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A Critical Review and Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis of Gokshur Rasayana

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

12(03), 727-734

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Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/18446


Isha Malik1, Sanuj Muralidharan2 and Vijaya Lekshmi R.3

1. PG Scholar, Department of DravyagunaVigyana, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital,
2. Associate Prof., Department of DravyagunaVigyana, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital,
3. Research Officer (Ayurveda), Regional Ayurveda Research Institute, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History Rasayanachikitsa is one among the asthangas of ayurveda (one among
Received: 18 January 2024 the 8 fields). Acharya Vagbhatt has placed it on the 7th rank in the
Final Accepted: 21 February 2024 chronology of these eight fields. Further Acharya Arundatt has
Published: March 2024 specified that Rasayanas are not just used for prolonging life and
improving quality of life, but they also help in removing the effect of
Key words:-
Rasayana, GokshurRasayana, toxins from the individual’s body. Thus, considering the same we
Phytochemical Analysis, Ashtang realize how important and diverse is the effect of Rasayanasin
Hriday maintaining health of the individual. Further in the chapter dedicated to
Rasayanas in Ashtang Hriday, Acharya Vagbhatt has mentioned about
GokshurRasayana. It is a simple Rasayana formulation which has not
been worked up upon and thus, in this article we will understand the
preparation and utility of thisRasayanaand perform preliminary
phytochemical examinations on the same.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2024,. All rights reserved.

Ayurveda, or the science of longevity, has two primary aims elucidated for mankind. First and the primary aim is of
maintainace of health followed by its secondary aim which is of treating the unhealthy or diseased. [1] Ayurveda has
mentioned a separate class of drugs called Rasayanas specially for maintenance and promotion of health of the

Acharya Charak in Chikitsa-sthandedicated the very first chapter to Rasayanas. This chapter has been mentioned in
four parts (called padas).[3] Acharya Sushrut has dedicated 4 chapters to Rasayanas in Chikitsasthan (Chapter 27-
30).[4] Acharya Vagbhatt in Uttartantra, has dedicated the second last chapter to Rasayanas (Chapter 39- Rasayan-
adhyay). Acharya Charak in Sutra sthan chapter 25, verse 40 has mentioned about Ksheer and Ghrit as best among
the RasayanaDravyas(ksheer-ghritabhyasorasayana naam).[5]

GokshurRasayana is a unique formulation mentioned by Acharya Vagbhatt. [6] The verse of this RasayanainAshtang
Hriday, Uttartantra(verse56-57)reads as-

Corresponding Author:- Isha Malik 727

Address:- PG Scholar, Department of DravyagunaVigyana, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic
College and Hospital, Chandigarh.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(03), 727-734

‘फलोन्मु ख़ो गोक्षुरकः समूलश्छायाविशु ष्कः सु विचू वणिताङ्गः |

सुभवितः स्वे न रसे न तस्मान्मात्ाां पराां प्रासृ वतक ां वपिेद्यः ||५६||
क्ष रे ण तेनैि च शावलमश्नन्ज णे भिेत्स वितुलोपयोगात् |
शक्तः सुरूपः सु भगः शतायु ः काम कुकुद्मावनि गोकुलस्थः ||५७||’

According to this verse, Gokshura plant, identified as Tribulus terrestris Linn. by Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India
(API) [7]must be collected in fresh form along with roots, just before maturation of fruits (when the plant is bearing
tender fruits). The same must be dried in shade and then given Bhavana(trituration) with the Swarasa (juice) of fresh
Gokshura plants. The Rasayana thus prepared will be in Kalka (paste) form. This Rasayana on administration with
milk in two tola (24 grams) quantity and when the individual is only on shaali rice diet bears enormous benefits to

It increases strength, causes youthfulness, makes the individual beautiful, appealing, enlightens the lamp of fortune
in life, prolongs life of an individual to a hundred years, at the same time increases his sexual power and abilities
such that he is able to copulate like a bull standing in the herd of cows. [6]

Acharya Charaka, describes Gokshura as an Agrya Dravya ‘mutrakrichhranilaharanam’ (It is used in urinary
disorders and balances vitiated Vata).[8]

Gokshura as a single drug has been well established for its Anti-urolithiatic, Antimicrobial, Antihelminthic,
Cardiotonic, Anti-inflammatory, Hypolipidemic, Immunomodulatory, Antispasmodic, Analgesic, Aphrodisiac,
Antidiabetic, Anti-tumour, Hepato-protective, Anti-oxidant, CNS modulator properties.[9]


Standard reference books like API and Quality Standards of Indian Medicinal Plants (by Central Council for
Research in Ayurvedic Sciences) have set standards only for the root and fruit of the plant.[10,12]Since traditionally
only these two plant parts have been employed for medicinal use [7,11] but in the context of GokshurRasayana we
need standards for the powder of the whole plant, thus entire profiling was done.

Physico- chemical evaluation [10,12]

Determination of moisture content (via gravimetric method - Loss on drying)

10 g of sample was placed in tared evaporating dish. It was dried at 105˚C for 5 hours in hot air oven and weighed.
The drying was continued until difference between two successive weights was not more than 0.01 after cooling in
desiccator. Percentage of moisture was calculated with reference to weight of the sample.

Determination of Total Ash

2 g of sample was incinerated in a tared platinum crucible at temperature not exceeding 450˚C until carbon free ash
is obtained. Percentage of ash was calculated with reference to weight of the sample.

Determination of Acid insoluble Ash

To the crucible containing total ash, add 25ml of dilute HCl and boil. Collect the insoluble matter on ashless filter
paper (Whatman 41) and wash with hot water until the filtrate is neutral. Transfer the filter paper containing the
insoluble matter to the original crucible, dry on a hot plate and ignite to constant weight. Allow the residue to cool in
suitable desiccator for 30 mins and weigh without delay. Calculate the content of acid insoluble ash with reference
to the air-dried drug.

Determination of Water-soluble ash

Boil the ash for 5 min with 25 ml of water; collect insoluble matter on an ashless filter paper, wash with hot water,
and ignite for 15 min at a temperature not exceeding 450˚C. Subtract the weight of the insoluble matter from the
weight of the ash; the difference in weight represents the water-soluble ash with reference to the air-dried sample.

Determination of Alcohol soluble extractive

Weigh accurately 4 g of the sample in a glass stoppered flask. Add 100 ml of distilled Alcohol (approximately 95%).
Shake occasionally for 6 hours. Allow to stand for 18 hours. Filter rapidly taking care not to lose any solvent. Pipette

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(03), 727-734

out 25ml of the filtrate in a pre-weighed 100 ml beaker. Evaporate to dryness on a water bath. Keep it in an air oven
at 105C for 6 hours, cool in desiccator for 30 minutes and weigh. Calculate the percentage of Alcohol extractable
matter of the sample. Repeat the experiment twice and take the average value.

Determination of Water-soluble extractive:

Weigh accurately 4 g of the sample in a glass stoppered flask. Add 100 ml of distilled water, shake occasionally for
6 hours. Allow to stand for 18 hours. Filter rapidly taking care not to lose any solvent. Pipette out 25ml of the filtrate
in a pre-weighed 100 ml beaker. Evaporate to dryness on a water bath. Keep it in an air oven at 105C for 6 hours.
Cool in a desiccator and weigh. Repeat the experiment twice. Take the average value.

Determination of phytochemicals [10,13]

Preliminary phytochemical tests

Tests for alkaloids

Dragendroff’s test:
To a few mg of extract dissolved in alcohol, a few drops of acetic acid and Dragendroff’s reagent were added and
shaken well. An orange red precipitate formed indicates the presence of alkaloids.

Wagners’s test:
To a few mg of extract dissolved in acetic acid, a few drops of Wagner’s reagent was added. A reddish-brown
precipitate formed indicates the presence of alkaloids.

Mayer’s test:
To a few mg of extract dissolved in acetic acid, a few drops of Mayer’s reagent was added. A dull white
precipitate formed indicates the presence of alkaloids.

Hager’s test:
To a few mg of extract dissolved in acetic acid, 3 ml of Hager’s reagent was added, the formation of yellow
precipitate indicates the presence of alkaloids.

Tests for carbohydrates

Molisch’s test:
To the extract, 1 ml of α-naphthol solution and conc. sulphuricacid were added along the sides of test tube. Violet
colour formed at the junction of the two liquids indicates the presence of carbohydrates.

Fehling’s test:
A few mg of extract was mixed with equal quantities of Fehling’s solution A and B. The mixture was warmed on
a water bath. The formation of a brick red precipitate indicates the presence of carbohydrates.

Benedict’s test:
To 5 ml of Benedict’s reagent, a few mg of extract was added, and boiled for two minutes and cooled. Formation of
a red precipitate indicates the presence of carbohydrates.

Test for steroids

Libermann-Burchard test:
To the extract was dissolved in chloroform, 1 ml of acetic acid and 1 ml of acetic anhydride were added, then heated
on a water bath and cooled. Few drops of conc. Sulphuric acid were added along the sides of the test tube.
Appearance of bluish green colour indicates the presence of steroids.

Salkowski test:
The extract was dissolved in chloroform and equal volume of conc. Sulphuric acid was added. Formation of bluish
red to cherry red colour in chloroform layer and green fluorescence in the acid layer indicates the presence of

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(03), 727-734

Test for Saponins

To a few mg of extract, distilled water was added and shaken. Stable froth formation indicates the presence of

Test for Tannins

To the extract, a few drops of dilute solution of ferric chloride was added, formation of dark blue colour shows the
presence of tannins.

Test for Flavonoids

Shinoda’s test:
To the extract in alcohol, a few magnesium turnings and few drops of conc. hydrochloric acid were added and
heated on a water bath. Formation of red to pink colour indicates the presence of flavonoids.

Test for Phenol

To the extract in alcohol, added two drops of alcoholic ferric chloride. Formation of blue to blue-black indicates the
presence of phenol.

Test for Coumarins

To the extract in alcohol,a few drops of 2 N Sodium hydroxide solution was added. Dark yellow colour formation
indicates the presence of coumarins.

Test for Triterpenoids

The extract was warmed with tin bits and few drops of thionyl chloride. Formation of pink colour indicates the
presence of triterpenoids.

Test for Amino acids

To the extract, add few drops of Nin-hydrine reagent, purple colour indicates the presence of amino acids.

Test for Carboxylic Acid

Extract dissolved in water is treated with sodium bicarbonate. Brisk effervescence indicates the presence of
carboxylic acid.

Test for Resin

Few mg of the sample was mixed with water and acetone. Turbidity indicates the presence of resins.

Test for Quinone

A few mg of alcohol extract was treated with 0.5% of sodium hydroxide. Deep coloration like pink, purple or red
indicates the presence of quinone.


Observations and results of performing all the physico-chemical investigations are as follows-

PARAMETER Gokshura whole plant

Loss on drying 9.81 ± 0.01
Total Ash 15.89 ± 1.32
Acid Insoluble Ash 3.95 ± 0.00
Water soluble Ash 5.51 ± 0.00
Alcohol soluble extractive value 10.58 ± 0.00
Water soluble extractive value 19.99 ± 0.01
Methanol soluble extractive value 28.00 ± 0.00
Chloroform soluble extractive value 4.99 ± 0.01
Pet ether soluble extractive value 9.39 ± 0.00
pH 6.11
Table 1:- Results of standardization parameters of Gokshura whole plant.
[n = 3 %w/w; Avg. ± SD]

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(03), 727-734

Tests Color if positive Gokshura plant

Dragendroff’s test Orange red precipitate Orange red precipitate

Wagner’s test Reddish brown precipitate Reddish brown precipitate

Mayer’s test Dull white precipitate Dull white precipitate

Hager’s test Yellow precipitate Yellow precipitate

Table 2:- Observations of alkaloid analysis of ethanolic extract of Gokshura powder

Liebermann- Bluish green colour No bluish green colour
Buchard test

Salkowski test Bluish red to cherry red colour in No bluish red to cherry red colour in chloroform
chloroform layer and green layer and green fluorescence in acid layer
fluorescence in acid layer

Table 3:- Observations of steroid analysis of ethanolic extract of Gokshura powder.

Molish test Violet ring Violet ring
Fehlings test Brick red precipitate Brick red precipitate

Benedicts test Red precipitate Red precipitate

Table 4:- Observations of carbohydrate analysis of ethanolic extract of Gokshura powder.

With FeCl3 Dark blue or green or brown Dark green colour

Table 5:- Observations of Tannin analysis of ethanolic extract of Gokshura powder.

Shinoda’s test Red or pink Red colour
Table 6:- Observations of Flavanoid analysis of ethanolic extract of Gokshura powder.

With NaHCO3 Stable froth Stable froth

Table 7:- Observations of saponin analysis of ethanolic extract of Gokshura powder

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(03), 727-734

Tin and thionyl Pink No pink colour
chloride test

Table 8:- Observations of Triterpenoid analysis of ethanolic extract of Gokshura powder.

With 2 N NaOH Yellow No yellow colour

Table 9:- Observations of Coumarin analysis of ethanolic extract of Gokshura powder.

With alcoholic Blue to blue-black No blue to blue-black
ferric chloride

Table 10:- Observations of Phenol analysis of ethanolic extract of Gokshura powder.

Carboxylic acid
With water and Brisk effervescence Noeffervescence

Table 11:- Observations of Carboxylic acid of ethanolic extract of Gokshura powder.

Amino acid
With Purple colour No purple colour
Table 12:- Observations of Amino acid analysis of ethanolic extract of Gokshura powder.

With aqueous Turbidity No turbidity

Table 13:-Observations of resin analysis of ethanolic extract of Gokshura powder.


Conc. sulphuric Pink/purple/red No pink/purple/red

Table 14: Observations of Quinone analysis of ethanolic extract of Gokshurapowder


Alkaloid +
Steroid -
Carbohydrate +
Tannin +
Flavanoids +
Saponins +

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(03), 727-734

Terpenoid -
Coumarins -
Phenols -
Carboxylic acid -
Amino acids -
Resin -
Quinone -

Table 15:-Inference of preliminary phytochemical screening of ethanolic extract of Gokshurawhole plant.

GokshurRasayana, which is made of a single drug Gokshura, is an easy preparation and a palatable formulation (due
to madhur rasa (sweet taste) of Gokshura) which can be utilised for strengthening the body’s dhatus, since
Gokshura itself is balyakarand brihanya and in this Rasayanaform it gets potentiated further.

This Rasayana is a rich source of carbohydrates and an excellent source of phytochemicals like alkaloids, tannins
and flavonoids which not just help in building and nourishing the body tissues but also possess diverse
pharmacological activities which makes it a one stop solution for many conditions specially the ones related to
fertility and ageing.

Thus, this Rasayana can be used for achieving both the goals of Ayurveda i.e. it helps in maintaining the health of
an individual as well as helps in curing the diseased individuals.

Gokshura is a highly reverbed medicinal plant in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. Many species of Tribulus are
being sold on the name of Gokshura and thus it was incredibly important to make phytochemical analysis of the
entire plant of Tribulus terrestris Linn.,which is the official source plant ofGokshura. Acharya Vagbhatt in Ashtang
Hridaymentioned aboutGokshurRasayana- its preparation, dose, anupan, sehpan, and its diverse uses. Since this
Rasayanais a simple preparation and Gokshura is an easily available medicinal plant growing like a weed in hot and
sandy parts of the country, it can be easily brought to use in therapeutics.


I would like to thank the CentralCouncil for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) for providing financial
support under P.G. STAR SCHOLARSHIP for performing this investigation as a part of the project.

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