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Reduction in Bacterial Loading Using Papacarie and Carisolv As An Irrigant in Pulpectomized Primary Molars - A Preliminary Report

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Reduction in Bacterial Loading using Papacarie and Carisolv as an Irrigant

Reduction in Bacterial Loading using Papacarie and Carisolv as an

Irrigant in Pulpectomized Primary Molars – A Preliminary Report

Viral P Maru*/ Dimple Padawe**/ Vandana Pandey Tripathi***/ Vilas Takate****/ Kishor Dighe*****/
Shraddha Vishwanath Dalvi ******

Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the reduction in bacterial loading using Papacarie
and Carisolv as an irrigating solution in pulpectomized primary molars. Study design: A controlled,
randomized clinical trial involving 120 necrotic canals from both genders between 3 and 7 years old children
were included, 30 irrigated with Papacarie [ group I], Carisolv [ group II], 1% NaOCl gel [ group III]
and 1% Na0Cl solution [group IV ] each; in all cases, 2 microbiological samples from within the canals
were taken with sterile paper points, the first after the canal opening and before the first irrigation, and the
second after instrumentation and final irrigation, before obturation. All samples were evaluated by Agar
plate method. Results: The results were statistically analyzed by ANOVA. After analyzing samples before
and after irrigation in all the groups, a strong significant decrease in bacterial load [ p = < 0.001 ] was
found with Papacarie and Carisolv. Conclusion: Papacarie and Carisolv can be suggested as an alternative
irrigant for pulpectomy of necrotic teeth.

Keywords : Carisolv, Papacarie, 1% NaOCl, pulpectomized primary molars.


he aim of pulpectomy procedure is to eliminate infection
and substrate from the root canal system. 1-3 Pulpectomy
procedure still proves to be complicated and has remained
controversial for a number of reasons in the pediatric population.
Mainly, the perceived difficulty of behavior management and uncer-
tainty about the effects of root canal filling material and instrumen-
tation on the succedaneous teeth, anatomic situations like the often
From the Govt Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai, India. complicated, curved and tortuous root canals and closeness of the
*Viral P Maru, MDS, MBA; Associate Professor, Department Pediatric and
advancing tooth buds, make the treatment more difficult.4
Preventive Dentistry.
** Dimple Padawe, MDS, MBA, Professor and Head, Department Pediatric Conventional root canal treatment includes mechanical instru-
and Preventive Dentistry. mentation in combination with antimicrobial and tissue solvent
***Vandana Pandey Tripathi MDS, Associate Professor, Department Pedi- irrigation to dissolve and dislodge debris, and create a clean envi-
atric and Preventive Dentistry. ronment compatible with periapical health. In the case of deciduous
****Vilas Takate, MDS ,Assistant Professor, Dept Pediatric & Preventive
teeth, extensive dentine removal is probably undesirable, placing
Dentistry, Department Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry.
*****Kishor Dighe, MDS,Assistant Professor, Department Pediatric and greater emphasis on irrigants for cleansing. Sodium hypochlorite
Preventive Dentistry. is most widely recommended endodontic irrigant because of its
******Shraddha Vishwanath Dalvi, MD,Assistant Professor, Department excellent tissue solvent and antimicrobial properties in concen-
of Microbiology, Govt. Grant Medical College and Sir JJ group of trations between 0.5 and 5.25%,5 but it is known to cause serious
damage when allowed to enter periradicular tissues even in small
amounts.6-7 Hence the search for an ideal irrigant for primary teeth
Send all correspondence to:
Viral P Maru still continues.
Dept Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry Carisolv TM (MediTeam, Goteborg, Sweden) is a well researched
Govt Dental College & Hospital, product which is advocated for chemo mechanical removal of
Mumbai, India. infected carious dentine. A preliminary study showed that Carisolv
E-mail :
has the potential to clean immature canals although it was less

174 doi 10.17796/1053-4625-44.3.7 The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Volume 44, Number 3/2020
Reduction in Bacterial Loading using Papacarie and Carisolv as an Irrigant

effective than undiluted house hold bleach.1,8 In 2003, a research added to 1% sodium hypochlorite solution to prepare the sodium
project in Brazil led to development of a new formula that was hypochlorite gel. The sodium hypochlorite solution was added drop
commercially known as Papacarie (Formula & Ac, Sao Paulo, by drop to methylcellulose powder and mixed in a mortar and pestle
Brazil) [ a word that means ‘eating caries’]. It is basically composed until uniform consistency of the gel was obtained.13 The pulpectomy
of papain, chloramines, toluidine blue salts, thickening vehicle procedure was performed in a single visit. Sample size was calcu-
which are responsible for the Papacarie’s bactericide, bacteriostatic lated on the basis of a pilot study, consisting of 20 microbiological
and anti inflammatory characteristics. Chemomechanical agents – samples taken from necrotic primary root canals [ 5 corresponding
Cariolv (MediTeam, Goteborg, Sweden) and Papacarie (Formula & to each irrigating solution ], which was not included in the statistical
Ac, Sao Paulo, Brazil) promotes the concept of conserving healthy analysis of the present study. Likewise, consistency and reliability
tooth structures and giving comfort, solace and instilling a positive tests for the diagnostic and results evaluator was carried out in an
attitude towards dental treatment, justifying its use in the specialty independent manner by means of an unweighted Kappa test, which
of public health dentistry. 9-11 resulted in a score of 0.90.14The sampling of patients was realized
However the effect of Carisolv TM (MediTeam, Goteborg, non probabilistically and the irrigant selected for each case was
Sweden) and Papacarie (Formula & Ac, Sao Paulo, Brazil) as made from a list of random numbers generated from computers.
endodontic irrigant in primary teeth needs to be investigated. Hence
the present study was conducted with the aim to evaluate and Preclinical laboratory procedures
compare the reduction in bacterial load after the use of Papacarie, Pre reduced thioglycolate tubes, supplemented with hemin
Carisolv, 1% NaOCl gel and solution as endodontic irrigant in [5mg L-1] and menadione[ 1mg L-1] [ Oxiod LTD, Basingstoke,
primary teeth. The null hypothesis was that there would be no signif- Hampshire, UK], was used as transport and growth media owing to
icant difference in these irrigants with respect to bacterial count. capacity to maintain the vitality of sampled bacteria.15

MATERIALS AND METHOD Isolation and operative field disinfection

The present study was carried out in the Department of Pediatric The study procedure was performed by a single pediatric
and Preventive Dentistry, Government Dental College and Hospital dentist, periapical radiographs of the selected teeth were made using
Mumbai, India, in collaboration with Department of Microbiology, a standard parallel technique. After antisepsis of the oral cavity
Grant Medical College and Hospital, Mumbai, India. The study was wherein patients were asked to rinse with 0.12% chlorhexidine for
approved by the Institutional ethics committee [GMC 1890/2017] 60 seconds, local anesthesia was induced using an inferior alveolar
This controlled, randomized clinical trial involved 120 necrotic nerve block for the primary mandibular teeth and infiltration (buccal
canals from both sexes between 3 and 7 years old after obtaining a and palatal ) for the primary maxillary teeth. Each treated tooth was
written consent from their respective parents/ guardians. cleaned with pumice and isolated with a rubber dam. Petroleum
jelly was applied on the gingiva of the concerned tooth. Provisit
Inclusion criteria (CasaIdea, Mexico) was placed along the tooth rubber dam interface
Patients in good general health. Primary molar teeth containing to prevent leakage of saliva into the operative field. To disinfect
at least one necrotic pulp canal, abscess, or sinus tract. Carious the operative field, the following protocol, was followed–the tooth
lesion without direct exposure to the oral environment. Presence of crown, surrounding rubber dam, and clamp were swabbed with 30%
radiolucent area in furcation or periapical region. At least two thirds H2O2, followed by 5.25% NaOCl for 1 minute each; both solutions
of root remaining. Sufficient tooth structure to support a rubber dam. were inactivated with 10% sodium thiosulfate.16-17
The gross carious tissue was removed with a sterile round
Exclusion Criteria carbide bur (No. 3) cooled with sterile saline solution. The cavity
Patients who had received antibiotics up to 2 weeks prior to and field were again disinfected as above. Then the pulpal roof was
the sampling. Patients having any systemic disease. Non restor- removed using a new bur of the same size, a sterile cotton pellet was
able teeth, perforated pulpal floor, excessive mobility, or patho- placed on the floor of the pulp chamber to prevent penetration of
logical root resorption. Patients with history of allergy to sodium disinfectants into the canals and the root canal were accessed.
One hundred and sixty canals were randomly divided into Collection of microbiological samples
following four groups: Once the canals were exposed and after the canal’s length was
estimated using the preoperative periapical radiograph, the first
1. Group I [30 root canals] : Carisolv TM
(MediTeam, Gote-
microbiological sample was obtained from inside the canal [ pre
borg, Sweden)
irrigation ], then 3 sterile absorbent paper points of a size compat-
2. Group II [30 root canals]: Papacarie® (Formula & Ac, Sao ible with the root canal diameter were sequentially placed for
Paulo, Brazil) 30 seconds. If the canal was dry, then a small amount of sterile
3. Group III [30 root canals]: 1% NaOCl gel. saline was used to wet the canal before the points were inserted.
The retrieved paper points were immediately placed into the tube
4. Group IV [30 root canals]: 1% NaOCl solution.
with thioglycolate. After sample collection, all teeth were treated
Commercially available 3% NaOCl solution [Neelkanth, India] conventionally. The usual instrumentation was done with Flex-
was diluted to 1% concentration using sterilized distilled water.12 oFiles (Dentsply, Switzerland), together with one irrigation of
1% NaOCl gel was prepared freshly, as it is not commercially 0.5ml of the selected irrigant solution between each file. Irrigants
available, a thickening agent, methylcellulose (Sigma Aldrich) was were introduced into the canals in each group, with a 25-gauge

The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Volume 44, Number 3/2020 doi 10.17796/1053-4625-44.3.7 175
Reduction in Bacterial Loading using Papacarie and Carisolv as an Irrigant

endodontic needle (Miraject, Hager Werken), attached to a Luer-Loc RESULTS

syringe. At the end of the instrumentation and before obturating, the In all one hundred and twenty canals were treated on pediatric
canal was irrigated for the last time and dried. At that time, a second patients, whose average age was 4 years. Of these, 240 microbiolog-
microbiological sample was taken from the same canal, as previ- ical samples were obtained: 60 from Papacarie (30 pre and 30- post
ously described, with another 3 paper points. Finally, the canal was irrigation), 60 from the Carisolv group (30 –pre and 30-post irriga-
filled with an iodoform paste (Vitapex) and a postoperative intraoral tion), 60 from 1% NaOCl gel group and 60 from 1% NaOCl solution
periapical radiograph was made. Stainless steel crowns (3M) were group. Basal conditions (pre irrigation) were similar in all groups
used as post endodontic restorations. in relation to the amount of bacteria present in necrotic canals. The
number of colony forming units from the pre irrigation samples
Laboratory procedures were quantified and compared.(Table 1).
Pre and post irrigation samples were transported in 1ml of
thioglycolate broth. This broth was incubated at 370 C for 24 hours. Group I Papacarie : before versus after irrigation
1µl of broth was plated on Soyabean Caesin Digest Agar medium In the pre irrigation and post irrigation samples corresponding
(HIMEDIAR) and subjected to anaerobic incubation at 370 C for to the experimental group, a mean of 3.08± 0.20 X 106 CFU/mL and
72 hours. The total microbial load per milliliter was determined by 2.71 ± 0.31X106 CFU/mL was reported respectively. The difference
measurement of the number of CFU on Trypticase soy agar (Oxoid) between bacterial counts, or CFU/mL, before and after irrigation
containing 1 μg of menadione ml−1, 0.5 μg of hemin ml−1, 400 was statistically significant (p = < 0.001). (Graph 1 ).
μg of L-cysteine ml−1, and 5% sheep blood (Amyl Media, Kings
Langley, New South Wales, Australia).18 Group II Carisolv : before versus after irrigation
All 120 pulpectomy treated primary molars were subjected to 3 In the pre irrigation and post irrigation samples corresponding
months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months follow up for clinical to the experimental group, a mean of 2.81± 0.32 X 106 CFU/mL and
and radiological follow up. Criteria’s used for clinical follow up 2.43 ± 0.17X106 CFU/mL was reported respectively. The difference
were– history of pain, tenderness to palpation/percussion, patho- between bacterial counts, or CFU/mL, before and after irrigation
logical mobility, intra or extra oral swelling and/or intra or extra was statistically significant (p = < 0.001). ( Graph 1 ).
oral sinus. Criteria’s for radiological follow up were – presence or
absence of radiolucencies in bifurcation or apical area, integrity of
Group III 1% NaOCl gel : before versus after
lamina dura, pathological internal or external resorption and/or pulp
In the pre irrigation and post irrigation samples corresponding
canal obliteration. At the end of 12 months follow up, no failures
to the experimental group, a mean of 3.39± 0.12 X 106 CFU/mL and
were reported in either of the groups based on above mentioned
2.97 ± 0.15 X106 CFU/mL was reported respectively. The difference
clinical and radiological follow up.
between bacterial counts, or CFU/mL, before and after irrigation
Statistical Analysis was statistically significant (p = < 0.001]. ( Graph 1 ).
Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis has been carried
out in the present study. Results on continuous measurements are
Group IV 1% NaOCl solution : before versus after
presented on Mean ± SD (Min-Max) and on categorical measure-
In the pre irrigation and post irrigation samples corresponding
ments in number (%). Significance was assessed at 5 % level of
to the control group, a mean of 3.40 ± 0.10 X 106 CFU/mL and
significance. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) has been used to find
3.29 ± 0.05 X106 CFU/mL was reported respectively. The difference
the significance of study parameters between four groups.
between bacterial counts, or CFU/mL, before and after irrigation
was statistically significant [ p = < 0.001]. ( Graph 1).

Table 1: Comparison (log)Colony forming units x 106 in four groups studied

Group I Group II Group III Group IV Total P value

Colony forming units/mL
x106 3.08±0.20 2.81±0.32 3.40±0.10 3.40±0.10 3.17±0.32 <0.001**
Before irrigation
Colony forming units/mL
2.71±0.31 2.43±0.17 3.29±0.05 3.29±0.05 2.93±0.42 <0.001**
Colony forming units/mL
x106 0.37±0.20 0.37±0.24 0.11±0.10 0.11±0.10 0.24±0.22 <0.001**
Count difference
Results are expressed in log

176 doi 10.17796/1053-4625-44.3.7 The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Volume 44, Number 3/2020
Reduction in Bacterial Loading using Papacarie and Carisolv as an Irrigant

and the other containing 0.1 M amino acids, gel sub stance, sodium
chlorite, sodium hydroxide and a color indicator (erythrocin).
When these components are mixed together, the amino acids
bind with chlorine to form high pH chloramine which is a potent
disinfectant with tissue solvent activity. Carisolv also contains 0.5
% NaOCl that provides an excellent non specific proteolytic and
antimicrobial properties.21 These factors could be the probably
reason for high efficiency shown by Carisolv when used a irrigant
in pulpectomized primary molars with respect to reduced bacterial
count post irrigation.
Kilani et al ascertained that Carisolv is more effective than
physiologic saline in removing debris from the non instrumented
walls of root canals. Carisolv cleaned canals more effectively than
phosphate buffer saline but never reached the consistent high levels
Graph 1 : Comparison (log)Colony forming units x 106 in four of cleanliness achieved with strong sodium hypochlorite, even after
groups studied long incubation times and ultrasonic agitation.1 Parul and associates
reported that 1% NaOCl solution, 1% NaOCl gel, and Carisolv
had comparable activity at coronal third and middle third of root
DISCUSSION canals of primary teeth. At the apical third, NaOCl solution cleaned
One of the fundamental steps in a pulpectomy treatment in canals better than NaOCl gel and Carisolv. Carisolv cleaned debris
primary teeth is the reduction of the pathogenic bacterial load to better than NaOCl gel at the apical third.22Shabnam and associates
the minimum level within the root canals.19 Hence the clinician concluded that Carisolv and Papacarie both are equally efficient as
must pay particular attention to the biochemical preparation of an antibacterial gel against S mutans and Lactobacillus present on
the complex pulp canal system characteristic of primary teeth carious primary dentin.23 Lager et al reported that the composition
to reduce the bacteria and their byproducts to a minimum, thus of Carisolv (contains NaOCl as the main ingredient) is responsible
increasing the chances of a successful pulpectomy. In the present for its antibacterial activity. In accordance with our data, this has
study a strong statistical significant difference was found between been proved by Silva et al 24-26 Korb,27 Motta et al 28The studies of
Papacarie, Carisolv and NaOCl with respect to reduction in bacte- Motta29 and Matsumoto30 inferred Papacarie as an excellent option
rial count post irrigation. for achieving significant reduction in total bacteria and Strepto-
The present study is the first to evaluate Papacarie Formula & coccus mutans.
Ac, Sao Paulo, Brazil) as an endodontic irrigant in pulpectomized Pre reduced thioglycolate had been used in the present study
primary molars. Papacarie Formula & Ac, Sao Paulo, Brazil) to transfer microbiological samples from infected root canals to
consists of papain, chloramines, toluidine blue salts, thickening the laboratory, as suggested by Carlsson15. This medium reduces
vehicle which are responsible for the Papacarie’s bactericide, oxygen, preventing the accumulation of superoxide radicals that
bacteriostatic and anti inflammatory characteristics.11 Papain is a would kill anaerobic bacteria; also, it contains small amounts of
proteolytic enzyme. Similarly to the human pepsin, papain acts as agar that prevent diffusion of oxygen into the medium. An essential
a debridant anti – inflammatory agent which does no damage the step in endodontic microbiology studies is the design and imple-
healthy tissue and accelerates the cicatricial process. Papain comes mentation of a preoperative disinfection protocol of the field, so
from the latex of the leaves and fruits of the green adult papaya. that the taking of microbiological samples is carried out in the most
Carica papaya, for instance, is cultivated in tropical regions such aseptic possible conditions, avoiding the contamination that might
as Brazil, India, South Africa and Hawaii, and is largely used in confuse the results.16 The disinfection protocol used in this study
food, beverage and drug industries. It acts only on carious tissue was a modification of the one described by Ng .17
which lacks the plasmatic protease inhibitor alpha -1 – antitrypsin, 1% NaOCl gel was used in the present study since Papacarie and
but its proteolytic action is inhibited on healthy tissue, which Carisolv both exists in gel form.1% NaOCl was used since studies
contains this substance. showed negligible differences in antibacterial activity among
Chloramine is a compound composed of chlorine and ammonia 5.25%, 2.5% and 1 % NaOCl in infected root canals.24,25 Even 0.5%
having bactericidal and disinfectant properties. Widely used as an NaOCl, when used in larger volumes and with longer irrigation
irrigating solution for radicular canals in order to chemically soften times, possesses good bactericidal activity.26 Sodium hypochlorite at
the root carious dentin. These factors could be the probably reasons all concentrations was effective in eliminating resistant endodonti-
for high efficiency shown by Papacarie when used as irrigant with cally relevant microbes including Candida albicans, Pseudomonas
respect to reduction in bacterial count post irrigation in the present aeruginosa, E faecalis, Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus mutans and
study. The degraded portion of the carious dentin collagen is Staphylococcus aureus.27-29 From a cleansing perspective, lower
chlorinated by the chloramines and is easily removed with exca- concentrations of NaOCl still retained substantial tissue dissolution
vator.20Toluidine blue is a photosensitive pigment that fixes into capacity and are effective in cleaning root canals. Baumgartner and
bacterial membrane. Cuenin30 showed that all NaOCl concentrations were equally effec-
CarisolvTM (MediTeam, Goteborg, Sweden was introduced by tive in flushing out loose debris and completely removing pulpal
Ericson and available in two syringes, one containing 0.5% NaOCl remnants and predentin from non instrumented canal walls.

The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Volume 44, Number 3/2020 doi 10.17796/1053-4625-44.3.7 177
Reduction in Bacterial Loading using Papacarie and Carisolv as an Irrigant

Cynthia K.Y. Yiu
More controlled clinical trials are required to support the
Search for articles by this author
effectiveness of 3.8% SDF as an irrigant solution, the results Affiliations
reported by this study are highly encouraging in terms of being a Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of
suitable and potent alternative for irrigation of endodontic canals Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
of primary teeth. x
Nigel M. King
Search for articles by this author
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Noriko Hiraishi
Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Address requests for reprints to Dr Noriko Hiraishi, Graduate School, Tokyo
Medical and Dental University, Cariology and Operative Dentistry,
Department of Restorative Science, 1-5-45 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-8549, Japan.
Noriko Hiraishi
Search for articles by this author
Cariology and Operative Dentistry, Department of Restorative Science, Grad-
uate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan
Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Address requests for reprints to Dr Noriko Hiraishi, Graduate School, Tokyo
Medical and Dental University, Cariology and Operative Dentistry,
Department of Restorative Science, 1-5-45 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-8549, Japan.
Cynthia K.Y. Yiu
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Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Nigel M. King
Search for articles by this author
Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Volume 44, Number 3/2020 doi 10.17796/1053-4625-44.3.7 179

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