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Lecture 1 - Introductions & Oneness Theology Proper (Students)

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Dr Marvin Sanguinetti (PhD, FHEA)

Reader in Theology & Religious Studies,

Biblical Studies, and Christian Theology

Dr Marvin Sanguinetti is a seasoned Christian scholar with extensive experience spanning thirty-seven years, during
which he has actively engaged with three prominent denominations within the Pentecostal Apostolic tradition. Over the
past twenty-six years, Dr Sanguinetti has been committed to advancing Christian education, particularly in academic and
theological realms, catering to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. He has also devoted his efforts to
imparting theological knowledge to diverse Christian communities. Currently, he serves as a lecturer through an
endorsed collaboration with Newman University, alongside his roles as a freelance educator and academic advisor.

Dr Sanguinetti's academic journey includes the attainment of a BA Honours in Theology & Religious Studies from
Roehampton University, an MA in Biblical Studies from Heythrop College - University of London and culminating in a
PhD from Roehampton University. His doctoral research delved into the hermeneutical exploration of Jewish and
Christian Trinitarian-Monotheistic concepts, with a particular focus on Oneness Pentecostalism. This extensive scholarly
endeavour led to the publication of his debut book, "Patterns of Christological Categorisation: Oneness Pentecostalism
and the Renewal of Jewish and Christian Monotheism," in April 2023. Dr Sanguinetti also holds the distinction of being
a Fellow at the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).

Beyond academia, Dr Sanguinetti serves as a pastor to small but vibrant congregation, New Life Apostolic Ministries Intl
(London), a responsibility he has joyfully carried since 2001. In his personal pursuits, he finds solace in reading,
engaging in gymnastics, and fostering connections with people. His life is guided by a profound spiritual conviction,
being filled with the Holy Spirit and baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Dr Marvin Sanguinetti (PhD, FHEA)

Reader in Theology & Religious

Studies, Biblical Studies,
and Christian Theology
By the end of this session you should
be able to:

1) Define Oneness Theology Proper: You should be LEARNING

able to clearly articulate what is meant by OUTCOMES
Theology Proper and where it fits into Systematic
Theology; What is God like?

2) Differentiate Theologies: You should be able to

differentiate the Oneness approach to Theology
Proper, from other perspectives;

3) Exploring Some Arguments for God’s Existence:

Confidently explain some key arguments for God’s
existence: The Cosmological, Teleological,
Ontological, and Aquinas’ Five Ways;

4) Paterology as part of Theology Proper: You should

be able to explain what the term “God the Father”
means. Metaphorical vs Metaphysical meanings.
Welcome Theology
Systematic Theology is defined as the unique
systematisation of the doctrines of the Christian
faith in an orderly manner, so as to show
continuity of the component parts of each
doctrine. This schematic system is not a
wooden methodological approach to theology
but varies sequentially from one theologian or
denomination to the next. The only three
doctrines which consistently falls in the same
place all the time (in modern times) are
Bibliology, Theology Proper, and Eschatology.

(Dr Marvin Sanguinetti, 2022)

Toward A Systematic Theology


Doctrine of Scriptures Doctrine of God Doctrine of Christ

Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
HAMARTIOLOGY Doctrine of Angels
Doctrines of Man and Sin

ECCLESIOLOGY Doctrine of Last
Doctrine of Salvation Doctrine of The Church Things
What is Oneness Theology?

“Monotheism is not a mere

mathematical reductions of
gods until only one is
left…proper understanding of
what ‘God’ means can only Kulwant Singh Boora Esq.
Photo taken at Hotel in Birmingham 27/05/23
result in the belief that there
can only be one God…There is Attorney At Law
only one Supreme Being who Boora Law Group (USA) and Theologian.
is Lord of all that there is”. Written 19 books on Oneness
Pentecostal Theology and Water
Baptism in Jesus’ name.

Kulwant Singh Boora, The Oneness of God and the Doctrine of

the Trinity (Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2009), p.29.
What is Oneness Theology?
“God is absolutely and indivisibly
one with no ontological distinction
of persons, and that Jesus Christ is
all the fullness of the Godhead
incarnate. All the names and titles
of the Deity, such as God, Jehovah,
Lord, Father, Word, and Holy Spirit
Dr David K. Bernard
General Superintendent
refer to the one and same
at UPCI being…and denotes aspects of
God’s self-revelation”
David Bernard, Oneness and The Trinity AD 100-300 ((Hazelwood MO: Word Aflame
Press, 1991), pp.9-10. The two premises are repeated in his other work The Oneness
View of Jesus Christ (Hazelwood MO: Word Aflame Press, 1994), p.9.
What is Oneness Theology?
Dr Marvin Sanguinetti
Oneness Theology is rooted in the pursuit of a particular kind of
Christian understanding about the nature of “God” and divinity.
Theology is literally Θεός (theos) and λόγος (logos) – that is, the
interactive discourse which may be referred to as “God-Talk”.

Undergirding Oneness Theology is the indivisibility of God’s

nature (ad intra) and the exclusion of any part-whole relationship
or interpersonal distinctions in God’s Being.

Dr Marvin Sanguinetti (PhD, FHEA)

Reader in Theology & Religious Studies,
Biblical Studies, and Christian Theology
What is Oneness Theology?
Four Key Premises

1) “There is absolutely one God, the Father”

2) “God the Father is in himself undivided in

nature and personhood,”

3) “God the Father communicates and shares the

divine nature with his Son at the Incarnation”.

4) The “Holy Spirit” or “Spirit of God” is “God the

Father” or “God” interacting with his creation
and the world”.
“There is absolutely one God, the Father”
Oneness Pentecostals believe that the term “God” is
primarily a reference to the Father (Deuteronomy 6:4,
Mark 12:29, James 2:19, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Ephesians
4:6…). The biblical phrase “God the Father” in Oneness
thought is not simply a “mode of being” or “manner of
existence” but a relational term expressing God’s
concrete relationship between himself and his creation;
and especially his relationship to his Son, the Lord Jesus
Christ (Isaiah 64:8, Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11, Luke 9:35,
John 3:16…). Metaphorical vs Metaphysical meanings.

Class Discussion?
Was God ALWAYS the Father? If not, WHEN did
God become “The Father” ?
Was God ALWAYS the Father? If not, WHEN did
God become “The Father” ?
“I maintain that the substance existed always with its own name, which is God; the title
Lord was afterwards added, as the indication indeed of something accruing. For from
the moment when those things began to exist, over which the power of a Lord was to
act, God, by the accession of that power, both became Lord and received the name
thereof. Because God is in like manner a Father, and He is also a Judge; but He has
not always been Father and Judge, merely on the ground of His having always been
God. For He could not have been the Father previous to the Son, nor a Judge
previous to sin. ***There was, however, a time when neither sin existed with Him, nor
the Son***; the former of which was to constitute the Lord a Judge, and the latter a
Father. In this way He was not Lord previous to those things of which He was to be the
Lord. But He was only to become Lord at some future time: just as He became the
Father by the Son, and a Judge by sin, so also did He become Lord by means of
those things which He had made, in order that they might serve Him. Do I seem to you
to be weaving arguments, Hermogenes?”

Tertullian Against Hermogenes, Chapter 3. An Argument of Hermogenes. The

Answer: While God is a Title Eternally Applicable to the Divine Being, Lord and
Father are Only Relative Appellations, Not Eternally Applicable. An
Inconsistency in the Argument of Hermogenes Pointed Out
“God the Father is in himself undivided
in nature and personhood,”
Oneness Pentecostals see biblical passages where the
word “one” is used with “God” as indicating a unity
of nature and purpose (Deuteronomy 6:4, Mark 12:29,
John 10:30) and an indivisibility of person (1 Timothy
2:5, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Galatians 3:20, James 2:19…)

Class Discussion?
The meaning(s) of “one”
- εἷς (heis) (masculine)
- μία (mia) (feminine)
- ἓν (hen) (neuter)
- echad vs yachid
“God the Father communicates and shares the
divine nature with his Son at the Incarnation”.
Oneness Pentecostals affirm that it was “God” or “God the Father” who
became incarnate as the Son (or in the Son, or through the Son) in the
person of Jesus Christ by becoming a real human being and assuming
the additional properties of a human nature. This view is derived from
biblical passages such as John 1:1-18, John 14:7-11, 1 Timothy 3:16,
Colossians 2:9…God the Father becoming human by taking on human
properties in addition to his essential divine properties secure the
communication of these properties in Christ, and thereby Christ is seen
as both fully/truly/completely God and fully/truly/completely human.

Class Discussion?
Who became Incarnate, “The Father” or “the Son”?
The “Holy Spirit” or “Spirit of God” is
“God the Father” or “God” interacting with his
creation and the world”.

Oneness Pentecostals affirm that “God is Spirit”

(John 4:24) and the phrase “Spirit of God”
demonstrate “possession” and always show how
God communicates to the world (Genesis 1:3). The
Spirit of God is given personal attributes and
characteristics which were commonly used in
biblical Judaism as means of personification and
Hebraic metaphors; hence often referred to as
“he, him, himself”.
The “Holy Spirit” or “Spirit of God” is “God the
Father” or “God” interacting with his creation
and the world”.
The Holy Spirit is also given impersonal adjectival
descriptors as “it” and often depicted as “fire, water, oil,
dove…” in scripture. The “Holy Spirit” often takes the
“feminine gender” in Hebrew, the “neuter gender” in
Greek, and “masculine gender” is Latin. These linguistic
forms lead Oneness Pentecostals to see “Spirit” in the
New Testament as “something” given by God the Father
into which believers share. In a more “literal sense”, it is
“God the Father” taking up residence in and working
through the lives of believers.
Class Discussion?
Is “The Holy Spirit an *It* or *He* ?
The Cosmological Argument:
The argument from the world (cosmos) –
from effects to causes, from motion to mover

•Teleological Argument:
The argument from design in the world to an efficient designer

•Ontological Argument:
The argument from “the existence of a greater being cannot be
conceived” – in mind and reality.
The Cosmological Argument

1. Everything that exists has an explanation of its

existence, either in the necessity of its own
nature or in an external cause.

2. If the universe has an explanation of its

existence, that explanation is God.

3. The universe exists.

4. Therefore, the universe has an explanation of its


5. Therefore, the explanation of the universe’s

existence is God
Teleological Argument

1. The fine-tuning of the universe is due to either

physical necessity, chance or design.

2. It is not due to physical necessity or chance.

3. Therefore, it is due to design

Ontological Argument
1. It is possible that a maximally great being exists.

2. If it is possible that a maximally great being exists, then

a maximally great being exists in some possible world.

3. If a maximally great being exists in some possible world,

then it exists in every possible world.

4. If a maximally great being exists in every possible world,

then it exists in the actual world.

5. If a maximally great being exists in the actual world, then

a maximally great being exists.

6. Therefore, a maximally great being exists

Dr Marvin Sanguinetti (PhD, FHEA)
Reader in Theology & Religious
Studies, Biblical Studies, and
Christian Theology

+44 (0) 7957401440

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be featured in an upcoming academic
publication, so when sharing please
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