Research Proposal Amit Bansal
Research Proposal Amit Bansal
Research Proposal Amit Bansal
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Go green” is becoming the need of the hour. In today’s scenario eco-system is one of the
basic concern of everyone including corporate world .Now everyone knows that if we don’t
keep our environment safe, then it will harm directly to us. So it becomes necessity to save
the environment. Green marketing is one of the best steps taken by business concern, to
give their contribution towards the environment. Manufacturers have recognized
environmental concerns as a source of competitive advantage so they use green marketing
as a tool for beating the competition by making eco-friendly marketing mix .All though this
practice is good but this doesn’t give same result to all efforts made.
As the country is accounting for more than 13% of the world’s total milk production, it is
world’s largest consumers of milk and milk products which is consuming almost 100% of its
own milk production, have many challenges and opportunities in India as well as global
Dairy Industry. In India, dairy products are key sources of economical and nutritious
ingredients to Indian population and adequate sources of animal protein for huge Indian
vegetarian segments, predominantly between the homeless, small and marginal farmers,
children and women. According to the various reports three fourth of the population lives in
rural areas and 38% of them comes under below poverty level. So in the rural area’s dairying
is one of the key activities aiming at uplifting the unemployment and poverty problems in
the areas like drought-prone regions. About 73% of rural population was holding their own
livestock in 1986-87. As per National Sample Survey of 1993-94, regular employment was
produced by livestock sector i.e. 9.8 million tonnes people in main status and 8.6 million
tonnes in secondary status which is almost 5% of the total workforce. Now India is the
highest level of milk production and consumption of all countries. The annual production of
India was 186 million tonnes as of 2018. As of 2020, approximately 4.2% of India's gross
domestic product was due to dairy production. In 2019, the Indian dairy sector was reported
to be growing at 4.9% yearly.
Green marketing referred as new marketing approaches which not only refocuses, adjust or
improve current marketing thinking and practice but also seeks to challenge those
approaches and provide a considerably different viewpoint. In other words it is the group of
approaches which needed to address the lack of fit between existing marketing practices
and required marketing practices to save the environment. Green marketing products are
considered to be the environmentally safe products. It includes wide range of activities like
modification in product, changes in the production process, ecological packaging, as well as
modifying advertising.
As the country is accounting for more than 13% of the world‟s total milk production, it is
world‟s largest consumers of milk and milk products which is consuming almost 100% of its
own milk production, have many challenges and opportunities in India as well as global
Dairy Industry. In India, dairy products are key sources of economical and nutritious
ingredients to Indian population and adequate sources of animal protein for huge Indian
vegetarian segments, predominantly between the homeless, small and marginal farmers,
children and women. According to the various reports three fourth of the population lives in
rural areas and 38% of them comes under below poverty level. So in the rural area‟s
dairying is one of the key activities aiming at uplifting the unemployment and poverty
problems in the areas like drought-prone regions. About 73% of rural population was
holding their own livestock in 1986-87. As per National Sample Survey of 1993-94, regular
employment was produced by livestock sector i.e. 9.8 million tonnes people in main status
and 8.6 million tonnes in secondary status which is almost 5% of the total workforce. Now
India is the highest level of milk production and consumption of all countries. The annual
production of India was 186 million tonnes as of 2018. As of 2020, approximately 4.2% of
India's gross domestic product was due to dairy production. In 2019, the Indian dairy sector
was reported to be growing at 4.9% yearly.
As compared to huge milk production in India, the milk processing units are less in numbers.
Only 10% of the total milk production is delivered to approximately 400 dairy plants. The
reason behind this is the unorganized sector of milkmen, vendors and other mediators who
collects the milk from local producer and sells to rural and urban areas, which is around 65-
70% of the total milk productions. The cooperative milk processors have approximately 60%
of the market share in the organized dairy industry. 90% of the collected milk is processed
by the cooperative dairies, however out of total collected milk, private dairies process and
sells 20% of the milk in liquid form and 80% for other dairy & value added products.
Ahmednagar districts having various co-operative and private milk collection plants collect
milk from the district as well as from neighboring district
Objectives of Research:
Statement of the research problem
The dairy industry is one of the most rapidly expanding sub sectors in India. Due to this rapid
expansion of the dairy sector, all the dairy firms in the industry need to develop and
implement sound and competitive green marketing strategies in order to guarantee
acceptable performance in the competitive environment. To consolidate its operations and
strength in the market green marketing strategies are adopted by these firms. The main
question is what green marketing strategies dairy firms can employ in order to achieve a
competitive advantage over their competitors in the market and whether these strategies
adopted help meet their performance expectations efficiently and effectively.
Research Design
Limitations of research
Every possible effort has been made by the researcher to complete the present research work in all
its aspects but because of number of uncontrollable factors the research has following limitations.
1) The present study is conducted in Kanpur and Lucknow district parts of Maharashtra state only;
result and conclusion may not be same in other District of same state.
2) The study is confined to manufacturer of milk products only; results may not be fit suitable for
other commodity group.
4) Findings of the research may change due to area, demographic changes & changes in
Government, Global policies, Company policies etc.