Forms of Energy
Forms of Energy
Forms of Energy
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boy has the greatest gravitational =
'•:::.:::.•·. potential energy when he is at position A.
He has the smallest gravitational potential
• • ener gy when he is at position B.
Kinetic Energy
9. When an object moves, it possesses kinetic energy.
10. Kinetic energy is related to the speed of a moving object.
11. The faster an object moves, the greater its kinetic energy.
12. Kinetic energy is also related to the mass of the moving object.
13. A moving object with a greater mass has a greater kinetic energy than
another object with a smaller mass moving at the same speed.
Transferring Energy
14. Energy cannot be destroyed or created but can be transferred from one
object to another.
Water flow A Kinetic energy
In terms of forces,
the water pushes
the water wheel,
making it turn.
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • t. .............................................................
Conversions of Energy
15. Energy cannot be destroyed or created but can be converted from one
form into another.
16. Examples of conversion of energy:
Example Energy conversion{s)
1 1/ battery
bulb In the battery: chemical potential energy
� electrical energy
In the bulb: electrical energy� heat+ light
spring ball
Elastic potential energy of compressed
spring � kinetic energy of ball
Science Bites
We know that the battery is used to produce electricity. There are also dynamos
and generators that convert kinetic energy into electrical energy.
17. Experiment
To find out the relationship between gravitational potential energy and
kinetic energy
Release a ball from the top of an inclined plane at height h. Measure the
horizontal distance travelled by the ball. Repeat the previous steps with
increasing height h of inclined plane.
1 15
When the ball rolls down the inclined plane, its gravitational potential
energy changes to kinetic energy. From the results, the higher from which
the ball is released, the further the ball travels.
The greater the gravitational potential energy of the ball, the greater the
kinetic energy of the ball when it reaches the bottom of the inclined plane.
released marble
rolled back
,, �/
The marble moves past the lowest position B and stops momentarily at
position C before rolling back.
(a) Why does the marble reach position C, which 1s lower than
position A? [1]
Some kinetic energy of the bal I has been lost as heat due to friction.
(b) Jie Ling applies oil on the bowl so that the marble reaches a higher
position than C before rolling back. Explain whether it will reach a
position higher than position A. [1]
No, it will not reach a position higher than position A. The marble only has
the amount of gravitational potential energy to reach the same level as
position A.
2. Swee Lin pulled a rubber band back and launched a stone from
position A. The stone hit a suspended block which moved to B and to the
highest position C.
�.·.skill . ..
Recalling knowledge Energy comes in different forms. Energy can be
and concepts converted from one form into another.
Identifying forms of A stretched rubber band possesses elastic potential
energy energy. A moving stone possesses kinetic energy.
The stone that is in its highest position of its swing
possesses gravitational potentiar energy.
Elastic potential energy in stretched rubber band at A � kinetic energy
of stone and block � gravitational potential energy of block at C
(b) Without modifying the set-up, suggest a way to make the block
swing to a higher position. Explain your answer. [1]
'Description ••
Generating possibility To make the block swing higher, the stone needs to
have more kinetic energy. This means there should
be more elastic potential energy in the stretched
rubber band.
Pull the rubber band back further. The rubber band would stretch more
and store more elastic potential energy.