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Seborrheic Dermatitis
Luigi Naldi, M.D., and Alfredo Rebora, M.D.

N Engl J Med 2009; 360:387-396January 22, 2009

Citing Articles (2)

This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem.
Evidence supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal
guidelines, when they exist. The article ends with the authors' clinical recommendations.

A 35-year-old man reports itching, redness, and scaling in his scalp, eyebrows, and external
auditory canal. He has tried several over-the-counter dandruff shampoos, with only temporary
relief, and he is increasingly embarrassed by this problem. Physical examination reveals greasy
scaling on the scalp and erythema with yellowish scales in the nasolabial creases. How should
his case be managed?


Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic, relapsing inflammatory skin condition with a predilection for
areas rich in sebaceous glands.1 The disorder is characterized by scaling and poorly defined
erythematous patches, with large variations in extent and morphologic characteristics depending

on the area of skin involved (Figure 1FIGURE 1 Clinical Manifestations of

Seborrheic Dermatitis. and Table 1TABLE 1 Selected Clinical Variants of

Seborrheic Dermatitis.). In the acute phase, the scales cover a slightly moist surface. The scalp is
almost invariably affected; other common sites (in order of frequency) are the face, chest, and
intertriginous areas. Blepharoconjunctivitis may occur in isolation or it may be associated with
skin lesions. Infrequently, marginated lesions occur on the male external genitalia. Itching is
moderate and usually limited to the scalp and the external auditory meatus. The disorder may be
socially embarrassing, especially because of the scaling scalp, which may cause particular
uneasiness because of a perceived association with uncleanliness.2

Seborrheic dermatitis is considered one of the most frequent skin disorders, although estimates
of prevalence are limited by the lack of validated criteria for diagnosis or grading of severity. An
infantile form, which usually involves the scalp (cradle cap), the face, and the diaper area, is
particularly common. It affects as many as 70% of newborns during the first 3 months of life but
usually disappears by 1 year of age.3 The 1971–1974 National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey, which involved a representative sample of persons 1 to 74 years of age in the U.S.
population, showed that the prevalence of seborrheic dermatitis, as assessed by a
dermatologist, was 11.6% overall and 2.8% (2.6% for men and 3.0% for women) among persons
with cases considered by the examiner to be clinically significant (i.e., warranting a visit to a
physician). In this sample, the prevalence of clinically significant seborrheic dermatitis was
lowest among persons younger than 12 years of age (<1%) and was highest among persons 35
to 44 years of age (4.1%). 4

Seborrheic dermatitis is more common and more severe in persons infected with the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), particularly in those with CD4 counts below 400 cells per
millimeter,5,6, than in uninfected persons, and it may regress with highly active antiretroviral
therapy. 7 The skin condition is rare in African blacks; when it occurs in this population, it raises
concern about HIV infection.8 Seborrheic dermatitis has been reported to be associated with
several conditions, including neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism, familial amyloidosis with
polyneuropathy, and trisomy 21, but these associations have been poorly documented.9-11

Seborrheic dermatitis has been reported to be triggered by stress, but no controlled data are
available. Patients with seborrheic dermatitis frequently report improvement after exposure to
sunlight.12 However, an increased prevalence of seborrheic dermatitis has been reported
among mountain guides who have a high level of long-term occupational exposure to solar
ultraviolet radiation.13 A seborrheic-like dermatitis of the face also may develop in patients
treated for psoriasis with psoralen plus ultraviolet A light; this type of dermatitis can be prevented
by masking the face during irradiation.14

The cause or causes of seborrheic dermatitis are incompletely understood. Despite its name,
seborrheic dermatitis is not regularly associated with excessive secretion of sebum (i.e.,
“seborrhea”), nor are the sebaceous glands primarily involved. However, functioning sebaceous
glands may be a permissive factor because seborrheic dermatitis occurs most often during
periods of active sebum production (e.g., the neonatal period) and in areas of the skin where
sebum is produced. There is no clear genetic predisposition.
Fungi of the genus malassezia (formerly called Pitirosporum ovale),15-17 which are lipid-
dependent, ubiquitous residents of the skin, have been considered potentially pathogenic, since
they are present on affected skin, and antifungal agents are useful in treatment. 18,19 However,
the absence of a correlation between the number of malassezia organisms and the presence
and severity of clinical manifestations is perplexing. The inflammatory process may be mediated,
in susceptible persons, by fungal metabolites — namely free fatty acids — released from
sebaceous triglycerides.18 The lipid layer of malassezia can also modulate proinflammatory
cytokine production by keratinocytes.20



The diagnosis of seborrheic dermatitis rests largely on the history and clinical examination

(Table 2TABLE 2 Differential Diagnosis of Seborrheic Dermatitis.). The differential

diagnosis depends on the patient's age, the site (or sites) involved, and the patient's race or
ethnic group. Conditions commonly confused with seborrheic dermatitis include psoriasis, atopic
dermatitis, and, in children, tinea capitis. Distinguishing severe seborrheic dermatitis from early
facial psoriasis can be particularly difficult. Direct microscopical examination of a specimen of a
superficial skin scraping prepared with potassium hydroxide may be useful to rule out tinea
capitis. A skin biopsy is rarely needed for diagnosis, but it can be useful in occasional cases to
rule out other diagnoses such as cutaneous lupus erythematosus.


Topical agents are used in most cases of seborrheic dermatitis (Table 3TABLE 3

Topical Agents for the Treatment of Seborrheic Dermatitis.). Randomized trials

provide support for the use of several of these agents, not all of which are available in the United

Topical Antifungal Agents

Topical antifungal agents are the mainstay of treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. Well-studied
agents include ketoconazole, bifonazole, and ciclopiroxolamine (also called ciclopirox), which
are available in different formulations such as creams, gels, foams, and shampoos. There have
been at least 10 randomized trials of ketoconazole, some limited to scalp treatment and others
addressing the treatment of multiple areas of the body. In the largest double-blind trial, which
involved 1162 people with mild-to-severe seborrheic dermatitis affecting multiple regions of the
body, treatment was determined to be successful (on the basis of a global assessment score) at
4 weeks in 56% of patients who received ketoconazole foam twice daily, as compared with 42%
who received placebo foam (P<0.001).22 Similar results were obtained in a study comparing the
drug with placebo in cream formulations.22 In a trial comparing 2% ketoconazole in a gel
formulation, used once daily, with placebo in 459 subjects with moderate-to-severe disease in
different areas of the body, the skin of 25% of subjects assigned to active treatment and 14%
assigned to placebo was considered cleared or almost cleared at day 28 (P=0.001).30

Intermittent use of ketoconazole can maintain remission. In one study, 312 patients with scalp
lesions in whom dermatitis had initially cleared with twice-weekly shampoo containing 2%
ketoconazole were subsequently enrolled in a 6-month placebo-controlled prophylactic trial;
relapse rates were 47% among patients using placebo, 31% among patients using ketoconazole
shampoo once every other week, and 19% among patients using the active treatment once

Bifonazole has also been shown to be effective in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. In a
randomized trial involving 100 patients, the skin of 43% of patients using 1% bifonazole cream
once daily, as compared with 23% of those using placebo, was shown to be almost clear at 4
weeks according to a global improvement scale.24 Bifonazole shampoo used three times weekly
has also been shown to result in significantly greater improvement in scalp lesions than

In a randomized trial comparing ciclopiroxolamine shampoo, used once or twice weekly, with
placebo in 949 patients with scalp lesions, rates of clearance over a 4-week period were 45%
and 58% with the once-weekly and twice-weekly active treatments, respectively, as compared
with 32% with placebo (P<0.001 for both comparisons with placebo). Among 428 patients with a
response who were subsequently randomly assigned to ciclopiroxolamine prophylaxis once
weekly, ciclopiroxolamine prophylaxis every 2 weeks, or placebo for 4 months, relapse rates
were 15%, 22%, and 35%, respectively.25

Limited data are available for comparisons of different antifungal agents. In a noninferiority trial
involving 303 patients with facial seborrheic dermatitis, the use of ciclopiroxolamine cream twice
daily for 28 days, followed by once-daily use for an additional 28 days, resulted in significantly
higher rates of remission than the use of ketoconazole foaming gel used twice weekly for the
first 28 days and then once a week (57% vs. 44% at 56 days in an intention-to-treat analysis,
P=0.03). However, these results are difficult to interpret because of the much lower frequency of
application for ketoconazole than for ciclopiroxolamine.32 Local tolerance as well as overall
acceptability were better with ciclopiroxolamine than with ketoconazole.26 No major side effects
have been reported with topical antifungal agents, although contact sensitivity has been reported
with long-term use in rare cases.33

Topical Corticosteroids

Several randomized trials have directly compared short-term topical corticosteroids — including,
in approximate order of increasing potency, hydrocortisone, betamethasone dipropionate,
clobetasol 17-butyrate, and clobetasol dipropionate — with topical antifungal agents.34,35 These
trials have shown either no significant difference or a small difference in favor of the antifungal
agent, but they have been underpowered, with the largest trial including only 72 people.35 One
randomized, placebo-controlled trial showed that 0.05% desonide lotion was superior to placebo
in 81 patients with facial lesions associated with either atopic or seborrheic dermatitis, but the
response rates among the patients with seborrheic dermatitis were not reported separately. 36
There is a consensus that topical corticosteroids are useful in the short term mainly to control
erythema and itching. Data are not available to address the question of whether the combination
of topical corticosteroids and topical antifungal agents confers a greater benefit than single-
agent therapy. Skin atrophy and hypertrichosis are a concern with long-term corticosteroid use.

Selenium Sulfide Preparations

In a randomized trial involving 246 patients with moderate-to-severe dandruff, 2.5% selenium
sulfide shampoo, 2% ketoconazole shampoo, and placebo were compared. All shampoos were
used twice weekly. Reductions in the score for dandruff at week 4 were 67% with selenium
sulfide, 73% with ketoconazole, and 44% with placebo; the reductions were significantly larger
with both medicated shampoos than with placebo.29 Itching and burning sensations were more
common with sulfide shampoo than with ketoconazole. Trial data for the use of selenium sulfide
in areas other than the scalp are lacking.

Topical Lithium Salts

Topical lithium succinate and lithium gluconate are effective alternative agents for the treatment
of seborrheic dermatitis in areas other than the scalp. Their mechanism of action is poorly
understood. In a crossover, placebo-controlled trial of lithium succinate involving two 4-week
treatment periods separated by a 2-week washout period, twice-daily lithium succinate ointment
was associated with significantly greater reductions in erythema, scaling, and the percentage of
the area of the skin involved.37 In a small, randomized trial involving 12 patients, lithium
succinate was significantly more effective than placebo for the treatment of lesions in HIV-
positive patients.38 Twice-daily lithium gluconate was shown to be more effective than placebo
in an 8-week trial involving 129 patients with facial lesions,27 and it was shown to be superior to
2% ketoconazole in an 8-week noninferiority trial involving 288 patients with facial lesions; in the
latter study, complete-remission rates were 52% with the use of lithium gluconate and 30% with
the use of ketoconazole, but ketoconazole was applied only twice weekly.39 Skin irritation is the
most common adverse effect associated with topical lithium salts.

Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors

Calcineurin inhibitors prevent T-cell activation by down-regulating the activity of type 1 and 2 T-
helper cells. In a randomized trial involving 96 patients with moderate-to-severe facial seborrheic
dermatitis, the mean change from baseline to 4 weeks in the total target-area score with twice-
daily 1% pimecrolimus was significantly greater than with placebo in a per-protocol analysis but
not in an intention-to-treat analysis.28 Two small, randomized trials did not show significant
differences between pimecrolimus and topical corticosteroids, but these trials had limited
statistical power. 40,41

Other Topical Therapies

Limited data are available to provide support for the use of topical zinc pyrithione. In one trial,
1% zinc pyrithione was less effective than 2% ketoconazole (both used as a twice-weekly
shampoo) in reducing the severity of dandruff at 4 weeks (67% improvement in the severity
score vs. 73% improvement, P<0.02).42 Limited data are also available for metronidazole gel,
with the largest trial failing to show a significant difference in outcome as compared with
placebo.43 Coal-tar shampoos are sometimes proposed in seborrheic dermatitis, although data
supporting their use are scarce. In one randomized trial, 4% coal-tar shampoo, as compared
with placebo, resulted in a significantly larger reduction in dandruff.44

High response rates have been reported in many trials with the use of a placebo alone.
However, it remains uncertain whether these rates are due to a placebo response or to an
emollient effect of the placebo.22,28


Ultraviolet B phototherapy is sometimes considered as an option for extensive or recalcitrant

seborrheic dermatitis, but it has not been studied in randomized trials. 45,46 Burning and itching
may occur, and with long-term treatment, carcinogenic effects on the skin are a concern.

Systemic Antifungal Therapy

Data on the efficacy of systemic antifungal agents for seborrheic dermatitis are limited. In a
randomized trial involving 63 patients with mild-to-moderate seborrheic dermatitis, a single
weekly dose of 300 mg of fluconazole was no better than placebo after 2 weeks.47 In a
randomized, placebo-controlled trial involving 174 patients,48 oral terbinafine (at a dose of 250
mg per day for 4 weeks) was no better than placebo in patients with lesions predominantly
involving exposed areas of the skin, such as the face, whereas a difference was noted in
patients with lesions predominantly involving areas of the skin that were not exposed, such as
the scalp, sternum, and interscapular areas; however, conclusions based on subgroup analyses
are problematic. The safety profile of systemic antifungal agents must be carefully considered in
planning treatment for a chronic condition such as seborrheic dermatitis.


To improve the quality of evidence to guide treatment for seborrheic dermatitis, validated criteria
for diagnosis and severity and validated, clinically relevant outcome measures are needed. Most
trials of therapy are short-term and vehicle-controlled, in the case of topical agents, or placebo-
controlled. There is a need for longer-term studies comparing different management strategies,
including nonpharmacologic treatments, such as phototherapy, and simple interventions to
remove scales, such as treatment with keratolytic agents. There are few data to guide treatment
of infants with the disease. Similarly, data on the treatment of patients with HIV-related
seborrheic dermatitis38 and patients who do not have a response to conventional topical
treatment are very limited.


Evidence-based guidelines, developed by the Finnish Medical Society Duodecim and revised in
April 2007, are available through the National Guideline Clearinghouse (
Evidence-based guidance is also available in the Clinical Knowledge Summaries of the U.K.
National Health System ( The recommendations in this article are generally
consistent with these guidelines.


Patients should be educated about the chronic relapsing course of seborrheic dermatitis and
should understand that treatment may not result in complete clearing of the skin. For a patient
such as the one described in the vignette, I would recommend treatment of scalp lesions with
shampoo containing 2% ketoconazole twice weekly for 1 month, with the goal of inducing a
remission, followed by the use of this shampoo once every week or every other week. Similarly,
facial lesions could be controlled with the use of cream containing 2% ketoconazole twice daily
for 4 weeks, then twice weekly or less frequently, depending on the patient's response.
Reasonable alternatives include shampoo containing 2.5% selenium sulfide or ciclopiroxolamine
for scalp lesions, and ketoconazole foam or gel, ciclopiroxolamine cream, or ointment containing
lithium salt for facial lesions. Decision making should take into account cost and the patient's
preference for a given form of treatment.

Dr. Naldi reports receiving grant support from Boehringer Ingelheim, the Research Institute for
Fragrance Materials, and the Italian Medication Agency.

No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.

An audio version of this article is available at

We thank Dr. Olivier Chosidow for his helpful comments.


From the Department of Dermatology (L.N.) and Centro Studi Gruppo Italiano Studi
Epidemiologici in Dermatologia (L.N., A.R.), Ospedali Riuniti, Bergamo; and the Section of
Dermatology, Department of Endocrinologic and Medical Sciences, University of Genoa, Genoa
(A.R.) — both in Italy.

Address reprint requests to Dr. Naldi at Centro Studi GISED, Ospedali Riuniti, Largo Barozzi 1,
24128 Bergamo, Italy, or at

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