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Parameter Estimation of Partial Differential Equation Models

Author(s): Xiaolei Xun, Jiguo Cao, Bani Mallick, Arnab Maity and Raymond J. Carroll
Source: Journal of the American Statistical Association , September 2013, Vol. 108, No.
503 (September 2013), pp. 1009-1020
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of the American Statistical Association

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Parameter Estimation of Partial Differential

Equation Models
Xiaolei Xun, Jiguo Cao, Bani Mallick, Arnab Maity, and Raymond J. Carroll

Partial differential equation (PDE) models are commonly used to model complex dynamic systems in applied sciences such as biology
and finance. The forms of these PDE models are usually proposed by experts based on their prior knowledge and understanding of the
dynamic system. Parameters in PDE models often have interesting scientific interpretations, but their values are often unknown and need
to be estimated from the measurements of the dynamic system in the presence of measurement errors. Most PDEs used in practice have no
analytic solutions, and can only be solved with numerical methods. Currently, methods for estimating PDE parameters require repeatedly
solving PDEs numerically under thousands of candidate parameter values, and thus the computational load is high. In this article, we
propose two methods to estimate parameters in PDE models: a parameter cascading method and a Bayesian approach. In both methods,
the underlying dynamic process modeled with the PDE model is represented via basis function expansion. For the parameter cascading
method, we develop two nested levels of optimization to estimate the PDE parameters. For the Bayesian method, we develop a joint model
for data and the PDE and develop a novel hierarchical model allowing us to employ Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques to
make posterior inference. Simulation studies show that the Bayesian method and parameter cascading method are comparable, and both
outperform other available methods in terms of estimation accuracy. The two methods are demonstrated by estimating parameters in a PDE
model from long-range infrared light detection and ranging data. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.

KEY WORDS: Asymptotic theory; Basis function expansion; Bayesian method; Differential equations; Measurement error; Parameter

1. INTRODUCTION (1998) and Wu and Ding (1999) proposed a mixed-effects model

. . , . , approach. Refer to Wu (2005) for a comprehensive review of
Differential equations are important tools in modeling dy- , , , _ , ,, , TT ,
n ... , . these methods. Furthermore, Putter et al. (2002); Huang and
namic processes and are widely used in many areas. The for
Wu (2006); and Huang, Liu, and Wu (2006) proposed
ward problem of solving equations or simulating state variables
cal Bayesian approaches for this problem. These m
for given parameters that define the differential equation models
quire repeatedly solving ODE models numerically, w
has been studied extensively by mathematicians. However, the
.... . , , be time consuming. Ramsay (1996) proposed a data reduction
inverse problem of estimating parameters based on observed .. ,, . . ., ..
r technique in functional data analysis, which involved solving
a t'rrvt* ζλ ntnta ι rn **. η LI an η η ο η fa I η tu ra Ν τ ο nrra ntoticflan I 111 ^
error-prone state variables has a relativ
for coefficients of lin
erature, and this is especially the case
(2006) for an exam
equation (PDE) models. There is growin
. . . ....... ied a pharmacokinetic model and proposed a semiparametric
efficient estimation methods for such problems. . ,. .
T7 . ... , , , , , , approach for estimating time-varying coefficients in an ODE
Various statistical methods have been developed to estimate , . , ,. , ...
,, model. Ramsay et al. (2007) proposed a generalized smoothing
parameters in ordinary differential equation (ODE) models. . . , ... ... . ., , . , . ,
i, . . J . . approach, based on profile likelihood ideas, which they named
There is a series of work in the study of HIV dynamics to
parameter cascading, for estimating constant para
understand the pathogenesis of HIV infection. For example, Ho
models. Cao, Wang, and Xu (2011) proposed robu
et al. (1995) and Wei et al. (1995) used standard nonlinear least
for ODE models when data have outliers. Cao
squares regression methods, while Wu, Ding, and DeGruttola
Wu (2012) proposed a parameter cascading metho
time-varying parameters in ODE models. These
mate parameters by optimizing certain criteria. In
Xiaoiei Xun is Senior Biometrician, Beijing Novartis Pharma tion procedure, using grad
Co. Ltd. Pudong New District, Shanghai 201203 China (E-mail: may have the parameter es Jiguo Cao is Associate Professor, Department J .... .
of Statistics & Actuarial Science, Simon Fraser University, 8888 Univer- Otherwise global opt
sity Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A1S6, Canada (E-mail: Bani Another strategy t

A&M risUnivfrsity^rfeSS^r%DeP^ev78i^™iC^TeXa,S stage...method,

University, 3143 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-3143 (E-mail: . . which in the fi Arnab Maity is Assistant Professor, Department and its derivatives from noisy
of Statistics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695 (E-mail: jng methods without consider

«· <· "» —Ο «V .«Ο-» ODB paramet

TX 77843-3143 (E-mail: The research ofMallick, Car- obtained by least squares. L
roll, and Xun was supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute (R37- two-Stage method for a ge
CA057030) and the National Science Foundation DMS (Division of Mathe
matical Sciences) grant 0914951. This publication is based in part on work
local polynomial regression in the first stage, and
supported"by "the Award Number KUS-CI-016-04, made by King Abdullah asymptotic properties of the
University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Cao's research is supported
by a discovery grant (PIN: 328256) from the Natural Science and Engineering
Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Maity's research was performed while © 2013 American Statistical Association
visiting the Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University, and was partially Journal of the American Statistical Association
supported by the Award Number R00ES017744 from the National Institute of September 2013, Vol. 108, No. 503, Theory and Methods
Environmental Health Sciences. DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2013.794730


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1010 Journal of the American Statistical Association, September 2013

(2008) developed local estimation for time-varying coefficients. Because

The two-stage methods are easy to implement; however, they cading app
might not be statistically efficient because derivatives cannot be it. Instead
estimated accurately from noisy data, especially higher-order the first st
derivatives. to the data. At the next stage, the PDE induces a prior on the
As for PDEs, there are two main approaches. The first is sim- parameters, which is very dif
ilar to the two-stage method in Liang and Wu (2008). For ex- parameter cascading algorith
ample, Bar, Hegger, and Kantz (1999) modeled unknown PDEs in the Bayesian literature. Fu
using multivariate polynomials of sufficiently high order, and ing parameters and perfor
the best fit was chosen by minimizing the least squares error the whole uncertainty distrib
of the polynomial approximation. Based on the estimated func- Our Markov chain Monte C
tions, the PDE parameters were estimated using least squares course also very different from
(Muller and Timmer 2004). The issues of noise level and data where we jointly draw param
resolution were addressed extensively in this approach. See also optimization.
Parlitz and Merkwirth (2000) and Voss et al. (1999) for more ex- The main idea of our two m
amples. The second approach uses numerical solutions of PDEs, dynamic process via a nonpa
thus circumventing derivative estimation. For example, Muller PDE model to regularize th
and Timmer (2002) solved the target least-squares type mini- metric function is expressed
mization problem using an extended multiple shooting method, basis functions. In the par
The main idea was to solve initial value problems in subin- parametric function is estimate
tervals and integrate the segments with additional continuity where a penalty term is def
constraints. Global minima can be reached in this algorithm, This penalizes the infidelity
but it requires careful parameterization of the initial condition, the PDE model so that the n
and the computational cost is high. better represent the dynamic process modeled by the PDE. In
In this article, we consider a multidimensional dynamic pro- the Bayesian method, the PDE model information is coded in
cess, g(x), where χ = (x\,..., χρ)Ί e Rp is a multidimensional the prior distribution. We recognize that there is no exact so
argument. Suppose this dynamic process can be modeled with lution by substituting the nonparametric function into the PDE
a PDE model model (1). This PDE modeling error is then modeled as a ran
/ 3g 3g 32g 32g \ dorn process, hence inducing a constrain
I x> g, τ—»· · ■. -—» -——, ■ ■ ■, -—-—- ,■■ ■'■ () J =0, coefficients. We also introduc
\ αχ ι dxD dX\oX\ dxidxn ) . , _ , _ . „ .
y rn the smoothness of the nonparametric function. Our two meth
ods avoid direct estimation of the derivative of the dynamic
where θ = (0|,..., θ,η)τ is the parameter vector of primary in- process, which can be obtained easily as a linear combina
terest, and the left-hand side of (1) has a parametric form in g(x) the derivatives of the basis functions, and also avoid spe
and its partial derivatives. In practice, we do not observe g(x) boundary conditions.
but instead observe its surrogate Y(x). We assume that g(x) is In principle, the proposed methods are applicable to all PD
observed over a meshgrid with measurement errors so that for thus having potentially wide applications. As quick exa
i = 1,..., n, we observe data (Υ,, x,·) satisfying of PDEs, the heat equation and wave equation are among
j, _ ^ most famous ones. The heat equation, also known as the dif
i — g(\) + sion equation, describes the evolution in time of the heat
where e,·, i = 1are independent and identically dis- tribution or chemical concentration in a given region an
tributed measurement errors and are assumed here to follow defined as 3g(x, t)/dt — θ Σ{'=1 32g(x, t)/dxf = 0. The wa
a Gaussian distribution with mean zero and variance cr2. Our equation is a simplified model for description of waves, s
goal is to estimate the unknown θ in the PDE model (1) from sound waves, light waves, and water waves, and is define
noisy data and to quantify the uncertainty of the estimates. 32g(x, t)/'dt2 = Θ2 ^Tf=1 32g(x, t)/dxf. More examples of
As mentioned before, a straightforward two-stage strategy, mous PDEs are the Laplace equation, the transport equat
though easy to implement, has difficulty in estimating deriva- and the beam equation. See Evans (1998) for a detailed i
tives of the dynamic process accurately, leading to biased es- duction to PDEs.
timates of the PDE parameter. We propose two joint modeling For illustration, we will do specific calculations based on
schemes: (a) a parameter cascading or penalized profile likeli- empirical example of long-range infrared light detection
hood approach and (b) a fully Bayesian treatment. We conjecture ranging (LIDAR) data described in Section 5 and also u
that joint modeling approaches are more statistically efficient our simulations in Section 4. There we propose a PDE mo
than a two-stage method, a conjecture that is borne out in our for received signal g(t, z) over time t and range ζ given as
simulations. For the parameter cascading approach, we make
two crucial contributions besides the extension to multivariate 3g{t, z)/dt—9Dd2g{t, z)/dz2—9sdg(t, z)/3z — 9Ag(t, z) =
splines. First, we develop an asymptotic theory for the model fit, (2)
along with a new approximate covariance matrix that includes
the smoothing parameters. Second, we propose a new criterion The PDE model (2) is a linear
for the smoothing parameter selection, which is shown to out- dimension and is also called
perform available criteria used in ODE parameter estimation, convection-diffusion equation

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Xun et al.: Partial Differential Equations 1011

has a closed-form solution, obtained by separating var

the solution is the sum of an infinite sequence. Such a
requires a high computational load to evaluate the solution over _r ,T/ ,0 .... . .. , τ „ Λ1
, r j fx,b'xi, 9b χ/9xi ;Ö
a meshgnd of moderate size.
= fT{b(x), 3b(x)/3xi,... ·θ}β = 0, (4)
The rest of the article is organized as follow
cascading method is introduced in Section 2, and the asymp- where f{b(x), 3b(x)/3xi,...; 0} is a linear functio
totic properties of the proposed estimator are established. In sis functions and their derivatives. In the following
Section 3, we introduce the Bayesian framework and explain JT{X, g(x),...; 6»} by the short-hand notation ,
how to make posterior inference using an MCMC technique. f{b(x), 3b(x)/3xi,...; 0} by f(x; 0). For the PDE
Simulation studies are presented in Section 4 to evaluate the the form of f(x;0) is given in Appendix A.l.
finite sample performance of our two methods in comparison
with a two-stage method. In Section 5, we illustrate the methods 2.2 Estimating β and 0
using LIDAR data. Finally, we conclude with some remarks in Following Section 2.1, the dynamic process,
Section 6. pressed as a linear combination of basis functions. It is natu
ral to estimate the basis function coefficients, β, using penal
2. PARAMETER CASCADING METHOD jZed splines (Ruppert, Wand, and Carroll 2003; Eilers and
2.1 Basis Function Approximation 2010). If we were simply interested in estimating g(-) = b
then we would use the usual penalty kßTPJVß, where λ is a
When solving PDEs, it is possible to obtain a unique, ex- penalty parameter and Ρ is a matrix performing differen
plicit formula for certain specific examples, such as the wave adjacent elements of β (Eilers and Marx 2010). Such a p
equation. However, most PDEs used in practice have no ex- does penalize to achieve smoothness of the estimated func
plicit solutions and can only be solved by numeric methods however, it is not in fidelity with (1). Instead, for fixed
such as finite difference method (Morton and Mayers 2005) and define the roughneSs penalty as f[T{g(xyj}\2dx. This
finite element method (Brenner and Scott 2010). Instead of re- incorporates the PDE model, containing derivatives in
peatedly solving PDEs numerically for thousands of candidate tde model. As a result, the penalty is able to regularize th
parameters, which is computationally expensive, we represent fit It also shows fiddity t0 the PDE model! that is> small
the dynamic process, g(x), modeled in (1), by a nonparametric indicates more fidelity of the spline approximation to
function, which can be expressed as a linear combination of Hence] we propose to estimate the coefficients, β, for f
basis functions by minimizing the penalized least squares

g(x) = Y^bk(x)ßk = bT(x)/3, (3) J(ß 10) = ^{y; _ g(X;)}2

+ λ J [^{£(X); 0)fdx (5)
\T :c
where b(x) = ffii(x),..., &x(x)} is the vector of basis func- The integration in (5) can be approximated num
tions and β = (β\,..., βκΫ is the vector of basis coefficients, merical integration methods. Burden and Do
We choose B-splines as basis functions in all simulations and gested that a composite Simpson's rule provided
applications in this article, since B-splines are nonzero only in approximation, a suggestion that we use. See A
short subintervals, a feature called the compact support property the online supplementary materials for details.
(de Boor 2001), which is useful for efficient computation and The PDE parameter 0 is then estimated using a
numerical stability, compared with other basis (e.g., truncated optimization. Denote the estimate of the splin
power series basis). The B-spline basis functions are defined /}(0), which is considered as a function of 0. Defi
with their order, the number, and locations of knots. Some work bT(x)/?(0). Because the estimator β(θ) is already
has been aimed at automatic knot placement and selection. Many propose to estimate 0 by minimizing the least
of the feasible frequentist methods, for example, Friedman and 0f fit
Silverman (1989) and Stone et al. (1997), are based on step- n η
wise regression. A Bayesian framework is also available, see //(0) = {γt — g~(x;, 0)}2
Denison, Mallick, and Smith (1997) for example. Despite good ,=i ,=i
performance, knot selection procedures are highly computation- (6)
ally intensive. To avoid the complicated knot selection problem,
For a general nonlinear PDE model, the function β(θ
we use a large enough number of knots to make sure the basis
have no closed form, and the estimate is thus obtained
functions are sufficiently flexible to approximate the dynamic
^ , ... _ . . cally. This lower level of optimization for fixed 0 is embedded
process. To prevent the nonparametric function overfitting the . .. . . . . ,
r *ii ν, α η a · v. η nrvr ni l, mside the optimization of 0. The objective f
data, one penalty term will be defined with the PDE model in the
Η(θ) are minimized iteratively until convergence to a
next subsection to penalize the roughness of the nonparametric
In some cases, the optimization can be accelerated an
,™ t^,- , , . more stable by providing the gradient, whose analytic form, by
The PDE model (1) can be expressed using the same set of , , . ' Κ „ ... _ /3^Λ,/ΛΛχΤ
the chain mle, is 37/(0)/30 = {3/?(0)/30}1 χ 3//(0)/3/J(
B-spline basis functions by substituting (3) into model (1) as
Although β(θ) does not have an explicit expression, the implic
function theorem can be applied to find the analytic form of t
JF[x, bT(x)/?, {3b(x)/3xi }Ύβ,...;0] = 0. first-order derivative of β(θ) with respect to 0 req

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1012 Journal of the American Statistical Association, September 2013

above gradient. Because β is the minimizer of J (β\θ), we have The first s

97(β\θ)/8β\β = 0. By taking the total derivative with respect estimated
to θ on the left-hand side and assuming d2J(ß\θ)/9βτ3β\-§ is value of th
nonsingular, the analytic expression of the first-order derivative in G(V<
0f *ß js process to the PDE model, tends to choose a large value of the
smoothing parameter. Adding these two terms together allows
dß / 9 7 a choice of the value for the smoothing parameter that makes
the best trade-off between fitting to data and fidelity to the PDE
90 \ dß dß
model. For the sake of completeness, we tried cross-validation
When the PDE model (1) is linear, β has a close form and the and generalized cross-validation to estimate the smoo
algorithm can be stated as follows. By substituting in (3) and rameter. The result was to greatly undersmooth the fun
(4), the lower level criterion (5) becomes while leading to biased and quite variable estimates of th

J(ß\e) = ]Γ{Τ, - bT(Xl)/J)2 + λ f βΊΐ(χ·,θ)ΐΊ(χ·,θ)βάχ.

2.4 Limit Distribution and Variance Estimation
Let Β be the η χ Κ basis matrix with z'th row bT(x,·), and de- of Parameters
fine Y = (Fi,..., F„)T, and the Κ χ Κ penalty matrix R(0) = . . .. .. ,,
, _ ,. _ , . , ,. , We analyze the limiting distribution of 0 following the same
/f(x;0)fT(x;0)7x. See Appendix B.l in the line
online supplemen-
of argument inRuppert
as in Yu and v„ nnmx(2002), δμ,™„.
under Assump
tary materials for calculation of R(0) for the PDE example (2).
tions 1-4 in Appendix A.2. As in their work, we assume that
Then the penalized least squares criterion (5) can be expressed
in the matrix notation
the spline approximation is exact so that g(x) = bT(x)/J0 for a
unique β0 = β0(θο), our Assumption 2. Let 0O be the true value
J(ß\9) = (Y - Ββ)Ί(Υ - Ββ) + λβΊΚ(θ)β, (7) of θ, and define λ = λ/η, S„ = «"^"^bix/jb^x,·), G„(0)
, . , is. a, quadratic
which t. . t. fe_ . ...ofAβ., By
function - S„ + IR(0),theΚ„(9)
minimizing above = 9R(0)/90y,
, Ίχ, V,-
13 , =πτ τ-, c , / ,=,.R(?)G„-'(?)R7Ö(?)
, w, ,
4 . Β and Wj = Vj + V . Define Αη(θ) to have (j, k)th element
penalized least squares cntenon, the estimate for p, for fixed Θ, J
can be obtained in a close form as AnJk(ß0) = βΤ0(θ0)Κτβ(θ0)θ;ι(θ0)8ηΟ;ι(θ0)^θ{θ0)β0(θ
= {BTB + λR(β)}_1BτY. (8) Define Xnprop = A-i(öo)Cn(öo){A-i(<)o)}T where Cn(ö(
Then by substituting in (8), (6) becomes has (j,k)th element 0η^β(θ{)) =
τ ι τ ο SnG~1(9o)'Wkßn(eo)· Let be the inverse of the
H(9) = IIY - B{BTB + AR(0)}_ Β Y|| . (9) sym;etric ^ root of
To summarize, when estimating parameters in linear PDE mod- Following the same basic outline of Yu
els, we minimize criterion (9) to obtain an estimate, Θ, for pa- and essentially their assumptions, althoug
rameters in linear PDE models. The estimated basis coefficients, are considerably different, we show in A
β, are obtained by substituting ? into (8). Assumptions 1-4 stated there, and assuming
2.3 Smoothing Parameter Selection "Ι/2Σ„ p^p(0 - 0O) ^ Norm
Our ultimate goal is to obtain an estimate for the PDE pa- Estimating Σ„,ρΓΟρ is easy by replaci
rameter θ such that the solution of the PDE is close to the β = β (θ), and estimating σ/ by fittin
observed data. For any given value of the smoothing param- gression and then forming the residual v
eter, λ, we obtain the PD^E jiarameter estimate, Θ, and the heteroscedastic errors, the term orS„ in C
basis coefficient estimate, β(θ). Both can be treated as func- by its consistent estimate (n — p)~
tions of λ, which are denoted as θ(λ) and β{θ(λ), λ}. Define bJ(x,)ß}2, where ρ is the number of param
<?,·(/.) = F, — ,f{x,·, 0(λχ λ) and /;,)''-) = T{g(xi)·,θ(λ)}, the lat- We use this sandwich-type method in our
ter of which is ΤΓ{χ,·;0(λ)}^{0(λ), λ} for linear PDE models.
Fidelity to the PDE can be measured by Σ"=1ι?2(λ), while
fidelity to the data can be measured by Σ"=1£2(λ). Clearly, 3. BAYESIAN ESTIMATION A
minimizing just Σ"=1β?(λ) leads to λ = 0 and gives far too
3.1 Basic Methodology
undersmoothed data fits, while simultaneously not taking the
PDE into account. On the other hand, our experience shows that In this section, we introduce a Bayesia
minimizing Σ"=ιη~(λ) always results in the largest candidate mating parameters in PDE models. In this
value for λ. the dynamic process modeled by the PDE model is repre
Hence, we propose the following criterion, which considers sented by a linear combination
data fitting and PDE model fitting simultaneously. To choose an which is estimated with Ba
optimal λ, we minimize of the basis functions are regularized through the prior, which
„ n contains the PDE model information. Therefore, data fitting
gm = Σ>,2α)+ς>2 and PDE fitting are incorporated into a joint mod
i=l ;=1 scribed in the paragraph after Equation (1), our approach is

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Xun et al.: Partial Differential Equations 1013

not a direct "Bayesianization" of the methodology descr

Section 2. 2
We use the same notation
representation given in (3
fitting is Yt — bT(\i)ß + e,·, where the e,· are independent and 2
identically distributed measurement errors and are assumed to eXp J _ be/a2 — ^"biYi — ΘΊΘ/ (2σ2) I
follow a Gaussian distribution with mean zero and variance σ2. I f=0 I
The basis functions are chosen with the same rule introduced in exp{—γοζτ(β θ)ζ(β θ)/2 — βΊ(γ\ Η\ +
the previous section. 2 ι τ
In conventional Bayesian P-splines
in Section 3.2, the penalty term penalizes the smoothness of the (13)
estimated function. Rather than using a single optimal smooth- The posterior distribution (13) is not analytically
ing parameter as in frequentist methods, the Bayesian approach hence we use an MCMC.based computation method
performs model mixing with respect to this quantity. In other Rlchards0Ili and Spiegelhalter 1996) or more precis
words, many different spline models provide plausible repre- sampün (Gdfimd and Smith mQ) tQ simulate t
sentations of the data, and the Bayesian approach treats such ters from the posterior distribution. To impiement
model uncertainty through the prior distribution of the smooth- sampler> we need the full conditional distribution
tng parameter. known parameters. Due to the choice of conjugate priors, the
In our problem, we know further that the underlying function m conditional distributions of σ2 and y/s are easily obtained
satisfies a given PDE model. Naturally, this information should as inverse_gamma and gamma distributions, respectively. The
be coded into the prior distribution to regularize the fit. Because fuU conditional distributions of β and θ are not of standard
we recognize that there may be no basis function representation form> and hence> we employ Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to
that exactly satisfies the PDE model (1), for the purposes of sampiethem
Bayesian computation, we will treat the approximation error as In the spedal case of a linear PDg simplifications arise. With
random, and the PDE modeling errors are approximation (4), the PDE modeling errors are represented as
£(x,·) = fT(x,; θ)β, for i = 1,...,«. Define the matrix F(0) =
J^'{bT(xi)/S; 0} = ζ(\ι), (11) {f(xi; Ö),..., f(x„;0)}T. Then the prior distribution of β given
in (12) becomes

where the random modeling errors, £(x,·), are assumed to be ίβ\θ, yo, yi, y2] oc (yoyi Yi)KI2 exp[—/ST{yoFT(0)F(0)
independent and identically distributed with a prior distribution + yi if ι + y-> i/2 + yi Y2 H3 }ß/2],
Normal(0, y0-1), where the precision parameter, y0, should be
large enough so that the approximation error in solving (1) with a where the exponent is quadratic in β. Then the joint posterior
basis function representation is small. Similarly, instead of using distribution of all unknown parameters given in (13) becomes
a single optimal value for the precision parameter, yo, a prior 2
distribution is assigned to yo. The modeling error distribution [0|Y] oc ]~|y"'+i'/'2~l (σ2) <a'+n/2) 1
assumption (11) and a roughness penalty constraint together e=o
induce a prior distribution on the basis function coefficients β. ι 2 ,
The choice of roughness penalty depends on the dimension of x. exp j — bf/a2 — -
For simplicity, we state the Bayesian approach with the specific 1 ι=>ο '
penalty shown in Section 3.2. The prior distribution of β is exp[—/?T{yoFT(0)F(0) + γ\Η\ + yzHj
+ YlY2H3}ß/2 - (2af2)-1 (Υ - Ββ)τ(Υ - Ββ)].
[β\θ, Yo, Yu Y2I oc (yoym) exP( Υοζ θ)ζ(β< ^)/2 Under linear PDE models, the full conditional of β is easily seen
— β (yi#i + YiHi + YiYiH3)ß/2], (12) to be a Normal distribution. This reduces the computational cost
significantly compared with sampling under nonlinear cases, be
where, as before, Κ denotes the number of ba- cause the length of the vector β increases quickly as dimension
sis functions, y0 is the precision parameter, ζ(β, θ) = increases. Computational details of both nonlinear and linear
[jF{bT(x,)j3; Θ],..., jC{bT(x„)0;0}]T, Yi and y2 control the PDEs are shown in Appendix A.3.
amount of penalty on smoothness, and the penalty matri- _ _ R„.,ocian|lnoc
ces H\, H2. H3 are the same as in the usual Bayesian P
splines, given in (14). We assume conjugate priors for σ2 Here we describe briefly the implementation of Bayesian
and γ ι as σ2 ~ IG(af, be), γι ~ Gammafa^, be), fori — 0,1,2, penalized splines, or P-splines. Eilersand Marx (2003) and Marx
where IG(a, b) denotes the inverse-gamma distribution with and Eilers (2005) dealt specifically with bivariate penalized B
mean (a — 1 )~lb. For the PDE parameter, Θ, we assign a splines. In the simulation studies and the application of this
Normal(0, σθ2Ι) prior, with variance large enough to remain article, we use the bivariate B-spline basis, which is formed by
noninformative. the tensor product of one-dimensional B-spline basis.
Denote y = (yo, yt, y2)T and φ — (θ, γ, β, σ2)τ. Based on Following Marx and Eilers (2005), w
the above model and prior specification, the joint posterior ence penalty to penalize the interact

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1014 Journal of the American Statistical Association, September 2013

coefficients as well as each dimension individually. Denote the which is

number of basis functions in each dimension by kg, the one- PDE para
dimensional basis function matrices by Bf, and the mt th order the num
difference matrix of size (kg, — m, ) χ kg by Df, for I — 1,2. The New
prior density of the basis function coefficient β of length Κ = identic
&ι&2 is assumed to be [β\γ\, Yi\ oc (γ\ γι)Κ/2 exp{—βτ(γ\Η\ + deviation
YiΗ2 + ηγ2Η3)β/2}, where γ\ and γ2 are hyperparameters, every 1 ran
and the matrices are the simulated data using the two-stage method, and the PDE

®DlD2;/i, = D[D, ® BjB,; H3 = D>, »DiD,. FTTf "fTf "".Τ*

1 1 1 " is the index of replicates in the parametric bootstrap procedure.
^The experimental standard deviation of ft' " is set a

When assuming conjugate prior distributions as [σ2] = 01,01 of two-stage estimate

IG(ae, bf ), [γι \ = Gamma(ai, b\), and [/2] = Gamma(«2, bj),
the posterior distribution can be derived easily and sampled us- 4.2 Data-Generating
ing the Gibbs sampler. Although the prior distribution of β is The PDE model (2) is u
improper, the posterior distribution is proper (Berry, Carroll, (2) is numerically solved by
and Ruppert 2002). as θο = 1, Ö.v = 0.1, and Θα =0.1; the boundary condition as
g(t, 0) = 0; and the initial condition as g(0, ζ) = {1 + 0.1 χ
4. SIMULATIONS (2Q — z)2}~1 over a meshgrid in the time domain t e [1, 20]
4.1 Background and the range domain ζ e [1, 40]. To obtain a precise numerical
solution, we take a grid of size 0.0005 in the time domain and of
In this section, the finite sample performances of our methods size 0 00 ] in the range domain. The numerical solution is sh
are investigated via Monte Carlo simulations, which are also in Figure , together with cross-sectional views along time an
compared with a two-stage method described below. range axes. Then the observed error-prone data are simulated
The two-stage method is constructed for PDE parameter esti- addjng independent and identically distributed Gaussian n
matron as follows. In the first stage, g(x) and the partial deriva- with standard deviation σ - 0.02 to the PDE solutions at ev
fives of g(x) are estimated by the multidimensional penalized , time unit and every , range unit In other words> our data
signal regression (MPSR) method (Marx and Eilers 2005). Marx on a 20_by.40 meshgrid in the domain [1, 20] χ [1, 40], Th
and Eilers (2005) showed that their MPSR method was com- va|ue 0f σ js dose to that of our data example in Section
petitive with other popular methods and had several advantages investigate the effect of data noise on the parameter estima
such as taking full advantage of the natural spatial information we do another simulation study in which the simulated d
of the signals and being intuitive to understand and use. Let β de- are generated in the exact same setting except that the sta
note the estimated coefficients of the basis functions in the first deviation of noises is set as σ = 0 05
stage. In the second stage, we plug the estimated function and
partial derivatives into the PDE model, .Ffgfx); ft] — 0, for each
4.3 Performance of the Proposed Methods
observation, that is, we calculate .Ffgfx,·); 0} for i = 1,..., n.
Then, a least-squares type estimator for the PDE parameter, ft. The parameter cascading method, the Bayesian method, a
is obtained by minimizing J(ft) = Σ"=] Τ2{γ(χ,);Α). For com- the two-stage method were applied to estimate the thr
parison purposes, the standard errors of two-stage estimates of rameters in the PDE model (2) from the simulated data. T
the PDE parameters are estimated using a parametric bootstrap, simulation is implemented with 1000 replicates. This sect

Time6 Rangel1
Time11 Range21
Time 16 - - Range31

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Range Range Time

Figure 1. Snapshots of the numer

of g(ti, z) for time values f,· over

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Xun et al.: Partial Differential Equations 1015

Table 1. The biases, standard deviations (SD), square ro

using the Bayesian method (BM), the parameter cascad
the data noise has the standard deviati

Noise σ
a =
= 0.02 cr
σ == 0.05

Parameters Öd
&D ös
0s eA
Θα 0d
Öd ös
0s eA
True 1.0 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.1

Bias BM -16.5 -0.4 -0.2 -35.6 1.0 0.6

X Om
xlO3 PC -29.7 -0.1 -0.3 -55.9 -0.2 -0.5
TS -225.2 -0.7 -1.8 -337.8 0.5 0.6
SD BM 9.1 1.6 0.2 22.2 3.8 0.5
xlO3 PC 24.9 3.8 0.5 40.5 6.2 0.8
TS 91.0 5.9 1.1 140.7 10.2 2.1
RASE BM 18.81 1.66 0.27 42.0 3.9 0.8
X © PC 38.96 3.75 0.54 69.1 6.2 1.0
TS 243.21 5.91 20.66 365.9 10.2 2.2
CP BM 93.9% 99.9% 98.8% 74.0% 97.8% 86.4%
PC 84.3% 96.7% 94.9% 78.1% 96.5% 93.5%
TS 41.8% 93.6% 72.1% 37.6% 94.0% 93.8%

NOTE: The actual coverage probabilities (CP) of nominal 95% credible/confidence intervals are also shown. The true parameter values are also given in the second row.

summarizes the performance of these three methods in this sim- errors, and coverage probabilities of 95% confidence interva
ulation study. for each method. We see that the Bayesian method and the
The PDE model (2) indicates that the second partial derivative parameter cascading method are c
with respect to ζ is continuously differentiable, and thus we smaller biases, standard deviations,
choose quartic basis functions in the range domain. Therefore, squared errors than the two-stage m
for representing the dynamic process, g(t, z), we use a tensor θ ο is substantial, which is associat
product of one-dimensional quartic B-splines to form the basis derivative, d2g(t, z)/dz2· This is con
functions, with 5 and 17 equally spaced knots in time domain that the two-stage strategy is not st
and range domain, respectively, in all three methods. the inaccurate estimation of derivativ
In the two-stage method for estimating PDE parameters, the derivatives.
Bayesian P-spline method is used to estimate the dynamic pro- To validate numerically the propo
cess and its derivatives by setting the hyperparameters defined in variance in the parameter cascadi
Section 3.1 as ae — be — a\ — b\ = a2 = bi = 0.01 and taking metric bootstrap of size 200 to
the third-order difference matrix to penalize the roughness of the ulated datasets and obtained the
second derivative in each dimension. In the Bayesian method dard errors of parameter estimates
for estimating PDE parameters, we take the same smoothness Table 2 displays the means of sand
penalty as in the two-stage method, and the hyperparameters error estimators, which are highly c
defined in Section 3 are set to be ae = be = = bi = 0.01 for are also close to the sample stand
I = 0, 1, 2, and σ| — 9. In the MCMC sampling procedure, we estimates obtained from the same 1
collect every 5th sample after a burn-in stage of length 5000, The modeling error^ for
until 3000 posterior samples are obtained. timated as ζ)',θ} — dg(t, z)/d
We summarize the simulation results in Table 1, including Osd'git, z)/dz — z). To assess
the biases, standard deviations, square root of average squared timated dynamic process, gf

Table 2. Numerical validation of the proposed sandwich estimator in the parameter cascading method when t
deviation σ = 0.02,0.05

Parameters eD es eA

a = 0.02 SE Mean of Sandwich Estimators 0.0246 0.00375 0.000467

Mean of Bootstrap Estimators 0.0257 0.00374 0.000474

Sample Standard Deviation 0.0249 0.00375 0.000465

a = 0.05 SE Mean of Sandwich Estimators 0.0392 0.00599 0.000783

Mean of Bootstrap Estimators 0.0404 0.00597 0.000791

Sample Standard Deviation 0.0405 0.00617 0.000795

NOTE: Under each scenario, the first two rows are means of 1000 sandwich and bootstrap standard error (SE) estimators obtained from the same 1000 simulated datasets, respectively
the last row is the sample standard deviation of 1000 parameter estimates obtained from the same 1000 simulated datasets.

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1016 Journal of the American Statistical Association, September 2013

Figure 2. Boxjfiots of the square roots of average squared errors (RASE) for th
errors, T[g(t, z); Θ], using the Bayesian method (BM), the parameter cascading met
in the simulation study. Left: boxplots of RASE(g), defined in (15), by all three
three methods. The online version of this figure is in color.

modeling errors, ^{git, ζ)\θ), wethat is, before

use the the aerosol cloud
square root wasof
the and the receive
data were then background
average squared errors (RASEs), which are defined as corrected.
An example of the background-corrected received data for
1/2 single sample and a single wavelength are given in Figure 4.
Wtgrid ^zgrid
Data such as this are well described by the PDE model (2
«ώ-Ο,Σ Zk) ~ sCj'Zk)}
RASE(g) =
This equation is a linear PDE of parabolic type in one spa
j = 1 k= 1
dimension and is also called a (one-dimensional) linear reactio
convection-diffusion equation. If we describe this equation a
Wltgrid ^zgrid
g(t, ζ), the parameters 0D, 0$, and ΘΑ describe the diffusion rat
RASECF) = figrid'""1 , (16) the drift rate/shift, and the reaction rate, respectively.
j=1 k=1 In fitting model (2) to the real data, we take Τ = 20 time
points and Ζ = 60 range values so that the sample size η
20 χin60each
where mtgrid and mzgrid are the number of grid points = 1200. To illustrate what happens with the data
Figure 4,
dimension; tj, Zk are grid points for j = 1,..., mtgrid; and the parameter cascading method, Bayesian method
k — 1,..., mzgrjd- Figure 2 presents the boxplots of RASEs for
the estimated dynamic process, 'git, z), and PDE modeling er
rors, F{git, ζ):θ), from the simulated datasets. The Bayesian Biological
method and the parameter cascading method have much smaller
RASEs for the estimated PDE modeling errors, T{g(t, z);0),
than the two-stage method because the two-stage method pro
duces inaccurate estimation of derivatives, especially higher
order derivatives.


5.1 Background and Illustration

We have access to a small subset of LID AR data described by w ^
Warren et al. (2008; Warren, Vanderbeek, and Ahl 2009, 2010). Receiver Transmit

A comic describing the LID AR data is given in Figure 3. Our Multiple

Transmitter VA,MU!tipl® Transmitter Wavelengths
dataset consists of samples collected for 28 aerosol clouds, 14
of them being biological and the other 14 being nonbiological.
Figure 3. A comic describing the LIDAR data. A point source laser
Briefly, for each sample, there is a transmitted signal that is
is transmitted into an aerosol cloud at multiple wavelengths and over
sent into the aerosol cloud at 19 laser wavelengths, and
multiple timefor
points. There is scattering of the signal and reflected back
t = ,T time points. For each wavelength and time point,
to a receiver over multiple range values. See Figure 4 for an example
received LIDAR data were observed at equally spaced
of the ranges
received data over bursts and time for a single wavelength and a
single sample.
ζ = 1,... ,Z. The experiment also included background data, The online version of this figure is in color.

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Xun et al.: Partial Differential Equations 1017

-- - Range30

V \

5 10
25 25
30 35
50 45
55 50 55 60
2 4
2 6
4 6
8 8
12 14
14 1616
1818 2

Range Range
Range Time

Figure 4. Snapshots of the empirical data. Left

= 1,6, 11, 16, over the range. Right: the receiv

and the two-stage method were applied t

parameters in the PDE model (2) from the
All three methods use bivariate quartic B-
constructed with 5 inner knots in the ti
knots in the range domain.
Table 3 displays the estimates for the three parameters in
the PDE model (2). While the three methods produce similar Differential equation models are widely
estimates for parameters 0 s and Θα, the parameter cascading namic processes in many fields such as engin
estimate and Bayesian estimate for 0D are more consistent with ical sciences. The forward problem of solving
each other than with the two-stage estimate. This phenomenon lating state variables for given parameters th
is consistent with what was seen in our simulations. Moreover, has been extensively studied in the past. Ho
in this application, the three methods produce almost identical problem of estimating parameters based on
smooth curves, but not derivatives. This fact is also found in ables is relatively sparse in the statistical lite
our simulation studies, where all three methods lead to similar especially the case for PDE models.
estimates for the dynamic process, g(t, z), but the two-stage We have proposed a parameter cascad
method performs poorly for estimating its derivatives. fully Bayesian treatment for this problem, w
with a two-stage method. The parameter cascading method
5.2 Differences Among the Types of Samples Bayesian method are joint estimation procedur
To understand if there are differences between the received the data fitting and PDE fitting simultaneousl
signals for biological and nonbiological samples, we performed studies show that the proposed two methods
the following simple analysis. For each sample, and for each cally efficient than a two-stage method, espec
wavelength, we fit the PDE model (2) to obtain estimates of eters associated with higher-order derivatives.
(0D, 6»v, θA) and then performed /-tests to compare them across expansion plays an important role in our ne
aerosol types. Strikingly, there was no evidence that the diffusion sense that it makes joint modeling possibl
rate differed between the aerosol types at any wavelength, fidelity to the PDE model and fidelity to data t
with a minimum p-value being of 0.12 across all wavelengths efficients of basis functions. A potential exte
and both the parameter cascade and Bayesian methods. For the would be to estimate time-varying paramete
drift rate/shift θς, all but 1 wavelength had a p-value < 0.05 from error-prone data,
for both methods and multiple wavelengths reached Bonferroni
significance. For the reaction rate Θα , the results are somewhat
intermediate. While for both methods, all but 1 wavelength a.1 Calculation of f(x; 0) and F(0)
had a p-value < 0.05, none reached Bonferroni significance.
T , ,.- . j. , Here we show the form of f(x;0) and F(0) for the PDE exam
In summary, the differences between the two types of aerosol , . ,. ,. . . _
, , , , . . , pie (2). The vector t(x;0) is a linear combination of basis functions
clouds are clearly expressed by the drift rate/shift, with some and their derivatives inv
3b(x)/3f — 0o32b(x)/3z2 — 0s3b(x)/3z — 0,ib(x). Si
Table 3. Estimated
3. Estimated parameters for parameters for
the PDE model (2) from the the PDE model (2) from the sis function matrix B = Μχι
LIDAR dataset
dataset using
using the Bayesian the(BM),
method Bayesian
the parametermethod (BM), the parameter n x K matnces consisting of
cascading method method
(PC), and the (PC),
method the
(TS) two-stage method (TS)
Β, = {3b(x,)/3f 3b(x„)/3f} ,
θο ΘΞ Θα B; = {3b(xl)/3z,...,3b(x„)/3z}T,
Bzl = {32b(x,)/3z2 32b(x„)/3z2}T.
EstimatesBMBM -0.4470
-0.4470 0.2563
0.2563 -0.0414
PC -0.3771
PC -0.3771 0.2492
0.2492 -0.0407
Then the matrix F(0) = {f(X|; Θ) f(x„; 0)}T = B, — 9DB
TS -0.1165
-0.1165 0.2404
0.2404 -0.0436
0SB; — Ρ,, B.

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1018 Journal of the American Statistical Association, September 2013

A.2 Sketch of the Asymptotic Theory However,

A.2.1 Assumptions and Notation. Asymptotic theory for our es- _ " τ ( " T _]
timators follows in a fashion very similar to that of Yu and Ruppert n (**) ~ n n 2-?'^ (")^„(0)
i=l i=l
(2002). Let λ = λ/η denote the true value of θ as θ ο and define
= η"ψ(θ) G„(0);

S„ = /i_l^b(x,)bT(x,·); η 1/2^bT(x,)/3„(0)bT(x,) = η 1/2£jS„(0)b(x

i=l i=l i=l

G„(0) = S„ +IR(Ö); = ηι/2βΤη(θ)Ηη.


βη(θ) = G~ 1(θ)η~1 ^b(x,)Yj; Thus for any Θ,

Tnj(0) =-ληι'2{βΊη(θ) Gn(e)-ß](e)Sn}G;\e)Rj
ßniß) = G„ (θ)η gb(x,)g(x,); = Jf2nmf^)KmG
R β(θ) = Hence, θ is the solution to the system of equations 0 =
' βΎη(β)Κ(θ)ν,-Ηθ)Κβ(θ)βη(θ).
®1 — F(Sn)y ^
Ω2(0) = Ωι + XR(0
as η —r oo, th
.... o(n~1/2) as η —r oo, then ηι/2{βη(θ0) - β0] ->■ Normal(0, σ2»^1).
The parameter θ is estimated by minimizing ,Λ _ , . , ," ;„λΤ ^ „ ,
Define the Hessian matrix as Μ„(θ) = 8Τη(θ)/8θ
n facts and Assumption 3, it follows that θ = θ0 + op( 1), that is, consis
£„«)) = «-'£{* - bT(x,)/?„(0)}2. (A.l) tency·11 then follows
i=1 0 = T„(?) = Ζ(θ0) + η-ι,2Μη(θ.)ηι/2(θ - θ0),
where θ, = θ0 + op( 1) is between β and θ0, and hence that
Assumption 1. The sequence λ is fixed and satisfies λ = o(n 1/2).
ηι/2(θ - θ0) = —{η~ι/2Μη(β*)}~ιΤ„(θο)·
Assumption 2. The function g(x) = bT(x)ß0 for a unique ß0, that is, Define A„(0) to have (j, fcjth element
the spline approximation is exact, and hence βη(θο) = G~'(0o)S„/?o.
Κ,ρ(θ0) = ySj(e0)Rje (i?o)G-1 (Ö0)S„G-1 (Ö0)R>fce (βο)/»„

Assumption 3. The parameter θο is in the interior of a com- jn wf,at follows, as in Yu and Ruppert
pact set and, for 7 = 1,...,«, is the unique solution to 0 = that λ = o(n~1/2). However, with a slight
/JoR(0o){£(S„)) Rji)(0o)/V write G„(0o) —^ Ω2(0Ο) rather than Gn(0o)
found that implementing the covariance matrix estimator for
Assumption4. Assumptions (1)—(4) of Yu and Ruppert (2002) hold accurate if this is retained: a similar c
with their m(v, Θ) being our bT(x)/J„(0). Ruppert's section 3.2. Now using Assumpt

A.2.2 Characterization of the Solution to (A.l). Remember the %ι}(θο) = —λ2« 1/2^n(ö0)R(öo)Gn 1 (0
matrix fact that for any nonsingular symmetric matrix A(z) for scalar = —λ2η,/2(β„(θο) — β„(θη
ζ, 3Α~'(ζ)/3ζ = -A-'fzlieAfzVSzJA-'fz). This means that for j = -λ V'2/»*(0o)R(0o)G;1 (0ο)Β;
1 m,
Define Vj = R(0o)G„ '(3o)Rye(0o) and Wj = V, +

■<ΐβη(θ)Γόθ] = -Ig; 1 (β )R (β ig; 1 (β )η -1 £>(χ.) υ,

Zj(0ο) = -λ2βΤη(θ0)^η1/2{β„(θ0) - β„(90)}. (A.5)
— XGn (ß)Rjf>(ß)ß„(ß). (A.2) Now recall that S„ —>■ Ω( and G„(0O) —*■ Ω2(0Ο) in probability. Hence
we have that
Minimizing £„ (Θ) is equivalent to solving for j = 1,..., m for the

system of equations ηι'2{βη(θ0) - ß.(90)} = G^olrr'^b^Mx,) i=l

0 = n-1/2^{Y, -bT(xi)^„(e))bT(x1){3^„(e)/332}=n-|/2^>I'i2(«), Normal {θ, σ2Ω21 («οΙΩ,Ω"1

1=1 1=1 in distribution. So using (A.5), the (J, fc)th element of the covariance
^ ^ matrix of Tn is given by
where we define Ψ,2(0) = (Υ,· — bT(x,)/S„(ö))bT(x,){3lS„(O)30y).From
now on, we define the score for 6j as TnJ(0) — η~ι/2Σ"= ,Φ,^ίβ) and cov(Tnj, Tnk)
define Τη(θ) = (Τη1(θ),..., Τηη(θ)γ. = X4fxe2/?^(6>0)Wy Ω J1 (β0)Ω
There are some further simplifications of Τη(θ). Because of (A.2),
We now analyze the term n~l/2M„(0t). Because o
Tnjm = ^n-^iY.-bZxmomxdG^RjeieWje).
η ' Mn(0t) = η ' Μη(θ0){\+οp(\)}. (A.6)

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Xun et al.: Partial Differential Equations 1019

The (j, k)th element of Μ„(θ) is The parameters β and θ do not have closed-form full conditionals,
which are instead

[/J|rest] α exp \-βτ (σ~ζΒτΒ + γχΗγ + γ2Η2 + ΥιΥιΗ3) β/2

- σ"2^τΒτΥ - γ0ζ\β, θ)ζ{β, θ)/2\,
[β|rest] α exp {-ΘΊΘ/ (2σ2) - γ0ζΎ(β, θ)ζ(β, θ)/2\.

= -Mnl.jkift) + Mn2,jk(ß). To draw samples from these full conditionals, a Metropolis-Hastings

update within the Gibbs sampler is applied for each component of Θ,.
We see that by (A.2), The proposal distribution for the ith component is a normal distribution
Normal(0, curr, σ,,ρΓ0ρ), where the mean ö, culr is the current value and the
standard deviation σ,·,ρΓθρ is a constant.

n-^MnlJkm = -n-±^b(^Md-Ml In the special case of a linear PDE, the model error is also linear in
β, represented by ζ(β, θ) = F(0)ß. Then the term ζΎ(β, θ)ζ(β, θ)

is a quadratic function in β. Define Η = H(0) = yoFT(0)F(0) +

= -n-1I2^(Ö)Rje(0)Gn-1(Ö)b(xi)bT(xi)G„-,(i>) Y\H\ + Y2H2 + YiYiH-i, and D = {BTB + σ2Η(0)}-1. By completing
the square in [j8 |rest], the full conditional of β under linear PDE models
χ Λα(β)βη(.β)
is in the explicit form
= -λψηφ)*1(θ)ΰ;\θ)8τηα;\θ)ΚΜ(θ)βη(θ).
[/J|rest] α exp [- (2σ2)"' {βΊ (BTB + σζΗ) β - 2/»TBTY}J
Now using the fact that βη(θ) = βη(β) + op{ 1) for any Θ, and recalling
= Normal (DBTY, σ2ϋ) .
the definition of Αη(θ), we have at θο that

η~ι/2Μ„ιβ(θ ο) = —λ2Λ„,;*(0ο){1 +ο,(1)}. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS

Similarly for the remaining term of the Hessian matrix, we have Supplementary materials provide the technical details of
calculating the penalty matrix R(9) used in Equation (7)
η ~Ί
and the variance estimator for the PDE parameters given in

- bT(x,)/J„(0o
Equation (10).
/Received November 2012. Revised March 2013]

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