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The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
wxl 2"366 – 2024 ckjdß ui 05 jeks isl=rdod – 2024'01'05
No. 2,366 – friday, January 05, 2024
(Published by Authority)


(Separate paging is given to each language of every Part in order that it may be filed separately)

Page Page
Notices Calling for Tenders ... ... 10 Unofficial Notices ... ... 11
Notices re. Decisions on Tenders ... ... —
Sale of Articles &c. ... ... — Applications for Foreign Liquor Licences ... ... —
Sale of Toll and Other Rents ... ... — Auction Sales ... ... 12

Important Notice Regarding Acceptance of Notices

For Publication in the Weekly “Gazette”
Attention is drawn to the Notification appearing in the 1st week of every month, regarding the latest dates and times of acceptance of Notices
for publication in the weekly Gazettes, at the end of every weekly Gazette of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
All notices to be published in the weekly Gazettes shall close at 12.00 noon of each Friday, two weeks before the date of publication.
All Government Departments, corporations, Boards, etc. are hereby advised that Notifications fixing closing dates and times of applications in
respect of Post-Vacancies, Examinations, Tender Notices and dates and times of Auction Sales, etc. should be prepared by giving adequate time
both from the date of despatch of notices to Govt. Press and from the date of publication, thereby enabling those interested in the contents of such
notices to actively and positively participate please note that inquiries and complaints made in respect of corrections pertaining to notification will
not be entertained after three months from the date of publication.
All notices to be published in the weekly Gazettes should reach Government Press two weeks before the date of publication i.e. notices
for publication in the weekly Gazette of 26th January, 2024 should reach Government Press on or before 12.00 noon on 12th January, 2024.
Electronic Transactions Act, No. 19 of 2006 - Section 9
“Where any Act or enactment provides that any proclamation, rule, regulation, order, by-law, notification or other matter shall be
published in the Gazette, then such requirement shall be deemed to have been satisfied if such rule, regulation, order, by-law, notification or other
matter is published in an electronic form of the Gazette.”
Gangani Liyanage,
Government Printer.
Department of Govt. Printing,
Colombo 08,
01st January, 2024.
This Gazette can be downloaded from

9 - B 082529 – 5,403 (01/2024)

10 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Notices Calling for Tenders

SRI LANKA RAILWAYS 6. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security.
Amount of Bid Security shall be Rs. 1,800,000.00 and shall
Invitation for Bids (IFB) be an unconditional guarantee issued by bank operating in
Sri Lanka and approved by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.
Procurement for the supply of 5,000 Nos.
Less High Concrete Sleepers to suit EN 45 7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or
E1 Rails for KV LIne before 2.00 p.m. on 12.01.2024 and the bids will be opened
immediately after closing of bids. Bidders or their authorized
Sri Lanka Railways - IFB No. SRS F. 7933 representatives are requested to be present at the opening of
the bids. Late bids will not be accepted.
The Chairman, Department Procurement Committee on
behalf of Sri Lanka Railways, Colombo will receive sealed The Chairman,
bids from Local Manufacturers/Suppliers for the supply of Department Procurement Committee (Major),
5,000 Nos. Less High Concrete Sleepers to suit EN 45 E1 Office of the Procurement Sub Department,
Rails for KV Line. Sri Lanka Railways,
Olcott Mawatha,
Colombo 10.
2. Bidding will be conducted through National
Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedure.
The Chairman,
Department Procurement Committee (Major),
3. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further
Sri Lanka Railways.
information and inspect the Bidding Documents at the
address given below on working days from 18.12.2023 until Ref. No. SRS/F. 7933.
11.01.2024 from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Deputy General Manager (Procurement),
Railway Procurement Sub Department, ————————
Olcott Mawatha,
Colombo 10,
Sri Lanka.

Telephone Nos. : 94 (11) 2438078 or 94 (11) 2436818 Invitation for Bids (IFB)
Fax No. : 94 (11) 2432044
Procurement for the supply of 5,000 Nos.
E-mail :
Less High Concrete Sleepers to suit EN 45
Website :
E1 Rails for check railed track for KV
4. The Bidder should have supplied more than 5,000 Nos.
of Concrete Sleepers to Sri Lanka Railways or have supplied
IFB No. SRS F. 7951
pre-stressed Concrete Beams for a value of more than Rs. 50
Million or should have supplied pre-stressed Concrete Poles The Chairman, Department Procurement Committee
for a value of more than Rs. 500 Million within the last five (Major) on behalf of Sri Lanka Railways, Colombo will
(05) years along with the copies of invoices. receive sealed bids from Local Manufacturers/Suppliers for
the supply of 5,000 Nos. Less High Concrete Sleepers to suit
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English EN 45 E1 Rails for Check Railed track for KV Line.
Language may be purchased by interested bidders on the
submission of a written application to the address of the 2. Bidding will be conducted thorough National
Office of the Railway Procurement Sub Department, Olcott Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedure.
Mawatha, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka from 18.12.2023 to
11.01.2024 up to 3.00 p.m. on payment of a non-refundable 3. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further
Procurement Fee of Rs. 32,000.00 only. information and inspect the Bidding Documents at the
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 11

address given below on working days from 21.12.2023 until 11.01.2024 up to 3.00 p.m. on payment of a non-refundable
11.01.2024 from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. Procurement Fee of Rs. 31,250 only.

Deputy General Manager (Procurement), 6. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security.
Railway Procurement Sub Department, Amount of Bid Security shall be Rs. 1,750,000.00 and shall
Olcott Mawatha, be an unconditional guarantee issued by bank operating in
Colombo 10, Sri Lanka and approved by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka.
7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or
before 2.00 p.m. on 12.01.2024 and the bids will be opened
Telephone Nos. : +94 (11) 2438078 or +94 (11) 2436818 immediately after closing of the bids. Bidders or their
Fax : +94 (11) 2432044 authorized representatives are requested to be present at the
E-mail : opening of bids. Late bids will not be accepted.
Website :
The Chairman,
4. The Bidder should have supplied more than 5,000 Nos. Department Procurement Committee (Major),
of Concrete Sleepers to Sri Lanka Railways or have supplied Office of the Procurement Sub Department,
pre-stressed Concrete Beams for a value of more than Rs. 50 Sri Lanka Railways,
million or should have supplied pre-stressed Concrete Poles Olcott Mawatha,
for a value of more than Rs. 500 million within the last five Colombo 10.
(05) years along with the copies of invoices.
The Chairman,
Department Procurement Committee (Major),
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English Sri Lanka Railways.
Language may be purchased by interested bidders on the
submission of a written application to the address of the Ref. No. SRS/F. 7951.
Office of the Railway Procurement Sub Department, Olcott
Mawatha, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka from 21.12.2023 to 01-04

Unofficial Notices

Public Notice

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 9(2) of the Companies Act No. 7 of 2007 that Ekaterra Ceylon (Private)
Limited changed its name to Lipton Teas and Infusions Ceylon (Private) Limited with effect from 12th December 2023, in
accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of the aforesaid Act.

Former Name of Company : Ekaterra Ceylon (Private) Limited

Number of Company : PV00237431
Registered Office : Level 2, No. 192/10, 9th Lane, Nawala Road, Nawala, Kotte
New Name of the Company: Lipton teas and infusions Ceylon (Private) Limited

By Order of the Board,

Corporate Services (Private) Limited,
Lipton Teas and Infusions Ceylon (Private) Limited.

12 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Auction Sales
Sampath Bank PLC in the District of Colombo Western Province and which
(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited) said Lot 4 is bounded on the North by Portion of same land
claimed by K. T. Tudor and Lot 3 on the East by Lot 3 and
Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Lot 27 (Reservation for Road 20ft.) on the South by Lot 27
Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of (Reservation for Road 20ft.) and Lot 5 and on the West by
1990 Lot 5 & Portion of same land claimed by K. T. Tudor and
containing in extent Ten Perches (0A.,0R.,10P.) according
S P A Enterprises. to the said Plan No. 2933 and registered in Volume/ Folio
A/C No. 0178 1000 5300. A – 659/108 at the Land Registry – Homagama.

It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution adopted Together with the right of way and other connected rights
by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC, dated in over, under & along Lots 26 & 27 depicted in the said
31.08.2023, under Section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by Plan No. 2933 as aforesaid.
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, published
in the Government Gazette dated 27.09.2023, and in daily 2. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
News papers namely “Divaina”, “Island” and “Thinakural” Lot 17B depicted in Plan No. 1154 dated 23rd June, 2019
dated 27.09.2023, P. K. E. Senapathi, Licensed Auctioneer made by S. Liyanage Licensed Surveyor of the land called
of Colombo, will sell by Public Auctions, the properties and “Millagahalanda bearing Assessment No. 37/8, Rubberwatta
premises described in the Schedule 01 on 27.01.2024 at Road, together with the trees, plantations and everything
11.00 a.m. & Schedule 2 on 27.01.2024 at 12.00 p.m. at the else standing thereon situated at Gangodawila Village within
spots the properties and premises described in the Schedules the Grama Niladhari Division of No. 526B, Gangodawila,
hereto for the recovery of said sum of Rupees Twenty Six Divisional Secretariat Division and Urban Council Limits of
Million Five Hundred and Six Thousand Eight Hundred and Maharagama in Palle Pattu in Salpiti Korale in the District
Forty and Cents Seventy only (Rs. 26,506,840.70) together of Colombo, Western Province and which said Lot 17B is
with further interest on a sum of Rupees Twenty Four bounded on the North by Lot 17A and Assessment No. 37/7,
Million Five Hundred Thousand only (Rs. 24,500,000.00) 2nd Lane, Ruberwatta Road (Lot 10 in Plan No. 1111), on
at the rate of Fifteen per centum (15%) per annum from 10th the East by Lots 17A & 17C and Lot 18 in Plan No. 1111,
August, 2023 to date of satisfaction of the total debt due on the South by Lot 17C, Lot 24 (Assessment No. 37/9)
upon the said Bond Nos. 3200 and 1483 together with costs and Lot 23 in Plan No. 1111, on the West by Ruberwatta,
of advertising and other charges incurred less payments 2nd Lane and containing in extent Fifteen Decimal Three
(if any) since received. Naught Perches (0A.,0R.,15.30P.) according to the said
Plan No. 1154 and registered in volume/ Folio B 569/10 in
the schedule Delkanda- Nugegoda Land Registry.

1. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Together with the right of ways in over, under and along
Lot 4 depicted in Plan No. 2933 dated 29th September, 2014 Lot 29 (Road Reservation), Lot 30 (Reservation for Road)
made by U. K. G. P. S. Pushpakumara Licensed Surveyor and Lot 31 (Reservation for Road) in Plan No. 11 dated 26th
of the land called “Weniwelkola Mukalana” together with September, 1972 made by M. J. Setunga Licensed Surveyor.
the , buildings, soil, trees, plantations and everything else
standing thereon bearing Assessment No. 108/17, Pasal By order of the Board,
Mawatha, situated at Weniwelkola Village within the
Grama Niladhari Division of 601, Weniwelkola Village, Company Secretary.
Divisional Secretariat Division and the Pradeshiya Sabha
Limits of Homagama in Udugaha Pattu of Salpiti Korale 01-31
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 13

Sampath Bank PLC decimal Six Five Perches (0A.,0R.,5.65P.) (Excluding Street
(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited) Line) according to the said Plan No. 7964 and registered in
F 359/72 at the Land Registry Delkanda.
Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of
Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of By order of the Board,
Company Secretary.
P. K. S. P. Sumanawansa and M. A. U. Perera.
A/C No.: 1210 5709 2439. 01-34

It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution adopted ————————

by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC, dated
27.04.2023, under Section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by Sampath Bank PLC
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, published (Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited)
in the Government Gazette dated 14.07.2023, and in daily
News papers namely “Divaina”, “Thinakural” and “The Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of
Island” dated 10.07.2023, P. K. E. Senapathi, Licensed Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of
Auctioneer of Colombo, will sell by public auction on 1990
08.02.2024 at 03.30 p.m. at the spot. The properties and
premises described in the schedule hereto for the recovery K. A. I. Parakrama.
of as at 9th March, 2023 a sum of Rupees Ten Million A/C No.: 1132 5220 2842.
Eighty-one Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty and
cents Eighty-four only (Rs. 10,081,220.84) together with It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution adopted
further interest on a sum of Rupees Eight Million Eighty- by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC, dated
seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety-eight and cents 23.02.2023, under Section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by
Fifty-two only (Rs. 8,087,598.52) at the rate of Nine per Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, published
centum (9%) per annum and further interest on a sum of in the Government Gazette dated 23.06.2023, and in daily
Rupees One Million Four Hundred and Three Thousand Newspapers namely “Divaina”, “Thinakural” and “The
Nine Hundred and One and cents Eighty-nine only Island” dated 12.06.2023, K. P. N. Silva, Licensed Auctioneer
(Rs. 1,403,901.89) at the rate of Seven per centum (7%) of Colombo, will sell by public auction on 31.01.2024
per annum from 09th March, 2023 to date of satisfaction at 02.00 p.m. at the spots the properties and premises
of the total debt together with costs of advertising and other described in the Schedule hereto for the recovery of sum of
charges incurred less payments (if any) since received. Rupees Eleven Million Three Hundred and Thirty Seven
Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Four and Cents Sixty
the schedule Six Only (Rs. 11,337,474.66) at the rate of interest Nine
Per Centum (9%) per annum and further interest on further
sum of Rupees Three Million Only (Rs. 3,000,000.00) at
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
the rate of interest Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate +
B1A depicted in Plan No. 7964 dated 12th November, 2005
Two Decimal Five Per centum (AWPLR+2.5%) per annum
and 16th November, 2006 made by P. D. G. Weerasinghe,
from 18th January, 2023 to date of satisfaction of the total
Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Kadurugahakumbura debt due upon the said Mortgage Bonds bearing Nos. 7254,
and Owita” together with soils, trees, plantations, building 7472 and 7986 together with costs of advertising and other
and everything else standing thereon bearing Assessment charges incurred less payments (if any) since received.
No. 41/19, Vijitha Road situated at Nikape within the
Grama Niladhari Division of No. 439 2B-Nikape within the schedule
the Divisional Secretariat of Dehiwala within the Municipal
Council Limits of Dehiwala Mount Lavinia in Palle Pattu of All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
Salpiti Korale in the District of Colombo Western Province 1 depicted in Plan No. 5626 dated 04th September, 2017 made
and which said B1A is bounded on the North by field by U. S. K. Edirisinghe, Licensed Surveyor of land called
Mawatha and Lot B2, on the East by Lots B2 and B1B, on the ‘’Kahatagahawatta, Kahatagahawatta and Paragahaowita”
South by Ela and on the West by Premises bearing Assmt. together with the soil, trees, plantations, buildings and
No. 41/20A Field Mawatha and containing in extent Five everything else standing thereon situated at Katukenda east
14 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

in the Grama Niladhari Division of Katukenda East within sum of Rupees Four Hundred and Nineteen Thousand
the Divisional Secretariat of Dankotuwa and the Pradeshiya One Hundred and Fifty Six and Cents Seventy One only
Sabha Limits of Wennappuwa in Othara Palatha of Pitigal (Rs. 419,156.71) at the rate of interest Ten per centum (10%)
Korale South in the District of Puttalam North Western per annum from 08th February, 2023 to date of satisfaction
Province and which said Lot 1 is bounded on the North of the total debt due upon the said Mortgage Bonds Nos.
by State Land, on the East by Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 1355 and 1703 together with costs of advertising and other
5321 made by U. S. K. Edirisinghe, Licensed Surveyor and charges incurred less payments (if any) since received.
Lot 4 hereof (Road – 16 feet wide), on the South by Lot 2
hereof and on the West by Land of Vincent Milroy Fernando the schedule
and containing in extent Fifteen Perches (0A.,0R.,15P.)
according to the said Plan No. 5626 and registered in All that divided and defined allotment of Land marked
Volume/ Folio E 260/110 at the Land Registry Marawila.
Lot 8 depicted in Plan No. 3119 dated 09th May, 2018
made by N. B. Ekanayake, Licensed Surveyor together
By order of the Board,
with the soil, trees, plantations, buildings and everything
else standing thereon situated at Moragoda now called as
Company Secretary.
Nambadawewa Village in the Grama Niladhari Division
of No. 405 – Moragoda within the Divisional Secretariat
and the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Thalawa in the District
———————— of Anuradhapura North Central Province and which said
Lot 8 is bounded on the North by Lots 7 and 19 (Road -
Pradeshiya Sabha), on the East by Lots 19 and 09, on the
Sampath Bank PLC South by Lots 09 and 24 on the West by Lots 24, 25 & 07
(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited) and containing in extent One Acre (1A., 0R.,0P) according
to the said Plan No. 3119.
Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of
Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of Which said Lot 8 depicted in Plan No. 3119 is a re- survey
1990 of the following Land:

L. E. Nilmini, E. M. N. K. Ekanayake and T. Wickramasinghe. All that divided and defined allotment of Land described
A/C No. : 0048 5000 7298. in the schedule of Grant No. wkq/;,dj/m%/854 dated 25th
April, 1996 granted by her Excellency C. B. Kumarathunga
It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution adopted the President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri
by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC, dated Lanka together with the soil, trees, plantations, buildings and
23.02.2023, under Section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by everything else standing thereon situated at Moragoda now
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, published called as Nambadawewa Village aforesaid and which said
in the Government Gazette dated 28.04.2023, and in daily Land is bounded on the North by Land of U Kapurubanda,
Newspapers namely “Divaina”, “Island” and “Thinakural” on the East by Land of P. Kiribanda, on the South by State
dated 19.04.2023, K. P. N. Silva, Licensed Auctioneer land and on the West by Land of A. Dingirimenika and
of Colombo, will sell by public auction on 31.01.2024 at containing in extent One Acre (1A., 0R., 0P.) and registered
09.30 a.m. at the spot for the recovery of said of Rupees under Volume/ Folio LDO L 23/117 at the Land Registry
Twelve Million Nine Hundred and Seventy Four Thousand Anuradhapura.
Four Hundred and Forty One and Cents Ninety Nine only
(Rs. 12,974,441.99) together with further interest on a sum By order of the Board,
of Rupees Eleven Million Eight Hundred and Eighty Seven
Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Nine and Cents Twenty Company Secretary.
Three only (Rs. 11,887,869.23) at the rate of interest Twelve
per centum (12%) per annum and further interest on further 01-35
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 15

Sampath Bank PLC Reservation Clause

(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited)
1. The title to all minerals (which term shall in this grant
Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of include precious stone) in or upon the holding and
Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of the right to dig for, work and carry away any such
1990 minerals, are reserved to the state.

P. Hettigoda and H. Premadasa 2. The owner’s (Mortgagor’s) title to the holding is

A/C No.:0055 5001 6593 subject to any right of way or other Servitude existing
over the holding at the date of this grant.
It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution adopted
by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC, dated
28.06.2023, under Section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by
1. The owner shall not dispose of a divided portion of
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, published
the holding less in Extent than the unit of sub division
in the Government Gazette dated 20.10.2023, and in daily
specified herein namely 0.25 Acres highland.
Newspapers namely “Divaina”, “Island” and “Thinakural”
dated 17.10.2023, N. U. Jayasuriya, Licensed Auctioneer 2. The owner shall not dispose of an undivided share of
of Colombo, will sell by public auction on 29.01.2024 at the holding less than the minimum fraction specified
11.00 a.m. at the spot for the recovery of said sum of Rupees herein, namely 1/2.
Six Million One Hundred and Thirty Seven Thousand
Eight Hundred and Twenty Three and Cents Fifty only 3. No Person shall be the owner of divided portion of
(Rs.6,137,823.50) together with further interest on a sum the holding less in extent than the unit of Sub division
of Rupees Five Million Eight Hundred and Twenty Three specified in condition 1.
Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty One and Cents Eighty
Four Only (Rs.5,823,681.84) at the rate of Thirteen decimal 4. No person shall be the owner of an undivided share of
Five Per Centum (13.5%) per annum from 09th May 2023 the holding less than the Minimum fraction specified
to date of Satisfaction of the total debt due upon the said in condition 2.
mortgage Bond No. 939 together with costs of advertising
and other charges incurred less payments (if any) since 5. If the holding or any part of it is Irrigable or becomes
received. Irrigable hereafter by any Irrigation work already
constructed in the course of construction, or to be
The Schedule constructed here after, the owner shall comply, in
respect of the Irrigable area, with the provisions of
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked the Irrigation Ordinance (Chapter 453) and any rules
“Lot 1” depicted in Plan No. 2005/234 dated 09th day of framed there under.
July, 2005 made by P. Samarathunga Licensed Surveyor of
6. The owner shall not dig or search for, take, appropriate,
the land called “Goda Idama” together with the soil, trees,
sell or otherwise dispose of any minerals in or upon
plantations, buildings, and everything else standing thereon
the land, unless he has obtained permission in writing
situated a Kanadara – Konakumbukgollewa – Village in the
from the Government Agent and a license from the
Grama Niladari’s Division of No. 78 within the Pradeshiya
appropriate authority.
Sabha Limits of Medawachchiya in Kadawath Korale, in
the Divisional Secretariat Division of Medawachchiya in 7. No disposition of the holding or any portion thereof
the District of Anuradhapura, North Central Province and shall be made except with the prior permission in
which said “Lot 1” is bounded on the North by Road (Aluth writing of the Divisional Secretary.
Para) Reservation on the East by Land of Y. Ariyadasa on
the South by Land of Jayanthi Hemalatha and on the West By order of the Board,
by Land of M. Benjamin and containing in extent two Roods
(0A., 02R., 00P) according to the said Plan No. 2005/234 Company Secretary.
aforesaid and registered in Volume/Folio LDO G 08/93
(Remarks Column) at the Land Registry of Anuradhapura. 01-36
16 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Sampath Bank PLC Surveyor and containing in extent Nine Perches (0A., 0R.,
(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited) 9P) or 0.0228 Hectare according to the said plan No. 1266
together with the building comprising Assessment Nos. 27,
Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of 27 1/1 and 27 2/1 and everything else standing thereon,
Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of
Above Lot 1 is a re-survey of the following Land:
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Nilella Plantation (Private) Limited.
Lot 1B depicted in Plan No. 5088 dated 07.07.2007 made
A/C No. : 0014 1000 1221.
by H. A. Peiris, Licensed Surveyor (being an extract of Lot
1B depicted in Plan No. 2454 dated 11th July, 1979 made
It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution adopted
by H. A. Peiris, Licensed Surveyor) of the land called
by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC, dated
“Convey House” presently bearing Assessment No. 29
26.01.2023, under Section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by
(Part), Rosmead Place situated at Rosmead Place in Ward
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, published
No. 36 (Cinnamon Gardens) aforesaid and which said Lot
in the Government Gazette dated 24.03.2023, and in daily
1B is bounded on the North by Lot 4 depicted in Plan No.
Newspapers namely “Divaina”, “Thinakural” and “The
338 made by H. Anil Peiris, Licensed Surveyor, on the
Island” dated 16.03.2023, P. K. E. Senapathi, Licensed
East by 30ft. wide Road marked as Lot 11 in Plan No. 338
Auctioneer of Colombo, will sell by public auction on
made by H. Anil Peiris, Licensed Surveyor, on the South
12.02.2024 at 3.30 p.m. at the spot, the properties and
by Rosmead Place and on the West by Lot 1A of the same
premises described in the schedule hereto for the recovery
Land in Plan No. 2454 made by H. Anil Peiris, Licensed
of sum of Rupees Sixty Nine Million Four Hundred and
Surveyor and containing in extent Nine Perches (0A., 0R.,
Thirty Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy One
9P) according to the said Plan No. 5088 together with the
and Cents Eighty Seven only (Rs.69,437,671.87) together
building comprising Assessment Nos. 27, 27 1/1 and 27 2/1
with further interest on a sum of Rupees Fifty Million only
and everything else standing thereon.
(Rs.50,000,000.00) at the rate of interest Average Weighted
Prime Lending Rate (AWPLR) + Three decimal Five per
Aforesaid Land being a true extract of the following
centum (3.5%) per annum from 06th January 2023 to date of
satisfaction of the total debt due upon the said Bonds bearing
Nos. 2733 & 4596 together with costs of advertising and
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
other charges incurred less payments (if any) since received.
Lot 1B depicted in Plan No. 2454 dated 11.07.1979 made by
H. A. Peiris, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Convey
The First Schedule
House” presently bearing Assessment No. 29 (Part),
Rosmead Place situated at Rosmead Place in Ward No. 36
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
(Cinnamon Gardens) aforesaid and which said Lot 1B is
Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 1266 dated 20.09.2016 made by
bounded on the North by Lot 4 depicted in Plan No. 338
S. V. A. N. Samanthi, Licensed Surveyor being a re-survey
made by H. Anil Peiris, Licensed Surveyor, on the East by
of Lot 1B depicted in Plan No. 5088 dated 07.07.2007
30ft. wide Road marked as Lot 11 in Plan No. 338 made by
made by H. A. Peiris, Licensed Surveyor (also a re-survey
H. Anil Peiris, Licensed Surveyor, on the South by Rosmead
of Lot 1B depicted in Plan No. 2454 dated 11.07.1979
Place and on the West by Lot 1A hereof and containing in
made by H. Anil Peiris, Licensed Surveyor) of the land
extent Nine Perches (0A., 0R., 9P) according to the said Plan
called “Convey House” presently bearing Assessment
No. 2454 together with the building comprising Assessment
No. 29 (Part), Rosmead Place situated at Rosmead Place,
Nos. 27, 27 1/1 and 27 2/1 and everything else standing
Ward No. 36 (Cinnamon Gardens) in the Grama Niladhari
thereon and registered under Volume/ Folio E 135/11 at the
Division of Kurunduwatta within the Divisional Secretariat
Land Registry Colombo.
of Thimbirigasyaya and the Municipal Council Limits of
Colombo in the District of Colombo Western Province and
Together with the right of way over and along:
which said Lot 1 is bounded on the North by Lot 4 in Plan
No. 338 made by H. Anil Peiris, Licensed Surveyor, on the
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
East by 30ft. wide Road marked as Lot 11 in Plan No. 338
11 (Reservation for a Common Road – 30ft. wide) depicted
made by H. Anil Peiris, Licensed Surveyor, on the South
in Plan No. 338 dated 05.02.1966 made by H. A. Peiris,
by Rosmead Place and on the West by Lot 1A of the same
Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Convey House”
Land in Plan No. 2454 made by H. Anil Peiris, Licensed
situated at Rosmead Place in Ward No. 36 (Cinnamon
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 17

Gardens) aforesaid and which said Lot 11 is bounded on the THE SCHEDULE
North by Premises bearing Assessment No. 18, Ward Place
and Common Wall, on the East by Lots 10, 7, 6, 3 and 2 of All that divided and defined allotment of Land marked
the same Land, on the South by Rosmead Place and on the Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. Mo/9729 dated 29th June, 2012
West by Lots 1 (presently Lot 1B) 4, 5, 8 and 9 of the same made by P. B. Ilangasinghe, Licensed Surveyor from and
Land and containing in extent Thirty decimal Seven Four out of the Land called “Kovilgodahena” together with soil,
Perches (0A., 0R., 30.74P) according to the said Plan No. trees, plantations, buildings and everything else standing
338 and registered under volume/ Folio A 1016/265 at the thereon situated at Muppane Village in Grama Niladhari
Land Registry Colombo. Division of Muppane within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits
of Monaragala in Divisional Secretariat of Monaragala in
By Order of the Board, Buttala Wedirata Korale in the District of Monaragala, Uva
Province and which said Lot 1 is bounded on the North
by Portion of Same Land, on the East by Portion of same
Company Secretary.
land, on the South by Land of H. P. Wilbert, on the West by
Reservation for Road (Highways) and containing in extent
Eleven Perches (0A., 0R., 11P.) or Hec. 0.0278 according
to the said Plan No. Mo/9729 together with everything else
———————— standing thereon and registered in volume/folio A 32/107 at
Monaragala Land Registry.

Sampath Bank PLC Above is a resurvey of following allotment of land to wit:

(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited)
All that divided and defined allotment of land depicted
in Plan No. 513A dated 09th May 1974 made by D. C.
Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of
Weerasinghe, Licensed Surveyor from and out of the
Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of Land called “Kovilgodahena” together with soil, trees,
1990 plantations, buildings and everything else standing
thereon situated at Muppane Village in Grama Niladhari
H. H. A. Ashirwada. Division of Muppane within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits
A/C No.: 0074 5000 7002. of Monaragala in Divisional Secretariat of Monaragala in
Buttala Wedirata Korale in the District of Monaragala, Uva
It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution adopted Province and which said Land is bounded on the North by
by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC, dated remaining portion of Same Land, on the East by remaining
27.07.2023, under section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by Portion of same land, on the South by Land claimed by
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, published heirs of Deerasooriya now by H. P. Wilbert, on the West
in the Government Gazette dated 17.11.2023, and in daily by High Road and its reservation and containing in extent
Eleven Perches (0A., 0R., 11P.) according to the said Plan
News papers namely “Divaina”, “Island” and “Thinakural”
No. 513A together with everything else standing thereon
dated 10.11.2023, P. K. E. Senapathi, Licensed Auctioneer of
and registered in volume/folio A 11/276 at the Land Registry
Colombo, will sell by public auction on 02.02.2024 at 11.30 Monaragala.
a.m. at the spot the property and premises described in the
schedule hereto for the recovery said sum of Rupees Sixteen Above allotment is a survey of the following allotment
Million Nine Hundred and Seventy Thousand Seventy-five of land to wit:
and cents Eighty-two only (Rs. 16,970,075.82) together
with further interest on a sum of Rupees Sixteen Million All that divided and defined allotment of land called
One Hundred and Seventeen Thousand Eight Hundred and “Kovilgodahena” together with soil, trees, plantations,
Seventy-two and cents Eighty-two only (Rs. 16,117,872.82) buildings and everything else standing thereon situated at
at the rate of Twelve per centum (12%) per annum from 05th Muppane Village in Grama Niladari Division of Muppane
June, 2023 to date of satisfaction of the total debt due upon within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Monaragala, in the
Divisional Secretariat of Monaragala in Buttala Wedirata
the said Bond bearing Nos. 1135, 1599, 1903, 2169 and
Korale in the District of Monaragala Uva Province which
2448 together with costs of advertising and other charges
said defined Portion is bounded on the North by Remaining
incurred less payments (if any) since received. portion of the same land, on the East by Remaining portion
18 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

of the same land, on the South by the limit of the land annum from 14th July 2023 to date of satisfaction of the
belonging to Roman Catholic Church now said to belong total debt due upon the said Bonds bearing Nos. 733, 2011,
to the heirs of Deerasooriya and on the West by High Road 812, 1781, 1430, 1783, 2464 and 2545 together with costs
and containing in extent within these boundaries Thirty (30) of advertising and other charges incurred less payments (if
feet along the High Road and along the Eastern boundary any) since received.
from North to South and One Hundred (100) feet along
the Southern and Northern boundaries from East to West
and registered in volume/folio A 29/73 at the Land registry
1. All that divided and defined allotment of Lot 01
By Order of the Board, depicted in Plan No. 6388 dated 05th January 2009 made
by G. Samarakkody Licensed Surveyor of the land called
Company Secretary. "Warakarodawatta" together with the soil, trees, plantations,
buildings and everything else standing theron bearing Assmt.
12-29/1 No. 39/4, Walimada Road in Grama Niladhari Division
of Bandarawela, within the Municipal Council Limits of
———————— Bandarawela and Divisional Secretariat of Bandarawela in
the District of Badulla, Uva Province and which said Lot 01
Sampath Bank PLC is bounded on the North by Road (U. C.) and Lot 2 in Plan
(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited) No. 6387 on the East by Road (U. C.) on the South by Lot 2
and on the West by Lot 2 in Plan No. 6387 and containing in
Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of extent Eight decimal Three Perches (0A. 0R. 8.3P.) or Hec.
Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 0.0210 according to the said Plan No. 6388 and registered in
1990 Volume/Folio V05/123 at the Land Registry Badulla.

M. H. A. Nishantha. Together with the right of way over and along Lot
A/C Nos.: 01135000 2768/0113 5000 6240. 2 depicted in Plan No. 6387 dated 01st January, 2008
made by G. Samarakkody Licensed Surveyor of the land
It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution adopted called ''Warakarodawatta" together with the soil, trees,
by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC, dated plantations, buildings and everything else standing thereon
27.07.2023, under section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by in Grama Niladhari Division of Bandarawela, within the
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, published Municipal Council Limits of Bandarawela and Divisional
in the Government Gazette dated 20.10.2023, and in daily Secretariat of Bandarawela in the District of Badulla, Uva
News papers namely “Divaina”, “Island” and “Thinakural” Province and which said Lot 2 is bounded on the North by
dated 20.10.2023, P. K. E. Senapathi, Licensed Auctioneer Warakaradawatta Tea Estate and Road (U. C.) and Lot 3 on
of Colombo, will sell by public auction, Lot 01 in Plan the East by Lot 1 in the said Plan on the South by Lot 1 and
No. 1861 on 10.02.2024 at 11.00 a.m. Lot 01 in Plan No. on the West by Lot 3 and containing in extent Ten decimal
6388 on10.02.2024 at 1.00 p.m. at the spot the property and Six Perches (0A. 0R.10.6P.) according to the said Plan No.
premises described in the schedule hereto for the recovery 6387 and registered in Volume/Folio V 05/124 at the Land
of sum of Rupees Sixty Four Million Nine Hundred and Registry Badulla.
Seventy Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty Five and
Cents Ten only (Rs. 64,977,635.10) together with further 2. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
interest on a sum of Rupees Five Million Nine Hundred Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 1861 dated 13th January 2003
and Twenty One Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Four made by G. W. K. Manamperi Licensed Surveyor of the land
and Cents Forty Eight only (Rs. 5,921,444.48) at the rate of called "Dimbulamura Kanatta" together with the buildings,
Fourteen decimal Five per centum (14.5%) per annum and soil, trees, plantations and everything else standing thereon
further interest on a sum of Rupees Thirty Seven Million situated at Dimbulamure Village in the Grama Niladhari
Nine Hundred and Sixty Nine Thousand One Hundred and Division of Dimbulamure within the Pradeshiya Sabha
Ninety Seven and Cents Forty Eight only (Rs. 37,969,197.48) Limits and the Divisional Secretariat of Wellawaya,
at the rate of Thirteen decimal Five per centum (13.5%) per Wellawaya Korale in the District of Monaragala Uva
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 19

Province and which said Lot 1 is bounded on the North by Limits and the Divisional Secretariat of Wellawaya, Wellayawa
land in Plan No. 1360 made by H. W. Munasinghe Licensed Korale in the District of Moanaragala Uva Province and
Surveyor on the East by land in Plan No. 2838 made by which said Lot 2 is bounded on the North by land in Plan No.
L. K. Gunasekara Licensed Surveyor on the South by Lots 1360 made by H. W. Munasinghe Licensed Surveyor on the
11 and 2 in Plan No. 2152 made by H. W. Munasinghe East by Lot 1 on the South by land in Plan No. 2835 made by
Licensed Surveyor and on the West by land in Plan No. 2835 L. K. Gunasekera Licensed Surveyor and on the West by Ella
made by L. K. Gunasekera Licensed Surveyor and Lot 2 - Wellawaya main road and containing in extent Four decimal
(access) and containing in extent Twenty Two decimal One Four Perches (0A. 0R. 4.4P.) or Hec. 0.0111 according to the
Perches (0A. 0R. 22.1P.) or Hec. 0.0559 according to the said Plan No. 1861 and registered in Volume/Folio P 18/23
said Plan No. 1861 and registered in Volume/Folio P 20/144 at the Land Registry Monaragala.
at the Land Registry Monaragala.
By Order of the Board,
As per a new figure of survey above land described as
follows : Company Secretary.

All that divided and defined allotment of land marked 01-29/2

Lot A depicted in Plan No. 1533 dated 08th December 2015
made by A. N. Kinigama Licensed Surveyor of the land ————————
called "Dimbulamura Kanatta" together with the buildings,
soil, trees, plantations and everything else standing thereon Seylan Bank PLC — corporate
situated at Dimbulamure Village aforesaid and which said banking
Lot A is bounded on the North by land in Plan No. 1360
made by H. W. Munasinghe Licensed Surveyor (claimed by Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by
St. Mary's Church) on the East by land in Plan No. 2838 Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990
made by L. K. Gunasekara Licensed Surveyor (Claimed by
J. Rajapaksha) on the South by Lots 11 (claimed by H. A. Auction Sale
Wijerathne) and 2 (claimed by W. M. Punchibanda) in Plan
No. 2152 made by H. W. Munasinghe Licensed Surveyor Whereas Fairway Latitude (Private) Limited a Company
and on the West by land in Plan No. 2835 made by L. K. duly incorporated under the Companies Act, No. 07 of
Gunasekera Licensed Surveyor (claimed made by W. P. 2007 bearing Registration No. PV 118117 and having it’s
Jayadasa) and Lot 2 (13ft. wide access road) and containing registered office at Rajagiriya as “Obligor/ Mortgagor” has
in extent Twenty Two decimal one perches (0A. 0R. 22.1P) made default in payment due on Mortgage Bond Nos. 2294
dated 20th March, 2017, 2730 dated 12th March, 2020 both
or Hec. 0.0559 according to the said Plan No. 1533 together
attested by M. G. R. P. Kumari, Notary Public in favour of
with the premises bearing Asst. No. 242/1, Ella Road and
Seylan Bank PLC.
registered in Volume/Folio P 20/144 at the Land Registry
The Schedule

Together with the right of way over and along following

All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
allotment of land. Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 14886 dated 06.07.2017 made by
S. Wickramasinghe, Licensed Surveyor (being a resurvey
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot and amalgamation Lot B & D in Plan No. 13645 dated
2 depicted in Plan No. 1861 dated 13th January 2003 made 19.06.2015 and Lots 1 & 2 in Plan No. 14069 dated 10.03.2016
by G. W. K. Manamperi Licensed Surveyor of the Land both made by S. Wickramasinghe L. S.] of the land called
called "Dimbulamura Kanatta" together with the buildings, “Nugagaha Kumbura alias Divulgaha Kumbura & Edanda
soil, trees, plantations and everything else standing thereon Kumbura alias Watta” bearing Assessment Nos. 5 & 7
situated at Dimbulamure Village in the Grama Niladhari Avissawella Road, Kirillapone and 8/86K, Sri Siddhartha
Division of Dimbulamure within the Pradeshiya Sabha Path, situated at Kirillapone in Ward No. 44, Kirillapone
20 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

within the Grama Niladhari Division of Kirillapone and of Colombo in Palle Pattu of Salpiti Korale in the District of
Divisional Secretary Division of Thimbirigasyaya in the Colombo Western Province and containing in extent Naught
Municipal Council Limits of Colombo in Palle Pattu of Decimal Three Six Perches (0A.,0R.,0.36P.) or 0.00091
Salpiti Korale and District of Colombo Western Province Hectare according to the said Plan No. 874, together with
and containing in extent Three Rood and Seven Decimal the trees, plantations, soils and everything else standing
Nine Seven Perches (0A.,3R.,7.97P.) or 0.3237 Hectare thereon.
according to the said Plan No. 14886 together with the
buildings, trees, plantations, soil and everything else I shall sell the above Property by Public Auction on 23rd
standing thereon. January 2024 at 8.30 a.m. at Seylan Bank PLC, No. 90,
Galle Road, Colombo 03.
Together with the drain and provision for street widening
morefully described below : Mode of Access.— From Thunmulla Junction on
Baudhaloka Mawatha, Bambalapitiya travel along Sri
1. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Sambudhawa Jayanthi Mawatha (Formally Havelock Road)
Lot C (drain) in Plan No. 13645 dated 19.06.2015 made by for about 2.1 km and reach Maya Avenue Roundabout. Then
S. Wickramasinghe, Licensed Surveyor called “Nugagaha travel straight along Maya Avenue and then onto High Level
Kumbura alias Diulgaha Kumbura & Edanda Kumbura alias Road for 600m to reach the property is located on your left
Watta” in Registration Plan No. 4 Kirillapone, situated at hand side and facing this road at its southern boundary and a
Kirillapone in the Grama Niladhari Division of Kirillapone path from Sri Siddhartha Path at its North Western boundary.
and in the Divisional Secretary Division of Thimbirigasyaya
in Ward No. 44 within the Municipal Council Limits of This Property could also be reached from Kirulapona
Colombo in Palle Pattu of Salpiti Korale and District of Municipal Market on High Level Road by travelling along
Colombo Western Province and containing in extent One same road towards Colombo for 190m it is located on
Perch (0A.,0R.,01.00P) or 0.0026 Hectare according to the the right hand side. The roads leading to the property are
said Plan No. 13645 together with the trees, plantations, soil motorable public roads.
and everything else standing thereon.
For the Notice of Resolution please refer the Government
2. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Gazette on 20.10.2023 ‘Ceylon Today, ‘Mawbima’ and
Lot E (provision for street widening) in Plan No. 13645 dated ‘Thinakkural’ on 30.10.2023.
19.06.2015 made by S. Wickramasinghe, Licensed Surveyor
called “Nugagaha Kumbura alias Diulgaha Kumbura & Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will
Edanda Kumbura alias Watta” in Registration Plan No. 4 have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the
Kirillapone, situated at Kirillapone in the Grama Niladhari hammer :
Division of Kirillapone and in the Divisional Secretary
Division of Thimbirigasyaya in Ward No. 44 within the 1. Ten percent (10%) of the purchased price ;
2. Local Authority charges one percent (1%) ;
Municipal Council Limits of Colombo in Palle Pattu of
3. Two and a Half percent (2.5%) as Auctioneer’s
Salpiti Korale and District of Colombo Western Province
Charges ;
and containing in extent Six Decimal Three Naught Perches
4. Notary’s attestation fees for Condition of Sale
(0A.,0R.,06.30P.) or 0.0159 Hectare according to the said
Rs. 3,000 ;
Plan No. 13645 together with the trees, plantations, soil and 5. Clerk’s and Crier’s fees wages ;
everything else standing thereon. 6. Total cost of advertising incurred on the sale.

3. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Balance 90% of the purchase price together with any
Lot 6215 (Reservation for Road) depicted in Plan No. other statutory levies, duties, taxes or charges when ever
874 dated 21.10.1996 made by J. R. Alahakone, Licensed imposed by the Government of Sri Lanka to be deposited
Surveyor of the land called “Nugagaha Kumbura alias with Seylan Bank PLC, within 30 days from the date of
Divulgaha Kumbura” situated at Kirillapone within the sale. In Case of failure to deposit the balance amount within
Grama Niladhari Division of Kirillapone in Thimbirigasyaya the time as stipulated, the amount paid by bidder will be
Divisional Secretary Division and Municipal Council Limits forfeited and conduct a fresh auction.
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 21

Title Deeds and connected documents could be inspected I shall sell the above Property by Public Auction on 23rd
obtained from Assistant General Manager - Legal, Seylan January 2024 at 8.45 a.m. at Seylan Bank PLC, No. 90,
Bank PLC, Seylan Towers, No. 90, Galle Road, Colombo 3. Galle Road, Colombo 03.
Telephone Nos.: 011-2456482, 011-2456473.
Mode of Access.— From Dhiyagama Junction proceed
along the D. S. Senanayaka Mawatha distance about 1.1km
*The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction
to reach the subject property which is situated Right hand
without prior notice.
side of that road. The property has a Motorable and Legal
Chandima Priyadarshani Gamage,
Licensed Auctioneer and For the Notice of Resolution please refer Government
Court Commissioner, Valuer. Gazette on 01.12.2023 ‘Ceylon Today, ‘Mawbima’ and
‘Thinakkural’ on 28.11.2023.
No. 9-i, High Level Road,
Sarvodaya Mawatha, Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser shall
Panagoda, have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the
Homagama, hammer.
Telephone No. : 0714318252. 1. Ten percent (10%) of the purchased price ;
2. Local Authority charges one percent (1%) ;
01-58 3. Two and a Half percent (2.5%) as Auctioneer’s
Charges ;
———————— 4. Notary’s attestation fees for Conditions of Sale Rs.
3,000 ;
5. Clerk and Couriers fees wages ;
Seylan Bank PLC — Anuradhapura 6. Total cost of advertising incurred on the sale.
Balance 90% of the purchase price together with any
Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by other statutory levies, duties, taxes or charges when ever
Bank (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990 imposed by the Government of Sri Lanka to be deposited
with Seylan Bank PLC, within 30 days from the date of
Auction Sale sale. In Case of failure to deposit the balance amount within
the time as stipulated, the amount paid by bidder will be
Whereas Rathnayakage Ananda Rathnayaka and forfeited and conduct a fresh auction.
Wellalage Sarahastha Nanayakkara both of Anuradhapura
as “Obligors/Mortgagor” have made default in payment due Title Deeds and connected documents could be inspected
on Bond No. 1666 dated 11th October 2018 attested by K. and obtained from Assistant General Manager - Legal,
K. W. Chamarasinghe, Notary Public in favour of Seylan Seylan Bank PLC, Seylan Towers, No. 90, Galle Road,
Bank PLC. Colombo 3. Telephone Nos.: 011-2456482, 011-2456473.

The Schedule *The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction
without prior notice.
Of an allotment of land called “Kombichchikulama
Hena” depicted as Lot 01 in Plan No. 2014/AN/320 dated Chandima Priyadarshani Gamage,
12.05.2014 made by P. B. Ilangasinghe, Licensed Surveyor Licensed Auctioneer and
(being a resurvey of Lot 843 in F. U. P. No. 4 made by Court Commissioner, Valuer
Surveyor General) situated at Division II of Stage III in
Anuradhapura within the Grama Niladhari Division of No. No. 9-i, High Level Road,
256 Division II of Stage III in Kanadara Korale within the Sarvodaya Mawatha,
Divisional Secretariat Division of Nuwaragam Palatha East Panagoda,
in the District of Anuradhapura, North Central Province and Homagama,
containing in extent Twenty Two Perches (0A., 0R., 22P.) Telephone No. : 0714318252.
together with everything else standing thereon. 01-56
22 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05


(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited)
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of 3 in Plan No. 2687 dated 19th January 2022 made by Nimal
Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of Liyanage, Licensed Surveyor of land called “Blackpool
1990 Patana” together with the soil, trees, plantations, buildings
and everything else standing thereon situated at Blackpool
Blackpool Eco Villa (Private) Limited. village in the Grama Niladhari Division of Blackpool within
the Divisional Secretariat and the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits
A/C No. : 1213 1401 0125 & 5213 3000 0376.
of Nuwara Eliya in Oyapathana Korale in the District of
Nuwara Eliya Central Province and which said Lot 3 is
It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution adopted
bounded on the North by Lot 2 in here of and Land claimed
by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC, dated by S A C Perera East by Land claimed by S A C Perera and
30.05.2019, under section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by Road South by Road West by Lot 4 (Access Road) hereof
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, published and containing in extent of Six Decimal Two Perches
in the Government Gazette dated 09.08.2019, and in daily according to the said Plan No. 2687.
News papers namely “Divaina”, “Island” and “Thinakural”
dated 25.07.2019, P. K. E. Senapathi, Licensed Auctioneer Which said Lot 3 depicted in Plan No. 2687 is re-survey,
of Colombo, will sell by public auction on 30.01.2024 at amalgamation and sub division of the following Lands.
03.30 p.m. at the spot the allotment of land marked Lot 3
in PlanNo. 2687 described in the schedule hereto for the 1. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
recovery of sum of Rupees Thirty Million Five Hundred Lot 2 depicted in Plan No. 1471 dated 07th December, 2015
and Seventy Nine Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Four and made by N. Liyanage, Licensed Surveyor, together with
Cents Fifty Six Only (Rs. 30,579,234.56) now its reduced the building, trees, plantations and everything else standing
to (Rs. 21,902,277.40) Twenty One Million Nine Hundred thereon situated at Blackpool Village within the Grama
Niladhari Division of Blackpool, Divisional Secretariat
and Two Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy Seven and
Division and the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Nuwara-
Cents Forty only together with further interest on further
Eliya in Oyapalata Korale and the District of Nuwara-Eliya
sum of Rupees Twenty Three Million Nine Hundred and
Central Province and which said Lot 2 is bounded on the
Fifty Thousand Only (Rs. 23,950,000.00) now its reduced North by Land claimed by R. C. William and Benedict
to Rupees Twelve Million Seven Hundred Forty Nine Perera, on the East by Land claimed by Benedict Perera and
Thousand Five Hundred Thirty Three and Cents Twelve S. A. C. Perera, on the South by Lot 2A (Land claimed by
only (Rs. 12,749,533.12) at the rate of Average Weighted S. A. S. Chandrawansa) and on the West by Road and Path
Prime Lending Rate + Three per centum (3%) per annum and and containing in extent Thirty-seven Perches (0A, 0R.,
further interest on further sum of united State Dollars Thirty 37P.) according to the said Plan No. 1471.
One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Only (US$ 31,250) of
lawful money of United State of America Equivalent to Sri Which said Lot 2 in Plan No. 1471 being a resurvey of
Lankan Rupees Five Million Four Hundred and Twenty Nine the land described below:
Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Seven and Cents Fifty Only
(Rs.5,429,687.50) now its reduced to sum of United State All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
Dollars Thirty One Thousand One Hundred and Twenty Six 2 depicted in Plan No. 550 dated 18th December, 1995 made
and Cents Six Only (US$ 31,126.06) of lawful money of by Y. K. D. A. Senaratne, Licensed Surveyor, together with
the building ,trees, plantations and everything else standing
United State of America Equivalent to Sri Lankan Rupees
thereon situated at Blackpool Village aforesaid and which
Ten Million Twenty Two Thousand Five Hundred and
said Lot 2 is bounded on the North by Land claimed by R. C.
Ninety One and Cents Thirty Two Only (Rs. 10,022,591.32)
Williams, on the East by Land claimed by Benedict Perera
at the rate of 03 months London Inter Bank Offered Rate and S. A. C. Perera, on the South by Land claimed by S. A. S.
+ Four per centum (4%) per annum (minimum 5.5%) from Chandrawansa and on the West by Foot Path and containing
10th May 2019 to date of satisfaction of the total debt due in extent Thirty-seven Perches (0A., 0R., 37P.) according
together with costs of advertising and other charges incurred to the said Plan No. 550 and Registered in Volume/Folio A
less payments (if any) since received. 180/107 at the Land Registry Nuwara-Eliya.
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 23

2. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked which said Lot 2A is bounded on the North by Land claimed
Lot 2A depicted in Plan No. 1471 dated 07th December, by N. K. M. Dissanayaka, on the East by Land claimed by S.
2015 made by N. Liyanage, Licensed Surveyor, together A. C. Perera, on the South by Road and on the West by Foot
with the building, trees, plantations and everything else Path and containing in extent Thirty-seven Perches (0A.,
standing thereon situated at Blackpool Village aforesaid and 0R., 37P.) according to the said Plan No. 550 and Registered
which said Lot 2A is bounded on the North by Lot 2 in this in Volume/Folio A 180/108 at the Land Registry Nuwara-
Plan (Land claimed by N. K. M. Dissanayake), on the East Eliya.
by Land claimed by S. A. C. Perera, on the South by Road
and on the West by Road and containing in extent Thirty- Excluding Lot I & II in Plan No. 2687 dated 19.01.2022
seven Perches (0A.,0R.,37P.) according to the said Plan which is re-surveyor amalgamation and sub-division and
No. 1471. aforesaid Lot 02 and 2A in Plan No. 1471, release by deeds
of release Nos. 3310 & 3311 both dated 23.08.2022 all
Which said Lot 2A in Plan No.1471 being a resurvey of
attested by A K D Prasanga L.S.
the land describe below:
By order of the Board,
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Lot 2A depicted in Plan No. 550 dated 18th December, 1995
made by Y. K. D. A. Senaratne, Licensed Surveyor, together Company Secretary.
with the building ,trees, plantations and everything else
standing thereon situated at Blackpool Village aforesaid and 01-33


Sampath Bank PLC

(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited)

Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of

Thammanae Tea Factory (Private) Limited

A/C No.: 0014 1000 2724

At a meeting held on 23.02.2023 by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC it was resolved specially and
unanimously :

It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC, dated 23.02.2023,
under section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, published in the Government
Gazette dated 06.04.2023, and in daily News papers namely “Divaina”, “Thinakkural” and “The Island” dated 30.03.2023,
P. K. E. Senapathi, Licensed Auctioneer of Colombo, will sell by public auction on 14.02.2024 at 11.00 a.m. at the spot,
the properties and premises described in the schedule hereto for the recovery of sum of Rupees One Hundred and Fifty-
three Million Three Hundred and Seventy-nine Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty Two and Cents Forty Four only (Rs.
153,379,932.44) together with further interest on a sum of Rupees Fourteen Million Three Hundred Thousand Two Hundred
and Ninety Seven and Cents Eleven (Rs. 14,300,297.11) at the rate of interest Ten per centum (10%) per annum, further
interest on a sum of Rupees Four Million Eight Hundred and Twenty Four Thousand only (Rs. 4,824,000.00) at the rate
of Interest Seven decimal Five per centum (7.5%) per annum, further interest on sum of Rupees One Hundred and Eight
Million Six Hundred and Forty-eight Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty Six and Cents Fifteen only (Rs. 108,648,686.15) at
the rate of Interest Seven per centum (7%) per annum, further interest on a sum of Rupees Eighteen Million Nine Hundred
and Twenty Nine Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety and Cents Forty Three (Rs. 18,929,290.43) at the rate of interest Five
decimal Five Naught per centum (5.50%) per annum and further interest on a sum of Rupees One Million Four Hundred
and Thirty Nine Thousand Three Hundred and Seventeen and Cents Ninety Six (Rs. 1,439,317.96) from 25th January 2023
to date of satisfaction of the total debt due upon the said Bonds bearing Nos. 4992, 788 and 5289 together with costs of
advertising and other charges incurred less payments (if any) since received.
24 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

The First Schedule

All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot A depicted in Plan No. 209/2013 dated 30.09.2013, made
by K. V. P. B. Keerthilal, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “amalgamation of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 of Brooklyn Estate”
together with the soil, trees, plantations, buildings and machineries at the Tea Factory called & known as “Thammanae Tea
Factory” and everything else standing thereon, situated at Horagala, within the Grama Niladhari Division of Udahoragala,
in Divisional Secretary’s Division and the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Kotapola, in Morawak Korale, in the District of
Matara, Southern Province and which said Lot A is bounded on the North by Lots 18E, 2, 4, 18K & 18L, 18N and road to
Kotapola Bengamuwa road, on the East by lots 150, 8, 18N, 18 road to Kotapola Bengamuwa Road and reservation along
the Halgamsulla dola, on the South by lot 18 and area covered by Statutory Determinations and on the West by Reservations
along the Thalagulane dola and Halgasmulle dola, lot 6 ½ in Plan No. 648, Lot 18K, 4, 18E in Plan No. 648 and containing in
extent of Forty Three Acres Three Roods and Twenty Nine Perches (43A. 3R. 29P.) according to the said Plan No. 209/2013
and registered under Volume/Folio B 63/143 at the Land Registry of Kotapola.

Which said Lot A is being re-survey and sub-division of amalgamated Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 depicted in Plan No.
648 dated 18.09.1974 made by T. Ramachandra L. S. as described below. Therefore, please register the said Lot A in separate
volume/folio property connected to the lands described below:

1. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 648 dated 18.09.1974 made
by T. Ramachandra Licensed Surveyor, of the land called “Brooklyn Estate”, together with the soil, trees, plantations and
everything else standing thereon, situated at Horagala, within the Grama Niladari Division of Udahoragala, in Divisional
Secretary’s Division and Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Kotapola, in Morawak Korale, in the District of Matara, Southern
Province and which said Lot 1 is bounded on the North by lot 2 (Lot 18G of F. V. P. 16) of the same land, on the East by Lot
18 of F. V. P. 16, on the South by Area covered by Statutory Determination and on the West by Lot 18E in F. V. P. 16 and
containing in extent of Two Roods and Fourteen Perches (0A. 2R. 14P.) according to the said Plan No. 648 and registered at
Kotapola District Land registry under reference G 104/268.

2. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot 2 depicted in Plan No. 648 dated 18.09.1974 made
by T. Ramachandra Licensed Surveyor, of the land called “Brooklyn Estate”, together with the soil, trees, plantations and
everything else standing thereon, situated at Horagala, within the Grama Niladari Division of Udahoragala, in Divisional
Secretary’s Division and Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Kotapola, in Morawak Korale, in the District of Matara, Southern
Province and which said Lot 2 is bounded on the North by lot 2 of F. V. P. 16, on the East by Lot 18H of F. V. P. 16, on the
South by 18 E of F. V. P. 16 and Lot 1 in Plan No. 648 and on the West by Lot 18E in F. V. P. 16 and containing in extent of
Four Acres Two Roods and Nineteen Perches (4A. 2R. 19P.) according to the said Plan No. 648 and registered at Kotapola
District Land registry under reference G 104/273.

3. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked contiguous Lot 3 & 4 depicted in Plan No. 648 dated
18.09.1974 made by T. Ramachandra Licensed Surveyor, of the land called “Brooklyn Estate”, together with the soil, trees,
plantations and everything else standing thereon, situated at Horagala, aforesaid and which said contiguous Lot 3 & 4 is
bounded on the North by Lot 18K of F. V. P. 16, on the East by Lot 18K of F. V. P. 16 and Lot 5 of Plan No. 648, on the
South by Lot 18 of F. V. P. 16 on West by Lot 18H and Lot 4 of F. V. P. 16 and containing in extent of Twelve Acres Thirty
Nine Perches (12A. 0R. 39P.) according to the said Plan No. 648 and registered at Kotapola District Land registry under
reference B 11/79.

4. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot 5 depicted in Plan No. 648 dated 18.09.1974 made
by T. Ramachandra Licensed Surveyor, of the land called “Brooklyn Estate”, together with the soil, trees, plantations and
everything else standing thereon, situated at Horagala, aforesaid and which said Lot 5 is bounded on the North by lot 18K
of F. V. P. 16, on the East by Lot 6 of Plan No. 648, on the South by Lot 18 of F. V. P. 16 and on the West by Lot 4 of F. V.
P. 16 and containing in extent of Seven Acres Two Roods and Fifteen Perches (7A. 2R. 15P.) according to the said Plan No.
648 and registered at Kotapola District Land registry under reference G 104/269.
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 25

5. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot 6 depicted in Plan No. 648 dated 18.09.1974 made
by T. Ramachandra Licensed Surveyor, of the land called “Brooklyn Estate”, together with the soil, trees, plantations
and everything else standing thereon, situated at Horagala, aforesaid and which said Lot 6 is bounded on the North by
lot 18K of F. V. P. 16, on the East by Road, Lots 8, 18N and 18K of F. V. P. 16, on the South by Lots 18 & 6 ½ of
F. V. P. 16 and land in T. P. 310229 and on the West by Lot 5 of Plan No. 648, Lots 18K and 6 ½ of F. V. P. 16 and
containing in extent of Eighteen Acres Two Roods and Twenty Eight Perches (18A.,2R.,28P.) according to the said Plan
No. 648 and registered at Kotapola District Land registry under reference G 104/270.

6. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot 7 depicted in Plan No. 648 dated 18.09.1974 made
by T. Ramachandra Licensed Surveyor, of the land called “Brooklyn Estate”, together with the soil, trees, plantations and
everything else standing thereon, situated at Horagala, aforesaid and which said Lot 7 is bounded on the North by lot 54
of F. V. P. 16, on the East by Road, Lots 8, F. V. P. 16, on the South by Lot 150 of F. V. P. 16 and on the West by Lot 150 of
F. V. P. 16 and containing in extent of Thirty Four Perches (0A.,0R.,34P.) according to the said Plan No. 647 and registered
at Kotapola District Land Registry under reference B 11/82.

Together with all & Singular plant, machinery & Equipment hereinafter fully described which will be permanently
fixed to the in an upon the above premises or any other place or places where the same may be removed and kept lie stored
or installed.

Item No. of Units Description

1. 01 No. Witherng Troughs 100' x 6'

2. 01 No. Withering Troughs 87' x 6'

3. 06 Nos. Withering Troughs 57' x 6'

4. 01 No. Monorail System

5. 01 No. 46' Roller unit 1

6. 01 No. “Walker” 44' Roller unit 2

7. 02 Nos. “Walker” 45'' Roller unit 3

8. 02 Nos. Roller breakers 12' x 4' 5''

9. 01 No. 5' Drier

10. 01 No. Fibre Mat

11. 02 Nos. P. P. Piyasena 3T Stalkers

12. 02 Nos. P. P. Jinasena Middleton

13. 05 Nos. Michi Shifters

14. 01 No. Chota Shifter

15. 02 Nos. Suction Winnowers

16. 01 No. “Timing” Colour Separator

17. 01 No. “Senvic” Colour Separator FTR 84W

18. 01 No. “Super Shiznoka” NS 40 Colour Separator

26 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Item No. of Units Description

19. 03 Nos. Humidity Fans

20. 01 No. Fire Wood Splitter

21. 01 No. Generator

22. 01 No. Avery, 150kg, Electronic Weighing Scale

23. 01 No. Avery, 250kg, Weighing Scale

24. 01 No. Avery, 300kg, Weighing Scale

25. 01 No. Scale Auto with Panel Board

By Order of the Board,

Company Secretary.



Sampath Bank PLC

(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Limited)

Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of

1. Urubokka Thea Karmantha Shalawa - A/C No. : 0014 1000 0896.

2. Ransavi Thea Karmantha Shalawa - A/C No. : 0014 1000 1191.
3. Kudapana Thea Karmantha Shalawa - A/C No. : 0014 1000 0918.

It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC, dated 23.02.2023,
under section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, published in the Government
Gazette dated 06.04.2023, and in daily News papers namely “Divaina”, “Thinakkural” and “The Island” dated 30.03.2023,
P. K. E. Senapathi, Licensed Auctioneer of Colombo, will sell by public auction on 14.02.2024 at 2.30 p.m. at the spot, the
properties and premises described in the schedule hereto for the recovery of sum of Rupees One Hundred and Fifty-three
Million Two Hundred and Thirty-two Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty and cents Ninety-five only (Rs. 153,232,580.95)
together with further interest on a sum of Rupees Ninety-five Million Four Hundred and Fifty-eight Thousand Seven Hundred
and Eighty-eight and cents Fifty-three only (Rs. 95,458,788.53) at the rate of interest Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate
+ One per Centum (AWPLR + 1%) per annum or Seven Per centum (7%) per annum, further interest on a sum of Rupees
Twenty-seven Million Five Hundred and Four Thousand Three Hundred and three and cents Fifteen (Rs. 27,504,303.15)
at the rate of interest Five per centum (5%) per annum, further interest on a sum of Rupees Two Million Seven Hundred
and Forty-one Thousand One Hundred and Fifty-nine and cents Twenty (Rs. 2,741,159.20) at the rate of interest Five per
centum (5%) per annum, further interest on a sum of Rupees Six Million Three Hundred and Seven Thousand One Hundred
only (Rs. 6,307,100.00) at the rate of interest Eight per centum (8%) per annum, further interest on a sum of Rupees Three
Million Sixty Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty-nine and cents Fifty-five (Rs. 3,060,339.55) at the rate of interest Eight
per centum (8%) per annum, further interest on a sum of Rupees Six Million Three Hundred and Five Thousand only
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 27

(Rs. 6,305,000.00) at the rate of interest Eight per centum (8%) per annum, further interest on a sum of Rupees Two Million
One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty-two and cents Eighty-five only (Rs. 2,125,432.85) at the
rate of interest Five per centum (5%) per annum and further interest on a sum of Rupees Three Million Sixty-one Thousand
Seventy-one and cents Sixty (Rs. 3,061,071.60) at the rate of interest Eight per centum (8%) per annum from 13th January,
2023 to date of satisfaction of the total debt due upon the said Bonds bearing Nos. 4600, 2898, 956, 986, 990, 954, 2900, 988,
958 and 2902 together with costs of advertising and other charges incurred less payments (if any) since received.

The Schedule

1. All that divided and defined allotment of Land marked Lot A1 depicted in Plan No. 431 dated 23rd April, 2018
made by K. I. D. Senevirathne, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Maha Amatiya Thanne Watta” together with the soil,
trees, plantation, buildings, machinery and everything else standing thereon situated at Urubokka Village in the Grama
Niladhari Division of Urubokka within the Divisional Secretariat and the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Pasgoda in Morawak
Korale in the District of Matara Southern Province and which said Lot A1 is bounded on the North by Kapathenum, on the
East by Road from Gannaliya to Urubokka, on the South by Govi Badu Idam and on the West by Ovita and containing in
extent Three Roods and Nineteen decimal Three Five Perches (0A., 3R., 19.35P.) according to the said Plan No. 431.

Aforesaid Lot A1 is being a resurvey of:

All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot A depicted in Plan No. 1007/2001 dated 17th March,
2001 made by I Kotambage, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Maha Amatiya Thanne Watta” together with the
soil, trees, plantation, buildings, machinery and everything else standing thereon situated at Urubokka Village aforesaid
and which said Lot A is bounded on the North by Owita, on the East by V. C. Road from Hasareligama to Urubokka,
on the South by Govi Badu Idam and on the West by Ovita and containing in extent Three Roods and Twenty Perches
(0A., 3R., 20P.) according to the said Plan No. 1007/2001 and registered under Volume/Folio C 72/22 at the Land Registry

2. All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot B1 depicted in Plan No. 431 dated 23rd April,
2018 made by K. I. D. Senevirathne, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Maha Amatiya Thanne Watta” together
with the soil, trees, plantation, buildings, machinery and everthing else standing thereon situated at Urubokka Village
aforesaid and which said Lot B1 is bounded on the North by Kapathenuma, on the East by Heenatikumburewatta alias
Amatiyathanne Pahala Watta, on the South by Road from Govi Badu Idam and on the West by Road and containing
in extent One Acre, Three Roods and Two decimal five Six Perches (1A., 3R., 2.56P.) according to the said Plan
No. 431.

Aforesaid Lot B1 is being a resurvey of:

All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot B depiced in Plan No. 1007/2001 dated 17th March, 2001
made by I. Kotambage, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “Maha Amatiya Thanne Watta” together with the soil, trees,
plantation, buildings, machinery and everything else standing thereon situated at Urubokka Village aforesaid and which said
Lot B is bounded on the North by Kapathanuma, on the East by Heenatikumburewatta alias Amatiyathanne Pahala Watta,
on the South by Road from Govi Badu Idam and on the West by V. C. Road to Separate Owita and containing in extent One
Acre, Three Roods and Five decimal Five Perches (1A., 3R., 5.5P.) according to the said Plan No. 1007/2001 and registered
under Volume/Folio C 72/23 at the Land Registry Kotapola.

Together with all and singular plant, machinery and equipment hereinafter fully described which will be permanently
fixed to the in an upon the above premises or any other place or places where the same may be removed and kept lie stored
or installed.
28 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Item No. of Units Description

1 03 Nos. 72’ x 6’ Whitening Trough, 5.5 HP Motor

2 14 Nos. 55’ x 6’ Whitening Trough, 5.5 HP Motor

3 02 Nos. Manual Weight Scales, SL 3901 AAG
4 03 Nos. Electronic Weight Scale, Serial 11108
5 01 No. Single action 46’’ heavy duty tea roller 350Kg
6 01 No. Single action 47’’ heavy duty tea roller Walkers SA 10m, March 2002 No. S 1263
7 2 Single action 44’’ heavy duty tea roller, Model Sirocco
8 1 Single action 40’’ heavy duty tea rollers, Model Walkers SA 31E
9 1 Single action 40’’ heavy duty tea rollers year 2011
10 3 Roller Breakers
11 1 Dryer Brand INGRO
12 1 Fiber Mat
13 4 Middleton Shifter
14 5 Michie Shifter
15 1 Tea Cutter
16 1 Tenniniper
17 2 Exhaust Fans
18 1 Chota Shifter (PPP Jinadasa Machine No. 200166) 440V
19 2 Winnower
20 1 SENVEC colour shorter (Brand BTR 600W) capacity 150kg per hour
21 1 Timing colour sorter (TK 80T) Serial No. 19225026, Capacity 450kg per hour
22 2 Timing MAKA 9, Serial No. 32025087, Capacity 550kg per hour
23 1 SENVEC Colour R 8400W, Serial 132850, Capacity 250Kg per hour
24 1 3T Stalker Machine
25 1 Fire Wood Splitter
26 3 Humidity Fan
27 1 Capacitor Bank
28 1 Generator (Perkings) Model 1306 9 TG (Serial No. 22324)
29 5 Elevators
30 3 Vibrators

By Order of the Board,

Company Secretary.

I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 29

Sampath Bank PLC

(Formerly known as Sampath Bank Ltd)

Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of

New Gamini Thea Karmantha Shalawa.

A/C No.: 0014 1000 0020.

It is hereby notified that pursuant to a Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of Sampath Bank PLC, dated 23.02.2023,
under Section 04 of the Recovery of Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990, published in the Government
Gazette dated 06.04.2023, and in daily Newspapers namely “Divaina”, “Thinakural” and “The Island” dated 30.03.2023,
P. K. E. Senapathi, Licensed Auctioneer of Colombo, will sell by public auction on 14.02.2024 at 1.30 p.m. at the spot, the
properties and premises described in the Schedule hereto for the recovery of sum of Rupees Two Hundred and Thirteen
Million Seven Hundred and Fifty Four Thousand Twenty Four and Cents Twenty Five only (Rs. 213,754,024.25) together
with further interest on a sum of Rupees One Hundred and Eleven Million Three Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand
only (Rs. 111,325,000.00) at the rate of Seven decimal Five per centum (7.5%) per annum, further interest on a sum of
Rupees Forty Five Million Five Hundred and Eighteen Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty Two and Cents Thirty Two
(Rs. 45,518,522.32) at the rate of Five per centum (5%) Per annum, further interest on a sum of Rupees Four Million Three
Hundred and Ninety Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy Six and Cents Sixteen only (Rs. 4,390,876.16) at the rate of
interest five decimal Five Naught per centum (5.50%) per annum and further interest on a sum of Rupees Forty Five Million
Four Hundred and Fifty Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Seven and Cents Seventy Four only (Rs. 45,458,657.74)
at the rate of interest Eight per centum (8%) per annum from 13th January 2023 to date of satisfaction of the total debt due
upon the said Bonds bearing Nos. 952, 992, 1411, 2179, 1744, 2396, 2894 and 1931 together with costs of advertising and
other charges incurred less payments (if any) since received.


All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot A depicted in Plan No. 817 dated 18th July 2011, made by
K. V. P. B. Keerthilal, Licensed Surveyor of the land called “amalgamation of Lots 1 and 2 of Haththahuliyadde Watta alias
haththawuliyadde Watta” together with the buildings, soil, trees, plantations and everything else standing thereon, situated
at Mathugobe in the Grama Niladhari Division of Deniyaya West within the Divisional Secretariat and the Pradeshiya Sabha
Limits of Kotapola in Morawaka Korale in the District of Matara Southern Province and Which said Lot A is bounded on
the North by Palle Maduge Kumbura and Meegahawatta, on the East by Meegahawatta and Road from Main Road, on the
South by Gin Ganga and on the West by Lekamdiwela and containing in extent One Acre (1A. 0R. 0P.) according to the said
Plan No. 817 and registered under Volume/Folio B 16/51 at the Land Registry Kotapola.

Together with all & singular plant, machinery & equipment hereinafter fully described which will be permanently
fixed to the in an upon the above premises or any other place or places where the same may be removed and kept lie stored
or installed.

Item No. of Units Description

1 7 75' x 6' Whitening Trough, (not in use, need immediate refurbishment)
2 02 Nos. 75' x 6' Withering Trough
3 02 Nos. 60' x 6' Withering Troughts
4 02 Nos. 57' x 6' Withering Troughts
5 02 Nos. 48' x 6' Withering Troughts
6 04 Nos. 80' x 6' Withering Troughts
7 01 No. 82' x 6' Withering Troughts
30 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Item No. of Units Description

8 01 No. 74' x 6' Withering Troughts
9 01 No. 65' x 6' Withering Troughts
10 03 Nos. Exhaust Fans
11 01 No. 44' Roller Unit 1 (20HP Siracco, TRO89/2004)
12 01 No. 44' Roller Unit 2 (20HP Walkers, SA 310, 400kg. Ph.)
13 01 No. 47' Roller Unit 3 (20HP Gamini, GEW/TR/045/2002,350Kg.)
14 01 No. 47' Roller Unit 4 (20HP Gamini, GEW/TR/048/2002,350Kg.)
15 01 No. 45' Roller Unit 5 (20HP Walker, SA 102, 300kg.)
16 01 No. 47' Roller Unit 6 (20HP Gamini, GEW/TR/197/2008,350-300Kg.)
17 02 Nos. 14' x 4'5' Roller breakers
18 01 No. 4 Dryer Unit 1 (20HP Vicram, 350kg.)
19 01 No. 6' Dryer Unit 1 (20HPV Ingro, 300kg.)
20 02 Nos. Fibermat
21 02 Nos. 3T Stalkers (Jinasena)
22 05 Nos. Middleton Shifter
23 09 Nos. Michi Shifters
24 01 No. Tea Cutter (PTC 600, S/No. 155)
25 01 No. Chota Shifter - 1HP
26 01 No. Chota Shifter (3HP) - with tea Elevator - 1.5HP
27 01 No. Tenniper
28 04 Nos. Winnowers
29 01 No. Colour Seperator (Timing) TK 80T, S/No. 19225033, 350kg.
30 01 No. Colour Seperator (Nanta -5000T) 5096T, S/No. WT021505005, 300kg.
31 01 No. Colour Seperator (Senvec) (R7500W, S/No. 092322, 200Kg. 230V, 50Hz)
32 04 Nos. Elevators
33 03 Nos. Vibrators
34 03 Nos. Humidity Fans
35 01 No. Fire Wood Splitter
36 01 No. Generator (UC 2744H1, S/No. 04050833)
37 01 No. Electronic Weighing Scale (Avery) (E1005, S/No. 102650130, 100kg.)
38 02 Nos. Weighing Scale (Avery Classic) (SL 3901AAG, S/No. 2K20799)

By Order of the Board,

Company Secretary.

I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 31

Union Bank of colombo PLC 1. Ten percent (10%) of the purchased price ;
2. Local Authority charges one percent (1%) ;
Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by 3. Two and a Half percent (2.5%) as Auctioneer’s
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990 Charges ;
4. Notary’s attestation fees for Conditions of Sale Rs.
Public Auction 2,500 ;
5. Clerk’s and Crier’s wages Rs. 1,000 ;
Whereas Hondamuni Sidath Nirmala De Zoysa 6. Total cost of Advertising and other expenses 100%.
Siriwardana alias Hodamuni Sidath Nirmala De Zoysa
(Holder of NIC No. 812373315V) of No. 07, S. G. A. De Balance 90% of the purchase price together with any
Silva Road, Vilegoda, Ambalangoda as “Obligor” have other statutory levies, duties, taxes or charges when ever
made default in payment due Bank on Primary Mortgage imposed by the Government of Sri Lanka to be deposited
Bond No. 7690 dated 05.01.2023 attested by Wijayapala with Union Bank of Colombo, within 30 days from the date
Mahagodage, Notary Public in favour of Union Bank of of sale. In Case of failure to deposit the balance amount
Colombo PLC bearing Company Registration No. PB within the time as stipulated, the amount paid by bidder will
676PQ. As per authority granted by the said Union Bank of be forfeited and conduct a fresh auction.
Colombo PLC.
Title Deeds and connected documents could be inspected
The Schedule and obtained from Legal Department, Union Bank of
Colombo PLC, No. 64, Galle Road, Colombo 3. Telephone
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Nos.: 011-2374100.
Lot 03 of the Land called “Alubogahawatta” more correctly
Pelengaha Watta bearing Assessment No. 18/3/3 Koshena *The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction
Road, First Lane depicted in Plan No. 6140 dated 20.09.2008 without prior notice.
made by P. Punchihewa L/S together with buildings, soil,
trees, plantations and everything else standing thereon Chandima Priyadarshani Gamage,
situated at Malambe in Grama Seva Division of No. 476 Licensed Auctioneer and
Malambe East within Municipal Council Limits of Kaduwela Court Commissioner, Valuer.
in the Divisional Secretary Division of Kaduwela in Palle
Pattu of Hewagam Korale in the District of Colombo, No. 9-i, High Level Road,
Western Province and containing in extent Seven Perches Sarvodaya Mawatha,
(0A.,0R.,7.00P.) and Registered in Volume/Folio B 1055/18 Panagoda,
at Homagama Land Registry. Homagama,
Telephone Nos. : 0714318252.
Together with the right of way in over and along the
Lot No. 5 (Reservation for a Road 15 feet wide) and Lot 01-55
No. 06 (Road Reservation) depicted in Plan No. 6140 of
P P Punchchihewa L/S and Registered in volume Folio B ————————
1055/19, 20 of Homagama Land Registry).

I shall sell the above mentioned Property by way of Union Bank of colombo PLC
Public Auction on 26th January, 2024 at 1.00 p.m. at the
spot. Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990
Mode of Access.— Proceed from Malabe Junction
along New Kandy Road towards Kaduwela about 2km Public Auction
up to Pittugala Junction, turn right onto Kahantota Road
to proceed about 1.9km, turn left on to Koshena Road to Whereas Dissanayake Mudiyanselage Chinthaka Dinesh
proceed 225m,turn right on to 5th Lane to proceed 175m to Kumara Chandrarathna (Holder of NIC No. 793562225V)
the subject property on the right. of No. 100/2, Yapagama, Dambulla “Obligors” has made
default in payment due on Primary Mortgage Bond No.
Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will
11407 dated 19.03.2018 and Secondary Mortgage Bond
pay to the auctioneer the following amounts in cash upon
No. 11606 dated 05.04.2019 both attested by Jayampathi
conclusion of sale.
32 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Rathnadiwakara, Notary Public in favour of Union Bank Title Deeds and connected documents could be inspected
of Colombo PLC bearing Company Registration No. PB and obtained from Legal Department, Union Bank of
676PQ. As per authority granted by the said Union Bank of Colombo PLC, No. 64, Galle Road, Colombo 3. Telephone
Colombo PLC. Nos.: 011-2374100.

The Schedule *The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction
without prior notice.
All that divided and defined portion of land depicted as
Lot 1 in Plan No. 1934/2016 dated 05.11.2016 made by B. Chandima Priyadarshani Gamage,
K. P. Okandapola, Licensed Surveyor in extent Zero Acre Licensed Auctioneer and
Two Roods and Twenty point Two Perches (0A.,2R.,20.2P.) Court Commissioner, Valuer.
from and out of the land called “Bobellehena” situated at
Yapagama Village within the Grama Niladhari Division No. 9-i, High Level Road,
of Yapagama within the Divisional Secretary’s Division Sarvodaya Mawatha,
and Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Dambulla in Wagapanaha Panagoda,
Pallesiya Pattu of Dambulla in Matale North in Matale Homagama,
District Central Province. Together buildings, plantations Telephone Nos. : 0714318252.
and everything standing thereon and Registered in Volume/
Folio L 75/135 at Matale Land Registry.
I shall sell the above mentioned Property by way of
Public Auction on 24th January, 2024 at 11.00 a.m. at the
Union Bank of colombo PLC
Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by
The Auction will be conducted in accordance with the
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990
strict guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health adhering
to COVID 19 protocol. Public Auction

Mode of Access.— Proceed from Clock tower of Whereas Sattambi Kinkara Indrajee Jayathilake (Holder
Dambulla on Matale Road for a distance of about 3.7km to of NIC No. 783221047V) of No. 67/17, Singhe Road,
reach the subject property on the left. Kerangapokuna, Wattala as “Obligors” has made default
in payment due on Primary Mortgage Bond No. 949 dated
Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will 08.08.2019 attested by K. P. Nayanthra, Notary Public in
pay to the auctioneer the following amounts in cash upon favour of Union Bank of Colombo PLC bearing Company
conclusion of sale. Registration No. PB 676PQ as per authority granted by the
said Union Bank of Colombo PLC.
1. Ten percent (10%) of the purchased price ;
2. Local Authority charges one percent (1%) ; The Schedule
3. Two and a Half percent (2.5%) as Auctioneer’s
Charges ; All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
4. Notary’s attestation fees for Condition of Sale Rs. 1 depicted in Plan No. 6227 dated 28.03.2019 made by D.
2,500 ; D. C. A. Perera, Licensed Surveyor from and out of the land
5. Clerk’s and Crier’s wages Rs. 1,000 ; called Hisbima and Delgahawatta now bearing Assessment
6. Total cost of Advertising and other expenses 100%. No. presently 12/7 and previously 12/2 (being a resurvey
of present boundaries of Lot 2A in Plan No. 1585A dated
Balance 90% of the purchase price together with any 31.03.1999) and situated at Elehiwatta Road in Welisara
other statutory levies, duties, taxes or charges when ever village and Grama Niladhari Division of Magalpokuna and
imposed by the Government of Sri Lanka to be deposited the Divisional Secretary’s Division of Wattala within the
with Union Bank of Colombo, within 30 days from the date Welisara sub office of Wattala Pradeshiya Sabha in Ragam
of sale. In Case of failure to deposit the balance amount pattu of Aluthkuru Korale South in the District of Gampaha
within the time as stipulated, the amount paid by bidder will Western Province and containing in extent Nine Decimal
be forfeited and conduct a fresh auction. Three Six Perches (P9.36) according to the said Plan No.
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 33

6227 togther with the soil, buildings, trees, plantations and Union Bank of colombo PLC
everything else thereon and Registered in Volume/Folio L
117/140 at Gampaha Land Registry. Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990
I shall sell the above mentioned Property by way of
Public Auction on 26th January, 2024 at 10.00 a.m. at the Public Auction
Whereas Subasinghage Don Ruwan Sanjeewa alias
Mode of Access.— From Mahabage junction towards
Subasingha Don Ruwan Sanjeewa (Holder of NIC No.
Kandana about 1km along Puttalam (A-03) Road until meet
842804370V) of No. 10/14, Lucky Sevan Pura Mawatha,
up to Alehiwatta Mawatha on right side turn right and drive
about 225m there is a road on right side turn right and drive Egoda Uyana, Moratuwa as “Obligor” has made default in
50m the subject property located on left side of the road. payment due on Mortgage Bond No. 932 dated 12.06.2019
attested by K. P. Nayanthra, Notary Public in favour of Union
Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will Bank of Colombo PLC bearing Company Registration No.
pay to the auctioneer the following amounts in cash upon PB 676PQ as per authority granted by the said Union Bank
conclusion of sale. of Colombo PLC.

1. Ten percent (10%) of the purchased price ; The Schedule

2. Local Authority charges one percent (1%) ;
3. Two and a Half percent (2.5%) as Auctioneer’s All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
Charges ; 3E depicted in Plan No. 5950/A dated 02.02.2005 made by
4. Notary’s attestation fees for Condition of Sale Rs. Cyril Wickramage Licensed Surveyor out of Six allotments
2,500 ; of Land called Mannapukanattewatta being subdivisions of
5. Clerk’s and Crier’s wages Rs. 1,000 ;
Lot 3 depicted in PlanNo. 3129 dated 13.02.2001 made by Siri
6. Total cost of Advertising and other expenses 100%.
Bope Arachchi Licensed Surveyor, situated at Kamburagoda
Balance 90% of the purchase price together with any in No. 666A Kamburugoda West, Divisional Secretariat of
other statutory levies, duties, taxes or charges when ever Bandaragama, Bandaragama Pradeshiya Sabha in Adikari
imposed by the Government of Sri Lanka to be deposited Pattu Rayigam Korale, Kalutara District, Western Province
with Union Bank of Colombo, within 30 days from the date and containing in extent 10.30P and Registered at the land
of sale. In Case of failure to deposit the balance amount registry Horana in Volume/Folio B315/91.
within the time as stipulated, the amount paid by bidder will
be forfeited and conduct a fresh auction. Together with the right of way over and along.

Title Deeds and connected documents could be inspected All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
and obtained from Legal Department, Union Bank of 3F depicted in Plan No. 5950/A dated 02.02.2005 made by
Colombo PLC, No. 64, Galle Road, Colombo 3. Telephone Cyril Wickramage Licensed Surveyor out of six allotments
Nos.: 011-2374100. of land called Mannapukanattewatta being subdivisions of
Lot 3 depicted in Plan No. 3129 dated 13.02.2001 made
*The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction
by Mr.Siril Bope Arachchi Licensed Surveyor, situated at
without prior notice.
Kamburugoda in Adikari Pattu Rayigam Korale, Kalutara
Chandima Priyadarshani Gamage, District, Western Province and containing in extent 2.5P
Licensed Auctioneer and and registered at the Land Registry Horana in Volume/Folio
Court Commissioner, Valuer. B315/92.

No. 9-i, High Level Road, All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
Sarvodaya Mawatha,
4 depicted in Plan No. 3129 dated 13.02.2001 made by Mr.
Siril Bope Arachchi, Licensed Surveyor of the land called
Mannapukanattewatta aforesaid and containing in extent
Telephone No. : 0714318252.
0A.,1R.,8.94P. and registered at the Land Registry Horana
01-53 in Volume/Folio B386/85.
34 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

I shall sell the above mentioned Property by way of Union Bank of colombo PLC
Public Auction on 29th January, 2024 at 10.00 a.m. at the
spot. Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990
Mode of Access.— From Kesbewa-Bandaragama road
for about 900m, turnleft to the Kamburugoda-Pahalahena Public Auction
Road, travel about 175m, turn left to the access road, just
after Kamburugoda Vidyalay and travel about 225m to Whereas Bodhiya Baduge Priosh Perera Gunarathne
subject property on to the left. alias Bodhiya Baduge Pirosh Perera Gunarathna (Holder
of NIC No. 196535501398V) of No. 91/1, Kandauda Road,
Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will Wawulagoda, Hikkaduwa as “Obligor” has made default in
pay to the auctioneer the following amounts in cash upon payment due on Primary Mortgage Bond No. 2559 dated
conclusion of sale. 27.03.2018 attested by Duminda Lelwala Hetti, Notary
Public in favour of Union Bank of Colombo PLC bearing
1. Ten percent (10%) of the purchased price ; Company Registration No. PB676PQ as per authority
2. Local Authority charges one percent (1%) ; granted by the said Union Bank of Colombo PLC.
3. Two and a Half percent (2.5%) as Auctioneer’s
Charges ; The Schedule
4. Notary’s attestation fees for Condition of Sale Rs.
2,500 ; All that divided and defined allotment of land marked
5. Clerk’s and Crier’s wages Rs. 1,000 ; Lot A 1 of Lot A of amalgamated Lots 1A, 4 & 1C of the
6. Total cost of Advertising and other expenses 100%. Land called Dahanayakagoda Bedda depicted in Plan No.
741 dated 27.09.1999 made by S. G. Weerasuriya Licensed
Balance 90% of the purchase price together with any Surveyor, situated at Hikkaduwa within the Grama Niladari
other statutory levies, duties, taxes or charges when ever Division of No. 57, Waulagoda (East) in Divisional
imposed by the Government of Sri Lanka to be deposited Secretariat Division of Hikkaduwa and Municipal Council
Limits of Hikkaduwa in Wellabada Paththu in the District of
with Union Bank of Colombo, within 30 days from the date
Galle, Southern Province and containing in extent Eighteen
of sale. In Case of failure to deposit the balance amount
Decimal Five Two Perches (00A.,00R.,18.52P.) together
within the time as stipulated, the amount paid by bidder will
within the soil, building, plantations and everything else
be forfeited and conduct a fresh auction.
standing thereon and Registered at the land registry Galle in
Volume/Folio L 187/50.
Title Deeds and connected documents could be inspected
and obtained from Legal Department, Union Bank of The said land has been resurveyed and describe as
Colombo PLC, No. 64, Galle Road, Colombo 3. Telephone follows :
Nos.: 011-2374100.
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Lot
*The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction A 1 of Land called “Dahanayakagoda Bedda” depicted in
without prior notice. Plan No. 1087 dated 28.06.2010 made by D. M. Buddhadasa
Licensed Surveyor, situated at Hikkaduwa within the Grama
Chandima Priyadarshani Gamage, Niladari Division of No. 57, Waulagoda (East) in Divisional
Licensed Auctioneer and Secretariat Division of Hikkaduwa and Municipal Council
Court Commissioner, Valuer. Limits of Hikkaduwa in Wellabada Paththu in the District of
Galle, Southern Province and containing in extent Eighteen
No. 9-i, High Level Road, Decimal Five Two Perches (00A.,00R.,18.52P.) together
Sarvodaya Mawatha, within the soil, building, plantations and everything else
Panagoda, standing thereon.
Telephone No. : 0714318252. I shall sell the above mentioned Property by way of
Public Auction on 29th January, 2024 at 1.00 p.m. at the
01-57 spot.
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 35

Mode of Access.— From Hikkaduwa main bus stand DFCC Bank PLC
proceed along Galle Road towards Galle about 600m and
turn to left (just before to Mamas Coral Beach Hotel) Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by
Waulagoda Road to travel 1km and turn to left to Baddegama Bank (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990
Raod to proceed 250m and turn to right and travel 200m to
the subject property on your left hand side. Auction Sale of a valuable machinery &
Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will to
Whereas the Standard Tea & Lands Company (Pvt) Ltd
pay the auctioneer the following amounts in cash upon a Company duly incorporated in the Democratic Socialist
conclusion of sale. Republic of Sri Lanka under the Companies Act bearing
Registration No. PV 00208241 and having its registered
1. Ten percent (10%) of the purchased price ; Office in Colombo has made default in payment due on
2. Local Authority charges one percent (1%) ; Mortgage Bond No. 1215 dated 04.10.2021 and attested by
3. Two and a Half percent (2.5%) as Auctioneer’s D K P N Wasana in favour of the DFCC Bank PLC.
Charges ;
The entirety of the movable plant machinery and
4. Notary’s attestation fees for Conditions of Sale
equipment including –
Rs. 2,500 ;
5. Clerk’s and Crier’s wages Rs. 1,000 ;
6. Total cost of Advertising and other expenses 100%. Description Quantity

Meyer 01
Balance 90% of the purchase price together with any Auto Intelligent/Remote Model
other statutory levies, duties, taxes or charges whenever 6CSX - 300IIIIB Tea Colour
imposed by the Government of Sri Lanka to be deposited Separator Machine
with Union Bank of Colombo, within 30 days from the date
of sale. In Case of failure to deposit the balance amount Invoice No. C 12020MY0905-1
HS Code No. 8438.80.20
within the time as stipulated, the amount paid by bidder will
Serial No. 6040301201978
be forfeited and conduct a fresh auction.
Together with spares accessories and tools now lying in
Title Deeds and connected documents could be inspected and upon premises No. 129A, Bulathkohupitiya, Kegalle
and obtained from Legal Department, Union Bank of and in and upon any other go downs stores and premises at
Colombo PLC, No. 64, Galle Road, Colombo 3. Telephone which the obligor now is and may at any time and from time
Nos.: 011-2374100. to time hereafter.

*The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction Under the Authority granted to me by DFCC Bank PLC,
without prior notice. I shall sell by Public Auction on 31st January, 2024 at
10.00 a.m. at the spot.
Chandima Priyadarshani Gamage, Mode of Payment.— The successful purchaser will
Licensed Auctioneer and have to the auctioneer the following amounts in cash upon
Court Commissioner, Valuer. concluslion of sale.

No. 9-i, High Level Road, 1. Ten percent (10%) of the purchased price ;
Sarvodaya Mawatha, 2. Local Authority charges one percent (1%) ;
Panagoda, 3. Two and a Half percent (2.5%) as Auctioneer’s
Charges ;
4. Notary’s attestation fees for Conditions of Sale
Telephone Nos. : 0714318252. Rs. 2,500 ;
5. Clerk’s and Crier’s wages Rs. 3,000 ;
01-59 6. Total cost of advertising.
36 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Balance 90% of the purchase price together with any of Pitigal Korale within the land registration Division of
other statutory levies, duties, taxes or charges when ever Marawila in the District of Puttalam North Western Province
imposed by the Government of Sri Lanka to be deposited and which said Lot 01 containing in extent Sixteen decimal
with DFCC Bank PLC Colombo, within 30 days from the Five Perches (0A.,0R.,16.5P.) together with buildings, trees,
date of sale. plantations and everything standing thereon according to the
said Survey Plan No. 6482 and duly registered in Marawila
For further particulars please contact : Rehabilitation Land Registry in Volume/Folio G154/225 and now carried
and Recoveries Department, DFCC Bank PLC, No. 73, W A over to G 315/79.
D Ramanayake Mawatha, Colombo 02. Tel.: 011-2371371.
I shall sell by Public Auction the property described
*The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction above on 24th January 2024 at 10.00 a.m. at the spot.
without prior notice.
Mode of Access.— From Wennappuwa town center
Chandima Priyadarshani Gamage, proceed along the Colombo-Puttalam (A3) road via Puttalam
Licensed Auctioneer and for a distance of about 800m to reach Sudu Walla Road on
Court Commissioner, Valuer. right. Turn to this road and travel about 350m to reach road
on left. Turn to this road and travel about 50m to reach the
No. 9-i, High Level Road,
subject property located on left side of the road.
Sarvodaya Mawatha,
Mode of payment.— The successful purchaser will
have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the
Telephone Nos. : 0714318252.
hammer :
1. Ten percent (10%) of the Purchased Price ; 2. One
percent (1%) Local Sales Tax payable to the Local Authority ;
———————— 3. Two and half percent (2.5%) as Auctioneer’s charges ;
4. Attestation fees for Conditions of Sale Rs. 3,000 ; 5. Clerk’s
Union bank of colombo plc and Crier’s wages Rs. 3,000 ; 6. Total costs of Advertising
incurred on the sale ; 7. Balance Ninety percent (90%) of
Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by the purchase price together with any other staturory levies,
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990 duties, taxe or charges whatever applicable and imposed by
the government of Sri Lanka or any other authority to be
whereas of authority granted to me by the Union Bank payable within 30 days from the date of sale.
of Colombo PLC to sell by Public Auction the property
Mortgaged to Union Bank of Colombo PLC by Primary If the said Balance amount is not paid within 30 days as
Mortgage Bond No. 17149 dated 09.01.2019 and Secondary stipulated above Bank shall have the right to forfeit 10% of
Mortgage Bond No. 24350 dated 27.04.2022 both attested the purchase price already paid and resell the property.
by C. Sirimewan Wijesekera, Notary Public of Chilaw in
favour of Union Bank of Colombo PLC for the facilities For further particulars please contact Legal Department,
granted to Ranasingha Arachchilage Dilruk Chamara Union Bank of Colombo PLC, No. 64, Galle Road, Colombo
(Holder of National Identity Card No. 770874483V) 03. Tel : 011-2374100.
and Thanthiriwatta Appuhamilage Nadeeka Dilrukshi
Thanthiriwatta (Holder of National Identity Card No. “The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction
828030396V) both of Karukkuliya, Rajakadaluwa as the without prior notice”
M. H. T. Karunaratne (J. P.),
All that divided and defined allotment of land marked Licensed Auctioneer,
Lot 01 depicted in Plan No. 6482 dated 17.06.2018 and Court Commissioner.
made by H. S. M. K. Herath, Licensed Surveyor (being T & H Auction,
a resurvey of Lot 11 depicted in Plan No. 7358) of the No.50/3, Vihara Mawatha,
land called “Millagahawatta and Mahawatta” situated at Kolonnawa,
Kolinjadiya Village within the Grama Niladhari Division of Telephone Nos. : 011-3068185, 2572940.
Wennappuwa within the Divisional Secretarial Division and
Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Wennappuwa in Kammal Pattu 01-23
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 37

Union bank of colombo plc Together with the right to use the drains marked Lot D1
in the said Plan No. 2015/1687.
Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by
Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990 I shall sell by Public Auction the property described
above on 24th January 2024 at 1.30 p.m. at the spot.
whereas of authority granted to me by the Union Bank
of Colombo PLC to sell by Public Auction the property Mode of Access.— From Delgoda town passing along
Mortgaged to Union Bank of Colombo PLC by Primary Alubowila Road which starts near the Commercial Bank
Mortgage Bond No. 760 dated 12.07.2018 attested by premises for a distance of about 350m passing a public play
L. G. N. Sarangi, Notary Public of Colombo and Secondary ground and Pradeshiya Sabha Office and turn left on to
Mortgage Bond No. 903 dated 28.02.2019 attested by
tarred Pradeshiya Sabha Road at premises No. 330C marked
K. P. Nayanthra, Notary Public of Colombo in favour of
at the boundary wall and continue for a 100m and finally
Union Bank of Colombo PLC for the facilities granted
to Liyana Rallege alias Liyanaralalage Iresh Wasantha turn left and traverse for 75m to reach the property which
Kumara Liyanage (Holder of National Identity Card No. is on the left side and at a T junction. (Property No. 330/N)
19752842337) and Mathara alias Matara Kalusayakkarage
Thanuja Suranji Wijedasa (Holder of National Identity Card Mode of payment.— The successful purchaser will
No. 787534414V) both of No. 405/F,Dharmashoka Road, have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the
Ihala Biyanwala, Kadawatha as the Obligors. hammer :

All that divided and defined allotment of land marked 1. Ten percent (10%) of the Purchased Price ; 2. One
Lot 6 depicted in Plan No. 2015/1687 dated 22.12.2015 percent (1%) Local Sale Tax payable to the Local Authority ;
made by S. S. Jayalath, Licensed Surveyor (being a resurvey 3. Two and half percent (2.5%) as Auctioneer’s charges ;
and subdivision of Lot A1 in Plan No. 2015/1667 dated
4. Attestation fees for Conditions of Sale Rs. 3,000 ;
14.12.2015 made by S. S. Jayalath, Licensed Surveyor)
5. Clerk’sand Crier’s wages Rs. 3,000 ; 6. Total costs
of the land called Bogahakanatta, Kongahakanatta,
Siyahitiyawatta alias Liyahitiyawatta, Millagahalanda, of Advertising incurred on the sale ; 7. Balance Ninety
Kahatagahalanda alias Godaporagahalanda now known as percent (90%) of the purchase price together with any other
Delgahawalwalawatta situated at Delgoda and Alubovila statutory levies, duties, taxes or charges whatever applicable
Villages in the Grama Niladhari Division of Delgoda 282/A and imposed by the Government of Sri Lanka or any other
and the Divisional Secretary’s Division of Biyagama within authority to be payable within 30 days from the date of sale.
the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Biyagama in the Adikari
Pattu of Siyane Korale in the District of Gampaha Western If the said Balance amount is not paid within 30 days as
Province and which said Lot 10 containing in extent Ten stipulated above Bank shall have the right to forfeit 10% of
Perches (0A.,0R.,10P) or 0.0253 Hectare according to the the purchase price already paid and resell the property.
said Plan No. 2015/1687. Registered at the Gampaha Land
Registry in Volume/Folio N346/11 and now carried over to For further particulars please contact Legal Department,
Volume/Folio N/582/52. Union Bank of Colombo PLC, No. 64, Galle Road, Colombo
03. Tel : 011-2374100.
Together with the Right of way and other right in over
and along : “The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction
without prior notice”
All that divided and defined allotment of Land marked
Lot R1 depicted in Plan No. 2015/1687 dated 22.12.2015 M. H. T. Karunaratne (J. P.),
made by S. S. Jayalath, Licensed Surveyor and containing in Licensed Auctioneer,
extent Seven Decimal Nine Naught Perches (0A.,0R.,7.9P.) and Court Commissioner.
or 0.0200 Hectare according to the said Plan.
T & H Auction,
All that divided and defined allotment of Land marked Lot No.50/3, Vihara Mawatha,
R2 depicted in Plan No. 2015/1687 dated 22.12.2015 made Kolonnawa,
by S. S. Jayalath, Licensed Surveyor and containing in extent Telephone Nos. : 011-3068185, 2572940.
Eleven Decimal Three Naught Perches (0A.,0R.,11.30P.) or
0.0285 Hectare according to the said Plan. 01-24
38 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Union bank of colombo plc 7. The balance 90% of the purchase price together with any
other statutory levies, duties, taxes or charges whenever
Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by applicable and imposed by the Government of Sri Lanka
Bank (Special Provisions) Act, No. 04 of 1990 or any other authority to be deposited with Union Bank of
Colombo within 30 days from the date of sale.
Public Auction
If the said Balance amount is not paid within 30 days
whereas of authority granted to me by the Union Bank
as stipulated above the Bank shall have the right to forfeit
of Colombo PLC to sell by Public Auction the property
10% of the sale purchase price already paid and resell the
Mortgaged to Union Bank of Colombo PLC by Primary
Mortgage Bond No. 862 dated 25.05.2018 attested by
G. T. Yahathugoda, Notary Public in favour of Union Bank
For further particulars please contact Legal Department,
of Colombo PLC for the facilities granted to Ajith Chandrika
Union Bank of Colombo PLC, No. 64, Galle Road, Colombo
Abeyratne alias Mapanawathura Veediye Gedara Ajith
03. Tel : 011-2374100.
Chandrika Abeyrathna (holder of NIC No. 752242291V) of
No. 46/17 Wattarantenna Road, Kandy as the Obligor.
“The Bank has the right to stay/cancel the above auction
Schedule sale without prior notice”
All that divided and defined portion of “Asweddume M. H. T. Karunaratne (J. P.),
Wanatha” depicted as Lot 02 depicted in Plan No. 1581 Licensed Auctioneer,
dated 08.09.2016 made by G. M. D. Premarathne, Licensed and Court Commissioner.
Surveyor (being a resurvey of Lot 02 depicted in Plan No.
5173 dated 05.03.1982 made by M. T. Frank Dias Licensed T & H Auctions,
Surveyor) situated at Kahalla within the Grama Niladhari No. 50/3, Vihara Mawatha,
Division of Kalugahawatta No. 606 within the Divisional Kolonnawa,
Secretarial Division and Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Patha Telephone Nos. : 011-3068185, 2572940.
Dumbara in the District of Kandy Central Province and which
said Lot 02 containing in extent Thirty One Decimal Six 01-22
Nought Perches (0A.,0R.,31.60P) together with buildings,
trees, plantations and everything standing thereon according ——————————
to the said survey Plan No. 1581 and duly registered in
Kandy Land Registry in Volume/Folio L/98/146.
I shall sell by Public Auction the property described national Development Bank plc
above on 22nd January 2024 at 10.30 a.m. at the spot.
Notice of Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of
Mode of Access.— From Katugastota Bridge, proceed Loans by Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of
along Madawala Road for about 1.2 km and turn left on to 1990
Station Road and proceed about 200 meres and turn right
just pass the railway cross and proceed about 1.2 km and Public Auction
up to Buddha Statue with 3 way junction and then the
subject property is situated at left side of the road and has an Valuable Land situated at Udammita Village
unrestricted private legal motorable access clearly. Katana containing in Extent of 15 Perches

Mode of payment.— The successful purchaser will ALL that divided and defined allotments of land marked
have to pay the following amounts in cash at the fall of the Lot A depicted in Plan No. 10799 21st March, 2012 made
hammer : by K. E. J. B. Perera Licensed Surveyor of the land called
“Dawatagahawattu Kotasa” situated at Udammita Village
1. 10% (Tenpercent) of the Purchased Price ; 2. 1%
in Grama Niladhari Division of Udammita and within
(One percent) Local Sales Tax to the Local Authority ;
3. Auctioneer’s Commission of 2.5% (Two and half percent) the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Katana in Ragam Pattu
on the purchased price ; 4. Total cost of advertising & any of Aluthkuru Korale and within the Land Registration
other costs incurred for the sale ; 5. Clerk’s and Crier’s fee Division of Negombo in the District of Gampaha, Western
of Rs. 2,000 ; 6. Notary’s fee for condition of sale Rs. 3,000 ; Province.
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 39

Together with all and singular the immovable plant Development Bank PLC, No. 40, Navam Mawatha,
and machinery, equipment, fixtures fittings and services Colombo 02. Telephone Nos.: 2448448, 0117448448.
which are now or which may hereafter from time to time
affixed or permanently fastened to the said allotment of land P. K. E. Senapathi,
more fully referred above including ; Electricity Supply Court Commissioner, Valuer &
system together with the equipments, Water supply system Chartered Auctioneer.
equipments, Telecommunication equipments and Air
Conditioning equipments. No. 134, Beddagana Road,
Maragodage Nimesh Suwarnajith Perera alias Telephone Nos.: 2873656, 0777-672082,
Morangodage Nimesh Suwarnajith Perera (1st Borrower) Fax No.: 0112877114.
and Pintheru Ralalage Chrispy Roshan Melodica Fernando
(2nd Borrower) have made default in payment due on 01-49
Bond No. 407 dated 22nd April, 2016, No. 476 dated 22nd
September, 2016, No. 799 dated 8th August, 2018 all attested ——————————
by Ms. Wijesinghe Ekanayake Nadeeka Jeewanthi alias
Nadeka Ekanayake Notary Public of Negombo in favour of
National Development Bank PLC and under the authority
national Development Bank plc
granted to me by the said Bank I shall sell by Public Auction
the above property on the 1st day of February, 2024 at 1.30 Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by
p.m. at the spot. Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990

For further particulars please refer Sri Lanka Government Public Auction
Gazette of 27.10.2023 ‘The Island’, ‘Divaina’ & ‘Thinakural’
newspapers of 13.10.2023. Valuable Two Block of land situated at Medagama &
Payibokka Village Hambantota containing in extent
Access to the premises.— From Ja-Ela Police Station of 35.5 Perches & 7.3 Perches
proceed along Negombo Road for about 3.82 km and turn
right to Udamitta Road before 125 meters for Dandugama ALL that divided and defined allotments of land marked
Bridge and proceed for about 900 meters and turn left to Lot A & Lot C depicted in Plan No. 8582A 5th November,
Rabbewatta Road (Gammedda Road) and proceed for about 2016 dated 20th November, 2004 made by L. K. Gunasekera
350 meters and turn right onto concrete road andproceed Licensed Surveyor of the land called Medagamakele
about 100 meters, the subject property is located on right Diganaeliya Lot D2 situated at Medagama and Payibokka
hand side of the road fronting same. Villages within Walawe Grama Sewa Division within the
Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Hambantota in Hambantota
Mode of Payments.— The prospective purchaser should D S Division in Girawa Pattu of East in the District of
pay the following money at the fall of the hammer : (1) 10% Hambantota, Southern Province.
of the purchase price, (2) 1% Local Authority Charges &
VAT on same (3) 2 1/2% Auctioneer’s Charges, (4) Total Together with all and singular the immovable plant
Cost of advertising charges, (5) Clerk’s and Crier’s fee Rs. and machinery, equipment, fixtures fittings and services
1,500, Notary’s fee for attestation of Conditions of Sale Rs. which are now or which may hereafter from time to time
3,000 etc. The balance 90% of the purchase price should be affixed or permanently fastened to the said allotment of land
paid within 30 days from the date of the auction. more fully referred above including ; Electricity Supply
system together with the equipments, Water supply system
For the inspection of the Title Deeds and other documents, equipments, Telecommunication equipments and Air
Please contact the Manager Central Recoveries, National Conditioning equipments.
40 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05

Chaminda Paranamana as the Borrower has made default national Development Bank plc
in payment due on Bond Nos. 525 dated 28th March,
2017 and 573 dated 24th October, 2017 both attested by Sale under Section 09 of the Recovery of Loans by
Ms. Thommadura Tharanga Ranmadhu Notary Public Banks (Special Provisions) Act, No. 4 of 1990
Hambantota in favour of National Development Bank PLC
and under the authority granted to me by the said Bank I Public Auction
shall sell by Public Auction the above property on the 2nd
Valuable Property situated at Godahena
day of February, 2024 at 2.30 p.m. at the spot.
Ambalangoda containing extent of 10 Perches

For further particulars please refer Sri Lanka Government

ALL that divided and defined allotment of land marked
Gazette of 27.10.2023 ‘The Island’, ‘Divaina’ & ‘Thinakural’
Lot 1 depicted in Plan No. 2232A dated 20th November,
newspapers of 13.10.2023.
2004 made by T. B. A. de Silva Licensed Surveyor of the
land called Two contiguous allotments of land called Lot
Access to the premises.— Proceed from Ambalantota
6 of “Godahena Bedda and Godahena Bedda” together
Town (Bus Stand) along Hambantota Road for a distance of
with soil, trees, plantations and everything else standing
about 1.5km upto 228km post. Then turn to Supirintagama
thereon situated at Godahena in the Grama Niladhari
Julpallama road in left hand side and further proceed a
Division, 81 Godahena, within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits
distance of about 150 meters. After that turn to 15ft. wide
of Ambalangoda and Divisional Secretary’s Division of
road in right hand side and further proceed a distance of
Ambalangoda in Wellabada Pattu in the District of Galle,
about 50 meters. The subject properties are situated at both
Southern Province.
side of the Road.
Together with all and singular the immovable plant
Mode of Payments.— The prospective purchaser should
and machinery, equipment, fixtures fittings and services
pay the following money at the fall of the hammer : (1) 10%
which are now or which may hereafter from time to time
of the purchase price, (2) 1% Local Authority Charges &
affixed or permanently fastened to the said allotment of land
VAT on same (3) 2 1/2% Auctioneer’s Charges, (4) Total
more fully referred above including ; Electricity Supply
Cost of advertising charges, (5) Clerk’s and Crier’s fee
system together with the equipments, Water supply system
Rs. 1,500, Notary’s fee for attestation of Conditions of Sale equipments, Telecommunication equipments and Air
Rs. 3,000 etc. The balance 90% of the purchase price should Conditioning equipments.
be paid within 30 days from the date of the auction.
Ranjula Oshadi Kalupahana as the Borrower has made
For the inspection of the Title Deeds and other documents, default in payment due on Bond No. 261 dated 24th October,
Please contact the Manager Central Recoveries, National 2016 attested by Ms. H. K. A. Kumari Notary Public of
Development Bank PLC, No. 40, Navam Mawatha, Notary Public in favour of National Development Bank
Colombo 02. Telephone Nos.: 2448448, 0117448448. PLC and under the authority granted to me by the said Bank
I shall sell by Public Auction the above property on the 29th
P. K. E. Senapathi, day of January, 2024 at 11.00 a.m. at the spot.
Court Commissioner, Valuer &
Chartered Auctioneer. For further particulars please refer Sri Lanka Government
Gazette of 27.10.2023 ‘The Island’, ‘Divaina’ &
No. 134, Beddagana Road, ‘Thinakural’ newspapers of 13.10.2023.
Telephone Nos.: 0112873656, 0777-672082, Access to the premises.— From proceed along
Fax No.: 0112877114. Ambalangoda Batapola Road, (via Thilakapura) for about
2 1/2 km upto Deport Junction and then on Godahena Road
01-50 for about 250 meters.
I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05 41

Mode of Payments.— The prospective purchaser should Development Bank PLC, No. 40, Navam Mawatha,
pay the following money at the fall of the hammer : (1) 10% Colombo 02. Telephone Nos.: 2448448, 0117448448.
of the purchase price, (2) 1% Local Authority Charges &
P. K. E. Senapathi,
VAT on same (3) 2 1/2% Auctioneer’s Charges, (4) Total
Court Commissioner, Valuer &
Cost of advertising charges, (5) Clerk’s and Crier’s fee Chartered Auctioneer.
Rs. 1,500, Notary’s fee for attestation of Conditions of Sale
Rs. 3,000 etc. The balance 90% of the purchase price should No. 134, Beddagana Road,
be paid within 30 days from the date of the auction. Kotte,
Telephone Nos.: 011-2873656, 0777-672082,
Fax No.: 0112877114.
For the inspection of the Title Deeds and other documents,
Please contact the Manager Central Recoveries, National 01-51
42 I fldgi : (IIwd) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2024'01'05


THE Weekly issue of the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is normally published on
Fridays. If a Friday happens to be a Public Holiday the Gazette is published on the working day immediately
preceding the Friday. Thus the last date specified for the receipt of notices for publication in the Gazette also
varies depending on the incidence of public holidays in the week concerned.

The Schedule below shows the date of publication and the latest time by which notices should be re-
ceived for publication in the respective weekly Gazette. All notices received out of times specified below will
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lication is desired in a subsequent issue of the Gazette. It will be in the interest of all concerned if those desirous
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The Schedule

   Month Date of Publication Last Date and Time of

Acceptance of Notices for
           Publication in the Gazette


January 05.01.2024 Friday — 22.12.2023 Friday 12 noon

12.01.2024 Friday –– 29.12.2023 Friday 12 noon
19.01.2024 Friday –– 05.01.2024 Friday 12 noon
26.01.2024 Friday –– 12.01.2024 Friday 12 noon

February 02.02.2024 Friday — 19.01.2024 Friday 12 noon

09.02.2024 Friday –– 26.01.2024 Friday 12 noon
16.02.2024 Friday –– 02.02.2024 Friday 12 noon
22.02.2024 Thursday –– 09.02.2024 Friday 12 noon

March 01.03.2024 Friday — 16.02.2024 Friday 12 noon

07.03.2024 Thursday –– 22.02.2024 Thursday 12 noon
15.03.2024 Friday –– 01.03.2024 Friday 12 noon
22.03.2024 Friday –– 07.03.2024 Thursday 12 noon
28.03.2024 Thursday –– 15.03.2024 Friday 12 noon

Gangani Liyanage,
Government Printer.
Department of Government Printing,
Colombo 08,
01st January, 2024.


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