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Pandey vs. UOI Petition

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(under Section 18 read with Section 14 and 15 of the

National Green Tribunal Act 2010)





NEW DELHI - 110 003




I. That the address of the Counsels of the Applicant is given below for the

service of notices of this Application.

II. That the addresses of the Respondents are given above for the service of

notices of this Application.

III. That the present Application is being filed under Section 14 of the National

Green Tribunal Act, 2010 seeking intervention of this Hon’ble Tribunal to

direct the Respondents to take effective, science-based action to reduce and

minimize the adverse impacts of climate change in the country. The Applicant

is invoking the principle of sustainable development and precautionary

principle, as envisaged under Section 20 of the National Green Tribunal Act,

2010, as well as the inter-generational equity principle and the Public Trust

Doctrine. The application also raises the issue of non implementation of

various environmental laws, more particularly non implementation of the

Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution)

Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, and the Environmental

Impact Assessment Notification, 2006, which has led to adverse impacts of

climate change across the country.


1. That the Applicant herein is a 9-year-old resident of the State of

Uttarakhand and is directly affected by the adverse impacts of climate

change and rising global temperatures. As a young person, the Applicant

is part of a class that amongst all Indians is most vulnerable to changes in

climate in India yet are not part of the decision making process. The

government has failed to take any effective science-based measure, and

there is a huge gap in implementation of the environmental legislations. It

is submitted that without action by governments around the world to


immediately start reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and other

greenhouse gases (GHGs) that cause climate change, in line with

achieving global climate stabilisation, children of today and the future will

disproportionately suffer the dangers and catastrophic impacts of climate

destabilisation and ocean acidification. The Applicant is represented by her

Legal Guardian and Father, Mr. Dinesh Pandey.

2. That the Respondent No. 1 is the Ministry of Environment, Forests and

Climate Change which is the nodal agency in the administrative structure

of the Central Government and has been entrusted with the task of

implementation of policies and programs relating to conservation of the

country’s natural resources. It is submitted that the State and its

machinery is a trustee of vital natural resources on which human survival

and welfare depend, bound by a fiduciary duty under the Public Trust

Doctrine to mitigate climate change so as to protect such resources for

the benefit of current and future generations. The Applicant and others of

a similar age are beneficiaries of these natural resources held in trust by

their government. Any decision taken, action or inaction, on behalf of the

State that impacts these vital natural resources must be based on the best

available climate science. The best climate science provides a prescription

for climate recovery that requires States to decrease atmospheric CO2

levels to below 350 parts per million (ppm) by 2100 and stabilise the long-

term average global temperature increase at no higher than 1 degree

Celsius (°C). The Respondent No. 2 is the Central Pollution Control Board.

3. That the instant Application is being filed under Section 14 of the National

Green Tribunal Act, raising substantial questions relating to the

environment where the community at large is affected and is likely to be

affected by the adverse environmental consequences. The issue herein

raised, is that of non effective measures taken by the Respondent No. 1 to


mitigate adverse impacts of climate change in India and the actions taken

by Respondent that have helped create and intensify the climate crisis, as

well as the various binding obligations under the Paris Agreement, 2015

which entered into force on 4.11.2016. India ratified the Agreement on

2.10.2016. It is submitted that the definition of the term ‘environment’ as

per Section 2 (a) of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 would

necessarily include climate within its ambit and scope. It is further

submitted that such impacts can be averted, minimised and mitigated if

effective, science-based measures are taken under the existing

environmental legal framework in India, including the following


i. Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and the rules made


ii. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and the

rules made thereunder.

iii. Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 and rules made


iv. Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and rules made thereunder.

It is pertinent to note that these enactments are also listed in the

Schedule I of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010. Therefore, it is

humbly submitted that this Hon’ble Tribunal has jurisdiction to decide

upon the instant Application.

4. That climate change has become a worldwide concern in the recent years

caused by anthropogenic activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, and

leading to a substantial rise in global temperatures. It has been the centre

of global negotiations and has culminated in various international

conferences and agreements, the most recent and the most successful

one being the Paris Agreement, which was adopted in 2015 and entered

into force within a period of 1 year.

5. That as per the report titled “Trends in Global CO2 Emissions: 2016

Report” by the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, in

2015, India emitted 7% of the total global CO2 emissions (2.3 billion

tons), making it the third most climate polluting country in the world. It is

submitted that presently, India is the third largest emitter of fossil fuel

CO2 emissions in the world, after China and the USA. Copy of the relevant

pages of the report titled “Trends in Global Emissions: 2016 Report” is

annexed herewith as ANNEXURE A-1

6. That India is one of the most vulnerable countries to adverse climate

change impacts, and the people of India are already experiencing adverse

climate change impacts across the country. These include rising sea

levels, extreme weather events, and adverse impacts due to rising



7. That the Paris Agreement was adopted at the 21st Conference of Parties of

the UN Framework Conference on Climate Change (“UNFCCC”) on

12.12.2015. The Agreement acknowledges that climate change is a

common concern of humankind and recognises the importance of the

conservation and enhancement of carbon sinks and reservoirs of the

greenhouse gases referred. It further notes the importance of ensuring

the integrity of all ecosystems, including oceans and the protection of

biodiversity, and the concept of "climate justice" when taking action to

address climate change. The Agreement also recognised the importance

of the engagements of all levels of government and various actors, in

accordance with respective national legislations of Parties, in addressing


climate change. Thus, it is submitted that national laws play an important

role in addressing climate change.

8. That as per Article 2 of the Agreement, the following aims have been


“1. This Agreement, in enhancing the implementation of the

Convention, including its objective, aims to strengthen the global

response to the threat of climate change, in the context of

sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty, including


(a) Holding the increase in the global average temperature to well

below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit

the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels,

recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and

impacts of climate change;

(b) Increasing the ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate

change and foster climate resilience and low greenhouse gas

emissions development, in a manner that does not threaten food

production; and (c) Making finance flows consistent with a pathway

towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient

development.” (Emphasis Supplied)

9. That it must be noted that the 2°C and 1.5°C targets in the Paris

Agreement are the result of political negotiations and compromise and are

not based in science. Unfortunately, even the lowest of those targets,

1.5°C, is dangerously high, since current science indicates that, to prevent

catastrophic ecological harm, warming must be limited to a long-term

maximum of 1°C above preindustrial temperatures. To meet this scientific

prescription of limiting global temperature increase to a maximum of 1°C,

atmospheric CO2 must be reduced to less than 350 ppm by the end of this

century. It is submitted that the worst impacts can be averted, minimised

and mitigated if effective, science-based measures are taken in line with

this clear scientific prescription and that such measures can be taken

under existing environmental legal framework in India.

10. That as per Article 5 of the Paris Agreement, Parties must take action to

conserve and enhance carbon sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases,

including forests. Further, as per Article 15 of the Agreement, the State

parties shall take measures to enhance public participation and public

access to information as these are important tools to enhance the actions

envisaged under the Agreement.

11. That as per the provision under Article 21 of the Paris Agreement, the

Agreement would enter into force on the thirtieth day after the date on

which at least 55 Parties to the Convention accounting in total for at least

an estimated 55 per cent of the total global greenhouse gas emissions

have deposited their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or

accession. It is submitted that the Paris Agreement entered into force on

4.11.2016 when the condition under Article 21 was fulfilled. Thus, the

Paris Agreement and the various provisions made thereunder are binding

upon all State Parties which have ratified the Agreement.

A copy of the Paris Agreement is annexed herewith as ANNEXURE A-2

12. That on 2.10.2016., India ratified the Paris Agreement which was adopted

at the 21st Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Conference on

Climate Change (“UNFCCC”) with the following declaration:-

“The Government of India declares its understanding that, as

per its national laws; keeping in view its development agenda,

particularly the eradication of poverty and provision of basic

needs for all its citizens, coupled with its commitment to

following the low carbon path to progress, and on the


assumption of unencumbered availability of cleaner sources of

energy and technologies and financial resources from around

the world; and based on a fair and ambitious assessment of

global commitment to combating climate change, it is ratifying

the Paris Agreement.” (Emphasis supplied)

Thus, India is bound by the provisions of the Paris Agreement. Further,

India has committed to follow a low carbon path to progress. However, it

is submitted that the Respondent No. 1 has not made any effort to

integrate its international commitments into the domestic framework of



13. That the National Environmental Policy adopted by the Respondent No. 1

in 2006 recognised that anthropogenic climate change will likely have

adverse impacts on India's precipitation patterns, ecosystems, agricultural

potential, forests, water resources, coastal and marine resources, in

addition to increase in range of several disease vectors. It was further

noted that large-scale resources would clearly be required for adaptation

measures for climate change impacts, if catastrophic human misery is to

be avoided and the following were found essential to India’s response to

climate change:-

“a) Adherence to the principle of common but differentiated

responsibilities and respective capabilities of different countries in

respect of both mitigation of GHGs, and adaptation measures.

b) Reliance on multilateral approaches, as opposed to bilateral or

plurilateral or unilateral measures.

c) Equal per-capita entitlements of global environmental resources

to all countries.

d) Over-riding priority of the right to development.


e) Identify key vulnerabilities of India to climate change, in

particular impacts on water resources, forests, coastal areas,

agriculture, and health.

f) Assess the need for adaptation to future climate change, and the

scope for incorporating these in relevant programmes, including

watershed management, coastal zone planning and regulation,

forestry management, agricultural technologies and practices, and

health programmes.

g) Encourage Indian Industry to participate in the Clean

Development Mechanism (CDM) through capacity building for

identifying and preparing CDM projects, including in the financial


h) Participate in voluntary partnerships with other countries both

developed and developing, to address the challenges of sustainable

development and climate change, consistent with the provisions of

the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.”

A copy of the relevant pages of the National Environmental Policy is

annexed herewith as ANNEXURE A-3

14. That a high-level advisory group on climate change namely, the Prime

Minister’s Council on Climate Change was constituted in June 2007 and

reconstituted in November 2014 with the following objectives:

(i) Coordinate national action plans for assessment, adaptation and

mitigation of climate change.

(ii) Advise government on pro-active measures that can be taken

by India to deal with the challenge of climate change.

(iii) Facilitate inter-ministerial coordination and guide policy in

relevant areas.

15. That in June 2008, the Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change

released its National Action Plan on Climate Change (“NAPCC”). This plan

sets forth eight national “missions” regarding climate change:

i. National Solar Mission,

ii. National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency,

iii. National Mission on Sustainable Heat,

iv. National Water Mission,

v. National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem,

vi. National Mission for a Green India,

vii. National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture, and

viii. National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change.

16. That each of the above-mentioned missions is to be dealt with by a

particular ministry. Each ministry is given discretion to come up with its

own evolving objectives. However, it is submitted that none of these

missions require reduction of GHG emissions, nor does the NAPCC set

standards for the mitigation of the effects of climate change in line with its

various legal obligations. Rather, the NAPCC identifies development as its

primary objective and addressing climate change as a “co-benefit.”

According to the NAPCC, “it is not desirable to design strategies

exclusively for responding to climate change.”

A copy of the relevant part of National Action Plan on Climate Change is

filed and annexed as ANNEXURE A-4.

17. That the 12th Five Year Plan of the Planning Commission recognised the

need for dealing with climate change in India. It was admitted as follows:-

“1.43. We cannot, however, abstain from taking action to deal

with climate change until an international solution is found. It is

known that India will be one of the countries most severely

affected if global warming proceeds unchecked and as such


appropriate domestic action is necessary. A National Action Plan

for climate change has been evolved with eight component

Missions. Implementation of these missions must be an integral

part of the Twelfth Plan. Policies should be closely monitored to

ensure that we achieve the stated objective of reducing the

emissions intensity of our GDP by 20 per cent to 25 per cent

between 2005 and 2020.”

18. That under the obligations of the UNFCCC, India put forth its Intended

Nationally Determined Contribution on October 1, 2015. In this

communication, the Indian government has committed to reduce the

emissions intensity of GDP by 33-35 per cent by 2030 from the 2005

level. Other important goals include achieving about 40 per cent

cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel based

energy resources, and creating an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion

tonnes of CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover by


A copy of the India’s INDC dated 1.10.2015 is annexed herewith as




19. That it is submitted that even though the Respondent No. 1 has

announced several initiatives to tackle climate change, none of them have

been translated into effective measures. In fact, the actions of the

Respondent No. 1 have been inconsistent with the stated objectives of

such initiatives.

20. That as per the 34th Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of

India titled “Performance Audit on Renewable Energy Sector in India

Union Government, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy”, it was


reported that the Central Government had failed to meet its targets for

scaling up use of renewable energy sources under the NAPCC. The NAPCC

envisages raising renewable energy sources to 8 per cent of the national

energy mix for electricity by 2012-13 and 9 per cent by 2013-14. However

as per the CAG report, the national achievement for purchase of electricity

from renewable energy sources in those 2 years was only 4.28 per cent

and 4.51 per cent, respectively.

A copy of relevant pages of the 34th CAG report of 2015 is annexed

herewith as ANNEXURE A-6

21. That it is submitted that there are various environmental legislations and

rules/notifications made thereunder existing in India which, if effectively

implemented in its true spirit, would aid in tackling the issue of adverse

climate change impacts as mentioned above. These include the Acts

mentioned in the Schedule-I of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010-

Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980

Environment (Protection) Act, 1986

Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981

Biological Diversity Act, 2002


22. That the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 gives legal protection to the

forests in India. Under Section 2 of the Act, no State Government can “de-

reserve” a reserved forest or any portion thereof, or permit the diversion

of forestland for any non-forest purpose, without the prior approval of the

Central Government. Over the years, the provisions of the Forest Act have

been used to divert lakhs of hectares of forests for non-forest purposes.

However, the rate of compensatory afforestation in lieu of such diversion

and monitoring of the same has been abysmal.


23. That the National Forest Policy, 1988 established that “the principal aim of

Forest Policy must be to ensure environmental stability and maintenance

of ecological balance including atmospheric equilibrium which are vital for

sustenance of all lifeforms, human, animal and plant”. The Forest Policy

also states “economic benefit[s] must be subordinated to the principal

aim”. In Lafarge Umiam Mining Private Limited v. Union of India &

Ors. [2011] 7 SCC 338, the Hon’ble Supreme Court made the Forest

Policy part of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, and ruled that the

National Forest Policy, 1988 should be read as part of the provisions of

the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 read together with the Forest

(Conservation) Act, 1980. Relevant portions of the National Forest Policy is

annexed herewith as ANNEXURE A-7

24. That as per the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel

on Climate Change, deforestation is the second largest source of

anthropogenic carbon emissions after fossil fuels. It is submitted that

deforestation in India contributes to climate change because forests are

carbon sinks, i.e., forestland captures carbon that would otherwise be

released into the atmosphere. Further, the act of deforestation in itself is

a source of emissions in addition to the loss of the carbon sink. Thus,

when trees are cut down or destroyed, more carbon is emitted into the

atmosphere and the forest shifts from being a carbon sink that actively

removes CO2 from the atmosphere, to a carbon source that contributes

CO2 to the atmosphere.

Large Scale Forest Diversion

25. That as per article dated 27.12.2016, more than 10,000 ha of forest land

was permitted to be diverted for non-forest activities by the Respondent

No. 1 in the past one year. It is pertinent to note that this figure only

represents the forest land which has been allowed to be diverted for non-

forest purposes, and the figure would rise exponentially if the illegal tree

felling is accounted for. A copy of the article dated 27.12.2016 is annexed

herewith as ANNEXURE A-8

26. That it is submitted that on an analysis of the deliberations made by the

Forest Advisory Committee (FAC) and the various Regional Empowered

Committees (RECs), there is minimal discussion on climate change issues

arising out of such large scale forest diversion. Even though the Paris

Agreement was ratified on 2.10.2016, the deliberations of such appraisal

committees do not reflect any discussion on the importance of carbon

sinks and greenhouse gas reservoirs. The committees also do not look

into renewable energy alternatives, or alternatives for the project in


27. That in fact, it is submitted that subsequent to the ratification of the Paris

Agreement on 2.10.2016, ten Regional Empowered Committees across the

country have recommended 87 proposals out of 137 in 20 meetings

whereas the FAC has recommended 17 proposals out of 58 in two

meetings in the same period. These projects involve linear projects like

roads, railways canals, transmission lines coming for appraisal before the

RECs and non-coal mining projects like Iron ore, bauxite, etc. before the

FAC, which involve large scale diversion of forest land which in itself is a

source of huge carbon emissions in addition to causing a net loss of the

carbon sink in the country.

28. That such large scale diversion of forests is also not in line with the

targets set forth in the INDC submitted by India or the binding obligations

under the Paris Agreement, much less the scientific standard necessary to

achieve climate stabilisation. Further, afforestation as a response to

diversion of pristine natural forests which support large ecosystems is also

problematic. As per article dated 17.10.2016 titled “How Odisha is cutting


old forests for new” published in the Times of India, under the guise of

Green India Mission, the State Forest Department of Government in Orissa

had cleared nearly 50 acres of natural forests — very old trees of mahua,

asan, saal, harida, amla, chiraunji, creepers, grasses and small shrubs to

plant acacia, teak and chakunda. This is clearly indicative of the apathy as

well as lack of understanding of ways of addressing climate change in the

various State instrumentalities. A copy of the article dated 17.10.2016 is

annexed as ANNEXURE A-9

29. Therefore, there is a need for proper directions to the appraisal

committees of its legal obligations to restrict the amount of diversion of

forest land for various non-forest purposes in light of the various

commitments made by the Respondent No. 1 in the INDC.


30. That the Government of India enacted the Air (Prevention and Control of

Pollution) Act, 1981 considering the necessity to implement the decision

taken in the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held

in Stockhom in June 1972 in which India participated. Under the

provisions of this Act of 1981 standards for emissions of various air

pollutants, including greenhouse gases, into the atmosphere from

industrial plants and automobiles or for the discharge of any air pollutant

into the atmosphere from any other source have been laid down.

31. That under the provisions of the Air Act, 1981 the Central Pollution Control

Board shall advise the Central Government on any matter relating to

improvement of the air quality and prevention, control or abatement of air

pollution. The Board also has been given the function of laying down

standards for the quality of air. Further, under Chapter IV of the Act, the

Board has powers with respect to prevention and control of Air Pollution.

32. That increased air pollution from greenhouse gases contributes to global

warming, and deteriorating air quality exacerbates and increases the

adverse impacts of global warming, in particular the human health

impacts. In fact as per research article titled, “Global Air Quality and

Health Co-benefits of Mitigating Near-Term Climate Change through

Methane and Black Carbon Emission Controls”, it has been noted that:

“Controlling methane emissions may be a promising means

of simultaneously mitigating climate change and reducing
global ozone concentrations, compared with controlling
shorter-lived ozone precursors [nitrogen oxides (NOx),
carbon monoxide (CO), and non-methane volatile organic
compounds (NMVOCs)] (West et al. 2006, 2007). The
latter may have larger and more immediate air quality and
health benefits near the areas with emission reductions
but smaller benefits (CO, NMVOC) or net disbenefits (NOx)
for climate. Major anthropogenic sources of methane
include fossil fuel production and distribution, landfills,
livestock, rice cultivation, and wastewater treatment. BC is
a product of incomplete combustion from sources such as
biomass burning, transportation (mainly diesel vehicles),
residential combustion, and industry, and is coemitted with
other pollutants, including NOx, NMVOCs, CO, sulfur
dioxide (SO2), and organic carbon. Climate benefits of
reducing BC may be partially offset by associated
reductions of coemitted pollutants that may have a net
cooling effect on climate (and a net warming effect when
reduced), either directly (organic carbon) or after chemical
transformation in the atmosphere (organic carbon, SO2,
and NOx). However, all emission reductions leading to
reduced ozone and PM2.5 concentrations would be
expected to have health benefits.”
A copy of the research article titled “Global Air Quality and Health Co-

benefits of Mitigating Near-Term Climate Change through Methane and

Black Carbon Emission Controls” is annexed herewith as ANNEXURE A-


33. That apart from the primary greenhouse gases, which directly contribute

to global warming, Carbon monoxide, sourced mainly from vehicular

emissions contribute indirectly to increasing temperatures. As per the

research paper titled “On the climate forcing of carbon monoxide”,

published in 1998 in the Journal of Geophysical Research, it has been

found that Carbon monoxide contributes to global warming, even if it is

indirectly. The article concludes as follows:-

“It is apparent that the emission of CO into the atmosphere may

have a significant impact on climate forcing in spite of the relatively
short lifetime of CO. This is due to the chemical impact of CO on
CH4, CO2, and perhaps O3. Our calculations suggest that the
emission of 100 molecules of CO into today's atmosphere will have
the same effect on methane as the direct emission of about 8
molecules of methane. When the effects of CO emissions on CH4
and CO2 are considered, it is estimated that the current global
annual CO emissions may be affecting integrated climate forcing by
more than the annual emission of N20 for at least 10 years after
the emission.”

A copy of the research article titled “On the climate forcing of carbon

monoxide” is annexed herewith as ANNEXURE A-11

34. That the Respondent No. 1 notified revised emission standards for coal-

based thermal power plants vide notification dated 7.12.2015 under the

provisions of Section 6 and Section 25 of the Environment (Protection)

Act, 1986 whereby limits have been introduced for the first time on

emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) and Mercury

(Hg). Standards for particulate matter (PM), SO2, NOx and Hg for new

power plants installed from January 1, 2017 have been set at 30, 100,

100 and 0.03 (mg/Nm3) respectively. Existing power plants are required

to achieve the revised standards within a period of two years. However, it

is submitted that although the time frame provided in the said Notification

for implementation of the Standards prescribed therein is two years from

the date of notification, no efforts to date have been made by the

Respondent No. 1 to enforce these standards. Indeed, without a directive

from this Hon’ble Tribunal, there is all likelihood that the Respondent No.

1 will continue to fail to enforce these standards and proceed in this

matter in a time bound manner.

Copy of the notification dated 7.12.2015 is annexed herewith as


35. That the government of India has made commitments in its Intended

Nationally Determined Contribution with respect to power generation in

India. Despite its admission that coal will “continue to dominate power

generation,” the document states that power plants are required to

improve their efficiency and refers to the new emission standards. The

government further commits to “[p]romoting renewable energy

generation and increasing the share of alternative fuels in overall fuel

mix.” These commitments are further evidence of the obligation of the

Respondent No. 1 and India to decrease GHG emissions, especially from

the power generation sector.

Climate Impact Assessment under the Environment (Protection) Act,


36. That Government of India enacted Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 on

23 May 1986 considering the necessity to implement the principles in the

Stockholm Declaration. Under the provisions of the Environment

Protection Act, 1986 the Respondent No. 1 issued the Environmental

Impact Assessment Notification (“EIA Notification”) in 1994, requiring

anyone seeking to undertake a new project in India or to expand or

modernise any existing industry or project must first receive

environmental clearance from MOEF. Projects only required an EIA if they


fell within one of thirty-two types laid out in Schedule-I of the EIA


37. That the said notification was superseded by the EIA Notification, 2006.

As per this notification, all the projects listed in the Schedule are required

to go through the process of screening, scoping, public consultation and

appraisal. In this process the projects are required to be assessed on the

basis of their threats to the environment and based on that assessment, a

decision can be taken either to allow or not to allow any project.

38. That under the EIA Notification, 2006, the Expert Appraisal Committee

(“EAC”) is required to give “detailed scrutiny” to such information “in a

transparent manner”, requesting from the project proponent any

necessary clarifications.

39. That as per the Form 1 of the Notification of 2006, the project proponent

seeking environmental clearance is required to disclose information with

respect to various ecological parameters as required in this Form. Serial

No. 12 under heading III Environmental Sensitivity of Form 1 requires the

project proponent to provide following information.

“12. Areas susceptible to natural hazard which could

cause the project to present environmental problems

(earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, erosion,

flooding or extreme or adverse climatic conditions)”

It is submitted that under the head of “Environmental Sensitivity”, the

project proponent has to give information regarding the location of the

proposed project. As per Item 12, the project proponent is obligated to

give detailed information as to whether the project would present

environmental problems and whether the location is already susceptible to

adverse or extreme climatic conditions. Thus, under the EIA Notification,


the project proponent must divulge information as to how the proposed

project would impact the climate.

40. That after perusal of some of the available documents on the website of

the Respondent No. 1, it is very apparent that the attitude of both the

Respondent No. 1 and the Expert Appraisal Committee is one of absolute

neglect and negligence towards the issue of climate change. After

scrutinizing a few thermal power projects and coal-mining projects which

have been granted environmental clearance by the Respondent No. 1 and

perusing the information given against “Serial No. 12” with respect to

impact on climate, it was found that no such information is ever provided.

Such projects were checked because these activities have a huge impact

on the climate of the area.

41. That upon analysis of the minutes of the meetings of the various appraisal

committees before and after the ratification of the Paris Agreement, it has

been found that there has been no change at all in the approach of these

bodies while appraising the viability of the various projects. There is no

discussion at all, with respect to climate change. Further, these

committees do not deliberate upon alternatives, no project option, or even

renewable energy alternatives.

Impact of industries not covered under the EIA Notification, 2006

42. That it is submitted that many industries and activities are still outside the

purview of the EIA Notification, 2006. These industries are merely

required to obtain necessary consents from the respective State Pollution

Control Boards without conducting impact assessments, on environment

or climate. It is submitted that industries like brick kilns are a major

contributor to the deteriorating air quality, especially in the Northern parts

of the country. Further, it must be noted that such small-scale industries

contribute to climate change to a great extent, and sometimes at par with


large projects when the cumulative impact is considered. It is further

submitted that linear projects including roads, power transmission lines,

as well as railways are also to be brought under the purview of the

Notification of 2006, in as much as they lead to increased greenhouse gas

emissions, involve huge diversions of forest land and/or adversely impact

wildlife through the fragmentation of wildlife habitats and corridors.

Further dilution of EIA process in contravention to INDCs and

obligations under Paris Agreement

43. That in complete contravention to the binding obligations under the Paris

Agreement as well as the targets set by India in its INDC, the Respondent

No. 1 through notification dated 9.12.2016 has removed the construction

sector up to 1, 50, 000 sq. meters in size from the purview of EIA

Notification completely. That it is well documented that construction

sector is a huge contributor to air pollution as well as climate change. In

fact the same has been categorically accepted in the Model Building By

Laws which were notified by the Ministry of Urban Development in March

2016 in the following words:-

“The building construction sector is a major contributor towards

carbon footprints which affects climate change. India is

committed towards mitigating the effects of climate change and

moving towards internationally accepted norms for

environmental friendly building construction....”

A copy of the notification dated 9.12.2016 is annexed herewith as


Climate Change and Impact on Biological Diversity

44. That India is a unique country in its physiographic, landscape, climatic


regime and biodiversity. The country has diverse climatic conditions

because of the sharp variations in temperature and precipitation patterns

from place to place and season to season. The climatic variation in the

country provides a wide range of biological resources in their natural

habitat. There is a long list of flora and fauna in the account of the

subcontinent due to the favorable climatic conditions.

45. That due to global warming and other climate induced changes, various

studies have found that there will be a huge impact on the biological

diversity in India. That as per report titled “Climate Change and India:

Impacts, Policy Responses and a Framework for EU-India Cooperation”,

the projected impact on biological diversity due to climate change is as


“Biodiversity is likely to be impacted under the projected climate

scenarios due to the changes or shifts in forest or vegetation types

in 57% to 60% of forested grids, forest dieback during the

transient phase, and different species responding differently to

climate change without change in forest type.”

Copy of the relevant pages of the report titled “Climate Change and India:

Impacts, Policy Responses and a Framework for EU-India Cooperation” is

annexed herewith as ANNEXURE A-14

46. That further as per report titled “Forests and climate change in India”, the

following has been projected:-

“It is expected that there would be large scale shifting of forest

biomes throughout India. The highest impact is expected on the

teak and sal forests of central and eastern regions and the

temperate Himalayas. 85% of the forest grids of the country would

change their type”


Copy of the report titled “Forests and climate change in India” is annexed

herewith as ANNEXURE A-15

Impact assessment under the Biological Diversity Act, 2002

47. That as per provision of Section 36, the Central Government has to

develop National Strategies, plans etc. for the conservation of biological

diversity. Further, as per Sub Section (4) of Section 36 it is mandatory


The Central Government shall undertake measures,-

(i) wherever necessary, for assessment of environmental

impact of that project which is likely to have adverse effect

on biological diversity, with a view to avoid or minimize such

effects and where appropriate provide for public

participation in such assessment;

(ii) to regulate, manage or control the risks associated with the

use and release of living modified organisms resulting from

biotechnology likely to have adverse impact on the

conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and

human health.

48. That even though such provisions are existing under the legal framework,

no such impact assessment is ever conducted with respect to impact on



That the instant Application is being filed on the following grounds amongst

other which the Applicant may take up at the time of hearing:-

A. Because the instant Application is being filed under Section 14 of the

National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 raising substantial questions relating to


the environment where the community at large is affected and is likely to

be affected by the adverse environmental consequences.

Section 2 (m) of the Act states as follows:-

“(m) “substantial question relating to environment" shall include an

instance where,-

(i) there is a direct violation of a specific statutory environmental

obligation by a person by which,-

(A) the community at large other than an individual or group of

individuals is affected or likely to be affected by the environmental

consequences; or

(B) the gravity of damage to the environment or property is

substantial; or

(C) the damage to public health is broadly measurable;

(ii) the environmental consequences relate to a specific activity or a

point source of pollution;”

It is submitted that the issue herein raised, is that of non effective

measures taken by the Respondent No. 1 to mitigate adverse impacts of

climate change in India and the actions taken by Respondent that have

helped create and intensify the climate crisis, as well as the various

binding obligations under the Paris Agreement, 2015 which entered into

force on 4.11.2016. Such adverse climate change impacts will affect the

community at large. It is further submitted that such impacts can be

averted, minimised and mitigated if effective, science-based measures are

taken under the existing environmental legal framework in India including

the enactments enlisted in the Schedule I of the National Green Tribunal

Act, 2010.

B. Because the definition of the word ‘environment’ as defined under Section

2 (a) of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, states as follows:-


“"environment" includes water, air and land and the inter-

relationship which exists among and between water, air and

land, and human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-

organism and property;”

It is submitted that the term ‘environment’ as defined above inherently

includes climate within its scope. Therefore, the issue of Climate change

and its adverse impacts on the environment would squarely come within

the jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Tribunal.

C. Because the Applicant as well as the entire class of children and future

generations have the right to a healthy environment under the principle of

intergenerational equity. It is submitted that the Applicant is part of a

class that amongst all Indians, is most vulnerable to changes in climate in

India and yet are not part of the decision making process. Further it is to

be noted that current and future generations of children will

disproportionately experience the harms of climate change, due to the

progressive nature of climate change impacts and the unique life phase of

childhood. Furthermore, given the nature of the climate threat, children

and their caregivers have no meaningful way of protecting themselves

from the dangerous situation in which States have placed them.

Therefore, only States, i.e. Respondent No.1 in the instant case, by

initiating an emissions reduction trajectory and soil and forest restoration

effort that will satisfy the clear scientific prescription of reducing global

atmospheric CO2 levels to below 350 ppm by 2100 can reverse the


D. Because the harms of climate change start at the emissions level and

impact all aspects of a child’s life. Children are more vulnerable than

adults to pollution from the burning of fossil fuels that causes global

climate change, since exposure to climate pollution results in, among


other things, increased infant mortality, asthma, developmental disorders

and impaired lung function. The harm from climate pollution is

compounded by climate change impacts. Children are particularly

susceptible to injury and death as a result of extreme heat, drought,

floods and other disasters caused by climate change. They are also at an

increased risk from food and water shortages caused by crop failure,

ocean acidification, water and soil salinization, and species extinction.

Further as per estimates of the World Health Organization, children suffer

more than 80 percent of the illness and mortality attributable to climate

change. The UNICEF expands on this point and highlights that

“because of climate change, children in developing countries

already face a greater risk of climate-linked diseases like malaria

and cholera, increased risk of food and water shortages, and

disruption to their education. It is estimated that more than 88

percent of the existing global burden of disease due to climate

change occurs in children under the age of five.”

Copy of the relevant pages of the 2013 UNICEF study titled “Climate

Change: Children’s Challenge” is annexed herewith as ANNEXURE A-16

E. Because children will suffer profoundly from social, emotional, and

cognitive impacts of climate change. Displacement from rising sea levels,

extreme weather events, and conflict related to food and water insecurity

disrupts and destroys family and community structures, as well as access

to education, health care, and adequate nutrition. The loss of family and

home and the sense of imminent danger and disruption suffered by

children in the face of climate change also threaten cognitive and

emotional development. Therefore, it is incumbent upon Respondent No.1

to take appropriate, effective and science based measures to ensure that

the Applicant and the class that she represents do not disproportionately

suffer the dangers and catastrophic impacts of climate destabilisation,

rising temperature and sea levels.

F. Because the issue of climate change is no longer of the nature of an

academic debate. Its adverse impacts are already being experienced

across the world. It is submitted that India, in particular, is highly

vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change. Following are the

impacts seen across India, which can only be attributed to climate


i. Destruction of Mangroves: That it is submitted that mangroves store

high amounts of carbon, which means that when mangroves are

destroyed they emit a disproportionately high amount of CO2 compared to

other trees. Indeed, mangrove losses may contribute to 10% of the

world’s total carbon emissions from deforestation, even though

mangroves make up far less than 10% of total forest cover. In addition to

being valuable carbon stores, they further serve ecosystems by protecting

vulnerable coasts, fisheries, timber, and biodiversity. As per as per

research article titled “Mangrove Area Assessment in India: Implications

of Loss of Mangroves” published in 2015 in the journal ‘Earth Science &

Climate Change’, India lost 40% of its mangrove area during the last

century and such a loss would exacerbate the climate change impacts in

coastal regions since reduced mangrove area and health will increase the

threat to human safety and shoreline development from coastal hazards

such as erosion, flooding, storm waves, cyclones and tsunami. A copy of

the article titled “Mangrove Area Assessment in India: Implications of

Loss of Mangroves” is annexed herewith as ANNEXURE A-17

ii. Rise in Sea Levels: That one of the largest and most visible impact of

the climate change is rise in the global sea level. According to the

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, average sea levels have


been rising at an average rate of 3.2 millimetres (“mm”) per year based

on measurements from 1993 to 2010. Rising seas, brought about by the

melting of polar icecaps and glaciers (as well as by thermal expansion of

the warming oceans) have caused and will cause flooding in coastal and

low-lying areas. In this regard, it is pertinent to note that over 40 million

Indians live near the coastline. Further, most of these communities rely

on climate-dependent activities such as marine fisheries and agriculture

for their livelihood. That as per the report titled “Climate Change and

India: A 4x4 Assessment, A Sectoral And Regional Analysis For 2030s”

published in 2010, by the Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment

(INCCA), India’s coasts experience an average mean sea level rise of 1.3

mm/year. This is only subject to increase, given that the sea level rise is

directly related to the increase in global temperatures. A copy of the

relevant pages of the INCCA Report of November 2010 is annexed

herewith as ANNEXURE A-18

iii. Impacts on Sunderbans and Other Mangroves: That certain regions

in east India, such as the Sunderbans, are especially vulnerable to sea

level rise. As a collection of over 100 small islands in the Bay of Bengal,

the Sunderbans are highly susceptible to the dangers of rising seas. For

example, the relative mean sea level rise of the Sagar Island Delta in the

Sunderbans was 12mm/year from 2002–2009. It is submitted that as per

WWF-India report titled “Indian Sunderbans Delta: A Vision” published in

2011, this increase is significantly faster than the 3.14 mm/year during

the previous decade. It is pertinent to note that Sunderbans ecosystem is

high in biodiversity and is also home to some of the last Royal Bengal

Tigers which is also India’s national animal. The relevant pages of the

report titled “Indian Sunderbans Delta: A Vision”is annexed herewith as


iv. Climate induced Refugees: That India already has climate refugees.

As reported in a news article titled “Hungry Tide, Homeless People”,

published in December 2009 in the Times of India, since the 1970s the

area of Ghoramara Island in the Sunderbans area has shrunk from 9 sq

km to less than 3.7 sq km, while two smaller islands nearby have already

sunk beneath the sea. Further, an article published in The Guardian in

February 2013 titled “Eyewitness: Ghoramara Island, India” reports that

two-thirds of the island’s population has been forced to leave. This is just

one example. The rapid disappearance of other islands in India and

Bangladesh has created tens of thousands of climate refugees in the Bay

of Bengal. As per the WWF India report annexed at ANNEXURE A-19, the

economic cost of this initial wave of climate refugees is estimated to

include property damage of 1,035 million Rupees. This economic damage

will worsen if the number of refugees continues to grow. Indeed, 1.35

million people in India are currently at high risk from sea level rise, storm

surges, and coastal flooding. A further 2.4 million people are exposed to

moderate risk. Copies of the news articles published in Times of India

and The Guardian are filed and annexed as ANNEXURE A- 20


v. Extreme rainfall events: That India has seen an increase in “extreme

rainfall events” over the last five decades due to global warming. Extreme

events are associated with the increasing sea surface temperatures of the

Indian Ocean. It is submitted that according to the research article titled

“Analysis of variability and trends of extreme rainfall events over India

using 104 years of gridded daily rainfall data” published in 2008, the

relationship between higher temperatures and extreme rainfall events

suggests an increased risk of major flooding in India. It is submitted that

both precipitation and flooding are expected to increase in frequency and


magnitude as global warming increases. Copy of the article titled

“Analysis of variability and trends of extreme rainfall events over India

using 104 years of gridded daily rainfall data” is annexed herewith as


vi. Melting of Glaciers and Snow Packs:

a. That glacial and ice cap melting is one of the major causes of global

sea level change. That as admitted by the INCCA report, glacier-fed

Himalayan rivers are immensely important to India’s people and

environment. Water from Himalayan glacier melt sustains stream-flow

in these rivers through the dry season. This water from the Himalayas

is crucial for the mountain people as well as Indians living


a. That the Indus basin has 7,997 glaciers with a total glacier cover of

33,679km2 and total ice volume of 363.10km3. The Ganga basin has

968 glaciers with a total glacier cover of 2,857km2 and total ice

volume of 209.37km3. The contribution of snow to the runoff of

major rivers in the eastern Himalayas is about 10%, but is more than

60% in the western Himalayas.

b. It is estimated that Himalayan mountains cover a surface area of

permanent snow and ice of about 97,020km2, with a volume of

12,930km3. Estimates show that 10–20% of the total surface area of

these mountains is covered with glaciers, while an additional area

ranging from 30–40% has seasonal snow cover.

c. That according to the INCCA report, most of the glaciers in the

western Himalayas are receding as a result of rising temperature and

reduced snowfall. Climate change is also causing a general reduction

in the quantity of available runoff from Indian river basins. This


reduction in surface runoff can lead to severe drought conditions.

ii. Change in Precipitation Patterns:

a. That as per the findings of the Environment Protection Agency (EPA),

USA, in report titled “Technical Support Document on Endangerment

Findings”, precipitation patterns have changed due to increases in

atmospheric moisture levels and changes in atmospheric air

circulation patterns. As the Earth warms, moisture levels are

expected to increase when temperature increases because warmer

air generally holds more moisture. In more arid regions, however,

higher temperatures lead to greater evaporation.

b. That, the abovementioned report concludes, on the basis of laws of

physics and the past climate record, that precipitation events will

increase globally. This is particularly true in tropical and high latitude

regions. It is submitted that India has both.

c. Further, the Report finds that precipitation is likely to decrease in

subtropical and mid-latitude regions, with longer periods between

normal heavy rainfalls. Other changes consistent with climate

modeling resulting from global warming have been observed not just

in the amount, intensity, and frequency of precipitation, but also in

the type of precipitation.

d. It has been found that in higher altitude and latitude regions—

including mountainous areas—more precipitation is falling as rain

rather than snow. It is submitted that due to early snow melt as a

consequence of climate change, the reduction in snowpack can

aggravate water supply problems in the country, especially in the

Great Indian Plains.

iii. Reduction in Freshwater Supply: That according to the INCCA,


although India has 16% of the world’s population, it only has 4% of the

world’s fresh water. As per the research article titled “Climate Change

and India” published in 2009, only 60% of India’s available supply is

surface water; and water usage in the majority of India’s river basins is

already between 50–95% of available supply. India’s current water

supply is approximately 740 billion cubic metres (“m3”), and the

country’s population is expected to continue growing until around the

year 2050. If water availability remains at current levels, per capita

water availability will be approximately 700 m3 per year. By 2030

demand for water in India will grow to almost 1.5 trillion m3. In fact, as

per the news article titled “Rains or Not, India is Falling Short on

Drinking Water” published in December 2013 in the New York Times,

India will require double its current water-generation capacity. A copy of

the said news article is annexed herewith and marked as ANNEXURE

A-22. Moreover, the executive summary of the report titled “Charting

Our Water Future: Economic Frameworks to Inform Decision-Making” by

the 2030 Water Resources Group published in 2010, predicts that most

of India’s river basins could face severe water deficits by 2030. It is

submitted that climate change dramatically worsens the already-existing

crisis of water scarcity in India. The relevant pages of the report titled

“Charting Our Water Future: Economic Frameworks to Inform Decision-

Making” has been annexed and marked as ANNEXURE-23.

iv. Impacts on Agriculture:

a. That agriculture is another area which is extremely susceptible to

climate change because higher temperatures reduce yields of

desirable crops while promoting pest and weed proliferation. That the

report titled “Food Policy Report: Climate Change- Impacts on

Agriculture and Costs of Adaptation” by the International Food Policy


Research Institute, published in October 2009, finds that global

climate change is predicted to decrease crop yields, increase crop

prices, decrease worldwide calorie availability, and increase child

malnutrition 20% by 2050. Therefore it is submitted that climate

change threatens global food security and thus any effort to mitigate

global warming is to effectively promote secure food supply. The

relevant pages of the Report titled, “Food Policy Report: Climate

Change- Impacts on Agriculture and Costs of Adaptation” is filed and

annexed herewith as ANNEXURE A-24.

b. That it is submitted that monsoons are an integral component of

India’s agricultural cycle. About 80% of India’s rainfall occurs during

the summer monsoon, providing water for rain-fed crops as well as

replenishing groundwater for irrigated crops.

c. That according to the report titled “The Impact of Climate Change on

Indian Agriculture” by Raymond Guiteras published in 2009, climate

change is estimated to have “significant negative impacts” on India’s

agricultural yields. Over the next few decades (2010–2039) climate

change is predicted to reduce yields by 4.5–9%. By the end of the

century India’s agricultural yields are predicted to fall by at least

25%. Such negative yields are likely have a dire economic impact and

“could significantly slow the pace of poverty reduction in India.”

About 55–60% of Indian workers are engaged in agriculture; and

around 70% of Indians live in rural communities. Therefore it is

submitted that low agricultural yields directly impact the majority of

Indian citizens and indirectly impact all of India.

v. Extreme Weather Events: That according to the US EPA, changes in

the Earth’s water cycle increase the potential for and severity of storms,

flooding and droughts. Storm-prone areas are already experiencing a


greater chance of severe storms. Even in arid regions, increased

precipitation is likely to cause flash flooding, and will be followed by

drought. That increased droughts due to climate change will have a

negative impact on India’s environment and people. On one hand,

climate change will increase drought; on the other hand, climate change

will cause more moisture and rain to collect in the atmosphere. Globally,

this additional rain tends to fall in the far northern or southern countries,

which means less rain fall in countries such as India.

vi. Impact on economy: That climate change is already having a negative

effect on India’s gross domestic product (“GDP”). In recent years, the

global damage caused by of climate change and its effect on drought has

been nearly $4 billion annually. That according to the Executive Summary

of report titled “Climate Vulnerability Monitor: A Guide to the Cold

Calculus of a Hot Planet” by Matthew McKinnon, ed. published in 2012

(hereinafter referred to as “DARA Report”), this damage is predicted to

increase as a share of GDP; and by 2030 average annual losses would

reach close to $20 billion per year.

vii. Ocean Acidification, Coral Reefs, Species Extinction:

a. That increased CO2 emissions are having a severe negative impact

on the health of our oceans. The oceans absorb approximately 25-

30% of global CO2 emissions, resulting in a 30% increase in

surface ocean acidity. Ocean acidification has been rising at a

geologically unprecedented rate. Currently, acidity is rising at least

100 times faster than at any other period during the last 100,000

years, threatening marine life, including human food sources. The

loss of species threatened by ocean acidification can cause entire

food webs to collapse. That as per the Report titled “Coral Reefs of

India: Review of their Extent, Condition, Research and


Management Status”, India has major coral reef formations in the

Gulf of Kutch, Palk Bay, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the

Lakshadweep Islands, and the Gulf of Mannar. Further patches of

reef can also be found in the inter-tidal areas of the central west

coast of the country in Ratnagiri, Malvan and Redi, Gaveshani

Bank, south of Mumbai, and west of Mangalore. Hermatypic corals

along the shore are reported in Quilon in Kerala and Enayem in

Tamil Nadu. Corals are also found between Parangipettai (Porto

Novo), south of Cuddalore, and in Pondicherry.

b. That it is submitted that climate change and ocean acidification are

threatening the survival and wellbeing of plants, fish, wildlife, and

biodiversity. As many as one in six species are threatened with

extinction due to climate change. Many more species that do not

face extinction will face changes in abundance, distributions, and

species interactions that cause adverse impacts for ecosystems and


viii. Impacts on Human Health:

a. That climate change causes human deaths and is estimated to cause

more deaths in the future. As per the DARA Report, climate change is

already estimated to contribute to around 400,000 deaths every year,

mostly due to hunger and communicable diseases in developing

countries. In addition to these deaths, the world’s carbon-intensive

energy system causes an estimated 4.5 million deaths each year due

to air pollution, hazardous occupations, and diseases such as cancer.

The IPCC predicts that climate change will exacerbate existing health

problems, as well as increasing poor health in developing countries

such as India.

b. That it is submitted that climate change harms human health.


Burning fossil fuels already causes increased asthma, cancer,

cardiovascular disease, stroke, heat-related morbidity and mortality,

food-borne diseases, and neurological diseases and disorders. The

World Health Organisation (“WHO”) concluded in its report titled

“Climate and Health Fact Sheet” in July 2005 that “the health effects

of a rapidly changing climate are likely to be overwhelmingly

negative.” Moreover, another WHO Report titled “Protecting Health

from Climate Change: Connecting Science, Policy, and People” in

2009, climate change will not only affect the basic requirements for

health (such as clean air and water, sufficient food, and adequate

shelter), but will likely present new challenges for controlling

infectious disease. Climate change has the potential to “halt or

reverse the progress that the global public health community is now

making against many of these diseases.” The aforementioned reports

of WHO has been filed and annexed as ANNEXURE A-25 (COLLY).

G. Because even though the Respondent No. 1 has introduced several

programmes and policy regarding climate change, the status of their

implementation remains abysmal. These steps are merely cosmetic and

are neither science based nor effective in preventing or mitigating the

inevitable adverse impacts of climate change as discussed at paragraph F

above. It is pertinent to note that even though the Prime Minister’s

Council on Climate Change was constituted in the year 2007 and

subsequently reconstituted in January 2015, no meetings have been held

since 19.01.2015 showing the laxity toward the issue by the Respondents.

Copy of the minutes of the meeting dated 19.01.2015 is annexed herewith


H. Because the policies have not been reflected in the existing legal

framework of the environmental legislations. Further, these issues are not


discussed while projects are appraised for the purpose of grant of forest

and environmental clearances under the provisions of the Forest

(Conservation) Act, 1980 and the EIA Notification, 2006 respectively.

I. Because on an analysis of the minutes of the meetings of the Expert

Appraisal Committee constituted under the EIA Notification to appraise

and recommend projects for the purpose of granting environmental

clearance, it was found that even after ratifying the Paris Agreement, no

discussions were undertaken with respect to climate change issues. The

following issues of concern can be culled out from the analysis:-

i. Sustainable Agriculture: As part of the adaptation strategy,

the country has undertaken to address the vulnerability that

results from the climate extreme events. One such adaptation

policies of the country is focused at sustainable agriculture, as

agriculture is the source of livelihood for nearly two thirds of the

population of India. The various measures adopted under this

practice include production expansion, organic farming,

technology innovation and so on to ensure National Food

Security Mission. Therefore, the conversion of agricultural land

for increased industrial practice in no way supports India’s INDC


ii. CSR Commitment: As part of the mitigation strategies under

INDC commitment, citizens and private sector’s participation has

been expected in combating climate change. Corporate Social

Responsibility is one such plan, wherein it is expected that a

fare share of about INR 220 billion will be invested annually in

environmental initiatives. However, the committee had hardly

pushed for any specific environmental initiative beyond existing-

cum-expansion project, which includes village-wise, sector-wise


(Health, Education, Sanitation, Health, Skill Development and

infrastructure requirements such as strengthening of village

roads, avenue plantation, etc) activities, while granting

environmental clearance and/or Terms of Reference (TOR) for

further conducting EIA study.

iii. Voluntary Disclosure Scheme of Industry on Carbon

Management Plan Vs Carbon Budgeting: As part of the

INDC commitment, voluntary carbon disclosure programme has

been encouraged wherein Indian industries have been

encouraged to report their carbon management strategy and

GHG emissions. Another programme, namely India GHG

programme is also a voluntary programme whereby corporate

are encouraged to measure their carbon footprints.

Upon appraisal of the project approval process, it was found

that nothing of this kind was given due consideration by the

expert committee; rather in case of some of the projects they

asked for the carbon budgeting from the existing and expansion


iv. Sustainable Water Consumption and Utilisation: An in

depth analysis of the environmental appraisal procedure of

industrial projects raised serious doubts on the INDC

commitment of National Water Mission. As part of this mission,

efficient utilisation of water, minimization of wastage and

equitable distribution of water are the mandates. However, the

various projects considered during pre and post Paris

commitment had hardly focused on any of these mandates. It is

pertinent to note that most of the projects from across the

country have just talked about the necessary permission taken


from the respective authority/department; none of them were

concerned about the over exploitation of water resources. For

example - 1582m3 of water to be sourced from Kharoon river-

approved by Water Department of Government of Chattisgarh;

2200m3/day of water will be withdrawn from Swarnarekha river

for an expansion of an integrated steel plant project at Saraikela

Kharsawan district, Jharkhand; fresh water requirement of

15,098 m3/day for the existing and expansion project integrated

steel plant at Bhandara dist, Maharastra will be obtained from

Wainganga river and rain water harvesting; expansion of iron

ore beneficiation plant at Kendujhar, Odisha will demand 28800

KLD of water, which will be sourced from Baitarani River.

v. Clean and efficient Energy System: India has already

committed to move towards renewable with pre-dominance

over solar and wind power and shifting towards super critical

technologies for coal based power plants. Therefore, it is not

clear as to why 8 out of 10 projects were recommended by the

EAC- Coal, post Paris Agreement ratification by India. As per the

findings of the Power Ministry assessment which have also been

reiterated in the Draft National Electricity Plan 2016 as released

by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), existing thermal

(specifically, coal) power plants with the capacity to generate

300 GW were operating at just 64% below the peak utilisation

rate of 79% that was experienced in 2007-08. In addition to the

currently underutilised plants and given the upcoming 175 GW

of renewable energy and 50 GW that is under various stages of

construction and that demand for electricity is not likely to rise

substantially in the next three years, India is expected to be


power sufficient without any addition. Therefore, given that

current capacity is sufficient to meet the requirements, no

further coal capacity addition is required.

vi. Planned Afforestation: Under the compensatory afforestation

commitment, made in INDC, India has committed to focus on

sustainable forest management, afforestation and regulating

diversion of forest land for non-forest purposes. An analysis of

this commitment, its practical application and the EAC appraisal

proceeding revealed that the government has blissfully ignored

the need for sustainable forest management; rather they

allowed industries and mining giants to go for conversion of

forest land for non-forest purposes by taking a lumpsum money

in the name of compensatory afforestation programme. For

example - 160 Ha of forest land will be used for expansion of

Jharkhand OCP at Ramgarh, Jharkhand for which Stage I FC

has been granted and proponent submitted afforestation plan;

Basundhara coal washery project of Sundargarh, Odisha involve

29 Ha of forest land for which stage I forest clearance obtained;

Forest land conversion of 82Ha will happen for Jagannath re-

organisation OCP at Angul, Odisha, for which forest clearance

have been received.

vii. On the contrary, a look into the status of implementation of

CAMPA revealed number of difficulties in implementing the

compensatory afforestation programme, availability of non

forest land being one such them. Also there are numerous

reports and studies which showcased that, even though a fund

has been deposited for the purpose of compensatory

afforestation, the money remain unutilized in most of the states.


viii. To add to it, the very purpose of the money collected under this

head has also got diluted by the recently passed Compensatory

Afforestation Fund (CAF) Bill 2015, which had listed a number of

other activities for which this money can be utilized for. Some of

these even include Forest protection, forest management, forest

and wildlife related infrastructure development, wildlife

conservation, even facilitating the relocation of people from

protected wildlife areas, are proposed to be made valid

expenditure from this account. This will obviously take the focus

away from the prime objective of compensating the forest cover

that has been lost to industrial or infrastructure development.

J. Because the Respondent No. 1 is bound under the Constitution to take

effective and science based measures to ensure that climate change

impacts are mitigated and prevented. Article 48A of the Constitution of

India, states that:

48A. Protection and improvement of environment and

safeguarding of forests and wild life. The State shall

endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to

safeguard the forests and wild life of the country.

It is submitted that since climate is an inherent part of the environment

and climate change impacts can be mitigated only by protecting and

safeguarding the environment and the forests of the country, the State

has failed in its duty to do so by not taking effective, science based

measures to tackle climate change impacts across the country.

K. Because the right to life under Article 21 would necessarily include right to

a healthy environment. In the matter of M.C.Mehta vs. Union of India

& Ors. [(2004) 12 SCC 118], the Hon’ble Apex Court has held that:

“… 42nd Constitutional Amendment. Article 48A was inserted in

the Constitution in Part IV stipulating that the State shall endeavour

to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the

forest and wildlife of the country. Article 51A, inter alia, provides

that it shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and

improve the natural environment including forest, lakes, rivers and

wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures.

Article 47 which provides that it shall be the duty of the State to

raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve

public health is also relevant in this connection. The most vital

necessities, namely, air, water and soil, having regard to right of

life under Article 21 cannot be permitted to be misused and

polluted so as to reduce the quality of life of others.”

L. Because under the Public Trust Doctrine as well as the Intergenerational

Equity Principle, the State has the duty to ensure that the environment

and ecology is protected from adverse impacts of climate change. The

doctrine of Public Trust was recognised as a foundation of environmental

law by the Hon’ble Apex Court as early as 1997 when it was observed by

the Hon’ble Court in the matter of M. C Mehta v. Kamal Nath (1997) 1

SCC 388 that:

"Thus, the public trust is more than an affirmation of state power

to use public property for public purposes. It is an affirmation of

the duty of the state to protect the people's common heritage of

streams, lakes, marshlands and tidelands, surrendering that right of

protection only in rare cases when the abandonment of that right is

consistent with the purposes of the trust......”

This doctrine has been further interpreted and expanded in its scope by

the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the matter of Fomento Resorts & Hotels

Ltd. V. Minguel Martins, (2009) 3 SCC 571, the Hon’ble Apex Court

held that:-

“The heart of the Public Trust Doctrine is that it imposes limits and

obligations upon government agencies and their administrators on

behalf of all the people and especially future generations. For

example, the renewable and non-renewable resources, associated

uses, ecological values or objects in which the public has a special

interest (i.e Public lands, waters etc.) are held subject to the duty

of the state not to impair such resources, uses or values, even if

private interests are involved. The same obligations apply to

managers of forests, monuments, parks, the public domain and

other public assets.

The Public Trust Doctrine is a tool for exerting long-established

public rights over short term public rights and private gain. Today,

every person exercising his or her right to use the air, water, or

land and associated natural ecosystems has the obligation to

secure for the rest of us the right to live or otherwise use the same

resource or property for the long-term and enjoyment by future

generations. To say it another way, a landowner or a lessee and a

water right holder has an obligation to use such resources in a

manner as not to impair or diminish the people’s rights and the

people’s long term interests in that property or resource, including

down slope lands, waters and resources.”

Further in the matter of Natural Resource Allocation In re, Special

Reference No. 1 of 2012, (2012) 10 SCC 1, the Hon’ble Apex Court

observed as follows:-

“Public Trust Doctrine does not prohibit alienation of natural

resources held on public trust by state for commercial exploitation


by private persons – Public Trust Doctrine provides for a high

degree of judicial scrutiny of any action of state in allocating/

dispensing/ alienating natural resource held on Public Trust, no

matter how consistent with existing legislations – Constitution of

India, Arts. 14, 39(b), 298, 299 and Preamble.”

In the matter of Centre for Public Interest Litigation v. Union of

India, (2012) 3 SCC 1, it was held as follows:-

“Natural Resources belong to the people but the State legally owns

them on behalf of its people and from that point of view natural

resources are considered as national assets, more so because the

State benefits immensely from their value. The State is empowered

to distribute natural resources. However, as they constitute public

property/ national asset, while distributing natural resources, the

state is bound to act in consonance with the principles of equality

and public trust and ensure that no action is taken that is

detrimental to public interest. Like any other action,

constitutionalism must be reflected at every stage of distribution of

natural resources. No comprehensive legislation has been enacted

to generally define natural resources and a framework for their

protection through environment laws enacted by Parliament and

State Legislatures deal with specific natural resources such as

forest, air, water, coastal zones, etc. (Paras 74 and 75).


As natural resources are public goods, the doctrine of equality

which emerges from the concepts of justice and fairness, must

guide the State in determining the actual mechanism for

distributing natural resources. In this regard, the doctrine of

equality has aspects: first it regulates the rights and obligations of


the states vis a vis its people and demands that the people be

granted equitable access to natural resources and/ or its products

and that they are adequately compensated for for the transfer of

the resource to the private domain; and second it regulates the

rights and obligations of the State vis a vis private parties seeking

to acquire/ use the the resource and demands that the procedure

adopted for distribution is just, non-arbitrary and transparent and

that it does not discriminate between similarly placed private

parties. The State is the legal owner of the natural resources as a

trustee of the people and although it is empowered to distribute

the same, the process of distribution must be guided by

constitutional principles including the doctrine of equality and the

larger public good. (Paras 85 and 89)”

M. Because various Courts across the globe have recognized the

constitutional and public trust rights of citizens and directed States to take

appropriate steps to tackle climate change. The following case laws from

various national jurisdictions are of relevance in this regard:-

i. In the matter of Juliana v. United States, the United States Federal

District Court, vide order dated 10 November 2016, denied the U.S.

government and fossil fuel defendants’ motions to dismiss the case,

allowing the youth plaintiffs’ constitutional and public trust claims to

proceed to the merits. In identifying the fundamental right at issue in

the case and in need of protection, the Court held:-

“Exercising my ‘reasoned judgment,’ I have no doubt that

the right to a climate system capable of sustaining human

life is fundamental to a free and ordered society. . . . a

stable climate system is quite literally the foundation ‘of


society, without which there would be neither civilization nor

progress.’ . . . (without ‘a balanced and healthful ecology,’

future generations ‘stand to inherit nothing but parched

earth incapable of sustaining life.’).”

The Court described the public trust obligations of government as

“inherent attributes of sovereignty” and stated:

“the sovereign’s public trust obligations prevent it from

‘depriving a future legislature of the natural resources

necessary to provide for the well-being and survival of its


The Court also emphasised the intergenerational equity aspects of

the Public Trust Doctrine and quoted from the Philippines Supreme

Court decision in Minors Oposa v. Sec’y of the Dep’t of Envt’l &

Natural Res., G.R. No. 101083, 33 I.L.M. 173, 187 (S.C., Jul. 30,

1993) (Phil.):

“the right of future generations to a ‘balanced and healthful

ecology’ is so basic that it ‘need not even be written in the

Constitution for [it is] assumed to exist from the inception of


A copy of the order of the U.S. District Court is annexed herewith as


ii. The Green Bench of the Lahore High Court, Pakistan in the matter of

Ashgar Leghari v. Federation of Pakistan (W.P. No. 25501/2015)

observed as following vide order dated 4.09.2015:-

“Climate Change is a defining challenge of our time and has

led to dramatic alterations in our planet’s climate system.

For Pakistan, these climatic variations have primarily resulted

in heavy floods and droughts, raising serious concerns


regarding water and food security. On a legal and

constitutional plane this is clarion call for the protection of

fundamental rights of the citizens of Pakistan, in particular,

the vulnerable and weak segments of the society who are

unable to approach this Court.”

It is pertinent to note that the Hon’ble Court in the matter had

observed that even though a National Climate Change Policy was in

effect in Pakistan, no effective steps were being taken on the ground

to tackle the adverse impacts of climate change in the country. It is

submitted that this is exactly the situation faced in India as well. The

Respondent No. 1 has on paper formulated policies after policies,

however, no effective, science based measures have been taken in

pursuance of such policies. The Hon’ble Lahore High Court, vide final

order dated 14.09.2015, formally constituted a Climate Change

Commission in the Province of Punjab for the effective

implementation of the National Climate Change Policy of 2012. A

copy of the orders dated 4.09.2015 and 14.9.2015 passed by the

Hon’ble High Court of Lahore, Pakistan is annexed herewith as


iii. In the matter of Urgenda Foundation v. The State of the

Netherlands, C/09/456689/HA ZA 13-1396, the Hague District Court,

vide judgment dated 24 June 2015, held that the Netherlands “must

do more to avert the imminent danger caused by climate change in

view of its duty of care to protect and improve the living

environment.” In addressing the fact that Dutch contribution to

global climate emissions is only 0.5%, the Court said:

“[I]t has been established that any anthropogenic

greenhouse gas emission, no matter how minor, contributes


to an increase in CO2 levels in the atmosphere and therefore

to hazardous climate change.”

It is further submitted that the District Court analysed in detail

various scientific studies presented to the Court as well as the

existing legal framework on climate change law coming to the


“Due to the severity of the consequences of climate change

and the great risk of hazardous climate change occurring –

without mitigating measures – the court concludes that the

State has a duty of care to take mitigation measures. The

circumstance that the Dutch contribution to the present

global greenhouse gas emissions is currently small does not

affect this.”

In addition, the Court found a sufficient causal link “can be assumed

to exist” between Dutch emissions, global climate change, and the

effects. The Court ordered the Dutch government to reduce CO2

emissions by a minimum of 25% (compared to 1990) by 2020 to

fulfill its duty of care to protect and improve the living environment

against the imminent danger caused by climate change.

A copy of the English translation of the judgment of the Hague

District Court is annexed herewith as ANNEXURE A-29


That the present Application is being filed within the period of limitation as given

under Section 14 of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010. It is submitted that

the Applicant has analysed the minutes of the meetings of the Expert Appraisal

Committee and the Forest Advisory Committee since October 2016 to look into

whether there are specific discussion on issues relating to climate change. Even

though the Paris Agreement entered into force on 4.11.2016, the Applicant has

found that the said committees have not discussed or issued specific directions

with respect to the issue of Climate Change. Further, these Committees have not

taken into account the various commitments made under the Paris Agreement

and the INDC submitted by India. Therefore, there is a continuous cause of

action in the present case.


In light of the facts and circumstances stated above, it is most respectfully

prayed that this Hon’ble Tribunal may be pleased to pass the following orders: -

i. Direct the Respondent No. 1 to issue directions under the provisions of

the Environment Protection Act, 1986 to all appraisal bodies including the

Expert Appraisal Committee (“EAC”), State Expert Appraisal Committee

(“SEAC”), State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (“SEIAA”),

District Expert Appraisal Committee (“DEAC”) and District Environment

Impact Assessment Authority (“DEIAA”) to assess the climate related

issues while appraising projects for grant of Environmental Clearance.

ii. Direct Respondent No. 1 including the Forest Advisory Committee and the

Regional Empowered Committee to undertake a realistic, holistic and

detailed assessment of every single case of forest diversion, including the

impact on climate and not just limiting to local factors.

iii. Direct Respondent No. 1 including the Forest Advisory Committee and the

Regional Empowered Committee that while considering diversion of forest

land for any State, to first ensure compliance of compensatory

afforestation to be done for past clearances in light of the obligations and


targets under the Paris Agreement and the INDC submitted by India.

iv. Direct the Respondent No. 1 to prepare an accounting and inventory of

each and every substantial source of GHG emissions in India.

v. Direct the Respondent No. 1 to prepare quantifiable targets or a “Carbon

budget” for the total amount of CO2 emissions that can be released until

2050 ensuring that India does its share as a responsible member of the

global community to achieve global climate stabilisation and reduce

atmospheric CO2 to below 350 ppm by 2100, limiting the long-term

average global temperature increase to no more than 1 °C

vi. Direct the Respondents that while assessing the projects for

Environmental and Forest Clearance, it must be ensured that such

projects are tiered to achieving the emission standards in India’s carbon


vii. Direct the Respondent No. 1 to create a time bound national climate

recovery plan within the existing legal framework that includes interim

CO2 reduction targets and mitigation actions tiered to achieving India’s

carbon budget, with priority actions aimed at reducing GHG emissions by

transitioning away from the development and use of fossil fuels;

protecting forests, peatlands, grasslands, soil, mangroves, and other

natural resources that store carbon; and engaging in massive

reforestation and other methods of natural carbon sequestration such as

improved agricultural and forestry practices.

viii.Constitute a Committee to monitor and present quarterly compliance


reports to this Hon’ble Tribunal of the directions passed in the instant


ix. Pass any other order as the Hon’ble Tribunal may deem fit and proper in

facts and circumstances of the case.




NEW DELHI-110048


I, Dinesh Pandey, S/o, Shri. NB Pandey aged about 40 years, R/o Village

Haripur, Bachee Post, Halduchaur District, Nainital, Uttarakhand, do

hereby verify that the contents of the Paras 1 to __ are true to my

personal knowledge and that I have not suppressed any material fact.










I, Dinesh Pandey, S/o, Shri. NB Pandey aged about 40 years, R/o Village Haripur,

Bachee Post, Halduchaur District, Nainital, Uttarakhand, do hereby solemnly

affirm and declare as under:

1. That I am the father and legal guardian of the Applicant in the above

titled Application and I am conversant with the facts and circumstances of

the case and competent to swear this affidavit.

2. That the contents of the Original Application are true and correct and

nothing material has been concealed therefrom.



Verified on this ____ day of March 2017 that the contents of the present

Application are true and correct to my knowledge and belief and nothing material

is concealed therefrom.


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