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UW Patella Dislocation Guidelines

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Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Repair and

Figure 1. Radiograph of the patellofemoral joint with the knee in slight flexion. The lateral aspect of the trochlear
groove is normally about 1 cm higher than the medial.

The knee consists of four bones that form three Proper stabilization of the patella is also affected
joints. The femur is the large bone in the thigh and by the soft tissue structures (ligaments and
attaches by ligaments and a capsule to the tibia, muscles) surrounding the knee. The medial
the large bone in the lower leg commonly referred patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) is a continuation of
to as the shin bone. Next to the tibia is the fibula, the deep retinaculum and vastus medialis oblique
which runs parallel to the tibia on the outside of the (VMO) muscle fibers (inner portion of the
leg. The patella, commonly called the kneecap, is quadriceps muscle) on the inside of the knee.
embedded in the quadriceps and patellar tendon These structures provide a significant force (near
which articulates with the front of the femur, which 60% total) against lateral displacement of the
forms the patellofemoral joint. The patella acts as a patella, as their force is directed inward or
pulley to increase the amount of force that the medially.2,4 The MPFL is the primary restraint to
quadriceps muscle can generate.1 The patella sits in lateral displacement of the patella during the first
a groove on the end of the femur called the 20 to 30 degrees of knee flexion.3 This ligament is
trochlear groove. This groove varies in depth from a passive stabilizer and extends from the upper
person to person. When the knee bends, the inner side of the patella to the medial aspect of
patella travels down the groove and as the knee the femur. The patellomeniscal ligament and
straightens the patella moves up the groove. As retinaculum also contribute more than 20% of the
the patella travels up and down in the trochlear restraining force.
groove, the patella should maintain congruent
boney alignment, which is often referred to as
normal patellar tracking.

There are several structures that work together to

keep the patella aligned and stabilized in the
femoral groove to prevent the patella from
excessive lateral movement (movement towards
the outside of the leg). The lateral aspect of the
trochlear groove is normally about 1 centimeter
higher than the medial (inside of the leg) aspect of
the trochlear groove, which helps keep the patella
in the trochlear groove by providing a buttress on
the lateral side (Figure 1).2 This provides the main
resistance to lateral patellar translation (which is
the most common direction of displacement),
especially beyond 20 degrees of knee flexion.3

People who have a shallow trochlea are more

susceptible to patellar instability.
These ligaments can be injured and torn with an
initial acute traumatic patellar dislocation After this early phase, strengthening and
(kneecap quickly going out of place). The most neuromuscular control is emphasized throughout
common mechanism for a patellar dislocation is a the entire leg and core. In the final stages of
forceful inward rotation of the body on a planted rehabilitation, the focus will be on dynamic lower
foot. This radiograph is of a 12-year-old boy in extremity control during sport specific movements,
the emergency room after such an injury (Figure such as change of direction and rotational
2) Often the patella will go back in to place (or movements.
relocate to the groove) as the knee is gently
straightened. In this case the patient was unable The UW Health Sports Medicine rehabilitation
to straighten his knee in the emergency room guidelines below are presented in a criterion-based
and his patella was still dislocated laterally. Note progression. General time frames are given for
on the radiograph that there is no overlap of the reference to the average, but individual patients
femur and patella. will progress at different rates depending on their
age, associated injuries, pre-injury health status,
rehabilitation compliance and injury severity.
In studying 26 patients who had an acute patellar
Modifications in the specific time frames,
dislocation at a mean age of 18 years, Nomura et
restrictions and precautions may also be made to
al. reported evidence of MPFL damage in 96%
protect healing tissues based on the specific
(26/27) of the knees examined during open
surgical repair/ reconstruction procedure
surgical exploration). In an acute patellar
dislocation, when a tear of the MPFL is identified,
surgical repair (fixing the original ligament) of the
MPFL may be a good treatment option. In the
young athletic population, recurrence rates for
patients treated conservatively are high with
some studies reporting 40%. In recurrent or
chronic patellar dislocations, it may be necessary
to perform reconstruction of the MPFL.
Reconstruction differs from repair in that graft
tissue (such as a hamstring tendon) is used to
replace or reinforce the MPFL. The MPFL
reconstruction may also be combined with other
patellar stabilization procedures.

A quality post-operative rehabilitation program is

essential to having a successful outcome from a
MPFL procedure. The goals of rehabilitation will
initially focus on protection for healing, mobility
and range of motion.

Phase I (surgery to 6 weeks after surgery)

• Rehabilitation appointments to begin 2-3 days after surgery and

Rehabilitation appointments to continue 1-2 times per week
• Protect surgical knee
Rehabilitation goals
• Restore normal knee range of motion
• Full passive knee extension should be achieved within first two
weeks, thought these patients do not often struggle with
• Goal of a 90 degrees knee flexion should be achieved by 6
• Normalize gait
• Eliminate effusion (swelling)
• Restore leg control and quadriceps activation
Precautions • Weight bearing as tolerated on crutches with post-operative
brace locked in extension.

• Begin ambulation with 2 crutches, then progress to 1 crutch and

then no crutches once patient shows sufficient quad control and
gait mechanics are normalized

• Avoid rotational movements through knee and lower extremity

Suggested therapeutic exercise • Gait drills with emphasis on symmetrical loading, heel strike at
initial contact, appropriate quad activation during stance (avoid
hyperflexed or hyperextended knee during mid-stance), and
adequate push-off
• Range of motion (ROM): (pearl: provide manual lateral patellar
stabilization when first initiating range of motion)
• Knee extension with foot propped on bolster
• Heel slides
• Knee flexion wall slides
• Passive knee flexion over edge of plinth
• Medial Patellar mobilizations
• Prone knee flexion
• Strengthening:
Note: it is recommended that all quadriceps strengthening be
performed in conjunction with neuromuscular electrical stimulation
(NMES). Please see Appendix for recommendations on NMES units
for patients, parameters for use, and treatment recommendations
for NMES during quadriceps strengthening.
• Quadriceps, hamstring, and gluteal sets

• Four-way leg lifts in standing or lying down positions for
hip strengthening
• Bridging
• Ankle isotonics with resistance band
• Weight shifting drills
• Heel raises
• Balance drills beginning with double leg and progressing to
single leg
• Trunk stability work
• Supine core and transverse abdominus activation with
upper and/or lower extremity movement
• Anti-rotation press variations in stable lower extremity
• Suitcase carry with gait and/or marching drills
Cardiovascular exercise • Upper body circuit training or use of an upper body ergometer
Progression criteria • Non-painful knee flexion AROM to 90 degrees
• Full weight bearing with normalized gait mechanics without the
use of assistive device
• Single leg balance for 15 seconds with good control

Phase II (begin after meeting Phase I criteria, usually 6 weeks after surgery)

• Rehabilitation appointments are 1-2 times per week

Rehabilitation appointments
• Maintain/fully restore normal knee range of motion
Rehabilitation goals
• Maintain protection of post-surgical knee
• Increase functional activity
• Good limb control and no pain with functional movements
• First Progressive Testing session should occur at 12 weeks after
• LSI >90% on single leg press and Y-Balance
• Quadriceps strength deficit of <30% on Biodex strength test
Precautions • Use of lateral buttress knee sleeve if directed by physician or
physical therapist
• Avoid over-stressing fixation of graft – continued caution with
rotational movement
• For patients with patellar or trochlear chondroplasty or
cartilage defect, avoid excessive or abnormal patellofemoral
joint stresses during open and closed chain strengthening
• Avoid post-activity swelling
• Full ROM into flexion and extension should be achieved if patient
has not already regained full ROM
• No impact
Suggested therapeutic • Range of motion work as needed
• Continue NMES
• Continued functional closed kinetic chain strengthening with
caution to avoid dynamic valgus or medial knee displacement:
• Progressions of double leg squats
• Split stance work progressing into lunge variations
• Single leg bridging
• Controlled single leg squats
• Progression of weight on leg press and progression to single leg
• Multidirectional band walks
• Continued hamstring and gluteal strengthening
• Continued trunk strength and stability work
Cardiovascular exercise • Upper body circuit training or use of an upper body
• Stationary bike

Progression criteria • Normal gait on level surfaces
• LSI >90% on single leg press and Y-Balance
• Quadriceps strength deficit of <30% on Biodex strength test
• At least 12 weeks after surgery

Phase III begin after meeting Phase II criteria, usually 12-16 weeks after surgery)

Rehabilitation appointments • Rehabilitation appointments once every 1-2 weeks

Rehabilitation goals • No effusion (swelling)
• Return to full functional activities
• Improve quadriceps strength
• Improve hip and trunk strength
• Improve balance and proprioception
• Improve patient confidence and mental readiness to return to
higher level movement patterns and eventually return to sport
Suggested therapeutic • Continue closed chain strengthening beginning with single plane
exercises and progressing to multi-planar
• Progression of hip and core strengthening
• Progression of speed during strengthening drills to increase rate
of force development (RFD) and for impact preparation
• Initiate low amplitude agility drills in the sagittal and frontal plane
– caution with frontal plane and avoid transverse plane initially
because of potential for dynamic valgus
• Impact control exercises in sagittal and frontal plane beginning 2
feet to 2 feet, progressing toward 1 foot to the other foot
• Initiate return to running progression once patient shows
good single leg control and tolerance to bounding

• Stretching for patient specific muscle imbalances

Precautions • Avoid post-activity swelling
Cardiovascular exercise • Stationary bike
• Treadmill walking
• Swimming with flutter kick (avoid breaststroke kick)
• Stair Master
• Elliptical
Progression criteria • No effusion (swelling)
• No patellar apprehension
• Good control and no pain with squats and lunges and impact drills
• Quadriceps strength deficit of <15% on Biodex strength test

Phase IV (begin after meeting Phase III criteria, usually 20 weeks after surgery)

Rehabilitation appointments • Rehabilitation appointments once every 1-2 weeks

Rehabilitation goals • Good eccentric and concentric multi-planar dynamic
neuromuscular control (including impact) to allow for return to
Suggested therapeutic • Progression of impact control exercises to 1 foot to the same foot
exercises (hopping)
• Movement control exercises beginning with low velocity, single
plane activities and progressing to higher velocity, multi-planar
• Progression to multi-planar agility drills with progressively
increasing velocity and amplitude
• Sport/work specific balance and proprioception drills
• Continue lower extremity and trunk strengthening

• Stretching for patient specific muscle imbalances

Precautions • Avoid post-activity swelling

Cardiovascular exercise • Replicate sport or work specific energy demands

Progression criteria • Return to sport/work criteria:
• Quadriceps strength deficit of <10% on Biodex strength test
• LSI of >90% on jump testing and all four functional hop tests
• Dynamic neuromuscular control with multi-planar activities and
without pain, instability, or swelling
• Patient confidence to return to sport

• Approval from the physician and sports rehabilitation provider


NMES Treatment Parameters:

• Amplitude/Intensity (mA): as high as patient can tolerate

• Pulse Width (µs): 100-400 µs •
• Pulse Rate (Hz): 50-100 Hz •
• Frequency: NMES should be dosed the same way you would dose quadriceps strengthening exercise; early in the

rehabilitation process, this should be used every day or even multiple times a day. As the patient progresses and

the intensity of their exercise increases, the frequency will likely change to 2-4 times a week. While the exact
treatment plan will vary with every• patient, the diagram below (Figure 3) from Spector et al. outlines a proposed
algorithm for the frequency of quadriceps strengthening with NMES following knee surgery. The algorithm is

further outlined below:

o Quadriceps NMES to begin as early as possible after surgery with a high-volume approach (1 or more
times per day).
o After 1 week of treatment, assess patient’s response to NMES to gauge effectiveness – Fitzgerald criteria
is recommended as a clinically feasible way to assess the patient’s response
o If patient is responding well, continue treatment for 2 more weeks
o Re-assess response to NMES – look for signs of activation failure:
 Inability to perform straight leg raise without extensor lag
 In ability to consistently perform quadriceps set with superior patellar glide
 Patient reported difficulty with muscle control
o If activation failure is present, continue treatment with high-volume
o If activation failure is NOT present, progress to quadriceps NMES with a low-volume approach
(approximately 3-6 times per week)

Figure 3. Recommended treatment algorithm from Spector et al. for application of NMES with quadriceps
strengthening following knee surgery.

*Fitzgerald criteria: NMES should produce full tetanic contraction of quadriceps with a visual and/or
palpable superior patellar glide

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At UW Health, patients may have may receive direction or educational materials that vary from this
information. This information is not intended to replace the care or advice given by your physician or
health care provider. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional advice. Call your
health provider immediately if you think you may have a medical emergency. Always seek the advice of
your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any question
you may have regarding a medical condition.


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