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GROUP ACTIVITY 1 - VMGO Quest - Exploring Our Vision, Mission, Goals, & Objectives

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Exploring Our Vision,

Mission, Goals, &

Joanna Claire Ma. Christina

Sharly Mae R. Mark Heinrich
R. Villanueva Angelica A.
Marigsa. B. Paras

01 02 03
Introduction Clue and Riddle VMGO
Solutions Statement

04 05 06 07
Connections Collaborative Personal
to Course Reflection Insights
This activity encapsulates the knowledge
of every students about the university’s vision,
mission, goals and course objective whilst
promoting teamwork, determination, and
engaging actively uncovering the mysteries of
the university. With the university’s VMGO and
course objectives can shape students to be
competent, self-directed, and compassionate
in all aspects of fields in the future , thereby
students can truly walk to the
intergenerational highways.
Clue and Riddle
Find the place on campus where the university’s Vision is prominently
displayed. The Vision describes BSU as “International Smart University
Clue 1: engendering graduates to walk the intergenerational highways”. How does this
Vision inspire the students’ journey?
SOLUTION : With teamwork and the active participation of the group, we were
able to solve this clue.
University’s vision is one of the essential statement that students can
look up and set their goals in life. In line with this, bsu students are truly
inspired with its vision for the reason that it offers various opportunities
when and where to go in the next years leading to more focus,
ambitious, and determined students to keep going how difficult it will
be. Moreover, behind the inspired students there are quality education,
competent teachers, and availability of materials that help them to stay
focus, purposeful, and self-directed. It shapes every learners not only in
academics but as well in leadership to make a better change.
Furthermore, university’s vision will not be possible to achieve without
its mission that aims to CARE for all. Nevertheless, without its vision,
students will not be as active as today, and will hinder the success of
Located at C. Arts and Sciences
everyone, however helping one another can create a better and safer
university to study.
The Mission of BSU is to "Challenge Innovation, Advance Technology and
Facilities, Revitalize Administration, Engender Partnership, and Serve
CLUE 2: Intergenerational role." Discover a department or office that exemplifies one
of these mission elements and explain its significance in shaping the
university's direction.
SOLUTION : Teamwork and dedication through research, observation and visitation, and interviewing the
Chairperson of Academic Affairs, Mr. Glenn Ryan Palao-ay, under our College (Nursing) helped us to gain
source and knowledge related to clue number two. Permissions such as recording and keeping the data
confidentiality with the subject were asked to make this clue solve possibly.
The College of Nursing exemplifies advance technology and facilities as they have these facilities
called “Skills Lab” in which it looks like a hospital setting with hospital equipment. One of equipment
used that highlights the mission is the high-fidelity mannequins, one of which is called “Apollo”, which
student nurses used for training as it can simulate the actual scenario because the mannequin
mimics a real patient so with that nursing students experience it first-hand so they could be
decreasing the risk of injury to the patient. However, the experience will be the same in giving care to
a person, and it will give nursing students a hands-on experience that would be closer to what is real.
The significance of high fidelity equipment aligned with the mission in shaping the university's
direction is to provide the best and greatest quality experience so that the student nurses will be able
to provide a quality nursing care as this will bring pride and honor to the university.
In the university’s Core Values, you’ll find the acronym “CARING TEAM
CLUE 3: PRINCIPLE.” Locate a bulletin board or online resource that lists these
values. Choose one values, such as “Inclusivity” or Godliness”, and discuss
how it aligns with the course objectives of understanding computer system
organization and resource optimization.
SOLUTION : This clue leads us to search the campus for a bulletin board that lists the core values, or
"Caring Team Principle". One of the colleges that has a bulletin board that lists these values is the College
of Teacher Education. The bulletin board is displayed beside the Office of the Department of Secondary
Teacher Education and Technology and Livelihood Education. Along with these, we begin to have a
discussion and choose one value.
Among the university's core values, the value of effectiveness and efficiency aligns closely with the
course objectives of understanding computer system organization and resource optimization, as this
allows students to apply knowledge through the use of current techniques, skills, tools, and practices
and helps them gain a better understanding of how technology works. Students will gain the ability to
design, implement, and assess computer-based systems, processes, components, or programs to
fulfill specific goals and demands while working within a variety of constraints, ultimately improving
system performance through the efficacy and efficiency of the process.
The Institutional Goals of BSU focus on innovation, technology, administration,
partnership, and intergenerational service. Look for a specific campus project or
CLUE 4: initiative that exemplifies one of these goals. How does this initiative contribute to
achieving the course objective of fostering technological advancements in
computer systems and network technologies?

SOLUTION : Through online-based website of the Benguet State University and other online platforms specifically
Benguet State University’s facebook page help us find the specific projects or initiatives to make the university
foster and more advance.

Approval of creating each of student a portal initiatives by the University President Mr. Felipe Salaing Comila
which serves ease and less burden to the faculties as well. This student portal will contribute to achieving the
course objective of fostering technological advancements in computer systems and network technologies as
this will give enrollees, under or postgraduate students, a platform to access to all applications, contents and
information about the university and its programs and courses as it optimizes all network technologies such as
mobile phones, tablets, laptops and desktops. This will serve as a personalized or customized student service
which will be utilized in accessing pertinent information that includes grade reports, course content, and class
schedules. This will be a great help not only to students but also to the personnel, and faculty of the university
as it facilitates efficient communication, resource sharing, and collaborative learning, promoting a dynamic
environment that encourages exploration and understanding of emerging technologies.
Explore the College's Goals related to producing socially responsible and
CLUE 5: competent graduates in development communication, information
technology, and library and information science. Visit the department
associated with your course and inquire about their efforts in achieving
these goals. How does the department's mission align with the course's
objective of achieving academic excellence in information and
communications technology?
SOLUTION : Understanding, grasping, and collaborating with the Chairperson of College of Nursing under
Academic Affairs that is Mr. Glenn Ryan Palao-ay gave us the ideas and solutions on the given clue
presented above. Follow-up questions were asked to possibly attain and learn the college’s goal through
exploration of learnings. Data asked will remain confidential with the course subject that were approved
by the Chairperson of our College. The following questions were asked:
1. What is the goal of your college related to producing socially responsible and competent graduates
in development communication, information technology, and library and information science?

Answer: As the college of nursing may no longer follow up with goals but they have program outcomes.
There are a total of 13 program outcomes. And for information technology development of communication,
they have program outcome number 12 which is to apply techno intelligent care systems and processes in
health care delivery.
2. What efforts did you use to achieve those goals?

Answer: With these program outcomes, they have 2 specific courses that deal with it. They
have Nursing informatics (NCM110) and they also have Living in the IT ERA (MST 24).And also
student nurses will be dealing with different technologies, machines and gadgets when they go
to the hospital, which is also a way to challenge them and learn regarding those things.

3. How does your college’s mission align with the course’s objective of achieving academic
excellence in ICT?

Answer: The mission would state that they want to produce excellent nursing education that
provides graduates with self-direction, competence and compassion. So the mere fact that they
would be competent in using technology especially when they are in the hospital would coincide
with achieving those goals.

4. Do you think your college goals produced socially responsible and competent/ students?

Answer: Yes
For the Program's goal of achieving academic excellence in information and
communications technology, speak with a faculty member about the
CLUE 6: program's curriculum and its alignment with the course objectives. How do
they ensure that graduates gain competence in modern computer systems
and their applications?
SOLUTION : Group discussions were done whereas statements and ideas were collected to make this
clue answer possibly. Research was done before hand. As per group discussion, in line with clue
number six relating to academic excellence, the group decided to interview Mr. Glenn Ryan Palao-ay
the College Chairperson of Academic Affairs. With the permissions asked the group were allowed to
record ensuring its confidentiality. As well informed consent was presented. The following questions
were asked:
1. What is the college’s program curriculum that is aligned to the course objectives?
Answer: The number 12 program’s curriculum is aligned to the course objective which is to apply
techno intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery.
2. How do you ensure that graduates gain competence in modern computer systems and their

Answer: Since they have those 2 specific courses where student nurses would be trained. And also
they will be having their activities, different assignments and projects that would warrant you the use
of computers.
The final clue leads you to a campus landmark that embodies the values of
collaboration and inclusivity. Reflect on how these values relate to the
CLUE 7: course's affective objectives of active participation, appreciation for
platform technologies' significance, and effective collaboration in pairs or
SOLUTION : Sharing of ideas, experiences, and observation are the things the group have came up
with. Through these things the group were able to determine the landmark of the campus where
values of collaboration and inclusivity are present.
Books, computers, and beautiful people are some things that composed the
library. BSU Main Library has been the home of the bookworms or the students
who have dedication, hardwork, and passion in learning. Various people were
gathered to have advance reading, collaboration of ideas, and learn new things
that open to all the students and faculties of the university promoting inclusivity.
This help every student to be better among the rest. Moreover, with the
ambiance, and better environment that main library has can truly help the
students to stay focus, goal-oriented and smart. As well, various researches,
international books, and stories can be found inside the library where students
can scan and discover things through it. Furthermore, BSU main library offers
advance technology for research and academic purposes that anyone can access
with the free voucher and others. Nevertheless, main library has been one of the
BSU Main Library pillars of the university that shape the minds of each students and people.
Source: However, remember that regardless of the environment inside the library it is still
Picture taken on the internet the best place to study.
Analyze the university's Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives. Explain how these statements
reflect the institution's commitment to excellence, innovation, and serving the community.

Benguet State University is known for being the top performing school in the
entire northern Luzon that produces the best graduates, entailing the university’s
vision, mission, goal, and objectives for the last and upcoming years. The
competence, goal-oriented, and passion of instructors and students are the reflection
of the institution’s commitment to excellence. As well as raising the university’s
standard to produce quality education, well-structured research, and skilled
institutional performance encapsulate the mind and knowledge of each student.
Moreover, various advanced technologies such as high-fidelity mannequins,
computers, equipment, and facilities are given and used to hone competent
graduates to walk the intergenerational highways, holding the pride of the university.
For example: Before having duty in the hospitals, the College of Nursing uses
high-fidelity mannequins to practice more to prevent mistakes and errors in reality.
Analyze the university's Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives. Explain how these statements
reflect the institution's commitment to excellence, innovation, and serving the community.

In addition, the use of advanced technology was implemented in various

colleges, such as agriculture, engineering, information sciences, etc.
Furthermore, serving the community with dignity, pride, and respect has been the
practice of various students in the university. This helps the people around to be
more safer, cared and uplifted for the reason that it promotes inclusivity,
self-confidence, and collaboration. Nevertheless, without the VMGO of the
university, everything will be impossible to produce and achieve a competent
university in the entire northern Luzon.
Connections to
Course Objectives
Explain how the VMGO statements align with the course objectives related to platform
technologies. Discuss specific aspects of the VMGO that directly relate to the skills and knowledge
students are expected to gain from the course.

The VMGO and the course objective are complementary in that they both aim to
produce skilled graduates who can use their understanding of IT trends and technologies
to support sustainable industrialization, encourage innovation, and improve IT
infrastructure, all of which will aid in the achievement of sustainable development goals in
the field of IT, regardless of gender.

On the other hand, one of the VMGO aspects that directly relate to the skills and
knowledge students are expected to gain from the course is Goal II, which is to Advance
Technology and Facility by shaping the University to modern needs where it guarantees
that students gain the required abilities such as critical thinking skills in terms of real-life
situations and information by clearly outlining the course's objectives and direction.
This includes producing socially responsible and competent graduates who are
capable of creating and enhancing competencies. To achieve these structural
improvements to learning and teaching, school administrators must build a clear
vision for how technology may best fulfill the needs of all learners, as well as a
strategy to put the VMGO into action. Effectively navigating life in a connected world,
students can benefit from using their access to a global community to enhance the
world around them and walk to intergenerational highways.
Reflect on the experience of working together as a team during the scavenger
hunt. Discuss the challenges faced and how effective communication and
collaboration strategies were employed to overcome them.

Working as a team in this scavenger hunt activity prerequisites effective

collaboration and interaction as this aids in the success of achieving the
common goal of the group. However, there are some challenges faced in
doing this hunt and one of these is finding the right answers and solutions to
the clues. Due to the fact that some clues are a bit confusing and we are
unsure of who can be interviewed but despite these obstacles, we are able to
answer each clue by brainstorming and sharing ideas. In this activity, we
leverage each other's expertise, knowledge, and abilities to accomplish the
common objective and that is to understand the university's values and its
connection to the course objectives. Through effectively putting a strong
emphasis on cooperation which helps foster an innovative culture where ideas
flourish, productivity rises and objectives are successfully met by our group.
Each team member should share their personal insights and key takeaways from the
scavenger hunt activity. Discuss how the activity enhanced their understanding of the
university's values and its connection to the course objectives.

1. This gave us the opportunity to roam around the campus, visit each colleges, visit the BSU
websites and its other platforms to gather answers for the given clues. By doing the activity,
this gave us an idea that the university’s values reinforces the course objectives as these
are practical application of academic concepts, making learning more experiential.

2. Cooperation, teamwork, and dedication are the things that the group created in conducting
this activity enabling each members to understand the deep meaning of the university’s
values that had mentioned above the instructions. As well, even though there are clues that
were confusing the group have used critical thinking to uncover the clues and riddles with
connected solutions. Nevertheless, each one of us did a great responsibility to achieve and
solve the problems while gaining knowledge and experiences. However, the learnings
should not stop in the activity itself but instead it should foster and flourish forever.
3. This exercise has helped us learn more about Benguet State University while also putting
our critical thinking skills to the test. We had the chance to explore various parts of BSU and
conduct research and brainstorming sessions with our group members. With the assistance
of our College of Nursing Chairperson of Academic Affairs, Sir Glenn Ryan Palao-ay, we
also learned a lot about the College of Nursing. Additionally, we gained a greater
comprehension of VMGO and the course objectives, which helped us to appreciate their
significance for the course and our subject.

4. The scavenger hunt activity guides us through the process of observation and offers a vivid,
understandable link between the course content, real-life situations, and the university's
values. As we participate in this activity, we create abstract notions and hone our critical
thinking skills that enable us to think outside the box and be creative. This activity clearly
enlightened us by increasing our awareness of the campus resources and amenities,
developing good student-faculty relationships, stimulating unity, and encouraging the
university's cultural or community involvement.
Summarize the main findings and insights from the scavenger hunt. Emphasize the
importance of the VMGO in guiding the institution and the relevance of the course in fulfilling
the university's mission and goals.

The scavenger hunt activity is a process of practical observation,

introspection, and application thereby helping students improve their
comprehension of course concepts and sharpening their critical thinking
abilities by placing learning in the context of their own lived experiences. In this
activity, students scrutinize various aspects of the university's values that can
be linked to the course content and objectives. Under the guidance of the
university's core values, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the
role of platform technologies and how they affect various sectors including the
different colleges. It may support the development of positive and productive
connections between teachers and students, reconsider how we collaborate
and learn, close standing gaps in equality and accessibility, and modify the
curriculum to better suit the needs of all students.
Through the use of technology, learning environments can be made more
accessible to less experienced learners. As they obtain the necessary
expertise to become competent members of the community, they can
progress to more challenging tasks and broader engagement. In terms of
the VMGO, this serves as the institution's core guiding principles for the
future of its academic programs. They establish group efforts and
coordinate all organizational efforts to achieve goals and objectives. In this
course, students have the necessary knowledge and abilities to meet the
challenges of societal change and technological innovation and are
prepared to compete worldwide in which graduates of the highest quality,
suitably prepared with appropriate professional training, high-quality
education, and abilities in which preserve by Benguet State University's
MAGBANUA, Ma. Christina Angelica A.
Marigsa, Sharly Mae R.
PARAS, Mark Heinrich B.
Villanueva, Joanna Claire R.

CREDITS: This presentation template was created

by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik


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