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Author(s): Xiaolei Xun, Jiguo Cao, Bani Mallick, Arnab Maity and Raymond J. Carroll
Source: Journal of the American Statistical Association , September 2013, Vol. 108, No.
503 (September 2013), pp. 1009-1020
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of the American Statistical Association
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Partial differential equation (PDE) models are commonly used to model complex dynamic systems in applied sciences such as biology
and finance. The forms of these PDE models are usually proposed by experts based on their prior knowledge and understanding of the
dynamic system. Parameters in PDE models often have interesting scientific interpretations, but their values are often unknown and need
to be estimated from the measurements of the dynamic system in the presence of measurement errors. Most PDEs used in practice have no
analytic solutions, and can only be solved with numerical methods. Currently, methods for estimating PDE parameters require repeatedly
solving PDEs numerically under thousands of candidate parameter values, and thus the computational load is high. In this article, we
propose two methods to estimate parameters in PDE models: a parameter cascading method and a Bayesian approach. In both methods,
the underlying dynamic process modeled with the PDE model is represented via basis function expansion. For the parameter cascading
method, we develop two nested levels of optimization to estimate the PDE parameters. For the Bayesian method, we develop a joint model
for data and the PDE and develop a novel hierarchical model allowing us to employ Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques to
make posterior inference. Simulation studies show that the Bayesian method and parameter cascading method are comparable, and both
outperform other available methods in terms of estimation accuracy. The two methods are demonstrated by estimating parameters in a PDE
model from long-range infrared light detection and ranging data. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.
KEY WORDS: Asymptotic theory; Basis function expansion; Bayesian method; Differential equations; Measurement error; Parameter
where the random modeling errors, £(x,·), are assumed to be ίβ\θ, yo, yi, y2] oc (yoyi Yi)KI2 exp[—/ST{yoFT(0)F(0)
independent and identically distributed with a prior distribution + yi if ι + y-> i/2 + yi Y2 H3 }ß/2],
Normal(0, y0-1), where the precision parameter, y0, should be
large enough so that the approximation error in solving (1) with a where the exponent is quadratic in β. Then the joint posterior
basis function representation is small. Similarly, instead of using distribution of all unknown parameters given in (13) becomes
a single optimal value for the precision parameter, yo, a prior 2
distribution is assigned to yo. The modeling error distribution [0|Y] oc ]~|y"'+i'/'2~l (σ2) <a'+n/2) 1
assumption (11) and a roughness penalty constraint together e=o
induce a prior distribution on the basis function coefficients β. ι 2 ,
The choice of roughness penalty depends on the dimension of x. exp j — bf/a2 — -
For simplicity, we state the Bayesian approach with the specific 1 ι=>ο '
penalty shown in Section 3.2. The prior distribution of β is exp[—/?T{yoFT(0)F(0) + γ\Η\ + yzHj
+ YlY2H3}ß/2 - (2af2)-1 (Υ - Ββ)τ(Υ - Ββ)].
[β\θ, Yo, Yu Y2I oc (yoym) exP( Υοζ θ)ζ(β< ^)/2 Under linear PDE models, the full conditional of β is easily seen
— β (yi#i + YiHi + YiYiH3)ß/2], (12) to be a Normal distribution. This reduces the computational cost
significantly compared with sampling under nonlinear cases, be
where, as before, Κ denotes the number of ba- cause the length of the vector β increases quickly as dimension
sis functions, y0 is the precision parameter, ζ(β, θ) = increases. Computational details of both nonlinear and linear
[jF{bT(x,)j3; Θ],..., jC{bT(x„)0;0}]T, Yi and y2 control the PDEs are shown in Appendix A.3.
amount of penalty on smoothness, and the penalty matri- _ _ R„.,ocian p.cn|lnoc
ces H\, H2. H3 are the same as in the usual Bayesian P
splines, given in (14). We assume conjugate priors for σ2 Here we describe briefly the implementation of Bayesian
and γ ι as σ2 ~ IG(af, be), γι ~ Gammafa^, be), fori — 0,1,2, penalized splines, or P-splines. Eilersand Marx (2003) and Marx
where IG(a, b) denotes the inverse-gamma distribution with and Eilers (2005) dealt specifically with bivariate penalized B
mean (a — 1 )~lb. For the PDE parameter, Θ, we assign a splines. In the simulation studies and the application of this
Normal(0, σθ2Ι) prior, with variance large enough to remain article, we use the bivariate B-spline basis, which is formed by
noninformative. the tensor product of one-dimensional B-spline basis.
Denote y = (yo, yt, y2)T and φ — (θ, γ, β, σ2)τ. Based on Following Marx and Eilers (2005), w
the above model and prior specification, the joint posterior ence penalty to penalize the interact
Time6 Rangel1
Time11 Range21
Time 16 - - Range31
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Range Range Time
Noise σ
a =
= 0.02 cr
σ == 0.05
Parameters Öd
&D ös
0s eA
Θα 0d
Öd ös
0s eA
True 1.0 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.1
NOTE: The actual coverage probabilities (CP) of nominal 95% credible/confidence intervals are also shown. The true parameter values are also given in the second row.
summarizes the performance of these three methods in this sim- errors, and coverage probabilities of 95% confidence interva
ulation study. for each method. We see that the Bayesian method and the
The PDE model (2) indicates that the second partial derivative parameter cascading method are c
with respect to ζ is continuously differentiable, and thus we smaller biases, standard deviations,
choose quartic basis functions in the range domain. Therefore, squared errors than the two-stage m
for representing the dynamic process, g(t, z), we use a tensor θ ο is substantial, which is associat
product of one-dimensional quartic B-splines to form the basis derivative, d2g(t, z)/dz2· This is con
functions, with 5 and 17 equally spaced knots in time domain that the two-stage strategy is not st
and range domain, respectively, in all three methods. the inaccurate estimation of derivativ
In the two-stage method for estimating PDE parameters, the derivatives.
Bayesian P-spline method is used to estimate the dynamic pro- To validate numerically the propo
cess and its derivatives by setting the hyperparameters defined in variance in the parameter cascadi
Section 3.1 as ae — be — a\ — b\ = a2 = bi = 0.01 and taking metric bootstrap of size 200 to
the third-order difference matrix to penalize the roughness of the ulated datasets and obtained the
second derivative in each dimension. In the Bayesian method dard errors of parameter estimates
for estimating PDE parameters, we take the same smoothness Table 2 displays the means of sand
penalty as in the two-stage method, and the hyperparameters error estimators, which are highly c
defined in Section 3 are set to be ae = be = = bi = 0.01 for are also close to the sample stand
I = 0, 1, 2, and σ| — 9. In the MCMC sampling procedure, we estimates obtained from the same 1
collect every 5th sample after a burn-in stage of length 5000, The modeling error^ for
until 3000 posterior samples are obtained. timated as ζ)',θ} — dg(t, z)/d
We summarize the simulation results in Table 1, including Osd'git, z)/dz — z). To assess
the biases, standard deviations, square root of average squared timated dynamic process, gf
Table 2. Numerical validation of the proposed sandwich estimator in the parameter cascading method when t
deviation σ = 0.02,0.05
Parameters eD es eA
NOTE: Under each scenario, the first two rows are means of 1000 sandwich and bootstrap standard error (SE) estimators obtained from the same 1000 simulated datasets, respectively
the last row is the sample standard deviation of 1000 parameter estimates obtained from the same 1000 simulated datasets.
Figure 2. Boxjfiots of the square roots of average squared errors (RASE) for th
errors, T[g(t, z); Θ], using the Bayesian method (BM), the parameter cascading met
in the simulation study. Left: boxplots of RASE(g), defined in (15), by all three
three methods. The online version of this figure is in color.
We have access to a small subset of LID AR data described by w ^
Warren et al. (2008; Warren, Vanderbeek, and Ahl 2009, 2010). Receiver Transmit
-- - Range30
V \
5 10
25 25
30 35
50 45
55 50 55 60
2 4
2 6
4 6
8 8
12 14
14 1616
1818 2
Range Range
Range Time
A.2.1 Assumptions and Notation. Asymptotic theory for our es- _ " τ ( " T _]
timators follows in a fashion very similar to that of Yu and Ruppert n (**) ~ n n 2-?'^ (")^„(0)
i=l i=l
(2002). Let λ = λ/η denote the true value of θ as θ ο and define
= η"ψ(θ) G„(0);
Assumption 3. The parameter θο is in the interior of a com- jn wf,at follows, as in Yu and Ruppert
pact set and, for 7 = 1,...,«, is the unique solution to 0 = that λ = o(n~1/2). However, with a slight
/JoR(0o){£(S„)) Rji)(0o)/V write G„(0o) —^ Ω2(0Ο) rather than Gn(0o)
found that implementing the covariance matrix estimator for
Assumption4. Assumptions (1)—(4) of Yu and Ruppert (2002) hold accurate if this is retained: a similar c
with their m(v, Θ) being our bT(x)/J„(0). Ruppert's section 3.2. Now using Assumpt
A.2.2 Characterization of the Solution to (A.l). Remember the %ι}(θο) = —λ2« 1/2^n(ö0)R(öo)Gn 1 (0
matrix fact that for any nonsingular symmetric matrix A(z) for scalar = —λ2η,/2(β„(θο) — β„(θη
ζ, 3Α~'(ζ)/3ζ = -A-'fzlieAfzVSzJA-'fz). This means that for j = -λ V'2/»*(0o)R(0o)G;1 (0ο)Β;
1 m,
Define Vj = R(0o)G„ '(3o)Rye(0o) and Wj = V, +
The (j, k)th element of Μ„(θ) is The parameters β and θ do not have closed-form full conditionals,
which are instead
n-^MnlJkm = -n-±^b(^Md-Ml In the special case of a linear PDE, the model error is also linear in
β, represented by ζ(β, θ) = F(0)ß. Then the term ζΎ(β, θ)ζ(β, θ)
Similarly for the remaining term of the Hessian matrix, we have Supplementary materials provide the technical details of
calculating the penalty matrix R(9) used in Equation (7)
η ~Ί
and the variance estimator for the PDE parameters given in
- bT(x,)/J„(0o
Equation (10).
/Received November 2012. Revised March 2013]
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