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Lesson Plan ICAO Flight Plan

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ICAO Flight Plan

Objective: To teach student to fill out the new ICAO Flight Plan form.


• Why using new form?

• What are changes to the old flight plan form?
• Sources of Data
• Filling out the form
• Filing the flight plan

Schedule: 30 minutes classroom

Equipment needed: White board or projector & screen, handout of new form

Instructor actions:

• Cover topic
• Relate to AIM 5-1-9 & FAA form 7233-4 pg 1 and pg 2
• Fill out sample form on whiteboard
• Hand out blank form and give data for new blocks
• Assure transfer of knowledge by questioning and reviewing form data entry

Student Actions:

• Understand topic and sources of data for entry

• Proficiency in form entry

Completion Standards:

• Student will be able to research airplane equipment, assign appropriate codes and completely fill out the ICAO
flight plan form
ICAO Flight Plan

Objective: To teach student to fill out the new ICAO Flight Plan form.


• Why use the ICAO Flight Plan form:

o FAA wished to fully integrate the International Flight Plan form (first issued 2006) into use for domestic flight
o Mandatory for all IFR flights departing US airspace as of August 2019
o Mandatory for assignment of SID and STAR procedures
o Is recommended for all domestic flight plans
• How to fill out the ICAO form. (Flight Plan form “Blocks” are referenced as “Block 8”
o Filing time – must input the time you file the flight plan.
o Item 8 – input Visual Flight Rules as V or Instrument Flight Rules as I
§ Type of flight – S (sched), N (non-sched), G (GA), M (military), X (if other than the defined categories)
o Item 9 – number of aircraft described by the ICAO form: Range is 01-99
§ Wake turbulence category in pounds: L (light <15,000), M (medium <300,000), H (heavy >300,000)
§ Equipment categories: S (std-VHF, VOR, ILS), G (GNSS) ie: your GPS, O (VOR), D (DME), L (ILS)
o Item 13 – Departure Airport: ICAO (KADS), however a non-ICAO airport (such as 7F3 – uses ZZZZ placed in
the ROUTE section) Time – enter time of Departure XXXXXX (HRHRMINMINSECSEC) ie: 160300)
o Item 16 – Destination Airport: ICAO (KLBB), however a non-ICAO airport (such as 7T0 – use ZZZZ and put in
the ROUTE section)

o ROUTE – ORDER OF INPUT: Reminder you must now input NON-ICAO airport information for both
Destination and Departure in the ROUTE section as - Departure DEP/ Airport Name (ex: 7F3), Destination
DEST/ Airport Name (ex: 7T0).
Example of NON-ICAO: DEP/7F3 WORTH1 MQP V66 ABI V385 DEST/T30
Example of ICAO: WORTH1 MQP V66 ABI V385
Example of Route to ICAO Intersection Fix and then NON-ICAO Destination:
o Item 18 – OTHER INFORMATION: – 0 (zero) if no additional information, M (medevac), HUM (humanitarian),
SAR (search and rescue), FFR (fire fighting) (refer to AIM for more examples).
o Item 19 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (not to be transmitted to ATC in Flight Plan messages):
§ E/ENDURANCE – input aircraft endurance in hours and minutes.
§ P/PERSONS ON BOARD – input number of persons ie: 001 (use 3 digits)
§ R/EMERGENCY RADIO - UHF (243.0 mhz), VHF (121.5 mhz), ELBA (ELT) Note – X for each if
communication item not on board
§ SURVIVAL EQUIPMENT - Cross out (“X”) each item of equipment not on board
§ CLIMATE EQUIPMENT – Cross out (“X”) any type not on board Polar, Desert, Maritime, Jungle.
§ JACKETS - Cross out (“X”) each flotation jacket type not on board: Light, Fluorescent, UHF, VHF
§ DINGHIES – Cross out (“X”) if no dinghies on board, if carried, enter number of dinghies, total
capacity (persons) of all dinghies carried
o Cover – Cross out (“X”) if no cover for dinghies (on board)
o Color – Color if on board
§ AIRCRAFT COLOR AND MARKINGS - enter color of aircraft (in predominance) ie: Blue and White
§ REMARKS (survival equip) Cross out (“X”) out N, if no remarks about survival equipment or, include
any remarks
• Source of Data: AIM 5-1-9; Figure 5-1-3, Tables 5-1-4, 5-1-5, 5-1-6

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