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Integrity in The Workplace

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International Journal of Commerce and Management Studies (IJCAMS)

Vol.3, No.1, March 2018

Integrity in the Workplace

Author I: Mr. Jonathan. S. Joseph

Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce Management and Computers
Hislop College Civil Lines Nagpur 440001 (M.S) India

Author 2: Mrs. Tajinder Dadiyala

Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce Management and Computers
Hislop College Civil Lines Nagpur 440001 (M.S) India

● Great Leadership differentiates from ordinary

leadership if the leader is open to common good.
Abstract:​ ​This paper emphasizes on the individual ● There is a need and the desire of a group of
integrity, its issues and the importance of building integrity people to achieve a common good to form a
culture at organization. If an individual possesses Integrity, society.
he or she can develop trust in relationships with their
coworkers or others. Also at corporate level it develops
beliefs and values in rules, regulations and laws. Integrity
builds key personality traits like identifying dangerous ● Instead of an individual the role of the group as a
inferior function each of us and helps to take conscious whole and the leadership skills in particular is to
decisions. promote the common good.
● Particular good depends on a Common good. If a
Keywords:​ integrity, great places to work, partnerships, particular good is missing to the common good,
corporate culture of integrity, long-term financial it has to be diverted.
performance ● One of the major tasks of leadership is the moral
evaluation of the perceived good.
1. Introduction: ● The Art of a leader is defined by Adeoye
Mayowa: A Leadership Manager in Nigeria
“Integrity is a personal choice, an uncompromising (2009): "Leadership is an influence relationship
and predictably consistent commitment to honour among followers who intend Changes that their
moral, ethical, spiritual, and artistic values and mutual purposes that are compatible with and
principles,” defined Barbara Killinger in Integrity: enhance the common good of all of reality."
Doing the Right Thing for the Right. ● Leadership task includes Discerning the vision,
Wholeness, a psychological state of internal harmony disseminating the vision, diagnosing the action
and consistent moral character, best captures the plan, and finally directing the task to success.
essence of integrity. The Latin word integer from ● The factor that diffenciates great leaders from
which it is derived means complete, whole, or entire. ordinary leaders is integrity which is a singular
In practical terms, the concept of wholeness requires commitment to doing the right thing at right
us to see not only the "big picture" but also all the time, achieving good, and avoiding evil.
variables involved in a difficult situation. To possess
integrity, we must be willing to resist the temptation
to focus selectively only on information or aspects 2. How to Have Everyday Integrity
that fit our own experience, self-serving needs, or
● Always keep your promises even though it takes
narrowly held views.
more effort.
International Journal of Commerce and Management Studies (IJCAMS)
Vol.3, No.1, March 2018

● Go back to a store and pay for something if you ● Ensure everything is on the table and nothing
forgot to pay. was left out while making a business deal.
● Never break a friend’s faith even if you get in ● Try to refuse those jobs which are something
trouble. against your personal code of conduct. Find a
● If you received too much change back inform the more ethical company to work for rather than
cashier about it. stick with it.
● Avoid talking or gossiping badly about others.
● Be faithful to your spouse or partner.
● While in a relationship with someone, do not
keep secrets from each other.
● If you saw someone dropped money, return it
back without expecting a reward.
● Stay away from the advice on how to cheat on
your taxes and not get caught.
● Don’t allow someone else take the blame for
something you did.
● Be truthful and confidential with the person if
someone tells you confidential information,
never tell anyone what you know.
● Try to discuss openly and find the solution when
a relationship is over, don’t drag it out.

3. Integrity in the Workplace

● Work when you are supposed to and save 4. Say What You Mean and Mean What
socializing, surfing the Internet, snacking, and
making personal phone calls for break time.
You Say
● Turn in the extra change you observe in the soda
drink or snack vending machine. Often we don't say what we mean because we have
● Give respect to colleagues with proper many variables going on at the same time. The
communication and empathy. supervisor described above was eager to share how
● At management level, do not forget to inform or he messed up to show his understanding of the
update your employees what is coming and what concepts we were discussing. In his haste to
needs to be done. communicate his understanding he didn't take the
● Cooperate with company’s policies and time to choose his phrases so the words would be
understood and well-received by everyone. By
● Always do what you say you will do and be
respectful. rushing to speak without thinking the supervisor put
● Use materials for work rather than your personal himself in a situation of potential conflict.
● Don’t let teammates take the fall if you did a A challenge that many of us have is following Old
mistake and a team’s project gets messed up or habits and familiar behaviors. Have you ever had the
you missed a deadline, own up to your mistake. sort of conversation with someone where you could
● Working together as a team will develops trust actually predict the outcome? You know the kind I
and shows integrity. mean: you start Off saying what you have always
● Never take supplies from the workplace for said in the past, then they say what they have always
personal use.
said and then you jump in and say what you have said
● If you seriously disagree with the situation, get
out of it as soon as possible. what seems like a million times before.
● Do not take credit of someone else’s work. It
may include stealing anyone’s idea or pretending This happens because we continue to use the same
to have worked on a successful project. words over and over as well as the sa​me methods
of communicating. We do what we have always done
International Journal of Commerce and Management Studies (IJCAMS)
Vol.3, No.1, March 2018

out of habit so we always receive the same response The following are essential elements for managers
from the other person, who is also behaving from to foster integrity in the workplace:
habit. At the end you are frustrated, they are
frustrated and nothing new has come out of it. This, ● Establish integrity in your workplace and in
by the way, is a definition of insanity: doing the​ s​ ame relationships with stakeholders.
thing over and over again while expecting different ● Build a culture of openness and
results! transparency.
● Define a set of ethical standards that show
5. The Integrity of the Employer honesty and full disclosure.
● Always lead by example, Model integrity by
Always consider expectations of your employer. “walking the talk” and showing integrity at
When you are hired to do a job, there is an every turn.
understanding that both the employer and employee ● An appropriate action against workers
will act with integrity. The employer agrees to pay should be taken, who violate the integrity
you a fair wage for your work, and many employers standard.
provide benefits such as health insurance, paid ● Employees, who have demonstrated
vacation, and sick leave. You also have a right to integrity in their decisions and behaviors,
expect honesty and fairness from your employer. reward them.
Here are some examples of what is expected from the
employer: The key example of integrity in the workplace is
Confidentiality. It is also sensitive from a legal
● To provide a safe, healthful, reasonably perspective. Employers have a responsibility to keep
comfortable workplace. certain information secret. Violation of privacy
● To provide the tools, equipment, and standards could results into employment action.
supplies employees need to do their properly Confidentiality not only fixes trust but also
safely. encourages truthful consideration of the privacy of
● Treat employees equally, without regard for others.
their sex, age, ethnicity, race, religion, or
disability, Integrity can be summed up in the expression, “Say
● To base raises, bonuses, and promotions on what you mean and mean what you say”. Things are
merit and productivity, not on personal tough to implement than saying to do.
● To conduct an honest, responsible business.
If the company produces products, they
should he safe and effective, and the
advertisements for them should be honest. If
the business provides a service, the best
interests of customers and clients should be
the driving force behind the way business is
● To keep accurate and honest records and
● To respect the environment to follow local,
state, and federal laws.
6. How to Keep Positive Integrity in the
International Journal of Commerce and Management Studies (IJCAMS)
Vol.3, No.1, March 2018

1. Earning the Employees trust and respect is most 7. Suggestions:

important. You need to do what you say you are
going to do. Keep confidential matters private. Do The following suggestions are what you need to try to
not discuss the business or personal matters of one do to build integrity with everyone with whom you
employee with other employees. work
1. Every time and on time show them up as faults.
2. Make employees handbook that enlist the
2. Note down things you have been requested to
company’s mission and values. It should also include
do, do them and allow the person who made the
a workplace ethics and compliance code. This code
request know it has been done.
should have an inconclusive list of behavior that’s
3. Keep on promises and build trust with the
banned, along with the consequences for engaging in
banned behavior.
4. Emphasize on performance.
3. Provide a copy of the handbook to every 5. Observe if anything about your behavior causes
employee, so that he can understand. If time permits, inconsistency.
you may also need to communicate over the code 6. Frequent conversation with everyone to clear
with the employees, to make sure the handbook is doubts about the integrity of the system caused
read. by lack of information, be open.
7. Don’t cover up bad news -- give a solution to the
4. Ask for the signature of the each employee with
statement, which indicates that she/he has read the
8. Instead of blaming people, fix the processes.
handbook. By getting the employee’s signature, you
9. Be respectful and disciplined
get proof that the employee has been seen the
10. Review policy to make sure that they are
company’s mission, rules and values. The signature
consistent with actions.
also exhibits that she/he agrees to comply with the
11. Avoid or control frequent changes in the
rules or face consequences.
company culture so employees do not lose
5. An open door policy allows employees to provide confidence because of too much change in less
feedback and discuss concerns with management. time period.
Always keep Open door policy. Motivate the 12. Create an open-door policy.
employees to speak with management concerning any 13. Work through channels instead of around
integrity problems that may need to be solved. channels to keep consistency in the integrity of
the reporting process.
6. Always stick with the company’s ethics and
14. Adhere to the people over the long haul.
compliance code strictly. If you observe that an
15. Use mistakes as an opportunity for improvement
employee does not follow the code, restrain her/him
and admit it. Try to avoid doing the same
accountable for her/his non-compliance. Strictly
mistake again and again.
sticking with your ethics and compliance policy,
16. Being honest is most essential key to success.
other employees will take the code seriously.

8. Conclusion

17. Corporate Culture, work values and ethics

defines your organization which sounds more
than simply words.
18. Determining Leadership and Management styles,
also sustaining corporate culture, work values
and ethics.

Figure: Professional Development at work

International Journal of Commerce and Management Studies (IJCAMS)
Vol.3, No.1, March 2018

19. Corporate Culture, work values and ethics

increases organizational performance and
20. Organization’s corporate Culture, work values
and ethics must aligned with personal values and
ethics of staff

9. References:
[1] Integrity: The Core of Leadership By Biju Michael,
Richard J. Lochrie

[2] Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say: Surefire
Ways to Get the Results You Want By Cheryl Cran

[3] Integrity: Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reason
By Barbara Killinger

[4] Personal Development for Life and Work By Ann

Masters, Harold R. Wallace




[8] How to Keep Positive Integrity in the Workplace by

Faizah Imani

[9] 16 Ways to Demonstrate Integrity The Integrity Chain

Posted by Tom Smith on Thu, Sep, 12, 2013

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