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Lecture 2b Modeling

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Control Systems


Modeling in Frequency
Translational Mechanical Systems
Lecturer: Dr. Ghafour Amouzad Mahdiraji

Taylor’s University

Chapter 2 – N. S. Nise. Control Systems Engineering. 6th Edition.

Chapter 2 – K. Ogata. Modern Control Engineering. 5th Edition.
Learning Outcomes

No Description Status
LO1 Describe the time domain and frequency domain analysis of
control systems.
LO2 Evaluate the concept of stability in control systems.
LO3 Solve electrical, mechanical and electromechanical systems.
LO4 Use block diagram reduction and signal flow graph methods to
simplify complex
LO5 Organise system equations into state-space format and derive the
LO6 Design lead, lag and lead-lag compensated control systems.
Today’s Lecture
• Mechanical Systems
• Basic Law
– Time derivative motion
• displacement, velocity & acceleration
– Newton’s Law of Motion
• Mass, Spring and Damper
• Electrical and mechanical systems analogy
• Equivalent System
• Modeling Examples
Mechanical System
Time Derivative Motion
Time Derivative Motion
Newton’s Law of Motion
Elements in Mechanical Systems
• Mechanical systems, like electrical networks, have
three passive, linear components. Two of them, the
spring and the mass, are energy-storage elements;
one of them, the viscous damper, dissipates energy.
• The two energy-storage elements are analogous to the
two electrical energy-storage elements, the inductor
and capacitor. The energy dissipator is analogous to
electrical resistance.
Spring in Series & Parallel
Damper vrs Viscous Friction
Damper in Series & Parallel
Dampers in series:

Dampers in parallel:
Elements in Mechanical Systems
• Let us take a look at these mechanical elements, which
are shown in Table 2.4. In the table, K, 𝑓𝑣 , and M are
called spring constant, coefficient of viscous friction,
and mass, respectively.
TABLE 2.4 Force-velocity, force-displacement, and impedance translational relationships for
springs, viscous dampers, and mass
Mechanical & Electrical System Analogy
• By comparing the force-velocity column in Tables 2.4
with voltage-current column of Table 2.3, we see that
mechanical force is analogous to electrical voltage and
mechanical velocity is analogous to electrical current.
Spring Analogous to Capacitor
Viscous Damper/Friction Analogous to Resistor
Mass Analogous to Inductor
Summing Forces Analogy to Summing
• Thus, summing forces written in terms of velocity is
analogous to summing voltages written in terms of
current, and the resulting mechanical differential
equations are analogous to mesh equations.
Modeling Methods and Steps
• Step I : Sketch Free Body Diagram & Define Important
– Draw (sketch) a suitable free body diagram and define important
– Be careful and consistent with signs : if you define your motion to the
right to be positive, then use that convention throughout your
– It doesn’t really matter what convention you use for as long as your are
consistent, you will get the right equation.
• Step II : Obtain a Set of Differential Equation
– Start your modeling by using Newton’s Law and conserve all forces i.e.
𝐹𝑖𝑛 = 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑡 .
– From there, obtain a set of differential equation describing your
• Step III : Represent Your DE in Transfer Function
– Next, you may represent your differential equation in transfer function,
depending on the requirements i.e. the question.
– If you wish to represent your equation in transfer function, then take
the forward Laplace transform and assume zero initial conditions.
• Find a mathematical model for the
following system:

Or, the FBD can be drawn

directly in the Laplace domain.
• Now can we parallel our work with electrical networks by circumventing the
writing of differential equations and by defining impedances for mechanical
components? Yes, we can write as following
• For the spring: Eq. (2.112)
• For the viscous damping: Eq. (2.113)
• For the mass: Eq. (2.114)
• If we define impedance for mechanical components as and apply
the definition to Eqs. (2.112) through (2.114), we arrive at the
impedances of each component as summarized in Table 2.4. Eq. (2.115)
• Replacing each force in Figure 2.16(a) by its Laplace transform, which is in the
format Eq. (2.116)
• we obtain Figure 2.16(b), from which we could immediately write the
differential equation in the Laplace domain as Eq. (2.110)
• Finally, notice that Eq. (2.110) is similar (but not analogy) to mesh equation as
Eq. (2.117)

FIGURE 2.16 a. Free-body

diagram of mass, spring, and
damper system; b. transformed
free-body diagram
Degree of Freedom
• Many mechanical systems are similar to multiple-loop and
multiple-node electrical networks, where more than one
simultaneous differential equation is required to describe the
• In mechanical systems, the number of equations of motion
required is equal to the number of linearly independent
• Linear independence implies that a point of motion in a system
can still move if all other points of motion are held still.
• Another name for the number of linearly independent motions
is the number of degrees of freedom. This discussion is not
meant to imply that these motions are not coupled to one
another; in general, they are.
• For example, in a two-loop electrical network, each loop current
depends on the other loop current, but if we open-circuit just one of
the loops, the other current can still exist if there is a voltage source in
that loop.
• Similarly, in a mechanical system with two degrees of freedom,
one point of motion can be held still while the other point of
motion moves under the influence of an applied force.
Solving Process for Mechanical Systems with
Multiple Degree of Freedoms
• In order to work such a problem, we draw the free-body
diagram for each point of motion and then use superposition.
• For each free-body diagram we begin by holding all other points
of motion still and finding the forces acting on the body due
only to its own motion.
• Then we hold the body still and activate the other points of
motion one at a time, placing on the original body the forces
created by the adjacent motion.
• Using Newton's law, we sum the forces on each body and set
the sum to zero.
• The result is a system of simultaneous equations of motion.
• As Laplace transforms, these equations are then solved for the
output variable of interest in terms of the input variable from
which the transfer function is evaluated.
• Example 2.17 demonstrates this problem-solving technique.
Forces on M1 due only to Forces on M1 due only to
motion of M1 toward right, motion of M2 toward right,
while M2 is still while M1 is still

Superposition of all forces

presented in (a) and (b)
Forces on M2 due only to
motion of M2 toward right,
while M1 is still

Superposition of all forces

presented in (a) and (b)

Forces on M2 due only to

motion of M1 toward right,
while M2 is still
Summery Method
Redoing Example 2.17 starts from time domain differential equation
Redoing Example 2.17 starts from time domain differential equation
Redoing Example 2.17 starts from time domain differential equation

Next is development of matrix, which is the same as what presented earlier.

Similarly for M2,
Similarly for M3,

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