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Elements of Aeronautical Engineering

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UG Engg./ Tech.

Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

A) Course Title: Elements of Aeronautical Engineering

B) Course Code:

C) Pre- requisite Course (s): Engineering Mathematics

D) Rationale:
The introductory Aeronautical Engineering course at the undergraduate level focuses on the core principles
underlying flight and related engineering fundamentals. This course plays a crucial role in the engineering
program, providing students with essential knowledge in aerodynamics, propulsion, materials science, and
aircraft structures. By comprehensively examining the mechanics of flight, students are primed to
understand intricate engineering challenges, setting the stage for further dedicated courses in the program.
This foundational course equips them with the skills needed to contribute to the evolution of flight
E) Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of the course, teachers are expected to
ensure the accomplishment of following industry expected course outcomes by the learners.

S. Course
No. Outcomes Course Outcome Statements
1. CO-1 Explore the evolution of flight, from early attempts to modern aircraft, covering
contributions and industry impact.
2. CO-2 Apply aerodynamic principles to assess aircraft performance.
3. CO-3 Evaluate diverse aircraft propulsion methods and technologies.
4. CO-4 Examine materials, structures, and systems in aircraft components.
5. CO-5 Calculate aircraft dynamics for optimal performance analysis.

F) Course Articulation Matrix (CAM):

Programme Outcomes (POs) Specific
PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PO-7 PO-8 PO-9 PO- 10 PO-11 PO- 12 PSO-1 PSO-2
Outcomes Engineeri Problem Design/ Conduct Modern The Engineer Environment Ethics Individual Communic Project Life-long
(COs) ng Analysis Developme Investigations Tool and Society and and Team ation Management Learning
Knowled nt of of Complex Usage Sustainability Work and Finance
ge Solutions Problems

CO-1 3 - - - - 2 - - - - - -

CO-2 3 2 1 1 1 2 - 1 2 2 2 -

CO-3 3 3 2 1 2 2 - 1 2 2 2 -

CO-4 3 - - - 2 2 - - 2 2 2 -

CO-5 3 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2

Legend: High (3), Medium (2), Low (1) and No mapping (-)

NITTTR, Bhopal-Academic Consultant for CDP BEU, Bihar Semester - III

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

G) Teaching & Learning and Assessment Scheme:

Teaching & Learning Scheme Assessment Scheme (Marks)
Classroom Theory Term work & Lab Assessment
Assessment Self-Learning (LA)

Total Hours (CI+LI+TW+SL) (For 15 Weeks)


Total Marks (TA+TWA+LA)

CourseCodes and Category

Term Work (TW) and Self-Learning (SL)

(CI) (TA) Assessment

End Term Work Assessment (ETWA)

Progressive Term Work Assessment
Progressive TheoryAssessment

Progressive Lab Assessment

Lab Instruction(LI)

End Laboratory Assessment

Total Credits (C)

End Theory Assessment

Board of Study

(TW+ SL)




Aeronautical Elements of
Engineering Aeronautical 03 - - 01 04 2 25 50 10 15 - - 100
CI: Classroom Instruction (Includes different instructional/implementation strategies i.e. Lecture (L), Tutorial (T), Case method,
Demonstrations, Video demonstration, Problem based learning etc. to deliver theoretical concepts)
LI: Laboratory Instruction (Includes experiments/practical performances /problem-based experiences in laboratory, workshop,
field or other locations using different instructional/Implementation strategies)
TW: Term work (includes assignments, seminars, micro projects, industrial visits, any other student activities etc.)
SL: Self Learning, MOOCs, spoken tutorials, online educational resources etc.
PTA: Progressive Theory Assessment in class room (includes class test, mid-term test and quiz using online/offline modes)
PLA: Progressive Laboratory Assessment (includes process and product assessment using rating Scales and rubrics)
TWA: Term work & Self Learning Assessment (Includes assessment related to student performance in assignments, seminars, micro
projects, industrial visits, self-learning, any other student activities etc.
Course Category: Basic Science Courses (BSC), Engineering Science Courses (ESC), Professional core courses (PCC),
Professional Core Elective (PCE), Professional Open Electives (POE), Humanities and Social Science Courses (HSC),
Project, Seminar, Internship (PSI), Mandatory Courses (MNC)

H) Course Curriculum Detailing: For attainment of course outcomes, the students are expected to
perform/ undergo various activities through classroom, laboratories/ workshops term/ work, self-
learning/ field sessions. As per the requirements of NEP: 2020, unique features like Green skills,
Multidisciplinary Aspects, Societal Connect, IKS, Renewable Energy are integrated appropriately.

I) Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) and Units:

Major Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) Units Relevant
TSO 1a. Explore the historical roots and initial Unit-1.0 Aeronautics: History of Flying and CO1
experiments in human flight. the Industry
TSO 1b. Trace pivotal milestones and influential 1.1 Early attempts of flying
figures in the evolution of aerial technology.
1.2 Major events in the development of aerial
TSO 1c. Examine the progression of aircraft design vehicle and their contributors
from inception to contemporary models, with
1.3 Development cycle of aircraft to the present
an eye towards future innovations.
state and future ahead
TSO 1d. Chart the evolution of helicopters from their 1.4 Development cycle of helicopter to the
early prototypes to their current state of
current state
engineering excellence.
1.5 Indian Aeronautical Industry
1.6 Aeronautical Industry

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

Major Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) Units Relevant

TSO 1e. Survey the growth and impact of the Indian
aeronautical sector on both national and global
TSO 1f. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the
aeronautical industry, encompassing its
diverse sectors and global significance in
technological advancement.
TSO 2a. Examine atmospheric properties and the Unit-2.0 Aerodynamics CO2
standard atmosphere, understanding altitude
variations in pressure, temperature, and 2.1 Atmosphere and Standard Atmosphere;
density. Pressure, Temperature and Density
TSO 2b. Familiarize with the terminology and
designations associated with airfoil shapes and 2.2 Airfoil Nomenclatures
their aerodynamic characteristics. 2.3 Aerodynamic forces and coefficients: lift,
TSO 2c. Understand aerodynamic principles, drag and moment, Pressure coefficient
encompassing lift, drag, moment, and the 2.4 Speed of sound
influential pressure coefficient. 2.5 Subsonic wind tunnels and supersonic wind
TSO 2d. Explore the critical concept of the speed of tunnels
sound and its effects on aeronautical design.
TSO 2e. Differentiate between subsonic and supersonic
wind tunnels, crucial tools for aerodynamic
testing and analysis.
TSO 3a. Explore diverse aircraft propulsion methods, Unit-3.0 Propulsion CO3
including propellers, reciprocating engines,
and advanced jet propulsion technologies. 3.1 Aircraft propulsion: Propellers,
reciprocating engines, Jet engines
TSO 3b. Gain insight into the operational principles
and various types of jet engines, including 3.2 Jet engines: Working principle, Types-
Turbojet, Turbofan, and Turboshaft. Turbojet, Turbofan, Turboshaft
TSO 3c. Study the principles behind Ramjet and 3.3 Ramjet, Scramjet propulsion
Scramjet engines, crucial for high-speed flight
3.4 Brief introduction of rocket propulsion
and space exploration.
TSO 3d. Receive a concise introduction to rocket
propulsion, the foundation of space
exploration and interplanetary travel.
TSO 4a. Explore diverse materials employed in Unit-4.0 Aircraft Structures and Systems CO4
aircraft components, emphasizing their
evolution and technological advancements 4.1 Various materials used in different
over time. components/parts of the aircraft, Evolution
of aircraft materials with time
TSO 4b. Understand the specific properties of
materials used in flight vehicles and the 4.2 Properties of flight vehicle material,
factors influencing material selection for Factors impacting choice of aircraft
aircraft construction. material
TSO 4c. Familiarize with the structural arrangement of 4.3 Layout of aircraft along with various
aircraft, encompassing key components and structure components including control
crucial control surfaces for aerodynamic surfaces
4.4 Brief introduction to various aircrafts
TSO 4d. Gain a foundational understanding of instruments and systems
essential instruments and systems integral to
the operation and navigation of aircraft.
TSO 5a. Investigate the Equation of Motion and Unit-5.0 Aircraft Performance CO5
analyze the Drag Polar concept.
5.1 Equation of motion, Drag polar

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

Major Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) Units Relevant

TSO 5b. Assess thrust and power requirements for 5.2 Level and un-accelerated flight: thrust and
maintaining level and un-accelerated flight. power requirements
TSO 5c. Evaluate the power demands versus available 5.3 Aircraft power requirements and power
propulsion for both jet and propeller-driven available (Jet and propeller propulsion)
aircraft. 5.4 Range and Endurance Phenomenon
5.5 Take-off and landing performance
TSO 5d. Examine the principles governing aircraft
range and endurance, crucial for mission
TSO 5e. Study the factors influencing take-off and
landing performance, pivotal phases in aircraft

J) Suggested Laboratory (Practical) Session Outcomes (LSOs) and List of Practical with
Assessment Table: (Not Applicable)

K) Suggested Term Work (TW) and Self-Learning (SL):

a. Assignments: (Seminar Topics/ Visits/ Self- Learning Topics)
Questions/Problems/Numerical/Exercises to be provided by the course teacher in line
with the targeted COs.

b. Micro Projects: Suggested list of course wise micro projects are mentioned herewith

1. Women in Aeronautics
2. Future challenges in aerospace engineering
3. Ongoing support schemes by the government of India for the aeronautical industry
4. List down major aeronautical industry in India and show them on a map of India. Also identify
the major component/system/product of that particular industry.
5. List down major aircraft manufacturers in the world and their commercially most successful
aircraft in the present times.
6. Create a visual timeline showcasing key events in the history of aviation, highlighting major
contributors and their achievements.
7. Aerial Vehicle Model Construction: Build a scale model of an aerial vehicle, focusing on its
basic structure and components, to understand its development cycle.
8. Airfoil Shape Demonstration: Design and test simple airfoil shapes to observe their aerodynamic
properties, emphasizing lift and drag characteristics.
9. Wind Tunnel Model Testing: Construct a small-scale wind tunnel and perform basic
experiments to observe the effects of airflow on different objects.
Materials Selection Case Study: Analyze a specific aircraft component and propose suitable
materials based on their properties and relevance to the component's function.

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

c. Other Activities:
1. Industry Experts can be invited to deliver talk and give perspective on different aspects of
aeronautical engineering.
2. Visits: Visit nearby industry involved in aeronautical equipment manufacturing or
aeronautical service industry. Prepare report of visit with special comments on technology
used and gauge future prospects of aeronautical.

d. Self-learning topics:
• Coefficient of lift and drag variation of a typical airfoil with angle of attack.
• Learn about the various systems on board an aircraft, including electrical,
hydraulic, and avionics systems.
• Gain an understanding of numerical methods used for simulating fluid flow and
aerodynamic performance.
• Study safety protocols, accident investigation techniques, and the role of human
factors in aviation incidents.

L) Suggested Specification Table for End Semester Theory Assessment (ETA):

ETA (Marks)
Taxonomy Levels of Cognitive
Relevant Classroom
Total Domain
Unit Number and Title Instruction
Number(s) Marks
(CI) Remember & Apply, Analyse,
Hours Understand Evaluate &
Unit-1.0 Aeronautics: History of CO1 10 10 06 04
Flying and the Industry
Unit-2.0 Aerodynamics CO2 08 10 05 05

Unit-3.0 Propulsion CO3 08 08 09 04

Unit-4.0 Aircraft Structures and CO4 09 12 05 07

Unit-5.0 Aircraft Performance CO5 10 10 04 06

Total 45 50 24 26

Note: Similar table can also be used to design class/mid-term/ internal question paper for progressive assessment.

M) Suggested Instructional/Implementation Strategies: Different Instructional/ Implementation

Strategies may be appropriately used, as per the requirement of the content/outcome to be achieved.
Some of them are Improved Lecture, Tutorial, Case Method, Group Discussion, Industrial visits,
Industrial Training, Field Trips, Portfolio Based, Learning, Role Play, Live Demonstrations in
Classrooms, Lab, Field Information and Communications Technology (ICT)Based Teaching
Learning, Blended or flipped mode, Brainstorming, Expert Session, Video Clippings, Use of Open
Educational Resources (OER), MOOCs etc.

N) Suggested Learning Resources:

NITTTR, Bhopal-Academic Consultant for CDP BEU, Bihar Semester - III

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

a) Books

S. No. Titles Author(s) Publisher and Edition with

1. Introduction to flight John D. Anderson, Mc-Graw Hill, 9th Edition (2021)
Mary L. Bowden ISBN-13: 978-1260597998
2. Flight without formula A. C. Kermode Pearson, 5th edition (2004)
ISBN-13: 9788131713891
3. Aircraft: Basic Science Ralph D. Bent, Michael Mc-Graw Hill, 5th Edition (1980)
J. Kroes ISBN-13: 978-0070047914
4 Jet Propulsion: A Simple Guide to the Nicholas Cumpsty Cambridge University Press 2nd
Aerodynamic and Thermodynamic edition (2003)
Design and Performance of Jet Engines ISBN-13: 978-0521541442

b) Others/ Online Educational Resources (OER)

1) Online MOOCs on edx platform “DelftX: Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering”.
2) MOOCs course: Introduction to Aerospace Engineering-Flight by Prof. Rajkumar S. Pant, IIT
Bombay, SWAYAM Portal

O) (a) Course Curriculum Development Team (NITTTR, Bhopal)

S. No. Name and Designation E-mail Address
1. Dr. Anju Rawlley, Professor (Project

(b) Course Curriculum Development Team (Expert)

S. Name and Designation E-mail Address Institution Name
1. Prof. Tushar Siag, Assistant Punjab Engineering
Professor College, Chandigarh


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