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BHCN Transport Impact Assessment Stantec

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Box Hill Central North

Transport Impact Assessment

21/06/2022 Ref: 301401289


Vicinity Centres A. Farah, M. Henderson, T. De Young

Issue Date Description Prepared By Checked By Approved By Signed
A 21/06/2022 Final Abdirahman Mitch Tim De Young
Farah Henderson

A masterplan has been prepared by Bates Smart for Vicinity Centres for the redevelopment of Box Hill Central North. The
masterplan entails the demolition of the existing retail floor area and associated car parking on the site to create seven
separate development lots, a new road network and associated laneways.

In the context of the existing site, the masterplan for Box Hill Central North has been developed with an approach that:

1. Prioritises walking and cycling through the precinct.

2. Enhances connectivity to surrounding public transport services, both for the residents / employees / visitors of the
precinct itself and the broader community in the surrounding area.
3. Creates an improved public realm within the precinct, including the provision of a new street network through the site
(extension of Prospect Street and Clisby Court) and two new parks which accommodate the diverse needs to all users.
4. Limits the provision of car parking (as far as commercially practicable) to proactively reduce traffic impacts of the
development of the site and encourage the use of active and public transport.

For the Box Hill Central North precinct, the overarching implication of adopting this framework is that the design of the new
internal street proposed in the masterplan should focus on the optimisation of the street as a place where people are likely
to dwell, with traffic movement being subservient. In this scenario, congestion on the street should not be seen as a “problem
to solve” at the expense of the place or the movement of people, but rather an acceptable outcome that may act to discourage
vehicle traffic and maximise the amenity of the street as a place.

The masterplan proposes to accommodate these additional trips, and improve the overall liveability of the precinct and the
Box Hill MAC, by completion of the following responses:

Walking & Cycling Responses:

- The creation of a new street network through to link Prospect Street and Clisby Court, which includes road
works at the Whitehorse Road / Clisby Court and Nelson Road / Prospect Street intersections to improve their

- The extension of Main Street to the new street network to improve pedestrian connectivity to, from and through
the site for the benefit of the Box Hill MAC and surrounding destinations like Box Hill Hospital and Box Hill
Institute of TAFE.

- The closure of Fairbank Lane to the immediate north of the Box Hill Central site to extend the parklet located
adjacent Whitehorse Road.

- The provision of area to facilitate ability for Council to incorporate future cycle and pedestrian link over the
train line along the western edge of the site.

- The provision of bicycle parking infrastructure which will exceed statutory requirements.

Public Transport Responses:

- The provision of improved pedestrian connections through the site from its development and the surrounding
area to the train station. (The public transport accessibility of this train station is also to be enhanced by the
proposed Suburban Rail Loop project).

- The provision of car parking at rates well below statutory requirements as a proactive means to reduce traffic
impacts by encouraging the use of public transport.

- The commitment to other “soft measures”, such as Green Travel Plans for each development and enhanced
wayfinding signage within the new public realm.
Traffic (& Car Parking) Responses

- The adoption of site-specific maximum car parking rates to proactively reduce traffic impacts and thereby
result in a traffic deintensification of the site. The recommended rates are:

• Residential:
• One-bedroom apartments: 1 resident car space per apartment
• Two-bedroom apartments: 1 resident car space per apartment
• Three-bedroom apartments: 2 resident car spaces per apartment
• Visitors: 0.1 visitor car spaces per apartment
• Office: 2 car spaces per 100sqm NFA
• Shop: 3.5 car spaces per 100sqm NLA

- The introduction of service laneways to provide vehicle access to development lots (as far as practicable) to
minimise crossovers onto Prospect Street.

- The potential to implement other measures as recommended in the Box Hill ITS with future stages of

These responses can be expected to safely and efficiently accommodate the anticipated trip generation of the development
of the precinct and enable enhanced connections to the Box Hill MAC, the Box Hill Train Station and surrounding land uses
likes Box Hill Hospital and Box Hill Institute of TAFE.

It is noted that the responses are also consistent with the overarching themes and recommendations of the Box Hill ITS
which speaks to the allocation of road space to more efficient and sustainable modes of transport, providing a safe and
secure transport network, providing accessible and integrated walking, cycling and public transport networks.
1 Introduction

Box Hill Central North Masterplan

Introduction | 3
A masterplan has been prepared by Bates Smart for Vicinity Centres for the redevelopment of Box Hill
Central North. The masterplan entails the demolition of the existing retail floor area and associated car
parking on the site to create seven separate development lots. The layout of the masterplan is shown in
Figure 1.1, with the indicative land use summary outlined in Table 1.1.

Figure 1.1: Masterplan Layout (Masterplan Report, Bate Smart)

Table 1.1: Development Summary

Lot Predominate Residential GFA Commercial Retail GLAR Approx. Car
Land Use NLA Park Yield
Lot 1 Residential 25,160sqm 3,419sqm 564sqm 222 spaces
Lot 2 Residential 34,000sqm 3,572sqm 505sqm 222 spaces
Lot 3 Residential 37,420sqm 3,461sqm 534sqm 221 spaces
Lot 4 Residential 37,253sqm 7,615sqm 865sqm 224 spaces
Lot 5 Office - 40,963sqm 1,317sqm 202 spaces
Lot 6&7 Residential 38,530sqm 6,926sqm 494sqm 307 spaces
Total 172,363 sqm 69,956sqm 4,279sqm 1,398 spaces
(approx. 1,750 apartments)

A previous masterplan was prepared and submitted to Department of Environment, Land, Water and
Planning (DELWP) for this site in 2020 for which Stantec (then GTA) prepared a Transport Impact
Assessment. This masterplan received feedback from Council and other parties which led to this
resubmission. This revised masterplan considers that feedback and now includes the following changes
from the original submission:

Combining of access points to Lots 6 and 7 and the closing of Lane 3 (Lane 4 in the previous
submission) to vehicular traffic.

Relocation of the access to Lot 3 away from Clisby Court to Lane 1.

Replacement of the Prospect Street / Nelson Road roundabout with a raised T-intersection to improve
pedestrian and cyclist safety and priority. This can be achieved due to the closure of Lane 3 to
vehicular traffic (it is noted that this intersection treatment is more consistent with the actions and
intentions of the ITS).

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Introduction | 4

Narrowing of the road width at Clisby Court near Whitehorse Road to provide additional
footpath/landscaping (this could be achieved due to the relocated access to Lot 3).

The introduction of “Fairbank Park Extension”, an area of additional public open space between Lots
1 and 2.

Localised widening of the bend between Clisby Court and Prospect Street to achieve safer heavy
vehicle movements through the bend.

The proposed land uses and the yields of each lot are generally consistent with the original submission.


The report sets out a high-level assessment of the transport impacts of the proposed development envisaged
in the masterplan including the key transport responses / design attributes that have informed the
masterplan. It considers:

The existing conditions pursuant the transport network in the vicinity of the site and any relevant
transport or planning policy relevant to the site – refer to Section 2

The design principles that have informed the development of the masterplan including a review of its
consistency with contemporary Movement and Place theory– refer to Section 3

The expected trip generation of the proposed development and the proposed transport response to
best accommodate these trips on the surrounding transport network – refer to Section 4

The details of the proposed transport response with respect to each relevant transport mode /
consideration, such as:

- Walking & Cycling – refer to Section 5

- Public transport – refer to Section 6

- Traffic (& car parking) – refer to Section 7

This transport impact assessment is strategic in nature and has been prepared in support of the masterplan,
which forms the basis of the planning scheme amendment for the precinct. Future detailed development
plans, including transport assessments as required, for each stage of the master plan will be informed by
this TIA and will be required to demonstrated that they are generally consistent with the master plan.

In preparing this report, reference has been made to the following:

Whitehorse Planning Scheme

plans for the proposed Masterplan prepared by Bates Smart

Public Realm Master Plan prepared by Lat27

Australian Standard / New Zealand Standard, Parking Facilities (AS2890)

Box Hill MAC Integrated Transport Strategy, Whitehorse City Council, adopted September 2020

traffic and car parking surveys undertaken by Stantec as referenced in the context of this report

other documents as referenced throughout the report

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Introduction | 5

2 Existing Conditions

Box Hill Central North Masterplan

Existing Conditions | 6
Box Hill Central North is located at 17-21 Market Street in Box Hill adjacent Whitehorse Road within a
Commercial 1 Zone (CZ1) and within the Box Hill Major Activity Centre. The site is currently occupied by a
retail and car parking land use. The location of the site and the surrounding environs is shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Subject Site and Environs



The Box Hill Central North Shopping Centre provides a total of 882 car spaces (including car parking on the
site and immediately adjacent to it) and approximately 14,599sqm of retail floor area.



The Box Hill area generally enjoys a well-connected pedestrian network, with all streets in the local area
having sealed footpaths and streetlighting.

However, it is noted that there are significant barriers to pedestrian movement at present, particularly the rail
reserve and Whitehorse Road, and the existing built form of Box Hill Central North itself. These barriers limit
the ease in which future north-south and east-west connections can be provided.

Box Hill train station, tram terminus and bus stations are approximately 250m walking distance from the site.
Pedestrians can access the stations by either travelling along Prospect Street, Whitehorse Road, or Market
street, through the multi-deck car parking area, or through the Box Hill Central North shopping centre as a


There is currently limited cycling infrastructure around Box Hill, particularly for north-south routes.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Existing Conditions | 7

Whitehorse Road, which provides access east-west, carries high traffic volumes and is dominated by vehicle
movements. Station Street aligned north-south, has narrow traffic lane widths and is unattractive for cyclists
for this reason.

The cycle infrastructure currently in place includes:

From the east, there is a shared path running along the north side of the rail line which connects with
the Box Hill to Ringwood Bicycle Path.

From the west, there is an on-road cycle lane on Mont Albert Road.

From the south, there is a shared path running along the eastern side of Surrey Park which then
connects to Thurston Street where there is a mix of on-road cycle lanes and ‘sharrows’.


Box Hill has excellent access to and is well serviced by public transport as shown in Figure 2.2 and highlights
that existing public transport services in the vicinity of the site include:

Heavy rail, with trains running to the CBD at a frequency of approx. 3.5 minutes (with a journey time
of approx. 15-30 minutes) during peak periods.

Bus services, including 16 bus routes, operating from the central bus interchange located on the
existing roof of the Box Hill Central South Shopping Centre.

Tram services, being route 109 on Whitehorse Road.

The excellent access to public transport is evident in the travel times catchments as detailed in Figure 2.15.
The catchment in the east-west direction is significant, with Melbourne CBD being within a 30-mins (approx.)
journey. The north-south catchment is still considered large for suburban Melbourne but is less extensive
than the east-west direction as it relies heavily on the bus network. The north-south catchment is expected
greatly increase as a result of the Suburban Rail Loop.

Figure 2.2: Existing Public Transport Network


Box Hill Central North Masterplan Existing Conditions | 8


The key roads in the vicinity of the site include Whitehorse Road to the north, Prospect Street and Nelson
Road to the west and Clisby Court to the north. The key characteristics of these roads, together with their
daily traffic volume levels, is discussed below. Whitehorse Road

Whitehorse Road functions as a primary state arterial road and is located in a Road Zone (Category 1).

It is a two-way road aligned in an east-west direction and configured with a 4-lane, 20+ metre wide
carriageway set within a 30 to 60 metre road reserve (approx.). Kerbside car parking is generally not
permitted, although there are sections of parallel parking provided near shop front doors.

Whitehorse Road carries approximately 30,000 vehicles per day and is shown in Figure 2.3 and Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.3: Whitehorse Road (Looking East) Figure 2.4: Whitehorse Road (Looking West) Prospect Street

Prospect Street functions as a local traffic street road.

It is a two-way road aligned in an east-west direction and configured with a 2-lane, 9.4 metre wide
carriageway set within a 15 metre road reserve (approx.). Kerbside loading zone parking for is permitted on
the north side of the road. Prospect Street is shown in Figure 2.5 and Figure 2.6.

It is noted that Prospect Street terminates at the site at its eastern end at a small “court bowl”. It also provides
vehicle access to car parking within Box Hill Central North.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Existing Conditions | 9

Figure 2.5: Prospect Street (Looking East) Figure 2.6: Prospect Street (Looking West) Nelson Road

Nelson Road functions as a collector road.

It is a two-way road aligned in a north-south direction and configured with a 2-lane, 14 metre wide
carriageway set within a 20 metre road reserve (approx.). Kerbside parking is not permitted along its length
south of Whitehorse Road.

Nelson Road (south of Whitehorse Road) carries approximately 8,000 vehicles per day and is shown in
Figure 2.7 and Figure 2.8.

Figure 2.7: Nelson Road (looking North) Figure 2.8: Nelson Road (looking South) Clisby Court

Clisby Court functions as a local street. It is a two-way dead end road aligned in a north-south direction and
configured with a 2-lane, 9 metre wide carriageway set within a 15 metre wide road reserve (approx.). The
primary utilisation of the road is to access loading. Kerbside parking is not permitted.


Transport surveys were undertaken in the vicinity of Box Hill Central North on Thursday 13 th and Saturday
15th December 2018. As part of the revised masterplan work, SCATS traffic volume history data was
analysed at Whitehorse Road / Nelson Road from 2nd to 8th May 2022. The analysis found that the traffic
volumes from the 2018 survey were higher than the 2022 SCATS data by about 10%. The potential reasons
for this include COVID-affected reduced travel demands and/or the 2018 traffic surveys were taken in late
December which typically generate higher retail trade. For conservatism, the 2018 traffic survey data was

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Existing Conditions | 10

taken as the base volumes on the network. The traffic survey data for the AM, PM and Saturday lunchtime
peaks are summarised in Figure 2.9 to Figure 2.11.

The traffic volumes to and from the Box Hill Central North car parks are:

Weekday AM Peak Hour: 265 vehicle movements per hour

(or 0.30 vehicle movements per hour per car space).

Weekday PM Peak Hour: 565 vehicle movements per hour

(or 0.64 vehicle movements per hour per car space).

Saturday Lunchtime Peak Hour: 806 vehicle movements per hour

(or 0.91 vehicle movements per hour per car space).

Figure 2.9: Weekday AM Traffic Volumes

Figure 2.10: Weekday PM Traffic Volumes

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Existing Conditions | 11

Figure 2.11: Saturday Lunchtime Traffic Volumes

To assess the accessibility of the MAC in comparison to other activity centres, Stantec has extracted and
reviewed additional data to compare the actual population of residents and office workers living within a 30-
minute car and 45-minute public transport journey of Box Hill (and other suburbs)1.

This data has been extracted using a combination of open source, HERE and ABS data, with the catchments
measured from an approximate midpoint of the suburbs (e.g. for South Yarra, the data is measured from the
Chapel Street / Toorak Road intersection). The available catchments and resultant data is summarised in
Figure 2.12, Figure 2.13, Figure 2.14 and Figure 2.15 with key findings including:

Box Hill has a lesser population living within a 30-minute car journey catchment than South Yarra,
Cremorne, Collingwood, Melbourne / St Kilda Road, and Kew.

Box Hill has a greater population living with a 45-minute public transport catchment than the other
comparable suburbs, with the recorded catchment comparable to South Yarra (midpoint at Chapel
Street / Toorak Road intersection).

This analysis suggest that Box Hill is currently more accessible by public transport, but less accessible by
car (other than Footscray), than other comparable suburbs and activity centres. This comparison highlights
that the use of public transport to Box Hill should be favoured over private motor vehicle as the catchment
of Box Hill by this mode is significant. From a car parking perspective, this comparison also highlights that
should car parking provision be restricted In Box Hill, persons travelling to the area will have other transport
options (and indeed these options are likely to be better than those that exist at other areas like Cremorne
where reduced car parking rates are already adopted).

1 This data has been sourced for this project and a recent engagement by Stantec as GTA for Tim De Young to appear
on behalf of Boroondara City Council for an upcoming VCAT Hearing for an office development in Kew.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Existing Conditions | 12

Figure 2.12: Persons Living in Catchment

Figure 2.13: Office Workers Living in Catchment

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Existing Conditions | 13

Figure 2.14: Car Catchment – 30-minute Journey – Reference Map

Figure 2.15: Public Transport Catchments – 45-minute Journey – Reference Map

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Existing Conditions | 14


Plan Melbourne, the principal planning policy document in Victoria, seeks to address the challenge of
managing Melbourne’s rapid growth in a sustainable way by focusing, among other things, on the
development of hierarchy of activity centres in which growth can be focused.

It identifies Box Hill as one of the nine current Metropolitan Activity Centres (MACs) in Melbourne (noting
there are 2 future MACs to be added) – i.e., key activity and public transport hubs serving as priority locations
for future retail, housing and employment growth.


In September 2020, Whitehorse Council adopted the Box Hill MAC Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS). The
ITS includes an action plan which identifies 21 key initiatives with 61 specific actions to provide a vision for
the future of the Box Hill Metropolitan Activity Centre (MAC) and its surrounding area.

The document is underpinned by the vision statement for the creation of “an integrated, safe and accessible
transport system, providing a range of sustainable and efficient ways for people and goods to move around,
allowing and promoting Box Hill to thrive as the pre-eminent urban centre for Melbourne’s east.”

As part of the ITS, community consultation was undertaken which confirmed that strong support existed to
favour sustainable modes of transport within the activity centre even at the cost of reducing private vehicle
parking and increasing vehicle travel times. Key findings from the draft ITS is shown Figure 2.16.

Figure 2.16: Key Headlines from Community Consultation

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Existing Conditions | 15


The Suburban Rail Loop (SRL), announced in 2018, has been proposed to connect to Box Hill which will
only further improve public transport access for Box Hill. The Victorian Government has provided $9.3 billion
towards major works on stage 1 of the SRL project –SRL East – with trains expected to be running by 2035.

The SRL is proposed to fundamentally change public transport access for Melbourne, directly connecting
priority suburbs and precincts outside the inner city (such as Box Hill) and reducing reliance on the radial
transport network and road network.

The project will connect the middle suburban regions, including the Monash NEIC, Burwood education
precinct, Box Hill Metropolitan Activity Centre (MAC), La Trobe NEIC, Broadmeadows MAC, Melbourne
Airport, Sunshine NEIC and Werribee NEIC, as well as three of our major university precincts — Monash,
La Trobe and Deakin.

Figure 2.17 shows the conceptual alignment of SRL, noting that Stage 1 of the project will include
Cheltenham to Box Hill. Upon its completion, it will substantially improve public transport access for Box Hill
and provide even greater opportunities for public transport use as the preferred mode of travel for its
residents, employees, and visitors. Figure 2.18 shows the location of Box Hill Station relative to the study

Figure 2.17: Suburban Rail Loop Concept Map (Source: Victoria’s Big Build)

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Existing Conditions | 16

Figure 2.18: Suburban Rail Loop Box Hill Station (Source: SRL Authority, EES Summary Report)

Subject Site


Prepared in 2019, the Department of Transport’s Box Hill Transport Interchange (BHTI) Steering Committee
Report explores the future development of the BHTI and improvements to the bus network through Box Hill.
It recognises Box Hill as functioning as a Central Business District and describes Box Hill as ‘Melbourne’s
second CBD’.

The report outlines an Investment Logic Map supported by the Department of Development, Jobs, Transport
and Resources which describes the current problems and proposes responses and solutions to the identified
issues. Overall, these responses and solutions seek to improve the commuter transport services and
increase the connectivity of the Box Hill Activity Centre (BHAC). A summary list of the responses and
solutions, as it relates to the site are:

Improve BHTI operational efficiency

Improve the amenity and function of the BHTI

Increase the carrying capacity of the BHTI

Review and improve BHAC pedestrian movements and connectivity

Clarify future growth and development opportunities of BHAC, and implications for future transport
and community requirements

Reorganise BHAC road network to support efficient transport movements

The report also recognises that Box Hill has been subject to major growth in recent decades and there have
been several infrastructure upgrades to transport modes such as rail, bus and private vehicle to ensure
access is maintained. It notes, however, that the same level of investment has not been made toward the
pedestrian network and identifies a long walk between the current interchange and key destinations such as
Box Hill Institute. It recommended that the pedestrian network is considered in any future interchange works.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Existing Conditions | 17

The Box Hill Central North precinct is highly walkable and accessible by a range of high-frequency public
transport services, including bus, tram, and train services within 200m of the site. In contrast, its road and
cycling networks are either constrained or underdeveloped.

The net result of these conditions is that Box Hill enjoys a particularly large catchment of persons (and
workers) living within a 45-minute public transport journey of the site. This catchment is large not only in
comparison to other suburbs and activity centres (as summarised earlier in this chapter), but also in
comparison to the catchment of persons living within a 30-minute car journey of the site. This latter
comparison is outlined in Figure 2.15 (which overlays the previously presented public transport and car
catchments on the same figure) and highlights that a significant proportion of persons living within a 30-
minute car journey of the site could alternatively travel to the site via public transport within 45 minutes.

After the completion of the Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) project, and other improvements to the bus network
(as is recommended in Box Hill Transit Interchange Steering Committee Report), it follows that the public
transport catchment will significantly increase and potentially even exceed the available car catchment of
Box Hill. This infrastructure commitment provide confidence that development in Box Hill can and should
proactively favour walking, cycling and public transport use, over private motor vehicle, to best manage
transport impacts and improve the liveability of the precinct. This approach is supported by State and local
policy as well as Whitehorse City Council (draft) Box Hill MAC Integrated Transport Strategy.

Figure 2.19: Existing Vehicle and Public Transport Catchments from the Site

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Existing Conditions | 18

3 Traffic Generation

Box Hill Central North Masterplan

Traffic Generation | 19
The Box Hill MAC has exceptional public transport access which will only improve with the proposed
infrastructure investments such as the Suburban Rail Loop, which will only continue as the site further
develops as a metropolitan activity centre.

As it stands currently, access to Box Hill is predominantly by private vehicle, however ABS journey to work
data suggests that public transport comprises 30% of all trips to work at Box Hill which is double the Greater
Metropolitan Melbourne average of 15% (ABS, 2016).

This assessment adopts the approach of acknowledging the future aspiration for the Box Hill MAC and seeks
to minimise private transport and engrain sustainable travel habits early in the development.


For the purposes of the assessment contained in this report, mode splits for additional trips to/from the
proposed commercial, residential, and retail land uses have been assumed.

The target mode splits have been assumed based on our experience on other projects but remain indicative
only and for use only to estimate peak hour trips. The mode splits are slightly different to those presented in
previous Stantec reports only as separate mode splits have been provided for each land use.

The assumed / target mode splits assumed in this report are shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Assumed Mode Share

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic Generation | 20

The forecast trip generation of the land uses envisaged in the masterplan is detailed in Table 3.1 and
summarised in Figure 3.2, assuming the sources quoted and trip containment factors of 50% and 20% for
retail and residential land uses, respectively.

Table 3.1: Estimated Trip Generation during Weekday PM Peak Hour

Land Use Size Trip Generation Trip Generation External Trip
Rate Estimate Generation
7.5 trips / 100sqm
Retail 4,279sqm 321 trips 161 external trips
2.0 trips / 100sqm 1,319 external
Commercial 65,956sqm 1,319 trips
[2] trips
1,777 0.65 trips /
Residential 1,138 trips 910 external trips
apartments apartment [1]
2,390 external
Assumed, using guidance from NSW RMS Technical Direction (TDT 2013/04a)
Assumed, using guidance from NSW RMS Technical Direction (TDT 2013/04a). Represents average rate for inner
metropolitan offices and rounded up to nearest 0.5.

Figure 3.2: Estimated Trip Generation during Weekday PM Peak Hour

The assessment indicates that the land uses envisaged in the masterplan could be expected to generate
approximately 2,390 external person trips during the weekday PM peak hour, including approximately 1,727
person trips on public transport, 198 person trips by cycling only, 164 person trips by walking only, 173
person trips by car (as driver), and 128 person trips by other modes including ride share.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic Generation | 21


It is important to note that the total estimate outlined above represents the expected total trip generation of
the site following its full development and does not represent a net trip generation increase (above the
existing generation of the site).

The existing use of the site as a shopping centre with 14,599sqm of retail floor area is likely to generate
approximately 1,095 person trips during the weekday PM peak hour, assuming a trip generation rate of 7.5
trips per 100sqm and excluding any trip containment discount 2. Traffic surveys undertaken in 2018 at the
site indicate that approximately 550 vehicle trips are generated by the retail car parks in Box Hill Central
North. This data suggests that the existing use of the site has a relatively high reliance on car driver as a
mode of transport; equal to approximately 50%. Using this existing mode share to car driver as a base, the
following mode shares have been assumed for the existing retail land use: 10% walking, 5% cycling, 30%
public transport, 50% car driver and 5% other3.

Allowing for the existing trip generation of the retail floor area on the site (at the mode shares outlined above),
an estimate of the net trip generation increase following the full development of the site is presented in Figure
3.3. This assessment highlights that public transport trips are expected to notably increase (+1398 trips per
hour) whilst vehicle trips are expected to decrease (-375 trips per hour).

Figure 3.3 Estimated Trip Generation during Weekday PM Peak Hour – Net Increase over Existing

The adoption of a trip containment factor would not typically be applied in a single land use development, particularly for
a retail shopping centre which has a broader trade catchment.

These modes shares differ to those proposed for the new retail floor areas in the masterplan as the new area is expected
to operate as complementary to the office and residential land uses (not as standalone shopping centre).

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic Generation | 22

4 Design Principles

Box Hill Central North Masterplan

Design Principles | 23
In the context of the existing site context, the masterplan for Box Hill Central North has been developed with
an approach that:

Prioritises walking and cycling within and through the precinct.

Enhances connectivity to surrounding public transport services, both for the residents / employees /
visitors of the precinct itself and the broader community in the surrounding area.

Creates an improved public realm within the precinct, including the provision of a new street network
through the site (extension of Prospect Street and Clisby Court) which accommodate the diverse
needs of all users.

Limits the provision of car parking (as far as commercially practicable) to proactively reduce traffic
impacts of the development of the site by encouraging the use of public transport.


The design of the public realm / new street network has been developed having regard to the principles set
out in the Global Street Design Guide (prepared by Global Designing Cities Initiative in collaboration with
NACTO) which advocates for the prioritisation of people in this design process. This typically entails
recognising both the movement and place function of successful streets, as depicted in the street design
hierarchy shown in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: Street Design Prioritisation

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Design Principles | 24

Key design principles that have been sourced from this design guide include (but are not limited to) the


The design principles outlined above align with Movement and Place framework adopted in Victoria (and
elsewhere in Australia) which considers the use and classification of a street in terms of its movement
function alongside its place function.

For major highways and arterial roads, the movement function is paramount whereas the place function is
all but irrelevant. However, for minor streets such as that proposed through the Box Hill Central North
precinct, the place function is paramount, and the movement function is a lesser consideration.

The Movement and Place framework seeks to provide a consistent methodology for designing streets that
are best suited to prioritising travel movement, and those where greater interaction between people and
places can be encouraged. Movement and place principles and framework are broadly illustrated in Figure

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Design Principles | 25

Figure 4.2: Movement and Place Framework

In the definition of street types according to the movement and place framework, a street is assigned a
movement classification and a place classification on a scale of one to five. A movement classification M1
indicates a street which serves a mass movement function of people and/or goods with state or national-
level significance and M5 indicates local movements only. Similarly, a P1 classification is assigned to a place
of state or national significance and a P5 indicates a place of local significance only.

In the design of the Prospect Street extension to Clisby Court, the purpose of the road and its potential or
desired function is considered foremost which ultimately drives the design of the street and street scape, so
that it matches the intended purpose of the street. In terms of movement, the purpose or desire of the road
will be primarily to provide access to the individual lots for people and goods. In terms of place, the road is
situated within a precinct with active ground floor frontages, features public amenities as part of the Public
Realm, and includes set-back of building frontages.

In this regard, it is concluded that the desired function and purpose of the new street network within Box Hill
Central North, according the movement and place framework, is in the range of a M4 (movement of people
and/or goods within a municipality) and P2 or P3 (place of regional/municipal significance) as shown in
Figure 4.3 which denotes the street as a “city place” or “activity streets & boulevards”.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Design Principles | 26

Figure 4.3: Movement and Place Framework, Street Types Assessment Diagram

Prospect Street
extension to Clisby

The overarching implication of the use of this framework is that the design of the new internal street should
focus on the optimisation of the street as a place where people are likely to dwell, with traffic movement
being subservient. In this context, congestion on the street should not be seen as a “problem to solve” at the
expense of the place or the movement of people, but rather an acceptable outcome that may act to
discourage vehicle traffic and maximise the amenity of the street as a place.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Design Principles | 27

5 Walking and Cycling

Box Hill Central North Masterplan

Walking and Cycling Responses | 28
The development envisaged in the masterplan is expected to (ultimately) generate up to approximately 1,891
pedestrian trips during the weekday PM peak hour, including 1,727 person trips to/from nearby public
transport services and 164 walking only trips. In addition, approximately 198 cycling trips can be expected
in this peak hour.

The accommodation of this trip generation and other pedestrian trips that will occur through the site to/from
surrounding areas will be critical to the success of the precinct. The masterplan proposes to achieve this
outcome via a series of design responses, as outlined below. These responses will enhance pedestrian
permeability and safety of the Box Hill MAC to the benefit of the residents / employees / visitors of the
precinct and the broader community.


The masterplan proposes the creation of a new street network through linking Prospect Street and Clisby
Court, as shown in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1: New Street Network

In accordance with the principles outlined in Section 3 of this report, the new street network has been
designed with the following key features:

The width of the traffic carriageway has been minimised as far as practicable for the required vehicles
and the verge widths widened to accommodate the anticipated pedestrian movements to, from and
through the precinct as well as seating opportunities for adjacent cafes.

The vehicle access to adjacent development lots for car parking and loading is proposed via laneways
running off the new street (other than for Lot 4) to minimise vehicle-pedestrian conflicts. These
laneways will be designed as crossover-style driveways to the new street to maintain pedestrian
priority across the footpath.

The provision of ‘sharrow’ bicycle line marking on the new street network to promote the shared use
of the carriageway for cyclists and vehicles. (The provision of this treatment is considered appropriate
for the precinct given the proposed activation of footpaths and anticipated low traffic volumes on the

The street will be constructed with the following pedestrian crossings / provisions:

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Walking and Cycling Responses | 29

- At the Whitehorse Road interface: The street will feature a raised pedestrian threshold
treatment to slow vehicle movements and prioritise the movement of pedestrians crossing
along the southern side of Whitehorse Road.

- At the Nelson Road interface: The existing roundabout will be converted to a give-way raised
T-intersection (the southern laneway closed to vehicles) with kerb extensions and pedestrian
zebra crossing on all legs to make it safer for pedestrians to cross.

- At the junction where the extension of Prospect Street meets Clisby Court: The street will be
configured as a shared environment, with (for example) a raised pavement which is flush with
the adjacent verge widths. The purpose of the shared environment is to improve the safety
for vulnerable road users (such as pedestrians and cyclists), whilst still maintaining adequate
access for vehicles. The shared zone is strategically located to present as an extension to the
public plaza and link to Main Street which is the primary pedestrian connection to the train
station and Box Hill MAC. Exemplar shared environments from Victoria and NSW are shown
in Figure 5.2.

- The new street network will be design in such a way which will permit the closing of the road
for events to allow for pedestrian overflow.

Figure 5.2: Exemplar Shared Environments

1. Greville Street, Prahran, VIC 2. Wells Street, Frankston, VIC

3. Hargreaves Street, Bendigo, VIC 4. The Levee, Maitland, NSW


The masterplan addresses the existing lack of pedestrian connectivity in an east-west direction through the
site (which is precluded by the existing built form of the retail land uses) via the extension of Main Street to
the new street network.

This link will create a direct access to Box Hill Station and create a means for greater connectivity in the Box
Hill MAC and surrounding destinations such as Box Hill Hospital and Box Hill Institute. The proposed
improvement to the pedestrian access and permeability is shown in Figure 5.3.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Walking and Cycling Responses | 30

Figure 5.3: Walkability with Extended Pedestrian Mall (Source Lat27, Public Realm Master Plan)


The masterplan proposes the closure of Fairbank Lane to the immediate north of the Box Hill Central North
site to enable the opportunity to extend the parklet located adjacent Whitehorse Road, referred to as
“Fairbank Park".

The closure of Fairbank Lane and the provision of Fairbank Park will enhance the amenity of the area and
the accessibility and safety of pedestrians. It will provide connections between Whitehorse Road and
Prospect Street via footpath connections to the laneways.

As part of the closure, new access arrangements for 852 Whitehorse Road are proposed. This includes the
provision of additional car parking and vehicle turn around space such that all vehicle access is provided via
Nelson Road.


The masterplan has been designed to provide a laneway along the western edge of the site to provide an
area which could be used by Council to incorporate a future cycle and pedestrian link over the train line as
identified in the Box Hill Integrated Transport Study. This laneway is not proposed to be used as part of the
masterplan and has been set aside to not preclude the future provision of a bicycle connection.

An indicative cycle path design has been prepared for the masterplan showing how the masterplan could
integrate with a future bicycle path should it be provided at a future point. This design is included in Appendix
B. It includes:

The removal of one traffic lane in each direction to provide dedicated cycle paths along Nelson Street.

Sharrow type arrangement from Prospect Street

A cycle path in the space provided to the west of Lots 6 and 7.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Walking and Cycling Responses | 31

It is noted that is plan is provided as a potential design-oriented solution, it is expected that the feasibility
bicycle lanes along Nelson Street and via a new bridge (rail overpass) is subject to further assessment by
others. Notwithstanding, traffic modelling has been undertaken for the proposed design to gain a high-level
understanding of the impacts on the vehicular performance of Nelson Street.


The Whitehorse Planning Scheme requires that bicycle parking be provided at the following rates:

Residential: 1 residential space per 5 dwellings plus 1 visitor space per 10 dwellings

Office: 1 staff space per 300sqm NFA plus 1 visitor space per 1000sqm NFA

Retail: 1 staff space per 300sqm LFA for employees & 1 visitor space per 500sqm LFA

The masterplan has been prepared assuming these minimum provisions are notably exceeded to each lot
and that the bicycle parking is provided near the ground plane for each of access. Indeed, provision
exceeding the statutory minimums was adopted for Lots 4 and 5 (will additional visitor spaces provided within
the Public Realm).

The masterplan proposes the following walking and cycling responses:

The creation of a new street network linking Prospect Street and Clisby Court which is highly

The extension of Main Street to the new street network to improve pedestrian connectivity to, from
and through the site for the benefit of the Box Hill MAC and surrounding destinations like Box Hill
Hospital and Box Hill Institute of TAFE.

The closure of Fairbank Lane to the immediate north of the Box Hill Central North site to provide the
opportunity to extend the parklet and provide “Fairbank Park” located adjacent Whitehorse Road.

The provision of area to facilitate ability for Council to incorporate future cycle and pedestrian link
over the train line along the western edge of the site.

The provision of bicycle parking infrastructure which will exceed statutory requirements.

These responses can be expected to safety and efficiently accommodate the anticipated active travel
demands of the development of the site and enable enhanced connections to the Box Hill MAC and
surrounding land uses likes Box Hill Hospital and Box Hill Institute of TAFE.

It is noted that the responses are also consistent with the overarching themes and recommendations of
Whitehorse City Council’s Box Hill ITS which speaks to the allocation of road space to more efficient and
sustainable modes of transport, providing a safe and secure transport network, providing accessible and
integrated walking, cycling and public transport networks.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Walking and Cycling Responses | 32

6 Public Transport

Box Hill Central North Masterplan

Public Transport Responses | 33
The development envisaged in the masterplan is expected to (ultimately) generate up to approximately 1,727
person trips to/from surrounding public transport services. These trips are likely to be spread across the
tram, bus, and train services, but the majority will likely occur via train.

As outlined earlier in this report, there are significant works proposed over the coming decade to improve
public transport accessibility in Box Hill. Most notably, the construction of the Suburban Rail Loop (SRL)
project will substantially improve public transport access for Box Hill (which already exceeds comparable
suburbs and activity centres) and provide even greater opportunities for public transport use as the preferred
mode of travel for its residents, employees and visitors.

With the responsibility for these public transport infrastructure projects lying with Government, the
masterplan focuses on means to encourage use of public transport as the preferred mode of transport for
its development and the surrounding area.


The most significant improvement facilitated by the masterplan that encourages public transport use is the
creation of the improved public realm and pedestrian connections as outlined in the previous section.

These improvements include (but are not limited to) the extension of Main Street through the site which will
notably improve pedestrian connectivity and safety to, from and through the site for the benefit of the
development, the broader Box Hill MAC and surrounding destinations like Box Hill Hospital and Box Hill
Institute of TAFE. This benefit is shown in Figure 6.1 which illustrates that the extension will improve
accessibility of the surrounding area to Box Hill Train Station (which may ultimately result in the greater use
of public transport by this surrounding area).

Figure 6.1: Approximate Walking Catchment Improvement

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Public Transport Responses | 34

The proposed development envisaged in the masterplan will be accompanied by a car parking provision that
is notably lower than statutory requirements as a proactive means reduce traffic impacts by encouraging the
use of public transport. These parking rates are discussed in Section 8 of this report.


It is expected that the use of public transport as the preferred mode of travel to/from the precinct will be
supported through a range of other ‘soft measures’, such as supporting Green Travel Plans for each
development and the implementation of clear wayfinding signage within the new public realm.

The masterplan proposes the following public transport responses:

The provision of improved pedestrian connections through the site from its development and the
surrounding area to the train station. (The public transport accessibility of this train station is also to
be enhanced by the proposed Suburban Rail Loop project).

The provision of car parking at rates well below statutory requirements as a proactive means to
reduce traffic impacts by encouraging the use of public transport.

The commitment to other “soft measures”, such as Green Travel Plans for each development and
enhanced wayfinding signage within the new public realm.

In combination with the SRL project (and other potential upgrades / improvements to the existing bus
network, as recommended in the draft Box Hill Transit Interchange Steering Committee Report), these
responses can be expected to accommodate the anticipated active travel demands of the development of
the site.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Public Transport Responses | 35

7 Traffic and Car Parking

Box Hill Central North Masterplan

Traffic and Car Parking Responses | 36
The development envisaged in the masterplan is expected to (ultimately) generate up to approximately 239
person trips by car during the weekday PM peak hour4.

This generation is modest in the overall context of the development as the transport approach adopted for
the masterplan purposefully seeks to reduce the car parking provision to encourage public transport use and
reduce traffic impacts. Specifically, it is noted that architectural plans prepared by Bates Smart for the
masterplan indicate that approximately 1,398 car spaces are envisaged in the seven development sites,
including (approximately) 202 car spaces for the office floor area and 1,196 car spaces for the residential

The masterplan proposes several responses to manage this trip generation, including (but not limited to) the
reduced parking rates. These responses are discussed below.



As Box Hill continues to evolve into a Metropolitan Activity Centre, the approach to parking management will
also need to become more aligned with the approach typically adopted in inner suburban and CBD locations.

Historically, the standard approach to car parking provision adopted for Box Hill has involved the setting of
minimum car parking rates for land uses. This approach has historical origins which follow a ‘predict and
provide’ approach. The Austroads ‘Guide to Traffic Management Part 11 (2017)’ describes this approach as
a technique which readily interprets a ‘parking problem’ as an issue of ‘inadequate supply’. It notes that this
problematic ideology is underlined by the premise that:

“More parking is better,

Every destination should satisfy its own parking needs (minimum ratios),

Car parks should never fill,

Parking should always be free or subsidised or incorporated into buildings costs.”

Over the past decade, the ‘predict and provide’ approach has been steadily replaced by a range of travel
demand management techniques which challenge historical travel behaviours and encourage mode change
away (reversing the trend) from private motor vehicle travel, particularly during road network peak hours.
This approach is premised on the ability to limit the demand for car parking by restricting the available car
parking supply both within development sites and within the streets surrounding activity centres to force
mode share change. For Box Hill, this alternative approach is considered appropriate given surrounding
streets are generally well protected and public transport access is excellent.


In 2015, Whitehorse City Council made its first step in the setting of more progressive parking rates for Box
Hill by introducing a parking overlay which lowered the normal statutory requirements. These rates are still
applicable and are summarised in Table 7.1.

4 This total includes 50% of the person trips expected by “other modes (including mobility services)”, as outlined in Section
5 An alternative approach to the estimation of the vehicle movements would entail adoption of a traffic generation rate per
car space. Typically, up to approximately 0.4 and 0.15 vehicle movements per office and residential car space could be
expected during the PM peak hour, respectively. Application of these rates would suggest that approximately 240 vehicle
movements could be expected in the PM peak hour using this approach. This alternative estimate broadly aligns with the
estimate detailed in this report in Section 3.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic and Car Parking Responses | 37
Table 7.1: Statutory Parking Rates
Statutory Minimum Rates
Land Use Type
Resident/Employee Visitor/Shopper
One-bed 0.5 per dwelling
Residential Two-bed 0.75 per dwelling 0.1 per dwelling
Three-bed 1.0 per dwelling
Office Office 2.0 spaces to each 100sqm NFA
Retail Shop 3.5 spaces to each 100sqm NFA


In September 2020, Whitehorse City Council adopted the Box Hill ITS, which involved extensive community

The Executive Summary of the ITS notes:

“Development of this ITS has entailed the articulation of a transport vision for Box Hill which
corresponds with the overall liveability goals for the community, focusing on environmental and
economic sustainability, equity and safety to guide the future development of local transport.

The Vision (right) recognises that conventional means of addressing suburban transport – with its
overwhelming reliance on private vehicles and parking – will not be capable of absorbing the
expected rise in travel demand in the coming decades.

In other words, the underlying focus on sustainable and more efficient transport modes is not only
an environmental responsibility but is also necessary to maintain basic levels of mobility for
residents, workers and visitors in light of rapid growth.”

The issue of car parking provision for the Box Hill MAC is specifically addressed in Section 17 of the ITS,
which states:

“As cities across the world begin to prioritise city living that does not require using a car for every
trip, many local governments are moving away from blanket policies of providing abundant parking.

Many are adjusting planning rules and parking prices to discourage driving when other options are
available, and in some cases even prohibiting new parking spaces from being built in congested or
sensitive locations.

There is precedence of other activity centres in Melbourne that have imposed maximum statutory
parking rates on developments, including Footscray, which like Box Hill, is designated as a
Metropolitan Activity Centre. Applying similar changes to the planning scheme will enable Box Hill
to slow the growth of the number of private vehicles and congestion within the MAC.”

In this context, Action 17.1 of the ITS recommended:

Review development parking rates in planning scheme

Review parking rates and investigate replacing parking rate minimums with maximums for new
developments, as part of a planning scheme amendment to alter the existing car parking

In the long term, this could also allow for the decoupling of the sale of parking spaces from
apartments. This would include a review of parking management policy and how parking
restrictions are applied and enforced in local streets (see action 14.3). Reduced car ownership
could also be offset by the introduction of car share schemes (see action 20.1).

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic and Car Parking Responses | 38

In May 2022, Whitehorse City Council approved the development of two Lots (Lot 4 – Residential Tower and
5 – Office Tower) and the Public Realm, as identified within the masterplan. The development of these three
elements (“Stage 1”) will deliver almost 50,000sqm of commercial office space, 366 apartments and
3,350sqm of new public spaces, as well creating new walkways and roads to interconnect to the precinct’s
transport, retail, and dining offerings.

The office tower (Lot 5) will also provide car parking at a notably lower rate than the statutory requirements
(e.g. approximately 0.5 car spaces per 100sqm for the office development compared to the statutory rate of
2.0 car spaces per 100sqm).

The residential tower provides car parking for residents at a rate marginally below the statutory requirement
(i.e. 224 car spaces compared to the statutory requirement of 264 car spaces). This reduction was
considered reasonable.

The proposed parking provisions of the other residential towers follows the same model of providing less car
parking spaces than required by the planning scheme with the aim of reducing personal vehicle ownership
and usage and encouraging active and public forms of travel.


In this context, it is considered inappropriate to provide car parking at the rates prescribed in the Parking
Overlay as this would represent a disproportionate oversupply of car parking that would place further strain
on an already congested road network.

Rather, it is recommended that car parking rates generally aligned with the existing Parking Overlay are
adopted as maximum rates (rather than minimum rates) for the Box Hill Central North precinct only. This
would entail the adoption of rates as summarised in Table 7.2.

This approach would allow Council to effectively stage the implementation of maximum car parking rates
across the Box Hill MAC in a manner which generally aligns with its existing Parking Overlay for sites with
particularly excellent access to public transport services (such as Box Hill Central North). Equally, the
adoption of maximum rates would also allow development to occur in such areas with a parking provision
that responds to market conditions which may or may not seek the provision of that parking.

Table 7.2: Recommended Car Parking Rates for Box Hill Central North
Land Use Type Statutory Maximum Rates
Resident/Employee Visitor/Shopper
One-bed 1 per dwelling
Residential Two-bed 1 per dwelling 0.1 per dwelling
Three-bed 2 per dwelling
Office Office 2.0 spaces to each 100sqm NFA
Retail Shop 3.5 spaces to each 100sqm NFA

It is appreciated that adoption of these maximum rates to the development envisaged in the masterplan
could result in a significantly higher quantum of car parking than 1,398 car spaces (as used for the traffic
generation sanity check outlined earlier in this report). On advice from Vicinity, it is expected that the actual
parking provision associated with the developments envisaged in the masterplan is likely to be closer to
1,398 car spaces shown in the architectural plans prepared by Bates Smart.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic and Car Parking Responses | 39
As outlined earlier in this report, the masterplan proposes the creation of a new internal street network that
links Prospect Street and Clisby Court, with the bookend intersections to be reconfigured as follows:

At the Whitehorse Road interface: The street will feature a raised pedestrian threshold treatment to
slow vehicle movements and prioritise the movement of pedestrians crossing along the southern side
of Whitehorse Road.

At the Nelson Road interface: The street will replace the existing roundabout with a raised t-
intersection to provide pedestrian crossings on the north, east and west approaches. (The south leg
will be closed to traffic as part of the masterplan). These crossings will be located closer to the
intersection (than the existing crossings on the north and west approaches) to better align with
pedestrian desire lines.

Closure of Fairbank Lane: with the closure of Fairbank Lane access to 852 Whitehorse Road will now
be provided via Nelson Road only.

It is expected that these bookend intersections (as well as other intersections in the vicinity of the site) will
operate safely and efficiently under the ultimate development conditions given that the development as
envisaged in the masterplan will result in a net traffic deintensification of the site. Further information
regarding intersection performance is included in Section 7.6.

Specifically, it is noted that whilst the development is expected to generate up to approximately 239 vehicle
movements in any peak hour, the existing traffic generation of the site ranges from 265 to 806 vehicle
movements per hour6. For the critical PM peak hour, over 300 fewer vehicle trips are expected which are
also distributed at two locations (Whitehorse Road interface and Nelson Road Interface) compared to most
if not all traffic which currently funnels through Nelson Road.

It is noted that the intersection works proposed at the existing Clisby Court / Fairbank Lane / Whitehorse
Road intersection will also improve its safety. Under current arrangement, Clisby Court is accessed from the
beginning of the deceleration lane into Fairbank Lane where confusion could exist regarding where a left-
turning vehicle may turn. Under the proposed arrangements, the removal of Fairbank Lane will simplify this
intersection layout and remove a point of potential vehicle-vehicle and/or vehicle-pedestrian conflict.


The masterplan has been designed with vehicle access provided to Lots 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 via service laneways
to minimise crossovers onto Prospect Street. This approach will assist to minimise congestion on Prospect
Street whilst also improving the public realm and pedestrian safety.


The Whitehorse City Council’s Box Hill ITS outlines numerous actions to improve the transport systems
within the Box Hill MAC. A comprehensive assessment of the ways in which the masterplan provide for, or
does not preclude the items listed within the ITS is summarised in Appendix A. Specific items are reproduced
listed below:

6 Traffic surveys commissioned by Stantec (then GTA) undertaken in December 2018 recorded traffic volumes to/from
the precinct as follows:
Weekday AM Peak Hour: 265 vehicle movement per hour
Weekday PM Peak Hour: 565 vehicle movements per hour
Saturday Lunchtime Peak Hour: 806 vehicle movements per hour.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic and Car Parking Responses | 40
“Action 3.1 – Construction new pedestrian (zebra) / raised flat top (wombat) crossing”

Figure 13 of the ITS identifies Prospect Street / Nelson Road as a potential opportunity to provide a
new at-grade zebra or raised wombat crossing. The street network proposed in the masterplan
includes the provision of raised pedestrian crossings at the existing roundabout on the preferred desire
lines. The works proposed in the masterplan are consistent with this recommendation.

“Action 13.2 – Undertake Area-wide speed limit reductions”

It is proposed that the speed limit on Prospect Street will be 40km/hr (or lower). This is consistent with
the desire to implement speed limits for all local streets within the MAC.

“Action 13.3 – Investigate further speed reductions to 30 km/h”

There is potential to also decrease the speed through Prospect Street to be 30km/h. Current
landscaping and urban design techniques such as pavement changes make this road suitable to be
a low speed environment. The prioritisation of pedestrians through this link, together with the raised
crossings at each bookend intersection, will likely act to lower speeds to this desired limit.

“Action 13.4 – Investigate sites for improved traffic calming”

This action is focused on the traffic calming of primary walking and cycling routes. Traffic calming
measures including landscaping and pavement changes for pedestrian crossings along Prospect
Street already provide a degree of traffic calming. There is potential that this could be further explored
to further enhance pedestrian and cycling amenity and safety more greatly.

“Action 19.4 – Development workplace and school travel plans”

A ‘soft measure’ of traffic mitigation are Green Travel Plans for land uses such as workplaces as
residential developments. These Plans outline for employees / residents what different transport
options are available for the area with a particular focus on alternative modes to private transport.
These plans will be provided with each stage of development.

“Action 20.2 – Review car share parking requirements”

The ITS identifies the possibility for a review of the planning permit conditions for large developments
to provide dedicated on-site car share parking spaces. While currently not in place, this is an option
that can be explored for future developments through the conversion of notional existing spaces to
car share facilities. The masterplan does not preclude this from happening.


In summary of the modelling scenarios considered, the development considered within this master plan is
modelled to show an improvement to the function of Whitehorse Road / Nelson Road intersection.

This improvement is mainly due to a traffic de-intensification associated with the development of the precinct
and a redistribution through the proposed road network. The reduction of traffic volume on Nelson Road also
provides opportunity to provide additional green time to Whitehorse Road or potentially reduce the overall
cycle time to provide greater pedestrian crossing frequency.

A summary of the intersection performance through the modelling scenarios is contained in Figure 7.1. This
shows that the Post Development scenario which considers the full build out of the masterplan provides the
best intersection performance at Whitehorse Road / Nelson Road intersection. The analysis also shows that
on-road cycling lanes could be provided through the intersection, if such a project is progressed by Council
or DOT in the future as part of a Strategic Cycling Corridor improvement project. (This cycling project is not
proposed as part of the development of the precinct).

Detailed modelling results can be found in Appendix D.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic and Car Parking Responses | 41
Figure 7.1: Summary of Whitehorse Road / Nelson Road Intersection DoS in Each Scenario

The masterplan proposes the following traffic responses:

The adoption of site-specific maximum car parking rates to proactively reduce traffic impacts. The
recommended rates are:

- Residential:
o One-bedroom apartments: 1 resident car space per apartment
o Two-bedroom apartments: 1 resident car space per apartment
o Three-bedroom apartments: 2 resident car spaces per apartment
o Visitors: : 0.1 visitor car spaces per apartment
- Office: 2 car spaces per 100sqm NFA
- Shop: 3.5 car spaces per 100sqm NLA

The creation of a new street network through to link Prospect Street and Clisby Court, which includes
road works at the Whitehorse Road / Clisby Court and Nelson Road / Prospect Street intersections
to improve their safety.

The introduction of service laneways to provide vehicle access to development lots (as far as
practicable) to minimise crossovers onto Prospect Street.

The potential to implement other measures as recommended in Whitehorse City Council’s Box Hill
ITS with future stages of development.

These responses can be expected to accommodate the anticipated traffic demands of the development of
the site, noting that the development as envisaged in the masterplan will result in a net traffic deintensification
of the site. Specifically, it is noted that whilst the development is expected to generate approximately 240
vehicle movements in any peak hour, the existing traffic generation of the site ranges between 265 and 806
vehicle movements per hour. For the critical PM peak hour, over 300 fewer vehicle trips are expected. This
has been tested and confirmed through intersection modelling which shows that the development of the
masterplan results in an improved intersection performance at Whitehorse Road / Nelson Road.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic and Car Parking Responses | 42
8 Conclusion

Box Hill Central North Masterplan

Conclusion | 43
Based on the assessment contained in this report, the following transport responses are considered
appropriate to support the development of the site as envisaged in the masterplan:

Walking & Cycling Responses:

- The creation of a new street network through to link Prospect Street and Clisby Court

- The extension of Main Street to the new street network to improve pedestrian connectivity to,
from and through the site for the benefit of the Box Hill MAC and surrounding destinations like
Box Hill Hospital and Box Hill Institute of TAFE.

- The closure of Fairbank Lane to the immediate north of the Box Hill Central North site to
provide the opportunity to provide “Fairbank Park” located adjacent Whitehorse Road and an
additional park adjacent Nelson Road (while maintaining access to 852 Whitehorse Road.

- The provision of area to facilitate ability for Council to incorporate future cycle and pedestrian
link over the train line along the western edge of the site.

- The provision of bicycle parking infrastructure which will exceed statutory requirements.

Public Transport Responses:

- The provision of improved pedestrian connections through the site from its development and
the surrounding area to the train station. (The public transport accessibility of this train station
is also to be enhanced by the proposed Suburban Rail Loop project).

- The provision of car parking at rates well below statutory requirements as a proactive means
to reduce traffic impacts by encouraging the use of public transport.

- The commitment to other “soft measures”, such as Green Travel Plans for each development
and enhanced wayfinding signage within the new public realm.

Traffic (& Car Parking) Responses

- The adoption of site-specific maximum car parking rates to proactively reduce traffic impacts.
The recommended rates are:

o Residential:

▪ One-bedroom apartments: 1 resident car space per apartment

▪ Two-bedroom apartments: 1 resident car space per apartment

▪ Three-bedroom apartments: 2 resident car spaces per apartment

▪ Visitors: : 0.1 visitor car spaces per apartment

o Office: 2 car spaces per 100sqm NFA

o Shop: 3.5 car spaces per 100sqm NLA

- The creation of a new street network through to link Prospect Street and Clisby Court, which
includes road works at the Whitehorse Road / Clisby Court and Nelson Road / Prospect Street
intersections to improve their safety.

- The introduction of service laneways to provide vehicle access to development lots (as far as
practicable) to minimise crossovers onto Prospect Street.

- The potential to implement other measures as recommended in Whitehorse City Council’s

Box Hill ITS with future stages of development.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Conclusion | 44


As per discussion with DELWP, consideration has been given the delivery of the actions outlined within the
ITS as part of the proposed Masterplan, this includes with regard to the proposed masterplan staging. Details
regarding the proposed staging of the masterplan can be found in Bates Smart’s Masterplan Report. The
proposed staging is indicatively only and is subject to change. In summary, the staging is as follows:

Stage 1: Lots 4 and 5 and Public Realm

Stage 2: Lot 2

Stage 3: Lot 3

Stage 4: Lot 1, Fairbank Park and Nelson Park

Stage 5: Lots 6 & 7

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Box Hill Integrated Transport Study Summary | i

Masterplan Delivery Timing

Action Comment
Main Street and Prospect Street (along the frontage of the sites) are both identified as primary walking routes in the ITS. The Stage 1 and later
1.1 – Widen Included in proposal includes upgrades to Prospect Street to provide a minimum width of 2m wide footpaths on each side. Main Street is also stages
footpaths masterplan proposed to be upgraded to be a wide pedestrian only zone. The two areas are connected by the "public domain" area which is a
fully pedestrianized zone.
1.2 – Improve Stage 1
The proposal includes the development of an open public domain space, providing an area for people to meet and dwell and helps
pedestrian Included in
with the movement of people to and from key areas such as the Box Hill shopping malls. The proposal therefore meets this action.
environment in the masterplan
Refer to Section 5 in the report for more information.
Box Hill Mall
1.3 – Conduct a N/A
review of the Not
existing streetscape applicable
2.1 – Upgrade Stage 1 and later
footpaths to Included in The proposal includes wide pedestrian footpaths / shared areas along Prospect Street and Main Street. It also includes the stages
improve masterplan provision of DDA lifts providing a safe and easy connection between Prospect Street and Main Street.
2.2 – Conduct
accessibility audit
of the public

3.1 – Construct new The proposal includes the provision of a raised flat top crossing across the Loop Road providing a connection between Main Street Stages 4 & 5
pedestrian (zebra) / Included in and the wider Box Hill North area.
raised flat top masterplan
(wombat) crossings The proposal includes the provision of wombat crossings at the Nelson Road / Prospect Street roundabout.

3.2 – Construct new The crossing locations outlined in the ITS do not fall within the subject site area. Potential post-
Not development
precluded opportunity
crossings The development proposal does not preclude the recommended changes outlined in the ITS.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Walking and Cycling | ii

3.3 – Improve
crossings at all The crossing / signal locations outlined in the ITS do not fall within the subject site area. The development proposal does not
existing signalised preclude the recommended changes outlined in the ITS which could be pursued by others at a later point (e.g., modification of
intersections and signal cycle times to reduce pedestrian delays at Whitehorse Road / Nelson Road Intersection)
3.4 – Construct Stage 1
raised threshold
treatments - Deliver
raised threshold
Included in
treatments at all The proposal includes the provision of raised threshold treatment at Whitehorse Rd and Clisby Court.
intersections of
local roads along
Station Street and
Whitehorse Road.
3.5 – Investigate Potential post-
Not The crossing / signal locations outlined in the ITS do not fall within the subject site area. The development proposal does not
signalised crossing development
precluded preclude the recommended changes outlined in the ITS.
countdown timers opportunity
3.6 – Investigate Potential delivery
opportunities to by others during
install illuminated Not The crossing locations outlined in the ITS do not fall within the subject site area. The development proposal does not preclude the or after
DDA ground tactile precluded recommended changes outlined in the ITS. masterplan
markings linked to delivery
traffic signals
Prospect Street is not a primary cycling corridor. However, sharrows are proposed along the carriageway which will provide a Potential delivery
4.1 – Construct connection to the future cycling facilities along Nelson Road which will connect to the wider area and also the future pedestrian / by others during
physically Facilitated cycle bridge over the railway line (when that is provided). or after
separated paths masterplan
The proposed new road provides a low speed vehicle environment which is expected to be shared with cyclists.
4.2 – Construct Stage 1 and later
bicycle boulevards / Prospect Street will serve as a low stress cycling street through landscaping and design (raised intersections) which reduces stages
low stress cycling vehicle speeds.
4.3 – Implement N/A
Strategic Cycling This action refers to the wider Box Hill area (outside of the subject site).
Corridors in Box Hill

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Walking and Cycling | iii

The development does not preclude the potential provision of this bridge. Space has been provided to the west of the Lot 6 & 7 to Potential delivery
5.1 – Provide new provide a bi-direction bicycle path with would connect Nelson Road to the proposed bridge. by others during
walking/cycling Not Stages 4 or later
bridge over the precluded
railway line Plans have been prepared which show an ultimate road layout and connection between Nelson Road and the bridge which could
be implemented by others as part of the construction of the cycling bridge.
6.1 – Revitalise Not The laneways identified within the ITS are outside the scope of this masterplan. It is noted however that the masterplan does N/A
laneways Applicable provide laneways which have been designed to meet the intentions of this action.
7.1 – Provide end- Stage 1 and later
of-trip facilities Included in The proposal includes the provision of excellent bicycle parking and EOT facilities within each development which far exceed the stages
within key masterplan statutory minimum requirements.
7.2 – Improve public Stage 1 and later
Included in The masterplan is expected to achieve provision of excellent visitor bicycle parking spaces throughout the public domain space
end-of-trip facility stages
masterplan which will exceeds the Statutory Requirement.
8.1 – Improve area- Included in Stage 1 and later
It is expected that wayfinding will be developed as part of the progression of the masterplan.
wide wayfinding masterplan stages
9.1 – Make interim N/A
improvements to The proposal does not preclude such improvements to be made by others.
the bus interchange
9.2 – Provide real- N/A
time service The proposal does not preclude such improvements to be made by others.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Walking and Cycling | iv


Action Comment Delivery Timing
9.3 – Deliver
high quality
end-of-trip The proposal does not preclude the recommended action but nor is it considered applicable to the development of the site. N/A
9.4 –
and upgrade The proposal does not preclude the recommended action but nor is it considered applicable to the development of the site. N/A
Box Hill bus
10.1 –
Increase Not
The proposal does not preclude the recommended action but nor is it considered applicable to the development of the site. N/A
train precluded
10.2 –
Restructure The proposal does not preclude the recommended action but nor is it considered applicable to the development of the site. N/A
bus routes
10.3 –
Improve bus Not
The proposal does not preclude the recommended action but nor is it considered applicable to the development of the site. N/A
service precluded
11.1 –
Extend the The proposal does not preclude the recommended action but nor is it considered applicable to the development of the site. N/A
tram line

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Public Transport | v


Masterplan Delivery
Action Comment
Alignment Timing

12.1 – Modify While the masterplan does not propose any significant changes to intersection, it does achieve the intent of this action to
intersections to reduce through traffic within the MAC by reducing the overall traffic generation by the development site and also providing Stage 1 and
Facilitated additional local job opportunities.
reduce through traffic later stages
within the MAC

delivery by
12.2 – Modify traffic others
signal timings to The proposal reduces the overall traffic generation of the development site and introduces an alternative route for traffic during or
Included in
prioritise active and coming from the east via Clisby Court which further reduced the traffic through the Whitehorse Rd / Nelson Rd intersection. after
public transport These changes will help enable the increased pedestrian signal timing at this intersection. masterplan
modes delivery

12.3 – Improve traffic

routes along Elgar Not
The proposal does not preclude the recommended action but nor is it considered applicable to the development of the site. N/A
Road and applicable
Middleborough Road

The proposal does not preclude the recommended action but nor is it considered applicable to the development of the site.
12.4 – Reconfigure Not Later
Whitehorse Road applicable stages
This reconfiguration at the Whitehorse Road interface will be considered as the remaining development sites are delivered.

12.5 – Reconfigure Not

The proposal does not preclude the recommended action but nor is it considered applicable to the development of the site. N/A
Station Street applicable
12.6 – Improve
connections between Included in The proposal includes the connection of Clisby Court and Prospect Street resulting in improved east-west vehicle movement,
Stage 1
Elgar Road and Box masterplan aligning well with this action.
Hill Central

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic and Car Parking | vi

Masterplan Delivery
Action Comment
Alignment Timing
13.1 – Implement 40
km/h speed limits on Not
The proposal does not preclude the recommended action but nor is it considered applicable to the development of the site. N/A
Whitehorse Road and applicable
Station Street
13.2 – Undertake
area-wide speed limit The proposal does not preclude the recommended action but nor is it considered applicable to the development of the site. N/A
13.3 – Investigate
Not during or
further speed The reduction of vehicle speeds on the new road would be supported.
precluded after
reductions to 30 km/h
The proposal includes the provision of a raised pedestrian shared zone across the Loop Road, a raised threshold crossing at
13.4 – Investigate the Whitehorse Road / Clisby Court intersection and a raised T-intersection at Nelson Rd / Prospect Street.
Included in
sites for improved Stage 1
traffic calming
In this manner, the proposal provides a traffic calmed street network.
14.1 – Manage use of
train station The proposal does not preclude the recommended action but nor is it considered applicable to the development of the site. N/A
commuter car park
14.2 – Relocate Box
Hill station commuter The proposal does not preclude the recommended action but nor is it considered applicable to the development of the site. N/A
14.3 – Review on-
street parking in the The proposal does not preclude the recommended action but nor is it considered applicable to the development of the site. N/A
14.4 – Relocate off-
Stage 1
street parking to
Facilitated The proposal aligns with this action by reducing the number of retail car parking in the MAC. and later
outer areas within the
All stages
14.5 – Relocate on- Included in
The car parking on the new road is proposed to be allocated for short-term car parking. (as
street long term masterplan

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic and Car Parking | vii
Masterplan Delivery
Action Comment
Alignment Timing
parking and convert
to short term zones

14.6 – Manage
Included in Stage 1 and
motorcycle/scooter The proposal includes motorcycle / scooter parking within the public domain on the Loop Road.
masterplan later stages
14.7 – Provide electric
Included in The provision of electric vehicle parking is included in the already approved development in Lots 4 and 5 and is expected to Stage 1 and
vehicle charging
masterplan be provided in future Lots. later stages
Included in The masterplan proposes the introduction of two parks, Fairbank Park and Nelson Park. This exceeds the action for delivering Stage 1 and
15.1 – Create parklets
masterplan parklets. later stages

delivery by
15.2 – Convert off-
street vehicle spaces Not
The proposal does not preclude the recommended action but nor is it considered applicable to the development of the site. during or
to community uses precluded
for temporary periods
15.3 – Relocate
Carrington Road N/A N/A
taxi/rideshare facility
15.4 – Investigate
temporary closures of Not
Carrington Road to applicable
15.5 – Investigate
decking over the Not
railway line to create applicable
new public space
16.1 – Provide area- Stage 1
Not The proposal includes the provision of wayfinding around the subject site with further detail to be provided at detailed design
wide parking and later
precluded stage.
wayfinding stages

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic and Car Parking | viii
Masterplan Delivery
Action Comment
Alignment Timing
16.2 – Develop a
parking wayfinding N/A N/A

17.1 – Review
Stage 1
development parking Included in
The proposal includes car parking below the current statutory requirements, aligning with this recommendation. and later
rates in planning masterplan

The proposal includes the provision of on-site loading facilities which are to be provided for each building. There is also Stage 1
18.1 – Review loading Included in
provision for on-street loading along Prospect Street. The above provisions will improve the efficiency of loading and therefore and later
zones masterplan
meets this action. stages


Not Applicable


Not Applicable

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Travel Behaviour | ix


Box Hill Central North Masterplan Nelson Road Cycling Lanes Concept Design | x




2.40 6.60
SRV metres ASSUMED SPEED 5km/h
HRV AS2890.2 meters
Width : 2.30
Track : 2.30 Width : 2.50
Lock to Lock Time : 6.0 Track : 2.50
Steering Angle : 38.0 Lock to Lock Time : 6.0
Steering Angle : 35.3

0.95 3.05

B99 6.3mR metres

Width : 1.94
Track : 1.77
Lock to Lock Time : 6.0
Steering Angle : 34.0







7.5 8.9 2.6




1.3 7.0 1.4




AT 1.5m SPACING 3.9 7.0 2.9

3.0 7.0 2.4






Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic Distribution and Assignment Volume Diagrams | xi
Figure C.1: Existing Traffic Volume – PM Peak

Nelson Road

143 =
1025 "
31 ? 72 71 147
8 8 $ 9 Whitehorse Road

: # ; 49 > 126 : ! 962

170 256 245 < 107 2 2 > 6
! 648
> 32

Clisby Court
71 = 27 108
Fairbank Lane 5 ? 8 $
: # < 90 : ! 68
20 510 ! 13 107 > 54
> 77

Car Park (2x Access Points)

314 =
29 "
23 ? 23 87 35 43
Prospect Street 6 8 $ 9
: # ;
44 144 1 1 < 73
! 17

Figure C.2: Future Base Traffic Volume – PM Peak

Nelson Road

143 =
1025 "
34 ? 72 78 147
8 8 $ 9 Whitehorse Road

: # ; 49 > 126 : ! 962

180 271 259 < 107 2 2 > 6
! 648
> 35

Clisby Court
78 = 30 117
Fairbank Lane 6 ? 8 $
: # < 90 : ! 68
22 541 ! 13 107 > 54
> 77

Car Park (2x Access Points)

346 =
29 "
23 ? 23 96 35 43
Prospect Street 6 8 $ 9
: # ;
44 144 1 1 < 73
! 17

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic Distribution and Assignment Volume Diagrams | xii
Figure C.3: Masterplan Traffic Generation – PM Peak

Nelson Road

38 ? 5
8 $ 9 Whitehorse Road

: # ; 9 : ! 5
46 5 44 < 20 > 40
! 11
> 5
Clisby Ct

= 35 13
Fairbank Lane ? 8 $ 9 Lot 1 27 13
: # < 11 $ 9 Lot 4
84 ! # ; < 19
> 1 1 5 > 1
Lot 2 & 3

4 "
? 1 35 22 " 19 = 28 1
Prospect Street 8 $ 9 15 ? 5 " 8 9
: # ; : ; ! 29 < 15
< 84 60 > 12 ! 13
! 5

Lot 5,6 & 7

Figure C.4: Post Development Traffic Volume – PM Peak

Nelson Road

143 =
1025 "
58 ? 72 51 147
8 8 $ 9 Whitehorse Road

: # ; 58 : ! 967
152 163 195 < 107 20 > 40
! 659
> 26
Clisby Ct

78 = 30 93 17
Fairbank Lane 4 ? 8 $ 9 Lot 1 27 13
: # < 15 $ 9 Lot 4
14 416 ! 2 # ; < 19
> 3 1 5 > 1
Lot 2 & 3

346 =
4 "
? 62 35 22 " 19 = 28 1
Prospect Street 8 $ 9 15 ? 5 " 8 9
: # ; : ; ! 29 < 15
< 84 60 > 12 ! 13
! 5

Lot 5,6 & 7

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic Distribution and Assignment Volume Diagrams | xiii

Box Hill Central North Masterplan Traffic Modelling Discussion and Results | xiv


Observations of the road network in the vicinity of the site indicate the congestion is typically highest during
the weekday PM peak hour, as site generation and passing traffic volumes are high.

In this context, the existing operation of the immediately adjacent road network during the PM peak hour has
been assessed using SIDRA INTERSECTION 9, a computer-based modelling package which calculates
intersection performance. This modelling has been undertaken as part of a network model that includes the
following intersections:

Whitehorse Road / Nelson Road

Whitehorse Road / Clisby Court
Nelson Road / Fairbank Lane
Nelson Road / Prospect Street.

The commonly used measure of intersection performance is referred to as the Degree of Saturation (DOS)7.
The DOS represents the flow-to-capacity ratio for the most critical movement on each leg of the intersection.
For signalised intersections, a DOS of 0.95 is typically considered the ‘ideal’ limit, beyond which queues and
delays increase disproportionately.

As discussed in Section 2.4.2, the PM peak hour was observed to be the most critical peak hour for the
surrounding road network. It is noted that on a Saturday, the traffic generation of the Centre is at its highest,
however, the surrounding road network has additional capacity on weekends. In this regard, intersection
modelling has been limited to the PM peak period as it represents the most critical peak hour currently.

Table D.1Error! Reference source not found. presents a summary of the modelling and indicates that the
Whitehorse Road / Nelson Road intersection is currently operating satisfactorily, with a degree of saturation
up to 0.94. Using the Level of Service guide, this analysis suggests that the intersection operates with an
“acceptable” level.

Table D.1: Whitehorse Road / Nelson Road Modelling Summary – Existing Conditions PM Peak
Intersection Approach DOS Average Average
Delay Queue
Nelson Road (South) 0.65 32 sec 23 m

Whitehorse Road Whitehorse Road (East) 0.94 41 sec 74 m

/ Nelson Road Nelson Road (North) 0.40 51 sec 36 m
Whitehorse Road (West) 0.80 39 sec 133 m

7 SIDRA adopts the following criteria for Level of Service assessment:

Intersection Degree of Saturation (DOS)
Level of Service
Unsignalised Intersection Signalised Intersection Roundabout
A Excellent <=0.60 <=0.60 <=0.60
B Very Good 0.60-0.70 0.60-0.70 0.60-0.70
C Good 0.70-0.80 0.70-0.90 0.70-0.85
D Acceptable 0.80-0.90 0.90-0.95 0.85-0.95
E Poor 0.90-1.00 0.95-1.00 0.95-1.00
F Very Poor >=1.0 >=1.0 >=1.0

Box Hill Central North Masterplan D.1. INTERSECTION MODELLING RESULTS | xv

Intersection 0.94 39 sec 133 m

For reference, the existing Degree of Saturation on the broad network is also shown in Figure D.5Error!
Reference source not found.. This figure shows that the network in the vicinity if the study area is operating
at an acceptable level. During the PM peak hour, the right turn from the west approaches a DoS of 0.94, this
is because of a high volume and proportion of u-turn movements at the intersection.

Figure D.5: Modelling Results – Existing Conditions – PM Peak Hour – Degree of Saturation


To further understand the traffic impacts of the network changes and land use changes associated with the
masterplan, intersection modelling has been undertaken SIDRA INTERSECTION 9. The modelling has
considered the following scenarios:

Future Base Conditions (existing road network plus increased traffic movements to reflect other
concurrent developments by others along Prospect Street)

Post Development (masterplan road network, removal of traffic associated with retail land uses to be
removed, and addition of traffic generated by the masterplan)

Post Development + Bicycle Lanes (post development scenario but also considering potential bicycle
lanes along Nelson Road.)

A summary of the modelling approach and results is contained below, full intersection summaries are
contained in in this Appendix.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan D.1. INTERSECTION MODELLING RESULTS | xvi
It is understood that the numerous developments are currently under construction in the Box Hill area,
particularly along Prospect Street to the west of the subject site. These developments will likely increase
traffic volumes during on the adjacent road network and, as it relates to this study, along Nelson Road.

The potential cumulative impact of these developments is clearly beyond the scope of this assessment,
which only relates to the development of a defined masterplan in accordance with existing controls. In our
experience, cumulative assessments are warranted for rezoning applications and / or particularly intense
traffic generating land uses. (As outlined later in this report, the proposed development of the site will replace
a high traffic generating land use (retail floor area and car parking) and thus result in a net traffic generation
reduction during the PM peak hour).

Notwithstanding this, for the purposes of including an allowance for the potential traffic volume growth in the
immediate vicinity of the site, all existing turning movements into and out of Prospect Street and Fairbank
Lane have been factored up by 10%. This approach has been adopted to estimate the potential impact of
this cumulative development.

The increased traffic as a result of this change is shown in Figure D.6Error! Reference source not found..

Figure D.6: Traffic Change – Nearby Developments – PM Peak

The Degree of Saturation on the broader network under this future scenario is shown in Figure D.7 Error!
Reference source not found.and the Whitehorse Road/ Nelson Road intersection summary is shown in
Table D.2.

The performance of the intersections in the future base scenario is similar to the existing conditions with
minor differences in traffic performance with marginal decreases of the performance of the Nelson Road
southern approach at the Nelson Road / Whitehorse Road intersection and the exit from Fairbank Lane
(east) onto Nelson Road.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan D.1. INTERSECTION MODELLING RESULTS | xvii
Figure D.7: Modelling Results – Future Base – PM Peak Hour – Degree of Saturation

Table D.2: Whitehorse Road / Nelson Road Modelling Summary – Future Base Scenario PM Peak
Intersection Approach DOS Average Average
Delay Queue
Nelson Road (South) 0.69 33 sec 23 m
Whitehorse Road (East) 0.94 40 sec 70 m
Whitehorse Road
Nelson Road (North) 0.41 51 sec 36 m
/ Nelson Road
Whitehorse Road (West) 0.80 40 sec 133 m
Intersection 0.94 39 sec 133 m


The post development scenario aims to analyse the network performance after the current land uses have
been replaced by full extent of the masterplan (including the new street network), and includes the estimated
traffic growth attributed to the numerous developments along Prospect Street in the site’s vicinity.

With the changes in the road network, there is an ability for traffic redistribution from existing patterns. It has
been assumed that:

All traffic approaching from the east will enter via Clisby Court

All traffic approaching from the south, north and west will enter via Nelson Road (except for a small
percentage which will come via Elgar Road via Prospect Street)

Traffic egressing will split either via Clisby Court or Nelson Road (except for a small percentage with
will egress via Elgar Road via Prospect Street). The percentages vary for each Lot, however, there

Box Hill Central North Masterplan D.1. INTERSECTION MODELLING RESULTS | xviii
has been a heavier distribution to Nelson Road due to the ability to undertake all movements and a
recognition of a required u-turn if a vehicle desiring to head east using Clisby Court.

The distribution percentages for each lot are included in Appendix C. The total traffic generation and
distribution of the master plan is summarised in Table D.3 and Figure D.8, respectively.

Table D.3: Traffic Generation by Lot – Post Development – PM Peak Hour

Residential Commercial Retail Total
(veh/hr) (veh/hr) (veh/hr) (veh/hr)
1 17 3 4 25
2 23 4 4 30
3 25 3 4 33
4 24 8 6 38
5 - 41 10 51
6&7 26 7 4 37
Total 116 66 32 214

Figure D.8: Traffic Distribution – Post Development – PM Peak Hour

Based on the assumptions outlined above, the degree of saturation network diagram is provided at Figure
D.9 Error! Reference source not found.and the Whitehorse Road/ Nelson Road intersection summary is
shown in Table D.4.

It is noted that the due to the traffic reduction that is expected on Nelson Road (south) as a result of the
development associated with the masterplan, the intersection phase times for the post development
scenarios have been modified to allow the program to determine that optimal cycle time (existing conditions
adopts phase times as observed in historical traffic signal timing data). This is to give a better representation
of the function of the intersection with regard to the new traffic movements at the intersection. As a result of
this change, additional time is given to the westbound movement and westbound right turn and less to Nelson
Road (south).

Box Hill Central North Masterplan D.1. INTERSECTION MODELLING RESULTS | xix
Figure D.9: Modelling Results – Post Development – PM Peak Hour – Degree of Saturation

Table D.4: Whitehorse Road / Nelson Road Modelling Summary – Post Development Scenario PM
Intersection Approach DOS Average Delay Average Queue
Nelson Road (South) 0.55 29 sec 31 m
Whitehorse Whitehorse Road (East) 0.88 45 sec 79 m
Nelson Road (North) 0.31 45 sec 33 m
/ Nelson
Road Whitehorse Road (West) 0.87 48 sec 149 m
Intersection 0.88 44 sec 149 m

The modelling shows that the performance Whitehorse Road / Nelson Road in the post development
scenario is improved from the existing conditions. The degree of saturation of the Whitehorse Road / Nelson
Road intersection decreases to 0.88 in this scenario from 0.94 in the existing conditions scenario. The
reasons for the improvements include:

The proposed land use in the masterplan is less car intensive than the current retail land use (less
vehicle trips are being made on the network).

The masterplan includes a new road network connecting Prospect Street and Clisby Court which
provides an alternative egress point to Nelson Road (under existing conditions, all traffic must egress
via Nelson Road)

The reduction and redistribution of traffic (particularly away from Nelson Road) provides opportunity
to redistribute the signal phase times and provide additional green time to Whitehorse Road while
maintaining a similar level of performance on Nelson Road (with lesser green time)


In acknowledgment of the potential bicycle connection along Nelson Road, a high-level concept design has
been prepared which considers the provision of on-road bicycle facilities along Nelson Road, sharrow

Box Hill Central North Masterplan D.1. INTERSECTION MODELLING RESULTS | xx

treatments near Prospect Street and the future connection to the cycling bridge over the railway. Traffic
modelling has considered the impacts that this proposed arrangement would have to the master plan. Figure
D.10 shows the latest schematic designs.

Figure D.10: Latest Nelson Road Bike Lanes Design

In this scenario, only changes to traffic geometries were considered which include the removal of one traffic
lane in the north and south direction (bicycle lanes have not been included as cyclists are likely to operate
within the current north-south pedestrian phase, thus will not have any material impact to the signal timing).

In this regard, the modelled results are shown in Figure D.11Figure D.10 and Table D.5.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan D.1. INTERSECTION MODELLING RESULTS | xxi
Figure D.11: Modelling Results – Post Development (with bicycle lanes) Scenario – PM Peak Hour –
Degree of Saturation

Table D.5: Whitehorse Road / Nelson Road Modelling Summary – Post Development (with bicycle
lanes) Scenario PM Peak
Intersection Approach DOS Average Delay Average Queue
Nelson 0.51 36 sec 41 m
Whitehorse 0.88 45 sec 79 m
Whitehorse Road (East)
Nelson 0.67 49 sec 50 m
/ Nelson
Whitehorse 0.89 52 sec 155 m
Road (West)
Intersection 0.89 47 sec 155 m

The performance of the Whitehorse Road / Nelson Road intersection in this scenario is reduced, however,
continues to operate within their capacity. Compared to the post development scenario (without bicycle
lanes), this scenario:

Increases the queue distance on Nelson Road south approach from 31m to 41m (queue extent near
to Prospect Street.

Increases the delay on Nelson Road south approach by 7 seconds (29 to 36 seconds).

It is noted that this assessment provided is high-level in nature and is meant to only inform the early-stage
potential of the provision of bicycle lanes on Nelson Road and to confirm that the masterplan enables its
provision through the reduction of traffic along Nelson Road and the provision of land for a future connection
over the retail. It is expected that the design and feasibility of the bicycle facilities along Nelson Road is
subject to further assessment and refinement which is to be delivered by others.

Box Hill Central North Masterplan D.1. INTERSECTION MODELLING RESULTS | xxii
Level 25, 55 Collins Street
03 9851 9600

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