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Energy Conversion and Management 269 (2022) 116163

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A study on data-driven hybrid heating load prediction methods in

low-temperature district heating: An example for nursing homes in
Nordic countries
Yiyu Ding a, *, Thomas Ohlson Timoudas b, Qian Wang c, d, Shuqin Chen e, Helge Brattebø a,
Natasa Nord a
Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim 7491, Norway
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Sweden
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Brinellvägen 23, Stockholm 100 44, Sweden
Uponor AB, Hackstavägen 1, Västerås 721 32, Sweden
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China


Keywords: In the face of green energy initiatives and progressively increasing shares of more energy-efficient buildings,
Nursing homes there is a pressing need to transform district heating towards low-temperature district heating. The substantially
District heating load prediction lowered supply temperature of low-temperature district heating broadens the opportunities and challenges to
Linear regression
integrate distributed renewable energy, which requires enhancement on intelligent heating load prediction.
Artificial neural network
Low-temperature district heating
Meanwhile, to fulfill the temperature requirements for domestic hot water and space heating, separate energy
conversion units on user-side, such as building-sized boosting heat pumps shall be implemented to upgrade the
temperature level of the low-temperature district heating network. This study conducted hybrid heating load
prediction methods with long-term and short-term prediction, and the main work consisted of four steps: (1)
acquisition and processing of district heating data of 20 district heating supplied nursing homes in the Nordic
climate (2016–2019); (2) long-term district heating load prediction through linear regression, energy signature
curve in hourly resolution, providing an overall view and boundary conditions for the unit sizing; (3) short-term
district heating load prediction through two Artificial Neural Network models, f72 and g120 , with different pre­
diction input parameters; (4) evaluation of the predicted load profiles based on the measured data. Although the
three prediction models met the quality criteria, it was found that including the historical hourly heating loads as
the input to the forecasting model enhanced the prediction quality, especially for the peak load and low-mild
heating season. Furthermore, a possible application of the heating load profiles was proposed by integrating
two building-sized heat pumps in low-temperature district heating, which may be a promising heat supply
method in low-temperature district heating.

pandemic, the building sector’s share of the final energy use and CO2
1. Introduction emissions that year were 36% and 37%, respectively, almost the same as
in 2019 [2].
The background, literature review, and objective of this study are District heating (DH) systems play a vital role in reducing primary
presented in Sections 1.1–1.3, respectively. energy use and CO2 emissions in the building sector. In general, the
primary energy factor may vary due to variation of the fuel and in­
1.1. Background centives within national policies. In the European context electricity has
a primary energy factor of 2–2.5 [3], while DH of 0.6–1.3 depending on
In 2019, the building sector accounted for 35% of the global final the heating sources varying from renewable-based to fossil-based fuels
energy use and 38% of energy-related CO2 emissions [1]. Although there [4]. For example, in Sweden DH supplies 60% of the total building
was a drop in CO2 emissions in 2020, mainly due to the COVID-19 heating demand [5], while in Norway DH use has doubled over the past

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y. Ding).
Received 9 April 2022; Received in revised form 16 July 2022; Accepted 18 August 2022
Available online 27 August 2022
0196-8904/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Y. Ding et al. Energy Conversion and Management 269 (2022) 116163

Nomenclature LTDH low-temperature district heating

(s)MAPE (symmetric) mean absolute percentage error
ANN artificial neural network NMBE normalized mean bias error
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air- SH space heating
Conditioning Engineers WD weekday
CPT changing point temperature WE weekend
CV(RMSE) coefficient of variation of the root mean squared error el electricity
DC datacenter € EUR (currency)
DHW domestic hot water n number of observations
ES curve energy signature curve R2 coefficient of determination
f72 ANN model with 72 input units defined in this study tτ outdoor ambient temperature at time instance τ
g120 ANN model with 120 input units defined in this study yr year
HDD heating degree day
HP heat pump

decade, and currently 26.7% of DH production is used for the residential the DH system. A control algorithm applying fuel shift control was
heating and 54.5% of DH production for the service heating [6]. Given proposed to avoid high peak power load and reduce DH network loss
the rapid electrification process in buildings, and in countries like [14]. Another example is the need to address the impacts on DH oper­
Norway also in the transportation sector, DH has great potentials to ation network when utilizing datacenter’s (DC) waste heat, e.g. due to
alleviate the pressure on power grid in climates with high heating de­ the changing DC workload and dynamic heating load distribution, there
mands, such as the Nordic countries. However, DH expansion also faces is a need to improve DC management for automatic dynamic resources
two challenges, the competition from heat pumps (HPs) due to their high allocation, computing workloads for power management, and heating
flexibility for the end users and consequent reduction in the final energy load balancing [15]. From the analysis of the challenges and potentials
demand, and the decrease in the building heating demand. For the latter, for LTDH in a Nordic climate, it can be seen that an LTDH system is very
this is due to the future building stock, with a growing share of reno­ sensitive to the indoor set-point temperature, and it is necessary to
vated existing buildings, low-energy buildings, passive houses, and optimize the outdoor temperature compensation curve prediction to
nearly zero energy/emission buildings (nZEB), are commonly charac­ facilitate the indoor temperature and mass flow rate [16]. Moreover,
terized by improved building envelope, space heating (SH) demand will another crucial task in the LTDH system management is peak shaving, as
be greatly reduced, as noted in e.g., the Norwegian standards [7] and this provides the possibility of expanding the heat network to connect
regulations [8], as well as the European Union’s legislative framework more heat users without enlarging the infrastructure capacity [17]. To
[9]. Low-temperature DH (LTDH) enables the exploitation of econom­ conclude, the above explained challenges and findings in achieving the
ical piping options, such as PEX/Aluminum/PE material with low heat best performance for LTDH and in establishing the feasible interaction
loss through distribution networks, and more importantly, provides among users; LTDH and electricity networks require intelligent predic­
wider opportunities for integrating distributed renewable energy, such tion of peak heating load and control system, which can be adjusted by
as by use of building-sized HPs or renewables for peak shaving [10]. measures such as thermal storage implementation [18] and load dis­
These advantages of the LTDH were proven in a pilot study of a tribution over the preceding hours [19].
renewable energy-based Danish municipality, which showed that pri­
mary energy demand was reduced by 4.5%, thermal grid loss was 1.2. Previous studies
reduced by 6%, and costs were reduced by 2.7%, when the current 3rd
generation DH system was changed to an LTDH system with the supply As introduced above, LTDH and its integrations with renewables still
and return temperature of 55 and 25 ◦ C, respectively [11]. face fundamental challenges to understand the heating load by using
The desire for circular economy may facilitate LTDH expansion in smart tools. Accordingly, energy prediction must be improved for
the Nordic countries as a result of the ban of using oil for heating [10] effective sizing and operation of LTDH. By utilizing a large amount of
and increased capacity stress on the power grid due to increased power measured data, data-driven methods, such as statistical methods and
trading among neighboring countries requiring resource recovery and machine learning (ML), have shown strength in predicting heating load
expansion of renewables [12]. Therefore, decreasing the DH supply [20–22].
temperatures from the current 80–120 ◦ C range to a much lower level is Artificial neural network (ANN), one of the ML methods, is found to
accelerated by both political landscapes and energy efficiency directives be the most widely used one for energy planning, followed by support
[10]. To upgrade either the existing DH system to LTDH or build new vector machine (SVM) and autoregressive integrated moving average
LTDH, the change of heating load is the fundamental premise. There­ (ARIMA) method, as well as statistical methods like linear regression
fore, analyzing the potentials and challenges by understanding the key (LR) [23]. A review of the last 30 years’ applications of ANNs in building
heating loads from planning and operating perspectives is the first energy analysis shows that there is a strong growing development of
necessary step to accelerate the LTDH transition. ANN-based building energy analysis towards the exploitation of newer
A review study investigated the existing low-temperature based 5th and extended types of ANNs [24]. Due to early implementation of smart
generation district heating and cooling (LTDHC) systems in Europe, and meters, ANN and other data-driven methods have been mostly focused
reported that the LTDHC requires more advanced control strategies due on electricity use, but not on heat use. For example, to estimate
to bi-directional energy flows and decentralized interactions [13]. occupancy-related electricity demand by air-conditioning systems in
Therefore, the information and communication technologies will be non-residential buildings, an ANN-based model was developed by using
required to advance LTDH [13]. For example, heating and electricity occupancy as the input, which was determined by the blind system
load profiles on demand side may change after using power-to-heat identification, showing an improved accuracy of energy prediction [25].
(P2H) technologies to couple LTDH with electricity networks [14]. However, the proposed model needed to be validated for at least a one-
The change on heat and power flow may lead to operational problems year period, to account for seasonal variations of occupancy interactions
and require enhanced communication between the power supply and with the electricity profiles [25]. Another ANN-based model compared

Y. Ding et al. Energy Conversion and Management 269 (2022) 116163

two back-propagation learning algorithms (Bayesian regularization and LTDH was introduced in [33]. Based on operation data and weather
Levenberg-Marquardt), which were carried out respectively for day- data, the optimized supply temperature could be obtained by summing
ahead and hour-ahead electricity load forecast in a district [26]. the defined minimum return temperature and optimized temperature
Comparing with the total forecasted load for the district, aggregating the difference, which was evaluated by a LR model for hour-ahead return
forecasts of heterogenous building types in the district may improve the temperature prediction. This optimization strategy may contribute to
day-ahead load forecasting performance by 7.9–11.9% [26]. The recent stable daily operation. Meanwhile, the authors mention that this control
broad implementation of smart heat meters collecting (sub-)hourly heat strategy was limited within certain areas [33]. So far, only a few re­
use data has largely accelerated better quality in heating load prediction searchers have addressed the problems of LTDH’s prediction, load
and clustering research for heating use data analysis [20]. The knowl­ analysis, and improved operation by using data-mining methods.
edge and experience gained from studies of building electricity demand As the IEA DHC Annex TS2 puts forward, future decarbonized
data were transferable to heating demand analysis and uncertainties (i.e. heating systems need enhanced DH technologies [10], such as installa­
weather forecasting), as mentioned in [27]. Two types of models, tion of HPs in future’s multi-energy systems [34]. This implies that
autoregressive multiple linear regression (MLR) and autoregressive shifting from competition between HPs and DH system to ensuring a
multiple non-linear regression (MNLR), were firstly built to predict the collaboration between the two may be a promising approach in LTDH.
DH load profiles of reference buildings and then aggregated the defined An investigation of two combinations (central HPs only and central HPs
reference profiles into district levels [21]. In the work, it was shown that plus booster HPs) for supplying space heating (SH) and domestic hot
for predicting buildings with high daily load variation (such as office water (DHW), showed that the latter combination enables the DH sys­
buildings), the ANN-based MNLR gives better performance than MLR in tem running at significantly lower temperatures and reduces operation
terms of a 4.2% reduction in mean squared error (MSE) [21]. Three ML costs by 39% over the former combination [35]. With the focus on
methods, SVM, deep neural network (DNN, i.e. ANN with two or more predictions at district scale, the authors used daily average ambient air
hidden layers), and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), were respec­ temperatures instead of hourly values [35]. This may not accommodate
tively adopted to establish a multi-step ahead forecasting model of DH well for predictions at building scale, where in-depth heating response
load with direct strategy and recursive strategy [22]. By feeding day- from atmospheric condition is crucial to be accounted for.
before influential factors, all three ML methods using these two strate­
gies may accurately forecast the day-ahead DH load. Finally, it is rec­ 1.3. Objective and structure of this study
ommended to further explore the potential of these heating load
forecasting to optimize operation of the DH system [22]. Gaussian Previous research that focusses on improving DH system treats the
mixture model (GMM) clustering enables defining the four typical DH measured energy data as a package, while most energy forecasts have
operation patterns in office buildings in a semi-arid climate (with cold not yet conducted in-depth studies on sizing or energy demand re­
and dry winters) by considering temperature and occupant behavior quirements for typical building types. Therefore, a bridge must be built
related sub-patterns [28]. After combining the GMM clustering with the to link the gap between smart meters and DH suppliers. In this study, the
regression and ANN models respectively, the qualities of hourly heating main objective was to develop hybrid heating energy prediction
load forecasting are improved by 38.7–75.7% [28]. However, it was still methods for typical building types, by combining the advanced ANN-
difficult predicting the peak heating loads during night-to-daytime pe­ based prediction method and a plant sizing method based on well-
riods due to possible random operation behaviors [28]. A forecasting measured energy data. To focus the scope of the study, one important
model based on convolutional neural network long-short term memory public building type, nursing home, was selected for the analysis. The
(CNN-LSTM) outperforms other ML methods when solving thermal reasons for selecting this building type and its wider applications are
inertia problems in DH system, mainly thanks to its integration of CNN’s discussed in Section 4.1. The novel contribution of this study may be
feature extraction ability and LSTM’s two-dimensional space ability as summarized as follows. Three-year measured DH use data in real
shown in [29]. However, this model requires large numbers of sensors, buildings were utilized for analysis and modelling, which was to predict
large data storage, and re-training every day [29]. Two ML methods, another year’s DH demand in hourly resolution. The heating load pro­
SVM and nonlinear autoregressive exogenous recurrent neural network files predicted by the hybrid methods are of high accuracy and can help
(NARX-RNN), were compared for DHC load prediction [30]. The results plant sizing and daily operation with different inputs. Finally, the pre­
present that the NARX-RNN exceeds the SVM regarding the quality in­ dicted load was proposed to be fed as building user’s demand input in an
dicators and computation time. However, the overfitting tendency of LTDH system integrating two building-sized HPs, which may benefit the
NARX-RNN needs further study [30]. As introduced above, ANN-based operation of building energy supply system in LTDH and compare the
prediction methods have enhanced energy prediction, especially cost impacts from different load prediction, as discussed in Section 4.2.
greatly improved heating load prediction performance, such as The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefs the
computation time and prediction quality. However, the models’ prob­ methods including the data information of the observed buildings and
lems such as lack of big data for training, difficulty in peak load pre­ description of the two DH prediction methods. The main results of this
diction, regular re-training, and others, need to be solved. study are presented in Section 3. Lastly, the limitations, future work, and
Additionally, Q-algorithm was used for developing a data-driven conclusions are discussed and summarized in Sections 4 and 5.
model by splitting the data into two parts with a reference load, QREF,
under three-level decision trees [27]. This model is robust for heating 2. Methods
load prediction at district scale. Nevertheless, the claimed favorable
accuracy results (R2 ) in [27] are clearly lower than the common value, The proposed framework consists of four phases. Section 2.1 explains
ca. 0.75 [31]. Based on 10-year DH production data, operation logics Step 1, how building information is collected. Sections 2.2 and 2.3
and outdoor temperatures were identified as the fundamental drivers for explain Step 2 and Step 3, the two heating load prediction methods,
DH load prediction by analyzing load profile patterns and energy dealing with the long-term and short-term prediction, respectively. Step
signature curves (ES curves) of the network [32]. The authors pointed 4 works on the prediction performance evaluation, as introduced in
out that, in the future, the parameters of a heating system should be Section 2.4.
studied according to features of each building type [32]. However, the
conclusion that hourly time steps are not numerically useful is contrary 2.1. Building and energy data inventory
to the research in [28], which presented ES curve in each cluster.
Considering use of data-mining for DH operation, a temperature control Statistically, the annual representative specific energy demand of
method for the secondary network for transforming the existing DH to Norwegian nursing homes is 260 kWh/m2 with deviations between − 25

Y. Ding et al. Energy Conversion and Management 269 (2022) 116163

and +6 kWh/m2 according to different statistics sources, nearly half of identified by using energy signature curve (ES curve). This method has
which is for heating purpose owing to its high requirements of hygiene been widely employed in building energy planning and management by
and thermal comfort under stable occupancy [36]. The high heating researchers and engineers at all levels. The ES curve generally consists of
needs in the cold climates may involve considerable saving potential. In two parts, the temperature dependent part and temperature indepen­
this study, 20 DH supplied nursing homes located in Trondheim, Nor­ dent part, which are divided by the changing point temperature (CPT) or
way, were used for the analysis. These observed buildings have heated heating effective temperature. The ES curve may be expressed as:
floor areas ranging from 1350 to 10,940 m2. DH delivers the SH and if tτ ≤ CPT, P(tτ ) = p1 • tτ +p2 +ε (1).
DHW to each building, which were recorded summarily in the meter. if tτ > CPT, P(tτ ) = p1 • tτ +p2 +ε; = p2 (2).
The DH use data in hourly resolution of the 20 buildings from 2016 to In Eqs. (1) and (2), P(tτ ) is the SH load for a given outdoor temper­
2019 were retrieved from the energy monitoring platform of Trondheim ature t, p1 and p2 are the coefficients of each ES curve model, and ε is the
Municipality [37]. Weather impacts were considered in the heat energy residual error. The SH load follows the linear growth under the slope of
analysis, and the local historical weather data over the period were p1 . In addition to the outdoor temperature, the building operation
obtained from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute [38]. schedules were also considered in the models. The identified ES curve
The building information regarding annual DH demand, energy model may be applied to estimate building energy performance in
labelling, and construction year, is briefed in Table 1. The building another year by combining the regression coefficients in Eqs. (1) and (2)
construction year and energy labelling were obtained from the Norwe­ with the corresponding weather data. Finally, Method 1 was used for the
gian Energy Efficiency Agency (Enova) [39]. The labelling scheme goes following purpose in this study: (1) for the system sizing, (2) to define
from A (best building energy performance) to G (weakest performance) boundary conditions of the DH units, and (3) to check boundary for the
by considering the calculated delivered energy to each building. Except prediction load by Method 2.
one building without information, all the others were built no earlier
than 1980s, and most of them are labelled with C or D level [39]. The 2.3. Prediction Method 2 – Artificial neural network short-term district
analysis was performed on the average specific DH load across the 20 heating prediction
buildings (W/m2), to define the representative heating demand con­
cerning buildings with different characteristics. In this study, day-ahead prediction refers to the problem of, at a
given point in time, predicting the DH load for the following 24-hour
2.2. Prediction Method 1 – Prediction of annual district heating profile period. This prediction was done with an hourly resolution. Two sepa­
with energy signature curve models rate ANN prediction models were developed to serve as decision-
supporting tools for short-term planning and operation purposes in the
As addressed above, large proportion of energy is used to heat future LTDH transitions. The first model considered only the historical
buildings in cold climates, following the building’s heating curve rela­ and forecasted outdoor temperature, which are the measured outdoor
tive to the outdoor temperature. temperature for the 48 h preceding the prediction period plus the 24-
In nursing homes DHW heat usage accounts for 15–20% to 40–65% hour forecast for outdoor temperature. The second model included the
of their total annual heat use, depending on the building standard historical DH load, the measured DH load for the 48 h preceding the
(buildings built in 1980 s, passive house standard, etc.) [40]. Since DHW prediction period, in addition to the outdoor temperature used in the
heat use is less sensitive to climate than SH, it is reasonable to separate first model. The first model might be helpful when there is difficulty to
DHW from the total DH load, for exploring a more accurate relationship access real-time energy data or when data storage failure occurs with
between the outdoor temperature and the SH load. The typical per- many missing values for planning energy generation.
room’s hourly DHW heat use profiles for Norwegian nursing homes were The two models can be mathematically formulated as follows: Qτ and
identified in [41] providing detailed description and giving represen­ tτ represent the measured DH load and the measured outdoor temper­
tative DHW profiles for the given climate and resident type. These ature, at hour τ, respectively; and Q
̂ τ,s and ̂t τ,s represent the predicted DH
typical hourly profiles (kW/room) were transferred into specific load load and the forecasted outdoor temperature, respectively, at hour τ for
density (W/m2) and used as reference profiles in this study. As sum­ each of the hours τ +s (defined for s = 1,⋯,24). Historical data from the
marized in Fig. 1, there are apparent differences between the weekdays previous 48 h were used to make the prediction as the following:
(WD as shortcut) and the weekends (WE) in the same season, especially
( )
during the peak load periods, as shown by the solid line and the dashed ̂ 24 = Q
Q τ
̂ τ,1 , ⋯, Q
̂ τ,24 , (3)
line of the same color. In Fig. 1, the solid lines represent the WDs, and
( )
the dashed lines the WEs. Meanwhile the seasonal differences between ̂t 24 ̂ ̂ (4)
τ = t τ,1 , ⋯, t τ,24 ,
the same day type are small. As assumed elsewhere in literature [42], the
daily DHW demand can be treated nearly constant throughout the year, Q48
τ = (Qτ− 48+1 , ⋯, Qτ ), and (5)
and any effect on DHW would be insignificant. Similarly, in this study 48
tτ = (tτ− 48+1 , ⋯, tτ ) (6)
these four typical daily DHW profiles in Fig. 1 were extrapolated into an
annual DHW profile, which was then extracted from the total DH to
where Q48 ̂ 24
obtain SH use. The necessity and challenges of separating SH and DHW τ and Q τ represent, at hour τ, the historical measured DH load
in the aggregated heating load was also mentioned in a Danish example for the previous 48 h (including τ) and the predicted DH load for the next
for demand side management in DH networks [43]. 24 h, respectively. Similarly,tτ48 and ̂t τ represent, at hour τ, the his­
The relationship between the outdoor temperature and SH load was torical measured outdoor temperature for the previous 48 h (including

Table 1
List of observed buildings’ information.
Average measured annual DH demand (kWh/m2) ≤70 ≤90 ≤120 ≤160 ≤190 >190
No. of buildings / 7 6 6 1 /
Energy labelling with maximum A B C D E F, G No infor.
Delivered annual energy (kWh/m2) 140 190 240 295 355 440, >440
No. of buildings / 4 6 6 3 / 1
Construction year Before 1950 1950–1979 1980–1999 2000–2010 After 2010 No infor.
No. of buildings / / 7 9 3 1

Y. Ding et al. Energy Conversion and Management 269 (2022) 116163

Fig. 1. Daily DHW heat load profiles in the nursing homes, divided by day of week and seasons.

τ) and the predicted outdoor temperature for the next 24 h, respectively. MAPE, with lower and upper bounds. MAPE summarizes the relative
Using these notations, the two models could be expressed mathemati­ error between the actual and predicted use in absolute value with a
cally as: division by the observation number n. The directionality of the NMBE
( ) implies whether there is over-prediction or under-prediction. CV(RMSE)
̂ 24 = f ̂t 24 , t48 ,
if historical heating load is not an input to the model, Q (7) indicates whether the predicted model can reflect the real load shape.
τ τ τ
The criteria NMBE and CV(RMSE) shall be no more than 10% and 30%,
( )
̂ 24 = g ̂t 24 , t48 , Q48
if historical heating load is an input to the model, Q τ τ τ τ (8) respectively, when analysis is on hourly basis, according to the ASHRAE
guidelines [31,44], while the MAPE shall be no more than 20% for a
where f and g are the abstract representations of the two ANN pre­ good forecasting model [45].
diction models. Eq. (7) presents the first model considering outdoor MAPE was given as:
temperature as the predictor, while Eq. (8) presents the second model
n ⃒ ⃒
considering both outdoor temperature and DH load as the predictors. 1∑ ⃒Ai − Fi ⃒
MAPE = ⃒ ⃒ • 100% (9)
Both ANN models were established with one input layer (the first n i=1 ⃒ Ai ⃒
model, f, with 72 input units, and the second model, g, with 120 units),
one hidden Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) layer with 64 nodes and one sMAPE was given as:
output layer. 64 nodes were determined through hyperparameter 1∑ n
⌈Ai − Fi ⌉
( 24 ) sMAPE = • 100% (10)
search. For simplicity, notation f72 represents model f ̂t τ , tτ48 in Eq. (7) n i=1 (⌈Ai ⌉ + ⌈Fi ⌉)/2
( 24 48 48 )
and notation g120 represents model g ̂t τ , tτ , Qτ in Eq. (8). These two NMBE was given as:
notations are used in the following text. All the layers are densely con­ ∑
nected. Mean squared error (MSE) was used as the loss function, and 1 ni=1 (Ai − Fi )
NMBE = • 100% (11)
Adam was used for the parameter optimization with the maximum n A
number of epochs at 100. The models were originally tested with 24, 48, CV(RMSE) was given as:
and 72 h of historical data (weather and/or DH load). It was found that √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
the difference between using 48 and 72 h of historical data was not ∑ n
(Ai − Fi )2
significant while between using 24 and 48 h was significant, regarding
CV(RMSE) = i=1
• 100% (12)
the loss function. 48-hour historical data were therefore chosen due to A
the faster speed of running the models. The datasets of 2016 and 2017
where Ai is the measured value, Fi is the predicted value, and n is the
were used as the training set establishing the ANN model, and the
number of the observations.
dataset for 2018 were used as the validation dataset for assessing the
model performance during building and tuning the model process. To
examine whether the model overfits the training set and is capable for 3. Results
future deployment, the resulting models were used to predict the DH
load profile for 2019 and the prediction quality was evaluated using the The daily SH profiles, analysis results of the ES curve model, and the
measured data for the entire 2019, which was an unseen dataset during predicted annual DH profiles are presented in Sections 3.1 and 3.2. The
modelling process. 24-hour period prediction results for the warm and cold seasons are
presented in Section 3.3. Lastly, the prediction performance is evaluated
in Section 3.4.
2.4. Evaluation of the prediction performance

Quality of the prediction models was evaluated by the commonly 3.1. Average daily space heating profiles and heating degree day results
used criteria: mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), normalized mean
bias error (NMBE), and the coefficient of variation of the root mean After removing the daily DHW heat use in Fig. 1, the average daily
squared error (CV(RMSE)); meanwhile symmetric mean absolute per­ SH load profiles for the nursing homes 2016–2018 were made by using
centage error (sMAPE) was also used as a supplementary criterion of arithmetic mean value of each hour, as shown in Fig. 2. This was to

Y. Ding et al. Energy Conversion and Management 269 (2022) 116163

Fig. 2. Average daily SH load profiles 2016–2018, considering three seasonal month groups.

compare the load profiles between seasons and day types in general. In hours in nursing homes, comparing with the buildings featured with
Fig. 2, the solid lines with stars and the dashed lines represent weekdays distinct night setback control operation and different attendance levels
(WD) and weekends (WE), respectively. between the weekdays and the weekends, such as educational buildings,
The seasonal month group 1 included November – March, the sea­ office buildings, and other administrative buildings [46,47].
sonal month group 2 included April, May, September and October, and Further, to see whether day types might affect SH use, the obtained
the seasonal month group 3 included June, July and August. Among the SH use was segregated into four heating seasons by using the heating
three seasonal groups, the heating load generally arose between 6 degree days (HDDs) [48,49]. HDD was calculated as the daily average
o’clock and 16–17 o’clock with the peak load at around 9 o’clock, which difference between heating balance temperature tbal and hourly outdoor
could be noted on weekdays, weekends, and short holidays. This is in temperature: 241
τ=1 (tbal − tτ ), by assuming tbal at 15 C and setting

line with the survey that most of the nursing homes take their main daily negative values to zero. Days with HDD lower than 24 5◦
C were considered
activities such as medical treatment, health training, and reading, be­ 5 100◦ 100
as summer, between 24 and 24 C as the transition season, between 24
tween 7 and 16 o’clock, when large SH demand is needed in common 510◦ 510◦
and 24 C as the heating season, and with over 24 C
as the very cold
areas. Due to stable occupancy of patients and residents, the heating
load profiles for nursing homes demonstrate a milder peak load during season. As shown in Fig. 3, it can be concluded that the daily SH oper­
the working hours and relatively higher level during the non-working ation generally follows the daily HDD closely, without influence of the

Fig. 3. Daily SH use vs. daily HDD, based on four different heating seasons, summer, transition season, heating season, and very cold season (high-heating season).

Y. Ding et al. Energy Conversion and Management 269 (2022) 116163

Fig. 4. Energy signature curve models of SH load. The black line below CPT represents working hours and red line non-working hours.

day type (weekday or weekend) nor manual false operation. Therefore, measured DH profile in Fig. 5. It can be observed that the DH load had
the ES curve models for SH prediction were established based on large seasonal variation with the peak load during winter and early
working hours and non-working hours, respectively, by following Eqs. spring, and most of the predicted DH loads (green lines) were close to the
(1) and (2). measured DH loads (red lines). The annual DH demand of the three years
were around 111–113 kWh/m2 with peak SH load 31–35 W/m2. By
3.2. Energy signature curve model and annual district heating profile using the coefficients and knowledge obtained from the three years, the
annual DH profile for 2019 was predicted, as shown in Fig. 6 giving a
The ES curve models for the SH load are presented in Fig. 4, where breakdown of the SH and DHW heat load profile. The peak SH load was
the CPT was found at around 12 ◦ C for providing a proper piece-wise 29–31 W/m2 at outdoor temperature of − 11.6 to − 9.3 ◦ C and the
approximation. The outdoor temperatures above the CPT covered minimum load was close to 0.9 W/m2 for the network circulation, while
22.4% of the entire heating periods, when the SH loads were less tem­ the DHW use was considered process heat with seasonally stable usage
perature dependent as shown under the mild and constant slope. These patterns. The predicted annual total DH demand for 2019 was 114 kWh/
small loads could be described by one regression line regardless of m2, 15% of which was for DHW heat use. The results follow the statis­
working hours and non-working hours. The remaining 77.6% of the tical data of heat use in nursing home including the share for DHW heat
time, the outdoor temperatures were below the CPT, falling into high- use [40]. From this, a typical nursing home with an average area of
heating season. Along the regression lines below the CPT, there was a 7000 m2 may need around 800 MWh energy for heating purpose
small region where non-working hours might need a slightly higher SH annually with a peak SH load of 203–245 kW under the similar climate.
load than working hours under the same outdoor temperature (ca. This also provides the boundary conditions that the day-ahead pre­
10–12 ◦ C). This might be explained by residents spending more time dictions shall be constrained by the operation scenarios, instead of
outdoor during working hours at higher outdoor temperatures, causing allowing the network temperature drift freely with load variations.
the ventilation heat demand to decrease slightly due to changes in oc­
cupancy. The quality of regression models was evaluated with the co­
efficients of determination R2 , and the results are given in Table 2, 3.3. Results of short-term district heating load prediction
together with the coefficients for the ES curves.
In Table 2, for the outdoor temperatures lower than CPT, it might be The day-ahead prediction performance of the two models f72 , g120 are
noted that R2 were much higher than the required 0.75 for achieving a compared in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, and examples from different heating
satisfying regression model [31,44]. However, for the part above the seasons were selected. To recall, model f72 did not consider the historical
CPT, the SH needs had minor impacts on energy system requiring small DH load as input, whereas g120 did consider the historical DH load, as
load within short duration time. Comparing with those buildings with stated in Section 2.3. In both models, the next 24-hour heating load
distinct time clock control operation, there were not pronounced SH prediction for the whole year of 2019 was made from 0 o’clock (τ) on
differences between the working and the non-working hour periods in January 1 to 0 o’clock (τ) on December 31 and gave 8737 prediction
nursing homes, it is still worth analyzing them separately. results in total, respectively.1
By using Method 1 introduced in Section 2.2, the reversely predicted In Figs. 7 and 8, the top row subplots show the prediction results for
annual DH profile of 2016–2018 was compared with each year’s f72 , and the bottom row subplots the results for g120 . Each column sub­
plot shows the prediction for the next 24-hour period following the time
Table 2
instance indicated at the top, e.g., the prediction of the heating load
( )
Coefficients of Eqs. (1) and (2), and the corresponding R2 . Q
̂τ = Q ̂ τ,24 is plotted for the τ on the given date. By looking at
̂ τ,1 , ⋯, Q

Outdoor temperature dependent ≤ 12 ◦ C Outdoor temperature less each column subplots, it is therefore easy to compare the performance of

Working hour Non-working hour 13–20 ◦ C >20 ◦ C

Since weather of 2020 was not included, the prediction finished at 0 o’clock
p1 − 1.1 − 0.94 − 0.3 /
(τ) on December 31 with weather input by 23 o’clock on December 31.
p2 16.7 15.9 8.0 0.9
Therefore, each model ran 8737 times prediction (excluding 1–23o’clock (τ) on
R2 0.89 0.90 0.37 (↓)
December 31) and produced 8737 prediction results, respectively.

Y. Ding et al. Energy Conversion and Management 269 (2022) 116163

Fig. 5. Measured vs. predicted DH load profile during 2016–2018 (subplot A–C), and predicted DH duration curves during 2016–2018 (subplot D).

Fig. 6. Predicted DH load profile for 2019 with a breakdown of SH load profile (top row subplot) and DHW heating load profile (bottom row subplot).

model f72 and model g120 for the same time instance. In Figs. 7 and 8, the the one predicted by model f72 , both to the curve patterns and load
dashed black line represents the forecasted outdoor temperature for the values.
corresponding 24-hour period, which are the actual outdoor tempera­
ture and used for evaluation in this case. To hold statistical reliability,
3.4. Results of the prediction performance evaluation
three prediction results out of the 8737 instance τ were randomly
selected from the 2019 testing data using a uniform probability distri­
Due to thermal and hydraulic inertia in DH systems, and energy
bution. The sample results are presented in Fig. 7, in which there were
source availability, daily operation is commonly planned and arranged
two DH load spikes, one was measured at 9 o’clock on September 16 and
based on energy demand prediction for satisfying end-users’ heating
the other one at 3 o’clock on October 27, see the green squares pointed
need in an economical way. By accumulating the daily prediction from
by the gray arrows. Since the first random samples were not part of the
Method 2 introduced in Section 2.3, a summed deviation between the
(high-) heating season (cold period with high heating demand), further,
predicted and the measured data throughout a year may be visualized.
the prediction results for three dates during January, February, and
The deviation accumulated during (high-) heating season is especially
December were randomly selected, covering the outdoor temperature
important for evaluating peak loads prediction performance. Since the
from − 11 to 2 ◦ C, as shown in Fig. 8. In all the seasons, the load pre­
models, f72 and g120 , respectively produced next 24-hour heating load
dicted by model g120 was apparently closer to the measured load than
prediction at (any) hour τ, it is possible to select the same hour τ of each

Y. Ding et al. Energy Conversion and Management 269 (2022) 116163

Fig. 7. Predicted DH load for the 24-hour period following the date indicated above each column, showing the randomly selected prediction results by model f72 (top
row subplots) and by model g120 (bottom row subplots).

Fig. 8. Predicted DH load for the 24-hour period following the date indicated above each column, showing the selected three dates prediction results by model f72
(top row subplots) and by model g120 (bottom row subplots).

day for planning the next-day’s production. Accordingly, the 24-hour (the blue line). The deviation between the measured load and the pre­
ahead prediction results made at 0 o’clock every day from January 1 dicted load, Δ(τ) = measured Qτ − predicted Q̂τ , by the three models
to December 31 were accumulated for obtaining the annual predicted for 2019 are shown in Fig. 10, and the prediction accuracy evaluation of
load profile for 2019. It shall be noted that these accumulated annual the three models is summarized in Table 3. In Fig. 9 all the three pre­
profiles were obtained differently than the one presented in Section 3.2, dicted load profiles followed seasonal variations, and the profiles by
which was made by Method 1, the ES curve model – directly on a long- models f72 and g120 fell within the sizing boundary set by Method 1. g120
term basis. demonstrated an advantage in predicting heating load in mild- and low-
Fig. 9 compares the predicted load profiles for 2019 made by Method heating seasons, during which most of the heating needs were DHW use
1- ES curve model (the green line), Method 2, model f72 (the dark red and therefore had a weak linear relationship with the outdoor
line), and model g120 (the yellow line), with the measured load profile

Y. Ding et al. Energy Conversion and Management 269 (2022) 116163

Fig. 9. Measured vs. predicted annual DH load profiles by the three models for 2019.

Fig. 10. Deviation plot between measured and predicted DH load by the three models for 2019.

examples of the peak heating load periods, as presented in Fig. 11. As

Table 3
compared in Fig. 10, g120 held the prediction deviations within ±3 W/
Evaluation results of 2019 DH load forecast produced by the three models. The
m2 during most of the time, f72 had highest deviations during cold pe­
criteria, MAPE, sMAPE, NMBE, and CV(RMSE), are used for quality evaluation.
riods either over-predicting DH load or under-predicting DH load, and
Prediction method MAPE sMAPE NMBE CV(RMSE)
the ES curve kept the prediction deviation in between. The deviation
(%) (%) (%) (%)
high spikes on October 27 were mostly caused by measurement failure,
Method 1-ES curve 13.94 12.81 − 3.91 13.79 see Fig. 7, when a sudden high DH load was measured.
Method 2-model f72 16.77 14.75 − 8.13 15.51
In Fig. 11, Model f72 was least sensitive to the outdoor temperature
Method 2-model g120 7.23 7.28 − 0.36 7.90 changes by underpredicting the peak load and overpredicting the load
during other time, also seen in Fig. 10; the ES curve model and model
g120 catch most of the peak load periods, whereas the ES curve model
temperatures, as indicated by the red circle. In Fig. 9, the horizontal might have overpredicted the peak load and caused unnecessary costs
dash-dotted line refers to the reference line of the outdoor temperature comparing to g120 . To recall Fig. 3, the regression line generally corre­
at − 9 ◦ C, and only outdoor temperatures below − 5 ◦ C are presented as lated well between the daily HDDs and the daily SH demand, however it
shown in the black dashed line; the red arrows point to the four might have overpredicted the SH use in the short and very cold season.

Y. Ding et al. Energy Conversion and Management 269 (2022) 116163

Fig. 11. Four examples of peak load periods in 2019, measured vs. predicted DH profiles by the three prediction models. Subplot A represents the load profiles
comparison from 1 o’clock on January 22 to 24 o’clock on January 24. Subplot B represents the load profiles comparison from 1o’clock on February 4 to 24 o’clock
on February 6. Subplot C represents the load profiles comparison from 1 o’clock on March 5 to 24o’clock on March 6. Subplot D represents the load profiles
comparison from 1 o’clock to 24 o’clock on November 9.

Since the ES curve model below the CPT was determined by considering OECD countries was 1.5% [50]. The function and characteristics of this
heating season and very cold season together, this might explain the building type make it an important public residential building with
possible overprediction of the peak SH load by Method 1. respect to social welfare progress and residents’ care needs in the aging
As listed in Table 3, the MAPE and sMAPE results of the three models society.
were less than 20%, NMBE within ±10%, and CV less than 20%, The energy use in special residential building types, such as nursing
meeting the criteria upper limits [31,44,45]. Despite using the same homes, has more true-needs for users during whole heating seasons, and
training set for f72 and g120 , g120 had the best prediction performance on has not yet been extensively studied compared to residential buildings,
a yearly basis benefitting from using both the nearest historical two-day especially in the cold climate, as mentioned in [41]. Since most of them
heating load and the outdoor temperatures as inputs, while f72 only are supplied by DH, it is important to study their energy needs in the
considered the ambient condition as the inputs and its prediction ac­ transition to LTDH and to improve building energy supply, and for this,
curacy was reflected by the poorest results regarding all the criteria. it is important to develop reliable prediction methods.
However, it was still good to notice that the load predicted by f72 to some
extent was able to catch the pattern from the measured load curves, even 4.2. Discussions
without historical DH load as inputs, as reflected by its criterion CV
(RMSE) result, much lower than the limit, 30%. Besides setting load 4.2.1. Rationality of the models
boundary, the heating load prediction quality of the ES curve model was By making good use of big data, data-driven models were selected
in the middle of the three models. over physical models. In Fig. 7, there were two DH load spikes, whereas
This means the models and their predicted DH load profiles provided the load profiles predicted by the two ANN models demonstrated a
high accuracy for use in the following work, regardless of the different smoother trend. After checking the outdoor temperature during the two
input settings and algorithms of the three prediction models. days, no “sudden” weather changes were recorded. Thus, these unusual
data values might have been caused by metering failures or false oper­
4. Discussions and future study ation. Nonetheless, the established models showed more reasonable
heating load prediction. Besides the proper algorithms, the three-year’s
Selection of the analyzed building type data is reasoned in Section large data for training/validation also contributed to the appropriate
4.1. Section 4.2 discusses three points, rationality of the models, limi­ prediction.
tation, and future work. The value of transferring this work is presented
in Section 4.3. 4.2.2. Limitation
The models adopted the actual measured outdoor temperature (the
4.1. Rationale of building type data inventory predictor) as the forecasted outdoor temperature for prediction. Prac­
tically, this weather forecast would however be inaccurate to some
A selection of nursing homes in the city of Trondheim was selected extent and may consequently cause a weaker performance than the
for the data analysis and modelling. A modern nursing home covers a observed in this study. Therefore, it is important to build the base model
large floor area and includes residents’ private rooms with round-the- as accurately as possible, to reduce the spread and impacts of such
clock occupancies, large common area, 24/7 nursing service, and weather uncertainties and inaccuracies. Meanwhile, due to this study’s
administrative offices. In 2018, the Norwegian long-term care expen­ limited scope and length, only the hybrid of a linear regression model
diture accounted for 3.5% of GDP, while the average expenditure in and an ANN model was considered. Although the prediction results were

Y. Ding et al. Energy Conversion and Management 269 (2022) 116163

satisfactory, a further study shall investigate whether there are other

720or744 ∑
types of prediction methods, and newer types of ANN architectures may Cmon = (1 + 0.25) • vτ• Ėτ + f • Ėτ +
achieve better results, even with less training data available. t=1 t=1

4.2.3. Future work – integration of building sized heat pumps in low- where τ is the time instance, 0.25 is the tax rate on spot price, vτ is the
temperature district heating variable power market price, considered with the NordPool spot price of
In addition to improving DH load prediction quality, the above- Trondheim in 2019 [55], E˙τ is the hourly electricity use, f is the grid rent
described heating load profiles for DHW and SH may be utilized with a value of 0.023€/kWh, and F is the fixed annual fee with a value of
respectively in building energy supply operation when the building is 190€/yr to ensure customers’ access to electricity covering the costs
connected into LTDH system. For example, it would be helpful to associated with power grid operation, retrieved from grid company
respond the different minimum allowable supply temperature re­ Elvia [56]. Many European countries adopt a price charging model
quirements of DHW and SH by integrating two building-sized boosting similar to the one shown in Eq. (14) [57], containing fixed grid rent, tax,
HPs in LTDH. This may be regarded as a promising solution towards one and variable market price; in some cases, surcharge of high peak load in
of the challenges in LTDH. One possible application may be proposed as winter are also included.
shown in Fig. 12, where from left to right side are the emerging heat To analyze the impacts from different prediction models on the
source from waste heat, the temperature upgrade process, and the overall costs of the building heat supply system, a thorough study shall
building user. be carried out involving several key factors, e.g., types of HPs com­
According to the Norwegian regulation, when a water storage tank is pressors driving force, operation optimization strategy, and sizing of the
included, the DHW temperature should be maintained at not lower than boosting HPs and water storage tank to avoid high peak surcharge. In
65 ◦ C to prevent Legionella’s growth [51]. One booster HP (HP1) may be addition to focusing heating load prediction and supply on building side,
accordingly employed for upgrading the heat source temperature e.g., it would be interesting to examine the interactive response between DH
from 55 to 65 ◦ C for DHW heating, which connects to a water storage plant/network and building user side. For example, when integrating
tank and a heat exchanger at substation. renewables and short-to-medium-term thermal storage into LTDH,
The second booster HP (HP2) may be employed for upgrading the which is likely to come more in the near future, pricing models for both
heat source for satisfying the peak SH load, when the outdoor temper­ heat source and boosting costs shall be considered in the overall network
ature reaches a critical point that the source temperature is unable to cost optimization. Due to the length of the paper, an in-depth analysis
maintain thermal comfort. For example, when using the conventional and scenario-based projection of system cost shall be the goal of future
radiators in Nordic housings, the critical point may be determined as in study.
[52] giving the equation as:
tin = − 0.75 • tτ + 51 (13) 4.3. Value of transferring the developed models

where tτ is the outdoor temperature and tin is the minimum heating There is a noticeable difference in heating load prediction perfor­
supply temperature. Additionally, selection of the critical point shall mance between the model using historical heating loads and outdoor
also consider the energy system’s flexibility and use of building thermal temperature as prediction inputs (g120 ) and the models only using the
inertia as shown elsewhere [53,54]. outdoor temperature as inputs (the ES curve model and f72 ), e.g. during
When the HPs or other boosting units are electric-driven, the annual the mild-low heating season. One reason could be the thermal inertia
electricity bill for heat source upgrade process is calculated by sum­ effects of the buildings and suboptimal control of the heating loads,
marizing the monthly cost, which may follow Eq. (14): which likely makes the historical heating loads be useful to model.
Additionally, during this period, DHW heat use accounted for a higher

Fig. 12. Schematic diagram of integrating building-sized HPs.

Y. Ding et al. Energy Conversion and Management 269 (2022) 116163

share of heat demand under the weaker relationship between the out­ editing. Natasa Nord: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Project
door temperature and the heating load. This evidence presented a basis administration, Supervision, Writing – review & editing.
for future LTDH transitions under different climates, that more heating
loads may fall into mild-heating season and only peak loads into high-
Declaration of Competing Interest
heating seasons.
Although it is important to include historical heating load for pre­
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
diction models as found in the results, historical heating load data are
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
unfortunately either accessible with delays or low data quality, i.e., low
the work reported in this paper.
time resolution, different from historical weather data, which are usu­
ally publicly accessible via meteorological institutions. Accordingly,
another potential application of the results is to map load predictions in Acknowledgement
other relevant buildings, either existing ones without high quality data
collection or newly built ones with limited data for training. One of the This article has been written within the research project “Methods
promising methods is transfer learning (TL), which is a state-of-the-art for Transparent Energy Planning of Urban Building Stocks– ExPOSe”.
ML technique showing excellent performance in different fields. The authors gratefully acknowledge the main support from the Research
Lately, TL has shown advantages for building energy management with Council of Norway (ExPOSe programme, grant number: 268248) and
adjustment of buildings’ identities [58]. The gained knowledge is aided support from the Swedish Energy Agency (grant number: 51544-
therefore beneficial for understanding such as newly built nursing 1). Special thanks go to the Department of Energy and Process Engi­
homes or existing ones in need of renovation assessment, by transferring neering of NTNU and Trondheim Municipality.
the developed energy prediction models of one typical building type to
individual buildings. References

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