation.
• Before starting work ensure that the materials and tools required are
all present.

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4.2 Before Installation

Fig. 4.1-1 Meter connection with 3 phases and neutral for DC meter

Dangerous voltage on conductors

The connecting wires at the place of installation must not be live when
fitting the meter. Touching live parts is dangerous to life. The main fuses
should be removed and kept in a safe place until work is completed, so that
they cannot be replaced by anyone unnoticed.

No overcurrent protection and automatic disconnection

As the meter has no internal overcurrent protection and no method of dis-
connection from the mains, this must be provided by the end installation.

Protect disconnector against overcurrent

In case the meter has a disconnector, this must be protected against over-
current. As the disconnector is not equipped with a thermal and/or short
circuit protection device, it needs to be protected with an external fuse or
overload switch.

4.3 Mounting

 Observe safety instructions

Prior to start mounting of the meter read and strictly observe the general
safety instructions given in section 4.2 "Before Installation".

The meter should be mounted as follows on the meter board or similar de-
vice provided for this purpose (see also section 3.4 "Dimensions"):
1. Find the correct position for the meter. Ensure there are no wires
underneath the holes to be drilled.
2. Determine the desired form of fixing (open or covered meter mounting

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3. Set the meter suspension eyelet in the correct position. See
following figure.

Fig. 4.2 Suspension eyelet positions

4. Check whether the connecting wires are live using a phase tester or
universal measuring instrument. Remove the main fuses and keep
them in a safe place until installation is completed.
5. Drill the three holes.
6. Open the sealing screw covers and unscrew the meter terminal
7. Fit the meter with the three fixing screws on the mounting surface.
8. Connect the phase connection wires and the inputs and outputs as
described in section 4.4 "Connecting".

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4.4 Connecting

 Observe safety instructions

Prior to start connecting of the meter read and strictly observes the general
safety instructions given in section 4.2 "Before Installation". The meter must
be mounted as described in section 4.3 "Mounting" before it is connected.

4.4.1 Connecting the Phase and Neutral Connection Wires

1. Cut the phase and neutral connecting wires to the required length
and strip their ends.
The insulation of the connecting line must extend as far as the terminal
indentation, i.e. there must be no further bare part of the connecting
line visible above the terminal edge. The stripped part of the connect-
ing wire should be shortened if necessary.
2. If stranded wire is used as a phase and neutral connection line, it has
to be provided with a ferrule for connection.

Fig. 4.3-1 Phase connection terminal

Fig. 4.3-2 Phase connection terminal

3. Insert the phase and neutral connecting wires in the relevant terminals
(the terminals are numbered as shown in the connection diagram) and
tighten the terminal screws firmly.
• For wires with small conductor cross-sections (DC meter≤ 35
mm2,CT meter≤ 12 mm2) the connecting line must be placed
carefully in the middle of the terminal, so that it cannot move
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sideways when tightening the terminal screws. When tightening,
ensure that the connecting line remains between the copper
inside the terminal and the screw.
• It is recommended that the beginning and end of the relevant con-
ductors are identified using a suitable test unit (e.g. buzzer) to en-
sure that the right consumer is connected to the meter output.

 Insufficiently tightened screws cause power loss

Failure to tighten terminal screws sufficiently can lead to power loss and heat-

Do not withdraw connecting wires with closed terminals

Never withdraw connecting wires with the terminal closed, as this can
dam-age the terminal.

4.4.2 Checking the Phase Connections and the Input /Output Connections

Before putting the meter into operation the following points must be
checked and corrected if necessary:
1. Has the correct meter (with correct identification number) been
installed at the measuring point of the relevant consumer?
2. Are all thrust screws for the phase connections and neutral tightened
3. Are the mains inputs and outputs connected correctly? The conductor
from the house connection or from the main fuse must be present at
the input, those of the meter to the consumer at the output.
4. Is the neutral conductor connected to terminals
5. Are the auxiliary outputs (RS485,M-BUS) connected correctly?
6. Attach the terminal cover.
7. Close the terminal cover’s sealing screw covers.
8. Check the installation as described in section 4.5 "Commissioning and
Functional Check".

4.5 Commissioning and Functional Check

The installed meter should be put into service and checked as follows:
1. Insert the main fuses removed before installation. The meter is
switched on.
2. Check the display (no error message) and with no load connected that
the virtual output (creep indicator) is displayed.
3. Connect a load and check that the output LED starts blinking.
4. Check that the meter is measuring correctly. Display indicators and
their functions are described in section 5.1 "Display".
5. Check 4G signal is displayed? whether the antenna is installed ?(if
6. Check that the disconnector is closed (see disconnector state indica-
tion on display), otherwise press display key.
7. When the meter is successfully installed, seal the terminal.

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4.6 Installation Support for Communication Devices
Remote and local communication devices can be installed using optical

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4.7 De-installing the Meter

Remove main fuses before disconnecting

The connecting wires at the place of installation must not be live when
removing the meter. Touching live parts is dangerous to life. The corre-
sponding main fuses should be removed and kept in a safe place until work
is completed, so that they cannot be replaced by anyone unnoticed.

Remove the meter from the network as follows:

1. Switch off the voltage. The display goes off.
2. Open the sealing screw covers and remove the seals.
3. Release and remove the terminal cover.
4. Ensure with a phase checker that the connecting wires have no volt-
age. If there is voltage, remove the main fuses.
5. Remove the connecting wires of the inputs and outputs, if available.
6. Loosen the terminal screws of the phase and neutral connecting wires
with a suitable screwdriver and withdraw the wires from the terminals.
7. Unscrew and remove the meter.
8. Fix a substitute the meter with the three fixing screws on the mounting
9. Connect the substitute meter as described in section 4.4 "Connecting"
and the following sections.

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5 Operation

5.1 Display

5.1.1 Basic Layout

The basic layout shows all indication possibilities of the display.

Fig. 5.1 LCD display

5.1.2 Display Symbols

Symbol Description
The energy direction field shows energy
flow by quadrants, e.g. if the energy is in
the 1st quadrant, +Q and +P arrows are lit.
Presence of phase voltages L1/L2/L3
On: phase voltage present
Off: phase voltage not present
Blinking: phase voltage low or high
On: current is reversed
Off: current is not reversed

These eight 7-segment digits

located at up right area on
LCD are for displaying data
and menu items. The size of
each digit is 10mm X 5mm.
These six 7-segment digits located at
bottom left corner on LCD are the OBIS
code display zone. For simplicity, only
C.D.E out of whole OBIS code are
displayed. Abbreviations for value group C
are given below.
Abbreviations for Value
Group C
OBIS code Display code
96 C
97 F
98 L
99 P

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Units indicator

On: Indicator for local communication

Flash: Indicator for ongoing successful
Indicator for connected of disconnector
On: Indicator for disconnected of
Flash: Indicator for ready to reconnection of
Indicator of GPRS signal level and
communicate status
ON Network communication setup
Meter doesn’t communicate with
OFF modem for 5 minutes.
Flash Meter exchange data with modem.
signal 0-5 no signal at all, can’t
signal 6-9 very weak, communicate
Signal 10-14 weak, can
Signal 15-19 well ,can
Signal 20-31 very well ,can
Indicator of PLC running status (option)
ON Exist PLC module
Meter doesn’t communicate with
OFF modem for 30 minutes.
Flash Meter exchange data with modem.
Indicators for two batteries,
up is inside battery
under is outside battery

on: no battery
off: battery is ok
blinking: low battery

Indicator of active tariff

Tamper: controlled by fraud tamper



Indicator gas meter was installed

Indicator water meter was installed

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These triangle symbols are suggesting
areas for special events. Please refer to
Fig. 5.3

Fig. 5.2–LCD symbols

Terminal Top cover

DC Magnetic Meter cover cover removed
Overload Res.
interference removed removed

Fig. 5.3–triangle symbols

5.2 Display Modes

P34S02 meter has two display modes:
 Auto display mode (default)
 Manual scroll mode
The Auto display mode is the default mode and the display will return to
it from Manual scroll mode after a set time (default 60 seconds).
The scroll key is located on the right side of the display. The following
is the operation of scroll key:
 Scroll key
- A short press < 3 seconds will scroll to the next displayed data
- A long press > 3 seconds will enter Manual scroll mode, then LCD
will display manual display sequence.

Note: If the meter’s built-in relay is disconnected, a manual

reconnecting action may be performed depending on the configuration
of relay control.

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5.2.1 Display Navigation

Fig. 5.4– display navigation

5.2.2 Power-off Display

The meter supports power-off display. This function can be invoked three times in one power-off gap
by means of pressing the scroll key when the low-voltage battery is inserted to meter. Power-off
display list is same to manual display sequence.

5.2.3 OBIS Codes of Displayed Values

The following table shows a list of commonly used display items and their OBIS codes.
Value Displayed
All segments on the display 96.51.4
Time 0.9.1
Date 0.9.2
Active energy import (+A) , total 1.8.0
Active energy export (-A) , total 2.8.0
Reactive energy import(+R), total 3.8.0
Reactive energy export(-R), total 4.8.0
Reactive energy (QI), total 5.8.0
Reactive energy (QII), total 6.8.0
Reactive energy (QIII), total 7.8.0
Reactive energy (QIV), total 8.8.0
Apparent energy import(+VA), total 9.8.0
Apparent energy export(-VA), total 10.8.0
Active energy import (+A) rate x 1.8.x
Active energy export (-A) rate x 2.8.x
Reactive energy import (+R) rate x 3.8.x
Reactive energy export (-R) rate x 4.8.x
Demand Register 1 - Active energy import (+A) 1.4.0
Demand Register 2 - Active energy export (-A) 2.4.0
Demand Register 3 - Reactive energy import (+R) 3.4.0
Demand Register 4 - Reactive energy export (-R) 4.4.0
Last Average Demand Register 1 - Active energy import (+A) 1.5.0
Last Average Demand Register 2 - Active energy export (−A) 2.5.0

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Last Average Demand Register 3 - Reactive energy import (+R) 3.5.0
Last Average Demand Register 4 - Reactive energy export (-R) 4.5.0
Maximum Demand Register - Active energy import (+A) 1.6.0
Maximum Demand Register - Active energy import (+A) - rate x 1.6.x
Maximum Demand Register - Active energy export (−A) 2.6.0
Maximum Demand Register - Active energy export (-A) - rate x 2.6.x
Maximum Demand Register - Reactive energy import (+R) 3.6.0
Maximum Demand Register - Reactive energy import (+R) - rate x 3.6.x
Maximum Demand Register - Reactive energy export (−R) 4.6.0
Maximum Demand Register - Reactive energy export (-R) - rate x 4.6.x
Instantaneous voltage L1 32.7.0
Instantaneous voltage L2 52.7.0
Instantaneous voltage L3 72.7.0
Instantaneous current L1 31.7.0
Instantaneous current L2 51.7.0
Instantaneous current L3 71.7.0
Instantaneous current(sum over all phases) 90.7.0
Instantaneous active import power (+A) 1.7.0
Instantaneous active export power (-A) 2.7.0
Instantaneous reactive import power (+R) 3.7.0
Instantaneous reactive export power (-R) 4.7.0
Instantaneous apparent import power(+VA) 9.7.0
Instantaneous apparent export power(-VA) 10.7.0
Instantaneous import Power factor 13.7.0
Instantaneous export Power factor 84.7.0
Angle of U(L2) - U(L1) 81.7.10
Angle of U(L3) - U(L1) 81.7.20
Angle of U(L3) -U(L2) 81.7.30
Angle of U(L1) - I(L1) 81.7.40
Angle of U(L2) - I(L2) 81.7.51
Angle of U(L3) - I(L3) 81.7.62
Supply frequency 14.7.0

Note: where x is the number of the corresponding rate (range 1 … 4)

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5.3 Meter Update
The meter can be upgraded locally by optical port and remotely by
system.The upgrade process follows DLMS, and the upgrade process
supports advanced encryption (HLS) to ensure data security. After the
upgrade package is transmitted, the meter will check the integrity of the
upgrade package and the software version number to ensure the security
and reliability of the upgrade.

Meter FW can be upgraded individually or broadcast, we suggest

using broadcast mode when upgrading reomtely

Example for a standard Image transfer process

In this clause an example of a usual Image transfer process from a client
prospective is given including a flow chart. Please note that it is not
mandatory to follow the process; depending on the use case some steps
may be omitted or others may be necessary.

Precondition: The Image transfer has to be enabled:

image_transfer_enabled = TRUE.
Setting image_transfer_enabled any time to FALSE disables all methods
(invoking those methods fails). The value of the status attributes is not

Step 1 (Optional): Get ImageBlockSize

If the client does not know the size of the image blocks the image transfer
target server can handle, it shall read the image_block_size attribute of
the relevant “Image transfer” object of each server the image has to be
transferred to, before starting the process. The client can transfer then
ImageBlocks of the right size.
If ImageBlocks are sent using broadcast to a group of COSEM servers
the ImageBlockSize shall be the same in each member of the group.

Step 2: Client initiates Image transfer

The client initiates the Image transfer process individually or using
broadcast in all servers by invoking the image_transfer_initiate method.
The method invocation parameter holds the identifier and the size of the
Image to be transferred. The server shall make the memory space –
necessary to accommodate the Image – available.
After a successful initiation, the value of the image_transfer_status
attribute is (1). The image_transferred_blocks_status attribute shall be
reset, the value of the image_first_not_transferred_block_number
attribute shall be set to 0 and the value of the image_to_activate_info
attribute should be reset. The image transfer process is initiated and the
COSEM server is prepared to accept ImageBlocks.

Step 3: Client transfers ImageBlocks

The client transfers ImageBlocks to (a group of) server(s) by invoking the
image_block_transfer method individually or using broadcast. The
method invocation parameters include the ImageBlockNumber and one
ImageBlock. ImageBlocks are accepted only by those COSEM servers, in
which the Image transfer process has been successfully initiated. Other
servers silently discard any ImageBlocks received.

Step 4: Client checks completeness of the Image

The client checks – with each server individually – the completeness of
the Image transferred. If the Image is not complete, it transfers the

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ImageBlocks not (yet) transferred. This is an iterative process, continued
until the whole Image is successfully transferred.
To identify and transfer the ImageBlocks not transferred, two
mechanisms are available.
• the client may retrieve the status of each ImageBlock: either not
transferred or transferred. This is performed by retrieving the value of the
image_transferred_blocks_status attribute. The client transfers then the
ImageBlocks not (yet) transferred;
• alternatively, the client may retrieve the ImageBlockNumber of the first
block not transferred. This is performed by retrieving the value of the
image_first_not_transferred_block_number attribute. The client transfers
then this ImageBlock not (yet) transferred;
• after this, the client checks again he completeness of the Image.
NOTE 2 The two mechanisms can be freely combined.

Step 5: Server verifies the Image

The Image is verified by the server. This can be initiated by invoking the
image_verify method by the client or it may be initiated also by the server.
The result can be:
• success, if the verification could be completed;
• temporary-failure, if the verification has not been completed;
• other-reason, if the verification failed.
NOTE 3 The conditions of verifying the Image are out of the scope of this

Step 6 (Optional): Client checks the information on the images to

The result of the Image verification may be checked by the client by
retrieving the value of the image_transfer_status attribute. The value of
this attribute is updated as a result of the Image verification.
An Image transferred may hold one or several Images to be activated.
For each Image to be activated, this attribute holds the parameters:
{image_to_activate_size, image_to_activate_identification,
If this information is not what is expected, the client can restart
transferring the image.
Otherwise it goes to the next step, activation of the Image

Step 7: Server activates the Image(s)

The Image is activated by the server. This can be initiated by invoking the
image_activate method by the client or it may be initiated also by the
If the activation is done without a previous verification, then verification is
done implicitly as part of the activation. The result of the invocation of the
Image_activate method can be:
• success, if the Image activation has been successfully started;
• temporary-failure, if the verification/activation has not been completed;
• other-reason, if the activation failed.

In case of success, the server performs the activation of the new

Image(s). During this process, it is not accessible. After the Image(s) has
(have) been activated, the result of may be checked by the client by
retrieving the value of the image_transfer_status attribute or by reading
the contents of the appropriate COSEM objects holding the identifier,
version and digital signature of the active firmware.

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5.4 Disconnector Control(Function of the DC meter)

The P34S02 has an integrated disconnector to connect or disconnect

power to the customer premises. The disconnector can be controlled:
• Manually, with an integrated push key (Duration of push Lead-sealed
key between 3 seconds and 10 seconds)
• Remotely, with DLMS commands via RS485, optical port or metering
system; or with predefined disconnect control scheduler.
• Locally, with limitation (limiter and supervision function: exceeded
the threshold).

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The disconnector has three status: disconnected, connected and
ready for reconnection
There are seven different operating modes for disconnector control
available. These modes define in which situation the disconnector can be
controlled remotely, locally or manually.
The mode is defined within the meter configuration. Details on the
operating modes are described in the Sanxing functional description.

Disconnector not suitable as main switch

Do not use the disconnector as a main switch for installation or
maintenance purposes. The disconnector is not equipped with a thermal
and/or short circuit protection device.

The current state of the disconnector is displayed on the meter display (see
section 5.1 "Display").

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6 Maintenance
6.1 Service

The P34S02 meter has no serviceable parts.

Device service is available from the Sanxing representative.

6.2 Troubleshooting

If the meter is not operating correctly, check the error displays and LED
(see section 5.1 "Display" for instructions on how to use the display). The
following points should be checked first if there are problems in the meter
1. Is the mains voltage present (check display of meter)?
2. Is the 4G device communication statuses OK?
3. Has the maximum ambient temperature not been exceeded?
4. Is the meter visibly damaged?
5. Is there any error code displayed (code F.F.0 in the display list)?
The error codes are described in section 6.2.1 "Error Codes".

6.2.1 Error Codes

The meter performs regular internal self-tests.

Errors are assigned to an error category depending on severity:
• Critical errors
• Communication errors
• Other errors

Critical Errors Critical errors indicate severe problems but the device can still operate.
However the data measured and stored in the meter may be corrupted and
it is recommended that meters showing critical errors are returned to the
Sanxing service center

Communication Due to the temporary nature of communication errors do get stored

Errors in the error register. They are cleared when communication is restored.
Communication errors do not usually require meter replacement.
Other Errors These errors do cause the F.F.0 register to be stored in the error register.
The meter continues normal operation and doesn’t usually have to be

34 / 40 Representation of Error Codes

The error code is split up in four groups of two digits.

Each digit of the error code represents four errors (i.e. four bits of the error
register). The status of the four bits is shown in hexadecimal code i.e. the
single digits may show values between 0 (no error message set) and F (all
four error messages set).

 Error codes are added

As all errors are shown in hexadecimal code, a single error can appear in
various ways depending on the presence of other errors.

Two errors are shown as: FF0 01000200
Another two errors occur: FF0 02000800
The register reads: FF0 03000A00

Byte 4 Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1

Error register 7 6 5 4 32 1 0 76 5 4 3 21 0 7 6 5 4 32 1 0 765 4 32 1 0

Valency 8 4 2 1 84 2 1 84 2 1 8 42 1 8 4 2 1 84 2 1 84 2 1 8 4 2 1

03 00 0A 00

Error code 03000A00

Fig. 6.1 Display of error codes

35 / 40 Error Definitions

F.F.0 00 00 00 01 Clock Invalid Error

Purpose: Indicates an invalid time and date. This error appears after long
mains power failure when the power reserve of the clock is
Category: Other errors
Reset: The error is cleared automatically when the clock is reset.

F.F.0 00 00 00 02 Replace Battery

Purpose: Indicates that the battery voltage low, must be exchanged.

Category: Other errors
Reset: The error is cleared automatically when the battery voltage.
Is normal.

F.F.0 00 00 00 04 Battery voltage low

Purpose: Indicates that the current battery is low.
Category: Other errors
The error is cleared automatically when the battery voltage is
Reset: normal.

F.F.0 00 00 00 08 Meter cover removed

Purpose: Indicates that the meter cover has been removed.
Category: Other errors
The error is cleared automatically when the meter cover has
Reset: been closed.

F.F.0 00 00 00 10 Terminal cover removed

Purpose: Indicates that the terminal cover has been removed.
Category: Other errors
The error is cleared automatically when the terminal cover has
Reset: been closed.

F.F.0 00 00 00 20 Strong DC field detected

Purpose: Indicates that a strong magnetic DC field has been detected.
Category: Other errors
The error is cleared automatically when the strong magnetic DC
Reset: field has disappeared.

F.F.0 00 00 01 00 Program Memory Error

Purpose: Indicates a checksum failure in the parameter data

Category: Critical error
Reset: The error is not reset automatically; the register must be cleared
via communication.

F.F.0 00 00 02 00 RAM Error

Purpose: Indicates an error in the internal program memory (RAM)

Category: Critical error
Reset: No reset possible, the device must be replaced.

F.F.0 00 00 04 00 Non-volatile Memory Access Error

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Purpose: Indicates an access error (physical error) to the non-volatile
memory, i.e. Flash
Category: Critical error
Reset: The error is not reset automatically; the register must be cleared
via communication. Event 'Error register cleared' is triggered.

F.F.0 00 00 08 00 Measurement System Error

Purpose: Indicates measuring system access failures

Category: Critical error
Reset: The error is not reset automatically; the register must be cleared
via communication. Event 'Error register cleared' is triggered. If
repeated the meter must be exchanged.

F.F.0 00 00 10 00 Watchdog Error

Purpose: Indicates an invalid start-up sequence

Category: Critical error
Reset: The error is not reset automatically; the register must be cleared
via communication. Event 'Error register cleared' is triggered. If
repeated the meter must be exchanged.

7.1 DLMS/COSEM security

DLMS/COSEM provides two main information security features for

accessing and transporting data:
 data access security controls access to the data held by a
DLMS/COSEM server,
 data transport security allows the sending party to apply cryptographic
protection to the xDLMS APDUs to ensure confidentiality and integrity.
This requires ciphered ADPUs.

The information is given partly at the beginning of the application

association establishment with two services:
 application context (are ciphered APDUs allowed or not),
 authentication context (the level of data access security),

Data access security

Data access security is managed by the Association LN object. Each
COSEM server i.e. a logical device may support Application Associations
with various clients, each having a different role, and with this, different
access rights. Each Association object provides a list of objects visible in
that particular Application Association and also the access rights to
objects’ attributes and methods.
To be able to access data, the client must be properly authenticated.
Upon Application Association establishment, an authentication context is
negotiated between the client and the server. This specifies the required
authentication of the peers, and, where needed, the security algorithm to
verify the authentication. Three data access security levels are provided:
 Lowest level security (no security),
 Low Level Security (LLS),
 High Level Security (HLS).
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TheSanxing meter supports five different clients with three different
behaviours regarding authentication minimal requirements, as shown in
the Table 1.

Table 76: Set of supported clients

Client name Client L-SAP Minimal Security
Public 16 Lowest level security
(no security)
Management 1 HLS (LLS as a
Reader 32 LLS
Operator 48 LLS
Pre-established 102 No HLS nor LLS

For every security level, different authentication procedures are required.

Authentication context and specifically the COSEM Authentication
Mechanism Name are presented in the Table 2

Table 2: Supported authentication mechanism names

Authentication Mechanism ID
COSEM lowest level security 0
mechanism name
COSEM low level security 1
mechanism name
COSEM high level security 5
mechanism name using GMAC

7.2 Data transport security

Data transport security relies on applying cryptographic protection to
xDLMS APDUs. This is achieved via several security mechanisms. The
first mechanism is incorporated in application association request with
two application service elements:
 The COSEM application context,
 User information filled with Initiate Request primitive.

ASEs involved in security

The Table 3 shows Different application context names and the relation
between those names and allowed types of xDLMS APDUs. Ciphered
APDUs are allowed only in Application context name with ciphering.
Table 3: Application context names
Application Context Name ID Unciphered APDUs Ciphered APDUs
Logical Name Referencing no ciphering 1 Yes No
Logical Name Referencing with ciphering 3 Yes Yes

Security context
The second mechanism is called the security context. The security
context defines security attributes relevant for the data transport security
process of ciphering/deciphering. The elements are:
 Security policy (determining what kind of protection to be used),
 Security suite (specifying the security algorithm),
 Security material relevant for the given security suite
 Encryption keys,
 Authentication keys,
 Initialization vectors (comprised of System title and current frame


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GCM and its authentication derivate GMAC are used to encrypt and
authenticate xDLMS APDUs, If the authentication and decryption fails at
the DLMS/COSEM server, several indications are logged. If the
authentication or decryption of the xDLMS APDU is not confirmed and
properly restored then respective informative objects are updated
(Decryption/Authentication Failure Count, Decryption/Authentication
Failure Stamp).

Key Changing
All global keys are changed by using the security_setup
global_key_transfer method. Possible responses from the meter:
 If the “new” key is accepted, then the meter sends Action Response
(same invoke_id and priority as the request): SUCCESS ciphered with
“currently used” key. From this point on, meter uses the “new” key
(replacing the “currently used” key with “new” key) and resets FC,
 If the type of the data in the Action Request is not correct then the
meter answers with Action Response(same invoke_id and priority as the
request): Data_Access_Error=Type unmatched,
 If the meter cannot decrypt the pdu (request encrypted with invalid key)
Response (state-error=service-not-allowed, service-error=operation-not-

Security Policy Changing

The Security Policy may be changed by invoking the security_activate
method of the security setup object, or by setting the security_policy
attribute of the security setup object.

CRC check
First of all, on the local interfaces, we use IEC 62056-46 which includes
the verification of transmitted data using the CRC.
For the remote communication, the integrity and non-repudiation of the
commands sent to the meter is being verified on the level of TCP protocol.
Additionally, to ensure the correctness of the transmitted data,CRC
verification is made at the stage of internal communication between meter
and module.

7.3 Data storage security

Secret key Secure storage is a reserved space in non-volatile memory,
which is cryptographically protected. In secure storage meter stores
all the necessary global encryption, authentication, and master keys.
The main characteristics of this mode are:
 provide security for storage data at rest (not in transit),
 tweakable block cipher encryption mode (“non-malleable”),
usage of two keys (in process of encryption/decryption) derived from
cryptographic salt and hidden passwords.

There are three measurement data backup areas in non-volatile memory.

The meter will store the measurement data in the backup area of non-
volatile memory at a certain time interval or when the power is off. If a
backup area is damaged, data can be recovered from the previous
backup area. The data of the three backup areas are stored circularly.
Measurement data can not be clear and changed when they leave the

Meter parameters have CRC checking in RAM. If CRC is wrong, the

parameters will be retrieved from non-volatile memory. If the parameters
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are illegal, the meter will run with default parameters to ensure the normal
operation of the meter.

7.4 processor interfaces Security

The meters processor interfaces will not be enabled when they leave the it is disabled for readout and debugging via.

7.5 passwords and keys Security

Our meter and the communication module of the meter do not contain
fixed or algorithm-generated accounts, passwords and keys.

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8 Decommissioning and Disposal
8.1 Decommissioning

The procedure for disconnecting and removing the meter from the
mains is described in section 4.7 "De-installing the Meter".

8.2 Disposal

 Electronic waste treatment

This product must not be disposed of in regular waste. Use a
professional electronic waste treatment process.

The components used to manufacture the device can, in the main,

be bro-ken down into constituent parts and sent for suitable
recycling or disposal. When the product is removed from use, the
whole product must be sent to a professional electronic waste
treatment process. The waste treatment company must be
accepted by the officials.
End processing of the product and recycling of its components must
always be carried out in accordance with the local laws and
instructions given by the officials of the country where the end
processing and recycling are done.
By request, Sanxing will give more information about the
environmental influence of the product.

 Disposal and environmental protection regulations

The following are general guidelines and should NOT take priority
over local disposal and environmental policies which should be
adhered to with-out compromise.

Components Disposal
Printed circuit boards Electronic waste: delivered to recycling plants.
Metal parts Sorted and delivered to metal recycling plants.
Plastic components Sorted and delivered to re-granulation if at all possible.

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