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DATE: 23rd NOVEMBER, 2023
Discuss about the difference in website, webpage and mobileapp
Also discuss what is different in E commerce based web/mobile app/
marketing based web/ mobile app ?
• A website is a collection of related web pages.
• It can include various types of content such as text, images, videos,
and interactive elements.
• Websites are accessed through web browsers on desktop or mobile
• A webpage is a single document or page within a website.
• It contains specific information and may include text, images,
links, and other multimedia elements.
• Users navigate through websites by moving from one webpage to
Mobile App:
• A mobile app is a software application designed to run on mobile
devices, such as smartphones or tablets.
• Apps are usually downloaded and installed directly onto the device
from an app store.
• They offer a more focused and optimized user experience
compared to websites.
E-commerce Based Web/Mobile App:
• An e-commerce website or mobile app is designed for buying and
selling goods or services online.
• It includes features like product catalogs, shopping carts, and
secure payment gateways.
• Users can browse products, make purchases, and manage their
orders through these platforms.
Marketing Based Web/Mobile App:
• A marketing website or mobile app is focused on promoting
products, services, or brands.
• It may include content such as promotional videos, advertisements,
and information about the company.
• The goal is to attract and engage users, often leading them to take a
specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a
Functionality E-commerce apps focus Marketing apps focus on
on facilitating transactions promoting products or
Features E-commerce apps need Marketing apps may
features like inventory prioritize content creation,
management, payment social media integration,
processing, and order and analytics.
User E-commerce apps Marketing apps focus on
Interaction emphasize a smooth engaging users through
purchasing process. content and promotions.
Monetization E-commerce apps Marketing apps may
generate revenue through generate revenue through
direct sales. advertising, lead
generation, or brand

Write the steps to work on mobile app ( basic steps from installation
to the first page certain?
 Define Your App Concept:
Clearly outline the purpose and features of your app.
Identify your target audience and their needs.
 Choose a Platform:
Decide whether your app will be for iOS, Android, or both.
Choose the appropriate development environment (Xcode for iOS,
Android Studio for Android).
 Install Development Tools:
Install Xcode for iOS development (available on macOS).
Install Android Studio for Android development (cross-platform).
 Set Up a Development Environment:
Configure development settings and SDKs (Software Development
Kits) for the chosen platform.
 Create a New Project:
Start a new project in your chosen development environment.
Configure project settings, such as app name, package name, and
 Design the User Interface (UI):
Create the visual structure of your app.
Use layout tools and design elements to build the user interface.
 Implement Functionality:
Write the code to make your app functional.
Handle user interactions and implement the core features of your
 Test Your App:
Regularly test your app on emulators and real devices to identify
and fix bugs.
Conduct usability testing to ensure a good user experience.
 Optimize for Performance:
Optimize your code and assets to ensure smooth performance on
various devices.
 Add App Icons and Splash Screens:
Design and integrate app icons for different screen sizes.
Create a splash screen for a polished user experience during app
 Set Up App Permissions:
Define and request necessary permissions your app may need (e.g.,
camera, location).
 Configure App Settings:
Set up any preferences or settings your app may have.
 Implement Navigation:
Define how users will navigate through your app.
Implement navigation controls and transitions.
 Handle Data:
Integrate databases or APIs to manage and retrieve data.
Implement data storage solutions if needed.
 Implement Security Measures:
Secure sensitive data and implement encryption where necessary.
 Localization (Optional):
If your app will be used in different languages/regions, implement
 Prepare for Deployment:
Create release builds for testing and production.
Perform final testing before deploying to the app store.
 Submit to App Store/Google Play:
Follow the submission guidelines for the respective app store.
Provide all necessary assets and information for app review.
 Post-Launch Support:
Monitor user feedback and address issues promptly.
Plan for future updates and feature enhancements.

Explore and find out the most economic site/provider for business
domain hosting also enlist that how many (at least -05) providers
are relabel and available to host your site/ page if you are
developing a mobile app for e-commerce transaction covers (domain
clark space and email service) check the cost of all for
at least or months?
Here are five reputable hosting providers for your mobile app's e-
commerce needs:
• Bluehost: Starting at $2.95/month, includes a free domain for
the first year.
• SiteGround: Plans start at $6.99/month, providing excellent
performance and customer support.
• HostGator: Offers plans from $2.75/month, with a user-
friendly interface and 45-day money-back guarantee.
• A2 Hosting: Plans begin at $2.99/month, emphasizing speed
and reliability.
• InMotion Hosting: Starting at $5.99/month, it offers solid
performance and customer service.
Prices may vary based on specific features and promotional offers, so it's
advisable to check the providers' websites for the most up-to-date

Write the steps to register the space in clouds/with rates and
specifications/and also enlist the other areas / space where you can
reserve the space instead clouds?
• Select a cloud provider such as Amazon Web Services (AWS),
Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
• Go to the website of your chosen cloud provider.
• Sign up for an account on the cloud provider's website.
• Explore the services section and locate the option for cloud storage
or compute resources, depending on your needs.
• Choose the type of space you need, whether it's storage for files or
computing resources for applications.
• Specify the amount of space, processing power, and other
specifications based on your requirements.
• Review the pricing details for the selected services to understand
the cost structure.
• Provide the necessary payment details to complete the registration
Other Spaces:
• Data Centers: Rent physical space in data centers to host your
own servers.
• Web Hosting Services: Use web hosting providers to
reserve space for hosting websites.
• Colocation Services: Share space in a data center with other
• On-Premises Servers: Manage your own servers within
your organization's premises.

Draw the structural diagrams of your own project - including -(class
diagram, activity diagram, sequential diagram , composite diagram,
object diagram and the communication diagram?

Write short intro of your all screen decided in the project-(5-6
times) in according to the structural diagrams?
Show a logo of our application while loading
Enter e-mail and password to log-in into the application
There is an option of teacher or student
Teachers enroll by their Name, id and courses
Student’s enroll by their student’s id (and enroll subjects)
Teacher create class to submit an assignment and activitites
Student’s have an options to join a class according to their enrollment of
subjects if teacher created it
Write about the main difference between ERP and UML diagram?

ERP(Enterprise Resourse UML (Unified Modeling

Planning) Language) Diagram

ERP is a software that helps UML diagrams are visual

organizations manage and representations used to model and
integrate various business design software systems
ERP is a software application or UML diagrams are graphical tools
system. used during the design
Used for streamlining business Used for visualizing, specifying,
processes, improving efficiency, constructing, and documenting the
and facilitating data flow artifacts
Focuses on business processes and Focuses on the visual
resource management. representation of software
The output of an ERP system is The output is a visual
the streamlined and integrated representation of the structure and
management of business behavior of a software system,

Write about the different categories ( covering all types -(2-3 points
for each ) of UML diagram - include 03 tools which are very useful
to design UML diagram ?
• Structural Diagrams:
– Class Diagrams: Represent the static structure of a system,
showcasing classes, their attributes, and relationships.
– Object Diagrams: Provide a instances of classes and their
relationships at a specific point in time.
– Component Diagrams: Illustrate the physical components
of a system and their dependencies.
• Behavioral Diagrams:
– Use Case Diagrams: Describe the interactions between a
system and its external entities
– Sequence Diagrams: Display the interactions between
objects, emphasizing the time sequence.
– State Diagrams: Depict the different states an object can be
in and how it transitions between them.
• Interaction Diagrams:
– Activity Diagrams: Illustrate the flow of activities in a
– Communication Diagrams: Show how objects interact
through messages over time.
– Timing Diagrams: Focus on the timing constraints between
interactions and the changes in state or condition.
• Architectural Diagrams:
– Deployment Diagrams: Visualize the physical deployment
of software components in a hardware environment.
– Package Diagrams: Organize and structure the elements of a
system into cohesive packages.
UML Diagram Design Tools:
• Lucid chart:
– Description: Lucid chart is a web-based diagramming tool
that supports UML diagrams
– Features: Collaboration features, drag-and-drop interface,
real-time editing.
• Visual Paradigm:
– Description: Visual Paradigm is a UML tool that supports
the software development lifecycle.
– Features: UML diagram creation, code generation, system
modeling, team collaboration.
• Enterprise Architect:
– Description: Enterprise Architect is a powerful UML
modeling tool that caters to complex systems and enterprise-
level applications.
– Features: Extensive UML support, model-driven
architecture, database modeling, team collaboration.

Write about all DB language with suitable example (03
queries for each )?
SQL (Structured Query Language):
Explanation: SQL is a standard language for managing and
manipulating relational databases. It is used to create, retrieve, update,
and delete data.
Example Queries:
• Select: SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department = 'IT';
• Insert: INSERT INTO customers (name, email) VALUES
(‘Laiba', ‘');
• Update: UPDATE products SET price = price * 1.1 WHERE
category = 'Electronics';

NoSQL (e.g., MongoDB Query Language):

Explanation: NoSQL databases, like MongoDB, use different data
models than traditional relational databases.
Example Queries:
• Find: db.users.find({ age: { $gt: 25 } });
• Insert: db.products.insertOne({ name: 'Laptop', price: 1200 });
• Update: db.orders.updateOne({ _id:
ObjectId("5f8a4fb6c99b6c5a53b25d6f") }, { $set: { status:
'Shipped' } });

Cassandra Query Language (CQL):

Explanation: CQL is the query language for Apache Cassandra, a
highly scalable and distributed NoSQL database system
Example Queries:
• Insert a new row into the 'products' table: INSERT INTO
products (product_id, product_name, price) VALUES (301,
'Cassandra Database Book', 29.99);
• Retrieve all columns from the 'users' table where the user_id is
101: SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = 101;
• Update the 'inventory' table, incrementing the stock_count by
10 where the product_id is 201: UPDATE inventory SET
stock_count = stock_count + 10 WHERE product_id = 201;

Scenario: Draw the basic structure, structural diagram, database
structure, relational diagram, and the SQL commands used for
creating the database structure?

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