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Hadoop Interview Questions

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Hadoop Interview Questions for Freshers

1. Explain big data and list its characteristics.
2. Explain Hadoop. List the core components of Hadoop
3. Explain the Storage Unit In Hadoop (HDFS).
4. Mention different Features of HDFS.
5. What are the Limitations of Hadoop 1.0 ?
6. Compare the main differences between HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System )
and Network Attached Storage(NAS) ?
7. List Hadoop Configuration files.
8. Explain Hadoop MapReduce.
9. What is shuffling in MapReduce?
10. List the components of Apache Spark.
11. What are the three modes that hadoop can Run?
12. What is an Apache Hive?
13. What is Apache Pig?
14. Explain the Apache Pig architecture.
15. What is Yarn?
16. List the YARN components.
17. What is Apache ZooKeeper?
18. What are the Benefits of using zookeeper?
19. Mention the types of Znode.
20. List Hadoop HDFS Commands.

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Hadoop Interview Questions

Hadoop Interview Questions for Freshers (.....Continued)

21. Mention features of Apache sqoop.

Hadoop Interview Questions for Experienced

22. What is DistCp?
23. Why are blocks in HDFS huge?
24. What is the default replication factor?
25. How can you skip the bad records in Hadoop?
26. Where are the two types of metadata that NameNode server stores?
27. Which Command is used to find the status of the Blocks and File-system health?
28. Write the command used to copy data from the local system onto HDFS?
29. Explain the purpose of the dfsadmin tool?
30. Explain the actions followed by a Jobtracker in Hadoop.
31. Explain the distributed Cache in MapReduce framework.
32. List the actions that happen when a DataNode fails.
33. What are the basic parameters of a mapper?
34. Mention the main Configuration parameters that has to be specified by the user
to run MapReduce.
35. Explain the Resilient Distributed Datasets in Spark.
36. Give a brief on how Spark is good at low latency workloads like graph processing
and Machine Learning.
37. What applications are supported by Apache Hive?
38. Explain a metastore in Hive?

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Hadoop Interview Questions for

Experienced (.....Continued)

39. Compare differences between Local Metastore and Remote Metastore

40. Are Multiline Comments supported in Hive? Why?
41. Why do we need to perform partitioning in Hive?
42. How can you restart NameNode and all the daemons in Hadoop?
43. How do you differentiate inner bag and outer bag in Pig.
44. If the source data gets updated every now and then, how will you synchronize
the data in HDFS that is imported by Sqoop?
45. Where is table data stored in Apache Hive by default?
46. What is the default File format to import data using Apache sqoop?
47. What is the use of the -compress-codec parameter?
48. What is Apache Flume in Hadoop ?
49. Explain the architecture of Flume.
50. Mention the consequences of Distributed Applications.

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Let's get Started
Apache Hadoop is an open-source so ware library used to control data processing
and storage in big data applications. Hadoop helps to analyze vast amounts of data
parallelly and more swi ly. Apache Hadoop was acquainted with the public in 2012 by
The Apache So ware Foundation(ASF). Hadoop is economical to use as data is stored
on affordable commodity Servers that run as clusters.

Before the digital period, the volume of data gathered was slow and could be
examined and stored with a single storage format. At the same time, the format of
the data received for similar purposes had the same format. However, with the
development of the Internet and digital platforms like social media, the data comes
in multiple formats (structured, semi-structured, and unstructured), and its velocity
also massively grown. A new name was given to this data which is Big data. Then, the
need for multiple processors and storage units arose to handle the big data.
Therefore, as a solution, Hadoop was introduced.

Hadoop Interview Questions for Freshers

1. Explain big data and list its characteristics.
Gartner defined Big Data as–
“Big data” is high-volume, velocity, and variety information assets that demand cost-
effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and
decision making.”
Simply, big data is larger, more complex data sets, particularly from new data
sources. These data sets are so large that conventional data processing so ware
can’t manage them. But these massive volumes of data can be used to address
business problems you wouldn’t have been able to tackle before.

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Image Source: ResearchGate

Characteristics of Big Data are:

Volume: A large amount of data stored in data warehouses refers to Volume.
Velocity: Velocity typically refers to the pace at which data is being generated in
Variety: Variety of Big Data relates to structured, unstructured, and
semistructured data that is collected from multiple sources.
Veracity: Data veracity generally refers to how accurate the data is.
Value: No matter how fast the data is produced or its amount, it has to be
reliable and valuable. Otherwise, the information is not good enough for
processing or analysis.

2. Explain Hadoop. List the core components of Hadoop

Hadoop is a famous big data tool utilized by many companies globally. Few
successful Hadoop users:

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The Bank of Scotland
The National Security Agency (NSA) of the United States
There are three components of Hadoop are:
1. Hadoop YARN - It is a resource management unit of Hadoop.
2. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) - It is the storage unit of Hadoop.
3. Hadoop MapReduce - It is the processing unit of Hadoop.

3. Explain the Storage Unit In Hadoop (HDFS).

HDFS is the Hadoop Distributed File System, is the storage layer for Hadoop. The files
in HDFS are split into block-size parts called data blocks. These blocks are saved on
the slave nodes in the cluster. By default, the size of the block is 128 MB by default,
which can be configured as per our necessities. It follows the master-slave
architecture. It contains two daemons- DataNodes and NameNode.

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The NameNode is the master daemon that operates on the master node. It saves the
filesystem metadata, that is, files names, data about blocks of a file, blocks locations,
permissions, etc. It manages the Datanodes.
The DataNodes are the slave daemon that operates on the slave nodes. It saves the
actual business data. It serves the client read/write requests based on the NameNode
instructions. It stores the blocks of the files, and NameNode stores the metadata like
block locations, permission, etc.

4. Mention different Features of HDFS.

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Fault Tolerance
Hadoop framework divides data into blocks and creates various copies of blocks
on several machines in the cluster. So, when any device in the cluster fails,
clients can still access their data from the other machine containing the exact
copy of data blocks.
High Availability
In the HDFS environment, the data is duplicated by generating a copy of the
blocks. So, whenever a user wants to obtain this data, or in case of an
unfortunate situation, users can simply access their data from the other nodes
because duplicate images of blocks are already present in the other nodes of the
HDFS cluster.
High Reliability
HDFS splits the data into blocks, these blocks are stored by the Hadoop
framework on nodes existing in the cluster. It saves data by generating a
duplicate of every block current in the cluster. Hence presents a fault tolerance
facility. By default, it creates 3 duplicates of each block containing information
present in the nodes. Therefore, the data is promptly obtainable to the users.
Hence the user does not face the difficulty of data loss. Therefore, HDFS is very
Replication resolves the problem of data loss in adverse conditions like device
failure, crashing of nodes, etc. It manages the process of replication at frequent
intervals of time. Thus, there is a low probability of a loss of user data.
HDFS stocks the data on multiple nodes. So, in case of an increase in demand, it
can scale the cluster.

5. What are the Limitations of Hadoop 1.0 ?

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Only one NameNode is possible to configure.

Secondary NameNode was to take hourly backup of MetaData from NameNode.
It is only suitable for Batch Processing of a vast amount of Data, which is already
in the Hadoop System.
It is not ideal for Real-time Data Processing.
It supports up to 4000 Nodes per Cluster.
It has a single component: JobTracker to perform many activities like Resource
Management, Job Scheduling, Job Monitoring, Re-scheduling Jobs etc.
JobTracker is the single point of failure.
It supports only one Name No and One Namespace per Cluster.
It does not help the Horizontal Scalability of NameNode.
It runs only Map/Reduce jobs.

6. Compare the main differences between HDFS (Hadoop

Distributed File System ) and Network Attached
Storage(NAS) ?

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HDFS is a
NAS is a file-level computer data
Distributed File
storage server connected to a
system that is
computer network that provides
mainly used to store
network access to a heterogeneous
data by commodity
group of clients.

programmed to
NAS is not suitable to work with a
work with the
MapReduce paradigm.

HDFS is Cost- NAS is a high-end storage device that

effective. is highly expensive.

7. List Hadoop Configuration files.

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8. Explain Hadoop MapReduce.

Hadoop MapReduce is a so ware framework for processing enormous data sets. It is
the main component for data processing in the Hadoop framework. It divides the
input data into several parts and runs a program on every data component parallel at
one. The word MapReduce refers to two separate and different tasks.

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The first is the map operation, which takes a set of data and transforms it into a
different collection of data, where individual elements are divided into tuples. The
reduce operation consolidates those data tuples based on the key and subsequently
modifies the value of the key.
Let us take an example of a text file called example_data.txt and understand how
MapReduce works.
The content of the example_data.txt file is:
Now, assume we have to find out the word count on the example_data.txt using
MapReduce. So, we will be looking for the unique words and the number of times
those unique words appeared.

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First, we break the input into three divisions, as seen in the figure. This will share
the work among all the map nodes.
Then, all the words are tokenized in each of the mappers, and a hardcoded value
(1) to each of the tokens is given. The reason behind giving a hardcoded value
equal to 1 is that every word by itself will, at least, occur once.
Now, a list of key-value pairs will be created where the key is nothing but the
individual words and value is one. So, for the first line (Coding Ice Jamming), we
have three key-value pairs – Coding, 1; Ice, 1; Jamming, 1.
The mapping process persists the same on all the nodes.
Next, a partition process occurs where sorting and shuffling follow so that all the
tuples with the same key are sent to the identical reducer.
Subsequent to the sorting and shuffling phase, every reducer will have a unique
key and a list of values matching that very key. For example, Coding, [1,1]; Ice,
[1,1,1].., etc.
Now, each Reducer adds the values which are present in that list of values. As
shown in the example, the reducer gets a list of values [1,1] for the key Jamming.
Then, it adds the number of ones in the same list and gives the final output as –
Jamming, 2.
Lastly, all the output key/value pairs are then assembled and written in the
output file.

9. What is shuffling in MapReduce?

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In Hadoop MapReduce, shuffling is used to transfer data from the mappers to the
important reducers. It is the process in which the system sorts the unstructured data
and transfers the output of the map as an input to the reducer. It is a significant
process for reducers. Otherwise, they would not accept any information. Moreover,
since this process can begin even before the map phase is completed, it helps to save
time and complete the process in a lesser amount of time.

10. List the components of Apache Spark.

Apache Spark comprises the Spark Core Engine, Spark Streaming, MLlib, GraphX,
Spark SQL, and Spark R.

The Spark Core Engine can be used along with any of the other five components
specified. It is not required to use all the Spark components collectively. Depending
on the use case and request, one or more can be used along with Spark Core.

11. What are the three modes that hadoop can Run?

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Local Mode or Standalone Mode

Hadoop, by default, is configured to run in a no distributed mode. It runs as a
single Java process. Instead of HDFS, this mode utilizes the local file system. This
mode is more helpful for debugging, and there isn't any requirement to
configure core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, mapred-site.xml, masters & slaves. Stand-
alone mode is ordinarily the quickest mode in Hadoop.
Pseudo-distributed Model
In this mode, each daemon runs on a separate java process. This mode requires
custom configuration ( core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, mapred-site.xml). The HDFS
is used for input and output. This mode of deployment is beneficial for testing
and debugging purposes.
Fully Distributed Mode
It is the production mode of Hadoop. Basically, one machine in the cluster is
designated as NameNode and another as Resource Manager exclusively. These
are masters. Rest nodes act as Data Node and Node Manager. These are the
slaves. Configuration parameters and environment need to be defined for
Hadoop Daemons. This mode gives fully distributed computing capacity,
security, fault endurance, and scalability.

12. What is an Apache Hive?

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Hive is an open-source system that processes structured data in Hadoop, living on

top of the latter for summing Big Data and facilitating analysis and queries. In
addition, hive enables SQL developers to write Hive Query Language statements
similar to standard SQL statements for data query and analysis. It is created to make
MapReduce programming easier because you don’t know and write lengthy Java

13. What is Apache Pig?

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MapReduce needs programs to be translated into map and reduce stages. As not all
data analysts are accustomed to MapReduce, Yahoo researchers introduced Apache
pig to bridge the gap. Apache Pig was created on top of Hadoop, producing a high
level of abstraction and enabling programmers to spend less time writing complex
MapReduce programs.

14. Explain the Apache Pig architecture.

Apache Pig architecture includes a Pig Latin interpreter that applies Pig Latin scripts
to process and interpret massive datasets. Programmers use Pig Latin language to
examine huge datasets in the Hadoop environment. Apache pig has a vibrant set of
datasets showing different data operations like join, filter, sort, load, group, etc.
Programmers must practice Pig Latin language to address a Pig script to perform a
particular task. Pig transforms these Pig scripts into a series of Map-Reduce jobs to
reduce programmers’ work. Pig Latin programs are performed via various
mechanisms such as UDFs, embedded, and Grunt shells.

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Apache Pig architecture consists of the following major components:

Parser: The Parser handles the Pig Scripts and checks the syntax of the script.
Optimizer: The optimizer receives the logical plan (DAG). And carries out the
logical optimization such as projection and push down.
Compiler: The compiler converts the logical plan into a series of MapReduce
Execution Engine: In the end, the MapReduce jobs get submitted to Hadoop in
sorted order.
Execution Mode: Apache Pig is executed in local and Map Reduce modes. The
selection of execution mode depends on where the data is stored and where you
want to run the Pig script.

15. What is Yarn?

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Yarn stands for Yet Another Resource Negotiator. It is the resource management layer
of Hadoop. The Yarn was launched in Hadoop 2.x. Yarn provides many data
processing engines like graph processing, batch processing, interactive processing,
and stream processing to execute and process data saved in the Hadoop Distributed
File System. Yarn also offers job scheduling. It extends the capability of Hadoop to
other evolving technologies so that they can take good advantage of HDFS and
economic clusters.
Apache Yarn is the data operating method for Hadoop 2.x. It consists of a master
daemon known as “Resource Manager,” a slave daemon called node manager, and
Application Master.

16. List the YARN components.

Resource Manager: It runs on a master daemon and controls the resource
allocation in the cluster.
Node Manager: It runs on the slave daemons and executes a task on each single
Data Node.
Application Master: It controls the user job lifecycle and resource demands of
single applications. It works with the Node Manager and monitors the execution
of tasks.
Container: It is a combination of resources, including RAM, CPU, Network, HDD,
etc., on a single node.

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17. What is Apache ZooKeeper?

Apache Zookeeper is an open-source service that supports controlling a huge set of
hosts. Management and coordination in a distributed environment are complex.
Zookeeper automates this process and enables developers to concentrate on
building so ware features rather than bother about its distributed nature.

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Zookeeper helps to maintain configuration knowledge, naming, group services for

distributed applications. It implements various protocols on the cluster so that the
application should not execute them on its own. It provides a single coherent view of
many machines.

18. What are the Benefits of using zookeeper?

Simple distributed coordination process: The coordination process among all
nodes in Zookeeper is straightforward.
Synchronization: Mutual exclusion and co-operation among server processes.
Ordered Messages: Zookeeper tracks with a number by denoting its order with
the stamping of each update; with the help of all this, messages are ordered
Serialization: Encode the data according to specific rules. Ensure your
application runs consistently.
Reliability: The zookeeper is very reliable. In case of an update, it keeps all the
data until forwarded.
Atomicity: Data transfer either succeeds or fails, but no transaction is partial.

19. Mention the types of Znode.

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Persistent Znodes:
The default znode in ZooKeeper is the Persistent Znode. It permanently stays in
the zookeeper server until any other clients leave it apart.
Ephemeral Znodes:
These are the temporary znodes. It is smashed whenever the creator client logs
out of the ZooKeeper server. For example, assume client1 created eznode1.
Once client1 logs out of the ZooKeeper server, the eznode1 gets destroyed.
Sequential Znodes:
Sequential znode is assigned a 10-digit number in numerical order at the end of
its name. Assume client1 produced a sznode1. In the ZooKeeper server, the
sznode1 will be named like this:
If the client1 generates another sequential znode, it will bear the following
number in a sequence. So the subsequent sequential znode is <znode

20. List Hadoop HDFS Commands.

A)version: hadoop version

interviewbit:~$ hadoop version

Hadoop 3.1.2
Source code repository -r
Compiled by sunlig on 2019-01-29T01:39Z

B) mkdir: Used to create a new directory.

interviewbit:~$ hadoop FD -mkdir/interviewbit


C) cat: We are using the cat command to display the content of the file present in the
directory of HDFS.
hadoop fs –cat /path_to_file_in_hdfs

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interviewbit:~$ hadoop fs -cat/interviewbit/sample

Hello from InterviewBit…
File in HDFS …

D)mv : The HDFS mv command moves the files or directories from the source to a
destination within HDFS.
hadoop fs -mv <src> <dest>

interviewbit:~$ hadoop fs -ls/

Found 2 Items
drwxv -xv -x - interviewbit supergroup 0 2020-01-29:11:11/ Intr1
drwxv -xv -x - interviewbit supergroup 0 2020-01-29:11:11/ Interviewbit
interviewbit:~$ hadoop fs -mv/ Intr1/ Interviewbit
interviewbit:~$ hadoop fs -ls/
Found 1 Item
drwxv -xv -x - interviewbit supergroup 0 2020-01-29:11:11/ Interviewbit

E) copyToLocal: This command copies the file from the file present in the
newDataFlair directory of HDFS to the local file system.
hadoop fs -copyToLocal <hdfs source> <localdst>

interviewbit:~$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal -/test1/interviewbit/CopyTest


F) get: Copies the file from the Hadoop File System to the Local File System.
hadoop fs -get<src> <localdest>

interviewbit:~$ hadoop fs - get/testFile ~/copyFromHadoop


21. Mention features of Apache sqoop.

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Robust: It is highly robust. It even has community support and contribution and
is easily usable.
Full Load: Sqoop can load the whole table just by a single Sqoop command. It
also allows us to load all the tables of the database by using a single Sqoop
Incremental Load: It supports incremental load functionality. Using Sqoop, we
can load parts of the table whenever it is updated.
Parallel import/export: It uses the YARN framework for importing and
exporting the data. That provides fault tolerance on the top of parallelism.
Import results of SQL query: It allows us to import the output from the SQL
query into the Hadoop Distributed File System.

Hadoop Interview Questions for Experienced

22. What is DistCp?
It is a tool that is used for copying a very large amount of data to and from Hadoop
file systems in parallel. It uses MapReduce to affect its distribution, error handling,
recovery, and reporting. It expands a list of files and directories into input to map
tasks, each of which will copy a partition of the files specified in the source list.

23. Why are blocks in HDFS huge?

By default, the size of the HDFS data block is 128 MB. The ideas for the large size of
blocks are:
To reduce the expense of seek: Because of the large size blocks, the time
consumed to shi the data from the disk can be longer than the usual time
taken to commence the block. As a result, the multiple blocks are transferred at
the disk transfer rate.
If there are small blocks, the number of blocks will be too many in Hadoop HDFS
and too much metadata to store. Managing such a vast number of blocks and
metadata will create overhead and head to traffic in a network.

24. What is the default replication factor?

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By default, the replication factor is 3. There are no two copies that will be on the
same data node. Usually, the first two copies will be on the same rack, and the third
copy will be off the shelf. It is advised to set the replication factor to at least three so
that one copy is always safe, even if something happens to the rack.
We can set the default replication factor of the file system as well as of each file and
directory exclusively. For files that are not essential, we can lower the replication
factor, and critical files should have a high replication factor.

25. How can you skip the bad records in Hadoop?

Hadoop provides an option where a particular set of lousy input records can be
skipped when processing map inputs. Applications can manage this feature through
the SkipBadRecords class.
This feature can be used when map tasks fail deterministically on a particular input.
This usually happens due to faults in the map function. The user would have to fix
these issues.

26. Where are the two types of metadata that NameNode server
The two types of metadata that NameNode server stores are in Disk and RAM.
Metadata is linked to two files which are:
EditLogs: It contains all the latest changes in the file system regarding the last
FsImage: It contains the whole state of the namespace of the file system from
the origination of the NameNode.
Once the file is deleted from HDFS, the NameNode will immediately store this in the
All the file systems and metadata which are present in the Namenode’s Ram are read
by the Secondary NameNode continuously and later get recorded into the file system
or hard disk. EditLogs is combined with FsImage in the NameNode. Periodically,
Secondary NameNode downloads the EditLogs from the NameNode, and then it is
implemented to FsImage. The new FsImage is then copied back into the NameNode
and used only a er the NameNode has started the subsequent time.

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27. Which Command is used to find the status of the Blocks and
File-system health?
The command used to find the status of the block is: hdfs fsck <path> -files –
And the command used to find File-system health is: hdfs fsck/ -files –blocks –
locations > dfs-fsck.log

28. Write the command used to copy data from the local system
onto HDFS?
The command used for copying data from the Local system to HDFS is: hadoop fs –
copyFromLocal [source][destination]

29. Explain the purpose of the dfsadmin tool?

The dfsadmin tools are a specific set of tools designed to help you root out
information about your Hadoop Distributed File system (HDFS). As a bonus, you can
use them to perform some administration operations on HDFS as well.

30. Explain the actions followed by a Jobtracker in Hadoop.

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The client application is used to submit the jobs to the Jobtracker.

The JobTracker associates with the NameNode to determine the data location.
With the help of available slots and the near the data, JobTracker locates
TaskTracker nodes.
It submits the work on the selected TaskTracker Nodes.
When a task fails, JobTracker notifies and decides the further steps.
JobTracker monitors the TaskTracker nodes.

31. Explain the distributed Cache in MapReduce framework.

Distributed Cache is a significant feature provided by the MapReduce Framework,
practiced when you want to share the files across all nodes in a Hadoop cluster. These
files can be jar files or simple properties files.
Hadoop's MapReduce framework allows the facility to cache small to moderate read-
only files such as text files, zip files, jar files, etc., and distribute them to all the
Datanodes(worker-nodes) MapReduce jobs are running. All Datanode gets a copy of
the file(local-copy), which is sent by Distributed Cache.

32. List the actions that happen when a DataNode fails.

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Both the Jobtracker and the name node detect the failure on which blocks were
the DataNode failed.
On the failed node all the tasks are rescheduled by locating other DataNodes
with copies of these blocks
User’s data will be replicated to another node from namenode to maintain the
configured replication factor.

33. What are the basic parameters of a mapper?

The primary parameters of a mapper are text, LongWritable, text, and IntWritable.
The initial two represent input parameters, and the other two signify intermediate
output parameters.

34. Mention the main Configuration parameters that has to be

specified by the user to run MapReduce.
The chief configuration parameters that the user of the MapReduce framework needs
to mention is:
Job’s input Location
Job’s Output Location
The Input format
The Output format
The Class including the Map function
The Class including the reduce function
JAR file, which includes the mapper, the Reducer, and the driver classes.

35. Explain the Resilient Distributed Datasets in Spark.

Resilient Distributed Datasets is the basic data structure of Apache Spark. It is
installed in the Spark Core. They are immutable and fault-tolerant. RDDs are
generated by transforming already present RDDs or storing an outer dataset from
well-built storage like HDFS or HBase.

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Since they have distributed collections of objects, they can be operated in parallel.
Resilient Distributed Datasets are divided into parts such that they can be executed
on various nodes of a cluster.

36. Give a brief on how Spark is good at low latency workloads

like graph processing and Machine Learning.
The data is stored in memory by Apache Spark for faster processing and
development of machine learning models, which may need a lot of Machine Learning
algorithms for multiple repetitions and various conceptual steps to create an
optimized model. In the case of Graph algorithms, it moves within all the nodes and
edges to make a graph. These low latency workloads, which need many iterations,
enhance the performance.

37. What applications are supported by Apache Hive?

The applications that are supported by Apache Hive are,

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38. Explain a metastore in Hive?

Metastore is used to store the metadata information; it’s also possible to use RDBMS
and the open-source ORM layer, converting object Representation into a relational
schema. It’s the central repository of Apache Hive metadata. It stores metadata for
Hive tables (similar to their schema and location) and partitions in a relational
database. It gives the client access to this information by using metastore service API.
Disk storage for the Hive metadata is separate from HDFS storage.

39. Compare differences between Local Metastore and Remote


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Local Metastore R

Local metastore is a metastore service that runs in the same JVM in R

which the Hive service is running. J

It can also connect to a separate database running in a separate JVM in
the same or separate machine.

40. Are Multiline Comments supported in Hive? Why?

No, as of now multiline comments are not supported in Hive, only single-line
comments are supported.

41. Why do we need to perform partitioning in Hive?

Apache Hive organizes tables into partitions. Partitioning is the manner in which a
table is split into related components depending on the values of appropriate
columns like date, city, and department.

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Every table in the hive can have one or more than one partition keys to recognize a
distinct partition. With the help of partitions, it is effortless to do queries on slices of
the data.

42. How can you restart NameNode and all the daemons in
The following commands will help you restart NameNode and all the daemons:
You can stop the NameNode with ./sbin / stop NameNode
command and then start the NameNode using ./sbin/ start
NameNode command.
You can stop all the daemons with the ./sbin / command and then
start the daemons using the ./sbin/ command.

43. How do you differentiate inner bag and outer bag in Pig.

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Inner Bag Outer Bag

An outer bag which is also

An inner bag just Contains
called a relation is nothing but a
a bag inside a tuple.
bag of tuples.

Example : (4,{(4,2,1),
(4,3,3,)}) Example:{(park, New York),
In this example the (Hollywood, Los Angeles)}
complete relation is an Which is a bag of tuples,
outer bag and {(4,2,1), nothing but an outer bag.
(4,3,3,)} is an inner bag.

In an outer bag, relations are

An inner bag is a relation
similar to relations in relational
inside any other bag.

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Hadoop Interview Questions

44. If the source data gets updated every now and then, how
will you synchronize the data in HDFS that is imported by
If the source data gets updated in a very short interval of time, the synchronization of
data in HDFS that is imported by Sqoop is done with the help of incremental
We should use incremental import along with the append choice even when the table
is refreshed continuously with new rows. Principally where values of a few columns
are examined, and if it encounters any revised value for those columns, only a new
row will be inserted. Similar to incremental import, the origin has a date column
examined for all the records that have been modified a er the last import,
depending on the previous revised column in the beginning. The values would be

45. Where is table data stored in Apache Hive by default?

By default,the is table data in Apache Hive is stored in:

46. What is the default File format to import data using Apache
There are basically two file formats sqoop allos to import data they are:
Delimited Text File format
Sequence File Format

47. What is the use of the -compress-codec parameter?

-compress-codec parameter is generally used to get the output file of a sqoop import
in formats other than .gz.

48. What is Apache Flume in Hadoop ?

Apache Flume is a tool/service/data ingestion mechanism for assembling,
aggregating, and carrying huge amounts of streaming data such as record files,
f i f li d d
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Hadoop Interview Questions

Flume is a very stable, distributed, and configurable tool. It is generally designed to

copy streaming data (log data) from various web servers to HDFS.

49. Explain the architecture of Flume.

In general Apache Flume architecture is composed of the following components:
1. Flume Source
2. Flume Channel
3. Flume Sink
4. Flume Agent
5. Flume Event

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1. Flume Source: Flume Source is available on various networking platforms like

Facebook or Instagram. It is a Data generator that collects data from the
generator, and then the data is transferred to a Flume Channel in the form of a
2. Flume Channel: The data from the flume source is sent to an Intermediate Store
which buffers the events till they get transferred into Sink. The Intermediate
Store is called Flume Channel. Channel is an intermediate source. It is a bridge
between Source and a Sink Flume channel. It supports both the Memory
channel and File channel. The file channel is non-volatile which means once the
data is entered into the channel, the data will never be lost unless you delete it.
In contrast, in the Memory channel, events are stored in memory, so it’s volatile,
meaning data may be lost, but Memory Channel is very fast in nature.
3. Flume sink: Data repositories like HDFS, have Flume Sink. Which takes Flume
events from the Flume Channel and stores them into the Destination specified
like HDFS. It is done in such a way where it should deliver the events to the Store
or another agent. Various sinks like Hive Sink, Thri Sink, etc are supported by
the Flume.
4. Flume Agent: A Java process that works on Source, Channel, Sink combination
is called Flume Agent. One or more than one agent is possible in Flume.
Connected Flume agents which are distributed in nature can also be collectively
called Flume.
5. Flume Event: An Event is the unit of data transported in Flume. The general
representation of the Data Object in Flume is called Event. The event is made up
of a payload of a byte array with optional headers.

50. Mention the consequences of Distributed Applications.

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Hadoop Interview Questions

Heterogeneity: The design of applications should allow the users to access

services and run applications over a heterogeneous collection of computers and
networks taking into consideration Hardware devices, OS, networks,
Programming languages.
Transparency: Distributed system Designers must hide the complexity of the
system as much as they can. Some Terms of transparency are location, access,
migration, Relocation, and so on.
Openness: It is a characteristic that determines whether the system can be
extended and reimplemented in various ways.
Security: Distributed system Designers must take care of confidentiality,
integrity, and availability.
Scalability: A system is said to be scalable if it can handle the addition of users
and resources without suffering a noticeable loss of performance.
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