CDS View Browser in S - 4 HANA
CDS View Browser in S - 4 HANA
CDS View Browser in S - 4 HANA
Dear SAPLearners, in this blog post we will learn about View Browser for ABAP Core Data
Services(CDS) views in S/4 HANA.
First of all when it comes to S/4 HANA implementations projects, a common question among
developers is – How to nd suitable existing standard CDS views available in the system to match
the business requirements?
Furthermore, searching for particular CDS views based on eld names is also another challenge
among S/4 HANA development team.
So nally answer to all your questions is in The View Browser ori app.
The View Browser is ori app available as tile in SAP Fiori Launchpad.
Using this new View Browser tool you can explore all types of CDS views: Basic, Composite,
Consumption and Extension.
The View Browser also shows the total number of CDS views available in the system and also the
count of CDS views by di erent types like shown in the above picture.
In the View Browser it is possible to search for any views using wide variety of methods such as by
using CDS view name, by eld names or by application name
The View Browser also provide detailed information on de nition of the CDS view, the annotations,
the associations and cross reference of the selected view.
De nition:
View de nition displays the column names, data element and description and other technical
attributes of the selected CDS view
Displays a list of annotation name and values.
Cross Reference:
Displays all the CDS views and tables used by the selected view.
You can further navigate to see views or tables by selecting it.
In the View Browser it is also possible to tag or mark as favorite CDS views, so they can be easily
found and quickly locate views.
Like in Query Browser you can also search analytical queries and displays the data preview. The
analytical queries are displayed in Design Studio.
You must be assigned the PFCG role Analytics Specialist SAP_BR_ANALYTICS_SPECIALIST in SAP S/4
HANA to be able to access the ori app.
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