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The Life Changer (Booklet Edition)

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MARCH, 2023
24. Verisimilitude (noun) the quality of being true or real
25. Reticent (adj) reserved, taciturn
26. Fact less (adj) not having
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 27. Beseechingly (adv) ask for something in an eager or
anxious way
I acknowledge that all aspects of this work 28. Leeringly (adv)
are taken from the Life Changer. I am 29. Chastise (verb) to criticize someone severely
30. Curtly (adv) talking in a rude manner
eternally grateful to the author and her 31. Baffled (adj) stunned, shocked
publisher for the privilege to do a summary 32. impecuniosity (noun) the state of having very little
on such a contemporary piece of writing. money, especially over a long
period of time
I am not the author of the original book but 33. Ominous (adj) making you feel that something
bad is going feel that something
have only attempted a summary that will bad is going to happen.
help the student understand it better. 34. Maniacal (adj) behaving in a crazy manner
35. Ineptitude (noun) a lack of skill
36. Genially (adv) in a friendly manner, with a
37. Harangue (noun) a talk or piece of writing, that
contain much criticism
38. Savvy (noun) practical knowledge and ability
39. Bravado (noun) behavior that is meant to make
people believe you are brave.
40. Heart-wrenching (adj) making on feel great pity
Heart-rending (adj) making one feel great pity
41. Camaraderie (noun) a feeling of friendship
42. Enigmatically (adv) mysteriously and proving
difficult to understand
2 15
10. Baleful (adj) expressing anger, hatred, or a THE LIFE CHANGER (READING AID)
wish to harm someone
Synopsis: This is a short story about family life and the rite of
11. Resplendent (adj) very beautiful, brought and
passage in a youth's life as he/she gains admission into a tertiary
institution. The narrator terms it a “Life changer".
12. Foreboding (noun) a strong feeling that something
bad is going to happen soon The story revolves around Ummi's close-knit family. On this
13. Alluring (adj) possessing and exciting or occasion, they wait for the head of the h to come back from work
desirable quality and decided to use the time between to interact/different levels.
14. Thaw (n /v) a period of warm weather From one story to another, Ummi, the narrator, takes centre
during which snow and ice melt stage when her son, Omar comes home with the cheering news
15. Helter-skelter (noun) in a disorganized manner of his admission into the University.
16. Disturbingly (adv) in a worrying or upsetting
manner It is at this juncture that she begins her story about how the
17. Disenchantment (noun) disappointed with someone or University environment is not like the normal environment and
something begins to advise her son about how to navigate this new
18. Despondency (noun) act of being extremely unhappy environment. She makes him understand that it is a place where
and without hope most people live a care-free life. The dressing style, especially
19. Compulsive (adj) describing behavior that is hard among the female folk, can be disgusting and many antisocial
to stop vices take place. Ummi advises Omar to be extremely careful.
20. Perceptive (adj) a perceptive person is one who In Ummi's story about her days in the University, Salma
notices things quickly and Mohammed is at the centre of most incidents. She is described
understand situations, etc as a sexy and sassy, happy-go-lucky girl who has been to two
21. Conciliatory (adj) do something that is meant to other Universities before coming to Ahmadu Bello University.
make someone stop arguing Salma's attitudinal issues are apparent right from scratch. At the
with you registration office, she displays her flippant nature, talking
22. Reverie (noun) a state of imagining or thinking without any restraint. She even gets into a discourse with a
about pleasant things senior not knowing who he is. At the end of the discourse when
23. Prying (adj) describing inappropriate way of the registration proper begins, she realizes she has been talking
looking into people's to a senior officer on campus.
14 3
Another sore point handled by the narrator is that of trust. She 28. Why does Ummi think it was wise for her to have married
advises her son not to trust anyone while on the campus. She before getting in ABU?
uses the anecdote of Talle' the quiet one to paint this picture ___________________________________________________________________
vividly. While for years Talle is known to be quiet, he is never ___________________________________________________________________
suspected of being involved in robbery, kidnapping and the like. 29. One very good thing that can't be taken away from Dr.
The entire Lafayette Community is jolted when he is arrested for Dabo is that
kidnapping and extortion. ___________________________________________________________________
The Life Changer is also a social commentary that takes a swipe
30. “This is my comeuppance" What leads to this statement?
at the issues of exam Miracle centres and examination
malpractices. Salma is again at the centre of this theme. She
refuses to work hard and tries to cut corners, but ends up
engaging in exam malpractice, dragging Kolawole Abdul down
with her. We learn from this incident that hardwork pays and
Vocabulary used in the book
being studious keeps us far from exam malpractices.
Ummi is aware of the value of Smartphones and sundry
technologies in today's world, but also the dangers that such 1. Interminable (adj) Long and boring
technologies portend. People can easily fall into different 2. Surreptitiously (adv) in a secretive manner
dangerous situations if smart phones are used naively. 3. Unobtrusively (adv) not easily noticed
4. Barging (v) from the word barge meaning
Salim's case in chapter nine is a point that everyone, and
move in a careless way
especially young people, ought to be extremely careful about
5. Intransigence (noun) stubbornness
whom they make contact with on social media.
6. Animated (adj) showing a lot of interest and
Without doubt the Life Changer points to the fact that parents energy
need to be very close to the children. This makes for warmth in 7. Ululated (verb) cried out with a high sound
the family. When the family is the society and the nation will 8. Exhilarating (adj) making one feel excited, full of
follow suit. energy
9. Belligerent (adj) very unfriendly always wanting
We must go back to the family
to argue

4 13
20. That the registration officer takes ages to come to his Summary of the Chapters
office for work is symptomatic of
Chapter 1: The beginning of the story is one in which we are
___________________________________________________________________ introduced to Ummi and her family. It is a close-knit family.
21. The irony in Salma having the ‘moral philosophy’ paper She is eavesdropping as Bint her last child and daughter tells a
send her out of school is that story about happenings in her school.
___________________________________________________________________ Omar has gained admission into the Ahmadu Bello University
22. In terms of how the news of Omar’s admission should be and this makes their mother to tell tem of her experiences in the
boo-ken to their father, the final decision is that tertiary institution. She describes going to University as a life
___________________________________________________________________ changer.
23. The more painful issue about Salma's expulsion from Chapter 2: Ummi narrates how she enters the University as a
school is that married woman. The University is a place where most girls
___________________________________________________________________ dress in an indecent manner. We are introduced to the person
___________________________________________________________________ of Salma in this chapter, much of the story revolves around
24. The issue of tolerance for other people religious beliefs is Salma. She is described as a far-complexioned girl tall, slim and
depicted through rather busty. Salma is the kind of girl that every man would
___________________________________________________________________ desire. This is not her first University and it would seem that
___________________________________________________________________ petulant attitude is responsible for hopping from one school to
25. The year of publication of the life changer is another
___________________________________________________________________ The high point of this chapter is Ummi's Ummi's encounter with
26. Ummi can easily relate to the social studies teacher in Dr. Samuel Johnson. She is not aware that he is her husband's
Bintu' school because friend and responds with suspicion to his acts of goodness.
___________________________________________________________________ Chapter 3: This chapter is mainly centered on the quiet one. The
27. Every other person in Ummi's home calls her mummy chapter is basically advisory as it tells us not to trust people
except easily. The issue is about ‘Talle the quiet one’. Talle's birth
___________________________________________________________________ remains shrouded in mystery. At twenty, he loses his father and
___________________________________________________________________ step mother in a car accident.

12 5
11. According to Ada, the essence education is to
People in the community didn't however know that behind ___________________________________________________________________
Talle's quiet nature was a deep-seated passion for crime. He is
12. The four roommates held the record for
sentenced to some years of imprisonment with hard labour for
kidnapping and extortion. ___________________________________________________________________
Chapter 4: This chapter is an expose’ on the issue of what some 13. Ummi believes that getting admission into university is a
female students go through in terms of sexual harassments. ln life changer principally because
this case the lecturer involved is a man known for hi disciplined ___________________________________________________________________
lifestyle. However, he almost allowed himself to be rubbished by
14. What informed Ummi’s impromptu calls on the children's
Salma. The temptation was too strong for
rooms was
Dr. Dabo that he had to ask Salma for an amorous relationship. ___________________________________________________________________
Salma gets to know about her roommates. It is a mixed bag of ___________________________________________________________________
different tribes and religions. At first, she is not comfortable but 15. To Teemah, when it comes to money, Omar
later settles in with the other girls. Food is one thing that brings ___________________________________________________________________
the four girls together. Their diversity bonds them than their ___________________________________________________________________
16. Ummi was not comfortable with Dr. Sam ]ohn on their first
differences. What almost tears them apart is a man called
meeting because
Labaran whom Salma encounter but allows Tomiwa to step into ___________________________________________________________________
the picture. ___________________________________________________________________
Chapter 5: Tomiwa's escapades with Habib starts and 17. Dr. Kabir Mohammed’ can best be described as
intensifies in this chapter. It is clear that Salma had the previous ___________________________________________________________________
day given her name as Tomiwa and given Tomiwa's phone __________________________________________________________________
18. Talle and his accomplices are imprisoned for
number to Habib. This was done with the intention that Habib
would think it was the Salma he had met. He buys her things and
gives her lots of money for her and her roommates. There is a 19. If the bird chooses to fly in a cloudy weather, it should
fight that ensues out of jealousy when Salma begins to feel that expect its flight to be cut by the rain is said to express
Tomiwa has gone too far with her friendliness with Habib. This ___________________________________________________________________
matter is later resolved amicably and Salma decide to settle for ___________________________________________________________________
Labaran, Habib's driver.
6 11
2. The reason Ummi was worried about the issue of freedom was Chapter 6: This chapter captures the beginning of Salma's
_____________________________________________________________________ ordeal in the university. Thinking that the moral philosophy
_____________________________________________________________________ paper would be simple, Salma refuses to study. On the day of the
3. Unity in diversity in the novel is depicted through exam, she is shocked to see that none of what she knows in the
___________________________________________________________________ subject appears in the exam paper. She becomes desperate and
___________________________________________________________________ gets Kolawole Abdul as a willing tool to give her answers to the
4. For Omar, Teemah isn't growing tall because questions. Salma is caught and made to sign the EMAL form.
Chapter 7: Salma gets very desperate to circumvent the work
of the exams and ethics committee. She makes Labaran help her
5. “You are a wonderful guy”. This statement was made by
have audience with Habib. Habib gives Salma some money,
Lawal because
apparently for the chairman of the committee. However, she
falls into the wrong hands. Dr. Mohammed Kabir whom she
gives a hundred thousand naira has been a fraudster in the
6. Salma encouraged Salim to enjoy his money before
university community for long. When Salma appears before the
committee, she doesn't see Dr. Mohammed and knows she has
been duped.
7. The communal nature of African life can be seen in the
book through Chapter 8: This is the chapter where we get to know more of
___________________________________________________________________ Mohammed Kabir. He is a devious character. He is known as a
__________________________________________________________________ compulsive gambler. Zaki is the man sent to get the money that
8. Talle withdraw into his shell because Salma gave to Mohammed Kabo. In this chapter, Salma loses her
___________________________________________________________________ father. We are also told about a boyfriend of hers called Salim
___________________________________________________________________ Chapter 9: This chapter opens the reader up to the evils of the
9. Omar makes scathing remarks about Waec miracle centers social media. Salim falls for a lady on social media and almost
to point to loses his life but for his brave driving skills. At the end of the day,
_____________________________________________________________________ Salim gets engaged to Salima. The story ends by Ummi and their
_____________________________________________________________________ children waiting for daddy.
10. Ngozi appeared not to have never left her village because
THEMES OF THE NOVEL 7. The use of anecdotes, e.g- The story of Talle and Salim
1. A close-knit family life as the basis for good childhood 8. Characterization: The characters in the book are people we
growth and social Cohesion. can relate to. They are like everyday people in our
2. The University environment is an entirely different world. communities. E.g Omar, Salima, Tomiwa, Habib,' Dr. Dabo,
3. The advantages and disadvantages of the social media. Ummi, Talle, Zaki e.t.c.
4. The need for trust in the family. 9. Division of the book: The book has nine chapters.
5. Criticism of examination malpractice as a social vice. 10. Flashback: much of the story is a flash back of Ummi'
6. The menace of sexual harassment in tertiary institutions. university days.
7. Unity in diversity.
8. The communal nature of African life.
9. The need to trust outsiders only sparingly.
10. Sibling realty in a healthy family environment. How do I read The Life Changer and get the best of it?
1. How does the story begin?
AUTHOR'S STYLE/ TECHNIQUES 2. How does the story end?
1. First-person narrative technique- the story is seen through 3. What lessons are in the book for me?
the eyes of Ummi. 4. What kind of vocabulary is used in the story?
2. Suspense/surprise- The author uses this technique to keep 5. What incidents & facts stand out for me in the book?
the reader turning the pages E.g you want to know how
Salma's issues are resolved. Also, the story of Talle comes in
handy. Question based on incidents / Events in The Life Changer
3. Language: The language is simple while the vocabulary is
Instruction: These are subjective questions meant to make the
student/ reader go through the pages line by line in order to
4. Use of humour: This is adopted especially while the
get the meat of the book.
narrator and her children discuss.
5. Setting: Physically, it is set in the sleepy town of Lafayette 1. Ummi couldn't help but always eavesdrop on her children
and the Ahmadu Bello University. In terms of the time- banters because
setting, it I modern day Nigeria. _____________________________________________________________________
6. Use of Proverbs/ Sayings: Eng “What you teach a child is _____________________________________________________________________
like writing on a rock and when dried, it would be difficult
to erase."
Selected answers to questions 7. A 17. D
2. Most times one didn't know what to do 8. C 18. B
4. She is envious 9. C 19. D
7. He would be bogged down by the responsibilities of 10. D 20. B
8. How Ummi and her family related with others in
Objective questions
1. Bint was encouraged to take French because_________ (a) She
14. To check the state of hygiene of their rooms was brilliant and could cope with the subject (b0 French is
the widest spoken language in West Africa (c) Children
16. She felt he was one of those principal officers who took
could learn easily (d) Language acquisition is easier at an
advantage of female students
early age.
21. It is a course that teaches about morals 2. The Social Studies teacher in Bint’s class is named _______ (a)
23. It also affected Kolawole Abdul Juliana (b) Jamila (c) Samuel Johnson (d) Mallam Salihu
3. Salma was never engaged to anyone in her life _________ (a)
26. She herself is a teacher yes (b) no (c) not sure
29. He is a stickler to time 4. Omar felt that the possession of a smart phone would have
_______ (a) Made him to be in close contact with his friends
Answers to obj questions (b) opene d up a lot of information to him (c) hasten his
exposure to information.
1. D 11. D 5. A change in Jalle’s demand for goods led to _______ (a) a call
2. D 12. D by the police (b) an arrest for criminal charges (c) an
invitation from the Hakimi (d) a trial for theft
3. B 13. C 6. The roommates felt that they should thank Tomiwa and not
4. D 14. C Salma because ________ (a) Her fact supplied the pleasantries
(b) She introduced the supplier of the gifts (c0 She risked
5. C 15. A
herself to go out with the supplier (d) her boyfriend
6. D 16. D supplied the gifts.
7. She hardly could eat on her own without inviting others; 16. Who counselee that what you tell a child is like writing on a
this description could be linked to ________ (a) Ada (b) rock and when dried, would be difficult to trace? (a) Ummi’s
Natasha (c) Tomiwa (d)Ngozi mother (b) Ummi’s father (c) Ummi (d) Ummi’s
8. The only item that Salma’s roommates did not eat as a grandmother
group was _______ (a) Snail (b) Cat (c) Rat (d0 Egg 17. Which course did Ummi’s husband study at the university?
9. Eating behind closed doors or with lights off in Salma’s hall ____ (a) geology (b) banking (c) law (d) accounting
is meant to ______ (a) Comply with tradition (b) Prevent 18. With whom does Salim narrates his bitter experience over
being spotted (c) Wade off intruders (d) Conceal your menu the internet usage of the smart phone? ____ (a) Salma (b)
content. Lawal (c) Kola (d) Habib
10. The general studies courses to be written by all students 19. At what time of the day was Salma offered a lift from
which turned out to be the semester’s last paper was _____ kwagila to her school? (a) 6:00pm (b) 10:00pm (c) 2:00am
(a) the use of English (b) social psychology (c) civic (d) 8:00pm
education (d) moral philosophy 20. Teemah described Omar request to be addressed as
11. The person famed to be the brightest in Salma’s class is ____ learned brother as running before learning to craw because
(a) Tunde Abdul (b) rogers Raymond (c) Salim Lawal (d) ___ (a) the request is the height of pride (b) she dislikes
Kolawole Abdul Omar posture of leading (c) Omar has not even been
12. What caused Salma to change to become more serious and registered into the law faculty (d) it will hasten his
decent ____ (a) her meeting with Salim (b) her reprimand ownership of a smart phone ahead other siblings
for examination malpractice (c) her association with cogent
roommates (d) the death of her father
13. The invigilator did not ignore Salma’s malpractice and just
seize the cheat paper she was copying from as Salma
suggested because ___ (a) she hated Salma’s radiant looks
(b) she was envious of Salma (c) she does not want to lose
her job (d) she wanted promotion by apprehending a
malpractice student
14. Who lured Salim to a dark desolate area so that he is armed
robbed? ____ (a) Lawal (b) Rogers (c) Natasha (d) Zaki
15. Which profession does Ummi Ahmad practice? (a) teaching
(b) home tending (c) accounting (d) banking
18 19
MORE FACTS ON THE LIFE CHANGER 21. What brand of phone did Salim get as his first
smartphone? A Samsung.
1. Dr. Sam John is from the Yoruba tribe.
22. “Are you a clairvoyant is a question that comes because of
2. Ummi's full name is Ummi Ahmad
how Lawal keeps seeing into all that happen to Salim.
3. Omar gains admission at what age? 18
23. The story ends on a note of sitting under the tree and
4. Omar gets what grade in the Waec exams? 7 credits
waiting for daddy.
5. Who said “give me some zobo"? Bint
24. Kartagi is the head of the gambling gang.
6. “I got them. I really got them" was said by Bint
25. Ummi was named after her maternal grandmother.
7. The social studies teacher in Bint's school is Mallam Sahiru
8. Omar was dressed in blue jeans and white shirt.
9. “Let's go outside and sit under the mango tree in the
courtyard," was said by Jamila
10. Omar’s Jamb score was 230
11. “lf the bird chooses to fly in a cloudy weath, it should
expect its flight to be cut by the rain" __________ this saying
was in which situation? Dr. Dabo's Odyssey
12. The cleanest and brightest of the four girls was Tomiwa.
13. Ngozi made the other girls to start cooking as one small
14. Over confidence was Tomiwa's Achilles’ heel.
15. Ngozi is the person that Salma describes as a money
16. What instantly settled the quarrel of the four girls was a
knock on the door
17. The invigilator who caught Salma was Dr. Amina
18. To the Kartagi, it was an anomaly for a gambler to leave
the gambling table after winning.
19. Ummi believes that there justice in the hereafter.
20. Salma stopped chatting frequently on the social media
because of experience.
20 21

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