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CAMP Full User Guide

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CAMP Full User

Created on: 01/06/2020
4:53 pm EST
Table of Contents
Training Content and Walkthroughs ........................................................................................... 5
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 7
Logging In ............................................................................................................................. 7
Device and Desktop Settings ............................................................................................... 9
Units of Measure ................................................................................................................. 23
Settings - User Level ............................................................................................................. 25
User Settings Overview ...................................................................................................... 25
Company Control ................................................................................................................ 26
My Settings ......................................................................................................................... 29
Settings - Administrator Level ............................................................................................. 31
Administrator Settings Overview ........................................................................................ 31
User Administration ............................................................................................................ 33
Naming Pattern Editor ........................................................................................................ 37
Technician Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 38
Lookup Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 39
Company Control ................................................................................................................ 40
Logbook Control ................................................................................................................. 42
Checklist Management ....................................................................................................... 48
MTX Cost Tracking .............................................................................................................. 52
Reports Bar ............................................................................................................................. 54
Reports General Overview .................................................................................................. 54
Status Reports .................................................................................................................... 57
Work Cards ......................................................................................................................... 59
Other Reports ..................................................................................................................... 62
Queue ................................................................................................................................. 65
Aircraft Level .......................................................................................................................... 69
Aircraft Home ..................................................................................................................... 69
Documents ......................................................................................................................... 72
Task/Status ......................................................................................................................... 76
Due List .............................................................................................................................. 84
Update ................................................................................................................................ 90
Logbook Entries .................................................................................................................. 93
Work Orders ..................................................................................................................... 101
Discrepancies ................................................................................................................... 107
Observations .................................................................................................................... 111
History .............................................................................................................................. 115
Task Groups ..................................................................................................................... 119
Checklist ........................................................................................................................... 124
Fleet Level ............................................................................................................................. 128
Fleet Overview ................................................................................................................. 128
Creating a Fleet /Fleet Management ................................................................................ 130
Fleet Summary ................................................................................................................. 132
Fleet MTX Calendar .......................................................................................................... 133
Fleet Actual Times ............................................................................................................ 137

Fleet Due List ................................................................................................................... 139
Fleet Work Center ............................................................................................................ 142
Fleet Discrepancies .......................................................................................................... 146
Fleet Observations ........................................................................................................... 151
Fleet EHM Status .............................................................................................................. 156
Fleet Checklist .................................................................................................................. 158
Fleet Publications ............................................................................................................. 160
AD/SB Manager ................................................................................................................ 163
iCAMP Mobile Application ................................................................................................... 167
iCAMP Mobile Application Overview ................................................................................. 167
Mobile Privileges Setup .................................................................................................... 170
iCAMP Aircraft Overview ................................................................................................... 173
iCAMP Aircraft Times ........................................................................................................ 175
iCAMP Due List ................................................................................................................. 178
iCAMP Ramp Check .......................................................................................................... 181
iCAMP Checklist ................................................................................................................ 190
iCAMP CAMP Messenger ................................................................................................... 195
iCAMP Task / Parts ............................................................................................................ 199
iCAMP AD/SI Listing .......................................................................................................... 204
iCAMP Discrepancy List .................................................................................................... 207
iCAMP Basket ................................................................................................................... 211
iCAMP Bottom Navigation Bar .......................................................................................... 212
Engine Health Monitoring ................................................................................................... 216
Engine Health Monitoring Overview ................................................................................. 216
CAMP's Electronic S.O.A.P. Form ...................................................................................... 217
Backup and Recovery .......................................................................................................... 218
System Architecture ......................................................................................................... 218
Product Updates ......................................................................................................................... 221
Product Update 9/11/19 .......................................................................................................... 223
Product Update 7/19/19 .......................................................................................................... 225
Product Update 6/12/19 .......................................................................................................... 227
Product Update 4/1/19 ............................................................................................................ 229
Product Update 3/15/19 .......................................................................................................... 231
Product Update 2/22/19 .......................................................................................................... 233
Product Update 1/18/19 .......................................................................................................... 235
Product Update 1/12/19 .......................................................................................................... 237

Training Content and Walkthroughs
Last Modified on 11/22/2019 9:43 am EST

Welcome to the Training Content and Walkthroughs help section! Here you can find in-depth
documentation or video tutorials to aid you in using the CAMP platform.

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Logging In
Last Modified on 11/01/2019 11:19 am EDT

CAMP users may log into the CAMP application from

Enter your User ID and Password in the CAMP/CESCOM Login window and select Login.

By default, the application will open to the Aircraft Home Screen. The Left Navigation Bar
will display your aircraft registration numbers as expandable menus. When opened, you
will have the option to engage with specific CAMP features, like Logbook Entries or the
aircraft Due List.

Device and Desktop Settings
Last Modified on 11/01/2019 11:20 am EDT

Below you will find specifications on supported browsers and recommended settings
when accessing CAMP.

Units of Measure
Last Modified on 11/12/2019 3:50 pm EST

The CAMP application uses many different acronyms to express specific units of
measure. Below is a list of all the acronyms used by CAMP and their corresponding

Acronym Definition
ACH Air Conditioning Hours
AFL Airframe Landings
APS APU Starts
BMH Blower Motor Hours
C1C Gas Generator Cycles
C2C Turbine Cycles
CHCY Cargo Hook Cycles
CHHRS Cargo Hook Hours
CTCYC Compressor Turbine Cycles
CYC Cycles
DAYS Calendar Days
ECU Electronic Control Unit Hours
EMH Evaporator Motor Hours
ENC Engine Cycles
ENS Engine Starts
FGL Float Gear Landings
FH Flying Hours
FLCY Flight Cycles
FLTS Flights
FWL Float Water Landings
GBH Gearbox Hours

HRS Hours
HSCY Hoisting Cycles
HSH Hoisting Hours
HVH Heat and Ventilation Hours
MOS Calendar Months
MSC Miscellaneous
PRC Propeller Cycles
PTCYC Power Turbine Cycles
RON Run On
RTCY Rotor Cycles
RTHRS Rotor Hours
TE Torque Event
UBF Unpressurized Baggage Compartment

User Settings Overview
Last Modified on 11/01/2019 11:23 am EDT

CAMP settings are accessed by clicking on Settings at the bottom right of the Left
Navigation Panel. When selected, settings appropriate to your access level will be

Standard users will have access to a limited amount of Settings:

Company Control
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 8:56 am EST

Company Control allows you to view and modify data for your company. After selecting
Company Control from Settings, your company will be displayed in the search return.

Clicking on your company name populates the window with your company’s information.

There are several actions that you have control over:

You have the ability to select specific Access Control Requirements for login:

Under Contacts, you will need to enter names and email addresses for subscribers to
receive Email Alerts:

Selecting the pencil next to specific preferences lets you toggle relevant settings.

My Settings
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 8:55 am EST

The My Settings menu is available to both Users and Administrators. Here, you can
personalize how the application is set for your desired usage.

In Personal Settings, you can edit your email address, change your password, change your
ezSign password and upload your digital signature Image.

In General Settings, you are able to set defaults for multiple items including Date Format,
Default Fleet, Due List Screen and Report Default Views. Also, vital to larger fleet
operators, you have the ability to set the MTX Calendar with the number of aircraft to
display and a refresh rate.

Fleet Links allows you to customize the specific Fleet functionality that you desire in the
Left Navigation Panel when selecting Fleet.

Administrator Settings Overview
Last Modified on 11/21/2019 12:36 pm EST

Settings in CAMP are accessed by clicking on Settings at the bottom right of the Left
Navigation Panel. When selected, settings appropriate to your access level will be

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Administrators will have access to all Settings:

User Administration
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 9:06 am EST

User Administration in CAMP allows Administrators to create, view, modify and delete
application access for those within your organization. You are also able to assign aircraft
access to users.

Clicking on the X icon will allow you to select and delete access.

Clicking on a User's Name will open the user page where access can be viewed and

Clicking on the key icon allows you to set passwords to expire for users:

Clicking on the blank page icon opens a new window where you enter information to create
a new user. This is the same pages as above but you can insert the Login Name, Password,
Full Name and Email Address along with access selections including ezSign (Digital
Signature) access, Mobile Application, EHM and Inventory privileges (if applicable) are also
assigned within this window.

After a User is created, you will need to select the Assign Profile icon which will open a
page listing all company aircraft. Here you can select View (read only) or Update (full)
access for the user. You are also able to set a to/from date range if desired.

NOTE: If a method of access is not set here for the user, they will not display any aircraft
after they log in.

Naming Pattern Editor
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 9:10 am EST

The Naming Pattern Editor within CAMP is used to preselect naming patterns for Work
Orders, Discrepancies and Observations. You have the ability to add/remove naming
components (A/C Identifier, Date, Text, MEL-Prefix and Sequence No.) in the order that you
prefer. Once saved, you can edit and delete as desired.

Clicking the edit pencil icon or Add New Pattern opens the pattern component section
where you create a specific naming pattern and assign it to the selected function.

Technician Maintenance
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 9:14 am EST

Technician Maintenance within CAMP is a setting used to enter T echnician Names,

Initials, Certificate Number and Roles.

The primary function for this listing is that the names created and saved here can be
selected from the role drop down lists when performing Compliance Batch Updates,
Logbook Entries and pre-filling Task Cards. These names can also be associated to ezSign

Lookup Maintenance
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 9:16 am EST

Lookup Maintenance within CAMP is a powerful and complex setting used to view and
edit various data tables. Common examples are; Signoff Statements, Task Dispositions
and RII Labels.

NOTE: Care must be exercised when using the setting. Your CAMP Analyst can assist you
with this further.

Company Control
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 9:20 am EST

Company Control is a setting used to view and modify data for your company. Once
selecting Company Control, your company will be displayed in the search return.

Clicking on your company name populates window with your company’s information

There are several actions that you have control over by selecting the pencil icon next to
your desired field:

You have the ability to select specific Access Control Requirements for log in:

Under Contacts, you will need to enter names and email addresses for Subscribers to
receive Email Alerts:

Logbook Control
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 9:35 am EST

Logbook Control is a setting used to create, view, assign and modify logbook templates in
addition to the standard templates offered. This level of customization is a wonderful
enhancement for an organization requiring additional logbook controls.

You can select a default logbook to be used across your fleet. First, click Change and then
select a logbook from the drop down menu and click Save. You can view it by selecting

Additionally, you are able to create, select and assign logbook templates at the model level
and at the aircraft level. These selections will override the company selection made at the

Clicking on Manage Templates opens the Logbook Template page. Here you are able to
customize your logbook, or create multiple versions of logbooks, by creating a copy of a
provided template.

First, select a template from the List of Templates drop down menu. Next, click on Create
a Copy. This will populate "Copy of ...." into the Template Name field and you can leave this
as is or insert a name of your choice into this field.

Next, make selections from Header Type, Font Size, Paper Size and Page Orientation.

Finally, checking the box for Separate Pages for Major Assemblies will automatically
create separate logbook pages for Airframe, Engines and APU if there are tasks for these

Group By Log Date will print tasks accomplished on different dates with their own sign off
areas on the same logbook page.

Next, you can upload your company logo to be printed onto your logbooks.

You can also choose to print your company address onto the logbook by selecting to use
the address in the system or entering in an address. This is handy when creating logbooks
based on different locations within your organization.

Finally, you can move or combine the seven sections below as you desire. The seven
sections include: AD, SB, Components, Inspections, Life Limited Parts, Miscellaneous and

Left click on a section and drag and drop it into or between another section to move or
combine it. When combining sections, the section you are moving another section to will
only turn yellow. When moving a section, the entire page will be yellow. You can also click
on Change Title and then insert the wording for that section that you want to be printed on
the logbook. You can Print Preview as you go and when done, click on Save Changes.

Now, this logbook will be available to use throughout your organization. Once created and
saved, you can print preview your custom logbook template. Keep in mind that if a task is
associated with one of the seven sections, it will be automatically inserted into that
section. Otherwise, that section will not be printed. (Sign-off Statements are assigned at
the aircraft level)

Checklist Management
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 10:06 am EST

The Checklist in CAMP is an enhancement available to you that allows you to transform
your paper checklists to a digital format. Checklists are created and edited within the
online application and accomplished by using the mobile application iCAMP on your phone
or tablet device.

Checklists are easily created. Even if you do not immediately plan to go paperless, you can
use the Checklist Management function as a document editor to create and then print
copies of your Checklists to accomplish manually.

When you select Checklist Management from Settings, the Checklist Management window
opens presenting you with a list of Checklists already created. You will have a Sample
Checklist to use and modify. Under Actions, you can Edit, Delete or Print any selected
Checklist. To open an existing Checklist, click on the Checklist Name. To create a new
Checklist, click Add New.

After selecting Add New, the Checklist Template window opens. Here, you will enter a
name for your Checklist, assign it to specific models if necessary, and choose if recording
aircraft times is Optional, Mandatory or N/A . Then you begin to add Section Titles and Line
Items for each section.

When creating your Checklist, you can add and edit fields to capture additional information
by selecting Manage Custom Field Types. These fields include Date, Pressure, Quantity,
Temperature and Weight and are available in a multitude of Units . You are also able to add
additional types of data to capture on the Checklist.

Adding these fields to a Checklist is very intuitive. First type in a Label, select the Type and
Unit and if completing the field is Mandatory when accomplishing the Checklist.

When done, click Save. You can easily print a copy to use or review and at the Aircraft and
Fleet levels, you can print completed Checklists after they have been completed by using
the Mobile Application iCAMP.

MTX Cost Tracking
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 10:08 am EST

MTX Cost Tracking within CAMP allows you to accurately track costs within the Work
Order module.

In Work Orders, you create Estimates, which are based on proposals/quotes, and
Actuals which would be based upon completion of work and a final invoice. Within the
Estimate and Actuals, each task/discrepancy brought in from the Work Order will have
Cost Categories and Account Codes.

The Cost Categories are fields for calculating the various items that are billed to complete
the task/discrepancy such as Parts, Labor, Shop Supplies, Freight and Tax . Account Codes
are used by Accounting departments to provide detailed visibility to each cost. They
include GL Codes that are associated to each Cost Category and are grouped together,
perhaps as Scheduled or Unscheduled or other group headings.

In the Cost Category section, we provide five default categories. They are Parts, Labor,
Shop Supplies, Freight and Tax. They can be edited and you can add additional categories
if desired. By choosing add new or editing current, you are able to choose if the category is
Active or Inactive . You also can choose which area of the Estimate/Actuals the category
will be in at the Task Level and/or the Additional Cost Area which is typically where the
total is calculated and are only one time charges.

In the Account Codes section, you can create an Account Name of your choice and insert
the accounting code for each Cost Category to match. You can also edit an existing
Account Code by selecting the edit pencil icon. In the Work Order Estimate/Actuals, when
you select the Account Name for the task/discrepancy, each Account Code will
automatically be linked to the cost amount entered.

Reports General Overview
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 10:13 am EST

The Reports Bar is fixed to the right side of the CAMP application. It is visible at all times
and display information pertaining to the aircraft selected from the Aircraft List. This tool
lets you select and create all printed reports that are available in the system. This is in
addition to creating reports from the many windows within the application (e.g. Due List,
Task/Status, etc.)

If you need to create a report, you can go here directly instead of navigating to a specific
window within the application in order to create a report.

Reports, whether created from any of the Report Tabs here or from within the application,
are opened in the Queue.

Status Reports
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 10:14 am EST

Clicking the Status tab on the Report Bar will pop open the Status Reports box for
whichever aircraft is currently selected in the Aircraft List.

If you are in the Fleet area and not on a specific Aircraft, Fleet Status Reports will be

There is a large amount of report templates available by default. Instead of selecting and
printing a preset report, you now have the ability to create new report templates by
selecting and customizing the particular attributes. In this manner, you are able to create a
report that offers the specific information you need. All reports created will be available in
the Queue tab.

Work Cards
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 10:16 am EST

Clicking the Work Card tab on the Report Bar will pop open the Work Card Reports box for
whichever aircraft is currently selected in the Aircraft List. This allows you to create a Task
Card directly without first finding the task within the application.

Your default selections will be checked in the Work Card Options box, and you can change
them here as necessary.

To search for a task when creating a task card, begin entering a task number in the search
field and a selection of matching tasks will generate to pick from.

You can also enter a description or keyword and a list will be presented with matches.

Multiple task cards can be created by adding a comma between task numbers. You can
select the checkbox to pre-fill your task cards. Checking this box will open additional fields
for you to select your Sign-off Preferences, Accomplished Times, Work Order details,
Technician and Inspector names. The names are available from a dropdown list of saved
technicians/inspectors, or you can type in a name/certificate number.

When done, click Print and you cards will be created in the Queue.

Other Reports
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 10:16 am EST

Clicking the Other tab on the Report Bar will pop open the Other Reports box for whichever
aircraft is currently selected in the Aircraft List. Here you will find many additional report
templates grouped by History/Transaction (defaulted to open), Work Orders,
Miscellaneous, Audit/Ref. and Sign-off.

Just like in other areas of Reports, instead of selecting and printing a preset report, you
now have the ability to customize reports by selecting and using multiple attributes in the
many fields displayed. In this manner, you are able to create a report that provides you
with the specific information that you need. All reports created will be available in the

The five Other Reports groupings are expanded below. Each selected report template will

provide corresponding filters to offer you multiple criteria for your report.

Last Modified on 11/05/2019 10:17 am EST

The Queue feature temporarily stores all generated reports.

Clicking Queue in the Reports Bar will open the Queue. This box will open whether you have
an aircraft selected in the Aircraft List or you are in the Fleet section. The top line will
identify which aircraft or Fleet you are currently accessing.

You will note that the Description lists the name of the report and the aircraft it was built
for (if applicable). The Status column lists the current status. The Date column will display
the date and time the report was created. All documents created will reside in the
Queue for seven days.

While a document is being created, the Status column will read "PROGRESS," indicating
the document is being created. More complex reports may take longer to generate than
small reports.

Once created, all reports will be available as .PDF documents. Some reports are also
created as Word and Excel documents. Clicking on the file type in the Status column will
open that report.

There are several enhanced options available once your report has been created. By
clicking on the down arrow next to the report type in the Status column, a small pop up box
will open displaying Download, Print and Send as Attachment.

Selecting Download allows you to easily save the document to your device. Choosing
Print will open your device's print window to easily print the document. Selecting Send as
Attachment will open a pop up window, allowing you to enter an email recipient's address
and type a message. Your email address is automatically populated and included in the CC
field, so you will also receive a copy of the email for your records.

This feature allows you to easily send your documents to someone directly from the
application without first saving the document and opening your email application and
attaching the document to an email. Great examples of where this can be beneficial is
sending a Due List for a quote or Task Cards to a remote location.

You can Delete reports by clicking on the Delete Reports button. This will then add delete
icons adjacent to all reports. Clicking on the delete icon will delete the report. Clicking on
the delete icon at the top of the column will delete all reports. Click Done when complete.

You can Merge multiple reports into one document by clicking the Merge Reports button.
This will then reformat the Queue by adding check boxes and a Sequence column. Check
the documents you wish to merge and in which order they are to appear. Above this is a

field to type in the name of your merged report. When done, click on Submit.

Your new merged report will appear at the top of the Queue. Reports selected to be merged
are still available individually as well.

Aircraft Home
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 10:18 am EST

The Aircraft Home feature gives you a high-level look into important aircraft information.
Here, you may view your aircraft's current status, next due items, component times, recent
revision letters, and your CAMP Analyst's contact information.

The Aircraft Home opens by default when logging into CAMP. You may return to this page
at anytime by selecting the appropriate aircraft Registration Number from the Left
Navigation Panel. Additionally, a tab with the appropriate registration number will remain
on the top of every page you open. You may return to the Aircraft Home by selecting that

An enhancement to the Aircraft Home is the ability to upload your very own custom picture
of your aircraft. To do so, simply right-click the aircraft image and select upload to add
your own aircraft’s image.

For users with multiple aircraft enrolled in CAMP, you may select a different aircraft
registration number from the Left Navigation Panel. The Aircraft Home will automatically
change to show the selected aircraft.

Last Modified on 11/05/2019 10:44 am EST

CAMP's Documents feature lets you store and access important documents relevant to
each of your aircraft. This feature is the vault where all of your documents are stored for
each aircraft. The Documents feature lets you create custom folders and upload unlimited
files--such as manuals, wiring diagrams, procedures and relevant photos (2GB size limit
per file). This is valuable as vital documents can always be accessed online whenever

In order to access the Documents feature, you’ll want to open up the Left Navigation Panel
and select Documents under your desired aircraft.

This will open up the Documents feature. As you can see, a list of folders appear on the
left-most screen. Choosing a folder will open up the contents of that folder on the right

Selecting General Documents opens a new window displaying the document's contents,
including any files or folders. Clicking on the file name will open the document at the right
side of the window. Here you are able to upload files and create folders. Once a folder is
created, you can upload files to it. The Ramp Check Document folder is available by
default. This folder is very important as it lets you upload documents on your desktop
which can then become accessible in iCAMP.

You also have the ability to edit or delete specific documents and folders using the
corresponding pen and x icons.

The Task Attachments and Work Order Attachments folders store any documents that you
attach to tasks or Work Orders.

The Compliance Records folder contains two folders: Open and Closed. Any files
submitted to CAMP will first appear in the Open folder until your CAMP Analyst has
reviewed and dispositioned the document. It will then be stored in the Closed folder. This
provides you with intuitive and simple access, by year and month, to all submitted

Last Modified on 11/21/2019 12:28 pm EST

The Task/Status screen shows you all maintenance tasks related to your aircraft and the
status of each task.

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To access Task/Status for your aircraft, you can select Task/Status from the Left
Navigation Panel under your desired aircraft.

This will open up the Task/Status feature. Here, you can see every maintenance task
associated with your aircraft. Like most features, you have the ability to search, group by,
apply various filters, filter by component, print and perform actions on your tasks.

You may search by criteria relative to tasks you want to see. Use the Task/Status Filters
window on the bottom of the Left Navigation Panel. This window allows you to search by

Item #, Description, Part #, Complied With Date, or Task Type (which includes options like
component, AI or package, among other things).

"Group by" allows you to choose one of several different displays to organize tasks. The

default is group by ATA.

"Filter by" gives you options to filter by Packages, Components and other criteria--similar to
the Task/Status Filters window mentioned above.

"Print" lets you print specified tasks to status reports or work cards (with a few work card-
specific options available).

"Actions" allows you to add tasks to work orders, task groups, or edit individual tasks. You
may also track tasks from this menu or perform other related actions.

Selecting the blue task code for an item card opens the Details Pane on the bottom of the
Task/Status screen. Here, you can see task history, any related tasks, attached documents
and additional information. You may choose to open the Details Pane in a new window by
selecting the View dropdown menu and hovering your cursor over the Details Pane option.
You may set this window to open, by default, as an expanded view on the bottom of the
Task/Status screen or as a separate tab.

You can select multiple tasks to modify at the same time by checking the boxes adjacent
to the task codes and choose the Update dropdown menu. Enter the appropriate
information and select Update or Update & Print Logbook at the bottom of this window.

Due List
Last Modified on 11/21/2019 12:29 pm EST

The Due List gives you a glimpse into the future by displaying tasks that are coming due
within a designated calendar date, hours or landings.

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You can access the Due List by selecting any blue item from the Due row of the Aircraft
Status pane, or you can select Due List from the Left Navigation Panel.

This will open your Due List screen. Here you can see the list of maintenance tasks with
upcoming due points, overdue tasks, and tasks lacking sufficient information to calculate
the next due point. On the top row you also have functionality that lets you to Group By,
Filter, Print, adjust the Due List View and perform Actions relative to your Due List.

The current Due List may be filtered to only show item cards with certain parameters, like
due within a desired date range or by a specific interval requirements. You may project the
Due List using the Due List Filters search box which now occupies the bottom half of the
Left Navigation Panel. After you enter your desired filters, select go and the Due List will
refresh to only show item cards fitting the search. More options are available in the Filter
By dropdown menu.

You are able to print specified tasks in a work card from the Print dropdown menu. Select
the appropriate tasks by clicking the checkbox on the left of a the desired product number,
then choose to Quick Print Work Card.

This will then open up the reports tab where your work card will be processed into a PDF.

Selecting the PDF will display the work card.

You may also generate Due List Reports under the Print dropdown menu.

You can also add tasks to a work order or task group from the Actions dropdown menu.

Last Modified on 11/05/2019 11:20 am EST

The Update feature allows users to search and mark any task or discrepancy as complied

Open the Update feature by selecting Update from the Left Navigation Panel.

Tasks or discrepancies can be searched by typing their task/discrepancy number or name

in the search bar at the top of the screen. A dropdown list will generate with all tasks fitting
the search term.

When selected, the task number will remain populated in the search bar. You may still
search for additional tasks/discrepancies using the same process. The previously selected
number (while still visible in the bar) will not affect the search results.

Fill in the the fields as desired. The Service Center field is mandatory. Selecting the Service
Center field will open a dropdown menu of your previously used service centers or the
option "In-House Service"

When all fields are filled as desired, select Update to save your changes. You may press
Update & Print Logbook to generate a PDF Logbook Entry for distribution as needed.

Logbook Entries
Last Modified on 11/21/2019 12:31 pm EST

The Logbook Entries feature allows you to create digital and physical versions to
document your logbooks.

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To access this feature, select Logbook Entries from the Left Navigation Panel.

This will open up the Logbook Entries window. Here you will notice your logbook entries
are separated into two groups. The Open Logbook section contains logbooks in the
draft/not completed state. The Logbook History section stores past logbook entries that
have been completed. Logbook entries with a blue icon have been automatically
generated from complied with tasks, located in Work Orders. Logbooks created outside of
this process will not have this icon.

The Actions dropdown menu allows you to (for Logbook drafts) Open Logbook Entry or
Delete Logbook Entry and (for Final/Completed Logbooks) Reopen Logbook Entry.

To add a new logbook entry manually, select Create New Logbook Entry, then select Use
Existing Compliances or Provide New Compliances.

Use Existing Compliances allows you to select tasks that have already been
complied with to populate your Logbook Entry.
Provide New Compliances allows you to select tasks and enter new compliance
values (date, hours and landings), updating these tasks within the application
using these new compliance values.

Once you have made your selection or accomplished your Compliance Batch Update, the
View Logbook Entry window will open. Here you will see the tasks you have

You can manually add additional tasks, discrepancies and miscellaneous items using the
Add Items option.

You will also be asked to enter a date, hours and landings, then you can insert optional
information such as a title, ICAO and a Work Order number.

At the bottom of the logbook entry, you may be asked to select or type in a Sign-off
Statement and enter your unique pin code to digitally sign off on the logbook entry.
Otherwise, select or enter a Technician name and hit Complete to finish. An Inspector
field is optional if desired.

When you are done, a pop up will appear displaying your Logbook Entry. You can easily
download or print as necessary. It will also be available in the Queue so that you can also
print, download or email from there.

Work Orders
Last Modified on 11/22/2019 9:08 am EST

The Work Orders feature is designed to help organize and modify all existing work orders,
whether they are currently open, were complied with or canceled. In addition, the Work
Orders feature simplifies the process of creating new work orders and adding tasks to
existing work orders.

To open the Work Orders feature, select Work Orders from the Left Navigation Panel. The
Work Orders screen will open in a new tab.

You may select the + icon next to Work Orders on the Left Navigation Panel to quickly
create a new work order. A work order number will automatically generate if you leave the
Number field as “To Be Assigned.”

For users with CAMP Connect authorized service centers, please select the checkbox next
to “Post to external system,” as this will let your service center pull the work order directly

from their preferred system.

Select Save to create the work order.

By default, the Work Order screen filters to only show open work orders, as indicated by the
Status column. The work order number is listed in selectable, blue text. Clicking this text
will open the work order in a new tab, letting you see the tasks it contains.

The dates in the Last Modified column are also selectable. Clicking a date opens a small
pop up window with a high-level summary of recent changes. Some work orders may have
a yellow flag in this row. This is nothing urgent, rather it simply notifies you that changes

were made to items within the work order, but from a different location than the Work
Order feature. For instance, if a task was updated in the due list, you would see a yellow
flag attached to the work order containing that task. The work order will update itself
appropriately, and indicate that the change has been made.

The Earliest Due (Proj) column will display the due date of the most upcoming task within
a work order. This will help inform you which work orders require immediate attention.

You will find the Work Orders Filters pane at the bottom of the Left Navigation Panel. You
may select to view all work orders, complied with, cancelled, and work orders with return to
service flags (or any combination of those listed) by selecting the desired labels from the
Status dropdown menu. You also have the option to sort by date, WO # or description.
Select Go and the main Work Orders screen will update to match the Filters pane.

You may create a new work order by selecting the Add New Work Order button from the
toolbar on the top of the screen. This opens the same menu as selecting the + icon from
the Left Navigation Panel.

The Print dropdown menu lets you generate work cards as PDFs. You may merge multiple
work cards under the same document, if you choose.

The Print Logbook Entry dropdown menu allows you to create a logbook entry from work
cards. You may either create a brand-new logbook entry, or update an open logbook entry.
The dropdown menu will list all available logbook entries directly, so you may simply
choose the logbook you wish to add to.

To update a work order, first select the work the desired work order with a single click, then
select Update from the toolbar.

You can make any desired changes, such as entering the technician or service center
performing maintenance, and apply changes. From this menu, you may update the work
order, or update the work order and print it as a logbook.

The Actions dropdown menu lets you modify the work order's status. Here, you may edit,
close or cancel a work order.

Last Modified on 11/05/2019 11:55 am EST

The Discrepancies feature allows users to enter, view and update any defects noted by
technicians or flight crews that are not considered routine maintenance.

To access the Discrepancies screen, select Discrepancies from the Left Navigation Panel.
You also have the ability to quickly add a new discrepancy by selecting the + icon.

Once you select Discrepancies, the discrepancy window will open. Here you will see the
list of Open Discrepancies for the aircraft.

To sort by Discrepancies that are Open, Complied With, or Pending, change the Status
selection in the Discrepancy Filter box in the lower left corner of the Left Navigation Panel;
then select Go.

The top bar in this window also has options to Add New Discrepancy, View, Print, Print
Logbook Entry and perform other Actions specific to Discrepancies.

Selecting the blue discrepancy number will open up the Discrepancy Details pane below.
Here you can view any additional details noted when the discrepancy was created and the
Discrepancy Resolution.

When creating a Discrepancy, you have several options:

You can select the category of the discrepancy: Non-Deferred (Grounding), Deferred-
Watchlist (Non-Grounding), MEL and Advisory
You are able to save the discrepancy and it will appear on the list of Open
You can elect to complete discrepancy which allows you to enter the corrective action
resolution details at the time of discrepancy creation or to provide the resolution at a
later time

Last Modified on 11/20/2019 2:39 pm EST

Video Walkthrough:

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The Observations feature allows you to create a “scratch-pad” or location to log and share
general concerns that need further analysis before determining if they are to be classified
as a discrepancy. If the observation is determined to be a discrepancy, you can easily
escalate it to a discrepancy for further action.

You can access Observations by selecting Observations from the Left Navigation Panel
under the desired aircraft. You also have the ability to quickly add a new Observation by
selecting the + icon.

This will open the Observations window. Here you will see the list of Open Observations for
the aircraft.

To view All, Open, Canceled, Closed or Escalated Observations, change the selection in the
Status dropdown field to the desired status; click Search to refresh the list. You also have
additional choices in the header to filter the observations.

To create a new Observation, simply click on the + icon in the Left Navigation Panel.

This will open a new window where you can insert the details of the Observation, including
attachments and notes. When you are done entering mandatory and optional information,
click Save.

Clicking on an Observation number will open the Observation Details window. Here, you
can view and edit additional details of the Observation, attach and/or view a document,
insert or view notes, and search for any related tasks to link to the observation.

The best use for the Observations feature is to escalate observations to discrepancies if
further action is required. To do this, check the box adjacent to the Observation Number
you intend to escalate. From the Actions dropdown menu, click Escalate
Observation. After escalated, the Observation cannot be edited.

After completing the details in the New Discrepancy window and saving, the observation
will become a discrepancy. In the New Discrepancy window, you can determine if the
observation-turned-discrepancy should be dispositioned as an MEL, a Grounding/Non-
Deferred or Deferred-Watchlist/Non-Grounding category discrepancy. Once saved, the

Discrepancy Number will become a link added to the Discrepancy column in Observations.
For easy tracking of the disposition, the Observation will remain in the Observations
window as an Escalated Status.

Last Modified on 11/05/2019 12:16 pm EST

The History feature gives you the ability to open a record of all previously complied with
tasks for a particular aircraft to view relevant information.

To access the History feature, expand the Left Navigation Panel by clicking the carrot next
to Other. Select History from this menu to open the feature.

Task history is organized by month and year.

On the Left Navigation Panel, a History Filters box allows you to search for specific tasks
you’ve previously complied with in your aircraft maintenance history. You may use the
additional searchable fields to target relevant tasks by a particular criteria.

Select the + icon next to the desired month to see all records performed within the time-

To see the details of a particular task, simply click the Task Code. This will open a details
window for a corresponding task at the bottom of the History screen.

If you select Actions dropdown menu, you will have the options to View Task History, Add
New History, Edit or Delete a History. Print and Print Logbook Entry lets you select and
print histories for distribution.

You can also view the History of a task by opening your Task/Status window. Select the
Task Number for the desired task to open the Details pane. The History Tab will outline the
task's maintenance history.

Task Groups
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 12:29 pm EST

The Task Groups function allows you to collect and group tasks for easier management.
For example, RII tasks and individual tasks are performed together (e.g. during an engine
change), and you may want them listed as such. A secondary purpose of this function
allows you to create a group of tasks that you do not want to influence your color light

In order to access the Task Groups feature, select an aircraft from the Left Navigation
Panel. Then, select the dropdown carrot next to Other, and a submenu will expand to show
Task Groups. Click Task Groups.

The Task Groups window will open. In it, you will see listed all created Task Groups.
Clicking a Task Group name will open it.

You can add a new task group by selecting this option from the Actions dropdown menu.
In addition, you may add tasks to a task group through the same process as in both the
Task/Status and Due List windows.

If you have tasks with short intervals, you may never see the status of your aircraft become
Green. You have the ability to group these tasks together and select Prevent Contents
From Influencing the R/Y/G State. The tasks will still come due and be listed on the Due
List, but they will not influence the color light logic. This is particularly valuable for tasks
that are performed daily, weekly or with small hourly/landing intervals.

Every aircraft comes with a Ramp Check Items Task Group. This is used to build a list of
tasks that you wish to be accessible in iCAMP's Ramp Check section. This allows you to
display the tasks you would want bring to your flight crew's attention. Some operators can
use this to replace paper Status Sheets as all tasks here are current and display in iCAMP.

Last Modified on 11/05/2019 12:34 pm EST

The Checklist feature is available at the individual aircraft level, granting you access to
Checklists that are in various states. You are also able to print a completed Checklist for
your records, if desired.

In order to access the Checklist feature, select an aircraft from the Left Navigation Panel.
Then select the dropdown carrot next to Other which expands to show Checklist. Click

The Checklist window will open. By default, it opens to display Open Checklists. To see
Completed or All Checklists, you can change the Status in the Checklist Filters box in the
bottom of the Left Navigation Panel.

The image below is a list filtered to show completed checklists. The Checklist Name will
be listed along with the Date Created, Date Completed and Completed By.

Clicking on the name of a Checklist will open that Checklist in a new tab.

Under the Actions dropdown menu, you can delete or print the checklist.

Selecting Print will cause the printed version to appear in a pop up window where you can
download and send it to your printer. It will also be listed in the queue when you can
download, print or email the document.

Fleet Overview
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 1:56 pm EST

CAMP users have access to fleet-specific functions--available when you have multiple
aircraft. These various functionalities are accessible for your entire fleet of aircraft and
any custom fleets that you create.

Begin by clicking Fleet at the top of the Left Navigation Panel. This will repopulate the
panel with the Fleet functions.

You can create individual fleets of specific aircraft or limit set aircraft access to certain
employees. You can then build a custom fleet containing those aircraft and set this
grouping as the default fleet for that user. Additionally, you can create custom fleets of

major components, such as engines and APUs.

Creating a Fleet /Fleet Management
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 2:04 pm EST

Users with multiple aircraft have the ability to create custom Fleets. This feature
allows you to better organize how you conduct maintenance across a particular
set of aircraft.

To create a new custom fleet or access your available custom fleets, first click on
the down arrow next to the fleet--displayed at the top of the Left Navigation Panel.

From this dropdown menu, you can click the custom fleet that you wish to display
in the Aircraft List, allowing you to utilize Fleet functionalities.

In order to create a new custom fleet, simply select Create A New Fleet from the
dropdown menu. This opens a pop-up window, allowing you name your fleet and
define its profile type. The profile type can be aircraft, APU, engine or propeller.
Select Save. This will open the Fleet Management window.

Custom-created fleets have access to the Management feature. This is located
under your fleet on the Left Navigation Panel. Select the icon in the Add Aircraft
column to add an available aircraft (or engine/APU/propeller) to your fleet. To
remove items from your custom fleet, select the Remove Aircraft icon next to the
aircraft (or engine/APU/propeller) you want to remove.

The Actions dropdown menu has several settings available to help customize your
fleet. You can edit your fleet name, delete your fleet, make your fleet private (visible
only to you) or make it you default fleet.

When you have your custom Fleet configured to your needs, click Save to finish
creating your fleet.

Fleet Summary
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 2:06 pm EST

The Fleet Summary window displays a holistic view of any aircraft you maintain on CAMP.
Selecting the blue Tail # opens two tabs: the Aircraft Home page for the appropriate
aircraft and its Task/Status menu.

The Fleet Summary offers a high level view of aircraft status, displaying next due
requirements, total hours, total landings, and number of applicable AD/SIs. The Fleet
Summary also indicates if an aircraft is down for maintenance or if urgent action must be

Fleet MTX Calendar
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 2:15 pm EST

The Fleet MTX Calendar displays a rolling, 30-day view of any tasks coming due. This
provides greater visibility into upcoming tasks across your entire fleet for ease of planning.

To open the Fleet MTX Calendar, first select Fleet at the top of the Left Navigation Panel,
then click MTX Calendar.

The MTX Calendar Filters pane at the bottom of the Left Navigation Panel allows you to
select/deselect what information you wish to display on the calendar. Flights are displayed
if there is integration to the CAMP Flight Scheduling module or a compatible external flight
scheduling applications. For more information on if your flight scheduling application of
choice is compatible with CAMP, please contact your CAMP Analyst.

The calendar's range can be advanced 30 days at a time by clicking the arrows bookending

the date range in the top left corner. The far right column displays the earliest task due
date for an item not included in the current calendar view. Clicking a colored block opens
the Due List for that aircraft and highlights the tasks selected.

Clicking on the Utilization icon--the small circular image next to the aircraft name--opens a
pop-up window displaying utilization from 1-24 months.

The lower section displays fleet Tracked Items (previously Watched items) . Here you can
manage these tasks and create a report containing these tasks. Think of this function as
your whiteboard: a place where you track tasks that are not typically coming due soon but
need strategic awareness.

Fleet Actual Times
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 2:17 pm EST

The Actual Times feature displays all aircraft (within your fleet) actual times in one
window. With this enhancement, you are able to create an Actual Times Report and
open the Flight Log for a specific aircraft.

In order to access your Fleet Actual Times, select Fleet from the Left Navigation
Panel. Select Actual Times.

The Fleet Actual Times window will then open. You can view the latest times of your entire
fleet. You also have the ability to expand or collapse individual aircraft views by selecting
the plus or minus icons adjacent to an aircraft registration number or serial number.
Selecting Edit opens up a pop up allowing you to edit hours and landings.

Fleet Due List
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 2:24 pm EST

The Fleet Due List feature displays all tasks coming due for every aircraft in your
fleet. Tasks are automatically grouped by aircraft and displayed collapsed by
default. Once you expand the results, you may use the standard aircraft-level Due
List features: Filter By, Sort By, Group By, Print and Actions.

This enhanced feature is great to use to increase visibility of all upcoming due
tasks fleet-wide.

To access your Fleet Due List, open the Left Navigation Panel and select Fleet.
Click Due List to open the menu.

Selecting the + icon expands the list of due tasks under each aircraft.

You also have the ability to filter your Fleet Due List projections by using the fields
available in the Due List Filter box.

Fleet Work Center
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 4:57 pm EST

The Fleet Work Center displays all MTX Planners and Work Orders for your fleet.

You can select various filters in the Work Center Filter box to limit the displayed
work orders. Results show further details on each work order, such as Date In, Date
Out, Status, Earliest Due (task within the MTX Planner/WO) and the number of
items included. Clicking the MTX Planner/WO number opens the corresponding
details window for that specific MTX Planner/WO.

This enhancement is a great tool to assist you with managing all MTX
Planners/Work Orders for your fleet.

To access your Fleet Work Center, select Fleet from the Left Navigation Panel.
Then select Work Center.

This will open up the Fleet Work Center window.

The Work Center Filters search fields will now appear at the bottom of the Left Navigation

The + and – icons next to your aircraft expands or collapses the information
displayed for each aircraft.

Fleet Discrepancies
Last Modified on 11/05/2019 2:33 pm EST

The Fleet Discrepancies feature displays the Discrepancies of every aircraft within your
fleet. You have the ability to customize your results using the Discrepancies Filter box.

Discrepancies are automatically grouped by aircraft and displayed collapsed. Once you
expand the results, you can use the functions within this window to disposition any

To access your Fleet Discrepancies, select Fleet from the Left Navigation Panel.
Then click Discrepancies.

This will open up the Fleet Discrepancies window.

Just like your other fleet features, you may apply filters to your Discrepancies the
Discrepancies Filters menu at the bottom of the Left Navigation Panel.

The + and – icons next to your aircraft allow you to expand or collapse the information
displayed for each aircraft.

You can easily add new discrepancies by selecting "Add New Discrepancy to" dropdown
menu, then choose your desired aircraft from the generated list.

After you select the aircraft, a New Discrepancy window will open. Fill out the necessary
information to create your new discrepancy. When done, hit save to create your new

You will then see your newly created Discrepancy populated under the selected aircraft.

Fleet Observations
Last Modified on 11/06/2019 8:49 am EST

The Fleet Observations feature allows you to view and disposition Observations that are
open across your entire fleet.

Observations serve as a “scratch-pad” or location to log and share general notes on an

aircraft that need further analysis before determining if they should be classified as a
Discrepancy. If the Observation is determined to be a Discrepancy, you can easily escalate
it to a Discrepancy for further action.

To open the Fleet Observations, select Fleet at the top of the Left Navigation Panel, then
click Observations.

Once selected, the Fleet Observations window will open. Here you will see the list of Open
Observations for all of your aircraft. To view All, Canceled, Closed or Escalated
Observations, change the selection in the Status dropdown menu to the desired status.
Click Search to refresh the list. You also have additional filters in the header box to help
locate an Observation.

To create a new Observation, select the "Add New Observation to" dropdown menu and
choose the desired aircraft.

This will open a new window where you can insert details of the Observation, including
attachments and notes. When you are done entering mandatory and optional information,
click Save.

Clicking an Observation number will open an Observation Details window.

Here you can view and edit additional details of the Observation, attach and/or view a
document, insert or view notes, and search for a related task to link to the observation.

The Observations feature's most powerful function is escalating an Observation to a

Discrepancy if it is determined to require action. To do this, from the Observations listing
window, check the box adjacent to the Observation you wish to escalate. From the Actions
dropdown menu, click Escalate Observation. Once escalated, the Observation will now
become un-editable.

Enter any required details in the New Discrepancy window and save.

The Observation will now be listed as a Discrepancy. In the New Discrepancy window, you
can determine if the Observation-turned-Discrepancy should be dispositioned as an MEL, a
Grounding/Non-Deferred or Deferred-Watchlist/Non-Grounding category Discrepancy.
Once saved, the Discrepancy Number will become a link added to the Discrepancy column
in Observations for easy tracking of the disposition; the Observation will now be listed
under the Escalated Status.

Fleet EHM Status
Last Modified on 11/06/2019 8:51 am EST

The Fleet EHM Status displays the current status of all engines enrolled in the EHM

To access this menu, first select Fleet from the Left Navigation Panel. Then choose Fleet
EHM Status.

This will open the Fleet EHM window. Here you can easily see engines with recorded faults,
EHM Analyst recommended actions and SOAP sample results (if available). Clicking an
indicated engine fault provides additional details. This is another enhanced feature
offering you greater visibility to your engine monitoring.

Fleet Checklist
Last Modified on 11/06/2019 8:58 am EST

The Fleet Checklist feature displays all Checklists across your fleet.

To access the Fleet Checklist feature, select Fleet from the Left Navigation Panel. Then
choose Checklist.

Checklists are grouped by aircraft and display the Checklist Name, Status, Date Created
and Completed as well as the name of the user the Checklist was Completed By. Using the
Checklist Filter Box allows you to filter by these attributes so you may fine tune your

Fleet Publications
Last Modified on 11/06/2019 9:02 am EST

The Fleet Publications feature offers you a view of all publications being utilized to track
your maintenance programs.

To open the Fleet Publications, first select Fleet from the Left Navigation Panel, then click

Results are grouped by publication and displays vital information, including Publication
Name, Number, Revision Date, Date Received, Date Applied to your program and the
current Revision Number. You can also utilize the Publications Filter Box to select specific
criteria for your search.

Clicking on the Revision Number opens a window displaying additional details of the
revision status history, including the current revision. There are links to open the Revision
Highlights, Requirement Documents and Revision Summary Change Form.

AD/SB Manager
Last Modified on 11/21/2019 12:34 pm EST

The AD/SB Management Portal offers you a higher degree of control over reviewing,
applying and complying with AD’s and SB’s. You are able to directly review and disposition
as you see fit. You can also continue to have your Analyst apply AD's and SB's to your
aircraft and use the portal for greater views of this process.

Video Walkthrough:

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To open the AD/SB Management Portal , first select Fleet from the Left Navigation Panel,
then click AD/SB Manager.

This will open the AD/SB Management feature. Opening the window presents you with
multiple search fields and a list of ADs and SBs for your review.

Clicking an AD or SB's reference number will open the Details window. After your review,
you can determine if a document is applicable and add it to an aircraft. You also can add
Notes and assign others for additional review if your approval process requires this.

Getting started with this enhanced new feature is easy. Simply contact your CAMP Analyst.
They work with you to properly configure the AD/SB Portal and ensure your aircraft or fleet
are configured properly.

iCAMP Mobile Application Overview
Last Modified on 11/06/2019 10:19 am EST

The iCAMP mobile app can be easily found on the Apple App Store and is free to
download. It is also available for Android users as a web page that can be bookmarked
with an icon for easy access. It will work on tablet devices as well as cell phones. Once the
app has been downloaded and opened, simply log in by entering in the same credentials
used to access CAMP's web-based application. After logging in, the application will
remember your credentials, and you will not need to log back in when reopening the app,
even after shutting your device down or restarting it.

Once logged into the mobile application, the list of available aircraft is visible in the left

If you have several fleets created, your default fleet will be displayed, and you can select a
specific fleet to view by clicking on the arrow and choosing the desired fleet.

Adjacent to the aircraft is an icon using color light logic to display the overall status of the
aircraft. Below each aircraft registration number will be the aircraft's model and serial

Selecting a specific aircraft displays the corresponding menu on the right-side of the
screen. This displays all the pages available to the user per the privileges set by the
Administrator in User Administration.

Mobile Privileges Setup
Last Modified on 11/06/2019 10:06 am EST

As an Administrator, to review or modify iCAMP user privileges, you will need to open the
User Administration window by first clicking on Settings at the bottom of the Left
Navigation Panel from the CAMP desktop application. Then select User Administration at
the top of the column.

Once this window opens, enter a name in the User Name or Full Name fields. You may also
click Submit to see all Users within your organization.

Select the blue user name to open that account's User Settings window. The Mobile
Application Privileges column will be at the far right side of the page. Here you can review
or modify the functions available to the User in the Mobile Application.

The default Method of Access is Web & Mobile, but you are able to set limits, like online
access only or permit Mobile access only.

Next, all privileges of the Mobile App are listed. By default, all are checked. Here is where
you can limit or permit what functions a User will have access to in the Mobile App.
Perhaps you want your Maintenance Department employees to have access to all
functions. Leave everything checked. If you want to permit your Flight Crews access to just
Ramp Check and Discrepancy List, uncheck all other functions. When done, click on
Submit at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

As a reminder, you can even limit which aircraft a User has access to in User
Administration. The possibilities are unlimited!

iCAMP Aircraft Overview
Last Modified on 11/20/2019 2:13 pm EST

Selecting Aircraft Overview opens a high-level view of the aircraft status. The screen looks
different based on CAMP subscription package. The Maintenance Compliance Status
section is available for CAMP Maintenance subscribers. Health Diagnostics is available for
CAMP EHM subscribers.

This will display the color light logic adjacent to the Aircraft Maintenance Status to indicate
the overall current status.

The Next Due icon will show the hour, cycle, and calendar limitations of the most
upcoming maintenance task. Selecting this icon will open the Due List.

Next, the Aircraft Times are displayed. You can click on the icon to open up the Aircraft
Times page and update as needed.

The Discrepancies icon lists the number of open discrepancies. Selecting this opens the
Discrepancies tab when they may be interacted with further.

The Health Diagnostics section includes CAMP EHM specific metrics for quick access and

In the top right corner, you may select the eye icon with the word "OLD". Selecting this
button changes the view of this screen to its historic layout. By default, this layout features
the new, icon card look. This view can be changed anytime.

iCAMP Aircraft Times
Last Modified on 11/20/2019 2:13 pm EST

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Clicking Aircraft Times opens a menu where you can view and (if update permission has
been granted) update of the latest aircraft times and landings.

Clicking any field and typing updated values will change the field color to orange. Clicking
a date will open the date spinner at the bottom of the page to select a new date from.
When done, click Save and the application will instantly update with the new actuals.

In the left column and in the Aircraft Times box, the current last actuals and entry date are
displayed at the bottom of the box.

iCAMP Due List
Last Modified on 11/20/2019 2:14 pm EST

Clicking Due List will display the current Due List updated to reflect the default projection
entered in the Mobile App Settings. If a task is hourly or cycle based, the Estimated Due
Date will be calculated from your projected utilization based on trends in aircraft times

The values used to create the presented Due List are displayed at the bottom of the Due
List tab.

Selecting Actions will allow you to email the Due List directly from the application. You

may also choose Select Items, which adds check boxes adjacent to all tasks for you to
select specific items. If you do Select Items, the Actions menu will feature additional
capabilities. You can Print Work Cards, Email Work Cards, Add to Basket and Set RTS.

Clicking a task will open the Task Details page. Here you can see the task interval, last
complied with information, next due point and remaining interval information
(days/hours/landings). Additionally, you can click on the paper clip icon to open a pop up
window with access to attached documents. Clicking the Requirement Reference or
Procedural Reference will open a new window displaying the OEM documents. Clicking
Back will return you to the Due List.

When in Task Details, the Actions menu will allow you to save the task in the Basket, where
you can perform additional functions to this and other gathered tasks.

iCAMP Ramp Check
Last Modified on 11/20/2019 2:17 pm EST

Video Walkthrough:

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When selected, the Ramp Check page displays the individual sections a user has access
to--as set from the User Administration - Privileges area.

There are eight total sections:

Earliest Due Tasks

Ramp Check Tasks
Ramp Check Documents
Completed Checklists
Open Discrepancies
Completed Discrepancies
Recent MTX Summary

Earliest Due Tasks: At the top of the Ramp Check page, there are three boxes displaying
when the next tasks are due by Calendar, Hours and Cycles--including the Remaining
values. This information is always current to match inputted Flight Log updates and
Task/Discrepancy updates. As long as the Flight Log and task updates are current, the
Earliest Due Tasks is a great tool for Flight Crew awareness into the current maintenance
status of the aircraft.

Clicking on a specific box will open a page displaying the corresponding Earliest Due Task.
Clicking on that due task will open the Earliest Task Details for that task for your review.

Ramp Check Tasks: In the CAMP desktop application, you can copy any task to the pre-set
Ramp Check Task Group . The tasks in that Task Group will then be displayed here. The
total number of tasks will be displayed in the Ramp Check Tasks arrow button on the main
page. Clicking on this will display those tasks. Selecting a task opens the Task Details

view for review. The Ramp Check Tasks group, once created, is constantly being updated
and will always display the current status of the tasks. This function is often used to
replace a paper Status Report that must be manually updated for the Flight Crew's

Ramp Check Documents: In the main CAMP application, you are able to upload any
amount of documents into the pre-set Ramp Check Documents folder in the Documents
window. Documents uploaded there will be available to access through the Ramp Check
Documents feature. The total number will be displayed in the appropriate arrow button.
Clicking this will open a page displaying all uploaded documents, as mentioned above.
Clicking a document will open it for review. This function is often used to store vital
documents, like aircraft registration and airworthiness certificates, pilots certificates,
insurance information, manuals, etc.

Checklists: This is where you go to access and accomplish the Checklists that are created
and assigned in the main CAMP application.

If there are no open uncompleted Checklists, in this line it will state "No Open Checklist"
and the ball will be green. Below will list the Last Completed Checklist which can open the
completed Checklist for review.

If a Checklist has been opened but not yet completed, the statement will read "Checklist in
Progress" and the ball will be orange. Directly below, the open Checklist will be listed with
the number of completed line items/total line items. Click on the Checklist to open and
complete it.

To begin a new Checklist, click the + icon to display a list of available Checklist Templates.

Next, click the Checklist name to open that Checklist. (See the separate Checklist
document in this section to review details regarding Checklist accomplishment)

Completed Checklists: This will list all completed Checklists in a rolling 30-day period. The
total number will be displayed in the button at the right side of the line. Clicking this will
display the Checklists. Selecting a Checklist will open the Checklist Details for your review.
Date range From/To fields are available to modify, letting you see additional completed
Checklists as desired.

Open Discrepancies: This displays all Open Discrepancies. Selecting a Discrepancy will
open the Discrepancy Details view. Selecting Actions or clicking the + icon in the Open
Discrepancies line (adjacent to the number of Open Discrepancies) will allow you to Add a
New Discrepancy (See the Discrepancy document for additional details in adding a new

Completed Discrepancies: Selecting this will open a page displaying Recently Completed
Discrepancies--discrepancies completed/updated within the past 30 days. There are
adjustable From/To date fields in case you wish to change the display field. Clicking a
Discrepancy will open the Discrepancy Details view. This is helpful for Flight Crews to to
see how a discrepancy they discovered was repaired. It is also very useful for Maintenance
personnel to search for repetitive issues.

Recent MTX Summary: Selecting this will open a page displaying All Recently Completed
Tasks that were completed/updated within the past 30 days. There are From/To date
fields in case you wish to search a different time period. Clicking on a task will open the
Task Details view.

iCAMP Checklist
Last Modified on 11/20/2019 2:15 pm EST

The Checklist is an enhanced feature that allows you to electronically design and
accomplish Checklists, replacing paper checklists. These can be complex, including fields
to capture fluids, quantities and pressures; the amount of Checklists you can create is

To create a Checklist, see the Checklist Management document under Settings -

Administrator Level.

To perform a Checklist, first touch the Ramp Check button. When the Ramp Check window
appears, select the + sign icon at the right side of the Checklists Line.

This will open a page displaying all available Checklists for the model aircraft that you are
on. Touch the Checklist Name you wish to perform and it will open.

When the desired Checklist opens, you will see the individual line items with a selectable
checkbox to signifying accomplishment of the item. You also have the ability to attach
documents or pictures to each line item by selecting the paperclip icon and choosing your
document/photo. The Actions button will allow you to Print the Checklist, Email Checklist,
Delete the Checklist and Add a Discrepancy. Adding a discrepancy is valuable as you may
wish to record defects noted while accomplishing the Checklist.

Touching a checkbox will set the box with a checkmark, signifying the line item is marked
as Completed. Your name, date and time will also be recorded. This information is visible
to anyone viewing Checklists in the CAMP desktop application in real time.

Touching the checkbox a second time set the box with an "X", signifying the line item is
marked as as N/A. Again, your name, date and time will also be recorded.

Touching a checkbox a third time will clear it and return it to an unchecked state, removing
your name, date and time.

For Checklist line items that require capturing data, such as fluids added, current quantities
and pressures, there will be an arrow (>) informing you of the additional fields. Selecting
the checkbox will open a page with additional fields. Simply insert the data needed and
click Done when complete. This will record the data entered on the Checklist. This data is
also available to review in the Fleet Analytics portal.

If, for any reason, you do not complete the Checklist, the Checklist line in the Ramp Check
window will state a Checklist is in progress and be marked with an orange ball. The
unfinished Checklist will be listed directly below, showing how many line items were
completed out of how many line items total. To finish this Checklist, simply click on it and
it will reopen.

When all of the line items are completed, the Complete Checklist button will turn
selectable. Clicking the button will open the Checklist Timestamp pop up. Enter the
aircraft's current hours and landings or select to Use Last Actuals . (Note- Adding newer
hours/landings will not update the current hours/landings in the program). Click on
Complete when done.

Back on the Ramp Check page, the completed Checklist will be listed and " No Open
Checklist" will be displayed along with a green ball.

iCAMP CAMP Messenger
Last Modified on 11/20/2019 2:15 pm EST

Selecting CAMP Messenger will open a page displaying items that require attention. For
instance, some items may ask you to perform additional actions or contact your CAMP

The CAMP Messenger page displays three categories: Insufficient Items, Program
Changes and Recent Updates.

If there are any tasks that are categorized as insufficient due to missing information--
preventing the recalculation of the next due date--the number of tasks will be displayed in
the arrow button for that tab. Clicking this number will open a new page listing the tasks
that contain insufficient information. Clicking a specific task will open a page to display
additional details.

Once a task's details are displayed, a "?" will highlight the insufficient information. You may
need to log into the desktop CAMP application to provide missing data or contact your
Analyst directly to rectify. Clicking the blue paper clip icon will open a pop up menu where
you can select to view any associated documents: Compliance Records, Compliance
Attachments, Task Attachments, the task Requirement Reference and the Procedural

If any changes were made to your MTX Program, such as new AD's, SB's, ASC's or OEM
tasks revisions, they will be displayed in the Program Changes category. The number of
changes within the past 30 days will be listed in the button in the Program Changes line.
Clicking on this will open a new page, displaying the list of changes applied. Clicking a
specific task will open a page with additional details of the change(s).

Once a task is displayed, you will see task Type, ATA, Disposition, Interval, Next Due and
Remaining. Clicking the blue paper clip icon will open a pop up where you can select to
view the task Requirement Reference and/or the Procedural Reference documents.

If any task/discrepancy updates were performed in the past 30 days, they will be displayed
in the Recent Updates category. The number of updates accomplished within the past 30
days will be listed in the button. Clicking it will open a new page displaying the list of
task/discrepancy update(s). Selecting a specific task/discrepancy will open additional

Once task/discrepancy details are displayed, you will see when the task was updated, the
actual compliance date, hours and landings and when the task is next due. Clicking on the
blue paper clip icon will open a pop up menu where you can select to view any Compliance
Records, Compliance Attachments, Task Attachments, the task Requirement
Reference and the Procedural Reference documents.

iCAMP Task / Parts
Last Modified on 11/20/2019 2:15 pm EST

Clicking on Task/Parts will display the all tasks grouped by ATA chapter. This is similar to
the Task/Status window in iCAMP. Scroll up and down to see the ATA chapter you need.

You also have the ability to perform a task search by clicking on the magnifying glass icon
at the top right corner of the ATA Listing page. This will open a search window where you
can enter either a Task #, Description, Part # or Serial # to perform a search. Click on
Search to begin, and the window will then populate with the results.

Clicking on an ATA chapter will expand that chapter to display all included tasks. Selecting
a specific task will open the Task Details view. From here, you will see all pertinent details
of the task. Clicking on the blue paper clip icon opens a pop up menu with options to view
C/W Records, C/W Attachments, Task Attachments, Requirement
Reference and Procedural Reference.

From the Task List page (which is viewed after clicking on an ATA chapter), clicking the
Actions button will allow you to Select Items, and this display checkboxes adjacent to all
tasks. After checking one or more tasks checkboxes, the Actions button will now allow you
to Print a work Card, Email a Work Card or Add to Basket. Further actions are available
after adding additional tasks to the basket.

At the Task Details page, the Action button will allow you to Send the Task to the Basket.

iCAMP AD/SI Listing
Last Modified on 11/20/2019 2:16 pm EST

Video Walkthrough:

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Clicking on AD/SI Listing will display the all AD's and SB's grouped per these two
categories. Clicking on either AD or SB will open that specific window.

AD's are listed in chronological order with the newest at the top of the page. SB's are listed
in numerical order.

You have the ability to perform a task search by clicking the magnifying glass icon at the
top right corner of the AD/SI Listing page. This will open a search window where you can
enter either a Task # or Description to perform a search. Click on Search to begin, and the

window will populate with the results.

From the AD or SI Listing page, clicking on a specific AD or SB, CB, ASC will open the Task
Details page. Here you will see the specific details of the AD or SB--including Next Due and
Remaining. Clicking on the blue paper clip icon will open a pop up menu that will allow you
to view the Requirement Reference and/or Procedural Reference documents.

From the AD or SI Listing page, which is viewed after clicking on either AD or SI, clicking
the Actions button will allow you to Select Items. This will display checkboxes adjacent to
all tasks. After checking one or more tasks checkboxes, the Actions button will now allow
you to Print a work Card, Email a Work Card or Add to Basket for further actions after
adding additional tasks to the basket.

At the AD or SI Task Details page, the Action button will allow you to Send the Task to the

iCAMP Discrepancy List
Last Modified on 11/20/2019 2:16 pm EST

Clicking on Discrepancies tab will open the Discrepancies home page:

The first line represents All Open Discrepancies, and the total number of open
discrepancies is displayed. Clicking on the number will display all open Discrepancies.
Clicking on a Discrepancy will display the Discrepancy Details view.

The next three lines on the Discrepancies home page are the three Discrepancy categories:

Non-Deferred (Grounding)
Watchlist/Deferred (Non-Grounding)

Again, the number of each open Discrepancy per category will be displayed, and clicking
the number will display the discrepancies in that category. Clicking on a Discrepancy will
display the Discrepancy Details view.

Clicking Closed Discrepancies will open a view to all Discrepancies that were
completed/updated within the past 30 days. There are to/from date fields in case you wish
to search a different time period. This is helpful for Flight Crews to track if discrepancies
they discovered were repaired. It is also very useful for Maintenance personnel to search
for repetitive issues.

To create a NEW Discrepancy, simply click on the plus icon at the top right of the
Discrepancies header bar. This will open the Add Discrepancy page. Next, choose a
discrepancy category and the appropriate page will open. Insert required (denoted by an *)
and optional data, then select Save to record the Discrepancy.

When viewing Discrepancies, the Actions button will allow you to Select Items. This will
create a checkbox adjacent to all items. After selecting one or more checkboxes, the
Actions menu will permit you to Print a Work Card (available in Reports), Email a Work
Card , Add to Basket and Add to Work Order.

iCAMP Basket
Last Modified on 11/20/2019 2:16 pm EST

The Basket List feature consolidates Tasks, Discrepancies, AD's and SB's for further
disposition. Clicking on Basket opens the Basket List menu, displaying any items you have
sent there from the Task/Parts, AD/SI or Discrepancies windows.

You can click on an item to open the items details page. Selecting the Actions button
allows you to Print Work Cards (sent to Reports) Email Work Card, Remove Selected and
Clear Basket .

iCAMP Bottom Navigation Bar
Last Modified on 11/20/2019 2:16 pm EST

The Bottom Navigation Bar contains links to the following pages: Home, Alert Center,
Settings, Contact, Reports and CAMP 3.0. This bar will remain accessible regardless of
where you navigate to within iCAMP.

Clicking Home will return you to the iCAMP home page.

Clicking Alert Center will open a page displaying tasks that have been assigned to you.
Selecting an aircraft will open the tasks assigned to you for that specific aircraft.

Clicking Settings opens the Settings view. Note that this is the only location where Logout
is available at the top right corner. Two setting areas are available - User Info and Default

In User Info , clicking Change Password opens up a box permitting you to enter a new
password. This is your system password and applies to the Mobile Application as well as
the CAMP online application.

The ezSign section allows you to click Reset ezSign Passcode. A window will open, letting
you enter a new ezSign PIN. If you uploaded a digital signature in the online CAMP
application, it will display here. Clicking the digital signature itself will provide a method of
updating your physical signature. Click Update and a box containing a pad area will open,
allowing you to use your finger or a stylus to write your signature. If satisfied, click
Save. Click Clear to scribe a new signature. This saved signature will now be utilized
throughout the application.

Clicking Default Settings opens the window pictured below. Here, you can set the default
amount of months your iCAMP Due List will project and which default fleet the iCAMP will
preload when opened.

Clicking Contacts will open the contact list. Here, you will see your iCAMP Analyst's
contact information, iCAMP Customer Support and Compliance Records e-Fax contacts
and all worldwide Field Service Representatives (FSR's) contact information.

Clicking Reports opens the reports page where you can see all reports/documents that you
have created within iCAMP. Clicking on the PDF icon will open a new window, displaying
that document.

Clicking the "3.0" button will open the full website CAMP application on your device.

Engine Health Monitoring Overview
Last Modified on 11/21/2019 12:46 pm EST

Engine Health Monitoring Video Walkthrough:

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CAMP's Electronic S.O.A.P. Form
Last Modified on 11/21/2019 12:49 pm EST

CAMP's Electronic S.O.A.P. Form Video Walkthrough:

Your browser does not support HTML5 video.

System Architecture
Last Modified on 11/06/2019 9:08 am EST


The CAMP application suite is a three-tier web-based system that allows aircraft
operators/owners to have instant, universal, and reliable access to a suite of applications
that allow them to manage the maintenance, scheduling, and inventory data for their fleet.
The system is designed with the goal of offering a hosted application service to the

Hosting Structure: The CAMP application is a multi-tier system that consists of:

- Application servers

- Database servers

- Report servers

- Document servers

Application Hosting Benefits (for the operator/owner):

1. Universal access to application and data

2. Application upgrades automatically made available
3. No need to maintain a “data center” in-house
4. Redundant network and server infrastructure for high availability
5. Continuous backup of data from the servers
6. 24x7 system support
7. Analyst support for aircraft models

Information integrity and confidentiality:

The CAMP application suite is built with information confidentiality and integrity in mind.
Access to information is strictly controlled by company and user level roles. Only users
belonging to companies that have the right role and have been granted explicit access to
an aircraft are allowed to access any information regarding the aircraft. All modifications
to the underlying database are logged in transaction logs that are regularly reviewed.

Access Security:

All user ids on the system are made hard to guess by adding a 4-digit randomized PIN to
the user id. Furthermore, the system provides a robust password management system
that can be customized to suit a company’s security policies. This allows companies to
select the minimum password length, require alphanumeric characters to be included in
passwords, and allow setting password expiration dates. Additionally, administrators can
force password changes and account lockouts manually.

Server Security:

The systems are located in a physically secure location and access is limited to authorized
personnel using electronic keys -- all key usage is logged. Physical entry is also monitored
on a video camera.

Server Backups:

All data from the CAMP servers is backed up on a regular basis to tape storage. Full
backups are performed weekly and incremental backups are performed every day. Tapes
of the backups are sent to a secure, off-site location. CAMP also retains full monthly and
yearly backups.

Product Updates
Last Modified on 11/22/2019 9:44 am EST

Welcome to the Product Updates section of the help center! Here you will find all of the
latest and greatest information on product updates and enhancements made to the CAMP

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Last Modified on 11/20/2019 2:50 pm EST

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Last Modified on 11/20/2019 2:52 pm EST

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Last Modified on 11/22/2019 8:56 am EST

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Last Modified on 11/22/2019 9:03 am EST

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Last Modified on 11/22/2019 9:03 am EST

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Last Modified on 11/22/2019 9:04 am EST

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Last Modified on 11/22/2019 9:01 am EST

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Last Modified on 11/22/2019 9:03 am EST


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