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Casablanca - SAC With Exhibits

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Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40 Filed 04/10/24 Page 1 of 54 Page ID #:493


2267 Lava Ridge Court, Suite 210
3 Roseville, California 95661
Phone: (916) 780-8222
4 Fax: (916) 780-8775
6 Attorneys for
Casablanca Design Center, Inc.
INC., a California corporation,
16 California corporation, CBD ADVERTISING, and
FRANCHISING, INC., a California
a Delaware corporation, FRANK M.
18 MELKONIAN, an individual, and
Casablanca Design Center, Inc. (“Casablanca”) brings this action against
Closets by Design, Inc., CBD Franchising, Inc. (“CBDF”), Closet World, Inc., and
Frank M. Melkonian and allege as follows:
25 I. Nature of the Action

26 1. This is a false advertising lawsuit between competitors that arises

27 under the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. §1125(a)(1)(B)) and the Racketeer Influenced

28 and Corrupt Organizations Act (“RICO”) (18 U.S.C. §1962(a), (b), (c)).
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1 2. Casablanca directly competes against Closets by Design, CBDF, and

2 Closet World for customers in Southern California who may purchase custom
3 designed interior doors and organizers for closets, offices, and garages. All three
4 companies design, fabricate, and install those products. The customers for those
5 products are mainly homeowners and residential rental property owners.
6 3. Casablanca brings this action to stop Closets by Design, CBDF, and
7 Closet World from continuing to distribute and publish deceptive discount price
8 advertising for their products and to request remedies for their past deceptive price
9 advertising, all of which was overseen by Frank Melkonian.
10 II. Introduction
11 4. Judge Stephen Reinhardt aptly described the wrong alleged here:
12 “Most consumers have, at some point, purchased merchandise that was marketed
13 as being ‘on sale’ because the proffered discount seemed too good to pass up.
14 Retailers, well aware of consumers’ susceptibility to a bargain, therefore, have an
15 incentive to lie to their customers by falsely claiming that their products have
16 previously sold at a far higher ‘original’ price in order to induce customers to
17 purchase merchandise at a purportedly marked-down ‘sale’ price. Because such
18 practices are misleading—and effective—the California legislature has prohibited
19 them.” Hinojos v. Kohl's Corp., 718 F.3d 1098, 1101 (9th Cir.2013)
20 5. The deceptive discount price advertisements Casablanca complains of
21 violate the Lanham Act and California law. 15 U.S.C. §1125(a)(1)(B); Bus. &
22 Prof. §§7161(a), 17500, 17501 and Cal. Code Regs., Tit. 4, §1302; Civ. Code
23 §1770(a)(9),(13).1 They violate the Federal Trade Commission Act which declares
24 it unlawful “to disseminate, or cause to be disseminated, any false advertisement.”
25 15 U.S.C. §52(a). They are specifically prohibited by the Federal Trade
And may expose the Closets by Design and Closet World’s sale designers to
27 personal liability in California and elsewhere. See, e.g., Bus. & Prof. §17500.3(b).
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1 Commission (“FTC”) in its Guides Against Deceptive Pricing. 16 C.F.R. §§233.1,

2 233.5. Moreover, when a sale does occur, the purchase price is a material term in
3 the contract and so the false representation undermines the contract. Using the mail
4 and worldwide web to distribute and publish such false advertising is mail and wire
5 fraud. 18 U.S.C. §§1341, 1343. Creating an enterprise for the common purpose of
6 distributing and publishing such false advertising violates RICO. 18 U.S.C.
7 §1962(a), (b), (c).
8 6. During at least the past two years, Closets by Design, CBDF, and
9 Closet World have collaborated to, and have, distributed and published throughout
10 Southern California many tens of thousands of advertisements that offer their
11 products at a discount—always at least “40% Off”—when, in fact, those products
12 are neither advertised nor sold at a higher, non-discount list price. Each “Former
13 Price Comparison” advertisement is false advertising because the representation
14 that a discount is being offered is literally false. On information and belief, every
15 advertisement for Closets by Design’s products and services and Closet World’s
16 products and services offers the 40% Off sale.
17 7. Embedded in each advertisement is a second and separate act of false
18 advertising. In each advertisement, Closets by Design, CBDF, and Closet World
19 assert that their discount price “sale” will end on a date certain, or is a new sale,
20 when, in fact, the same discount price “sale” has continued without interruption for
21 years. The advertisements for their “Continuous Sale” are false advertising because
22 each sale expiration date is literally false as is every statement that the sale is new
23 or being offered to celebrate a particular holiday or event.
24 8. If not facially literally false, every one of the corporate Defendants’
25 discount offers, and every statement in their advertising that their respective sale is
26 new or will soon end, is either false by implication or true but likely to mislead or
27 confuse consumers.
28 9. Home Organizers, Inc. is the parent company of Closets by Design,
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1 CBDF, and Closet World, each of which are all wholly owned subsidiaries. All
2 four companies have their principal place of business at the same location and
3 Frank Melkonian is the CEO of all four. The corporate Defendants admit they are
4 “affiliated” and, as alleged below, they coordinate their advertising. To reasonable
5 consumers, Closets by Design and Closet World appear to be competitors. They
6 are, in fact, collaborators.
7 10. The corporate Defendants have intentionally created an enterprise
8 through which they act for the common purpose of decreasing their customer
9 acquisition costs and increasing their sales by diverting business from their
10 competitors through the distribution and publication of advertising via the mail and
11 worldwide web that each Defendant knows is literally false.
12 11. The corporate Defendants’ concerted, fraudulent conduct over the
13 course of at least two years is mail and wire fraud and is a pattern of racketeering
14 activity. The object of their fraud is the money each receives from sales to
15 customers who their false advertising diverts from their competitors.
16 III. The Parties
17 12. Plaintiff Casablanca is a California corporation with its principal place
18 of business in Torrance, California. Casablanca does business as “Interior Door &
19 Closet Company.” Casablanca conducts its business affiliated with One Day
20 Enterprises, LLC, the manufacturer of the custom doors and closets Casablanca
21 sells.
22 13. Defendant Closets by Design is a California corporation that has its
23 principal place of business at 3860 Capitol Avenue in Whittier, California. Closets
24 by Design licenses to CBDF the right to use and sublicence its Closets by Design®2
26 2
CBDF distinguishes between Closets by Design, Inc., the corporation, from
the “Closets by Design” brand by affixing the trademark symbol to the latter
27 (“Closets by Design®”). Casablanca adopts that distinction and designation as well.
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1 trademark.
2 14. Defendant CBDF is a California corporation that, according to its
3 most recent Statement of Information filed with the California Secretary of State,
4 also has its principal place of business at 3860 Capitol Avenue in Whittier,
5 California. CBDF is a licensed franchisor that sublicenses the Closets by Design®
6 trademark to independently owned and operated Closets by Design® franchisees
7 throughout the United States.
8 15. Defendant Closet World is a Delaware corporation that also has its
9 principal place of business at 3860 Capitol Avenue in Whittier, California.
10 16. Defendant Frank M. Melkonian, aka Varant Melkom Agob, is an
11 individual who resides in Los Angeles County. Melkonian is the Chief Executive
12 Officer of Closets by Design, CBDF, and Closet World and is the Chairman and
13 CEO of Home Organizers.
14 17. The true names and capacities of the Defendants sued as Does 1
15 through 10 are currently unknown and so Casablanca sues them under fictitious
16 names. Casablanca is informed and believes that each of these Defendants is
17 responsible in some manner for the wrongful acts alleged and that each caused
18 Casablanca harm.
19 IV. Jurisdiction and Venue
20 18. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction under 15 U.S.C. §1121(a)
21 (Lanham Act), 18 U.S.C. §1965(a) (RICO), and 28 U.S.C. §1331 (federal
22 question). This Court has personal jurisdiction over each corporate Defendant
23 because each has its principal place of business in this district. In addition, each
24 Defendant engages in substantial business in this district, and each have
25 committed, and are now committing, Lanham Act and RICO violations that have
26 caused, and are now causing, Casablanca harm in this district.
27 19. Venue is proper in this judicial district under 28 U.S.C. §1391(b)
28 because each Defendant resides in this district and is where a substantial part of the
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1 events giving rise to Casablanca’s claims occurred.

2 V. Frank M. Melkonian
3 20. Melkonian is the guiding spirit behind all the corporate Defendants’
4 false advertising. He is contributorily liable under the Lanham Act for all the false
5 advertising complained of herein. Casablanca anticipates that discovery will reveal
6 facts that show Melkonian may also be liable under RICO for conspiring with the
7 corporate Defendants’ to further their racketeering activity. 18 U.S.C. §1962(d).
8 21. Melkonian has been actively involved with advertising since at least
9 January 1979 when, according to the profile he published on LinkedIn, he served
10 as the President and CEO of Value Mailer Marketing, Inc., positions he held until
11 May 1990. On information and belief, during those eleven (11) years, Melkonian
12 created, helped create, sold, and distributed advertising.
13 22. Melkonian is the CEO of all three corporate Defendants and their
14 parent company, Home Organizers. He founded Closet World in 1991 and has
15 been its CEO since. He is, and at all relevant times has been, the CEO of Closets
16 by Design. He was its Chairman in May 2001 and continues to serve on its board.
17 He has been the Chairman and CEO of CBDF since 2007. He has been the
18 Chairman and CEO of parent company Home Organizers since 2001.
19 23. As each company’s CEO, and based on his interactions with
20 Casablanca’s principals and affiliates, Melkonian actively manages the three
21 corporate Defendants and Home Organizers and has the authority and ability to
22 control each company.
23 24. Melkonian was CEO of Closet World when, sometime before 2000, it
24 began publishing the very same Former Price Comparison and Continuous Sale
25 false advertising that Casablanca complains of here. As a result, the Orange
26 County District Attorney filed suit against Closet World. People v. Closet World,
27 Case No. 00CC07660 (Orange County Superior Court, 2000). Exhibit 1.
28 Melkonian was personally served the complaint and signed, on Closet World’s
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1 behalf, a stipulated judgment containing a permanent injunction prohibiting Closet

2 World and “all officers, employees, representatives, persons, corporations or other
3 entities acting by, through, or under or on behalf of Closet World” from continuing
4 to publish those two forms of false advertising throughout California (hereafter, the
5 “False Advertising Injunction”). Exhibit 2.
6 25. Knowledge of the False Advertising Injunction is imputed to Closets
7 by Design and CBDF by way of Melkonian serving as their CEO and sitting on
8 their Boards. Actual knowledge was also directly conveyed to Closets by Design
9 via proceedings the California Contractors State License Board (“CSLB”) initiated
10 against Closets by Design and Closet World (Case Nos. S2003-249, S2005-203,
11 S2005-219). CLSB’s Accusations in those proceedings, filed in 2003 and 2005,
12 quote extensively from the False Advertising Injunction. Closets by Design
13 participated in those proceedings.
14 26. As CEO, and as the architect of Closet World’s past Former Price
15 Comparison and Continuous Sale false advertising, and as an acting manager of
16 each corporate Defendant, Melkonian oversees each of their advertising, including
17 the Former Price Comparison and Continuous Sale false advertising complained of
18 here, which he not only knows is unlawful but which he and Closet World are
19 already enjoined from publishing. Exhibit 2. As CEO, Melkonian is contributing
20 to each corporate Defendant’s false advertising by knowingly inducing it, causing
21 it, or materially participating in it.
22 27. Closets by Design and CBDF are “acting by, through, or under or on
23 behalf of Closet World” to distribute and publish Closet World’s already-enjoined
24 false advertising. Each Defendant, therefore, has violated, and is currently
25 violating, the False Advertising Injunction.
26 28. The corporate Defendants’ past and current distribution and
27 publication of their false advertising has been willful and malicious for the
28 deliberate purpose of injuring their competitors, including Casablanca.
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1 29. The corporate Defendants’ past and current distribution and

2 publication of their literally false advertisements was done to intentionally mislead
3 consumers. This Court should presume, therefore, that consumers were, in fact,
4 deceived and that the corporate Defendants bear the burden to prove otherwise.
5 William H. Morris Co. v. Group W, Inc., 66 F.3d 255, 258 (9th Cir. 1995).
6 VI. The Corporate Defendants’ Enterprise and Common Purpose
7 30. The corporate Defendants have created an enterprise for the common
8 purpose of decreasing the customer acquisition cost for Closets by Design, all the
9 Closet by Design® franchisees, and Closet World and increasing all their sales by
10 distributing and publishing advertising via the mail and worldwide web that each
11 Defendant knows is literally false. Those companies’ competitors are harmed by
12 this false advertising, including Casablanca, which has been, and is now, directly
13 harmed by a loss of sales, the expenditure of time and money to counteract the
14 false advertising, and diminishment of its goodwill.
15 31. CBDF publishes an annual Franchise Disclosure Document (“FDD”)
16 that contains, among other information, its Franchise Agreement, Asset Purchase
17 Agreement, and Notes to the Financial Statements. Hereafter, when Casablanca
18 quotes or cites information CBDF published in those documents those Casablanca
19 allegations serve not only as allegations that the document contains the quoted or
20 cited information but that the CBDF-sourced information is, in fact, accurate and
21 reflects its actual relationship with its franchisees, Closets by Design, and Closet
22 World.
23 A. Closet World
24 32. Closet World was formed as “CWI Acquisitions, Inc.” by Melkonian
25 in 1991. He changed its name to Closet World, Inc. in March 2000. At all relevant
26 times, Closet World has had four (4) locations: Whittier, Vista, and Hayward,
27 California and Las Vegas, Nevada.
28 33. CBDF asserts in its 2020, 2022, and 2023 FDD’s that it has the right
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1 to sell other types of franchises. Immediately thereafter CBDF asserts that Closet
2 World is a CBDF “affiliate” that owns four (4) locations “that are equivalent to
3 those offered under this Disclosure Document under the mark ‘Closet World’.”
4 (emphasis added). CBDF then asserts, on behalf of Closet World, that Closet
5 World “has no current plans to operate more company-owned locations or to offer
6 franchises.”
7 34. The content and appearance of Closet World’s
8 website, its social media, and advertising is in all material respects the same as
9 Closets by Design’s website, social media, and advertising.
10 35. Closet World advertises its products using, among many other means,
11 advertising “wraps” inside which are advertising flyers for various retailers, all of
12 which are inserted as a package into newspapers at least weekly. The corporate
13 Defendants create their wrap with the front cover being an advertisement for
14 Closet World and the back cover an advertisement for Closets by Design.
15 Appearing on the Closet World advertisement is an embedded Closets by Design
16 advertisement. Closets by Design claims copyright in the entire wrap, as evidenced
17 by its copyright notice. Exhibit 3. These joint advertising wraps have been, and are
18 now, distributed through the Los Angeles Times and, on information and belief,
19 other newspapers as well.
20 36. Closet World also advertises on Google’s search engine platform.
21 Google’s Ads Transparency Center reveals that every Closet World advertisement
22 originates from Closets by Design, which Google identifies as the “advertiser.”
23 Exhibit 4. Closet World’s false advertising via Google has been viewed numerous
24 times by Southern California residents and is currently viewable in Southern
25 California.
26 37. Closet World also advertises through Meta Platforms, Inc., (“Meta”)
27 the owner of the Facebook and Instagram social media platforms. Closet World’s
28 false advertising via Facebook and Instagram has been viewed numerous times by
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1 Southern California residents and is currently viewable in Southern California.

2 Closet World’s advertisements routinely uses the same bolded advertising phrases
3 as Closets by Design’s advertisements. For example, both routinely contain the
4 phrases “We Work With Any Budget” and “Our Best Offer is Back.” The
5 purported expiration date for both companies’ discount “sale” is also routinely the
6 same. Both companies’ respective advertisements are routinely served to viewers
7 in tandem; that is, one company’s advertisement is followed in the viewer’s stream
8 of posts by the other’s advertisement exactly three posts later. On information and
9 belief, the corporate Defendants’ have coordinated their social media targeted
10 advertising by informing Meta that Closet World and Closets by Design are
11 “partners,” or are otherwise affiliated, and instructed Meta to serve their respective
12 advertisements to viewers who have previously clicked on either company’s
13 advertisement or visited either company’s website.
14 38. Closet World and Closets by Design intentionally harmonize the
15 content and publication of their respective social media advertising.
16 39. On information and belief, Closet World and Closets by Design have
17 a financial relationship to account for all the above-described joint advertising.
18 40. In addition to its collaboration with Closets by Design, Closet World’s
19 other roles in this enterprise are creating, distributing, and publishing the false
20 advertising, interacting directly with potential customers by, among other conduct,
21 presenting them with fictitious “list prices” for its products along with a fraudulent
22 discount from that price, and to sell its products. On information and belief, Closet
23 World employees have installed closet organizing systems for customers who
24 entered into contracts with Closets by Design for those systems.
25 B. Closets by Design
26 41. Closets by Design and CBDF work closely together to create, manage,
27 distribute, and publish the advertising for Closets by Design and the Closets by
28 Design® franchisees.
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1 42. Closets by Design was originally formed as “CBD Acquisitions, Inc.”

2 in February 2001. Melkonian changed its name to Closets by Design, Inc. in May
3 2001.
4 43. Closets by Design is not a Closets by Design® franchisee. Closets by
5 Design owns the Closets by Design® trademark and its registration which lists
6 September 1982 as the first date that name was commercially used as a mark.
7 Closets by Design licenses the mark to CBDF and, as licensor, Closets by Design
8 has the duty to control the quality of the products that are sold under the mark.
9 FreecycleSunnyvale v. Freecycle Network, 626 F.3d 509, 515-16 (9th Cir.2010).
10 44. Closets by Design owns the exclusive right to sell Closets by Design®
11 products in Southern California. Closets by Design owns and operates three (3)
12 outlets: in Gardena, Vista, and Oakland, California. Closets by Design also jointly
13 owns six (6) other outlets with CBDF. CBDF refers to these jointly owned, non-
14 franchised outlets in its FDD’s as “Company Owned Outlets.”
15 45. Closets by Design owns, operates, and publishes advertising on its
16 website. The website has been viewed numerous times by
17 residents of Southern California and is currently viewable in Southern California.
18 Closets by Design claims copyright ownership in each webpage. It declares that all
19 the trademarks displayed on the site are registered by Closets by Design and that it
20 owns all the photographs, none of which may be reproduced or used in any way
21 without its written consent.
22 46. Closets by Design’s website is the means CBDF uses to advertise its
23 Closets by Design® franchise opportunities and is one way CBDF uses to advertise
24 its franchisees’ businesses.
25 47. Closets by Design publishes on its website comprehensive, multi-page
26 guidance on CBDF’s franchise application process.
27 48. Closets by Design publishes a “Locations” page on its website listing
28 sixty (60) geographic areas in the United States. Exhibit 5. Each listed area
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1 contains a hyperlink that resolves to a dedicated, internal page on the website that
2 displays the phone number of the CBDF franchisee doing business in that area and
3 the products it offers. CBDF terms this promotional webpage a “click through
4 subpage.”
5 49. Closets by Design publishes a “Schedule Requests” section on its
6 website that any visitor throughout the United States may use to contact Closets by
7 Design so it can schedule an appointment with that potential customer and itself or
8 with the geographically appropriate Closets by Design® franchisee.
9 50. Closets by Design publishes a “Connect With Us” section on its
10 website that lists YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The name of each
11 social media platform contains a hyperlink to the Closets by Design account on
12 that platform. On each platform Closets by Design publishes a hyperlink back to
13 the homepage of its website.
14 51. Each Closets by Design® franchisee directly benefits from Closets by
15 Design and CBDF’s false advertising because (1) the 40% Off sale offer is
16 published on each of their click through subpages on Closets by Design’s website,
17 (2) Closets by Design provides each franchisee with customer scheduling
18 assistance via its website, and (3) Closets by Design publishes its 40% Off sale
19 offer through its social media accounts viewable by potential customers in the
20 geographic area serviced by each franchisee. A representative sample of the first
21 page for each of the franchisee’s click through subpage is attached as Exhibit 6.
22 52. According to Google’s Ad Transparency Center, Closets by Design is
23 the “advertiser” of Closet World’s sponsored advertising on its search engine
24 platform. Exhibit 4. Given Closets by Design’s knowledge of the False
25 Advertising Injunction and acting as Closet World’s advertiser for that company’s
26 advertising via Google, Closets by Design is “acting by, through, or under or on
27 behalf of Closet World” and so is bound by and violating the False Advertising
28 Injunction.
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2 53. CBDF was also formed in February 2001. CBDF asserts in its 2023
3 FDD that it acquired the assets of its predecessor Closets By Design Franchising,
4 LLC, which, CBDF asserts, first began selling Closets by Design franchises in
5 January 1998.
6 54. CBDF asserts in its 2023 FDD that in April 2001 it acquired a license
7 from Closets by Design to use and sublicense its Closets by Design® trademark.
8 CBDF asserts the license is exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, and terminable only if
9 CBDF becomes bankrupt, materially breaches, or sells substantially all its assets or
10 50% or more of its voting stock to an unaffiliated third party.
11 55. CBDF asserts in its 2023 FDD that in June 2001 it began offering
12 Closets by Design® franchises for sale for the operation of retail outlets that sell,
13 manufacture, and install closets, home/office organizers and related products.
14 56. CBDF asserts in its 2023 FDD that at the end of 2022 there were
15 seventy-two (72) Closets by Design® franchises in the United States. Franchisees
16 are required to do business under the assumed business name “Closets By Design.”
17 CBDF Franchise Agreement at ¶15.05.
18 57. CBDF’s 2020, 2022, and 2023 FDD’s reveal that CDBF charged and
19 received from each franchisee a monthly “Continuing Royalty” of the greater of
20 6.75% of the franchisee’s previous month’s gross revenues or a minimum royalty
21 of $3,000. CBDF’s monetary liability for this false advertising enterprise is, at
22 least, all the profits it received from its franchisees’ continuing royalty payments.
23 15 U.S.C. §1117(a).
24 58. CBDF asserts in its 2023 FDD that at the end of 2022 there were six
25 (6) Closets By Design® outlets “Owned by CBDI and CBDF.” The acronym
26 “CBDI” denotes Closets by Design. CBDF refers to these non-franchised outlets as
27 “Company Owned Outlets.” CBDF asserts these jointly-owned outlets are operated
28 by Closets by Design. As joint owner of these Closets By Design® outlets, CBDF
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1 is directly liable for their false advertisements. One of those jointly owned Closets
2 By Design® outlets is located in Whittier, California and directly competes with
3 Casablanca.
4 (i) Closets by Design and Closet World are CBDF “Affiliates”
5 59. CBDF asserts in its 2020, 2022, and 2023 FDD’s that Closets by
6 Design and Closet World are CBDF “Affiliates.” See, FDD Item 1 for Closets by
7 Design and FDD Item 12 for Closet World.
8 60. CBDF’s Franchise Agreement attached to those FDD’s contains many
9 provisions that bind its Affiliates, confer rights to its Affiliates, and protect its
10 Affiliates. As CBDF Affiliates, Closets by Design and Closet World are third party
11 beneficiaries to the Franchise Agreement, or are otherwise privileged under that
12 Agreement, and are entitled to enjoy, and do enjoy, certain contractual rights and
13 protections under that Agreement.
14 61. CBDF’s Franchise Agreement declares: “Within the Territory, we, our
15 affiliates, subsidiaries and designees (together, the “Affiliates”) will not operate a
16 Company-owned business of the type franchised under this Agreement under the
17 Proprietary Marks, so long as you are not in default under this Agreement and all
18 other related agreements, and except as provided in Section 3.05 (‘Rights We
19 Reserve’).” ¶3.02 (emphasis added).
20 62. CBDF’s Franchise Agreement contains a section entitled “Rights We
21 and our Affiliates Reserve.” ¶3.05. That section lists various rights and is prefaced
22 by the declaration: “You will only have the right to operate the franchised Business
23 subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. We specifically reserve all
24 other rights to ourselves and our Affiliates. For example, and without limitation,
25 we and our Affiliates have the right, now or in the future: … .” ¶3.05 (listing
26 rights) (emphasis added). One right most relevant is the right “[t]o offer and sell
27 services and products within the Territory that is not part of the Closets By Design
28 System through any distribution method, exploiting our and our Affiliates’
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1 Proprietary Marks, name, reputation and know-how.” Id. (emphasis added).

2 63. CBDF’s Franchise Agreement declares: “We and our Affiliates have
3 the right, now or in the future, both within or outside the Territory, to own and/or
4 operate one or more businesses virtually identical to the Business licensed to you
5 under this Agreement (each, a ‘Company Business’).” ¶3.06A (emphasis added).
6 64. CBDF’s Franchise Agreement declares: “Confidential Information
7 includes (without limitation) all information, knowledge, know-how, techniques
8 and information that we, our Affiliates, or their officers, contractors, employees
9 and/or designees, designate as confidential.” ¶12.01 (emphasis added).
10 65. CBDF’s Franchise Agreement declares that upon termination, the
11 franchisee shall “not make any statements, directly or indirectly, to any person or
12 entity which would disparage, ridicule, embarrass, challenge, criticize or cast in a
13 negative light us; any of our Affiliates; our or our Affiliates’ officers, directors,
14 shareholders, employees or contractors; any franchisee of ours or any Affiliate.”
15 ¶18.01(19).
16 66. CBDF’s Franchise Agreement prohibits franchisees, without CBDF’s
17 prior approval, from making any statements “to any media representative or any
18 other third party (except for persons considering purchasing a Closets By Design
19 franchise) relating to the contents of this Agreement, to us or to any of our
20 Affiliates.” ¶8.14.
21 67. CBDF’s Franchise Agreement discloses that CBDF “and/or our
22 affiliates” may receive revenue from the suppliers that CBDF designates, approves,
23 or recommends its franchisees use based on the suppliers’ prospective or actual
24 dealings with the franchisees. ¶8.06(D).
25 68. CBDF’s 2023 FDD asserts that: “We and our affiliates have no past
26 practice or future intent of selling, assigning or discounting franchisees’ financing
27 arrangements to a third party.”
28 69. CBDF admits Closet World is its Affiliate and, through Melkonian,
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1 CBDF has long known of the False Advertising Injunction. Nonetheless, in April
2 2019, CBDF asserted in a public document that neither it “nor any of its parent
3 companies, sister entities, or affiliates have ever been compelled by a court order to
4 alter their advertising practices.” (emphasis added). That assertion is false.
5 (ii) CBDF Controls Closets by Design® Pricing
6 70. CBDF’s Franchise Agreement reserves to CBDF “rights with respect
7 to the pricing of products and services to the fullest extent permitted by then
8 applicable law.” ¶7.09. Those CBDF rights include: “… recommending retail
9 prices; advertising specific retail prices for some or all products or services sold by
10 your franchised Business, which prices you will be compelled to observe; engaging
11 in marketing, promotional and related campaigns which you must participate in
12 and which may directly or indirectly impact your retail prices (such as ‘buy one,
13 get one free’); and, otherwise mandating, directly or indirectly, the maximum
14 and/or minimum retail prices which your franchised Business may charge the
15 public for the products and services it offers.” Id. (emphasis added).
16 71. CBDF’s Asset Purchase Agreement requires franchisees acknowledge
17 that CBDF is selling access to its trade secrets and proprietary information which
18 CBDF asserts includes information “related to customers, the identities of existing,
19 past or prospective customers, prices charged or proposed to be charged to
20 customers…” and other information. ¶7.5(b) (emphasis added).
21 72. The Federal Trade Commission responded on February 15, 2023 to a
22 Freedom of Information Act Request from Casablanca’s counsel. The response
23 included information on twenty-five complaints filed against Closets by Design.
24 One such complaint was filed with the FTC Call Center on September 7, 2021. The
25 FTC notes on that call state: “Consumer was in training to sell closets for Closets
26 by Design she is informed that she is to tell her customers that they will be getting
27 40% off the cabinetry, When she confronted him, he explained that the 40% is
28 added into the price given to the consumer so that it can be knocked off.
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1 Consumer upset that this is deceptive. Says this is a franchise all over Chicago
2 area. This disturbed her so much, she did not go further with the training.” (errors
3 in original). This is additional evidence that the corporate Defendants’ false
4 advertising is intentional, willful, and malicious.
5 73. CBDF’s Franchise Agreement declares that upon termination, the
6 franchisee must immediately stop using CBDF’s “price book information” and
7 return that information to CBDF. ¶18.01(4), (8).
8 (iii) CBDF Controls Closets by Design® Print Advertising
9 74. CBDF’s Franchise Agreement requires franchisees “to conform all
10 advertising to the standards, specifications and requirements specified in writing by
11 us, in our Manual or otherwise.” ¶10.01. To punctuate CBDF’s control of the
12 advertising it discloses in its FDD that it uses “in-house advertising personnel” and
13 intends to engage advertising and public relations firms to assist in its advertising
14 program.
15 75. CBDF’s Franchise Agreement requires franchisees to advertise
16 locally. ¶10.06. Franchisees may only use advertising CBDF furnishes or approves
17 in writing in advance. ¶¶10.01, 10.02.
18 76. CBDF’s Franchise Agreement requires franchisees to pay into a
19 National Promotion and Protection Fund. ¶10.04. Franchisees are required to send
20 those payments directly to CBDF, which takes 15% annually as an administration
21 fee. CBDF’s 2020, 2022, and 2023 FDD’s declares: “CBDF uses the National
22 Promotion and Protection Fund for preparation, production and distribution of
23 Closets By Design advertising (including print media pieces, brochures and
24 collateral materials), press releases and other point of sale materials.” CBDF’s
25 Franchise Agreement declares that CBDF “will direct all advertising programs
26 with sole control over the creative concepts, materials and media used in the
27 programs, and the placement and allocation of advertising.” ¶10.04.
28 77. CBDF advertises heavily via direct mail marketing based on the
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1 bankruptcy petition it filed on March 18, 2010 in the Bankruptcy Court for the
2 Central District of California (Case 2:10-bk-19973-RN). The Schedule F to that
3 petition reveals CBDF was in debt to at least six direct mail marketing companies:
4 Val-Pak Direct Marketing Systems ($273,100), Valassis Direct Mail Inc.
5 ($134,141), Money Mailer ($57,273), National Ad Fund ($62,826), Action
6 Marketing ($17,100), and Homeowners Marketing Services ($552).
7 (iv) CBDF Controls Closets by Design® Internet Advertising
8 78. CBDF’s Franchise Agreement declares: “CBDF alone may establish,
9 maintain, modify or discontinue all internet, worldwide web and electronic
10 commerce activities pertaining to the System, including through the use of a page
11 or profile on a social media website such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin or
12 Twitter. Franchisees and their employees are not allowed to establish their own
13 profiles on any social media page reflecting the Closets by Design brand, nor are
14 they allowed to establish any Closets by Design related web page.” ¶3.04D.
15 79. CBDF’s Franchise Agreement declares: “We may provide you with a
16 ‘click through’ subpage on any general Closets By Design web site we maintain. If
17 we establish one or more websites or other modes of electronic commerce and if
18 we provide a ‘click through’ subpage at each such website for the promotion of
19 your Closets By Design Business, you agree to routinely provide us with updated
20 copy, photographs and news stories about your franchised Business suitable for
21 posting on your franchised Business’s ‘click through’ subpage, the content,
22 frequency and procedure of which will be specified in our Manual.” ¶3.04D.
23 80. Notwithstanding CBDF’s assertion in its FDD’s that it may provide its
24 franchisees with a “click through subpage” on a website that it maintains, that
25 service is provided by Closets by Design via its website.
26 Exhibits 5, 6.
27 81. All the Closets by Design® online advertising that Closet by Design
28 publishes on its website and through its social media accounts are not only for its
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1 benefit but also for the benefit of the Company Owned Outlets and CBDF and its
2 franchisees. By virtue of creating the false advertising complained of herein, and
3 paying for its distribution and publication, CBDF is directly liable for that false
4 advertising. CBDF’s management and control of, and participation in, that
5 advertising is also contributory false advertising. In re Outlaw Lab., LLP., 463
6 F.Supp.3d 1068, 1082-83 (S.D. Cal. 2020).
7 (v) CBDF’s Advertising Expenditures
8 82. CBDF’s 2020, 2022, and 2023 FDD’s disclose that its Promotion and
9 Protection Fund had $4,325,085 in it in 2019, in 2021 it had $4,260,464, and in
10 2022 it had $4,374,001.
11 83. The Notes to the Financial Statements in CBDF’s 2020, 2022, and
12 2023 FDD’s disclose that its advertising expenses for 2018 was $16,998,5502, for
13 2019 they were $21,536,594, for 2020 they were $23,025,552, for 2021 there were
14 $35,069,308, and for 2022 they were $43,831,414.
15 84. CBDF has expended substantial sums to distribute and publish the
16 false advertising. This Court should presume, therefore, that consumers were, in
17 fact, deceived and that CBDF bears the burden to prove otherwise. U-Haul Int'l,
18 Inc. v. Jartran, Inc., 793 F.2d 1034, 1041 (9th Cir. 1986).
19 D. Other Joint Conduct
20 85. Closets by Design, CBDF, Closet World, and Home Organizers all
21 filed for bankruptcy protection in March 2010 according to CBDF’s 2023 FDD.
22 86. Closets by Design, CBDF, and Home Organizers put up as collateral
23 all their assets to guarantee a CIT Bank, N.A. loan in December 2021. The bank
24 secured the loan via a UCC filing with the California Secretary of State. CBDF
25 discusses the loan and the guarantees in its 2023 FDD which notes that Home
26 Organizers refinanced a credit agreement that provides for a $30,000,000 loan and
27 a $10,000,000 line of credit.
28 87. The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration responded
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1 on May 19, 2023 to a Public Records Act Request from Casablanca’s counsel. The
2 response included “a copy of the public non-confidential permit information
3 located for Closet World, Inc.” and reveals that from June 1, 2017 to the present
4 Closet World and CBDF have a financial arrangement that involves the reporting
5 of “sales and/or use” taxes.
6 VII. The False Advertising
7 A. Previous Challenges to the False Advertising
8 88. Closets by Design and CBDF have had their advertising practices
9 challenged on numerous occasions, including twice in this Court. They have been
10 undaunted by such challenges and have publicly proclaimed that the challenges to
11 their advertising practices were “bogus.”
12 89. Based on the allegations made in those lawsuits, the Defendants have
13 long known that consumers and some industry participants believe the corporate
14 Defendants’ Former Price Comparison and Continuous Sale advertisements are
15 false and misleading. On information and belief, notwithstanding this knowledge
16 the Defendants have not changed their advertising.
17 90. Newbold v. Closets by Design and CBDF, Case 8:19-cv-00077, was a
18 consumer class action suit filed on January 14, 2019 that asserted unfair
19 competition and related claims, including false advertising, based on Closets by
20 Design’s “brand-wide, pervasive and continuous campaign of falsely claiming that
21 their merchandise and services sold at a far higher price in order to induce Plaintiff
22 and all Class members to purchase merchandise at purportedly marked-down sale
23 prices.” The case was dismissed without prejudice on February 5, 2019 before a
24 responsive filing.
25 91. Grevle v. Closets by Design and CBDF, Case 2:19-cv-3881, was a
26 consumer class action suit filed on May 3, 2019 that also asserted false advertising,
27 the factual basis for which was that Closets by Design and CBDF “have
28 continuously offered consumers across the United States ‘40% off’ the purchase of
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1 Closets By Design closets, garage cabinets, and other home organizer systems. …
2 Defendants’ list prices are contrived. They are not reflective of prices at which
3 Closets By Design products and services have for a meaningful period of time been
4 actively and in good faith offered for sale. Since Defendants’ list prices are
5 fictitious, Defendants’ offer of ‘40% off’ is also fictitious.” Closets by Design’s
6 motion to dismiss this false advertising claim was denied on August 22, 2019 and
7 it appears the case was dismissed by stipulation that same day.
8 92. CBD Franchising, Inc., et al. v. Jeff Klein, Case 19STCV12051, was a
9 defamation action, with related claims, filed in the Los Angeles County Superior
10 Court on April 4, 2019 and involved claims relating to the 40% Off discount sale.
11 93. A specific claim made in the Klein action was that the Closets by
12 Design and CBDF’s 40% Off discount was fictitious.
13 94. In addition, Closet World has also been sued in this Court based on
14 the same deceptive price false advertising complained of here. Sarkhan Nabiyev v.
15 Closet World, Inc. and Home Organizers, Inc., Case No. 2:23-cv-02218-ODW-PD,
16 was filed on March 24, 2023 and is a consumer class false advertising case that is
17 currently pending and which has been formally related to this action.
18 B. The Advertisements
19 95. During at least the past two years, the corporate Defendants have each
20 distributed and published throughout Southern California many tens of thousands
21 of advertisements that offer their respective products at a discount of always at
22 least 40% Off.
23 96. These Former Price Comparison advertisements have minor discount
24 variations. Closets by Design’s purported discount is sometimes advertised as
25 “40% Off,” “40% Off Plus 10%” or “40% Off Plus 15%” while Closet World’s
26 purported discount is most often simply advertised as “50% Off” – which,
27 mathematically, is nearly the same discount as Closets by Design’s 40% Off Plus
28 10% and Plus 15% discounts. Closets by Design’s discount drops to 30% for
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1 purchases between $700 and $1,000. This variation, like all the other discount
2 variations, is fictitious because only an insignificant number of sales, if any, are for
3 less than $1,000. For convenience, all these minor variations in the purported
4 discount will be referred to herein as the baseline “40% Off” sale offer.
5 97. The corporate Defendants’ advertisements are distributed via wraps in
6 newspapers and direct mail flyers, and published on the world wide web via
7 Google sponsored advertising, and in advertisements posted on Facebook and
8 Instagram and, on information and belief, on Twitter.
9 98. The corporate Defendants’ respective products, however, are neither
10 advertised nor sold at a higher, non-discount list price.
11 99. The corporate Defendants’ Former Price Comparison advertisements
12 do not disclose the factual basis for the 40% Off discount. Prospective customers
13 are induced by the 40% Off discount to invite Closets by Design and Closet World
14 sales designers into their homes for a design consultation and only learn the alleged
15 bona fide list price of the products during that in-home sales effort.
16 100. Every Closets by Design and Closet World prospective customer is
17 offered at least the 40% Off discount off the then-disclosed list price. Based on
18 Casablanca’s similar sales data for its similar products, published industry data,
19 and CBDF’s FDD’s, all or nearly all of Closets by Design and Closet World sales
20 are for $1,000 or more, and sales under $700 are insignificant. CBDF’s 2020,
21 2022, and 2023 FDD’s discloses that the average sale for its franchisees in
22 business over a year in 2019 was $4,081, in 2021 the average sale was $5,045, and
23 in 2022 the average sale was $5,647.
24 101. Since every customer is offered these perpetual 40% Off discounts,
25 that purported discounted “sale” price is the list price. The 40% higher “list” price
26 only disclosed during the in-home consultation is an inflated, phantom price at
27 which the corporate Defendants’ respective products are not sold. The
28 representations made to consumers by the corporate Defendants’ respective sales
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1 designers during the in-home consultation that the products are regularly sold at a
2 40% higher price is literally false. Those misrepresentations may expose those sale
3 designers to personal liability. See, e.g., Bus. & Prof. §17500.3(b).
4 102. When a product is always sold at a “discounted” price then its list
5 price is that “discounted” price and the assertion to customers they are buying at a
6 “discount” is a lie. The corporate Defendants have lied, and continue to lie, every
7 time they distribute or publish their 40% Off sale offer and every time one of their
8 sales designers quote the inflated, phantom list price.
9 103. Embedded in each of the corporate Defendant’s advertisements is a
10 second lie: that their discount price “sale” will end on a date certain. To reasonable
11 consumers, these representations mean that after the specified date, the products
12 will no longer be on sale and will retail at their purported regular list price. The
13 corporate Defendants’ respective “sale” does not end, however. Each simply
14 continues its “sale” with a new expiration date. The advertisements for their
15 Continuous Sale are false advertising because each sale expiration date is literally
16 false.
17 104. Embedded in each of the corporate Defendant’s advertisements is
18 often a third lie: that their discount price “sale” is new, is back, or is being offered
19 to celebrate a particular holiday or event, such as a “Winter” or “Summer” or
20 “Presidents Day” or “Memorial Day” sale. These misrepresentations are false
21 advertising because each corporate Defendants’ respective “sale” has been offered
22 continuously for years and is not triggered by any holiday or event.
23 105. By their false advertising, the corporate Defendants benefit by (1)
24 acquiring the opportunity to make sales and (2) persuading customers to purchase
25 their products under their mistaken belief that (i) the 40% Off price is a legitimate
26 discount off its bona fide list price and (ii) the 40% Off price is available for only a
27 limited time. The corporate Defendants also benefit by diverting prospective
28 customers away from Casablanca, which does not employ such deceptive
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1 advertising to pique the consumers’ initial interest.

2 C. The Harm Caused by the False Advertisements
3 106. The corporate Defendants’ false advertising harms reasonable
4 potential consumers, the actual consumers who purchase the corporate Defendants’
5 respective products, and Casablanca.
6 107. The corporate Defendants’ purported 40% Off discount and the
7 representations that the sale will end, or is new, or is back, or is being offered to
8 celebrate a particular holiday or event, are literally false or false by implication—
9 or are true but likely to mislead or confuse reasonable consumers into believing
10 they are receiving a discount or the sale will soon end. Consumers are harmed not
11 only by their actual confusion caused by the false advertising but by the likelihood
12 they will be mislead or confused. 15 U.S.C. §1125(a)(1).
13 108. The corporate Defendants’ customers who actually purchase products
14 after viewing the false advertising do not receive the benefit of the bargain because
15 the products they purchase have lower value than they are led to believe. Through
16 the 40% Off advertisements and the salespersons’ statements, the corporate
17 Defendants (1) persuade reasonable, bargain-seeking prospective customers to
18 reduce their search for comparable, competing products, (2) lead them to falsely
19 believe the corporate Defendants have sold, and have a good faith intention to
20 continue to sell, their respective products at a higher, bona fide list price, (3)
21 increase prospective and actual customers’ perception of the transaction’s value,
22 and (4) increases the likelihood customers will return.
23 109. Casablanca has been injured as a result of the corporate Defendants’
24 false advertising. Casablanca’s position in the marketplace has been weakened by
25 the diversion of prospective customers to Closets by Design, the Company Owned
26 Outlets, and Closet World. Casablanca’s chief executive officer is Glenn Johnson.
27 Johnson has personally spoken within the last two years to numerous potential
28 Casablanca customers who told Johnson they decided to do business with Closets
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1 by Design or Closet World instead of Casablanca specifically because they viewed

2 and believed the corporate Defendants’ 40% Off false advertising. In addition,
3 Casablanca staff Brian Loecher and Stephanie Gordon have likewise each spoken
4 with countless potential Casablanca customers within the last two years who told
5 each of them they would not accept appointments or proposals from Casablanca
6 unless Casablanca would discount its prices by the same 40% Off advertised by
7 Defendants.
8 110. Casablanca’s goodwill has been damaged because consumers have
9 been led to falsely believe that Closets by Design and Closet World provide deeper
10 discounts off their bona fide list prices than does Casablanca, implying that Closets
11 by Design and Closet World provide a better value and are more cost efficient,
12 customer-appreciative companies.
13 111. Casablanca has had to spend money and resources it otherwise would
14 not have to spend in order to countervail the effects of Defendants’ false
15 advertising. Johnson conservatively estimates he has spent hundreds of hours
16 during the past three years responding to (and attempting to mitigate) Defendants’
17 false advertising. For example, during the past two years alone, Johnson has
18 travelled to sales appointments, frequently spending up to two hours en route to the
19 appointment location, only to be turned away by the customer because they
20 believed they would receive “percentage off” pricing that Casablanca could not
21 honestly match. Even when Johnson has suggested to prospects that the
22 Defendants’ pricing discount is illusory, he has been turned away dozens of times.
23 Johnson conservatively estimates this has happened to him personally over 50
24 (fifty) times in the past three years, and hundreds of times when considering the
25 similar experiences of Casablanca’s other sales staff.
26 112. Johnson has spent significant time away from his other duties to
27 compile, assess, and countervail Defendants’ false advertising. Johnson estimates
28 that Casablanca has lost at least $2 million in man hours spent answering futile
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1 sales calls and training its sales force how to respond to the false advertising.
2 Johnson further asserts that the length of time to make many sales is unnecessarily
3 increased by having to explain to potential customers that Casablanca’s products
4 are sold at a reasonable market list price and that the corporate Defendants’
5 purported discount is, in fact, fictitious.
6 VIII. The Investigation
7 113. Casablanca’s principal, its attorneys, and two researchers investigated
8 the past and present corporate Defendants’ respective advertising material.
9 A. Closets by Design
10 114. The terms and conditions of Closets by Design’s 40% Off sale
11 currently state in their entirety: “40%+15% off any order of $1000 or more, or 40%
12 off any order of $700-$999 on any complete custom closet, garage, or home office
13 unit. Free installation on any order of $850 or more. 12 Month Special Financing
14 with minimum financing order required. Not valid with any other offer. With
15 incoming order, at time of purchase only. May not be valid at all locations. Offer
16 expires on 06/18/2023.” These terms do not require the customer to purchase more
17 than one product. The FTC Guide Against Deceptive Pricing at 16 C.F.R. §233.4
18 does not, therefore, apply.
19 (i). Grevle v. Closets by Design
20 115. The First Amended Complaint in the Grevle action was filed June 26,
21 2019 and included as an exhibit the Grevle - Closets by Design sales contract and
22 delivery receipt. The contract expressly applies Closets by Design’s 40% Off sale
23 offer. The delivery receipt is dated November 16, 2017. The contract and delivery
24 receipt is attached here as Exhibit 7. Also attached to the complaint was a Closets
25 by Design 40% Off coupon. The coupon notes that the offer “Expires in 30 days.”
26 That coupon is attached here as Exhibit 8.
27 116. The Grevle - Closets by Design sales contract establishes that Closets
28 by Design offered a 40% Off sale price in November 2017. The coupon expiration
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1 date establishes that at that time Closets by Design was conveying to consumers
2 that the 40% Off sale price was for only a limited time. This same advertising
3 practice continues today.
4 (ii). Rivas
5 117. Anita Rivas is an attorney hired by Casablanca to pose as a customer
6 interested in purchasing Closets by Design products. Rivas made a consulting
7 appointment for March 7, 2023. A Closets by Design salesperson named Liam
8 McCullough spent about three hours in Rivas’ apartment discussing her dining area
9 storage options. Consistent with Closets by Design’s advertisements detailed
10 herein, McCullough told Rivas that Closets by Design’s 40%+10% Off sale
11 occurred only twice per year. He told Rivas that the sale was currently ongoing but
12 would end the next day on March 8, 2023. Rivas purchased shelving from Closets
13 by Design at the end of the consultation. Their contract expressly applies Closets
14 by Design’s 40% Off sale offer. The contract is attached here as Exhibit 9.
15 118. The statements by Closets by Design salesperson McCullough that the
16 40%+10% Off sale occurred only twice per year and that it was currently ongoing
17 but would end the next day were both literally false—they were lies—and
18 establishes that Closets by Design’s deceptive price false “sale” advertising is
19 ongoing.
20 (iii). Johnson
21 119. In February 2023 Johnson received by mail at his home in Los
22 Angeles County, California an envelope from Valpak Direct Marketing Systems
23 containing coupon advertising. The exterior of the envelope was a Closets by
24 Design 40% Off advertisement. Inside the envelope was a Closets by Design 40%
25 Off coupon advertisement that noted the sale would end on March 12, 2023.
26 Photographs of those advertisements are attached here as Exhibit 10. Those
27 advertisements are in all material respects the same coupon filed in the Grevle
28 action which implies continuous use of this 40% Off direct mail marketing since at
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1 least June 2019. Over the preceding three years Johnson has received Closets by
2 Design’s 40% Off coupon advertisements by mail from Valassis and Valpak
3 hundreds of times. Over that time, Johnson has also seen Closets by Design’s 40%
4 Off advertisements daily, either online or in print. Johnson has never seen a Closets
5 by Design advertisement for its services that does not offer the 40% Off sale.
6 120. These facts are evidence that Closets by Design’s 40% Off sale is
7 continuous and that a significant number of consumers in Southern California have
8 seen its 40% Off sale advertisements.
9 (iv). Dennis
10 121. Dr. Yancy Dennis is a data scientist with a doctorate in Chemical
11 Engineering from the University of Virginia. Dennis’ resume is attached here as
12 Exhibit 11. Dennis was hired by Casablanca to find, collect, and compile
13 information available on the world wide web about Closets by Design’s
14 advertising. Dennis performed his research from March 2, 2023 to March 6, 2023.
15 (a) The Internet Archive Data
16 122. Dennis began by visiting the website maintained by The
17 Internet Archive. As it explains: “The Internet Archive has created a service known
18 as the Wayback Machine. The Wayback Machine makes it possible to browse
19 more than 450 billion pages stored in the Internet Archive's web archive. Visitors
20 to the Wayback Machine can search archives by URL (i.e., a website address). If
21 archived records for a URL are available, the visitor will be presented with a
22 display of available dates. The visitor may select one of those dates and begin
23 browsing an archived version of the Web. The archived data made viewable and
24 browseable by the Wayback Machine is obtained by use of web archiving software
25 that automatically stores copies of files available via the Internet, each file
26 preserved as it existed at a particular point in time.” See,
28 123. Courts regularly take judicial notice of the webpages archived by The
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1 Internet Archive because they can be accurately and readily determined from
2 sources whose accuracy cannot reasonably be questioned. Fed. R. Evid. 201(b)(1);
3 Ul LLC v. Space Chariot Inc. (C.D. Cal. 2017) 250 F.Supp.3d 596, 604 fn. 2
4 (collecting cases).
5 124. Dennis visited The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine and ran an
6 archive request for Closets by Design’s website, The results
7 showed that The Internet Archive saved that website 1,246 times between May 11,
8 2000 and March 13, 2023. Dennis was instructed by Casablanca’s counsel to focus
9 on the website versions archived from November 2018 to the present. Attached as
10 Exhibit 12 are screenshots from The Internet Archive showing the dates of all the
11 website captures for the years 2018 through 2023 (The Internet Archive identifies
12 the capture dates within blue circles).
13 125. There are 52 months between November 2018 to March 2023. During
14 that time The Internet Archive saved 158 times. Dennis
15 viewed the homepage for each of these archived versions of that website and
16 created a table, attached here as Exhibit 13, that lists the dates when the site was
17 archived, whether the 40% Off sale banner was displayed on the homepage, the
18 expiration date for each sale offer, and whether any additional discount was being
19 advertised.
20 126. The data collected and compiled on Exhibit 13 establishes that:
21 • Closets by Design advertised its 40% Off sale from at least November 25,
22 2018 to December 11, 2018 (15 days). Then it stopped.
23 • Closets by Design began advertising its 40% Off sale again on or before
24 May 21, 2019 and offered that “sale” price continuously until at least
25 January 18, 2020 (8 months).
26 • For the next month, February 2020, Closets by Design advertised that its
27 products would be sold at a $300 discount.
28 • Closets by Design began advertising its 40% Off sale again on or before
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1 March 10, 2020. Closets by Design advertised that offer continuously to at

2 least March 2, 2023 (three years) (except for two days in May 2020).
3 On the dates the Original, First Amended, and Second Amended Complaints were
4 filed, Closets by Design continued to advertise its 40% Off sale on its website
5 homepage.
6 127. Closets by Design’s website is viewable in Southern California.
7 Because it is, a significant number of consumers in that area have seen Closets by
8 Design’s deceptive 40% Off sale advertisement.
9 128. Dennis downloaded a screenshot of the top portion of all 158 archived
10 homepages (except November 12, 2018). He viewed each and compiled them into
11 one file. Attached as Exhibit 14 is a subset compilation consisting of one
12 screenshot for each month of the 52 months the website was archived (during four
13 of those 52 months The Internet Archive did not archive the website, so the
14 compilation contains 48 screenshots). These screenshots confirm the data shown
15 on Exhibit 13.
16 129. Each archived homepage as viewed on
17 contains active links to internal pages within that archived website. The
18 Internet Archive explains this process: “Links on archived files in the Wayback
19 Machine point to other archived files (whether HTML pages or other file types), if
20 any are found for the URL indicated by a given link. For instance, the Wayback
21 Machine is designed such that when a visitor clicks on a hyperlink on an archived
22 page that points to another URL, the visitor will be served the archived file found
23 for the hyperlink's URL with the closest available date to the initial file containing
24 the hyperlink. … Thus, in the case of a page constituted by a primary HTML file
25 and other separate files (e.g., files with images, audio, multimedia, design
26 elements, or other embedded content) linked within that primary HTML file, the
27 primary HTML file and the other files will each have their own respective
28 extended URLs and may not have been archived on the same dates.” Id.
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1 130. The 158 homepages that were archived between

2 November 2018 and March 2023 displayed, with the exceptions noted, a 40% Off
3 banner advertisement. That advertisement hyperlinked to an internal page
4 containing the “Terms and Conditions” of the offer. Dennis retrieved the terms and
5 conditions linked-to by each of the 40% Off banner advertisements and compiled
6 the expiration dates that were shown there. Those dates are on Exhibit 13. As The
7 Internet Archive explains, the linked-to terms and conditions pages may not have
8 been archived on the same date as the referring homepage. Because of this
9 variation, many of the expiration dates Dennis retrieved are from terms and
10 conditions pages that do not correspond to the date the homepage was archived.
11 Two examples of the Terms and Conditions from which the expiration date can be
12 found are shown in Exhibit 15.
13 131. Though the expiration date data does not correspond to the date the
14 homepage was archived, the data shows the expiration date was extended 13 times
15 from August 5, 2019 to March 3, 2023 (in red on Exhibit 13). On information and
16 belief, and implication, the expiration date was, in fact, illusory because it was
17 continuously amended to extend the 40% Off sale indefinitely. Closets by Design’s
18 publication of each expiration date was literally false because the sale, in fact,
19 never expired. Closets by Designs lied every time it published an expiration date.
20 132. Nathaniel E Frank-White is a Records Request Processor at the
21 Internet Archive. In response to a request from Casablanca’s counsel, Frank-White
22 downloaded certain archived webpages and provided
23 authenticated copies to Casablanca’s counsel. Exhibit 16 (declaration). Counsel
24 viewed each page and created the following list which identifies the date the
25 webpage was archived and the Closets by Design “discount” being advertised.
26 Date archived Discount
27 Sept18, 2021 40% Off
28 Oct 16, 2021 40% Off
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1 Nov 1, 2021 40% Off

2 Dec 26, 2021 40% Off plus 15% Off
3 Jan 26, 2022 40% Off plus 15% Off
4 Feb 14, 2022 40% Off
5 Mar 28, 2022 40% Off
6 Apr 1, 2022 40% Off
7 May 22, 2022 Not archived
8 Jun 26, 2022 40% Off plus 15% Off
9 Jul 18, 2022 40% Off plus 15% Off
10 Aug 13, 2022 40% Off plus 15% Off
11 Sep 18, 2021 40% Off
12 Oct 17, 2022 40% Off
13 Nov 3, 2022 40% Off
14 Dec 3, 2022 40% Off plus 15% Off
15 Feb 10, 2023 40% Off plus 15% Off
16 Mar 13, 2023 40% Off plus 10% Off
17 (b) The Social Media Information
18 133. Dennis visited Closets by Design’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.
19 Attached as Exhibit 17 are the screenshots he took of its Facebook “About” page
20 and its Instagram homepage. The homepages are located here:
23 134. Many Closets by Design franchisees also own and operate Instagram
24 accounts. Exhibit 18 is a screenshot of an Instagram search result for “closets by
25 design” that shows just nine of those franchisee accounts.
26 135. Meta, Inc. owns and operates the Facebook and Instagram social
27 media platforms. Account owners may advertise via those platforms.
28 136. Advertisers, including Closets by Design, instruct Meta to serve up
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1 their advertising according to the day, time, and information Meta knows about its
2 users, such as location, personal characteristics, and past online conduct.
3 137. Closets by Design has advertised, and continues to advertise, heavily
4 on Facebook and Instagram. Its advertisements are served up to other users who
5 reside throughout the United States, including in Southern California, and in every
6 geographic location where its franchisees do business.
7 138. Meta maintains a publicly accessible “Ad Library” that provides data
8 about each of its advertiser’s advertisements. Most of the data relates to that
9 advertiser’s currently ongoing advertising campaign. Some of the data is images
10 of, and information about, previous advertisements. The Ad Library can be
11 accessed here: The Ad Library for a
12 particular account can also be accessed by visiting its homepage, using the drop-
13 down menu triggered by clicking the ellipsis, navigating to the “About this
14 account” option, and then clicking the “Active ads” option.
15 139. Dennis visited the Ad Library and queried it for “closets by design.”
16 Attached as Exhibit 19 is a screenshot of the Meta “About” page for Closets by
17 Design and screenshots of the active advertisement campaigns Closets by Design
18 ran in February 2023 and is running in March 2023. The results show Closets by
19 Design has over 73,000 followers and had approximately 280 advertisements
20 served to Facebook and Instagram users throughout the country in February 2023
21 and 270 advertisements in March 2023. Each advertisement was served up an
22 unknown number of times but, on information and belief, many tens of thousands
23 of times.
24 140. This social media advertising establishes that Closets by Design
25 spends substantial funds to distribute its deceptive 40% Off sale offer and that a
26 substantial segment of consumers in Southern California have seen Closets by
27 Design’s 40% Off sale advertisement.
28 141. Dennis visited Closets by Design’s Instagram account and took
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1 screenshots of past advertisements that Closets by Design published on its page

2 and, on information and belief, and implication, served to its followers and other
3 Instagram users. The advertisements Dennis located date from December 14, 2018
4 to July 3, 2021. Dennis compiled the screenshots into a file which is attached here
5 as Exhibit 20.
6 142. The advertising compiled on Exhibit 20 shows that:
7 • The 40% Off sale advertised on December 14, 2018 was a “holiday promo”
8 that expired on January 24, 2019.
9 • The same 40% Off sale, advertised again on January 19, 2019, was the “Last
10 chance to take advantage of this amazing offer.”
11 • The 40% Off sale advertised on May 14, 2019 was a “Summer Special” that
12 expired on June 30, 2019.
13 • The same 40% Off “Summer Special” sale, advertised again on June 10,
14 2019, was extended to July 31, 2019.
15 • The 40% Off sale advertised on November 30, 2019 was a “Holiday
16 Special” that expired on December 31, 2019.
17 • The same 40% Off “Holiday Special” sale, advertised again on December
18 11, 2019, was extended to January 28, 2020 and was described as “Our best
19 offer of the year is still going on.”
20 • The 40% Off sale was advertised again on March 14, 2020.
21 • The 40% Off sale advertised on April 15, 2020 was “our best offer of the
22 year.”
23 • The 40% Off sale advertised on August 22, 2020 was “For a limited time.”
24 • The 40% Off sale advertised on September 26, 2020 expired on September
25 30, 2020 and asserted it was “Your Last Chance” to get that deal.
26 • The 40% Off sale advertised on November 7, 2020 was “Big News” and
27 expired on November 30, 2020.
28 • The 40% Off sale advertised on February 2, 2021 was the “Last Chance” to
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1 get the deal because it was “over at the end of the month.”
2 • The 40% Off sale advertised on March 1, 2021, the day after the previous
3 sale supposedly ended, was a “new promotion.”
4 • The 40% Off sale advertised on July 3, 2021 was “summer savings” that
5 expired on July 31, 2021.
6 This data establishes that from December 14, 2018 to July 3, 2021 the 40% Off
7 sale was continually extended and that prospective customers were led to believe
8 that each “sale” offer would end. Every expiration date was literally false. Every
9 assertion that the sale was different in kind than any preceding sale was literally
10 false or misleading.
11 (v). Ballard
12 143. Daniel Ballard is an attorney for Casablanca. Ballard conducted his
13 own investigation to confirm that Closets by Design is still continuously extending
14 its 40% Off sale without break. As detailed below, Ballard was able to confirm that
15 practice by viewing advertisements publicly available, and readily available to
16 anyone with a Facebook or Instagram account, and which are all in Defendants’
17 possession or control.
18 144. Ballard viewed his Facebook on February 21, 2023. Appearing in
19 those posts was a Closets by Design “President’s Day Special” advertisement for
20 40% Off. Ballard clicked the advertisement which resolved to the Closets by
21 Design “Schedule Requests” webpage. That page displayed the “Terms and
22 Conditions” for the sale offer. The terms noted the sale would end on February 28,
23 2023. Ballard took screenshots of the advertisement and Terms and Conditions.
24 Both are attached here as Exhibit 21.
25 145. Ballard viewed his Facebook and Instagram via his iPhone on March
26 6, 2023. Appearing in the posts were Closets by Design advertisements that
27 proclaimed, “Last Chance To Get Our Best Offer” and included the 40% Off sale
28 offer. Ballard clicked each advertisement which resolved to the Closets by Design
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1 “Schedule Requests” webpage. That page displayed the “Terms and Conditions”
2 for the sale offer. The terms noted the sale would end on March 11, 2023. Ballard
3 took screenshots of each advertisement and Terms and Conditions. All are attached
4 here as Exhibit 22.
5 146. Ballard viewed his Facebook and Instagram via his iPhone on March
6 13, 2023. Appearing in the posts were Closets by Design advertisements that
7 included the 40% Off sale offer. Ballard clicked the advertisements which resolved
8 to the Closets by Design “Schedule Requests” webpage. That page displayed the
9 “Terms and Conditions” for the sale offer. The terms noted the sale would end on
10 March 31, 2023. Ballard took screenshots of each advertisement and Terms and
11 Conditions. All are attached here as Exhibit 23.
12 147. These facts establish that Closets by Design’s 40% Off “President’s
13 Day Special” that was supposed to end on February 28, 2023 did not end because it
14 was advertised again on March 6, 2023, which, Closets by Design claimed, was the
15 “Last Chance” to get that deal because it ended on March 11, 2023. That deal did
16 not end, however, because on March 13, 2023 Closets by Design advertised
17 another 40% Off sale which purportedly ends on March 31, 2023.
18 148. Ballard viewed his Instagram via his iPhone on April 4, 2023.
19 Appearing was a Closets by Design advertisement that included the 40% Off sale
20 offer and which linked to the terms and conditions on Closets by Design’s website
21 which noted that the sale would end on April 30, 2023.
22 149. Ballard viewed his Facebook via his iPhone on May 1, 2023.
23 Appearing was a Closets by Design advertisement that included the 40% Off sale
24 offer and which linked to the terms and conditions on Closets by Design’s website
25 which noted that the sale would end on May 31, 2023.
26 150. Ballard viewed his Facebook via his iPhone on June 5, 2023.
27 Appearing was a Closets by Design advertisement that included the 40% Off sale
28 offer and which linked to the terms and conditions on Closets by Design’s website
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1 which noted that the sale would end on June 18, 2023. On information and belief,
2 and implication, that sale will be extended yet again. Ballard has never seen an
3 advertisement for Closet by Design’s services that did not offer the 40% Off sale.
4 B. Closet World
5 151. The terms and conditions of Closet World’s 40% Off sale currently
6 state in their entirety: “50% off any order of $1180 or more, 40% off any order of
7 $880 or more on any Closet, Garage or Office orders and other products. Not valid
8 with any other offer. Offers and prices are subject to change without notice. Free
9 installation and delivery with your order of $850 or more. Offers valid with
10 incoming order at time of purchase, with complete unit purchase. Expires
11 06/18/2023. Special financing for 12 mo. with minimum payments On approved
12 credit. Call or ask your Designer for details.” These terms do not require the
13 customer to purchase more than one product. The FTC Guide Against Deceptive
14 Pricing at 16 C.F.R. §233.4 does not, therefore, apply.
15 152. Closet World owns and operates a website at which
16 is viewable in Southern California. The website homepage prominently displays its
17 40% Off discount offer. A significant number of consumers in Southern California
18 have seen Closet World’s deceptive 40% Off sale advertisement on that webpage.
19 153. In response to a request from Casablanca’s counsel, Nathaniel E
20 Frank-White of the Internet Archive downloaded certain archived
21 webpages and provided authenticated copies to Casablanca’s counsel. Exhibit 24
22 (declaration). Counsel viewed each page and created the following list which
23 identifies the date the webpage was archived, the Closet World “discount” being
24 advertised, and the expiration date of that “discount” sale offer.
25 Archived Expiration Discount
26 Mar 27, 2020 Apr 31, 2020 40% Off $700 or more, 50% Off $1,000 or more
27 Apr 17, 2020 Apr 31, 2020 40% Off $700 or more, 50% Off $1,000 or more
28 May 24, 2020 May 31, 2020 40% Off $700 or more, 50% Off $1,000 or more
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1 Jun 16, 2020 Jun 30, 2020 40% Off $700 or more, 50% Off $1,000 or more
2 Jul 13, 2020 Aug 31, 2020 40% Off $700 or more, 50% Off $1,000 or more
3 Aug 11, 2020 Aug 31, 2020 40% Off $700 or more, 50% Off $1,000 or more
4 Sept 7, 2020 Sept 13, 2020 40% Off $700 or more, 50% Off $1,000 or more
5 Oct 17, 2020 Oct 31, 2020 40% Off $700 or more, 50% Off $1,000 or more
6 Nov 22, 2020 Dec 31, 2020 40% Off $700 or more, 50% Off $1,000 or more
7 Dec 9, 2020 Dec 31, 2020 40% Off $700 or more, 50% Off $1,000 or more
8 Jan 24, 2021 Feb 28, 2021 40% Off $700 or more, 50% Off $1,000 or more
9 Feb 24, 2021 Feb 28, 2021 40% Off $700 or more, 50% Off $1,000 or more
10 Mar 8, 2021 Mar 31, 2021 40% Off $700 or more, 50% Off $1,000 or more
11 Apr 21, 2021 Apr 30, 2021 40% Off $600 or more
12 May 15, 2021 Jun 30, 2021 50% Off $600 or more
13 Jun 10, 2021 July 22, 2021 50% Off $600 or more
14 Jul 15, 2021 July 31, 2021 50% Off $600 or more
15 Aug 4, 2021 Aug 31, 2021 50% Off $600 or more
16 Sep 15, 2021 Sept 30, 2021 40% Off $600 or more
17 Oct 18, 2021 Nov 7, 2021 40% Off $600 or more
18 Nov 27, 2021 Not archived Not archived
19 Dec 17, 2021 Dec 15, 2021 50% Off $600 or more
20 Jan 15, 2022 Jan 15, 2021 50% Off $600 or more
21 Feb 16, 2022 Feb 26, 2022 50% Off $600 or more
22 Mar 15, 2022 30 days 40% Off $600 or more
23 Apr 11, 2022 May 7, 2022 40% Off $600 or more
24 May 17, 2022 June 18, 2022 50% Off $600 or more
25 Jun 9, 2022 30 days 50% Off $600 or more
26 July 13, 2022 30 days 50% Off $600 or more
27 Aug 24, 2022 Not archived Not archived
28 Sept 27, 2022 30 days 40% Off $880 or more
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1 Oct 26, 2022 30 days 40% Off $880 or more

2 Nov 16, 2022 Dec 10, 2022 40% Off $880 or more, 50% Off $1,180 or more
3 Dec 17, 2022 Dec 31, 2022 40% Off $880 or more, 50% Off $1,180 or more
4 Jan 19, 2023 Jan 31, 2023 40% Off $880 or more, 50% Off $1,180 or more
5 Feb 16, 2023 Feb 28, 2023 40% Off $880 or more, 50% Off $1,180 or more
6 154. Dennis visited The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine and ran an
7 archive request for Closet World’s website, He downloaded one
8 version of the website’s homepage for every month between April 2018 through
9 March 2023. Dennis viewed each homepage and created a table, attached here as
10 Exhibit 25, that lists the dates when the site was archived and the Closet World
11 “discount” being advertised.
12 155. Ballard viewed his Facebook and Instagram via his iPhone on various
13 dates between February 8, 2023 and June 6, 2023. Appearing in the posts were
14 Closet World advertisements that included the 40% Off sale offer. Ballard clicked
15 each advertisement which resolved to the Closet World “Schedule Requests”
16 webpage. That page displayed the terms and conditions for the sale offer. Ballard
17 took screenshots of each advertisement and most of the terms and conditions. The
18 following is the information he collected:
19 Date Viewed Expiration Discount
20 Feb 8, 2023 Not noted 50% Off
21 Feb 13, 2023 Not noted 50% Off “Presidents Day” sale
22 Mar 21, 2023 Mar 31, 2023 40% Off Plus 10% Off
23 Apr 3, 2023 Apr 30, 2023 40% Off Plus 10% Off
24 May 8, 2023 May 31, 2023 50% Off “Our Best Offer is Back”
25 May 19, 2023 May 31, 2023 50% Off “Offer Ends Soon”
26 Jun 5, 2023 Jun 18, 2023 50% Off
27 Ballard has never seen an advertisement for Closet World’s services that did not
28 offer the 40% Off sale.
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1 156. Closet World also advertises on Google’s search engine platform.

2 Google’s Ads Transparency Center reveals that Closet World’s advertisements on
3 that platform routinely display its 40% Off sale offer. Exhibit 4.
4 157. The information compiled by the Internet Archive, Dennis, and Ballard
5 establish that Closet World continually offers its 40% Off discount without
6 interruption.
False Advertising under 15 U.S.C. §1125(a)(1)B)
9 (Against Closets by Design, CBDF, and Closet World)
10 158. Casablanca realleges each and every allegation contained above as if
11 fully set forth herein.
12 159. Closets by Design’s 40% Off sale has been continuously advertised
13 in interstate commerce since at least May 21, 2019.
14 160. Closets by Design and CBDF jointly owns six (6) Closets by Design®
15 Company Owned Outlets. Closets by Design manages those outlets. Closets by
16 Design distributes and publishes its 40% Off sale advertisements for the benefit of
17 those Company Owned Outlets.
18 161. A significant number of consumers in Southern California have seen
19 Closets by Design’s 40% Off sale advertisements. Consumers have contacted
20 Closets by Design in response to viewing those advertisements. After viewing the
21 advertisements it is probable that a substantial segment of consumers, acting
22 reasonably, could be deceived into believing that Closets by Design’s products
23 were, and would again, be sold at a bona fide 40% higher list price.
24 162. Closets by Design’s 40% Off sale offer, each expiration date asserted
25 in each advertisement, and the claim it made in each advertisement that its sale will
26 end, or is a new sale, or is a seasonal or holiday sale, are all literally false or likely
27 to mislead or confuse consumers.
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1 163. Closets by Design’s 40% Off sale advertisements likely influenced

2 consumers to purchase its products. Consumers have purchased products from
3 Closets by Design and the Company Owned Outlets due to the misimpression they
4 formed after viewing the 40% Off advertisements that their purchase price was
5 40% lower than Closets by Design’s bona fide list price.
6 164. Closets by Design and CBDF have made profits as a result of sales
7 generated by consumers’ viewing and relying upon the offer that they could
8 purchase Closet by Design products at a 40% discount from its bona fide list price.
9 165. Closet World’s 40% Off sale has been continuously advertised in
10 interstate commerce since at least March 27, 2020.
11 166. A significant number of consumers in Southern California have seen
12 Closet World’s 40% Off sale advertisements. Consumers have contacted Closet
13 World in response to viewing those advertisements. After viewing the
14 advertisements it is probable that a substantial segment of consumers, acting
15 reasonably, could be deceived into believing that Closet World’s products were,
16 and would again, be sold at a bona fide 40% higher list price.
17 167. Closet World’s 40% Off sale offer, each expiration date asserted in
18 each advertisement, and the claim it made in each advertisement that its sale will
19 end, or is a new sale, or is a seasonal or holiday sale, are all literally false or likely
20 to mislead or confuse consumers.
21 168. Closet World’s 40% Off sale advertisements likely influenced
22 consumers to purchase its products. Consumers have purchased products from
23 Closet World due to the misimpression they formed after viewing the 40% Off
24 advertisements that their purchase price was 40% lower than Closet World’s bona
25 fide list price.
26 169. Closet World has made profits as a result of sales generated by
27 consumers’ viewing and relying upon the offer that they could purchase its product
28 at a 40% discount from its bona fide list price.
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1 170. Casablanca has been injured as a result of Closets by Design, CBDF,

2 and Closet World’s distribution and publication of their deceptive 40% Off sale
3 advertisements. Casablanca’s position in the marketplace has been weakened by
4 the diversion of prospective customers to Closets by Design, the Company Owned
5 Outlets, and Closet World. Casablanca’s goodwill has been damaged because
6 consumers are led to falsely believe Closets by Design and Closet World provide
7 deeper discounts off their bona fide list prices than does Casablanca, implying that
8 Closets by Design and Closet World provide a better value and are more cost
9 efficient, customer-appreciative companies. Casablanca has spent resources it
10 otherwise would not have spent in order to respond to the false advertising,
11 including training its sales force how to respond.
12 171. By reason of, and as a direct and proximate result of, Closets by
13 Design, CBDF, and Closet World’s false advertising, they have each caused, and
14 are now causing, Casablanca harm, and, unless each is enjoined by the Court, each
15 will continue to cause Casablanca immediate and irreparable harm for which there
16 is no adequate remedy at law, and for which Casablanca is entitled to injunctive
17 relief.
19 Contributory False Advertising under 15 U.S.C. §1125(a)(1)B)
(Against CBDF and Melkonian)
21 172. Casablanca realleges each and every allegation contained above as if
22 fully set forth herein.
23 173. Closets by Design and Closet World have engaged in false
24 advertising.
25 174. CBDF has contributed to Closets by Design’s false advertising by
26 knowingly inducing it, or causing it, or materially participating in it as alleged
27 herein.
28 175. Melkonian has contributed to Closets by Design and Closet World’s
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1 false advertising by knowingly inducing it, or causing it, or materially participating

2 in it as alleged herein.
3 176. CBDF and Melkonian have each, therefore, contributed to the harm
4 Casablanca has suffered due to the complained-of false advertising.
5 177. By reason of, and as a direct and proximate result of, CBDF and
6 Melkonian’s contributory false advertising, they have each caused, and are now
7 causing, Casablanca harm, and, unless each is enjoined by the Court, each will
8 continue to cause Casablanca immediate and irreparable harm for which there is no
9 adequate remedy at law, and for which Casablanca is entitled to injunctive relief.
12 RICO Violations (18 U.S.C. §1962(a), (b), (c)).
(Against Closets by Design, CBDF, and Closet World)
14 178. Casablanca realleges each and every allegation contained above as if
15 fully set forth herein.
16 179. Creation of an Enterprise. Closets by Design, CBDF, and Closet
17 World created an enterprise through which they engage in racketeering activity,
18 specifically, mail and wire fraud by means of distributing and publishing
19 advertising through the mail and world wide web that each knows is false.
20 180. The facts that establish the creation of their enterprise were previously
21 alleged in Paragraphs 9, 33-39, 41, 43-52, 54, 58-69, 80, and 85-87.
22 181. As previously alleged, all the corporate Defendants are wholly owned
23 subsidiaries of Home Organizers, all four have their principal place of business at
24 the same location, and Frank Melkonian is the CEO of all four (¶9). Additionally,
25 they have other overlapping officers and directors: Gerard A. Thompson is the
26 CFO, Secretary, and Treasurer of both CBDF and Closet World and is a Director
27 of both CBDF and Home Organizers; Gerald Egner is both CBDF’s President and
28 a Home Organizers board member; and Alexsan Ohannes Jivalagian is both the
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1 responsible managing officer of a Closets By Design® store jointly owned by

2 Closets by Design and CBDF and is Closet World’s Vice President of Operations.
3 182. Purpose of the Enterprise. The common purpose of their enterprise is
4 to decrease their customer acquisition costs and increase their sales by diverting
5 business from their competitors by distributing and publishing advertising via the
6 mail and worldwide web that each Defendant knows is false.
7 183. To achieve the purpose of their enterprise, the corporate Defendants
8 coordinate their advertising. The facts that establish their coordination were
9 previously alleged in Paragraphs 34-39, 41, and 45-52.
10 184. Intent to Defraud. Each corporate Defendant knows their advertising
11 is false and its distribution and publication fraudulent because each knows they
12 never sell their products and services at a 40% higher list price, that the 40% Off
13 sale has been continuous for at least two years, and their assertions in their
14 advertising that the 40% Off sale will end on a date certain are all false.
15 185. Moreover, Frank Melkonian is the CEO of, and a manager of, each
16 corporate Defendant and he, Closet World, and all others acting in concert with
17 them—now including Closets by Design and CBDF—were permanently enjoined
18 by the Orange County Superior Court’s False Advertising Injunction from
19 engaging in the very same false advertising complained-of here. See, ¶¶24-25,
20 Exhibits 1, 2.
21 186. In addition, each corporate Defendant is aware of this Court’s ruling
22 in the related Sarkhan Nabiyev v. Closet World, Inc. and Home Organizers, Inc.,
23 2:23-cv-02218-ODW-PD (Nov. 16, 2023) case that Closet World’s advertising is
24 not protected by the FTC price guide safe harbor at 16 C.F.R. §233.4 but, rather,
25 that the former price comparison guide at §233.1 applies to the complained-of
26 advertising and that “Defendants’ conduct is not permitted by the language of
27 §233.1.” Id. (emphasis added). See, ¶94.
28 187. Lastly, each corporate Defendant is aware that consumers have
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1 alleged in class action lawsuits against them that the complained-of advertising is
2 false. Specifically, each corporate Defendant is aware those allegations were made
3 in the currently pending Vernon v. Closets by Design, 2:23-cv-01180-JNW (WD
4 Wash., filed Aug. 7, 2023) lawsuit and the closed Newbold v. Closets by Design,
5 8:19-cv-00077 (CD Cal., filed Jan. 14, 2019) and Grevle v. Closets by Design,
6 2:19-cv-3881 (CD Cal., filed May 3, 2019) lawsuits. See, ¶¶90-91.
7 188. In sum, the intent of each corporate Defendant to defraud consumers
8 is established by each distributing and publishing the complained-of advertising in
9 light of (i) their knowledge it is false, (ii) the False Advertising Injunction, (iii) this
10 Court’s finding that such advertising does not comply with the FTC price guide,
11 and (iv) at least three class action lawsuits that allege their advertising is false.
12 189. Material Falsehood. The corporate Defendants’ false advertisements
13 contain material falsehoods, specifically; the fictitious 40% Off former price
14 comparison and the assertions in the advertisements that the 40% Off sale will end
15 on a date certain. Neither assertion is true. Moreover, the corporate Defendants do
16 not disclose in any advertisement their alleged 40% higher List Price for their
17 products and services. That alleged List Price is only revealed when their sales
18 designer is physically in a potential customer’s home. This fraud by omission
19 prevents potential customers from comparing list prices among competitors.
20 190. The corporate Defendants’ fictitious limited-in-time discount sale
21 offers have a natural tendency to influence consumers to inquire into and buy the
22 Defendant’s products and services rather than contacting Casablanca. In short,
23 false price discounts can and do entice consumers to buy the advertised product.
24 191. The Racketeering Participants. On information and belief, every
25 complained-of advertisement the corporate Defendants distribute and publish
26 contains the fraudulent 40% Off sale offer. Every person, therefore, who oversees,
27 manages, or works in a Defendant’s sales and marketing department participates in
28 the racketeering activity, as does every advertising consultant a Defendant hires.
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1 192. In addition to Melkonian, the following CBDF employees work in a

2 capacity that provides each with information about, and/or control over, the false
3 advertising: Brianne M. Rogers, Director, Global Sales & Support Operations; Lisa
4 Jensen, Marketing Manager; Jackie Almond, Sales and Marketing Department.
5 193. In addition to Melkonian, the following Closets by Design employees
6 work in a capacity that provides each with information about, and/or control over,
7 the false advertising: Mark Etzbach, Vice President of Sales; Susan Kroll, Sales &
8 Operations Manager; Scott Shinedling, National Sales Support Manager.
9 194. In addition to Melkonian, the following Closet World employees work
10 in a capacity that provides each with information about, and/or control over, the
11 false advertising: Anne Pedrola, Division Sales Manager; Lucan Melkonian,
12 Regional Sales Manager; Alex Bendigo, Senior Sales Manager; Liza M.
13 Melkonian, Marketing and Advertising Department.
14 195. The Role of Racketeer CBDF: As previously alleged, CBDF in large
15 part controls the prices and discounts that apply to the products and services
16 offered by Closets by Designs® stores (¶¶70-71), it creates and controls the Closets
17 by Designs® false advertising that it and its franchisees distribute and publish
18 (¶¶74-76, 78-81), and it spends significant sums to distribute and publish those
19 false advertisements via the mail and world wide web (¶¶82-84). On information
20 and belief, it is also involved in creating, distributing, and publishing Closet
21 World’s false advertisements.
22 196. The Role of Racketeer Closets by Design: As previously alleged,
23 Closets by Design is the owner and licensor of the “Closets by Design” trademark
24 (¶43). Closets by Design distributes and publishes the complained-of false
25 advertising via the mail and world wide web to promote sales in its three (3)
26 Closets by Design® stores and the six (6) stores jointly-owned with CBDF (¶44).
27 Closets by Design employees offer potential customers the false 40% Off discount
28 via the telephone and in-person sales (¶101). Closets by Design publishes a website
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1 that prominently displays on its homepage the 40% Off sale, and which serves as
2 the landing site linked-to by every Closets by Designs® false advertisement
3 published on the world wide web, it publishes information about CBDF’s
4 franchising opportunities, and is used to compile information about potential
5 customers residing throughout the country to facilitate sales calls by Closets by
6 Designs® franchisees (¶¶45-51). Closets by Design is, according to Google’s Ad
7 Transparency Center, the “advertiser” of Closet World’s advertising on Google
8 (¶52).
9 197. The Role of Racketeer Closet World: As previously alleged, Closet
10 World distributes and publishes the complained-of false advertising via the mail
11 and world wide web to promote sales in its four (4) locations (¶¶35-37). Closet
12 World employees offer potential customers the false 40% Off discount via the
13 telephone and in-person sales (¶101). Closet World publishes a website that
14 prominently displays on its homepage the false 40% Off sale (¶152). On
15 information and belief, Closet World is involved in creating its false advertising.
16 198. The time, place, and manner of Closets by Design’s mail fraud. As
17 previously alleged, Closets by Design places its false advertising in the mail in the
18 form of “wraps” distributed via newspapers within California (¶35, Exhibit 3).
19 Closets by Design also distributes its false advertising via the mail in the form of
20 direct mail coupons (¶119, Exhibits 10, 8). Over the last three years Johnson has
21 received hundreds of such coupons via the mail at his home in Los Angeles County
22 (Id.). Specifically, Johnson received such coupons in February, March, April, and
23 in every other month in 2023.
24 199. The time, place, and manner of Closets by Design’s wire fraud. As
25 previously alleged, Closets by Design publishes a website that prominently
26 displays its false 40% Off sale on its homepage (¶¶125-126, 132, Exhibit 13). The
27 compiled fact allegations show the specific publication dates and establish that the
28 false 40% Off sale was continuously advertised on the website from May 2020
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1 (and periodically before) to March 2023 (Id.). That same false advertisement has
2 been continuously displayed on the website from March 2023 to April 2024.
3 Closets by Design also publishes its false advertising on the Meta social media
4 platforms Facebook and Instagram (¶¶137-142, 144-150, Exhibits 20, 22, 23). The
5 compiled fact allegations show the specific dates the false advertising was
6 published (¶¶142, 144-150, Exhibits 20, 22, 23).
7 200. The time, place, and manner of Closet World’s mail fraud. As
8 previously alleged, Closet World places its false advertising in the mail in the form
9 of “wraps” distributed via newspapers within California (¶35, Exhibit 3). Ballard
10 received such wraps in the mail at his home in Sacramento County in April 2023
11 (May 31, 2023 sale expiration date), in October 2023 (Nov. 5, 2023 sale expiration
12 date), in December 2023 (Jan. 8, 2024 sale expiration date), in March 2024 (Apr.
13 21, 2024 sale expiration date), and on many other dates. Closet World also
14 distributes its false advertising via the mail in the form of direct mail coupons.
15 Ballard received such coupons in the mail at his home in Sacramento County in
16 March 2023 (Apr. 30, 2023 sale expiration date), in September 2023 (Oct. 31,
17 2023 sale expiration date), in November 2023 (Dec. 17, 2023 sale expiration date),
18 in January 2024 (Feb. 28, 2024 sale expiration date), in February 2024 (Mar. 16,
19 2024 sale expiration date), in March 2024 (Apr. 14, 2024 sale expiration date), and
20 on many other dates.
21 201. The time, place, and manner of Closet World’s wire fraud. As
22 previously alleged, Closet World publishes a website that prominently displays its
23 false 40% Off sale on its homepage (¶¶152-154, Exhibit 25). The compiled fact
24 allegations show the specific publication dates and establish that the false 40% Off
25 sale was continuously advertised on the website from March 2020 (and
26 periodically before) to March 2023 (¶153, Exhibit 25). That same false
27 advertisement has been continuously displayed on the website from March 2023 to
28 April 2024. Closet World also publishes its false advertising on the Meta social
Second Amended Complaint 48
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1 media platforms Facebook and Instagram (¶155). The compiled fact allegations
2 show the specific dates the false advertising was published (Id.). Ballard took
3 many more screenshots of Closet World’s false 40% Off social media advertising.
4 A small sample reveals the advertisements were published on July 17, 2023 (Jul.
5 30 sale expiration date), on August 9, 2023 (Sept. 17, 2023 sale expiration date),
6 on September 14, 2023 (Sept. 24, 2023 sale expiration date), on November 15
7 (Dec. 31, 2023 sale expiration date), January 12, 2024 (January 28, 2024 sale
8 expiration date) and on many other dates.
9 202. The time, place, and manner of CBDF’s mail fraud. As previously
10 alleged, CBDF asserts its advertising expenses for 2018 were $16,998,5502, for
11 2019 they were $21,536,594, for 2020 they were $23,025,552, for 2021 there were
12 $35,069,308, and for 2022 they were $43,831,414 (¶83). Based on the bankruptcy
13 petition it filed and its list of creditors, CBDF advertises heavily via direct mail
14 marketing (¶77). Specifically, CBDF and Closets by Design jointly own six (6)
15 Closets by Designs® stores which CBDF asserts are operated by Closets by Design
16 (¶58). One such store is in Whittier, California and directly competes with
17 Casablanca (Id.). Every false advertisement Closets by Design distributes via the
18 mail in California to promote Closets by Designs® products and services (see
19 specifically ¶198) is done with the assent and cooperation of CBDF, which is,
20 therefore, jointly liable for that mail fraud. Moreover, CBDF uses the mail to
21 interact with its franchisees, and, on information and belief, with Closet World and
22 outside advertising consultants, regarding the creation, distribution, and publication
23 of its false advertising.
24 203. The time, place, and manner of CBDF’s wire fraud. Again, CBDF
25 asserts its yearly advertising expenses are tens of millions of dollars (¶83). CBDF
26 advertises its Closets by Designs® franchise opportunity on Closets by Design’s
27 website which prominently displays the false 40% Off sale on its homepage and
28 which lists CBDF’s franchise locations and information about each one (¶¶46-51).
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1 The false 40% Off sale offer is displayed on each of the CBDF’s franchisee’s click
2 through subpages (¶51). Moreover, the website contains a “Schedule Requests”
3 section that visitors may use to schedule a sales appointment with the appropriate
4 CBDF franchisee (¶49). In addition, every false advertisement Closets by Design
5 publishes on the world wide to promote Closets by Designs® products and services
6 (see specifically ¶199) is done with the assent and cooperation of CBDF, which is,
7 therefore, jointly liable for that wire fraud.
8 204. The mail and wire fraud committed by each of the corporate
9 Defendants was intentionally done to deprive its competitors, including
10 Casablanca, of the profits they would otherwise have earned but for the false
11 advertising.
12 205. The above allegations establish that the corporate Defendants’ false
13 advertising constitutes mail and wire fraud and is a pattern of racketeering activity.
14 18 U.S.C. §§1341, 1343, 1961(5).
15 206. The corporate Defendants have each received income derived from
16 their pattern of racketeering activity and each has used or invested part of that
17 income to operate their respective businesses, each of which affects interstate
18 commerce, and to fund their continuing enterprise. Such conduct, along with their
19 other conduct as alleged herein, violates 18 U.S.C. §1962(a).
20 207. Through their pattern of racketeering activity, the corporate
21 Defendants have maintained an interest in and control of their respective
22 businesses, each of which affects interstate commerce, and of their continuing
23 enterprise. Such conduct, along with their other conduct as alleged herein, violates
24 18 U.S.C. §1962(b).
25 208. The corporate defendants are each associated with the enterprise they
26 created. Their enterprise engages in and affects interstate commerce. Through a
27 pattern of racketeering activity, each of these corporate Defendants conducts or
28 participates in the affairs of that enterprise. Such conduct, along with their other
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1 conduct as alleged herein, violates 18 U.S.C. §1962(c).

4 RICO Violation (18 U.S.C. §1962(d)).
(Against Melkonian)
6 209. Casablanca realleges each and every allegation contained above as if
7 fully set forth herein.
8 210. As alleged previously, Melkonian has been, and remains, deeply
9 involved in the corporate Defendants’ false advertising (¶¶20-24, 26). It is law of
10 the case that Casablanca has asserted “more than enough factual allegations for the
11 Court to determine Melkonian was—and continues to be—deeply involved in the
12 day-to-day activities of Closets by Design, CBDF, and Closet World—which
13 include the advertising of their products.” Dkt. 37 at 9:1-24.
14 211. The RICO conspiracy statute declares it is “unlawful for any person to
15 conspire to violate any of the provisions of subsection (a), (b), or (c) of this
16 section.” 18 U.S.C. §1962(d). The person need not personally participate in the
17 substantive racketeering scheme but, rather, he violates the statute when he “knew
18 about and agreed to facilitate” that scheme, specifically, if he “agree[s] to conduct
19 or participate in the affairs of an enterprise through a pattern of racketeering.”
20 Relevant Grp. v. Nourmand (C.D. Cal., July 25, 2022, 2:19-cv-05019-ODW
21 (KSx)) [p. 37].
22 212. As CEO of each corporate Defendant who is deeply involved in their
23 day-to-day activities, including their advertising, Melkonian knows about the mail
24 and wire fraud each is committing by their distribution and publication of their
25 false advertising. He has agreed to, at least, facilitate those frauds as evidenced by
26 him tolerating the many-years-long duration of the frauds (Exhibits 13, 20, 25), his
27 knowledge via the False Advertising Injunction that the complained-of advertising
28 is unlawful (¶26), and this Court’s finding that the complained-of advertising does
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1 not comply with the FTC price guides (¶186).

2 213. Moreover, Melkonian is aware that the mail and wire fraud being
3 committed by the corporate Defendants is causing harm to their competitor,
4 Casablanca.
5 214. By agreeing to facilitate the frauds, Melkonian has violated the RICO
6 conspiracy statute. 18 U.S.C. §1962(d).
9 WHEREFORE, Casablanca prays for relief and judgment as follows:
10 1. A finding that Closets by Design, CBDF, and Closet World have each
11 engaged in false advertising in violation of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C.
12 §1125(a)(1)(B));
13 2. A finding that Closets by Design, CBDF, and Closet World’s false
14 advertising is intentional, willful, and malicious;
15 3. A finding that Casablanca has been irreparably harmed by Closets by
16 Design, CBDF, and Closet World’s false advertising and issuing an injunction
17 prohibiting each of those companies from continuing to distribute and publish their
18 false advertising;
19 4. Ordering Closets by Design, CBDF, and Closet World to pay, jointly
20 and severally, monetary relief to Casablanca pursuant to 15 U.S.C. §1117(a) for
21 each company’s false advertising, specifically: (i) the profits each company earned
22 as a result of its false advertising, (ii) the amount in damages Casablanca sustained
23 as a result of each company’s false advertising, and (iii) Casablanca’s costs of this
24 action;
25 5. A finding that CBDF and Melkonian have each engaged in
26 contributory false advertising in violation of the Lanham Act by (15 U.S.C.
27 §1125(a)(1)(B);
28 6. A finding that CBDF and Melkonian’s contributory false advertising
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1 was intentional, willful, and malicious;

2 7. A finding that Casablanca has been irreparably harmed by CBDF and
3 Melkonian’s contributory false advertising and entry of an injunction prohibiting
4 each from continuing to contribute to the distribution and publication of Closets by
5 Design, CBDF, and Closet World’s false advertising;
6 8. Ordering CBDF and Melkonian, jointly and severally, to pay
7 Casablanca monetary relief pursuant to 15 U.S.C. §1117(a) for their contributory
8 false advertising specifically: (i) the profits each earned as a result of their
9 contributory false advertising, including at least two years of Melkonian’s salary,
10 (ii) the amount in damages Casablanca sustained as a result of their contributory
11 false advertising, and (iii) Casablanca’s costs of the action;
12 9. Awarding Casablanca pre-judgment and post-judgment interest, to
13 the fullest extent allowable at law or in equity, on all damages;
14 10. A finding that this is an exceptional case under the Lanham Act and
15 awarding Casablanca its reasonable attorneys’ fees under 15 U.S.C. §1117(a);
16 11. Entering an order requiring each Defendant to publish corrective
17 advertising;
18 12. Entering an order prohibiting each Defendant from using the names
19 “Casablanca,” “One Day,” “One Day Doors,” and “One Day Doors and Closets,”
20 or any confusingly similar variation of any of those names, as a keyword or other
21 device to generate any online advertisements;
22 13. A finding that Casablanca is an intended beneficiary of the False
23 Advertising Injunction issued in the People v. Closet World action;
24 14. A finding that Closets by Design, CBDF, and Closet World have each
25 violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (18 U.S.C.
26 §1962(a), (b), (c));
27 15. A finding that Melkonian violated the Racketeer Influenced and
28 Corrupt Organizations Act (18 U.S.C. §1962(d));
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1 16. Ordering Closets by Design, CBDF, Closet World, and Melkonian,

2 jointly and severally, to pay Casablanca monetary relief under 18 U.S.C. §1964(c),
3 specifically: (i) threefold Casablanca’s damages, (ii) a reasonable attorneys’ fee,
4 and (iii) Casablanca’s costs of the action;
5 17. Granting such other and further relief as this Court deems just and
6 proper.
7 Respectfully submitted,

By:____/s/ Glenn W. Peterson
Attorneys for Casablanca Design Center, Inc.

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Casablanca Design Center, Inc., v. Closets by Design, et al.

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Screenshots of Some of Closet by Design’s Franchisee’s Promotional Page

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Yancy Dennis • (443) 416-4584• Owings Mills, MD

Data Scientist
Accomplished senior leader executing data-driven solutions to increase efficiency, accuracy, and utility of internal data processing.
Proven background in creating data regression models, using predictive data modeling, and analyzing data mining algorithms to
deliver insights and implement action-oriented solutions to complex business problems.

Technical Proficiencies
Oracle SQLPLUS, PL/SQL, VB.Net, Advanced Excel, Java, C#, MySQL, R, Python, Streamlit, PostgreSQL, SAS, AWS, Jira, Databricks,
Database Management

Career Experience
ARDX, Owings Mills, MD 2019 – 2023
Senior Manager of Program Evaluation and Business Analytics, 2020 - 2023
Delivered solutions and actionable insights for key stakeholders to reduce costs, improve outcomes, and forecast business
performance. Executed advanced trend analytics, mined data to answer relevant needs, and conducted root cause statistical
analyses. Developed predictive models and deploy science-based evaluation processes. Identified indicators of fraud, waste,
and abuse by profiling data extracted from the Multidimensional Information and Data Analytics System (MIDAS). Served as
subject matter expert on risk adjustment and encounter data.

• Identified drug prescribing patterns through analysis of CMS Medicare Advantage Plan prescription drug events.
• Cultivated a risk profiling report based on queries for the Integrated Data Repository which holds over 60M Medicare

Data Scientist, 2019 – 2020

Led advanced analytics projects utilizing big data and advanced science method and technologies. Improved customer
experience, operational effectiveness, and increased business value delivering insights using advanced statistical and machine
learning techniques. Collaboratively built end-to-end data pipelines to deploy advanced models. Developed mathematical and
statistical models to distinguish relevant content and recognize patterns.

• Effectively designed a data management plan for the Appeals and Integrity Contract.
• Evaluated population and policy changes on Program Integrity Priorities utilizing microsimulation efforts.

Fixt, Baltimore, MD 2018 – 2019

Senior Data Analyst Consultant
Designed, built, and maintained efficient, reusable, and reliable data analytics processes and dashboards. Interfaced with
clients to identify business needs and recommend solutions. Led client engagement encompassing work plans, staffing,
deadlines, budgeting, and strategizing to maintain integrated project plans. Integrated automation across multiple work
processes including account management, financial reporting, and pricing strategies. Oversaw the intern program with direction
of intern recruitment strategies targeting top tier schools such as MIT and Cornell.

• Enhanced customer service with topic models using Python with NLTK to discover hidden semantic structures within
customer feedback data.

Exhibit 11
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Building New Leaders, Baltimore, MD 2011 – 2018
Developed, enhanced, and maintained web and mobile solutions across government and private sector clients. Improved job
performance with implementation of workplace initiatives. Tracked industry trends and networked at industry events to remain
updated on new technologies.

• Cultivated and launched computer applications for the United States Geological Services (USGS), Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA), Boone Restoration, and New York University.
• Formulated Access and MySQL database solutions for stakeholders in partnership with Archscan, LLC.

Allegis Group Services, Hanover, MD 2010 – 2011

Solution Architect
Cultivated client solutions focusing on most efficient technological and business processes to enable capabilities required by the
business. Analyzed clients’ business and technical challenges, designed comprehensive solutions for smooth integration.
Converted business visions into technical solution by liaising with business and technical stakeholders, built a clear technology
strategy and roadmap, and remained up-to-date on industry trends and technologies.

• Successfully generated an XML invoice feed for SAP financials with design of C# application for America Online.
• Supported Fortune 500 clients with integration of COTS vendor management tools.

Principal, KonceptNexus, Owings Mills, MD 2008-2011

Marketed online professional training courses to educational institutions and Fortune 1000 companies, partnering with the
National Education Foundation. Developed social networking and educational websites using Drupal CMS.

• Targeted potential clients, increasing enrollment.

• Collaborated with cross-functional teams, meeting/exceeding project goals.

Lead Business Architect, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, Owings Mills, MD 2007-2008

Oversaw the implementation of the company's business system architecture to support a significant healthcare services
conversion project. This three-year, $100 million initiative ultimately yielded a $157 million ROI.

• Automated the process of gathering requirements, resulting in an improvement in the quality assessment of
requirements by the Requirements Competency Center.
• Led an impact analysis that resulted in a 30% reduction in the requirements gathering phase.

IT Strategy Leader (Office of the CIO), CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, Owings Mills, MD 2005-2007
Partnered with executive leadership at CareFirst to define and implement the company's corporate and IT strategies.

• Developed and gained approval for the 2006 and 2007 IT strategies aligned with CareFirst's corporate goals.
• Pioneered a new IT management system that improved service delivery and cost-effectiveness.
• Designed and implemented the Measurement and Analysis Process Area for CareFirst's CMMI (L3) initiative.
• Provided business process mapping training to a cross-functional Swat Team for claims process improvement.

Strategic Technology Manager/Director, Capital One Financial Services, Glen Allen, VA 2002-2005
Demonstrated expertise in grid computing and genetic algorithm optimization, and successfully applied these techniques to a
real-world business problem.

• Successfully managed three vendors, including IBM, Genalytics, and Platform Computing, to develop and implement a
genetic algorithm-based credit risk prediction model in a grid computing environment.
• Worked closely with cross-functional teams across multiple departments at Capital One to ensure successful
integration of the model into business operations.
• Managed a team of up to 25 associates, including project managers, developers, and architects, to deliver complex
technology solutions on time and within budget.

Exhibit 11
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Principal Engineer, Capital One Financial Services, Glen Allen, VA 2000-2002
Demonstrated leadership in selecting data warehouse platform, enhancing analytics, improving processes, and managing

• Led the adoption of a new high-performance computing $100 Million data warehouse platform, Teradata.
• Planned and managed the on-time and on-budget delivery of up to 60 concurrent projects.
• Acknowledged for successfully achieving 90% customer satisfaction ratings on all projects.

Strategic Project Manager, E.I. DuPont de Nemours, Richmond, VA 1996-2000

Directed and reengineered applications resulting in significant performance improvement and accolades.

• Directed the migration of a $2 Million legacy manufacturing application into a 3-tiered object-oriented client-server
environment, leading the team to capture the Inaugural Stellar Award.
• Reengineered the client-service application, resulting in a remarkable 95% performance improvement.

Consulting Engineer, E.I. DuPont de Nemours, Wilmington, DE 1990-1996

Utilized vector processing capabilities and advanced cooling systems of the Cray T90/C90 to optimize performance and ensure
reliable operation, demonstrating expertise in high performance computing and computational simulation.

• Conducted computer simulations to predict flammability for chemical reactions, utilizing ChemKin to model complex
chemical systems and determine appropriate parameters for safe operation of chemical processes.
• Analyzed simulation results to identify potential hazards and develop risk mitigation strategies, demonstrating
expertise in chemical process safety and computational simulation.

Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Strategic Uses of Technology Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Bargaining and Negotiating University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Crash Course on Python
Using Python to Interact with the Operating System

Exhibit 11

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Casablanca Design Center, Inc., v. Closets by Design, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 6 of 43 Page ID #:607

Screenshot of record of screen captures for


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Exhibit 12
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Casablanca Design Center, Inc., v. Closets by Design, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 13 of 43 Page ID #:614

Summary of the Perpetual Use of

40% Off “Limited Time Offers” Adversed
on the Closets By Design, Inc. Website

Column 1 = The date the homepage was archived

Column 2 = The sale offer on the homepage
Column 3 = The date the sale offer on the homepage links to that presents the sale offer terms and expiraon date
Column 4 = Addional sale informaon

Date Adversing Offer Link to Terms & Expiraon Date Other Representaons
14 Nov 2018 No Ad No N/A
19 Nov 2018 No Ad No N/A
25 Nov 2018 40% Off No Plus Take 15% Off Limited me offer
05 Dec 2018 40% Off No Plus Take 15% Off Limited me offer
11 Dec 2018 40% Off No Plus Take 15% Off Limited me offer
27 Feb 2019 No Ad N/A N/A
14 Mar 2019 No Ad N/A N/A
08 Apr 2019 No Ad N/A N/A
21 May 2019 40% Off No Link 15% off any complete system
05 Aug 2019 40% Off Link to present page
21 Aug 2019 40% Off Link to present page
02 Nov 2019 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020
05 Nov 2019 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020
05 Dec 2019 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 Extra 15% Off
21 Dec 2019 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 Extra 15% Off
01 Jan 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 Extra 15% Off
02 Jan 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 Extra 15% Off
05 Jan 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 Extra 15% Off
12 Jan 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 Extra 15% Off
18 Jan 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 Extra 15% Off
01 Feb 2020 $300 Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020
13 Feb 2020 $300 Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020
14 Feb 2020 $300 Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020
28 Feb 2020 $300 Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020
01 Mar 2020 $300 Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020
10 Mar 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020
13 Mar 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020
01 Apr 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
02 Apr 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
10 Apr 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
13 Apr 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
21 Apr 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
27 Apr 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
28 Apr 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
01 May 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
02 May 2020 No Ad N/A
04 May 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
05 May 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
Page 1 of 4
Exhibit 13
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 14 of 43 Page ID #:615

Summary of the Perpetual Use of

40% Off “Limited Time Offers” Adversed
on the Closets By Design, Inc. Website

Date Adversing Offer Link to Terms & Expiraon Date Other Representaons
10 May 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
11 May 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
14 May 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
20 May 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
26 May 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
01 Jun 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
02 Jun 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
13 Jun 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
22 Jun 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
03 Jul 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
04 Jul 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
10 Jul 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
14 Jul 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
19 Jul 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
22 Jul 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
23 Jul 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
03 Aug 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
04 Aug 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
07 Aug 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
13 Aug 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
14 Aug 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
26 Aug 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
01 Sep 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
03 Sep 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
04 Sep 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
12 Sep 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
24 Sep 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
01 Oct 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
03 Oct 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
25 Oct 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
29 Oct 2020 40% Off Link to present page + 15% Off
01 Nov 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020
08 Nov 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
09 Nov 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
10 Nov 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
14 Nov 2020 40% Off Link to 01 Nov 2020: Expires 31 Oct 2020 + 15% Off
25 Nov 2020 40% Off Link to 21 Nov 2020: Expires 30 Nov 2020 + 15% Off
27 Nov 2020 40% Off Link to 21 Nov 2020: Expires 30 Nov 2020 + 15% Off
01 Dec 2020 40% Off Link to 21 Nov 2020: Expires 30 Nov 2020 + 15% Off
19 Dec 2020 40% Off Link to 21 Nov 2020: Expires 30 Nov 2020 + 15% Off
21 Dec 2020 40% Off Link to 21 Nov 2020: Expires 30 Nov 2020 + 15% Off
07 Jan 2021 40% Off Link to 21 Nov 2020: Expires 30 Nov 2020 + 15% Off
13 Jan 2021 40% Off Link to 21 Nov 2020: Expires 30 Nov 2020 + 15% Off
19 Jan 2021 40% Off Link to 21 Nov 2020: Expires 30 Nov 2020 + 15% Off
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Exhibit 13
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 15 of 43 Page ID #:616

Summary of the Perpetual Use of

40% Off “Limited Time Offers” Adversed
on the Closets By Design, Inc. Website

Date Adversing Offer Link to Terms & Expiraon Date Other Representaons
23 Jan 2021 40% Off Link to 21 Nov 2020: Expires 30 Nov 2020 + 15% Off
26 Jan 2021 40% Off Link to 21 Nov 2020: Expires 30 Nov 2020 + 15% Off
05 Feb 2021 40% Off Link to 03 Jun 2021: Expires 22 Jul 2021 + 15% Off
26 Feb 2021 40% Off Link to 03 Jun 2021: Expires 22 Jul 2021 + 15% Off
27 Feb 2021 40% Off Link to 03 Jun 2021: Expires 22 Jul 2021 + 15% Off
02 Mar 2021 40% Off Link to 03 Jun 2021: Expires 22 Jul 2021 + 15% Off
07 Mar 2021 40% Off Link to 03 Jun 2021: Expires 22 Jul 2021 + 15% Off
07 Apr 2021 40% Off Link to 03 Jun 2021: Expires 22 Jul 2021 + 15% Off
10 Apr 2021 40% Off Link to 03 Jun 2021: Expires 22 Jul 2021 + 15% Off
24 Apr 2021 40% Off Link to 03 Jun 2021: Expires 22 Jul 2021 + 15% Off
05 May 2021 40% Off Link to 03 Jun 2021: Expires 22 Jul 2021 + 15% Off
17 May 2021 40% Off Link to 03 Jun 2021: Expires 22 Jul 2021 + 15% Off
18 May 2021 40% Off Link to 03 Jun 2021: Expires 22 Jul 2021 + 15% Off
17 Jun 2021 40% Off Link to 03 Jun 2021: Expires 22 Jul 2021 + 15% Off
28 Jun 2021 40% Off Link to 03 Jun 2021: Expires 22 Jul 2021 + 15% Off
07 Jul 2021 40% Off Link to 02 Aug 2021: No Expiraon Date + 15% Off
28 Jul 2021 40% Off Link to 02 Aug 2021: No Expiraon Date
01 Aug 2021 40% Off Link to 02 Aug 2021: No Expiraon Date
11 Aug 2021 40% Off Link to 02 Aug 2021: No Expiraon Date
12 Aug 2021 40% Off Link to 02 Aug 2021: No Expiraon Date
15 Aug 2021 40% Off Link to 02 Aug 2021: No Expiraon Date
18 Sep 2021 40% Off Link to 07 Sep 2021: Expires 26 Sep 2021
19 Sep 2021 40% Off Link to 29 Sep 2021: Expires 07 Nov 2021
22 Sep 2021 40% Off Link to 29 Sep 2021: Expires 07 Nov 2021
07 Oct 2021 40% Off Link to 29 Sep 2021: Expires 07 Nov 2021
10 Oct 2021 40% Off Link to 29 Sep 2021: Expires 07 Nov 2021
15 Oct 2021 40% Off Link to 29 Sep 2021: Expires 07 Nov 2021
16 Oct 2021 40% Off Link to 29 Sep 2021: Expires 07 Nov 2021
23 Oct 2021 40% Off Link to 29 Sep 2021: Expires 07 Nov 2021
30 Oct 2021 40% Off Link to 29 Sep 2021: Expires 07 Nov 2021
01 Nov 2021 40% Off Link to 29 Sep 2021: Expires 07 Nov 2021
30 Nov 2021 40% Off Link to 26 Jan 2022: Expires 29 Jan 2022 + 15% off
05 Dec 2021 40% Off Link to 26 Jan 2022: Expires 29 Jan 2022 + 15% off
19 Dec 2021 40% Off Link to 26 Jan 2022: Expires 29 Jan 2022 + 15% off
23 Dec 2021 40% Off Link to 26 Jan 2022: Expires 29 Jan 2022 + 15% off
24 Dec 2021 40% Off Link to 26 Jan 2022: Expires 29 Jan 2022 + 15% off
26 Dec 2021 40% Off Link to 26 Jan 2022: Expires 29 Jan 2022 + 15% off
03 Jan 2022 40% Off Link to 26 Jan 2022: Expires 29 Jan 2022 + 15% off
07 Jan 2022 40% Off Link to 26 Jan 2022: Expires 29 Jan 2022 + 15% off
26 Jan 2022 40% Off Link to 26 Jan 2022: Expires 29 Jan 2022 + 15% off
27 Jan 2022 40% Off Link to 27 Jan 2022: Expires 29 Jan 2022 + 15% off
01 Feb 2022 40% Off Link to 27 Jan 2022: Expires 29 Jan 2022
03 Feb 2022 40% Off Link to 27 Jan 2022: Expires 29 Jan 2022
07 Feb 2022 40% Off Link to 27 Jan 2022: Expires 29 Jan 2022
Page 3 of 4

Exhibit 13
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 16 of 43 Page ID #:617

Summary of the Perpetual Use of

40% Off “Limited Time Offers” Adversed
on the Closets By Design, Inc. Website

Date Adversing Offer Link to Terms & Expiraon Date Other Representaons
14 Feb 2022 40% Off Link to 27 Jan 2022: Expires 29 Jan 2022
03 Mar 2022 40% Off Link to 31 Mar 2022: Expires in 30 days
12 Mar 2022 40% Off Link to 31 Mar 2022: Expires in 30 days
25 Mar 2022 40% Off Link to 31 Mar 2022: Expires in 30 days
28 Mar 2022 40% Off Link to 31 Mar 2022: Expires in 30 days
01 Apr 2022 40% Off Link to 31 Mar 2022: Expires in 30 days + 15% off
22 May 2022 40% Off Link to 31 Mar 2022: Expires in 30 days + 15% off
21 Jun 2022 40% Off Link to 23 Jul 2022: Expires 30 Jul 2022 + 15% off
26 Jun 2022 40% Off Link to 23 Jul 2022: Expires 30 Jul 2022 + 15% off
07 Jul 2022 40% Off Link to 23 Jul 2022: Expires 30 Jul 2022 + 15% off
18 Jul 2022 40% Off Link to 23 Jul 2022: Expires 30 Jul 2022 + 15% off
09 Aug 2022 40% Off Link to 23 Jul 2022: Expires 30 Jul 2022 + 15% off
13 Aug 2022 40% Off Link to 23 Jul 2022: Expires 30 Jul 2022 + 15% off
08 Sep 2022 40% Off Link to 17 Oct 2022: Expires in 30 days
18 Sep 2022 40% Off Link to 17 Oct 2022: Expires in 30 days
01 Oct 2022 40% Off Link to 17 Oct 2022: Expires in 30 days
03 Oct 2022 40% Off Link to 17 Oct 2022: Expires in 30 days
13 Oct 2022 40% Off Link to 17 Oct 2022: Expires in 30 days
17 Oct 2022 40% Off Link to 17 Oct 2022: Expires in 30 days
20 Oct 2022 40% Off Link to 17 Oct 2022: Expires in 30 days
03 Nov 2022 40% Off Link to 17 Oct 2022: Expires in 30 days + 15% off
01 Dec 2022 40% Off Link to 08 Dec 2022: Expires 10 Dec 2022 + 15% off
03 Dec 2022 40% Off Link to 08 Dec 2022: Expires 10 Dec 2022 + 15% off
27 Dec 2022 40% Off Link to 08 Dec 2022: Expires 10 Dec 2022 + 15% off
03 Jan 2023 40% Off Link to 08 Dec 2022: Expires 10 Dec 2022 + 15% off
06 Jan 2023 40% Off Link to 08 Dec 2022: Expires 10 Dec 2022 + 15% off
05 Feb 2023 40% Off Link to 08 Dec 2022: Expires 10 Dec 2022 + 15% off
09 Feb 2023 40% Off Link to 08 Dec 2022: Expires 10 Dec 2022 + 15% off
10 Feb 2023 40% Off Link to 08 Dec 2022: Expires 10 Dec 2022 + 15% off
21 Feb 2023 40% Off Link to 08 Dec 2022: Expires 10 Dec 2022 + 15% off
02 Mar 2023 40% Off Link to 08 Dec 2022: Expires 10 Dec 2022 + 15% off

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Exhibit 13
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Casablanca Design Center, Inc., v. Closets by Design, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 18 of 43 Page ID #:619

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

November 14, 2018

December 11, 2018

Page 1 of 24
Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 19 of 43 Page ID #:620

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

March 14, 2019

April 8, 2019

Page 2 of 24

Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 20 of 43 Page ID #:621

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

May 21, 2019

August 5, 2019

Page 3 of 24
Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 21 of 43 Page ID #:622

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

September 29, 2019

October 19, 2019

Page 4 of 24
Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 22 of 43 Page ID #:623

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

November 5, 2019

December 5, 2019

Page 5 of 24
Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 23 of 43 Page ID #:624

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

January 12, 2020

February 2, 2020

Page 6 of 24
Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 24 of 43 Page ID #:625

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

March 1, 2020

April 2, 2020

Page 7 of 24
Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 25 of 43 Page ID #:626

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

May 5, 2020

June 2, 2020

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Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 26 of 43 Page ID #:627

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

July 10, 2020

August 3, 2020

Page 9 of 24
Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 27 of 43 Page ID #:628

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

September 4, 2020

October 1, 2020

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Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 28 of 43 Page ID #:629

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by
October 3, 2020

November 1, 2020

Page 11 of 24
Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 29 of 43 Page ID #:630

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

December 21, 2020

January 7, 2021

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Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 30 of 43 Page ID #:631

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

February 5, 2021

March 2, 2021

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Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 31 of 43 Page ID #:632

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

April 7, 2021

May 5, 2021

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Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 32 of 43 Page ID #:633

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

June 17, 2021

July 7, 2021

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Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 33 of 43 Page ID #:634

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

August 1, 2021

September 18, 2021

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Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 34 of 43 Page ID #:635

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

October 15, 2021

November 1, 2021

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Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 35 of 43 Page ID #:636

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

December 19, 2021

January 26, 2022

Page 18 of 24
Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 36 of 43 Page ID #:637

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

February 14, 2022

March 25, 2022

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Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 37 of 43 Page ID #:638

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

April 1, 2022

June 26, 2022

Page 20 of 24
Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 38 of 43 Page ID #:639

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

July 18, 2022

August 13, 2022

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Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 39 of 43 Page ID #:640

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

September 18, 2022

October 17, 2022

Page 22 of 24
Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 40 of 43 Page ID #:641

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

November 3, 2022

December 3, 2022

Page 23 of 24
Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 41 of 43 Page ID #:642

Monthly Screenshots of the

Closets By Design, Inc. Website Homepage
as Captured by

January 6, 2023

February 10, 2023

Page 24 of 24
Exhibit 14
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 42 of 43 Page ID #:643

Casablanca Design Center, Inc., v. Closets by Design, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-3 Filed 04/10/24 Page 43 of 43 Page ID #:644

Samples of the Closets by Design’s “Terms and Conditions”

for its Perpetual “40% Off” Sale Offer

As published in September 2022

As published in March 2023

Exhibit 15
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 1 of 19 Page ID #:645

Casablanca Design Center, Inc., v. Closets by Design, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 2 of 19 Page ID #:646


1. I am a Records Request Processor at the Internet Archive. I make this declaration
of my own personal knowledge.

2. The Internet Archive is a website that provides access to a digital library of Internet
sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide
free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public. The Internet
Archive has partnered with and receives support from various institutions,
including the Library of Congress.

3. The Internet Archive has created a service known as the Wayback Machine. The
Wayback Machine makes it possible to browse more than 450 billion pages stored
in the Internet Archive's web archive. Visitors to the Wayback Machine can search
archives by URL (i.e., a website address). If archived records for a URL are
available, the visitor will be presented with a display of available dates. The visitor
may select one of those dates, and begin browsing an archived version of the Web.
Links on archived files in the Wayback Machine point to other archived files
(whether HTML pages or other file types), if any are found for the URL indicated
by a given link. For instance, the Wayback Machine is designed such that when a
visitor clicks on a hyperlink on an archived page that points to another URL, the
visitor will be served the archived file found for the hyperlink’s URL with the
closest available date to the initial file containing the hyperlink.

4. The archived data made viewable and browseable by the Wayback Machine is
obtained by use of web archiving software that automatically stores copies of files
available via the Internet, each file preserved as it existed at a particular point in

5. The Internet Archive assigns a URL on its site to the archived files in the format[Year in yyyy][Month in mm][Day in dd][Time code in
hh:mm:ss]/[Archived URL] aka an “extended URL”. Thus, the extended URL would be the
URL for the record of the Internet Archive home page HTML file
( archived on January 26, 1997 at 4:58 a.m. and 28
seconds (1997/01/26 at 04:58:28). The date indicated by an extended URL applies
to a preserved instance of a file for a given URL, but not necessarily to any other
files linked therein. Thus, in the case of a page constituted by a primary HTML file
and other separate files (e.g., files with images, audio, multimedia, design
elements, or other embedded content) linked within that primary HTML file, the
primary HTML file and the other files will each have their own respective extended
URLs and may not have been archived on the same dates.

6. Attached hereto as Exhibit A are true and accurate copies of screenshots of the
Internet Archive's records of the archived files for the URLs and the dates specified
in the attached coversheet of each printout.

Exhibit 16
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 3 of 19 Page ID #:647

7. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

April 4, 2023
DATE: ________________________ ________________________
Nathaniel E Frank-White

Exhibit 16
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 4 of 19 Page ID #:648


Exhibit 16
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 5 of 19 Page ID #:649

Exhibit 16
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 6 of 19 Page ID #:650

Casablanca Design Center, Inc., v. Closets by Design, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 7 of 19 Page ID #:651

Closets by Design Social Media

Facebook “About” Page

Instagram homepage

Exhibit 17
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 8 of 19 Page ID #:652

Casablanca Design Center, Inc., v. Closets by Design, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 9 of 19 Page ID #:653

Closets by Design Franchisee Instagram Accounts

Exhibit 18
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 10 of 19 Page ID #:654

Casablanca Design Center, Inc., v. Closets by Design, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 11 of 19 Page ID #:655

Closets by Design Social Media Advertising

Meta “About” page for Closets by Design

Meta Report for Closets by Design advertisement campaign for February 2023

Meta Report for Closets by Design advertisement campaign for March 2023

Exhibit 19
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 12 of 19 Page ID #:656

Casablanca Design Center, Inc., v. Closets by Design, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 13 of 19 Page ID #:657

Previous Instagram Advertisements

by Closets By Design, Inc.

Published on: December 14, 2018

Offer Expiration Date: January 24, 2019
Advertising Claim: “Take advantage of our holiday promo”

Published on: January 19, 2019

Offer Expiration Date: January 24, 2019
Advertising Claim: “Last chance to take advantage of this amazing offer”

Page 1 of 7
Exhibit 20
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 14 of 19 Page ID #:658

Previous Instagram Advertisements

by Closets By Design, Inc.

Published on: May 14, 2019

Offer Expiration Date: June 30, 2019
Advertising Claim: “Summer Special”

Published on: June 10, 2019

Offer Expiration Date: July 31, 2019
Advertising Claim: “Summer Special”

Page 2 of 7
Exhibit 20
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 15 of 19 Page ID #:659

Previous Instagram Advertisements

by Closets By Design, Inc.

Published on: November 30, 2019

Offer Expiration Date: December 31, 2019
Advertising Claim: “Holiday Special”

Published on: December 11, 2019

Offer Expiration Date: January 28, 2020
Advertising Claim: “Our best offer of the year is still going on”

Page 3 of 7
Exhibit 20
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 16 of 19 Page ID #:660

Previous Instagram Advertisements

by Closets By Design, Inc.

Published on: March 14, 2020

Offer Expiration Date: NONE
Advertising Claim: None

Published on: April 15, 2020

Offer Expiration Date: NONE
Advertising Claim: “take advantage of our best offer of the year”

Page 4 of 7
Exhibit 20
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 17 of 19 Page ID #:661

Previous Instagram Advertisements

by Closets By Design, Inc.

Published on: August 22, 2020

Offer Expiration Date: NONE
Advertising Claim: “For a limited time”

Published on: September 26, 2020

Offer Expiration Date: September 30, 2020
Advertising Claim: “It’s Your Last Chance”

Page 5 of 7
Exhibit 20
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 18 of 19 Page ID #:662

Previous Instagram Advertisements

by Closets By Design, Inc.

Published on: November 7, 2020

Offer Expiration Date: November 30, 2020
Advertising Claim: “Big News”

Published on: February 2, 2021

Offer Expiration Date: “over at the end of the month”
Advertising Claim: “Last Chance”

Page 6 of 7
Exhibit 20
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-4 Filed 04/10/24 Page 19 of 19 Page ID #:663

Previous Instagram Advertisements

by Closets By Design, Inc.

Published on: March 1, 2021

Offer Expiration Date: None
Advertising Claim: “Take advantage of our new promotion”

Published on: July 3, 2021

Offer Expiration Date: July 31, 2021
Advertising Claim: “Slide into summer savings”

Page 7 of 7
Exhibit 20
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 1 of 18 Page ID #:664

Casablanca Design Center, Inc., v. Closets by Design, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 2 of 18 Page ID #:665

Exhibit 21

2 of 6 2/21/2023, 9:01 AM
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 3 of 18 Page ID #:666

Exhibit 21
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 4 of 18 Page ID #:667

Casablanca Design Center, Inc., v. Closets by Design, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 5 of 18 Page ID #:668

Screenshots of
1. Closets by Design adversement from Ballard Facebook on March 6, 2023 and the
2. Hyperlinked Closets by Design Terms and Condions on March 6, 2023

Exhibit 22
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 6 of 18 Page ID #:669

Screenshots of
1. Closets by Design Adversement from Ballard Instagram on March 6, 2023 and the
2. Hyperlinked Closets by Design Terms and Condions on March 6, 2023

Exhibit 22
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 7 of 18 Page ID #:670

Casablanca Design Center, Inc., v. Closets by Design, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 8 of 18 Page ID #:671

Screenshots of
1. Closets by Design adversement from Ballard Facebook on March 13, 2023 and the
2. Hyperlinked Closets by Design Terms and Condions on March 13, 2023

Exhibit 23
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 9 of 18 Page ID #:672

Screenshots of
1. Closets by Design adversement from Ballard Instagram on March 13, 2023 and the
2. Hyperlinked Closets by Design Terms and Condions on March 13, 2023

Exhibit 23
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 10 of 18 Page ID #:673

Casablanca Design Center, Inc., v. Closets by Design, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 11 of 18 Page ID #:674


1. I am a Records Request Processor at the Internet Archive. I make this declaration
of my own personal knowledge.

2. The Internet Archive is a website that provides access to a digital library of Internet
sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide
free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public. The Internet
Archive has partnered with and receives support from various institutions,
including the Library of Congress.

3. The Internet Archive has created a service known as the Wayback Machine. The
Wayback Machine makes it possible to browse more than 450 billion pages stored
in the Internet Archive's web archive. Visitors to the Wayback Machine can search
archives by URL (i.e., a website address). If archived records for a URL are
available, the visitor will be presented with a display of available dates. The visitor
may select one of those dates, and begin browsing an archived version of the Web.
Links on archived files in the Wayback Machine point to other archived files
(whether HTML pages or other file types), if any are found for the URL indicated
by a given link. For instance, the Wayback Machine is designed such that when a
visitor clicks on a hyperlink on an archived page that points to another URL, the
visitor will be served the archived file found for the hyperlink’s URL with the
closest available date to the initial file containing the hyperlink.

4. The archived data made viewable and browseable by the Wayback Machine is
obtained by use of web archiving software that automatically stores copies of files
available via the Internet, each file preserved as it existed at a particular point in

5. The Internet Archive assigns a URL on its site to the archived files in the format[Year in yyyy][Month in mm][Day in dd][Time code in
hh:mm:ss]/[Archived URL] aka an “extended URL”. Thus, the extended URL would be the
URL for the record of the Internet Archive home page HTML file
( archived on January 26, 1997 at 4:58 a.m. and 28
seconds (1997/01/26 at 04:58:28). The date indicated by an extended URL applies
to a preserved instance of a file for a given URL, but not necessarily to any other
files linked therein. Thus, in the case of a page constituted by a primary HTML file
and other separate files (e.g., files with images, audio, multimedia, design
elements, or other embedded content) linked within that primary HTML file, the
primary HTML file and the other files will each have their own respective extended
URLs and may not have been archived on the same dates.

6. Attached hereto as Exhibit A are true and accurate copies of screenshots of the
Internet Archive's records of the archived files for the URLs and the dates specified
in the attached coversheet of each printout.

Exhibit 24
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 12 of 18 Page ID #:675

7. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

April 10, 2023

DATE: ________________________ ________________________
Nathaniel E Frank-White

Exhibit 24
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 13 of 18 Page ID #:676


Exhibit 24
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 14 of 18 Page ID #:677

Exhibit 24
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 15 of 18 Page ID #:678

Casablanca Design Center, Inc., v. Closets by Design, et al.

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 16 of 18 Page ID #:679

Chronology of Adversements Appearing on Homepage

as Archived by the WayBack Machine (

Date Adver sement Other Representa on

April 2018 40% off Free Installa on 12 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC1
May 2018 40% off Free Installa on 12 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC
June 2018 40% off Free Installa on 12 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC
July 2018 40% off Free Installa on 12 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC
August 2018 40% off Free Installa on 12 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC – Expires in 30 days
September 2018 40% off Free Installa on 12 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC – Expires in 30 days
October 2018 40% off Free Installa on 12 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC – Expires in 30 days
November 2018 40% off Free Installa on 12 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC – Expires in 30 days
December 2018 50% off Free Installa on 12 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC – Expires 1/28/2019
January 2019 50% off Free Installa on 12 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC – Expires 1/28/2019
February 2019 50% off Free Installa on 12 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC – Expires 1/28/2019
March 2019 50% off Free Installa on 12 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC – Expires 1/28/2019
April 2019
May 2019
June 2019
July 2019 50% off Free Installa on 12 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC
August 2019 40% off Free Installa on 18 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC
September 2019
October 2019 40% off Free Installa on 18 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC
November 2019 50% off Free Installa on 18 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC – Expires 12/31/2019
December 2019 50% off Free Installa on 18 months of Free Financing with 0% APR OAC – Expires 12/31/2019
January 2020
February 2020
March 2020 50% off Free Installa on Expires April 31, 20202. 18 Mo. Free Financing Expires May 31, 2020
April 2020 50% off Free Installa on Expires April 31, 2020. 18 Mo. Free Financing Expires May 31, 20203
May 2020 50% off Free Installa on Expires May 31, 2020. 18 Mo. Free Financing Expires May 31, 2020
June 2020 50% off Free Installa on Expires June 30, 2020. 18 Mo. Free Financing Expires June 30, 2020
July 2020 50% off Free Installa on Expires August 31, 2020. 18 Mo. Free Financing Expires August 31, 2020
August 2020 50% off Free Installa on Expires August 31, 2020. 18 Mo. Free Financing Expires August 31, 2020
September 2020 50% off Free Installa on Expires September 30, 2020. 18 Mo. Free Financing Expires September 30, 2020
October 2020 50% off Free Installa on Expires November 16, 2020. 18 Mo. Free Financing Expires November, 2020
November 2020 50% off Free Installa on Expires December 31, 2020. 18 Mo. Free Financing Expires December 31, 2020
December 2020 50% off Free Installa on Expires December 31, 2020. 18 Mo. Free Financing Expires December 31, 2020

Exhibit 25
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 17 of 18 Page ID #:680

Chronology of Adversements Appearing on Homepage

as Archived by the WayBack Machine (

Date Adver sement Other Representa on

January 2021 50% off Free Installa on Expires February 28, 2021. 18 Mo. Free Financing Expires February 28, 2021
February 2021 50% off Free Installa on Expires February 28, 2021. 18 Mo. Free Financing Expires February 28, 20214
March 2021 No Ad
April 2021 40% off Free Installa on Expires April 30, 2021. 12 Mo. Free Financing Expires April 30, 2021
May 2021 50% off Free Installa on Expires July 22, 2021. 18 Mo. Free Financing Expires June 30, 2021
June 2021 50% off Free Installa on Expires July 22, 2021. 18 Mo. Free Financing Expires June 30, 2021
July 2021 50% off Free Installa on Expires July 31, 2021. 18 Mo. Free Financing
August 2021 50% off Free Installa on. 18 Mo. Free Financing OAC
September 2021 40% off Free Installa on. 12 Mo. Free Financing OAC
October 2021 40% off Free Installa on. 12 Mo. Free Financing OAC
November 2021 50% off Free Installa on. 18 Mo. Free Financing OAC
December 2021 50% off Free Installa on. 18 Mo. Free Financing OAC
January 2022 50% off Free Installa on. 12 Mo. Free Financing OAC
February 2022 50% off Free Installa on. 18 Mo. Free Financing OAC
March 2022 40% off Free Installa on. 18 Mo. Free Financing OAC
April 2022 40% off Free Installa on. 18 Mo. Free Financing OAC
May 2022 50% off Free Installa on. 18 Mo. Free Financing OAC
June 2022 50% off Free Installa on. 12 Mo. Free Financing OAC
July 2022 50% off Free Installa on. 12 Mo. Free Financing OAC
August 2022 50% off Free Installa on. 18 Mo. Free Financing OAC
September 2022 40% off Free Installa on. 18 Mo. Free Financing OAC
October 2022 40% off Free Installa on. 12 Mo. Free Financing OAC
November 2022 50% off Free Installa on. 12 Mo. Free Financing OAC
December 2022 50% off Free Installa on. 12 Mo. Free Financing OAC
January 2023 50% off Free Installa on. 12 Mo. Free Financing OAC
February 2023 50% off Free Installa on. 12 Mo. Free Financing OAC
March 2023 40+10% off Free Installa on. 12 Mo. Free Financing OAC

Exhibit 25
Case 2:23-cv-02155-ODW-PD Document 40-5 Filed 04/10/24 Page 18 of 18 Page ID #:681

Chronology of Adversements Appearing on Homepage

as Archived by the WayBack Machine (

1. OAC – On Approved Credit
2. April 31 is not a date on the calendar
3. Addi onal ad on web page – 2 Year Same as Cash Financing – Ad runs from April, 2020 thru June, 2020. Direct conflict with 18 month ad on same page
4. Addi onal ad on web page – 12 Month Same as Cash Financing – Ad runs from February 2021. Direct conflict with 18 month ad on same page

Exhibit 25

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