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NICE - AI Readiness Guide

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Your AI-Ready
A blueprint for success

What workers have to say about AI
92% of workers say AI tech has a positive impact.
Nearly all workers surveyed say the artificial
What does it mean intelligence tools they have access to have a
to be AI ready? Technology has always been at the forefront of But how do you capitalize on this amazing new
positive impact, according to Adobe — and
26% went so far as to call the tech a “miracle.”
human creativity, ingenuity, and resilience. Numerous technology? What does it take to harness this limitless
Nearly half (41%) agreed that “AI has completely
technological waves have swept our world, making potential for your business?
The changed how I work for the better.”
a splash throughout history, creating new industries,
foundation Or, in other words, is your business AI ready?
defining new business models, and ultimately reshaping
how we interact with the world around us. This eBook will guide you through the steps necessary 92% 26%
said AI had a call the tech
The An exciting technology wave is well underway and
to determine where your business stands on your positive impact a “miracle.”
essentials AI readiness journey, ensuring you capture the full
is about to crash against our Customer Experience
potential of AI for CX and beyond.
(CX) shores with full force. The new age of artificial
intelligence has arrived — a technology super-wave
The finishing 41%
that comes with consequences that are far-reaching
touch agreed that AI
for the CX space and beyond. “changed how I
work for the better.”
AI is the long-awaited CX alchemist, conjuring up an
The impact of entirely new world of possibilities of how technology
AI for business The top reported productivity gains of AI
and customer service can be melded together, and it is
enabling the future of CX today.

45% Reducing or eliminating tedious work

61% Helping employees work faster

67% Saving time

*Adobe: Digital Worker's Perception

of AI technologies, 2023

What does it mean
What does it mean
to be AI ready?
to be AI ready?
For this eBook, we define AI readiness as: An organization’s preparedness to effectively
integrate, leverage, and maximize artificial intelligence (AI) within its business and
The customer experience (CX) operations. Three key elements are required for AI readiness.

The finishing
Moving to the cloud Evaluate your CX strategy Beware the Frankenstack
Complete your move to the cloud, As deployed in the past decade, As you build a new AI infrastructure,
The impact of but do it right. The transition is only digital CX did not live up to you have a golden opportunity
AI for business complete when you feel a dramatic its promise. To achieve fluent to get it right, avoiding past
acceleration in your speed of consumer journeys, there is no mistakes resulting in a siloed and
innovation. That velocity can only such thing as standalone CX complex ‘Frankenstack.’ Seamless,
Conclusion be achieved once you fully replace digital transformation. It must be streamlined experiences can only
your legacy technology stack an inherent part of your overall materialize when part of a simple
with a consolidated and simplified CX strategy and a native part of a and robust platform that natively
cloud-native platform. single platform. brings together all applications,
data, and AI.

To achieve this, we have broken up AI readiness into three pillars, necessary for long-term
success and maximizing your AI resources.

The foundation foundation
What does it mean
to be AI ready?

What to expect in this chapter:
The • The importance of cloud infrastructure for scalable
and cost-effective AI operations
The finishing • The crucial role data plays in informing AI decisions
and personalized customer experiences
The impact of • The need for a unified tech stack for successful
AI for business
digital transformation

Conclusion • The significance of organizational buy-in ensuring

successful AI integration and fostering a customer-
centric culture

Cloud infrastructure: The

Introduction The backbone of AI operations
In the realm of AI integration, scalability is paramount. The cloud’s global reach is pivotal in AI’s worldwide
What does it mean The cloud, serving as the linchpin of AI operations, impact. With data centers scattered across the
to be AI ready? offers diverse options, including public, private, and globe, cloud providers ensure proximity to data
hybrid clouds, tailored to align seamlessly with your AI sources and international user bases, facilitating low-
ambitions. This flexibility extends to resource scaling, latency access to resources and data storage. This
The where the cloud’s unmatched offerings allow effortless strategic advantage optimizes the performance of AI
foundation adjustments to computing resources, eliminating applications and broadens their reach. Additionally,
bottlenecks and accommodating the evolving the cloud relieves organizations of IT burdens as
demands of your AI initiatives. cloud providers take on infrastructure management,
maintenance, and robust security measures. This frees
organizations to focus on AI development and ensures
The global cloud computing market data and AI models are safeguarded against potential
The finishing grew from $24.63 billion in 2010 to threats, bolstering data privacy, access control, and AI

touch $156.4 billion in 2020. That’s a 635% jump. model monitoring.

The impact of billion
AI for business 2020

Moreover, embracing pay-as-you-go pricing, KEY The cloud is essential for scalable
the cloud model proves a prudent approach to AI and cost-effective AI operations,
investment, ensuring you only pay for the resources offering flexible options, pay-as-
utilized. This is advantageous for agile development, you-go pricing, and a global reach
prototyping, and experimentation, democratizing AI that optimizes AI performance and
adoption by eliminating the need for substantial upfront security while reducing IT burdens
investments in physical infrastructure. for organizations.

Data knowledge: The

Introduction Harnessing the power of data
Data serves as the backbone of informed decisions trends. Effective data management ensures that AI-driven
What does it mean and the lifeblood of AI-driven choices. Data quality, CX operations run efficiently and remain responsive to ever-
to be AI ready? management, and effective collection strategies are changing customer needs.
paramount to establishing a robust AI foundation. Firstly,
Similarly, knowledge bases are crucial for establishing
data plays a pivotal role in training AI models, enabling
The them to understand customer behavior accurately and
sustainable AI foundations, serving as centralized repositories

foundation of structured information, insights, and best practices. These

make informed predictions. Customer interactions,
knowledge hubs streamline data access, enabling efficient
purchase histories, and feedback contribute to the data-
data utilization for AI-driven decision-making processes.
driven insights that AI leverages to create personalized
The By leveraging knowledge bases, organizations facilitate
experiences, offers, and responses. Additionally, data is
essentials continuous learning and improvement of AI systems, allowing
the bedrock for AI’s ability to automate routine tasks and
them to adapt and refine their capabilities over time. These
streamline customer inquiries, enhancing efficiency and
repositories also promote consistency and accuracy in
The finishing response times.
customer interactions, enabling AI to provide personalized
touch and reliable experiences, vital for fostering long-term

NICE Enlighten is trained on the largest CX customer trust and loyalty. Effective knowledge management
cultivates a strong foundation for AI initiatives, ensuring that
The impact of dataset in the world, comprised of billions of
AI technologies reach their full potential for sustained success
AI for business interactions across all business disciplines.
and innovation in the ever-evolving business landscape.

Conclusion Secondly, data empowers predictive analytics, enabling

KEY Data forms the basis for informed
organizations to forecast and proactively engage with TAKEAWAY
AI decisions, enabling personalized
customer behavior. Sentiment analysis of customer
experiences and streamlined
feedback and reviews provides valuable insights, aiding
customer interactions. Knowledge
companies in refining their CX strategies. Furthermore,
bases play a crucial role in
data-driven segmentation allows for targeted marketing
facilitating continuous learning
campaigns and personalized experiences tailored to
and ensuring consistent, reliable
different customer groups. Continuous learning ensures
customer engagement for long-term
that AI remains adaptable to the dynamic CX landscape,
trust and loyalty.
aligning CX with evolving customer preferences and

Unified tech stack: The

Introduction Transformation through a
digital-first mindset
What does it mean Only a truly unified CX platform can maximize As you design your AI infrastructure, thinking
to be AI ready? AI for your business. Much like past standalone expansively and avoiding fragmenting solutions is
digital CX transformations, attempting to initiate imperative. This presents a unique opportunity to avoid
digital transformation independently falls short of past errors that result in disconnected and complex
expectations. Instead, digital transformation must digital environments. To realize fluid experiences, a
foundation be seamlessly interwoven into your overarching CX straightforward and robust platform is essential, one
strategy, becoming an integral component of a unified that seamlessly brings together all applications, data,

The platform. Integrating AI is a potent catalyst, elevating and AI. In the specialized customer service domain,
digital interactions and bridging the gap in the digital AI initiatives must be tailored to CX specifics and
world. This alignment of AI with your broader digital implemented at scale. By embracing a comprehensive
endeavors holds the key to creating seamless consumer and unified approach, you not only sidestep the
The finishing journeys and ensuring the success of your digital pitfalls of fragmented solutions but also position your
touch transformation. organization for AI-driven triumph in the digital age.

The impact of Currently, just 31% of businesses offer

AI for business customer service via chat, yet 52% of
consumers prefer chat to other channels.

Conclusion 11% of businesses prioritize making self-

KEY A unified CX platform is essential
service smarter, despite 36% of consumers
for successful AI integration and
wanting this as a priority.
digital transformation, allowing for
Regarding how consumers get support, 46% seamless consumer experiences and
of consumers say they go to Google search avoiding the pitfalls of fragmented
first, yet only 15% of businesses consider it solutions.
the first step for consumers.

Organizational buy-in: The

Introduction Gaining support from all stakeholders
Organizational buy-in is crucial for resource allocation, Proper buy-in also aids in risk mitigation by proactively
What does it mean ensuring that the financial investments, skilled addressing concerns like data privacy and algorithmic
to be AI ready? personnel, and time required for AI implementation are biases. It aligns AI initiatives with the broader CX strategy,
readily available. This foundation enables successful guided by organizational leaders who are responsible
execution. Secondly, it encourages cross-functional for coherence and practicality. Moreover, it facilitates
The collaboration among departments, fostering goal change management, making it easier for employees to
foundation alignment and collaboration across IT, marketing, adapt to new workflows and processes. By establishing
customer support, and data analytics teams, making relevant metrics and KPIs, it measures the impact of AI on
AI integration more effective. Additionally, buy- CX. It reinforces a customer-centric culture, where AI is
in catalyzes cultural change, helping employees prioritized for delivering superior customer experiences.
embrace AI as a valuable tool rather than a threat. It
Long-term buy-in also sustains AI initiatives, guarding
promotes data sharing and integration throughout the
against premature abandonment and enabling ongoing
The finishing organization, ensuring that AI systems can access the
improvements. Furthermore, it positions organizations
data they need for optimal performance.
touch for a competitive advantage, signaling a commitment to
innovation and staying ahead in the CX market. Finally, it

Gartner has estimated that 85% of emphasizes ethical and responsible AI practices, building
The impact of
and maintaining customer trust—a cornerstone of lasting
AI for business artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
CX success.
learning (ML) projects fail to produce
a return for the business.* The reasons
often cited for the high failure rate include KEY Organizational buy-in is critical
poor scope definition, bad training data, for successful AI implementation,

organizational inertia, lack of process fostering collaboration, mitigating

risks, and promoting a customer-
change, mission creep, and insufficient
centric culture, while emphasizing
ethical AI practices for lasting
customer trust and success.
85% fail to produce a return

*Forbes: Achieving Next-Level Value from AI by Focusing on the Operational Side of Machine Learning, 2023

The essentials essentials
What does it mean
to be AI ready?

What to expect in this chapter:
The • The importance of developing a skilled workforce
through training and strategic hiring for effective AI
The finishing integration
• The role of knowledge management in ensuring
The impact of
consistent customer experiences and efficient
AI for business problem-solving
• The significance of robust risk and compliance
management, including cybersecurity, for
maintaining ethical AI practices and data protection

Skilled workforce: The

Introduction Developing AI expertise
Cultivating a skilled workforce forms the bedrock of Hiring AI talent injects fresh perspectives and advanced
What does it mean success. Building AI competency from within is vital to knowledge into your AI initiatives. By defining clear
to be AI ready? long-term success and growth. Upskilling your existing roles and expectations, engaging with AI communities,
team is pivotal. Tailored training programs that cover and collaborating with educational institutions,
AI fundamentals, coupled with practical, hands-on you can strategically augment your team with AI
The projects, are key. Additionally, fostering a culture of experts, fortifying your organization’s AI capabilities.
foundation continuous learning is essential to equip your employees Whether through upskilling or hiring, fostering a skilled
with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful workforce is the cornerstone of resilient AI integration,
AI integration. constructed one brick of knowledge at a time.
Skills and financial
The finishing constraints are the
touch leading reported
barriers, with about
80% 80 percent of
The impact of
enterprises citing a
AI for business
lack of skills in their
internal workforce.*
KEY Developing a skilled workforce
through upskilling and strategic
hiring is crucial for successful AI
integration and long-term growth.

*The White House: The impact of artificial intelligence on the future of workforces in the European union and the United States of America, 2022.

Knowledge management: The

Introduction Efficiently storing and utilizing information
Knowledge management serves as an empowerment Second, knowledge management equips AI with
What does it mean multiplier of AI integration, like a well-organized library the agility for efficient problem resolution. AI-driven
to be AI ready? where information is readily accessible to empower chatbots and virtual assistants access troubleshooting
enhanced customer experiences. guides and product documentation to swiftly
address common customer issues, offering real-time
The First, it underscores the significance of knowledge
assistance without human intervention. Furthermore,
foundation management in upholding information consistency and
knowledge management fosters scalability, allowing
accuracy across customer touchpoints. AI systems
AI to seamlessly adapt to expanding customer
draw upon a centralized knowledge base, ensuring
interactions. It promotes a continuous learning cycle
The dependable and uniform responses to customer
and improvement by refining AI algorithms through
essentials queries. This reduces the risk of misinformation and
customer feedback. Lastly, it drives cost savings by
elevates customer satisfaction.
automating routine tasks, freeing human agents to

The finishing tackle complex inquiries.

touch “Knowledge Management is not just about

data or reservoirs of valuable information.
The impact of It is connecting people to the right
AI for business information, from the very first search. It is
training AI to be an expert in the specified
industry. Without knowledge, data, and
a ‘why’ to manage that, all you have is KEY Knowledge management is essential
ineffective and expensive AI software.” TAKEAWAY
for ensuring consistent customer
experiences, efficient problem-

— Elizabeth Tobey, Head of Digital and AI solving, and cost savings through
task automation, ultimately
Marketing at NICE
enhancing customer satisfaction
and operational efficiency.

Risk and compliance management: The

Introduction Navigating AI’s legal landscape
Data protection laws like GDPR and HIPAA necessitate management systems establish practices to achieve
What does it mean establishing robust compliance systems to ensure that transparency and accountability. They also allow for a
to be AI ready? AI initiatives comply with these regulations, mitigating clear audit trail to ensure protocol and guidelines are
the risk of costly fines and legal repercussions. followed.
Moreover, it emphasizes the ethical considerations in AI
The decision-making, underlining the need for compliance
Part of this management system should include robust

foundation cybersecurity. This is vital in AI integration because

and risk management frameworks to identify and
it safeguards sensitive data, ensures regulatory
address ethical risks such as algorithmic biases or
compliance, preserves algorithmic integrity, addresses
privacy concerns, thereby ensuring responsible and
The ethical concerns, maintains business continuity, fosters
ethical AI practices.
essentials customer trust, and gains a competitive edge. AI relies
on extensive datasets, some containing sensitive
5% customer information, making cybersecurity measures
Over 40% of
The finishing essential.
privacy compliance
technology will rely on
AI by 2023, up from
The impact of
5% today, according
AI for business
to Gartner, Inc.*

Compliance systems enforce stringent measures KEY Robust compliance systems and
such as access controls and encryption to protect cybersecurity measures are
customer data from unauthorized access or breaches. essential for ensuring adherence
Furthermore, it advocates for transparency and to data protection laws, mitigating
accountability in AI systems, requiring organizations to risks, and maintaining ethical AI
explain AI decisions effectively. Compliance and risk practices, safeguarding sensitive
data, and fostering customer trust
for successful AI integration.

*Gartner: Privacy Compliance Technology, 2020.


The finishing
The finishing touch touch
What does it mean
to be AI ready?

What to expect:
The • Leveraging AI for business growth in sales
and marketing
The finishing • The importance of stakeholder alignment for
sustained success
The impact of • The benefits of automation, streamlining operations
AI for business
for increased efficiency and improved customer

Sales and marketing awareness: The finishing

Introduction Leveraging AI for business growth
Sales and marketing awareness through AI is more AI in sales and marketing elevates the customer
What does it mean than just a mere choice but a strategic imperative. experience, fostering loyalty and satisfaction.
to be AI ready? It’s the cornerstone for maximizing ROI and financial Personalized recommendations and tailored marketing
sustainability. By infusing AI into your sales and messages delight customers, while data-driven
marketing efforts, you unlock the potential for insights inform strategic decisions. Sustained AI
The accelerated revenue growth. Precise targeting, use perpetuates these benefits, ensuring enduring
foundation improved lead generation, and enhanced conversion customer relationships and agile, data-informed
rates become the norm. AI-driven strategies enable decision-making. Additionally, AI optimizes resource
more accurate customer segmentation, personalized allocation and facilitates scalability, bolstering
marketing, and real-time trend analysis. resource efficiency and future growth.

Gartner predicts 30%

The finishing
of outgoing marketing
touch 30% messages from large
organizations will be
The impact of generated by AI
AI for business by 2025.*

KEY Incorporating AI into sales and
marketing strategies is crucial
for maximizing ROI and customer
satisfaction through precise
targeting, personalized experiences,
and optimized resource allocation.

*Gartner: Generative AI: What Is It, Tools, Models, Applications and Use Cases. 2023

Adaptation to key organizational The finishing

Introduction stakeholders: Ensuring alignment with
your business goals
What does it mean Alignment with organizational stakeholders is crucial Moreover, gaining stakeholder buy-in empowers
to be AI ready? for sustained AI success. It ensures that AI initiatives are you to secure the essential resources and personnel
strategically congruent with the organization’s broader required for AI initiatives. It facilitates smoother change
goals: revenue growth, cost reduction, or improved management as AI often brings transformative shifts in
customer experiences. This translates into a shared workflows and processes. Additionally, it establishes
foundation vision guiding AI implementation toward delivering a framework for measuring progress and effectively
tangible business outcomes. mitigating risks associated with AI adoption. In essence,

The aligning with key stakeholders is the compass steering

your AI journey toward long-term prosperity, enabling
essentials 74% of Americans are your organization to harness the full potential of AI while
likely to recommend a remaining adaptable in an evolving landscape.
The finishing brand or company to
touch friends/family if they
74% provide a convenient
The impact of customer experience.*
AI for business

KEY Organizational alignment is vital
for successful AI implementation,
enabling smoother change
management and effective risk
mitigation, guiding the organization
towards long-term success and

*Shep Hyken: The 2021 ACA Report, 2021


Leveraging automation: Streamlining The finishing

Introduction processes for maximum efficiency
Automation is the engine behind operational efficiency. Beyond immediate gains, automation leads to
What does it mean It empowers organizations to optimize workflows, substantial cost savings over time. It boosts
to be AI ready? reduce manual tasks, and streamline operations. This productivity while requiring fewer resources, minimizes
enhances productivity and ensures that resources manual errors and rework, and optimizes resource
are allocated judiciously. By automating routine and allocation. These cost savings can be strategically
The repetitive tasks, businesses can free up their skilled reinvested in AI innovation and other high-impact
foundation workforce to focus on higher-value, strategic activities, initiatives, contributing to sustained AI success.
thereby maximizing the potential of human expertise. Moreover, automated systems are adaptable and
continuously improve. They learn from data and user
The AI can deliver unwavering consistency and precision.
interactions and an updated knowledge base, ensuring
essentials Automated processes are not subject to the same
AI-driven processes remain relevant and effective in an
human variability and errors, guaranteeing higher
ever-evolving landscape.
reliability. In customer-facing functions, this reliability
The finishing is pivotal. Automation allows organizations to provide
touch swift, personalized responses to customer queries,
ultimately enriching the customer experience. This
is crucial in today’s competitive landscape, where
The impact of
exceptional customer experiences drive customer
AI for business
loyalty and long-term revenue growth.

Companies anticipating and KEY Automation enhances operational
communicating proactive efficiency, customer experiences,
service solutions have a 7% and cost savings over time, enabling
organizations to focus on strategic
higher three-year revenue
tasks and drive sustained AI
growth average.*

*Accenture: End-to-Endless Customer Service, 2022


The impact of AI for business
What does it mean
to be AI ready? Why does this all matter? Because AI is and will continue platform across over 40 different channels, and NICE’s unrivaled
to revolutionize the world as we know it. But what separates domain expertise. And it has the highest possible security
those who ride this new technology wave from the rest is the guardrails, protecting your proprietary data while providing the
preparation of AI for their business. advantages of generative AI.
Becoming AI ready will allow your business to reap the rewards When your consumers interact with Enlighten, it acts as your
that only come from proper planning and preparation. best and most trusted employee, creating fully personalized
The experiences while aligning each response with your brand and
essentials NICE Enlighten, the trusted AI for business, is the pinnacle of
business goals. When your employees copilot with Enlighten, their
excellence in purpose-built AI for CX. Enlighten brings together
symbiotic trust amplifies across-the-board power. And when you
the latest generative AI technology and a vast array of CX data,
run your business with Enlighten Actions, your decision velocity
The finishing derived from hundreds of billions of domain-specific interactions
increases 10-fold.
touch of all types, a suite of 45 essential CX applications on a single

The impact of
AI for business Consumer


Entry Journey Smart Empowered Complete

Points Orchestration Self-Service Agents Performance

Unified Data Layer


Enlighten The Trusted AI for Business Benefits

What does it mean

to be AI ready? Enlighten Copilot

Enlighten Copilot partners with service employees with a by-their- As a consumer, you can benefit from smarter self-service options Leverage brand Empower
The side conversational AI experience, acting as an empowerment that use AI technology to provide fully conversational responses knowledge for supervisors with AI-
multiplier to produce accurate, informed, and brand-specific that understand your intent. This leads to faster and more instant answers. guided coaching.
conversational responses. Additionally, supervisors can benefit effective service. For brands, this means fewer repetitive tasks
from smarter guided interactions, AI-driven coaching, and the requiring an employee to resolve, freeing more time to focus on
The ability to offload repetitive tasks to improve the overall agent and higher-touch, more valuable, human-led experiences.
essentials customer experience.
Enlighten Actions
Offloads and Empathetic in
Customer service agents can leverage Enlighten Copilot to
Tailored for CX leaders, Enlighten Actions utilizes specialized automates repetitive the moment agent
The finishing reduce repetitive tasks and provide quick access to knowledge
AI models built for the CX industry and the latest generative AI agent tasks. coaching.
and answers tailored to their needs. This allows them to dedicate
touch models to proactively uncover areas for AI-driven optimization
more time to complex issues and provide thoughtful, empathic
and carry out complex automation to accelerate execution
service when interactions are escalated. Supervisors receive
The impact of for all CX leaders. By utilizing Enlighten Actions, business
more insightful information, which can aid in guiding and coaching
decision-making can improve business decision velocity
AI for business employees while taking care of repetitive tasks. Automation
tenfold. Additionally, it offers unique capabilities that enable Faster, effective Accelerates business
opportunities are also suggested, allowing the focus to be placed
organizations to gauge their level of service against industry self-service for decisions through
on enhancing the employee experience.
Conclusion benchmarks and develop actionable plans to achieve their consumers. optimization.
Enlighten Autopilot business objectives quickly.

Enlighten Autopilot is designed to cater to the needs of Executives can gain faster access to data and analysis to
consumers, using friendly, informed, AI-driven conversations to understand how your business goals are being met. They receive
act as the company’s most trusted and valued virtual service AI-triggered actionable insights on the best next steps to
employee. Autopilot creates customized digital experiences automate work to achieve key business objectives. Enlighten
when and where consumers need them. This new conversational Actions, in conjunction with our comprehensive CX solution suite,
AI approach uses trusted company knowledge to align every will help you rapidly implement those recommendations without
response with brand and business goals when consumers engage the onerous overhead of implementation and research.
with self-service or AI-designed virtual agents.


Fifth Third Bank

Fifth Third Bank shifted from limited customer surveys to widespread

What does it mean
use of NICE Nexidia Analytics and Enlighten AI, significantly improving
to be AI ready? customer sentiment assessment. The transition led to enhanced customer
experiences, reduced costs, and increased productivity. With insights
from every call, the bank targeted specific agent behaviors, such as active
listening and acknowledging customer loyalty, for improved performance.
Looking forward, they aim to use speech analytics for compliance and
to embed customer sentiment in the organizational culture for sustained
The success.

essentials Results achieved:

The finishing
touch 2300+ 15.7 77% 6 FTEs
“Enlighten analyzes every interaction agent million of incoming calls repurposed from
interactions calls analyzed automatically optimizations
and provides additional intelligence
analyzed to understand characterized found through
The impact of on agent behaviors for more effective customer intent by speech speech
AI for business coaching conversations that improve analytics analytics

the customer experience. Our goal

Conclusion is to be number one from a customer
View testimonial
experience standpoint, and NICE is
helping us climb the ladder in those

—Kevin Anderson, Speech Analytics Program

Manager Fifth Third Bank

What does it mean
to be AI ready? In this ever-evolving landscape of technology, we Businesses must prepare diligently for the forthcoming
find ourselves at the start of a monumental era – AI revolution. We have delved into the core pillars of AI
the rise of artificial intelligence. This paradigm readiness, encompassing everything from establishing
shift of accessibility holds the potential to not only a robust foundation to embracing automation, aligning
reshape business operations but also redefine with critical stakeholders, safeguarding sensitive data,
customer engagement as we know it. The convergence and adhering to compliance mandates.
The of AI and customer service presents unparalleled
In conclusion, the path to AI readiness is not merely a
opportunities where AI acts as a catalyst for creating
essentials strategic choice but an imperative one for businesses
more personalized, efficient, and gratifying customer
seeking to flourish in the digital age. AI can elevate
your organization’s capabilities, foster innovation,
The finishing
In this eBook, we’ve detailed the crucial aspects of AI and elevate customer satisfaction. By following the
readiness to help your business achieve its three main prescribed steps outlined in this eBook, you can
components: position your business to unlock the boundless potential
The impact of of AI, ensuring that you ride this technological wave
✔ Completing the move to the cloud
with precision and purpose. Discover how we can help
AI for business
✔ Reevaluating your digital transformation you become AI ready today.

✔ Thinking big and avoiding siloed solutions

About NICE

With NICE, it’s never been easier for organizations around

the globe to create extraordinary customer experiences,
including the latest in digital self-service, all while meeting
key business metrics. Take your CX and AI strategy to the
next level with the powerful capabilities of NICE CXone,
the most complete single-platform cloud CX solution, and
NICE Enlighten, an advanced suite of AI tools for agents,
supervisors, business leadership, and customers. Over
25,000 organizations of all sizes in 150 countries,
including more than 85 of the Fortune 100 companies,
partner with NICE to transform—and elevate—every
customer interaction.

Tele | +1 866.965.7227

Intl | +44 (0) 207.002.3000

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