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Geotechnical Engineering Micro Project

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Types of soil in India

Aims/Benefits :-
Geotechnical engineering is important for every structure since all structures rest on
the soil. The stability of these structures depends upon the behavior of soil and the
bearing capacity of soil to carry loads under different loading conditions. Formation
of soil and rocks, defects in rocks, soil behavior, and soil as an engineering material
are essential parameters to an engineer. The design of buildings, dams, towers,
embankments, roads, railways, retaining walls, and bridges is governed by these
above-stated parameters. The content of this subject is also helpful in designing
basements, underground tanks, and underwater structures. Knowledge of geology,
soil characteristics, and stress distribution under loading on soil, bearing capacity of
soil is also helpful to every engineer in the design, execution, and stability analysis of

Course outcome addressed

a. Identify types of rocks and subsoil strata of the earth.

b. Interprete the physical properties of soil-related to given construction activities,

Proposed methodology

In this project, we know about the types of soil found in India.

Brief Description:-
Soil is the uppermost layer of the earth's crust. Soil is the medium in which plants
grow and thus it supports the lives on earth soils are formed due to the weathering
of rocks. Soil is the thin layer of a loose mixture of small rock particles and rotting
organic matter that covers much of the world's land surface.

Soil formation is a very long process. It begins with the weathering of rocks into small
fragments. The stones are also worn away by the agents of erosion like rivers, wind,
sea, and glaciers. The sediments and tiny rock particles are then deposited by the
agents of erosion.
The accumulation of such sediments over the ages forms soil. Eventually, the plants
that grow on the soil, shed their leaves which decay to form the topmost layer of soil
called 'humus'.

India is primarily an agricultural country. The success of agriculture depends upon

the fertility of soils. The soils of India are classified into the following main groups
depending upon the rock cover and climatic conditions.

The soils of India on the basis of their formation are divided into the following
two broad categories.

1. Residual Soil

2. Transported Soil

The major soil groups are:

1. Alluvial soil
2. Black soil
3. Red soil
4. Laterite soil
5. Desert soil
6. Mountain soil
Black Soil
Black soils are mainly found over the Deccan lava tract (Deccan Trap) including
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Andhra Pradesh. These soils are found
in the river valleys of Narmada, Tapi, Godavari, and Krishna. These soils have been
formed due to the weathering of the lava rocks. This is also known as the Regur soil
and Cotton soil. These soils are rich in lime.

Iron, magnesia, and alumina lack phosphorus, nitrogen, and organic matter.It is
formed by the weathering of igneous rocks and the cooling of lava after a volcanic
In India, extensive deposits of black soil are found in the Deccan Plateau which
includes parts of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, and parts
of Tamil Nadu. In the upper parts of Godavari and Krishna, the northwestern part of
the Deccan Plateau, black soil is very deep.

 High clay content

 They swell and become sticky when wet and shrink when dried
 During the dry season, these soils develop wide cracks.
 Rich in lime and iron, magnesia, and alumina
 Also, contain potash
 Lack of phosphorus, nitrogen, and organic matter
 The Colour of the soil ranges from deep black to grey.
 Highly moist retentive.
 Known as Black Cotton Soils.
 Dark in color, suitable for cotton cultivation residual soils, i.e. they are formed
at the place of their origin over the underlying rocks.
 Are formed in situ, i.e. formed where they are found.
 Therefore, they are essentially formed by weathering of the Deccan Trap.
 Spread over an area of 5.4 sq. km., i.e. 16.6 % of the total land area, of the

 Fine textured and clayey in nature.
 Has high qualities of lime, iron, magnesium, and generally poor percentage of
phosphorous, nitrogen, and organic matter.
 Black in color as it is formed from weathered lava rocks
 Soil's color also varies from Black to Chestnut brown
 Very clayey and therefore highly retentive of water. Because of the high clay
content, these soils expand when wet and become difficult to plow. During
the dry season, black soils shrink and develop big cracks which help in air
 Soil is very fertile in most places.
 Poor in nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and organic matter and rich in
potash and lime. ►Needs irrigation support for cultivation
 Contains soluble salts in small quantities.
 Cultivation is done with the help of fertilizers
 Suited for dry farming as it does not require much moisture.


 Cotton cultivation Suitable for growing cereals, rice, wheat, jowar, oilseeds,
citrus fruits and vegetables, tobacco, and sugarcane. Their moisture-
retentiveness makes them suitable for dry farming.


These soils are found in Chhotanagpur plateau, Telangana, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu,
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and periphery areas of the Deccan Plateau. These soils
have been formed due to the decomposition of underlying igneous rocks under
heavy rainfall.
These are suitable for the cultivation of millets, and pulses. Lin-seed, tobacco, etc.
These soils are poor in Lime, Nitrogen, and humus.

The red soil occupies about 10 percent area of India, mostly in the south-eastern part
of Peninsular India. This area encircles the entire black soil region. The red soil is
found in Tamil Nadu, parts of Karnataka, southeast Maharashtra, eastern parts of
Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, and Jharkhand. Most of the red soil has
been formed due to weathering of igneous and metamorphic rocks. The red color is
due to the high percentage of iron contents. The texture of the red soil varies from
sandy to clayey, and the majority is loamy. On the uplands, the red soil is thin, poor,
and porous and has loose gravel.


 Cotton
 Wheat
 Rice
 Pulses
 Millets
 Tobacco
 Oilseeds

 Red soils are reddish in color due to the presence of iron.

 This type of soil is found in south India as well as in the Chota Nagpur
 Formed due to weathering of ancient crystalline and metamorphic
 Parent rocks are acid granites and gneisses.
 Occupy an area of about 3.5 lakh sq km - 10.6% of the total land area of
the country.
 These are transported-type soils.
 Found to a depth of 500 meters.
 Coarsest in the upper section of the valley, medium in the middle, and
finest in the delta region.
 Are mostly light to dark color depending on new or old alluvium.
 Rich in potash and become fertile with the proper use of fertilizers and
 Deficient in nitrogen, lime, magnesia, hummus, and phosphate Found
mainly on the plateau region of peninsular India, the Malwa Plateau,
and the Chotanagpur Plateau.
 It covers almost the whole of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,
south-eastern Maharashtra, eastern parts of Madhya Pradesh, and
parts of Orissa, Jharkhand, and Bundelkhand.

Laterite = brick (Latin word) These soils are formed under conditions of high
temperature and heavy rainfall with alternate wet and dry periods. Thus its
formation takes place strictly under monsoon conditions. Residual soils are formed
by leaching in areas of heavy rain.Leaching is a process in which the nutrients get
percolated down below the soil due to heavy rainfall; thus leaving the topsoil
infertile. Also called DESILICATION.

Laterite soils are found in elevated areas which receive very high rainfall as a result,
topsoil gets washed away. This process is called leaching. The soil, therefore, loses its
fertility to a great extent. It covers an area of about 2.4 lakh sq km. These soils are
found in the north-eastern state of Meghalaya in India.

coarse texture, soft and friable. red due to the presence of iron oxide which is
formed by leaching. The soluble plant foods like potash are removed from the top
soil leaving alumina and iron oxide. a porous soil, silica is removed from it by
chemical action. Is poor in lime and magnesium, and deficient in nitrogen. Laterite
soil is formed by weathering of lateritic rocks, low temperature and heavy rainfall
with alternating dry and wet periods.


 Tea
 Coffee
 Rubber
 Coconut
 Areca nut
 Also provides valuable building materials

Types of Laterite soil


Upland Laterites and Lowland Laterites

Upland laterite:- are formed over hills and uplands. From they were transported by
steams towards lowlands. Such transported soils are known as Lowland, Laterites.
Laterite soil does not retain moisture and hence is not fertile. It suits only special
crops like Tapioca, Cashew nuts, etc. It is acidic in nature as alkalis are leached.
Laterite soils are found in the highland areas of the plateau. These are found in
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and hilly regions of Assam, Raj-mahal hills, and
Chhotanagpur plateau.
These are shallow, acidic, and less fertile soils. These soils are poor in lime but rich in
iron. So these are suitable for plantation of crops like tea, rubber, coffee, etc. Since
low fertility because of high acidity and low moisture retention, manuring and other
activities are required to make them suitable for growing crops such as rice and
sugarcane. Paddy is grown at lower elevations whereas tea, cinchona, rubber, and
coffee are grown at higher elevations. It is also suitable for building purposes.
Alluvial Soil (Riverine soil) covers about 40 percent of the land area of the country.
They are depositional soils, transported and deposited by rivers and streams.
Through a narrow corridor in Rajasthan, they extend into the plains of Gujarat. These
soils are formed by the deposition of fine sediments and silt by the rivers along their
banks. In India, alluvial soils are mostly found in the Great Northern Plains, the
coastal plains, and river deltas
It is the most important type of soil found in India covering about 40 percent of the
total land area. It is very fertile and contributes the largest share of agricultural
wealth. This soil supports nearly half of the Indian population. The alluvial soil is
found mostly in the Northern Plains, starting from Punjab in the west to West Bengal
and Assam in the east. It is also found in the deltas of the Mahanadi, Godavari,
Krishna, and Kaveri rivers in Peninsular India. The northern parts and the coastal
areas of Gujarat also have some deposits of alluvial soil. Many rivers originate from
the Himalayan Mountains and bring a large amount of sediment with them. It is
deposited in the river valleys and the flood plains. Thus, the parent material of the
alluvial soils is always of transported origin.
In the Peninsular region, they are found in deltas on the east coast and in the river
valleys. These soils originate from the transported alluvium brought by the rivers.

They can be divided into two types:

1. Young Khadar soils: these are newer alluvium of sandy, pale brown composition,
found in lower areas of valley bottom which are flooded almost every year.
2. Old Bhangar soils: these consist of older alluvium of clayey composition and are
dark in color.

They are coarse in nature and contain kankar (lime nodules), pebbles, and gravel.
They are found 30 m above the flood level of the rivers. They represent the 'riverine
alluvium' brought down by Satluj, Yamuna, Ghagra, and other rivers of the Indo-
Gangetic Plains. These soils are the most widespread soils covering an area of 8 lakh
sq. km from Punjab to Assam. These are found in the river basin, flood plains, and
coastal areas. These soils are deep soils rich in potash but poor in nitrogen.

•Rice • Wheat • Maize •Sugar cane •Tobacco •Cotton •Jute • Oilseeds


Alluvial soils of two types: deltaic coastal and inland alluvial. Found in Uttaranchal,
U.P., Bihar, W. Bengal, Punjab, Haryana & Assam. In south, found in the plains and
deltas in Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, and Tamil Nadu. Useful for agriculture since it is
fertile. Soil is rich in potash and lime but poor in nitrogen and humus. Important
crops - wheat, rice, sugarcane, cotton, and jute. It is very suitable for jute.

Desert soil

The desert soil is found mostly in the arid and semi-arid regions, receiving less than
50 cm of annual rainfall. Such regions are mostly found in Rajasthan and the
adjoining areas of Haryana and Punjab. The Rann of Kachchh in Gujarat is an
extension of this region. i. The sand in the desert areas is part of local origin and
partly being blown in from the Indus Valley. ii. It includes even the wind-blown loess.
iii. The desert soil has sand (90 to 95 percent) and clay (5 to 10 percent). iv. In some
regions, this soil has a high percentage of soluble salts but lacks organic matter. v.
The nitrogen content is low, but the phosphate content is as high as in normal
alluvial soil.
DESERT SOIL Contains soluble salts. Originated by Mechanical disintegration & wind
deposit. Porous and coarse. 90% sand & 5% clay. Rich in Nitrates & Phosphates. Poor
in Nitrogen & Humus. Friable, sandy & low moist content. 1.4 Lakh sq km.

Mountain soil
MOUNTAIN SOIL Found on hill slopes. Formed by deposition of organic matter from
the forest, Rich in humus. Poor in Potash and Lime. Areas: Assam, Kashmir, Sikkim &
Arunachal Pradesh. Crops: Tea, Coffee, Spices & Tropical Fruits.

Actual Resources Use

Sr. no. Name of resource material Specificions

1 textbook GTE 22404 Geotechnical Engineering

2 internet Wikipedia/Youtube

3 computer windows 11 8GB RAM

Outputs of the Micro-Project

in this micro project, we know about various types of soil available in India.

Skill Developed / Learning outcomes of this Micro-Project

a.Develop group discussion skills.

b.Communication skills improved.

c. MS WORD skills developed.

d. recognize different types of soil.


Black soils are mainly found over the Deccan lava tract (Deccan Trap)
The red soil occupies about 10 percent area of India
Laterite soils cover an area of about 2.4 lakh sq km.
Alluvial Soil (Riverine soil) covers about 40 percent of the land area of the country .

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